Strangers_(1) free porn video

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"God, you're such a freak. Why don't you just go talk to him and get it over with?" Missy says, obviously a little sick of my growing obsession with the mysterious stranger who lives above our apartment. I just can't help it though. He's so.... mysterious... and strange.

I gaze eagerly through my peephole as he approaches. I have to strain to make out his dark profile through the gloomy dusk but his silhouette is distinct. He walks with an easy confidence and a purposeful stride, as if he has somewhere to go and something to do. His body is cloaked in a full length obsidian trench coat, but his broad shoulders are unmistakeable. Suddenly and without warning, he stops and stares up at my window, his face pale in the waning light and his eyes boring into me.

With a gasp, I stumble back from the window, the blinds closing with a snap. My foot catches as I try to backpedal and with an impromptu squeek, I find myself sprawled out on my back on the floor, my heart racing. From across the room I hear Missy burst out laughing. Climbing to my feet, I give her my best "Fuck you, bitch" glare and return to my place at the window. A quick peek reveals the stranger gone.

"Just go talk to him," Missy repeats as I sit down on the couch next to her.

"But I don't even know him, what would I say?" I reply as we begin down this road of discussion for the eighteenth time in eighteen days following eighteen stake-outs.

Normally, Missy would be a good friend and try to bolster my confidence or simply listen to me gush about my mystery guy, but today she was having none of it.

"Chicken," she says. I hate her in that moment, knowing exactly what she is doing but powerless to defend myself. I put on my best defiant pout and prepare myself to resist the goading, but know that I've already lost.

"Pussy, wimp, scaredy cat...," Missy continues and after only moments I am crumbling to the onslaught.

"Fine," I say with an exasperated sigh. "Help me find something cute to wear."


"Egads! The blasted feds are on to me again!" I think, having caught one of them surveying me from a crack in a second story window during my approach to the apartment building. Moving quickly, I make my way up to my door, double checking my berettas concealed within the confines of my trench coat, more out of habit than any real need. Contingency plans, escape routes, money and weaponry caches, all running through my mind.

There was little time. They know that I know that they know that I know. They would be making a move and it would be sooner rather than later. I unbolt the door with quick efficiency and am inside within moments.
The interior of the residence is exactly what you would expect of someone in my trade. Blank white walls devoid of life. Bare carpet, untainted by furniture except for the bed in the corner. The bed is covered in deep red sheets, perfect for hiding blood stains or concealing the odd cadaver. A laptop sits alone on the kitchen counter. This is my first stop.

A quick succession of key strokes, a few mouse clicks and an email is shooting off into the vast relays of the interwebs. "Jeopardized. Might be going out hot. Be prepared for clean-up." I step away from the computer, my obligations fulfilled. I walk over to the bed and sit facing the doorway. Over and over, I run scenarios through my head, mentally disciplining myself for what is to come.

A faint knock at the door brings me back to reality. The sudden rush of adrenaline brings a smile to my face. I live for this shit. I stand quietly, tighten the cinch of the coat and slip a hand into the breast pocket of my coat, wrapping my hand around the cool, rough handle of the beretta nestled there. As I reach the door, I quickly look through the peephole.

"Typical," I think to myself. "Sending a girl to do a man's work."

Unfortunately, this did throw a wrench into things. Maybe some of you other cold blooded killers out there could simply open the door and cap a bitch in the head. I daresay I'm of a better breed. Fine, if they wanted to play, I would play. Putting on my most winning smile, I open the door, finger still on the trigger.


Missy, bitch though she may be, had thought of everything. I found myself sashaying down the hallway fairly oozing self-confidence. I look good. Low slung jeans cling to every curve and a tight fitting tank top shows perhaps a little more cleavage than socially acceptable. My hair has been styled chic short and a slightly abundant amount of make-up brings out my large innocent eyes and naturally pouty lips. Mua. I blow a kiss to all my adoring fans. I twirl the lollipop, which was forced upon me last minute by my scheming friend, with my tongue.

Abruptly, I am standing before his door and my mood dampens slightly as I realize what I am about to do. I hesitate for a moment, almost turning and leaving until I think of the hell there would be to pay if I returned empty handed. No, I say to myself, I can do this. I lift my head imperiously and knock.

There is a brief moment of silence and then the tumbler drops and the door is pulled wide. It is odd to see him this way before me. With no filter of window and distance, he does not have the mysterious larger than life sheen surrounding him. Yet, I sense a dangerousness about him that both scares and captivates me. His right hand is tucked awkwardly into the front of his trench coat and he is smiling wolfishly. He cocks his head to the side, raising an eyebrow, waiting for me.

"Ummm, hi, I'm..." I manage to say before half choking on the sucker which I had neglected to remove from my mouth. Spluttering, I can feel myself turning all shades of red.

"Nervous?" he asks, his voice full of concern but obviously edged with sarcasm. I nod my head dumbly, trying to smile back despite my embarassment.

"It's ok, I understand, why don't you come in?" he says, stepping aside to allow me access inside.
I scurry into the room, feeling his eyes upon me. I hear the door close and the lock engage once more as I step through the threshold but it does not register as I evaluate my new surroundings. A desolate sea of white assaults my senses. My eyes are drawn to a red splotch in the corner where a bed lies, it's sheets crisp and crimson. I find myself scared and nervous but overwhelmingly turned on.

In that moment, I make up my mind. I don't want to know this man's story. I don't even want to know his name. The mystery is all part of the appeal. I want what I've wanted for eighteen days, and that's to feel his hands on my body, taste the sweetness of his mouth. I walk boldly into the room, my confidence returning as my desires take over, and sit on the bed, facing back towards him. I twirl the lollipop in my mouth once more and with a large smacking sound, pull it out from between my lips, super sexy-like.

"So, you just gonna stand there?" I say in the most sultry voice I can muster.


"FBI bitches be crazy," I think to myself as she transforms instantly from meek and mild to steamy temptress. "Must be something they teach them in the academy."

Oh well, I was determined not to let her catch me off guard. I stride over to the bed and stand before her. That's when she catches me off guard. With a greater strength than I could have anticipated, she pulls me down onto the bed with her and is straddling me before I can react. In my astonishment, I lose my grip inside my jacket and find my hands wrapped around her back. Her hands are on my face, drawing it closer to her own as we kiss. I can taste the sweet mix of candy and lip gloss on my tongue. Her pelvis is driven into my own, grinding in unison.

Thus disarmed, I decide that a thorough body search of my opponent is necessary. My hands roam through her hair, grabbing handfuls intermittently. Razors, they could be anywhere. Finding nothing behind her ears either, I work my way down. Over her shoulders and across her back I discover nothing more than perfect female flesh. I move to the front, kneading the softer flesh of her breasts. What good spy woman doesn't keep shit in her bra? I spend an additional minute ensuring my safety. A final credit card swipe leaves me empty handed.


His hands roaming my body send chills down through my toes. The heat of my sex is radiating off in waves. His erection grows steadily as I dry hump my crotch against him. Wanting nothing more than to feel his body against my own, my hands drift down to the cinch of his trench coat. He stiffens slightly as I begin to remove the garment, but allows it to be removed and thrown to the floor a few feet away. Next our shirts go unceremoniously, him tugging mine up over my head and then me doing the same to him.

I push him so that he is laying on his back on the bed. I grab his wrists as if restraining him and begin to kiss across the exposed flesh of his neck, shoulders and chest. His breathing is coming in ragged as I work my way lower and lower. Just before I get to his belt line, I have a wicked idea. Hopping off him, I take a couple of steps back from the bed.


I stare salaciously as she begins to gyrate her hips, her hands roaming her body seductively. She puts on quite a show. Several displays of flexibility remind me that this isn't just another lover but... I'm having trouble believing this is a fed any more either. Mafia maybe. Before I can follow the thought any further, her pants are discarded handily with a flick of her foot and I am enraptured with a full view of her naked body. She pauses in her display, raises a finger to dangle from her lips and smiles.

I need this woman, and now. The strain of my boner against my pants is becoming unbearable. They are doffed quickly and I move to take her into my arms. I pull her to me, my prick pressed against her belly, eagerly tasting her flesh as my mouth roams and ravishes. I continue to explore her body as such for several minutes, but soon am craving more. I pull her with me to the bed and lay down on my back, with my hands pressed under her ass, I push her higher and higher on my body until she is straddling my face.

I inhale deeply, enjoying the sweet, sweaty musk of her vagina. The inside of her thighs is already glistening with moisture. I dart my tongue out, eliciting a gasp from her and tasting the juices from the source. I move in again, my tongue lashing up and down with strong, determined strokes. I take one hand away from her butt and slide it up underneath my chin. Using two fingers, I slowly slide them inside of the beautiful pussy, inches from my face; all the while, my tongue continues its assault. I begin to get a proper rhythm as I tap my fingers against her g-spot and move my oral ministrations to her clit.

She arches her back, her hands gripping my upper thighs, as she pants and moans. I try to hold her steady as I continue to send waves of pleasure through her body. I can feel her begin to tense and sense her orgasm building. Her screaming, "Oh my god, I'm gonna fucking cum," might have tipped me off as well. I pull her hips downward with my one free hand, anchoring her. I suck her clit into my mouth and am rewarded with a squeel of pleasure. I roll out from under her just as she collapses, exhausted.

With her lying on her back, I feel it is time to finally take this little minx. I move in between her creamy thighs, dick bobbing happily and lean myself over her. Suddenly, her countenance changes and I see doubt in her eyes. She scoots back away from me.

"Oh, so that's the game," I think to myself. "Get me all riled up and then pump me for information. Not happening, toots."


I don't know what came over me, I mean, the foreplay was awesome and holy shit can he eat pussy.... I just don't know if I want to have sex with a stranger. I wasn't given much choice though. Even as I tried to back away, a strong hand darted out and ensnared my ankle. I slide effortlessly over the silky red sheets back in front of him. Before I can react, his torso is between my legs, his arms are wrapped tightly around me, pinning my arms to my sides. A hand snakes its way up my back and over my shoulder, pulling me lower and lower on his body.

His cock entering me is like a hot knife through butter, scary, a little painful and incredibly satisfying. I struggle weakly, knowing that I don't stand a chance of warding off my lover turned defiler. A moan escapes my lips unsolicited as I feel his dick filling me completely, the rocking motion of his hips building on the residue of my last orgasm. Slowly, in a sickly sweet manner, he continues to fuck me with long, deep strokes. His mouth travels the contours of my neck and shoulders.

I can feel my resistances breaking down as if his erection is sapping whatever willpower I may have possessed. As he buries into me now, I am groaning unrepentedly now, wanting more and more and more. My stranger then rolls to the side, arms still wrapped around me tightly, until he is on his back, planting me squarely on top of him, his cock still inside of me. Moving his arms, he takes hold of my wrists. Still more than enough to restrain me, but giving me free reign to ride him properly. I take full liberties, sitting upright, my back arched, breasts displayed proudly, riding him for all I am worth. My ass fits perfectly into his pelvic bone and I rock my hips back and forth every time I bottom out on his shaft.

He pulls forward on my wrists and my torso is shifted forward. His arms wrap around me again pinning my arms, but not to restrain me, only hold me in place. He takes over again, thrusting. With each upward thrust, he pushes my whole body down with his arms. The pace increases quickly and soon he is jack-rabbiting into me; his butt leaving the bed with every drive. I can do nothing but enjoy the beating that my pussy is receiving, knowing that I will be sore in the morning but knowing this is SO worth it.

My orgasm tips the edge as, incredibly, he quickens his pace. I wail out in ecstasy as I ride the wave of bliss that rolls through me. The speed fucking is short lived as he too, burying himself deep inside of me, cums with a cry and a shudder. I feel the sperm paint the walls of my pussy in a warm, numbing white.


So yea, I gave that bitch a good fucking and sent her packing. Try to spy on me, will you?


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This story picks up the where Retrained in Basic left off. Chapter 1 Jamie stood there with her mouth hung open for a moment. She was utterly shocked. How could it be true? Chloe and Josh met at basic, how could they be engaged? It had only been a month since Jamie left. Tears stood in her eyes but refused to fall. This was not at all what she had envisioned. "Maybe it wasn't love after all. Perhaps it was part of some left over confusion. It was natural to love your first though....

2 years ago
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Johanna 1

My name is Johanna von Eschenbach and I was born in Wisconsin. You’re probably wondering about my weird name, so I should probably begin with my parents. My mom was French, she graduated from a famous university in Paris, with a degree in medieval literature. She came to the US for graduate school to do her Ph.D. in Renaissance Art. In her program, she got an internship with the National Endowment for the Humanities which took her to Washington DC. That’s where she met my dad, then a young PFC...

4 years ago
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Dads Ex part 2

Same event, same date as last year and my Dad was having the same party as he always does and all the same people were coming, including my Dad’s ex. (Kathy) I didn’t know if Kathy was going to be there, nor did I really even think about it. Maybe I didn’t want to. I was inside the house, putting the ice in all the coolers that we were going to set up outside for everyone when Kathy showed up at my Dad’s place to drop some stuff off before the party and asked my Dad if it was OK if she...

1 year ago
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Fuck School Part 1

My new school is quite different and I must say that I am a perfect model student with no disciplinary problems. This school has exactly what I have been looking for, a challenging curriculum and shit load of free pussy to fuck. That is what makes this private school so fantastic. When you sign up, you are told that if the girl is there, you can stick your cock in any hole. It didn’t matter if the girl was a student or teacher. What better incentive for a guy to walk the straight a narrow than...

2 years ago
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Aur mai chud gai

Mera Naam Aashu Arora hai. Main ek 25 saal ki nawjawan aurat hoon . Main aaj ek zabardast randi hoon . Sare bazaar me mera naam chalta hai . Yeh kahani shuru hui thi meri ek bhool se aur aaj mujhe apne aap se ghin aati hai. Main ek marketing officer ki byhta hoon meri ek choti bachchi bhi hai jo 4 saal ki hai . Aaj se lagbhag 3 saal pahle ki baat hai mere pati bahar gay huy the main aur meri sasu maa ghar per akele the. Main kafi dino se apne pati se mili nahi thi es liy mujhme kamechha tez thi...

4 years ago
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My Hubby friend I

Hello, I’m Sunitha Gupta aged 28 married with one kid. I’m housewife, my hubby works in a MNC, most of friends & relatives tell me that I look like tele serial actress Sangeetha Gosh. I have hour glass figure of 34-32-32, 5-4ft tall, I was virgin before marriage and was never included in any kind of activates before marriage. I was married at the age of 23 by my parents, even after marriage & one kid, I have maintained my figure and many look at me whenever I go out for shopping or...

3 years ago
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Cindys Summer Vacation from College

Cindy’s Summer Vacation from CollegeI have two older brothers. My brother Bob is one year older than I am and Bill is two years older. I know my parents didn’t give them very original names but I suppose it is better than Phineas and Fauntleroy. My brothers and I always got along fine as I was growing up. We were close enough in age to be able to play together and share a lot of things. Including the bath tub and the bed when we were quite young. I was naturally sexually curious and they were...

2 years ago
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helping hand

Hi, my name is Joanne and this a short story that happened back when i was 19.i'll give you a brief discription of me, i'm around 5ft5, dress size 10 very long strawberry blonde hair, pale skin, quite pretty but the big thing or things are my boobs, back then they were 36 E cups.Back when i was 19 i was working as a care assistant in an old folks home. I loved it there were some great people there and i loved my job. There was 1 old guy who really stood out, his name was John he was in his mid...

3 years ago
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My son and his friend the perfect MILF

My son called me across to his computer and we watched the video of the girl being beaten by her judge father.When this finished he asked me if I felt the same about this type of corporal punishment.When I told him his grandfather had taken his belt to my bared buttocks when I was just f******n, he was dumbstruck, but I could detect an air of awe and excitement.His questions just spurted out, including one I expect he did not mean to ask, 'Was I turned-on, sexually'?I was a little amused by his...

1 year ago
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Practice Session

Amanda was nervous. She had saved her virginity for the "right" guy to come along and tonight, she will be giving it up. Christopher was the perfect boyfriend. Although more experienced that she was, he was such a gentleman when Amanda had said she'd like to wait until the "right moment", until she was sure that she was ready to make love to him. He had lovingly obliged. She couldn't take it any longer. Her anxiety was eating her alive. She wasn't sure if she would be able to satisfy...

2 years ago
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Journey of a Pain Slut Act 1

Her hair was on the short side, dark with little curls here and there … it framed her face perfectly. “Another?” The barmaid caught my attention having spotted that my pint glass was almost empty. “Yes, please same again,” I replied, glancing briefly at her whilst keeping my main focus on the young girl who seemed to love being the centre of attention in the small group that she was sitting with. I had been watching her for some time and not once had she looked up at me, she was far too...

1 year ago
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Charity to Demons

At night the further paths from the village were hard to travail, but Valeriya Artyomovna could come and go blindfolded. The branches and roots of the trees were as unruly as nature demanded, and unknown animals peered from their hideouts with gleaming eyes.Weren't humans one and the same? Didn't the wild animals feel similar apprehensions about her kin?Valeriya had nothing to fear, and no mystery would stop her from experiencing pleasure.Tonight she came to witness a peculiar breed of flowers...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Shes gets pussy destroyed on vacation

So I'll start from the beginning,One day me and my boyfriend had gone down to the shore for the weekend to get away for a little while for vacation just the two of us. We get situated in our room and Start unloading everything next door to us is this I guess you can say party going on being obnoxiously loud didn't bother me at all nor did it my boyfriend. We head over to the pool and Start to lay out and as I kiss him I start to notice someone is staring at me across he way "I like felt it"...

2 years ago
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Lisbo Partner

Hello friend’s, I am Leena 23 F, from jaipur Ye meri sex exp. Ki real baat hai. Our mera pahla sex anubhav bhi. Friend’s vaise to mai kafi samay se iss ki reader hu. And aajkal life bahoot boring chal rahi hai isliye mujhe laga ki mai bhi apne life ke kuchh mazedar anubhav ko aap sabhi se share karu. Isi liye mai ye bata rahi hu. Agar aap logo ko meri life ki yah ghatna pasand aaye to mujhe jarur mail kariyega. Mera mail id- mera first sex exp.17-18 saal ki umer me hua tha jab me...

1 year ago
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Second Cousins Second ChancesChapter 7

In the pre-sunrise hours in that hotel room in Las Vegas, my gorgeous, nude cousin paused before answering. What was surely only a few seconds felt like a few hours, until finally she looked up and met my gaze. "I don't know, Eddie. The virtuous part of me wants to be faithful to my husband, to write this trip off as a one-time lack of judgment, to move forward and see if Mike and I can make it work." I nodded. "But the honest part of me realizes that Mike and I may not be able to make...

1 year ago
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Adult Cinema

I was in South Florida for a three-day trade show, the worst way to spend a weekend.Driving from the hotel to the trade show on the first morning I saw a sign just off the Turnpike that said Adult Cinema. A thought went through my mind and I wondered what a place like that would look like inside. I had watched porn, been to strip clubs, but never to an adult theater. I attended the first day of the trade show, but the thought kept creeping in. On the way back to the hotel I pulled off the...

3 years ago
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A young boy sucks cock

I was so young, but so curious. There was a rumor in the neighborhood that an older boy had forced a young boy to suck his cock. You know how news travels, wether it was true or not didn’t matter, if it was sensational, it traveled. I had to admit, at least to myself, that the thought excited me. I wondered what it would be like to suck dick, the thought alone was enough to turn me on. Even more, to be forced? To act like I didn’t want to, but had to give in? It seemed like the perfect, maybe...

1 year ago
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Selenas Book of Shadows

The end of the day was creeping ever nearer and Kate couldn’t wait. All day she had eyed the clock on the other side of her uncle’s antique shop rolling her fingers on the side of the cash register. “5:00 pm”, it displayed seemingly teasing her as the last thirty minutes of her shift slowed to a crawl. She couldn’t complain too much since it helped pay for college and it was only for the summer after all.The store was all but vacant, so Kate walked around to check things out. It had been a year...

1 year ago
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Mom Chud Gayi Budho Se

Hello dosto mera nam sam hai .Aur ye meri dusari story hai .Is story me 4 character hai mom raveena age 45,budhe naukar ramu kaka aur namdev kaka jo ki 65 ke hoge.Aur mai nam sam age 25 .Mom ki dost aneeta aur uski family 1 month ke liye foreign ja rahe the is liye aneeta ne mom ko kaha ki 1 month wo unhe tiffin pahucha de.Mom ne bhi ha kah diya kyoki wo dono bahut purani saheliya thi shadi ke bhi pahle ki .Tiffin pahuchane ka kam mera hi tha .Pahle do teen to hamari koi bat nhi huyi badme meri...

1 year ago
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NFBusty Abigail Mac Noelle Easton Busty Beauties

Abigail Mac and Noelle Easton are both blessed in the boob department, and they love to play with their own tits as well as each other’s. Under the guise of trying to decide on a seductive outfit for their double date with Preston Parker later that night, the girls end up taking off their bras to caress one another’s huge knockers. Their all natural tatas jiggle and quiver as they warm each other up for the pleasure that’s still to come. Once both girls are topless, Noelle...

4 years ago
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Ava chapter 1

Growing up as an early bloomer, Ava liked the attention she got from boys- just not the way they acted hesitant and shy around her, until she met Lacey. Born on August 12, 2000- and Lacey only 5 days after- she and Lacey were sisters, just really weird sisters. They did everything together, Ava’s mother was never home and so naturally, Lacey’s household became a home away from home for Ava, they often played dress up, truth or dare, board games, card games, watching movies, and boys. Ava and...

3 years ago
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Ice cube in our bedroom

The summer heat began to back down as the sun set. You ate your dinner thinking about it. You took a long shower thinking about it. And, as you go to answer the knock at your door, you are still thinking about it. “Something new to try tonight.” I had said the night before but I had been purposely vague with my intentions, and for good reason. I had told you to specifically only wear a lace bra, thong, and a button down satin pajama shirt. As you open the door, I notice that you have followed...

2 years ago
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Mummy Bani Randi

Ladkiyon, bhabhiyon aur aurton ko mere lund se namaskar. Mai hun amrendra har umar ki aurton ka aashiq. Ye desi hot sex kahani mai us har aurat ke liye likh raha hun jinki chut ki aag kai mahino se nhi bujhi, us har aurat ke liye hai jinke pati unko din me do baar bhi nhi chodte aur us har aurat ke liye hai jinki chut paraye mard ko dekh ke gilli ho jati h. To apni chut ko nanga kr lijiye kyunki ab mai kahani shuru karne wala hun jo apki moot nikal sakta h. Aur han door zaroor lock kr lijiyega...

3 years ago
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Kevin and Denise Naked in SchoolChapter 30 Program Week is Over but its Just Beginning

On our way out of class, Linda Grover, our website content guru, rushed up. “There you are, Kevin, a bunch of us’ve heard that the feds are trying to locate and shut down the site, you know?” “Yeah, I heard that at lunch. Any news since then?” “Not about the feds, but the media are trying to find the site too. There’s going to be something on the six-o’clock news about it and the kids who did the website and server setup and some of the others will be watching. They wanted me to find you...

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