Strange Brew free porn video

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I picked up the Citroën rental at Toulouse Blagnac Airport, making sure it had satellite navigation and a tank full of fuel. Baggage stowed, I set off for my destination and lover's reunion.

My talented artist girlfriend Arianne, lived, in a tiny village in the foothills of the Pyrenees. There she painted landscapes which she sold online. She had painted one for me and I was excited to see it.

My journey had begun in the dark on good well-lit roads. It was Halloween and the French radio station I was listening to was playing horror-themed songs. MJ's Thriller came on which I happily sang along to, and the next song had me belting out bad moon arising and there being trouble on the way. I was in such a great mood but terribly out of tune!

As I reached a line in the song which forecast nasty weather, the rain began to pour down.

As I made headway into rural France, the bright headlights on the Citroën seemed unable to effectively penetrate the heavy rain and mist which accompanied me. It was a horrid night to be driving on unfamiliar roads.

The windscreen wipers were on full tilt, yet they were incapable of dealing with the torrential downpour. The temperature was dropping as I drove higher into the mountains.

It appeared to me that I was the only fool out in this inclement weather, not having seen another vehicle for some time.

As the Sat-Nav guided me along twists and turns, huge trees and defiant mountains rose up all around, dark and imposing.

The storm worsened as lightning and thunder joined the wicked fray, flashes of lightning briefly illuminating the way ahead, painting vivid silhouettes causing the trees to appear like tall menacing monsters preparing to pounce out at me.

Alone, out in the storm in ever-worsening weather conditions on difficult to negotiate roads, it was no surprise that my imagination got carried away.

The wind blustered and swirled all around, small branches fell hitting the car windscreen, making me flinch, and causing me to pull hard on the steering wheel to avoid the falling bracken.

More thunderclaps resounded directly overhead drowning out the radio, the haunting tunes now just a series of ghostly crackles and hisses.

I began to regret making the journey at this hour. The option to stay in Toulouse overnight and journey instead by the light of day had been promptly dismissed in my eagerness to be with my lover. I had not foreseen the dreadful weather conditions and neither had the weather forecaster.

Easing off the accelerator as the road became more winding, I needed all of my concentration to navigate safely, as the edge of the road became a sheer drop.

Still, the thunder crashed overhead as it seemed to follow me every mile. The lightning was almost blinding me as I peered through the fogged windscreen into the gloom.

Becoming more disturbed I could see nowhere to pull over so was forced to continue, my eyes tiring from having to stare so intently.

As heavy rain turned to heavy sleet, the cold seeped in from the outside making me shiver.

I adjusted the temperature gauge on the heater to high, but the freezing cold penetrated right through the Citroën coachwork.

This had become a very unpleasant and distressing road trip.

The term road trip brought to mind movies like, Thelma and Louise, and National Lampoon’s Vacation, neither of which was like the nightmare mine had become.

My fragile good spirits accompanied by clammy hands and dark imaginings urged me to seek refuge, if only for a short while, to gather my resolve.

Ahead on the distance, I could see a rough pull over place. I aimed the car to the right and eased into the spot barely off the road. I killed the engine and took some deep breaths, noticing that the car windows were becoming steamed up.

Reaching for a bottle of water and taking long swigs, I sat motionless calming myself as the storm continued to rage around me.

As I lowered the window next to me the mountainside loomed up at me. The dark terrain was inhabited by an ancient forest of impenetrable darkness. This alone was enough to stifle any optimism I might have had left.

The wind howled fiercely and made me feel unwelcome as if telling me to move on.

With the window again closed, I noticed that I was feeling intimidated and breathing faster.

As the engine restarted a violent gust of wind shook the Citroën. I tried to tune in a radio station to keep me company, anything would do, but all I found was endless static and ghostly whispers.

Having fresh eyes lifted my spirits. Alert again sensing every bump and dip in the road, I listened to the tyres doing battle with the gritty slippery road surface. Still, no other headlights or signs of life were to be seen. I was very alone.

Pressing on trying to compromise safety with my eagerness to make haste, my thoughts turned to Arianne and what awaited me, a warm cosy cottage, a hot toddy and warm food. My mind swam with imaginings of our pending reunion and the lovemaking which would surely follow.

Startled from my comforting thoughts, I stared in horror at the beast standing at the center of the road, the combination of car headlights and lightning flashes causing its eyes to blaze at me.

I was hurtling towards a huge deer. I immediately panicked and hit the brakes, the car slid out of control, the distance between car and animal reduced but not quickly enough. I prepared myself to collide with the poor startled creature. The front of the car suddenly dipped, I gripped and fought the steering wheel. However, the car could not be prevented from going into an uncontrollable spin.

Somehow the deer was avoided, but the car careered into a steep basin off to the side of the road. Thrown violently left and right, my arm and shoulder were stunned with pain as I was tossed up and down, my head bashing against the roof liner, inflicting more pain.

The tyres screamed like a wailing banshees, I lurched forward as the car came to an abrupt halt, my head thrown sharply forward and then snapped painfully back, as I found myself suspended by the seatbelt and peering down in terror into a dark abyss.

The car engine cut out, all I could hear was the cry of the wind and pitter-patter of sleet. I tried to arrange my thoughts but I was experiencing the sensation of lights dimming, everything went black, then nothing.

When I awoke my head throbbed, as did every muscle in my body. I was frozen and shivering, as I moved gingerly to release myself from the seat belt which had no doubt saved me from far worse injury.

Slumped forward on the release of the belt, I caught myself and managed to open the car door.

Clambering out, the sleet had ceased, but still, the wind gusted. I reached back into the car for my coat which I hurriedly donned. The wind pummeled me. I staggered and lurched forward, climbing the slippery grassy bank onto the road.

The area was barren with no sign of the deer. The moon was high and shining brightly casting shadow and light, trees swayed and bent with the strong winds, with my coat pulled tighter about me against the cold bite of the steel breeze.

The Citroën was marooned. There was no way that I was going to be able to continue on my journey tonight. I grabbed my mobile phone from my jacket pocket and checked it for a signal, of course there was none. This was all going so well!

Frustrated and tearful I decided to get back into the rental, wait out the storm and keep as warm and comfortable as possible.

I cautiously made my way back toward the Citroën taking care not to slip. Suddenly the wind disappeared as if someone had switched off the fan.

A deep fog began to appear around me, enveloping the car forming a thick veil around the tall ancient trees and everything in its path. Nothing stirred.

The fog grew thicker and I held up my hand in front of my face but could not see it. I tried to find the car but was unable to see where to place my feet. I became unsteady and disorientated, the fog essentially making me blind and robbing me of all senses.

I backed myself up the steep slope until I could feel the firm road surface beneath my shoes. I stood motionless. It was too quiet. I peered around in the gloom frozen to the spot. I could just about see the tree line. The fog and moonlight were casting the trees as sinister misshapen beasts. It was so quiet and all I could hear was my own breathing.

Suddenly from nowhere I heard a voice. I couldn’t make out what it was saying at first, so I strained to listen.

The voice whispered, “She wants you Cat.”

I looked around turning left and right, peering this way and that, as all became silent once more.

I shook my head vigorously, thinking that I must have bumped it pretty hard because I was hearing voices now.

The voice came again, “She wants you Cat,” only this time it was followed by mischievous girly giggles. I swung around dizzily, unable to tell from which direction the voice had come.

The voice repeated, “She wants you Cat,” followed by more roguish sounding giggles.

It came again, slightly louder this time, and it sounded as if it was coming from everywhere, a voice from within the mountains themselves.

I had begun to tremble badly, was this from the shock of the accident, or was it fear?

The voice in the mountains called again, “She wants you Cat.”

All I could see was swirling fog as it drifted eerily around me.

Rooted to the spot and unable to move, a fear was growing inside me.

The cold damp of the fog was penetrating my clothing like icy fingers of dread.

The voice called again, this time carrying a different message, “She is here Cat.” However, this time there were no girly giggles.

Then the voice came at me louder, menacing and deafening as it bellowed, “SHE IS HERE, FOR YOU, CAT!”

My heart thudded in my chest, my pulse raced and my mind spun.  What did it all mean?

My breathing increased and my senses grew more alert, as I stared out into the fog waiting and wondering.

After a short time I realised that the voice had abandoned me, all around was deathly quiet, leaving me bereft of all hope, shrouded in fog, and consumed by fear.

Up ahead in the distance I saw a shimmering light, it was a solitary lamp swaying from side to side. It was coming my way, thank goodness I thought, as my spirits began to lift hope returned. I was going to be saved.

My inner smile became my outer one as I watched keenly as the light drew nearer.

I could hear a horse’s hooves, and the sound of wheels trundling behind.

As the apparition drew closer I could make out a black horse sporting a black plume of feathers on its head, and what looked like a Romany caravan rocking and rumbling behind. At its helm was a seated figure driving the horse.

At first, I didn’t think that the driver had seen me and was bound to run me over, but then the horse halted a few feet from me, its nostrils flared and blew steam as its black beady eye gaped at me.

I looked beyond its rear, the fog seemed to be mysteriously clearing, allowing my eyes to alight on its driver, who to my surprise, was a woman dressed in fine-looking clothing and not at all suitably robed for the current weather conditions.

I broke the silence first. “Hello,” I said with a trembling voice, trying to sound confident but failing miserably. “I am so glad to see someone else on the road, I thought it was only stupid me,” I added shakily.

My words were met with silence.

The woman eyed me intently, then raised herself from her seat and climbed gracefully down from her perch. Her leather booted feet landing surprisingly soundlessly on the gravel. I watched her with a half-smile, curious to know who my savior was.

She drifted toward me making no sound as she moved and I noticed that she stood taller than me. The fog mysteriously cleared from her face, framing it like a work of art. I gasped seeing the exceptional beauty of the woman. I felt my jaw drop.

She had dark olive skin, big dark eyes with lashes to die for. Next, I couldn’t help but notice her full ruby lips. Her crowning glory was her raven black hair which was thick and lush as it shone with luster.

The vision of loveliness was wearing a lilac off the shoulder gown, the plunging neckline revealing a fabulous cleavage. The gold thread bodice she wore was bejeweled, and it cupped her shapely bosom and tapered in at her slim waist. I found myself speechless and beguiled by her beauty.

Her dark eyes leveled with mine as she spoke with a French accent, “I am Marion la Droiturière,” she announced regally as if expecting me to know this already, adding, “You are Cat, no?” I was surprised, how on earth did she know my name?

However, before I could ask she said, “Come!”

Turning sharply away on her heels she glided effortlessly along, pausing once to look over her shoulder at me, gazing almost seductively and expecting me to follow. I felt stupid just standing there so I followed, my shoes crunching on the gravel in contrast to her soundless steps.

A familiar mischievous giggle filled the air. I paused to look behind me, but then it was gone. I shook my head again. I must be imagining things I thought.

I followed her shapely body to the rear of the Vardo, with its bow-top roof and chimney which had a large black crow perched on it, which was eyeing me.

The van itself was beautifully decorated, intricately carved and brightly painted red, green and gold.

Marion seemed to drift upward on the short ladder, she opened the arch-shaped door; or had she, not having seen her hand move to it.

Following Marion into her cozily lit den, the heat from within greeted me as I stumbled ungraciously from the ladder to inside, the door mysteriously closed behind me. The van was quite roomy and contained a small log burner, a wooden table with two chairs and a single bed. There were shelves were laden with bottles, jars, and candles.

Marion looked at me with a warm smile and a glint in her eye as she passed me a long-stemmed crystal glass of dark red liquid. She motioned with her hand at me as if to say drink.

I cautiously sipped the spirit which was immediately warming and very delicious, and not like any wine I had tasted before. I took a larger gulp accidentally missing my mouth, and before I could intercept the runaway dribble on my chin, Marion swiftly leaned in and lightly swept it away with a gentle kiss.

Her action seemed quite natural to me, and instead of feeling shocked I was pleasantly surprised, after all, it isn’t every day that I am kissed by such a beautiful woman.

Marion remained close to me, “drink more,” she said, with an encouraging smile.

It was a smile that lit the room and warmed my heart. I took another large gulp and swooned as the liquid coursed through me, setting light to every nerve ending in my body, my nipples and pussy especially reacting favorably to the beverage. “Wow, what is in this stuff?” I enquired enthusiastically!

Eyeing me teasingly, she replied, “It’s a trade secret,” while grinning broadly. I looked at her playfully dismayed, so she continued, “It’s made of a few drops of my menstrual blood, mixed with red wine, and it involved roasting the testicles of a white rooster and grinding them into powder, with wing of bat and eye of newt mixed in for good measure. I call it, infusion étrange.”

I stopped drinking, a startled look on my face. I knew from the little French language that I knew infusion étrange meant a strange brew. There was a pregnant pause between us.

Marion looked at me and then burst out laughing, it was so infectious that I joined in, feeling relieved and realising that I had been played. I quickly tipped the remaining mixture down my throat without a second thought.

I felt the brew infusing every part of my body, thrilling and caressing my most sensitive and intimate womanly parts, it made me feel heady and extremely aroused.

Marion smiled revealing pearly white teeth and I could only smile flirtatiously back. I felt totally at ease in the presence of this very stunning and enthralling stranger.

Without warning she leaned forward and covered my mouth with hers, her arm encircled my waist and pulled me firmly to her. I gasped as her kiss thrilled me, my body pressed to hers as I welcomed her passionate kiss and embrace. I returned the kiss with fervor.

Breaking our kiss and relaxing her hold on me, she said sternly, “Take off your clothes Cat, I will dry them for you in front of the fireplace, I will loan you a robe.”

Her voice was compelling, and somehow I was influenced into believing that I should do this.

My hostess watched keenly as I teasingly disrobed, undressing as if I was a striptease girl by lewdly swaying my hips only pausing when I reached my matching pink silk bra and panties. The lingerie purchased with Arianne in mind.

I was feeling unusually braver now, slutty even as I stood there with Marion’s eyes feasting upon me. She smiled again, nodding approvingly her eyes settling on my remaining sexy garments. I reached behind and unfastened my bra, my C cup breasts spilling forward.

I looked for Marion’s reaction. Her eyes were wide with delight as they traveled lower settling on my surprisingly damp panties. As if enchanted I hooked my thumbs into the elastic waistband and pushed my undies quickly down my smooth legs, all the way to my feet and stepped nimbly out them.

Once naked and feeling more emboldened, I cupped my breasts in my hands and offered them to my sexy host, at the same time parting my legs rather sultrily as my sexual aroma began to seep from my stimulated sex.

Marion stared appraisingly, smiling at me but this time with more than a naughty glint in her eye, as she began to undress.

In a dreamlike state, mesmerised and spellbound, I was unable to look away as Marion seductively removed her silk and bejeweled garments. Each item fell silently to her feet. To my surprise she wore no underwear of any description, so as her underskirts fell, her incredible hourglass figure became completely naked.

Her ample breasts with their dark swollen nipples stood firm, defying gravity. Her shapely legs sturdy and sinewy, and in between her legs a tidy tuft of black pubes overarching a set of smooth mons joined by an elongated cleft. She stood proudly still. Allowing me to drink in every inch of her sexy body, the sight of her unblemished flesh filled me with lust.

My heart thudded in my chest, my breathing became erratic as I reacted to the sight of her firm curvaceous figure. Marion’s eyes were alive, silently inviting me to step forward and join her, her knowing smile irresistible.

Marion’s beauty held me trance-like and intoxicated by the strange brew. She spoke to me, but her lips were unmoving while her voice filled my head. Her voice echoed, “Come to bed, come let me take care of you Cat.” My body ached to be with her, and I found myself moving forward unable to resist, she was like gravity as I was inexplicably drawn into her welcoming arms.

Our naked bodies crushed together, breast on breast, her taut stomach against my softer bump, thighs met, hard nipples touched, electricity surged between us as Marion’s soft slender fingers cupped my face and drew me into a passionate open-mouthed kiss, tongues swirling.

Even whilst kissing, Marion was whispering to me inside my head, “You are so beautiful Cat, and I am going to give you a night to remember, you will know my magic, and you will bring new life to me.”

I was lost in the moment, captivated, overtaken with longing, and my entire body was craving to be taken and made love to by the beautiful, enthralling, sexy woman, who had promised to satisfy all of my desires.

Marion's whispers continued to flood my mind, echoing, rebounding and soaring. Visions of toads, bats, snakes, spiders, worms, and a white rooster filled my head. Images of faraway lands dark and ancient, an old woman’s face appeared vividly, spouting poisonous words and dark magic. It was like being captive in a drug-fueled kaleidoscope.

When the images finally cleared from my befuddled brain, I found myself inexplicably tied to the bed, my arms and legs stretched apart, spread-eagle and vulnerable.

Marion was standing over me grinning, eyes wide with a look of hunger. I tugged on the ropes and realised that I wasn’t going anywhere until Marion had finished with me.

The thought sent a rush of arousal through my body like an express train, my pussy almost gushing there and then.

My sexy captor leaned over and let her ruby red lips hover just above my brown engorged nipples, my skin becoming flushed.

I moaned ecstatically as my lover lowered her head and took one tip into her mouth, drawing it in, slathering it with her wet tongue, causing me to shake my head from side to side.

She then took the other breast concentrating on it, the nerve endings of my nipple tingling. She then moved back to the other nipple, her hand encircled the one her tongue had just left, rubbing and kneading, gently and then harshly, applying pressure so that I gasped at the pleasurable pain.

The valley between my heaving breasts glistened with sweat. “Oh yes, more please,” I implored breathily. She answered me huskily, “I will give you more child, much more,” and laughed. I moaned with bliss.

Marion gave me a wicked grin as she glided onto the bed, and sat astride my hips. Her perfect body was now on display. I admired her wondrous breasts, and pink fleshy vulva which glistened between her open legs. This caused a little spittle to escape from the corner of my mouth.

I was instinctively trying to writhe against Marion’s soft wet sex, as I moaned shamelessly, groaning lecherously, “Yes fuck me, take me, fuck me hard and ride me all the way to heaven!”

At these words Marion let go of a wicked and animated cackle excitedly telling me, “Oh no my child, you are coming with me all the way to hell!”

She bent her head down and drew her tongue lower as it slithered down to my navel pausing in the well, moistening and circling it while my stomach trembled.

Marion kissed my quivering tummy, I felt like screaming with joy as every tissue and nerve felt stretched beyond endurance. I almost cried out when Marion’s tongue and moist lips traveled even further south.

As her hot breath fell on my slick vulva I mewed like a kitten. My lover’s long twisting tongue slid easily into my pouting, quivering vagina. My hips flew from the mattress, my wrists and ankles pulling tight on the restraints, my body twisted as my lover expertly thrust her long lizard-like tongue deep inside my hidden depths.

Pleading I cried out, as my arms and legs continued to fight against the bonds which held me so mercilessly.

The breaking point was upon me, my body shifting and thrashing around as Marion hungrily lashed and slurped at the inside of my rippling cunt as it launched into an uncontainable spasm.

My lover sensed that my orgasm was near and pulled her glistening face from between my wet thighs and licked her lips lasciviously, savoring the juices from my oozing paradise.

I was helpless, unable to prevent Marion having her decadent way with me, as she crawled up over my heaving body and lowered her open thighs across mine, her hot fleshy vulva smothering mine.

I whimpered with delight at both the sensation and realisation of what she was preparing to do.

As she stared into my eyes Marion inquired, “Are you ready my child, ready to be possessed and ridden like never before, and like you will never be again?”

Before I could force an answer Marion began to move her hips and ground her sopping pussy against mine, her eyes impenetrable as she stared into mine. My hips lunged instinctively to meet her downward thrust, friction and heat infused my most intimate body parts.

My heavy-lidded eyes closed as my body undulated in rapture as my beautiful lover slowly and smoothly slid her womanhood through mine. A new heightened delirium overwhelmed my mind as the physical sensations grew, my cunt bursting like a dam, flowing as Marion thrust harder and faster, jolting my body.

My eyes shut tight as I wallowed ecstatically as Marion fucked my exposed sex. As she tirelessly rode me I listened to our breathing, mine rapid shallow inhales but Marion’s had become dry, rasping and guttural.

That couldn’t be right, could it?

As exquisite joy and delicious turmoil began to rip through my now arcing body, I forced my eyes open to gaze upon my gorgeous lover.

To my horror it was not the stunning Marion who now rode me to heaven, it was a grotesque hag, a witch, with bloodshot eyes, and decomposing lips which opened to reveal blackened teeth. Within its cavernous mouth were crawling puce grubs and wriggling worms riding me to hell!

I opened my mouth to scream but I was breathless, unable to bellow. My bulging eyes were drawn lower taking in the horrifying scene.

Gone were Marion’s perfect breasts which had been replaced by wart covered flat sinewy bags that slapped against a bulbous distended wrinkled stomach.

My terrified eyes continued to absorb the shocking view, wanting to see, but not wanting to see. My eyes settled between the skeletal thighs of the crudely plunging creature. A green putrid gash adorned with a moving sea of serpents and cockroaches now crushed wildly against my vulnerable slit, feeding on my youthful juicy cunt.

A rancid decaying smell rose from the gruesome monstrosity, as I fought desperately to tear myself from the cords binding me to the bed.

The witch’s screams were piercingly shrill as she relentlessly rode chafed and bleeding pussy. The witch’s bony fingers clawed at my face and breasts, as I wrestled to avoid her raking talons.

Her final screeched message impaled me like a blunt dagger to the heart as she wickedly spat, “You Cat will never see your beautiful Arianne ever again!” The sorceress cackled and chortled satisfied with her dominance.

Filled with rage and loathing I was still unable to muster a scream or any sound, as I glared contemptuously at my evil assailant.

Then I watched in jaw-dropping terror as a horned head of a fanged snake slid menacingly from her dark mouth. It lowered itself slowly down onto my trembling stomach and began its forward S-motion up towards the valley of my heaving torn and bloodied breasts.

As it crawled higher it hissed and flicked its long forked tongue, tasting the air as it slid closer toward my face.

All of my body’s muscles tensed as I fought with every ounce of strength I had left to break away from this perverse nightmare, but I was bound too well.

I could only glare in absolute horror as the snakes head rose above my neck, its snout pointing directly at my exposed throat. I felt the tip of its forked tongue feather my skin as if marking where it intended to plunge its lethal venomous fangs.

Its black deadly eyes shone down at me as it prepared to strike its fangs already dripping. I craned my face away in terror fearing its bite.

From somewhere deep within me came a noise which grew, and then grew, finally it rose and surfaced as I found myself screaming hysterically.

Hearing faint distant voices I forced my eyes open, a murky light painfully penetrated my eyes, was I dead I wondered?

I drifted back into darkness. The voices grew clearer and nearer, my eyelids blinked, and then came a voice so comfortingly familiar, “Here she is, over here,” it called with both urgency and relief.

It was Arianne’s voice!

Soon I was being freed from the cockpit of the car and being laid down on a blanket.

It was Arianne who now knelt over me, smiling and holding my hand, “Are those bite marks on your neck Cat?” she asked as we both wept with happiness. “They can’t be,” I croaked unconvincingly, as memories of my awful nightmare returned to haunt me.

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Strange World

STRANGE WORLD by Geneva A dissolute English nobleman incurs the anger of an Italian Contessa and is changed to a woman by her book of spells. Through suffering and war a new life is made and love is found. The secondary character of Anna in this story is the main character in my earlier story, "Nun so Lovely". At least the wine and the food had been good. Inwardly fretting at the boredom and Conte Roberto's dronings, I watched as my wife Catherine and my sister Ophelia talked...

2 years ago
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Strange Woman In My Shower

Strange Woman In My Shower I came home from a two-day hunting trip in the Montana Mountains. I had shot a good size elk, gutted it, and managed to drag it out of the forest on a plastic tarp. It was all I could do to drag it while taking several rest breaks. It would go a long way to filling my freezer for the winter. I was very tire, I was dirty as usual, and I smelled like a dead skunk. Sweat, campfires, and that damn awful smelling stuff that covers up my human scent does not do...

1 year ago
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Strange Temptations

Author’s note: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. If you feel offended by the subject, please skip to another story. Karen McAllister was furious. She had just received a phone call from the detective agency that she hired to spy upon her husband. An agent from Paris just informed her that for the last two nights a girl had been visiting her husband in his hotel’s room. This night as well she was there…for more than two hours....

1 year ago
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Strangelings Artifacts The Ring

Also, I've got a plea for my female readers: Please, Please PLEASE, let me know if I overstepped or got it wrong. I'm a guy, through and through. I have no right to claim that any of the ideas or the sensations in this story are true or or even close to the mark. I'm just assuming, and everyone knows where that will get me. So do me a favor. If you're reading this and you have a problem, or maybe if you just want to help me out, then leave a message or PM me. I'd love to get your take on...

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She had recently been recruited by an adult magazine to write a story on certain types of clubs. She had thought she was open minded but she had her eyes well and truly opened by some activities she witnessed while researching her story. Many times she found herself turned on by what she saw and upon her return home she relieved herself of 'tension' . Toni had not had a boyfriend for some months and she was not really missing the sex for it left her feeling as if she was missing...

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I felt like a whore, a filthy one at that. I looked at him to see if I could remember his face, and I didn't. Great. I got fucked by a stranger. Diseases, here I come. I tapped his shoulder. "Do we know each other?" "Yes." he replied "Can you tell me who you are?" "We used to go to the same church as kids. But you moved. And then I found you. And we fucked." "Was it good?" "Want to relive it?" I nodded my head. As soon as I nodded my head, the dude started fingering...

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"God, you're such a freak. Why don't you just go talk to him and get it over with?" Missy says, obviously a little sick of my growing obsession with the mysterious stranger who lives above our apartment. I just can't help it though. He's so.... mysterious... and strange. I gaze eagerly through my peephole as he approaches. I have to strain to make out his dark profile through the gloomy dusk but his silhouette is distinct. He walks with an easy confidence and a purposeful stride, as...

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As she was making her way across a vast open patch of field the first cool drops of rain splashed down onto her shoulders and she breathed a sigh of relief. Still walking she took black elastic from her wrist and pulled her thick red hair back into a ponytail, feeling the light rain and cooling air on the back of her neck. A large drop fell onto her neck and trickled down the middle of her back causing her to shiver and bringing her out in goose bumps. A flash of blinding blue lightning...

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Never in her wildest dreams did she ever imagine sucking a total stranger off in an airport. From the moment she met Ted on the plane from Chicago, she ached for his touch and for his cock. Ted was really into her as well. He loved the way the fabric of her tight red business suit hugged the plump curves of her body. Now Kathy wasn’t fat but she defiantly had a few extra pounds. Ted liked big woman though. His wife was a BBW but there was something different about Kathy that made him...

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I met him in an online chat room and within twenty minutes we were telling each other our deepest secrets and which way we preferred to get or give sex. I think it was my suggestion to go over to his place, but he was not against the idea and before you knew it I was scribbling his address and door code on the pad next to the computer. It took me all of ten minutes to drive over and another three to get into the building and up to his condo. Within those short minutes in the elevator I had...

2 years ago
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I met him in an online chat room and within twenty minutes we were telling each other our deepest secrets and which way we preferred to get or give sex. I think it was my suggestion to go over to his place, but he was not against the idea and before you knew it I was scribbling his address and door code on the pad next to the computer. It took me all of ten minutes to drive over and another three to get into the building and up to his condo. Within those short minutes in the elevator I had...

Oral Sex
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Do you get off to the thought of exposing yourself to total strangers? Or maybe you cream your pants when you think about someone running up to you and exposing themselves to you. Whatever the case may be, know that you are not fucking alone. There seems to be plenty of people that are into your kind of kink.Many of them are over on Here, you will find an abundance of users that want nothing more than to get off to content that will make you horny as fuck. If this...

Reddit NSFW List
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Exposed To Strangers! I’m often approached by fans on the street who ask, “Hello, Mr. PornDude. I’m a huge fan of yours. Would you be willing to sign my fleshlight? … Aww, thanks a lot. You’re the man. Hey, I have a question for you. You review so many porn websites, but what’s your favorite genre?” Well, that’s a tricky fucking question. One I can’t answer within the time restraints placed by a polite conversation on the street. So instead, I think it would be best to approach the question in...

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Strange in Lust

"Don't resist. Don't talk." I had just pounced on her, wrapping one arm and one leg over her, pressing my hard cock against her thigh, and gripping her against my chest as she tensed up at my words. I wait to see what she does. She says nothing and does not resist. I feel her relax. I am a predator and she is prey. On a scale of one to ten, my predatory urge is at level ten. If she resists, my conscious will would contest my urge, and it would win. I am not a monster, but she doesn't know me...

Straight Sex
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Strange PickUp

DISCLAIMER Originally written in February 1999, I rewrote this in April 2004. "Strange Pick-Up" contains graphic sexual scenes between consenting adults. It is not intended for readers under 18 or those who are easily offended by pornography. If you are under 18, or if you are offended by pornography, please do not continue to read this story. All rights reserved: Permission is hereby given to distribute this story via electronic means only, for non-profit use. This header and the...

3 years ago
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Strange Moments 8

Some might say that having bodyguards is a good thing. Of course they aren't there to protect me they are there to make certain I don't escape. My sense of time has been lost and either the last couple of days or even months I was forced through a bizarre experiment from a man into a woman. A rather beautiful woman for that matter. As for the guards well they seem to be the goon squad of a one Mr. Johnson or so I think. Johnson's been at best my contact to the outside world and as of...

2 years ago
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Strange Therapy

STRANGE THERAPY The prosecutor said, "Your Honor, the facts in this case are clear. The boy, Henry Lincoln, placed his hands on Carla Gianassi in a clearly aggressive and sexual manner. He stopped only because he was about to be discovered by others coming into the room. He is a clear danger to all the women he comes in contact with. "Don't let his young age fool you. No doubt the defense will argue that he's just young, and it's just his hormones raging out of control. Well,...

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Strange Happenings in Ragnarok County

Disclaimer: This is a fictional story and any resemblance between real people and places is unintended. It does deal with Transgender themes and the supernatural. If these are not for you than stop here please! I the author reserves the right to repost this work. Thanks again to Janet Nolan, Hope, Holly and Paula for their great work and patience in proofing and first reads. Any mistakes of course are mine. Strange Happenings in Ragnarok County ...

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Strange Thursday

Strange Thursday by Lindsey Scott D I S C L A I M E R"Strange Thursday" contains graphic sexual scenes between consenting adults. It is not intended for readers under 18 or those who are easily offended by pornography. If you are under 18, or if you are offended by pornography, please do not continue to read this story. All rights reserved: Permission is hereby given to distribute this story via electronic means only, for non-profit use. This header and the rest of the story must remain intact....

3 years ago
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Strange Thursday

DISCLAIMER Originally written in December 1997, I edited this in May 2004. "Strange Thursday" contains graphic sexual scenes between consenting adults. It is not intended for readers under 18 or those who are easily offended by pornography. If you are under 18, or if you are offended by pornography, please do not continue to read this story. All rights reserved: Permission is hereby given to distribute this story via electronic means only, for non-profit use. This header and the...

1 year ago
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Strange temptations 8211 3

All of them overslept following morning. Devyani couldn’t sleep properly after the incident. She slept much late. She woke up around ten in the morning. With heavy heart, she went downstairs… To the living room. Both the boys were sitting in the living room watching television. Ashim greeted her with a mischievous grin, but she didn’t answer. She looked at her son… He was looking at her curiously. Sameer was trying hard to keep his face straight. Mother and son looked into each other eyes…...

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Nick stood on the back porch and looked up at the darkening sky. It was strange the way the sky was moving. It was as if a dark green blanket were being d****d over the Earth by unseen hands. Nick felt his arms prickle with goose bumps as a cool breeze wafted over him.Thunder roared in the distance and Nick could see shards of lightning touching down in his neighbor's yards down the road."Nick? Does it look bad?" Nick's beautiful wife Lauren was in the living room looking out the sliding glass...

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Loosening Up Book 5 Major EventsChapter 5 Somethings Brewing

Although Nancy stopped work at the end of the following week because of her VERY pregnant situation, she continued to monitor the storms in the Atlantic and Gulf, and talk to Dave about the utility’s resource deployments during hurricane season. She watched hurricane Jerrod come ashore in Texas, but it rapidly deteriorated into a tropical depression, so did little damage other than local flooding. She couldn’t let go, and Dave kept telling her to relax, enjoy the time off, and prepare to be a...

4 years ago
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AngelicaChapter 31 Storms Brewing

Ethan and his three sons gathered around the desk to view the images Rico sent. Ethan's blood boiled as he watched his estranged son Jordan spanking and fucking Angel. "Look at him," Joshua, Ethan's oldest son, laughed, "He's giving her a good hard spanking." Joseph, Ethan's second oldest son, was also very amused; however James, Ethan's youngest son, only pretended to be amused. He was sickened by what he saw and what it would ultimately mean. At first his heart leapt at seeing...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 150 A Storm is Brewing

Come on already! Why can’t I have a vacation without this feeling of impending doom? Wasn’t Kate’s family crisis enough? I knew the feeling all too well now. Oddly I found that out here in the mountains I was able to reach out for over hundreds of miles in all directions. Other than small little pop-up storms, with maybe a dozen cloud to cloud bolts of lightning and some cloud to ground lightning strikes somewhere near the coast, there wasn’t anything even remotely looking like a storm. I...

1 year ago
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Strange Friendship

Strange friendship By Jennifer Adams I had to finally sit down and write this out to get my life into prospective. It has been several weeks since I last saw Micheal, my now ex-boyfriend. He said he had to move on with his life and find a nice girl who could give him children. I told him I understood and that I supported his decision. I have been crying ever since and I think I have finally cried myself out of tears. As my tears began to fade, my mind began to clear. I slowly began to...

2 years ago
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Strangeness at Fellows Part 1

Part I Denis Denis Robson was the floor manager of Fellows department store and ever since his promotion eighteen months ago, had been wrestling with a problem. The problem was that his responsibility was for the mens and ladies wear floor and every day he went to work, he was forced to walk through the ladies section, past the dresses, skirts and blouses that sparkled and shimmered in the carefully placed lights. He'd walk on past the shoes in pretty, bright shades, past the...

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Strange Land

It was a vast, unfriendly, alien world, slowly dying. The landscape consisted of nothing but gigantic black pillars, so tall it was impossible to see above them with the naked eye. These vast, dark columns totally covered this weird worlds surface, jutting defiantly out of the white, sponge-like ground. Within this huge forest, two creatures, indigenous to these lands stumbled. Renak the male and his mate Seela, a female. Though of different sexes, initially there was no visible difference in...

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Strange happenings

Strange couplingI had been dating Ann for a year and a half. I was not a favorite of her mother. She was constantly on Ann to break up with me. She didn’t think I was worthy of her daughter and was constantly on Ann about it. Thankfully, Ann was not aligned with her mother on that.Mrs. M , Ann’s mother, was also the principle of the High School. I always treaded lightly around her mother. It was one thing for Mrs. M not wanting me to date her daughter and another to get in trouble at school. We...

2 years ago
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Strange temptations

Devyani Dutta was furious. She had just received a phone call from the detective agency that she had hired to spy upon her husband. An agent from Delhi just informed her that a girl had been visiting her husband in his hotel’s room for the last two nights. This night as well she was there… For more than two hours.“Sonofabitch… !” She fumed with anger as she cut the phone. “The bastard is busy screwing a bitch on his wedding anniversary.”She lay on her bed trying to control her rage. She looked...

2 years ago
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Strange Moments 4

As I was being divested of my clothing which by looks around wasn't much by the man I was currently kissing. I felt him unzip the dress from the side and he pulled if off of me with ease. He was still a little spent from the blowjob I gave him in the elevator earlier. I was surprised how quickly I was able to go down on him and bring him to climax. Of course at the same time my intelligence was increasing to the point I was able to begin my plan of escape and revenge all thanks to his...

1 year ago
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Strange Moments Five

There I was getting nipple cream applied to my nipples so the pasties will stay on me. Of course you're wondering why this sounds a bit weird. Well for starters I was a man several days or has it been weeks? Time around this strange place is starting to take its toll on me and since being changed into a woman it hasn't gotten any easier. I've been submitted to strange trials where I've been forced to dress in women's clothing and I even had sex with a man and while it was surreal for a...

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Strange RelationshipsChapter 25 Some Girls Set Up to go Dear Hunting

The Darla Jean Nevins that showed up at school on Monday was not the same one who had left the previous Friday, and a number of people noticed. Oh, the clothing was the same -- but the presentation was different. Her shirt was still shapeless, but it was open another button, for instance. Her slacks rode lower -- or did they? Maybe it was all attitude... Darla Jean's habitual impenetrable reserve wasn't there; her camouflage had apparently either been shut off or otherwise wasn't working....

4 years ago
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Strange TemptationsChapter 2

Jeff woke up suddenly with a big thirst. He remained in his bed for some time breathing heavily in the darkness. Then he got down from the bed and went out of his room. Everything in the lobby was covered in the darkness. He went to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator and fetched a water bottle. He drank thirstily. He closed the door back and came out of kitchen. He was returning to his room when he heard a faint giggle. At first, he didn't notice it and continued towards his room with...

1 year ago
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Strangeness at Fellows Part 5

Part V Oh I do like to be beside the seaside... It was about three in the afternoon by the time the two girls got off the number forty-nine bus at Churchill Square. It was packed with shoppers, all of whom had little or no interest in either of them. They headed for the phone boxes on the opposite side of the road and leafed through the directory to find somewhere for the night. They chose one, just off St. James' Street. The phone had been answered by someone who sounded...

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Strangeness At FellowsChapter 5

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside... It was about three in the afternoon by the time the two girls got off the number forty-nine bus at Churchill Square. It was packed with shoppers, all of whom had little or no interest in either of them. They headed for the phone boxes on the opposite side of the road and leafed through the directory to find somewhere for the night. They chose one, just off St. James' Street. The phone had been answered by someone who sounded extremely effeminate...

2 years ago
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Strange Dilemma

STRANGE DILEMMA By Geneva Silene, the young queen of Genoria, uses cunning, ruthlessness and her magic book to protect her small kingdom against the encroaching Roman Empire. In my story "Myrine", I set the locale in the small state of Genoria. This is another story of Genoria, as it prepares to resist the encroaching Roman Empire in the 1st. Century BC. START Queen Silene looked out of her palace window, biting her lip in thought. Her chancellor, Hermia, patiently watched the...

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Estranged Sister Eve

My life in Santa Barbara is over. I don’t know what lies ahead. All I know is that I have to go live with my estranged sister, Eve, in Michigan. My sister is much older than I am. We were never very close. She and our parents never got along, which is why she left a long time ago. I barely even know her. We’ve barely ever spoke. Our parents avoided all conversations about her and took all her photos down. I never understood why. What could she of possibly done to elicit such actions? I know...

4 years ago
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Strange Encounter

STRANGE ENCOUNTER STRANGE ENCOUNTER?  The apartment was beautiful.  Tastefully decorated, and lavishly furnished. A large screen tv almost filled one corner of the room, the bathroom boasted a sunken bath with Jacuzzi, and the bedroom!. Right in the centre of the huge room stood an old, but beautifully preserved, four poster bed, not only was it? beautiful to look at, the bed was the most comfortable Eve had ever slept on. The rent was very low, but after seeing the apartment, she...

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Strange PerversionChapter 6

The next few weeks were sheer heaven for Bette. Not only did she have Don's cock, his sexual drive having been restored but she also had Greg's fabulous cock, but above all she had Kaiser's incredible prick to ease her almost constant desire to be fucked by him or to have him eat her cunt as only the dog could. She found her hunger appeased, her strange compelling compulsive craving satisfied by that delightful tongue and wonderful prick that fucked her as only he could. Several times she...

2 years ago
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Strangeness at Fellows Part 2

Part II The intrusion The card reader was taking its time as he stood there waiting and just before the receipt was printed, he heard a noise. There was a strange feeling that accompanied it, but Denis was too absorbed in straining his ears to hear what was going on. He wasn't alone in the building, of that he was certain and he didn't know what to do for the best. Should he hide, or should he go and investigate? "Nice idea Den," he said wryly. "But not in this...

3 years ago
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Strangeness at Fellows Part 3

Part III Denise Denis walked Stephanie back to her place, which wasn't that far from the restaurant. He wasn't sure how much he should tell her about how this came to be, if anything. As a result, they drifted along in silence until Stephanie broke it. "You're very quiet." "Yeah, I'm sorry. Today's been a real eye-opener one way or another and being arrested wasn't really top of my list of things to do." "I can imagine." "I'm not sure you can. The arrest was by far the...

2 years ago
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Strangeness At FellowsChapter 2

The intrusion The card reader was taking its time as he stood there waiting and just before the receipt was printed, he heard a noise. There was a strange feeling that accompanied it, but Denis was too absorbed in straining his ears to hear what was going on. He wasn't alone in the building, of that he was certain and he didn't know what to do for the best. Should he hide, or should he go and investigate? "Nice idea Den." he said wryly. "But not in this outfit." The noise was that...

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Strangeness At FellowsChapter 3

Denise Denis walked Stephanie back to her place, which wasn't that far from the restaurant. He wasn't sure how much he should tell her about how this came to be, if anything. As a result, they drifted along in silence until Stephanie broke it. "You're very quiet." "Yeah, I'm sorry. Today's been a real eye-opener one way or another and being arrested wasn't really top of my list of things to do." "I can imagine." "I'm not sure you can. The arrest was by far the least...

3 years ago
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Strange Relationship Chapter 5 Version VI

(Author’s note: this is an early version of a much longer erotic novel. It’s been through a lot of edits, but I really like some of the early versions that got canned. I hope you don’t mind me reproducing them here. Of all the stories I’ve written – which is a lot! – Caitlin is one of my favourite creations, and I’m always looking to giver her greater exposure, as are the men (and women) in her life! You can follow her continued adventures in the different versions of the story called ‘Strange...

2 years ago
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Strange Relationship Prologue and Chapter

(Author’s note: this is an early version of a much longer erotic novel. It’s been through a lot of edits, but I really like some of the early versions that got canned. I hope you don’t mind me reproducing them here. Of all the stories I’ve written – which is a lot! – Caitlin is one of my favourite creations, and I’m always looking to giver her greater exposure, as are the men (and women) in her life! You can follow her continued adventures in the different versions of the story called ‘Strange...

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Strange Fetish

I suppose my fetish with underwear and fun with crossdressers really started when l was in my teens, l had a friend Jay who liked dressing in his mothers underwear and we would role play which always involved us on the bed with him in knickers and bra stuffed with socks and me on top, my cock would be up one of the knicker legs so our cocks were sandwiched between us, l would be sliding myself up and down as if l was fucking him, when we climaxed the spunk l shot was a mear teaspoon compared to...

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