Samantha Ch. 03 free porn video

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The next several months were heavenly for the young king. Samantha made every day worth living. Henry became more and more obsessed with his beautiful mistress. Unfortunately, he also became less and less careful. For a while, Samantha at least tried to be sure that she was not seen entering and leaving the king’s quarters. But, after a while, she began to truly believe her new station. The girl decided that she was so important now, that no one could interfere with her.

Catherine of Aragon was a cold, unfeeling woman, but she was anything but stupid. The queen had become suspicious very soon after Samantha’s arrival. She had watched the new noblewoman carefully, and had seen that the girl was spending way too much time with her husband. Catherine had no doubts about what was going on. Frankly, for herself she didn’t care. If having Samantha around meant that Henry did not demand sex from her, well so much the better. However, the insult to her family and station could not be ignored.

The queen spent weeks trying to find out everything she could about Samantha. She had actually determined to ignore the liaisons between her and the king, when a chance encounter changed everything.

Thomas of Hastings was a young squire. His master was Sir William of Hastings, another member of that fateful hunting party. He was tending to his master’s war-horse, when he saw the queen out for a ride. Then, as he watched in horror, a snake spooked the queen’s horse and it took off in a panic. Thomas quickly mounted his own horse and chased after the queen.

Catherine’s own escort was trying to catch up, but they had been caught by surprise and were trailing far behind. Thomas, however, was off to the queen’s side. Once mounted, the squire had no problem riding to a point in front of the queen, and taking control of her frightened steed when he arrived.

After regaining her composure, the queen thanked her young hero profusely. Then, to his shock, Catherine ordered Thomas to his knees, and she knighted him on the spot.

Thomas couldn’t believe it, the queen herself had knighted him. Not only that, but she was still there smiling at him. He couldn’t stand it. This wonderful woman shouldn’t be treated by the king this way. Poor Thomas burst into tears and grabbed the queen’s hand. Before the astonished Catherine could react, Thomas was almost screaming that he could no longer allow the king’s treatment of her to continue.

At first, Catherine was simply appalled that this person would have the nerve to touch her. However, she calmed herself. This young knight appeared to know something important. So the queen calmly asked young Thomas what he meant. Still weeping, the boy told his queen that her husband was betraying her with a peasant girl. When Catherine asked who the girl was, to her astonishment, the boy said it was the Lady Samantha.

Now Catherine was completely confused. Samantha was an Italian noblewoman. How dare Thomas call her a peasant! The poor boy couldn’t take it. He broke completely into tears, but managed to tell the queen the entire story while he sobbed.

Catherine couldn’t believe it. It was one thing for the king to take a mistress. In all honesty, it was almost expected. But a PEASANT!! That was unacceptable. The insult to the queen was too great to be ignored. Catherine pulled the young knight to his feet and thanked him for his concern. Then she sent him on his way and told him to tell no one else about Samantha.

That night, Catherine hid in the shadows of the hall and watched her husband’s quarters. Sure enough, barely thirty minutes later, that bitch Samantha entered the king’s bedroom. The queen hoped the couple would enjoy their evening together. It would be their last.

Samantha had no idea she had been seen by Catherine. Even if she had, she wouldn’t have cared. She was the Lady Samantha, and she was the king’s favorite. No one would dare interfere with her.

As she entered the king’s bedroom, Henry pulled Samantha into his arms. It had been a very long day for the king, and he couldn’t wait to work off the stress inside that wonderful girl. In moments, Henry had removed Samantha’s clothing, and his own followed shortly behind. Usually Henry was a patient lover, but not tonight. Samantha could see that her king was rock hard already. Then, the girl found herself pushed down on the bed. Henry followed her. The king was too bulky to do well on top of the girl, but that would be no problem. Quickly, Henry pulled Samantha until her legs were completely off the bed. Then he lifted her legs onto his shoulders, and still standing he quickly thrust himself inside her.

The idea of the king being so excited to see her, had made Samantha wet before she ever hit the bed. Now, as she lay there, the king was fucking her harder than she could ever remember. His cock was pounding away inside her pussy and it felt wonderful. In fact, Samantha realized that this was the first time that Henry had completely taken charge. Every other time, Samantha had needed to do something to excite the king before he would take her.

Samantha just lay back and enjoyed what was happening. Henry’s rod was driving in and out of her pussy. The girl just closed her eyes and concentrated on the wonderful feeling in her groin. Samantha could feel her channel getting wetter and wetter. It was heavenly. The girl tried to tell the king to fuck her even harder, but her breath was beginning to get so short, she couldn’t speak. But it didn’t matter, Henry was so enraptured in that wonderful tunnel that he began to drive harder and harder.

The king and his mistress stayed locked in their dance of passion for several more minutes. Each of them felt their orgasm building. Samantha was way past the point where she would usually come, but this time the intensity just kept building. Finally, though, if could be held back no longer. With a scream, Samantha clamped her legs around the king’s head and pulled him into her as hard as she could. Henry was right behind her. His huge bellow, was followed by him thrusting into Samantha so hard, that it seemed like he might drive the girl right through the bed. The king drove into Samantha again and again, as his cock fired round after round of royal semen into the girl. It was several minutes later, before either of the couple could catch their breath enough to even consider moving.

Finally, Henry managed to get enough strength back to roll off the girl. The king still didn’t have enough strength in his legs to stand, but at least he moved onto his back and took his weight off of Samantha. Not that the girl was complaining. It had been wonderful. Then Samantha saw her king lying next to her, and decided to reward him. Before Henry could react, Samantha rolled onto her stomach, moved down the bed, and sucked the king’s entire now-softened organ into her mouth.

The king’s eyes popped open as he felt Samantha engulf his cock. Henry thought that he was much too worn out for anything to happen, but his mistress quickly proved him wrong. In no time at all, Henry felt himself growing hard once again inside Samantha’s wonderful mouth.

Samantha continued to work on her sire. His cock grew steadily in her mouth. Very soon it was completely hard once again. When she had him completely erect, Samantha took her mouth off of Henry’s rod, and began to just kiss and lick her way all around it. The girl heard her king moan with pleasure as she continued her work on his organ. Samantha licked and licked for several minutes, and then she opened her mouth and plunged down on Henry’s cock. The girl managed to stuff almost his entire rod into her mouth. After that, she just clamped her mouth down on that cock, and sucked on it as hard as she could.

Henry couldn’t believe the feeling, and he wasn’t completely sure he could stand it. It was the most incredible thing he had ever experienced. When that mouth sucked down on him that last time, the king almost felt like his soul
was being pulled out of his body. Then, he felt Samantha’s mouth begin to move again. Her lips and her tongue were moving up and down on him, as she continued to suck his life out through his cock. Henry actually wondered if he was dying, because he couldn’t imagine Heaven being any better than this.

Lady Samantha began to move her mouth faster and faster. She could feel Henry’s rod growing and knew that it wouldn’t be long. Sure enough, moments later, Samantha felt the first blast of cum enter her mouth. Quickly she swallowed it down and sucked her lover’s rod into her mouth as far as she could. The cock fired cum into her mouth again and again, and Samantha swallowed it all down as quickly as it entered. Finally, it stopped and Samantha felt Henry’s cock begin to go soft again.

As he softened, Samantha continued to suck that wonderful rod. It was easy to keep it all in her mouth now. She gently stroked her tongue all around the thing, until it had softened completely. Then, she opened her mouth and let Henry gently fall from her lips.

It was several minutes before the king could even consider rising. When he did manage to regain his feet, he pulled his wonderful lover to him and kissed her deep and lovingly. Henry knew that he was kissing the mouth that had just swallowed his cum, but he didn’t care. All he cared about was this wonderful young woman. The couple kissed and caressed for several minutes, before the king reluctantly sent his beautiful Samantha back to her quarters.

The next morning, Henry arose and headed off to court. He was still in a wonderful mood from the previous night. It was a shame that in only a few minutes, his entire world would turn upside-down.

As soon as the king entered the throne room, he saw his wife there. This was surprising, since Catherine rarely attended court. But before he could ask her what she was doing, his queen approached him and told Henry that they had a serious problem.

It seemed that the woman who claimed to be from the court of Napoli was a fraud. Not only was she not from Italy, she wasn’t even a noblewoman. The Lady Samantha was actually a peasant from the local countryside. This was a disaster. If word of this got back to the Duke of Napoli himself, the insult to his court could result in war. There was only one thing to do. This imposter must be executed immediately. That way, if the Duke did hear about it, he would appreciate that the English court would not tolerate any such misuse of his good name.

Henry was at a loss. He knew what his wife was doing of course, but he couldn’t prevent it. If he admitted that the girl was his lover and that he himself had perpetrated the fraud, it would be an insult to his entire court. Nobles would take up arms against him and civil war would result. Then, as the king was still trying to comprehend the situation, four knights entered the hall with Samantha between them, in chains. Henry looked back to his wife. Catherine quickly told him that she feared that once her identity was revealed, the peasant girl would flee the castle. So the queen had made sure to have her arrested before approaching the king.

The king desperately looked for a way out, but there was none. His duty was to pronounce sentence immediately. But Henry couldn’t do it. Finally, the king simply announced that he would have to personally look into these accusations and that court would reconvene in two hours. With that, Samantha was taken to the dungeons and Henry staggered out of the room.

Samantha was terrified. She had been asleep when those four men had burst into her room and dragged her from her bed. She had screamed at one of them, but he had simply slapped her. Then, chains had been placed on her arms and legs, and she had been dragged into court. Samantha heard the charges laid out against her, and she waited for her king to save her. But Henry did nothing. Finally, she was dragged out and taken to the dungeons, where she was thrown into a cell.

A few minutes later, the king entered the dungeons. The jailers knew that this was highly unusual, but Henry simply told them that he wanted to interrogate the prisoner personally. Even if they had wanted to object, the look in the king’s eyes did not allow any arguments. Quickly, the men stepped aside and allowed their sovereign to enter the cell.

Henry pulled Samantha into his arms. There were tears running down his face as he looked into his lover’s eyes. He knew that Samantha was counting on him to save her, and he knew that he couldn’t. Instead, all he could do was to tell the woman he loved that she was about to die.

Samantha didn’t need to hear the words. She could tell by the look on Henry’s face that she was doomed. As much as she wanted to plead with him to save her, Samantha was too strong to break that far. She knew that if there was any way he could help her, the king would. Henry told her the situation, and Samantha knew he was right. Freeing her would plunge the kingdom into chaos. The king was duty bound to his subjects not to allow that to happen. Henry did promise Samantha that her family would be taken care of. While he could not save her, he would see that the descendants of her family were lords and ladies in truth. Samantha smiled and kissed her king. She told him that it was all right and that she was at peace with things. Her time with him had been more than she had ever expected in her life, and if her family benefited from this, then her death would not be in vain.

Two hours later, Samantha was taken back to court. There, an angry king, sentenced his lover to death by beheading. Sentence was to be carried out the next morning. Until then, Samantha was to be confined to the chapel. There to be given every chance to make peace with God.

Samantha had spent the rest of the day in prayer. She asked God to look after her family and to reunite her with her king in Heaven. Now it was less than an hour until dawn, and Samantha really was at peace. Certainly she did not welcome death, but she would face it bravely.

It seemed only moments later, when two knights approached her and told her it was time. The king had ordered that she was not to be chained, so with her head up, Samantha walked to the block. The place of execution was in the castle courtyard. With as much dignity as she could, Samantha laid her head on the block. As she did, her eyes looked upward and she saw Henry watching from the balcony of his quarters. The last thing she saw, as the headsman’s axe fell, was the tear in her king’s eye.

Henry wanted to turn away, but he couldn’t. Almost hypnotized, he watched the executioner’s axe separate Samantha’s head from her body. He swore he could see the life go from her eyes, just before her head dropped out of view into the waiting basket.

The king stayed in his quarters the rest of the day. He began the day mourning, and he ended it swearing vengeance.

The first thing that had to be done, was to keep his promise to Samantha. Two days later, Henry led another hunting party near Samantha’s family home. This time he went alone to the house. The king met with Samantha’s father and told him the entire story of his daughter’s death. Then, he calmly knighted the man.

Henry knew that he could not reveal that he had knighted Samantha’s father. That would raise the scandal that Samantha had died to prevent. Instead, he simply led the man back to the hunting party. There, he told the party that he had been attacked by a wild boar and that this brave peasant had saved his life. For this service, the king had knighted the man. From this time forward, he was to be know as Sir Gerald. As he made the announcement, Henry realized that he didn’t even know the man’s real name. He also knew that it didn’t matter.

Sir Gerald and his family were granted lands near the palace, and they quickly moved to their new estate. The knight’s daughters lived out their lives quietly, marrying well and insuring that their family would continue for many genera

Gerald, however, lived out a much more interesting life. Over the next few years, his name became feared throughout the country. If anyone was known to be a problem to the king, Sir Gerald would be dispatched to deal with it. Shortly, the man who Gerald had been sent to deal with would be found dead. It was the king himself who gave Gerald the nickname which would stay with him the rest of his life, Sir Gerald the Poacher. It was said that no prey could evade the Poacher, once he had been assigned to the hunt.

Two years after Samantha’s death, Henry divorced Catherine. The king of Spain protested, but Henry ignored it. He had defied the Church with the divorce. Spain seemed insignificant compared to that. In that time, any divorced woman was expected to retire to a convent in shame, but not Catherine. The Spanish woman was much too proud for that. Instead, she simply went into isolation at her estate in Spain. Perhaps it might have been better for her in a convent.

Gerald the Poacher took a vacation in Spain. Henry had divorced his wife several months earlier, and the poacher intended to pay her a visit. He had a personal message to send from his daughter.

Catherine was found in her room. When the Spanish knights called on her, she had obviously been dead for days. As much horror as those knights had seen in their days, they still had to turn away from the sight. Catherine had been cut open like a hunted animal. She had been gutted and left as a trophy. The worst part was that from the look in her eyes, she had been alive while it happened. None of the knights could bear to tell their king what they had found. Instead, they quietly buried his niece and told Phillip, that Catherine had died of what appeared to be a long, wasting illness.

Henry meanwhile had remarried. But from this time forward, the king swore things would be different. No woman would ever again force him to do anything against his will. If he even thought that a woman was plotting against him, he would have her put to death. After all, the only woman he would ever really care about was gone.

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She never noticed him at first as she browsed the rows of bra and panty sets on the ladies underwear aisle of a well- known High Street clothing retailer. Her mind was elsewhere, engrossed on what to wear for her twelfth wedding anniversary. Things had gotten stale between her and Steve, her husband, this last while. She needed to put the spark back into their relationship, spice things up, and she thought that maybe a night away in a hotel might do the trick. Sandra moved down the aisle...

Wife Lovers
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pakiindian footjob pantyhose

This is a 100% true story which happened to me over a year ago with my ex girlfriend.I was 21 and my gf was also 21 she was pakistani about 5'6 long light brown hair has geat brown soft skin. Her tits were nice double D's with brown nipples, she often laughed and said jordan paid to be the same size as her. She had long legs which she loved to flaunt, because of her religion her parents were really strict so she had to be fully covered but when she came to my flat she would strip to her shorts...

1 year ago
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Shanghai Chronicles Gurls pact of 2015

Shanghai Chronicles part 1 - The Gurlz pact of 2015 The year was 2015 and I had just moved to Shanghai, China. Everyone I knew including me thought China was this place out of the Kung Fu movies, but it turned out to be no different from a Dubai, New York or a Singapore in reality it was even more shinny and new. At first impression I thought I was in a sci-fi movie, and this was the city of the future. Work wise China was booming and the money was good. Those expats who knew of this...

2 years ago
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Hard to HandleChapter 2 I Can Give You What You Want

The mini-bar, pool table, poker table, and stylishly comfortable couches made studying in our basement a never-going-to-happen event at night unless Morgan's sorority sisters needed a quiet place for a group study session. During the day, it was good for a few hours of social studying. Translation: I don't really want to study, but I will if there's nothing else to do. A couple of days after the comic book shop incident, I was having no luck in with the nothing else part. I fell into a...

2 years ago
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Bens First Time

Ben's First TimeThe following story is for readers of legal age or readers who have interests which lie in the direction of BDSM. If you have comments or suggestions, feel free to E-mail me at [email protected]. I do try to answer any and all that I get. You can also find me on line under Jennistoy for Instant Message, (I will not accept an IM if you do not have a profile), or you may check out my website at was the typical college...

3 years ago
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Jamies Watching Ballet

Jamie's Watching Ballet It was certainly innocent enough - I mean, I was just looking at their costumes. You know, the standard black long sleeve leotard, ballet pink seamed tights, the white daisy ballet slipper, with the white ribbon across the foot. They were standing in line at the ballet bar practicing positions. My sister, Tammy, was standing third from the left; next to Connie, as usual. I didn't think she could see me peeking through the window. "Stand up straight girls, and...

3 years ago
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Our First Time Dogging Pt 01

I'd just pulled my cock out of my wife's sloppy cunt, this was her third load she'd taken so far and it was still early. As I stood back another man quickly took my place, rammed his cock in and began to fuck her. I looked at my sexy slut of a wife laid on the park bench table, naked except for some stockings and suspenders. This was how she liked to get fucked, with her legs wide open and her big tits wobbling as she was taken by one guy after another. Stood around the table were more men with...

1 year ago
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Working late again

Working late…again! As I walked into work today I saw the cleaning guy that had caught me by surprise a few weeks ago. He stared at me with a little grin on his face. I walked right up to him and whispered in his ear, “I’ll be working late tonight”, then licked my lips, gave him a devilish smile, and walked to the elevator. I still didn’t know if he spoke any English, but I figured I’d give it a try anyway. I went home for lunch, and to grab a few things. I decided I was going to wear something...

4 years ago
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RedemptionChapter 5

cabin tents rented for $25 a day trailer rentals: larger $75 mid size $60 small $50 John Boyd 28yrs old Gabby Boyd 25 yrs old. Alice Boyd current owner of the Gatehouse Edwardo world famous catfish chef (according to mom) Joy and Jen wait staff for Alice Boyd’s catering Jasper Amos hunter, guide, knife make Sylvia Amos sheriff’s detective lieutenant deputy Angie Davenport Marion davenport Angyie’s mom Clyde Summers suicide victim Edward Gaines suicide victim while serving time with John Max...

1 year ago
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Utopian RefugeeChapter 13 Excerpt From a Diary

April 20, 1987 If there was any color that described my timeline, it was the color gray. The landscape was gray; gray buildings hovering over gray streets filled with people wearing gray baggy clothes that hid the bodies beneath them. There weren’t even the splashes of color that graffiti would have brought. Graffiti had been eliminated through the simple expedient of banning paint. The only color was the blue sky above and there were too many days when even the sky was gray. The broad...

4 years ago
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Allison and Emanuel Naked In SchoolFriday Morning Part 1

Friday Morning: Part 1 Emanuel looked around the empty, all white room. Someone went through a lot of trouble to keep this space as clean as possible. But what use is an all white room with nothing but a window you can’t see out of, and a door that doesn’t open? Suddenly, a deep, male voice echoed in his head. Look out the window. Once you have your answer, the way forward will open. Emanuel walked to the window, the sky now visible. In the distance was a bright and shining city filled...

1 year ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart XX 1 Flight 689

When Joey and I were little, we played all sorts of pretend games with the other kids in the neighborhood. A favorite with the girls was 'house', playing with their baby dolls and kitchen sets, and despite we being boys and all, Joey and I did seem to play it a lot ourselves. But when we were tired of the girls, we and a couple of the other guys would find a big piece of cardboard and make it our 'garage'. We would pull our tricycles or big-wheels up onto the cardboard and let whoever...

2 years ago
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Word of Mouth

Autumn had begun mildly asserting itself at first. The colors of the trees were just starting to be their beautiful shades of yellows, bronzes, and reds when there was a three day span of killing frosts; and that ended that with an icy abruptness!However, I had my glory hole to find comfort and solace in; and perhaps it was because of the sudden drop in temperature, and end of Autumn's normal glory of color, but I suddenly found lots of interest in my glory hole! My In Box was full of...

3 years ago
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Surprise Melody FlintkoteChapter 2

When you’re at sea, passage making, it feels like you can’t wait to get ashore. After 29 days at sea ... even Samoa works. But ... three days ashore and we’re itching to get to sea. You can’t please everybody all the time. Teenagers seldom settle. Satellite radio and TV are our means of keeping up with the doings of the land based. Listening to the propaganda (NEWS) 0r watching the bubbleheads express opinions so far away from the opinions of real people gets either boring or hilarious ......

3 years ago
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On the Side of the Road

I didn’t want to go but then again I did want to. I was looking at myself in the mirror wondering why I was invited to this party. I grabbed my phone and looked at the text I got. It was from the most popular guy in school. When he came up to me that morning asking what I was doing later, I just couldn’t help but think something was up. He really seemed like he wanted me to go, so I gave him my number and he texted me the directions with a smiley face at the end. “Okay, don’t be a coward,” I...

2 years ago
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owyn Book 1 The CageChapter 31 Emptiness

[Caution: this chapter contains violent and semi/nonconsensual sex.] Her ritual grew familiar, even comforting, in its tedious simplicity. Wake, assess damage, bathe and soothe a portion of the pain away. Eat and drink if possible. Wander back and forth between the two rooms to which she was allowed access, purposeless save to await her next ordeal. In an occasional fit of loneliness — curiosity was an emotion she was barely capable of feeling anymore — she tried the other doors, but they...

2 years ago
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Alex and I from friend to lover

The year was 1996, I was 36 yrs old, I was newly divorced and living on my own in a nice suburban apartment. Had been dressing for a few years and playing on the weekends, when time allowed. My preference at that time was for other gurls, but would not reject a nice gentleman if I found him attractive and appealing. But, I’m getting ahead of myself here. With the chat rooms geared toward the cd/tv scene plentiful, finding partners for a fun time was not hard at all. I was working 50 to 60 hours...

2 years ago
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A Beautiful Journey 8211 Part 7

Hello readers welcome to this beautiful journey. I am very happy for the response that I got from all of you. Keep giving your feedback. I am male the story is completely fictional. Let’s enjoy the journey. Ayesha had her independent masturbation experience last night. I asked her in the morning, “Did you enjoy last night, my child” “Yeah mom I did a lot.” “So do you think you can do it on your own?” “Yeah mummy I shall manage.” “But remember don’t do it without my permission.” “Yeah Mamma I...

4 years ago
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My Life Part 04 A Day At The Beach

She grabbed her aviators as we pulled out from the house. We decided to head up to one of the beaches further north, rather than our usual hangout. As we drove and the breeze kicked her ponytail up, I just kept thinking about how insanely lucky I was to have her. When we stopped at a stop sign, she caught me looking and leaned over to give me kiss. Not just a peck, but a full on lip biting kiss. Horns blared behind us and we burst out laughing as we continued on our way. We arrived at...

3 years ago
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How I Seduced My Reportee

Hi gals n guys am Veena working for a well known MNC in Bangalore. I am the assistant manager and handle a team of about 30 members with equal mix of men n women. I had joined this new company about a moth back. I think its gals who will be more interested in this story and do write back to me on Am very career centric and had not got on to bed with any guy in my entire life of 28 years. One of the reason for this is a guy with whom I was seriously in love ditched me when I was about...

1 year ago
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BangBus Sabrina Valentine Fucking For Stimulus Money

The BangBus don’t stop son!! This week we pulled up on this out of town chick. She wasn’t digging us too much at first but eventually we told her that we were driving around to hand out stimulus money. Her attitude towards us changed completely. From this moment on, we knew that all she cared about was that dough. We offered her 500 bucks to see her tits. She agreed instantly, and after that it wasn’t long before we had her hop in. inside the bus, she decided to get loose. She knew more money...

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The Hung Teen

You wake up to another day. Your name is Will Johnson. You are a completely average person. You stand at 6 feet and have blue eyes and brown hair. The only thing that you have that is above average is your thick foot long cock. Now back to the story. You wake up to your typical morning wood. It is standing proudly at full mast.

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The Strongest Of SoulsChapter 3

Chadwick had awoken the next day to the news that his son was abducted by the demon Jaliston, and swooped away by the dragon. Both of which were linked to an evil sorcerer Avendelin. Avendelin, many years ago, used to be the kingdom's wizard until his mind became corrupt with the need for power and distaste for the young King. His thoughts were that the kingdom and the peasants needed to be ruled by fear instead of compassion and understanding. The King exiled him from the kingdom, when...

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Scrolller Vintage

Do you need a literally endless supply of vintage porn all on one page with no redirects and an infinite scroll? Boom. I got you, fam. Or, more accurately, Scrolller’s got you. This right here’s more of a compilation of several tags, but I’m pushing it as a section because, God damn it, it works so fucking well. Follow the link above, and you will end up on a page with infinite vintage porn. That’s about it. You don’t have to pay for it. You don’t have to watch any ads at all. You just get...

Vintage Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Float Trippy Chapter Six

 One of the best parts of having weekdays off is that you can go just about anywhere and there are no crowds. Floating on an Ozark river is no exception. We arrived at Giselle’s brother's place and it was mostly deserted.Giselle and Tory went off to arrange for our canoes and kayaks, Gidget and Annette grabbed the bag with the swimsuits from the sex shop and headed for the bathroom.I was left alone with Bree in the Monte Carlo. “So, princess, talk to me like I’m not your chief. What do you...

2 years ago
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The Coming

There are two ways to conquer a large powerful enemy. One is from without, using overwhelming warriors and weapons. The other is from within, by creating division through temptation, seduction, and corruption, exploiting their basest desires. That is the mission of a lone alien invader, and this is where it begins. The strange rock moved across the cold, empty space at incredible speed. It will soon reach its destination with amazing precision. In the middle of the day, the shapeless rock...

2 years ago
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Noodles Part 9

"Oh my God, Dani!" Mark said, as Sally opened the door. "I can't believe it's you!" Mark stepped over to me, slowly, as if he really didn't believe his eyes. "If I hadn't seen you come in wearing that dress, I swear I wouldn't...WOW!"My face hurt, from smiling so hard. I put my arms out, for Mark to come kiss me. Mark closed the distance between us and gently kissed my lips, eyes open. Then he put his hands around my waist, turning me around to face the mirror. We looked at each other in the...

1 year ago
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The Chronicles of Mark and Jennifer Ch 04

Mark’s story Oh, man, I slept great! I couldn’t help thinking about Jen when I got back to my student slums apartment, and it was a wonderful feeling. There was just something about her, something I couldn’t define. I pulled off my clothes, brushed my teeth, and went straight to bed, and was out like a light in just a couple of minutes. I couldn’t remember any of my dreams, but I woke up feeling good and happy, so they must’ve been good dreams. I glanced at the clock, already knowing what time...

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Captured in Ajikistan 4

Captured in Ajikistan 4 - Horror Camp -------------------------------------------------- The rebel truck trundled along a sorry excuse for a road - just a furrow of gravel-speckled dirt stretching like a dead snake through the rough desert terrain. The truck was headed for General Aamir's nearest training camp, home to more than one hundred jihadi fighters, and the truck's cargo included two attractive casualties of a pointless war. The tiny, war-ravaged nation of Ajikistan had been...

4 years ago
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Pranks Can Really Go Wrong And Sexual

Last time I wrote something to this site was long ago! Really long ago. So I thought to hook up its time again. Well, this is a story about one of my Indian batch mates from my college. If you people are thinking IITians are geeky spook heads, well this story is gonna change your thoughts about them. For if are reading my stories for the first time, well then I’m an Indian born guy who currently stays in London due to work and other shit. I basically write all those interesting experiences of...

3 years ago
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A wild night with an ex girlfriend Part 2

The night continue.....After our dinner at the hotel restaurant and a couple of hours in the lobby bar chatting and a few drinks we headed back to Maree room. When we got in we lay in the bed giving each other soft kisses for a while then sje gave me a nice massage. After the massage we went to shower together and in the shower I started to massage Maree perfect tits and sucking the nipples. This make her moan softly and start stroking my now rock hard cock. After a few minutes of this we...

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