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Jake Roberts pulled into the parking lot behind Choy’s Chinese restaurant in Missoula, Montana about 7:30 Friday evening. It was a pleasant April evening, rare in spring in western Montana. He parked his bright red Corvette in a spot near the back entrance and strode leisurely inside. Choy’s was a fairly large place for a college town. It was also semi-expensive. Jake’s family had a lot of money so he had a generous allowance. The Chinese lady, Mrs. Chung, who ran the place, escorted him to his usual table.

‘We have new waitress,’ She smiled. ‘You see her, you like her. I send her over here.’

He started to protest, but then thought better of it. He knew it was useless to argue with the little Chinese woman. He had tried it before and it didn’t work.

As Jake settled into his seat, a vision of total loveliness and beauty appeared in front of him. She was oriental. She was perfect.

The vision asked, ‘May I take your order, sir?’ Jake couldn’t answer. His throat had slammed shut and he had started to sweat. ‘Sir?’ inquired the vision.

Jake had never been outgoing. In fact, he was extremely shy, especially around the opposite sex. That’s why he was still a virgin. It embarrassed him to think that he had never loved a lady, but those were the facts. Now he was confronted with the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. His brain crumbled.

Finally he croaked, ‘I’d like some egg foo yung, and some kung pao chicken, please.’

She continued to query him about soup, salad and the usual accoutrements. She wrote it all onto her pad and swept away toward the kitchen.

Jake was now a shambles. He could not think about anything but the girl. He knew he would have to shake this feeling. He was a math major with a 4.0 GPA. He couldn’t let this rattle him.

The next day, he went back to Choy’s. He knew he had to find out more about the girl. Mrs. Chung greeted him at the door again. She was smiling from ear to ear. Jake knew that she knew he was hooked. ‘So, you like Julie a little.’ She said. Jake smiled. ‘Maybe you like her a lot?’

‘Is she working today?’ asked Jake.

‘She be here in two more hours.’ Mrs. Chung replied. Jake didn’t think he could wait that long, but on the other hand, he was scared and shaking.

‘I’ll be back.’ Jake stated and walked out to his ‘Vette.

Two and a half hours later, Jake returned to Choy’s. He came in through the rear entrance again and was again greeted by Mrs. Chung.

‘I think you maybe like Julie a lot. She cherry girl. You no hurt her!’ Mrs. Chung admonished.

‘I think of her all the time. It’s your fault for hiring a goddess.’ exclaimed Jake as he sat down. Soon Julie was standing in front of Jake’s table. Once again he felt the constriction in his throat. He couldn’t speak.

‘Is something wrong, sir?’ Julie asked.

Summoning up all his courage, Jake said, ‘No, no, nothing’s wrong. It’s just that I’ve never seen a girl like you before.’

‘Is something wrong with me? Should I get you a different waitress?’

‘No!! Absolutely not!’ Jake almost shouted. He was having a very difficult time talking to her. ‘Can I ask you your name?’ Jake asked meekly.

‘Sure, it is Julie Trang. My family is Vietnamese.’ She replied.

‘Although I’ve only seen you a couple of times, I would really like to get to know you better.’ Jake begged.

‘Well,’ she responded, ‘This is awfully fast. What would you want to do?’

‘There is a frat party Saturday night. Would you go with me?’

‘I don’t know about that. I’ve never been to a frat party, but I have heard some bad things about them.’

‘What you have heard probably has some truth to it,’ Jake admitted. ‘But I would take good care of you. I would have you home early and we could leave any time you want.’

‘OK’ she said. ‘But I have to warn you, I’m not much of a party animal.’

‘Neither am I.’ vowed Jake. ‘I only go because I’m a frat brother. I seldom stay at one of these things much past 8:30 or 9:00. We could go get something to eat after we leave.’

‘Won’t you have to come back to the frat house to sleep?’ she asked.

‘No, I’ve got my own house. Dad insisted that I join the frat. I made him give me a house before I agreed to it.’

‘Wow!! Is daddy loaded?’

‘Yeah, he’s got mega bucks. But he really is a nice guy and he came by all of it honestly. I’ll pick you about 6:30. That way, we won’t be there very long. Just long enough for me to become the envy of the entire frat.’ He smiled.

The week dragged by with the alacrity of a snail with polio. Finally Saturday evening arrived. It was chilly out as is typical of spring time Montana weather. Jake burned rubber almost all the way to Julie’s house. When he got there, he rang the bell. Julie answered the door and invited him inside.

Suddenly it was more chilly inside Jake than outside. He was nervous. Very nervous. He stepped inside and she escorted him to the front room. Her mother and father were introduced and greeted him openly. They seemed like a nice couple and expressed some concern about the frat party.

‘It’ll be alright.’ Jake assured them. ‘I promise not to let anything bad happen to her.’

‘We understand you are an amateur boxer.’ Julie’s father said.

‘Yeah, but it is just a hobby. I’m really not good enough to turn pro or even get into the Olympic circuit. After I graduate, that will be a thing of the past.’

Her father grinned broadly and said, ‘We don’t know much about you, but you look like you can take care of our daughter.’

The longer Jake talked to them, the better he liked them. ‘Just between us, sir, I think your daughter is the sweetest, nicest, most beautiful girl I have ever met and frankly, I want to get to know her and her family much better. I’m not a playboy or someone who chases women. In fact, your daughter is the first date I have had in two years. I’m not going to hurt her or try to take advantage of her.’

The old man smiled and said, ‘I appreciate your honesty. We want to know you better too, but first, have a good time this evening and bring her back to us.’

‘You can be sure I will Mr. Trang.’ He took her arm and walked her out to the car.

‘I think daddy and mama like you.’ She said.

‘I hope so.’ He replied.

Even though she was only 4′ 10′ and 90 pounds, when she walked into the frat house, it was like a movie star had arrived. All the frat brothers shifted into ‘full lust’ and all their dates shifted into total dismay.

‘Holy shit!’ exclaimed Jake’s fishing buddy. ‘Where did you capture her?’

‘I never give away good fishin’ spots.’ Jake stated.

Julie looked around and saw that everyone had a drink or a beer. There was a keg on the bar. There must have been fifty bottles of hard liquor behind the bar.

‘Can I get you something to drink?’ Jake asked.

‘You’ll think I’m a party pooper, but I don’t drink alcohol.’

‘Neither do I!’ exclaimed Jake. And with that he ambled over to the bar and retrieved a couple of Sprites. By the time he got back to Julie, she was surrounded by frat brothers. ‘Alright, heathens. Go back to the slums and leave the lady alone.’

‘Thanks Jake. For a minute I felt like the main course at a wolf feed.’ They sipped their drinks and listened to the music for a while. Finally, a slow dance came on.

‘Want to dance maam?’ Jake inquired.

‘Sure thing, handsome.’ Julie responded.

‘I can’t dance fast.’ Jake explained.

‘I can, but I don’t like to. I think it looks odd. Like you’re demented or physically impaired.’ Julie commented Jake laughed and held her tighter. She squeezed him. It was great!

At 8:45, Jake said, ‘I’ve had about enough party. Let’s go get something to eat.’

‘OK’ replied Julie.

‘What would you like for dinner?’ Jake asked.

ow about a big, juicy steak!’ Julie answered enthusiastically. They hopped in the car and headed for the best steak house in town. ‘I’ve never eaten here’ Julie said as they drove up to the parking valet.

‘I’m sure you’ll like it. They have really good food here.’

‘Well, OK, if you say so.’

The evening was going by much too fast. Their food came and was consumed. A local band was playing oldies in the background. He led her out onto the dance floor and held her tightly. She reciprocated. She put her hands on the back of his head and drew him down to her. No mean feat! Jake was no giant, but his 5′ 10′ frame was way up in the air for the short, beautiful Julie. She kissed him lightly and ran her tongue across his lips. A bomb went off inside Jake’s head. He had never had a girl lick his lips. It was an incredible feeling. She looked into his eyes and smiled, resting her head against his shoulder. He could have stayed like this for a week! Jake shuddered visibly against her and knew beyond a doubt that he was in love. The song ended.

‘We’ve got to get home. I don’t want daddy to worry.’ she said.

‘OK’ said Jake. They walked slowly out while the valet brought the car. He drove as slowly as he could to her house and walked her to her door. She fished out her key and said,

‘I had a really good time tonight, Jake.’ He looked into her eyes and she knew he was in love with her. She didn’t know if she was in love with him, but she knew that she had never felt this way about any man ever before. Once again she dragged his lips down to hers. This time her lips parted and her tongue shot into his mouth. Jake was overwhelmed and almost collapsed. He wondered if it would just keep getting better and better.

‘Where did you learn that?’ he asked.

‘I’m an avid reader. I thought I’d try some of that out on you. The book said it would generate ‘strong feelings and urges’. Did it work?’

‘Boy, I’ll say it did. Keep reading! I can’t wait for the next chapter!!’ Then with a happy little giggle, she was gone.

The next week was filled with exam preps, so both Jake and Julie didn’t have much time for fun. Meanwhile, Julie had a serious chat with her mother.

‘Oh, mama, I don’t know what to do. When I kissed him, it felt like all my body shifted into high gear. My pussy tingled. My vagina got wet. He didn’t make any moves on me, but I can tell he loves me! What is happening to me? I never felt this way before. What do I do now? From the way he makes me feel, I don’t know whether this is a good thing or a bad thing!!’

‘Listen daughter. Every woman who has ever fallen in love feels this way. I feel the same way about your father. I get wet every time he touches me and we have been married for many years. I know you have been reading about sex and marriage. That is a good thing. You will know what to do when the time is right. Meanwhile, since you have deep feelings for Jake, let yourself explore them as far as you want to go. You will soon know if he is the one.’

‘Oh, mama! I am so scared. I have read all about sex and how it can hurt and not be good and maybe I’ll regret it. How can I get over this fear?’

‘You will forget all about the fear when you bed him. Sex is a beautiful thing and all the women in our family enjoy it. You will not be any different.’

‘But mama, what if it is too big for me? I have heard that Americans have giant penises and can split a small oriental girl like me in two.’

Her mother laughed and said, ‘Don’t believe all that stuff! If women can stretch to let a baby out, do you really think you couldn’t let a penis in? It would have to be a whale cock! I’m not saying to run out there, jerk his pants off and screw him to death. Take your time and enjoy your love. Then when the time is right, let him have it!’

‘Thank you mama. I’ll try to take it slow. What would daddy say if I gave it up? Do you think he would be very angry?’

‘Well, daughter, all daddies don’t like to think of their sweet little girls doing it with anyone. But deep down they know it is the natural order of things. Besides, how would they ever get grand children? Don’t worry about your father. He will understand. After all, he made me pregnant at sixteen and here you are nineteen and a virgin. You are overdue.’

Jake could just barely get thoughts of Julie shunted to one side long enough to study for his finals. Finally on Friday he called her and asked if he could cook dinner for her.

She said, ‘I’ll cook for you. But I have no kitchen. My parents are having guests this weekend.’

‘Why don’t you come cook over here at my place? Tell me what to buy and I’ll have it here tomorrow night. What time will you be over?’ Jake asked.

‘I thought I would start cooking about 2:00 in the afternoon so we could eat by 6:00.’

‘Great! Now, what do you need?’ Julie recited her shopping list and they said their goodbyes.

Jake had his kitchen stocked and ready for Julie by 1:00. He drove over to pick her up. Her mother answered the door and invited him in. She had a strange half-smile on her face. As she escorted him to the living room, she grasped his bicep.

‘Oh, very hard. You in good shape.’ And with that she giggled and left the room.

Suddenly Julie appeared. ‘Ready?’ she asked. She didn’t look like she was dressed for cooking. She looked like she was dressed for eating. She had a small overnight bag with her. ‘Aprons’ she replied when asked.

They hopped in the car and zipped over to Jake’s house. As she walked through the door she casually flipped the overnight bag into the living room, turned, grabbed Jake and rammed her tongue down his throat. Her mind was made up. Jake was the one. Jake would take her virginity and Jake would do it tonight! Jake wriggled a little and then returned her salutation in kind. He leaned down, picked her up and took her to the living room. When he looked into her eyes this time, he saw love and lust. Jake knew it was the end of his bachelor days.

‘Let’s get comfortable honey.’ She said as he dropped her on the sofa. ‘If you wait a minute, I’ll go get into my cooking clothes.’

Thoroughly confused, Jake let her go. She grabbed her little overnight bag a skipped off to the bathroom in Jake’s bedroom. Jake couldn’t figure out what happened. One minute she was hotter than freshly fired dynamite and the next minute she was gone. Twenty minutes later, she came out of Jake’s bedroom. His eyes popped open when he saw her and instantly he understood. She was wearing the world’s skimpiest baby doll pajamas. They were sheer. He could see right through them. She had on no bra and no panties.

Jake almost had a heart attack. ‘What else do you have in that little overnight bag?’

‘Just my toothbrush, some fresh underwear and a little sun dress for tomorrow morning.’ She innocently stated.

‘Oh no! What about your parents? They’ll kill me if I don’t get you home on time.’ Jake worried.

‘Ha, ha, I already took care of that. I talked this over with my mother a couple of weeks ago. She talked to my father. Don’t forget they are from the old country and look at things much differently than Americans.’

‘Two weeks? You’ve known about this for two weeks?’ He asked.

‘Yeah, how else was I going to get you into my evil clutches? These things take planning.’ She giggled, ‘Someone is overdressed.’

‘It must be me, ’cause it sure can’t be you!’ Jake exclaimed.

‘I guess I’ll have to fix that.’ she said as she walked slowly toward him.

All Jake could do was sit transfixed by the vision of loveliness before him. She was in charge. He knew it. She unbuttoned his shirt and stripped it from him. Next, she unbuckled his belt and let his pants drop to the floor. Then she hooked her tiny fingers into the waistband of his boxers and lowered them to the floor. He stepped out of them. Her eyes homed in on his cock. It was circumcised and 9
‘ long. She had four brothers and had seen all of them naked at one time or another and she had seen her father naked, but she had never seen a cock this big and this hard.

‘Sit down.’ She ordered.

‘Yes maam.’ He sighed. She sat beside him.

A little drop of pre-cum oozed from the hole in the end of his dick. She cautiously stuck out her finger and tested it. Then she tasted it.

‘Hmmmm, not bad!’ she opined.

She tried gripping his cock but her fingers would not go all the way around it. She tried it with both hands and it fit, more or less. She lowered her lips to the head and kissed it. Then she scooted up and started kissing Jake. He was trembling. She was trembling.

‘I know why I’m shaking’ she said. ‘It’s because I’m a virgin. Why are you shaking?’

‘Well, I’ve never done this before.’ said Jake.

‘You mean you’ve never had a virgin before?’

‘No, I’ve never had sex before!’ exclaimed Jake.

‘Oh Jake, I just assumed that a big good looking guy like you would have had many girls by now. You’re twenty. What happened?’

‘It’s more like what didn’t happen. I decided early that screwing around with a bunch of sluts wasn’t going to be for me. So I started looking for the right girl. I knew I’d find her eventually. Now I have. From the moment I first saw you, I knew that you were the one but I also knew that I would have to let you be the one to decide. Have you?’

‘Jake, you know I have. Why else would I be sitting in your living room almost naked? You are my one and only. I love you!’

Jake held her close to him, taking her into his arms. He kissed her, tenderly at first and then gradually increased the heat and passion of the kisses until they were a white hot flame. His hands drifted to her small 32 B breasts and massaged them gently. She was busy giving his cock a rub down. He tweaked her nipples and watched them spring back. He rubbed them with the palm of his hand and then dropped his hand to her crotch. He started rubbing through her baby dolls in small circles.

‘One of us is still overdressed.’ He whispered.

She sat back and jerked the flimsy nightie over her head and onto the floor. No clothing remained between them. Time to get serious.

‘We’re going to do some things now I have only dreamed about.’

‘And just where did you learn these things?’

‘You are not the only one who can read.’ He smiled.

She squealed as he hoisted her legs in the air and spread them enough to get his head between them.

‘Are you going to fuck me now?’ she asked with a quiver in her voice.

‘According to the book, that comes later. Right now, it’s snack time.’

He plunged his head between her legs and licked the inside of her thighs. She started a low moan. He kissed down her legs. He kissed the instep on her foot and sucked her toes one at a time and then all at once. Her feet were tiny and perfect. Then he switched legs and started the slow journey back up to her pussy. When he got to the top of her thighs, he hoisted her butt further off the sofa and suddenly plunged his tongue into her asshole. She screamed like she had been shot and started her first climax. He rimmed her hard and long. She came two more times. He slid his tongue back to the bottom of her pussy and licked all the way to the top of it in one stroke. Slowly he sucked her labia into his mouth and ran his tongue over them. She had produced copious quantities of love honey and he eagerly lapped it up. It was great. Unlike anything he had ever tasted, he wanted more, more, more. The inside of her vagina had a fresh meaty taste like roasted duck. He loved it. She was cumming and cumming, writhing around on the sofa. He suddenly picked her up and carried her to his double-king bed. She had latched on to his cock with an iron grip and did not let go. She jacked it hard, then harder.

‘Wait!’ he exclaimed. ‘If you keep that up, I’m going to cum.’


‘I want the first time to be in your pussy. I’ve got some condoms. I bought them the day I met you. Just in case.’

Laughing she said, ‘I started taking the pill the day after you came into Choy’s. Just in case.’

‘I can never tell you how much I love you.’ He said. ‘The time is here. Are you ready?’

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Meri Vidhwa Mami Ke Saath Honeymoon Unakehi Ghar Me 8211 Part 3

Hello friends main fhir se aaya hu mera next part leke meri mami jinaka naam savita hai wo mere lund se bahot hi jyada khush ho gayi aur wo hamesha muzese chudwane kiye tayyar rahati hai. Par ye abhi ki baat hai. Lekin usaki gaand ki suhagraat manane ke baad wo ache se chal bhi sakati thi. Lekin thoda 2-3 ghante rest karne ke baad hum dono uthe tab shyam ke 5 baje the wo fresh hokar wo muze boli ki aaj hum khana bahar jaake khyenge aur kuch shopping bhi karenge main bola ki teri gaand kaisi hai...

1 year ago
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Sarah Carerra 244 The OC Fair

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By Megan Campbell (Released: July 11, 2011) Chapter 44 - The OC Fair I could feel Sophie's and Holly's shoulders pressed against my back as we waited in the dark for the music to start. This was one of my favorite segments of the concert, and I couldn't...

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He was my Tech Sargeant and so much more

There was no doubt in my mind I needed to get away and so at the young age of 18 I graduated high school and joined the Air Force. Boot camp was psychologically tough. They broke you down and stripped all ties to home while building the image of the military being your new family. Then there was tech school where they taught you that boot camp was just trying to get you to grow up, that your family was important, and you needed to learn an air force occupation. Once I completed all that I was...

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Happy Birthday Baby

Happy Birthday Baby!! It was Ambers' birthday and it was almost our 1 year anniversary of being together. The past 12 months seemed to to have flown by without either one of us noticing. 15 months ago, I was still looking for her but hadn't yet found her. Its a long story, but I'll share it with you. We had kind of a lost love thing going. I'd met her 16 years ago, she was dating a co-worker of mine. I remember seeing her for the first time, walking with him in the mall. I remember feeling...

First Time
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Sex With My Hot Neighbor Spurthi Virgin Girl

Hi sex cravers, this is Varun again. I appreciate your comments in my mail and thanks for the likes on my stories. For all who don’t know me, I’m Varun, 24yrs old with 5.9” weighing 70kgs which is neither skinny nor fat. I’m open for sex chats so ladies start pressing keys on your phone to my hangouts inbox. So I was dating this girl from the neighborhood. Her name was “Spurthi”. She used to live in the next lane near my home. We were neighbors from 5 years almost but we never talked. She is a...

1 year ago
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Tushy Rebel Lynn Angel Smalls Watching My Girlfriend Do Anal

Rebel and her friend have been BFF’s forever and even love the same kind of guys. Older guys. A friend of Rebel’s dad is staying at their house for a few days and the girls have always both had such a crush on him. They make a plan to seduce him, and they know exactly how to make their ultimate fantasy a reality. When Angel sneaks into his room and starts her seduction, he can’t resist her, but the best is yet to come when Rebel decides to join in the fun, and promises that her dad will never...

1 year ago
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PamdaBitchChapter 6

Mom got up, picked up her swimsuit and we all walked inside the house. She stopped in the kitchen, checking on what she was cooking. I went behind her and said, “I can’t say I’m sorry for what we did, but I am sorry for what Dad has done. We already had something to eat. When is Dad expected home?” “Not until later—some woman called from his office saying he was staying late for a meeting ... I am going to kill him!” “Lisa, I never finished telling the real reason why I stood there and...

3 years ago
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Reshu And Her Slut Mom Getting Fucked

Reshu and I are class fellows. Reshu is the hottest girl in the class and also a very bitchy whore. It’s was our 12th standards exams. One day I went to help Reshu in exams. I reached her house and her mom Gayatri welcomed me.Gayatri is a damn hot Indian white chubby milf mom with big boobs and fleshy body. She was wearing a black saree showing her deep round navel. As soon as she opened the door her navel was in front of my eyes. I got to see it deeply which made me horny.She is a very...

2 years ago
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Die Brgschaft

Kerstin ist 19 und seit sechs Monaten mit ihrem Freund Jan zusammen. Er ist Auszubildender in einem Logistikunternehmen in der Nachbarstadt. Kerstin liebt es, wenn sie mit dem 1,80 m großen und blonden jungen Mann in seinem neuen Auto in die Stadt fahren kann. Sie ist 1,70 groß und wiegt 46 kg und ebenfalls blond mit langen glatten Haaren. Er fährt gerne schnell und Kerstin liebt es ihm zuzuhören, wenn er über geplante Umbauten an seinem Auto spricht. Er hat jeden Euro in das Auto gesteckt und...

1 year ago
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Building a Better PastChapter 14

Most of the rest of the summer was more relaxed. Jenny stayed over frequently that summer but instead of sharing our bedroom with Trish she took the guest room. We always did our best, even when she wasn’t staying over, to make sure she knew that we both loved her. We also found that Planned Parenthood would provide an exam, prescription and pills without parental notification and by early August Jenny was no longer a virgin. The best thing about that summer was how Jenny responded to our...

3 years ago
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Slutty Mom Fulfilled Lust Part 2

Hi guys I’m back with another story of my mom getting fucked by our neighbour uncle. Hi guys I’m Shashank here if you haven’t read my first post do it and continue reading this. The sex between mon and her colleague continued for few days and he left the town for no reason, and my mom became low for his departure, I could see her unhappy all the time, few months passed and even dad got transferred to Mysore. We shifted here and even mom got a job in a nearby girls school. Few weeks passed she...

1 year ago
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"Hi there young man, it has been so long since I have seen you. How are you doing after losing your parents so tragically? It must have been such an awful blow to you. I've been hoping you would stop by sometime so I could tell you how sorry I am. Your Mom and I were such great friends. She was like a daughter to me you know, and you dear man, are still my grandson." "Mrs. Henderson. It is good to see you too. I'm sorry I don't come to see you more often. I will stop next time I come...

4 years ago
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Ake son ny apni mom ko Delhi

Hi i am love delhi ka hun or gigolo koi bhi female school girl lady cpls or incest family member or bttom married male enjoy sex then buze me my id per app ko meri story buth passnd ayie ake huubby ny apni wife ko delhi gigolo sy chodvya ..ok all ko i love u jise ko mera land passnd hai. Use ky bety ka naam hai {{manish or mery name hai love} Abe main apni story start kerth hun..jasi ki ap sabe ko path hai ki main ake gigolo hun delhi ka or delhi ki female or cpls or incest family member muje...

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YelloweyeChapter 3 Getting Grounded

They’d worked out a pattern. Everyone had work to do and no one could spend all her time reading the book left for Ramie by her younger siblings. Nor could they handle more at one time than the hour they spent in the evening holding each other as they read. Every word the kids had written cut into the hearts of their mothers, father, and siblings. Even Aubrey, the only one not related by blood, worried that the babies might be affected by hearing the story at such a young age. But more than...

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a long time coming

I was asked to be a third with this couple. I thought I had a decent sized cock. When I saw the size of his. At first I was embarressed. He was so much bigger than I was. I went limp that night out of being ashamed of my size. She told me it was ok. We talked about the size difference for a few weeks. Getting her assurrance it was ok. Now I’m starting to get turned on by the size difference. His big hard throbbing cock was about 8 inches. She would describe how everytime he took a step it...

3 years ago
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Sting of the Scorpion Ch 04

The chronological order of my stories is as follows: Todd & Melina series, Interludes 1-5, Sperm Wars series, Russian Roulette series, Case of the Murdered Lovers series, Case of the Murdered Chessplayer series, The Swap series, Interludes 6-10, The Murdered Football Player Series, Case of the Black Widow series, Teresa’s Christmas Story, The Case of the Black Badge series, A Case of Revenge series, Teresa’s Summer Race, The Trilogy series, Dark Side Of The Force series, Caught In The Act...

3 years ago
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Rebirth IIChapter 34

School had changed not only for me but for everyone. The female population was not as meek. Girls had always known that they had something that the males wanted and felt secure that they could trade for it. It was just that after the trade was legitimised then it was taken for granted. Now the ladies were more socially aware and knew a lot more about what was ahead of them. This now made the boy who was malleable in more demand. In a way the boys were now being trained so they would fit...

2 years ago
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My Moms Friend

It was a hot summer day my mom’s best friend shanthi had called me. She wanted me to go help her clean her fish tank.So I went over and we got straight to cleaning the tank. She was wearing an old white shirt with some tight jeans.while we were cleaning the tank some water got onto her shirt near her boob and nipple area. I looked over at it when she wasnt looking and I could tell she had no bra on and her right nipple was hard due to the water.After we finsished cleaning the tank she said she...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 530

My security team picked me up early today; we were still varying the times. I wondered when I would be able to stop this foolishness and had that discussion with Andy and the girls. I reluctantly agree to continue until the end of my term at the task force, four weeks and four days to go. It was good to be able to see all the day people in the office and have a normal conversation with them. I finally had time to talk with Cindy, Susie Q and Mark to see how they liked the Vice President...

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For Mom8217s Happiness 1 8216The Beginning8217

It has been more than a year since I have met my mother. Being her only child we share a strong attachment. I have just finished packing my luggage as I leave for Bangalore to meet my mom. A flurry of thoughts from my childhood and the hardships faced by her in bringing me up had filled my mind. Though my father is a gentle, kind-hearted man he failed to keep the marital bond strong. He had been a great father but a poor husband. Well, I totally empathize with him and believe that none can...

1 year ago
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When aunty Came to stay

Mother came off the phone and announced Aunty Joan is coming to spend the weekend with us. Aunty Joan was in her 50,s and looked after herself after her husband died 5 years ago.I was always drawn to her massive breasts and shapely legs.Joan arrived late on friday and decided on an early night after her journey.The following morning Mother and joan set off for a shopping trip. I was dozing in bed when they set off. I became restless and was thinking about aunty Joans breasts.I suddenly got up...

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Airport Examination

Introduction: Western wife is intimately interrogated by revolutionaries The orderly queue had slowly but surely descended into a jostling chaotic snake of passengers. The normal Western reserve had begun to crumble as more and more military vehicles appeared on the airport tarmac and outside the entrance hall. The military coup had come so quickly that even the international news agencies were only just getting the first patchy information. The presidential palace had been stormed and although...

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Enjoying Mom in front of dad

My mom Deborah is not like most moms. She's 54 years old but she has a body like a 24-year-old. Big tits, slim waist, and no cellulite anywhere. At her age, most of her friends start cutting their hair short and start to focus on gardening. Not my mom. She's got really pretty, long sandy blonde hair, and if you see her from behind, you'd be forgiven if you thought she looked like a young twenty-something girl. I know it's weird to think of your mom in a sexual way but it's hard not to with my...

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Cheating Boyfriend turned Gay GayMaker

Truthfully, the three biggest thrills for me are: 1. Turning a straight guy into a cocksucker 2. Having a turned guy begging for the privilege to suck me again. 3. Taking a virgin's ass and depositing my load deep in it; conversely, my greatest perversion is to make a guy keep my cum in his ass while he is doing something with his woman. Every person is given a talent from the Lord. For whatever reason the Lord gave me the innate ability to make straight as arrow guys became the cocksuckers (or...

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Flights of Consciousness Book III Charitable Good DeedsChapter 9

Gloria Temple had been David's accountant for five years. She was a CPA and owned and operated her own firm. She had other clients, but she'd always treated David as if he were her only client. David adored her, and she returned his admiration with equal affection and respect. She was about fifty years old, chubby, short, and a ball of energy. Because setting up Ridley had taken the entire morning, David had called her, and she'd agreed to meet Flint and him for a late lunch. While they...

4 years ago
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Undercover RoseChapter 77

While I vetted everyone on the crew that I felt needed it, the security wheels were grinding. The security team had Arnold pretty much disguised as he had the breakfast buffet with 'The Girls'. Since they had a Chef making meals no one expected or knew about the buffet. The armed guards couldn't hover about him so they tried to fit in. Hiding their weapons was next to impossible so a lot of the security fell to me and the comedy team of Moe and Curly. The Dovecheck family and the people...

3 years ago
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Bound Together chapter 2 Supernatural Hellfic

As usual, he was sitting in the dark, hiding from her sight, enjoying the smell of fear emanating from her. He loved the anticipation. He always took great pleasure from that instant previous to the actual torture when he could see the terror in his victim's eyes. He found it deliciously intoxicating and knew this time it'd be even better. He approached her slowly and saw her squirming against her restraints in response. This time he'd decided to use leather straps instead of chains and...

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His Property Part Three

We packed up our food and supplies and were about to get ready to leave when he came in and laid a few things down on the bed. One was a very strange looking thong like device he told me to put on underneath my hiking shorts. He watched as I rather sheepishly complied to his wishes. Next he ordered me to remove my bra and stand up before him while he placed two lightly weighted nipple clamps on me. As I was turning away from him to step back into my shorts he asked if I would like to see...

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MyFirstSexTeacher Claudia Valentine 25475

Rion tricks his Professor, Miss Phillips (Claudia Valentine), into getting him access to her class alone — all in an attempt to steal some test answers, but his plan backfires when he takes too long in the class… after he finds her vibrator. She catches him and threatens to tell the dean, but Rion threatens that he’ll tell the dean about her vibrator in the classroom. To settle the dispute, Professor Phillips suggest Rion fuck her just right and if he does good, he can keep...

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Brad and TracyChapter 6

We followed the road, which was much better maintained on this side of the gate, up a ways toward the house. Everything looked fine so we turned around in the driveway and headed off toward the back of the property. There was a neat gravel parking lot down by the lake, Brad pulled in and turned off the truck. We all got out and unloaded our things. When we got out to the beach, I was surprised; apparently we were in a cove on the lake. You couldn't see the rest of the lake from the beach....

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A Time To Try

Elizabeth looked out the window at the clouds passing below, trying very hard not to plant her elbow into the folds of flesh overflowing from the seat beside her. Her mind flitted back and forth passing through the previous ten months. Ten months of chaos in her personal life, professional life and family. Ten months of challenges, growth and strides being made toward a future for her and her children, a future that she has longed for since her teen years. Ten months of typing, talking and...

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MylfXLadyFyre Lady Fyre Passion

Sometimes a little vacation is all Lady Fyre needs to clear her head and reconnect with her body. She takes a trip to the coast with our stud and takes the opportunity to soak in the beautiful outdoors and have some fun in the hotel room. She spreads her legs and invites the lucky guy to eat her MILF cunt. He gets her snatch all wet and climbs inside, fucking her gushing pussy while she spasms in pleasure. This ginger MILF may be a force to be reckoned with during the work week, but a long...

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Unexpected Switch

College Daze Tony sat in the lab, watching as Dr. Cheryl Wilson put the finishing touches on her latest experiment. She was a brilliant scientist, but Tony could see the exhaustion in her eyes. He was her teaching assistant, and he knew how hard she worked. "Are you ready?" Dr. Wilson asked, turning to face him. "Sure," Tony said, feeling a bit nervous. He was excited to be a part of the experiment, but he couldn't shake the feeling that something might go wrong. Dr. Wilson...

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Brad the painter

Could this day get any worse?? First my heel broke on my way into work, at lunch I lost my bank card and the salon was running late so I was late getting back to work from my waxing. Then on the way home my dam car died…ok I know the engine light came on a week ago but it’s been crazy and seriously if it was that important the light should flash and have an alarm!Now I have 20 minutes to get ready for my date with Brad and no idea what to wear! Ok maybe not the end of the world but I wanted...

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Submissive little sister

With fighting parents that will soon separate and a little sister relying on you from a young age to adulthood the choices you make now decide the outcome of the story later in life. choose how you mold her, treat her, reward her and eventually claim your little sister for now the story starts 7th grade, you lived with your mother and sister in a

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One Humiliated Hubby Part 1

I woke up this morning feeling super horny. My wife was sl**ping, so I went on Xhamster. I checked out some bi and femdom movies. Then, some "turning you gay" captioned photo slideshows. I was getting pretty hard, when I heard a toilet flush in the bedroom. Bummer. My wife was awake. I immediately closed the windows on my computer,and went back to "business as usual." I usually go to the gym in the morning, so I got my gym bag ready. As I was preparing, I was still thinking about the porn I'd...

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He Brought It

If you read my previous story, then you know my situation. I recently moved into my own apartment and I love it here. The girl who lives in the apartment next door is a girl named Robyn, and we've become good friends. Robyn is a former stripper who now has a day job in a warehouse, but at night and on weekends, she moon lights as an escort. I am a voyeur, and hearing people have sex arouses me. Most of the time, when she has a date, I don't hear much unless I put my ear to the wall. She does a...

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MageChapter 86

Chakra, unfortunately, had no idea where Beog’s hall of splendour might be, though he promised to go through all the ancient works in his archives to see if he could find any clues and correlate some form of evidence. “A lot of it is, however, contradictory,” he noted. “Anything you find will be helpful,” Athena thanked the machine. “Its location will be physical, on this planet, but well concealed.” “Whenever we did contact him, the initial reply was always as if from a great distance,”...

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