House Slut 37: 48 Hours - Rave On free porn video

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“How’d you go?” Jackson enquired, not skipping a beat in his dance.

Tegan briefly flashed four fingers and Jackson nodded appreciatively, apparently impressed.

“Well you know where to find me when you’re done.”

“I need another drink.” Tegan said.

“So go get one.”

“I don’t have my card on me.”

“That didn’t seem to be a problem before.” Jackson said.

Tegan rolled her eyes with a sigh and wondered if this was him sticking to the spirit of the challenge or just being an asshole. Maybe he believed this was some kind of game he could beat her at. At this point she felt like kneeling on a public bathroom floor letting a complete stranger cum on her tits was about her lowest point, so if Jackson wanted to test the limits of her depravity she was going to show him what he was capable of. If that only made him want her more, all the more power she would have over him when she walked out of his life again on Sunday night.

She turned and merged with the other dances, deciding to vent some energy by putting on some moves while gradually migrating across the floor. She caught a few glances from guys, she guessed likely because her nipples were clearly visible through her shirt even in the dim lighting, but while she stayed on the move no one tried to intercept or dance with her. She circled by one of the bars to grab a thankfully complimentary bottle of water and kept moving until found herself in a relatively quiet corner of the warehouse behind the DJ booth, behind a bank of speakers. At first she took it for a kind of chill-out space where people who had gone too hard could get some reprieve from the pumping music, and there were certainly a couple of exhausted looking ravers nearby slumped against the wall cradling bottles of electrolyte drinks, but there were also a couple of guys dressed in black slacks and t-shirts leaning against an equipment crate enjoying a smoke, so she assumed they were roadies or bouncers on break. She took a swig of water and wandered over to them.

“Restricted area.” One of the guys said, holding up a hand to discourage her any further. He was muscular with a shaved head and a neat black goatee but he wasn’t displaying a security license. Tegan’s estimation pivoted to roadie rather than security.

“I’m not rolling or anything, I just wanted a bit of space. Can I chill over here for a bit?” she put on an air of playful innocence, which in contrast with her attire, which she was sure wasn’t fooling anyone.

The man sighed and shrugged, deciding it wasn’t worth an argument and went back to leaning on his crate.

“Just don’t fuck with any of the equipment.”

“Sure.” Tegan approached the crate and set down her water bottle, making a show of adjusting her hair, tightening up her slightly dishevelled pigtails. The movement of her shoulders made her chest jiggle under her shirt, which she hoped would catch their attention. It did.

“Can I bum a smoke?”

“Sorry, if I gave one out to everyone who asked…” he trailed off, a broad dismissal indicating the inconvenience, how many times a night he probably gets asked, the rising exorbitant costs of cigarettes.

“I’ll show you my pussy.” Tegan said bluntly, cutting through the bullshit.

The man paused for a moment then shrugged.


Tegan lifted up the hem of her skirt at the front, giving him a glimpse of her neatly sculpted pubic mound and hairless lips, then dropped it back down after a few seconds.

“That’s worth a cig I guess.” He chuckled, offering her his open pack. She took one then accepted a light, leaning on the crate with them as she took a drag.

“So, you guys on break?” Tegan asked, making casual conversation.

“Sort of. We’ve got jack shit to do until we start tearing down in the morning.”

Feeling like she’d hit a conversational dead end Tegan turned slightly to look out at the crowd while she took a moment to think. She hadn’t fully intended it when she came over here but it did not escape her that there were two of them, apparently with some free time, and she had two condoms left in the slut kit Jackson had bestowed upon her. She had lost sense of time but doubted it was much past two A.M. She still had several hours left to complete Jackson’s challenge, but an opportunity was an opportunity. She took another drag and turned back to her new acquaintances.

“So you’re not busy then?”

The second guy glanced at his watch.

“Not for a couple hours. Gotta hang around here and keep an eye on the gear, though.”

“Wanna fuck?” Tegan asked, trying to sound as casual as she had asking for a cigarette. No sense beating around the bush.

The guys exchanged a glance.

“You high?” The shaved head guy asked.

Tegan circled around the crate, putting it between her and the crowd as she finished her cigarette and dropped it on the bare concrete, crushing it out with her boot.

“Nope. Only had one drink tonight too, if that helps.” She hoisted herself up onto the crate, Parting her thighs invitingly. The idea of letting them have her thirty feet from the ravers seemed like a unique thrill. The second guy seemed like the more keen of the two and began to circle around in front of her, placing a hand on her knee.

“You like it rough, little girl?” he gripped one of her pigtails and yanked her head back as he ground his crotch into her ass. She felt her pussy twinge in response and let out an involuntary moan. “I think she does.”

Tegan fumbled in her pack and pulled out one of the condoms.

“Oh, she came prepared.” The man rolled her skirt up over has ass leaving her exposed from the waist down and unclipped her fanny pack letting it tumble to the floor under her. She heard him unzip and felt his cock rubbing against her pubes as he used the touch of her bare skin to get himself hard, letting go of her hair and groping her tits through her shirt. Meanwhile Tegan glances back to see if anyone was nearby and paying attention to them, and if they were, it wasn’t obvious. She heard the packet tear and the man stopped groping her to apply the rubber before using his thumbs to spread her and push himself in.

Tegan shivered as his cock entered her, sliding into her slimy hole with ease. As the fifth man to enter her in the last couple of hours she was more than primed to go and the thrill of being noticed, being fucked in public, was driving her crazy. She lurched forward trying to stifle her moan as he slammed his cock into her and wrapped his fingers around her throat, giving her a gentle squeeze.

“You’re a dirty little slut, aren’t ya?” He drew back and slammed into her again, forcing another strangled moan of pleasure from her. It occurred to her, not for the first time that offering herself to unvetted strangers could be dangerous, but it seemed like if a man posed a threat to her it would be because he wanted to rape her – and she was already giving him her body willingly. So she let herself enjoy the shameful pleasure of being used near a crowd of people and give up control as the man took her by her slim waist and began to fuck her with abandon, his girthy meat stretching her cunt as he pounded her. A career of lugging heavy equipment had given him muscles and stamina and he was using both to punish her for the notional crime of being free with her body, and she stopped bothering to stifle her cries of pleasure as she submitted to him. It didn’t seem to make any difference, the wall of bass-laden electronic music on the dancefloor was enough to ensure her noises never reached the ravers. The shaved head guy had pulled up her shirt to fully expose her bare breasts and was tweaking one of her nipples as his friend fucked her, his other hand idly groping his cock through his pants as he patiently waited his turn.

Above the music Tegan could hear the laboured grunting of the man’s efforts and it seemed he was close to finishing, and so was she. Her breathy moans reached a crescendo and she let out one last plaintitive cry as she orgasmed and her clenching muscles was enough to compel the man to join her, his throbbing prong buried to the hilt in her well used tunnel.

She lay sprawled across the crate catching her breath as the man withdrew from her with a satisfied grunt and the shaved head guy knelt to pick up her fanny pack. She noticed he had already collected the condom from it and was inquisitively inspecting the other contents. She experienced a moment of alarm as she realised he would have discovered the empty wrappers and sachets of lube.

“Hey…” she said weakly.

“Turn her over.” Shaved head guy said and his friend complied, taking her by the shoulders and flipping her easily, pinning her with hands on her back and one arm to keep her in place as she tried to move. He tossed the pack down next to her as he moved around behind her and bent over her.

“You’ve been real busy tonight. You think I don’t know why you have this?” he said, holding the sachet in front of her face.

“That’s not… for that.” She protested, not willing to say it out loud. It wasn’t as though she was a stranger to it but she didn’t know these men, and their lack of accountability if something happened to her was suddenly a much realer concern.

“Sure.” He acknowledged sarcastically. She felt him dig his thumbs into her asscheeks, spreading her wide, exposing her. She knew he’d have an intimate view of her juicy, well-fucked pussy and her little rear hole.

“Well damn, this looks nice and fresh.”

“Man, if I’d known that was an option…” the second guy said, with an air of bitter jealousy.

“Come on guys… haven’t I shown you a nice time?” Tegan reasoned.

“Uh huh.” Shaved head guy tore open the sachet and drizzled some lube on her asshole. The coolness made her flinch and the guy holding her down applied a little more pressure, sending a clear message she wasn’t going anywhere. She felt pressure as shaved head probed with a finger, pushing the tip inside and spreading the lube around.

“Fuckin’ nice.” He commented.

Tegan tried to twist her head to look towards the crowd, wondering if anyone would see this happening and do anything about it. She supposed the odds of that hadn’t really increased in the last few minutes. She trembled a little as he sank his finger deeper into her and began to move it back and forth.

“I think she likes it.” The second guy quipped. Tegan didn’t bother to respond. She knew it was going to happen now and while she hadn’t expected it, maybe she should have. Maybe she deserved it. And now that the decision had been made, she realised she wanted it. Not for the first time she wondered if she really was just built to be used as fuckmeat and all she needed was a little push to lean into it instead of resisting.

She felt shaved head place his hand up against her butt and the latex-encased head of his cock probing at her back door. She realised he was using his fist to make a tunnel to guide himself to her to keep from sliding off the tight opening – no amateur, this one. After a couple of test pushes he pushed forward and she felt herself open up for him, several inches of him forced inside. She let out a startled cry, her feet clenching as he continued to push forward, slowly inching forward until crotch was pressed against her.

“Fuck yeah.” The man grunted as he began to move. He felt thick, but it was always difficult to gauge as every cock felt a lot bigger when it was in her ass. She pinched her lips and squeezed her eyes shut as she reamed her with steady strokes, feeling her tight ring push and pull, gripping him as he sodomised her. He snaked a hand under her trying to grope at her chest and she felt the material of her shirt rip as he recklessly pawed at her body.

After a couple of minutes of relentless penetration she found herself more able to relax, and while she initially resented that he had decided to take her anally without her express invitation she couldn’t deny that the fact she’d lost control of the situation was thrilling and she wanted more.

“Fuck me.” She urged. It was a loud whisper, barely audible over the background thrum of the music and she wasn’t sure if he even heard her, but he began to fuck her faster, maybe by coincidence.

“Fuck.” She uttered again as her anus clenched, a small spasm of weak resistance as he rammed himself all the way up inside her over and over. In her experience when a man wanted to cum using her asshole he’d use short, shallow strokes to focus the tightest muscles on the sensitive head of his cock but this guy seemed to want to abuse her little hole, running up as much mileage as possible. She realised that the man holding her down had moved position to he was in front of her holding her shoulders, and his half-erect cock was positioned in front of her, still sticky with his own spunk after removing the condom, and he was moving his hips to brush it against her face, trying to coax her to open her mouth.

Without thinking about it she parted her lips to accept his bare cock in her mouth, tasting his seminal residue and he was quick to take advantage of her compliance, pushing himself to the back of her throat. With her head tilted back it was effortless to accept him all the way in and he quickly grew in her soft mouth, which he began to slowly fuck.

Another minute passed and it seemed that shaved head was ready to finish and after a few short quick strokes he pushed inside one last time and she let out a muffled cry as she felt his throbbing rod unload itself.

He slowly pulled out once he was done and her hole tingled with the feeling of emptiness as the man in front of her withdrew from her mouth and he started to circle around behind her.

“Wait, don’t.” Tegan said, trying to push herself up, but shaved head guy shoved her back down. Guy two was obviously up for round two and wanted to take a turn in her ass, but she was out of condoms. While she had eventually stopped resisting, she wasn’t about to let him bareback her.

“I have my own protection. As if I’d take any risks with some little gutterslut.”

Tegan took some calming breaths as she felt him apply some fresh lube to her asshole and push his wrapped prong inside her tender hole with ease. Shaved head had done a solid job of opening her up and he was able to start fucking her with the ease of a talented porn star. Hell, with the exception of there being no cameras, maybe she was at this point.

She lay there and took it, shaved head guy merely resting his hand on her unresisting back as his friend smashed in her back door. At one point she saw a couple of ravers accidentally wander into the area but when they saw her getting fucked they lingered for a minute then wandered away without doing or saying anything. Not that she really cared anyway – either about anyone intervening or seeing her like this. After a few minutes she felt him pull out and she supposed he must have removed his condom and finished himself with his hand because she felt a splatter of hot spunk hit her right asscheek and begin to trickle down the back of her thigh.

At first she didn’t move, it didn’t really click with her at first that it was actually all over until the men stood in front of her and shaved head patted her gently on the cheek.

“You awake?”

Tegan gently pushed herself off the crate and pulled her skirt down to cover herself again not caring about the jizz on her butt. She started to straighten her shirt and realised it was torn, her left tit completely exposed by a rip in the material. She sighed and looked up at the roadies.

“Are we done here?” she enquired, somewhat coldly as she gathered up the unused lube sachets and the condom wrappers into her fanny pack and clipped it back around her waist.

“Sure, sweetie.” The second guy said with a smirk. “You feel free to come find me any time.”

Tegan walked unsteadily on her heeled boots, walking awkwardly because she was aching below the waist, checking her skirt was straightened again as she moved out from behind the speaker wall back into the main warehouse area to find Jackson. She headed back across the floor back to where he’d last seen her dancing with the other girl and ran into them halfway – he was still with her.

“There you are!” he shouted over the music. “Been looking all over for you.”

“Sure.” Tegan said derisively as Jackson looked her up and down, seeing she was increasingly dishevelled since he’d last seen her. The other girl was hanging off Jackson almost possessively.

“You ready to go?” he was asking if she’d completed her challenge. Tegan held up seven fingers. She was counting the fact one guy had fucked her twice, she had the used wrappers to prove it. Jackson looked confused for a moment then shrugged.

“Candy is coming home with us.” Jackson said indicating the woman next to him. So Tegan’s night was apparently far from over.


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Life of a Slut Wife and Mum Part 2 Slutty Tai Ta

For those not sure what the title means, those two terms are commonly used in Singapore, where we reside. Tai Tai refers to a wealthy, well kept lady of leisure. SPG refers to Sarong Party Girl, a term widely used in Singapore that has negative connotations, describing Asian girls, often Singaporean Chinese girls who dress like sluts, may or may not have a British/American/Aussie accent and who exclusively chase Westerners.This story deals with the day just after Part 1, where Drew and I start...

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The footer at Penthouse Gold stamps a 2008 copyright date on the joint, which means it’s old as hell in Internet years. I bet all the old fuckers remember the Penthouse name from long before that, though. The brand got its start as an old-school paper porn rag in England way back in 1965, and I know some of you had your first fap to your dad or your grandpa’s copies hidden under his mattress. Before the Internet, these guys were some of the biggest names in the business alongside Playboy and...

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Treehouse Adventures

There are twenty four usable hours in every day. That is what my mother used to tell me when I was a younger. She told me that I had to make sure to make every hour count. I never really took her words to heart, and I let time slip by me. Before I knew it, I was graduating high school and I was on my way to college. Where did my teen years go? Was it time for me to grow up? What had I accomplished? I am eighteen years old and on my way to a major university. I received a scholarship and a full...

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Treehouse Masters Teenage Love HutChapter 5

Pete drove up to the Harris property, having just returned from a cliff-side treehouse near Memphis, Tennessee which was in serious need of modification, lest it kill both of the trees which were supporting it. The first thing the head of NTAS saw as he brought the pick-up truck to a stop was his son Henry, who was carrying a bucket of paint. “How’s it going?” the father called out. “Going great,” Henry called back as his father made his way to the back yard. “But Paula wants to talk to...

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Treehouse Masters Teenage Love HutChapter 6

Pete led Julie into her back yard, at which point he insisted that she look down, not up. Her parents and what looked like half of Tupelo followed at a respectful distance. “OK, now just stay looking down,” Pete told the eager teenage girl, “OK, now on three-two-one you can look up. Ready?” Julie was almost vibrating with excitement. “Yes, yes I’m ready!” “OK then,” Pete told her. “Three, two, one ... Look up!” Julie looked up and gasped. “Great Shades of Elvis!” she breathed. Several...

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Lighthouse Road

Karen and I bought a light keeper's house, which was on a two-mile road. Our house was about one-third of a mile from the lighthouse. The lighthouse has been nonoperational for five years and sits at the water's edge at the road's end. The local college students use it as a lovers' lane, parking by the lighthouse to accomplish their goals. The locals call the road 'Make Out Lane' instead of the original, 'Lighthouse Lane.' We enjoy the house with all its old fashion things, plus a mystery a day...

2 years ago
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Dollhouse Ch 01

All characters in this are over the age of 18. —– ‘It’s okay, my parents are out of town.’ Alice whispered into the ear of Marcus as the two stood kissing on the front porch of her house. The two college freshmen had just returned from their first date, and Marcus had walked Alice to the front door. Who said gentlemanly courtesy was dead? What had initially been intended as a simple, respectful kiss goodnight had been prolonged by Alice gently holding him to her, their tongues had danced...

3 years ago
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Boathouse Revisited

We’ll need a little genealogy: My uncle Robert, born in 1935; my mother, 1938; my brother Terry, 1961; me in 1963, and my Jeremy, 1986, and Rochelle, the year following. Jeremy says the odds of three generations being boy-girl are 1:64. I didn’t learn anything that interesting when I took biology from Mrs. Thornton, though I read about this lady who had nine daughters in a row. I’ll bet the last one never got a new anything. So here are three pairs of siblings in our family tree, one line per...

1 year ago
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Treehouse Adventures 3

They say that time changes everything, and that people move on. But, do they really move on, or do they just set things aside and allow themselves to be okay with it? Was I okay with setting things aside and completely moving on, once and for all? ___________ “He is what?” I said, almost enraged by what I was hearing. “What do you mean ‘Henry is getting married.’ He can’t be getting married.” I flung myself down on to my over sized black leather sofa and crossed my legs. I shook the leg...

2 years ago
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TreehouseChapter 2 Truth or Dare

"Well, that certainly was a unique experience!" said Bob. He and his friends, Kim, Heather, Sarah, and Jack had just witnessed from the vantagepoint of Bob's old treehouse some passionate lovemaking by his next door neighbors, the Smiths. The dim light of a lamp in the lower level of Bob's palatial hiding place in the leaves illuminated all their faces. Each glowed with perspiration from the experience of watching. They sat for a long time in silence each wondering if the sexual tension...

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Treehouse Masters Teenage Love HutChapter 2

The team from Nelson Treehouse and Supply was making good time on the treehouse Paul and Paula Harris had commissioned for their daughter’s sweet sixteen. There was much use of pulleys, nail-guns, and human muscle with an occasional break for coffee or to talk to the Animal Planet production crew. Suddenly Paula came running up to the base of the tree. “Pete!” she cried out, “Pete, I’ve got bad news. I just got a notice from City Hall. You can’t build this design!” Pete was horrified. He...

2 years ago
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Mrs Graves

MRSGRAVESBy: counterparts199; part 1?What?s up, Mister Askins?? I asked the barber.  He was sweeping the winter dirt off of the shop porch.?Looks like you could still use a sit, Joe,? he teased back.  To Mister Askins I seemed a deserter, my hair having grown a little since the better economic conditions of fall.?Hi there, Mrs. Graves,? I said after walking on a piece, and past the town?s cornerstone plantation house.  She didn?t answer.  Mrs. Graves was pruning her roses because she?d grumped...

4 years ago
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If you use the toilets you have to move the houseboat out of the slip to empty the tanks when you leave. Ron had explained that to us when we arrived the previous day. We’d be here only a couple days and had no intention of going through the hassle of moving the houseboat. It wasn’t worth the trouble when there were community restrooms five minutes away in the center of the docks. We’d spent all day on a scenic boat ride and Ron and Kami had just started the trek to the restrooms which gave...

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Bathhouse Slaves part 1

He smelled strongly of body odor and so did the soldiers that accompanied the fat man. The man and his entourage had traveled for more than a day from the Capital city and they would be staying for a week. As she entered she gave the large sweaty man a smile and said greetings Senator Goodwin I hope the road was not long. Senator Goodwin beheld the small dark haired olive skinned woman before him and answered with a ruff voice the road is always long but my stay with you is always to short....

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Sluty hot MIL AND SIL visiting for the weekend qu

So my mother in law and s*s in law our in town. They are both smoking hot and sluty. Mil is 56 5"5curvy frame lbs big 36Ds nice legs wide hips and sexy ass short brown hair, Sil 20 5"6 135 sexy b cups phat phat ass so we all went to dinner and our the girls were pounding drinks all night long as the night went on they trashed and being extra flirty well sluty towards me when my wife wasn't around or paying attention. Teasing me when they could I even danced with the my MIL my cock was growing...

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Slutty Tales Be a Slut Maddie

Maddie grew up in a small village and has lived nineteen years of her life being a good girl. Unlike all her peers she rarely went out and almost never got drunk. She tried cigarettes when she was sixteen but she saw no fun in the coughing and smelly breath that followed. So it was her first and last time.Having been accepted to her first choice university, she has been studying towards becoming a teacher. She even went to church every Sunday with her family. Not because she believed in any of...

1 year ago
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Coffeehouse Slut

There is a coffeehouse with an upstairs that, although busy, has relatively private nooks, comfy seats, sofas and various tables and booths. Plenty of students spend their time there, as do shoppers as it is in the centre of three big shopping centres. It would be easy for an older man to corner a younger woman, to get chatting to her there. There would be plenty of people around to hear a rejection, or at least to see the two together – to see them meet. As the bathrooms are upstairs as well...

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Cockslut Mommy

Cindy was just your average 42 year old mom, and was divorced for roughly 8 years. She lived on the outside of town with her 2 son, Adam and Jacob. Cindy was a good mom to her boys and she would do anything for them. She was also a good wife but there was one thing her exhusband could not deal with, which is why they are divorce. Cindy is a huge nympho. She loves sex more than alot of things and just cant get enough. When she was married, her husband knew her powerful sex...

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Rainy Fuck In Vizag Swarn Praveen

Hi, sex lovers, This is Praveen from Vizag working in it park as a software engineer and this is my sex story. I’m of 5.8″ well-built body and 7″ long lasting manhood. I had a sex earlier with my girlfriend 2 times at her apartment and this is my third time luckiest fuck with a matured women with fully ripen assets. Coming to sex, story it happened with my colleague Swarnalatha, 29yrs women who divorced her husband, living with her dad&mom. She is newly appointed and working under my...

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RoadhouseChapter 11

Tiny handed me a pair of sleeves with two Corporal stripes on them, "You'll need to wear these Tony, don't be frightened to use your authority when need be but don't be too pushy, just remember, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink." Thanks Tiny, for Christ's sake pull me up if I'm doing the wrong thing, I'm flying blind here." "It's mostly common sense Tony and you seem to have more than your fair share of that so don't worry." A short while later a...

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Treehouse Adventures 4 The Final Chapter

So after the last adventure I told you about, what would you assume? Henry and I lived happily ever after? We were meant to be together? I wish I could tell you that it was the truth, but it was far from it. Now I don’t know if our love wasn’t strong enough, or the way we wanted the world to see us too great, but there was to much riding against us. So we ended up going our separate ways. Hannah and Henry ended up getting married after all and life went back to the way it was. ______________ “I...

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How I Became the Sluty Vanessa

PART I: I was a man before becoming Vanessa, and my name was Mike. I was heterosexual and I was going out with my first "serious" girl friend for two years when all this started. I was still living with my mother who had been divorced for a decade before getting remarried. Her new husband moved to our place with a beautiful daughter named Elena who was only 14. I was a handsome 18 year old blond boy, quite feminine in my features and certainly very shy with girls because of this very...

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House Slut 29 Tegans Greatest Hits

“Where have yoooou been?” Tegan bent her head in embarrassment as she headed for one of the free showers and turned on the water, which thankfully came out steady and hot immediately, enabling her to start rinsing herself off. Nearest to her Kuniko handed her a bottle of shower gel and squirted some into her hand which she quickly used to lather up and smear across her wet skin. After rallying from the initial embarrassment, she looked over and Madison with a coy smile. “Yeah, get it girl.”...

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House Slut 15

She pushed the thoughts out of her head as she finished rinsing off the soap and toweled herself off. She no longer wanted to overthink these things. It started to seem easier, better for everyone, the more control she let them have over her. Being fucked up the butt eleven times in one night was not her ideal situation but she trusted them enough that they weren’t doing it sadistically, that if she seemed distressed or in any danger they would have called things off. At this point any...

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House Slut 22 A Walk in the Park

Obviously, she felt exposed and vulnerable. While it was still dark it wouldn’t be for long. Even if she moved quickly the store she was being sent to wouldn’t open until six, and then she had to walk back just as people – her neighbours – were starting to go about their day. Not to mention any pre-dawn lurkers in the park. This wasn’t a bad area to live in, not a particularly rough neighbourhood, but even if she wasn’t stumbling around naked with slowly drying semen smeared across her chest...

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Sadistic Treatment of a Painslut pt 1

With resolve in my heart and mind, I quickened my pace, ready to prepare my dungeon once more. Tonight would be delicious, yet simple, so long as my plaything was obedient. I got to work as soon as I brushed the last grains of sand from the arch of my foot and crossed the threshold to my domain. ------ Hours later, I surveyed my work: The St. Andrew's cross had been coarsly sanded, the leather shackles inspected and oiled to retain their suppleness. Long ago, I'd attached the whole cross...

1 year ago
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Sadistic Treatment of a Painslut

With resolve in my heart and mind, I quickened my pace, ready to prepare my dungeon once more. Tonight would be delicious, yet simple, so long as my plaything was obedient. I got to work as soon as I brushed the last grains of sand from the arch of my foot and crossed the threshold to my domain. ------ Hours later, I surveyed my work: The St. Andrew's cross had been coarsly sanded, the leather shackles inspected and oiled to retain their suppleness. Long ago, I'd attached the whole cross...

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Supergirl Painslut

Supergirl - PainslutBy Greg All comments are welcome at [email protected] kicked Supergirl, causing another cry coming from her mouth, as she fell down on the floor with her hands tied behind her back with shining, green cuffs. Her costume was tattered in many parts, she was also barefoot. Her blonde hair was in mess. Her left eye had dark mark around, her nose was probably broken and blood still trailed from the corners of her mouth. "Move over, slut", said villain, kicking her one more...

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(This story left me in doubt over which category to place it under. There is no sex in this story, you will understand why when you read it. I hope you enjoy the read, I did the best with the idea that stuck in my head and wouldn’t let go.) My very special thanks go to LSEiland for her editing. I had been chasing this ghost for over two years now. It all started as a conversation with a boat builder friend of mine. He mentioned a story I may be interested in for the paper. The trouble was,...

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House Slut 44

-phenyalanine Tegan walked up the steps to Trevor’s apartment, a bag of groceries in one hand as she juggled the keys with the other. While they’d never formally established a relationship, they had a number of standing date nights during the week and tonight was her turn to cook, while they hung out and watched Netflix until they inevitably gave into desire. Trevor was more than happy to fuck her senseless and she was more than happy to let him. It was a comfortable lifestyle for both of...

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