GND 30Chapter 2
- 4 years ago
- 23
- 0
No, I wasn’t nervous about my upcoming date.
Maybe a little.
The reason? Making a first date to walk our dogs seemed just too... normal. It lacked the conventionality and formality of a restaurant date, it was almost as if we’d already met. My suggestion of a doggie play date had been spontaneous, her response natural and unfeigned. In some ways that was immensely reassuring, in other ways worrying – this wasn’t one of the complicated steps required for the full SoCal mating dance. At least we had in common the fact that we weren’t native Angelenos, but by stepping out of the social norms and meeting elsewhere than some crowded restaurant, we’d almost committed ourselves to getting on as well as if this was the third or fourth date.
Yeah, I know that sounds odd, but my male pride was now involved. This date just HAD to work out. I guess after three trainwreck but correctly choreographed introductory dates where my date-selecting judgment had been shown to be flawed, there was also the thought that maybe I had a little too much riding on this one. It felt right, but so had the others. If this meeting also turned out to be a disaster, would I have the courage to put my toe back into the dating ocean and risk yet another killer blow to my ego?
I got myself an unnecessary haircut at work Friday, and spent much of Saturday considering exactly what to wear for our playdate. I didn’t want to insult GND30 by dressing too casual, nor worry her by overdoing what was supposedly only a trip to the dog park, even if it was also a first date. In the end, the fawn chinos, long-sleeved shirt and panama hat won out. Exactly what I usually wore at Corriganville Park. Fairly smart, timeless classic, and more importantly, something I felt comfortable in. Not projecting anything I wasn’t.
While Max was eating his supper – though preparation and service take far longer than ingestion, so in reality he’d finished his meal while I was picking up my phone – I messaged GND30 through the dating app to check we were still on; we were.
I slept well, took Max around the block, fed him his breakfast and then showered and groomed myself. I always clean-shave every morning; my work requires it, but I admit to taking extra care to look my best. Then I had to use up an hour before getting dressed – gotta keep the creases looking freshly-ironed.
Max and I took the Kuehner Dr. exit from the 118 (or Ronald Reagan Freeway) and arrived at 7001 Smith Road with twenty minutes to spare; it being Sunday there were already quite a few people about. I wondered how long GND30 would take to find us; but I had my phone with me, and we could always message each other. I drove up to the far end of the parking lot, found some shade to leave the car, and let my excited boy out of the back. He dashed off and watered four trees in quick succession, sniffed quite a few more, and then started ranging around on the rough grass, nose to the ground in his usual ritual.
I was standing with a poop bag in my hand, waiting for Max to finish doing his business, when there was a peal of girlish laughter behind me. I looked around, and there she was, with two small brown Pomeranians on leashes. Figure hugging blue jeans, calf-length tan boots, a loose white floral print shirt-dress, and a fetching white Western hat perched on blonde hair which was tied up at the back. Tall. She looked great. Didn’t seem thirty at all. “I guess that’s Max? Is now a bad time for you?”
I chuckled. “He’s ... doing what he does best. One moment, and I’ll be right with you.”
I scooped up the offending item while Max kicked his back legs in pride at what he’d just extruded, then I stood upright and smiled at her as I tied the bag. “Hi, I’m Michael Hulse, Mike. Sorry about that. I’d shake hands, but you know where they’ve just been.”
Max was madly wagging his tail as he got to know the two strangers; I quickly looked down to check that they were all okay, then back at her.
She was still smiling. Lovely white teeth, a touch of lip gloss, straight slightly over-proportioned nose, gorgeous bright green-hazel eyes under the brim of her hat. Distinctly prettier than your average girl next door back home, but nothing exceptional for Los Angeles. Easy on the eyes, though. Very easy on the eyes.
The big difference from my other dates was the smile. She looked like she was genuinely pleased to meet me, and that just lit up her face. Her profile photograph had been accurate enough, but hadn’t nearly done justice to the reality.
“Hey, I’m Melanie Jorgensen, Mel to my friends. These two babies are Kara and Tara. Nice to meet you at last. Which way are you headed?”
“I was thinking of the Silvertown set location. Is that okay with you?”
“Sure! It’s a great day for a slow amble.”
“Let me just drop this in a poop barrel.”
She slipped the leashes off of her two and we walked along together, side by side with the dogs running around us. In the spring sunshine it was just pleasantly warm, not uncomfortably hot as it would be later in the summer. Joggers and mountain bikes passed us on the way; there was plenty of room on this route, the narrower trails came later. The three dogs settled down to our speed, Kara and Tara’s little legs dictating the pace. Max was happy to dawdle and keep his nose to the ground.
There were plenty of people about but not intruding, which was a major reason why I’d suggested Corriganville. We could still have a totally private and uninterrupted conversation, but I’d hoped she’d feel safer meeting a stranger for the first time than if the place had been deserted.
Mel started the conversation. “You know this place well?”
“Reasonably; I’ve read most of the information plaques in my time, but I couldn’t quote you chapter and verse on which part of Hollywood history happened where.”
“Yeah, it’s awesome, I love it so much, I just wish the film sets hadn’t burned down in the 1970s. You ever been in the concrete camera room under the lake?”
I chuckled. “Yes, incredible place. You know that’s where they filmed ‘Creature from the Black Lagoon’?”
A grin and a tip of the head, “I know it. And, yeah, I’ve watched the film a few times for laughs.”
We stopped and re-read another information plaque about the filming of ‘The Lone Ranger’, then walked on. “Ever been over to the Paramount Ranch in the Santa Monica Mountains?”
“A few years back. It was a fun day out. I really ought to do it again.”
“I totally love that whole place. The Peter Strauss Ranch House is quite something, Western Town is a must-see.”
“You wouldn’t by any chance be a film buff, Mel?”
She chuckled. “That’s partly the reason why I’m in LA. Always wanted to see how they did cinematography in the old days, when they were here because of the natural light and guaranteed good weather. Before it all went technical and computer graphics. I did my bachelor’s degree in media and film back in Atlanta, but then all the best jobs were over here on the West Coast, so as I got tired of flying Southwest, I moved here the year after I graduated. There wasn’t the volume of filming in Atlanta; as a freelance camera operator I wasn’t hardly making a living, let alone paying off the college loans. I did a bit of glamor modeling in between being behind the camera, but again that wasn’t enough to pay the bills, so I moved here. Ten years later, I’m still in the film business, in the post-production and direction line. I make a pretty good living now, and I still enjoy the work. What do you do, Mike? You said in your profile you work in a hospital. You a doctor?”
“Thank the lord, no. I’m a mere administrator. It may not pay nearly so well, but I’ve paid off all my college loans and I don’t lose a whole chunk of my salary in insurance premium payments. Okay, so I get a lot of the grief without the glamor, but I have most of my weekends and evenings off, and that’s beginning to matter to me. I just want someone special to share them with, which is why I joined the site.”
She grinned. “What you said. Too much time with just me and Kara and Tara. I’ve watched all my box sets until I can predict the next bit of dialog, computer games don’t have nearly the same thrill as they used to, and I’ve finally realized that I’ve put my professional life before my private life for too long.”
“Home alone on Valentine’s night?”
A snicker, which somehow succeeded in conveying both reluctance to admit the secret and joy in confiding it to someone who might actually understand rather than mock. Her amusement was a real cute sound, adult, not a kid. “Yeah. You know it. Tara and Kara both sent cards, though. You too?”
“Darn! Max didn’t think of that, but then he’s a guy. He didn’t even buy me any candy, or cook me a candlelit dinner. I’ll have to remind him next year.”
She laughed, a genuine expression that she found my comment funny, and then she shot back a riposte. “And I guess, as you’re a guy too, you didn’t get him anything either?”
I held my hands up in acknowledgment of the hit. “Guilty as charged. Sorry, Max, that was kinda selfish of me. You can’t have the candy, but I should at least have bought you a doggie treat.”
She nodded approvingly. Max had briefly looked up at the sound of his name, and now ignored me again as he investigated another clump of scrubby grass. He loves playing the intrepid fearless hunter, which is why I try to bring him to places like Corriganville where he can indulge his primitive canine instincts in places where there are real scents of real wild animals, not the neighbors’ cat.
We arrived at the site of the “Silvertown” buildings, now just mere brick or concrete shapes on the ground. There was a bench under a tree, and I guided us over there. She sat down beside me with a sigh, pulling off her hat and straightening her hair. I got a better look at her face without the shadow; nice skin with only a minimum of makeup, own eyelashes, clear greeny-hazel eyes. Yeah, she did indeed look like my image of a girl next door. Fresh, clean, genuine, guile-less and there to fall for. I put the conversation back to her. “Your feet recovered from Denver? Sounded like you were real glad to be home.”
“Pretty much; they ached for a while. I’m not used to standing in heels all day. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE my heels, but there are limits. Hey, I’m so sorry about the mix-up over the messages and the phones. I was worried that you might think I’d replied to you and then changed my mind, and you might not get back to me again.”
“No, that’s fine, I guessed you might have other things going on. So what’s with the two phones?”
She grimaced, “I had my first smartphone stolen while I was working about a year after I arrived in LA; I didn’t know enough at the time about protecting my personal information, and I ended up having to move to a new apartment, change my numbers, and create new social media accounts. It was a real clusterfuck, and I’m determined not to go through all that again. I value my privacy, and it seemed the best way to separate the two.”
“Yeah, I know a guy who suffered identity theft; it took him forever to get back to normal, and he’s still pretty wary about everything.”
We swapped horror stories; she’d had a colleague who found a pervert camped out almost in her back yard and had quickly find another place to live. She’d been stalked on Facebook herself and found that real creepy, so much so that she’d left the platform; I guess that had reinforced her fear of intrusion.
The dogs had gotten a tad restless just sitting while we talked, so her hat went back on and we headed over towards the parking lot, strolling slowly as we chatted about cars. She drove a small SUV and I commented that she didn’t need all that much space for Kara and Tara. She grinned. “I used to run around in one of those little red Mazda sports convertibles, but they’re too darn low on the road; so many people are driving tanks these days that I reckoned it was only a matter of time before I became road kill. Besides, I can get way more camera stuff in this.”
We got to her vehicle and stopped. Mel helped Kara and Tara into the back, then turned to me. She suddenly seemed a little hesitant; I thought for a dreadful moment that this was it, and I was about to get the bums rush, falling at the first hurdle.
“Mike, ... I know of a little place in Simi Valley where we can get a quiet drink and a snack; it’s ... not too busy on Sundays. You got the time to talk some more, get to know each other a little better?”
That was unexpected, but very welcome. I’d made a good enough first impression to be worth a second look; she wanted to prolong our date. I already knew that I did. I gave her my very best smile and put some real enthusiasm into my voice. “Sure, Mel, I’d love to. I’ve really enjoyed talking with you. Shall I follow you?”
“Great! I’ll try not to jump too many lights.”
Max jumped in the back of my car and I followed Mel as she drove sedately into Simi Valley; she turned off the main drag and pulled in a small lot behind a bar, parking in the shade. I took the space beside her, opened the windows a crack for Max to get some end of February air, and let her guide me inside the building. It was about half full with customers, quietly talking at tables. The music system was playing guitar instrumentals at just the right volume; we wouldn’t have to shout at each other. Too many places mistake loudness for atmosphere; as she’d said, we were here to get to know one another a little better, not to strain our ears. This seemed to be a good choice; I hoped the cooking lived up to her recommendation.
We both hit the restrooms to wash our hands, then Mel found us a small table over to one side. I held her chair for her like my daddy taught me, she smiled and thanked me, and a hispanic waitress immediately appeared for our drinks order.
We went for a large iced water and a glass of Pinot Grigio each; Mel recommended the soft tacos, warning me that they were cooked to order and would take a few minutes. The drinks arrived straight away. My companion dug in her purse and pulled out a smartphone case; I noticed it had a letter ‘M’ embossed on the front. She saw my grimace and hurriedly spoke up. “Mike, I’m so sorry, I should have asked. I want to ask you some questions, and I made notes on my phone so I wouldn’t forget.”
I smiled as I explained, “It’s okay, Mel, it’s just ... I met up with another lady from the dating site and she spent most of our so-called date checking her phone for messages from other people, which kinda showed me where I stood on her list of priorities. It was rude and disrespectful, and told me a whole lot about why she was still single.”
She put her hand over her mouth in surprise. “Oh my, I didn’t mean it like that. I’ve had quite a few meetings with people from the site, and I’ve learned to get the difficult questions over early so we aren’t wasting each other’s time. I’ll be honest, I like what I’ve seen of you so far, and I’d like to meet up again, but only if you are taking this as seriously as I am. I’m genuinely thirty years old, and I absolutely DO want to settle down. Do you mind if I start off?”
I grinned back to reassure her that I wasn’t taking offence. “No, I don’t mind at all. I’m glad you’re taking that business-like approach. I’m real serious as well, like I said, I’m looking for a life partner. My real age is 32. You can check my driver’s license if you wish. And, Mel, just so you know it from the start, I’ve enjoyed being with you this morning and, if you’re agreeable, I’d very much like to see you again and get to know you better.”
That earned me another white-toothed smile. I liked that, it was genuine, stretched her cheeks and reached her eyes. Too many residents of the City of Angels only smile because they feel they ought to, or because they want something, or because they went for a cheap face-lift and smiling is now their only facial expression. Botched Botox and copious collagen are not the worst things you can do to your face; it takes a cut-rate scalpel to really mess you up. Or too many repeat trips to the well of eternal youth. I’m thinking Joan Rivers here. She should have stopped while she was ahead. Anyway, I was pretty sure now that Mel’s countenance was 100% as nature intended.
“Thank you! I’m taking that as a big compliment. That was questions one and two. Question three. Precise relationship status?”
Thursday was a late day; I took a stroll around the hospital to see how the evening clinics were running. They’re surprisingly popular with people needing routine monitoring or annual healthchecks, but either not wanting their boss or work colleagues to know about it, or too busy making money to take an hour or two off work. All was well, so I headed for home. Even better, Max wasn’t too upset with me that I was home late. He’s a lot more forgiving than Marsha ever was. Okay, so I fed him...
Wednesday was another very pleasant evening. The weather was typical California spring sunshine, and with Helga aware I had a date and screening my calls, I’d gotten out of the office early enough to beat the rush. There weren’t a whole load of people around at Corriganville, and the three dogs enjoyed being let off their leashes. I was amazed at how quickly Max had taken to Kara and Tara; although I’d carefully socialized him and we’d faithfully attended the training classes, he exceeded my...
Thursday morning, Helga was already talking on her phone as I walked past her desk in the outer office. Her eyebrows raised in question as she saw me, and I gave her a ‘thumbs up’, which she returned. Of course she came in with my coffee a few minutes later, demanding more detail; I told her that it was going well and we had a movie date the next evening. “Don’t forget to call her tonight just to keep in touch!” “Don’t worry, Mom, I’ll do that just as soon as Max has had his supper.” Helga...
I told Mel the – slightly edited – story of Helga’s flowers when I called her at nine o’clock that evening; she giggled and responded that she too very much liked receiving bouquets. I chuckled and explained that I needed to see her in person to make that happen, and ... when would suit her? As she was leaving for her Vegas convention early Thursday, Tuesday – or tomorrow – was the only way to go. She complained that she was scheduled to be filming out in Ventura all day, and probably...
Saturday, Max and I were planning to be up and about early, ready to start cleaning the place up for our guests. Just not quite as early as actually happened... When I woke at about five, I just knew I wouldn’t get back to sleep again. My stomach was doing those little nervous twitches, like I was sixteen again and going on my very first date. Okay, actually it DID feel like finally scoring a first date with a girl I’d crushed on without success; except that I already had feelings for Mel,...
A very, very long pause. Seemed like Mel had said all she wanted to say, and I wasn’t yet up to responding. Heck, I wasn’t up to understanding the words that were still ringing in my ears. While my brain slowly processed what I’d just heard, the universe seemed to stop revolving. It was a whole lot more than a mental ‘Wait! What did she say?’ It was more: Jesus H Christ! Had she really just said those things? Fuck! Had she actually DONE all those things? TEN YEARS? I eventually exhaled....
I began cyber-stalking Mel the moment I got back into my home office. Google is indeed your friend if you want to stalk. Actually, it was genuinely frightening how easy it was, and I was pretty much a first-timer at this game. Jeez, these algorithms REALLY give me the creeps sometimes. I’m not at all a fan of big government, and I’m even less thrilled at private corporations knowing and anticipating my every move, which is why you won’t find me on social media. Heck, some of this targeted...
(This chapter has been shortened and reposted – I added way too much to it AFTER my editor had read it. Hope it reads a little easier now.) Before I started on counting up the points in Mel’s favor, I called her, just to check up how she was doing. She picked up quickly, but sounding wary, as if she was expecting that this would be the call to dump her, anticipating hurtful words. I promised her that I would make no rush decisions, and that I’d meet her face to face real soon to tell her...
Wednesday morning, after I’d returned a couple of ‘urgent’ calls to get them out of the way, I checked my office door was fully closed so Helga couldn’t hear me, and speed-dialed Mel. She’d told me when I checked in with her the night before that she was doing some post-production work that day, so I knew she’d have her phone switched on and be able to answer. It was time to simplify things. I’d pondered and I’d considered and I’d reflected and I’d evaluated – you get the picture – and I’d...
I’d intended and planned to get away from the office right on time if not earlier; as you’d expect when it was so important to me, I received a phone call that I HAD to take, just as I was closing down my computer for the night. One of the Board members with a ‘suggestion’. You know the military saying, that there’s nothing more dangerous than a new butter bar second lieutenant with a map? Board members with spontaneous ‘ideas’ are damn nearly as great a hazard. And, what’s worse, I can’t...
Well, the palpable joy of Mel resting in my arms sure answered the question “Do I feel better with this lady in my life?“ with a resounding ‘yes!’. Now it was a matter of seeing how we could make this thing work. It wasn’t a foregone conclusion, by any means, but I knew I felt attraction, not repulsion. Bad things had been done TO her, not BY her. She stirred after a short while and smiled up at me as she realized she was still being held close. I kissed her forehead gently. “You okay,...
Mel’s little SUV was not on my driveway when I got home, which was disappointing, to say the least. I’d been anticipating its presence all day. She finally arrived an hour after I did, looking stressed and drawn. That was worrying, but she quickly reassured me that it had nothing to do with me; she’d just had a really bad day at work. I was very glad to see her. Not only because she was back with us, but also because I needed the distraction. After being welcomed home by three dogs, which...
My drive down to Malibu was fine, just beating the Friday exodus rush. Fine, not pleasant; the sheer volume of traffic in Los Angeles County has pretty much killed any joy of being behind the wheel on most highways – it’s only when you get onto the less-traveled roads that you can get to appreciate them. Some of the canyon runs can be awesome at the right time of day. In the urban areas, though, there never is a right time of day. And don’t forget the tourists, in rental cars, who don’t have...
One thing I was absolutely NOT intending to do was fall asleep on Mel. The night was still young, and I’d promised to do her doggie. And hopefully more than once. We’d gotten to know one another pretty well before becoming intimate; I very much liked what I’d seen of her character, and it seemed she hadn’t been too badly repulsed by mine. Our first bout seemed to have made her happy, and I was intending to repeat that lesson. Mel got a truly wicked grin on her face when she put her hand...
It was only a small cove on the shoreline, with big rocks at both ends. Which is probably what had saved it so far from over-development or amalgamation into one of the other beaches. There were maybe a dozen other people around, from the other two beach houses, no casual visitors. We strolled slowly hand-in-hand along the shore, pausing often so the dogs could investigate something, just enjoying being together. Mel looked really good in a bikini; this one was a very modest style. I’d seen...
We were both a sticky mess below the waist, and sweaty all over, so a shower was an essential next step. Being California, and economy with water being a habit, we took it together. I asked Mel if I could wash her hair; she seemed a little startled that I’d actually want to do that, but happily agreed when I reassured her that it would absolutely be a pleasure. There’s a real intimacy to washing someone else’s hair. No, I’m not talking about at the salon, where it’s part of the assembly...
We went for the option of sleeping at Mel’s place that night; she’d quickly made clear that she was desperate to finally welcome me to her own space. I drove home to grab a few things, and then retraced my steps as far as Woodland Hills, stopping at a convenience store to fill the short list she’d texted me once she’d had a chance to look in her own fridge. I immediately saw a bit of the darker side of fame; my arrival in her driveway was greeted by a harsh glare of security floodlights,...
Thursday after work I met Mel in town for a big-screen showing of ‘The Blue Dahlia‘, the 1946 George Marshall / Raymond Chandler thriller, with Alan Ladd and Veronica Lake. We both enjoyed the movie, but I had to agree with Mel’s opinion that they’d been much better together in “The Glass Key”. Their on-screen chemistry wasn’t quite as fresh and intense this time – probably not helped by the uncertainty caused by Chandler still not having completed the script when shooting was well under...
As I was accompanying Mel to the movie shoot in the morning, she’d insisted Max and I spend Friday night at her place. I have to admit that I was not entirely confident about the coming day; over the years, I’d been taught, or had learned, how to behave ‘properly’ in a wide variety of social situations, but assisting my girlfriend at a porno shoot had NOT been one of them. Not even at college when, under the guidance of our professors, we’d role-played potential stressful situations we might...
Monday morning, Max and I left the girls’ place at six so I could drop him home and get to work almost on time. The extra distance from Woodland Hills added maybe twenty minutes to my commute; had I left it any later to get away, that could easily have been another hour. The traffic was beginning to back up for rush hour as I reached the hospital’s parking structure. Helga was already at her desk, eager to hear ALL the details of exactly what happened at a porno shoot. There was no way we...
The next couple of weeks turned out to be rather more eventful than I was expecting. Oh, they started off with our relationship continuing to build steadily, but then we took quite the sudden jump forward. I’ll get on to that in a moment. Saturday, Mel was working camera with Judy on a ‘normal’ commercial TV advertising shoot – Judy is fully aware that her income from making porn is at the whim of the studios and their fickle money men, so she takes most any kind of film-making commission,...
We ate – no, devoured – a belated pot-luck supper, washed down with a bottle of wine. Having missed lunch and engaged in some strenuous physical activity, we were both ravenous by the time we got to examining the contents of her fridge. And then it was back to bed, both still fired up from our lust-fueled session on the pool table. Sunday morning, I woke first, reluctantly disentangled myself from Mel’s soft warm naked body, hit the bathroom and then the kitchen. Task number one, fill...
When Helga brought in our mid-morning coffee and Danish the next day, I asked her opinion of my vanity plate gift idea. She laughed, “Mike, you hate vanity plates! You were SO rude about Dr. Schreiber!” I chuckled. Yeah, guilty on that count. Shortly before the turn of the year, I’d let off some steam to my loyal assistant on my return from one of those interminable and pointless meetings; of which the unquestioned nadir had been the good doctor absolutely insisting on showing everyone the...
The natural consequences of watching the raw video of ‘Stealing my roomie’s boyfriend 32‘ meant that, after we’d put the dogs out in the yard for their bedtime routine, and gotten to bed ourselves, we didn’t actually get off to sleep for some time. It was probably already Wednesday morning before we turned out the lights and pulled the sheets over us. I lay awake for a few minutes longer, happily listening to the soft breathing of the warm body spooned into me as she slept. Sure beat Max’s...
Our get-away plan came together surprisingly well, given the spontaneity and suddenness of my/our decision to fly to Atlanta for the weekend. Mostly because Helga is so efficient. She did all the necessary spadework, not me. I merely paid for the tickets. And that was simply a matter of handing over my credit card when she asked for it. What with the short notice of our trip, I hadn’t taken any advance steps with my daily calendar to ensure I left work early – or at least on time – but my...
As we’d expected, Mom was already up and about with the kids when we entered the house; they were early risers, and she was just starting them on their breakfast. I could smell the coffee machine doing its duty, so the timing was perfect. Katelyn entered the kitchen first and got the distraction mission done, loudly thanking Mom for having her kids for the night, while Mel and I sneaked across the hallway into the family room to hide out on the couch. Despite our fitful sleep on the plane,...
With the kids around and needing the grandmotherly mix of praise and cajoling as they ate, Mom didn’t have the opportunity to unleash her curiosity about Mel’s family. She was also too busy enjoying having her family around her, delighted her son and future daughter-in-law were at her meal table for the first time. Didn’t mean she wasn’t eager to know more. I knew our neighbors almost as well as she did; there was no doubting that those to whom I’d introduced Mel during our little tour would...
It took us quite a while, sitting holding hands in the noodle kitchen parking lot as customers came and went, to thrash out the exact story we were going to tell Mom, weaving it around the theme of a fundamental disagreement over a girl wanting a college education and a career, rather than a husband and three babies before her twenty-first birthday. Mom would immediately get that. We decided to also highlight the fact Mel hadn’t actually ever met her last three ‘stepmothers’, and express...
Mom offered us a refill of iced tea, then ushered us across the hallway into the family room. James briefly looked into the den to check on the kids; he’d parked them in front of a cartoon which seemed to be entertaining them just fine. Abby was old enough to begin to enjoy the story, Ben more just liking the visual stimulation and the pretty colors. From the grin on his face, I guessed they hadn’t even noticed his intrusion. I chose a big easy chair for us both to sit in; I’d hardly gotten...
The mouthwatering aroma of delicious food hit us as soon as we got in the door from the piggyback ride. Katelyn grabbed her kids to get them to their places at the family table. Mel and I quickly washed our hands in the foyer bathroom and joined them. Cassie hadn’t been exaggerating quite how ready the meal was. If, as a kid, I would have been out of the house this close to serving up time, Mom would have made her serious displeasure known. But, as we’d been keeping her grandchildren...
Mel and I did our bedtime routine together in the family bathroom; on the way back to my room, we popped our heads into Katelyn’s old bedroom, where Abby and Ben were fast asleep in their mom’s childhood bed, one at each end. The tender expression on my fiancée’s face as she watched the sleeping babies convinced me I needed to give her one of our own just as soon as we could do it. I was feeling the same. I guess that’s why, like puppies and kittens, young kids are so cute – to bring out the...
This chapter is respectfully dedicated to readers thegoat, silin14, addicted1, persecutor and quietwatchman for their wise counsel and encouragement in helping me get through some MAJOR storyline blunders that seriously messed up my posting. Thanks, guys. The bedroom door handle rattled just after six; I’d been half-awake in the pre-dawn twilight for a while and expecting company. Oh, I’d also been replaying in my mind the ‘Lanta session of a few hours before; the role-playing had been a...
Not wishing to sound hubristic, but, sitting there at the table, back in my family home, the love of my life, my future wife, by my side, I was in a very happy place. It seemed like my beloved was also loving the heck out of being here, being part of a normal loving family, eating together for the sheer joy of living. There was a huge smile on her beautiful face that seemed like it wasn’t ever going to quit, and as her pink tongue emerged catlike from between her white teeth and red lips to...
We checked in immediately, discovered that there was a projected general delay of twenty minutes, and joined the line to endure the attentions of the TSA. I’m way out of line here professionally – I should never be judgmental about lifestyle choices – but as I watched the TSA officers at work, I had to grin to myself about turning down Mom’s offer of some fresh zucchini to take home. I was sure some of these people wouldn’t know a zucchini from an eggplant. My informed guess was that maybe...
The camera lingered on Atlanta’s upper body; her beautiful face framed by its mane of blonde hair, the graceful lines of her pale-skinned neck and shoulders, then ever so slowly, almost lovingly, it moved down to her small but perfectly formed breasts with their puffy nipples... It was almost as if it somehow knew, in its little electronic brain, that “Agent in Place” would be Atlanta Starr’s final movie, and that this was the very last time it would have the opportunity to display her trim...
As I reluctantly dragged my butt towards the hospital, resignedly enduring the usual SoCal crawling commute, somehow resisting the temptation to make a screeching U-turn and head back home, I considered how much more fun my life was since I’d gotten together with Mel. Max is a great canine companion, but ... he’s a dog, not a human. Mel knocks spots off of him in so very many ways. Mel’s lips on mine, or Max’s tongue attempting to lick my face? – no contest. Max has been knocked into...
by Sebastian X I was surprised to receive an invitation to the new bishop's inaugural garden party. One endorsed, "Be there, Sebastian, or else... " in red ink. An invitation to tea and cucumber sandwiches with the city's genteel elite is not usually accompanied by a threat. Nor are such invitations extended to Organization executives of my humble status. Particularly ones with a criminal record for rape, albeit a record destined to be destroyed on my eighteenth birthday. Following my...
Faiza was upset. She was going to swimming today but could not do so. Her pubes were showing through her swimming suite and she had no hair removing cream to remove them. Suddenly she thought of using her brother’s razor. Amir was two years her senior, she was 18, and they shared a common bathroom. Each had a door from their room into the bath. She went outside and made sure that he was not home. Relax she went to the bathroom and opened his cabinet. His Gillette razor was lying next to his...
IncestWhen I told Jacqui it was time to go, I picked up the chairs and quietly leaned them against the side of the garage so there wouldn't be any evidence of us watching when Mike and Michelle awoke the next morning.As soon as we got in the car, Jacqui pulled me to her and frantically kissed me, pushing her tongue into my mouth. I was so horny from watching Michelle and Mike and now this sexy girl trying to devour me that I returned her kiss just as fervently. When we finally broke away, she told me...
Wife LoversFinally, the long awaited day arrived. Lee was separated from active duty with the U S Marine Corps. He elected to take cash in lieu of a ticket home. Lee found he could pocket some serious change if he took mileage then purchased a bus ticket home instead of letting the government buy him an airline ticket. When Lee's bus arrived in his home town he watched the streets and buildings pass slowly by as it approached the bus terminal. For some reason he had not taken any leave time to go home...
Getting home late was just part of my problems. I needed to think about the new plan, but first I had an engagement with the old plan. I wanted to see the two Joes, so I needed to get back to my cover story. I got home by two on Friday. I managed to get loaded and out the door by five. The two hour drive put me in the small but picturesque Louisiana town by eight. I barely had time to check in, text Billy Joe, and eat half a pizza before they were at my door. It was a repeat of the weekend...
[“Do you trust him to keep our secret?” “I’d like to think so, ... but,... “] Joshua took a deep breath before looking each of us in the eye. “Let me ask each of you a question. I want you to think about it carefully. Your answer will be my answer as to whether or not I breathe a word of this to my friend Johnny. “Would any or all of you be willing to dedicate one year to a project that my friend Johnny and I might want to restart? And what if I could virtually guarantee that each of you...
Hi dosto, main vaibhav…main Delhi ka rehna wala hu..maine ap sbko apni real story share karne ja rha hu….please like and comment jarur kari agar Sach or achi lage. Mere pados m ek new coupled rent p rehna aya.. Waha bas dono couple akele rhte the or ladka job krta tha. Bhabhi to bhut mast thi with 34-30-36 figure thi uski…mera to dil hi a gya tha usse dekh k.. Fir kuch din bat hmari bat start ho gayi hi hello type..Fir dhere dhere hum close ane lage or phone p bat bhi krne lage wo akele rehti...
Dan opened the passenger door for Trisha to enter his Mustang. She smiled as his eyes gazed at her deliberately exposed pussy. Barely behind the driver’s wheel, she was again all over him, slipping his hand inside her dress and her fingers pulling down his zipper. “I need you to fuck me, Dan. Can we go to your home?” “Wouldn’t your apartment be closer?” “It would be but I’d love to see your place, starting with the bedroom.” She gently slid her hand inside the opening. “I guess we can but...
This would be a nice portrayal of the only sex encounter between myself and my friend’s mom. Who is like BBW for me. :D Reason behind is, I dunno her size. Feel ashamed here not knowing her size to mention it. But trust me, I believe in briefing the size in words than numbers. Maybe because I am weak in Math :D :) With pre-things provided writing to explain my Only sex encounter so far. Would love to hear from everybody here. Enjoy the story and please drop your emails to I would reply each...
Note:- All the stories of this series are fictional but the celebrities are real. It was a month since I had last had sex. Last time I had had sex was with the bollywood actress Ayesha Takia. I still missed her lips resting on mine and her huge breasts resting on my chest. I wanted to fuck her again but I knew it was not possible. Thinking about her I got a hard erection and I took off my pants and boxers and started masturbating my 12 inch long 3 inch thick cock and in 20 minutes came with my...
The rain bounced off the storefront window like tiny pebbles. Without sentiment, wave after wave of wind pushed in the fall months. Temperatures were dropping, the tourists were leaving and Diana Foster was looking at a long, off-season alone.During the summer months Diana’s fabric store was a favorite among the well-heeled women from Manhattan and the Boston suburbs. Busy from opening to closing, each day passed in a blur. But the winter months were different. Diana worked mostly by herself,...
First TimeI really should have thought twice when I accepted Mom's call. But, she'd been down since Dad left, and I hadn't been around to see her much, being busy with my own life.She wanted to come Downtown for a girls weekend with me. Life in the burbs was apparently getting claustrophobic and she wanted to go shopping and whatnot. So, I invited her to come Friday after work, and stay the weekend in my tiny little apartment.Friday night, and we went out for a drink in a swanky, but dreadfully dull...
Next, as Tori came up and kissed me, she said, "That was sweet of you to help her out. She really works hard and does a good job. She made sure the new girl was polite and did a good job when she took over our apartment last year. You are a kind Master." "I'll show you kind. Go put on a skirt, a t-shirt and sandals. We're going out." I said. Tori ran upstairs and was back down in just a few minutes. She had her keys and I had her drive us to the mall. She still had on her collar but I...
A Nice Guy, Whoops, a Nice French Woman By Kathy Smith Peter E. Stein is a biomedical engineer in a biotech company near Boston (in Natick, MA). He was a CEO and the Chief Scientist. He has a Sc.D. from M.I.T. and has a MBA from Sloan School. He has medium height, 6'2" and has blue eyes and light brunette hair. He has one different drummer vice; he has long hair (about the length of his belly button). He normal wears it a ponytail. He is very, very skinny (weights 125...
Most of the day – again – was a complete blur to Emily. She knew she met up with her best friend Donna, eventually. She knew she went to her classes, and that she practiced for the cheerleading squad after school. And she knew that practice had gone incredibly well, and everything was amazing and perfect about her day. Well... almost perfect. She'd worn her headphones throughout the school day, more and more, even trying to wear them whenever possible during her classes. A few of the other...
Ok, this is an absolutely true story.I'm a married white guy, stocky, 6'1" with a 5-1/2" cut dick. I've been dressing up on and off since I was a p*****n, starting with my mother's lingerie and dresses. I love makeup, but especially lipstick. I used to masturbate by stroking my cock with a blood red lipstick while reading those old trashy porn novels you could pick up in the seedier luncheonettes.I always denied my cock loving side, imagining myself as a lesbian for the most part, but I...
"So," said Mary, "how come you haven't made a pass at me?""Sorry?""'Sorry I didn't hear you', or 'Sorry I haven't made a pass at you'?"I looked over at the 18 year old in the seat next to me, then stalled for time by concentrating on the road. The interstate was wide open in both directions, with absolutely no other cars in sight. I did a pretty good job of making it look as though driving in a straight line took a lot of skill and concentration."I mean," she said, "last night we slept in the...
I felt like I was in a dream. I turned to look at the beautiful young woman in the bed next to me. She looked exactly like April! I’m sure that they have some distinguishing marks, and they definitely have unique mannerisms, but they look exactly alike! April spoke from the doorway. “I’m sorry Mr. Jacobs. I knew that my twin sister was coming for a visit, and we thought it might be funny to play a little joke on you! You’re not mad, are you?” “Mad?! Why would I be mad? I’m 50 years old, and...
Hi this is Vaibhav (changed) age 19. I am a college student pursuing a B.Tech degree and staying at home. I am tall and slim good looking guy with 6 inch cock. I like to talk and have fun with teenage girls and married ladies with good stats. Kindly send your feedback to Coming to the story, the sexy girl in the story is Saloni (changed). She is also a college going girl of age 19. She is a hot teenager with sexy ass and big boobs. She is fair and her skin is quite awesome. She has a bomb...
I still hadn't a clue where Morgana's manse was, though I was beginning to suspect it wasn't a regular world, or not one that any Mage could simply run across via a scan, it also wasn't in a pocket dimension either. That I could get there was due to Morgana having placed the co-ordinates into my mind during my apprentice days, not that I could read them, I simply thought about it and then ported, it was a clever trick and one which I worried over mentally every so often, determined to...
Jake waved to the two and got into his car shaking his head. That turned out different than he expected. Turning on the engine and checking his mirrors he didn’t notice the car across the parking lot. Pulling out onto the street and pulling away, the car followed. It wasn’t until two blocks later as he sat at a red light did Jake look behind him. “Fuck is that a cop?” Woop woop The air turned red and blue as the cop flashed him to pull over. Car 149 Delta, we have a possible six four...
Momma's Piesbydaddyslittlebitch©"Come on boys," I heard my mom shout from the next room, "Pies are almost ready."I rushed to put down what I was doing and could hear the eager running feet of my two elder brothers hurrying to join us. Mom's pies were something really special, a treat that we were all only to eager to eat up. We raced into the living room together and there we three were met with quite a sight.My mom lay on her back on the dining table. She was completely naked except for a...