Samantha finds Trouble
- 3 years ago
- 32
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The rain drops smeared the windows of the bus as it threaded the early morning rush hour traffic and Samantha worried that her plans to arrive early for her first day as a receptionist in an anonymous grey concrete office block in the centre of London.
She rushed up the street with her heart pounding and stumbled through the front door with barely a minute to spare and rushed to check in at reception with her ample bosom heaving as she gasped for breath..
"Samantha Graham," she announced breathlessly, "Mr Harker's new assistant."
"Ah yes, I'll get you a proper pass, did you let HR have your photograph?" the middle aged lady asked pleasantly.
"Yes, I emailed it after my interview," Samantha explained.
"Oh yes, I have it here, ah your next of kin, your emergency contact, you gave your mothers details and she lives in Nova Scotia?" the woman commented as she handed Samantha a visitor's pass, "Is there no one nearer,"
"Only my landlady, I rent a flat you see, I'll write her details down if you like," Samantha explained.
"Thank you, you do know where Mr Harker's office is don't you?" she asked
"Yes, it's on the fourth floor, thank you," Samantha said, and she smiled nervously and made her way to the lift.
"Samantha," John Harker greeted her and smiled as he looked straight into her deep blue eyes despite the temptation to stare down her cleavage between her magnificent D cup breasts that her open neck blouse she wore offered.
"We deal with baby products here, mainly," he explained, "But you'll soon learn the ropes, basically you are my buffer from the world, I'll be through there if you would like to settle in." he smiled, "I'll have a coffee at ten please, two sugars and I always have our powdered baby milk."
"Oh, yes, certainly, ah, sir," she agreed.
Time dragged, ten came and went, she made coffee, took the cup through, collected the empty cup and waited. Nothing happened.
She took lunch, John took coffee at three thirty and they went home at five.
"How did you get on?" the lady asked as Samantha took the temporary pass back to the reception desk.
"I made coffee and had lunch, that was about it," Samantha explained.
"Bring a magazine, or chat to your friends on Facebook," the lady suggested, "I'm afraid boredom is the biggest problem here."
Samantha quickly realised the woman was absolutely correct as for the rest of the week she made precisely four cups of coffee and answered seven telephone calls.
By the Tuesday of the second week Samantha had become completely disillusioned, "Is this what I spent three years at University for?" she asked John Harker as she took his coffee that afternoon.
"I though you were enjoying it here," John asked.
"It's so boring!" she said.
"Well I'm sorry to hear that," he said, "You studied engineering at Loughborough, so why join us?"
"Money," she admitted, "And jobs aren't exactly plentiful."
"Look there is a job for an engineering assistant at Morewood," he suggested, "If you would like to be considered, you'll have to sign a confidentiality agreement, it's all very hush hush."
"Baby milk?" she scoffed, "How can baby milk be confidential?"
"The machinery, it's all very competitive do you see?" he explained.
"And what would the job entail?" Samantha asked as she flicked her long blonde hair off her face.
"Some testing, generally well all sorts really," he replied.
"And the salary?" she asked.
"Not as much, but you can live in, it makes checking the machinery easier, those early morning milking sessions you understand.
"I suppose," she said, "Can I try it?"
"A months trial?" he suggested, "Certainly, if you are serious see HR and I'm sure you can start next Monday."
"Right," Samantha agreed.
"We'll pay your present salary initially so don't give up your flat in case it's not for you," he suggested.
"Ok, but I need to work out the figures," she insisted.
"Fine," he said slightly irritably, "Just work it out with HR, I'll be sorry to lose you from the office, but it really is your choice."
Rain drops smeared the windows of John Harker's Ford Galaxy people carrier as he drove Samantha from her South London flat to Morewood through the heavy mid morning traffic.
"It's very good of you," she said.
"It's easier than you getting a Taxi," he explained, "What with all the security at Morewood, now you did sign the confidentiality agreement didn't you?"
"Oh yes, I have my new badge," she said and showed him the round brass plate engraved with the number N379, "It all looks a bit Victorian," she giggled.
"Oh yes, I'm afraid some things haven't evolved much," he agreed, "But as they say, if it works why fix it?"
Morewood loomed from the mist and rain, an anonymous complex of industrial buildings in grey concrete and cream paintwork with blue doors and uniformed security on the gate.
John presented his pass and was waved through the outer gate and on into the complex finally driving up to a large building where a door opened as they approached and they drove inside.
"Hi," John hailed a woman dressed like a security officer, "This is my new assistant Samantha. Check N 379."
"Hi," the woman replied, "I'm Mo, security officer, you're Sammy?"
"Ah Samantha," Samantha insisted.
"Whatever," Mo replied, "I'll show you your room."
"Shall we show her round first?" John suggested.
"Ok," Mo agreed, "I'll lock you in ok?"
"Sure," John agreed, "I'll take Samantha through."
A door led through to a wide corridor with display cases displaying the company's merchandise, baby pacifiers, the range of baby foods or at least the packaging, simple hand operated breast pumps and the range of nursing bras.
"May I help you?" a middle aged lady with honey blonde hair straight out of a bottle judging by the dark roots, brown eyes and a fake smile asked as she saw Samantha approach.
"It's all right Miss Bryant, this is Samantha check number N 379," John explained, "She is transferring from admin for a month's trial, studied engineering at Loughborough, very well qualified."
Miss Bryant stared at Samanths's DD breasts, "Very well qualified?" she queried, "Well if you say so, shall I show you round?"
"Later perhaps, could we have coffee do you think?" he asked.
"Yes, draft and two sugars?" she asked.
"Yes, do you take sugar Samantha?" Miss Bryant asked, "It's Kate and I've been married to Ken Spey for the past three years!"
"No, white no sugar," Samantha replied.
"I'll show you some of our more unusual products," John suggested, "Have you seen anything like these before?"
"What exactly are they?" Samantha enquired as she saw a range of bras with rubber bulbs where the nipples would peep through.
"Ah inductive bras," he said, "I don't think I have the right word there, it's induce isn't it, but they help ladies to lactate."
"Why?" Samantha asked.
"Well for one thing it acts as a form of contraception which even the Catholics can't complain about, and then there are fetishes, all sorts of reasons," he suggested.
"Really?" she gasped.
"Oh yes," he explained, "We have quite a range of fetish items, nipple clamps, that sort of thing, down there do you see?"
"Oh," Samantha replied, "I just thought we did baby food."
"Far from it," John continued, "Electric breast pumps, breast harnesses, rope and leather all sorts of things, many of which require further development."
"I hope you don't expect me?" she asked, "Gosh you do, you expect me to work on these, ah, things."
"Well, yes, basically," John confirmed, "But we do milking machines as well, mass produced for the dairy industry."
"Right," Samantha agreed, "Well I'm reasonably broad minded," she admitted.
"Good," John replied, "Because you will need to be for morning milking, unless you would prefer to operate a milling machine, or a capstan lathe and produce nipple clamps for instance?"
"I don't mind," she agreed, "As long as I don't have to try them."
"We might ask you to test a bra or something," John suggested, "But probably not nipple clamps!" he laughed.
"What's the joke?" Miss Bryant asked, "I have your coffee, in the office."
"Testing Bras." John admitted.
"Oh, they are rather something," Miss Bryant laughed.
"Damned well ought to be the price of some of them," John agreed.
"I always test one of the deluxe range," Miss Bryant confessed, "They really do offer superb support."
"Not the ones with the bulbs on?" Samantha queried.
"Not usually," Miss Bryant agreed, "But let's have a coffee shall we?" she showed Samantha and John into the side office.
"Actually Samantha, I hoped you would help test the new range," John suggested, "As part of your duties."
"I suppose I could," she agreed, "But not the inductive ones."
"Well, actually," he said awkwardly, "It was those, they're fine, it's just disguising the damned things,"
"Especially for larger ladies, you are a double D?" Miss Bryant added.
"Ah, yes, I am, in English." she agreed.
"I know it's not engineering as such, but how about you help develop the new range?" John asked.
"I don't know," Samantha said honestly.
"Well think it over, I'll leave you in Miss Bryant's capable hands," John suggested, "Let me know what you decide, I'd better be going." and drained his coffee and said "Goodbye."
Samantha looked at Miss Bryant, "It's Kate," she insisted, "I'm sort of C or D, depending, but I think we need to do something very different to that," she pointed at the bra with rubber bulbs on the end.
"Yes, if the end cup took the nipple," she suggested, "And we led a tube in at right angles, or a double skinned cup and."
"Sounds good," Kate suggested, "But try the present model and see how bloody awful it really is only a man or a pervert, both I guess could have designed anything so awful!"
Samantha agreed reluctantly or so she told herself, and she allowed Kate to talk her into following her into the dressing room where she slipped off her own wonderbra and allowed Kate to carefully measure her admittedly large breasts.
"I think this is about right," Kate announced and she handed Samantha a box marked DDc.
"Right," she said as she pulled it on, "It feels very funny."
"Looks bizarre, you had better borrow a technicians coat to cover up," Kate explained, "Your blouse would look ridiculous with those bulbs poking out."
"Oh yes," she agreed,
"They're not quite so bad under suction," Kate suggested and she squeezed the left bulb which squeezed down with a rude noise and then sealed itself against Samantha's nipple sucking gently, "Do you see?"
"It's feels funny," Samantha exclaimed.
"Unbalanced, squeeze the other then it will be ok." Kate suggested.
"That's twice as funny," Samantha exclaimed, "Surely this stuff could be built into the bra, instead of poking out so much?"
"Well, we have a very well equipped Laboratory and workshops here so if you would like, and if Mr Harker agrees, you could take over development," Kate suggested, "See what you can do, oh and in the meantime wear that damned thing to remind you how horrible it is!"
"I suppose so," Samantha agreed, "Just as long as it's behind closed doors, I don't want anyone to see me like this!"
"Oh yes, there's just Jo and Hannah the technicians," Kate explained, "Josephine, that is, and myself, that's all you really need to meet on a regular basis."
"Oh, right." Samantha agreed.
"And so I suppose we had better get you settled in," Kate added as she handed Samantha a Lab technicians coat to hide the almost obscene sight of Samantha's huge breasts filling a large white bra with a big orange rubber bulbs on each nipple.
Samantha thought about changing back to her own bra, but the gentle suction was far from unpleasant and she simply pulled the white coat on and picked up her own bra and blouse and followed Kate back through the corridor with the display cases and through a door to the left.
The room was a self contained flat in a purpose built block fronting the main road, her windows looked across the road to the river and the town beyond and the flat itself had a bathroom with a bath a bedroom with a double bed and a spacious kitchen /dining room with a TV and white leather covered armchairs and matching couch at one end.
Her cases were already stacked neatly in the bedroom, "Entry to the street and exit is by ringing the bell for security, no boyfriends, or girlfriends, unless they have security clearance," Kate explained, "There is a canteen on site in A block on the public side, but not dressed like that!"
Kate added, "But just ring 003 and order what you want from the menu, oh yes, the company page is the homepage on your computer, and I'm afraid all emails are vetted, and no facebook please." Kate added.
"It's a lot to take in," Saamantha admitted.
"And there's wine in the fridge and so if you would like to get settled in I'll see you tomorrow." Kate suggested, "Unless there's anything else?"
"No, I'm sure I'll cope," Samantha replied, "Thanks."
Samantha watched Kate walk away, and the started to explore, the computer ran windows 2000 not even XP, the bedroom had large built in wardrobes and a bedside table with drawers and mirrors and she put her clothes away and set her ornaments out and decided to put her toys in the drawer.
She plugged in the battery charger for her rechargeable batteries and checked each toy in turn, the rampant rabbit worked fine but the eight inch flexi vibrator batteries were down so she changed them, but the old set on charge and checked it worked on every speed.
She felt strangely calm, she played with the vibro, pushing the rounded end into the palm of her hand, and then she lay back on the bed, she felt so relaxed, it was surreal and she didn't consciously take her dainty white panties off, or pull up her short red skirt around her midriff, but she must have done as she eased the blunt tip of the big black vibrator slowly into her soft blonde down covered vagina, easily parting her labia and sliding in on her own juices without any need for the lube she usually used.
"Just a little wank," she told herself as she lay there, but everything seemed so warm and nice that instead of thinking about something to eat at some stage she kicked off her shoes and skirt, slipped the lab coat off and slid under the bedclothes.
She set the vibro to 2 and just lay back, legs slightly parted and just held it in place and she just dreamily stared at the ceiling, she wondered about trying setting 5 for a quick orgasm but decided not to, this was good she told herself, really soothing, really dreamy and soothing.
She woke with a start, it was dark, the clock said 3 a.m.
The vibro buzzed still but her nipples throbbed, her fingers instinctively flew to her breasts where she found the bulbs on the bra had expanded losing the suction.
She squeezed the bulbs and restored the suction, and relished the relief as her nipples stopped throbbing and she idly looked at the clock again, decided she might as well go back to sleep.
She woke around ten, bathed in sweat she remembered the night, a purple dragon had swallowed her at one point she remembered, the Vibro quietly buzzed somewhere between her knees and her inner thighs seemed deliciously and decadently damp.
Samantha leap from bed and took a cold shower, "Miss Graham?" a voice said quietly as someone knocked the door.
"Yes?" Samantha replied.
"I have some things for you, I'll leave them by the door," the voice replied and she heard footsteps receding.
The things were three new bras, all the same ones with nipple bulbs, Samantha took them in but she dressed in her own clothes found some waffles and honey for breakfast, drank a hurried coffee an rushed towards the workshops only to realise she had no idea where the workshops were.
Mo on security directed Samantha towards the workshops where Jo and Hannah thought it was hilarious when Samantha finally arrived just before eleven.
"We start with a debrief at eight forty five," Hannah explained.
"Right," Samantha agreed as she shuffled her bra straps across her shoulders as she tried to get comfortable.
"Are you ok?" Jo asked, "Miss Bryant said you were trying the inducer?"
"Just a bit sore," Samantha agreed, "I'm supposed to be improving it."
"Oh, well the gentlemen say it's just about perfect!" Hannah laughed, "But you really should wear one or how can you compare it?"
"I suppose," Samantha agreed, "It's a DD small C what ever that means,"
"Here," Hannah exclaimed, "There's a whole box full."
Samantha looked at the bra, she had a blue blouse over a white lacy bra, she looked around.
"I'll lock the door," Jo offered and she stepped across and twisted the knob.
Samantha self consciously removed her coat and blouse and finally her lacy bra.
"Gosh!" Jo exclaimed as Samantha's breasts tumbled from the bra cups as she released the catch.
Samantha stared at Jo, "Sorry," Jo said, "Professional curiosity, I'm not gay."
"Nor am I," said Hannah, as she stood behind Samantha, "May I?" she asked as she reached around and lifted Samantha's breasts with the palms of her hands,
"Please!" Samantha protested.
"Sorry," Hannah apologised, "I didn't mean anything."
"Ok," Samantha agreed, as she took the new bra.
"One trick that works well is," Hannah chuckled, as she nodded to Jo, "To roughen up the nipple with a nail brush," she explained as she picked up a small nail brush from the bench and stepped forward again, Jo took a similar brush from her jacket pocket and they closed in on Samantha in a pincer movement
"Aghhhh!" Samantha wailed as Jo and Hannah each took hold of one of Samantha's nipples and scrubbed furiously as Samantha frantically tried to pull away, "Stop it, stop it."
They put the brushes away, "Sorry but no pain no gain," Hannah suggested as she handed Samantha a tube of lotion, "Put some of this on it will take away the pain."
"I'd rather not have had the pain in the first place!" Samantha snapped as she took the lotion squirted some in the palm of her hand, and massaged some into each of her tormented nipples,
"Oh that's better," she agreed, "What is this stuff?"
"Just lactation lotion," Jo replied.
"Look, I'm only testing the fit guys, I don't actually want to start breast feeding," Samantha explained.
"That's cheating!" Jo laughed, Samantha stared at Jo, she couldn't be much more than twenty she decided, fairly small breasts, brown hair, shoulder length, quite a contrast to thirty something peroxide blonde Hannah whose large breasts appeared to be surgically enhanced.
"No, Kate wanted me to get the feel." Samantha protested.
"That's right, the proper feel, just slip it on and get some suction," Hannah suggested.
Samantha pulled the bra around herself and adjusted the straps, the relief as her nipples slid into the nipple cups was immense and was replaced by a feeling of warmth and well being as she squeezed the bulbs and the welcome suction pulled her nipples firmly into the cups, "Better?" Hannah asked.
"Yes, but no thanks to you!" Samantha replied as she sat down on a stool, "Give me a moment will you," she asked as the waves of relief and pleasure overwhelmed her, she wondered if she dared sneak back to her room for her Vibrator but decided she couldn't really.
"Miss Graham?" Jo said quietly some time later, "It's lunch time."
Samantha guiltily realised she had been asleep, "Oh gosh," she gasped.
"Better put your coat on before the sandwich man comes round," Hannah chuckled.
Samantha quickly pulled the coat on,"Right, sorry."
"No problem," Hannah agreed, "You can try my latest project if you like," she said mischevously.
"What's that?" Samantha asked innocently.
"A radio controlled mini vibrator!" Hannah laughed, "Just imagine if your boyfriend had the remote."
"Or girlfriend," Jo added.
"Why not build the remote into the bra, or have a pocket for it?" Samantha suggested.
"Spoil the fun," Hannah explained, "Do you want to try it?"
"No thanks, it's lunch time," Samantha said flippantly.
The sandwich 'Man' was actually an elderly lady who wheeled a trolley to their door and knocked politely, the food looked edible and Samantha took rather more than she ought to have and sat down guiltily to eat them.
The afternoon passed pleasantly enough as Samantha played around with various nipple cups and learned how to use the plastic moulding machine to make double skinned cups and she was quite shocked to find it was gone five o'clock and Jo and Hannah were going home.
She worked on until seven thirty before she finally worked out how to do the double cup idea and then decided to find a pub for an evening meal. Taking the suction cup bra off quickly made her change her plans, he nipples were too sore to bear her regular bra touching them so reluctantly she went to find the 'Canteen,' only to find no one there, just the chef who found her some curry, and a half bottle of pleasant red wine to wash it down with, and that's when she remembered Hannah's vibrator project.
Samantha went back to the workshop and slipped the vibrator and remote control into her pocket before making her way back to her room, it wasn't that big, she decided, but after rinsing it in warm water and smearing a small amount of lube over it she slipped the crotch of her thong aside and eased the cigar shaped red plastic toy inside her, she clicked the remote control and nothing happened.
She checked the remote control battery and found it was missing, it was the work of a moment to steal one from the smoke alarm but still nothing, so reluctantly she retrieved the toy, with some difficulty, and peeled the red latex cover back to reveal the battery cover, the AAA size batteries were missing but she had some in her torch in her handbag, so she quickly fitted them, and then tured them round as she realised that it still didn't work.
This time it buzzed furiously and she tried again, it wasn't very good, she decided, but she left it on slow and sat down to watch TV.
She felt tired but when she took the special bra off once again her nipples throbbed horribly when they were relieved of the suction so she put it back on again.
She grimaced but she knew her own modified bra would soon be ready, so rather bored and disappointed with the small remote control vibrator she had an early night.
Samantha was determined to get to work before Hannah the next morning but once again she didn't wake until ten, she sneaked in at twenty to eleven.
"Ok where is it?" Hannah demanded.
"Oh, sorry, borrowed it," Samantha apologised.
"And?" Hannah asked, "Any good?"
"No, not really." Samantha said, "Sorry."
"That was last weeks," Hannah said and she reached in a cardboard box and produced a slightly larger version in a fetching shade of blue, "This is the real McCoy."
"Right," Samantha agreed.
"Try it," Hannah suggested.
"What?" Samantha replied.
"Try it, or I'll report you to Miss Bryant," she laughed.
"Oh, all right," Samantha agreed and she took the slim blue cigar from Hannah, "Is there any lube?" Hannah handed her a tube, "Right, back in a minute," she added as she took the remote control and headed for the lavatory.
"It still doesn't work," she protested as she returned.
"No?" Hannah asked as she thumbed the buttons on a transmitter with a huge whip aerial.
"Agghh," Samantha gasped.
"Sounds like it's working to me!" Hannah laughed as she slowed the speed to the slowest setting.
"Very funny!" Samantha agreed, but she found it strangely stimulating for a complete stranger to control how much her vibrator vibrated, "Just leave it on slow, ok?"
"Ok," Hannah agreed.
Samantha found it difficult to concentrate on her work but somehow she managed to assemble a pair of the double skinned nipple cups and their flexible neophrene tubes and announced she was ready to test them.
Hannah and Jo came to watch, "I suppose I have to use them on myself," Samantha asked rhetorically, "Thought so, lock the door please Jo," she asked and she slipped her coat and bra off before fitting a spare red rubber bulb to the new nipple cup and slipping it over her left nipple.
"Damn!" she swore as the cup failed to seal and lost suction.
"There's some low energy suction pumps around somewhere," Hannah explained, "That's what you need."
"Right," Samantha said disappointedly.
"Very compact, take a single triple A battery," Jo added, "It would fit between or under your breasts."
"Jo you could hide a bicycle pump between, ah." Hannah stopped mid sentence.
"She's jealous," Jo explained, "I'll look for a pump."
Jo was back in a few moments, "Karen designed them, you see two tubes, but they just fitted in place of the bulbs with a right angle outlet and didn't really work, at least they couldn't be hidden under normal clothes," she said as she put a box on the bench, "There must be nine hundred and ninety of them about somewhere, minimum order was a thousand and I think we used two."
"Oh, where is Karen now?" Samantha asked.
"Sacked, for ordering a thousand useless pumps!" Jo laughed, "It's not funny really."
Finding a battery and connecting the pump was easy, finding somewhere to put it less so, "No I do not want it up my bottom," Samantha answered to one of Jo's ruder suggestions and by team work they decided on a skeletal cup less bra as a mounting for the motor.
Like most things it seemed there was something similar in the store room and it was the work of a few seconds for Samantha to slip the straps on and to secure the motor with two elastic bands.
Samantha switched the motor on and held the double skinned cups in place, the motor screamed and then with suction established it settled down to a low hum.
"It's pulsing," Samantha complained.
"Is it uncomfortable?" Jo asked.
"It's rather nice actually," Samantha admitted.
"Shall I make up a couple of pre production samples?" Jo asked.
"Half a dozen?" Samantha asked, "How will I wash them?
"Keep the motor separate?" Jo suggested, "You're the one with a degree in engineering."
Samantha felt very pleased with herself when five o'clock came, the new bra was rather bulbous around the nipples but nowhere like as obscene as the one with bright red rubber bulbs on the end of the cups and with some difficulty Samantha had slipped her own blue blouse and jacket over it.
Samantha still had Hannah's vibrator inside her as she went home as every time she tried to remove it Hannah had applied full power and Samantha had to stop as she couldn't grip it, but she knew her flat would be out of radio range so she just left it buzzing gently, as the nipple cups pulsed gently and she had to admit, it was rather a pleasant feeling.
So good that she left the vibro in as she took a Taxi to Morewood where she ordered dinner for one at the Doughty Duck carvery and theme pub, though quite what the theme was escaped her.
She was starting her sweet when she realised Hannah was in the bar, the vibrator speeded up and then Hannah said "Hi!"
"Stop it!" Samantha hissed.
"Forgot to say it has a tracker device!" Hannah laughed, as she selected level three on a tiny remote control she hid in the palm of her hand.
"Look this isn't funny," Samantha protested, but Hannah selected level four and almost unbearable levels of pleasure coursed through Samatha's consciousness and she had to concentrate on not crying out.
Tears ran her cheeks as she sat at her table, "You all right love?" a kindly drunk builders labourer with impressive bum cleavage and a body odour problem asked.
"She's more than all right she's cumming," Hannah whispered.
"Noooo!" Samantha wailed but Hannah upped the speed to five and suddenly Samantha's world exploded like a purple carnation or a mushroom cloud of green blackbirds, "Oh my god!"
The vibration stopped abruptly, Hannah heard the change in the pitch of the buzzing, motor failure again.
"No," Samantha protested, "You can't stop now!"
"It's broken," Hannah admitted, "Ladies?"
They had to queue, and Samantha had come down from her high before they could get a cubicle, and then the Landlady accused her of trying to sneak off without paying.
'Sorry my vibrator seized,' didn't seem like a sensible excuse so Samantha claimed her ice cream was too cold and she felt nauseous, but she could see the woman didn't believe her.
Samantha was rather proud of her new bra, she took a train ride to Bury St Edmonds, walked around Cambridge, went shopping in Harrods and M and S all in the cause of product testing and pronounced herself well pleased, in fact by the end of the second week she was rather pleased with her 'Invention,' and went to see Miss Bryant for some production costings.
"I think you need at least a month's test," Miss Bryant advised, "Hannah says you are helping to test her toy?"
"Ah, yes," Samantha agreed.
"Do you like it?" she asked.
"Well actually, I took the battery out." she admitted, "I just fake, well you know, when I think she's turned it up."
"Samantha!" Miss Bryant exclaimed, "Really, Hannah needs the data, you know the motors overheat and seize."
"Sorry, but it's no fun having an orgasm in a crowded pub!" Samantha protested.
"Actually it's great fun," Miss Bryant admitted, "But you're not gay are you?"
"No," Samantha agreed, "Celibate effectively."
"Oh you poor thing," Miss Bryant laughed, "You can always join us!"
It was the end of the fourth week when Samantha realised she had a problem, a milky substance dripped from the suction motor and trickled down her tummy.
"Oh bloody hell!" she exclaimed when she noticed as she worked on a a plan to update a bovine milking machine to take a new more compact and cheaper Chinese electric motor, "I'm leaking!"
"I'll get Miss Bryant," Jo replied and she went to find her.
"Oh, Samantha," Miss Bryant declared, "That's awkward, lactation shouldn't happen unless you want it to, you don't do you?"
"No, absolutely not!" Samantha replied.
"Then we had better see Miss Thompson," Miss Bryant explained, "I'll take you through, have you got your pass?"
"What the card?" Samantha asked.
"No the brass check." Miss Bryant clarified.
"Yes, in my bag." Samatha replied.
"Well bring it and we'll find Miss Thompson," Miss Bryant suggested, "Shall we go?"
They made their way through several security doors and down labyrinthine corridors towards Miss Thompson's office.
Miss Thompson was a no nonsense woman, fifty maybe, straight backed, small breasted ex Womens Royal Army Corps, her dark hair tied in a severe bun, and she spoke with an upper class military English accent which perfectly matched her pale English complexion.
"Has she started lactating?" Miss Thompson queried.
"Yes, I was testing the bra for comfort and." Samantha admitted.
"Yes, as Kate said, you were using a pulsing pump," Miss Thompson added, "So it's hardly surprising is it?"
"What?" Samantha asked.
"Lactation, you've been stimulating your teats for the past month so its hardly surprising is it?" Miss Thompson snapped.
"Oh, I thought," Samantha queried.
"Right let me have a look," Miss Thompson demanded "We're all girls here," she pointed out, "Let me see the problem."
Samantha reluctantly peeled off her jacket and blouse and released her bra strap, the teat cups came away moist with white residue.
Miss Thompson dipped a finger into the residue and put it to her lips, "Mmm, that's definitely milk," she said, "I suppose we had better get this drained, would you like to come through?"
Miss Thompson's office door opened revealing a cross between a milking parlour and an operating theatre, a framework of polished aluminium tubes took pride of place and by it a set of suction cups linked to a milking machine, "Shouldn't take a minute, just step up on the step and bend over the bar, I'll set the height and then you can rest on the frame."
"What?" Samatha asked.
"Breasts drain best when hanging vertically," Miss Thompson explained, "Now hurry up, lets get you drained and you can get back to work."
Samantha stood on the step as Miss Thompson adjusted the height of the cross bar within the frame so it supported Samantha's tummy as she bent over, "How's that?" she asked.
"Ok, I suppose," Samatha answered as she gripped the polished aluminium tubes firmly
"Then chin on the chinpad and I'll connect the machine, It will feel cold and a bit strange at first," Miss Thompson suggested, and as Samantha leaned forward towards the padded cross piece which acted as chin pad Miss Thompson added, "That's it take your weight on your shoulders, and Jo, Hannah position the shoulder pads please."
The shoulder pads were large foam pads which fitted over the aluminium tubes and slid backwards and forwards depending on the height or was it length of the girl to be milked, they were U shaped instead of completely encircling the tubes so they could be changed easily without dismantling the frames, and they fastened to their own cross piece at the bottom so they couldn't turn over or drop off.
"Cups next," Miss Thompson ordered in her clipped military way, and she watched as Hannah lifted the suction cups up to Samantha's swollen breasts.
Samantha jumped as Hannah fitted the cold latex suction cup over her left nipple, "For heaven's sake," Miss Thompson protested, you'll do yourself some damage, now hold still, Jo, fasten the middle strap would you?"
Samantha felt a strap tighten across her lower back, a strap around the two six inch diameter horizontal bars to the left and right of her, a strap wrapped around both bars and across her tummy and back, "That's better," Miss Thompson announced as she pushed the second suction cup into position and started the suction motor.
"I'll fasten the safety chains," Miss Thompson explained as she rattled some chain around and Samantha felt the cups pulled more fully against her breasts.
"Excuse me!" Samantha exclaimed, "Is all this really necessary?"
"Oh yes," Miss Thompson agreed as she took hold of the waistband of Samantha's sensible knee length skirt and pulled, pulling skirt and thong off in one movement to flutter down around Samantha's ankles, "Absolutely necessary, if you're ever going to produce a decent amount of milk."
"What," Samantha cried, "No!" but Jo and Hannah held Samantha's feet against the uprights an Samantha was completely helpless as Miss Bryant slipped Samantha's shoes off, scooped up her skirt and panties and slipped her hold up stockings off to leave her naked, bent through ninety degrees at the waist with legs vertical and back level and her breasts now swollen with milk hanging vertically down to the milking machine where the glass suction cups were already splattered with her milk.
"This isn't funny," Samantha protested as Hannah and Jo fastened stout leather straps around Samantha's ankles securing her ankles to the uprights and as Samantha started to struggle so they pulled her arms around behind her and secured them with soft leather handcuffs.
"No!" Samantha protested.
"N 379," Miss Thompson quoted, "Production started, two, ah, two twenty three of todays date."
"You make me sound like a cow or something!" Samantha protested.
"Yes dear, Human Cow N379, just relax." Miss Thompson confirmed.
"What do you mean Human Cow!" Samantha demanded.
"We have a herd, didn't you realise, that's why our baby milk is so good, it's the real thing!" Miss Thompson explained.
"You won't get away with this!" Samantha threatened.
"Just relax and enjoy," Miss Thompson ordered and she set the suction machine to begin pulsing instead of a steady suction.
Samantha felt the milk oozing from her, "You won't," she said and she thought this must be what it felt like to breast feed twins, she hated it when she realised it was really quite a nice feeling, "Get away with this!" she insisted but it was already too late, far too late.
Miss Thompson was still busy, she slid the upper cross piece down and released Samantha's hands from the hand cuffs before pinning her firmly between upper and lower cross pieces by firmly tightening the bolts with socket wrench.
"No!" Samantha wailed, "Too tight," but a purple mist was descending as a feeling approaching orgasm swept over her.
"Hush!" Miss Thompson said, "Have we a gag feeder Hannah?"
"Yes, here." she replied holding a piece of hollow aluminium tube covered in thick rubber like a horses bit in many respects, but with a screwed fitting on one end.
"No!" Samantha gasped and she clamped her mouth firmly shut.
Miss Thompson was ready for her trick and merely slipped a clothes pin onto her nose so she had to open her mouth to breathe and as soon as she gasped for breath Hannah had the gag in place.
The gag harness was like a horses bridle and Hannah carefully pulled Samantha's long blonde hair through a ring where the various straps converged behind her head before fastening the straps.
"There, connect it up Hannah," Miss Thompson suggested, "You'll like, it's this magic mushroom and goats milk puree, you'll have the most wonderful trip."
Samantha was determined she would not have a wonderful trip, or drink the thin watery warm puree but when Hannah started the pump she had no choice as it sprayed from myriad little holes in the gag spraying her mouth until some trickled down her throat.
"Arms," Miss Thompson ordered and she strapped Samantha's arms wrist to elbow and then strapped her arms to the upper cross piece, "And finally Ta Ra," she brandished a polished stainless steel hook with a ring one end and a steel ball the other, "A mark six anus hook!"
"Jane" Miss Bryant chuckled, "Must you be so crude!"
"It stops back-sliding and holds the anus open nicely," Miss Thompson explained as she lubricated the ball and pushed the hook slowly and with some considerable difficulty into Samantha's virgin brown hole until once past the narrow section it slid in easily the full six inch length.
She fixed the hook to the cross piece with an adjustable link and stood back, "What do you think?" she asked.
"Looks fine," Hannah agreed, "Ok this end."
"Shall we take her through?" Miss Thompson suggested, and when there was no dissent Samantha realised the whole frame was on wheels, feed pump an reservoir, suction pump and containers all powered by a twelve volt car battery.
"Oh my vibrator," Hannah exclaimed.
"Yes, we'll get Hank to make sure she has something," Miss Thompson agreed, "Pop it out will you?"
With the power off Hannah eased Samantha's labia open and delved around inside her cunt until she managed to extract the toy, "Got it!" she said triumphantly, and they began to wheel Samantha away towards the double doors at the end of the room.
Samantha was already beginning to hallucinate, she couldn't see straight everything was green, she sucked at the bit trying to stop the ticking as the pressurised puree squirted into her mouth but with every suck she became less able to think straight.
"N 379," Miss Thompson announced into the intercom, "Ready for you,"
"Ok," a male voice boomed, and the big double door opened and a large blonde bearded man, somewhat overweight maybe in his late thirties came in.
"This her?" he asked.
Samantha stared, his Levis hung so low she was sure she could see his ass hole down his bum cleavage, "Well it's not Jo is it?" Miss Thompson explained, "Oh and no funny business, Mr Harker is coming over when I confirm she is in production and he want's her nice and fresh.
"Yes Hank, use the hose and hot soapy water," Hannah reminded him, "The cold really stings."
"Yeah, right, whatever," Hank replied and he began to push the whole frame away through the doors and into a whole new world.
John Harker
Samantha N 379 blonde Samantha Graham
Miss Bryant middle aged Honey blonde. Kate married to Ken Spey
Jo Josephine, Hannah technicians.
Jo, she couldn't be much more than twenty fairly small breasts, brown hair, shoulder length, Hannah thirty something peroxide blonde whose large breasts surgically enhanced
Hank large blonde bearded man, somewhat overweight maybe in his late thirties
his Levis hung so low she was sure she could see his ass hole down his bum cleavage,
WRITTEN BY LEROY MORROW Author’s Note: Marie in the following story is the French version for Mary. George Washington Brush is a fictions President. “Douglas,” Samantha called coming back into the Silverton’s house in Westbridge from checking the mail. “Yes,” her husband answered. “Look at this that we got in the mail today,” Samantha said handing him a envelope. The envelope had a postmark from Washington, D.C. In the left upper ...
When she turned 18, Samantha went to her parents and said she wanted her drivers license. After the required instruction from her father and time behind the wheel, she went for her road test and was issued a license. With her new found freedom, Samantha was on cloud nine and had no idea it would lead her to a situation she could never have imagined. If her father had ever known what would happen to her, he would have never let her get her license or drive alone. Unknown to her, Samantha...
Sam walked into Mr. Davidson?s class expecting it to be just another day. Sam expected to go into class and tease her teacher relentlessly like she did every other day.Sam was a pretty girl. She was 16 with a larger bust than most girls her age and a curvy ass. She also had a tiny waist and naturally golden blonde hair. All the guys, including her teachers, wished to be intimate with her. For them though all she would be was a trophy.At one time Sam had been a very shy girl, but then she...
She couldn't help herself, even though it was so dangerous now, this collection of pornography. Sex, it all its guises, all its forms, had always fascinated her, reached into her deeply. She'd been building it for years, harvesting the best from the floods of pornography that flowed across the net in the days before the ultra right took over things in the country. After that, many of her e-mail pen pals disappeared, one by one. Too many had careers or families to protect, and the net had...
WRITTEN BY LEROY MORROW FICTION Samantha, a gorgeous, attractive blond hair blue eye girl in her thirties was sitting at home in her hometown of Westbridge, Connecticut one summer evening watching television. On a rare occasion, her husband, Douglas was working late at his office at Polk and Adams Firm. As she sat watching a western on television she decided that she would order a pizza to be delivered at the house. Getting up she dialed the number of Pizza Hut that was closest to the...
Samantha’s Dubai NightmareSynopsis: A petite, gorgeous 19-year-old blonde American gets lured into working for an escorting agency in Dubai. Once there, she is quickly sold into slavery and forced to pleasure her owner in the most terrible of ways.Chapter 1: An Offer Too Good to Refuse ?So,? Malia Jackson said, leaning forward and smiling at the young blonde across from her. ?Have you thought about what Kyle told you? About the Dubai gig?? ?I have, I don’t—I’m still not sure...
I was sitting at home relaxing after a day at work, sipping a cold one when there was a knock at the door. For a few moment I sat puzzled at who would be knocking on my door at this time of night? The knock came again and wearily I walked to the door. Opening the door I was surprised to see a young redhead woman standing there, a phone in her hand with google maps clearly visible. "Hello, can I help you?" I asked politely expecting she was some lost delivery girl. "Are you James...
The next several months were heavenly for the young king. Samantha made every day worth living. Henry became more and more obsessed with his beautiful mistress. Unfortunately, he also became less and less careful. For a while, Samantha at least tried to be sure that she was not seen entering and leaving the king’s quarters. But, after a while, she began to truly believe her new station. The girl decided that she was so important now, that no one could interfere with her. Catherine of Aragon...
The next day was a blur for the new king. Henry managed to complete his duties, but all he could think about was seeing Samantha that night. Somehow the day went by, and Henry returned to his quarters. The queen was safely alone in her room with her maids, and the king quickly sent for Samantha. When the squire came to Samantha and told her Henry was waiting for her, she left immediately. The young girl had realized that pleasing the king was her ticket to a new and wonderful life. Samantha...
PART ONE WRITTEN BY LEROY MORROW FICTION Samantha Silverton, an attractive blond hair blue eye girl in her thirties was sitting on the couch waiting for her husband, Douglas to come home from work. She had no way knowing that very evening she would have her first interracial sex experience. Douglas had phoned her earlier in the day to let her know that he was bringing an old friend of his home for her to meet. Samantha said that was okay with...
It was the first proper day of summer, the sun shone brightly and there was the almost inaudible buzz of insects flitting from flower to flower. The twin sisters loved the summer, they loved being outdoors and this was their first opportunity to bask in the heat.Hannah dusted down the sun lounger and positioned it in the sun in their back garden. Then after slipping into a two piece bikini and wrapping a sarong around her body she went outside with a good book.She had been out there for half an...
“Your mother and I will be back at 12:00 Sam,” her father shouted up from the foyer. “Stay inside and keep the door locked. ” “No worries Dad!” she called back. A moment later the sound of the front door shutting echoed up to wear Samantha stood. Breathing out a sigh of relief mixed with anticipation, Samantha hurried through her room to the bathroom. Kneeling before the sink she slowly opened the cabinet beneath. She was acutely aware of her heart...
The excitement had been building for weeks. Samantha knew something was in the wind but she didn't know what. Nervously she dressed for an evening out. Her husband had told her that it was a special treat but he would tell her nothing more even though she pleaded, threatened, cajoled, and tried to bargain with him. At last Samantha was ready. She had chosen a short, halter-style black dress which revealed her ample cleavage and showcased her shapely calves and thighs. Her copper tresses...
The money was ok, but what I really liked was Samantha, the office manager. She was a smokin' hot brunette in her late twenties. She was about 5'6" with a slim build, and a super tight body. The first time I saw her, I developed a monster crush on her. Samantha always dressed professionally, either in a blouse and dress pants, or a suit with a skirt. In any case, she always left the top 3 buttons of her blouse unbuttoned. I loved to sneak glimpses of her amazing cleavage when no one...
The spotlights blaze, the music starts. Stripper Samantha steps onto the stage and instantly your eyes are on her, lusting for her. You’re already seeing her naked body in your mind. In her curve-clinging red top, black leather-look microskirt high up her bare thighs and black high heels, she struts confidently around her stage. She tosses her dark hair, her firm young breasts bounce under the thin red cloth of her top and she swings her hips. Playfully flicking up her skirt up high she gives...
VoyeurSamantha was looking forward to spending some time with her dad. Since her parents had divorced she only got to see every other weekend and then for a couple of weeks each summer.Samantha felt that over the last couple of years they had grown apart but her recent sexual awakening was even more if reason to want to be with her dad.Samantha had been introduced to sex by her boyfriend Tony. He was a fantastic lover but he had a secret. Tony was sexually attracted to older women and the one he was...
I found Samantha in the kitchen, wearing one of her tight Lycra skirts, and a button up shirt, one too many buttons undone to be socially acceptable! Damn that cleavage went on for ever, but is was her arse that captivated my attention, embraced in skin-tight material, and pushed into perky shaped by her heels. I looked at the clock. 8:57. My slut was doing a good job so far. I sat at the table quietly, waiting for breakfast. At 9am exactly Samantha was standing at the tableside, a full...
Samantha leaned forward again and kissed her again, this time with more passion, she cupped Hannah's cheek as she did so.Hannah felt the soft lips of Samantha's on hers and then her tongue flicking against her lips, pressing against them gently. She let her mouth open allowing Samantha's tongue to dart into her mouth.Samantha pressed her lips harder against Hannah, the kiss becoming more passionate. She let her hand slip from Hannah's cheek, she traced down across her shoulder and onto her...
Rich parked his pick-up truck, grabbed his camera, and strode eagerly to the twin's house. He only paused to turn the handle before he walked through the front door. Walking through the door Rich found the living room empty, but heard the soft sound of music playing from a room down the hall. “Sam! Are you around? You’ve got to see the camera I just bought,” Rich called as he walked toward the music. The door to Samantha’s studio was open, and just as Rich was about to launch into an...
Hi Friends, its wasim again leke aaya hu apne ek aur sex experience ko share karne. Apne bare main batadu main Mumbai se hu aur ek private tour firm main acche post pe hu with good physics ;) so jo koi lady ya girl mujh se baat enjoy karna chahe let me know. Mera mail ID hai And yes aap mere saath bilkul safe ho kyunki main pyar se pyar karta hu… meri pichali stories se mujhe kafi acche response mile aise hi acche response mujhe inspire karte hai so main unko yaha share karta hu…. Meri pichali...
Samantha's First monster Black CockWe are John and Samantha have been married for a long time, and the sex is great. Samantha is a Hot wife nicely built, with 34D tits, nice round ass, soft hair and a smile that knocks you off your feet. Years ago we have talked about her having sex with another man, and she agrees that that is a big fucking turn on, but just not sure she wanted to go there. So once she agreed to try it once, she had a few rules. 1) She didn’t want to know when it was going to...
Writer's Note: No transformations this story. just a check in on someone who realized they had been transformed and how they are handling it. It is just a one- part story, so I hope you enjoy this shorter, more personal story in this universe. Samantha Samantha got off the bus and breathed a sigh of relief. It had been a week since all the strange incidents had happened at school and besides one or two small things, nothing had really happened since. She came to her house and...
Pornstar beadown 1 Samantha 38GBy lilguy [email protected] at gas station disrespect the wrong big titted womanThe Gas station Jim worked at was in a middle of bum fuck nowhere. It was miles and miles from anywhere and he had the late shift. He hated the late shift...caused he hate being alone this far from anywhere else. This is a place a lot of urban legends started, or serial killer had their murder spree. If something had to him…no one would know till it was far too late. He didn't...
Samantha and Hannah are twin sisters. When they got home they didn't waste any time. They locked the doors and closed the blinds. Samantha was already naked and up her sister's skirt before Hannah could get her top all the way off. Hannah leaned up against the kitchen counter so she didn't collapse. She could feel her twin sister's tongue through her cotton panties. It made her quiver. She couldn't even finish getting undressed. Samantha slipped her finger under the panties and pressed it...
The Lady Samantha was still trying to understand how things had gotten to this point. Lady. Hell, fifteen months ago, she had simply been the oldest daughter of a peasant farmer. Now, here she was at the castle. Of course things would be much better if she wasn’t to be executed in an hour. Samantha tried not to cry as she thought back to that fateful day, a little over a year earlier. Samantha’s family was poor. Of course they were peasants, and that kind of went without saying. Still, that...
During the evening, Samantha alternated dances between Tommy and me. No one could doubt that she loved dancing and flirting. By ten o'clock, all but one button on her blouse had 'accidentally' come undone, making it even more exciting when she danced with the occasional stranger. For Samantha, the tease was all part of the fun. We’d been on the lookout for another girl who might want to go on a night sail with us, but so far had struck out. Around eleven, Samantha suggested that the three of us...
Group SexSamantha flopped down on the couch next to Hannah, a wide smile on her face and a gleam of enthusiasm in her deep brown eyes. "So, what do you say, sis?" she asked, opening her fist to let a crystal pendant dangle from her outstretched fingers. "You up for a rematch? I know your record this week is 0-5, but I really think you can break the streak with a good show tonight. You're tough, you're strong, you've got what it takes to resist me!"Hannah had to snicker at that, even if her pride was a...
"He's short, too damn old, damn near dickless, and very demanding when it comes to using my twat," said my wife of going on three years. "Then why did you marry the loser," said the friend seated to her left at our dinette table. There were five of them in all. I knew the visitors pretty well: they were often over for coffee or drinks or dinner or all three. Lori and Stacy were accountants. Deidre was a dance teacher from the studio. And, Rhoda was a care giver to an aged rich guy. The one...
Love StoriesIt was a cool November night, and the life of a quiet town was at its slowest when the clock struck midnight. The atmosphere was damp and cozy. The street lights dazzled and danced on the wet black-top. The stillness interrupted occasionally by the clawing of dead leaves. It was on this evening that the lust for late night comforts took Samantha. Samantha was 22 year old hard working lass with a focus that drove fourth her ascension in the professional realm. She had wonderful brown almond...
Proud independent Samanatha falls for a powerful handsome man. It was like any other day, Samantha has just finished the new studio, it was twice the size of the previous studio allowing for up to eight “stages” each stage was a full environment, not just a backdrop, she had gotten the idea from seeing a video on stages for tv shows. This evening she had several stages setup for a sexy photo shoot. Samantha was just finishing up the last few touches when she heard a voice behind...
StraightSamantha was really disappointed as she opened the front door of her house. She had planned on spending time after school with her boyfriend Tony. Unfortunately he had received a detention notice and was going to be there instead of fucking her!Life could be so unfair! On the other hand she was thrilled to be Tony's girl. First he was a wonderful lover and second Samantha also got to enjoy the company of his mother in bed. It was so sexy when the three of them had sex! His mother had introduced...
All Rachel Ann Cooper stories are copy righted and may not be re-posted without permission and may be archived for personal use only. Samantha by Rachel Ann Cooper 1998 This is a short love story with a twist. When I graduated high school, college was not an option. We just didn't have the money. But, the local community college did offer 2 year associate degrees and some professional degrees. I went in and got their brochure in March of my senior year. They offered a...
Samantha's Mom was parked in front of the computer, while she and one of her parent's friends played video games on the couch. Samantha asked a question which caused her opponent, Aaron, to completely drop his controller. "Mom, a girl at school today said it was dangerous to let a guy put just the tip of his wiener inside you, even if he didn't cum." Sputtering, Aaron answered first. "Didn't you just turn fourteen Samantha? You're too young to be thinking about that sort of thing at...
Saturday morning Hannah, Samantha, Tina and Britt drive over to the pond in Samantha’s car. Tina grabs her iPod and some speaker as she gets out of the car, the rest grab the towels and snacks and head to the pond.The girls strip down to their suits and jump into the pond. They take turns on the old tire swing, swinging out and over the pond. Laughing and giggling they dunk each other in the water. Tina goes to dunk Britt and her hand gets tangled in the strap on her top, causing the strap to...
Amanda is two months old, and my wallet is as thick with pictures as you’d expect it to be. Sam has been back at work for a month. I went back the next week. We staggered our FMLA time in case we had an unforeseen need, like difficulty finding day care or Amanda having special medical needs. Happily, everything was normal, and I had a week alone with my daughter. I see lots of her mother in her, but that could just be a romantic imagination on my part. Every new dad looks forward to the end of...
Samantha By Cal Y. Phigia Samantha Johnson, the new hire, was exquisitely beautiful. James Mann thought her the most gorgeous woman he'd ever met. He'd love to ask her out, but her good looks were somehow intimidating. He feared she'd reject him. If she did, he'd feel mortified. It was better, he told himself, to fantasize about asking her. That way he'd control her answer, and her answer would always be yes. The day that Mr. Sloane hired Sam as his new secretary the...
Samantha and Hannah lay side by side on the beach, watching the sun fade over the horizon. The air was warm despite the darkening sky; it was going to be a hot night. The sand was deserted as far as they could see in either direction -- the public beaches were a few miles down the road, and tall fences convenientlyblocked the tourists from intruding on the private playgrounds of the people who owned the beachfronthouses.Samantha reached over to the small cooler and found a large piece of ice,...
I didn't mind it, but I wish I knew why it was happening. Siri had decided to call me Samantha. I didn't mind, I actually quite liked it, it was a pretty name, but nobody could work out what was wrong. I didn't know any Samantha's, I wasn't even a woman, but for some reason it was stuck calling me Samantha. It was such a pretty name, I'd repeat it over in my head all day, Samantha, Samantha, Sammy, Sam. Maybe I could start calling myself Samantha, in quiet, in my head. But that was the...
Samantha Chapter 1: Discovery So, this happened. I'm sitting in a quaint neighborhood bar with my friend Jamie, and this guy comes over. I'm expecting him to hit on Jamie because she's looking pretty adorable in her wrap dress and heeled sandals. I'm starring down at my rather nondescript ballet flats trying to avoid looking at him. "Samantha, meet Ben, an old school friend of mine," Jamie said as she poked me with her elbow. I tried to say 'hi', but I was too terrified....
“Andrew!” a female voice called. “Andrew!” I turned and there was Samantha, running to catch up to me. “Hey, Samantha,” I greeted. “What are you up to?” “Not much. You?” “On my way home.” “Can I ask a favor?” “Sure.” “Finals are coming up and I was wondering if you’d help me study for my geometry final? It’ll be a miracle if I pass it.” “Miracles so happen, you know?” “I know, but can you help?” I smiled. “Sure. My house tonight?” “Sure. Thank you, Andrew.” So that night, Samantha and I sat on...
First TimeBY DOCKER5000 Introductory. A bored and unhappy house-wife starts working as an Escort part-time. Samantha now stepped out of the elevator. She now nervously started to walk down the corridor trying not to make eye contact with anybody she passed. Samantha continued down the corridor until she found the room she had been looking for. If anybody had paid particular attention to Samantha they would have just thought she was a middle age businesswoman just returning to her own...
SAMANTHA GARDENER "You think you're so smart and beautiful," she spat, "but inside you're as plain and stupid as the rest of us!" I took this as something of a compliment, ignoring the second half of her accusation, and brushed a lick of hair back off my face. "If you'll calm down," I said, "you'll realise that my decision is the only correct one." Samantha Gardener had tears down her fat cheeks, dying her eyes a vile red, horribly visible, even through her glasses. She ran her...
Samantha does the punishingby Sarah Sloan Samantha has felt Richard’s cane several times. It was never his fault, she had brought it on herself. When he used the cane it was so vicious, it was agonising torture. Now it was her turn and he was silly enough to think it was just a game and let her tie him to the bed. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Richard and Samantha woke up late. He patted her bum and she squealed ?Ouch,...
"Let me get this straight. You want me to shower with your daughter?" I couldn't really believe that Mandy had suggested that. "Well, it's not like Samantha could see any more of you, and you should be safe now. You've cum three times in twenty minutes now. Not that you're even going to want to do anything with Samantha right now, but if somehow you did manage to do something, you've cum so much that I don't see how you could have anything left to pose any sort of pregnancy hazard...
The Samantha who shuffled warily into the kitchen that afternoon was a very different young woman to the one who had stumbled through the front door early in the morning. She had been out all night and come home drunk yet again. At the end of their tethers, her parents had phoned her Uncle Jack and asked him to help. Jack had a different approach to discipline - a much harsher, less forgiving approach. Samantha had been well punished for her disobedience. Her backside and pussy were both...
Introduction: This is the first part in what I hope to be a well received series. Please give feedback. His lips were thick, it was the first thing that she noticed. They looked delicious and perfect. Samantha was a romantic though. She noted the way that he looked at her, or at least the way she thought he looked at her. She noticed how he just said you and your husband, then leaving her to tell him that no, she was not married. In fact, she was too young to be married. Well, at least in her...
Samantha finally broke the kiss and pushed Hannah back onto the bed, “My turn now,” she whispered. “My turn to cum,” she added.Samantha straddled Hannah's body and positioned herself kneeling across her chest.Hannah looked up at Samantha's face and then her gaze dropped to her mound and damp swollen lips. Samantha shifted forward until she was kneeling over Hannah's face and then she reached down and pulled her pussy open, spreading her lips wide.Hannah looked at Samantha's vagina, her spread...
But he was different, she could tell right away. All because of his lips. They were beautiful. She wanted to feel those lips against hers. It was late at night, or early in the morning depending on your mindset, and a pipe had burst. Water, water, water. He came to help, the royal blue sweatshirt that he wore had his name emblazed on the back, Kevin. He was finally finished; the clock shined a bright 4:06. Samantha yawned, usually in bed hours earlier. She hopped up from her...
I had no problem spotting her. I was waiting for her to arrive at the airport and there was no doubt it was she. Samantha is an elegant woman with very prominent breasts. She dresses impeccably and somehow appears both distant and erotic at the same time. She smiled as she recognized me and I felt her full body as we embraced; sliding one big tit under my arm as we kissed hello. It was a soft but meaningful kiss followed by a "so glad we finally meet." For myself, I was pretty close to...
A Story I'm a 26 year-old male, single, and have always considered myself straight. That's why this particular incident took me by such surprise. You'll see what I mean. It started one evening when I got a phone call from a friend of mine named Sam. I say he was a friend, but he was really only an acquaintance. I had met him through some friends of mine, and I had some suspicions he might be gay, but no absolute knowledge. He was a rather small and delicate...
I slunk off into the bathroom to clean the jizz out of my boxers before Mandy decided to react poorly to what I had just done. It was hard to regret the experience. The idea of someone's grandmother turning them into a sex bomb was very strange to say the least, but Samantha seemed happy with the results. I had certainly cum hard. There was a big wet spot on my boxers and big globs of cum matted in my pubic hair. I grabbed a wad off toilet paper and wiped a drop of cum from the tip of my...
"Ugh! It's not fair, I'm happy to have all this yummy boy stuff on my boobs, but I'm upset about being grounded for five months." Samantha lifted one of her mounds to her mouth and licked up several droplets of my cum. "Five months is like, forever!" "No, five months is five months," Mandy stated. The sight of Samantha licking herself like that made me do something that was in hindsight foolish, but it seemed like a good idea, at least for a moment. I took my half hard cock, and...
Samantha moved down Hannah's legs, continuing to rub the lotion in to her and then after massaging the last of the oil into Hannah's feet she lay back on her own lounger, “There, hope you enjoyed that.”“Mmm, yes thanks,” she finally answered.They shared the bottle of wine and relaxed in the sunshine, Hannah relaxed even more, her eyes closed as they chatted about nothing in particular. The warmth of the sun, the wine and Samantha rubbing the lotion into her body made her feel rather sexually...
Hannah watched her twin sister walk up her walkway. She had her face buried in the lapel of her coat, but when she looked up to see the house, Hannah knew it was Samantha. Running to open the door for her sister, she quickly checked her face and hair. She wanted to look her best for Samantha.“Sam, hurry. It's cold out there. Get in here and warm up,” Hannah called out to her.Samantha sprinted up steps and onto the deck to where Hannah was waiting. Grabbing her sister in a tight hug. Her thick...
CHAPTER ONE (of two) I've not done much of anything in my fifty years; well, other than read books and work. That formula has worked for me till now but no more. I've finally decided to make a change. Oh me? My name is Bruce Turner more about me later. Working, I'd become a major success; Well, if a hundred million in liquid assets can be considered success. My job? I'm self-employed. I buy and sell foreign currencies, not an occupation for the unlettered or the faint of heart. Me, I'm...
Love StoriesSamantha and Aaron walk into Samantha's parent's house and find her mother glued to the computer monitor again. "Um, we've got news." Aaron began uncertainly. Samantha finished, "I got that baby of Aaron's that I've been craving ever since my little experiment." "That's nice." Both Samantha and Aaron looked at each other uncertain if her mother was actually paying attention. "The bad news is that my grades are down over a full point. I, um, was too busy doing other things to...
"Samantha Only Does Black" By: EericBlog:**************************************************************************My name is Samantha but everyone calls me Sam.My family has always been very conservative.So they have always disliked that I wore tight tops or eventight jeans.But I am considered to be quite a sexy girl by the guys.And for that reason I have always had a boyfriend, which is something my family doesn't like.And I have to tell you, I really love sex.Let me tell...
I was over at a friend's house. He wasn't actually home, but I lived nearby and stopped in frequently. I had known the guy since high school, and he had married a slightly older woman who had become pregnant when she was a teen ager. However, I hadn't seen his step daughter in over a month. Her grandmother had taken her on a month long trip to Mexico, then I had been on vacation. I sprayed a mouthful of water all over the floor and dropped the glass I was holding causing it to shatter when...