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Passion In James County XI
By D.C. Roi
Chapter five
Abby’s desire to have her husband spend more time with her wasn’t satisfied in the weeks following their trip to their mountain cabin. In fact, Lee spent even more time at the office and hospital than he had before the trip. Her suspicion that her husband might be seeing someone else continued to grow stronger, but she had no proof that Lee was cheating on her. And, even though she tried to convince herself nothing was happening, the thought that her husband might be cheating on her was terribly painful.
Because she was bored being home alone all day, she had tried to convince Lee to let her go back to work several times in the course of their marriage. Each time she brought the subject up, Lee told her in no uncertain terms he didn’t want his wife working. So, to keep busy, Abby tried immersing herself in other things, like volunteering to help her high school classmates organize their reunion.
Bill Coughlin, one of Abby’s high-school classmates who was working with her on the reunion committee, stopped by the Marklin house one day to pick up some newspaper stories about the reunion she’d agreed to write for the local papers.
Abby was dressed, as she often was around the house, in a plain pink button-front blouse and loose chino slacks. That morning, unfortunately, she and Lee had a huge argument at breakfast, and Abby was in tears when her husband left for the office. Knowing her classmate was coming by, Abby tried putting cold cloths on her face to hide the fact that she’d been crying.
When Bill arrived, he noticed that Abby’s eyes looked a little red, like she’d been crying. ‘Abby, is there something wrong?’ he asked. He had dated Abby a few times when they were in high school, and still found himself powerfully attracted to her, even though he and she were both married. More than once Bill had found himself fantasizing about Abby while he was making love to his wife.
‘Uh, no, not really, Bill,’ Abby replied. ‘I…I’m just having a bad day.’ She wiped at her eyes. ‘I’m embarrassed you found me this way.’
‘Anything you want to talk about with an old friend?’ Bill asked. ‘I’m told I’m a really good listener.’
Abby shook her head. ‘I…I don’t think so, Bill. It…it’s something I have to work out on my own, I guess.’ She sniffled a little, took a tissue out of a box on her kitchen table, and blew her nose.
‘Hey look,’ Bill said, ‘I’m here, I’ve got plenty of time, and I hate seeing you so upset. If there’s anything I can do…’
‘Oh, Bill, I…I don’t know,’ Abby said, ‘I…I shouldn’t be bothering you with my troubles.’
‘Come on. What are friends for?’ Bill said, ‘Look, I’ll make some coffee and you can tell me why you’re so upset.’ He’d taken the day off to work on the reunion, so he had plenty of time.
‘If…if you…you don’t mind, I…I guess it can’t hurt to talk about it a little,’ Abby said.
Bill found the fixings for coffee, started a pot going, then he sat down at the kitchen table next to Abby. He laid his hand on her shoulder, intending it as a friendly gesture. He was not at all prepared for the sensations that shot up his arm when his hand came in contact with his former classmate’s body. If this kept up, he was going to have a hard time standing up to pour the coffee when it was ready. But touching Abby felt nice, too, so he left his hand where it was. ‘What…what’s up, Abby?’ he asked.
‘Lee…Lee and I…we…we aren’t getting along!’ Abby stammered, then she began sobbing again. ‘He…he’s gone all the time…’
Bill and his wife socialized a little with Abby and her husband. Bill knew Abby’s husband was a very successful surgeon, and also that he was quite a bit older than Abby, but that was about all he knew about Lee Marklin. ‘He’s a doctor,’ he said, ‘They have to work long and sometimes erratic hours, don’t they? You…you don’t think it’s more than that, do you?’
‘I…I don’t know…I…I…’ Abby sobbed as tears splashed onto her slacks. Her body continued to shake with the force of her sobs.
Bill began rubbing her back. And, as he did, he realized he could feel her bra. That didn’t do anything to help calm him. He started to feel guilty. He was supposed to be comforting Abby, and maybe he was, but touching her wasn’t calming him, not even a little bit. And it was making him feel and think things that a married man shouldn’t be feeling and thinking about a married woman. Abby was upset and very vulnerable right now, and he’d be a heel if he took advantage of her in a moment of weakness.
While he felt he still could, Bill got up and went to get coffee. Abby had her head down, sobbing, and he hoped she’d keep it that way so she wouldn’t see the bulge in his pants.
‘Go on,’ Bill said as he stood at the counter, pouring the coffee, ‘I’m listening.’
‘I know he…Lee’s busy,’ Abby sobbed, ‘he…he and his partner are the only…only doctors who do bypass surgery at the Medical Center right now, but…’ She dissolved into sobs again.
Bill picked up the two cups of coffee, carried them to the table and set them down. He sat down again, carefully adjusting his legs so he wouldn’t be too uncomfortable. ‘For one thing, it sounds as if the two of you aren’t communicating very well,’ he observed.
‘How…how can we communicate?’ Abby sniffled. ‘I…I try to talk to Lee, but he…he gets angry right away. He…sometimes I think he doesn’t hear me at all.’
‘Sounds like a typical surgeon,’ Bill commented. He sold insurance and occasionally had to deal with doctors. ‘Great with a knife, but not much for talking.’
‘He…he is like that, sometimes,’ Abby replied. She sniffled.
Bill kept returned to rubbing her back and it seemed to be working, at least for Abby. She did seem to be calming down. She’d almost stopped crying.
‘Bill…do…do you think Lee could…could be cheating on me?’ she asked.
Abby’s question caught Bill off guard. ‘Cheating? Ah…I…I don’t know…Abby,’ he stammered. ‘I…I don’t know Lee well enough to…to answer that.’ Without thinking, he added, ‘If he is cheating on you, he’s a fool.’
‘What did you say, Bill?’ Abby turned and looked at her classmate.
Abby’s sudden turn caught Bill off guard and his hand wound up resting on the side of one of her breasts. When he realized what had happened, he jerked his hand away quickly and felt his face getting hot. ‘I…I’m sorry, Abby,’ he stammered, ‘I…I didn’t mean to get fresh.’
‘Oh, Bill, that was an accident,’ Abby said, shyly, ‘Actually, what you were doing felt nice.’ She blushed. ‘Rubbing my back, I mean.’
Bill had a raging hard-on and wasn’t exactly sure what he was going to do about it. Since Abby liked it that he was rubbing her, he might as well keep doing it. He began stroking her arm. The material of her blouse was soft and he could feel her warmth through it.
Abby smiled softly, closed her eyes, and let her head fall back. ‘God, that feels so nice, Bill,’ she murmured.
‘It sounds to me like you need a hug,’ Bill said. Like his comment about her husband being a fool, it just came out.
Abby opened her eyes, looked at Bill, and nodded. ‘Do I ever,’ she whispered.
She leaned forward, Bill put his arms around her, and he felt her breasts pressing against his chest as she moved into his embrace. His throat tightened and his engorged penis twitched as he held her.
After a few moments, Abby tilted her head back and looked up at Bill. She was so glad he’d stopped by. She desperately needed someone to talk to, someone who’d listen to her. And having him hug her really felt nice.
Bill gazed at the woman in his arms. She was looking at him, her lips parted ever so slightly. She looked so appealing, he once again did something without thinking. He covered her lips with his.
When she felt Bill’s lips on hers, Abby s
tiffened, then she relaxed and felt herself kissing him back. It frightened her a little to feel the kiss growing more ardent and passionate the longer it lasted.
She knew what she was doing was wrong, but she found it difficult to control herself. Her problems with her husband, and the fight they’d had that morning, left her very vulnerable. It was almost as if she were outside herself, watching what was happening.
When she felt Bill’s tongue caressing her lips tentatively, her tongue came out, seeking his, entwining with it. She felt her arms slide around his neck then, with a muffled groan, she tightened her arms around him.
When the kiss ended, Abby looked at Bill, her chest heaving. She could feel herself trembling. ‘What…what’s happening, Bill?’ she whispered. ‘I…I feel so strange. I…I…’
Bill remained silent and caressed her face lightly with his fingers. He wanted her more than he’d ever wanted a woman in his life. They’d never even come close to making love when they were dating in high school, but things were different now. He looked over her shoulder and, down a hallway, saw a bedroom. At that point, he knew what he was going to do, what he had to do. He stood up, took Abby’s hand, and pulled her to her feet and into his arms. She moved against him and again their lips met in a kiss even more passionate than the first one had been.
Abby was in the thrall of powerful emotions, emotions she had absolutely no ability to control. When the second kiss ended, Bill started to lead her out of the kitchen and down the hallway, and she knew what lay at the end of that hallway.
Despite the fact that she knew she shouldn’t be allowing this to happen, Abby went along with her classmate. Her trembling legs were barely functioning. ‘Bill…what…what are you doing?’ she whispered.
‘I…I want to make love to you Abby,’ Bill replied. ‘I…I have to. Do…do you want me to? You do, don’t you?’
Abby knew he was right and didn’t resist as her friend led her toward the bedroom.
Bill couldn’t believe what was happening. He’d never gotten any farther than a few impassioned kisses when he and Abby were dating in high school. Now he was on the verge of getting what he’d dreamed about getting then! His heart thudded like a pile-driver, and his legs were shaky. He clutched Abby’s hand as they walked down the hall and into the bedroom.
Inside the room, they stood, facing each other. Abby’s chest was heaving and she kept her eyes squeezed shut. She hadn’t said a word since Bill told her he was going to make love to her. She couldn’t talk. She knew if she did, she’d tell him to stop, and she really wasn’t sure she wanted him to stop. It seemed like ages since someone wanted her, and Bill really sounded like he did.
Bill, his fingers quaking, began opening the buttons of Abby’s blouse. She stood there, not resisting, but not offering any to help, either. He finally got the buttons open, peeled the blouse from her and dropped it to the floor. Then he ran his fingers lightly over skin he’d exposed. He saw goose-bumps rise where he touched her.
‘You…your touch it…it feels so wonderful,’ Abby whispered. ‘You…you’re so…so gentle…’
Bill opened the belt that encircled her waist, then the clasp at the waist of her slacks and pushed them down her legs, leaving her clad only in bra and panties. He gazed at Abby and realized she looked terribly vulnerable. That only made her seem that much more desirable to him.
‘Lee…he’s the…the only…the only man who’s seen me this way in…in a…a long…time,’ Abby stammered softly as Bill continued stroking and caressing her trembling body.
Bill slipped his hands behind her and undid the bra clasp.
Abby felt her bra loosen, raised her hands to her chest and held the garment in place.
Bill slid his hands down her sides, hooked the waist of her panties and dragged them down. Then he began caressing her buttocks.
Abby, more turned on then she’d been in months, opened her mouth, trying to say something, but only a soft moan came out. What little strength to resist she had was gone. Passion was in complete control of her.
Bill pulled Abby against him and felt her trembling as he held her body against his.
‘Bill…I…I’m scared,’ she said, her voice very soft. ‘I…I’m really scared.’
Bill kissed her. ‘Don’t be scared, Abby,’ he said. ‘I…I won’t hurt you.’ Gently, he took her hands away from her chest. Her bra slid down her arms and fell to the floor, leaving her totally nude.
Bill stared at her, stunned by how lovely she was. Even though her breasts were large, they were firm and stood proudly, capped by large, dark areolas, from which her nipples had begun to emerge. Her belly was flat, almost concave, and her hips swelled wonderfully, then faded into long, slender legs. She was just about the most beautiful woman Bill had ever seen.
Gently, Bill led Abby to the bed. She laid down and he knelt next to her. He leaned over her and sucked one of her nipples into his mouth.
Abby, delight rushing through her, grasped his head and moaned as Bill’s lips moved from one breast to the other, sucking her swollen nipples. Her body began twisting and turning and the volume of her moans increased. Her hands, tangled in Bill’s hair and she pulled at him so hard he was afraid she’d pull his hair out.
Bill continued kissing Abby’s breasts while his hands explored the rest of her body. She pressed up off the bed against his caresses, then began to moan as his lips began moving down across her lean torso, onto her belly.
Bill slid his hand between her thighs, onto her vagina. Her clit was erect and as his hand slid over it, Abby jolted upward, as if she’d been given an electric shock.
‘Ahhhhhh!!!’ she cried. ‘Oh, God, Bill! That feels wonderful!’
Her legs fell apart as she felt Bill begin to trace the outline of her wet opening, caressing her labia, working his finger between them. Elation swept over her and her hips rolled upward as his finger moved into her.
‘Yesssss!!! Oh, Yesssss!!!’ Abby mewled as passion and need suffused her body.
Bill’s lips traveled over her belly. He had to taste her, to know what it would feel like to have his tongue in her pussy, to give her all the pleasure he could. He managed to get his head between Abby’s finely-formed thighs and captured her erect clit between his lips while he continued thrusting his finger in and out of her.
‘Ahhhhhh!!! My Goddddd!!!’ Abby groaned, as intense thrills swept through her. Her hips arched off the bed, her hands pulled at the bed covers, then her rigidly arched body began to quiver.
Though his ears were covered by the silken skin of Abby’s thighs, Bill heard the passionate sounds resulting from her orgasm and felt her vagina clasping his finger as she peaked.
As she lay there, shaken by the power of what had just happened to her, Abby felt Bill get off the bed and wondered where he was going. Then he laid down on the bed with her again and pulled her body against his and she realized he’d taken his clothes off. He kissed her softly, then rolled atop her.
Abby opened her legs when Bill rolled onto her. She reached between them, grasped his rigid cock in her hand and guided it to her still-wet lips. Then, slowly Bill lowered himself, forcing his blood-engorged rod into her tight opening. ‘Oh, Goddddd!!!!’ she moaned, beginning to move her hips.
Bill, super-excited, thrust deep into Abby’s lovely body. He knew he wouldn’t be able to stand the delectable grasp of her tight vagina very long. When he felt rippling sensations began in her vagina, milking his cock, he couldn’t hold back. He let himself go, spewing powerful blast after powerful blast of his hot seed into her.
As her body strained against Bill’s, ecstasy raced through Abby like a runaway train. ‘Yesssss!!! Oh, God, Bill!!! Yesssss!!! Yesssssssss!!!!!!’ she cried.
Afterward, B
ill rolled off Abby and they lay on the bed beside each other, not touching.
As Abby calmed and her senses slowly returned to normal, the reality of what she’d done became more and more clear to her. Shame quickly replaced the after-glow of delight.
Bill rolled on his side. ‘Abby, I…’ he started to say.
‘Bill, I…I think…I think you better leave,’ Abby whispered, unable to face him. How could she have done this? Even if Lee was cheating on her, this wasn’t right. And even worse, Bill’s wife Ellen was one of her best friends.
‘Abby, please…’ Bill protested, ‘I…’
‘Bill, I don’t want to talk about it,’ Abby said. ‘Please leave.’
‘All right,’ her classmate said, feeling a flash of anger. ‘If that’s what you want.’
Abby lay tugged the bedspread over herself as best she could and lay there, staring at the ceiling while Bill got off the bed and got dressed. He decided to try talking to her one last time, to convince her she shouldn’t be acting like this. ‘Abby…’ he ventured, ‘I…’
‘Good-bye, Bill,’ Abby snapped. When she heard the back door close, she curled up in a ball and tears began flowing from her eyes.
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As I walked up to Nancy’s house, I was a little depressed at the fact that I would not be doing any freaky experimentation with Ruth, so I had a little storm cloud hovering above my head. I was quickly snapped out of my bad mood when I was hit with the scent of chocolate chip cookies baking. The front door of Nancy’s house was open, and the smell of the cookies was drifting through the screen door. I came up to the door and rang the bell. Nancy poked her head around the corner from the...
I’m Tonya, and I’m a 26-year-old blonde that frequently goes to the pool. I have c-cup boobs, and a nice figure. I think I’m someone that the guys might wanna stare at, and maybe a few ladies too. Anyway, I’m a member of an adult club, that plays at the pool, where clothing is optional. You can play games, like basketball, they also have a diving board and a million other things. One thing in particular they have, is a sauna, where you can just lay there completely naked. This was for all for...
by DG Hear and Jake Rivers This is a continuation from part 1. It should be read before reading this part. Again, we want to thank Lady Cibelle and Techsan for editing our story. * When I got back to the station, Charlie said she found something interesting. The pimp that was killed the second year was also a drug runner. He didn’t sell drugs per se, but he did pick up money for one of the mob bosses. I asked her where she got the information and she told me she went out and located the...
-- FEBRUARY 2005, JUNIOR YEAR -- "Do you really have to go so soon?" I moaned, staring for just a few more seconds at Adrienne's nearly naked ass. All she wore was a tiny thong of dental floss that disappeared between her buttcheeks. But soon, both juicy globes were covered by the tight pair of jeans she was pulling on. At least Adrienne turned around, letting me ogle her naked tits before she shrugged into a heavy-duty bra and starting buttoning up her blouse. "It's a Tuesday," she...
It was a bright but chilly December day in Southern California as Veronica stood in the queue to get on to the 180 bus to Glendale. Sunday, she reflected quietly to herself. It’s been a long week…. All those finals… She didn’t want to even think of what her grades would be like. Her stomach tied into a knot at the very thought. ‘Well, what can you expect,’ she muttered to herself as she nodded in greeting to the driver, ‘If you don’t study you’re not going to do well. Whatever. I shouldn’t...
She was angry all the time since her mother had dropped the bombshell that she had remarried, and they were moving from the lovely village they had lived to this northern industrial town where she stood out as the new posh girl. Julia was 14 and just entering puberty. Her breasts were beginning to bud. Her blonde hair was short. She had full lips and large green eyes. She had not made any friends at school yet and felt an outsider. 14 was bad enough without all this shit going on. She felt so...
So a couple weekends ago I was with this girl. We were at this huge blow out party in the woods. Cops came so we hid. WE hid for hours in the 30 degree cold. She said she was sooo cold so I told her I would warm her up. So I kissed her. Then she kissed me back! And from there we started hooking up. Eventually my hand ended up up her shirt. Pulled off her bra and sucked on her boobies. Then I got my hand and put it down her pants and rubbed her. She kept groan and saying my name. This...
Em was intrigued. Ambrose was just back from a business trip and he seemed to want to tell her something. Normally he didn’t, not unless asked and Em rarely asked since such exchanges inevitably became two-way affairs. She knew that Ambrose occasionally strayed from the straight and narrow, especially on business trips. This wasn’t something she regarded as a problem. Em had her own adventures. Ambrose knew that too and it wasn’t a problem either. Tonight though, Em decided to indulge...
Straight SexI have always liked a little something sliding in and out of my ass as I masturbated and I eventually found, as I got the larger dil's inside me, I could not only coax out a couple of good voluminous squirts of cum with proper placement and pressure of the dildo, but I could also cause multiple spurts of piss when everything aligned just right. That release felt just fucking amazing. Sort of like a mini anal orgasm is the only way I could describe it as it gave me spasms.I would purposely keep...
Mistress went around the circle and grabbed each of us by the penis and pulled at our balls. “You will continue to masturbate each other” she said, “I will tell you when you can stop.” My little head was sore as my jerk partner began pulling again. Having lost my passion, my brain took over and I felt like I had been punched in the stomach. What was happening? Real men, real husbands don’t let their wives have sex with other men, I thought. What if my friends found out? What about my family? No...
It was suppertime at the keep and we were all into our food and our cups when Victoria appeared in the centre of the great hall. There was no flash of light to herald her appearance or anything else. One second she wasn't there and the next she was. Her arrival took everyone by surprise including me. Upon spotting her I basically leapt out of my seat at the high table. I didn't even get a chance to greet her or to introduce her to my mates and friends. The instant I was on my feet we were...
Skimpy waistlines, tank tops, and sawed-off denims, you all know the image well and its association to teenage awareness of your blossoming beauty.Many a mans lips have caressed my feminine six pack, their saliva trickling down my tomboyish muscular tummy, forming a small pool on my knicker-line and eventually seeping into the flimsy non-existent protection, that barely served the purpose they were designed for, two lines of moisture merging below the clitoris level, now the tongue was under...
Jake licked her pussy over and over again but she just wasn't into it. He asked her if it felt good and she said "um-hmm" rolling her eyes with exhaustion from pretending. Jake slowly crawled up her body kissing and licking her which she thought didn't actually feel all that bad if only he could put that much passion in everything he did while the fucked. Shannon Knew her face probably showed that she wasn't enjoying it so she put on the best sexual face she could muster up. Jake...
It started in early summer and was as sweet as the smell of the air just after a rain storm, with that same buzz of static electricity in the air giving everything that extra edge of excitement. My wife and I had arrived in the German countryside for a short break and arrived at the small guest house looking forward to the rest. I noticed you immediately, the fit and lean girl in her late teens stretching up to open the curtains just as we approach the house. Your thighs, so perfect and creamy...
Es war in einer kleinen Gemeindeverwaltung in Süddeutschland. Es gab nur 25 Mitarbeiter, die sich auch noch auf 2 Dienststellen aufteilten. In der einen 5 und in der anderen die restlichen 20 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter. Sie arbeitete in der kleinen Dienststelle, war 22 alt und war seit einem Jahr als Verwaltungsfachangestellte im Amt beschäftigt. Sie hieß Melanie Trabius, aber wurde von allen nur Melle genannt. Die schlauste war sie nun wirklich nicht, aber sie machte ihre Arbeit. Und...
Hi it’s me Richy from Kerala now working at chennai, .Thank you all for the great response to my last story. Most of the response was from NRI’s, I really appreciate your valuable comments. Even the invitations to meet also really encouraged me. I am now 26, working here at Chennai. Let me come to my experience, Sheena and Sonia both aged 24 are nursing students in Apollo hospital Chennai, since the last 2 years. Both of them were class mates in their Nursing College as well. They hail from...
I consider myself a happy person. I mean, it’s so much easier to be in a good mood than a bad one. And I think I’ve had a good life so far. Oh, it hasn’t been without some road bumps along the way. Hell, sometimes I’ve hit some major potholes, but life has a way of working out for the best. I met Jim in our senior year of high school, we went to the same college, and by the middle of our freshman year, I was pregnant (road bump). We got married right away. Jim stayed in college and worked...
Being excited like a little girl before prom. Stella has not felt that feeling for a long time. She keeps wondering: what has happened to her in the last few days? She doesn’t really get it yet. She feels a longing for something. For something she obviously was not aware of until she read that story she had discovered on the internet. It was a short story by an unknown author. Actually, he is no longer unknown to her. He may not be more than a few lines on her screen, but his presence seems...
BDSMHow we got here i don't know. One minute I'm sleeping the next I'm at our picture window in the living room and you're fucking the life out of my cunt, hard and good! As you fuck me from behind you grab my tits, plowing into my tight cunt, tweaking my nipples and slamming in deep over and over. The friction is mind blowing. I hold onto the window we are in front of as the sunlight streams in all over my naked body. It's a week day and it's about 10:30 am and everyone is either at...
Introduction: This is 99.9% true, the only thing changed is Bills name to protect his privacy. Beths Big Night. The night started like any other. When Jim got home, he asked his wife if they could get a sitter for the evening. His wife Beth told him she might be able to get someone, and wanted to know what he had in mind. He told here he wanted to take the bike out, and if she could find a sitter they could go riding together. She made some calls and told him her mom would watch them. A few...
After a long business trip, the Cracker Barrel sign off of I-95 was a nice sight. It meant Jacob was one more exit closer home. It also meant he would surprise Casey, who he knew was busing tables this evening. Jacob and Casey have dated now for eight months. She was a freshman at the local junior college. Her eighteen years had not prepared her for wearing an apron with five stars embroidered onto it, but she had to pay for college somehow. Taking orders and bringing them out to tables was the...
ExhibitionismAround the beginning of year 11, a girl named Jess transferred to our school. She was incredibly pretty, easy to get along with, quite the tomboy, and had no problems getting physical with guys. She wasn’t a virgin, but certainly didn’t sleep around. She didn’t really like the popular groups, so started hanging around with me and a few of my friends. Soon everyone was after her, and who could blame her, she was about 5’4” had long brown hair, a firm ass, and about a 32D size bra. She was...
The graphite grey clouds had bubbled up just enough to produce a few spots of rain as Martina returned from her run. She stepped into the porch just as the heaven’s opened and the scent of petrichor rose from the earth. She was in her third week working as an au pair for Olivia and her son, Ben. Being 21 years old, blonde and sexy, she had been a little too hot to handle for the adolescent Ben, who at 17 had more raging hormones than a protein infused weightlifter. Martina’s habit of...
First TimeIt is an fictional story .. hope you give an positive reply and comment for this type of story if you want I’m a 22-year-old boy just passed out of engineering with a size to die for (whatever you can imagine ). It so happened that I and one of the juniors started talking very casually because of a group of mutual friends.She was a very short girl with the right amount of assets at the right places.I had an eye on her from the first time I talked to her..She was just so cute that I felt...
I walked over to the bed to look at my sissy. There was dried drool coming from his mouth and dried tears in the corners of his eyes. I guess I should wake him up. "Hey, wakey wakey!" I slapped him lightly on the face. His eyes slowly opened. At first, he seemed to have no idea where he was or what happened to him. I stepped back a bit as thrashed about trying to get out of his restraints. "What the fuck is going on?" He yelled at me, then remembered what had happened last night. His...
While watching interracial porn, where white ladies on vacation in Jamaica were long dicked by natives, my girlfriend Cindy admitted to me that she had been fucked by a black guy while in high school. After watching the porn, she related the following story to me.She told me a black guy would catch her alone and repeatedly tell her he was going to fuck her. The rumor around school was that he was on a quest to fuck as many white girls as possible. Rumor also had it that he had been very...
InterracialAs Steve approached the bathroom door, he heard the running water of the shower as well as the shower radio. “Sweet, “ He thought, “I might get some action this morning after all.” He opened the bathroom door and pulled down his boxers, relieving his bladder of its pressure. After he finished, he took the courtesy not to flush and spike the temperature of the shower water. He took his shirt off and dropped it on the floor, then pulled aside the shower curtain and climbed in. The water sprayed...