Stranger In A Strange World free porn video

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Deputy Duffy

It was a cool early summer night as Bobbie Sue walked along the beach road.She was frantically searching for the small nightclub her cousin's band wasperforming at, but she just couldn't seem to find it. She was walking and walking-- wishing that she had written down the club's name and directions, but hercousin Amy had made it sound so easy.

"Oh god! Where am I?"

She scanned up at the buildings that all seemingly looked the same. BobbieSue thought about her predicament: She was so happy when her cousin invitedher. It was her first trip to visit her older cousin. Her first trip anywhere.Her parents saved up some of their hard-earned money and bought her the planeticket for her 18th birthday. But she felt like a fish-out-of-water since theday she arrived. She'd spent the first 18 years of her life living on her parent'sfarm. Now she was miles and miles from home, on her own for the very firsttime. It felt like she was like she was on a different planet because everythingwas so different here. It was like she was a stranger in a strange world.

She glanced down at her outfit and gasped.

"I can't believe they really dress like this, out here."

She examined her outfit. ("Or what there was of it," she thought,feeling her cheeks blush.) She tugged on her small black top that was madeof a silky material. It crossed and clung to her breasts in the front, butwas open in the back, so she couldn't wear a bra. She tugged because it keptgetting caught up on her perky nipples.

She looked around to see if anyone noticed this time (remembering the hootsfrom the skateboarders hanging in front of some record shop).

She ran a hand over her little rubber short-shorts that she felt were toosmall and way too tight. The only thing she liked about them were there deeppink color. Her next awkward step reminded her that her outfit was roundedout by a pair of black, spiked, knee-high boots that made her feel like shewas walking on her tippy-toes.

"How did I let her talk me into this get-up?" Amy whined, with ashiver. (Her cousin had let her borrow some of her clothes because she saidthat she would "look hot" in them. Bobbie Sue didn't really knowwhat that meant, but due to the lack of clothes and the cool ocean breeze,she was feeling anything but.)

Bobbie Sue continued her journey. She rounded a corner and smiled. The streetwas abuzz with activity. She passed several women wearing small outfits similarto hers. She was going to ask them if they knew her cousin but they were busywaving at the passing cars and several of them were flashing their assets.

"Gee, everyone is so friendly 'round here," Bobbie Sue thought. "Ican't believe the girls here are so forward...back home we would never justshow'em what we got, or even dream of asking a guy if he wanted 'a date'."

Bobbie Sue heard a distinctive siren. She spun and spotted a police car pullup to the side of the road. She watched as two figures got out of the car andstarted walking towards her. Bobbie Sue couldn't believe her eyes -- they wereboth women. But what really got her was their attire.

"Gosh, even the police dressed in next-to-nothing out here."

She scanned them over as they approached. The two policewomen had on matchingoutfits consisting of black leather vests, with their police badges clippedon front of them, and tight black shorts. She almost giggled at their blackboots and matching hats and gloves (Halloween was in October) but she didn'tbecause she focused on their nightsticks swinging from their hips. Bobbie Suewas wide-eyed as the two policewomen walked right up to her.

The taller, older looking of the twosome cleared her throat. "Well, whatdo we have here?"

Bobbie Sue turned around, not believing that they were talking to her, butshe surmised that they had to be; it seemed the street had suddenly emptied.

"Don't turn your back on me, whore!"

Bobbie Sue quickly turned back around, while growing increasingly nervous.

"I thought I told you whores to stay off my streets," the olderone barked.

"Please...a whore? Me? I'm a good girl," Bobbie Sue managed, althoughslightly confused.

"I just bet you are." The younger one joined in sarcastically. "Ijust bet your customers love the accent too. How many failed acting classesdid that take?"

Bobbie Sue shiver had turned into a shake. She tried, but was unable to respond;confused as to her meaning. The two policewomen, who were standing face toface with her, moved closer until nose to nose with her. Bobbie Sue, whilepuzzled as to their intent, couldn't get over how beautiful both of them were.

"The police back home surely didn't look like this," she thought. "Orsmell like this."

"Cat got your tongue, whore?" The older officer ran a gloved fingeracross Bobbie Sue's wavy blonde hair, just above her ear. "Hmmm, Blondie...?"

"Please, I was just looking for directions to a club, I mean the club,I mean...." Bobbie Sue said, stumbling with her words. (Her mouth almosttoo dry to speak.)

"Silence, you whore!" The officer snarled. "It has been a longday and I'm not in the mood for the 'I'm innocent -- I swear' shit, so spareus."

Bobbie Sue again tried to speak, but a gloved finger pressed against her brightred painted lips, stopped her.

(Bobbie Sue figured the older one must be in charge since she acted that way.)

"But, it's your lucky night," the older officer said, removing herfinger. "We will spare you the ride downtown to jail, which spares usthe paperwork, and we'll do a little search right here. If you're clean, we'lllet you go."

"Sear...." Bobbie Sue tried to protest again, but was cut off withthe gloved finger again, this time more forcefully.

"Be a good little girl and I won't have to use this," the olderofficer hissed, as she tapped on the nightstick that was hanging from her belt.

Bobbie Sue was even more surprised when the officer finished her warning byleaning forward and planting a soft, quick kiss on Bobbie Sue's left cheek.Bobbie Sue was as nervous as she had ever remembered being, since nothing likethis had ever happened to her back home.

"Why did she kiss me?" Bobbie Sue quickly thought.

Bobbie Sue felt her wrists being grabbed and pulled up over her head. Shewas led over to a nearby light pole and made to bend forward and lean her handsagainst it. Then her feet were kicked apart. She had to arch her back justto keep from falling down.

Bobbie Sue watched, as a young woman came out of a nearby coffee shop. Shegave some coffee to the older policewoman, who thanked the woman with a strongkiss on the lips, before the woman ran back into the shop.

"She must kiss everyone. Gee, even the police are friendly 'round here," BobbieSue thought, before she gushed, "Oh my!"

Bobbie Sue was startled by pressure rubbing against her shoulders. She quicklysnapped her head back and saw the younger policewoman behind her, smiling.

"Just relax. If you don't fight me, it will be better for us all." Shepurred into Bobbie Sue's ear.

(Bobbie Sue had been taught to respect the law by her parents, so she figuredshe had to let them do their job, even though it was embarrassing to be friskedin public. Then she figured they would let her be on her way. She also knewshe didn't have anything to hide.)

The young policewoman began rubbing her gloved hands softly down her nakedback, sending shivers down Bobbie Sue's spine. The hands traveled across theback of her shorts, down one leg and back up the other. The gloved hands continuedup the front of her shorts, traveling over her top next, just brushing herbreasts on the way by before they made it back on top of her shoulders. BobbieSue felt a sense of relief, figuring the search was over and rather quicklyat that.

"I think we should give her the 'special search' just to make sure," theolder officer said, as she flashed Bobbie Sue a wicked smile.

Bobbie Sue quivered at the statement and then because the young officer'sgloved hands started traveling down her body, more forcefully then before.Lower and lower, only stopping to squeeze both of her ass cheeks, on the waydown this time. Slowly up the front they came, running over her firm breasts,lightly at first and then stopping to squeeze each one several times. BobbieSue's face flushed, her jaw clinched, as it was the first time that anyonehad ever done that to her. (She was a late bloomer and was still getting usedto her new body. She hadn't even had that much time to explore them herself.)

She felt the young woman's hands clutch her top and pull apart-- her cone-shapedbreasts springing free. Letting out a screech, Bobbie Sue tried to stand, buta strong forearm to her back sent her reluctantly back into position.

"Please," Bobbie Sue whined, at the sight of her bright pink nipplesnow exposed to the cool summer air (and to anyone watching).

The older officer tossed her coffee into a trash can and moved over.

"No my dear, we're not done with you yet," she said, snatching apair of handcuffs from her belt.

Bobbie Sue felt the cold steel slapped against her wrist. Instinctively, shetried to pull away but the officer was skilled and had her other wrist snatched.

"Oh, God!" Bobbie Sue cried out, realizing that she was now handcuffedto this

light pole, in the middle of nowhere. She moaned, realizing that the officerswere free to do as they please now. Bobbie Sue was struggling with her composureas she pulled on the cuffs. It also hit her that no one had ever seen her newlyformed breasts before. Yet here they were, hanging from her body like Christmasornaments, seemingly for all to see.

The young policewoman's hands went back to work, the light pole acting likea spotlight. The hands slowly cupped each breast, as if weighing them, beforethe gloved fingers began squeezing them softly, as Bobbie Sue whimpered. Theyfinished by giving them one last squeeze, a sultry voice telling her how goodthey felt, which made her blush even more.

She felt an open palmed hand, started running back and forth across her exposedpink nipples. The rough leather gloves causing them to become hard little beebees in seconds. (Bobbie Sue had never felt them this hard before, not evenwhen she went swimming in the cold cement pond back home.) The gloved fingersbegan pulling on her erect nipples, causing Bobbie Sue a mixture of pleasureand pain. Bobbie Sue looked to the older policewoman (who was standing on theother side of the light pole) for relief but she was busy watching her partner'swork with a smile.

The gloved hands finally left Bobbie Sue's breasts, but much to her chagrinthey didn't cover them back up. (They were just left exposed to the cool airand the crowd of onlookers, who were gathered at the nearby buildings and shopwindows, but didn't dare get closer.)

Bobbie Sue's sense of relief was brief, as the gloved hands grasped the waistbandof her tight rubber short-shorts.

"They wouldn't do that, not right here!" Bobbie Sue thought, ina panic.

But as quickly as she thought it, her rubber shorts were yanked down to herknees. Bobbie Sue instantly felt a rush of cool air swamping her hot flesh,as a moan escaped her lips. It wasn't long before she could feel hot breathagainst her backside, but she was too embarrassed to look back now, a smallteardrop even splashed on the cement below.

The older policewoman joined her partner. Bobbie Sue knew that both womenwere now studying her backside view. She suddenly felt like a fish in a fishbowl. (When she left home yearning for adventure this is not what she had envisioned.)

Bobbie Sue blinked to try and dry her eyes. She knew the policewomen werein complete control of her now and there was nothing she could do about it.Bobbie Sue felt some gloved hands start roaming over her naked skin. They ranover her ass cheeks, over her thighs, even lightly brushing her sex. She heardthe policewomen giggling like schoolgirls, obviously enjoying their work.

"Look at her pussy."

"So pink."

"And pretty."

"Too tight to hide anything in here."

"But let's look anyways.... Just to be safe."

Bobbie Sue felt gloved hands firmly grip her ass cheeks, before slowly pullingapart. She felt a rush of cool air again as gloved fingers slid inside herass crack. They pulled slowly and she felt her pussy lips being stretched apart;even more when two fingers worked in a V-like motion. She moaned a feeble protest,knowing that their eyes could now see her most intimate of places through herfine blonde pubic hair.

A gloved finger suddenly began running against her spread pussy lips, slowlyat first, but soon it increased in speed and in pressure. (Bobbie Sue had neverexperienced anything like it; it felt infinitely better than her own touch.Her body was tingling all over; it felt like a thousand ants were crawlingall over her body. She even felt a bit lightheaded.) Soon another finger joinedthe first. This one ran in the other direction. This one found her specialpleasure zone, on the top of her pussy, which she still called her "lovebutton".

Bobbie Sue was doing all she could to remain standing as the fingers wereworking. She bit her lip when she also felt pressure on her right breast. Sheopened one eye, ever so slightly, and saw that the older policewoman had hermouth over it. She began kissing it at first, before she began sucking on hererect nipple. Bobbie Sue bit her lower lip harder, because her nipple seemedto melt in the woman's warm mouth. (Bobbie Sue cursed herself for enjoyingit so. She also knew that they crossed the preverbal line now.)

The policewomen kept up their actions. Slowly they started increasing theirintensity of their rubbing and sucking. Bobbie Sue was losing her fight. Herbody started quivering, cries of pleasure were escaping from her lips. Herbody seemingly alive for the first time, but her head was miles away in theclouds.

"What they're doing is wrong?" Bobbie Sue kept thinking. "Butwhy does it have to feel, SO GOOD?"

The policewomen's intense pleasurable actions started overtaking the perversenessof it all. It was just too much for her to fight anymore. Bobbie Sue gave in,and almost instantly, let out a scream, as she leaned forward and rested herforehead against the light pole.

"Ahhhhhh, I'm CUMMMING!" Her voice echoed into the air.


The gloved fingers finally stopped there assault and her short shorts werepulled back up. The suction on her nipple also stopped and her breasts werealso covered up. The handcuffs were removed from her wrists. Bobbie Sue's bodyhad stopped its quivering, but she still felt dizzy. It almost felt like shewas going to fall. The older policewoman stood up and caught Bobbie Sue (seeminglyjust in time) cradling her in her arms and then began carrying her towardsthe squad car. Bobbie Sue was still too dazed from her first sexual experienceto protest, but still wore a look of concern on her face.

"Don't worry," the older policewoman whispered into her ear. "We'rejust going to take you back to our place. We have plenty more to show you.I guess it turns out that you aren't a whore after all."

The officer carrying Bobbie Sue lowered her and helped her lean against theback of the squad car, while her partner went into the car's trunk. Then shespun Bobbie Sue around and quickly cuffed her hands behind her back.

"Hey!" Bobbie Sue whined, repeatedly.

"Don't you get it yet?" The older officer teased, as her partnerjoined her side. "You belong to us now. You are our little pet."

Bobbie Sue spun her head around just in time to see a red ball being stuffedinto her mouth. She felt it being strapped around her head and pulled tight.She flooded with nerves once again.

"But we mean you not harm. In fact you might even enjoy our time together...butit's not permanent." The officer reached up wiped a tear off Bobbie Sue'scheek. "So you can stop that." She leaned forward and kissed BobbieSue's cheek. "You see, even as sweet as you are, we'll tire of you andyou'll have to find us a replacement."

Bobbie Sue's eyes widened, not believing her ears.

The older officer smiled. "Yeah, just like...."

"Your cousin," the younger officer exclaimed, as she opened theback door of the squad car.

"My cousin?" Bobbie Sue screamed into her ball gag.

"Yep. Amy said we might like you but we had no idea...."

Bobbie Sue was bewildered. The older officer suddenly grabbed her and pushedher face down into the back of the squad car. She felt her legs being raised.She looked back and they were tying her feet together.

"But don't be too mad at Amy, even though she fooled you pretty good."

The younger officer giggled. "She ain't even in a band, silly."

Her legs were raised up and tied to her cuffs by the older officer. (Livingon a farm all those years, Bobbie Sue knew what position she was now tied into.)The officers moved from the back into the front of the car and the youngerofficer put the car into drive.

"Yeah, Amy even showed us what you'd be wearing. She said you were gullible,but we like that. She was...once. Yes, Amy was one fine pet. So let's hopeit runs in the family." the older officer said, flipping down her mirroredvisor. (Bobbie Sue couldn't see their faces but she could make out their voices.) "Butyou saw her. She was with us for a while and she's fine and you'll be too."

"If you behave and do everything we tell yah, just like we tell yah."

"Don't worry about her.... But she has a point," the older officersaid, slapping her partner on the shoulder. (She was trying hard not to scareher. At least not yet.)

"I know it's a little confusing. Your cousin was once in your position.Oh, and she wanted me to apologize for her. You see, she was having troublefinding someone, but then you started calling and writing, saying how boringlife was for you and how you yearned for more. We'll, we have a whole new worldto show you. It'll be anything but boring. That I can guarantee."

Bobbie Sue moaned, feeling even more like a stranger in a strange world.

The End

Thanks for reading my little tale

Feedback and comments are always appreciated.

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Stranger Than Fiction

STRANGER THAN FICTIONby VelvetgloveIntroduction to Part One?The truth is rarely pure, and never simple? (Oscar Wilde)This is a true story. Truth can sometimes be, as they say, ‘stranger than fiction’. During 2009, I have received many emails and messages enquiring whether I have given up writing stories and why I stopped posting. I apologise now to all those to whom I never replied. What follows will hopefully make the reason obvious – in short, I have had better things to do than write !Do not...

2 years ago
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Stranger satisfies wife

To me dout anywhere with my beautiful and vivacious wife provides enormous excitement mostly because of the attention she gets from prying eyes. Malavika is 21 and I am 24, but some friends say we look much younger. I get very stimulated watching men of all ages staring at her and trying to get a good look. I don’t need to think hard, to guess what these boys and men imagine while eyeing my wife. Sometimes in a place like a shop or park I will opt to stand at a distance and to try to see how...

3 years ago
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Strangers In A Strange Place part two

Returning home from my...well...adventure in the Mojave Desert I found my wife, Belinda, alone and frightened. She had called the police when I had not returned from my conference in Vegas at the expected time. My business had also called her. I had returned, but she had not realized that I saw her fucking the pool boy. And then I had left abruptly, finally encountering my aliens in the Joshua Tree National Park. At a deserted gas station, to be exact. My story has been told earlier. This is a...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Stranger in the bar

Hey Phil. As I mentioned we have had several adventures that are worth telling about. I'm glad you're all ears because I have absolutely no one else in the whole world I could tell about our nasty fun and sometimes you just gotta tell someone. This session is about a trip to Patrick's in the Gaslamp district of SD. It's really not that big of a deal, but it was really exciting for us. We got a room and went to Patrick's to listen to some music and be ready for anything interesting to happen. We...

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Stranger Ch 01

Rosalie sighed as she ran around her flat, picking up the things she would need for the day. ‘…Mobile, keys, wallet,’ she murmured to herself, carelessly throwing the items into her bag. With one last glance around her apartment, she grabbed a granola bar for breakfast and left. Leaving her apartment block, she heard a ringing coming from her bag, and rummaged around for a while before pulling out her cell phone. ‘Yes?’ she answered impatiently ‘Nice to hear from you too Rose,’ came the...

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Stranger Affair

We met in a chat room, and it turns out we're both married and fantasized about being with a total stranger. I've had a couple one-night stands, but the thought of meeting a married woman just for sex was somehow erotic and naughty and intoxicatingly sensual. Long story short, we had an incredibly hot cyber-fuck and decided to meet and make it happen for real.She lives in South Carolina, so we decided to meet in the middle, at the SC welcome center on I-77. It was a warm evening, so I was...

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Stranger In The Rain

Ladies, if you like this story, and want to exchange more like this, please email me at The rain had continued all day. Standing at his office window, he looked at the street below. It was already flooded. This could easily get worse, he thought. He was the last one left at the office. As the director, he never left before all his employees had already left. Deciding to call it a day, he shut down the office and hurried to his parked car, holding his office bag and newspaper over his head....

3 years ago
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Stranger Fucking An Engineer

Thanks for the very good responses. After reading my stories. I got a mail from a couple. Their name is Saravanan and Jothy (Names changed considering their privacy – I have to keep the things secret you know. That’s good for them and I have to live up to their trust over me). Both are working for IT sectors in Chennai. They are 32 and 28 years old. Jothy looks great. She is fair in complex of 34-26-34 size. Very charming face and rosy lips. Whoever looks her, will like to have sex with her...

2 years ago
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Stranger in the Bathroom at Work

When the government's bonus unemployment money dried up back in July, I at first reassured myself more would come in. But eventually I had to face reality and start looking for work. Success came in the form of a call from a local restaurant I'd worked at a couple years ago and who knew me. They offered me a position at the front, sending out orders, dealing with customers and other menial, but not unpleasant tasks. One of my favorite parts of working a job like this has always been (I...

4 years ago
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Stranger On A Beach

I tugged at my wicked weasel micro bikini bottoms that Terry, my partner, had bought especially for this holiday as I sat on the hotel sunbed on the Spanish beach. The tiny thin bit of material ridding deep up into my arse crack, splitting my large fat pussy lips apart.It was annoying the shit out of me. I can't believe I let Terry sweet-talk me into wearing the ridiculous, tiny swimsuits to the beach today. He had worked his charm on me, telling me how hot I looked and that I should live a...

3 years ago
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Stranger seduces Wife

Stranger seduces Wife This incident happened a couple of years back when both myself and my wife were visiting an Ashram in Pune. This Ashram, though people misunderstand as a sexual haven is more of a spiritual and solemn place. You will also come across people who are there only for sex too.At that time we were just about a few days into our marriage. I was about 26 years of age and she was 22. Both of us are good looking and physical fit. Myself about 6'tall athletic and she was 5'7" slim in...

2 years ago
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The LibrarianChapter 30 A Strange New World

Shortly after returning to Zephyrus Sgt. Budzinski asked the AI, "How many did we get?" The AI responded, "There are 265 volunteers and 1467 concubines aboard the three ships bound for Azahar. Ninety-five pods on Zephyrus, ninety-two pods on Aurora, and ninety pods on Chronos have been allocated to sponsors. There are an unusually large number of children per concubine, and twelve very large families that need double pods for adequate space. One pod on each ship is being reserved for a...

3 years ago
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A Strangeness Returns

A Strangeness Returns By Bill Hart It was a cloudy and moonless night - at least it would have been moonless except for the extremely thick layer of clouds - outside the Iota Delta Phi sorority house. Bolts of lightning flashed brightly between the clouds. And the accompanying thunder rumbled through a few scant moments later. Not far from the sorority house, a group of a dozen boys, as well as a pair of girls, had surrounded one lone male. "Well, wussy boy," said one of...

2 years ago
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Stranger in a Nightclub Part 2

The bus journey home was unbearable, as it always was from Central London. My two friends were both a little irritated because I had spent the night with the guy that they made me talk to; so technically it was their own fault. I promised to take them to a movie to make up for it and they seemed content with the idea. Since it was a weekday, the nightclub had closed at two instead of three-thirty, so it was still pretty early in terms of nightlife. Just three and a half hours ago I had met...

Straight Sex
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Stranger Sex Part 1

Arthur was staying up late again.At 34 he knew he should be in bed spooning with his wife of ten years.But tonight, like so many nights, the thought of her warm curvy sleepy body did nothing to offset the need to follow his curiosity with the women who like to stay up late in the chat rooms.Never one for typing, these weren't the web chat rooms but the premium phone lines. And though he was having hell hiding the bills, it was worth it!Making an illicit connection with a stranger and seeing...

4 years ago
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A Strangeness At The Frat House

A Strangeness at the Frat House Part 1 -- The Curse Begins Terry Jenkins and Chris Wagner, for reasons unknown, had been 'invited' to the weekly council session. They'd arrived early and, as they waited in the hall, watched the frat's BMOC's arrive. The last to arrive was the President, a spoiled brat with old money named Dennis Reilly. "Jenkins. Wagner. Glad to see you could make it. And on time for once in your lives. Amazing." said Reilly. "We've some business to take...

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Stranger Hitchhiker

I asked him where he was going, and he said "Home". At that moment, that was fine with me! As we were driving along in silence, I couldn't help but notice the bulge in his pants growing to show off his enormous cock. I wondered what he was thinking about, and wondered if he had seen me looking... As we approached his apartment, he asked if I wanted to come inside. I just couldn't refuse when he looked at me with those piercing blue eyes. All I could think about was his beautiful arms...

4 years ago
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Stranger on holiday helping enjoy my wife

It was our 3rd night at the Hotel and we had just settled into a nice steady routine. This particular evening Deb (my hot wife – late 40’s, 38dd, nice tight pussy and very sexy legs) was wearing a new blue short sexy dress she had been dying to wear. She asked me If I thought she should wear underwear. But from what I could see, nothing was too visible (besides I like to see my wife attracting attention) and she looked very hot and sexy anyway “very fuckable”I was wearing a T Shirt, dress...

3 years ago
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Stranger sex

This is our first story.You arrive home from a hard days work, but looking forward to relaxing for the weekend. When you arrive home you notice my car is missing, the house is in pitch darkness. When you go in you go straight up stairs and run a nice hot bath whilst it is running You get your phone out and decided to message me saying where are you babe? I replied instantly.... out! You think I can't be arsed with that tonight, lit a candle and walk down to the fridge to get a large glass of...

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Stranger on a train

"Did you ever have sex with boys?"Wow, that was pretty bold opening.I was touring Europe right after I left school. Using a railpass and youth hostels. And here I was on the overnight train from Paris to Prague and this man I was sharing the compartment with just up and asked me that! And the answer was no, I'd never done anything with boys. I had a girlfriend at home."Did you ever think about it?" he persisted. And I thought about it right then. Not for the first time. When I'd been about 14 I...

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Stranger And Me

Hi all, this is Anthony from Bangalore. Am back with another story, where my fantasy of fucking a stranger came true. Jumping to the story. I was in Delhi for a three-day conference. Obviously, the three days just sped away, wastefully. And we had decided to stay back the weekend and roam around a bit, before heading back. The company had provided us with 3-star accommodation, and everything was fine. After the last day of the conference, we had a small cocktail party. We juniors could just...

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Stranger Ko Metro Me Patake Seduce Kia

Hello ISS ke readers kaise ho, Mera name Rajeev hai aur mai aaj aapko ek Public Fantasy story sunane jaa rha hu. If koi Couple or female mujse milna ya bat krna chahe to welcome to my My wechat ID Stranger_sex and email id Chalo Dosto coming to the story, ye baat abi se 8 month phle ki hai jab mai daily office ke lie Vaishali Metro se Gurgaon jata tha. Mai sex ke lie bhut jyda uttejit hu, Sexy ladkiyan ya aunty dekh ke mujse raha nai jata aur mera lund ka rocket ban jata hai. Us din b aisa hi...

2 years ago
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Stranger In Gym Turns Out To Be A Real Fitness Freak

Hi all, This is my first story on ISS and I hope this story make you guys shag of like hell and girls wet like a rainy day This is Nishad. I am currently staying in Pune and working in a renowned MNC. Pune is indeed a city with lot of possibilities and you never know when your luck shines for you :D You are sitting in a cafe and you suddenly start talking with a girl and you hit it off pretty well, then if you are good at it, there you go you are laid ! As simple as that.. I love this place...

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Stranger Rides Me 8211 Part II

Hello to all ISS readers hope you liked reading the first part of my story. I am continuing from where I left as I came out of the shower and was dressing up for going out and the devil in my mind wanted some more fun tonight. I threw away the regular cotton saree I wore and took out a green transparent silk saree and wrapped in tight around my ass. My saree was 2 inches further below my navel than it usually used to be and the blouse was a backless one showing a lot of my back. I walked out of...

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Stranger Nai Mummy Ko Choda

By : Rahulkumar8533 Hi ISS reader main Rahul Kumar apko ek ghatna batane jaa raha hoon jo ki meri mummy ke sath hui thi jisne meri mummy ko ko ek sadharan se housewifes se badalkar ek anjaan admi ki randi bana diya hai. Ye ghatna aaj se do saal pehle ki hai jab main business managment ka course kar raha tha.hamre ghar main main mere papa aur meri mummy rehti hai.mere papa govt job karte hai meri mummy ek housewife hai meri mummy ka naam rashmi hai. Main apko apni mummy ke baare main batata hoon...

3 years ago
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It was a friday night in June and me and a few friends decided to go to the club to celebrate my 21st birthday. It had been at stressful week at work and I wanted to release some of this tension I had been carrying. It took me all day to pick out an outfit appropriate for the night. It was lesbian night at the club, so we decided it would be fun to wear something sexy. I showered straightened my hair and applied some makeup. I had decided on a tight black dress with an open criss cross back,...

4 years ago
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Stranger in the Back Alley

It was a very stressful week at work and I just needed to get out, just go anywhere and unwind. I remembered this popular club that had decent drinks and a dance floor that I can shake my ass off, if I needed to. That Saturday night I decided to 'go unwind'. I got dolled up and sexified in a short black dress with the back cut out, the type that accentuates my curves and the front cut just low for my lovely Size D cups to show. Paired that off with some black pumps with straps around my ankles....

3 years ago
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Stranger in a Dark Alley

It was a very stressful week at work and I just needed to get out, just go anywhere and unwind. I remembered this popular club that had decent drinks and a dance floor that I can shake my ass off, if I needed to. That Saturday night I decided to 'go unwind'. I got dolled up and sexified in a short black dress with the back cut out, the type that accentuates my curves and the front cut just low for my lovely Size D cups to show. Paired that off with some black pumps with straps around my ankles....

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Stranger becomes a sex slave 8211 BDSM stories

I am Tejas I am 19 year old . I have a nice athlete body and a black of 7 inches, and I am from Mumbai. If anyone wants to give feedback, please message me at I am going to tell you about how I fucked a married stranger woman and how I made her my BDSM sex slave. So let’s begin. It was a very hard day at the office. I thought of watching some movie in the theatre. I asked my friends, and they denied it as they had other plans. So I went to the theatre, and I saw a romantic movie. I thought...

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Stranger in My House

Have you ever really listened to some of the country songs from the years gone by? Stuff by Garth Brooks, Ronnie Milsap, or even George Jones? They have some of the saddest lyrics you will ever see or hear. One that I have always liked, because of the haunting melody and the words that tell of a man that knows something isn't right at home is 'A Stranger in My House' by Ronny Milsap. He can't really place his finger on what, but something is very different. There's a silence here between...

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Stranger in the DarkChapter 2 The Hockey Game

I didn’t know who was knocking on my bedroom door. It didn’t matter, really. They were going to be dead just as soon as I could scrape up the energy to get out of bed. You’d think after sleeping a good ten hours, I’d be ready to go. But, no. No, I was not. I had slept fitfully, tossing and turning all night. I dreamed constantly, searching for my stranger, and woke more exhausted than ever. A fist banged against my door, louder and more insistent. “Tess, if you don’t unlock this door now,...

2 years ago
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A Strangeness In The Sorority House

A Strangeness at the Sorority House Part 1 - Starting a New Term by Bill Hart The first thing that Chris Wagner saw when he woke up was his best friend and roommate Terry Jenkins reading the final draft of the paper he'd been working on into the wee hours of last night. Noticing that his roommate was awake, Terry set the paper back down on the desk. "That's a nice bit of writing. It's short and straight to the point." said Terry. "Quite eloquent, in fact. But then,...

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Night Skies Hotel IV The Lost Worlds

Night Skies Hotel IV: The Lost Worlds By Solari Author's note: "The Lost Worlds" is the first story in the three-part "Foundations" trilogy that shines a light on the wider Night Skies Hotel universe. The other stories in the "Foundations" trilogy are "Night Skies Hotel V: Shadows on the Sun," and "Night Skies Hotel VI: Destroyers of Worlds." It is recommended that the stories be read in order, or the reader risks not understanding the events that...

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