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STRANGE WORLD by Geneva A dissolute English nobleman incurs the anger of an Italian Contessa and is changed to a woman by her book of spells. Through suffering and war a new life is made and love is found. The secondary character of Anna in this story is the main character in my earlier story, "Nun so Lovely". At least the wine and the food had been good. Inwardly fretting at the boredom and Conte Roberto's dronings, I watched as my wife Catherine and my sister Ophelia talked animatedly with Roberto's wife, the Contessa Anna. After dinner I had tried to make conversation to Roberto, but he knew nothing about cards, horse racing, or the hounds, or shooting, or anything a gentleman ought to know, at least back in England. Instead he seemed far more interested in talking about his former university professorship, or Italian politics, or the running of his estates, as if the doings of his servants or other employees were any of my concern. Through the corner of my eye I looked the Contessa Anna up and down. She must have been in her fifties, but was quite well preserved. She would have been quite beauty when she was young. Even now she was a good looking woman and her hair showed only a trace of gray. Compared to her, both Catherine and Ophelia looked downright dowdy and plain. A painting of her with her seven daughters hung on the far wall. Like her, they were all beauties. As none were mentioned, I gathered she had no sons to carry on the d'Assandro name. I also learned that Roberto's father, the late Conte Ricardo, had been quite influential in the politics of the area, a tough and capable, if authoritarian, administrator. Unlike his father, Roberto's interests did not appear to lie in that direction, although politically advantageous marriages had been arranged by Ricardo for the six older daughters. The Contessa laughed when she told me about it. I gather she was not unhappy with the marriages. She told me that she had been one of the Montefiores, an influential family in Parma. I watched the youngest daughter, Sylvia. She was not yet married and often dined with us. She was fourteen, a pretty little thing, with dark hair, sparkling eyes and full lips. She was nicely shaped too, showing a woman's figure, and a seductive walk. She was easy on the eye. Roberto was quite fluent in English, thank goodness. I had never bothered to learn much of any foreign languages. Ophelia and Catherine had learned some Italian in preparation for our trip, but as the Contessa was very fluent in English they conversed in that. They seemed to have become good friends and the d'Assandros were hospitable. For me, the boredom and inactivity were getting annoying and I wanted to be off again on our travels. Our carriage had broken a wheel some days ago near the d'Assandro estate and, while it was being repaired, the d'Assandros had invited us to stay with them . I suppose it was because we were also nobility. Actually the women had become good friends so our invitation had been extended. Ophelia and I were twins. People told us we were very alike in appearance, both tall, fair complexioned, and with dark auburn hair. Perhaps we were alike, but I was the man, and thus the one who had inherited our father's title and estates. She would be dependent on me until she got a husband. Our parents had left her money in their wills, but had given me its control as long as she was unmarried. So the longer she remained a spinster the better it would be for me. I felt fairly safe as she was a bit dowdy, and had not attracted any serious suitors. Catherine had also brought money to our recent marriage. In fact, it was that money that had persuaded me to marry her, so I was now pretty well off. Unfortunately she too was a plain thing. Occasionally I wondered if she was worth even the considerable amount of her dowry. At least I could now indulge a taste in gambling, and even contemplate setting up my own stable. Soon after our marriage her parents had suggested a European tour for us. This suited me well. They even offered to pay for it and at least it would also get me away from them for a spell. I was less happy when they suggested that Ophelia accompany us. I suppose they thought they were being generous. Although I knew my sister would be a nuisance, she and Catherine appeared to get on well together, and I agreed. The two women could also console each other while I went out in solitary pursuit of various pleasures. We had started in France, then Switzerland and were now in Lombardy. I had only been abroad once before, when I was about twenty. This trip was boring so far, but I'd had a good time previously. My parents had sent me to Paris for a tour of the museums and galleries, but I was completely bored with the cold marble statues and soon found my way to places where there were warmer bodies to sample. I remembered meeting a Russian there, Nikolai Pavlovich Vorontsov, son of a Russian noble. Nikki, as I called him,was a good companion and we sampled many taverns and brothels together over several weeks. He spoke excellent English. He said he had spent much time in England as a boy. He was a powerful man, black bearded and well muscled , with much body hair, but unblemished except for a U -shaped scar on his left shoulder. I laughed when he told me he had fallen off a horse onto a sharp rock. Unfortunately, our exploits ended with my father's final illness, when I had to leave for home. The next afternoon I excused myself and took a walk round the d'Assandro estate. I was wandering around the stables looking at their horses when I disturbed a girl, one of the maids, feeding the horses. She was slim and pretty, about sixteen or so, and smiled at me nervously. I beckoned for her to come nearer and she did so. She was nicely shaped, even voluptuous. She would be a bit of a diversion. At my own estate I had occasionally waylaid some of the village girls. I had paid no heed to their objections. I could use them in however way I wanted if their parents were my tenants. I had bumped into another of the Contessa's serving girls earlier that day. I even managed to get my hand on her soft breast before she wriggled free and ran off. This girl struggled in my arms as I bent to kiss her. Then I heard a noise behind me and I saw a groom glaring at me, a pitchfork in his hand. I released the girl, straightened my clothes and left as if nothing had happened. The next morning only Catherine and I breakfasted with the Contessa. She said Roberto had departed early that morning for some long consultations with some or other groups on Italian politics and would be gone some weeks. Ophelia was absent too. Catherine said that she was indisposed, so I supposed she was having one of her monthly spells. I listened only half heartedly to the women's talk. Catherine seemed nervous for some reason and once or twice I caught the Contessa staring at me with a calculating look. I wondered if she fancied me, but her eyes seemed too cold. Eventually I went outside for a stroll in the sunlight and to smoke a pipe. Who knows? I might come across some other girl. No such luck, but when I returned indoors and climbed the staircase the Contessa was waiting for me at the top. "Sir Jeremy," was all she said before I took her in my arms and planted a kiss on her lips. After all, her husband was away. Somehow she wriggled free, but she beckoned me into a side room, giving me a sweet smile. "Sir Jeremy, I have here a nice wine, would you like some?" It looked like the Contessa was amenable to my attentions and I wanted to get to business, but some wine would be a nice preliminary, and I downed a glass when she poured it. It was a lovely dark red colour. "It is a special wine, from our own vineyards too," she said. She smiled at me seductively and I barely was able to pull her into my arms when I felt dizzy, and all went dark. I awoke, my head feeling heavy. When I shook it to clear it and tried to sit up, I found I was tied hand and foot to a chair. As my head cleared more I discovered I was completely naked. I was about to call out, when the Contessa appeared before me. "What is going on?" I spluttered. "Untie me at once." "You are a despicable person, Sir Jeremy. You are rude and uncouth. You are dishonest. You think of little besides gambling and drinking, yes, and whoring. You treat your wife with disdain. Your marriage vows mean nothing to you. You use her and the money she brought to the marriage abominably. You treat your own sister like a pariah. You have shown no concern at all for her welfare and future happiness, yes, and you have even been lusting after my daughter. I saw it in your eyes. You tried to molest two of my servants in the same day. You even tried to force your attentions on me! You are running down your estate and inheritance. You are a worthless specimen. But I intend to put a stop to that. You will never do these things again. I may even reform you and set matters right." She reached over to a low table, lifted a small package, untied a tasseled cord and folded back some silk wrapping on a small book, only a few inches square. I was puzzled. The book looked like nothing at all, dirty and stained, with only a score or so pages of wrinkled paper with a stained and mildewed yellowish cover of some kind of hide. It hardly merited its expensive wrapping. I glared at her. "What of it? How I lead my life is none of your concern. Also, I am an English nobleman and not to be spoken to in that way. I advise you to untie me at once. I warn you. I am not without influence." She ignored me and carefully turned over the pages of the book. I was too well bound to move my head to look at the writing. She called out and to my surprise Catherine entered the room. She looked at me apprehensively. "Catherine," I demanded. "This woman is insane. Make her release me." Catherine wiped a tear from her eye and shook her head. "I am sorry, Jeremy. I have taken as much as I can from you. Now Anna has offered Ophelia and I a solution to remedy how you treat us." "How I treat you? Are you mad? I may do as I like. You are my wife and must obey me. Get me away from this stupid Italian woman." The Contessa's eyes blazed and she slapped my face. I had been slapped by women before. If they were whores I made them suffer afterwards. The others became more compliant when I threatened the future of their husbands or brothers. This slap stung and she spat in my face. "You piece of vermin. I will tell you what will happen. This book contains a spell, which I am about to read. It will have the effect of making Catherine more beautiful. It will have little effect on me as I have used it many times before." I was puzzled. This talk of magic spells was nonsense, but even if it were true, what she had said did not sound like a punishment. I would certainly appreciate it if my wife's appearance improved. It might make her more bedworthy. "But you," she continued, "it will have the greatest effect on you. You will become unconscious and fall into a coma. You are young and healthy and should survive. If you do, you will have been transformed into a woman, a pretty one too. I would prefer to transform a miserable character like you into a hag, but I do not have a spell for that. As a woman, you will be given your sister's identity. Yes, you will take her place. Then you will no longer be in a position to make unwanted advances to women, or to carry on the ruination of your estate." She examined my features. "You see, you are twins and you look fairly alike just now so I think you will look just like her when you awake." I spluttered. "This is nonsense. There cannot be two of us. What of my sister?" She gave a humourless smile and I felt cold when I realized the answer. She nodded. "I see you have anticipated another spell in this book." Just last night I gave your sister a spell to read that makes a woman into a man. The book also has spells to reverse the effects of these. Of course, you will never be allowed to use one. Your sister's spell worked well and now she has become a man. In fact, her appearance has become very similar to yours, even close to your height and build. So she will be well set to take your place. In effect, you and your sister are going to change places. Then you will perhaps experience what your sister has at your hands. More likely though, as she is a kinder person than you, she may treat you better than you did her, undeservedly, I think. "She should be able to use your clothes and you her's. So instead of jacket, trousers, shirt and other man's clothing, prepare yourself for a woman's life in skirts and gowns, corsets, camisoles, petticoats and stockings. Don't worry, Jeremy, we will make sure you get used to them. We will also make sure you learn women's work, like housework, embroidery, and sewing. You will be trained to become a well behaved, demure and polite young woman. You know, if you wish to be married at some future time, you must be prepared." "Catherine," I screeched, "you cannot allow this to happen. I am your husband, you must obey me." "Jeremy," she shook her head sadly, "you have never been as a proper husband to me. Since our wedding you have treated me with disdain. On the other hand, your sister and I have always liked and respected each other. We have discussed this over several days with Signora Anna since she offered her services. Your behaviour yesterday was the last straw. Now perhaps your sister, your former sister by now, can be a better and more attentive husband to me than you ever were. I expect we will have a good life together." "This is utterly stupid nonsense," I howled. "Release me!" "Be quiet," said the Contessa, "or I will gag you. Catherine, are you ready?" Catherine sat down beside me. Her face was pale and she swallowed. I pulled against the ropes ineffectually. Then I took hold of myself and sat quietly. What these stupid women were proposing was nonsense. There was no such thing as magic. At some point they would have to release me and then I would take my revenge. This was a poor joke. "By the way, the yellow cover on the book is human skin. It is needed for the spells." The Contessa folded back the pages of the book and began to read. The sounds made no sense. They did not correspond to any language I knew. It only took a minute or so then she closed the book and looked at me. I felt a swell of triumph. Nothing had happened to me. The so-called spell was obviously ineffective, as I had thought. Still, I could not fathom what the purpose was in their charade. "You silly woman," I said. "You see that your supposed spell is useless. What now? Are you going to call for a wizard to help you?" I laughed. The Contessa shook her head. "It will not take long for it to start. Your sister has now completed her transformation, but she is still in a coma. It will be a day yet before she, now he, wakes." She emphasized the 'he'. It was a summer day and the room was hot. I was perspiring. I struggled with the ropes again. The women were watching me intently. Catherine was only wearing a sort of loose robe, not her usual daytime attire. Then it seemed that the room grew colder. I felt a small shiver, almost immediately passed. The Contessa had seen it and a small smile passed her lips. "Did you feel a shiver, Jeremy? That is the first sign that the spell is working." I did not like the sound of that, but I struggled in my ropes again. I grew hot with the effort, but then another shiver took me, stronger this time. "It will do you little good to struggle. I have tied you too well. When you are unconscious I will untie you. I do not want your changing body to be hindered by the ropes." I began to shiver more. I thought it might be because of the sound of the woman's cold implacable voice, but my body began to shake and my teeth chatter. Panicking, I struggled more but the room began to dim about me. I was now shaking continuously. I cried, "help," brokenly, my voice tailing away, and I knew no more. Someone was shaking my shoulder and I heard a voice, but I was in too deep a sleep to make out the words or speaker. Yet it was more than a sleep, more like a deep drunkenness. My head hurt and I felt thirsty and nauseated. I wanted to drift back into the fog and sleep. I felt a tumbler of water at my lips and I had to drink, half spluttering. My mouth did not want to obey my befuddled brain . More water touched at my lips again then I jerked as I felt cold water thrown over me. I cried out feebly. I was on my side and my body seemed awkward and sore. I was shaken again and I tried to open my eyes. They filled with tears when I finally pried them open, gasping at the pain and the light. Through my tear distorted vision I saw the Contessa and a man behind her. I blinked when I saw that he looked very like me. I shook my head, wincing at the pain in my temples and wiped my hand over my eyes to clear them. I stared at my hand. For some reason it looked smaller and slimmer. Even my arm was slimmer and smoother. I realised I was still naked. Then, when I put my hands to my groin to cover myself, I immediately found that something was terribly different. I clutched myself and found nothing! Bewildered, I looked down and tried to shout out. What I uttered was a scream, in a woman's voice. Right in my view , on my own chest, were two apple sized female breasts, each tipped by a large pinkish areola and prominent nipple. Moaning in increasing terror and confusion I bent down to look between my legs. I saw nothing other than some hair. All my male anatomy was missing. Instead, as I probed downwards with my strangely slim fingers, I discovered folds of flesh, and nestled within, a tiny but sensitive part nub and below it, an opening with soft raised margins. I knew what they were, the parts of a woman. My penis and scrotum were gone completely! I screamed again in a shrill female sound. When I tried to get to my feet my aching muscles would not obey me and I sank back. I tried yet again but this time the Contessa's hands held me down. Weakly I struggled against her. "What has happened?" I cried. "What have you done?" Then I remembered what she had told me the night before, or was it longer? The terror must have shown on my face. "Yes, I see you remember what I told you. Your own body also tells you what has happened. You are changed, as I said you would be. A woman's body and life are now your lot. Accept it. The faster you do the better it will be for you. " "Never," I screamed. "I will resist you. I will call the British legation. I will summon the authorities. You will be jailed." She gave a contemptuous laugh. "You have an exaggerated sense of your own importance, and who would believe you? They would only find a mad foreign woman.. Besides, who would you say you were?" She gestured behind her. "See, I have the earl right beside me, in perfect health." She stood aside and I just gaped at the figure. It was a man, dressed in my clothes. I could have sworn I was looking in a mirror, he looked so like me, or at least how I had been. "Who is that?' I gasped. Then I remembered what she had told me earlier. "Ophelia?" The figure shook his head. He spoke in a resonant male voice."No, I was Ophelia. Now you will be. I am now to be Jeremy and I will take your place. That should not be too difficult as I know most things about you. After all, we are twins. I am familiar with our late parents, our upbringing, our relatives, the estate and the servants. I know your friends, or at least the respectable ones. Your other disreputable friends, with whom you frequented the gambling dens, taverns and brothels, I don't know, neither do I wish to. So I will take your place. Catherine and I are very fond of each other and I am sure we will come to love each other as a man and a woman. Now you will have my past identity, that of Ophelia, my spinster sister." "Catherine? Where is she?" "She is right here." The Contessa brought Catherine forward. At least it was like Catherine, yet a different one, with subtle changes in her face and her figure. Her eyes even sparkled with life. She who had been so plain, was now a very pretty woman. I gaped at her. The Contessa gestured to Catherine. "Yes, the spell makes women prettier, but of course it has the greatest effect on men." I looked down at my body. "But my hair is too short, and look, I have hair on my chest, yes, and on my face. My story will be believed and your perfidy will be obvious." The Contessa leaned over me." There is no way that your story would be believed. The is no such thing as magic, they tell me." She pulled at the hair on my chest between the breasts. It came away easily, apart from a few wisps, with barely any resistance. She stripped more hair from my arms and legs. It barely stung as she pulled it off. "See, your heavy male hair is breaking off at the roots. Only fine female hair is left. Within two to three days you will have only the hair patterns of a woman. The hair on your head is a bit short, but that is the only thing. We will let it grow. " She gave me a smile, but with little friendliness in it. "You will be more fetching with long hair, in a woman's style." I shook my head in frustration, trying not to cry again. I wondered why I was crying so much. "Now first things. You will keep yourself clean. Always! Just now you smell of stale sweat. Today, because you are weak from the spell, I will have my maids wash you. After that it is your responsibility, and I warn you, anytime you are not as clean as is proper for a lady, you will be beaten. It will be the same with your clothing. You will be neatly and properly dressed in women's clothing at all times. Repeat offences will lead to severe punishment. "Now look at your face." She held a mirror to my face and I squinted in it then gasped. A woman's face looked at me. It resembled my sister's face, but with big red blotches. "I am diseased," I screamed. "Your complexion is only blotchy. That is normal with this spell. In a day or less it will be much improved. Actually you should be happy. The spell has made you into a beautiful woman. As I expected, you now look very like Ophelia, as she was, so there will be no problem in assuming her identity. Perhaps you are even prettier. Your beauty will either be a trial, or a great benefit, depending on how you conduct your future life. Enough of this, you smell too much." She clapped her hands and in seconds two serving maids entered and I heard rapid orders in Italian. I cowered from them but the women easily lifted me from by bed. I was too weak to resist them as they forced me down on a chamber pot. I struggled against my bursting bladder but I could not stem the flow into the pan. Afterwards, they led, or half dragged me, into another room and, not gently, plunged me into a tub of warm water and began to wash me. I wanted to struggle but the water was pleasantly warm and I smelled of stale sweat and worse. I sniffed at the scent of the soap, a faint feminine perfume. The Contessa noticed. "Yes, that is a rose scented soap. Don't you think it will make you smell nice and feminine?" They lathered my hair and soaped all of my body. I gasped at the strange new intimate sensations. They lifted me from the bath and rubbed me dry with a coarse towel. One combed my hair and I winced when the comb caught a tangled part. "Yes, you will also brush your hair, a hundred strokes each night." A woman's nightgown was pulled over my head, but by that time I was past caring. My body still hurt and I felt very tired. "Are you hungry, Ophelia?" asked Catherine. I ignored her. I was Sir Jeremy, not Ophelia. The Contessa repeated the question more pointedly and I shook my head. The thought of food made me nauseous. The Contessa held a drink to me. "Well, Ophelia, if you are not hungry I think you can have another rest. Here, drink this." and she held a cup to my mouth. I drank it and felt it warm my stomach immediately. "That is a draught of laudanum in some wine. It will make you sleep. When you wake again we will begin your training." I barely remember being put into a bed and I must have fallen asleep. When I woke again I felt better until I remembered the events of the previous days. Surely it was a dream. I sat up with a start and knew right away that it was true, when I felt the weight of two real breasts at my chest. I felt at them, testing their firm but soft texture and testing between my legs. I whimpered with despair. I was alone in a small room. Lying in a chair, snoring gently, was one of the women who had washed me. I had barely raised my head when she snorted awake and looked at me. She called out and in seconds the other maid also arrived. They hauled me to my feet and one of the maids pulled the nightdress off me. She pointed to a bowl of water, a cloth and some soap. A voice behind me said, "You have slept another full day. Wash all of your body, especially between your legs. Remember what I told you." It was the Contessa. Sighing, I washed myself completely. The room was slightly cool and with horror I saw the nipples on the female breasts becoming rigid. I especially flinched when I washed the sensitive parts between my legs. I am sure that she wished to make me fully aware of the changes in my body. She stood me in front of a long mirror. I had tried to avoid looking at my body but now it was right in front of me. The Contessa held my head so that I had to look. My mouth gaped open with shock. The mirror showed a young woman, very like my sister in appearance, but with some of my previous features, subtly changed. She was a beauty. She, I, had now lost all male pattern hair on her face, chest, arms and legs. Even at her groin there was only a small tuft of dark auburn hair. The blotchiness had gone and her complexion was flawless. The skin on her body was smooth, very fair, with just hints of bluish veins. Her long neck was set on pretty shoulders. Her arms were slim and smooth. On her chest sat two pert breasts, each tipped with pinkish brown areolas and nipples. Her waist was narrow, emphasizing her female hips and slightly rounded belly. Her legs were long with slim thighs, calves and ankles. Even the feet were small and high arched. She was beautiful, but I shuddered. "Turn around," Anna ordered. "Look at your rear as well." "No, I cannot," I faltered, afraid of what I glimpsed in the mirror, "That cannot be me." "Yes it is, and always will be. Now turn around. You have to get used to your new body. Why, you may even begin to like it." I groaned inwardly when I looked at my new buttocks and hips. There was no doubt that they were a woman's. They were generous, swelling out from my narrow waist, but in proportion to the rest of the body. I shrank inwardly. I had a residual hope that I might escape and get back to England dressed as a man. Now there was no way that the figure before me could ever be satisfactorily disguised. "Yes, are you pleased? You are a real beauty. Now if we could only modify your ugly character to match. However, it is time you were dressed." She threw down a bundle of clothes. I recognised some as my sister's. "Never, these are my sister's. I cannot wear these," I complained and then yelped. One of the maids had whipped a stick over my buttocks. "That is for protesting. Your sister has no further need of them. You do. Put them on. We will help you. You will need someone to help you dress, with your corset certainly." "No!" I cried, and then howled again as I received two strokes of the rod, this time on my thighs. Whimpering, I reached out to the women's clothing and shuddered. I knew how women dressed, of course. I was married to Catherine, and I had seen various strumpets in different states of undress. I had even helped more than a few to undress. Trembling I picked up a pair of drawers, pulled them onto my legs and tied them round my waist. Anna handed me a fine linen chemise and I pulled it over my head, blushing. "Sit down. Your stockings next." These were fine cotton and I obediently sat down when I saw Anna holding the stick. My thighs still stung from where I had been hit before. One of the maids bunched up one of the stockings into a ring. I shivered when she slid it over my foot and up my leg. She fixed a garter around it just below the knee and repeated with the other stocking. I did not recognize my own feet. These were small and delicate looking. She handed me a corset. I looked at it and shuddered at the stout fabric with its rigid bones. I threw it down, then screamed as I was struck three times. I began to cry. One of the maids pulled it around my waist and fixed the front hooks. She had barely finished when the other began to pull at the rear laces. I grunted with each pull, the boned garment compressing my waist and stomach, the top pushing up my breasts in the chemise until I was gasping. I could only take short breaths and looking down I saw the breasts heaving alarmingly. "You will suffocate me," I screamed through my tears. "Far from it. That is what women wear. You will get used to it, more or less. Corsetieres usually recommend taking a girl in gradually over several months, but, as we do not have the luxury of time, you must suffer a little. Eventually you will find that a properly fitting corset is only snug, rather than tight. You will always be aware that you are wearing one but you may come to rely on it, and think of the nice slim waist it will give you." I felt faint with the unrelenting pressure. "Please slacken it," I gasped. "I beg you." "Why Ophelia, that is the first time you have spoken like a lady. You said 'please'. Keep it up. We will make a civilized woman of you yet. But, no, just take short breaths. Your body is not used to it yet. You should feel grateful that we are helping you. "Now, these are your petticoats. You will need these to hold out your skirts." I allowed the maid to fix them round my waist and I was surrounded with rustling fabric. My face was red with embarassment. "Finally, your gown. This is one of your former sister's." I remembered her wearing it, a dark green checked material in a fine cotton. I stepped into it and felt a maid do up the various fastenings. "That is a very modest neckline," said the Contessa, "almost too conservative for Italy. We will have to go through your sister's clothes and see what needs modified. You are as tall as she was but just a bit slimmer. I will give you some of mine too." She looked me up and down. "Already no one would ever believe you were once a man." I tried to pull away from her but she held my arm. "In the meantime we will work on your behaviour and deportment, starting today. Ah yes. I almost forgot. Sit down, Ophelia. Let me see your ear." "What are you going to do?" "Never mind." She rummaged in a box and I thought that it would be some ornament. She took my right earlobe firmly and I screamed when I felt a jab of pain followed by a sting as she pushed something in. I squealed and when I looked in the mirror and saw I was wearing a earring. The maids held me to stop me jumping to my feet. "Hold still, or it will be the worse for you," and she caught the other ear. Another jab of pain and my other ear was pierced. She pushed me in front of the mirror. "See, I have given you pretty dangling earrings, very feminine." I shivered when I felt them brush against my neck. I burst into tears. Facing me in the mirror was a woman who was almost a double of my sister as she had been, but more attractive. Dangling earrings hung from her ears. She looked very feminine. The only thing wrong was her hair. It was much too short. The Contessa must have read my thoughts. She ran her fingers through my hair. "Yes, your hair needs some attention. Well, I suppose you will have to wear a cap or something indoors, and when you are out you will be wearing a hat anyway . It will take more than two years to get it a reasonable length. A good thing you wore your hair long for a man." She stood back and examined me. "Sit down and let me see your feet." I floundered into a chair, my movements awkward, suddenly aware of the restrictions of my corset on my movement and posture. I could barely bend and had to sit bolt upright in the chair. The Contessa parted the layers of gown and petticoats and pushed one of my sister's slippers onto my foot. "Just about right, perhaps a bit large but that will not matter for today. Now the other one." The slippers were made of soft embroidered leather. "Something else." Anna took a small bottle and dabbed a liquid behind my ear. "Just a trace of a scent. A nice floral one. Don't you like it?" I did not care. I was totally overwhelmed by the changes. Then some perfume touched my fresh ear piercing and I drew in my breath at the stinging. "Hush now. You make too much fuss. I suppose, Ophelia, you will be wanting something to eat?" I nodded. I was beginning to feel fairly hungry. I suppose it was several days since I had eaten. The Contessa gave a quick order to one of the maids and a tray appeared with some fruit, two small pieces of rye bread and some butter. I looked at it in disgust. "This is not enough. I eat much more than this." But I barely finished the bread and one piece of fruit before I was filled. The stupid corset limited how much I could eat. I complained about it. "So? Surely you want to keep a nice slim figure?" I certainly did not, at least the woman's figure I had been given. The Contessa gestured for me to rise. Struggling against the rigidity of the corset I did so. If I had been in a low chair I might not have needed help to rise. Even so I was dizzy and I swayed. The Contessa caught me. "Steady. You should rise more slowly, in a ladylike manner. Now, I want you to walk back and forwards across the room." My control broke at her continual ordering and the discomfort of my clothing. "Do it yourself," I snarled. "I want to rest." She lifted my skirts and smacked me across the legs with the rod. Four times. I screamed. "You will do as I say. Now walk across the room. Hold yourself upright. Head high! Shoulders back!" It took several more smacks with the rod until I was walking to her satisfaction. The tears were streaming down my cheeks in humiliation and frustration. "Now try sitting. Sit down and get up again. Try to do it gracefully." This time I had better control of my balance and she gave a slow nod. "Yes, you are beginnng to learn, but remember to keep your skirt and petticoats under control. You have to sit on the edge of the chair and hold your back straight." It took several tries before she was satisfied. Next she had me pick up objects from the floor. I could barely lean over and had to bend my knees, and somehow push aside the skirts to see where I was reaching. My protests earned me several more smacks with the rod. I ate alone for lunch that day too, and the afternoon was spent in more practice, and manouevring in and out of doors. The wide skirts of the crinoline made it amost impossible to do so without a display of petticoats. By the late afternoon my legs and thighs were sore and red with blows. "Enough for now," she snapped. "You can have a rest before dinner. Undress as far as your corset. Keep that on but lie on your bed. I will come in later to help you . I have a nice silk dress, a wide necked style that should be just right for you. Then you can show your new self off to Catherine and Jeremy. Stand still and I will help you out of your gown." I was too tired to care and allowed her to unfasten my gown. She even untied the petticoats. I heard her lock the door as she went. Sighing relief I sank back onto the bed as easily as the rigid corset allowed. I fumbled in the back to untie the laces but they were tightly knotted . I began to cry again. This was a strange world, my mind trapped in a strange body, the body trapped in strange clothing and the body, I, was a prisoner of this mad Contessa . I dreaded the humiliation ahead of me, to be presented in my changed form to my wife and sister, or former sister, as a woman, dressed in her own female clothing, even her underclothing. The Contessa would be vigilantly watching me too. But I was too exhausted to think much further about it and I fell asleep. I heard the door open and I struggled out of my sleep. The Contessa entered, followed by a maid carrying a pale pink lacy garment. "Up!" she ordered. "Time you got dressed for dinner tonight. First, wash your face and arms. Remember what I said about keeping clean." She pointed to the wash basin with its scented soap and I hurried to wash. "Here, I have a pretty dress for you. However, it has a wide neckline to show off your shoulders. So that chemise you are wearing will not do. I have another here, so we will need to take your corset off first. Stand up." The maid fumbled at the back and I found blessed relief as the laces slackened. She unclipped the front hooks and the garment slid off me. For the first time in hours I was able to breathe freely. I felt loose and free so much that I did not object when they lifted the chemise off me and handed me another. Its narrower wide-set straps sat more at the top of my arms than on my shoulders. The maid clipped the corset on me and pulled on the laces at the back, again tightening the corset to a rigid grip. "Now, some petticoats to fill out your skirt. In a week or two we will try you with a crinoline cage. You will find it so much lighter than layers of petticoats." They tied the crisp linen material round my waist. "Here is the gown. It is one that I used to wear " Its silk was much lighter than the one I had worn that morning. I shivered at the rustle of the material. It was such a feminine sound. In no time they had it fastened on me. I looked down. The exposed tops of my breasts heaved in the wide neckline of the gown despite my smaller breaths. "And now a pretty necklace." She fastened a gold chain that had belonged to my sister round my neck. The stone at the front matched my earrings. "Now your hair. I will do it up for you." She fussed for few minutes and used innumerable pins. "There, I have gathered your hair. It is nowhere near a proper chignon, but it will do." She stood back to look at me and gave a faint nod of satisfaction. " I must say, you look almost elegant. Here is an ornament to wear in your hair and draw attention away from its shortness." "Let me check that you are ready for your big debut." Again she looked me up and down." My, you do look pale." In truth I felt faint, not only with the corset, but apprehension at meeting Catherine and Ophelia, who they now called Jeremy, my former sister. "Please, I beg you. Let me eat here. I cannot be seen like this." The Contessa seized my arm. "My goodness, yet another piece of politeness, But no, you must come with me. You must accept what has happened and accept a woman's life. You will return to England soon." I shuddered. To live a woman's life, with its restrictions, its complicated clothing, the household duties, be married as a woman, to have a man enter me, pregnancy, childbirth and raising dirty squalling infants. I felt disgust. Never! I shook my head. I would resist them. "Let me look at your face." She shook her head slightly. "You are too pale. You need a little help with cosmetics." "But that is for prostitutes and courtesans!" I exclaimed. "Ah, already you are thinking like a woman, but don't be silly. Respectable women often use a little discreet help as well." She took some boxes from a vanity below the mirror. "Now, a faint wipe of rouge on your cheeks, and perhaps a little eye shadow and just a faint colouring for your lips. Hold still! It won't kill you. Yes, that is much better. Now you look less like a corpse. See!" She pushed me in front of the mirror yet again. The pretty young woman looked like a portrait in her dark green dress, showing off her creamy shoulders. Her face now had some colour. Her dark auburn hair shone. Her jewellery complemented her colouring and her green eyes seemed large in her pretty face. The only thing wrong was her ezxpression. Her eyes were dull and fearful, with still a trace of red from crying. She looked like a worried doll. "It is time for dinner. I dare say you will be getting hungry." The Contessa gripped my arm firmly and propelled my reluctant feet along the passage and down the stairs leading to the dining room. I felt panicky as this was my first time out of the room where they had inflicted the spell on me. I gripped the polished wood rail tightly as I took the curved staircase. I could barely bend because of the corset and I could only guess where my feet were because of the crinoline. I breathed a sigh as I reached the foot of the stairs. A maid at the dining room door held it open for us and the Contessa almost pushed me in, my wide skirts brushing the door jambs. She was right behind me to stop me retreating. I stared at the man sitting beside Catherine. He looked very like how I had been. He was even wearing some of my clothes. "Jeremy, Catherine," said the Contessa, "I would like to present the new Ophelia." She held my head up so that I had to face them. I was shaking, but I had the satisfaction of seeing Catherine's mouth drop, and a brief flash of envy pass over her eyes. The man, the one whom they now called Jeremy, the one that had been my former sister, stared at me. A slow smile took his face. "Ah, my dear sister," he emphasized the last word, "how nice to see you. You look quite becoming. I hope you are feeling better now. I must say, that gown really suits you." "Well? What is it a lady is supposed to do now?" the Contessa demanded. Flushing with anger, I made a small curtsey as she had taught me. "Thank you, dear brother," I replied sarcastically. I kept an impassive face but my mind was filled with fury. Jeremy took my hand, kissed my cheek and led me to a chair. He even held it for me to sit down. I struggled to keep my balance as I did so. Whether they enjoyed my humiliation I did not know, but I kept an impassive face. Inwardly I was seething. These people had betrayed me, with the help of that witch the Contessa. The Contessa took a place opposite me to observe my behaviour. I watched both her and Catherine as they ate, copying them and trying to eat as gracefully as I could. The food was good and I had my appetite back, but I ate only small portions, and slowly. The Contessa gave me a brief nod of approval. As a man I had often dominated conversations, but now I was too resentful of the others and unsure of myself. I only listened, giving brief answers if spoken to. The Contessa made a few brief comments on the world situation. It appeared that the British and French were now allies, and going to help the Turks fighting against the Russians, in a place called Crimea. I had only briefly heard of it. Somewhere in Eastern Europe, I believed. With this talk of war I wondered what would have happened to Nikki. It looked as if our countries would now be enemies and yet he had been a good companion. I remembered he had said something about taking up a military career. With relief the dinner ended and I got up to head back to my room. I wanted away from them, but Catherine caught my arm. "Ophelia," she said, " I am sorry what has been done to you, but you were becoming impossible. You were a disgrace to your ancient family name, and you were running the estate down. Now you can start with a new slate. Please let me help you. In the beginning I tried to love you. I tried to be a dutiful wife, but you were cold and mostly ignored me. Nevertheless I wish you the best." She embraced me but I struggled away from her. Back in my room I broke down and cried at my helplessness.I did not resist when a maid undressed me for bed. I woke up in the middle of the night. The sleeping corset I had been fitted with was supposed to be more comfortable but still I tossed and turned, until at last I gave up and stared at the ceiling. I was now completely dependent on the new Jeremy. I would only get back my inheritance If I had access to the book to change back. The Contessa had said that it contained reverse spells. By some means I would have to force the Contessa to disclose its whereabouts. But then, if the reverse spell's effects were like the first, I would be helpless for a day or two. I was no further ahead with any plans when I finally fell asleep. I was walking in the garden some days later when I saw a solution. Growing along a wall was a large clump of a plant that I had heard contained a poison, a slow acting one. If I used it to poison Jeremy and Catherine, the Contessa would be forced to bring the book out to save them with one of the spells. Then I might be able to get my hands on it. I pulled off some leaves, and in my room crushed them into a flagon of wine. After several hours I poured the liquid off into another small bottle I had taken from the kitchen. The next evening at dinner I offered to help the maids with the food, and brought out the dessert wine glasses. I poured some wine, but added some poisoned wine to two glasses which I placed in front of Catherine and Jeremy. All was set. My heart was thumping during the meal. When it was finished we would sip the sweet dessert wine. "I have an idea," said the Contessa. "Let us drink our wine out on the terrace." She put the glasses onto a tray and carried them outside. My heart gave a lurch. Now I no longer knew which ones were poisoned! "Ophelia, why don't you give a toast?" asked the Contessa. "You have improved so much." "To the health of all." I stuttered and waited for them to drink. The Contessa held up her hand. "Ophelia drinks first," she said. When I did nothing she repeated it louder. "Drink!" she commanded. By now Jeremy and Catherine were staring at me. "Why, Ophelia, we are waiting for you. Is there something wrong?" I put the glass to my lips and pretended to sip it but she forced it to my lips. "A large drink!" As I jerked my hand from her the glass fell and shattered. I sank to my chair. Jeremy moved to help me but the Contessa held up her hand. She took me by an earring and pulled me back up. "You wretch! Did you not think I was observing you? She has poisoned the wine," she announced to the others. "You had better pour it all out." The news was met with gasps by Jeremy. Catherine's face went white and she began to weep. "A good thing I was suspicious of you," the Contessa snapped. "I am tempted to make you drink all of your vile brew and then we would be done with you." Still grasping ing my earring she pulled me indoors and down a flight of stairs into a small room. "You will stay here for a week, with only bread and water. This old dungeon is a fit place for you. But first, so you don't dirty your clothes..... " I screamed and kicked as clothes were removed, leaving me only in my corset and short chemise. A maid held my arms while the Contessa seized my wrists and fastened them together behind my back with manacles. My frantic struggles were no match for the two of them. She forced a metal collar round my neck and I felt the cold metal at my bare skin. I screamed as it clicked shut. The collar was fastened by a stout chain to a ring set in the floor. The chain was too short even to allow me even to rise above a crouch. She slammed the stout door and I heard it locked. It was not yet dark and I looked around my cell. It was lit by a small high window, and bare of any furniture except for a chamber pot. I jerked at at the chain but it was too well fastened and I only hurt my neck. I fumbled at my back to untie the corset laces but my hands were too clumsy in the manacles. I would not be able to untie the knots and I could not force the tight front corset clips. I was confined in it for as long as they left me. I screamed in despair and wept. I barely slept that night with the pain from my bruised ear and my turbulent emotions. These changed from anger to terror to resignation and finally to contrition. In the morning I was cold and sore. I heard a noise and looked round to see the Contessa at the door. In her hand was a tray with a small loaf of bread and a bowl of water. She placed them on the earthen floor and stood over me. "Please, I am sorry. What I did I was very wrong. Please forgive me." She looked at me stonily. "I am glad you are sorry, but a week in here will reinforce the lesson." She turned and left me and I cried helpless tears. I was hungry and thirsty, but with the chain and manacles I had to lap at the water on my knees like an animal, and nibble at the bread. I shivered all of the following night in despair. When the Contessa arrived the next morning I pleaded with her. "Please," I said dully. "Let me out. I will do anything. Please do not keep me here " She stood over me and I put my mouth to her hand and kissed it. "I will be good. I will be obedient." At these last words she flinched and shut her eyes momentarily, as if in remembered pain. She took a deep breath. "Good, Ophelia, " she said softly. "I will release you but your future behaviour must be impeccable." From then on I conducted myself as carefully and demurely as I could. I sat down, I rose, I walked as gracefully as I could. I applied myself to learning sewing, needlework and other female skills. I answered politely when spoken to. I no longer made any objections to female clothes. At least I had clothes and they were clean. I washed myself thoroughly each morning and I took care to dress neatly. I brushed my hair carefully each night. Meeting with the others was still awkward. The Contessa supervised me vigilantly, but it was as if she now had some sympathy for my feelings. Her admonitions were much gentler and there was no further sign of the rod. It no longer mattered. My spirit was broken. I would do anything to avoid being confined again. At breakfast about a week after my release Jeremy waved a piece of paper. "This is a letter from Tom Eckerby, who was left in charge at the estate. I think it is now time we went back. The affairs of the estate need my presence. So, Catherine and Ophelia, you must prepare to leave. Anna, thank you for your hospitality." He looked at me. "Thank you also for what your have done for my sister." My stomach contracted at the news. I would have to be careful in talking to any friends of my own or the former Ophelia in case I said anything inconsistent.Also, Once away from the Contessa I could no longer have any hope of getting the book. After two days we said our goodbyes to the Contessa. My resistance had ended. I had accepted that I was irrevocably changed and I must accept a life as Ophelia, with all of its difficulties and adjustments. "It has been an interesting few weeks. I expect it will have beneficial results," the Contessa said. She kissed and embraced Jeremy and Catherine, then faced me. She lifted my chin. "Ophelia, I have been harsh with you, but it was necessary. I wish you well in the future. You were headed on a course that was disaster for you, ruination for your estate and distress to all of your family. I have given you a new chance. It will work if you totally accept your new life. "I should warn you too, that the spell will soon affect your mind. Just now you feel a man trapped in a strange body, but gradually you will start thinking like a woman. You are beautiful so you will easily attract men. You will certainly not like it at first. The remnants of your male character will resist, but eventually you will start to be interested in men and to want their attention. Also, I remind you that you are a woman in all ways. Your body will experience a woman's cycles. Yes, you will have your periods, as they are called. Accept them, have courage, and you will become happier in your new body. You could even bear a child." "What would you know of it?" I shook my head sadly. She took my arm and looked deeply into my eyes. "Ophelia, you are not the first to be changed, nor, I dare say, the last. I remember a young man called Edoardo, who was accidentally changed. He schemed to change back, and the book was even in his possession but various circumstances prevented his using it. Finally he accepted the woman's body, her life and her potential. 'She' even was obedient and accepted an arranged marriage. It was happy and eventually she became a mother. Maybe you will too." "Where did the spell book come from?" "I obtained it from a Gypsy woman. I think she was Hungarian, but these people move around. The language of the spell is not Hungarian, although the instructions are in German. I think it is from an ancient language. Maybe it is not even a language. By the way, the book is not in my room. It is hidden away. Do not think to find it." "What else is in the damned book? More evil spells?" "Watch your language! It is not seemly in a woman, especially one of the nobility as you are. It has more spells certainly, but most are for the good. There are spells to heal injuries, birth defects, poisonings, and so on. Even the one I changed you with works for the good." She gave a faint smile. "After all, it allowed us to put a dissolute wretch like you were onto a better path."I began to sob and she embraced me. Jeremy and Catherine looked on, a trifle awkwardly at the display of emotion. The trip back took us many uncomfortable days, usually travelling about a hundred miles each day in a series of jolting coaches, out of Italy and into France, and then north to Calais. Finally a ferry took us across a choppy English Channel to England. It was strange but welcome after all of these months to hear English spoken again. Another coach took us to London where we were to stay overnight. By that time we would be finished with horse drawn coaches as a newly built railway line was in place to get us home. Eventually we arrived back at the estate and, as usual after a trip, were met by all of our servants, lined up in order of precedence on the entrance stairs. I trembled as we alighted from the coach.The servants were familiar with us and would spot anything out of place. First, Jeremy was formally welcomed by our butler and then by all of the other staff who dutifully bowed or curtseyed. I saw some look at him cautiously and I recollected some of my past behavior and treatment of the servants prior to leaving on the trip. Catherine was next. The servants greeted her with open pleasure. I gathered she had been a popular and respected mistress. At my turn I was welcomed by each , but I trembled, continually waiting for suspicion or recognition, but none came. One of the servants even complimented me on my looks and I breathed easier. I had not been recognized. One of the female servants led me to my room. "See, we have kept it as you left, Miss Ophelia. Apart from dusting it," she added hastily. "Is there anything else you require, Miss Ophelia?" "No thank you, Jenkins," I replied. "Then I will leave you, Miss Ophelia. Just call if you need anything." I looked round the room. It was only slightly familiar as I had rarely been in it before. I had left its decoration and furnishing to to the former Ophelia. It was filled with various pictures and ornaments. My heart sank when I opened one of the wardrobes and saw it filled with various women's outfits, most in dull colours and old styles. A shelf held all types of hats, most still in their boxes. I opened a drawer in a chest. It was filled with women's undergarments, and a lower one was the same. I would have to get used to all of these. I fingered the heavy wool of one of the outfits. It was perhaps fit for an English winter but much heavier than the selection of the Italian clothes I had aquired from the Contessa . I took the outfits out and looked at each critically against the light. I shook my head. All were heavy and ungainly, at least compared to what I had seen in Italy and Paris. My sister had possessed a very conservative, even dowdy taste in clothing. In fact it was little wonder that she had been still unmarried. Now her identity had now been thrust on me. The thought of being with a man filled me with horror, and a bleak restricted life awaited me unless I was married. I would probably be fated to life as a pale wraith floating on the fringes of a family. I sat down and thought about the dilemma and my future. I shuddered at the thought of being a spinster aunt to Jeremy's family, then ending my days in some back room. To get a life of my own I needed away from these surroundings. But how? Little work was available for single women. I might become a governess, but then I would almost be a servant. Also, looking after someone else's children did not appeal to me, and the position would only last as long as the children were small. Eventually I would have to look for another position, and so on, until I was too old. I saw no way out. I had been back a week before I had a woman's bleeding period, my first. I was disgusted with the mess and humiliated when I had to seek Catherine's help, but she was only sympathetic. She did not gloat over my plight. As the summer wore on to Autumn, the social season began, and one day we received an invitation from a neighbour, a ball invitation requesting the pleasure of our company. Catherine was excited. "This is the first occasion of of the social scene. It will be nice to chat with our neighbours and catch up with their news. Ophelia, you are invited. What will you wear?" I shook my head. "I do not want to go." "Nonsense, You are a pretty woman and will have a wonderful time." But I was adamant. I had no desire to show myself off or see any of the neighbours. So, while Jeremy and Catherine threw themselves into the social scene, I kept to myself. I received a number of social invitations but I declined them all, pleading illness or indisposition. I even kept out of the way when there was a ball at our own mansion. Catherine and Jeremy tried in vain to persuade me. I had no taste for the social scene and avoided it all of that year and over the following summer. I was a recluse, but I wanted it that way. In late September of the next year I was sewing a quilt, alone in my room, when Catherine entered. "Ophelia, may I speak with you?" "Of course," I said. I knew from her face that she had something serious on her mind but I resolved to be hard and non committal. "Ophelia, Jeremy and I are worried about you. You do little outside the house. You seem to have have lost your spirit. It is another social season and you should get out." I shook my head. "It is the one who is now my brother who is responsible. He appropriated my life and left me his." My tone was more sad than angry. I was just weary, perhaps bored. Catherine took me in her arms. "Yes, I know. I regret it was necessary, but our estate is now doing well and we have good investments. But as for you, surely you have to make the best of things and look to what you can make of your future. What is ahead of you, Ophelia ?" She repeated what had been in my own mind. "You are an attractive woman. You should be making an exciting life. Jeremy and I have been invited to another ball. You refused all invitations last season, but please change your mind. Why don't you come along with us. Please? You could get a lovely new ball gown. I am sure you would enjoy getting out to a ball. I am going to get a new gown too. However, I may only be able to wear it once or twice this season. " She held her hands over her belly. "I have something to tell you. I am expecting, by about two months." My mouth dropped. "Congratulations," I stuttered. If Jeremy had died I could have inherited the estate and the title, but now that an heir was on the way that was unlikely. Yet I did not feel upset nor jealous of Catherine. "That is wonderful news indeed. I shall look forward to being an aunt." She gave small giggle. "Ophelia, when you were a man and my husband, you may have often neglected me, but when you did make love to me you were forceful and masterful. You left me satisfied. With the new Jeremy, it took some time. He had to learn many things." "Catherine, I find this conversation bizarre, but I wish you happiness. However, I am glad to see that the new Jeremy is now satisfactory." She gave a wide smile and my heart softened to see her so happy. "When is the baby due?" I asked. "Not for about seven months, I have only found out. I have now missed two periods and I can feel my breasts more tender. Now Ophelia, about your gown, and the ball. Surely you must come." I wondered how it would feel to have a child growing inside me. She sounded so happy that I allowed myself to whisper, "Yes." Catherine gave a squeal of delight. "That will be wonderful. Now we must make sure a pretty woman like you is properly outfitted for the ball. Yes, you should have a new gown, and everything else too. Yes, I'll speak to Jeremy about it." When she left I sat down heavily, wondering what I had let myself in for. I finally decided that I must cancel, but by then she had called one of the local dressmakers. I had only agreed to go to a ball. Now it seemed as if an avalanche of femininity was released on me. The dressmaker pointed out that waists were even more nipped in this season and she was emphatic that tighter styles were absolutely necessary. I shook my head but she dismissed my objections for a new corset. "Lady Catherine, Lady Ophelia, your waists are nicely slim already, but with a little help, they can be the slimmest in the county." Catherine shook her head. "Not much for me, I am afraid. Perhaps after the baby is born. But you Ophelia, there is no reason for you not to." I remembered the torture of my first corset but any of my protests were dismissed . A new corset arrived some days later, a heavy pink silk garment, embroidered with deep red flowers and fitted with dark red laces. I lifted it apprehensively. The garment was rigid with bones and would hold me mercilessly. I held on to a bedpost and grunted as a maid steadily tightened my laces and finally tied them at my back. My waist was pulled in but I was amazed at the different feel of my new garment. It pinched my waist more but I was almost blushing at the snug, protected feeling, and the intimate way it lifted my breasts. "There," the corsetiere beamed with pride. "Ah, Miss Edendale, now you look so pretty." My breasts were now heaving up and down but the discomfort of the new corset was not as bad as I had thought. I turned this way and that in the mirror, approving of the way my slim waist emphasized my bust and the flare of my hips. I smiled. "This is lovely. It is almost comfortable." Catherine smiled at me. "Yes, Ophelia, and now you have such a pretty figure." Only a few days later Catherine and I, in our new corsets, were being meticulously measured for gowns by the dressmaker while her assistant took notes. I had not thought getting new gowns would be so much fuss or complicated, with the discussion of styles, colours, materials and even accessories. The latest London magazines and even a few from Paris were strewn over the floor. I was a bit bored and hardly listened to the dressmaker's suggestions. Some days later I stood in my new corset, and petticoat over my crinoline cage for the last fitting of the gown. The dressmaker proudly unwrapped it. I had not paid much attention to styles when I was being measured. Now, when she unwrapped the gown and slid the silk over my shoulders, I was taken aback to see my shoulders totally bare and more than half of my swelling bosom as well. The dressmaker beamed at me. "Oh Miss Edendale, you will be the belle of the ball. You will be attracting all the men." I gathered that Catherine also approved, but I was mortified. I felt half naked, and, looking at myself in the mirror, I knew my decolletage would make me the centre of attention. True, the dress, in a pale mauve silk, was lovely. It was an off -the -shoulder style,

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The next two months, until the War of the Worlds, passed rather quickly for James. He spent most of his time training his combat and practising forging and alchemy. The incident with the mercenary army spread far and wide, and the tickets that had been bought up for the war of the world started to find their way onto the black market or disappeared from the hands of the smaller factions that had managed to nab one at auction. The two nations of Soel and Hastoel were starting to flare up even...

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Corruption of Worlds

There are many worlds out there. Some are shining examples of science, allowing us to travel between the stars and meet new sentient species. Some worlds are pure magic, and the swords and sorcery of mankind constantly battle monsters that have long gone extinct in the worlds of science. Finally we have worlds almost exactly like yours, except they may hold hidden worlds of magic, are home to aliens from other planets, or be the battleground of superheroes and supervillains. I turn your...

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Strange Brothers

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The story you are about to read is an adaption of, "Strange Brothers," From Mashiro's Castle. It is not a direct translation of the original story, rather a retelling of it adapted for an English audience. If you already know of the Strange Brothers, I apologize in advance. I know only certain parts of the story that have been translated to English, and as such I have had to add my own content to create an ending. Also, I made other changes to make it more of a...

2 years ago
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Strange meeting leads to sex torture terror for Savanna Steel

STRANGE MEETING LEADS TO SEX TORTURE TERROR FOR SAVANNA... Since loosing my job suddenly a few months ago and being down on my luck I decided it was about time I made some money out of my favourite hobby, being a sexy t-girl. Well where was the harm? I loved getting dolled up in my sexy outfits and showing off my feminised figure in tight rubber, leather or PVC outfits. I had been told I was quite convincing with my enhanced boobs, long shapely legs and tight ass and I thought, well...

1 year ago
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Strange Therapy

Author's Note: I would like to thank Elrod for the use of his characters, and words of encouragement, as well as his time helping me dispose of the worst of my grammatical and spelling errors. I would also like to thank Ellen Heyes for helping me with my writing. She tirelessly hammered me until I corrected some of the more implausible passages in the story. I enjoyed her frank and pitiless critiques as well as her words of encouragement. Thanks to her as well for allowing...

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Strange Fantasies

STRANGE FANTASIES? by J R D IN THE SECOND DECADE OF THE 21ST CENTURY... Lee Adams was waiting in the receptionist's area of the personnel department of Drasberg's, a multi-national company that had recently opened up an office building in his city. Lee wasn't very hopeful. Over the last year, he had gone after many jobs, but he was turned down time after time. It was always the same reason, "No experience". At least that was the official reason. Whenever he talked to the...

3 years ago
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Strange Meeting

I posted this god knows how many years back on Literotica under an old nick. Thought I had lost this until I was going through some old disks and found it. Having just reread it, and given it a bit of an edit, I though I might as well as post it. A Strange Romance. Although I was over qualified for such job's after I graduated, I could not resist accepting a post as an Internet operations officer for one of the high street retailers. With my qualifications I was offered better...

1 year ago
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Welcome to PornWorld

Warning! This will be an extremely depraved story centered on gooning and porn addiction. This story will focus on endless mind numbing pleasure, and probably won’t have much plot or conflict. Only pleasure and the pursuit of more of it. “Nnggg!” You moan out as you come down from another edge. Your brain is absolute mush as you pump your cock with your Angela White fleshlight and fill your retinas with copious amounts of porn through multiple screens in your vr headset. You’ve been going at...

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Strange Woman In My Shower

Strange Woman In My Shower I came home from a two-day hunting trip in the Montana Mountains. I had shot a good size elk, gutted it, and managed to drag it out of the forest on a plastic tarp. It was all I could do to drag it while taking several rest breaks. It would go a long way to filling my freezer for the winter. I was very tire, I was dirty as usual, and I smelled like a dead skunk. Sweat, campfires, and that damn awful smelling stuff that covers up my human scent does not do...

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Strange Temptations

Author’s note: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. If you feel offended by the subject, please skip to another story. Karen McAllister was furious. She had just received a phone call from the detective agency that she hired to spy upon her husband. An agent from Paris just informed her that for the last two nights a girl had been visiting her husband in his hotel’s room. This night as well she was there…for more than two hours....

2 years ago
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South of Bikini Homeworld

South of Bikini Episode 7 "Homeworld" 0800 hours, Ni'ihau, Hawaii, May 8th, 1944 "Good morning, Empress." "Good morning, Corrine." "'Morning, Empress." "Good morning, Jamie." "Good morning, Empress." "Hi, Tish." "Good morning, Empress." "Hi, already! Oh, et too, Alex?" Allie seemed a little upset this morning as I approached on an intercept. We were both on course for breakfast. As usual, the...

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Three Square MealsChapter 47 They arrive on the Maliri homeworld

John sat on one of the sofas in the Officers’ Lounge, with his feet up on the coffee table, and Alyssa and Calara cuddled up beside him. The other girls were spread out on the adjacent sofas, and they watched the colourful expanse of Maliri Space drift by, through the long windows that flanked the room. “John...” Dana said tentatively, looking over at him from the other sofa, her beautiful face burning with curiosity. “It’s nearly time for bed, have you got something planned for...

1 year ago
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Strangelings Artifacts The Ring

Also, I've got a plea for my female readers: Please, Please PLEASE, let me know if I overstepped or got it wrong. I'm a guy, through and through. I have no right to claim that any of the ideas or the sensations in this story are true or or even close to the mark. I'm just assuming, and everyone knows where that will get me. So do me a favor. If you're reading this and you have a problem, or maybe if you just want to help me out, then leave a message or PM me. I'd love to get your take on...

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She had recently been recruited by an adult magazine to write a story on certain types of clubs. She had thought she was open minded but she had her eyes well and truly opened by some activities she witnessed while researching her story. Many times she found herself turned on by what she saw and upon her return home she relieved herself of 'tension' . Toni had not had a boyfriend for some months and she was not really missing the sex for it left her feeling as if she was missing...

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I felt like a whore, a filthy one at that. I looked at him to see if I could remember his face, and I didn't. Great. I got fucked by a stranger. Diseases, here I come. I tapped his shoulder. "Do we know each other?" "Yes." he replied "Can you tell me who you are?" "We used to go to the same church as kids. But you moved. And then I found you. And we fucked." "Was it good?" "Want to relive it?" I nodded my head. As soon as I nodded my head, the dude started fingering...

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"God, you're such a freak. Why don't you just go talk to him and get it over with?" Missy says, obviously a little sick of my growing obsession with the mysterious stranger who lives above our apartment. I just can't help it though. He's so.... mysterious... and strange. I gaze eagerly through my peephole as he approaches. I have to strain to make out his dark profile through the gloomy dusk but his silhouette is distinct. He walks with an easy confidence and a purposeful stride, as...

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As she was making her way across a vast open patch of field the first cool drops of rain splashed down onto her shoulders and she breathed a sigh of relief. Still walking she took black elastic from her wrist and pulled her thick red hair back into a ponytail, feeling the light rain and cooling air on the back of her neck. A large drop fell onto her neck and trickled down the middle of her back causing her to shiver and bringing her out in goose bumps. A flash of blinding blue lightning...

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Never in her wildest dreams did she ever imagine sucking a total stranger off in an airport. From the moment she met Ted on the plane from Chicago, she ached for his touch and for his cock. Ted was really into her as well. He loved the way the fabric of her tight red business suit hugged the plump curves of her body. Now Kathy wasn’t fat but she defiantly had a few extra pounds. Ted liked big woman though. His wife was a BBW but there was something different about Kathy that made him...

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I met him in an online chat room and within twenty minutes we were telling each other our deepest secrets and which way we preferred to get or give sex. I think it was my suggestion to go over to his place, but he was not against the idea and before you knew it I was scribbling his address and door code on the pad next to the computer. It took me all of ten minutes to drive over and another three to get into the building and up to his condo. Within those short minutes in the elevator I had...

2 years ago
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I met him in an online chat room and within twenty minutes we were telling each other our deepest secrets and which way we preferred to get or give sex. I think it was my suggestion to go over to his place, but he was not against the idea and before you knew it I was scribbling his address and door code on the pad next to the computer. It took me all of ten minutes to drive over and another three to get into the building and up to his condo. Within those short minutes in the elevator I had...

Oral Sex
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Do you get off to the thought of exposing yourself to total strangers? Or maybe you cream your pants when you think about someone running up to you and exposing themselves to you. Whatever the case may be, know that you are not fucking alone. There seems to be plenty of people that are into your kind of kink.Many of them are over on Here, you will find an abundance of users that want nothing more than to get off to content that will make you horny as fuck. If this...

Reddit NSFW List
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Exposed To Strangers! I’m often approached by fans on the street who ask, “Hello, Mr. PornDude. I’m a huge fan of yours. Would you be willing to sign my fleshlight? … Aww, thanks a lot. You’re the man. Hey, I have a question for you. You review so many porn websites, but what’s your favorite genre?” Well, that’s a tricky fucking question. One I can’t answer within the time restraints placed by a polite conversation on the street. So instead, I think it would be best to approach the question in...

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Different Worlds

Although they came from the same planet, lived in the same town, and were both Seniors in the same high school, they were from different worlds. Clarissa was a brain. Smart as a whip, turned on by anything scientific or informational. Her favorite activity was learning, and her mind was constantly analyzing her world and how she was living in it. Her grades were good, but not perfect, because she operated above the concept that she needed to prove her intellect to other people, especially a...

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Different Worlds

Although they came from the same planet, lived in the same town, and were both Seniors in the same high school, they were from different worlds. Clarissa was a brain. Smart as a whip, turned on by anything scientific or informational. Her favorite activity was learning, and her mind was constantly analyzing her world and how she was living in it. Her grades were good, but not perfect, because she operated above the concept that she needed to prove her intellect to other people, especially a...

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The Underworld

He sat lazily in his black stone chair, his dark brown hair messily combed only so it would stay out of his bright emerald eyes, giving him the appearance of a much younger man. The chill of the Underworld never got to him, he was used to it by now. His eyes drifted closed as he sat there, straining to find some time to sleep in his endless days. Of course that was when the doors to his throne room were thrown open, two of his guards bursting through supporting a young petite blonde between...

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Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist 2 Best of Both Worlds

Several years ago I wrote the story "Heels" which told the tale of a man and a magical pair of stiletto heel pumps which allowed the gentleman the ability to change into a fully functional female on a purely elective, part-time bases. Well, as fate would have it, another pair of those rather unique high heels has come into the possession of yet another young man. In a serialized, five part Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist (TAG), I have tried to explore how an avowed heterosexual...

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Strange in Lust

"Don't resist. Don't talk." I had just pounced on her, wrapping one arm and one leg over her, pressing my hard cock against her thigh, and gripping her against my chest as she tensed up at my words. I wait to see what she does. She says nothing and does not resist. I feel her relax. I am a predator and she is prey. On a scale of one to ten, my predatory urge is at level ten. If she resists, my conscious will would contest my urge, and it would win. I am not a monster, but she doesn't know me...

Straight Sex
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Strange PickUp

DISCLAIMER Originally written in February 1999, I rewrote this in April 2004. "Strange Pick-Up" contains graphic sexual scenes between consenting adults. It is not intended for readers under 18 or those who are easily offended by pornography. If you are under 18, or if you are offended by pornography, please do not continue to read this story. All rights reserved: Permission is hereby given to distribute this story via electronic means only, for non-profit use. This header and the...

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Strange Moments 8

Some might say that having bodyguards is a good thing. Of course they aren't there to protect me they are there to make certain I don't escape. My sense of time has been lost and either the last couple of days or even months I was forced through a bizarre experiment from a man into a woman. A rather beautiful woman for that matter. As for the guards well they seem to be the goon squad of a one Mr. Johnson or so I think. Johnson's been at best my contact to the outside world and as of...

1 year ago
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Friday Afternoon in Parallel Worlds

If the fate exists and there's only one path for you, one choice you are destined to make in your world - then would making a different choice create a new world for you? Or would it have always existed with you in it? The choice you made the only logical one to make? If so - let the choices define you, and let them define the world you live in! Which world will you end up in? One where all the women are naked? One where all man are? One where owning humans is normal, or the one where all...

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Girlfriend With Testing Device 10 The Breast of all Worlds

Author's Note: Okay, let's get back into this for reals this time. If you want to see more, I have everything up to chapter 17 (!) posted at and chapter 18 on Warning: The following chapter is rated a sexy R and contains boobs, tits, forbidden fruit, lusty stares, venus envy, handsome ladies, sexy dudes, cheerleaders, stripping, job swaps, crossdressing, makeup, motivational speeches, body swaps, more boobs, jealous friends, amateur pole...

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Naked Girls In Other Worlds

(Cover Art by SINccubi. Check out his art here: The premise is simple: A random woman receives an anonymous invitation to visit and travel a parallel world with one big caveat: They must do so completely naked. However, there are a few ground rules. This is NOT an ENF story. While the lead may be embarrassed to be naked at first, she should let go of her shame over the course of her route, and maybe, learn to enjoy being naked. As a follow up to the previous rule,...

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Strange Therapy

STRANGE THERAPY The prosecutor said, "Your Honor, the facts in this case are clear. The boy, Henry Lincoln, placed his hands on Carla Gianassi in a clearly aggressive and sexual manner. He stopped only because he was about to be discovered by others coming into the room. He is a clear danger to all the women he comes in contact with. "Don't let his young age fool you. No doubt the defense will argue that he's just young, and it's just his hormones raging out of control. Well,...

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Strange Happenings in Ragnarok County

Disclaimer: This is a fictional story and any resemblance between real people and places is unintended. It does deal with Transgender themes and the supernatural. If these are not for you than stop here please! I the author reserves the right to repost this work. Thanks again to Janet Nolan, Hope, Holly and Paula for their great work and patience in proofing and first reads. Any mistakes of course are mine. Strange Happenings in Ragnarok County ...

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Willkommen in der Sexworld

Helle Blitze reißen Andreas aus seinen tiefen Schlaf. In seinen Zimmer schießen aus alle Ecken blaue Blitze. Panisch duckt er sich, aber als in dennoch einige Blitze berühren, merkt er das diese keine Schmerzen verursachen. Als er sich wieder gefasst hat rennt er nur in Boxershorts gekleidet aus seinen Zimmer um nach den Rest seiner Familie zu schauen. Andreas ist 24 Jahre alt, aber lebt noch bei seinen Eltern im großen Einfamilienhaus in der Vorstadt. Das Pendeln zur Uni geht im zwar so...

Group Sex
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An abrasive train whistle cuts through your gentle sleep. As you groggily open your eyes, you see the familiar antique decor of your private train compartment. The bench across from you is empty. You sigh: it's been a while since you've had any kind of company, human or otherwise. Hopefully, those administrative privileges and the sexual endurance pill the park gave you will remedy that problem. As you turn and peer out of the crystal window, a small town slides into view: Sweetwater. It looks...

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This multiverse was known to be a seemingly infinite space filled with an equally vast amount of universes. This fact caused there to be practically limitless possibilities. Allow me to tell you a story about one such possibility that I hope will pique your interest, with you probably being the kinky macrophile or macrophile who stumbles upon this story somewhere on the internet. This story takes place in the universe home to the planet named Omniworld, or Omni for short. All life in this...

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Ed is trapped in a Gameworld

Ed was an average guy, with an average life, an average job and an average wife. He'd reached an age were he would already have achieved anything in life that he ever would, his wife had recently realised this and quickly grew disillusioned with his apparent lack of ambition as she tried to encourage him to better himself while pursuing her own career. They slipped into a stereotypical routine of childless middle aged married couples, she spent her evenings watching soap operas or reality shows...

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Moving to the Sexworld

Imagine an alternate universe where casual & free sex, sexuality, & nudity are everywhere, where all people are at least bi, where there are almost no sexual taboos, where everyone's a nympho or satyriac, and where almost all interpersonal interactions have some form of sexual content, and it has ALWAYS been this way. Now, imagine that this world comes into contact with ours, and a way is found for people to move from one to another. Now imagine that relations between the two worlds normalize,...

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It happened in an instant. You, a young man about 6 foot-two-inches in height and who is about 23 years of age, had fallen asleep after playing video games and doing coursework on a Tuesday night. You were studying for the chapter finals of a course covering theories and concepts on the existence of multiple universes. And you thought you were ready, when you awoke the next morning not to the familiar sights of your room, but to a confusing sight of dunes and endless sands. Your first question...

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The Futa Empire continues to conquer the small isolated Free Male States one by one. Your story takes place in a border territory of the Empire, in a medium size city of 500,000 or so people. The male population of the territory has been shrinking and if the trend continues, major problems could arise. A small mountain range separates you from a Free Male State (FMS). Although this protected them from the Imperial Army for many years, the end has begun. The state is large for an FMS (just under...

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Tales From the Netherworlds

The Netherworlds. There are a countless number of them in the universe, all with their own societies and customs. Why, nearly anything you could think of could be represented in the form of one of these demonic worlds. A world that has been converted into a gigantic spa resort run by slimes that poison their customers instead of detoxifying them? Why not? A planet-sized brothel that contains only prinny sex workers? Go for it. How about a world that is made entirely of pastries, populated by...

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The Musketeers in Sexworld

Paris, 1630. Or possibly 2017, it's up to you. Athos, Aramis, Porthos and d'Artagnan are known for their devastating good looks, swashbuckling swordplay and military prowess, but it's their success in the bedroom (and salon and palace and tavern and stable and basically everywhere else) that I find more interesting. This is a "sexworld" AU, so public sex is commonplace while STI's and pregnancy are not a concern. Ah, the joys of fiction. Different paths may not align. Hope you enjoy!

4 years ago
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You get home on friday evening, a little tired after a week of work, but glad and excited to be able to enter your fantasy realm within the VR machine you have in your bed room. The machines were invented a little over a decade ago. At first it came out that they were being developed for military purpose, but soon people got their hands on the technology, through illegal means or maybe even leaked by the government? Who knows. Either ways, you're glad it happened because they are now a public...

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Jim sat in his dorm room and was playing on his computer when a mail popped up in his inbox with the subject line “Ready to become a WorldMaster™?”. On the first view it looked like spam, but for some reason he still opened it and started to read. Are you ready to become a true WorldMaster™? Have fun with every woman you want to fuck and use our WorldMaster™ smartwatch to adjust everything to your desires. Sign up today for the free beta test and maybe we will pick you to become a true...

Mind Control
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The Adventures of Americanman Dreamworld

The Adventures of American-man: Dreamworld By Paul G Jutras Chapter One: Doorway of Doom October 31, 3086, a historical team uncovered a weird chest with pictures carved all over the outside. Each was dressed in hiking boots, knee-high socks, too tight shorts, sleeveless shirts and pit helmets. As one of them broke open the chest a mist rose out and formed into a skull headed demon. Rays shot from it's eye socks, transforming the girls' skin to plastic. As they fell over, the...

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Escape from GirlWorld

Escape from GirlWorld by kimmie oh Kirk came crashing through the undergrowth behind me. Ahead of us was a clearing and then more woods. We were both naked, our clothes having been taken from us shortly after being captured. We had come to Gaia on a diplomatic mission from the distant planet all males of the human species had been banished to after the Gender Wars of 2040. We had left our landing craft with a proposed treaty and struck out for the capital of the Gaian world....

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The Overworlder

Overworlder by ~Daguss WARNING: Contains Racist Comments, mildly used, but still present. The Author asks that you be patient and approach the story from a non-biased stand point. No offense is intended to any party of differing ethnicity, or sexual orientation. The view expressed in this story do NOT represent the views of the author. Thank you. ************************************************************************* The old man limped down the empty side walk, a long, ornate...

3 years ago
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Tour de Force Descent into Rolandas Netherworld

On the living room sofa, Rolanda continued to stroke my spent body with her soft hands, dragging her beautifully manicured red nails gently through the cum-soaked hair of my chest and my pubic arch as we smoked in relaxed silence. She was the picture of mature loveliness in her chic nautically-themed outfit. I looked down and admired her stunning red pumps, and then we kissed again, interrupting my reverie with the insertion of her minty smoke-scented tongue between my teeth while...

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Wild world Prologue As the judge enters the room, I stand up, just as everybody else in the courtroom does. He sits in his bench, everybody else, but me, sits, and then he looks straight into my eyes and says, "Having heard all evidences presented in this case, I concluded that the accused is guilty of raping and murdering a young woman." "Do you wish to say something before I give my sentence?" So, I am doomed, and with nothing else to save, but my pride, I answer, "Yes, your...

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Westworld April 3, 2028 "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the CEO of Future Global, Malcom Sanders." The lights in the conference hall dimmed and a spotlight appeared on a man dressed in jeans, tennis shoes, and a Hawaiian aloha shirt as he walked across the stage. After an initial robust round of applause the attendees fell silent. Malcom Sanders was the latest Silicon Valley technology wizard that had quickly established himself far above his competitors in recent years....

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Wild world by Sylvia Wechsel Prologue As the judge enters the room, I stand up, just as everybody else in themcourtroom does. He sits in his bench, everybody else, but me, sits, and then he looks straight into my eyes and says, "Having heard all evidences presented in this case, I concluded that the accused is guilty of rape and murder of a young woman." "Do you wish to say something before I give my sentence?" So, I am doomed, and since I have nothing else to save, but my...

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       Andra screamed into her ballgag. She screamed as my whip hit her beautiful ass again. She'd been screaming herself hoarse since I started working my way down her back with the horsewhip. She screamed when I hauled her up by her bound tits, her wrists tied to them and they tied to a pulley fixed to the ceiling. Her ankles were tied together with cruel handcuffs, almost too tight for her. Her big toes were tied with wire to a D-ring in the floor and her head was covered in a gag and...

4 years ago
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Souvenir from Westworld

Copyright© 2001-2005 by DB. I remember Westworld before the troubles happened. I was fortunate enough be able to go more than once before the Big Crash, and later the Big Scandal. Like too many good things in life, you come to count on them always being there. Then suddenly you turn around, and they're gone. I've loved westerns all my life. When I was young, it seemed that was all that ran on television. My grandfather taught me to shoot starting when I was six, and I can't say how...

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As usual Mistry was wondering what it was like for the Dryworlders. They had all covered the stories in history lessons at school, but Mistry had continued to ponder the unanswered questions on and off over the years. For long periods of time she barely thought about them, but then it would all come flooding back, and she would become obsessed. Her work suffered, and her friends worried about what was wrong with her. The basic facts were undeniable, no matter how vague the details were. Before...

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