GND 30Chapter 2
- 4 years ago
- 23
- 0
As I was accompanying Mel to the movie shoot in the morning, she’d insisted Max and I spend Friday night at her place.
I have to admit that I was not entirely confident about the coming day; over the years, I’d been taught, or had learned, how to behave ‘properly’ in a wide variety of social situations, but assisting my girlfriend at a porno shoot had NOT been one of them. Not even at college when, under the guidance of our professors, we’d role-played potential stressful situations we might encounter as hospital administrators, had this possibility been covered. I mean, it’s not like I was worried about breaching some kind of etiquette, but I didn’t want to either accidentally cause offense, or make it too obvious that I was a total newbie on set.
Mel chuckled when I confessed my fears; she asked me straight out how I’d felt at the first wild college party I’d attended (Answer: too drunk and horny to be shy, ) and she reassured me that with Judy in charge, it would be a whole lot more restrained than a fraternity party.
“So if I get a boner watching the action, nobody will mind?”
“Well, baby, I will mind, because now we’re exclusive, you’re only supposed to get aroused by me. But I’ll try to remember that, being a man, you are only a VERY primitive organism, and that you can’t help it. Just hold the thought and save it for me for afterwards.”
The affectionate look she gave me took away any insult. “Don’t you get horny at shoots?”
“Of course I do; the whole point of porn is to arouse sexual desires. But I’ve been in the business too long to let it disturb what I’m doing. You’re a professional too; you’ve learned to control yourself until you can let it go. You’ll do fine.”
That was a fair point. Even fairer was the way we then reduced each other’s residual sexual tension with some highly enjoyable mutual release. I slept a whole lot better than I’d feared. Mentally and physically satisfied.
After an early breakfast and bribing the dogs with a chewy treat to keep them amused and, rather more importantly, to give us time to get out of the door without them, us two non-canines traveled to the shoot in her SUV.
Mel drove us over to Beverly Hills, getting into serious Hollywood name country. She turned into a gated driveway, spoke on the intercom, and the gates opened. We went on up the driveway through a wide expanse of grass and flowerbeds, with an honest-to-god Hollywood mansion ahead of us. “Whose place is this?”
She told me.
Wow! Those were two BIG names, a real Hollywood power couple before their current marital ... ah... difficulties. “How the heck did you get in here?”
She grinned. “Their divorce. She didn’t seem to predict that as he happily cheated on his first wife with her, he was almost certainly gonna cheat on her after they were married. Which bit of ‘Once a cheater, always a cheater’ did she not get? She took it so badly when she did find out that all their bank accounts are frozen, including the ones for this place. Oh, and they took out mirror restraining orders, so neither of them can come here without a lawyer representing the other being present. It’s one hell of a mess, Judy says. The housekeeper isn’t getting paid, nor are the rest of the house staff. Most of them have quit and found other jobs, so those few who are left are needing to raise cash to eat and pay the bills. The only people living the high life off this are the lawyers. Renting this place out for movie sets and private parties pays pretty well; Judy says that they’ve been doing it a while. Just don’t want too many people to know about it. Which I suspect is why we couldn’t tell Helga.”
I chuckled my agreement. “Can’t say I blame them. You have a great job, mixing with worldwide stars, and then they suddenly stop paying you; of course you’d be a fool not to work what assets you have got for as long as you can get away with it.”
She ran her finger down the side of my face. “I’ve done some shoots where it was the owners who knowingly rented out their own place, for an amount that would hardly cover their weekly grocery bill. Their price was getting to watch, and let me tell you, that was seriously weird!”
“Oh, I don’t know. If you‘d had sex in my bed, I wouldn’t ever change the sheets until they wore out.”
She laughed out loud. “I knew it! I just knew it! You ARE a complete pervert! God, I love you!”
That earned her rather a prolonged kiss, and the compliment of my first boner since our morning shower. The grin she gave me when she ran her fingers over that was positively feral.
I’d suspected I wasn’t going to get a free ride that day; it was confirmed when Mel got me to hump most of the camera and light boxes for her. Hey, at least I felt almost useful, and a participant rather than a mere spectator.
We’d arrived early so that I could meet Judy in person before the rest of the crew started asking questions.
(So as not to embarrass myself TOO much after my big stereotyping fail with Lucas and Maya, I’d looked Judy up on the Internet. Tall, with shoulder-length reddy-brown hair, she was five years older than me, hailed originally from Maryland, and had come to Los Angeles straight from college fifteen years before to work in advertising, a copywriter. In her spare time, she’d written a few short scripts; she took the opportunity of asking a director she met for some advice, and suddenly she had a couple of scripts accepted. With her BA in Communications minoring in Film, she’d helped out on set a couple of times and gotten herself a few movie credits in the crew as well as script writer. That had led to some regular work directing shorts – both mainstream and porn – that she’d also scripted. She’d also (according to her very helpful IMDb entry) appeared in approximately a dozen of the films she’d directed, either as an extra or sometimes as a named character with lines – in one scene I’d watched, she’d ably played a bartender who dispensed great relationship advice, but could never find herself a keeper of her own. She seemed to have a solid reputation in the business for being both decent and efficient – and of course, Mel couldn’t sing her praises loud enough. Mel had told me that Judy had a long-time partner, Trent, who was an engineer of some kind, though that part was NOT on her publicly-available bio.)
It took me about two minutes talking with Judy to realize that the bartender character she’d acted was pretty close to her real persona; she did genuinely like and care about people; she was sincerely pleased to meet me because I was important to her friend Mel. It was only when a couple more of the crew showed up that she politely excused herself from talking with us, and got to work.
(Full disclosure: while I was finding out about Judy, I’d also done some rather belated research on Lucas’ wife Maya. I’d done an alphabetical search on ‘Pornhub’, but although there were plenty of Mayas, none of them were her. Out of frustration, I’d scrolled down the thumbnail photos in case she was out of place, and suddenly spotted her – as ‘Merida’. I gave myself a mental forehead slap; of course she would be using a stage name, and I’d been lucky that it had been so close alphabetically to her real one. ‘Merida’ sure delivered on the promise of Maya’s cleavage; those babies unfettered were something to behold. Her whole body was lush and just made for passion; I could see why she had been popular. Lucas was a very lucky guy. A worrying thought had crossed my mind, so I’d searched for ‘Atlanta and Merida’, and was a little relieved to find that they’d never done a scene together. It would be a little easier for me to accept Mel and Maya being friends, knowing that they hadn’t had sex.)
Mel nudged me to pick up my load of boxes, and led me to the smaller ‘family’ room where the first scenes were to be shot. ‘Small’ is relative; it was about the size of my own living room, kitchen, utility and foyer combined. There was an air of quiet efficiency as the crew set up; once Judy was satisfied that we were all ready, she brought in the six actors to tell them what they were going to do.
They were fresh-faced kids, all around ten years younger than me. Dressed casually, the girls with no makeup, seeming keen to get to work. If I’d seen them around town, I’d have taken them for normal college students. They sat bunched together on the big couch in front of Judy.
Like Mel had told me, this was a feature-length adult movie of 119 minutes runtime, rather than a straightforward short porn flick of 30 minutes. Judy’s story line ran thus:
‘Dawn’, ‘Evie’ and ‘Janis’ had been best friends throughout high school. They’d been split physically by college and work, but now, on the third anniversary of their graduation, they’d booked a house for a weekend reunion. They’d each brought their current boyfriend; the back story was that they’d shared boys before, and the twist this time was that Evie’s boyfriend ‘Tyler’ and Dawn were going to fall instantly in lust.
“You’re all gonna get a little wasted on wine; the three girls are gonna head off to the bathroom where Evie will suggest a few drinking games and Dawn will push it so she gets a shot at Tyler. See where we’re headed?”
Once Judy was happy that they all ‘got’ her concept, she sent them off to change into the first set of outfits, the girls to put on some makeup suitable for a reunion with friends rather than a big night out.
Janis and her boyfriend ‘Carter’ were first to enter the room, then Dawn and ‘Brendon’ close behind. We took some footage of introductions and greetings; then Judy got Mel lined up for the close up shots of Dawn’s face when Tyler and Evie entered; it took four takes before she was content that, with a little bit of creative editing, she could find just the right facial expressions to portray the ‘lust at first sight’.
Next up were some continuity shots of the boys getting acquainted with the other girls; the first glass of wine did contain real wine; the subsequent ones were non-alcoholic grape juice. Judy didn’t want her actors to get genuinely blitzed, but a slight buzz was good. The girls were soon getting to know each other’s boyfriends; we did some extra takes of Dawn and Tyler sitting close together. The dialog was easy and believable, young people easy with each other, even when the conversation turned to sexual matters, like when Janis asked each guy how old he’d been when he’d lost his cherry, and to who.
You know the old Hollywood cliché, that the best actors are now behind the cameras? It’s a truism. Judy could (and often did) explain – and demonstrate – exactly what she wanted, and get it delivered by the actor. (I noticed as the day went on that Mel was also rapidly heading that way; on several occasions she made great suggestions or adjusted something slightly, and even I could see that it was an improvement.)
Judy had a legal pad covered with notes which she referred to almost constantly. She wanted to shoot parts of several different scenes in that room, including some nude and sleepwear scenes, and the actors were kept busy while they weren’t on camera, getting ready for their next appearance.
So far they’d stayed clothed, although the drinking game sections had involved some making out and intimate touching under the clothes. I’d been a little worried about my likely reaction when the first girl got naked; it was Janis who padded into the room looking for her purse, only to discover a boxer-short-clad Brendon picking up the empty glasses. It took a couple of takes before Judy was satisfied that the facial expressions as they studied each other’s bodies had been captured by the cameras. Then she got Brendon sitting down on the couch while Janis uncovered his cock and began sucking it. Two minutes footage sufficed, and Dawn was positioned on the arm of the couch while Tyler ate her pussy; again, just enough for Judy to be sure she’d gotten the shot she wanted. To show that there’d been a lot of partner-swapping action, but without overdoing it.
Next up, we moved all the kit to the kitchen to shoot some more of the storyline sections. The actors were clothed again, and speaking to script. There were a couple of slips where the actor fluffed their lines, but Judy’s dialogue was straightforward enough for the number of takes to be few. It still took a while, because Judy was using the kitchen as a way of keeping track as the weekend progressed. There were two sexual acts to film in the kitchen and we caught those while we were there; Evie in a loosely-tied bathrobe at the sink when a naked Carter came behind her and started caressing her tits, and then Evie sucking Brendon’s dick while he sat on the kitchen counter.
Judy pronounced herself happy, and we all trooped through to a big marble bathroom to set up for the first full sex scene. Now, that was a totally different setup from the previous two rooms; bathrooms have mirrors and reflective glass, and we had to avoid catching the crew or their equipment in the shot.
The story was that Friday night, things hadn’t progressed as far as swapping partners, but everybody was seriously horny. Carter and Janis wished the others a drunken ‘goodnight’ and went to their bedroom; she exclaimed at the luxury bathroom, they tore each other’s clothes off and screwed in four different positions before he shot cum all up her back as she was bent over the washbasin.
That complete, Janis and Dawn changed again into their ‘drinking game’ clothes; Dawn sitting on the commode while Janis washed her hands, Dawn suggesting that maybe they could try making out with the other guys, and an acting-drunk Janis agreeing with her.
By this stage I was already fairly confused. Although I’d known from an early age that directors always shot all the scenes set in one location or on one stage set, I hadn’t realized quite how the acting would bounce from one part of the whole story to another. Which was why Judy was always explaining which section we were about to shoot, so the actors could adopt the correct persona.
Next up was the Tyler and Evie bedroom scene. In line with the story, a newly love-struck Tyler acted a little distracted as he fucked his girlfriend – Judy had explained she’d be inserting a few wishful images of Dawn in the final edition, to show that Tyler was imagining that it was Dawn on his cock rather than Evie.
And the third ‘Friday night’ sex scene was of course Dawn and Brendon. This time it was Dawn who had her eyes shut as she visualized what it would be like riding Tyler’s dick.
One thing that did surprise me was the need for a ‘fluffer’. Okay, I wasn’t naked and being distracted by everything else that was going on around the room, but if you’d asked me, I’d have told you that to be a successful porn star, you’d be able to get and maintain erections when you were around hot girls like these. Especially when you were only 20 or 21. Trouble was, there were so many stops and starts, so many breaks in the action, even with a top adult director like Judy, that the guys kept losing it. Rather than mess up the continuity and lose the current position, one of the other girls was on stand-by to get the guy back up there so the cameras could start rolling again.
Just before I got into bed, I logged in to the app again and messaged her ‘sleep well’, she quickly replied ‘and you’. Actually, I didn’t get to sleep for a while; I was trying to pin down the word that best described how I felt. I’d almost given up going through my vocabulary when it came to me. I’d felt completely at ease with Mel, immediately comfortable with someone I’d only just met. It wasn’t a sudden infatuation or mere lust, it was something deeper than that. A natural closeness. That...
Thursday was a late day; I took a stroll around the hospital to see how the evening clinics were running. They’re surprisingly popular with people needing routine monitoring or annual healthchecks, but either not wanting their boss or work colleagues to know about it, or too busy making money to take an hour or two off work. All was well, so I headed for home. Even better, Max wasn’t too upset with me that I was home late. He’s a lot more forgiving than Marsha ever was. Okay, so I fed him...
Wednesday was another very pleasant evening. The weather was typical California spring sunshine, and with Helga aware I had a date and screening my calls, I’d gotten out of the office early enough to beat the rush. There weren’t a whole load of people around at Corriganville, and the three dogs enjoyed being let off their leashes. I was amazed at how quickly Max had taken to Kara and Tara; although I’d carefully socialized him and we’d faithfully attended the training classes, he exceeded my...
Thursday morning, Helga was already talking on her phone as I walked past her desk in the outer office. Her eyebrows raised in question as she saw me, and I gave her a ‘thumbs up’, which she returned. Of course she came in with my coffee a few minutes later, demanding more detail; I told her that it was going well and we had a movie date the next evening. “Don’t forget to call her tonight just to keep in touch!” “Don’t worry, Mom, I’ll do that just as soon as Max has had his supper.” Helga...
I told Mel the – slightly edited – story of Helga’s flowers when I called her at nine o’clock that evening; she giggled and responded that she too very much liked receiving bouquets. I chuckled and explained that I needed to see her in person to make that happen, and ... when would suit her? As she was leaving for her Vegas convention early Thursday, Tuesday – or tomorrow – was the only way to go. She complained that she was scheduled to be filming out in Ventura all day, and probably...
Saturday, Max and I were planning to be up and about early, ready to start cleaning the place up for our guests. Just not quite as early as actually happened... When I woke at about five, I just knew I wouldn’t get back to sleep again. My stomach was doing those little nervous twitches, like I was sixteen again and going on my very first date. Okay, actually it DID feel like finally scoring a first date with a girl I’d crushed on without success; except that I already had feelings for Mel,...
A very, very long pause. Seemed like Mel had said all she wanted to say, and I wasn’t yet up to responding. Heck, I wasn’t up to understanding the words that were still ringing in my ears. While my brain slowly processed what I’d just heard, the universe seemed to stop revolving. It was a whole lot more than a mental ‘Wait! What did she say?’ It was more: Jesus H Christ! Had she really just said those things? Fuck! Had she actually DONE all those things? TEN YEARS? I eventually exhaled....
I began cyber-stalking Mel the moment I got back into my home office. Google is indeed your friend if you want to stalk. Actually, it was genuinely frightening how easy it was, and I was pretty much a first-timer at this game. Jeez, these algorithms REALLY give me the creeps sometimes. I’m not at all a fan of big government, and I’m even less thrilled at private corporations knowing and anticipating my every move, which is why you won’t find me on social media. Heck, some of this targeted...
(This chapter has been shortened and reposted – I added way too much to it AFTER my editor had read it. Hope it reads a little easier now.) Before I started on counting up the points in Mel’s favor, I called her, just to check up how she was doing. She picked up quickly, but sounding wary, as if she was expecting that this would be the call to dump her, anticipating hurtful words. I promised her that I would make no rush decisions, and that I’d meet her face to face real soon to tell her...
Wednesday morning, after I’d returned a couple of ‘urgent’ calls to get them out of the way, I checked my office door was fully closed so Helga couldn’t hear me, and speed-dialed Mel. She’d told me when I checked in with her the night before that she was doing some post-production work that day, so I knew she’d have her phone switched on and be able to answer. It was time to simplify things. I’d pondered and I’d considered and I’d reflected and I’d evaluated – you get the picture – and I’d...
I’d intended and planned to get away from the office right on time if not earlier; as you’d expect when it was so important to me, I received a phone call that I HAD to take, just as I was closing down my computer for the night. One of the Board members with a ‘suggestion’. You know the military saying, that there’s nothing more dangerous than a new butter bar second lieutenant with a map? Board members with spontaneous ‘ideas’ are damn nearly as great a hazard. And, what’s worse, I can’t...
Well, the palpable joy of Mel resting in my arms sure answered the question “Do I feel better with this lady in my life?“ with a resounding ‘yes!’. Now it was a matter of seeing how we could make this thing work. It wasn’t a foregone conclusion, by any means, but I knew I felt attraction, not repulsion. Bad things had been done TO her, not BY her. She stirred after a short while and smiled up at me as she realized she was still being held close. I kissed her forehead gently. “You okay,...
Mel’s little SUV was not on my driveway when I got home, which was disappointing, to say the least. I’d been anticipating its presence all day. She finally arrived an hour after I did, looking stressed and drawn. That was worrying, but she quickly reassured me that it had nothing to do with me; she’d just had a really bad day at work. I was very glad to see her. Not only because she was back with us, but also because I needed the distraction. After being welcomed home by three dogs, which...
My drive down to Malibu was fine, just beating the Friday exodus rush. Fine, not pleasant; the sheer volume of traffic in Los Angeles County has pretty much killed any joy of being behind the wheel on most highways – it’s only when you get onto the less-traveled roads that you can get to appreciate them. Some of the canyon runs can be awesome at the right time of day. In the urban areas, though, there never is a right time of day. And don’t forget the tourists, in rental cars, who don’t have...
One thing I was absolutely NOT intending to do was fall asleep on Mel. The night was still young, and I’d promised to do her doggie. And hopefully more than once. We’d gotten to know one another pretty well before becoming intimate; I very much liked what I’d seen of her character, and it seemed she hadn’t been too badly repulsed by mine. Our first bout seemed to have made her happy, and I was intending to repeat that lesson. Mel got a truly wicked grin on her face when she put her hand...
It was only a small cove on the shoreline, with big rocks at both ends. Which is probably what had saved it so far from over-development or amalgamation into one of the other beaches. There were maybe a dozen other people around, from the other two beach houses, no casual visitors. We strolled slowly hand-in-hand along the shore, pausing often so the dogs could investigate something, just enjoying being together. Mel looked really good in a bikini; this one was a very modest style. I’d seen...
We were both a sticky mess below the waist, and sweaty all over, so a shower was an essential next step. Being California, and economy with water being a habit, we took it together. I asked Mel if I could wash her hair; she seemed a little startled that I’d actually want to do that, but happily agreed when I reassured her that it would absolutely be a pleasure. There’s a real intimacy to washing someone else’s hair. No, I’m not talking about at the salon, where it’s part of the assembly...
We went for the option of sleeping at Mel’s place that night; she’d quickly made clear that she was desperate to finally welcome me to her own space. I drove home to grab a few things, and then retraced my steps as far as Woodland Hills, stopping at a convenience store to fill the short list she’d texted me once she’d had a chance to look in her own fridge. I immediately saw a bit of the darker side of fame; my arrival in her driveway was greeted by a harsh glare of security floodlights,...
Thursday after work I met Mel in town for a big-screen showing of ‘The Blue Dahlia‘, the 1946 George Marshall / Raymond Chandler thriller, with Alan Ladd and Veronica Lake. We both enjoyed the movie, but I had to agree with Mel’s opinion that they’d been much better together in “The Glass Key”. Their on-screen chemistry wasn’t quite as fresh and intense this time – probably not helped by the uncertainty caused by Chandler still not having completed the script when shooting was well under...
Monday morning, Max and I left the girls’ place at six so I could drop him home and get to work almost on time. The extra distance from Woodland Hills added maybe twenty minutes to my commute; had I left it any later to get away, that could easily have been another hour. The traffic was beginning to back up for rush hour as I reached the hospital’s parking structure. Helga was already at her desk, eager to hear ALL the details of exactly what happened at a porno shoot. There was no way we...
The next couple of weeks turned out to be rather more eventful than I was expecting. Oh, they started off with our relationship continuing to build steadily, but then we took quite the sudden jump forward. I’ll get on to that in a moment. Saturday, Mel was working camera with Judy on a ‘normal’ commercial TV advertising shoot – Judy is fully aware that her income from making porn is at the whim of the studios and their fickle money men, so she takes most any kind of film-making commission,...
We ate – no, devoured – a belated pot-luck supper, washed down with a bottle of wine. Having missed lunch and engaged in some strenuous physical activity, we were both ravenous by the time we got to examining the contents of her fridge. And then it was back to bed, both still fired up from our lust-fueled session on the pool table. Sunday morning, I woke first, reluctantly disentangled myself from Mel’s soft warm naked body, hit the bathroom and then the kitchen. Task number one, fill...
When Helga brought in our mid-morning coffee and Danish the next day, I asked her opinion of my vanity plate gift idea. She laughed, “Mike, you hate vanity plates! You were SO rude about Dr. Schreiber!” I chuckled. Yeah, guilty on that count. Shortly before the turn of the year, I’d let off some steam to my loyal assistant on my return from one of those interminable and pointless meetings; of which the unquestioned nadir had been the good doctor absolutely insisting on showing everyone the...
The natural consequences of watching the raw video of ‘Stealing my roomie’s boyfriend 32‘ meant that, after we’d put the dogs out in the yard for their bedtime routine, and gotten to bed ourselves, we didn’t actually get off to sleep for some time. It was probably already Wednesday morning before we turned out the lights and pulled the sheets over us. I lay awake for a few minutes longer, happily listening to the soft breathing of the warm body spooned into me as she slept. Sure beat Max’s...
Our get-away plan came together surprisingly well, given the spontaneity and suddenness of my/our decision to fly to Atlanta for the weekend. Mostly because Helga is so efficient. She did all the necessary spadework, not me. I merely paid for the tickets. And that was simply a matter of handing over my credit card when she asked for it. What with the short notice of our trip, I hadn’t taken any advance steps with my daily calendar to ensure I left work early – or at least on time – but my...
As we’d expected, Mom was already up and about with the kids when we entered the house; they were early risers, and she was just starting them on their breakfast. I could smell the coffee machine doing its duty, so the timing was perfect. Katelyn entered the kitchen first and got the distraction mission done, loudly thanking Mom for having her kids for the night, while Mel and I sneaked across the hallway into the family room to hide out on the couch. Despite our fitful sleep on the plane,...
With the kids around and needing the grandmotherly mix of praise and cajoling as they ate, Mom didn’t have the opportunity to unleash her curiosity about Mel’s family. She was also too busy enjoying having her family around her, delighted her son and future daughter-in-law were at her meal table for the first time. Didn’t mean she wasn’t eager to know more. I knew our neighbors almost as well as she did; there was no doubting that those to whom I’d introduced Mel during our little tour would...
It took us quite a while, sitting holding hands in the noodle kitchen parking lot as customers came and went, to thrash out the exact story we were going to tell Mom, weaving it around the theme of a fundamental disagreement over a girl wanting a college education and a career, rather than a husband and three babies before her twenty-first birthday. Mom would immediately get that. We decided to also highlight the fact Mel hadn’t actually ever met her last three ‘stepmothers’, and express...
Mom offered us a refill of iced tea, then ushered us across the hallway into the family room. James briefly looked into the den to check on the kids; he’d parked them in front of a cartoon which seemed to be entertaining them just fine. Abby was old enough to begin to enjoy the story, Ben more just liking the visual stimulation and the pretty colors. From the grin on his face, I guessed they hadn’t even noticed his intrusion. I chose a big easy chair for us both to sit in; I’d hardly gotten...
The mouthwatering aroma of delicious food hit us as soon as we got in the door from the piggyback ride. Katelyn grabbed her kids to get them to their places at the family table. Mel and I quickly washed our hands in the foyer bathroom and joined them. Cassie hadn’t been exaggerating quite how ready the meal was. If, as a kid, I would have been out of the house this close to serving up time, Mom would have made her serious displeasure known. But, as we’d been keeping her grandchildren...
Mel and I did our bedtime routine together in the family bathroom; on the way back to my room, we popped our heads into Katelyn’s old bedroom, where Abby and Ben were fast asleep in their mom’s childhood bed, one at each end. The tender expression on my fiancée’s face as she watched the sleeping babies convinced me I needed to give her one of our own just as soon as we could do it. I was feeling the same. I guess that’s why, like puppies and kittens, young kids are so cute – to bring out the...
This chapter is respectfully dedicated to readers thegoat, silin14, addicted1, persecutor and quietwatchman for their wise counsel and encouragement in helping me get through some MAJOR storyline blunders that seriously messed up my posting. Thanks, guys. The bedroom door handle rattled just after six; I’d been half-awake in the pre-dawn twilight for a while and expecting company. Oh, I’d also been replaying in my mind the ‘Lanta session of a few hours before; the role-playing had been a...
Not wishing to sound hubristic, but, sitting there at the table, back in my family home, the love of my life, my future wife, by my side, I was in a very happy place. It seemed like my beloved was also loving the heck out of being here, being part of a normal loving family, eating together for the sheer joy of living. There was a huge smile on her beautiful face that seemed like it wasn’t ever going to quit, and as her pink tongue emerged catlike from between her white teeth and red lips to...
We checked in immediately, discovered that there was a projected general delay of twenty minutes, and joined the line to endure the attentions of the TSA. I’m way out of line here professionally – I should never be judgmental about lifestyle choices – but as I watched the TSA officers at work, I had to grin to myself about turning down Mom’s offer of some fresh zucchini to take home. I was sure some of these people wouldn’t know a zucchini from an eggplant. My informed guess was that maybe...
The camera lingered on Atlanta’s upper body; her beautiful face framed by its mane of blonde hair, the graceful lines of her pale-skinned neck and shoulders, then ever so slowly, almost lovingly, it moved down to her small but perfectly formed breasts with their puffy nipples... It was almost as if it somehow knew, in its little electronic brain, that “Agent in Place” would be Atlanta Starr’s final movie, and that this was the very last time it would have the opportunity to display her trim...
As I reluctantly dragged my butt towards the hospital, resignedly enduring the usual SoCal crawling commute, somehow resisting the temptation to make a screeching U-turn and head back home, I considered how much more fun my life was since I’d gotten together with Mel. Max is a great canine companion, but ... he’s a dog, not a human. Mel knocks spots off of him in so very many ways. Mel’s lips on mine, or Max’s tongue attempting to lick my face? – no contest. Max has been knocked into...
Emily had fallen asleep on the couch still on her date clothes. She might've been waiting for me. I felt pity towards her. But still it didn't change the fact that she had fucked with Steve today. I took her in my arms and carried her to her bedroom. She smelled wine, but not sex. I dropped her on the bed and went to my room without even looking at her. I would've made her comfortable on any other day, but not that day.Following morning was a bit awkward for both of us. Knowing that both of us...
The following story is an original work of fiction. I awoke feeling refreshed and excited. Of course part of my energy was from my early bedtime the evening before. Sierra and I had gone to bed right after our dinner and bath time together, which couldn't have been much later than 9:30. But mostly it was because my mind was abuzz with all of the possible scenarios Sierra might have planned out for us to engage in throughout the week. With her in charge, they could be anything... Well,...
hi my wife and have been married for some time now and te other day we were going through some of our old boxes cleanin thing out when we ran into an old picture of us in our younger days as we looked at the picture we both remembered what we had done for the first time and the memories it brought back made both of us excited and before i write the story of today i would like to recall the days of yesteryear by telling you about the first my wife was share i had just turned 31 and she was a few...
First time I had her, she was 18 years old. Long blond hair, blue eyes and body to drive me nuts. My friends shocked I would date a girl this young, most were jealous that I could enjoy such a treasure. The first time I could feel something I hit and shaft bend. I kept pushing with each stroke. To give her some pleasure the head and few inches were used. She had sex 3 times prior to me. A boy had taken her virginity, in a weekend he had sex with her two more times. She was not broken in when I...
CHAPTER ONE She had taken the girls to school and herself to teach there. I was supposed to be looking for work online, and I was, but not the way she expected. As soon as they were gone, I took out the stash of special things from my car's hidden pouch. A quick, tight face shave, some clumsy make-up (more for the feel than the look) and then I dress out in some lacy thigh-highs, a thong-like panty, some tight strappy heels, a borrowed bra (from wife, no she doesn't know) stuffed with...
This is part one of I became a sissy white crossdresser obsessed with black cock! If you want to hear part two comment and let me know!! It stared when I was 20. I was dating a girl named Andrea who was very beautiful but also very dominant and could be mean. She was not shy to tell me what was on her mind about me. At that time I had not had many sexual experiences and I hadn’t really thought about my ability to make a girl cum. One night Andrea and I were starting to make out and feel each...
It took several months before Morgana was finally able to take her position in the Council of the Wise. Much of the time was spent tying up loose ends in the Department, as well as making sure Mage Roxanne was fully up to speed on the various sections plus the inevitable do's and don'ts. Finally the day came when she opened a portal in thin air and led me through it into a sealed chamber somewhere on our planet. I had been under the impression that the Council was based in North America,...
With some difficulty, Captain Jeremiah Anson walked the short gangplank from the deck of the post packet onto the quay. Plymouth Harbour filled his vision, his sense of smell, his ears. He had taken a regular packet to travel from Dover to Plymouth where he was to report to his superior, Rear Admiral Alexander Chalke. He turned back to see his servant make his way across, loaded down with Anson's dunnage. One of the ship's boys followed with yet another load of Anson's possessions....
Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – The Treasure Box, the Nimborgoth The crew of the Treasure Box leaped into action. Telesi barked her orders as she moved about. In the rigging, Foran and...
What happens when you’re out past curfew?I learned the answer to this question the hard way. It was a school night and I had been given permission by Mistress to go to the library after classes to do some research for my term paper but that I was to be home no later than 8pm. Well as you can figure I obviously wasn’t home by 8pm seeing as I know the answer to the question: what happens when you’re out past curfew?I was sitting in the library surrounded by books for my paper when I heard the...
That evening I came home from office having in mind a business trip scheduled for the next day; so I encouraged Anita to come with me.My sweet wife was delighted, since she was enjoying her usual summer off from work and when I brought it up with her she was eager to go. Next day I drove to a near town from home; I completed my business during early afternoon; so we got the evening to enjoy some time together.Ana and I freshened up and spent a while shopping and walking the streets. The sun was...
Alicia met John a little over a month ago. She knew the moment she first saw him that she was going to fuck him, but it was almost a week before they finally ended up in bed together. It had been all that she had hoped for and in the following weeks he had proved to be an amazing lover. His fingers, tongue and cock had explored her body and taught her pleasures she had never imagined. Alicia had surrendered herself completely, allowing John to do things she had thought she would never do, but...
A girlfriend, Susann, and I both were sixteen. We were in the same grade and in the same classes in school, and she came home with me one Friday afternoon in order to spend the weekend with me.We were together in the living room of my house, both naked, lying on the floor on some throw pillows masturbating together as we often did, when my stepbrother, who’s a year older than us, caught us at it.He said, “Why don’t you two just go upstairs to your room to continue doing that?”Red in the face,...
MasturbationWe soon started into the hugging, kissing, and rubbing that had become commonplace during our love playing. As this continued, we slowly moved to the king-sized bed, and first stripped off the comforter and the blanket. As we lay on the bed, we took turns in different positions, and being in a triangle of one sort or another. I had just finished bringing Courtney off by licking her pussy, and sucking on her clit. As I kissed my way up her body, Emily stopped kissing her, and moved to the...
© 2000 Molly crept from her rented room behind the rustic tavern. Edging cautiously around the corner of the Red Boar Tavern, she trailed a hand over the sun-warmed wall. She absorbed the warmth. Moonlight illuminated enough of her surroundings to keep her steps careful as she rounded the corner and stepped into the alley leading to the docks. The onset of evening had brought with it a chill breeze off the bay. Molly tugged the old woollen cloak around her securely, hiding her intentions...
Cheri Deville is in the locker room after the big game getting an exclusive interview. The QB walks in and doesn’t care about her interview and lets his towel drop. Cheri gets an eyeful that she can’t get out of her mind. When the cameras cut he offers Cheri his big black cock and that slut is down to suck. Cheri makes quick work of his cock, but Cheri is a team player and she’s down to suck the running back too. The two black studs take turns using Cheri’s mouth and...
xmoviesforyouMom knew I crossdressed since I came out to in school and help me dress supported me. She even new about guy I was with an how since my bad divorce I was dressing fulltime. Well she called me and said that she wanted to go on a hike in the mountains just to get away.I told her to go but she said she wanted to spend time with me.I said ok I knew Ihad to go buy some hikeing boots so went and got pair that were nice with pink in them.The next day was very nice and warm for our 3 hour trip to...
I sat at my desk daydreaming about where to go on my vacation, there were so many places I wanted to see. I had been saving up for over five years, so I could afford to go anywhere I wished to. It’s a toss up from, Hawaii, the Virgin Islands, England, or Australia. It’s hard to decide so I tabled the subject for now, I could choose later when I am at home. When I got home from work there was an email from my friend Bob in Australia. He had invited me to a fantasy vacation, one that would both...
The Librarian By Michele Nylons Author's Note: If you haven't read my story 'There's Something About Sarah' I recommend you do so before reading 'The Librarian'. That said, this story stands on its own merit, but 'Something' just puts this story into a better context. For my avid fans you will find this story is very character and plot driven; don't worry there is plenty of sex, especially in the later Chapters. I do hope you enjoy this offering; I put so much work into it so...
Intro. I didn't think much of Ashley. If she was around, I ignored her, and if shetried to interact with me, I acted condescending. We went to High School togetherand I was friends with one of her friends, Mellissa, who introduced us. Ashleytagged along while me and Mellissa hung out one night, but we made her a thirdwheel, and the next day at school when Ashley tried to say hi to me while passingin the hall, as if we were now friends just because I was with her the nightbefore, I smirked at...
MomsTeachSex! In the words of the late great Dr. Sigmund Freud: “There’s no pussy like mom pussy”. Now I certainly wouldn’t give my mom a ride, but your mom? I’d fuck your mom like there’s no tomorrow, and so should you. Now if you’re gonna be a pussy about it and you’d rather keep fantasy from becoming reality, you can head over to They will hook you up with the hottest, horniest moms on the planet. Seriously, these moms are so fucking hot that they’ll have you thinking that...
Premium Incest Porn SitesInstant Gratification By Jacquie Windsor I was really pleased with the performance of my new computer, with the cable connection and everything. Where I used to have to wait several minutes during my frequent Net surfing, now all the screens loaded quicker than anything. Hours of time could be saved. Not that I was about to make much positive use of that saved time. No, instead I was now just spending even more time diving deeper into the nooks and crannies of the World Wide Web....