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Note: This story is set in Maggie Finson's Whateley Academy Universe This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity. Canon stories may be found at This is a edited version of the last post --cut in half so its not so big -- with added content part 2 of this will be added later this week if this works right "lets hope this works out better" LOL and to the authors of this universe --I just barrowed your characters and I hope you don't feel I "bent" them too bad Los Angles December, 1976 The screaming of the electronic alarm clock shakes Jack completely awake from his deep sleep. That he certainly has earned. He then rolled to his right thinking the alarm clock should be on that side. Nope not there? He then realizes that he feel asleep sitting in the lazy boy chair in the living room. He did this after once again after coming home from a long day at work. So he rolls to the left, grabs the horrid device and turns it OFF!!!. Then rolls it off his finger tips back down on the table with a thud. Jack is lying there for a second thinking "It's not raining!! great! after 16 days of work straight 18 plus hours a day. Then add nearly 3 months of it raining---every--single time--I got a day off --it rained like cats and dogs. I finally!!! get to go out, ride my motorbike in the hills and actually enjoy a day off." He then lowers the foot rest of the chair from its lounging position with a loud bang. He starts to stand up, stretching all the way with bones snapping and joints popping loudly both small and large. Jack thinks to himself 'Man being 6 foot 4 is great most of the time but, you certainly pay for it every time you first get up in the morning' He then thinks painfully after getting fully standing up straight 'Even at my age I hate to think about it-- man.' He shakes his head back and forth 'When I get finally get to be 60 or so in a few decades getting up is going to be painnn-full' this thought was buried in the fact that his job had too many days in it. With WAY too many hours for keeping a person even close to being healthy and this was starting to show on jack at even his relativity young age of 30. He groggily starts staggering down the hallway, bumping into the walls as he goes down to his bedroom and flops across the bed. The second he hits the bed with a flop. That alarm clock starts screaming at him with music blasting out of it. He rolls across the bed to the nightstand on the beds right and slaps the wicked device silly to get the damn thing to finally shut up. He grumbles "I hate having two alarm clocks. So that I don't forget and miss work." He rolls over gets his underwear off. Then starts standing/staggering into the bathroom, turns on the lights. The lights just jam like syringes through his half numbed eyeballs, he blinks like mad " Oooch ". He gets used to it after a couple minutes blinking, half slitting his eyes. He then opens up the shower door, turns on the shower full blast, even though it's cold!! to wake him up. As it warms up he starts waking up again, enjoying the water. After 20 minuets of bliss, he hops- wide wake out of the shower, dries himself off and walks back into the bedroom. Then sits down on the bed. Finally somewhat awake Jack starts to think, what pile has his moto- cross pants in it 'Ohh ya' he thinks 'That one pile there, from the wash Wednesday.' Jack gets up to the pile of clothes in the corner and kicks the offending lump till he sees his goal. The bike pants he wanted. After shaking them out to be sure they are the "clean ones" he sits back down and puts them on. He starts getting socks out of the drawer in his nightstand. He then stands up, walks over to the walk in closet and gets a regular blue T-shirt out of one of the many piles. He dons the t-shirt and ponders 'What else do I need?' humm he sounds 'Nothing everything else will be in the garage where it normally is.' Looking at the TV set on the dresser at the beds foot. He flips the remote on to see what you will on the Saturday morning news, that just happens to barely coming on this time of the morning. While he put on his socks 'Man TV sucks here I only get three networks to watch and even PBS's looks better than real broadcast TV these days' Jack thinks. 'Maybe someday someone they will drag cable all the way up to the North end of Los Angeles, then I will finally get some real TV to watch' he grumbles to himself "Man being out in the boonies as its disadvantages but. I like that I can get up in the morning and go ride the trails and no one bothers ya is the fair trade off" Then he gets back up in his freshly socked feet and walks down the house to the kitchen. Not being a coffee guy he filled a pot off the stove full of water and set it back on the stove to boil, then got the tea bag's out of the box on the counter. Then a cup ( REAL giant freaking MUG in reality) out of the cabinet. He then adds 4 tea bags to the mug "Ahh that otta do me and get the motor started" 6 teaspoons sugar added for fuel. Then he waits for the water come into a good boil. While that was happening he shuffles back down the hall to the garage door and out into the garage, to get his riding boots on. He ponders" Where are the darn things?" he looks around the 3 car garage for 5 minutes then finally sees them-right under the bench by the far wall right where they should be. He sits down, slides them on, buckles them up. " Well lets get gas in ya baby while that water boils" he thinks as he walks over to his KTM bike and rubs his hand over the seat to the tank. He grabs the fuel can and fills the tank to the top, recaps the tank and kick starts the bike. the bike rumbles to life "Yaaa first try!!" he pays the mechanic to make sure it happens this way. Every couple weeks he drops by make sure his bikes are running perfectly "no matter what." He celebrates mentally then shuts the bike off after a few minutes of warming-up. He slaps the garage door opener remote on the wall for the 3rd door and walks out on the drive to find the morning paper. Upon finding it under the car "again"-- "Darn kid can't hit a barn with a nuke!!" he reads the top headline for this morning and nothing big happening ...standard junk like every thing else going now like normal. He tosses it in to the trash. Jack notices that the ground has got least is a little dry this morning. After 5 days of hard steady rain 'Now that's a good sign for a ride today' he thinks to himself. 'That tea must be done by now' jack thinks. So he walks back into the house and into the kitchen. Finally the water is done, so he pours the water into the waiting mug and waits for it to brew itself fully up. He starts stirring it gently ,waiting for it to really get into that nice dark color that he likes. That just tells you that it's gotten brewed properly. After 5 minutes he takes tentative sips measuring its temperature while he walks back to the garage. He sits on the bench and dons his chest protector and all the stuff that is needs to keep himself from getting ripped apart by anything when and if he falls off the bike, then the gloves, finally he chugs the tea fast to the bottom. he sighed " Good wake-up juice there!" At this point he noticed that the outside certainly is a little bit more shiny-n-sunny and the overcast quickly burning off. He thinks to himself 'It's going to be a good day to get out of here instead of being suck in the in the house or at work inside all day long' he sighs 'This rain has been getting out of hand here in sunny California. This is not supposed to be...wet rainy like in Seattle or something out here.' He pulls the bike off the stand and rolls it out of the garage into the driveway, gives it a good kick start--on the first hit it catches like it's supposed to. He then hops on it and guns the bike up the street. Getting used to its feel once again, to make sure the motor feels right amd everything else is good about it. "Don't want to get stuck out there and have to walk this thing home again it's happened more than once" he quips. He rides up to the head of the Canyon Street toward the end of his road and the start of the fire trail. He stops one tire on the dirt, one on blacktop and thinks about what to do "Which way do we go this morning?? I figure I'll head over to Sam's Canyon to see if he's up yet and if he's not up yet!! He'll be up as soon as I get into that driveway of his with this beast!! Wake his LAZY ASS up for sure as loud as this thing gets OR WILL GET "grin"--if not!! I will bang his door down !!!one way or the other He is getting up!! and do some riding this morning!!" He gins evilly. So he tears up the angled trail of the Canyon and runs along the rim and right along its edge. He starts noticing that the fire roads out here have certainly become pretty crappy after nearly 2 and half months of rain. The last big storm that came through dumped like three or 4 inches per day for a couple of days, so road is really muddy and in very rough shape. He starts to follow the main trail toward Sam's. He notices something in the next bend that looks like the road is almost half gone, near impassable. So he stops the bike and wedges it up against the canyon wall. "The whole damn canyon is f-ed up, time to call the fire department and come up here and re-cut this before someone gets hurt or the fire season starts" he hissed. He then walks up the road and looks over all the dirt and junk that the rain pulled out of the canyon side. He notices something ..a box .. a bronze box.. He walks up on the box cautiously looks at it, to make sure its not a left over from the days when the military used some of the canyons up here for munitions making and experiments years ago. He looks at it some more, "It looks safe, its not painted green or red" It was half buried in the in the mud, "it is about a foot wide about looks at me about 32 inches long 16 inches wide and 16 inches tall" he pondered grabbing on it to give it a good yank. It pops out of muddy bank pretty easily. But he notices it's really freaking heavy. So he drags it away from the mud slide, half falling down himself in the mud flow. looking at it.. now its just covered in mud in the middle of the trail "Why don't I get some water off the bike and wash this thing off" he says to himself. Then he grabs a canteen that was strapped to the bikes back and opens the top, pours some water on it. 'Obviously some writing this'.. hum 'Is that stuff glowing??' he thinks himself "Did some guy from a special effects company drop this thing, It looks like something I make at work for the studios?" He takes off his glove this time. Just as he touches it again WOOMPH!! bright light--PAIN--flying through the air--and that's the last thing he remembers for quite a bit. Los Angles February, 9th 2007 Jack wakes up feeling something hard underneath of him -searing sunlight into his eyeballs--PAIN!! "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!!" he dryly yells out half chocking on a dry throat. He then tries to get up and is hit with wave after wave of dizziness, rolling over him. He can't get his bearings, so he does what one does after 10 roller coaster rides DRUNK.. he vomited. Then promptly falls off a large box he WAS laying on to the ground 4 feet below -- smack!!! right into the dry dusty dirt of the trail. He gets up to his knees, wearing what looks to be a cotton like sheet made of some sort in a weird cloth. He rubs it -- "This is not cotton?- it feels like silk?- but is too roughly woven to be silk??" -- "What is all this odd ball stuff written on it?--looks like some shit out of that dungeon and dragons game Sam plays" he looks around. He can't see his bike anywhere close to him, clothes -- nowhere to be seen. He looks up to the sky as a helicopter fly's over "Looks like a military bird"-- oddball shape to it that he's never seen one like it before. He is not one to be unfamiliar with helicopters as being around the North end of Los Angeles with more than one military base out here the flyovers happen all the time. Thinking to himself 'What kind helicopter is it?' It heads over to the head end of the canyon. Where there's more room to hover and ropes fallout off the sides. He then sees four guys slide down very quickly from 50 feet up. 'Did one of these idiots see me by accident and thought I was in trouble?' thinking to himself. Groggily he tries to stand up. half passing out he finally gets all the way up to his feet. With his backside wedged against box. Then once again --there goes the stomach "I don't remember eating ??carrots??" Immediately he can't get his balance and is just completely thrown off by vomiting like mad, dry heaving till nothing is left whatsoever. He finally gets his butt on the top of the box, steadier on his feet. All four of the guys dressed in some sort of full chemical suits with air tanks have a semi circle around him. One pulls out a very strange looking monitor. Some sort of electronic beeping comes from it. --"I got it barely near the guy--(he YELLS)-- it's a class X tainted don't go near it!!" said one guy with the monitor in his hand. "The guy!! he's got this pegged at 90 on class X also!!" "Don't even get near him" He yelled once more. Jack starts backpedaling on the trail. While trying to steady himself on the box's edge. "He's gonna run!!" yells one, this guy then levels appears to be a very strange rifle and out pops something electrical. Next thing Jack gets hit and everything is spinning on the trail -that- had- no- right- to -spin-- he then FELL, to the dirt like a tree that had just been successfully chopped down by champion lumberjack. His face just augurs into the very very dry ground into the fine layer dust of the dirt trail He was on. He thinks 'Why was the dirt dry?? it was muddy just a minute ago??' then---- BLACK. Arkham Research Consortium "ARC" New Hampshire February, 10th 2007 (early in the morning) Jack starts coming too-- looking around the room. "What in the heck?... I believe-- I am in a hospital " moaning to himself "White ceiling-- check -- white sheets -check -- hospital bed -check -- IV drip in my arm- check -- maddening beeping of heart machine- check -- trussed up like it turkey with all these wires on me -check -- no decorations? = government--check -- what the hell happened?" He remembers "That idiot shot me! with something and me smacking my face!!" he reaches up to his face "My nose hit the ground--good no breaks" now if I see that guy --that -same- guy! again--I'm gonna BEAT him something fierce!" He yells out to the empty room. Jack scrambles around in the sheets and pushes himself up as best one can do in a bed of this kind --PAIN! He finds the beds remote and just stares at it for a second "Pretty modern looking stuff for a hospital?" he looks the control over "Never in all the times I've seen a hospital bed have I seen a remote like this"?? he pushes the button to elevate the head. Works into a position to look at himself "No holes ---no blood --why?" as he feels all over checking for wounds.. "Man.. the equipment in this place is just cutting edge. I have seen many a heart monitor. They are usually single color CRT things but!! THESE are multi color displays and? flat?" He then spies cross room. What looks to be a wicked TV on the wall "looks like it's 30+ inches-- is pretty big for TV set --funny thing? its like 2 to 3 inches thick mounted on a post??. TVs that big are at least a foot and a half deep? When I feel better maybe I'll go over there and take a look at it" After thinking about the television set. He starts realizing what is this place?? Its obviously NOT a regular hospital-- something is wrong and those guys were definitely military equipped. I'm nowhere an expert but at least I have read a book or two on that stuff. Then the room is SO BIG like near 25 feet from the head of the bed to the wall and near 25 feet wide-way too big for a standard hospital room? Jack finally noticed the bathroom just about 10 feet from the foot of his bed and he really thought hard about the TV set that seemed to be only 2 to 3 inches thick--he didn't understand that how that could be at all, as he had never seen technology like what was in this room. While Jack was pondering these things to himself. What--Jack did not know that he was down deep in the ARC research complex RED section deep in a mountain in New Hampshire. Near a half mile down, this is the place he had been brought to by the four troopers that the helicopter dropped off. After they stunned him with the rifle device, thinking he was about to escape. While he was unconscious. They put him in this hospital room to recover from that stun rifle hit. They examined him. They did research on his blood-- x-rays--CAT scans--MRIs all in 3D, and in technology that he would never understand, all that testing made mountains of information. Dr. Otto was the man in charge of this section of ARC (Arkham Research consortium)--where the most dangerous mentally insane criminals are kept along with most of the worlds bizarre and dangerous items --deep 1+ miles underground) was in his office a few floors above. He was going over just those same mountains of paperwork coming from those tests on the man. Who was according to the team sent out. On top of this strange box. That they where sent out to find. He was wrapped in a silk like sheet with runes sewn into it. Of the same type/style from the sides of the box. This box and man had just popped up in the middle of nowhere North Los Angeles and pegged every meter for arcane anomalies in the entire country. The magical wash of this sudden appearance was like a beacon to any mage in the area. One only had to look in that direction to figure out that something had popped in and was CLASS X! TAINTED on top of that. In the pile--where photos of what was the real mystery. The perfectly formed for by 4 x 8' box itself. With its completely smooth surface down to the micron it was way smother than any glass ground for space optics use even. With the only flaws that seem to glow out of its surface, seem to be runes drawn in strange languages, three or four different types at least. The experts on this reported that 1 out of 1000 runes seemed to be of an ancient Sidhe style. But the runes where not etched into the surface they just seemed to glow out of it. The next part was from the assessment of the mystery box by the divisors and gadgeteers. They examined the box and had not yet figured out how to scratch or even open the box at this time. They've used cutting lasers, drills of every type, welding torches heated in the 500 to 15,000 degree marks and not even scratched it. The only thing that seems to have changed in the last 12-18 hrs. Since he had been given the case. Is that the boxes writing seems to pulse on and off in sections as the class X taint on the box has seemed to have been slowly dwindling away over time. Next Dr. Otto flipped through the mystery mans medical file and saw nothing wrong with him at this time. ALL NORMAL!--The class X taint seems to have disappeared from both him and the box. The box at a bit little slower rate thou. The box is almost completely down to zero as of this time, so as not bother anyone according to the report time stamped from over an hour ago. The next report was from the arcane/mystics department and its finger wigglers. Not one of them seemed to be able figure out what was going on with either the box or man. That seems to have popped up in the middle of nowhere. The man also at this time seems to have been very tightly interwoven with binding and transmutation magic of 5 to 6 different layers. That are different types/styles of magic placed on him. That were from a base of a very ancient styled magic that was obviously Sidhe in its origin. This Sidhe origin magic seems to be somewhat related to the rune writing on the box. Only one or two characters of 1000 seem to match up with anything in the files of ancient Sidhe mage script of that type. It seems to connect via a Ley line back to the man on a small level are they are joined somehow?--he pondered. The box just also happened be a class X tainted object. That had seemed to have cross contaminated the man who was found with it, in the hospital bed upstairs. But not driven mad from the exposure at all??? that was the next big mystery. Why was he not driven MAD from it?? The only weird thing of any note is that NO telepath could seem to get in the mans head. There also was the fact that no one could read aura's off him at all. Like he was a complete blank --not even there to see with any telepathy. Dr. Otto was starting to shuffle through more of the paperwork then the phone rang the call was from the medical desk upstairs. The man was awake and also his guests had just arrived. He told them to send his party down to the hospital level and have them wait at the elevator for him. So he got all his paperwork together but back in the folder sealed it, locked the box so that it could not be opened by anybody but him, then got up and walked down the hallway. Wearily he walked half sleeping down the hall thinking to himself 'All this happened over 18 hours ago, he was handed this emergency MESS after!!! his normal day' he was--heading home after 8 hour shift. Till this hit 'WHY? does this always happen at the END of the day??.' When the elevator door finally opened up... Otto to got off the elevator to notice that his four guests has also arrived in a most timely manner from their ride down deep into the complex. He walked forward and greeted the four individuals. One older Gentleman and 3 teen girls of about 15 in looks. First he shook hands with the older English gentleman Sir Wallace who was the Mystic art mentor for Fey who was standing next to him. Then he nodded to the redheaded, Violet eyed Sidhe, Nichole Susanne "Nikki" Reilly codenamed "Fey"-- who had the spirit of Aunghadhail the beyond ANCHENT Sidhe Queen in her. She in turn introduced her new "Assistant" Gwendolynn Adelle Wylann codenamed "Absinthe" he had never seen her before--she was about the same height, size and looks of Fey but with green hair and eyes he noted. Gwen and Nikki both giggled at the "Assistant" part of the introduction. Next he saw his strange friend Sarah Waite, codename "Carmilla" strange as in she has alabaster white skin, black lips and small claws on the ends of her fingers, blood red silted eyes, pointy obvious canines, black hair with a new blood red streak ohhya and is a baby LUST Demon by the way!. He pondered the hair color change and just wrote it off as 'kids and styles'. "What's up Doc?" joked Sara. "The same" he jested back--"Weird stuff---same as you." "Ouch" Gwen blurted "On target." Then Sir Wallace lectured "Enough" just as the 3 teen girls started to giggle "Lets get to work!" Dr Otto then explained "I have asked all of you out here for a strange occurrence. I need assistance from all of you to help to figure out what this language on this box. that has appeared in California. Have you all looked at the photos? I sent with the courier for you to examine on the way up here?" he asked. "Because at this point nor I or the staff here can make heads or tails of this box or the man in question. Its like nothing we have ever seen before. This is definitely one that goes into the dark side column completely" he states. Dr Otto then added that the patient also had binding magic on him that might link back to the box itself. This revelation surprised the whole group. Nikki's attitude seemed to change from a teen girl to a woman of regal bearing and attitude from the Queen within her. She then explained "Part of the symbols on the box in question do not resemble any regular language that the Sidhe used but? Three parts of the runes are vastly familiar but not an exact match to the same type of runes a very very old race of Sidhe used for spells or spell enhancement shorthand. They seem more based on a rune system for personal use. Instead of a system that would have been in general use by a school or Academy of mages. But of some note is that some parts seem to indicate more that the dark Fae worked on this box of yours. I would like to see it in person along with the man, to examine his binding spells in person. This might help my full assessment of them both." Aunghadhail then faded down and Nikki was back in charge. Sara then peeps in with her two cents "Well it's not a GOO language. We did not do it because if it was totally bad and evil. We would not talking--now would we?" Absinthe shockingly looks at Sara sarcastically going "Always with the bad with you." Then says "Don't look at me ?? I am in the dark completely I just turned into a sidhe a few months ago--ask me ?? I don't have one clue what so ever" she giggled. Nikki chimes in "No clue and in the dark--same as normal for you?!" Nikki giggles "Sara?--she's not bad--she was just built that way." The three girls start once more with the giggling. Dr Otto thought to himself 'Good thing we have Aunghadhail to tap for stuff like this. As no one else alive has any clue to this.' He then turned down the hall waving to the group to follow him with his arm "First we will see the patient-- then the box" he stated. They all walked down the hallway about 50ft. To a set of airlock doors and a guard post. Then guards checked all their ID's to clear them for the next section. They take turns going one at a time through the armored glass security airlock. Dr. Otto walks up the next 50 or so feet up to the medical station for this section and gets the attention of one of the nurses. Who in turn points out the Doctor in charge of the new patient "Over here gentleman" the new doctor pipes up and walks over with the patents file "I am the Doctor in charge of this case for the last 12 hours. This gentleman to my right is Bill. He's the nurse in charge of that room, who just came on shift. So he'll be able to transfer anything onto the next doctor and so on if needed. By the way you can call me Sam from now please." Dr. Otto goes "Well what's the situation with him? bring me up to speed." "Well" Sam starts "From what we see. This is perfectly normal human male about thirty years of age, fine in shape, x-rays found no current broken bones. But in the past -yep- he busted some stuff. Nothing remains of a class X exposure on him. Its completely gone away--we don't know why? It was full tilt and then faded all the way to nothingness. The exposure has not seemed to have any affect his mental capacity or his faculties whatsoever -- perfectly normal?? I'm not sure what to say. He should be sitting there looking like a vegetable! So your guesses good as ours on what to do from here." The five of them take copies of the medical reports from Bill and head down past the medical station for this section another 10 feet to a door with two guards standing at the door's sides. Each one armed with a pistol on their belt, they seemed to be waiting for the arrival of Dr. Otto's group. The guard checks Dr. Otto's credentials again at the door, the guard then opens the door while, the other guard stands diagonally across from the doors so he can cover it. The guard looks and inspects the room. He finds everything still in its place, the patient still in his bed. Dr. Otto looks and around the corner and then to the guard "Guard-- could you grab the table that is against the wall and put it more lengthwise across room so it is set between me and the patient. So I can read my papers on it and put the chair on this side of course towards the door." The guard says "Yes SIR -okay- no problem" he walks turns the table around from the wall and lines it up looking toward the bed with the door right at its rear with the chair behind it. Jack notices the door open up. The guard steps into the room and what looks to be like about three or four the people out in the hallway. A couple girls and a couple guys. Jack studies the guard and since this is the first time he has seen one. He studies him rather intently, taking notes mentally on his check list. No American flag on the shoulder. No American insignia that I recognize. I don't see a name on his name tag place. No rank. Camouflage pattern that I'm not familiar with. Carrying a gun that I know U.S. Army or the US military doesn't issue. But it's a European-style gun, it's a very new style of gun so that tells me it is probably not a military issue. I hope I'm not in Europe? The guard does not look Russian or Chinese so that leaves out the communists. He doesn't look like a space alien. 'What did I leave out I wonder?' 'WHY? ME??---MAN I think I'm in deep trouble.' he worries. He then notices the guard move the table. That was against the wall by the door, more lengthwise across the room so it sets between him and the door and he places the chair behind it then walks back to the door. He stands next to the doorway saying "We are ready Dr. Otto" The Dr. walks in-- that the guard, accidentally introduced and says "Hello I'm Dr. Otto in charge of this complex that you've been brought to. We do have some questions for you. Just a second let me go back outside and get my friends ready to interview you" he steps back outside. Otto walks up to his assembled friends and says "Well--should we all be going in there probably" Then bubbly Absinthe speaks out "Send me in first!! the youngest and the most childlike is the best way to do it. It might break the ICE so to speak" Sara and Nikki both look at her and Nikki says "We are all the same age." Absinthe goes "Baloney with the same age-- you got old an ghost in you and Sara's what ??40 years old like 10,000 or something maybe." Sara and Nikki-- they both stick their tongues out at her. Dr. looks at them and goes "It makes sense she's more like a kid than the rest to you. Maybe she will break the ice a little bit. Go ahead, go on in, its the best idea I've heard all day --I guess??" he states. They all wait and give her time to work. Absinthe started walking all bubbly and bouncy. Like a little kid into the room. Jack notices her --studying her with great interest. Starts going off on his checklist again. Teenage girl 15 or so-- Dream GIRL comes walking into the room Five foot five or so. One the most gorgeous girls I think I've ever seen, even in the movie industry. Green hair now that's funny. Bright green eyes okay. Getting closer and closer she passes the desk and gets up close to the foot of the bed. He then notices she's got pointy ears like a Christmas elf or star trek. "NO--I've got to be dreaming" he tells himself. Absinthe walks up to the bed and there's a small table mounted on arm so it can rotate over the bed. On top of it is a small tray with a pitcher of water and a glass. That Jack has not seemed to have used yet. She picks up the pitcher, pours some water into it and puts it on the table. Then says "Hi I'm Absinthe would you like some water?" Jack just blankly stares at her giving her the face of "I'm not going to say anything to you" and mutters to himself "Man I am in TROUBLE." Absinthe notices him giving her the evil eye and goes "At least say something? Introduce yourself. You just know I'm going to stand here. Like a little kid and keep bugging you and talking to you till you crack!! she said with a little bit of sarcasm at the end. She then says in that German accent "wve have vays of making you talk." With that age old pun, he cracks up and says "Okay I'm "somebody" no wait a minute. I'm "hey you" for now "hey you--senior" is better because there seems to be too many juniors in here right now" she kind of cracks about that with a giggle. "So you plan on keeping all the information to yourself--you're smart one" she says. He picks up the water starts to sip on it. "Absinthe? Jack starts "It fits -with the green hair and eyes -- Absinthe? your name is Absinthe? Your parents sure hung one on you with that name!! They named? you?-- after the green European alcoholic beverage that causes hallucinations?" "What the hell is going on here? is there something in the water--in the medication up my arm? I don't get what's going on here?--" he stops for a second "Your hair's green, your eyes are green the name fits you "Absinthe"--you look like an elf. YOUR named after a drink, that the nickname for Absinthe is the "green fairy" he does the air quotes with his fingers more than once!! getting more and more MAD as he does. "MAN! I'm in deep trouble"-- he just about shouts "Man I'm in deep trouble" He starts laughing at himself "I just think I must be dreaming- - if I'm dreaming? Please slap me at this point!! Just to get me back to awake!! Smack me around I don't mind!! Because at this point I have no idea what's going on." Absinthe kind of giggles--looks at him as he is shaking his head "Would you like me to slap you?? I would be more than happy to smack you around with permission! I hardly ever get permission to slap a guy around" she snickers with sarcasm. "Well since I AM! dreaming SURE--you might as well go ahead and DO IT -- PLEASE DO! I'll play along" Jack says raising his voice a bit. "Just remember YOU! asked for this!" Absinthe then rises her right arm and whips it FAR! back and just POPS Jack with one hellacious HIT across the face. Everybody's head pops in the room besides the guard who is just standing there laughing. She turns around to the crowd that's looking in the doorway "He asked me to smack him --he asked me politely to smack him-- to make sure he was awake-- so??-- I just did just as he asked." Jack looks of the assembled crowd just out of the door that's obviously trying to figure out what happened "YES" he grumbles rubbing his face a bit "I asked her to smack me-- just to make sure I was awake and I'm not dreaming" Jack stares down the guard --"Now you-- his eyes narrowed with intent of harm -- SHUT UP!!" Dr. Otto takes that as a good sign that. She has broken the ice and walks into the room to at the sit the desk. As he does--he says "I'm Dr. Otto I'm in charge of the section here in this complex. We have questions to ask you about yourself, the box that you arrived on, that we've also have in the complex." Then the next person enters the room which the Dr. introduces the person-- an older English looking gentleman "This Sir Wallace he's a consultant for my complex on various things." Sir Wallace says "Good day to you sir"--YEP English thinks jack. Then next person comes around the corner ---another girl about 15 or so. "This is Carmilla she's also a consultant she may be young looking but she does definitely knows her stuff" says the Dr. Jack looks at this young girl. She is just one of the creepiest Morticia Adams persons he has ever seen. White alabaster skin, black hair, with a red streak. Do I see red eyes and claws?? and those Christmas elves ears again!!'-- he thinks -- 'Kind of a bad vibe off of her. But not bad enough to worry about---just plain CREEPY!!' "I must be dreaming"--he thinks and mumbles again rubbing his face - Absinthe notices him doing it and giggles softly "Need a fresh one?" she pips. "No thanks--- I am good for now" he grumbles. The third female walks into the room. Dr Otto introduces- her as -Fey- his other consultant. This one is a drop dead knockout red head-- she looks very Irish with the flame red hair. He notices vibrant violet eyes. Of course once again for the third time. Pointed ears like an elf. The shape of the eyes is just shocking. Her face. Her body just screaming supermodel at all points. This girl SHOULD to be in the movies-- That Jack worked on--she's got the look!! she can do it!! She steps in a couple barely a foot or so into the room. AND time seems a slowdown for Jack as he's looking at her. He gets this creeping along the back of his skull. THAT!! starts screaming something IS wrong with this girl. Something absolutely wrong with this girl. She takes the next step or so into the room. That Little voice that he always listens to. The one that keeps him alive when he is working. The little devil or the Angel on the shoulder that says do this or don't do that. That voice that seems to keep him alive all these years AFTER all the dangers he has done, all his life has seen. THIS GIRL IS BAD!! HIS BRAIN FINALLY SCREAMS!!! GET AWAY FROM HER!! Get a weapon your HAND!! If you have to kill it KILL IT!! RUN if you have to!!! The back of his mind is screaming. That animal section that says get the HELL out of the room. Don't go near it!! She takes another step in the room. Now the voice is like a stadium loudspeaker going off. She's wrong. nope nope nope nope nope nope FEAR RACKS HIS BRAIN!!! She takes another step in the room. AND----- Jack to screams out "I don't know who the redhead is. But get her the FUCK!! out of the room !! NOW!! You creep me out girl beyond measure!! Don't take another step in here!!" he screams again. the guard steps forward as Jack starts to get off the bed to the left side -FARTHEST- AWAY- FROM-- HER!!! "I'm going to go-- to go-- BAT SHIT!! on you" he warns. Fey took another step in the room. He rolled his legs out of the bed. On the far left side of the bed, the farthest from the door. FAR from this redhead that's bothering him even though he, should not be bothered. He is not even worried about the alabaster white skinned girl. Whose easily far MORE creepier, than any female than he's ever seen. The redhead-- she bugs him 10 times worse and that the voice in his head is maddening--screaming at him get away from her!! Queen reasserts her dominance over Fey's body and says. "I don't understand why you have such a problem with me?" She looks at Jack. "Sir I am no threat to you whatsoever?" Jack at hearing that voice. The change in the voice. It just it's even worse than it was before. The voice. He got!! out of the bed like a shot-- he reaches across the bed for that small table and the arm that it was on-- It pops out. He gets ready to use IT!! as a weapon. More guards POUR into the room!! Dr Otto yells out "Don't hurt him!!!" Guards assemble themselves in a line across the room to protect their charges. Absinthe is backpedaling across the whole room and is sliding along the wall to stay out of the way of the guards. She manages to get around the desk and is already halfway out the door before anyone notices. Carmilla on the other hand this is backed up against the wall close to the bathroom door and seems to be staying out of range of anything that's about to happen. Also Sir Wallace is already halfway out the door with Absinthe in front. Being a small FAST Sidhe, she made it first. The guards they form up a pretty formidable wall. Six of them between Jack and the other five people still in the room. Dr. Otto turns to Nikki "Fey get out the room right NOW!! he's definitely uncomfortable at your presence." "EVERYONE out!" yells the head guard! The five reassemble in the hallway and shut the door. Dr. Otto once his group is outside he was the first talking "My --- I don't understand why he fixated on Fey as a problem. Considering who else was in the room" he then looks at Carmilla and says jokingly "You are the by far the creepiest female I've ever seen and he did not even seem to be bothered by you.-- Which is quite strange." Carmilla looks at Fey and giggles "I don't know what's wrong--you don't smell bad today at all. At lest any worse than normal" Fey takes a little swipe Carmilla that she easily dodges. Dr Otto then says "He said He had no "Issues with you, Carmilla." Carmilla chirps in "Hey I like him... he has TASTE!" she says slowly on the last word -"He maybe a keeper doc." Dr Otto says "I and ONLY I will go back in." Sara gets Dr Otto's attention "Hey PeeTee?? --I noticed one thing. This guy has no aura that I can read at all -- its like he is a null, just nothing there to see. Then add Fey's glamour did nothing too him to calm him." "Humm" he says "The reports also mention that he is just impervious to all telepathy used. So far some of the best here have tried to get in his head and no go." With the door now SHUT. Jack Calms down. Puts the table down. He Sits on the edge of the bed Slightly Worn out and Exhausted. The Dr comes back into the room. Jack was wondering to himself 'Why? did I want to kill her-- I don't get it? ' Then the doctor comes back in the room. Jack as he sitting on the side of the bed not quite all the way in. He says in a short to the POINT sentences to get though to Dr Otto. "I don't know what she is. Where she comes from. But if she comes back in this room again! That redhead!! I'm going to go bat shit again! Something in my head says no! That's all there is to it. She gets close to me-- you better have me strapped down or unconscious. You don't have any choice in this matter! ---if if if he stutters-- she comes in this room and I'm unrestrained and I have a weapon my hand. I'm going to use it. I'm going to mess someone up for sure Dr. Otto." Dr. Otto nods his understanding "I'll make sure she stays out of the room. As to the other two kids or Sir Wallace any issues there?" Jack says "I have no problem at all with the kid with the green hair-- the one with white skin and dark hair she may creep me out-- She's the weirdest one of whenever she is. I have ever seen-- that one with the white skin creeps me out-- but, it's nothing compared with the redhead was doing." He stops for a second to catch his breath. "It doesn't make any sense to me." Jack shakes his head. Jack is half sitting on the bed. He starts pulling up the sheets from the floor. He is putting the table back on its arm. Then rather neatly puts everything back down on the table, the water pitcher and it's cup. the small tray both where on. Some water spilled on the bed but it doesn't bother him. Otto notes how fastidious the man is. Even on small details. The guards are still assembled in the room. But Jack seems to have calmed down. Jack says to Dr. Otto "I think I need more water and I'm bleeding from that IV- I tore out of my arm." The Doctor then turns to one of the guards "Do we need 6 of you in here right now??" Four of the guards leave and now two stand at the door. One of them says to the Dr. as if to reinforce their point "Two of us have to be in the room from now on. If any personal are in here with him after that dust up Sir." Dr Otto says to one "We need to have a nurse or a orderly come in here and put that IV back in his arm again. Go please go get one." "Yes sir I'll go" the guard then leans out of the door to indicate to the other guard. That still stands the hallway to call for the rooms nurse. Dr. Otto turns to Jack then says "Okay once again" he reiterates "I'm Dr. Otto I'm in charge of the complex that you're currently in. We have some questions for you. First of all what is your name?." Jack ponders this point and then he replies "Do I give you that at this point? that would be stupid you're in charge and the only thing I have the bargain with... is what's in my head and I'm guessing that I should hold on to everything that can!" he stops to emphasize the point. "I'm guessing that I need to hold on everything I know as bargaining chips. Then I might decide to tell you what, you need to know or you don't need to know, at this point." Dr. Otto says "Okay your at ARC research center in New Hampshire." "Never heard of it" jack hissed. The Dr. replied "Well not a lot of people have heard of ARC. But some have and I take it you're from Los Angeles?" "Maybe I am" Jack quips to the doctor... "I'm gonna tell you straight up I always like to tell the truth to people! ONE! " he lectures "It eliminates problems later on." He stops to think and starts his list thing again. "Straight out the box -- I really don't like lying-- But first thing your obviously the government of some kind or giant corporation. I would NOT trust neither. I've worked around the government through family all my life on and off. I worked for many a giant corporation. I wouldn't trust anyone one of them to get me a sandwich, let alone anything with my life on the line. I never have. I'll give you one clue--electrician by trade in the past. I started at 18 and worked with up to 30,000 Amps of current at high voltage all day long and with that... electricians like me DO NOT! scary easy. We HAVE to shake hands with death all day-- you really don't get scared anymore its just normal. I will only say one thing. The redhead scares me more than ANY of the high voltage. I ever worked with. So will you keep that statement in mind from now on? But as for everything else. I will tell you what, I think you need to know. AND most of what I know is this --!" he kind of shouts "I find a SMALL (finger quotes) box on a road and bang HELLFIRE-- PAIN and then poof! I am in bed sheets on top of a bigger box--your guys SHOOT ME!! Please tell which one so I can BEAT HIM HARD! Next I wake up here DAMN IT!" "SO" he pauses. "I'm just going to basically consider myself a prisoner at this point and like I said-- and stick with what else I've got it in my head as bargaining material." Jack looks at his arm with the IV and a Band-Aid next to it. I am sure you have drawn blood and gotten skin samples off me at sometime or another while I was out, for how ever long that was. But my bet is less than a day or less than about 12 hours. I'm also sure you x-rayed me or whatever by now." Dr. Otto goes "Yes of course we've X-rayed you and everything else by now. We had plenty of time to do that. When you where received back then--But we still need information on this box that you where on? How you came across it or it came across you? We need quite a little more information on it" --he paused "as IT WAS DANGEROUS!" Jack volunteers to help "Doc I'm telling you the truth. I woke up on it and like I said next thing I'm here. Then you bring a scary redhead into my room, a green girl that's named after a beverage drink and a creepy looking kind of Morticia Adams looking girl--okay with red eyes. I know what good contacts look like and they WHERE NOT contacts. I can tell that! I've seen enough of them--so...what else can I give you at this time?" Then Dr. Otto ponders with the gentleman in front of him and said well "Can't you tell us your name? -- as "hey you" is bad--so give me that at least?" Jack laughs "I told the girl with green hair the name is "hey you senior" please-- that name will do with for now. I doubt anyone else in the building is called "hey you" so I'll live with it" Jack laughs and smirks back "I have to laugh as I am in SO much deep shit its not even funny -- so? Anything else Dr. Otto?" Jack stares at him. Dr Otto replies back "Okay you obviously speak English, so your American that accent fits for the area- so your Californian at the very least?" Otto looks at his notes. Then asks. "What was the last date you remember?" Jack thinks to himself another nugget information he wants. Jack says "Okay Dr. I will NOT give you an exact date that's another nugget I want to keep to myself to bargain with later-- the last time I remember was it was winter." says Jack. Dr. Otto shakes his head this point there "Okay can we get a month?? 30 days at least?" Jack was thinking little bit "November" he lied. It was really late December. But he's in trouble and he hates lying. But lying may be his only hope to keep alive.--- Keeping them in the dark a little. Like the bit about mushrooms, keep in dark feed shit see if they grow!! Dr. Otto goes okay writes it down on file folder "You think you can give me a year to be sure? as its is a possibility that you came from 100 years ago or 200 years in the future--though I doubt it." Jack is okay 'Time travel? he thinks to himself'-----"Okay you're asking in the year" Jack says "Truth right now--it was 1976" Dr Otto asked confused "1976 was the last year you remember?? you're not playing with me to make sure?" "Yes it was 1976 is okay?-- all right?!" Jack snaps back. "Okay-- all right-- who was president?" Otto asks. Jack looks at Otto and pipes up. "It was Ford after he makes an attempt to win the election-- Jimmy Carter the peanut farmer won the election. so what now?" Jack huffs. "I am from the planet Earth. I am not a Martian. I'm not an alien --so what ELSE!" He yells. "As those 3 girls are NOT Christmas elves with Santa Claus at the mall. I am sure that they did not have on makeup on from the motion picture studios. I have seen enough of that stuff up close to know--and I have NEVER heard of ELVES --are they mutants?" Dr. Otto looks at jack with a blank look of a man thinking HARD and says "Let me go outside talk to my friends of what you have given us, I might bring back you some photos of that box. you where on and see if they ring any bells okay?" then leaves. Jack looks at two guards in the room and checks out their equipment.--- 'They have a 9 mm military issue pistol that only JUST came out-- as I bought one --you guys are really on the cutting edge--okay Jack I don't think I'm going anywhere---like I'm guarded by two guys with guns at least and a big huge metal door with no window in it. I don't think I'm getting out of here anytime soon.'----he thinks. After Dr. Otto leaves and the door the guard locks it and he stays in the room with his new buddy. Jack ponders to himself 'So at this point.. I'm in deep trouble --this is not good I don't think they know. What they have on their hands and they're asking me questions? The doc seemed to get really strange when I told him the last year I remember was 76. He seemed to be really bugged about that one' he thought about that for a couple seconds. The door knocked, the guard opened up and in came a orderly or nurse. A guy about 6 foot even entered the room with a small handled box with supplies in it. 'Unusual for a male nurse' in Jack's opinion he thought 'But its a military hospital --makes sense' Jack thought his not knowing that 30 years had past and male nurses were common as dirt these days. He came over toward the bed and Jack cleared some of the stuff off of the little table arm that was serving Jack with his water. The nurse put his supplies on it. Then went to the left side of his bed pulls the sheets down around Jack's left arm. The nurse says "Let me redo that IV okay? This is a standard IV. Nothing different about it, just fluid- no drugs you okay with that?" "I guess you're going to do it anyway so-- I'll just let you do it" he hissed "I got no choice if there are drugs in that IV. They are going in me no matter what I say" Jack almost spits out "So have at it!! Dracula tap me" jack sassed. "I'm used to the Dracula jokes" the nurse jokes back. Jack watches the guy go about his job. Then notices the tattoo on his arm--- Marine Corps symbol with the medical badge stuck in it with "devil doc" underneath-- "Corpsman? are you still a Corpsman?" Jack asks. "I was a corpsman years ago. I finally got my full RN degree and I am a full-blown RN at this point" The nurse says. As he rolled up his sleeve a bit. So he can show off the art he is proud to have. JACKS jaw just drops when he sees the whole tattoo and tries hard to hide it-- "THAT DATE ON IT! ---"9/11 2001 lest we forget" "OHH MY FUCKING SHIT --WHAT HAPPENED" he thinks. He tries to hide the sudden fear with a change in topic. Jack whispered "Okay I think I can trust you little bit more than, most the people in this place. A corpsman --I could trust a corpsman" Jack added "You see my dad was a Marine.. served in the war. Corpsman-- all he would ever say is top stars in his book no matter what!! So unless you're a crazy one. I'll give you a little trust." The nurse does his job "Is there anything I can get you? some water? anything at all? Jack smiled "At this point --could I get, a wet towel. To mop up the sweat off of me?? Would be nice" then the nurse steps in the into the bathroom and gets towel damp for Jack along with a dry one. "My name is Bill okay? you still want to be referred to as "hey you" this new guy Bill says. Jack jokes back to Bill "Hey you" will work fine. "hey you senior" specifically. Will probably work better " with a smirk. "We had last week a "hey you Junior" so senior is a good" snips Bill. "Let me get that water filled " as he walks to the bathroom. With the pitcher he just grabbed of the table. "To recap that again --Dracula or Bill" he cracks. As he walks back into the room with the water pitcher and puts it on the small swing arm table. "Need to go to the bathroom?" was the next question. Jack surprisingly thinks and says "I don't need to go to the bathroom and I'm very sure 12 hours gone by at least and I have no need to go whatsoever?" Bill says "If you do need to use the bathroom get me!! I want to make sure that you don't kiss concrete okay?" Jack jested "I don't want to kiss concrete again either! my "bill' already augured into the dirt once today. I think kissing concrete in here with this nice tile on it would be a bad thing." Bill nods "Yes a bad thing-- that I've had many face plants in my life working this facility from patients and usually when you fully face plant around here.. ya pretty much break it." Jack replied "I've seen that more than once in my work. " Then Jack adds in a rather hard and mean voice suddenly. "KEEP THAT REDHEAD OUT OF MY ROOM OR ELSE!! AND I MEAN IT!!" Bill nods back. Then walks out. Jack is now really thinking HARD about what he just saw. 'That tattoo "9/11 2001 lest we forget.' He thinks '2001 was it? some kinda fight or disaster and that guy was "in service" or just got in, then add a few years "in" then add the time it took for him to get a full RN degree that EQUALS ---I'M SO FUCKED!' 'It might be way past 2001! ' 'FUCK near 30 years GONE!! all my buddies are dead or retired and have FORGOTTEN me by now.' -- Depression starts SINKING into him real hard ALL THE LOSS -- 'All that I know GONE! might as WELL BE DEAD! -- All I know for work is out of date--- As dead as I should be -- I am SO screwed --They can just kill me anytime they want ---As I died years ago --No cop will believe me.' Meanwhile as Jack gets comfortable in his bed again pondering. Starting to wallow in DEEPENING depression.-- The five gather outside the closed door down the hall a few feet. Dr. Otto gets everyone's attention "So what do you all think about this guy loosing his complete cool with Fey in the room?" They look around at each other and each one of the pipes up in turn. Sir Wallace "He seemed normal till Fey got too close and your voice?? It really set him off like he kind of recognized it?" he queried. Gwen sang "He was mostly upset that Fay was in the room when he went off-- He didn't seem to be bothered by me whatsoever immediately. He let me slap him silly to see that he was awake. That was kind of fun! It felt kind of good --Maybe he's into it?" Sara says sexy husky voice "OOOO he is into that! sounds like a good one. I like a guy, that's into that kind of stuff." She then looks at Nikki "I think I might know why he did not like ya that much girl" Nikki turns to her sister in crime " WHAT?" she kind of queries- smirking in that what are you thinking voice. Sara snaps back "Are you sure you showered this morning?? Maybe its because you REEK he did not like you?" Nikki sticks her tongue out at Sara as she takes a swipe at her. "OK fine I know you did shower this morning. I know you did. Maybe its your fabric softer?-- that new lavender scent your going for!" Sara asks. Swoop goes another playful swipe that Sara easy ducks. "What other things can be wrong? its NOT your shampoo-- and its not your perfume as your not wearing any today -- I GOT IT !! I know what it is! YOU FARTED!" they all start laughing "I mean after what you had for dinner last night. You should have cleared out the whole room." Even Sir Wallace is laughing at the "stick." Aunghadhail's regal bearing comes over Nikki "Queens do not "fart." Gwen giggling like----mad "Queens don't fart?---really?--so your highness--by all means tell us what they do?" Aunghadhail just remained silent and fades. "Jesus I can't believe she said that" says Nikki. --"We shall talk later child" -- Aunghadhail says to Nikki in her mind. Nikki cringes "I am in trouble for that one." The other girls giggled at that. Nikki says to Aunghadhail "Why do you seem so cold and detached toward this man and his situation? You added nothing to the problem of WHY he hated us enough to kill US!" The Queen just remained silent. Nikki noted her being quiet and took that as BAD things to come! "We kind of have to figure out why" Dr. Otto said as he got everybody's attention back on track "He did NOT like Nikki and had an adverse reaction to her. Didn't mind Gwen whatsoever and kind of went "whatever" to Sara. Which just intrigues me to no end that Sara did not -CREEP- him out. But---Nikki! The beautiful girl with the red hair. Made him almost into a complete raging nut to get her out of the room!" he explained. "We got the figure that one out--that Sara didn't bother him all and Nikki bothered him immensely" Sara being that Lust demon kid says" I am starting to like this guy. He hates Nikki and he likes me. He likes being swatted-- mmmmm-- I am really liking this guy. Maybe I should go into there and talk to him some more? He is kind of cute!" Gwen says to Sara "Sara I know your a lust demon but could you? Please keep your mind out of the gutter for at least one day? and be serious?" Nikki is nodding allot at this point. Sara retorted "My mind is not in the gutter. It never leaves the gutter. That's where it belongs" The girls were giggling once again. Dr. Otto gets the attention of his group yet again. "Well what's the plan here people??-- My idea is that we just leave Nikki out here at this med station to watch everything over a monitor. While she mentally communicates with Sara what's going on in the room and Aunghadhail can communicate on opinions remotely from that position. Anyone else have any ideas?" Sir Wallace shakes his head "nothing." Otto looks towards Nikki as she gets that regal demeanor over her again and the Queen is once more in charge. She's a little bit more cold, detached. This time her speech--he can tell. "I really need to see this man in person and examine the spells that are interwoven over him more deeply and in person. Seeing it from a distance I can't do anything! Gwen and Sara don't have the skills. I'm the only one here that can do it." Then she fades. Nikki comes back in charge of herself "She's been insistent-- Aunghadhail's-- being very insistent!! She wants us to examine him in person." Dr. Otto walked over and talked to Sam the Dr. in charge of the man's medical care. "Sam-- what can we do, so we can get Nikki in there to examine this person?" he questioned. In reply Dr Sam states "After what I saw of the videotapes of him flipping out the minute she walked in. There's only one way you can really do it and NOT restrain him. It is to drug him up and knocking him completely out. I can have Bill go in there under the guise of feeding him with some Jell-O or something else. That's not going to be a problem dietary really. Then we put something in his IV while Bill does an IV bag change out. That is normal for top of the hour. He will be out in five or 10 minutes, you guys can wait down at the nurses station or the break room for 20 minutes. Take a rest while we get set up and it fully sets in." Dr. Otto goes "I agree WE can do that. But for now we will go back in without Nikki and she will wait at the med station to watch us" Aunghadhail interrupted "But I need to see him!" "That can wait till the drugs work --till then Sir Wallace can do some of the examining" Dr Otto replied. Dr Otto Says to Sam "Get started please." Sam states "Your the boss, you might kill him with this "exam" but your the boss. --Bill please get the meds together and do as we have agreed." Bill to everyone --"You got it" as he walks away to the med center desk. Sam walks over to the med area as bill preps his stuff. "Man this is kinda low doc" Bill hisses. "I know.. I don't like it either but that man did come in here with CLASS X taint and now its gone --they have to find out why" Sam goes on "Yes they want the redheaded girl to examine him so this is the only way to go, this is so he will not struggle so hard as to break something or someone" Sam continues while working "Here is something to putdown the patient in a light sleep, nothing heavy I don't want him drugged out of his mind like he's going to surgery anything-- maybe half an hour's worth at best" Bill reluctantly agrees "Okay doc its your guys opinion-- I just do it" Bill carries on finishing his prep. Dr. Otto sits a reluctant Aunghadhail at the med center desk and tells her to watch on the monitor and to communicate through Sara mentally as needed. He then gathers up the rest of the group and walks toward the room. Then knocks on the door. The guard opens the door and they all file in. Dr. Otto walks in and sits back behind the desk on the chair there. Behind the Dr. is the green haired elf and also the somewhat creepy white skinned girl that he already forgot her name. Then next came the older Englishman. Jack watched them all. Dr Otto says to Jack "This is kinda going to sound funny or weird but Sir Wallace is a mage consultant he's going to examine you a bit with his arcane abilities." Sir Wallace says while walking to Jacks bedside "That box. As bizarre as it sounds seems to have left a magic residue on you." Jack sassed "Really?? magic?? okay---so we got elves--got magic--you've got a girl with red eyes!! man I'm on good drugs" he says after pondering for a second. "When I wake up from this one --I will write a book!" Dr. Otto seriously looks at Jack "Your not asleep--this is reality! Remember when Absinthe slapped you? you felt the pain! you're awake! if you want to have her do it again?" Sara peeps in at this point excitedly "I'll do it!! --I like slapping guys" she says in a sexy husky voice. Jack says "I'll pass on this one with you. Not because the slapping doesn't sound fun on its own and your quite good-looking. But ahhh -- continued slapping can have a tendency to make me a little dizzy." Sara chimed in giggling "Well we defiantly have a keeper here!! He has a sense of humor! As long as we can keep Fey out of the room. He might be bearable is to talk to, for at least a couple minutes." As Sara for the first time. Gets closer to Jack. He is certainly getting a vibe off of Sara that is JUST---"different"--but its saying to him, "I like this chick--I should love this chick" but he's shaking it off quite easily. Sara wonders to herself ---'I just hit him with a full force "lust" aura. Aimed at only him!!! and he blew it off? WEIRD! He should be jumping off the bed and going at it with anyone in the room sexually!' So Wallace walks up a little closer to Jack. Sir Wallace puts his hands out-- palms flat to Jack "This shouldn't hurt at all and if you feel anything weird, please tell me" says the older gent. "I know you're not used to this-- but this is like an x-ray or a CAT scan or a MRI" He adds. Jack goes quizzically "CAT scan? what's a CAT scan?" then goes "an MRI?" Sir Wallace starts moving his hands palm down. Up and down his torso. Jack notices his hands are glowing something fierce. Jack warns "You said stop you if I saw anything WEIRD?" he kind of shouts. "Well your hands are GLOWING!! and I don't like it!" he warns again. Sir Wallace looks at him surprised "YOU? can SEE the GLOW!?" "AAhhhh YEP!" Jack says Sir Wallace "Astounding!" D

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Slow winter early summer

Note : This story is completely fictional! It's the winter of 1980, and I confess, I love to fuck my sister and my mother. They are both great in bed. Bobbie Sue my sister is 5 foot 10 inches, has very nice 36DD breasts with pink button nipples the size of a half dollar, and stawberry blonde hair. She and I live alone together on the family property, which was enlarged recently, with the purchase of the ranch I had been employed on, and a couple smaller pieces from neighbors who wanted to sell....

4 years ago
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Fat Chance

Fat. Fatty. Fat. Fat. Fatso. Fat. Fatima. Why had her parents christened her that? Surely they knew that in an English Language culture it was a name that could always be used to mock her. Especially as they knew from their own corpulent frames that their daughter was unlikely to be svelte, slim or slender. And as second-generation immigrants themselves, not even especially religious ones, they understood enough English to know just how her name could always be used as a stick to beat her with....

3 years ago
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Ole Time CuriosChapter 8 Debauchery

Lacey loved being his, even if it was her own little secret. Not Craig’s of course. She belonged to Mr. Basilton, she was his completely, even if he didn’t know. During the regular business day, he treated her just as he always had, protective, benevolently, and kind. He had no idea what nasty fantasies she harbored for him while he simply cared for her and her strange condition. Actually, Lacey had come to appreciate her condition; her crazy libido that kept her fantasizing all the time,...

3 years ago
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Fairy The Second Book End

Travel from place to place. The Fairy screamed, hiding behind the branches of the shrub. The coyote growled, digging after the morsel. She screamed as a paw raked her leg, opening a slash in it. The Coyote suddenly yipped, biting at the small shaft in its side. "Hai!" Thistle dropped from above. Her sword sliced the animal's back, and she was out before it could bite her. Another arrow hit it, and it whimpered. The Fairy used a brew of poisons made from mixing just about anything...

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The Gigolo

Laura puckered her lips as she applied the eyeliner. For years she’d had no idea why she puckered up when she put on eyeliner until a friend had questioned her about it several months ago. It had taken her three weeks of casual pondering before she suddenly realized there was no real reason for it. Her mother had always pouted when she put on makeup and she had passed the habit onto her only daughter. Laura in turn had passed it onto her three daughters. Her long blonde hair was beginning to...

Straight Sex
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Dance Class

The time that I spent with Lynn, the girl I had met at the gym after my divorce, was rather blissful in many ways. Not only was she fun to be around and a great conversationalist, but she loved to try new things. This I consider a very positive attribute in a woman. Not just new restaurants and the like, but actually learning new things. Expanding our horizons, so to speak. One of the things we did together as a couple was to take ballroom dance lessons. Prior to this time, my idea of dance was...

3 years ago
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sex on the lawn

A number of years ago I live in a part of Birmingham called Kings Norton. My wife was part of a very large family, (10 brothers and 11 sisters) they were all married and most of them had c***dren, the strange thing was though that most of them would change partners and think it was an everyday thing. It was a common thing for them to get their tits out and push them in your face or rub their nipples to try and get you horny, many times I have been working under a car and one of my sister in...

4 years ago
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Hay Meri Patakha Senior

Hi everyone myself sam from Bangalore. I am a sportsperson, height 6ft aur athletic body hai…. Now let me introduce u all to my sex goddess she was my senior name vinita, a mast punjaban pataka maal. Sare college k faculties v line marte the usko student ki baat to chor hi do. 5ft7inch height thi gora rang lambe baal, bade boobs aur round shape ass. Kisi k v dekh k khada ho jae. Hum juniors me se bahuto ki fantasy thi usko chodna. Now let me come to the story. Mere college me departmental...

2 years ago
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Futas Wild Passion 03 Futas Wild Latina Delight

Chapter Three: Futa's Wild Latina Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to FallenAngelX00 for beta reading this! I groaned as my friend, Pita, stroked my new futa-dick. I was shocked that she would just grab it. Her brown skin contrasting with my paler flesh. She worked it up and down, her dark, curly hair swaying about her cute face. Boy, she had a cute face. Beautiful, in fact. She was nineteen, like me. A big smile played on her lips as pleasure rippled down my cock. My...

3 years ago
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Wife Ki Chudayi Hote Dekhi

Hi freindz ye story meri wife or uske boyfriend ki hai. Meri wife 27 sal ki hai humari shadi ko 3 sal ho gye ghtna 2 sal pehle ki ha mene apni wife ka fb inbox dekha tha shadi se pehle usame uski bhot ldko ke sath chat thi usame uske bf ke sath b chat thi wo nursing karti thi us time tab mene pdhi thi uske phone me phir shadi ke time usane account delete kar diya tha par ushe pta tha ki mujhe pta lag gya hai to usane delete kr diya tha. Ye bat shadi ke bad ki hai mai delhi me job karta...

4 years ago
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The Hot Wife Part 2

Lara and Dale had recently reunited after not seeing each other for years, they had now hung out several times and their conversations were growing more and more playful with each "date" Lara had found herself caught off guard by how interested she was in Dale, how different he seemed and how he was still the same person in some ways but somehow better, it turned her on, and while they hadn't slept together, they had made out passionately while both drunk at the end of the night and she had...

3 years ago
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Husbands wishes

My name is Sandhya P B. I am 26 years old. Though I am educated, as I came from a very poor rural family, I had to get married to a well to do middle aged businessman of 57 years. My husband’s name is Prem Kumar. I am an average looking woman – very fair, long hair, about 5′ 6″ in height, a figure of 34 – 27 – 38 and good skin texture etc. Being a rural woman I am rather very strong, but, conservative in nature and always dressed in sarees. I was a virgin when we were married and my husband...

2 years ago
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Dimple mere mama ki ladaki mastani

Hi readers this is another for you. Please remember that cocks and cunts are made for each other and when you are lucky you get the right thing for you. This time I will tell you about my fucking experience with my cousin dimple. Dimple was 18 at that time and I was 22.i felt attracted towards her when I used to meet her and she also used to behave very boldly with me when we used to meet. My mama used to live in a metro. We used to visit him in our vacations. That year when we went there and I...

2 years ago
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Maa Ki Chudai Ki Aslam Ne

Hi dosto, mera naam Mira Jain hai aur me noida ki rhane wali hu aaj me apni ma aur unke dost aslam ali ki chudai story batane jarhi hu ye khani tab ki jab mere pita aur ma aalg aalg rhe hai dono divorce lene wale the aur main apni ma ke sath rhti hu meri ma ka figure bda hi mast hai vo jada shree pahenti hai bade bade 36 size ke choochi kisi ko bhi diwana bana de aur unki kamar me jo lachak hai who dekhkar toh kisi ka bhi usey chumne ka man karega. Aur uski gand toh bilkul lajawab 40 size ki...

4 years ago
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Memento Mori

Memento Mori By Cal Y. Pygia "What a lovely purse!" Monique Marshall glanced up from her plate of hors' oeuvres at the broad-faced, big-boned, bovine lady in the fabulous Gabriel Scarvelli gown. She recognized her immediately, of course. Anyone would. Unfortunately, it was too late to pretend not to have seen her and quietly slink away, and of course ignoring her wasn't an option. Gertrude Winn, social matron par excellence, was a pain in the ass, sure, but she had...

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Gibbs hated these conferences, even though he learned a lot from them. It could be a challenge filtering out the bull and hysterics and nailing down the actual terrorism threats growing around the world. Vance had insisted that he attend, especially in the wake of the Somalia situation. He didn't want to discuss it; hadn't been interested in revisiting that mess. He couldn't give a talk about Ziva going back to Mossad, or detail the plan that sent Tony and McGee over, none of it. It was all...

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Selene and the Shemale

I had been friends with Selene for six years - we had met in our first year at university - at a film society party. I was a science major specialsing in partying. She was a music student. She had a sultry, sexy singing voice that was perfect for jazz and blues and even back then, she was earning a little money singing at parties. That was why we were both at the party that night, and why we ended up being friends with benefits during our college career, though never more than that. We stayed...

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Lady in Red Book 2 The Rise of the WarriorChapter 20

The Lady in Red group was approaching Blakely early the following afternoon when Gwen tapped Steve on the shoulder and indicated that she wanted him to pull over. She was addressing her friends as soon as they turned their bikes off. "This may be a little tense up ahead, so we need to be cautious," stated Gwen. "I don't have to tell any on you that our men are capable of handling almost anything if we stay out of their way. However, we need to be smart, not tough, when possible. We have...

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Gay Fun With Straight Friends

Hello ISS readers, I received tons of emails after my first story. Thank you all for your lovely feedback. Your feedback inspired me to write second story. The story I am sharing today is a fiction story. I always fantasize having threesome with two of my best friends. So today I am sharing story of my fantasy. I bet your pants will get wet while reading my story. You can send me feedback on I am 23 year old bi-sexual from Surat. My best friends Vishal and Nilay are straight and they don’t...

Gay Male
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A Road Without EndChapter 3

David returned victorious from his first expedition onto the field of combat. At least that is the atmosphere in his hometown where his family resided and where his new bride and his soon to be delivered offspring would be there to continue on in his absence if his next expedition was not as rewarding. He was well aware that the enemy was not truly defeated but had merely withdrawn because of logistical difficulties. He would have done the same thing if the sides were reversed. In the...

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Loosening Up Book 7 Younger CrowdChapter 10 Class Material

Dave looked out at the class of students for his Circle 101 course. Those interested in ‘pledging’ the Circle were all present and including Cookie, Alan, Elton, Wes, Cord, and Barry – all six by way of a fraternity party some of the members attended. Also included were Chris and Jess Thomas – Nikky’s parents; Juan and Ann Carlos – Bill Lewis’s ex-wife and new husband; Adam and Jill Timms – the flight instructor and his wife; Nikky, Joyce, Bill, and Gene. Lastly, there was JR who he noted had...

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Randhir Bana Radhika

This is a story about a closet cross dresser named Radhika who lived in Los Angeles .Being the only brother with 3 much older sisters, he was very comfortable with the opposite sex, almost too comfortable, His sister would often dress him up in their clothes just for fun. Little did they know that Randhir like d it so much that he wanted to be a girl. With the coming of teenage and the marriage of all three sisters done Randhir had the whole house to himself. He started to dress up as a girl as...

Gay Male
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In the Backseat of Grandpa Walts Gran Torino

With a feeling of disgust welling up in his gut, Walt Kowalski surveyed his home. The place was packed with people milling about in their Sunday best, congregating around the food. His own useless son was fidgeting in the corner with his family, looking lost as usual. Walt grit his teeth in annoyance. This swarm of freeloaders brought little comfort to him in this time of mourning. The loss of his wife left a hole in his gut that stuck with him. It was a pain worse than anything he endured...

3 years ago
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I was sick of my life. I was sick of getting up early to go to work. I was sick of having a job I hated. I was sick of trying to ass-kiss my way to a promotion I didn’t even want. There was no way out, no break from the constant grind of never-ending work. In short, I needed a break. Then I met Sky. Sky was the kind of girl that all other girls instinctively hated. She was the girl every boy’s mother dreaded him bringing back home. Thick, dark hair falling in waves and loops down her back,...

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My sexual experiences The Path of Desire part 1 rewrite

Introduction: I took another look at it and changed some of it. I kept the topic same. It was my last year in school, going to pass out in a few more months and I still was a virgin. Not that I wanted to be but my boy friend lives far and we only get together online but we would be soon be together and getting married, so for him I was saving myself until something happened few weeks before my term was going to end. In school and mostly everywhere else I used to hang out mostly with guys, not...

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Curse Of The BambinoChapter 2

Wednesday, October Eighth Game One "I was reading," I said to Tim that afternoon. "Yeah?" "According to all the experts, I'm going to be giving you a blowjob." I grinned He cracked up laughing. "Mitch? Never listen to the experts." "Yeah, I know, but I must admit, I'm worried. These first two games, the matchups do not favor the Sox. Tonight is Mussina against Wakefield-Mussina owns us, and Wakefield's no Yankee killer. Tomorrow is Pettite against Low. Pettite owns...

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My Extraordinary Trip to California

Prologue Mutual friends who she was visiting here in Minnesota introduced us to each other.We had a few business activities in common, and I told her I would send her my resume. By mistake I included a page from my story Adult Movie Theater. She was more interested in that than in my resume. She really got off on the fact I wrote it. Dee is an artist and has incredible drawings of cocks and pussies, both in and out of action. The one page she read turned her on and so did the idea of...

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Intemperance Volume 2 Standing On TopChapter 8a

Intemperance and their manager, Pauline Kingsley, now knew why National Records management had been so lackadaisical about the submission date for new songs for the next album. It hadn't been out of any concern for the health and well-being of the band or its members, nor had it been because they thought the band would produce better if they had a nice vacation prior to the composition process. No, National had kept nicely in character when they'd pushed the submission deadline back to...

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Train K Bad Hotel Me Gand Marai 8211 Part 1

Humne hotel k liye cab kar li.Raste me maine uncle se pucha ki unhe kaisi ladki pasand h,wo thode surprise ho gaye,fir samjh gaye ki main driver k karan aisa puch raha hu. Fir humhone kaha ki mujhe traditional ladkiya pasand h,main samjh gaya ki aage kya karna h. Hotel pahcuh kar uncle bada se double bed room liya. Room k andar jate hi uncle ne mujhe hath pakad kar khicha aur bistar par daal kar mere upar chad gaye aur mujhe zor zor se lips par smooch karne lage,,main b unka sath de raha tha,...

Gay Male
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My wife and I went to a party at some friends of ours house .Which was a treat as we have children so time alone is a cherished thing. We were having a blast drinking and laughing at all that was going on as everyone there was pretty lit.Well after a few hours of this we decided we’d better get home because it was almost an hour and a half drive. We had stopped on the way to the party at the package store and got a couple of bottles of wine on the way there. Just in case our friends didn’t...

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The Amulet

Alex Bennet was always the textbook definition of a nice guy. He helped out anyone he met with little thought of his own reward. Although truth be told as he grew older he became bitter at the fact that he did all the work and someone else reaped the benefits. And now on this ordinary spring day, Karma pays back a long overdue reward. Alex was heading home looking forward to a long lazy weekend, when he discovered the old man on the park bench. After watching the steady rise and fall of the...

Mind Control
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My Real Sister Laxmi

Helo friends I am laxman.meri family main ammi 40 abbu 48 choti behan 12 bari behan 19 laxmi aur main 18.Ye story meray aur meri sister laxmi ki ha.Meri sister bohat sexy ha us ka rang gora ha aur boobs aur gaand bohat badhae hain us ka figure 36 30 38 ha aur height 5.7 ha long hair brown black eyes.main be kafhi handsome hon bohat sari larkian meray peechay pari hoi hain.Mera lund 7.6 ka ha aur 2 mota ha.Mera aur meri sister ka aik normal relation tha lakin aik din jab main nay net par bahi...

2 years ago
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EvilAngel Mazzy Grace Anal Newbies

Elegant blonde Mazzy Grace pouts, shoves a dildo up her asshole and then licks it clean. She sticks out her tongue and chokes as she gives stud Mark Wood’s thick cock a blowjob. Mazzy crouches on all fours and spreads her cheeks for Mark to fuck her asshole. His meat strokes inside her rectum, and she loves every inch. Mazzy’s sphincter gapes! She climbs on top of Mark and takes an anal cock ride. Mazzy masturbates as Mark porks her pussy to multiple orgasms. The scene features a...

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Cabanna Boy

Chapter 1 It had been a bit of a long running joke between us, about me being your cabaña boy, so when I showed up that day with some vanilla scented candles and some lavender vanilla aromatherapy massage oil, we shared a bit of a laugh together. It had been raining all day, so it was a perfect day to stay inside and snuggle up close to someone to keep warm. We sat down on the couch, my arm around you, to watch a movie and we cuddled close. We didn't talk much, but that was ok. I was...

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Where mistakes may take you Part 2

Now the kiss had confused Katie. She wasn’t a lesbian, she wasn’t even bisexual, but she could notice a women’s beauty and therefore appreciate it. Admittedly, she had formed a slight crush on Lucy during the short time she had known her, but that doesn’t mean she could go from being as straight as ruler to being either lesbian or bisexual... Could it? Katie entered her squalid apartment, barely big enough to accommodate a dog never mind a fully grown adult, but it was home. After spending the...

Love Stories
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A Bad Day Turned Good

Jen had a bad day at work, she’d been texting me all day andfrequently complaining about having to stay late. Sadly, it was nothing new and it was happening more often than ever. Usually I’d resent her having to stay behind, but this day it was quite good fortune. It gave me time to prepare. I’d decided several days before that I needed to cheer her up and treat her; now it had fallen into place quite well. After work, I’d made the trip into town to get the necessary supplies when she’d text me...

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Chronos Chronicles 2 Without a MapChapter 7 A brief glimpse

In waking, I find Nimrod's penis hard up against my back. Somehow Saul and I have switched places in the middle of the night. So I am butt up against Nimrod and Saul is hanging off the bed. Wiggling around some till I have Nimrods length fit between my legs, I rub till he grows harder and moans in his sleep. Saul, on the other side moans in return. It is really cute. I want to reach around and kiss Nimrod but he had reacted so badly to my kiss last night that I don't dare wake him. As I am...

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Jake Roberts pulled into the parking lot behind Choy’s Chinese restaurant in Missoula, Montana about 7:30 Friday evening. It was a pleasant April evening, rare in spring in western Montana. He parked his bright red Corvette in a spot near the back entrance and strode leisurely inside. Choy’s was a fairly large place for a college town. It was also semi-expensive. Jake’s family had a lot of money so he had a generous allowance. The Chinese lady, Mrs. Chung, who ran the place, escorted him to his...

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NIS PP 7 Mike Gina

Synopsis ? The ruling military Junta changed the laws to give males back their superiority and introduced corporal punishment to curb crime. The changes have their effect on school life. The sixth sequel to Naked in School Punishment Programme 1: New Laws (NIS PP 1: New Laws). A computer error placed Gina in a course she hated but if Mike mentored her, would she like his course any better? ? ? ? Naked In School Punishment Programme: ? NIS PP 7 Mike & Gina ? by obohobo ? ? Warnings ? Please take...

4 years ago
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New York Adukt sex club with my wife Wow

A little history back story...I have always been fortunate to date sexually adventurous girls. 2 Girlfriends before my marriage to Amy, Sheila introduced me to gloryhole. She used to go by herself but that is another story.I constantly was pushing Amy to her limits when we were dating.Blow in the car, taking off her clothes on the way home her feeling no pain...We planned a trip to New York and I told her we were going to a club called Trap...Before we left the room I had to approve of Amy's...

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Travel for work

Three years after Dave’s table dance fling, he had the opportunity to go back to Mexico on business. He thought it might be a good time to catch up on some pussy and see what other delights might be found. In every large city, clubs can be found, exotic massages or girls that will meet at hotels and such. Dave thought he might check out a massage place this time.He checked into his hotel and then grabbed a taxi. To Dave’s amazement his taxi driver was new and didn’t know anything. They...

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Time of Eden and ElvesChapter 32

LYCAVORIAN HOME GUARD FLEET GROUP ONE ATTACK CRUISER LEONIDAS I SEVEN OF THIRTEEN JUMPGATES COMPLETED EIGHT HOURS UNTIL NEXT JUMPGATE SIX DAYS FROM EARTH "Do we have a firm location of this city Eden?" Riall asked. "Yes Admiral," The young officer replied. "It is situated between these two mountains ranges in what they used to call Ut ... Utah. It is located on the North American continent." He used an infra red pointer to signify the position of the city on the charts they had....

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Ranchland The real Chapter 3

___________________________________________________________________________________ Ranchland - (The real) Chapter 3 It was late in the afternoon when Ben and Amy arrived back at the Ranchland house. Amy had applied more of the anti-itch cream that had given Ben some relief, and combined with many cool baths to reduce the heat in his burned skin, his sunburn turned to become the dry and peeling skin of recovery. Amy chuckled as she watched her uncle scratching at the itchy skin that...

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Summer on the Tightrope

‘Where are we going? We’re not leaving already, are we? Where’s Amber?’ ‘I just need to get something from the truck,’ Nick answered. He was coming close to herding Emily out of fairgrounds entrance and into the increasingly darkened area of the parking lot, out toward the outer fringe where he’d parked the double-cab Dodge Ram truck. He hovered over her, seemingly twice her size in his Nordic muscular bulk. ‘We’ll be just a bit. Amber saw Tony, and she’s gone off with him for a while.’ Tony,...

2 years ago
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Willing Target

She raised a hand and waved as she saw Victoria, now with her own coffee glancing about to spot her friend. She smiled familiarly as she spotted Hannah and approached casually, settling down in the seat opposite and placing her cup and saucer down too, relaxing with a soft sigh. “Busy week?” Hannah asked, a soft smirk on her full red lips as she tilted her head, looking across the table at her former manager, her eyes tracing over the woman's slender body, lingering on her full chest,...

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while asleep

This happened to me when I was in college, I have never tell this story to anybody… During my freshman year in the university I met professor Galvan (the names in this story will be changed to protect the identities, however the name used will resemble the real one), everybody have talked great of him and in deed he was a great teacher, I soon became the teacher's pet.The professor was a handsome latin man in his late 30's, husky, dark skin, dark haired kind of a middle eastern type of man....

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Trying It With Maddie

My nose pressed into the soft pubic hair growing above my best friend Maddie's vagina. I had never tasted a girl before and I savored the fact that hers was the first. The blissful sounds she made filled my ears as the musty sweet flavor of her juices flowed onto my hungry tongue. I wanted to take it slow, make the moment last. So, I licked slowly, the flat of my tongue traveling up and down her spread lips, tickling the V at the bottom while my upper lip rubbed back and over her clit. The...

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A Fantastic RingChapter 6

After supper, we did our homework in our rooms. Hazel must not have had much or else she rushed through it, because I still had plenty to do when she came to tell me that she was ready to go to bed. She was so excited that I didn't have the heart to put her off. I just closed my book, knowing that I was going to have an extra load of work to do tomorrow night. I followed Hazel to her room and embraced her for our first kiss of the evening. The kiss was deep and extended, but Hazel broke...

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Mental WhiplashChapter 7

"Are you satisfied, Mr. Joe-new-chee?" Ms. Williamson said his name in careful syllables as if she had struggled to get the pronunciation right. "Yeah." Jou sighed. Two hours with his son had been emotionally exhausting. "So will you stop all this foolishness and just sign?" "Sign over custody?" That was the last thing on Jou's mind. The last two hours had satisfied him that he needed to be in his son's life. "Hell no." "Now look here, I don't know what your angle is, Mr....

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The Training Of Slut Heather 9

THE TRAINING OF SLUT HEATHER OR MY WEEK-END OF SERVITUDE AND HUMILIATION CHAPTER IX THE ORGY Sunday morning came much too early for me and as I got out of bed, I felt my "pussy" was still stretched and throbbing. First I went into the bathroom and "douched out" like Ann had told me. I dressed in a casual pair of slacks and with "D" cup bra padded with silicone breast forms and a low cut red knit top that revealed my pushed up cleavage, short but dangling earrings, and matching...

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Chance EncounterChapter 2 Seduction

It wasn't until after I was back in my office and had actually sat down that I remembered what it was I wanted to work on. Fix one broken program, how hard could it be? It's not like the girl of my dreams was just down the hall. Somehow the computer's annoying security login screen was actually rather comforting. At least some things hadn't changed in the last ... wait, no way. Squinting at the clock I couldn't believe it was already after 8:30. Wow, had we really been talking for an...

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The Adventures of Juggs October 2010

October 2010 (Breakfast In Bed) This story is dedicated to the real Juggs. Yes, she's a real person and this story is based on one of my fantasies about her. Thanks, Juggs, for being such great inspiration! Warning: I'm sure you're all sensible people and don't need me to tell you that messing around with asphyxia can be dangerous, but consider yourselves told anyway! "Ohhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhh! Oooooooooohhhh!" moaned Tony, breathlessly. "I ... I'm ... I'm gonna cummmmmm!" "On...

2 years ago
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Pollyanna Part 4

It has been several months since Michelle left the loan modification department at My Mortgage Inc. and it hasn’t been the same without her. The spark is missing; everyone is just going through the motions and snapping at each other. Naturally, management didn’t replace her. Her work was just redistributed to the remaining team members. Patrick did his best to stay on top of the added workload, and Michelle was adjusting to her new position in the fraud department. Their affair had ended with...

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The Grass is Greener A Semi Drabble

The Grass Is Greener: A Semi Drabble (Based on a forty-year-old joke.) By Carol Collins Spring was in the air as the birds sang in the trees. It was a clear sunny day with a very pleasant temperature that made every one wish to be outdoors. Beside a winding pathway through the city park, George and his gay companion, Bruce, sat holding hands on a park bench. George watched in amazement as Bruce followed the movements of a very pretty girl that happened to be passing by. The...

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LenaChapter 8

Jay’s turn: Lena likes kissing and hugging and she’s very agile and energetic and… Last night I thought we’d… We didn’t. God knows I wanted to, but Lena’s precious and if I’m misreading this, I could move her away from me. I don’t want that. If she wants to play and tease, then we’ll play, and I’ll get teased, and that’s just the way it is. Then she almost killed me this morning. I got out of bed to ease the pressure in my bladder, returned to bed. She did the same thing. When she returned...

3 years ago
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Step Father Daruis 5

He led me to the table and made me sit in a chair. He started pulling mypanties off, I lifted my hips to make it easier. When he had them off he spreadmy legs wide, leaving my skirt on. He looked right at my tight little pussy."You're so wet Arri." He put his face just an inch away from my pussy. "It's myturn to taste it."My whole body jerked when I felt him lick my clit. "Oh my God. Darius," I moanedas he licked down my pussy to tease my hole. He moved back up and sucked my clitinto his mouth....

5 years ago
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Baring No Relation

This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen. He stroked his erect penis first with just his cold fingertips, tracing his way up from the base on the topside of the shaft, circling the rim of his helmet, and then down the underside, to his balls. But it was too painful in the icy night air to finger those – he didn’t want them to disappear altogether! He was thinking of her again. He loved how she smiled softly at him when they saw each other,...

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