GND, 30Chapter 2 free porn video

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After logging out of the dating site, I walked Max slowly around the block to give the shade of Walt Disney one final chance at a fairytale romance; but nothing doing. I guessed that he and Cupid were taking a break after all those Christmas engagements. Not a sniff of love for me; unlike my companion.

Max didn’t notice the lack of eligible females rushing our way because, as usual, he was too interested doing his doggie CSI bit of tracking everybody – and especially every canine – who’d been trespassing on his sidewalk since our last patrol. One final lift of his leg against our gateway to make his mark, and he was prancing proudly up our driveway, as proud as if he owned the place. Hmmm. I bet in the City of the Angels he’d be able to find a lawyer who could persuade a judge to put it in his name, too. Better not give him any ideas.

I gave him his bedtime snack, checked I still had all my fingers (what do they put in these dog treats? – no, rhetorical question, I don’t want to know), locked up the house, did my evening routine in the bathroom, and climbed into my lonely bachelor bed.

I fell asleep with two things on my mind – first, had I just made a complete fool of myself by posting my profile on the dating site?, and second, exactly how bad was work going to be in the morning?

Only time would tell on the first; what was done was done. The chick-flick favorite scenario of two pairs of eyes meeting across a crowded room, love at first sight, hadn’t happened. Which was why I’d had to resort to advertising. Did that make me a loser? I didn’t think so; by doing the honorable – and sensible – thing and avoiding any relationships at work, I’d cut off most avenues of finding someone. So it was only right to build another way of getting myself out there where I’d find Miss Right. Exactly what the next step would be if this dating site turned out to be a bust, I had no idea. My romantic future was in what Dad refers to as the ‘lap of the gods’. I could do no more at present. So no point fretting.

Regarding the second, after the break, there were bound to be some urgent staffing issues that had arisen over the weekend; the Christmas and New Year period seems to shake up a lot of people from their accustomed routine. I’ve read somewhere that the first full week of January is the big one for enquiries about divorce, as being together 24/7 for the holidays often crystalizes the reasons why one (or both) of the partners wants out. At least in California we rarely have the winter weather that makes things even worse elsewhere. Can you imagine being snowed in for days with someone you’ve decided you can’t stand to be with another moment, but neither of you can leave? Jeez, maybe you’d be better taking your chances with the blizzard raging outside.

Actually, I slept well. I taught myself a long time back not to worry about something that I couldn’t influence, just to deal with it to the best of my ability when it did come up. Still, I promised myself that I’d never take a job near the Great Lakes. It was bad enough watching the ice-storm pictures on the network news. SoCal may have its disadvantages; freezing weather isn’t one of them.

Monday January 4, 2016, I’d only been in the office ten minutes when the first call from HR came in warning me that the advertising budget for recruitment was about to take a big hit as they launched another campaign of job ads in the professional magazines. It’s not like you can mess around once a couple of vital ER staff have told you that they’re quitting; someone else needs to be there for the very next shift after they leave, so the vacancy gets posted the very same day. It’s one of the necessities; a false economy not to fill the job as fast as you can. A lot of businesses take a resignation as a chance to delay recruitment, make others fill in, and save some on the payroll; you just cannot do that with essential posts. And most certainly not when lives and health are at stake, litigation-crazy society or not. I would be incandescently angry if one of my parents was taken into hospital only to have treatment delayed because of shortage of staff, so I wasn’t intending for that to happen to someone else’s parents on my watch. No Sir.

You know what percentage the medical staffing agencies take off the top for providing temporary staff? No, actually, you don’t want to know. Trust me. It’s outrageous, absolutely outrageous, even with the extras like sick pay and personal days they cover, or claim to cover. Modern day highway robbery. Up there with loan sharks and legal sharks. That’s why we’re constantly advertising and recruiting our own directly-employed workforce, and why one of my main job priorities is reducing the unnecessary turnover of people.

No, the New Year is never one of the best weeks at work; there’s way too much reactive firefighting and not enough forward planning. At least the procedures I’d put in place for rapid response advertising seemed to be working. It was quite the relief to get to the weekend without a major crisis. I liked to think it was skill rather than luck, but, being brutally honest, it wasn’t nearly as bad as it might have been. I’d only failed to get away from the office on time twice in five days.

Friday evening after supper, I grabbed myself a well-deserved craft beer to sip, went back to the dating site and logged in. Max settled down under my chair, and my profile page loaded. Jeez! I already had forty-six messages! How many were serious replies, I just didn’t know. The oldest two were from the site admin, but the rest were from other members. I scrolled through the previews and thumbnails; one I deleted immediately (I kinda worry when a woman shows me her pussy on first meeting), others I went into, to see what they had to say. That got a few more of them deleted; I’d been quite clear that I was on this site because I wanted to settle down and raise a family, and the offers of casual sex and FWB arrangements weren’t of any interest. I guessed that some people were using this as a higher-class hook-up rendezvous, looking for pre-screened partners whose real identities were known to the site, making it far safer than something like Tinder. Most of the photos were selfies; they didn’t always flatter the sitter, and in some of them you could see enough of their home to know that they weren’t fully housetrained. Gee, you’d think you might actually have made the bed up if you were sitting on it while taking a photo of yourself in the mirror? Had she not looked at the picture before uploading it? And these people had the spare cash to pay the subscription fee? If one of my staff had been that slap-dash, their supervisor would be having a quiet word in their ear.

Mr Picky? Damn right. I’m an administrator. They pay me to pay attention to the detail, to ensure that things go right first time. That’s why I check every document that I initial or sign. That’s why I stroll around the hospital looking for clues that something is off. If a storeroom, office or dispensary is untidy, then it’s likely that the inventory, data security or control procedures are also less than perfect. In my world, cleanliness and order are pretty close to godliness; they have to be. It runs over into my private life; I just try not to let it take over completely. Obsessive-Compulsive? Maybe a little, but hey, nobody’s perfect.

That’s almost enough about me; you want to know how I decided who to get back to first out of all those replies, don’t you?

The first cut was age. After more consideration, knowing that I hoped to have children of my own blood, I’d set my preferred age-range as 27-32; that probably ruled out a few more respondents who’d left it too late on the biological clock. Some of the ladies had chanced it anyway (one admitted to 38), and a couple more got canned who I reckoned from their profiles were maybe still too, uh, young at heart to settle down. That got the number down to twenty-eight.

I next had to make an instant decision that I hadn’t anticipated – a whole lot of the ladies who’d replied were divorced or widows, rather than single. How would I take being compared to an ex? Did I want to take on a woman who already had kids? I reckoned not this first time around; I might miss out on someone who was truly amazing, but to start with, I wanted someone I could get to really know without interruptions. It was a difficult decision; there were some definitely attractive possibilities out there – one set of kids looked totally cute and adorable – but in the end I concluded that I could revisit those profiles at a later date if the first pick didn’t work. Getting an instant family didn’t sit too well with my instinctive wish to pass on MY genes to the next generation.

I now had the long list of those who claimed to be 27-32 years old, single, childless and never married. Still eleven of them. Still too many. How to reduce it to a manageable short list?

Some of the ladies profiles and photos made me suspect that they might be a little ... high-maintenance; I made myself a mental note that I’d have to be wary of that. Los Angeles has a problem in that people seem to be even more status-conscious than what passes for ‘normal’ in these celebrity-obsessed days. For thousands of Angelenos – not all, but a worrying percentage – it absolutely matters where they are seen dining, what cars they drive, the label on their designer outfits, who they hang out with. You’ve heard of the LA Power Couple lists? I’d die if I ever got included with that clique, though I strongly suspected that it was Marsha’s ambition to be part of that crowd. Which was another reason why we didn’t work out.

LA has a uniqueness all of its own; it’s a concrete jungle, polluted, over-crowded, as fake as the movie sets ... and still utterly amazing. I like looking at the California beach bunnies and bimbos, and grinning to myself whenever I see an obvious trophy wife or professional mistress, but I’d never in a million years want to go out with any of them. I’m not made that way. I can’t keep up the pretense of smooching with people who have no obvious redeeming features. One of my college professors told me that I don’t suffer fools gladly, an old-fashioned way of saying that I can’t abide assholes.

Oh, I can kiss ass if I really, really need to. Some egos are indispensable, and if it takes flattery and sucking up to achieve my goal, I can do it. Just like I can play the hatchet man if somebody needs firing with prejudice. I don’t like it, it’s not me, but it has to be done. If I couldn’t put on the act when required, I wouldn’t be doing my job properly. However, socially, these days I don’t do anything I don’t want to do. I learned that the hard way, from squiring Marsha to a whole succession of events and places SHE wanted to go; she taught me to be a little more selfish and assertive in my personal relationships.

Like I said, I earn a great wage, but nowhere near the top of the LA scale. I’m never gonna be able to compete with trust fund kids or those pulling down millions of dollars a year – even if I wanted to, which I don’t.

For way too many people in La La Land, money is easy-come, easy-go. They’ve absolutely nothing in common with ordinary Americans living their lives outside the Los Angeles County bubble. Which is exactly why it’s called La La Land. Heck, they’ve little enough to do with the vast majority of Angelenos who have to WORK for a living. Some of these people have gotten their money the old-fashioned way, by inheriting it. Most have almost stumbled into it, by the luck of being in the right place at the right time with a stock flotation, a tech start-up, or ‘show-business’ of some kind or another. What amazed me when I first came here was the number of ‘ordinary’ professionals – lawyers, accountants, doctors, business people – who were living multi-millionaire life-styles. Yeah, back in Atlanta, the top doctors at the hospitals I worked in did drive around in expensive European imports, did live in mansions, frequent exclusive country clubs and appear in the society pages, but nowhere near the level out here. Jeez, I’ve seen restaurant wine lists where the top half of the page showed nothing under $750 a bottle! Who pays that kind of money? For most Americans that’s much more than a week’s pay, and yet some people drink it just to be seen doing so!

It’s not quite as bad as burning fifty-dollar bills in front of homeless people, but it’s on the way. Conspicuous consumption. No class. They’re all assholes.

I’ve actually earned my money by working hard for it; while I’m not mean with buying gifts and treats for my friends and family, I don’t fritter it away. I’m more than solvent, and I’d like to stay that way. I don’t see myself staying on the West Coast forever; and I’m intending to retire while I’m still young enough to have a whole lot of fun with my time. (That was another reason for getting on with starting a family of my own – who in their right mind wants to be eligible for Social Security but still working full time to pay off the kids’ college tuition fees?)

A girlfriend who can spend money faster than I can earn it has never been part of my master plan. I remember at High School and college how some of the hottest-looking girls were the most self-centered and money-conscious. Sometimes being naturally beautiful can be more of a curse than a blessing, I’d known some girls who genuinely believed that they were entitled to only the very best, just because they were lucky with their genetic make-up. Los Angeles seems to attract that type, the Homecoming Queens who just KNOW that as soon as an agent sees their photo land on his desk, he’ll be throwing money, stardom and the Hollywood lifestyle their way, because, after all, it’s no less than they deserve. Sometimes it works out for them, most often it don’t. They might be the marrying kind, but I’m saying that in the sense of serial marriages, serial divorces, and serial settlement payments. Nope, not for me.

So, using my recruitment and resume assessment skills, and a little bit of instinct, I’d finally achieved a short list of the half dozen single women who seemed to be both on my wavelength, and close enough geographically to meet up; and I responded to their messages with a request for a date...

Same as GND, 30
Chapter 2 Videos

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Wednesday was another very pleasant evening. The weather was typical California spring sunshine, and with Helga aware I had a date and screening my calls, I’d gotten out of the office early enough to beat the rush. There weren’t a whole load of people around at Corriganville, and the three dogs enjoyed being let off their leashes. I was amazed at how quickly Max had taken to Kara and Tara; although I’d carefully socialized him and we’d faithfully attended the training classes, he exceeded my...

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Thursday morning, Helga was already talking on her phone as I walked past her desk in the outer office. Her eyebrows raised in question as she saw me, and I gave her a ‘thumbs up’, which she returned. Of course she came in with my coffee a few minutes later, demanding more detail; I told her that it was going well and we had a movie date the next evening. “Don’t forget to call her tonight just to keep in touch!” “Don’t worry, Mom, I’ll do that just as soon as Max has had his supper.” Helga...

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GND 30Chapter 9

I told Mel the – slightly edited – story of Helga’s flowers when I called her at nine o’clock that evening; she giggled and responded that she too very much liked receiving bouquets. I chuckled and explained that I needed to see her in person to make that happen, and ... when would suit her? As she was leaving for her Vegas convention early Thursday, Tuesday – or tomorrow – was the only way to go. She complained that she was scheduled to be filming out in Ventura all day, and probably...

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GND 30Chapter 10

Saturday, Max and I were planning to be up and about early, ready to start cleaning the place up for our guests. Just not quite as early as actually happened... When I woke at about five, I just knew I wouldn’t get back to sleep again. My stomach was doing those little nervous twitches, like I was sixteen again and going on my very first date. Okay, actually it DID feel like finally scoring a first date with a girl I’d crushed on without success; except that I already had feelings for Mel,...

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GND 30Chapter 11

A very, very long pause. Seemed like Mel had said all she wanted to say, and I wasn’t yet up to responding. Heck, I wasn’t up to understanding the words that were still ringing in my ears. While my brain slowly processed what I’d just heard, the universe seemed to stop revolving. It was a whole lot more than a mental ‘Wait! What did she say?’ It was more: Jesus H Christ! Had she really just said those things? Fuck! Had she actually DONE all those things? TEN YEARS? I eventually exhaled....

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GND 30Chapter 12

I began cyber-stalking Mel the moment I got back into my home office. Google is indeed your friend if you want to stalk. Actually, it was genuinely frightening how easy it was, and I was pretty much a first-timer at this game. Jeez, these algorithms REALLY give me the creeps sometimes. I’m not at all a fan of big government, and I’m even less thrilled at private corporations knowing and anticipating my every move, which is why you won’t find me on social media. Heck, some of this targeted...

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GND 30Chapter 13

(This chapter has been shortened and reposted – I added way too much to it AFTER my editor had read it. Hope it reads a little easier now.) Before I started on counting up the points in Mel’s favor, I called her, just to check up how she was doing. She picked up quickly, but sounding wary, as if she was expecting that this would be the call to dump her, anticipating hurtful words. I promised her that I would make no rush decisions, and that I’d meet her face to face real soon to tell her...

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GND 30Chapter 14

Wednesday morning, after I’d returned a couple of ‘urgent’ calls to get them out of the way, I checked my office door was fully closed so Helga couldn’t hear me, and speed-dialed Mel. She’d told me when I checked in with her the night before that she was doing some post-production work that day, so I knew she’d have her phone switched on and be able to answer. It was time to simplify things. I’d pondered and I’d considered and I’d reflected and I’d evaluated – you get the picture – and I’d...

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GND 30Chapter 15

I’d intended and planned to get away from the office right on time if not earlier; as you’d expect when it was so important to me, I received a phone call that I HAD to take, just as I was closing down my computer for the night. One of the Board members with a ‘suggestion’. You know the military saying, that there’s nothing more dangerous than a new butter bar second lieutenant with a map? Board members with spontaneous ‘ideas’ are damn nearly as great a hazard. And, what’s worse, I can’t...

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GND 30Chapter 16

Well, the palpable joy of Mel resting in my arms sure answered the question “Do I feel better with this lady in my life?“ with a resounding ‘yes!’. Now it was a matter of seeing how we could make this thing work. It wasn’t a foregone conclusion, by any means, but I knew I felt attraction, not repulsion. Bad things had been done TO her, not BY her. She stirred after a short while and smiled up at me as she realized she was still being held close. I kissed her forehead gently. “You okay,...

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GND 30Chapter 17

Mel’s little SUV was not on my driveway when I got home, which was disappointing, to say the least. I’d been anticipating its presence all day. She finally arrived an hour after I did, looking stressed and drawn. That was worrying, but she quickly reassured me that it had nothing to do with me; she’d just had a really bad day at work. I was very glad to see her. Not only because she was back with us, but also because I needed the distraction. After being welcomed home by three dogs, which...

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GND 30Chapter 18

My drive down to Malibu was fine, just beating the Friday exodus rush. Fine, not pleasant; the sheer volume of traffic in Los Angeles County has pretty much killed any joy of being behind the wheel on most highways – it’s only when you get onto the less-traveled roads that you can get to appreciate them. Some of the canyon runs can be awesome at the right time of day. In the urban areas, though, there never is a right time of day. And don’t forget the tourists, in rental cars, who don’t have...

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GND 30Chapter 19

One thing I was absolutely NOT intending to do was fall asleep on Mel. The night was still young, and I’d promised to do her doggie. And hopefully more than once. We’d gotten to know one another pretty well before becoming intimate; I very much liked what I’d seen of her character, and it seemed she hadn’t been too badly repulsed by mine. Our first bout seemed to have made her happy, and I was intending to repeat that lesson. Mel got a truly wicked grin on her face when she put her hand...

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GND 30Chapter 20

It was only a small cove on the shoreline, with big rocks at both ends. Which is probably what had saved it so far from over-development or amalgamation into one of the other beaches. There were maybe a dozen other people around, from the other two beach houses, no casual visitors. We strolled slowly hand-in-hand along the shore, pausing often so the dogs could investigate something, just enjoying being together. Mel looked really good in a bikini; this one was a very modest style. I’d seen...

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GND 30Chapter 21

We were both a sticky mess below the waist, and sweaty all over, so a shower was an essential next step. Being California, and economy with water being a habit, we took it together. I asked Mel if I could wash her hair; she seemed a little startled that I’d actually want to do that, but happily agreed when I reassured her that it would absolutely be a pleasure. There’s a real intimacy to washing someone else’s hair. No, I’m not talking about at the salon, where it’s part of the assembly...

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GND 30Chapter 22

We went for the option of sleeping at Mel’s place that night; she’d quickly made clear that she was desperate to finally welcome me to her own space. I drove home to grab a few things, and then retraced my steps as far as Woodland Hills, stopping at a convenience store to fill the short list she’d texted me once she’d had a chance to look in her own fridge. I immediately saw a bit of the darker side of fame; my arrival in her driveway was greeted by a harsh glare of security floodlights,...

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GND 30Chapter 23

Thursday after work I met Mel in town for a big-screen showing of ‘The Blue Dahlia‘, the 1946 George Marshall / Raymond Chandler thriller, with Alan Ladd and Veronica Lake. We both enjoyed the movie, but I had to agree with Mel’s opinion that they’d been much better together in “The Glass Key”. Their on-screen chemistry wasn’t quite as fresh and intense this time – probably not helped by the uncertainty caused by Chandler still not having completed the script when shooting was well under...

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GND 30Chapter 24

As I was accompanying Mel to the movie shoot in the morning, she’d insisted Max and I spend Friday night at her place. I have to admit that I was not entirely confident about the coming day; over the years, I’d been taught, or had learned, how to behave ‘properly’ in a wide variety of social situations, but assisting my girlfriend at a porno shoot had NOT been one of them. Not even at college when, under the guidance of our professors, we’d role-played potential stressful situations we might...

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GND 30Chapter 25

Monday morning, Max and I left the girls’ place at six so I could drop him home and get to work almost on time. The extra distance from Woodland Hills added maybe twenty minutes to my commute; had I left it any later to get away, that could easily have been another hour. The traffic was beginning to back up for rush hour as I reached the hospital’s parking structure. Helga was already at her desk, eager to hear ALL the details of exactly what happened at a porno shoot. There was no way we...

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GND 30Chapter 26

The next couple of weeks turned out to be rather more eventful than I was expecting. Oh, they started off with our relationship continuing to build steadily, but then we took quite the sudden jump forward. I’ll get on to that in a moment. Saturday, Mel was working camera with Judy on a ‘normal’ commercial TV advertising shoot – Judy is fully aware that her income from making porn is at the whim of the studios and their fickle money men, so she takes most any kind of film-making commission,...

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GND 30Chapter 27

We ate – no, devoured – a belated pot-luck supper, washed down with a bottle of wine. Having missed lunch and engaged in some strenuous physical activity, we were both ravenous by the time we got to examining the contents of her fridge. And then it was back to bed, both still fired up from our lust-fueled session on the pool table. Sunday morning, I woke first, reluctantly disentangled myself from Mel’s soft warm naked body, hit the bathroom and then the kitchen. Task number one, fill...

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GND 30Chapter 28

When Helga brought in our mid-morning coffee and Danish the next day, I asked her opinion of my vanity plate gift idea. She laughed, “Mike, you hate vanity plates! You were SO rude about Dr. Schreiber!” I chuckled. Yeah, guilty on that count. Shortly before the turn of the year, I’d let off some steam to my loyal assistant on my return from one of those interminable and pointless meetings; of which the unquestioned nadir had been the good doctor absolutely insisting on showing everyone the...

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GND 30Chapter 29

The natural consequences of watching the raw video of ‘Stealing my roomie’s boyfriend 32‘ meant that, after we’d put the dogs out in the yard for their bedtime routine, and gotten to bed ourselves, we didn’t actually get off to sleep for some time. It was probably already Wednesday morning before we turned out the lights and pulled the sheets over us. I lay awake for a few minutes longer, happily listening to the soft breathing of the warm body spooned into me as she slept. Sure beat Max’s...

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GND 30Chapter 30

Our get-away plan came together surprisingly well, given the spontaneity and suddenness of my/our decision to fly to Atlanta for the weekend. Mostly because Helga is so efficient. She did all the necessary spadework, not me. I merely paid for the tickets. And that was simply a matter of handing over my credit card when she asked for it. What with the short notice of our trip, I hadn’t taken any advance steps with my daily calendar to ensure I left work early – or at least on time – but my...

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GND 30Chapter 31

As we’d expected, Mom was already up and about with the kids when we entered the house; they were early risers, and she was just starting them on their breakfast. I could smell the coffee machine doing its duty, so the timing was perfect. Katelyn entered the kitchen first and got the distraction mission done, loudly thanking Mom for having her kids for the night, while Mel and I sneaked across the hallway into the family room to hide out on the couch. Despite our fitful sleep on the plane,...

2 years ago
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GND 30Chapter 32

With the kids around and needing the grandmotherly mix of praise and cajoling as they ate, Mom didn’t have the opportunity to unleash her curiosity about Mel’s family. She was also too busy enjoying having her family around her, delighted her son and future daughter-in-law were at her meal table for the first time. Didn’t mean she wasn’t eager to know more. I knew our neighbors almost as well as she did; there was no doubting that those to whom I’d introduced Mel during our little tour would...

2 years ago
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GND 30Chapter 33

It took us quite a while, sitting holding hands in the noodle kitchen parking lot as customers came and went, to thrash out the exact story we were going to tell Mom, weaving it around the theme of a fundamental disagreement over a girl wanting a college education and a career, rather than a husband and three babies before her twenty-first birthday. Mom would immediately get that. We decided to also highlight the fact Mel hadn’t actually ever met her last three ‘stepmothers’, and express...

3 years ago
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GND 30Chapter 34

Mom offered us a refill of iced tea, then ushered us across the hallway into the family room. James briefly looked into the den to check on the kids; he’d parked them in front of a cartoon which seemed to be entertaining them just fine. Abby was old enough to begin to enjoy the story, Ben more just liking the visual stimulation and the pretty colors. From the grin on his face, I guessed they hadn’t even noticed his intrusion. I chose a big easy chair for us both to sit in; I’d hardly gotten...

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GND 30Chapter 35

The mouthwatering aroma of delicious food hit us as soon as we got in the door from the piggyback ride. Katelyn grabbed her kids to get them to their places at the family table. Mel and I quickly washed our hands in the foyer bathroom and joined them. Cassie hadn’t been exaggerating quite how ready the meal was. If, as a kid, I would have been out of the house this close to serving up time, Mom would have made her serious displeasure known. But, as we’d been keeping her grandchildren...

3 years ago
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GND 30Chapter 36

Mel and I did our bedtime routine together in the family bathroom; on the way back to my room, we popped our heads into Katelyn’s old bedroom, where Abby and Ben were fast asleep in their mom’s childhood bed, one at each end. The tender expression on my fiancée’s face as she watched the sleeping babies convinced me I needed to give her one of our own just as soon as we could do it. I was feeling the same. I guess that’s why, like puppies and kittens, young kids are so cute – to bring out the...

4 years ago
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GND 30Chapter 37

This chapter is respectfully dedicated to readers thegoat, silin14, addicted1, persecutor and quietwatchman for their wise counsel and encouragement in helping me get through some MAJOR storyline blunders that seriously messed up my posting. Thanks, guys. The bedroom door handle rattled just after six; I’d been half-awake in the pre-dawn twilight for a while and expecting company. Oh, I’d also been replaying in my mind the ‘Lanta session of a few hours before; the role-playing had been a...

2 years ago
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GND 30Chapter 38

Not wishing to sound hubristic, but, sitting there at the table, back in my family home, the love of my life, my future wife, by my side, I was in a very happy place. It seemed like my beloved was also loving the heck out of being here, being part of a normal loving family, eating together for the sheer joy of living. There was a huge smile on her beautiful face that seemed like it wasn’t ever going to quit, and as her pink tongue emerged catlike from between her white teeth and red lips to...

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GND 30Chapter 39

We checked in immediately, discovered that there was a projected general delay of twenty minutes, and joined the line to endure the attentions of the TSA. I’m way out of line here professionally – I should never be judgmental about lifestyle choices – but as I watched the TSA officers at work, I had to grin to myself about turning down Mom’s offer of some fresh zucchini to take home. I was sure some of these people wouldn’t know a zucchini from an eggplant. My informed guess was that maybe...

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GND 30Chapter 40

The camera lingered on Atlanta’s upper body; her beautiful face framed by its mane of blonde hair, the graceful lines of her pale-skinned neck and shoulders, then ever so slowly, almost lovingly, it moved down to her small but perfectly formed breasts with their puffy nipples... It was almost as if it somehow knew, in its little electronic brain, that “Agent in Place” would be Atlanta Starr’s final movie, and that this was the very last time it would have the opportunity to display her trim...

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GND 30Chapter 41

As I reluctantly dragged my butt towards the hospital, resignedly enduring the usual SoCal crawling commute, somehow resisting the temptation to make a screeching U-turn and head back home, I considered how much more fun my life was since I’d gotten together with Mel. Max is a great canine companion, but ... he’s a dog, not a human. Mel knocks spots off of him in so very many ways. Mel’s lips on mine, or Max’s tongue attempting to lick my face? – no contest. Max has been knocked into...

4 years ago
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the night we changed part 3

part 3It took me a while to realize what had happened. I felt my body aching, my legs hurt like hell and my head was filled with utter confusion. "Did I enjoy this? How could I?", I thought. "He hurt me. He hurt me like nobody ever had before. And I enjoyed this?" For a while I wrestled with myself, trying to get a grasp on what just happened and how I felt about it.Mike took off my entire headgear and I saw him kneeling next to me." you are doing wonderfully. I never expected you to be this...

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Being Fuckbuddy With ExColleauge Anjali

Hi guys and ladies out there, this is Neil back after so so so long. I am 25 and a professional from Delhi. I have been away for quite long but feels good to be back to share a true incident that happened a few months ago. So coming to the story. This happened with my ex-colleague named Anjali (name changed for privacy reasons). She used to work in the same office when I was in Bangalore. To tell you about her, she had body stats of 34C-28-38 and of course an ass to die for. Anjali was quite...

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My First Gloryhole Experience

Some backstory: I'm going to college, but I've been living back home with "the woman who raised me" for the summer until school starts again. "Home" is in Ventura County, right on the border of Los Angeles County & about 40 miles NW of Downtown LA. And while it is a great place to live, the #1 problem with living in Ventura County is that it's both so close yet too far from all the fun things you can do in & around LA… That may not make much sense to many of you, but those who live in...

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The Little Witch Comes To Town Part Nine

MondayI was woken up briefly around seven in the morning on Monday by the sound of the back door banging. Realizing that it was just Sue and Jake heading over to their own place on the other side of the street, to get ready for work, I turned over and went back to sleep. Melanie and I had taken the day off work to spend it with our guests; it was going to be their last full day with us. They were flying back to Calgary on Tuesday morning. After that, no one stirred until gone one in the...

Group Sex
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Daves Australian OdysseyChapter 59 Pre Wedding

Thursday Week 33 Dave woke up with an excited Jill fondling his penis and kissing it. She was turned on by knowing what today was - the longest air flight she had ever done was going to be a highlight, but only of today, because it was taking her and her two fiancés to her wedding ceremony and the start of the rest of her life. Getting married was a dream for most girls, but she was getting two husbands. She decided that the one she was sleeping with should give her some pleasure,...

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Bowling for HeartsChapter 67

I left the girls to finish playing in the shower and headed back to the bed. Lena was sprawled out on the bed. I snuggled up next to her and fell asleep. I woke up and laid there for a few minutes and then glanced about. Tamara was up against me with Susan draped across her. Lena was also snuggled up to me. I thought back on the previous night. What had gotten into Tamara? I know I liked what was happening but I was in shock. Two months ago I didn't have a girlfriend and now I had four....

3 years ago
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A Happy ending

It had been a very hot morning, I’d spent in the front garden doing the normal clean up chores and cutting the grass, when I’d finished I went up to our bedroom to shower and change my clothes. As I was drying myself I noticed our 18 year old daughter lying on a sun lounger in the back yard. Cassie is fairly attractive, not too skinny with long blonde hair, like her mothers. She was wearing a tight pair of denim cut off shorts and a bikini top. Beside her was her best friend, Cassie and Jennie...

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Cumslave the boyscouts pt5

"Construction is one of the things we teach the Scouts. Robert's troop hasdevised a little toy for you cunt...Something we think that you will enjoy.Well, frankly...We don't give a shit if you like it or not, cunt...but I'm surethat we will! Ha, ha, ha..." Richard said with a laugh.Cumbag turned her face to the boys and joined in with the laughter. Richardwaved his hand at Robert. With this signal, Robert pulled the sheet from theapparatus. Everyone started at it.It was a T-shaped table on...

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another fucking random

by Xafar on Fri 14 Aug 09, 11:15 AM another random... another random in another hotel room in another town... one from many... the serial abuser and his multiple victims and this one... naked... sat on the edge of a previously unknown bed just a half hours drive from her own home is crying and shaking and every now and then... her whole body heaving and giving the impressions that she is struggling to breath... that she is drowning on her own tears and snot and all the while... still suited and...

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Summer of 76 in the Nurses Home

It is the summer of '76 in Britain. Longest heatwave on record; there's a Minister for Drought in the government who suggests we shower with a friend to save water! I am twenty-one years old and a male student nurse at a famous University Teaching Hospital in the North of England, about to take my final exams in September to qualify as a State Registered Nurse. And I'm straight; a novelty in those days. I'm fit as a fiddle, play winger on the hospital rugby team. Rugby playing, straight, male...

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Emerald Princess Chapter 8 Whateley Fan Fiction

Chapter 8: I WOKE UP in Caireen's arms as she picked me up out of my crib. "Oh, so those eyes do open?" She said sweetly. "It was a long day," I told her. "I know," she said and cuddled me tightly in her arms, "I was so worried things were not going to work out." "I knew they would," I told her with a smile. "Why?" "Because I had you and my family, duh!" "Well, I know you fed before bedtime, but I think you need breakfast," she told me with a smirk. She nursed me and...

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Happy Hour

Men and women both have said they were intimidated by me. Actually, they were concerned, anxious with what I consider to be a very striking appearance, and, the clothes I wear to spotlight that look. Men always take a second glance. In heels, I’m nearly 5-10, with long brown hair which d****s to my bosom, an ample chest which is accentuated by a slender waist and long legs. I favor tight dresses which expose cleavage and thigh and focus on my hourglass silhouette. I don’t need a Wonder bra to...

4 years ago
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Finding Janine

Finding Janine By BobH (c) 2003 They say it takes a year. In terms of dealing with the first phase, with the raw, open wound that is your grief, that's about right. After a year, the initial pain dulls to the point where you begin to occasionally smile again, and going on with your life seems like more of a possibility, but the sense of loss never truly goes away. Janine Fox was my wife, and she was my life. Every day with her was a joy. I could hardly wait to get in from...

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A whole new world part 1

Dianne was 46 when she and Will bought their vacation home.   They had been married 25 years and in some respects it was a testimony to them making it that long.   After all, they had gotten married at the tender age of 21.   But more than 25 years and three grown kids later, they were still together.   Was it a perfect marriage?   No.   But it was a relatively good one.   Will worked too much and they were just not as affectionate as Dianne would have liked.   But in truth, it was really...

3 years ago
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Josh and RJ Chapter 3

R.J. lay on top of Josh for several minutes, slowly grinding his hips. His hard cock was buried deep in his old friend but new lover’s ass. He pushed his lean upper body upward and looking down thrilled to see his entire length was inside. R.J. slowly withdrew his now 8′ cock until he saw the rim of his pulsing head. He paused for a moment, he loved the sight of his cock in this tight asshole. Josh was on fire writhing and moaning in extreme pleasure. R.J. began to pump his hips slowly forward...

2 years ago
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Daughters Little FriendChapter 7

It was a Sunday morning, and summer was just about over. Alice Murphy turned over lazily in her large double bed, sensuously stretching her long curvaceously formed limbs, and swept her honey-blonde hair from her eyes. She languidly let the soft fuzziness of sleep leave her and warmly thought about last night--and the long, wonderfully delicious parade of days and nights since that fateful weekend when she and Sandy had been blackmailed. She propped herself up on her elbows and saw that her...

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It was a Saturday morning and it was raining. I usually got up and played golf with friends on Saturdays, weather permitting. This Saturday the weather was defiantly not permitting. A quick check of the Weather Channel told me it was going to rain hard all day. Then I remembered it was Christmas morning. My usual foursome would be spending the day with their families. Me, I didn't have a family anymore. I was spending the day alone. They had families who would love to have them hang around...

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Exposing Cindy volume two the workers

Volume II – Exposing Cindy: The workers Chapter 1 – Cindy is sunbathing Jim and I had been married about two years, when we bought our first home, a lovely place on a golf course in North Houston. When Jim received a large promotion a year later, we decided to treat ourselves to an ‘in-ground’ hot tub and spa. The installation was taking longer than we had anticipated, stretching over six weeks, but the end was in sight. All of the plumbing was complete, the heater and filter units had been...

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My Birthday Present

My belly fetish (A true story)I’m Sonali, an 18 year old teen living in India. I have a very nice body which I love. The shape of my body is 34c/23/33. So you all can see that I have a small waist line. But my stomach is not like a cylinder. It is a flat one, and very concave and soft. There is no sign of fat in my stomach.Actually, (if anyone believes it or not), it is true that I cannot tighten my stomach muscles. I have done thousands of crunches and other abdominal exercises but with no...

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A Rainy Day Romance With A Marathi Bhabhi

Hello friends, this is Samir from Prabhadevi, Mumbai. I am 32-year-old and work in an MNC. This story is of a recent incident that happened between me and the wife of the landlord of the place. I stay with my roommate in a 2 BHK rented apartment, separate bedrooms for each one of us. Let’s get to the story which started when I was house hunting about six months ago. I came across my current place posted on the website by the person who used to occupy my room. I came to the house and liked the...

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The Half Breed Heart

The personal chamber of Princess Allestra was nothing short of a wonder. The stone walls were covered in peach silk padding. Across the fine tiled floor were strewn thick, lush furs. Against one wall was a large dressing table with a flawless mirror. It had been shipped across the sea along with her tall chest of drawers and free standing closet. The finest feature of the room by far was the four posted curtained bed adorned in royal blue bedclothes. The Princess's were of the finest, softest...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Meghan Jette Martin

Ok guys, this is my first story so go easy but hope you like it. Sorry about the long intro but its essential to the story. Happy reading!!!!From my early teens and right through the following years when I started to watch television and film, the more I watched them the more I became a movie buff so I decided that I wanted to get a job in the television/film business.So I studied hard got good grades and then went off to film school in Dublin. After my 1st year I got an internship opportunity...

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