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Coeds By Julie O. Edited by Amelia R. This story features characters from Fresh Start, Change of Course, The Protector series, The Scholarship, and Corruption. Jennifer Stevens appears courtesy of Bob Arnold Cameos by Trish, Amelia and Eve Peyton-Ten Broeck from Amazon are courtesy of Itinerant Chapter 1 "Well, what do you think?' asked Liz Reid. "I can't believe it's the same place," replied her daughter, Jirra. "I can't believe that we totally furnished an apartment in less than a week." "I'm just glad that there's an IKEA nearby," replied Liz. "It sure makes it easier than when I was in college." "I'm just glad we don't have another piece of furniture to put together," said Jirra as she wiped her brow. Jirra was about to start her freshman year at Penn, and she was living in a converted warehouse. Jirra's apartment was on the second floor. Initially, it had looked so bare, with its brick walls, but now it had Georgia O'Keeffe prints on the wall, a gift from the staff of the spa back in New Mexico. Another wall had photos of her family and friends from the spa. The drapes for the windows also made it homier. The pattern was Navaho, and they had been made for her by another member of the staff. There were also several jars and baskets that were Anasazi reproductions. The hardwood floors were now covered by several Navaho rugs. "I don't know why we needed the rugs, I like walking barefoot on the floors," said Jirra. "It feels nice and cool." "You won't think that way come January," said Liz. "Even with central heating, you'll appreciate the rugs, Roo." "I know; I was just kidding," said Jirra. She looked around her apartment. "I wouldn't have thought that we could merge these two styles, but it works." "Southwestern Viking?" remarked Liz. "All we need is a cactus," said Jirra with a laugh. "I'm sure we can find one, but I think a fern might look more hospitable," replied Liz. Jirra laughed again. "You know, I'm so happy that my place reminds me of home." Liz put her arm around Jirra. "So, you consider the spa home now?" Jirra nodded. "It really didn't hit me until we started the drive back east. I guess it's because there are so many people there that mean a lot to me." "Well, I'm glad to hear that, as I don't plan on moving anytime soon. To be honest, I'm tired of the gypsy lifestyle that I've led my whole adult life." "I hope Dan proposes to you soon," said Jirra. Liz cocked her head and stared back at her daughter. "Come on, we've only been dating for a short time." Dan was a college professor who was currently in charge of an archeological site near the spa. "Still, it's obvious that he likes you...a lot." "And how do you feel about this?" asked Liz. A sly smile was on her face. "I don't mind... and I don't think Dad minds either," Jirra added. Major Travis Reid had been killed in action in Afghanistan. "Thank you, Roo. And for the record, I like Dan a lot too," replied Liz. "Tell you what, let's finish mounting the pictures in your bedroom, and then let's go to dinner." "That sounds like a great idea," replied Jirra. She picked up a large framed movie poster. It was from Alexis Eden's summer blockbuster "The Minotaur." Alexis had it autographed by the all the stars and had sent it to Jirra as a housewarming gift. "You know, next to my computer, this might be the most valuable item in my place. The guy at the framing shop wanted to buy it from me." "It certainly has done well at the box office," noted Liz, as they walked into Jirra's bedroom. "The critics didn't like it, but Alexis said that's normal for a Richard Thorn movie; she said that he makes movie for movie fans not critics." "I thought it was enjoyable, even though the dialog sounded like something from a comic book," said Liz. "Alexis said that was the idea, so teenage boys would pay to see it over and over again. She said Richard told her that critics don't pay to get into a movie and teenage boys often pay several times, so it makes sense to make movies for them," replied Jirra. "Still, I'm more interested in seeing Alexis's new series. It will be worth the extra cost for the premium cable channel to see it." "From what she's told you about it, it should be very good." Alexis was currently making a premium cable series based on the series of detective novels by Faith Collins. Alexis would be playing the Boston based detective Erin Flynn. "Alexis doesn't even mind that she had to dye her hair for the series," added Jirra. "Well, in the books Erin is a redhead," replied Liz. As they finished hanging the poster, there was a knock on the front door. Jirra walked over, and after looking through the peephole, she opened the door. Standing in the hallway was the young woman who owned the building. "I just stopped by to invite you and your mom for dinner," she said. "We're barbecuing on the deck, and I thought it would give you an opportunity to meet some of your neighbors." "That sounds great, Celeste; we were just talking about going out to dinner," replied Jirra. "You want to come in and see what the place looks like?" Celeste nodded and walked in. She was only wearing a pair of khaki shorts and a Penn t-shirt, yet Jirra noticed that, even dressed down, the young blonde woman carried an aura of sophistication. Liz walked out of Jirra's bedroom and smiled. "It's good to see you again, Celeste." "Mom, she invited us to dinner; what do you say?" asked Jirra. "That sounds wonderful," replied Liz. "I was going to ask if you needed anything, but you look like you're pretty well established," said Celeste. "I like what you've done with the place." Celeste scanned the room and smiled when she saw the stuffed toy kangaroo on the couch; she would have to ask Jirra about it some day when they knew each other better. "Well, when you're raised in a military family, you learn how to move," answered Jirra. Celeste was drawn to the photos of New Mexico. "Are these from the spa?" Jirra nodded and began to explain the different photographs. "I may have to take a trip out there; it looks beautiful," noted Celeste. "We'd love to have you, Celeste," said Liz, as she walked out of the bedroom. "Well, it'll have to wait until spring break," replied Celeste. "That's right, you're a fulltime student yourself," answered Liz. Celeste nodded. "Well, I won't keep you; we can talk more over dinner. Is six okay?" Both Jirra and Liz nodded. "Great, I really want you to meet my roommate and some of the others who live here," replied Celeste. "Can we bring anything?" asked Jirra. "Just yourselves," replied Celeste with a smile. Chapter 2 Liz and Jirra arrived a little past six and were greeted at the door by a short woman wearing denim shorts and a gray t-shirt that read "Property of The Agency." The girl was holding a large mixed breed dog back by its collar. "Hi, I'm Beth, and you must be Jirra," she said, as she struggled to hold back the very friendly dog. "This is Spirit, and she can't wait to meet new people." Jirra reached out her hand to be sniffed by the dog, who responded with a big lick. "She's a great looking dog; what is she?" asked Jirra as she began to pet the dog. "Part Lab, part Chesapeake," replied Beth. "Come on in." "This is my mom," said Jirra. Beth nodded. "Celeste told me about you; pleased to meet you Dr. Reid," said Beth. "Please call me Liz, Beth," replied Liz. "And pleased to meet you, Spirit." Once they were inside and the door was closed, Beth let go of Spirit's collar. "She's always a little excited when she meets a new person." "I don't mind; I love dogs," replied Jirra. "Come on out to the deck, that's where Celeste and the others are," said Beth. "So, are you going to Penn, too?" asked Liz. "Yes, I'm starting my second year," replied Beth. "What's your major?" asked Jirra. "Cognitive Science, what about you?' asked Beth. "I'm an English major; I really want to become a writer," replied Jirra. "Cool, what sort?' asked Beth. "I haven't decided, but maybe a reporter or something like that," she replied. "That's great," replied Beth. "Cognitive Science, that's pretty impressive too," replied Jirra. "It fits best with what I want to do," replied Beth. "What's that?" asked Jirra. "Law enforcement, both my parents are federal agents," she replied. "We can talk more about that later; come on, let me introduce you to the others." Sitting on the deck were several other people. Celeste was standing over the large gas barbecue and waved to Jirra and Liz. Spirit flopped down on her dog bed. "Everyone, this is our newest neighbor, Jirra Reid, and her mother Dr. Liz Reid," announced Beth. "Welcome to Philadelphia," said a tall girl with long brown hair, who was sitting next to a handsome muscular guy. She was wearing a long skirt that seemed to flow over her long legs. "I'm Cat, and this is my fianc?, Matt." "Pleased to meet both of you," said Jirra. "They're both studying biophysics," added Beth. "Wow," replied Jirra. "It's even better; they're taking on forensics," continued Beth. "Are you planning on going into law enforcement?" asked Liz, as she sat down next to Cat. "Yes, we're both in a program with the FBI," said Cat. "We just got back from spending the summer at their lab," added Matt. "What's your major, Jirra?" asked Cat. "English," she replied softly. She felt a little embarrassed by her major, compared to the others. "She wants to be a writer or a reporter," added Beth with a smile. "Cool," replied Cat. "My best friend from high school is also a liberal arts major; she wants to teach when she graduates, and she's minoring in English." Jirra sat down across from Cat. "Where does she go to school?" "It's a small liberal arts college upstate; it's called Dewey; have you heard of it?" asked Cat. Jirra shook her head. "I have, a friend of mine went there; it's a very good school" said Liz. "It's close to the town where I grew up. My friend, Erika, could have gone to a bigger school, but she wanted to stay close to home," explained Cat. "Speaking of Erika, is she still coming down here this fall? You've told us so much about her; I can't wait to meet her," asked Celeste. "She's still planning on it," replied Cat. "So, Jirra, you're just down the hall from us; we're in 2A, stop by if you need anything." "I will, thank you," replied Jirra. "Well, I was hoping some of the others would join us, but obviously they're not coming; so how do you like your burgers?" asked Celeste. Chapter 3 As they ate, Jirra learned that three other apartments were currently rented out to Penn students. One was a guy named Greg Hamilton, who was a grad student. He also lived on the second floor. Two girls were sharing an apartment on the third floor, and they were both in their second year. One was named Jan, and she was studying Cinema, and her partner was Lori, and she was a communications major. The last one was a Japanese-American girl named Sue, who was an economics major. The first floor of the building was apartments rented out to professionals. "I'll introduce you to them another time," said Celeste. "I like to keep all the students together." "Jirra, do you know your schedule yet?" asked Matt. She nodded and listed her classes. "You have Diana Bowie's class?' asked Celeste. Jirra nodded as she took another bite of her burger. "I'd love to take her class," said Beth. "I just couldn't fit it into my schedule." "I got lucky," replied Jirra. "It seems she holds a certain number of seats in her class for freshmen." Jirra had suspected that she got into the class through Alexis's connections. The writer of the series was Diana Bowie's aunt. However, it was the class that Jirra wanted the most, so she didn't complain. "That name is familiar, where have I heard it?' asked Matt. "She used to be on CNN as a criminal expert, and she's written a few books," said Jirra. "She was also just involved with that case down in Virginia; you know, where the Commonwealth Attorney was so corrupt?" He snapped his fingers. "That's right, I remember Marlene talking about her," said Matt. "Marlene says that Diana is writing a book on the case. I can't wait to read it," added Cat. "Who's Marlene?" asked Jirra as she took a sip of her soda. "She's a legal defense expert," said Cat. "I'll talk to you about her another time." "It's really a small world isn't it?" said Liz. "Jirra, have you joined any student organizations yet?' asked Cat. "I'm still looking at them; it's a little overwhelming," she replied. "I'm more concerned with getting onto the campus newspaper staff." "That sounds good, but there are a lot of great organizations; after all college isn't just classes," said Celeste. "Speaking of which, do you go to the football games?" asked Jirra. "You like football?" asked Matt. He seemed slightly stunned. "Sure, I love it; doesn't everyone?" replied Jirra. Cat shook her head and raised her hand. "You don't go to the games?' asked Jirra. "I'm not a huge fan," Celeste replied. "Neither am I," added Cat. "She goes, but does it for me," said Matt, as he reached around her waist "We usually go together," said Beth. "It's a lot of fun; we've even taught Celeste the wave." "I can't wait," replied Jirra. "Oh, Jirra, since you like football, you want to go to the Penn State - Temple game later this fall?" asked Cat. "Two of my friends from high school play for Penn State. My friend Erika is coming down for the game." "That sounds like fun," replied Jirra. Chapter 4 Jirra and Liz stuck around after dinner to help Celeste and Beth clean up. "What do you think of Cat and Matt?' asked Beth. "They seem really nice," replied Jirra. "You can be open with them, if you know what I mean," added Celeste. "They're both very trustworthy and open-minded." Jirra nodded. She felt a little uncomfortable about her status. To hide the fact that she had been magically transformed into a female, the cover story was that she was transgendered. Celeste was actually transgendered, and Beth had a family friend who recently was a post-op transsexual. "Really?" asked Jirra. Jirra didn't like having to live a lie, even though it was necessary. And while it was nice that Celeste seemed to looking out for her, she didn't think she was worthy of the extra attention. "Cat went to a high school that has a rather unusual scholarship program," said Celeste. She then gave a short description of the program run at Golden Hill High School. Great, thought Jirra, another person I'll have to lie to. "That's incredible," said Liz. "And you mean to tell me that the community supports it?" "From what Cat said, for the most part they do, although they've had some problems. The friend she told you about is transgendered," continued Celeste. Jirra nodded; it kept getting better, she thought. "Speaking of clubs, are you joining the campus transgendered organization?" asked Celeste. Jirra looked at Liz and then shook her head. "No, I really don't plan on it." "We're very careful about protecting our members' privacy. No one is allowed to attend a meeting until they've been screened," explained Celeste. "I appreciate the offer, but I just want to fit in as me. I don't know if that makes sense, but I don't really want to identify myself as transgendered," explained Jirra. Celeste glanced at Beth. "Well, if you change your mind, let me know; I'm an officer in the club." "Thanks. I don't want to appear ungrateful or disrespectful, but right now, I just want to be seen as a girl, not transgendered; does that make sense?" asked Jirra. Celeste nodded. "Of course it's okay. This is a very personal journey, and everyone does it their own way. But just so you know, the offer is always on the table, should you change your mind." Beth nodded. "Don't worry about it." Jirra smiled back. "Thanks." Chapter 5 "Was I wrong to turn down joining the club?" asked Jirra. She was sitting on her couch next to Liz, as they watched TV. "It's your life, Jirra," replied Liz. Jirra laughed. "In other words, you think I'm being bullheaded." "You admit yourself that you're still looking for balance in your life. As much as you dislike being perceived as transgendered, it's the way it has to be. Joining the club may help you find balance." Jirra nodded. "Maybe you're right. I'll think about it." "Honey, I admire the way you've handled this change in your life. I can't imagine what it must be like to suddenly have something so fundamental about your life change. However, you won't have the same sort of support here as back at the spa. Being in the group might provide some of that missed support." "That makes sense," replied Jirra. "Well, I don't have to make up my mind today, as Celeste said the offer is always on the table." Chapter 6 Meanwhile, up in Celeste's apartment, a similar conversation was going on. "What do you think of Jirra?" asked Celeste. She was petting Spirit, who was lying on the couch next to her. "I like her a lot, but she's definitely hiding something," replied Beth. "Well, you would know," chided Celeste. Beth laughed. She had once been a male naval officer who had been transformed into a teenage girl by a DNA process created by a man called Dr. Martz. She had been given a totally new identity by the government. She was now the adopted daughter of two agents. "That's true," she replied. "However, you have to admit that physically, Jirra is the most feminine looking transgendered person that you know. If I didn't know her past, I would never have suspected that she had once been male. I can sort of understand her reluctance to be seen as transgendered." Celeste "I was thinking the same thing. The only other teens that I've seen that look close to Jirra are the ones who had 'special help' in their transformation, like you for example." "I was thinking the same thing," replied Beth. "Well, I hope that eventually she'll trust us enough to share whatever secret she's hiding." "I hope so too; life is hard enough without hiding a secret." Chapter 7 Jirra was glad when her actual classes started. She had a bit of anxiety as she entered her first class. She stood outside the classroom and suddenly felt that she didn't belong at Penn. Suddenly, she heard a comforting voice in her mind; it was Killara, her spirit guide. "Go in, little one, you've earned your place here," he said. Jirra instinctively grabbed the carved stone kangaroo that she wore on a chain around her neck and smiled. She took a deep breath and walked in. It was still warm in Philadelphia, and Jirra wore a white cotton blouse and a khaki skirt. She would have preferred to wear a t-shirt, but she felt that her breasts stood out too much when she wore one. It was okay back in her apartment, but she didn't want to attract extra attention on campus. Deep down, she knew she was kidding herself, as the blouse really didn't do much to hide her large breasts. She took her seat in class and looked around at the rest of the class. Many of the students were older than she was, and she had to fight off her feelings of insecurity again. "Hi, is this seat taken?" asked a young woman who was standing in front of the seat next to Jirra. Jirra shook her head. "No, it's open." The woman smiled and sat down. "I'm Leah." "Pleased to meet you; I'm Jirra." The woman was dressed in slacks and a light blue top. She had naturally curly light brown hair, which seemed to flow around her face. "I'm so excited about getting into this class," said Leah, as she adjusted her steel rimmed glasses. "I'm an English major; what about you?" Jirra nodded. "Really? I haven't seen you before," said Leah. "This is my first year here," replied Jirra softly. "Wow, I'm impressed, I didn't know that freshmen could get into Prof. Bowie's class," said Leah. "I guess I got lucky," replied Jirra. "Hey, don't be embarrassed; I think it's great. I would have loved to get into a class like this my first year," continued Leah. "What year are you in?" asked Jirra. "This is my senior year," replied Leah. She then laughed. "I've already applied to grad school to postpone the inevitable jump into the real world." Jirra laughed too. "So what does the rest of your schedule look like?' asked Leah. Jirra pulled it out and showed it to Leah. "Not bad, I had Prof. Martin's class, and she's very fair. Dr. Thomas can be a bit boring," continued Leah. "A bit boring? A blank wall has more personality!" piped in a dark haired boy sitting behind them. "Take my advice and always bring caffeine to his lectures." Jirra smiled back, and she began to feel a bit more at ease. This wasn't so bad, she thought. Chapter 8 An auburn haired woman walked into the classroom and set down her bags; she glanced at her watch and noted that she had two minutes until her class started. She was slightly nervous as she removed the class handouts from her bag. What are you doing, Diana? You're not a professor. Yes, you have the title, but the only reason why you're here at Penn is that you're a celebrity and a best selling author. She took a sip of her coffee and calmed down. She had talked to her aunt that morning, who had given her a pep talk. "Diana, just be yourself, and you'll do fine," said Faith. "Penn has wanted you for a while, so this isn't just a publicity stunt. You did great as a guest instructor last year, and the students loved you." Diana glanced at the class and was pleased to see that they were currently more interested in talking among themselves. The last thing she wanted was for them to be staring at her. It was bad enough that she had signed several copies of her latest book for her fellow faculty. She finished organizing her notes just as the bell rang. The students began to stop their conversations and look up at her. Here goes nothing, she thought. TV was so much easier, as you couldn't see anyone looking back at you, she thought. "Good morning, I'm Diana Bowie," she announced. Her grad student TA, Sasha Greene slipped in and mouthed, "I'm sorry." Diana smiled back and had the young woman pass out the class information. She would have a talk with her later about being on time; she didn't see a need to embarrass Sasha in front of the class. "Okay, this class is going to be a little different from what many of you are used to," said Diana. "This class will be heavy on classroom discussion, and I expect you to participate. As you may have noticed, there are only twenty students in this class, so it will be very difficult for you to hide." There was a round of nervous laughter from the class. Diana noticed that they were also looking around at the rest of their class. "Yes, there is a text for this class, and I expect you to do the reading. The theories of journalistic ethics and integrity will be tested in your midterm, final, and papers," continued Diana. "However, for class I expect you to be culturally literate, meaning read the papers, watch the news, and be aware of what is going on in the world." The students nodded and wrote down notes. "Okay, how many of you consider yourself to be liberal?" she asked. Half the class raised their hands, including Jirra. "Okay, how about conservative?" she asked. Several students raised their hands. Jirra noticed that Leah hadn't raised her hand. That was somewhat surprising, she thought. "Okay, and I assume the rest of you are moderates or haven't made up your minds yet," she continued. "The reason I asked is that your political beliefs affect your choices for the media. Part of this course will be to expose you to opposing views." There was some groaning from the class. "No, I'm not trying to convert you to the dark side, whichever you think that is; no, I want you to have an open mind. As a writer or a journalist, you are entitled to your own opinion and political views, but you can't ignore the other viewpoints. No issue is black or white," she continued. "So, you will view news stories on Fox, on CBS, on CNN, from the Washington Post, The New York Times, The Wall St. Journal, and the Village Voice and so on." A male student raised his hand. Diana nodded to him. "Professor Bowie, what sorts of topics will we be discussing?" "What's your name?" she replied. The student seemed a little nervous. "Um, I'm Dave Hopkins." Diana smiled. "It's okay Dave; I will soon know everyone in here by a first name basis. Now, for your question, well, that will depend on what the world provides us. I want to keep this course current, so we will discuss current events, ranging from world and national to local and campus items." Jirra nodded and felt excited about the course. This was the type of class she had hoped for. Diana continued with her lecture and, just before the bell rang, gave the class their first assignment. "Before next class, I want you to research a major news story from three different sources. Look for bias in the stories; now as for the issue, let's go with the upcoming Pennsylvania senate election. Be prepared to discuss it. Oh, I will be laying down a few ground rules at the start of next class; I want discussion, not argument." As the bell rang, Jirra got up and started out of class. Diana walked over and stopped her. "Excuse me, are you Jirra Reid?" asked Diana. Jirra nodded. "Yes, Professor Bowie." "Do you have a minute to talk?" Jirra looked at Leah. "I'll see you next class," said Leah. "It was nice meeting you, Jirra." Jirra set down her bag next to the front podium. When the rest of the class left, Diana turned to Jirra and smiled. "I've heard some very good things about you." Jirra felt her face getting warm. "Um, thank you." "I suppose we're connected in a roundabout way," continued Diana. Jirra fidgeted slightly not knowing what to say next. Diana nodded knowingly. "Yes, it's true your friend Alexis requested that you get in my class, but that's not the reason why you're here. It was your academic and professional record. I contacted your old school here in Pennsylvania, and I also talked to Judy Ramone back in New Mexico. She had some very impressive things to say about you. I also talked to the editor of your newspaper; he couldn't say enough nice things about you" Jirra stiffened when she heard that Diana had talked to her old high school. That meant she knew about her sexual status. "It's okay, Jirra, you didn't get into my class because you're transgendered either," continued Diana. "As you know from my books, I obviously know the difficulties that go along with that, but that's life; nothing is ever easy. No, you show real promise as a writer, and that's why you're in my class. I just wanted to make that clear so you didn't think you were getting special treatment. I will also expect you to work as hard as anyone in the class, if not harder. Don't expect any special treatment." A huge smile broke out on Jirra's face. "You have no idea how relieved that makes me feel. The last thing I wanted was special treatment." Diana smiled back. "I'm glad to hear that, and it's just want I expected." "Thank you, Professor Bowie," replied Jirra. Chapter 9 Jirra arrived back at her apartment later in the afternoon and parked her used Volvo sedan in her parking spot in the apartment's garage. She had a huge amount of reading to do, and to save time she'd picked up a cheese-steak for dinner on the way home. She had only been in Philly a short time, and the guys at the pizza, steak, and hoagie shop already knew her by name, and even the way she liked her sandwiches. She would have to e-mail her best friend, Lindsey, about her day. She didn't mind cooking, but she still wished she could cook half was well as Lindsey, who was in college back in New Mexico. Lindsey was a business major, and at the same time was taking cooking classes, as she wanted to open up her own restaurant someday. Lindsey was already a great chef, in Jirra's opinion. Jirra put her steak on a plate and grabbed some Herr's potato chips, along with a birch beer. It wasn't exactly a healthy dinner, but it did taste good. Jirra forgot how much she'd missed the local food. She promised herself to have a salad for dinner the next night. As she ate she read an old paperback copy of "Corruption in a Small Town." It was written by Faith Collins, the woman who had raised Diana. Jirra was also surprised to see that Diana was listed as co-author of the book along with another woman. Jirra had generally known about Diana's past, but the details shocked her. Diana had been sexually abused by her high school teacher. In fact, the whole town's leadership had been involved in a variety of illegal activities, ranging from drugs to sexual slavery. What was even more amazing was that Diana allowed her whole past to be out in the open. It caused Jirra to think; if Diana had been able to overcome so much, maybe what she herself was experiencing wasn't so bad. Jirra also thought about Jen Stevens and how her transformation was public knowledge. Jirra wondered how her own life would be different if her own transformation was known. The more she thought about it, she was glad that it had been kept secret, as it would have affected so many other people. The spa would have been ruined and she would have never met Alexis. And who knows what would have happened to her, she was sure the government would have poked and prodded her to try and understand what had happened. She still didn't like the idea of having to lie to others, but deep down she knew it was the right thing to do. Maybe someday, she could go public with what happened, but now she had enough stress to deal with. Thankfully, she had always been a fast reader, and she was able to finish the book about Diana in a short time. Maybe it was her imagination, but she seemed to be able to read and comprehend books faster since her change; it was something that she would have to ask Killara about the next time they talked. Jirra picked up one of her textbooks and started her required reading. The TV was on, and she listened to the news as she read. An hour later her phone rang. It was Alexis. "Hey, little miss Ivy Leaguer, just wanted to see how you're doing?" joked Alexis. "I'm doing pretty well; I had my first class with Diana, and she's pretty cool." "I thought you'd like her, Roo," replied Alexis. Alexis was the only person besides her mom and Jen Stevens who could use Jirra's pet name without getting a dirty look from Jirra. "You didn't have to try to get me into her class," said Jirra. "Hey, there are so damn few advantages about being a celebrity, I might as well try to help my friend when I can," replied Alexis. "I appreciate the thought," said Jirra. "I also know you got in on your own accord; Diana e-mailed me and told me," said Alexis. "So, how's the show coming along?" asked Jirra. "The premier is in two weeks; the network has been pouring in lots of ad money. They're also holding a special screening for the critics next week, so they must be pretty confident that it's good," replied Alexis. "I'd like to say that I don't care what the critics say, but I'd be lying. I mean, they did like my performance in the Minotaur, even though they hated the movie." "How do you feel about the series?" asked Jirra. "Honestly, it's the best acting I've ever done," replied Alexis with confidence. "She's the first character I've ever played who has real depth." "I can't wait to see it. I wish I could be there with you to see the first episode," said Jirra. "I know; I wish you could be here too," replied Alexis. She then paused for a moment. "I have something that I need to talk to you about; I'd rather do it in person, but since we're talking, how would you feel if I came out?" Jirra thought about it. She knew that Alexis didn't like hiding her sexuality. "It's your life, Alexis; if it feels like the right thing to do, then do it." "Jirra, it's more complicated than that, and you know it. This involves you too. If I come out, you will get a spotlight on you. We've been able to keep our relationship a secret so far, but once I'm out, they will find you. And trust me, the last thing I want to do is hurt you." "I appreciate that," replied Jirra. "Look, before I do anything, I will let you know well in advance," continued Alexis. "And if I'm outed, I'll let you know immediately." "Is that a possibility?" asked Jirra. "It's always a possibility with the entertainment press. If the show does well, they will pry into my life, and it would be a major scoop for one of those parasites," replied Alexis. "That is my biggest fear - that they'll out me." "I hadn't thought of that," said Jirra. "Personally, I'm not worried about my career if it does happen. Faith Collins knows that I'm a lesbian, as does my producer. I'm signed for a five-year run, and that's all Faith wants to do anyway. I'll also have enough put away that I can give up show business. What worries me is you being hurt. You mean the world to me, Jirra." "I love you too, Alexis. What about your family?" "They know that I'm a lesbian, and they know about you. They only want me to be happy. They know that I'm not interested in spending my whole life as a celebrity," answered Alexis. "Oh, that reminds me, would you like to meet them?" Jirra was stunned. They had talked about going out to see her family a few times, but they had never made solid plans. "Sure, I'd like that a lot." "You mean that?" "Yes, I do," replied Jirra. "Should we tell them the truth or my cover story?" "The truth, if you feel comfortable about it. They're both pretty liberal, especially considering they live in Toledo, Ohio," replied Alexis. "Seriously, it's up to you, and I'll support your decision either way." "When?" asked Jirra. "Well, I know you're going to be busy for a while, as am I, so what about Christmas break? We can split your break between there and New Mexico, that is if I'm still invited out there." Jirra laughed. "Of course you are; Mom would love to see you." "It's good to hear your laugh, Roo," said Alexis. They talked for a few more minutes before Alexis had to go. Jirra thought about everything that they had talked about. No, she wasn't the only person with issues to deal with, she thought. The question remained; how would she deal with them? Chapter 10 Beth slowly hung up the phone and stared off into the distance with a lost look on her face. She then picked up a throw pillow that was next to her on the couch and began to hug it. "What's wrong?" asked Celeste as she walked into their living room. Beth reached up and wiped away a tear that was running down her left cheek. "That was Kevin...." Kevin was Beth's boyfriend, and they had been dating since high school. He was currently going to Georgetown. Celeste sat down next to Beth and handed her a box of tissues. "Go on." Beth took a deep breath and let it out. "It's over," she said as her voice began to crack. "I'm so sorry, Beth," comforted Celeste. "I'm not really surprised; I mean, it's hard keeping something going long distance...." Celeste took Beth's hands in hers. "He said it was just too hard being separated," continued Beth. Celeste didn't say anything, just letting her friend talk. "He said that it's best that we start seeing other people." Beth pulled out a tissue and wiped away her tears. "Shit" "It's okay to cry, Beth," said Celeste. Beth shook her head. "It's not that - well, maybe part of it, but I'm just angry that I didn't see this coming. I'm also pissed that he did this over the phone. I mean we were together just a few weeks ago; why couldn't he do it then?" Celeste shrugged her shoulders. "Beats me; I didn't have an active dating life when I was a boy, so I don't have a lot of experience in these sorts of things." "Well, I did," replied Beth. "I never pulled a stunt like this when I was a guy. It lacks class. Okay, now I'm officially pissed! If I was still a guy, I would teach him a thing or two about how to treat a woman." Beth then threw the pillow across the room. Spirit ran over and retrieved it and brought it back to Beth; Spirit's tail was wagging at the thought of a new game. "Um, Beth, if you were still a guy, it's doubtful that he would have dated you," replied Celeste. "I hate to point out the obvious." "Stop trying to cheer me up," replied Beth with a laugh, as she took the pillow away from Spirit. "Just doing my job," said Celeste. "I know, and I really appreciate it," replied Beth as she stroked Spirit's head. "Well, I suppose it was bound to happen." "Does that mean you're going to start dating guys up here?" Beth shrugged her shoulders. "Sure, why not? I mean, I'm not going to go out and look for a new boyfriend, but I have had my share of offers in the past." "Can I ask you something?" asked Celeste. Beth nodded as she continued to pet Spirit. "Did your sexuality change with your gender transformation?" Beth nodded. "I suppose it was all part of my programming. I was a very heterosexual male as Ben, and after my transformation I was a teenage girl just entering puberty. At first, I had no sexual feelings, but gradually they awoke, and I found that I was attracted to boys. I don't have any feelings towards girls." "I guess it makes sense," replied Celeste. "I mean, you were in a way reprogrammed to become Dr. Martz's daughter." "You liked guys even when you were a boy, right?" Celeste nodded. "I never really did anything. It didn't really bother me when I was trained by that woman to be with men either. I was also genuinely in love with Sherman." "Are you going to start dating again?" asked Beth. "I haven't given it any thought," replied Celeste. "You must have been asked out on dates; I mean, you're very pretty," said Beth. Celeste smiled. "Thank you, and yes, I've been asked out, but I don't seem to be attracted to guys my age." "I suppose that makes sense; you were married to a man who was old enough to be your father," said Beth. "So why not date older men?" "I wouldn't know where to start," replied Celeste. "And my life is full enough as it is." "Bull," replied Beth immediately. "You're entitled to have a life, Celeste." "It's complicated," she replied. "I mean, I am transgendered; that does cause some issues for many men." "So? There are men that don't mind, and I don't just mean the pervs who did business with Margo!" Celeste giggled. "What do you suggest? A dating service?" Beth laughed too. "Look, I'm not telling you to go out and get a husband, but going out to dinner on a date would do you a world of good. You are the oldest young woman I've ever met." "Thank you, Dr. Williams," replied Celeste with a laugh. "Okay, I'll consider it, but don't go out there trying to set me up on a date, okay?" Beth raised her right hand as if she was making a pledge. "I promise." Chapter 11 "Hi, Mom," Jirra greeted her Mom. "Well, it's good to hear from you. I was beginning to wonder if I was going to have to send out a missing persons report," replied Liz. "Very funny," said Jirra. "Okay, maybe I'm overreacting, but with our cell phone plan you can call me more often," said Liz. "I'm sorry," said Jirra. "It's okay; it's just that I do miss you," continued Liz. "I miss you too. Maybe I should have stayed closer for college," said Jirra. "Nonsense! You're at an Ivy League school, you can't beat that," said Liz. "Dad would have been so proud of you." Jirra felt a wave of emotion. "Thanks... I had a dream about him the other night." "Was it a good dream?" asked Liz. "Oh yes, he was taking me to a football game," replied Jirra. "That's good to hear." "Mom, how do you think Dad would have reacted to my change?" asked Jirra. "He would have been fine about it," replied Liz. "You mean that?" "Well, he would have treated you a bit differently," said Liz. "In what sort of way?" "He would have been very protective of you, and he would have been even angrier with Randy that I was," said Liz. "Is that possible?" asked Jirra as she remembered her Mom's angry discussions with the DA. "Oh, yes, trust me on that," replied Liz. "I cringe thinking about what he might have done." "How would he have felt about me being a lesbian?" "He would have been okay with that too. I know he'd like Alexis." "Thanks, Mom. So how are you doing?" "I'm busy, but I do miss you, Roo." "Well, I'll be home for the holidays," said Jirra. "I know that, I'm already counting the days." Jirra laughed. "Okay, I'd better go. I promise to call more often." "I know, Roo. I love you, but first tell me how your classes are going." "I love you too, Mom," replied Jirra. Jirra spent the next twenty minutes telling her mom all about her classes. "See, that wasn't so hard," said Liz. "Okay, I get it; I promise to tell you more in the future," said Jirra. "Good, just remember, I'm a doctor not a dentist." Chapter 12 A few days later, Jirra came home from class to find a note on her door. It was from Cat, asking her to stop by when she could. Jirra placed her book bag inside her place and then walked down the hall to Cat's apartment. She knocked on the door. Cat answered and smiled. "Cool, good to see you, come on in," she said. Jirra followed her inside. Cat and Matt's place was furnished in a mismatch of furniture; most of the pieces looked as if they were secondhand, although they were all in good shape. Cat noticed Jirra looking around. "We didn't see the need to spend a lot of money on furnishings; we're saving so we can buy a house once we get married. We both plan on going into federal law enforcement, and that could mean we could end up anywhere across the country; so we figure we can buy new things once we get out of school." "I like it," replied Jirra. "I bought all my stuff out here for the same sort of reason; it was too expensive to bring stuff from New Mexico." Cat nodded. "You've moved around a lot, haven't you?" Jirra nodded. "My parents were in the military." "I'm sorry about your dad. Celeste told me," said Cat. "Thanks," replied Jirra. "Oh, I guess you wonder why I asked to see you; are you still up to going to the Penn State game next weekend?" asked Cat. "Sure, although I'm not sure how good a game it will be. Temple is pretty awful," replied Jirra. "Wow, I'm impressed; you really do know football." Jirra smiled back. "Just cause I'm a girl now doesn't mean that I stopped liking football." "Well, you'll hit it off with my friends from high school. We're having a small reunion here for the game. My best friend, Erika, will be staying here, and we're going out after the game with two of the players." "Who are they?" asked Jirra. Cat told Jirra the players'names. "Wow, you went to high school with both of them? Your school must have had a pretty good team." "We won the title our senior year. Alex is my cousin, and I've known Mike my whole life." "Both are pretty good players. Alex is supposed to be the starting quarterback this year, and Mike is considered one of the best defensive backs in the country." "You really do know your football," replied Cat. "Hey, why don't you stay for dinner? Matt has a late class, and I hate eating alone." "I'd like that," replied Jirra. "Cool. I'll tell you about Erika while we throw something together. I think I have everything to make lasagna," said Cat as they walked into the kitchen. "My mom gave me her recipe, and it's world famous back in Golden Hill. I'll be glad to teach it to you." Jirra laughed. "Okay, but only if I get to show you how to make chili. My neighbors back in New Mexico gave me their recipe." Cat smiled back. "It's a deal!" As they prepared dinner, Cat told her about Erika and the scholarship contest back at her old high school. They sat down in the living room while the lasagna cooked. "Wow, Erika ought to write that up as a book someday," replied Jirra. "She might someday; she's still carrying around a lot of baggage from what that bastard Jason did to her," replied Cat angrily. "Writing out her story might help her deal with what happened. Don't get me wrong; she's doing pretty well, but she still has some bad nights. I doubt that anyone ever gets over a sexual assault. It also didn't help that she recently broke up with her girlfriend. That's part of the reason I want to show her a good time; she needs some fun." Jirra just nodded. She thought about her run-ins with Randy and was thankful that it never got as bad as what had happened to Erika. "Erika had her surgery after her first year in college; when did you have yours, if you don't mind me asking," asked Cat. "Last year," replied Jirra quietly. Cat noticed Jirra's discomfort with the question. "Look, I can understand that you want to maintain your privacy concerning your gender and everything, but there are a lot of good people out there that you can fall back on," continued Cat. "I just want you to know that you can always talk to me about it. I mean, I think between my high school class and the people I've met through Celeste, I've probably seen the gamut of transgendered." Jirra almost told Cat the truth, but decided to wait until she knew the woman a little better. "I'm not ashamed of who I am; it's just that I want to look to the future." Cat smiled and nodded. "That's cool. I didn't mean to pry." "I know that, Cat. I guess it's just that I'm so used to keeping quiet about it." "That makes sense. I forget sometimes that not everyone is as open- minded about gender issues as my friends," said Cat. "One more thing, has Celeste asked you to join the campus transgendered group yet?" Jirra nodded. "You should consider it. I belong to the group; I figure it's the least I can do," said Cat. "I just want to concentrate on school right now. I might join later," replied Jirra. "That makes sense. The first year is always the toughest," replied Cat. "Oh, just so you know, Diana Bowie will be speaking to the group the Thursday before the Penn State game. I'm bringing Erika, as I figure she could learn a lot from someone like Diana." "I like Professor Bowie a lot. Her class is my favorite," said Jirra. "Have you read Corruption in a Small Town?" asked Cat. Jirra nodded. "It's an incredible story." "Almost as wild as what Celeste went through," added Cat. "Oh, I need to check on dinner." Jirra followed Cat into the kitchen. Cat peered into the oven. "Well, it looks about ready," she said confidently. As they ate, the conversation shifted to more mundane topics. "So how are you doing so far in school?" asked Cat. "Pretty good," replied Jirra, as she tasted the lasagna. "Mmm, this is wonderful." "Thanks," replied Cat. "Have you met any new people?" "A few. There's a girl that I've started to become friends with; we're in Professor Bowie's class." "That's good," said Cat. "Having friends makes school a lot easier." "I've also made a few friends in my English Comp class." "Have you heard back from the campus newspaper?" asked Cat. Jirra nodded as she ate. "They asked to see my portfolio." "What's in it, if you don't mind me asking?" asked Cat. "Copies of the newsletter I wrote back at the spa, oh, and two interviews I did for the local paper," replied Jirra. "I also wrote an article on the discovery of an Anasazi site near the spa." "Whoa, you mean you've already been published?' Jirra laughed. "It's not that big a deal. The local paper back home isn't even a daily." "What were the articles?" "I got to interview some celebrities who stayed at the spa," answered Jirra. Cat smiled. "Anyone I would know?" "Jennifer Stevens and Alexis Eden," replied Jirra. "Now, I am impressed. You met both of them?" "Yes. Alexis came out last year, and I was her liaison, and we became friends. She suggested the spa to Jen," answered Jirra. "That's way cool. And you're really friends with them?" "Jen took my best friend and me to the Oscars this year," said Jirra. "No way!" Jirra nodded and began to grin. "It was really cool; we even got to go down the red carpet!" "Wow, I'm impressed. So do you want to be an actress?" Jirra vigorously shook her head. "No, I prefer to write." "Do you want to write for movies and stuff like that?" "I don't know, but can you keep a secret?" Cat nodded. "I mentioned that we had a major archeological discovery out at the spa; well, I'm writing a fictional account of it for Jen. I know it probably won't actually become a movie, but it's fun." "I won't tell a soul... not until the movie is released!" Jirra laughed. "I like Alexis, even though her last movie was more videogame than movie. I also like Jen Stevens. So what are they like?" Jirra began to describe the two actresses to Cat, leaving out the part about Alexis being her girlfriend. "I promise to introduce them to you, if they ever visit," said Jirra. "Really? That would be really cool," said Cat. "So, have you told Beth and Celeste this yet?" Jirra shook her head. "I haven't had time." "Don't worry, I won't tell them. Beth will be so envious, but then again, she once met the President," said Cat. "Her parents took her to a reception at the White House." Jirra let out a low whistle. "Politics aside, it would be cool to meet the President," added Cat. Jirra nodded in agreement. The people in this building were definitely interesting, she thought. Jirra helped Cat clean up and headed back to her place to do some reading before bed. It had been a good evening. Chapter 13 Jirra read as she waited in the coffeehouse for Leah to arrive. Leah and some of the other students from Professor Bowie's class were meeting to form a study group. A few minutes later, Leah arrived with two other women. Jirra recognized both of them, but couldn't remember their names. "Hi Jirra," greeted Leah. She then introduced the other two women. Jill was a short thin woman with spiked blonde hair. She was a junior and was also on the campus paper. She had several rings in each ear and also a diamond in her left nostril. Still, Jirra felt she pulled off the look. The other woman was African-American. She was from New York City and called herself TC. Her hair was styled in a very short length afro. "I hate my real name, so I go by the initials; besides, it sounds more like an author," she said with a laugh. She was dressed more like she worked in an office than a college student. She was wearing a tailored suit, stockings and matching heels. Jirra noticed she carried herself a lot like Celeste, with an aura of sophistication and class. "Leah says that you're from New Mexico," said Jill as she sat down across from Jirra. Jirra nodded. "That's where my mom works, but I sort of grew up all over." "Are you a brat?" asked Jill. Leah gave her a dirty look. "I mean, military brat," continued Jill with a grin. Jirra nodded. "Both my parents were in the army when I was born. My mom left to raise me." "My dad's a captain in the navy. I bounced around too. I sort of consider San Diego my home, as I lived there three times," continued Jill. "Wow, it makes me feel boring. I spent my whole life in central Jersey," interjected Leah. "Yeah, but your dad's a CEO of a drug company; that's not the type of job that moves people around a lot," remarked TC. "What about you, TC?" asked Jirra. "My mom works in a bank, and Dad is a reporter," she replied. "TC's dad works for the Times, and her mom is a vice president," added Jill with a playful nudge to TC's ribs. They talked a little more about their families before they shifted to school. "One thing is obvious; we'd better be prepared for class discussion. Professor Bowie won't cut anyone any slack," noted Jill. The others nodded in agreement. In their last class, Professor Bowie had stopped the classroom discussion when it was apparent that only half the class was participating. She threatened to start requiring weekly papers if this didn't change. "You were no shrinking violet today, Jirra," noted TC. "Usually freshmen are shyer, especially in classroom discussions." Jirra sipped her coffee and shrugged. "I guess that I'm sort of used to being treated as an adult." "Don't apologize for it; I think it's great. I just wish I had been more bold when I was in my first year," continued TC. "I think we should meet for coffee and pre-class discussion, is everyone free before class?' suggested Jill. The others nodded. "Cool, why not meet here?" she continued. "That sounds good," said Leah. They talked for a few more minutes before getting up to leave. Jirra decided to talk to Jill about the paper. "Well, we can always use more help; I'll put in a good word for you," said Jill. "There's an Open House in early September, you should attend that too. If you show up I'll introduce you to the rest of the staff." "I appreciate it," replied Jirra. "Speaking of the paper, I need to get going; I have an article to finish up. I'll see you later," she said as she left. "So what do you think?" asked Leah, turning to Jirra. "I like them, have you known them a long time?" replied Jirra. Leah nodded. "TC and I have been in a lot of classes together. She works in the administration offices." "What about Jill?' asked Jirra. "TC introduced me to Jill last year. She's okay," replied Leah. Jirra thought she noticed a little bit of apprehension in Leah concerning Jill, but she kept it to herself. "Well, I think we have a great study group," noted Jirra. "I agree; I think that we'll be prepared for whatever Professor Bowie throws at us," replied Leah with confidence. Chapter 14 Later that evening, a figure walked nervously towards his car. To the casual observer, the person looked like a young woman; however, in reality the young woman was Tom Gregory, a junior in accounting. He was a crossdresser, and he had just spent the evening with friends at a club downtown. The most difficult thing that Tom, or Tracy as he preferred to be called when dressed, had to deal with was the two block walk from his parking spot to his apartment. He had been dressing for years, and for the most part, other than an occasional dirty look, his neighbors didn't bother him, but this year things had changed. Three times there had been notes left on his windshield threatening him. Nothing had happened, so he figured it was nothing, until the phone calls started. The night before, he'd come home from class and found a very angry message on his answering machine. He mentioned it to his friends, and they suggested that he either move or call the police. Neither was a viable option for Tom. First off, he had a year's lease and finding another place now that school had started would be impossible. As for calling the police, the last thing he wanted was publicity. It was after midnight as he walked quickly towards his apartment. His heels clicked on the sidewalk as he headed home. Maybe he should only dress at his friend's apartment, but then again, he didn't like being pushed around. He was just about to his apartment when several figures jumped out of the shadows and proceeded to attack him. The assault happened so quickly that he was struck several times before he knew what was happening. The figures were dressed all in black and punched and kicked Tom until he was unconscious. "You should have listened to us, you sissy!" screamed one of the men. "Shut the fuck up," ordered another as they ran off. By the time the police arrived, a crowd of neighbors had gathered and were discussing the assault. No one could even agree on how many attackers there had been, let alone provide a useful description of them. "How bad is it?' asked Sergeant Randall Prince of the Philadelphia Police Department as he talked to one of the EMTs. "Fractured skull, broken jaw, several broken ribs, just to start, I imagine that the victim has internal injuries too," replied the EMT. "They did quite a job on him." Sgt. Prince nodded. He couldn't understand why a man would want to dress as a woman, but the policeman in him was livid that some punks had committed a very brutal assault in his neighborhood. Randall was six-five and had played linebacker for Temple before joining the police. He took off his hat and wiped the sweat from his shaved head. A young woman with short spiked hair walked up to the large African- American policeman. "Excuse me, officer, but do you think you'll find out who attacked Tom?" Randall stared back. "We'll try, but we don't have much to go on." "In other words, no," she said. "I bet you'd find the persons who did it if a frat boy was the one attacked." He wanted to argue, but he knew she was right. The department wouldn't put too much effort into catching the attackers. Sure, they could get lucky, but it was unlikely. The only chance they had was if someone turned the attackers in. "Did you know him?" he asked. "He lives next door. He doesn't bother anyone; I mean, he dressed as a girl sometimes, but he's a nice guy, very quiet," she replied. "Was he robbed?" Randall shook his head. "So it was a hate crime," she muttered. "We don't know that," he said, even though he suspected that it was. "Well, I'm not going to just sit back and do nothing," retorted Jill angrily. "What's your name?" asked Randall softly. "It's Jill Macintosh," she replied. "Why, are you going to arrest me?" He shook his head and smiled. "Look, I know you're angry, and you have a right to be, but don't do something stupid. This is my beat, and I don't like things like this happening around here," he said. He glanced around and then leaned closer to her. "I want to get the bastards who did this too." "I appreciate the fact that you seem to care, but that doesn't help Tom. I'm a reporter for the campus paper, most of the people who live around here go to Penn, and they're going to hear about this." "Good," he replied. Jill's eyebrows rose. "You approve?" He nodded and handed her a card. "Here's the number for the police tip line, include it in your article and let people know that they can call us there if they know anything. Who knows, maybe someone knows who the guys were who did this." Jill took the card. "Thanks. Um, I'm sorry I vented at you." "It's okay. Look, the detectives are here; I've got to go," he replied. "Will you keep me updated on the case?" she asked. "Does that campus newspaper give out press credentials?' he asked. Jill nodded. "Good, call my station, and they should give you information," he replied. "Thanks again," she said. Randall smiled back. Chapter 15 There was a small article in the Sunday edition of the Philadelphia Inquirer about a man dressed as a woman being assaulted near Penn. Jill worked on her article, and it was published in the Monday edition of the campus paper. Jirra read the article that morning before going to Professor Bowie's class. She felt an array of emotions, ranging from fear to rage. No, she didn't know the victim, but having been the victim of bigots back in New Mexico, she could feel for him, and deep down, she knew that it could have happened to her. She sat down in class next to Jill. "I read your article; it was excellent." Jill smiled. "My editor said it was my best. I guess that anger will do that to you. Tom's a nice person, and he didn't deserve to be attacked like that." "How is he doing?" asked Jirra. "He's going to make it, but he's going to be out of school for a while," she replied. TC and Leah sat down next to Jill and Jirra. "Great article, Jill," said TC. "Thanks, I'm impressed that they put it on the front page," replied Jill. "It was a well written article, especially for the campus paper," said Leah. "Oh, thanks," said Jill. Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of Professor Bowie, who was carrying a stack of the campus paper. "Good morning everyone," she greeted. "By looking around, I can see that many of you have read this morning's paper. For those of you who haven't, please come up and take a copy; we're going to use the article on the assault for today's discussion." A few students walked up and grabbed a copy of the paper. "First, let me congratulate one of your classmates for writing a very good article. Please stand up, Jill," said Diana. Jill reluctantly stood up and acknowledged the applause of her fellow students. "Jill, can you please describe the process of writing this article, including, of course, your interaction with the police," said Diana. She motioned for Jill to come to the front of the class. "Don't worry, Jill, you won't be the only one to be up here." Jill smiled nervously and talked about the article. After she sat down, Diana started a class discussion on how the press should identify people in their articles. As a contrast, she handed out copies of the small article from the Inquirer. "If you haven't read the articles yet, please scan them now," instructed Diana. After a few minutes, Diana again addressed the class. "Okay, what are the differences in the two articles?" she asked as uncapped a dry marker. "The length," said Dave. Diana nodded and started to write. "The location," said TC. "Good, keep going," said Diana. "The Inquirer article refers to the victim as a 'man dressed as a woman,' and the Penn article calls the victim transgendered," said Mandy, a slightly overweight redheaded girl. "Excellent," said Diana. "The Penn article includes information on how to report information on the crime," added Jirra. Diana nodded and added it to the list. "Okay, this is a good start. Now, this is a good example of how to determine the political leanings of a publication. We all know that every publication has some politics behind it; some are obvious and some are not. When you look at the front page of a newspaper, you can usually determine this bias by the placement of stories. Now it would be expected that our campus paper would run this article on the front page, as it has a lot of local interest and is about a Penn student. But can anyone think of a way this would make the front of the Inquirer?" "If the victim had connections," said Leah. "Good," replied Diana. "If it was a murder," said Steve Lang, a short thin boy with glasses. "Not necessarily, murder isn't that unusual of a crime in Philadelphia," replied Diana. "If it was connected to other murders or crimes," added Jirra. Diana nodded. "That might do it." "What if the crime was especially bizarre?' asked Dave. "Like this wasn't?" piped in a guy name Mike from the back. There was some snickering. "Does anyone find a severe assault funny?" asked Diana. The class got deadly silent. "Yes, some people may find the fact that victim was in the clothing of the opposite gender amusing, but what was the victim doing wrong?" asked Diana. "Is there a law against cross-dressing?" No one answered. "According to both articles, the victim was simply walking back to their residence. Does that earn an attack?" "Maybe someone was upset that their kids might see the guy in drag?" asked Mike. "After midnight?' asked Jill. "And that neighborhood is almost all students," added another woman named Kelly. "Even if there were kids, what gives those guys the authority to nearly kill him?" asked Jill. Mike put up his hands. "Look, I don't condone what happened, but he was taking a chance." TC turned around and glared at him. "That's what bigots said when African-Americans moved into their neighborhoods!" "And when a woman is raped, she is often blamed for the way she was dressed!" added Jill angrily. "Okay, let's reel in the discussion. But, Mike, no one de

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In indian bus mom and son

In India On vacations we used to go to the village on such days we traveled by train due to the heavy rush, but that day we missed the train and we had to go by bus My mom pulled me and s*s inside as the bus moved unfortunate for her that day there was a procession which had just ended and all the men were climbing into the first bus going to go so the womenHad moved away but we unknowingly and since it was becoming late grabbed the first one Even the women’s seat were taken and when she...

1 year ago
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Trumped Up Punishments 14 ndash Meritbased rewards

Trumped Up Punishments 14 – Merit-based rewardsJonathan could not wait until the afternoon. He was one of the top students at Millennium High, and until today his good grades and merits had been their own reward. Two weeks previously, Headmaster Barton had called him into his office and asked him if he would enjoy playing an active role in punishing his female fellow students, starting with the November ‘open’ punishment assembly. As a start, he would be asked to whip Ibby on her spread vulva...

4 years ago
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Strangers 8211 Bus To Bed

Hello readers! I am Anand back with about strangers. Thank you for your amazing comments and love. I really appreciate your patience. I am thankful for such a great fanbase. You inspire me to write more. Keep the support coming, and I will try to keep you cumming! After about 8 months of being inside the comfort of my home, I have finally decided to step into the wilderness and the serene beauty of nature and natural phenomenon. Hills have always been my go-to place to unwind. Sun and sand are...

3 years ago
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A Succubus Enslaved me my wife

A perfect life I am in my early thirties, standing at 6’3”, extremely good shape, played college football, dark complexsinn along with dark hair - attended law school, landing a position with a top law firm in the town I or I should say we live in. My wife was a college cheerleader, at the same place I played ball at. She is blonde, big tits, nipples that always seem to be hard. We both work out on a daily basis, she is a physician, working in a hospital not far from my office. We have been...

3 years ago
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Girl Friend Ki Bua Ko Chhoda

Hi mera Jack hai(fake name) aur mein iss ka bohat purana reader hu. Maine yaha par bohat saari stories padhi hai aur mujhe sab se zyada desi stories padhna pasand hai. Ab mein apne baare mein batata hu mera naam Jack hai aur Mumbai mein thane district mein rehta hu, mein dikhne mein itna kuch khaas nahi hu meri body slim hai aur mere lund ki size 6 inch hai. Yeh kahani meri life ki real ghatna hai jo meri girlfriend ke bua ke saath ghati thi. Meri gf ki bua ka naam Renuka hai(fake name to hide...

3 years ago
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Man of My Dreams

His gray eyes pierced at me as I looked up at him. His hard cock was in my mouth and my lips were wrapped tightly around it, squeezing it. Soft moans escaped his mouth and his hands cupped my face while my head bobbed back and forth. I loved the feeling of his hard cock in my mouth, but most of all I loved his taste. I felt him tense up and his threw his head back moaning loudly while hot spurts of his cum shot in my mouth. ... Yes cum for me, let me drink you up... was all I could think of....

1 year ago
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Here is a lady who has no money. But wants to get laid and has no man. Can't afford a toy. So she goes into the kitchen looks around what can she use cause she needs something long and thick Her hand only teases her even drives her mad. So here she has a long carrot on the table. Along with frozen sausage and cucumber. She looks at them all wishing a man would appear at the door, so she would not have to cum to this And play with her food. She grabs the frozen long thick sausage and goes into...

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My Fantasy Fulfilled

It so happened that one day I received a bbm request from an unknown person,I was completely drunk and accepted it,when I asked for the intro the guy on the other side says Someone knowing me forwarded my bbm pin saying I need some pleasure in my life.I was like wtf who the hell is this,I have never shared such things with anyone yet,that ya I do lack sexual pleasure in my life. I chatted with that guy and found him a good person actually,even after my non sense n stupid questions he was decent...

2 years ago
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Sorority Sisters Service Project Hormones and House Rules

Sorority Sisters' Service Project - Hormones and House Rules By Lenal Samantha found Brody sitting on her bed, clutching a ruffled pink pillow against her chest. She knocked on the door. "Okay if I come in?" Brody looked up, her eyes red and watery. "Not like I can stop you, Your Majesty." Samantha walked in and put her arm around Brody. "This is your room now: if you don't want me here, I'll leave. Do you want me to leave?" Brody sniffled. "No," she said finally. "What's...

2 years ago
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United my mother with me

United my mother with meThis is the story of how my mother and I became lovers when I was 18 years old and how our relationship became more intimate later. My mother’s name is Malathi and my name is Prabhakhar. We are a middle class Malayali family. My mother was married at the age of 18 to her uncle – my grandmother’s brother – when he was 40 years old, after his first wife died. I was born the same year she got married and after me, she had two girls and a boy was born just a few months...

2 years ago
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Naughty Students

Nervously, you knock on the door to the headmistress's office. Your name is Alyson Blossom, and you just turned eighteen. Your parents are rich, and they forced you to go to this strict Catholic school, St. Mary's Academy for Young Women of Faith. "Come in!" she calls. Her voice is deep and firm. You hesitate a moment, but then walk in. "What do you want?" She is younger than you expected, maybe in her thirties or forties, with a curvy figure, dark brown hair and glasses. She is wearing a black...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Naomi Swann Naomi Gets The Cock Of Her Dreams

Aprils Cherry of the Month Naomi Swann is ready to have some hot and wild sex with Jake Adams. She grinds all over his cock in her lingerie making her just want to rip her out of her clothes with wild lust. He fingers and eats out her wet pussy making her moan and almost cum before he even gets the chance to get his dick out. Naomi loves his long hard cock deep down her throat and wants to feel it deep in that pussy soon. He fucks her in doggy and lets her get on top to really ride that cock...

3 years ago
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Saving my girlfriend in another world

My name is Amane Akira. I'm a simple guy who loved computing, and that's what I had dedicated my whole life to. I tried my whole life to make my dreams come true; I studied a career and managed to graduate. I got a job in a prestigious company and the truth is that I was aiming high in the position I was in. My life was successful. Because, I not only have the job of my dreams and I was doing very well, but I have the woman I most adore in this life. My girlfriend. His name was Yumezawa Kanako....

3 years ago
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The Kinky Adventures of Bounty and Sara

Sara answered back “ getting in my car headed to Pueblo to get you. And who you calling slut I’m not the one who was getting fucked in the ass and pussy by every girl at the last party.” Bounty laughed and said, “ yeah but you damn sure had your face and tongue in every pussy though.” Both girls laughed and then Sara told her “ get your ass ready I’ll be there in a bit, oh and no playing get your sexy ass ready. I don’t want to find you in the shower finger fucking yourself again.”...

1 year ago
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Rohan His Two Friends 8211 Part II

Hi this is Niharika back from slumber after a long time. I hope readers must not have forgotten me by now. As you all know I never write any fake story all the stories are real acts which I head felt on my body & soul. It was office as usual with Rohan, he had made a routine to fuck me twice a week, sometimes alone and some time with any one of his friend either Raj or Umesh, because I had told him specifically that I could take only 2 at a time and more than that. It may so happen that one day...

1 year ago
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Megan lost her virginity

I took megan to the bed upstairs, she was already ready to loose her virginity and i was feeling so horny with the thought of making love to a beutiful girl like her. She had the perfect body. Nice beutiful ass and amazing firm boobs. She had ass like j lo and i say boobs like mariah carey with curly hairs and soft blonde color with coloured hazel eyes. Anways i already had a bulge in my paints. And i had a very bad hard on. You can say i had blue balls ( when a dick is standing for a long time...

4 years ago
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Bounder Ch 05

************************* CHAPTER FIVE ‘Marc and Torvald,’ the old veteran tapster ordered with rather disturbing calm, ‘take a pair of muskets upstairs to the front loft window and keep the front approach swept clear. Target their leaders and any obvious Blackguards officers first. Make every shot count! Brody and Erin, grab another pair of guns and go with them with extra shot and powder and keep the sharpshooters reloaded! They’ll charge the door first and if that fails they’ll then decide...

2 years ago
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My Wifes Sister Part III Final

My Wife’s Sister Part III Final My wife and I had retired to our bedroom so that I could play with her now shaved pussy. I had been waiting to this time since we had taken a shower. My wife informed me that the blowjob I just got from her sister was so that I’d last longer while fucking her. I asked my wife if there were other plans and all she would say is I’d have to wait a see, but for now just enjoy the moment. My wife disrobed then helped me undress all the while caressing me. I just could...

4 years ago
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The Ring AOChapter 7 Dinner

Asking Harry ‘How come I can carry that weight of gold, that is a lot of weight?’ Harry replied ‘I can adjust your muscles to carry different weights, the same as I can adjust your frequency for camera’s etc. You better place the bags away as you have a visitor.’ Throwing the bags into the spare room, there was a knock on the front door. Fred was at the door, asking him in, he entered the room and looking around said “You lead a simple life. No TV. But plenty of books.” “What can I do for...

2 years ago
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Make A Wish

“I’m really sorry, mate,” the man said. He leaned forward to take his hand. “I don’t get it,” the kid said, trying to hold back the tears. “It’s just kicking a football around.” “I know,” he sighed, patting his hand. “It’s just with all this COVID business, the team’s in quarantine up in Queensland for the finals. We can get you up there, but the club officials are insisting you’ll have to stay in isolation for fourteen days before you can meet them.” They shared a look. Both knew that number...

2 years ago
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breakfast and dick

I stretched again and opened my eyes wider with a groan before slipping from under the sheets onto the cold floor, shuffling my feet until I reached the bathroom to relieve myself and brush away the night’s dirt from my mouth, today was supposedly Sunday otherwise my alarm would have woken me up much earlier for work as it was my only day off not including certain holidays meaning I could get away with not fixing my bedhead for a few hours more, I didn’t have anywhere to be. Brushing my teeth...

2 years ago
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Old Speedway BoogieChapter 2

It was late winter, which was like early spring everywhere else in the country, and that meant that it was rodeo season locally. My father already had a signed contract for hosting the local county rodeo in April, for a full week at $600 per day. As usual, he had under-bid the local country stadium, who had quoted near $800 per day. Naturally, we kept all local parking and concession rights, plus a flat 20% take of all revenues from the independent carnie rides and sideshow exhibitors. I...

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 Diapers was a girl I dated fairly often back in the eighties. She was a cute and sweet young gal that always seemed happy and on the verge of giggling. She was in her early twenties and had a one-year-old son. Diapers lived with her parents who helped her care for her baby. She carried around a few extra pounds and, though not overly fat, she was nicely rounded. Like most heavier girls, she had a wonderfully large set of tits. I was beginning to really appreciate bigger girls and their big...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Thomas Addison Baker. That's what it says on my birth certificate, and what my mom called me when I was little, and before she passed away. My Dad called me Tommy after that, at least until he went to prison, and I asked my new guardian, Uncle Kenny, to call me Tommy as well. Uncle Kenny lived in a very small town out in Mississippi, and there was quite a buzz with the local gossipers over what exactly was the circumstance surrounding my arrival. From day one I was an outcast, and I drew into...

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The day my girlfriend done me

It all started in one Saturday's evening. We were alone at my girl's home for the weekend, watching some tv together, and she got up to get something at her room. I followed her. As she entered the room I immediately groped her from behind, and started caressing her, rubbing my dick against her butt and lightly pinching her nipples. I knew she liked that kind of "attacking", she usually let me do that and play the "shy but excited girl" role, but not this day. She turned to me...

1 year ago
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Petite Bella Rose Passes The Petite Test

Bella Rose believes she is small enough to be a petite model but Ramon is not too sure about it. Sure she is small but is she petite? Ramon picks her up and spins her around testing just how small and petite she is. She feels his hard cock and must suck on that large dick! Her mouth sure is small but is her pussy petite too? He carries her making her feel every inch deep in that tight little pussy! Bella sure is passing the petite test and gets a passing grade when she takes a hot load all over...

1 year ago
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They That Have Power Book IIIChapter 26 Wednesday August 11 2010

Wednesday, August 11, 2010 Jake dropped two handfuls of Wal-Mart bags on the kitchen counter at the farmhouse. The light of sunrise was shining in through the window. He went back into the car, brought back a McDonald’s bag, and handed it to his father who had been sitting at the kitchen table, watching him without saying a word. He glanced into it. “I’m sure they’ll enjoy a hot meal.” Jake selected one of the Wal-Mart bags and handed it to Harris. Harris pulled out a drip coffee maker, a...

3 years ago
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Shocking DevelopmentsChapter 6

Monday when Derrick went to work, he heard rumors that the top salesman was tendering his resignation from the company, and the soon to be opening was up for grabs. Derrick thought this could be good situation to get into, and approached the V.P. of sales. He wanted the job, and wasn't going to take the chance of going though the routine of submitting a resume and hoping to get an interview, let alone the job, and planed on using his newly found mental powers. When it was announced that...

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My Gokarna Trip

I am again her to describe one more experience of mine. It’s a gain of my college life. It’s my 3rd year in college. I got all good assets that needed for a college girl. We 5 girls and 4 guys made a group in our college. We go everywhere together (library, canteen, trips etc and we 5 gals stayed in the same hostel. Let’s come to the day and we finished the end-term and boozing in my room. Then one raised a topic that we should go for a trip everyone agreed. Let’s decide the place, I said....

2 years ago
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Incident at Tow Truck Bluff

Incident at Tow Truck BluffRozDate April 22, 2017My unexpected date with a tow truck driver - First time out in dragOr 2nd title - Roz goes out on a 3 hour WTF tour.....You are not going to fucking believe this. And, I don't have any pics to prove it. So.... did this happen? I'm home now, caming on Seabiscuit (chaturbate) the last couple hours, 2:30am now, drinking the beers i was supposed to be drinking at the GNO Marble Door event, finally getting the story down while I'm a bit loopy and safe...

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Camping with friends

I lived in in middle of nowhere. Loved it many places to camp hunt fish party without having to deal alot people. I was going camping with friends. One of my friends brought his cousin who was visiting from out of town. I head might before but haven't seen her in years. She was about 5"4 had a heart shaped ass and small frim tities. Jessica was her name. We all took 4 wheelers on trails that lead to our favorite spot to camp. When get to our next to a river. Jessica asked if people ever come...

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Bhabhi fucked my wife with her husband

Hello friends, I am writing my own sex story. This story is about Guriya and my aunt's son and his wife.I went to visit my aunt's house last season . Since I do not go anywhere, my mother said that you should roam your aunt's house. I said - okay. Mother called her aunt and after two days my aunt's son came to pick me up.I started seeing her and started talking to her. It had been two years since their marriage, but now it has changed a lot. Mummy had gone to her wedding, I had not gone.He said...

2 years ago
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The Cuckold Candidate

The Cuckold Candidate by Suhas Kaushik Hi, BDSM Library readers! Please email me your comments and suggestions for this story, on [email protected], I would be truly delighted to receive any kind of comments on any little aspect of my writing, and hey, I can even serve you with better stories if you do. Also, my website at has a ton of FREE femdom novels(PDFs) with photos available for direct download. Thanks, Suhas Kaushik Introduction The inspiration for this one...

3 years ago
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Anal Loving Australian Friend

Wassup ISS readers this is Arthur here.This is my first story on ISS and its also a real one so please bear with me if the story is not up to your mark. I currently shifted to Mumbai now cause I went there for my basketball competition.I am tall 6 2′ in height and fair skinned. We are rich as my father works as an engineer in NASA and mother as a cardiologist. In high school girls used to look at me, all the make of them even came proposed me but I rejected them all cause I was very shy back...

1 year ago
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Like a Virgin

My name is Davey. I am 19 years old. This story happened to me 2 months ago. I had never had a gay experience before this. Except for kissing a guy on a drunken night out. It started at around 7 o clock. The was open late, after a hard workout and swim i was feeling good...and suprisingly horny. Whenever i normally felt like this i stripped off all my clothes. I loved my body, my abs, my small pecs, my high firm ass. After showering, i noticed the whole changing room was empty. i was alone. The...

2 years ago
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Miss Black

"Hands all over me. Mouths all over me. Voices in my ears and the weight of bodies all around me "I'm surrounded," she said. "My body is shaking and I have goosebumps all over and? all this? sweat! My sweat? their sweat and I'm thinking, I can't believe I'm doing this!" She ran her fluttering fingers down the length of her arms and shuddered. "Mmmmmm, this is amazing! Everything is so smooth and slippery and hot! So much body heat and passion and desire and spit and dirtiness...

1 year ago
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Suzi my ass whore wife ch 6

Introduction: Suzi endures quite a lot of pain plus a gallon of water distends her stomach. Chapter 6 [starts Thurs night – ends Thurs night] Thursday night was the first time I had any real concerns about what shape my wife might be in when they were through with her and sent her back to me. I opened the email from Karl, read it once, and immediately called him on the phone. Karl, what the hell? We had an agreement… Tony, Tony, my friend, wait, let me explain… I was hesitant but his voice...

1 year ago
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My Married SlutsChapter 9

“The Sheriff here ... or there?” I wondered aloud. “There. The Sheriff here isn’t black, I’m pretty sure. He’s a stodgy old white dude that used to be in the Klan ... and he’s a Republican, but I repeat myself,” Devin pointed out, making us all laugh now. “So, what’s his name and how do you plan to give us grandkids? I don’t have any problem with you being gay, honey. Trust me on that. If you’re gay, be gay. It’s what makes you happy and ... well, gay,” my wife playfully asked Devin about...

3 years ago
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A Few Days Away

A few days away, she had said. Get away from it all, she said. A little holiday away from the stress and pressure, forget about lads for a while. That was the plan anyway, but here she is now flirting wildly with the first boy who shows her a scrap of attention. Gabby has always been the same, unable to resist even the shallowest of chat up lines, falling every time. I stand there like a complete fool as she laughs at his lame jokes and touches his arm as they talk. I know where this is...

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Sex In Office 8211 Part I

Hi friends this is my first story and I would like to introduce you all. I am Ram from Kolkata in India. I am doing job in a ca firm and would like to share a story that happened to me a month back. I was new to my office and was given an assignment to prepare the accounts of a company that is in UK. I was being headed by our manager and a partner Ms Roopa. She looked awesome. She was well 30 years of age elder than me and I got to know later that she was divorced. We started the work on...

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Sleeping Booty 8211 A Twisted Fairy Tale

Once upon a time there was a beautiful little princess. Her name was Aludra, which, in the language of her people, meant “unwanted one”. Of course she didn’t know this, because all the servants in the palace DID want her. They loved her dearly. She was sweet and pretty and fun to be around, whereas her mother was a stone cold class A Bitch. The Queen was such a bitch that, after her husband, the King, knocked her up with Aludra, she poisoned him. “Imagine!” she...

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First Night Together

“Come with me, Jack,” Nina whispered in my ear at the end of the house party, after having disappeared upstairs for a quarter of an hour.Everyone else had collapsed in a drunken heap, fallen asleep, gone off in couples or done a combination of the three. Neither of us had drunk anything that evening, having been too busy chatting to each other, so I had no hesitation in abandoning my drunk friends for my new acquaintance. Despite her stunning beauty combined with my minor obsession with Indian...

4 years ago
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Sex for Grades

The 'she' in this story is Carolyn Melvin (Carrie), a high school senior. The 'he' is Doctor Kenneth Wild, her math teacher. Question One: What does it mean when two sixteen year old girls stop in the middle of one of their usual wrestling matches at one of their regular sleep-overs? Answer One: It means that they have simultaneously decided to finally go where their minds have been gradually but inexorably taking them for several months, to put a toe into that sweet pool of female...

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Care Home AbuseHow close to the truth

As I said I long for a society where people are more open and acceptable about nudity and nakedness in general. I think that is part of what is so bad with society at present, people are so suppressed with rules and regulations and crazy laws dreamed up by often overpaid under worked politicians, many who are or have been proven to be living a lifestyle in a protected world where they can abuse people and through the system they create. They have allowed a society to be created where sectors...

2 years ago
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A Family Of Incest Part 2

This series is a figment of my imaginations. All characters mentioned in the indian sex story are fictional. I suggest you read the previous parts of this series in order to keep up with the plot. Any suggestions and comments are appreciated. This is a completely new series and none of the characters has any kind of association with the old stories submitted by me. I am currently working on my SON MOM AND AUNTS series and appreciate all the love sent to me via email. Alex and Samantha: Alex...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Affair

James used to live far away from his school, and one day, his mom was out of town so she was not able to pick him up, so he had to stay at Brian’s house for the rest of the day, and she would pick him up in the evening. Right after school ended, they both went to Brian’s house. He gave James a tour around the spacious house. It was mostly big except for the kitchen; it was like a narrow corridor which could only fit one person wide. After the tour, they both played some basketball in the...

1 year ago
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Private Lisa Sparkle Enjoys Interracial Threesome with Anal

Brunette, sexy and big tits too, it’s of course none other than the busty Lisa Sparkle, a Private babe with an insatiable sexual appetite and if you haven’t seen this girl before, you’re in for a treat! In yet more never seen before gonzo action from Private Gold, Cum in my Limousine, this wild beauty takes on her chauffeur and husband, Kid Jamaica and Brad Russel, as she demands cock from all angles and enjoys an interracial anal threesome that has her moaning with pleasure until her perfect...

1 year ago
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Life Liberty and the Pursuit of JusticeChapter 5

Day 0 The man slowly woke from a peaceful rest, and reached up with his hand to scratch his nose. "What a weird dream," he thought. "What a bizarre, stupid dream." He suddenly realized he had no idea where he was. He became fully awake in an instant, looked around the room, and felt fear gripping at his heart. He had never been in a room anything like this, and had no idea how he got here. He was in a large, cubical room, with a ceiling of 23 feet. There was the bed that he now sitting...

2 years ago
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A Planet Is SwornChapter 5

Simon began to suspect that General David and the squad leaders were playing games again when his group were unable to shake off the white group that was pursuing them. He had personally walked their back trail to check whether any signs were being left. He was more than satisfied his group were being ultra careful and were not giving the white group any signs to follow. He took to stopping occasionally on high ground, letting the remainder of blue group carry on while he watched their rear....

1 year ago
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Are you ready for some Black Payback? Before you answer that, I should warn you this ain’t your typical premium interracial site. They say that payback is a bitch, but I’d argue that the girls on the receiving end of these BBCs are more worthy of the name. If you’re looking for tales of romantic jungle fever, you’re wandering around in the wrong part of the hood. This is hardcore sexual payback, end of story. Get ready for some motherfucking has been hawking their...

Premium Interracial Porn Sites
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Nauka Vihar 8211 The Erotic Boat Sex Ride 8211 Part 9 The Auction

As Mimi was putting on her make-up, I came close to her and stole a kiss and said, “I guess this is the last kiss for today that I will be allowed.” She turned towards me and smooched me hard. Real hard. “You will always be my priority. No matter what. Whenever you feel awkward, just tell me and I will end up things as soon as possible.” Me: “Thanks. I trust you. Enjoy, without any inhibitions. You have already shed most inhibition of yours. Now if you want you can do whatever you like. I will...

3 years ago
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Danas Little Doll

Dana's Little Doll By Apathy Lush His pitiful high-pitched whimpers fed an inescapable loop. The more he heard his own squealing little noises, the more he continued. And the more ridiculous he felt. The cries of a pubescent Barbie doll spluttered from his throat, the tone completely alien to him. He felt his penis stirring again. Seconds later, coming to a feeble, quivering, half-hearted insult of an erection. "Oh, it's still trying!" Dana stroked Ryan's member with a long...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Francys Belle Cuck Husband Lets Neighbors DP his Nympho Wife Francys Belle

Vince is the type of guy who’s never completely satisfied unless he’s watching other men fuck his nympho wife. To satisfy this deviant desire, Vince and his wife Francys Bell put the scenario into motion by inviting their new neighbors, David Perry and Josh, to their home for some cocktails. As soon as the two neighbors have drinks in their hands, Vince leads David out of the room so his wife can work her magic. Minutes later, when Josh’s cock is balls deep in Francys’s pussy, Vince and David...

3 years ago
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When Best Friends Collide

‘What would you do if I kissed your neck?’ I asked Tahlyx. ‘I would probably ask you to keep going.’ She replied. * * * I heard my phone vibrate. It said new ‘new text msg’ from ‘Tahlyx!(:’ Every time my phone says new text from Tahlyx, my heart skips a beat. I never thought about liking girls, and Tahlyx has been a lesbian for as long as I can remember. She hits on me all the time, I don’t try to stop it. I read the text from Tahl. ‘Wanna go to a movie tonight?!’

2 years ago
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John CarterChapter 15

John sat back and hit ‘Enter’ on the computer, saving the data from the current experiment. He smiled as he examined the experimental apparatus. He was satisfied that he had finally finished taking data. It was the last run of the experiment. There was more than enough data to explain the effects of light upon liquid droplets. He shutdown the laptop and closed it. Leaning back in his chair, he considered the next steps to take in becoming Dr. Carter. In a few days he would leave town and...

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Mom Eyes The Kids Chapter Seven

She spun her tongue against the slimy tip of his cock like a corkscrew. Then she turned her head, her face swiveling around on his cock as if she were screwing her wet mouth onto that hard spindle. Her head was tipped down and his cock loomed up. He was still spilling out lots of preliminary juice, but it was all going into his mom's mouth now, her tongue soaking it up like a sponge. Only pure saliva washed down Jimmy's cockshaft now, crystal clear, all of his pre-cum staying in her...

2 years ago
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The Dress

“Mmm. I missed you, Rick.” Julie moaned as she lay in bed with Rick spooning her. Biting her lip in a smile, she moved her hips to make her backside tease Rick’s semi-erection.Rick chuckled in Julie’s ear, whispering, “Are you wanting a third time tonight, Babydoll?” He traced her arm as she increased the pressure against him. “I think there’s my answer.” He moved his hand to grab her jaw, pulling her head around to meet his lips. After he kissed her, Rick looked into her eyes and whispered,...

4 years ago
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Taylors Growing UpChapter 22

"Is that really what you want, Taylor?" Jack asked. "Yes, it really is, Jack," Taylor replied. "Kristi really cares about you. She wants you. She's wanted you for months now. And you used to want her." "I know that, Taylor. Of course, all that's true. But ... Ugh! You know how I feel!" "I know, Jack. I know how you feel, and it just hurts me that I don't feel the same. Didn't I tell you at the beginning the that I really wanted you to be the one to help me understand sex, but...

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