WHITE Pt I free porn video

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I'm new and also new to writing. this story is a rather lengthy work of fiction so hang with me if you can. I'll be the first to admit that I am no English professor but this story isn't about English or, professors. It's about people.-That's my apology in advance for my abuse of the language and keyboard. ..Okay and punctuation and form and structure and so on. I hope you enjoy! Post a comment or shoot me a message with your thoughts.


It was a Thursday afternoon. In her cubicle, Nicole Hichs expertly tapped away at an email. She worked for an insurance firm that dealt in the hotel business. Her official title was, Coordinator, Corporate Annuity Logistics and Hospitalities On-site. The job Meant alot of travel but the money was good. She didn't mind the travel because it only meant being out of town for about a week each month. She especially didn't mind when it meant traveling to an exotic locale. Those trips were pretty few and far between however.
"Gee what a title." She said under her breath, typing it in. "..It's like they wrote words on confetti, threw it up in the air and called us whatever landed face up. Finished! That takes care of that San Diego mess. Kay, you ever wonder why they couldn't think of anything better than coordinator, corporate blah blah B.S? "
"Hmm? You say summ'n, Nix?" Kaylyn replied, turning around from the opposite cube.
Kaylyn was one of Nicole's four best friends. All five grew up together and, to them Nicole was 'Nikki'. Over time they came to just calling her 'Nix'. They also called her other goofy names like, 'Hicky-Nik' and 'Tricky-Nik' and so on. For drunken girls nights they had, 'Tipsy-Hick' and of course the dreaded 'Sicky-Nik'. She had the perfect name to mess with and the girls never seemed to get bored of doing just that. Most of the time it was still just Nikki though. After high school, the five went to college together. They laughed together, cried together, partied through the eighties and hair-band concerts together. They pretty much went through it all. Now in their mid to late thirties, they were still inseparable. Kaylyn and Nicole were probably the most inseperable and were even hired on at the firm as a pair.
"...Our titles and why they suck."
"Oh!..Well the 'Brit' told me, the more our clients are confused about what we do, the better our job security." Kaylyn smirked cynically as she got up stood on her tip toes peering over the forest of cubicles surrounding them.
Nikki rolled her eyes. "You know, the only reason he said that is because he didn't know the answer. ..And if he wasn't going freaking senial he'd.."
"Nikki!" Kaylyn interupted. "He's comin over here."
"Oh yay." Nikki mumbled.
"Nicole!" A Balding white haired barrel of a man wearing wrinkled kahkis and a bad wool sweater rounded the corner.
"Hey Backlund!" They faked in unison.
Looking down at her and ignoring their greeting, he continued. "You Miss Hichs, have to make a hop to the tropics."
"What?? I didin't recieved anything on our clients in the the trop.."
"I know you didn't. It's a new one. ..Another Radisson. Real short notice. Seems they got the bid on a shindig for some Argentinian delegates. We need someone down there by Monday."
"Monday?? But I don't have any account prep for it."
"Porter's already on it. You'll have it tonight."
"Okay... Let's see..," She thought aloud. "..That'll give me tomorrow and Saturday and maybe.. Oh crap! I can't! My son's flying in for the week!"
"Nikki, you've wrapped up San Diego and, with all of the new accounts coming in you're all I've got!"
"But Tom, he just finished his first full year of college and it's his birth.." She stopped and turned toward Kaylyn with her hands to her head. "It's his birthday next week!"
"Nice one, MOM." Kaylyn chimed.
"KayKay.." She pleaded.
Kaylyn shook her head. "I can't. They're sending me to St. Petersburg next week remember?"
The old Brit breathed heavily, peering over his glasses. His nose hair whistling. "Get him a sitter or tie him to a tree, Nikki. Hell, take him with you if you have to!"
"But isn't it policy that we don't bring"..
He turned and huffed toward his offfice. "...Then write him up as a bloody consultant or something! Just make sure your butt is on a plane Sunday!"
Nikki and Kaylyn stood looking at eachother. Kaylyn motioned with her hands and silently mouthed "where!"
"Oh.. yeah. Hey Tom, where is it again?" Nikki called across the room.
" I just told you! Kingston, dammit!"
"Sweeeeeet! That spells Jamaica!" Whispered Kaylyn. "..But yeah..Totally senial.."
"Sweet indeeeeed!" Nikki excitedly collected her things. "I'm takin off. Hey, is everybody still on for tonight?"
"Yup!" Kaylyn chirped. "Most of us anyway. I just have to finish up a few things and i'll be there.
"Awesome! Love you, KayKay. Oh! I gotta call our new 'Consultant' too!
"Ahh yes...Ms.Nicole Hichs, Consultant Coordinator!" Kaylyn mused as Nikki headed for the door.
"..Now that I can live with!"

The door squeaked as Nikki entered the Pink Lagoon or, 'Pink Lagoo-' as the sign reads at night. It was a dive but, it was the group's usual haunt and they had a favorite secluded table out on the edge of the patio. Walking through the bar and out the side door, she headed directly for it and found Kim and Leigh with a drink waiting for her.
"Well that's a new one, Kim-Chi." Nikki laughed, setting her purse on the table.
At her usual twenty words-per-second, Kim immediatley shot back, "Kim-Chi wasn't. Okay hug time!"
"Hey Leezy!" Nikki purred, as she embraced them both.
"Hey Nikki-baby." Leigh replied, smiling warmly.
"You hear from Kay at all?" Nikki asked, taking a seat on one of the stool chairs.
"Yeah I just got off the phone with her," Leigh softly replied. "She said she had to pick up her friend Jennifer and they're on their way."
"Who the hell is Jennifer?" Kim said, quick and sharp.
"Yeah, do we know her?" Nikki asked.
Leigh shook her head, drawing on the straw in her drink. "I don't think so. Kay met her not too long ago.. I think their kids are in daycare together or something.. She told me but, I can't remember exactly."
"So is she a bitch? Or is she okay or what?" Kim snapped.
"I'm not sure," Leigh smiled. "I haven't met her but if Kay's bringin her she must at least seem nice."
"Whatever." Kim shrugged. "I just can't wait for lil Special-Kay to get here and crack me up."
"Yeah." Leigh agreed. "..Did you mean 'special' like the cereal?"
"No, special like short-bus 'special'."
Nikki sat grinning at her two friends through her sunglasses. It always amused her to listen to the contrast between them. There was alot of contrast in their appearance also. Like Nikki, they were both a bit blessed up top but, aside from sharing similar bustlines they were pretty far apart. Kim was an American born Asian or, as she liked to say, 'Americasian'. She was a little thicker than skinny and around 5 foot 6ish with straight black hair, usually up. Leigh on the other hand, was taller at around 5' 8' with a more slender body. She was white with sandy strawberry curls that fell just below her shoulders.
"..So Nix, you get to go to jamaica?" Kim asked, lifting her glass to sip.
"Yeah! Best part is I get to bring Chase with me! I called him on the way over. He's super excited. He's flyin in this weekend and we're gonna turn around and fly out the same day."
"Kay told us they kinda dropped it on ya last minute. Pretty neat you don't have to cancel spending the week with him."
"Totally. I figure Jamaica is a good enough alternative to spending a week around here. Heck, if I can get everything done in a hurry we can spend the rest of the time doing like, tourristy stuff or whatever."
"Wish MY mom gave ME a birthday in Jamaica." Kim poked, up-ending what was left of her drink.
"What DOES your mom do for your birthday? Anything special?" Leigh asked sweetly.

Nikki raised her hand and called across the patio. "Kaylyn!"
"KayKay!" Leigh and Kim squealed together.
Kaylyn was just plain cute. Small at around 5 foot 2, she had long dark hair with two thick, bleached blonde streaks on one side. She liked to call them her 'racing stripes'. She had dark brown eyes, a silky smooth tan and, a slightly up-turned nose. For her size, she was busty. This was accentuated by how tiny her waist was in relation to both her chest and hips. The girls would sometimes refer to her as their little 'mini-model'. To which, she'd usually take on some ridiculous over the top voice and reply, "..Best booty in the biz, bitches!" It was funny because it was true. She had fun with her good looks and took every opportunity to live it up and dress to kill.
Tonight was no exception. She wore a white form-fitting midriff buttun-up top. Further down, she wore a pair of EXTREMELY low-cut white jeans that rode down almost to her pubic bone. Clicking along in white open-toe stillettos, she was a boy killer. Sporting oversized Gucci shades, her hair was in a high pony. It was bundled with thick white ties all the way down to her lower back wear it lapped at a white nylon belt. She topped it off with a large white ceramic belt buckle that read, 'Shut up and eat' in fancy black letters.
"Lookin good, babygirl!" Nikki called, as Kaylyn strutted across the patio.
A small white Canvas purse was over her shoulder. In her hand she daintily held a pina collada in an oversized martini glass. In the other she carried a laptop briefcase.
Watching her approach, Kim leaned toward Leigh, "I think Rick Morranis shrunk one of P-Diddy's lawyers.."
"Not another one!"
"Hey Hotties!" Kaylyn perked, arriving at the table.
"Where's your friend?" Asked Kim.
"She was still waitin to get her drink so i ditched her! Hee!"
"Oh cmon Kay, really? That's mean." Said Leigh.
"Of course I didn't. I told her where to find us. It was like pulling teeth to get her to come out though. She's kinda straight laced. I thought since we had a seat to fill anyway, who better to loosin her up?"
"You are so shameless by the way," Nikki Laughed. "Only you would order a drink as an accessory."
"We loved the king sized glass though." Kim chuckled.
"I thought you might like that. Speaking of, anybody want this? I hate coconut.."
From behind her came a girl in jeans and a dark green form fitting tee with a smart midriff sweater. She was a pretty dish-water blonde. Standing about Leigh's height, she was thin and smaller chested with broad hips and strong gymnast-type legs.
"Ladies and Kim, this is Jennifer."
"Hey!" Kim laughed, as the others introduced themselves.
"..Our little girls go to to daycare together." Kaylyn added, as they took their seats.
"Awe..." Leigh cooed.
"Pictures!" Nikki perked.
More drinks arrived and the two paged through their phones showing off their precious little ones and telling stories of them learning to walk and talk and become all around little monsters.
The night went on and the drinks kept coming. The group carried on laughing and giggling as the talk went from babies to work to crazy college days. Naturally, as is always the case, the subject drifted to sex and the laughing and giggling continued. Only louder.
.."Okay so I've got a question for everybody." Kim said quickly. "What's your favorite position? ..Oh and Nikki doesn't get to answer cuz she probably doesn't remember."
"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?" Nikki laughed.
"She means you've been sleeping alone for so long , your cherry's grown back!" Kaylyn pounced.
Nikki went sheepish, "Okay so it's been awhile."
"Awhile?" Leigh pushed.
Nikki clutched the table with both hands and summoned her best pretend crying voice. "It's been a very VERY long time.." Drawing their laughter.
"Nikki baby, you must be aching! I bet you're just gushing with like, twisted fantasies n stuff.." Kaylyn prodded.
"Not too much." She smiled. "I just try to focus on other things..when I can that is. "
"Why ignore it though?" Kim interjected. "Why is it women can't be all sex hungry and twisted? Men have all sorts of dirty little perverted fantasies."
"Im perverted!" Kaylyn rang.
"We know, sweetie but seriously..." Kim continued, turning toward Leigh and Nikki, "..They've got the naughty librarian, the french maid, the little school girl.."
"The naughty school teacher," Leigh added, licking her lips and nodding.
Jennifer leaned toward Kaylyn and whispered,"...And the little sister."
"OH YEAH! You guys! Wait! Stop, you guys totally have to hear this!" Kaylyn bounced excitedly.
Nikki and Kim stopped and whipped their phones out ready to capture what was sure to be another hilarious Kaylyn episode.
"Ready? Action!" Kim chuckled, tapping her phone.
"Tell em Jennifer." Kaylyn said.
Jennifer turned red putting her hands to her face.
"Cmon, either you tell em or I'm gonna." Kaylyn pushed.
"Okay okay, So my husband called out his sister's name in bed once and now I kinda let him call me her name once in awhile."
"That's not exactly what I heard that one day!" Kaylyn snickered.
Jennifer's mouth dropped. "Yes it was!"
"Nuh huh." Kaylyn persisted.
The other three leaned forward grinning. Kaylyn turned toward them and talked with her hands. "So I show up at her house, right? We were gonna hit the outlet mall nearby and I was gonna pick her up. So I notice her husband's car was still in the driveway which was weird. I go to the door and it was unlocked. Even weirder. So now I'm all scared and thinkin some axe murderer like chopped em both up or something. But when I walk in I hear this noise coming from upstairs. So I go over to the stairs to listen and i hear, 'Oh yeah, fuck me, Danny! Fuck your little sister! Oh yeah! Give it to me, big brother! Give it to Angie! Fuck her Danny!" She suddenly made her voice lower, grinding her hips. "Oh Angie Im Gonna cum! Do it Danny! Cum in your baby sister! Oh God! Angie Im Cumming! Oh Angie!"
By now Jennifer's head was on the table and they were all laughing hysterically. Most of them were wiping away tears and trying desperately to catch their breath. Mortified but still laughing, Jennifer stood up a bit tipsy. "I think Im gonna need one of those little shot thingys." Their laughter was re-ignitied as she turned for the bar entrance.
Upon catching their breath for a second time, Kim spoke up. "Did you guys see what I saw when she was showing us those pictures on her phone earlier?"
"What?" They all asked looking at her.
"Are you guys THAT dim? You honestly didn't see em?"
"Well, spit it out!"
"One of em had Ang and her boyfriend in it!
"No way!" Nikki and Leigh said together in shock.
"That's Ang's uptight sister-in-law!!"
They gasped and looked at Kaylyn. She was frozen with her mouth hanging open. Eyes wide.
Angela, was the group's absent member. The get together landed on on a day she was out of town. It wasn't uncommon and their schedules often made it difficult to get all five of them in one place at any one time.
"Are you sure?" Leigh asked
"Where is she again?" Asked Nikki.
"She took her boyfriend to a casino up north I think." Kim replied.
"Are you sure it was her you saw?" Leigh asked again.
"Well, we're gonna find out. I just sent her that video." Kim laughed.
"Tell me you didn't." Begged Nikki.
"Yeah, we shouldn't even tell her." Leigh added.
"But it's Ang! We'd have to tell her at some point." Kim countered.
Kim's phone beeped. They all glanced at Kaylyn still sitting frozen with her mouth agape. Kim picked up the phone and started reading.
"Well? What'd she say?" Nikki asked, on the edge off her seat.
"Yeah." Leigh added.
Kim started smiling as she read through the whole message.
"Well??" Leigh was knawing nervously on a straw.
"Kim!" Nikki snapped.
Kim giggled, and read the message aloud. "She says:
'OMG! I'm trying my hardest not to flip out right now! I dont even want to know how or why my brother's wife is there with you. More importantly, I dont wanna know why I suddenly dislike her less after all that but, I swear i'm gonna delete your little video and pretend you never sent it to me!' "
They all paused grinning at eachother.
"Kim, write her back and ask her if it got her wet though." Kaylyn giggled.
"Tell her she's gotta be completly honest too." Added Leigh.
Kim started tapping out the message. "Okay im sending it."
A waitress came and delivered more drinks. As she walked away, Kim's phone beeped again. She tapped it and laughed as she held it up for them all to read.
" CRAZY SOAKING WET!!! Im sitting here panting like some horny little girl, hitting play over and over! Its just plain wrong! I mean my legs are even shaking. I think im gonna go throw up now."
They all erupted laughing.
"That is so messed up." Nikki laughed
"I think it's kinda sweet in a way." Said Leigh
"Yeah.." Kaylyn said. "..I mean it's not like THAT messed up.."
"No?" Nikki said, as Jennifer stumbled back to the table.
"You alright there, pollyanna?" Kim teased.
Jennifer swayed while sitting down. "Tip top!"
"Go on, Kay." Said Leigh.
"Well, I read this article online about how all men secretly desire the women in their family..."
"Didn't that that crazy Frued guy say that?"
"Well, it was based on that but, this was some new study they did in Europe. ..And he wasn't crazy, Kim. They say people are just too embarrassed to admit he was right. And this study kinda proved it. They said even today almost all men deep down, whether they know it or not, want their mothers and sisters. It's like a maternal bond thing. The power of 'Mommy love' is really what gets em and, its their mothers and usually older sisters because their big sisters play a maternal role too. Little sisters act maternal to their older brothers too but, with them it's usually like an alpha male animal thing and they wanna dominate her and claim her as his. Not that he doesn't wanna claim the others too I suppose."
"So Jennifer, does your hubby want Ang cuz he wants to claim her? Or is it because she's motherly?" Kim prodded.
"Probably a little of both?" Jennifer laughed.
"But this goes both ways right? Leigh asked, with her head on her hand.
"Yeah. They say it's easier to find in men cuz women are better liars but, yeah the same is true for women. ..Like girls wanting to prove their womanhood to their fathers. Or like claiming their brothers and stuff..."
"What about mothers?" Nikki was rivetted.
"That was the really juicy part. They say because of the maternal bond, we never want to let go and we want to provide everything for our sons forever. Including claiming them sexually and having their babies because we see all other women as threats."
"They said its true whether they know it or not?" Kim asked.
"Yeah, they say most people are in some kind of denial but some people know it and accept it for what it is and move on. ..But overall, the ones that see it as a natural thing are better off."
"That makes sense." Said Leigh.
"Honestly? People doing their family members? Isn't that like hillbilly incest though?" Kim sneered.
"Well yeah it's incest I guess but, they didn't mean it like literally. Besides even if it was literal, incest is just a word somebody came up with anyway. If two people wanna be together I don't really see a problem with it. I mean it's their business right? " Said Kaylyn.
"Yeah Kay, but then you gotta start talkin like birth defects and all that other stuff." Nikki countered.
"Actually, they said that's a buncha B.S. too. And that the actual percentage of complications is like super small." Said Kaylyn.
"Hmm. Learn somethin new everyday I guess." Nikki shrugged.
"To me, Nikki's little trip to Jamaica is startin to sound pretty hot." Leigh poked.
"Yeah! Better watch out!" Kaylyn giggled
"Don't drop the soap!" Kim piled on.
"Oh please.." Nikki laughed.
"When is he getting in by the way?" Asked Kim.
"Sunday morning. I'm gonna meet him at the airport and we'll hop on a flight right from there."
"Got any recent pics?" Leigh asked.
"Yea." Nikki nodded, passing her phone around. She had a feeling what was about to come next.
"Holy God, Nikki! He's fuckin gorgeous!" Leigh blurted.
"Oh my damn!" Kaylyn purred. "You sure you wanna take him with you to old crappy Jamaica?"
Nikki rolled her eyes.
"..I could let him stay with me n call me 'mommy'.." Kaylyn offered playfully.
"Yeah, that boy can call me Mama anytime." Said Kim, as she handed the phone back.
"Oh stop it you guys!" Nikki sneered, as Kaylyn jumped up and scooted into the bar.
"Look at that picture again and admit it, Nikki. ...Mama likes doesn't she." Kim poked.
"You guys are so bad. ..Yes he's a very handsome young man. There."
"..And you wanna jump on him."
"Oh my god, Kim! Stop!
Just then the Jukebox kicked on with the song, 'Buttons' by the Pussy Cat Dolls. Kaylyn returned with her arms up and moving her body to the song. She pointed at Nikki and started dancing on her. The others joined in dancing in their seats forcing Nikki to sing the "I'm a sexy mama" part of the song until they were all laughing so hard that Leigh fell out of her chair.
The song over, they gathered themselves back up and caught their breath.
"Well I'd better get home, ladies. I have to get started on that new account tomorrow.. Kay, will you double check the arrangements for us at the Radisson?
"Porter already set it up." Kaylyn reached down and picked up her briefcase. Popping it open, she pulled out a folder and two plane tickets and handed them to Nikki. "He gave me the account prep and tickets right before I left the office. Said he set you up with a room there at the Radisson with two bedrooms. I guess it has a kitchen too!"
But Kay, it's Porter. He never does anything well when he's in a hurry.
"Okay worry-wort, I'll look into it. Actually, I can just check it from here and i'll call ya." Kaylyn opened her laptop and powered it up.
"Love you, KayKay." Nikki said, as she gathered her things. She said her goodbyes and walked for the door of the bar.
"Bye Nikki-Six!"
"Nice butt, Nixy-Hips!"
"Love you, Nippy-Licks!
Jennifer swayed in her seat and leaned to the others. "You guys seem really Nick-Namey.."
Kim laughed. "Yeah we pretty much call everybody somethin different and more interesting. ..Kinda like your husband."

It was a beautiful night. Nikki's hair blew in the wind as her little white Jeep bounded through the countryside. It was kind of a long drive home but, on nights like these she enjoyed it. Especially being so fond of her Jeep. She had wanted one since childhood. She smiled remembering how she would watch The Dukes of Hazzard with her brothers and imagine she was Daisy Duke driving a white Wrangler just like the one on tv. Years later, she saw one in a dealer's lot on her way to work. She had to have it and bought it on the spot. Lucky for her, it wasn't just her vehicle that was reminiscent of the tv character. Over the years she had received more than a few comments that she could actually pass for a Daisy Duke. She didn't think she was quite as good looking but, thoroughly enjoyed the compliments.
In reality, Nikki was much better looking than Daisy Duke. Though she was roughly the same size, Nikki had her out-classed in almost every area. She had a much better shape. Particularly in the bust line. Simply put, Nikki was a knock-out. Together, her long dark hair and deep blue eyes were mesmerizing enough by themselves. But they were just the very tip of the iceberg. Needless to say, most men are perfectly pleased to observe any good looking female. Women on the other hand, can be extremely discriminating. As far as women are concerned, most 'pretty' women can be appreciated for being easy to look at but, 'beautiful' women are threatening and are almost universally hated. Nikki didn't fall into such categories. She was gorgeous. The type of gorgeous that made everyone stop and stare. So much so that when spotted, even women would break conversation or stop in mid sentence. Naturally, it was incredibly uncomfortable for her. For better or worse, Nikki was never quite sure for which reason people were staring. Though she recieved her share of compliments, they weren't as forthcoming as one might imagine. In fact, not much of anything was forthcoming. Exceptions considered, men were normally too intimidated to approach her so she didn't get asked out very often. Women were also inimidated and didn't seem to offer much in the area of friendly conversation. All together, it didn't really bother her as much as it did when she was younger. She kind of enjoyed being single, and wearing sweatshirts and jeans sometimes seemed to knock the staring thing down a few notches.
As she turned into her driveway, she got a calll from Kaylyn assurring her that she had double checked the reservations at the Radisson and everything was just as it was supposed to be. Nikki parked the Jeep and turned off the ignition. Walking into the house and shutting the door behind her, she caught sight of herself in the mirror inside the entry way. She stopped and turned to the side. She grinned a little. "Still a bit of a daisy."


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I had always focused on having a good body and participation in athletics had kept me fit. But today I was out of a job, being freshly fired. I hadn’t thought about what I would do as I had a mountain of debt and I was also raising my 1-year-old nephew. I needed something asap to pay the bills and feed ourselves. It is at this time that my cousin introduced me to Jofre who produced porn films. And tomorrow I was going for a screen test. Getting kinky while watching porn is different and being...

3 years ago
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Average and Regular

"You marry me. I have money." The hot tight bodied female asking for my hand in matrimony was holding out a tight roll of American currency in her hand. Now having girls giving me money and asking for marriage is not something I have happen a lot. This brings up the big question-Why? Was her plea for us to be wed in married bliss due to my stunning good looks? Hardly-sure I was fit and trim at a little over 5 foot 6 inches, but at best my looks could be described as "ordinary or...

2 years ago
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The Amulets of Power III the Kennedy Wars Part 2Chapter 15

This morning I shaved before going to eat, as I knew that Phillips had started the water heating after getting off guard and it would be hot by now. Also the cook had just arrived as I was getting off guard, and breakfast wouldn't be ready for a little while yet. Breakfast at around 0700 was very quiet and everyone took care of last minute things after that. Then they finished loading their jeeps with their rucks, ammunition, weapons and at least one five gallon can of water. De Foor came...

4 years ago
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Musing Part Two

I like nudity. I love to be nude and show my bare body to all. I do not have the slightest inhibition in the matter. I often dream of standing stark naked surrounded by several naked men, eager to fuck me. I generally remain nude at home. When somebody comes to see me, I just wrap a towel around me. I do not wear a bra or panties even when I go out. I take care to show the vital parts of my body to others, both men and women. I love to be surrounded by men preferably nude men. I always long for...

4 years ago
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Grammy Was My First and Best Part 3

Watching Grammy play with herself through the shop window had been a big enough shocker, but having her join me shortly thereafter in the shower and whack me off….let’s just say that for a young man of indeterminate virginal age, things were moving way too fast. But let me also say… I liked it!!!++++++++++++++++++++++That afternoon things were more how I expected them to go. We ate sandwiches and then went out to the garage and finished sorting through some of the stuff in Gramps office portion...

2 years ago
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Sweetest Taboo

Sweetest Taboo Copyright Don Abdul ©2008 Ambers heart pounded, the anticipation was driving every synapse in her body firing up an electrical storm, her every erogenous zone tingling. She felt his body heat as he grabbed her firm and juicy 36Cs from behind. He caressed them and tweaked her rock hard nipples for a while, and then she felt his fingers clutch the hem of her short and sexy teddy. He licked her ear and she gasped from the unexpected rush of pleasure, and then snaked lower towards...

2 years ago
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The Love Spa

"Hi Kim, I'm glad you could make it for dinner. I love to see the energy flowing between you and Terri. The two of you make great best friends." "Thanks, Nate. I appreciate the invitation, and I also enjoy getting together with Terri. We never seem to run out of things to share." "Terri is just finishing up getting ready, but she should be down soon." "That's OK. Is there anything I can do to help?" "I'm just setting the table, so if you want to catch the plates as I toss them,...

1 year ago
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The club

The sign on the club door will inform you of the rules of the house:- EVERYTHING IS ALLOWED AND NOTHING IS REFUSED!So with your heart pounding you follow me in to the club and in to what looks like a air lock, but it is the security door system to stop anyone from trying to enter the club without being invited or membership. Once we are through the inner door the sound of the music is at a level where it is able to talk without having to shout and the lighting is set at a dim level but not to...

4 years ago
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First Time

The first time I was depressed and pretty much down in the dumps. In a few hours time, I had an interview scheduled for a job I wasn’t too keen on getting anyway. So having a few hours to spare and wanting to get out of the house, I decided to visit the park that played a large role in my early years. It was a large park with something for everyone to do. It was a lovely day and I decided to walk. On reaching the park I strolled around for a while in the dense gardens, enjoying the beautiful...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Zone Defense

Zone Defense, written as Gavin E. BlackChapter OneNathan Kent wasn't thrilled with the idea of completing his final year of college at a completely different institution from where he'd started, but the opportunity to join one of the top varsity football teams had been too much of a temptation to pass up.   The truth of the matter, Nathan was glad to have an excuse to move away. His last relationship had ended badly, and the thought of having to play a defensive position in conjunction with his...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Total Woman Industries 04

Outside, the TWI Gulfstream G4 slid its long plump body through the smooth encompassing air. Inside, Jeffery slid his long plump cock through Greta’s smooth encompassing cunt. The airplane went straight and true towards its ultimate destination, Munich Airport. Jeffery went back and forth towards his ultimate destination, another orgasm. Greta was his host country national guide and interpreter. Her services were engaged by Jeffery’s wife, Nadia, for this journey to Bavaria. In addition to...

2 years ago
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My first sexual experience

Alright this is my first story so don't rain down on me too hard.So, at the time I was a virgin. [i am a guy] and I had watched porn and etc. But had never had any real experience. So time went by and the science fair came around, all of my buddies had been chosen and it was just me left and the hottest girl in the class [Lets just call her Taylor] who I had crushed on since 6th grade. I never knew it but me getting stuck with her would end up turning out better than I could have ever...

4 years ago
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First Time Dressing

My first time didn't actually start out as a 'solo' experimentation as it seems like so many other girls' first times. It didn't start out as raiding the laundry basket of a mother, sister, neighbor, or girl down the street; finding a pair of pantyhose in some trash container; or even reading about crossdressing in some stashed away porn magazine. In fact... my first time was actually like something out of a fantasy story somewhere... you know, those stories you read where boy meets...

3 years ago
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Rachels Discovery

It all started out like a typical Saturday. I was able to sleep a little later than usual and, since it was so pretty outside, decided to enjoy my morning coffee out by the pool. It had been terribly hot all summer but we had a nice rain the previous evening and the morning air was not only somewhat cool, it made all of the colors in the backyard more vibrant and the smell of all of the flowers around our patio sweeter. There were hardly any clouds in the sky that morning, so I knew it was just...

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Catching my Wife Part 12

I tried to crane my neck to see who was behind me… who was inside of me, yet the bound position made it impossible to see. All I could see was Connie, that strap-on jutting out from her center, standing next to my naked wife, still suspended in the doorway. Connie then turned her attention to my wife, lifting her legs and impaling her drippy cunt, just as I had earlier. As I watched Connie thrust into my wife. I felt someone thrusting into me. I heard my wife scream out as an orgasm raced...

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After I have finished my morning routine, put on a clean sleep shirt, and I’m done in about an hour. I’m downstairs and there is some light cleaning needed to be done from the gathering he had here last night. Sometimes he allows me to join, sometimes he keeps my locked upstairs. Last night I was kept locked in my room. There are moments after he has sent everyone else home he will come up and spend time playing with me, other times I am left alone listening as the door creaks shut. ...

2 years ago
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Return of her Master

I spy you sitting with friends. You glance up from your drink and see me. I see the surprise on your face and then lust as you immediately get up and walk towards me. I enjoy watching your big film tits bounce as you get close. Makes me wonder if you have any underwear on underneath your tight fitting dress. You approach but say nothing. You know and understand that I am your Master and it is only I that can speak first. "Are you with friends?" I ask. You bow your head slowly. "Yes Master but I...

2 years ago
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Victoria Justice On Tour Day 33

THIS STORY WAS POSTED ON XHAMSTER BY THE USER TreborCox WITHOUT MY PERMISSION. I WILL LINK IN THE COMMENTS WHERE THE STORY WAS POSTED AFTER I WROTE IT IN Disclaimer: You really shouldn’t be offended by anything if you visit this site, but if for some weird reason you are…don’t read this…I guess.--“Thank you guys, you have been a great crowd.” Victoria Justice yelled out to the crowd in the theater at Midland High School in New Jersey.The 18 year old singer/actress was in the middle of a tour...

2 years ago
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A New Sort of Study

The sun came through the tall windows, flittering down between the book shelves and books softly, dancing with the dust motes that lingered in the air. It was pleasant here, at least for her; she readjusted her glasses and focused again on the text open before her. She could feel the headache growing inside her, it happened sometimes, she still wasn’t use to the glasses and the affect they had or didn’t have. She couldn’t read without them, not without asking for a headache and the current one...

3 years ago
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Fucking My Sister

Hi friends I am a new writer of ISS but I have been reading stories from many years n have now finally decided to post my real sex experience with real sister. Now let me describe my sister. The first thing I would really like to tell about her is that she is very hottttttt. Her figure is 34-24-36. She has very big boobsss. Now let me start the story it happened when I was around 18yrs and my sister was 20yrs. We are a middle class family and we stay in a two bedroom-hall-kitchen flat. My...

1 year ago
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Green DoomChapter 11 Captured

Their first impression as they rode into StarVillage was of crowded, bustling activity. Tents were pitched in open spaces between sod and timber huts. Women and children were everywhere underfoot. Groups of armed men rode by on urgent errands, giving the village the feeling of an armed camp. "All right, off your ponies," their guard ordered. "You can walk the rest of the way. Your animals and weapons will be waiting for you. If you still need them, that is." The press of humanity grew...

3 years ago
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Starting Over Chapter 40

Prologue This is the fourth chapter about the sexual rebirth of Jack a senior citizen who learns it’s OK to enjoy sex again after the tragic loss of his bride and lover of 50 plus years. In this chapter, I’ve tried to spend a little more time developing characters and describing their surroundings. I’ve divided the chapter into sections. Those of you who are looking for the hard core sex, may want to skip directly to the “The VIP Room” section. Thanks to the 40s Couple, Deb and Allen...

3 years ago
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Dirty Weekend

My boyfriend had arranged for us to spend a few days in a luxury apartment in Cardiff city as an early 18th birthday present. This was the first time we could be alone properly and not have to worry about making too much noise...I undressed him and tied his naked body to the bed using the restraints. His rock hard cock bounced as he wriggled playfully and tried to grab me. I slid off the bed and stripped to my underwear. I licked and sucked his toes as he groaned before kissing my way up his...

2 years ago
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my gift pt2

"come on John lets go!" Violet called from the car. we were about to leave for a weekend get away in Hollywood. our plans were already in play when it happened. my father must have been mad at me or something because as soon as we got off the airplane all hell started breaking lose. the plane we had just recently gotten off blew up. the sky turned red. the driver of our cab's head exploded. Violet was freaking out. i was frightened but i didn't stop to think for a second. everything...

4 years ago
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Never Too Old to Be in Love IChapter 20

Sarah's Diary Sarah's Diary - Sunday 30 May Early into college to get ready for meeting - part 3. Letter from R in my pigeonhole. A love letter! Must have written it last night after he found the photo of me by his bed. Sunday 30 May [Mike] Not many people about early Sundays. Nice little break from boredom to have Miss Franklin pop her head into the office to say 'thank you' for my bit of help on Friday. Nice little thing and the word is she's a bit of a star - not that you'd know...

3 years ago
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I Mutant Ch 01

I am a mutant. It is not visible. It is not a deformity. In fact, growing up, I was totally oblivious to my differences, and was not even aware that I had special abilities. As I matured, I developed more and stronger mental powers. These include, in my mature state, empathy, telepathy, psychokinesis (the ability to manipulate matter with my mind, which I will refer to in this narrative as PK for ease of use), some ‘far-seeing’, and some slight precognition. In addition, and most importantly...

1 year ago
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MylfDom Tara Ashley Condiment Cooch Punishment

Tara Ashley is every dominant guys dream girl. She knows exactly how to serve her man and can do it flawlessly almost every time. Today, she is tasked with making a sandwich for her guy, but when she loses track of her mind, she accidentally puts some mustard on the bread. She can hear his scolding voice echo in her head as she makes the mistake, and she immediately knows what the consequences are. But part of her is secretly happy that she screwed up. Nothing turns her on more than getting...

2 years ago
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Lessons Chapter 2

Then I started to think back about all of the things that Sarah had done to me, the regret was crushed and I felt a little better. I had done to her what I had been wanting to for a while, I felt good. But just as quickly I felt bad, sure in the middle of it all Sarah had screamed out that she was enjoying it and for me to continue, but that could have just been heat of the moment. All she would have to do is yell rape to the nearest adult and I would be going to jail for a very long time. I...

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The Sacrifice

How many days had it been since she was first brought here? Keeping time was impossible when she had seen nothing but blackness for what felt like weeks. Amaryllis shifted to her other side, the tug of her leg restraint a subtle reminder that she was still a hostage. Her stomach was growling, would they ever let her eat? Was the plan to leave her here to starve to death? She had no way of knowing and no one to ask. In all the time she had been here, she had not heard another living soul save...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Marriage Emasculation

I met Madeline, who was 50, online in a People Who Love Golf chat room. At 52 I'd recovered from the loss of my first wife and was seeking companionship of the female persuasion. I'd had a couple of one night stands but nothing that even felt close to being a candidate for a relationship. Most of these one night stand women had much more emotional baggage than I was carrying. I'd had a short but hot long distance affair with a woman from Tennessee that fucked my brains out when we could...

1 year ago
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Hard Day at Work Honey

“Did you have a hard day at work, honey?” She got a bit tired of the lame joke but gave her husband the answer he wanted. He was sitting on the couch naked and his cock was pointing straight up. So she simply said, “Only three but lots of retakes.” Milly, not her screen name, was a part-time porn actress. Two days a week she acted as if she enjoyed all the sexy stuff you see on your screen. She’d enjoyed the plain photo shoots when she started in adult modeling. Less strenuous and no dialogue...

1 year ago
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Converted Another Pledge Lesbian

I was 19 when I got invited to my first college party. I went with a few girls from a sorority I wanted to join. I never pledged, just thinking about it. The party was in full swing when we arrived. Drinks were being passed around. Freshman through seniors dancing and/or making out everywhere. I tagged along like a lost puppy with the girls I came with for a bit. One of them suggested I get a drink at the make shift bar.I must have looked scared because a girl who had joined my group linked...

1 year ago
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He made me feel safe

“Chris!” I yelled as he was walking up to me. His next class was in the class room I had just left. He looked over and saw me, and lit up with a huge smile. Then he spread his big wingspan and we moved toward each other. We embraced each other tightly, almost squeezing the air out of each other. But this time was different. As we started to move apart, he left a soft kiss on my cheek. Now this was very peculiar for three reasons. First, he had a girl friend whom I had met on various occasions....

1 year ago
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Lewd Tales 8211 Part 13 Ride With Cousin Sister

Welcome back to a new chapter of! After the incident that happened with aunt Selena, the days went pretty much without anything happening. Everyone seems to be busy with their own life. Even I, too, was busy trying to find out which college was best. During these days, I got close with Larry. We both went out regularly, and I met with some of his friends. They were cool, and I was gradually getting familiar with the city. I was sad that nothing exciting was happening nowadays. Aunt Elsa and I...

1 year ago
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Dick Picture PerfectChapter 2

The breakfast sandwiches were soft, greasy, delicious, and heavy. They sunk into my stomach and, despite a couple of shakes and heaves, they weren’t going anywhere. I glugged down a second bottle of Aquafina and swallowed another pair of extra strength ibuprofen. I sunk back into the old naugahyde booth. I blinked. I took my time wiping my mouth. The girls had tried to push me in and join me on this side of the table. I didn’t take the jostling well and now they sat across from me,...

2 years ago
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The Aliens Gift Part 1

The Alien's Gift Part 1 By Toxic Allie _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Prologue - Contact "Damn, what was up coach's ass today?" I asked my best friend John as we walked along the open field after the hardest practice that we had ever endured. I rubbed my shoulder and neck. "I don't think this pain is going to leave anytime soon." John looked stood up straight and winced in pain. "The hell if I know dude. I don't get it... we didn't lose the...

3 years ago
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Mrs Smith and Ellie

I was having a nice quiet morning with nothing much planned for the day when Amanda called me and asked if I was available for a job, she told me that a lady called Mrs Smith had contacted her and wanted a handyman to do a few odd jobs around the house, Amanda also gave me the heads up that she sounded a bit weird and wanted someone who would follow instructions without question and I assured her that I would be a good boy.I hadn’t had a job for a while so was happy to go along and see what...

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White DelightsChapter 40 We Meet Again

Zubeydeh's visits to the Earl of Bargoed's bedroom quickly became a regular feature of his stay in Kobekistan. They indulged in more sex than he had ever had as a young man, during his wife's lifetime, and in more variations and sexual games than he had with any of the prostitutes he had visited since her death. He had never known a woman as wanton and inventive as she, loving to be spanked and beaten, as long as a thorough fucking followed, preferably in all three holes. During one...

1 year ago
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An Outsiders Discovery

It was during the summer between my sophomore and junior years in high school went I moved from Canada to a very small town in Northern Nevada. Now I’m used to big city life. Always having somewhere to go, something to do, and people to meet. Well, maybe not people to meet. You see, throughout my life, I was… A loner. Yeah. That’s what I was. Kept to myself most of the time. Well anyway, I found the adjustment to small town life rather hard at first. The first person I met down there was Sandy...

1 year ago
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Helping the Homeless Fictional from a friend or i

My beautiful, sexy, 38D-25-36, twenty-one-year-old wife and I are devout exhibitionists. We love to fuck anywhere, but especially in public, and preferably in broad daylight. We've screwed inside all-night super-markets, drive-in theaters, shopping center parking lots, in hallways and on balconies of hotels, in parks, and even on a school's playground.Anyway, the best was when we went downtown at noon time, to an alley behind some businesses. There were areaways between the buildings that kept...

2 years ago
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masturbating for a woman on a video site while crossdresing

After years of crossdressing I joined a site that lets me show off a little. I started by reading the stories and then filled out a profile. I added pictures and found it quite satisfying getting comments and friend requests from others.As time went by I found myself enjoying chatting with others on the site and doing some role playing. The chatting was hot and I really liked sending pictures of myself to those who seemed to like how I looked. I guess this is really where the story begins.One...

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brotherly Love Pt2

The next morning i woke up before him and he was still on his back naked. My mum had left for work already so i went and had a shower. When i came back into our room he was awake and rubbing his cock with a smile on his face. I felt my cock twitch.Being young and stupid i said "sorry" and went to leave. just as i got to the door he told me to "stop". With a smile on his faace he said "i know what you did last night."Once again i said "sorry" and felt my face gettin red."don't be" he said "have...

1 year ago
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Dreams By J. John Seaver "I'm lying on my back in an empty room. There aren't any doors or windows, and the ceiling is so high up that I can't see it. All of the walls and floor are white, and it's bright enough to see, but the light doesn't seem to be coming from anywhere. I can't see where the floor ends and the walls begin. "I realize that I'm naked, but it doesn't bother me. I'm kind of seeing everything from outside my body, but that doesn't bother me either. I look...

3 years ago
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Bad Boy

You open the door, come into the room, and set your papers down on the table. There is a dim light on, so you can see me sitting there waiting. You look at me and you can tell, you are in trouble. You’ve made me wait for hours and I don’t want any excuses. You know what you have to do. You sigh and start to take your clothes off, I study your body as you do. There is not a mark on you, yet. You know I’m not happy after waiting for hours without a single phone call. You know better than to make...

3 years ago
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A Tale of 2 Nerds Chapter 3

Some terms you'll need to know if you're not a nerd like me: Fapping = Slang term for Masturbation. Plushie = A Plush doll of some character. Doujin = Shortened version of the word Doujinshi, which is a type of manga made by fans of an anime/manga/whatever series, some of which having nudity or sexual situations. For people who still don't understand - In this case, a dirty comic with sex in it. In this story, the Doujin that Jeremy "uses" has both nudity and sex. The...

1 year ago
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The New EmployeeChapter 3 Expedition

Tuesday dawned fair and clear, promising another beautiful, warm, sunny day of the Spring Break week. Mary and her sister dropped her offspring off at seven in the morning, an hour that Marcy clearly felt was far too early. I was joined in greeting my two budding naturists by my daughters Debra and Tori. "Hey, Melissa! Ready to have some fun with the other kids?" Debra offered. "Yeah! Bye, Mommy, see you later!" And with that, the nude nymph disappeared into the inner sanctum of...

1 year ago
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Aunty Ni Tiragesi Denga Part 4

Hai everyone,naa telugu sex story ki mee feed back echinanduku chaala thanks.Inka mee time waste cheyyakunda story loki vellipothaanu. Aaroju full ga denginchukunna taruvaata,full ga padukunnam. Taruvaata chuste madam naa pakkana ledu.Aunty uru nundi raadaaniki inka takkuva time undi. Melliga nenu lechi madam bathroom knock chesaa. Mam: enti, emaindi? Me: nenu lopalaliki raavocha? Mam: no.Nee room ki velli cheyye. Nenu ala naa room ki velli, snanam chesi clg ki ready iyyi vellipoyaanu. Kanni...

1 year ago
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Sounds Like My Sister

All involved in this story is over 18 I awoke from a barely restful sleep and reached over to caress my wife. Damn she has already gotten up oh well guess I should too. My name is Thomas Johnson jr better known as TJ. My wife Rona and I had arrived at my Parents house late last night Tuesday for my parents anniversary Saturday. It had been a long drive and we both went out as soon as our heads had hit the pillows. I am 5' 9” tall and weigh 165lbs. I am not a weight lifter nor do I...

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