L'?ducation De Dominique free porn video

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Aujourd'hui, c'est un grand jour pour moi car je vais rencontrer ma ma?tresse et entrer en fonction comme secr?taire-esclave. J'en suis fier mais laiss? moi vous contez comment tout cela est arriv?. Je m'appelle Dominique, j'ai 22 ans et je suis le cadet d'une famille de 4 enfants. Je n'ai que des s?urs et nous avons ?t? ?lev?s par notre m?re, notre p?re ?tant d?c?d? 1 an apr?s ma naissance. Nous n'avons jamais manqu? de rien car notre famille est ais?e. Mes s?urs se pr?nomment, Anne, Lise et Beth. J'ai toujours ?t? depuis ma plus tendre enfance ?t? hyper prot?g? par ma m?re et mes s?urs. Quand j'?tais petit, elles jouaient ? la poup?e avec moi, me pouponnait comme une fille et en grandissant, ne voulant pas que je devienne un homme macho, viril, elles ont toutes particip?s ? mon ?ducation et ? mon apparence. C'est simple, je suis glabre, sans poils et j'ai des cheveux mi-longs. Ma silhouette est plus proche d'un mannequin que d'un d?m?nageur. Je ne suis pas devenu homosexuel car je vais bient?t me marier mais il est vrai que je suis encore puceau. D'ailleurs comment pourrait-il en ?tre autrement puisque je porte une ceinture de chastet? depuis mes 15 ans. En effet, je fus surpris par ma s?ur a?n?e en train de me masturber devant une revue ?rotique. Je m'en souviendrai toute ma vie, elle me sortit de ma chambre et m'emmena dans le salon ou tout le monde appris la nouvelle. Durant une semaine, je ne suis pas all? ? l'?cole car ne voulant pas que cela se reproduise, en attendant la ceinture de chastet? command?e sur internet, je passais mes journ?es, avec les mains menott?es dans le dos, sous la surveillance implacable de mes s?urs. J'avais droit entre une et deux fois par mois ? ce que ma m?re, me masturbe afin de veiller ? ma sant?. Cela se passait ainsi, je devais mettre un plastique sur mon lit, me bander les yeux, m'?tendre sur le lit et elle venait alors me passer des menottes qu'elles fixaient ? la t?te de lit. Elle enfilait des gants de latex et l?, commen?ait la s?ance plus ou moins longue, cela d?pendait car m?me si cela ressemblait ? une corv?e, ? une traite, elle souhaitait que je prenne du plaisir aussi car elle esp?rait qu'un jour, je lui donnerais une descendance. Ensuite, j'avais droit ? aller prendre une douche sans ma ceinture pendant que maman rangeait mais d?s ma sortie de la salle de bain, elle m'?tait replac?e. La cl? ?tait d?tenue par ma m?re et mes s?urs, elle la portait en collier. Toute mon ?ducation fut donc ax?e sur le respect des femmes et ? ma soumission vis-?-vis d'elles. J'?tais dans une ?cole catholique priv?e o? les cours ?taient dispens?s par des s?urs. Il y avait tr?s peu de gar?ons dans celle-ci et j'?tais m?me le seul homme de ma classe. Un jour, ? la sortie des cours (j'avais 13 ans), je me disputais avec une fille de ma classe (une peste), je l'injuriai, ma m?re assista ? la sc?ne et fut interloqu?e par la violence de mes propos. Choqu?e par les ?v?nements, elle me fit monter promptement dans la voiture, pris une feuille de journal, la froissa, me l'enfourna dans la bouche, retira son foulard, fit un n?ud au milieu et s'en servit pour me baillonner s?v?rement. Elle prit les menottes qui se trouvaient dans la bo?te ? gants et me les passa. Pendant le trajet du retour, elle me sermonna et me pr?vint que c'?tait la derni?re fois qu'une telle chose pouvait se produire. D?s demain, je devais faire des excuses publiques ? la fille que j'ai invectiv? et que, comme punition, durant les 15 prochains jours, je serais b?illonn? en dehors des cours en permanence. Arriv? ? la maison, le conseil de famille fut r?uni afin d'?tre mis au courant de la situation, je n'eus ?videmment pas droit ? la parole. Elles d?cid?rent de commander des baillons boules afin de m'inculquer le silence. Les ba?llons-boules auraient des couleurs diff?rentes pour signifier des choses diff?rentes. Le rouge c'est la punition, le noir c'est la remise ? l'ordre et le blanc, pour que j'apprenne le silence. Pour les trajets et sorties, une double feuille de journal emplissant ma bouche suffirait car cela restait discret, ?conomique mais efficace et donc, depuis ce jour, chacune d'elle a toujours eu un journal ainsi que du tape transparent dans son sac. Elles en us?rent et en abus?rent ? maintes reprises car, il est vrai, que je parle normalement beaucoup. A mes 16 ans, en pleine adolescence, je voulus me rebeller et je m'enfuis donc de la maison. Ce n'est que 72 heures plus tard, que la police me d?couvrit dans une maison abandonn?e et me reconduisit ? la maison. Aussit?t que la police fut repartie, ma m?re et mes s?urs heureuses de me retrouver sain et sauf, d?cid?rent qu'? situation extraordinaire, il fallait des mesures extraordinaires. Dor?navant, hors enceinte de l'?cole, je serais entrav? en permanence, de mani?re ? m'?viter toute nouvelle m?saventure. Il fut command? tout le mat?riel n?cessaire afin de me pr?server de toutes nouvelles tentations. D?s ce jour, je dus porter d?s que j'?tais hors de l'?cole des fers aux chevilles avec une longueur de cha?ne entre chevilles d'environ 25 ? 30 cm, des menottes aux poignets avec une cha?ne reli? ? une ceinture qui enserre ma taille. J'?tais ?galement tr?s souvent b?illonn? et surtout hors de la maison. Je ne pouvais plus sortir sans ?tre accompagn? de quelqu'un. Contrairement, ? ce que j'avais craint, tout cela me plaisait car j'?tais pris en charge tout le temps et n'avait plus ? me soucier de rien. Le nouveau changement survint ? la fin de mes ?tudes secondaires. Cela se produisit lorsqu'un jour, accompagnant ma m?re et ma s?ur a?n?e Anne, dans des magasins de v?tements. Elles virent une cape qui, ? leurs yeux, offrait quelques avantages lors de nos sorties. Elles demand?rent pour que je puisse l'essayer et toutes enchant?es de leur trouvaille, d?cid?rent de l'acheter. Pendant que ma m?re, allait r?gler les achats, ma s?ur me rejoignit et dans l'intimit? de la cabine me passa les menottes avec les mains dans le dos, prit une double feuille de journal qu'elle m'enfourna promptement dans la bouche, m'enfila la cape et sortit de la cabine. Tout penaud, je la suivis et quand les vendeuses me dirent au revoir, je ne pus leur r?pondre que par un hochement de la t?te. Elles continu?rent ? faire leurs emplettes et je ne pus que les suivirent silencieusement, elles se f?licit?rent de ma discr?tion et se promirent de refaire cela prochainement. Tous les magazines masculins disparurent et furent remplac?s par des f?minins. Quelques jours plus tard alors que nous faisions les courses dans un supermarch?, je m'?clipsai pour aller feuilleter des revues masculines et c'est ma s?ur Beth qui me retrouva, elle ne dit rien, prit un journal et je dus me r?soudre ? la suivre vers les caisses. Dans la voiture, apr?s m'avoir b?illonn? avec le journal et du tape, elle utilisa son foulard pour me placer un bandeau sur les yeux. Elle informa, ? ma m?re intrigu?e, qu'elle m'avait surpris en train de lire des revues non autoris?es et que, de ce fait, elle trouvait normal ce traitement. Ma m?re ne put qu'approuver et, donc, j'allais rester aveugl? jusqu'au lendemain matin. Durant les vacances de cet ?t? l?, les journ?es ?taient rythm?es par l'apprentissage des diff?rentes t?ches m?nag?res de la maison et, l'essayage de nouvelles tenues qui ?taient de plus en plus f?minines que masculines. Par ailleurs, j'avais remarqu? que toute forme de toison disparaissait de mon corps et que mon corps ?voluait aussi sans parler du cot? ?motionnel qui s'insinuait de plus en plus dans mes attitudes. Un jour, voulant aborder le sujet avec ma m?re, celle-ci m'annon?a que justement le sujet allait ?tre ?voqu? lors du repas familial. A la fin du souper, ma m?re m'annon?a qu'? la rentr?e prochaine, j'allais int?grer une ?cole priv?e afin de suivre des ?tudes de secr?tariat. Cette ?cole avait juste une particularit?, c'?tait une ?cole r?serv?e aux femmes. Je voulus r?agir mais elle ne m'en laissa pas l'opportunit? et continua, depuis 2 mois, nous te faisons suivre un traitement hormonal afin que tes attributs f?minins se d?veloppent en lieu et place des masculins. Je commen?ais ? mieux comprendre certaines choses. Elle ajouta que je garderais mes attributs masculins uniquement au niveau du sexe. Mon pr?nom les aidaient beaucoup dans toutes les formalit?s administratives car il se pr?tait bien au deux sexes. Durant le mois, qu'il reste avant la rentr?e, nous allons finir de te pr?parer afin que tu sois pr?te ? entrer dans mes nouvelles ?tudes. Elle termina en me demandant si j'avais des questions. Je demandai en premier, si j'allais avoir un kot durant la dur?e de mes ?tudes. Unanimement, elles me r?pondirent que non et que je ferais tous les jours le trajet avec une de mes s?urs car elles passent toutes ? proximit? de l'?tablissement. Si maintenant, que mes ?tudes secondaires ?taient termin?es les r?gles allaient s'assouplir pour moi. A nouveau, elles m'annonc?rent que non et qu'au contraire, elles allaient encore ?voluer. Elles me dirent aussi que c'?tait pour mon bien, que je n'avais qu'? me soucier de mes ?tudes et que le reste, elles s'en occupaient. Je compris, ? ce moment l?, que mon avenir ?tait entre leurs mains et naturellement, je ne pus m'emp?cher d'esquisser un sourire. Cela ne leurs ?chappa pas et, se r?jouirent de leurs choix. Ma m?re m'indiqua que chacune d'elles allait m'apprendre tout ce qu'il faut pour devenir une femme. Anne et elle, allaient s'occuper de ma garde-robe. Lise du maquillage, coiffure et des soins. Beth du maintien, vocabulaire et attitudes. D?s le lendemain, Lise me pris en charge pour une premi?re explication et mise en pratique des soins que je devais suivre tous les jours. Beth prit le relais l'apr?s-midi afin de m'inculquer le ba ba des mani?res ? savoir. En fin de journ?e, j'?tais fatigu? et voulant me d?tendre, j'allumai la t?l?vision et me vautrai dans le fauteuil. Beth entendit l'?mission et apparut comme une furie dans le salon en me disant que je n'avais donc rien appris aujourd'hui. Elle d?fit mes menottes des poignets pour me les rattacher dans le dos, prit un ba?llon boule rouge et me b?illonna tr?s s?v?rement mais non contente, elle revint quelques minutes plus tard avec un bandeau en cuir tr?s ?pais qui m'aveugla de mani?re tr?s efficace. Pour terminer, elle me pla?a des bouchons anti-bruits afin, comme elle dit, que je puisse m?diter efficacement sur la le?on du jour. Je restai ainsi jusqu'au souper ou ma m?re instaura le fait que chaque jour, je devais faire un compte rendu ?crit de mes le?ons dans un petit cahier. Elle me dit que je pouvais faire court mais pr?cis et que je devais lui pr?senter chaque jour ? la fin du repas afin qu'elle puisse suivre mon ?volution. Je voulus objecter mais elle me fit comprendre que ce n'?tait nullement discutable. Le lendemain, je partis avec elle pour aller choisir quelques v?tements et sous-v?tements. Notre premier arr?t concernait les sous-v?tements, elle choisit diff?rentes culottes gainantes, des bas et des porte-jarretelles de diff?rentes mais le tout ?tait toujours bien assortit. Elle interrogea la vendeuse sur les corsets car elle dit regarder ma fille, elle n'a pas les hanches d'une fille, on dirait un gar?on. Un comble pensai-je mais je n'aurais jamais os? la contredire. La vendeuse lui conseilla alors les corsets dits ??victorien?? car c'est eux qui offrent le plus de maintien et de soutien mais qu'en plus avec leurs syst?mes de la?age, on pouvait faire ?voluer la taille au gr?s des progr?s de la femme. La vendeuse prit ma taille, elle dit alors, actuellement elle fait un 36 mais je pense que vous pourriez lui faire retrouver, avec un peu de discipline, une taille 32 dans un avenir proche. Satisfaite des explications, ma m?re m'en acheta un noir imm?diatement et en commanda plusieurs autres de diff?rentes couleurs. Nous pass?mes ensuite aux v?tements, elle choisit une boutique qui ?tait sp?cialis?e dans les tailleurs et tenues assez sobres. Directement, elle donna le ton ? la vendeuse en lui disant, qu'elle en avait assez que je ne porte que des jeans et des baskets, il ?tait temps que je passe ? autre chose. Elle choisit diff?rentes jupes et tailleurs que je dus aller essayer. Il fallait effectuer quelques retouches mais dans l'ensemble cela allait bien. Vint les diff?rents chemisiers de coton et de satin en harmonie avec les tailleurs choisit. Et finalement, ce fut le magasin de chaussures qui cl?turait la matin?e. Voulant me plaindre, ma m?re me fit remarquer que je n'?tais qu'une ingrate et que les ingrates seront justement sanctionn?es. Je n'osai plus rien ajouter et je la laissai choisir les escarpins, bottillons et bottes. Ce n'est qu'en fin d'apr?s-midi que nous regagn?mes la maison. Je montai les v?tements dans ma chambre et en voulant les ranger, je constatai que tous mes v?tements masculins avaient disparus. J'allais appeler quand ma s?ur Anne entra dans la chambre pour pouvoir voir mes emplettes. Je la questionnai sur la disparition de mes v?tements. Elle me r?pondit que d'un, je n'en avais plus besoin et que par ailleurs, je posais beaucoup trop de questions. Sur ce fait, elle prit un ba?llon boule noir et me le pla?a en prenant soin de bien serrer la lani?re, le ??clic?? du cadenas m'?ta toute illusion de lib?ration. Les jours qui suivirent, je re?us d'autres v?tements f?minins que mes s?urs avaient command?s via des commandes internet cela allait jusqu'? tabliers. Les jours qui suivirent les le?ons s'intensifi?rent et les r?primandes aussi, si bien qu'en dehors de leurs le?ons, j'?tais tr?s souvent entrav?s, priv? de la vue, de la parole et m?me r?guli?rement de l'ou?e. Chaque soir, apr?s le repas, ma m?re consultait mon journal et demandait ? mes s?urs de commenter un peu sur mon suivi. Le jour de la rentr?e tant attendu et redout? arriva. J'?tais inquiet mais aussi impatient de pouvoir entrer en cours afin de pouvoir m'?chapper du cocon oppressant que repr?sentait ma sph?re familiale. Pour le premier jour de cours, ce f?t ma m?re qui me conduisit ? l'?cole, je re?us encore et toujours ses recommandations. Elle m'accompagna jusqu'au bureau de la direction ou nous f?mes accueillies par la Directrice de l'Etablissement. Apr?s m'avoir fait part des r?gles tr?s strictes en mati?re de discipline, de comportement, je fus conduite dans ma classe par une secr?taire. Les classes ?taient compos?es de 10 ?l?ves au maximum et je dus m'installer seule sur une table comme les autres ?l?ves de la classe. Durant, les moments de pause de la journ?e, timide et g?n?, je restai ? l'?cart des autres. Quelques groupes se form?rent mais je n'osai me m?l? ? l'un deux. Ce fut ma s?ur Anne qui vint me chercher ? la sortie et qui, inhabituellement, pour le trajet de retour, m'entrava s?v?rement et me b?illonna comme si, elle voulait me faire comprendre que j'?tais bien toujours sous leurs contr?les. Ma m?re lors du souper me fit remarquer que la rentr?e des classes ne me dispensait nullement de mon compte rendu hebdomadaire. Elle me dit que je devais aussi le compl?t? par la liste des ?l?ves de ma classe mais aussi des filles que je fr?quente. Vu le ton ainsi que les questions que me pos?rent mes s?urs, je ne pus que m'y r?soudre. Le lendemain, lors de la journ?e, une fille sortit d'un groupe et s'approcha de moi. C'est ainsi que je fis la connaissance de Marie et bien vite nous avons commenc? ? sympathiser. Marie est une belle fille de mon ?ge, qui d?gage naturellement de l'autorit? mais qui plus est, ? beaucoup de charme. Bref, pour la premi?re fois de ma vie, ? sa pr?sence, j'eus un d?but d'?rection mais ma ceinture de chastet? me rappela cruellement ? l'ordre. Au bout de quelques jours, nous devenions ins?parables comme attir? par un aimant. Elle posait beaucoup de questions sur moi, ma famille mais je restais ?vasif car je souhaitais pr?server notre intimit? toute relative. Je ne fis d'ailleurs nullement mention de Marie dans mes comptes rendu journaliers. Je m'arrangeais, le soir, de m'?clipser afin qu'elle ne rencontre pas une de mes s?urs. Cependant, l'intuition f?minine surement, mes s?urs se doutaient de quelque chose car leurs questions ?taient de plus en plus pr?cises mais je tenais bon. Au bout d'un mois de ce petit jeu, ? la sortie de l'?cole en allant rejoindre ma s?ur Anne ? sa voiture, Marie me rattrape car j'avais oubli? mon foulard en classe. C'est spontan?ment alors qu'elle s'est dirig?e vers ma s?ur afin de se pr?senter. Anne bien que surprise par les ?v?nements, n'en ?tait pas moins satisfaite de d?couvrir la v?rit?. Elles ?chang?rent quelques mots et subtilement, Anne, question par question, finit par apprendre tout ce que j'avais dissimul?. En se quittant, elles se firent la bise et dans la voiture, Anne me pla?a mes entraves et me b?illonna avec un ba?llon boule rouge qu'elle dissimula avec mon foulard. Elle me dit juste qu'elle n'aimait pas les cachotteries que je leurs avaient faites mais que nous en discuterions plus tard en famille. Elle ajouta juste qu'elle trouvait tr?s sympathique Marie mais d?s notre retour, j'avais int?r?t ? compl?ter convenablement mon cahier car, de son contenu, d?pendait les sanctions qui me serait appliqu?e. Je commen?ais ? craindre les r?actions du conseil de famille car je ne voulais pas perdre Marie. Vint la fin du souper et ma m?re, s'?tonna de la grandeur inhabituelle de mon rapport. Elle le lut ? voix haute. Lise et Beth ?cout?rent attentivement tout en me montrant leurs m?contentements. Ma m?re souhaita, en premier lieu, d'avoir des pr?cisions sur Marie et sa famille. Ne pouvant r?pondre correctement aux questions, elles se mirent d'accord pour inviter Marie ? venir un week-end prochain afin de faire connaissance. Lise prit la parole et demanda quelles sanctions allaient-elles prendre au vu des manquements dont j'avais fait preuve. Je fus priv? durant les 15 prochains jours de sortie, de t?l?vision et que j'allais, chaque soir, devoir effectu? une corv?e pour l'une ou l'autre. Egalement, elles convinrent que mes entraves devaient ?tre renforc?es. Elles d?nich?rent via internet, un syst?me de sangle qui se fixe juste avant le genou qui entrave la marche. Un judicieux syst?me les relient ? mon porte-jarretelles l'emp?che de glisser durant la marche. Le syst?me est invisible car la jupe le dissimule mais est tr?s efficace comme entrave. Dor?navant, lors de toute sortie, je devais en ?tre pourvu. Plus les jours passaient, plus je me rapprochais de Marie et la r?ciproque ?tait de mise. Mais ce rapprochement me montra aussi une nouvelle facette de Marie, la jalousie. En effet, elle supportait assez mal que d'autres condisciples aient des conversations trop longues et, un jour, je la surpris m?me ? me faire une remarque car je faisais trop de sourire ? une autre fille. Mes s?urs la jouaient finement et sans que je ne rende compte r?ellement, chacune d'elles avaient fait connaissance avec Marie et c'est donc naturellement, qu'un jour, Lise convint avec Marie qu'elle vienne nous rendre visite le dimanche du premier cong? qui arrivait. Lise en fit part aux autres lors du souper et, comme il restait une petite dizaine de jours, elles se mirent d'accord pour transformer ma chambre, ou subsistait quelques objets masculins de mon enfance ainsi que des photos ou posters, en une d'?tudiante. En une semaine tout fut r?gl? et ? ce moment l?, je pris conscience que plus rien ne subsistait du Dominique masculin. Ce vendredi ?tait aussi le jour du bulletin. Il ?tait assez bon mais une remarque de la titulaire venait g?cher l'ensemble. Il ?tait not? que je parlais trop et, que cela perturbait le bon d?roulement de cours.

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My wife Sherry and I have been married 10 years now, about 3 years ago things got bad between us. Sherry never wanted to try any thing new in bed, always the same, sex one on two times a week, me on top or her on top was the only positions, very little oral sex for me once or twice a year, and never swallowing, always stopping short and me cuming on my stomach, she never let me get my mouth between her legs. Then things changed, she started wearing sexy panties, she trimmed her pussy hair, all...

2 years ago
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Marianna Part 1

FOREWORD This is a story that involves underage teenagers, if you are offended by this do not read it, dont complain. This is a slow romantic story, I know the intro is very long – almost the whole thing for this part – but thats the way this story is, if you dont like it dont complain, I am warning you now. Please leave any construcive criticism you have, I would love to become a better writer. Please do not leave angry criticism like, You suck, Stop writing, Gtfo, That was a story? etc. ...

4 years ago
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My Neighbour Is A Sissy

I could not believe Danny my next door neighbour was a sissy just like me! I found his profile when I was looking for fellow fetishists around my home town on Fetlife, his profile name being Dani. At first I was unsure so with a sense of excitement I sent him a personal message and a friends invite. When he accepted my friends invite I got the chance to see more of his pictures including full face pictures and I knew it was him! With a sense of wonder I scanned through his pictures. He...

4 years ago
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Principal Ke Bete Se Apni Choot Ki Pyas Bujhayi 8211 Part II

Friends pichli kaha mei aap ne padha ki mein kis tarah apne principal ke bete ke sath maje le rahi thi aab aage. Rana nei dekha ki mein aab bahut jyada tadap rahi hu to usne gadi sadak ke kinare ja rahe ek kache raste mei uttar li. Yeh bilkul sunsan sa ilaka tha aur udar koi aa ja nhi raha tha gadi ko jhadiyo mei laga kr usne mere baal pakar liye aur mujhe kiss karne laga mein bhi uske hoth chusne lagi. Dhire se usne apni jeebh mere muh mei daal di aur mein uski jeebh choosne lagi. Wahi uska...

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Gina Ch 03

Late. Very late, or very early, depending on where one is supposed to be at 4:00 in the morning. I’d fully expected to head to my office in just three more hours, but now that was all changed. Gina changed it. Her unexpected arrival at my apartment the night before had opened a pandora’s box. There was no way I could walk into my office with all the thoughts now preoccupying me and still expect to get a lick of work accomplished. Besides, I had other work to take care of now. It was six hours...

4 years ago
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Facebook Fuck In London

This is a true story that happened to me 2 years back in London. I am not here to advertise myself as many others are, but I have been reading this site for a while and decided to post one of my true stories. To start with, I had come to the UK to do my higher studies. When you are out of your home country you start feeling lonely and spend more time on the internet. This is exactly what was happening to me. I used to sleep very late 2 or 3 am and used to surf on net, watch movies etc till late...

3 years ago
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Spanking School 1 Petra1

Spanking School is the name my students use for my exclusive Erotic Education Enterprise for fresh well-bred virgins of some social standing. Petra is the name of the first graduate and granddaughter of Professor Peter, who founded his Enterprise for her. Together they inspect in Summer their first ever applicants from all over the globe for a full year of training in a small class of classy cute beauties, who all just turned eighteen.Students from abroad will be interns, like Jennifer and...

1 year ago
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SisLovesMe Evelin Stone Stepbro Does Sex Ed

Evelin Stone is the new stepsis in the house who is totally self consumed. After every shower she takes nude selfies. What a slut! This also makes her horny so she begins to masturbate. She thought this was going to be a private orgasm, but stepbro got caught peeking. He is a very bad boy. The next day Evelin was studying for her sex ed class. Stepbro made fun of her since she only looks at dicks in the textbook while all her friends have seen his dick. What the fuck? How did he not show her...

2 years ago
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The Potting Shed 5

I was very reluctant to even touch the tawse but Mrs Cameron demanded I bring it to her. I lifted it out by the handle end and held it in both hands. It must have weighed at least half a pound and it was made of very stiff black leather, probably half an inch thick at the business end. The tawse was the chosen instrument of punishment in Scottish schools at that time, and I’d experienced it many times before in both the primary and secondary schools I had attended. Mrs Cameron took the tawse...

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my lesbian story

tI am a 19 yrs old girl sharing myfirst sex experience with readers.….I lived in Delhi……. Two yearsback when I was in the 2nd yearof graduation, one day I went tomy friend’s house to pick upsome study notes at about 3 PMin the month of hot July……….Since I was a regular visitor tomy friend’s house I entered thehouse without knocking thedoor. ………The door was open and I justopened it entered in the room……I found nobody in the house…….Suddenly my friend’s brothercame out of bathroom aftertaking...

4 years ago
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Sister Takes on Sisters Discard

CHAPTER 1 TV was roaring away in the TV room unwatched in the Maynard household as the family waited for one of the passing vehicles in the street to turn into the driveway. Faye Maynard worried that something might have happened. Eldest child Michele (31) was coming home from LA with her fiancée Danny who was two years younger. Michele had called twenty minutes ago to say they were fifteen minutes away. None of them had seen Danny beyond low ‘rez’ emailed photographs. Athol rubbed his...

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Almost Caught

======================= To what lengths would YOU go to avoid getting caught? This is an entry in the Nude Day Story Contest. ======================= I had mixed feelings about coming home for the summer. I was already in hot water for blowing the first semester grades with too much partying. Four A’s and a B in the second semester were all that kept me alive. Dad wanted me to work for him for the summer, Mom was all for me doing an online repeat of one of my ‘C’s from the first...

1 year ago
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The First Threesome in the Woods

Camping was always one of my favorite things while growing up; especially with a few of my ‘friends’. The back seat of a car had to be a close second. I think that was (and still is) the thrill of maybe being caught in a very compromising act. Later in life, while being ‘dressed’, it was even more of a thrill!The first time camping with two ‘friends’ was one that will always be a very good memory for me. A long weekend in summer with more than enough cock to make any cock slut happy as hell! My...

4 years ago
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The GovernorChapter 18

She hadn’t been thinking of washing naked in any river, until he suggested she shouldn’t do it. When they came to the Medial Brook, a mountain stream of rushing water and stones in a deep valley, they made camp prior to crossing and climbing up the other steep side. “We should think about bridging this at some point. It would be very impressive. I’m sure a single arch could do it, if it was built right.” “Could I ... would it be safe to go upstream a little and...” “Wash naked in the...

4 years ago
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My Fall To Grace Chapter 24

Chapter Twenty-four - Packing Up My Old Life I woke up the next morning with the dildo still embedded fully inside of me. I stood to go to the bathroom. It felt so weird to walk with the cock up my ass. Because of my chastity cage, I had to sit to pee. When I pulled my panties down, the dildo began to slide free. I dropped it on the shower floor to wash when I took my shower. I showered and shaved and then got dressed. Today was going to be a day of work, so I picked out a...

2 years ago
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The Reunion

The Reunion. This couple had embraced, but moved on unaware of how each other felt. They had each been tormented over the years by seeing each other with different partners until they both settled down with families and drifted apart. The only contact being a Christmas card exchanged each year.Now quarter of a century on, there respective marriages failed they have arranged to meet. Both are aware that the other would have changed.He arrives at the motel room with time to spare and draws the...

Straight Sex
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Friday the Thirteenth

Friday, April 13, 1990, 4:30 PM I arrive at my apartment building on the northern outskirts of Seattle after walking home from school with my best friend Mike Bailey. We are just in time to see a small moving van pull away. I was aware of a vacant apartment in the building, so I assume I have new neighbors. Mike and I have been friends for as long as I can remember. Virtually all the trouble I get into involves Mike. It isn’t his fault any more or less than it is mine. It’s just that we spend...

1 year ago
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NewSensations Kylie Rocket Teen Kylie Has Some After School Fun

Super cute teen schoolgirl Kylie has lured her older brothers best friend Chad into the house and just wants to have some fun with his fat cock. Chad tried his best to deny and say no but as her hands kept grabbing his cock it had no choice but to get hard and her hot mouth began to drool and all she wanted was to at least suck it real fast. Now in the zone, Chad fucks her hungry cock craving face balls deep before slipping off her soaked white panties to feast on her hot sweet teen pussy....

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Breaks of the Game Ch 5

Spade quickly gets dressed as Nikkie grabs her phone and enters Pard's number. The phone rings three times and Nikkie snarls into the answering machine. "Pard this is Nikkie, my man tells me that you were here and said we need to talk. We will be waiting on the front porch and when you get here we can talk. But you are going to be doing a lot of listening. Get your ass over here. Don't make me come over after you mister." Slamming the phone down she puts on a sweat suit and heads for the door....

Love Stories
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One Thing Leads to Another Is he fucking her ass

‘Come over hoe, we are so fucking bored,’ Maria said as soon as Christine answered her phone. ‘Are you at your parents house? I don’t want to kick it there, I want to get high.’ ‘I’m over at Tony’s pad. Don’t worry his roommates are gone, It’s just us two.’ ‘Are you sure Maria? Because I can’t stand those fucks.’ ‘I’m sure. Bring some shit over, yeah? I have the pipe with me, I’ll give you some money when you get here.’ ‘Fuck the money hoe, I want that honey!’ Maria remained silent. ‘Is...

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CommunityChapter 63

Terri's turn: We have a new member of the community – Cindy's mom. I know I heard a little bit about how Cindy came to be with her Dan – he's 1.0 – the first of the two Dans in the community, and a lot of Cindy's story had to do with her mom not being a very good mom. My Tina tells me that I am fortunate to have two moms that love me and that my birth-mother, still in California, did a one of the hardest things ever – let her child go to another because she was just not able to do a...

1 year ago
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A website such as Swee XT are websites you get to see quite commonly all over the internet. There is nothing too special about them that separates them from the crown, and honestly, do we really need every single website on the internet to stick out? Honestly, something like that is not very important. Every once in a while we all need a simple as fuck website crowded with a lotta porn that will help us get around quickly. By "get 'round" I mean "cum," obviously, but Y'all probably already knew...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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The Naked GardenerChapter 13

Marge called every day that she was away. Betty noticed how Kathleen got excited each time the phone rang and how her daughter acted much the same way as she had when she was a teenager and a favorite boyfriend might be calling. Each day, Kathleen would tell her mistress how much she missed her and about all of the things that had happened since the last call. Marge had chuckled at the story about the fox hunt. “I knew that if I wasn’t there to take care of you, you’d end up going to the...

4 years ago
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Typical Teenager to a Point

I’m Theodore Dalrymple, know as Dal, a 63 year old, retired computer image artist and very active, self employed fine artist, in good shape, 5’10’’ and 94Kg. I also have a very high sexual interest, as had my illustrious father Augustus Cecil Dalrymple, a famed fine artists but not quite in the same league as his name sake Augustus John, who he sometimes painted with. Father had been a notorious lecher and child fancier although in the old days these things, tended to be hushed over and not...

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My first experience Accidental Flashing

When I was 18, I was riding my motorcycle around on the trails and stopped for a smoke. I pulled out a cigarette, lit it and puffed away. I was leaning against my bike, and it was nice outside, I was in the middle of a small clearing in the woods, all alone. So I whipped out my 8" cock and dropped my pants completely, stepping out of them (no underwear, of course). I strolled around slowly, looking around to make sure nobody was around, listening to the sounds of cars passing by the road, about...

1 year ago
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OyeLoca Luna Corazon Creaming The House

Did you know corazon means heart in Spanish? Well, now you do, because Luna Corazon certainly has our hearts. Especially in that silk black maid outfit. It suits her silky black skin so well. But while this maid is cleaning up, she starts to get some crazy ideas. She reaches inside a drawer and finds a big dildo to play with. Wow, that is caliente! She hikes up her skirt and reveals her fishnet pantyhose. Then she rams that big dildo right up her service entrance. She rides it on the floor...

2 years ago
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Camping on the Tennessee River

All characters are 18 years of age or over.*I've had a "thing" for the girl next door for as long as I can remember. Ever since Elise and her family moved in next door I thought she was the prettiest girl I'd ever seen. She's also the sweetest, funniest, smartest, and the sexiest girl I've ever known. We've always been best friends and only recently has that friendship grown into something more. From my perspective, it's like I've been given the greatest gift I could possibly imagine. I've got...

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Papa Aur Maa Ki Chudai Dekhi 8211 Part 2

Sabhi ko mere taraf se namaste aur thanks bhi. Kafi logo ne meri story padhi aur mujhe mails bhi mile. Toh ab jyada yaha waha ki baate nahi karte hue directly story pe ate hai. Jo pehli baar meri story padh rahe hai woh please iss ki 1st part padh le. Toh last maine bataya tha ki kaise maa ne papa ka 8” ka lund chusa. Aur baad mein papa ne maa ki chut ko chusa aur uss ka raas piya. Toh ab age main wahi door ke bahar khadi key hole se dekh rahi thi. Aur yeh sab dekhte hi meri bhi halat bahut...

4 years ago
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How I Got the Name Posh Slut and Into K9Chapter 17

We didn’t wait for Benny and allowed the middle-aged friendly looking maitre de to a booth. As it was well after eight the restaurant was fairly quiet but I noticed I still sparked some attention as I walked down to our table. I wondered if anyone could tell I had been well fucked by a dog? The maitre de waited for me to sit down and I could see him looking down at my breasts, hoping for a look at a nipple that might come exposed as I sat. He blushed when he noticed me looking. I smiled and...

3 years ago
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3 magic words

I wake up to her lightly caressing my cheek. I must have fallen asleep before she got home. I kiss her hello and flop to my side to get a better look at her beautiful face. Her skin is a flawless white. Her eyes are a mixture of blue and grey. Her face is perfectly symmetrical, almost as if God himself sculpted it. She looks into my eyes and her hand runs through my hair. “Are you okay?” I ask. “Yeah. Just looking at you” she says. I lean over to kiss her softly but her mouth takes control....

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My Shower

My Showerby irishmik60 It'd been a long day, hot sweaty, and torturous. All day I had to look over the lovelies walking past my stall, in all forms of undress. Shorts, shorter shorts, bikini bottoms. Bikini tops, halter tops, tube tops (yes, they're still worn), baggy blouses, thin blouses, sheer blouses. Tall woman, short women, thin women, voluptuous women, big tittied women, small tittied women. Long hair, short hair, blondes, brunnettes, redheads, even some good looking gals with gray...

Straight Sex
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Threesome first time

It started as a party cant remember what the party was for. It had been one of my fantasies to see another cock in my wife. When I think back I think my wife may have set something up as , as people left the party one of my mates was not keen to leave, even his wife went home leaving him at our house. He was an ex squaddie so quite buff. When everyone had left not sure how we got to it buti remeber him saying it was quite common to have a naked bar in the forces and he preceded to strip off....

4 years ago
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Its all in the details

Sabina had been talking to Max for at least 5 months.  They met online but were thousands of miles from each not to mention daily responsibilities.  Both were trim as they worked out consistently> Sabina preferred dancing at the clubs to aerobics and Max loved the iron at his local gym. Both caught the eye of the opposite sex but Sabina admitted she also caught the attention of her own, either way it was always appreciated.   Both lived their lives in denial of their ages, the late 40’s.In the...

Love Stories
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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 39

For an excruciatingly long time Kelly lay listening to her cousin’s breath, waiting until she felt confident Sally Ann was asleep. Then she slipped off her pajama bottoms for better access and began to quietly finger herself. She tried her best to be discreet, biting her lips in an attempt to be silent, but it felt so incredibly good that a few small moans escaped her lips. A light sleeper, Sally Ann soon regained consciousness and in the dim light coming through the window Kelly was clearly...

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Total Domination

"start sucking bitch" i demand, shoving you down to your knees. you wrap your mouth around the strapon and begin to suck, causing it to get to get nice and lubed for your ass. i hold onto the back of your head, shoveing the strapon down your throat, slowly fucking in and out, in and out, going faster and harder with each plunge. i then ask "you like being a filthy cum slut, dont you?!" all i can hear in reply is the mumbles and grunts as i shove the strapon deeper into your waiting throat. ...

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Wet Encounter

It started becuse I hadn't had it for weeks and was feeling horny as hell. I had never really seen the big deal about meeting people on the internet, especially not for just one-off encounters; but I just felt like what I was in the mood for was ridiculously meaningless sex with whatever cheap and easy girl was up for it.It took a surprisingly little amount of time to find someone. I thought I would be gloing through profiles for ages to find someone who was into the same things as me, but...

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A Special Birthday

Turning 38, it's just a number not a date of significance like 18, 30, 40 or 50 but for some reason I was excited about it. My boss had given me the day off to relax. My husband was back from his business trip so I was hoping for a birthday love making session. Usually my husband is horny as when he comes back from his business trips but he arrived home late and was asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. I know he doesn't mind a bit of morning glory so before the alarm went off I...

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My Hot Little Neighbor Angie

Angie was our very vivacious next-door neighbor. She and Bob, her husband of almost ten years, were super nice neighbors and as the years past, my wife Joy and I got to know Angie and Bob very well. They had kids that were the same age as ours and we shared similar interests.Angie was no slouch in the “good looks” department and was very fit and trim. She knew she had a knockout body and loved to flaunt it, much to my chagrin. Joy knew that Angie was a tease, but she never said anything to me...

2 years ago
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Dream Comes True

Hi, my name is Sneha. I’m 34. I was married to a 26 year old guy from a rich family when I was 15. He fucked me like a wild animal. He made me pregnant. I gave birth to my son, Vignesh when I was 16. Using his money he married another woman and divorced me. When I turned 21, I was longing for sex like a child longing for chocolate. My son was the only male who I see daily. I received many love proposals but I can’t accept them considering my son’s life. I looked young even after 27. I...

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Memories Arent Forgotten

‘Well? What about him?’ Josephine Parker asked for the tenth time, this time pointing towards a tall lean man with wavy black hair who had just entered Eclectic Soul, the new hot spot in the city. ‘What about him? He looks like he just left a spa’ Jessie Ryan told her cousin after she barely looked at the guy. ‘Really Jess you know why you’re still single? You’re too picky. Either he’s too tall, too short, too thin, too lean, too dark haired, too muscular, too everything! Why not head for the...

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Flirting With Exhibitionism And IncestChapter 7

There's often talk about the awkward moments that occur "the morning after." Well, my mother and I had such a moment - two or three, in truth -- the morning after she watched me openly masturbate (with her encouragement) in front of her for the first time. I was still on break between semesters and Mom had taken some time off from her part-time receptionist job. Since she only worked about twenty hours a week and knew the doctor well, she could come and go as she pleased, if she gave the...

4 years ago
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The Most Horny Family

This is a story told tome by a van driver whom I met on a trip from trichy to Madurai. The family consists of two sons one 24 and another 22 and their parents were around mother 39 and father 52 the father’s sister who was a divorcee aged around 40 was also living with them. This was told to me by the elder son when we were discussing about incest. He was kind enough to take me home and gift me his father’s sister for the night and they were running a small Kirana shop on the outskirts of...

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I was sent a message to meet up and fuck from a black guy. At first I didn't think much of it, but he tempted me on by sending me a picture of his big black ass. It made my cock rock hard instantly. It was so big and round. Probably twice as big as my gfs. I wanted it. I went ahead and decided to respond and after some messages , I went on my way and found myself standing outside of his place. A really sketchy neighborhood and that itself made me almost turn around. I saw a group of guys...

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My second time going full femme

I am back with another story to share! In my last posting, I detailed my experience sucking off a BBC inside a bathroom stall in a hotel. I was horny for days after that experience. What a turn-on! Well, the next day (Saturday), I got a Kik message from my regular BBC, Paul. He wanted to know when I was available to come over, dress all gurly, and give him some personal attention. Given the problems with the wig I purchased (keeping the hair out of my mouth), my frustrations were chilling my...

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