Samantha & David Break Down In The Ghetto free porn video

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It was becoming dusk when my car slowed to an inevitable standstill. The air around us was muggy and warm, the faint sound of Reggae music drifting down from some tower block party. We had, ourselves, been heading for a party of certainly more salubrious design than the one that we could currently hear, but a wrong turn somewhere in the city had brought us to this part of town and our current engine problems - whatever they were - seemed to ensure that we were to stay here for some time. I closed my eyes and awaited my wife's verbal onslaught. When it came it was no less vitriolic than I had expected.

"What the fuck's wrong now?" she almost shouted at me, her eyes full of anger and scorn, "can't you do anything right?" It had been the same for years: whenever anything went wrong it was always my fault. Having said that, it usually was. I can be rather inept and clumsy and the more nervous I get the worse my ineptitude becomes and Samantha, my bitch of a wife, never misses an opportunity to belittle or humiliate me. She usually waits until we are in company to ensure that my humiliation is at a maximum. Over the years, however, I have become used to these verbal and occasionally physical assaults and, strangely, can now take a certain pleasure from my degradation.

"Sorry, dear. I think it might be the fuel pump or something. I did ask the garage to fix it earlier this week, but I guess they just forgot." I sighed, "I suppose I'd better call the rescue service."

"Damn right you'd better call! Christ! You are completely useless! Now I'm stuck here in this godforsaken part of town when I could be enjoying drinks with my friends." Samantha lapsed into a sulky silence.

I looked out of the window. She was right about one thing, this part of the city was not at all familiar to me and did indeed look a little insecure. The streets were virtually empty and now almost dark. All the stores were closed and further i*****l admittance was barred by heavy metal grates that covered their frontage. I pulled my cell phone from my inside pocket and looked at the display. Damn. I closed my eyes again and sighed.

"I..I..I'm sorry dear, but there does not seem to be a signal here." Sam's eyes turned heavenward in an exasperated expression but kept her sullen silence. Her arms were folded under her large chest in a defiant manner, pushing her breasts up into the low cut top of her cocktail dress and thus forming a deep, inviting cleavage. I could feel my small penis developing into an erection and shifted awkwardly in my seat. I found myself half wishing we were back home where she could take out her frustrations on me properly and humiliate me further. I made ready to leave the car in an attempt to find a call box when a large dark car pulled up behind us. For a fleeting, hopeful moment I thought it might be the cops, but as the seconds ticked by and there seemed no movement from behind us, I realised that it was unlikely that the police patrolled this area more than once or twice a day.

The lack of activity from behind us was becoming increasingly more concerning and as I kept an eye on the rear mirror, I flicked the central locking button for the doors. As I watched behind us, something started to happen. The car pulled out and the unseen driver tooled the vehicle slowly alongside us. My eyes left the rear mirror and looked over at the car as it drew level. It's windows were open, this time Rap music blared from the interior and drowned out the earlier Reggae that we had heard. The three black occupants all wore their usual baseball caps and, despite the fading light, their eyes were hidden by dark glasses. The front seat passenger was mouthing something to me. With some reluctance, but not wishing to antagonise these men, I pressed the button to operate my window. The music from the other car increased in volume as the window slid smoothly down.

"You got a problem, man?" the passenger shouted above the din.

"Tell him what's wrong" hissed the bitch, breaking her earlier silence, "then, maybe we can get the fuck out of here!"

As the occupants of the car seemed reluctant to moderate the volume of their music, it took me several seconds of yelling and expansive arm gestures to convey to them our current dilemma. Eventually they seemed to understand and as the back seat passenger climbed out of the car and retrieved a rope from the trunk, I soon realised that they were going to tow us away, hopefully to the comparative safety of the nearest gas station. Within a few minutes the large coloured man had secured the rope to our car and looped the other end around the rear towing hitch of his friend's vehicle. He climbed into the rear seat of our car.

"It's okay, man" he said with a wide grin, "Danny's a good driver and John's a mechanic. We'll tow you to a place where he can have a look at the engine for you. By the way, my name's Paul."

"Thank's Paul" I said now feeling slightly less worried, "I'm Dave and this is The Bit- er..this is my wife, Samantha"

The introductions complete, I released the hand brake and we moved off. Paul was sitting directly behind Sam and chatting to her idly. I glanced over a few times to look at her. The contemptuous expression had left her face and had been replaced by an apprehensive smile. Her head was turned sideways to look at our companion, her long, brown hair falling about her shoulders and partly obscuring her profile. Her whole demeanour had changed since Paul's arrival; her body language spoke of desire and her eyes twinkled with what I can only describe as unbridled lust.

I had long since accepted Sam's infidelities and affairs but this open flirting, right in front of me was something quite different. My mind began to wander as we drove. Sam had never bothered to lie to me about her lovers and often I had returned home unexpectedly to find her either being fucked over the back of the sofa in our den, on her knees with a large cock buried in her throat or in any other amount of sexual positions with other men. She had never apologised for her lewd behaviour and if she did comment, it was usually to say something about the fact that she needed more of a man than I was, to satisfy her. For my part, I have never been jealous and recently I have found myself becoming more and more aroused by seeing her with other men. I knew well her penchant for coloured and well endowed men and, therefore was not in the least surprised that she was coming on to Paul so strongly. She probably wanted to ensure that the evening was not a complete waste of time!

Danny drove his car at almost break neck speed, turning corner after corner and losing us completely in the labyrinth of narrow back streets. I struggled to control my own car and, when ten minutes later, he pulled into a small dark courtyard and suddenly stopped, I had to hit the brakes hard to avoid a collision. My brow was damp with cold sweat as I applied the hand brake and, opening the driver's door, climbed out into the still night air.

Everyone now exited their respective vehicles, and John and Danny pushed my car over towards a run down looking work shop. They popped the hood and I wandered over to join them as their heads disappeared into the darkness of the engine compartment. Samantha, resplendent in her white satin evening dress, stood, bored looking, to one side. The three coloured men and I all looked at her. The white dress shone beautifully in the half light of the courtyard and the tantalizing split in the side now revealed a generous proportion of Sam's creamy white thigh. She had omitted to wear stockings or tights, claiming that it was way too warm this evening and her naked leg protruded from the silky material sexily. Her arms still folded under her ample chest accentuated her deep cleavage further and it was obvious that our team of rescuers could hardly take their eyes off her.

The whole outfit was finished off with high heeled silver coloured shoes that increased her hight to nearly six feet. Her expression of boredom faded as Paul joined her once again and they started to talk. I was too far away to hear what was being said, but from the way that Sam constantly touched the black man's arm and then laid her open palm flat on his chest, laughing out loud, I knew that their conversation had turned intimate.

"Yup! Definitely the fuel pump." said John suddenly, breaking my reverie. I turned and looked helplessly under the hood.

"I can fix it, but it's gonna take at least an hour."

"Okay...if you wouldn't mind John. That'd be wonderful."

"Take the lady in the office." John called over to Paul, almost ignoring my presence now. John waved his agreement back and I saw the two of them disappear into a doorway.

"How much do I owe you?" I asked, now alone with John. I realised that Danny must have joined his friend and Samantha in the office. John looked up at me. He seemed to be trying to judge my reaction.

"I think Danny and Paul are getting paid right now, don't you?" he said with a lopsided grin. "Your wife's been coming on to us since we picked you up, you can't deny it."

The words failed me. My head fell and my eyes stared at the floor.

"What's wrong, man? Can't satisfy the bitch anymore, is that it?" John didn't wait for an answer before continuing. "She sure is a hot looking number, man! Why don't you go watch? As soon as I'm finished here I'll be along for my own payment!"

Without knowing it, this large black man had hit the nail on the head; I did want to watch. I wanted to see what was happening in that office. I wanted to witness all the details: to hear the bitch scream with joy, see her writhe under them and to watch them cum and cum. John could see the need in my eyes. Averting my gaze, I turned and walked quickly towards the doorway I had seen them go through a few minutes earlier.

It was not difficult to find the offices - I just had to follow the voices.

"You want it don't you, bitch? You want my black meat in your white, upper-class pussy don't you?

"Yes...yes...I want it. I want YOU, you big bastard! me like my husband can't....PLEASE!"

Their voices were enough to bring on a return of my earlier erection and I decided it would probably be better to wait outside the door. As I looked through the dirty, grease stained window, Danny caught sight of me.

"So you wanna watch, do you?" he called at me, his voice full of scorn. "Get your ass in here then, you wimp, come and watch your wife get fucked good!"

The office door opened and Paul dragged me inside. I was pushed down into a chair.

"Do we need to tie him up?" asked Paul of his friend.

"Nah, look at him! He's no problem, when John comes in, he can have some fun as well!"

Danny's last cryptic comment made me wonder for a brief moment, but my attention was quickly drawn towards Sam who was lying back on a table placed in the centre of the small room. She was propped up slightly and resting on her elbows as the two men approached her. Designer jackets and jeans were quickly discarded as she and I watched the two black men undress. Paul was naked first and I gasped slightly as I mentally compared the huge appendage that swung menacingly between his legs with my own rather pathetic specimen. He stood by Sam's head and pulled her face towards his semi-erect cock. She licked the end and I saw it twitch into further life. Danny joined them almost immediately and roughly shoved his hand down the front of her dress. I could see the muscles in his arm bulge as he massaged a large breast and squeezed the nipple under the fabric.

I looked back at Paul. He was now fully erect and groaning quietly as he began to work the head of his huge manhood between Sam's painted lips. She had stretched her mouth as wide as she could but was still having difficulty getting the whole of the wide head inside. Danny suddenly pulled the front of her dress right down, exposing both of her braless breasts.

"Hey, nice tits you got, baby!" he said as he once again began to pinch and squeeze the hard, red nipples roughly. I heard Sam moan as her buds were manipulated and this gave Paul the perfect opportunity to shove his cock firmly into her mouth.

"Mmmmm" he moaned as he began to slowly pump my wife's mouth full of his black meat, "C'mon Danny, lets get a look at her cunt!"

Danny, obviously tiring of Sam's tits, thought this a wonderful idea and quickly moved to the other end of the table. Encouraged by the knowledge that she obviously liked it a little rough, his hands went into the split in the side of her dress. The material rent easily as her pulled his hands apart. The tearing noise resonated around the small room. The fabric split in an upwards direction as Danny continued to pull, exposing more and more of her long, slender legs until the tiny, white bikini panties that she had put on earlier were completely visible. Danny laughed as he looked at her covered mound.

"Ha! Look! The bitch is already wet. I can see it on her pants, man. Looks like she's really enjoying sucking your big cock, Paul!"

Paul moaned as he continued to thrust his engorged weapon in and out of Sam's mouth, smearing her lipstick. "Oh yeah, man. She fuckin' loves it! Mmmmm....I bet she'll love my cum as well!....mmmmmmm...gonna get it soon, bitch...just be patient!"

My cock was aching painfully in my underwear as the "****" of my wife continued. I could see Paul's face begin to contort as he ploughed his cock further and further into Sam's throat. I hoped he would cum on her face - I love to see that! Danny, meanwhile, was tugging her panties roughly down her legs, the brown thatch of her pubic region now fully exposed.

He was right. She was already wet down there; the moisture glistened in the overhead light. Danny saw this as well and smiled. In a flash he had two fingers buried deep in Sam's pussy and was twisting them cruelly, widening her and grazing over her clearly visible clitoris. Suddenly Sam arched her back, her hips lifting a full twelve inches from the grimy table. Paul held her head as she moaned onto his cock. Her body shook uncontrollably her ass bucking up and down as Danny drilled her with his fingers. As she reached the height of her orgasm, Paul groaned deep in his throat and pulled his cock from between her lips as I hoped he might. With one hand he held her head steady while with the other he pulled his foreskin right back along his slick, black shaft.

The first jet hit my wife on the forehead. He quickly adjusted his aim and the second, third and forth emission coated her mouth and tongue. Still bucking her hips as her orgasm continued, Sam swallowed as much of Paul's sticky seed as she could, but inevitably, as he kept splashing on to her face, the semen began to trickle down over her chin. As he eventually finished cumming, Paul wiped his slippery cock off on her breasts and nipples. Immediately Sam felt the hard buds come into contact with his cock, they visibly stiffened and swelled. She gasped and spluttered, more semen seeping from her mouth, and lurched into yet another orgasm.

Danny was now ready. He had moved my wife in a more suitable position: on her back with her long legs splayed open and hanging from the edge of the table. He quickly moved between the spread limbs and began to massage his slightly smaller cock up and down her open and wet labia. I could see his black, oil-stained hands contrast with the lily white flesh of Sam's thighs as he gripped them and thrust his member into her pussy with a powerful lunge. She screamed with the full force of penetration. Danny moaned deep in his throat. She was wet but tight.

Sam has incredible control over her internal muscles (or so I am told by her lovers) and I could see Danny's face contort as she gripped his tool in a vice-like lock. Despite the tightness he began to fuck her with long, practised strokes. He started slowly, moaning deeply, and then quickly became faster. He leaned forward over her prone body. His hands went to her tits. She gasped as he squeezed the nipples leaving oily residue on her skin. Harder and harder he thrust his cock into her body. The table began to move and Paul had to assist by gripping her shoulders to stop the whole thing from sliding across the room. Six, seven then ten minutes passed with Sam enduring one of the most frantic fucks I had ever seen her take. It was only after fifteen minutes that I saw Danny show signs that he was cumming.

His body began to tremble. His eyes closed tight. He groaned deep in his throat. He stopped. For a second all was still and silent. Then, with a cry of triumph, he pulled his cock clear of Sam's abused cunt just as the first jet of his cum departed his large, black cock. He came as hard and as plentifully as his friend, spraying his seed between my wife's legs and up onto her belly. Jet after jet coursed from his apparently full balls and shot from his cock head. By the time he had finished, Sam was virtually covered in jism and as happy as I had seen her since her last session with a coloured man.

"Well, it looks like you fucked her good!" said a voice from behind me. I turned and saw John wiping his greasy hands on an equally greasy rag. "The car's finished, so I think its about time I was paid!"

I looked at Samantha and half wondered if she could take any more of these big-cocked bastards. She was sitting, propped up on her elbows again and smiling at me. Actually, as I looked around the room, everyone was looking at me.

"What?" I heard myself say, in a quaky sort of voice, "What's going on?" I think I almost guessed what was going to happen even before Danny and Paul grabbed me.

"They don't call him "Jessy" John for nothing," said Paul laughing, "You work it out for yourself!"

I had now definitely worked it out! I admit, it would not be the first time that this had happened; only a month ago, Sam had made me kneel in front of one of her lovers just after he had fucked her in the ass and instructed me to suck his cock clean. It wasn't all that bad either. Actually the taste of his cum mixed with her musky aroma was very pleasant.

At this moment, Sam was laughing along with the others as I was firmly pulled towards the table. I watched her climb down, her legs shaking slightly and her cum-stained breasts swinging in front of her as she moved. The table was now clear and I was pushed roughly forward by Danny and Paul. They were both still naked and I noted that even slack, both of their cocks were much larger than my own. I couldn't help wondering if John would be the same sort of size. I tried to turn around to kneel in front of the big man as he undressed, but was stopped by his friends. I looked up at them inquiringly. They remained silent and suddenly I was turned and pushed face down on the table. For a moment I panicked. Blow jobs were one thing, but it looked like I was expected to let this man fuck me in the ass! Whether or not I was to let him didn't seem to matter. He was going to do me with my permission or not. I had watched Sam do this countless times - she always seemed to enjoy it. I decided the best course of action was just to let it happen.

Mr trousers were quickly unfastened and, together with my underwear, jerked roughly down to my ankles. John was now naked and approached me from behind. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him pick up a small tin of engine oil. I heard him open it and then felt the cool viscous liquid being poured between my buttocks. I tried to struggle a little as the fluid tickled my skin, but the two men held me firmly in position. I could see Samantha sit in a chair on the opposite side of the table. Her dress was in tatters and her panties long since discarded. She sat open legged and looked at me. Her fingers began to play with her clit and she raised her bent legs onto her tiptoes as she started to masturbate.

The pain was instant and intense. It felt as if a baseball bat was being forced into my ass. On seeing Sam's splayed pussy, my cock had hardened even further and I knew that with the briefest of touches I would cum. As John worked his cock, inch by inch into my ever widening anus the pain began to subside. An entirely new sensation overtook me: a warm heat began to build in my loins and spread over my entire lower body. My cock ached painfully needing relief. But the monster in my butt kept ploughing on and on, deeper and deeper. Just when I thought I could take no more of the wonderful length, I saw Sam shake and shudder as the self induced climax wracked her body. I was enjoying the sight when I felt a strong masculine hand reach under me and squeeze my balls. I yelped and John laughed as he jiggled them in his greasy hand.

"Just keep your mind on your cock, man," he said with a grunt, "John's gonna get paid now!"

I felt his hand encircle my stiff member just as I felt him hump into my ass. I couldn't say whether the pain or the pleasure was more intense, all I know is that at that moment, my balls contracted and I shot three long streams of cum onto the threadbare carpet beneath my feet. As I climaxed, John began to fuck me with vigour. It felt almost violent as he pistoned what seemed to be at least a foot long appendage into my abused behind. I gasped as he fucked me, trying to fill my lungs with the stale, stagnant air of the cramped office. The others were watching and laughing as John extracted his payment - Samantha more than most - and I made a mental note to watch her more closely next time she got fucked in the ass.

"Mmmmmmm....oh yes...oh yes...oh yes....." John chanted behind me as he mercilessly reamed me. "Gonna cum up your ass, boy.....Big John wants to cum in your tight little ass!"

Although at first frightened by this attack on my back door, I was now actually quite enjoying the warm sensation of a completely full asshole and was a little reluctant for him to stop fucking me. But I knew that eventually it would end. My ass being so tight and John's cock being so big was bound to have an effect on him sooner or later. As it happens it was sooner. There was no great build up as there had been when Danny was fucking Sam. John just went ahead and climaxed. He hardly even groaned, all I knew about it was a slightly more powerful thrust, A distinctive swelling of his member and then a wonderful warm gush of liquid that seemed to coat my insides. Just to ensure that he had completely emptied the contents of his big, black balls, John pulled my butt cheeks far apart and thrust home one more time. I could almost feel him in my bowels he was so deep and when he did eventually withdraw, I was left with an empty, almost disappointed feeling.

Before we parted company, Samantha sucked off Danny and Paul once more and I was made to do the same to John as, they said, "to settle the account in full!"

The car was running perfectly now, but Samantha had to drive home as my butt was still a bit sore.

"You looked like you actually enjoyed Big John fucking you up the ass!" she said casually as we turned the corner to our home. "Well, as its your fault that I couldn't get to see my friends tonight, I'm going to do you myself with my strap-on!"

"Whatever you say, dear," I replied meekly, "but I didn't know you owned such a thing."

"Our next door neighbours Tom and Linda bought it for me so that us girls can play together. You'll love it - its f******n inches long and very thick, I can only get about half of it in my ass, but I'm gonna fuck you with it until you scream! After I've widened you up, I think I'll invite Tom and Linda over. I'm sure he will want to try your newly fucked ass for himself now you've been broken in and I'm certain that Linda and I can find something to amuse ourselves! Perhaps your not such a useless wimp after all!"

I smiled to myself as we pulled into the drive. Perhaps my "forgetting" to tell the garage about the fuel pump was not such a bad idea after all!

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Almost a month has passed since David and his family had arrived in California. David has not ventured outside except to take out the trash or cut the grass. He has been having the most wonderful dreams that he is still back in Minneapolis with Josh. They had planned to tell their parents about the new dimension of their relationship. They had started to grow tired of having to sneak off somewhere to do something that other people do in public. David thought how nice it would be to sit in the...

2 years ago
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Samantha Chp1

I was sitting at home relaxing after a day at work, sipping a cold one when there was a knock at the door. For a few moment I sat puzzled at who would be knocking on my door at this time of night? The knock came again and wearily I walked to the door. Opening the door I was surprised to see a young redhead woman standing there, a phone in her hand with google maps clearly visible. "Hello, can I help you?" I asked politely expecting she was some lost delivery girl. "Are you James...

3 years ago
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Samantha Ch 03

The next several months were heavenly for the young king. Samantha made every day worth living. Henry became more and more obsessed with his beautiful mistress. Unfortunately, he also became less and less careful. For a while, Samantha at least tried to be sure that she was not seen entering and leaving the king’s quarters. But, after a while, she began to truly believe her new station. The girl decided that she was so important now, that no one could interfere with her. Catherine of Aragon...

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Samantha Ch 02

The next day was a blur for the new king. Henry managed to complete his duties, but all he could think about was seeing Samantha that night. Somehow the day went by, and Henry returned to his quarters. The queen was safely alone in her room with her maids, and the king quickly sent for Samantha. When the squire came to Samantha and told her Henry was waiting for her, she left immediately. The young girl had realized that pleasing the king was her ticket to a new and wonderful life. Samantha...

3 years ago
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Samantha Silverton First Interracial Sex

PART ONE WRITTEN BY LEROY MORROW FICTION Samantha Silverton, an attractive blond hair blue eye girl in her thirties was sitting on the couch waiting for her husband, Douglas to come home from work. She had no way knowing that very evening she would have her first interracial sex experience. Douglas had phoned her earlier in the day to let her know that he was bringing an old friend of his home for her to meet. Samantha said that was okay with...

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Samantha and Hannah Twins Summer Fun Part

It was the first proper day of summer, the sun shone brightly and there was the almost inaudible buzz of insects flitting from flower to flower. The twin sisters loved the summer, they loved being outdoors and this was their first opportunity to bask in the heat.Hannah dusted down the sun lounger and positioned it in the sun in their back garden. Then after slipping into a two piece bikini and wrapping a sarong around her body she went outside with a good book.She had been out there for half an...

2 years ago
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Samantha The Office Slut

The money was ok, but what I really liked was Samantha, the office manager. She was a smokin' hot brunette in her late twenties. She was about 5'6" with a slim build, and a super tight body. The first time I saw her, I developed a monster crush on her. Samantha always dressed professionally, either in a blouse and dress pants, or a suit with a skirt. In any case, she always left the top 3 buttons of her blouse unbuttoned. I loved to sneak glimpses of her amazing cleavage when no one...

4 years ago
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3 David Tonya Mo Stephanie

I left Stephanie there playing with her stretched pussy, leaking cum. She continued babbling thoughts of risky behavior to push the envelope. I went to the bathroom and urinated. Mo came in when I was shaking off the last of it. “We heard you,” he said, chuckling. “Thought you killed the bitch for a little while, Dave.” Yeah,” I said, “we heard you, too. Only earlier.” “My bitch sucks a mean dick,” Mo said. “I just told my slut black men have cocks. White boys have dicks.” “Whatever,” Mo...

3 years ago
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Samantha reluctantly decides to give in to her desire

“Your mother and I will be back at 12:00 Sam,” her father shouted up from the foyer. “Stay inside and keep the door locked. ” “No worries Dad!” she called back. A moment later the sound of the front door shutting echoed up to wear Samantha stood. Breathing out a sigh of relief mixed with anticipation, Samantha hurried through her room to the bathroom. Kneeling before the sink she slowly opened the cabinet beneath. She was acutely aware of her heart...

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Mom Goes Camping With Son Sons Friend

All characters in this story is at least 18 years and older and made up!Mom Goes Camping With Son & Son's Friend.Chapter 1 It was a nice summer's day Mike and his friend Bill was talking about going on a camping trip. Up north because Bill's family had land up there with a cabin on 30 acres of land. Bill told Mike no one was going to be up there for the 4th of July how would you like to go camping for the weekend and you can bring your sexy mom Liz with you. I know you want to fuck her...

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Samantha from Lady to Slut

The excitement had been building for weeks. Samantha knew something was in the wind but she didn't know what. Nervously she dressed for an evening out. Her husband had told her that it was a special treat but he would tell her nothing more even though she pleaded, threatened, cajoled, and tried to bargain with him. At last Samantha was ready. She had chosen a short, halter-style black dress which revealed her ample cleavage and showcased her shapely calves and thighs. Her copper tresses...

2 years ago
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Samantha Strips

The spotlights blaze, the music starts. Stripper Samantha steps onto the stage and instantly your eyes are on her, lusting for her. You’re already seeing her naked body in your mind. In her curve-clinging red top, black leather-look microskirt high up her bare thighs and black high heels, she struts confidently around her stage. She tosses her dark hair, her firm young breasts bounce under the thin red cloth of her top and she swings her hips. Playfully flicking up her skirt up high she gives...

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Samantha Fucks Daddy

Samantha was looking forward to spending some time with her dad. Since her parents had divorced she only got to see every other weekend and then for a couple of weeks each summer.Samantha felt that over the last couple of years they had grown apart but her recent sexual awakening was even more if reason to want to be with her dad.Samantha had been introduced to sex by her boyfriend Tony. He was a fantastic lover but he had a secret. Tony was sexually attracted to older women and the one he was...

2 years ago
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Samantha Chp 2

I found Samantha in the kitchen, wearing one of her tight Lycra skirts, and a button up shirt, one too many buttons undone to be socially acceptable! Damn that cleavage went on for ever, but is was her arse that captivated my attention, embraced in skin-tight material, and pushed into perky shaped by her heels. I looked at the clock. 8:57. My slut was doing a good job so far. I sat at the table quietly, waiting for breakfast. At 9am exactly Samantha was standing at the tableside, a full...

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Samantha and Hannah Twins Summer Fun Part 3

Samantha leaned forward again and kissed her again, this time with more passion, she cupped Hannah's cheek as she did so.Hannah felt the soft lips of Samantha's on hers and then her tongue flicking against her lips, pressing against them gently. She let her mouth open allowing Samantha's tongue to dart into her mouth.Samantha pressed her lips harder against Hannah, the kiss becoming more passionate. She let her hand slip from Hannah's cheek, she traced down across her shoulder and onto her...

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Samantha And Hannah A friend drops in

Rich parked his pick-up truck, grabbed his camera, and strode eagerly to the twin's house. He only paused to turn the handle before he walked through the front door. Walking through the door Rich found the living room empty, but heard the soft sound of music playing from a room down the hall. “Sam! Are you around? You’ve got to see the camera I just bought,” Rich called as he walked toward the music. The door to Samantha’s studio was open, and just as Rich was about to launch into an...

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Samantha8217s Dream Come True

Hi Friends, its wasim again leke aaya hu apne ek aur sex experience ko share karne. Apne bare main batadu main Mumbai se hu aur ek private tour firm main acche post pe hu with good physics ;) so jo koi lady ya girl mujh se baat enjoy karna chahe let me know. Mera mail ID hai And yes aap mere saath bilkul safe ho kyunki main pyar se pyar karta hu… meri pichali stories se mujhe kafi acche response mile aise hi acche response mujhe inspire karte hai so main unko yaha share karta hu…. Meri pichali...

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Samanthas First monster Black Cock

Samantha's First monster Black CockWe are John and Samantha have been married for a long time, and the sex is great. Samantha is a Hot wife nicely built, with 34D tits, nice round ass, soft hair and a smile that knocks you off your feet. Years ago we have talked about her having sex with another man, and she agrees that that is a big fucking turn on, but just not sure she wanted to go there. So once she agreed to try it once, she had a few rules. 1) She didn’t want to know when it was going to...

2 years ago
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Writer's Note: No transformations this story. just a check in on someone who realized they had been transformed and how they are handling it. It is just a one- part story, so I hope you enjoy this shorter, more personal story in this universe. Samantha Samantha got off the bus and breathed a sigh of relief. It had been a week since all the strange incidents had happened at school and besides one or two small things, nothing had really happened since. She came to her house and...

3 years ago
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Samantha and Hannah At Home

Samantha and Hannah are twin sisters. When they got home they didn't waste any time. They locked the doors and closed the blinds. Samantha was already naked and up her sister's skirt before Hannah could get her top all the way off. Hannah leaned up against the kitchen counter so she didn't collapse. She could feel her twin sister's tongue through her cotton panties. It made her quiver. She couldn't even finish getting undressed. Samantha slipped her finger under the panties and pressed it...

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Samantha Ch 01

The Lady Samantha was still trying to understand how things had gotten to this point. Lady. Hell, fifteen months ago, she had simply been the oldest daughter of a peasant farmer. Now, here she was at the castle. Of course things would be much better if she wasn’t to be executed in an hour. Samantha tried not to cry as she thought back to that fateful day, a little over a year earlier. Samantha’s family was poor. Of course they were peasants, and that kind of went without saying. Still, that...

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Samantha Sex Afloat

During the evening, Samantha alternated dances between Tommy and me. No one could doubt that she loved dancing and flirting. By ten o'clock, all but one button on her blouse had 'accidentally' come undone, making it even more exciting when she danced with the occasional stranger. For Samantha, the tease was all part of the fun. We’d been on the lookout for another girl who might want to go on a night sail with us, but so far had struck out. Around eleven, Samantha suggested that the three of us...

Group Sex
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Samantha and Hannah Hypnosis

Samantha flopped down on the couch next to Hannah, a wide smile on her face and a gleam of enthusiasm in her deep brown eyes. "So, what do you say, sis?" she asked, opening her fist to let a crystal pendant dangle from her outstretched fingers. "You up for a rematch? I know your record this week is 0-5, but I really think you can break the streak with a good show tonight. You're tough, you're strong, you've got what it takes to resist me!"Hannah had to snicker at that, even if her pride was a...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 19 We Are the Champions

Mr. Labatt’s BMW on HWY 401, Ontario 6:42pm, Saturday, November 24, 1979 ‘What a fuckin’ awesome weekend!‘ I thought as four of the six key girls in my life were engaged in a flurry of various conversations as I drove Mr. Labatt’s B-mer back from Guelph on the 401 (Ontario’s equivalent to the Interstate System in the States). ‘I might as well not be in the car,’ I chuckled to myself as Shannon, Lynette, Zupena and Sammy regaled each other with their Friday night, Saturday morning escapades,...

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Samantha and Brucechapter two of two

"He's short, too damn old, damn near dickless, and very demanding when it comes to using my twat," said my wife of going on three years. "Then why did you marry the loser," said the friend seated to her left at our dinette table. There were five of them in all. I knew the visitors pretty well: they were often over for coffee or drinks or dinner or all three. Lori and Stacy were accountants. Deidre was a dance teacher from the studio. And, Rhoda was a care giver to an aged rich guy. The one...

Love Stories
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MY brother DAVID

Where to begin? Well, just so you understand me, there is a sort of nervous side to my personality, and sometimes it shows up in my writing. I read my own stuff, and it can make me laugh, it's just sounds so disjointed and high-strung.But that's sort of how I am.Here's my big news, my big brother David is going to come home sometime today. He's been away at college for almost a whole year, and I miss him terribly. I just want so badly to be together and hear his voice. I want to hear him call...

2 years ago
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Samantha Just the TipChapter 1 The Experiment

Samantha's Mom was parked in front of the computer, while she and one of her parent's friends played video games on the couch. Samantha asked a question which caused her opponent, Aaron, to completely drop his controller. "Mom, a girl at school today said it was dangerous to let a guy put just the tip of his wiener inside you, even if he didn't cum." Sputtering, Aaron answered first. "Didn't you just turn fourteen Samantha? You're too young to be thinking about that sort of thing at...

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Samanthas Release A story about public mas

It was a cool November night, and the life of a quiet town was at its slowest when the clock struck midnight. The atmosphere was damp and cozy. The street lights dazzled and danced on the wet black-top. The stillness interrupted occasionally by the clawing of dead leaves. It was on this evening that the lust for late night comforts took Samantha. Samantha was 22 year old hard working lass with a focus that drove fourth her ascension in the professional realm. She had wonderful brown almond...

1 year ago
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Samantha Surrenders Part 1

Proud independent Samanatha falls for a powerful handsome man. It was like any other day, Samantha has just finished the new studio, it was twice the size of the previous studio allowing for up to eight “stages” each stage was a full environment, not just a backdrop, she had gotten the idea from seeing a video on stages for tv shows. This evening she had several stages setup for a sexy photo shoot. Samantha was just finishing up the last few touches when she heard a voice behind...

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Samantha and Hannah The Pond

Saturday morning Hannah, Samantha, Tina and Britt drive over to the pond in Samantha’s car. Tina grabs her iPod and some speaker as she gets out of the car, the rest grab the towels and snacks and head to the pond.The girls strip down to their suits and jump into the pond. They take turns on the old tire swing, swinging out and over the pond. Laughing and giggling they dunk each other in the water. Tina goes to dunk Britt and her hand gets tangled in the strap on her top, causing the strap to...

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All Rachel Ann Cooper stories are copy righted and may not be re-posted without permission and may be archived for personal use only. Samantha by Rachel Ann Cooper 1998 This is a short love story with a twist. When I graduated high school, college was not an option. We just didn't have the money. But, the local community college did offer 2 year associate degrees and some professional degrees. I went in and got their brochure in March of my senior year. They offered a...

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Samantha and the Wolf Ch 04

Amanda is two months old, and my wallet is as thick with pictures as you’d expect it to be. Sam has been back at work for a month. I went back the next week. We staggered our FMLA time in case we had an unforeseen need, like difficulty finding day care or Amanda having special medical needs. Happily, everything was normal, and I had a week alone with my daughter. I see lots of her mother in her, but that could just be a romantic imagination on my part. Every new dad looks forward to the end of...

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Samantha By Cal Y. Phigia Samantha Johnson, the new hire, was exquisitely beautiful. James Mann thought her the most gorgeous woman he'd ever met. He'd love to ask her out, but her good looks were somehow intimidating. He feared she'd reject him. If she did, he'd feel mortified. It was better, he told himself, to fantasize about asking her. That way he'd control her answer, and her answer would always be yes. The day that Mr. Sloane hired Sam as his new secretary the...

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Samantha and Hannah Summer Beach

Samantha and Hannah lay side by side on the beach, watching the sun fade over the horizon. The air was warm despite the darkening sky; it was going to be a hot night. The sand was deserted as far as they could see in either direction -- the public beaches were a few miles down the road, and tall fences convenientlyblocked the tourists from intruding on the private playgrounds of the people who owned the beachfronthouses.Samantha reached over to the small cooler and found a large piece of ice,...

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Samantha does the punishing

Samantha does the punishingby Sarah Sloan Samantha has felt Richard’s cane several times. It was never his fault, she had brought it on herself. When he used the cane it was so vicious, it was agonising torture. Now it was her turn and he was silly enough to think it was just a game and let her tie him to the bed. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Richard and Samantha woke up late. He patted her bum and she squealed ?Ouch,...

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BY DOCKER5000 Introductory. A bored and unhappy house-wife starts working as an Escort part-time. Samantha now stepped out of the elevator. She now nervously started to walk down the corridor trying not to make eye contact with anybody she passed. Samantha continued down the corridor until she found the room she had been looking for. If anybody had paid particular attention to Samantha they would have just thought she was a middle age businesswoman just returning to her own...

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Samantha Grandmas GiftChapter 4 Cleaning up a bigger mess or making the biggest mess of all

"Let me get this straight. You want me to shower with your daughter?" I couldn't really believe that Mandy had suggested that. "Well, it's not like Samantha could see any more of you, and you should be safe now. You've cum three times in twenty minutes now. Not that you're even going to want to do anything with Samantha right now, but if somehow you did manage to do something, you've cum so much that I don't see how you could have anything left to pose any sort of pregnancy hazard...

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Samantha and Siri

I didn't mind it, but I wish I knew why it was happening. Siri had decided to call me Samantha. I didn't mind, I actually quite liked it, it was a pretty name, but nobody could work out what was wrong. I didn't know any Samantha's, I wasn't even a woman, but for some reason it was stuck calling me Samantha. It was such a pretty name, I'd repeat it over in my head all day, Samantha, Samantha, Sammy, Sam. Maybe I could start calling myself Samantha, in quiet, in my head. But that was the...

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Samantha Chapter 1: Discovery So, this happened. I'm sitting in a quaint neighborhood bar with my friend Jamie, and this guy comes over. I'm expecting him to hit on Jamie because she's looking pretty adorable in her wrap dress and heeled sandals. I'm starring down at my rather nondescript ballet flats trying to avoid looking at him. "Samantha, meet Ben, an old school friend of mine," Jamie said as she poked me with her elbow. I tried to say 'hi', but I was too terrified....

1 year ago
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“Andrew!” a female voice called. “Andrew!” I turned and there was Samantha, running to catch up to me. “Hey, Samantha,” I greeted. “What are you up to?” “Not much. You?” “On my way home.” “Can I ask a favor?” “Sure.” “Finals are coming up and I was wondering if you’d help me study for my geometry final? It’ll be a miracle if I pass it.” “Miracles so happen, you know?” “I know, but can you help?” I smiled. “Sure. My house tonight?” “Sure. Thank you, Andrew.” So that night, Samantha and I sat on...

First Time

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