HookerChapter 4 free porn video

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It was mid morning on Thursday, Jacqui's day off. I told my receptionist I would be out and unavailable until at least mid afternoon. I circled Gayle's block. No red Dodge. Jacqui's car was still in the driveway and I noticed the windows were filmed over. It hadn't been driven in a while. I drove to the end of the block, parked at the head of the alley, and walked to Gayle's back yard. I looked about but didn't see any neighbors peering out windows, so I let myself in.

I found Jacqui in the bedroom. She was hogtied and hanging about four feet off the floor. I was aghast. A tight hogtie can restrict breathing and being suspended like that made it even worse. Her wrists and ankles were all locked to each other and the rope was tied to the central link that connected them. Being suspended as she was made it nearly impossible for her to expand her chest cavity. Her mouth worked continuously and she was nearly blue. I rushed in and lowered the rope. Once the tension was off, her breathing eased somewhat. I unhooked the link that connected her wrists to her ankles and stretched her legs out. Her breathing returned to normal. I carried her to the living room and set her in a chair. Her wrists were still locked together, as were her ankles. I didn't offer to release her.

"How did you know?" Jacqui asked, once she had caught her breath.

"You told her, didn't you? You told her I'd talked to you."

"Yes. I'm such an idiot. I don't know what makes me do it, but I tell her everything. You can't believe how angry she was. She said this time she really would bury me alive. I hope she'll calm down before she gets home, but she might really do it."

"Jacqui, this is way out of control. You realize that if I hadn't come by she wouldn't be able to bury you alive because you wouldn't be alive."

"I know. I was lucky this time. Next time I probably won't be. I know I have to leave her, but a big part of me doesn't want to. It's funny. I've always thought abused women were idiots for going back to the abuser and now I'm one of them. How did I get like this? How did it happen to me?"

"I don't know," I told her. "But if you figure it out, I'd like to hear the answer."

"Maybe you'd better take me away now, while I'm still tied up so I don't go running back."

"I have another alternative, one that might let you stay with her."


"I think it's about time she wore the collar," I told her. "Your relationship will never again be what it was at first, but it can't stay like it is, either. Your only chance of keeping it together and surviving the experience is if she wears the collar."

"It's a good idea, but I don't know if I can do it. You don't know the things she can make me do."

"It's your only hope, Jacqui. You need to either make that happen or come with me now and move somewhere far away. Do you understand that?"

"Yes, I understand, but I'm afraid. What if I try and fail?"

"Then show her these." I released her wrists and handed her a stack of prints.

"Where did you get these? Her face is in nearly every one. These could get her fired, ruin her career, she'd lose everything. Where did you get these?"

"No comment."

"But... but... I remember this night. It was the last time she put me in the box. She didn't take any pictures. So where did you get these? Who took them?"

"Like I said, no comment."

She looked at me sharply. "And how did you know where I was? How did you get in here today? I was punished for that, you know--leaving the door unlocked. I hadn't done it. I thought she had, but she didn't, did she."

"Once again, no comment."

"Have it your way. Anyway, you'd better untie my ankles. I have things to do before Gayle gets home."

"Are you sure you can handle her?"

"Yes, I'm sure. I know her well enough by now. It's been a while since she's done anything to please me. It's about time she did."

The pictures seemed to cause a transformation in her. The old Jacqui was coming back to the surface. I hoped she'd manage to hang around in the presence of Gayle.

"Anything I can do to help?"

"Leave me the pictures. Other than that, I can handle it."

I unfastened Jacqui's wrists and ankles, kissed her on the forehead and departed. I hoped she could pull it off. I did drive down the alley the next day. There didn't appear to be a fresh hole dug in the back yard.

Friday I took Rachel to the symphony. It was their annual Beethoven's 9th concert. Rachel loved Beethoven's 9th and had attended this concert every year since high school. I had been myself once or twice over the years and tonight I enjoyed it quite as much as Rachel did. Rachel had gone all out for the concert to the limits of her budget. She'd bought herself a rather fetching black dress and wore the shoes she'd worn that memorable night at my house and her best jewelry.

On the way home, I asked her, "Rachel, why is it you get all dressed up to go to the symphony, but you don't dress up for me."

"Well, partly because the 9th is special, but mostly because you don't ask me to. I will do as I'm told, remember."


We stopped after the concert for dessert, then continued to my house. It was probably just as well that Rachel didn't dress up like this all the time. She looked so delicious I sort of hated to undress her.

When we got to the house, I unlocked the front door and Rachel breezed in and headed for the bathroom. I wasn't fooled.

"Rachel, come back here."

"Oh, I forgot about the rules. I had to go to the bathroom."

"No, you didn't forget," I told her as I locked her collar in place. "You did that on purpose."

"Well... but I did have to go."

"You went at the restaurant. Hands behind you." I tied her wrists behind her. "Tonight you get to draw a blue envelope." I stood Rachel in the center of the main hall at the foot of the staircase. "Don't move."

I went upstairs and returned with the box of envelopes, as well as Rachel's wrist and ankle cuffs and a short hobble chain. I untied her wrists and made her take her dress off then removed her bra and jewelry. She was now clad in shoes, stockings and panties. I locked the cuffs on her wrists and ankles and attached her ankle chain, then locked her wrists together.

I held out the box. Besides white envelopes, it now contained blue and green envelopes. "Choose a blue envelope."

"What's in the blue envelopes?"

"The blue envelope is a double. It contains two cards."

"Does it have to be double?"

"You deliberately disobeyed. You deserve at least a double."

"So what are the green envelopes?"

"Applications for clemency. If you're very good from here on, perhaps I'll let you have one. Now choose an envelope."

Rachel selected a blue envelope and opened it. She pulled out one of the cards and turned bright red as she read it. She seemed reluctant to show it to me.

"Rachel, give me the card."

She looked at the floor and handed it to me. The heading read:


You will be leashed and taken for a walk
with your hands bound behind you and
your ankles chained.

"Walk where?"

"Around the neighborhood," I told her. She turned red again and looked at the floor. I loved it when she did that.

"If you're good, I'll let you put your dress back on. Otherwise, you go as you are." This produced a positively flourescent blush from Rachel. It had the opposite effect on me. My face went white as all the blood in my body congregated in one spot.

"Bob, I can't."

"You're doing a really bad job of doing as you're told. You purposely put yourself in this position. You may not renege."


"Keep it up and you'll forfeit your panties as well. Now tell me what I want to hear. Do you need help from the woman in the mirror?"

"No, I'll do as I'm told."

"No contractions, Rachel. Say it correctly. You are only allowed to say it correctly."

"I will do as I am told."

"Good. See that you do. Now read the other card."

Rachel pulled the other card out of the envelope. She actually gasped as she read this one. I held out my hand and she held out the card. I thought she had been blushing before. She was looking at her shoes and didn't look up as she held the card out. I looked at the card:


You will sit to have
your portrait taken.

"You're going to take pictures of me tied up, aren't you."

"Yes, I am."

"You're not really going to. Please, no."

"Of course I'm really going to. It's okay. This time we get to keep the negatives. I'll let you know when I've made the arrangements."

"Oh my god. I can't believe you're really going to do this to me."

"Rachel, say the phrase again."

"I will do as I am told."

"See that you do."

"I know, but, oh my god."

"Well, we'll worry about that later. Right now, it's time for your walk." I latched her wrists behind her and snapped her leash on her collar.

"But, my dress. You can't take me out like this."

"Rachel, I told you I'd put your dress on you if you were good. So far I'm not impressed. If anything, I should take your panties."


"Rachel, I'm still not impressed."

"I know but, it's just that, it's just..."

I could tell I was pushing Rachel a bit far. She would put up with being spanked, gagged, tied up, being locked in a box or whatever. What she had problems with was those things which embarrassed her. The reason we had had to summon the lady in the mirror was not because she was to be spanked, but because she had to ask to be spanked. Tonight she had been unlucky enough to draw the total embarrassment package--being walked in public, then submitting to a photo session. I really had no intention of taking her out without her dress. The idea was to relent and let her wear her dress. Compared to going out naked, being walked in her dress wouldn't seem quite so terrifying to her.

"I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll let you fill out a plea for clemency. If I'm satisfied with your answers, I'll let you wear your dress, but you'll have to promise total obedience the rest of the night."

"Alright." Rachel was visibly relieved. My plan had worked perfectly. She would submit to her walk.

I unfastened her hands and told her to draw a green envelope. I had her sit at the breakfast table and fill it out. I read the form after she finished

Application for Clemency


Read over the entire form before you begin filling it out. Answer each question in order as completely and accurately as possible. Every question must be answered. You may ask for assistance if necessary. Acceptance of the completed form will result in a grant of clemency. Use the back of the form if you need additional space.

1. What is the infraction for which you are to be punished?

I deliberately left the entry hall without my collar or my hands tied.

2. Have you done this before?

Yes, but not deliberately.

2a. When?

Several weeks ago.

2b. How were you punished?

I had to draw an envelope. The card required me to choose my own punishment, but I just couldn't, so I went home. When I returned a couple weeks later, the lady in the mirror asked that I be spanked. I was taken to the basement and locked in stocks. Then I had to beg to be punished. I received a severe spanking.

3. What do you think would be an appropriate penalty for this infraction (do not put 'none')?

I think I'm being punished enough. Being bound and walked in public on a leash will be difficult for me. Also, I will have to pose for bondage pictures, which also frightens me.

4. Why do you think punishment should be waived on this occasion?

I feel that I'm undergoing a severe punishment as it is. It won't be easy for me to do these things. I don't think I should have to go outside naked.

5. What steps will you take to prevent a recurrence of this offense?

I admit that I was purposely disobedient. I understand that I deserve a harsh punishment, but feel that what I am about to undergo more than qualifies. To be honest, I would much rather be spanked or hog tied for three days or something. I may forget again at some point in the future and enter the house without proper bonds, but I promise I will never again do it on purpose.

6. What extra effort will you make to compensate for this transgression?

I promise to be extremely obedient in the future. I will do as I am told. If I ever do this again, I will accept whatever punishment is imposed.

I was rather pleased with the way Rachel had filled out the form. She had admitted her guilt and was willing to surrender herself to the punishment I required. She had also filled out the whole thing in the first person--no help from the lady in the mirror. She had signed and dated the form. I would file it away to show to her if she ever reneged on the things she had promised in the last two items.

"Thank you, Rachel. You did well. Now, get your dress on, we're going for a walk... No, leave the bra. You don't get to wear that."

Rachel was once again dressed for the symphony, except for the collar and chains. I locked her wrists behind her, snapped the leash in place and led her toward the front door. I stopped on the front porch.

"One more thing," I told her. "You are to remain silent unless I say something to you that requires a response. If you speak out of turn, you will be gagged and we'll do the whole walk all over again. Understand?"


"If you wish, I could gag you now. Would you rather be gagged now?"


"Fine. Come along then."

Rachel's ankle chain was barely long enough for her to negotiate the steps. I held her arm as she worked her way down to the side walk.

"Rachel, I want you to heel. You will stay about two paces behind me and stay centered on my hand so that the leash is straight." I stepped in front of her and ahead by about two paces. "That's where I want you. Maintain that position relative to me. Now, off we go."

I headed around the block. I was going to circle my block and the next one. I could hear her ankle chain clinking gently and scraping along the sidewalk. I led her north for two blocks on the back side of the block, then east to the front side of the block, then we headed back south. In two blocks we would be back in front of the house. So far, a couple of cars had slowed down, but we hadn't met any pedestrians. Now there was one coming toward us. He was about a block away and I couldn't tell much about him.

As we drew nearer, I saw that it was a woman walking her dog. She stared open mouthed as she got within a few yards of us.

"My pet doesn't mess the neighbors yards," I said as she drew parallel. She closed her mouth and looked away. Rachel was staring at her shoes.

When I got her back in the house, I got her out of her dress and shoes, slung her over my shoulder and carried her upstairs. It was a repeat of the day when I had brought her home from the restaurant after she had been stared at by Jacqui. Rachel was as aroused as I was, and I wondered again about that. Was she turned on by being embarrassed, or was she turned on because I had made her do something embarrassing? I decided it must be the combination of the two. I had made her do other things, but that didn't seem to turn her on like this did.

In the morning I took Rachel home so she would be there in time for Gretchen's arrival. On the way home, I drove by Gayle's house. I noted that both cars were there, but the order was reversed. Gayle's Dodge was in first with Jacqui's car behind it. I thought about stopping, but decided against it.

I took Rachel to lunch twice through the week, but otherwise things were fairly quiet. Friday I took Rachel out. Gretchen was staying overnight with a friend again. I was beginning to think she was organizing these sleep overs to give her mother the chance to stay over night with me.

Rachel was extremely well behaved. She did as she was told. I was both pleased and disappointed. Saturday morning I took her home as usual.

On Thursday, I got a call at work.

"Bob, this is Jacqui. Could you come by Gayle's house this evening?"

"Jacqui, I'm really surprised to hear from you. I didn't realize you knew my work number."

"I don't, but Gayle does. She tells me everything."

"So Gayle knows my work number."

"Has it memorized. Does that surprise you? It shouldn't. She used to keep track of you and Rachel rather closely."

"Used to?"

"She now has other responsibilities. She's much too busy for such frivolities."

"I see, I think."

"So anyway, the reason I called, could you come over to Gayle's house this evening?"

"I guess I could. What's up?"

"I'll tell you when you get here. Make it about 7:00"

Curious, indeed.

I arrived at Gayle's house promptly at 7:00. This time I went to the front door and rang the bell. Jacqui opened the door.

"Hi, Bob. Come in."

I stepped in. "So what's going on?"

"I want you to meet someone. This is the new Gayle."

Gayle was kneeling in the middle of the floor. She was naked and her arms were bound tightly behind her so that her elbows were nearly touching. Her ankles were tightly bound as well. There was a collar around her neck.

"Hello, Gayle," I said. "I'm glad to meet you." I didn't see that hate in her eyes that had been there before. Instead, I saw fear and maybe, just maybe, a bit of remorse. As I watched, a tear traced it's way down her cheek. Her body was erect and rigid. It looked uncomfortable.

"She looks rather..." I began.

"Yes, she is, but I require proper posture and Gayle is anxious to comply."

"So how did this come about?"

"I took your advice to heart. I knew I would have to leave or turn the tables on Gayle, so I set a trap for her. I distributed the pictures you gave me throughout the house. I put a note on each one. Just inside the door was the picture of us on the floor. The note said: Gayle being pleased by her faithful friend.

In the dining room was a picture of her whipping me. The note said: The ungrateful Gayle abuses her faithful friend.

The next was the picture of her on the bed during her orgasm. The note said: Gayle's friend forgives her torment and pleases her again.

The last one was the picture of me sitting in the box. The note said: Gayle responds to her friend's devotion with even greater cruelty.

By this time she was in the bedroom and noticed that I was not where she left me. She called out to me and I answered, stepping into the room. She looked at me oddly in a combination of fear, anger, and desire. I went over to her, jerked her arms behind her, and locked a pair of handcuffs on her. As you can see, Gayle isn't a large woman. Her advantage was always that her partners would do as she told them. She tried it again after she was collared. She told me I must take the collar off her and put it on myself, that that was the proper order of things. I laughed and pushed her on the bed, tying her ankles. Then I got the scissors and cut her clothes off. I bound her more tightly and she stayed that way for two days or more. I was waiting for her to accept her new reality. Finally, she told me she accepted her new status and would obey me. I knew she wasn't sincere. She just wanted to be untied so she could get the upper hand again. I untied her so she could learn the lesson she needed to learn. Once she was free, she tried to get me to take her collar off again. She talked soothingly, telling me if only I would allow her to bind my wrists again, things could go back to how they used to be when we were happy. She walked slowly toward me, speaking soothingly of the pleasure she would bring me once I was back in my collar. She really is hypnotic. She pulled my arms gently behind me, and only when I felt the rope begin to encircle my wrists did I break the spell. I jerked my hands from hers and turned to face her. I told her that she was now the one in the collar. I told her I knew well the pleasure she could give, but also the pain. I told her that she knew as well the pleasure I could bring to her, and that I would leave her if she failed to obey me. I told her to turn and place her own hands behind her, and to my surprise, she did. I tied her wrists together and led her to the corner where I had been punished so many times. I tied the dangling rope around her wrists and hauled them high. She bent over and raised herself up on her toes as I had always done when the rope pulled my arms ever higher and made my shoulders ache. Then I tied her feet and told her that I was disappointed in her attempt to return me to her collar and that she was going to be punished. I had learned a lot from my punishments at her hands. I knew I could cause her great pain and I did. This was when I made the discovery. Like my claustrophobia, Gayle had her great fear. Hers was a fear of pain, of being rendered helpless and made to suffer. This seemed odd to me since she so loved to do that to others, but it has a weird sort of consistency. I was surprised that she had so easily let me tie her in the corner for her whipping, but I think she didn't really believe I would do it. She seemed to think she could inflict pain on others, but no one would do it to her. Now she knows otherwise. She shrieked horribly through the whipping I gave her, which was not so severe as even the mildest one she had given me. After that, she struggled desperately to avoid each punishment her transgressions earned, until finally I was able to teach her the futility of resistance. She now understands that resistance brings greater pain than compliance. Now she submits to whatever correction I decide she needs. Don't you, Gayle?"

Same as Hooker
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Sarah got up early to make sure that she looked her best for the morning’s meeting. She hated winter mornings waking up alone and cold. She got out of bed and opened the curtains where a flood of light, the sun was out but it certainly didn’t radiate any heat, shame, as she loved the summer months. She walked in to the bathroom and adjusted the temperature of the shower and climbed in. She felt the powerful jets soothe her aching joints, she spent most of last night asleep on her sofa. When...

2 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 7 New Residences

At the beginning of the week, they got their next influx of new residents. Two families of Pixs and a clan of Prols, all sixteen of them, turned up from the entrance to the plains. Ten of Iain’s cousin’s kids, some by marriage and some by blood all of working age also arrived with Iain on his sailing boat. It wasn’t long before the new residents were all gainfully employed. Aegeus, the leader of the Prol clan and his four oldest sons and his brother Alum and his two sons, were all soon...

3 years ago
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Bahan ki seal tuti

Ha to dosto apka dost ishu hajir hai bahen ki dress ka dusra part le kar sabse pahle to mai aapse sory bolta hu ki mene part 2 me kafi late kar diya dosto mera net nahi chal raha tha to ise liye mai late ho gaya ab mai storie ko aage badata hu gori ne f tv se dress chuse karne ki salah di jo muje b pasand aa gaye jab hum ne f tv lagaya to waha par beach ka photo sastion chal raha tha usme meximum models top less the koi apne hath se apne nippals ko chupa rahi the ya koi ulti nangi let kar apne...

4 years ago
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fluky dogs Part 01 Perfect Plan Gone Wrong by Mogrim

[Chapter 1] Bill, Haas and Kenny are closest of friends. Bill and Haas both are 21, Kenny is one year younger. None of them were any good at studies. They always came 1st, 2nd and 3rd in school, if you count from behind. It’s no wonder, none of them made their way to a college/university and none of their parents wanted to invest any big money on their education. These days Bill works with his father in his hardware store. Kenny and Haas both worked in a restaurant till the week before. They...

4 years ago
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Watching Joann Masturbate

I had moved to the south side of the city for my new job having answered an ad to share a flat with another female. There I met Joann who was like me only a few months older. We both hit it off right away with many mutual interests. An added bonus for me was Joann got me a free membership at the fitness center where she worked which was a short walk away.I had always worked out since my gymnastic and dance days. Once I was out of school, I quit both but I just had to keep my body fit. I felt I...

3 years ago
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Jessica and Grandpa ch 2

Next day at school, my mind raced. I had decided to stay over again this evening, asking my mom to drop off some clother for me, during the day, by phone. It would only be the 2nd time I'd stayed over at my grandparents this week, so was nothing unusual, though it wasn't often I'd stay over two nights in a row.I knew Grandma would be out visiting friends when I got back in from school, as she always was on a Friday afternoon, which of course meant I would have some time on my own again with...

4 years ago
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Out of Afrika Chapter 16

Out of AfrikaA Fantasy created by International Writers Curt B, Julie Van and Wunderboi******Chapter 16Nadine Bally read her local evening paper with a martini in hand. It was another boring day in prospect with her husband away once again on an overseas business trip. Nadine and George had both been born in the same town, gone to school together and had grown up together. She was introverted, shy and withdrawn as a teen and had few friends other than George with whom she spent most of her free...

4 years ago
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Totally Unexpected Lucy Continued

.......a some action from Linda. Lucy's guy paused and went to pull out of her ass, Lucy reached back with her clit hand and grabbed his balls to keep him deep inside. She could tell he had started to soften while he questioned his friend about the interruption. "She'll only let me poke her while she jacks me off!" Lucy kept looking at the floor, waiting for his friend to go. "What do you want her to do?" asked Lucy's guy. Before he had chance to answer Lucy said "she was supposed to suck you...

3 years ago
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My Mature BBW Tease Encounter Part 2

For the continuation of these stories about her, I will refer to her as her nickname Celle, short for real name Aracelle. So about a week had gone by and all I could think of was movie night the week before when I had gotten the best tease of my life. I had run into Celle many times within the house but every time I would talk to her, she wouldn’t mention what had happened that night. I didn’t know what to do, should I pursue it further and possibly receive a rejection or should I just wait...

2 years ago
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Open Late

In the future, robotics and advanced A.I. become a ubiquitous part of society, aiding mankind in all facets of everyday life. However, they still retained the cold impersonal look of a machine until a new development rocketed over the uncanny valley. Grown rather than built, this new kind of being was made possible by hacking the human genome and combining biology with nanomachines: cyborgs down to the cellular level, but outwardly perfectly human in appearance. Too perfect, in fact. Over...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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Night of Eternal Pleasure Pt 2 Gone camping

After breakfast, we ended up all going home, Victoria gave me a kiss before she left, infront of everyone else, which meant them all screaming, and asking if we were going out, Victoria cut in, from the door, and said yes, and then eventually, my ride got here. Fast forward two weeks, we hadn't seen each other much, we had talked online, and saw each other once at the shops, but she was only able to give me a hug and a quick kiss on the lips, neither of us had much time then, but we...

1 year ago
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Cousin Fill Part 1

I always had this physical attraction toward my older cousin Fill. I know that it's wrong and that it's weird, but it is what it is, I can't make myself NOT be attracted to her. Cousin Fill was about four years older than me, and I was in my young teenage years. She is about 5' 4" and a very petite 110lbs, long black hair and olive dark skin. She was home for summer vacation, she went to a private school the rest of the year.One summer day cousin Fill showed up at the house, she asked "hey...

1 year ago
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PrincessCum Kacie Castle What My Sister Wants

Kacie Castle has decided that she wants to fuck her stepbrother Tony Martinez, and she’ll stop at nothing to get her way. She starts out trying to flirt normally, but Tony rejects her advances. Then she tries approaching him wearing just a bra and thong. She asks if he likes her outfit, and Tony tries to tell her to go change into something more appropriate. Kacie instead crosses the room to sit next to him on the couch and places her hand on Tony’s thigh. Eventually, Tony bounces...

3 years ago
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Tara 2 CuttailsChapter 24

Trae brought the chest over to his Grandmother. She chuckled at his perplexed look. She was glad that she did live long enough to see it claimed. She was distressed at what had transpired to get to this day, but she knew that the Gods had a will of their own and she was as much their pawn as any other. “Prince Trae Quinton, do you promise to serve and protect the One People to the best of your ability?” she asked. Trae scrunched his eyebrows. “Who are the One People?” he had to...

1 year ago
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Tag Team Fun

My girlfriend had to work and I was home alone bored as hell, so I decided to take in a movie. I went into the theater and sat down. The movie began and after a short time 2 teen girls, about 19 years old sat down, one onn each side of me. They both seemed to be stoned from the odor of pot coming from their clothes. I paid them no attention until I felt a hand beginning to rub my theigh. I looked over and found one of the girls rubbing my leg. her hand went up my leg and to my cock. No sooner...

3 years ago
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A husband8217s sexuality is challenged in front of his wife

Lindsey groaned in frustration. It had been so long since she had felt a real hard cock inside her pussy. Damn! What was the matter with him, she thought as she looked at his shamed face. He hadn’t even been able to cum himself. For years, she had overlooked his reluctance to initiate sex and invariably when she did start it, it was unfulfilling and strained. Her husband, Steve, refused to go to the doctor. No doctor- no prescription. No prescription- no viagara, or anything else. Well,...

4 years ago
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Bondage beginner

She stood silently before him, completely naked, submitting to whatever humiliation would be meted out to her. He’d started by running his hands over her body, lingering over her massive tits, kicking her legs apart so he could reach between them. “Nice tight cunt, for a slut,” he’d grunted. Now he stepped it up. He swung his hand with a full backswing, connecting with her left breast. The slap echoed around the concrete chamber. Maria’s breast jolted up, almost hitting her in the face,...

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My long night out

For me it always felt good to be out. I really needed a night out and I was excited for the upcoming weekend with my old girlfriend Laura.Slipping on my boots matching with my tight black skirt, I knew I looked good, almost as a naughty street hooker. My loving hubby had wished me luck and told me to have fun…The bar was crowded and loud, but the music sounded good.Soon the alcohol was flowing and as I loosened up I began to enjoy myself. Then I found sitting next to a handsome Laura`s...

2 years ago
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CHAPTER 5: THE COMPETITIONThe competition consisted of various elements including hand-to-hand with no weapons. It was agreed within the Unit that I was not to participate in the hand-to-hand without weapons. I had instructed my Unit in the ways of our martial arts moves to surprise the competition at the end as much as they instructed me on their ways. In the end we had developed a nice combination of brute force and agile aggression. Our final approach to the competition was such a unique...

2 years ago
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Viagra Tablet Ne Bhabhi Ko Banaya Mere Lund Ki Malikka

Hello dosto mai Rajiv desikahani ka ek naya reader hu. Mai saal ka student hu sab ladko ki tarah mai bhi apne liye chut ki rani thund raha tha. Maine mere ghar ki bhabhi ko us najro se nahi dekha tha par yaha stories padhne k baad mai meri widhwa bhabhi Jyoti k baare mai soch kar muth marne laga. Jyoti ek sex pataka lagti hai. Mai exact size nahhi bata sakta par use dekh kar har mard ka lund khada ho jaye aisa figure hai. Mere bhai ka ek car accident mai dehant ho gaya. Yaha k story padh k mai...

1 year ago
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Adult Magazine! The number of people that remember jerking off to actual porno magazines is getting smaller and smaller as the years go on. Most young adults didn’t have to deal with finding a nudie magazine and imagining what the women on each page would do to you if they could move off the pages and start choking on your dick. But those that remember those dark times know the feeling.So it’s nice to see that even though video has basically killed print’s dominance in the porn industry, it...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Honeymoon at the Cabin Ch 01

Miraculously, we made it. I couldn’t believe it. We were sitting on the back seat of a limo as we were getting swept away to our secluded honeymoon destination in the beautiful California hills. We were trying to charge our batteries for the upcoming two weeks, so I was tucked in your arms and we were both lost in thought. We had been best friends for over a decade and had been in a relationship for the last two years. We knew all of the intimate facets of each other’s personalities. For the...

1 year ago
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LittleAsians Sharon Lee Jasmine Grey Horny Asian Hospitality

Buxom Asian MILF Sharon Lee is excited for her stepson to move into the house. She tells her daughter Jasmine Grey the news, and the young honey is anxious to meet the guy. As soon as they set eyes on each other, Sharon and her stepbrother want to fuck. So when the AC breaks, the Asian hotties offer to let the lucky guy share a bed with them. Slowly, the ladies seduce him, letting him slide his cock into their tight slits as they moan wildly. The lucky guy plows Sharons MILF cunt, and Jasmine...

4 years ago
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The Neighbors Pool by loyalsock

College was out of session, and once again Adam found himself returning home for the summer. This time he would have the house all to himself, as his parents were off vacationing in Florida. Adam had declined to go with them, preferring the peace and quiet of an empty house to a month of hectic travel with his parents. After a year of difficult studies and the chaos of the crowded dorms, he was looking forward to a rest more than anything else.Once his parents departed, he was finally able to...

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Brains and BrawnChapter 17

"Do you believe it's been ten years already?" Katie lay in bed next to John; listening to the just barely-audible noise emanating from the pub below. It felt good to be in bed at a decent hour, holding the man she adored in her arms, knowing that her new partners were taking care of the business. At Tim's suggestion she had taken on two partners, selling them a minority interest in the now highly-successful business. They both had been long-time employees, one a bartender and the other...

2 years ago
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I Tricked My Brother Into Gay Sex

Hi! I am a 20 years old guy from Ahmedabad. I have a six inches long dick. This story is about how I tricked my younger cousin brother into gay sex to satisfy my lust. This is my first story on Indian Sex Stories site. So if I make any mistake please forgive me and enjoy this story. I always wanted to have sex. But as I was single, I was unable to do it. One day I was at home and my younger cousin (boy) was at my house for playing games on the PC. He was 18 years old and had a small dick. He...

Gay Male
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Husbands fantasy

I am a husband that has been married to the same woman whom I love very much for over 25 years.However, I like many husbands have this recurring fantasy to watch my wife being fucked by another man and to watch her climax with wild abandonment. There is nothing I can imagine as thrilling than to watch your wife being fucked by another man or men, unless however if that person happens to be a hung, Black or Hispanic.My wife is a very attractive woman 54 yrs young that stands 5’6″ with green...

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My Angel Ariel

One of my favorite places to go in Miami is the nude section of South Beach, which just so happens to be within walking distance of my apartment. I'll bring an umbrella for shade, a bottle of water and some fruit, plus my laptop and schoolbooks. I like that particular beach because I enjoy being naked in the outdoors, but also because I won't be harassed by unwanted company. You see, among those who hang out there are some very beautiful, very gay Brazilian body builders who know me, and if...

2 years ago
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August, 2007 At the age of 58 years old, more than half of it spent in a miserable excuse for a marriage, I walked away and never looked back. I make no excuses for my behavior, other than to say I have no idea what took me so long. None of my family or friends could believe I had managed to stay with that miserable excuse for a human being for nearly 35 years and still remained sane. Quite simply, I was committed to my only daughter and had vowed to do my damnedest to make sure she didn't...

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New england summer pt 4

The next week flew by. Work was just something to pass the time between interludes with Kari. We spent every night together and developed an amazing sexual relationship, as well as a deep personal one. I fell harder for her in a shorter amount of time than I’d ever done before. She confided in me that she felt the same. She’d had a series of what sounded like pretty lousy boyfriends and I was the first one who really got who she was as a person. She was sweet and kind and really wanted...

2 years ago
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Positive ReinforcementChapter 8

Jack walked on eggshells for the next few weeks. Lynn hadn't said anything else about the subject and acted like nothing had happened. Anne also appeared to act normally around him although he did catch her giving him furtive glances fairly often. Of course the only reason he knew she was doing it was because he was doing the same to her. Beth pretended to be oblivious to the heightened sexual tension but Jack could tell she knew something was up by the knowing looks she gave him at times....

3 years ago
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Just Like in the Movies

We’ve been married for many, many years and, just as in most relationships, things began to get a bit stale. My wife and I are enjoying a typical evening together. We just finished dinner and we’re sitting on the couch now watching TV. I’m a bit bored with the same old routine every frickin night. I want to mix it up but am too tired and too unimaginative to do anything about it. So here I sit, resigned to do the same old thing for one more night. It’s about 8:00 when a movie starts. It’s Mr....

4 years ago
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Absolute DelightsChapter 19 Sold Again

The return to the Auction House, this time with her son at her useless breast, was very different. She was sold as a dried-up slave with a boy child and fetched only a meagre price. No mention was made of her background or identity, nor was she shown to prospective buyers beforehand. The rest of the women in the sale were mostly broken down ex-concubines who had now been cut and sewn for use as bath girls or even field hands. She paid little attention to the bidding and was soon covered by...

3 years ago
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BlizzardChapter 6

The girls were talking but I wasn’t processing a word. I walked straight up to Sam. She was sitting on the coffee table in front of my old armchair. I knelt down. I picked up her foot. I yanked the zipper down, pulled the boot off, and threw it into the closet. “I assumed you wouldn’t mind and--” She stopped when I looked at her. She slid back on the table and frowned and turned her eyes away. “Fuck!” I muttered in frustration. I cleared my throat and looked over my shoulder right into...

3 years ago
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Beatrice My Bar Girl Friend in Naples in 1986

Beatrice worked in a bar in the port district of Naples, Italy. The sailors called them “buy me drink” girls, since basically that’s what they did. They got sailors to buy them high priced drinks, the bar gets a big cut, the girl gets a cut and the sailor gets a hefty bill. The girls spoke English and for visiting sailors would be the first real woman contact that they had (women were just being allowed on ships since 1983). Some of the girls were nice, some were on hard times, and most were...

1 year ago
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she has grown up

3 Years Later It was Miriams black belt testing it was her time to shine we have been working together throught this she did everything perfect and was about to receive her black belt just as she walked up i noticed her parents wernt there and ask who she was going to do the bowing ceromony with and she said "with you of course" as it was about to begin she came over and talked with me she took the first bow the second and then finally the finnal bow as she bowed i realized she had grown...

1 year ago
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Sex Fantasies Of Neighbor Teen Janhvi 8211 Part 2

Hello readers, please read the first part before reading this one. Janhvi left to her home after giving me a nice, long blowjob to me. We did sexting after she had gone home. After 11 pm, we did video chat after her parents slept. I was disappointed to see as she had completely covered her body with a blanket. I wanted to see her naked tender teenage hot body but she had covered it from head to toe. She was teasing me. I said, “Remove the blanket, baby.” She replied, “It’s very cold here.” “I...

3 years ago
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Purane Aashiq Se Apni Marji Se Chudwaya

Hello dosto kaise h ap sab.M apki pam.Thank you very much ke apne meri pahli story ko itna achha response diya.Muje dher sare mail mile.Sare ladke mujhse dosti karna chahte h.Ab jyada der na karte hue m apni kahani pe aati hu. Par is kahani ka mja lene ke liye please meri kahani purana aashiq ki pyas bujhai ko dobara pade taki iska kahani ka pura mja mil sake.Chaliye ab kahani shuru karti hu.Ik bar fir apna intro de du m param 39 years old married. Mera figure 38-34-40 h.M job k silsile me ghar...

3 years ago
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Being Barbis Bitch

Being Barbi's Bitch By Heathyr Diamond After ten wasted years of foolishly trusting in love to 'cure' me of my femininity, I had only just begun to re-embrace the sissy inside me when something made me reach out to an old friend. What made me do it, I really don't know. Although I was once again revelling in even the smallest aspects of my femininity, treasuring and celebrating them in a way that only someone who has truly missed them can appreciate, I had made a conscious decision...

2 years ago
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From the Ashes CATU Book 6 Ch 24

Mauritius Indian Ocean RAVEN CASSIDY AND SAGE GREYSON step through the doorway into a brightly lit and very large room filled with electronic equipment and video screens. At the opposite end stand two figures looking straight at the two agents. When Cassidy and Greyson see them they instantly raise their weapons up at them. ‘I suggest you reconsider,’ the voice from hall says. A moment later a squad of six soldiers fills in behind the two agents pointing guns at their backs. ‘Colonel...

2 years ago
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How I Fucked My Cousin

By the way many thanks to peoples who gave me a positive feedbacks on my previous desi hot sex stories and I hope you’ll like this story too waise agr mumbai me ( mostly thane ) koi b girl / lady / women / window women interested hai to me unke sath sex chat or sex krne ko b tayyar hu just mere email pe mujhe msg karre ya hangout pe.c Email id – Hangout – To ab zyada time waste na krte hue story pe aata hu.. To guys ye story meri or meri cousin ki hai jo dikh ne lajawab hai uska figure dekh k...

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