Change of Seasons
- 2 years ago
- 29
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The rain bounced off the storefront window like tiny pebbles. Without sentiment, wave after wave of wind pushed in the fall months. Temperatures were dropping, the tourists were leaving and Diana Foster was looking at a long, off-season alone.
During the summer months Diana’s fabric store was a favorite among the well-heeled women from Manhattan and the Boston suburbs. Busy from opening to closing, each day passed in a blur. But the winter months were different. Diana worked mostly by herself, designing the living rooms, family rooms and bedrooms of the part-timers that came to this little New England village by the sea. She made good money, she loved her work but the widow found little to fill the absence of her husband.
Genevieve was leaving tomorrow. A college girl with impeccable taste and a western flare, she’d come to Diana at a friend’s suggestion. Arriving in May and working through the summer, Genevieve was a neon reminder of the endless possibility of youth. Every day was an adventure, every customer fascinating, every summer date promised love or at least a bit of hot, naughty sex. For Genevieve, life ran at full speed. She made no apologies for her candor, no excuses for her behavior.
With an enormous gust of wind, she came through the door. Her ivory, lace mini skirt pressed against her hips, cowboy boots damp to the ankles and the shoulders of her jean jacket darkened by rain. But her face was radiant as always, with sky blue eyes and wisps of blond curls falling around her ears and tanned neck.
“Jesus, it’s like a hurricane out there!”
“Good morning, Genevieve. You didn’t really need to come in today.”
“I wanted to. I wasn’t going to drink this all by myself.”
From a drenched paper bag, Genevieve pulled out a magnum of Veuve Clicquot. With eyes alight, she put it on the store counter and produced two, tall, plastic flutes.
“Can you believe it? I won this at that freaking trivia contest last night down at Joe’s. Competition was weak and the categories were right up my alley: Romcoms, football heroes and geography. Crushed it. Won this and thought I’d share it with you.”
She smiled, all full lips and symmetrical, white teeth. If there were a law against perfection, Genevieve would be jailed.
“Drinking at work? You’re such a bad influence, thank God you’re on your way out the door,” Diana teased.
“Should I open it? Before I get fired.”
“Right now?”
“Or wait? For what, the big, lunchtime rush? Come on sister, this thing’s cold and nobody in their right mind is shopping for fabric today. If I’m wrong, I’ll spend the rest of the day buck naked doing inventory.”
Diana laughed but felt a special thrill at the thought that image inspired. She’d felt increasingly attracted to this young woman in a way that she never had before. She’d noticed it first on a sticky, hot afternoon. They’d closed shop early and drove out to the beach for a swim. Genevieve’s tiny, white bikini had barely contained her thick breasts and for far too long, Diana had admired the audacious delight of her employee’s backside. At first she thought of it as a wonder of nature, a piece of art. But as her gaze lingered and Genevieve strolled to the water’s edge, it felt more like something Diana wanted. Later that night, she woke up tangled in her sheets, wet down there and confused by the sudden turn of her subconscious. The dreams continued throughout the summer, she enjoyed them but looked forward to their end and their off-putting complexity.
The champagne popped with a boisterous rush. Genevieve giggled and poured the flutes full to the rim. She put on Patsy Cline and the wind outside whirled the store into a cocoon of intimacy. They raised their glasses to one another and drank.
“Let’s play ‘Truth or Dare.’” Genevieve’s enthusiasm was undeniable, no matter how ridiculous the suggestion.
“My truths are all boring and my days for daring have gone by.”
“Bullshit. You’re the coolest woman I know.”
Flattered by the compliment, Diana looked away and flushed. It was striking to feel relevant to a much younger woman. There was a rush of sensuality through her, a glint of pride, a welcome uptick in her self-confidence. She looked back from the storm and said, “Oh, alright. Let’s play.”
“Truth or dare?”
“OK,” Genevieve crossed her legs and leaned forward with a new therapist’s interest, “When was the last time you had sex?”
“Oh my God, you’re not wasting any time here are you?”
Genevieve wanted to know. She did not blink or smile.
Diana sighed, “It’s embarrassing. It’s been a couple of years. I tried to date a bit after Nick but… it just didn’t work.”
The champagne was sweet and tickled the tip of her nose. Diana took refuge in the glass, putting it between her, the young woman and the feelings that were starting to flow more freely from this untapped source within her fifty-year-old body. Another gust of wind, Genevieve looked outside for a moment and Diana wondered if she might be imagining her own life someday. Feeling protective, the boss offered what she knew was a lie.
“It’s not that bad, really. You get used to it.”
“I don’t think I could ever get used to that. I just enjoy it so much. Somebody’s hands on me, feeling that connection, losing myself in it all.”
They looked at each other, a pause full of meaning or maybe awkwardness. More rain, September coming on strong. On the pink and white silk-upholstered chair, Genevieve uncrossed her legs and put both boots on the floor turning slightly to Diana. Her knees apart, tan thighs forming an intersection that seemed to present an open invitation.
“Your turn to ask me.”
“Truth or Dare?”
“Dare. Of course.”
Diana’s nipples distracted her. A thin cotton t-shirt and sheer bra were a poor choice for the self-conscious. She folded her arms across her chest and thought she registered a fleck of disappointment in Genevieve’s eyes.
“Let me see, ah…”
Like a Labrador ready to chase a tennis ball, Genevieve waited expectantly for her challenge. Diana’s interior monologue was as storm-tossed as the day’s weather, she rocked back and forth debating to ask what she wanted or what was appropriate to ask of a twenty-one-year-old employee. Rejection or worse threatened like a thunderhead but Diana focused instead on the voice inside her that proposed, “What if she wants me?” The thought of it was beautifully overwhelming. She took a deep pull from the flute. Genevieve raised her eyebrows begging to be sent into motion.
“I dare you to pretend that a customer has come in.” It came out haltingly.
Genevieve was puzzled, “What do you mean?”
The confusion caused the blood to roar in Diana’s ears. She flushed again but this time with shame. Immediately, she regretted playing the game, opening the champagne or even having a single one of her dreams.
Genevieve leaned closer and rested her hand just above Diana’s knee.
“I don’t get it,” she smiled, “pretend there’s a customer here?” Her little nose crinkled up, like she really wanted to figure this out. Diana could tell she was a bit tipsy. Maybe, this would work or at least be written off as a liquid bit of nonsense.
“You said that if a customer came in today, you would… you know…” Diana so desperately wanted Genevieve to take her dare she couldn’t finish the asking of it. Tongue-tied she stopped her breathing, and sucked in every detail of that warm hand on her thigh and hoped and hoped and closed her eyes. Genevieve’s laughter tinkled through the store.
“You want me to get naked?” Diana opened her eyes, the world still spun, this might happen.
“Diana, you’re my boss! What are you going to do to me?” Genevieve was playful, her voice full of bassy music. As she stood up and above Diana, it felt like one of the lost breezes of the summer had somehow found its way back to the store. Diana sat back and savored the success of her bold ask. Without another word, her employee pulled her shirt over her head and deftly undid her bra. The sight of those free breasts was positively sumptuous: pale pink areolas, their nubs twisted hard and purple, in striking contrast to the surrounding flesh barely covered all summer by her bikini top.
“I love my tits,” Genevieve said looking down and holding them in her tan hands. “All summer I’ve wanted you to touch them.” Her eyes lifted to Diana’s. Outside the wind raged. “Will you?” she asked soft and low.
Diana struggled to take it all in, she needed to catch her breath, she needed everything inside to calm down just a bit.
“The dare was for you to get naked, not topless.” Did she really just say that?
“You’re such a demanding boss.” With a mocking smile, Genevieve unzipped her skirt. “That’s part of why I like you so much, you make people stick to the deals they make.” The lacy garment dropped to the floor. Thumbs hooked under the delicate material of her thong and eased it down those smooth, slinky legs. “I’m going to keep my boots on just ‘cause I think they look so good.”
Genevieve straightened up and stood before the older woman. An expert in exquisite, Diana took it all in from bottom to top: worn brown boots, shapely calves, smooth knees and honey-colored thighs. They came together in a perfect hairless crease, just a touch of puffiness at the bottom of a gently rounded stomach. Lifting her eyes further, Diana found those beautiful breasts hanging like sweet fruit in a secret garden. Meeting Genevieve’s gaze, Diana knew her mouth was open but she couldn’t find the will to close it.
“Now will you touch me?”
“I haven’t done this with a woman.”
“I have.” Genevieve moved even closer. “You’re gonna like it.”
“I don’t…” Diana could barely think, let alone speak.
“Why don’t you sit on the divan?” As always, Genevieve had a good suggestion. “Settle in there and I’ll just lie back against you and we can watch the storm.”
Patsy Cline’s Crazy drifted through the store. Outside the pines whipped back and forth and thunder rolled out over the bay. Genevieve crawled between Diana’s legs, smiled, turned and laid back with a dancer’s ease. Her silky hair pressed against the older woman’s face. It smelled like wildflowers and fresh air.
“Touch me, Diana. Please, I want you to.” Her face lifted, eyes closed and lips parted. Diana wondered at the silliness of definitions and categories. She licked her lips and pressed them against the ones before her. They were met with a heavy, welcoming sigh followed by a warm tongue pushing up and finding the inside of Diana’s mouth. It was gentle, delicious and confident of what the recipient desired. Distracted by the pleasure, by the closeness, Diana stopped thinking and began doing. She put her hand on her lover’s cheek and slid it lightly up and down the graceful neck.
Genevieve purred her encouragement and snuggled deeper into her boss, arching her back like the most privileged housecat. Diana dropped her hands to the sides of Genevieve’s breasts. Her fingers crept towards their center and made tantalizing circles around the nipples, raising the flesh to stiff excitement. Reaching one hand behind Diana’s head, Genevieve gently pulled at the roots of her boss’ hair, then reached up to nibble on her ear, it sent shudders through Diana and they both giggled at the response.
“Pull my nipples, Boss.”
“Like this?” Diana cupped her girl’s breasts holding their most sensitive points between her thumb and forefingers and gently tugging.
“Fuck that feels good. Yes, like that.”
Genevieve’s hand dropped to her own lap, fingers working up, down, around.
“Hey Boss, I’m just saying, I cum quick when I do this.”
Diana wrapped her arms around her young lover. The two of them squirmed against each other, whimpers fought the sound of the wind, breathing started and stopped, broken up by new areas of discovery, encouraged when a rhythm was established.
Still, fully clothed, Diana found herself humping the robust firm ass in front of her like a teenaged boy. The warm breasts in her hands were endlessly fascinating, so firm, responsive and good. Her hunger for all this was far beyond what she could have imagined and she feasted on the soft, undeniable seduction of the female body at the peak of its powers.
Genevieve’s hand was getting urgent, she tucked her booted feet up near her ass and raised herself up off the divan. Suddenly, jealous that she hadn’t been invited to touch that peachy delight, Diana took a wicked pleasure in bearing down hard on the buds between her fingers and hearing the keening wail that pressure and pleasure drove out of Genevieve. Like a girl at the county fair, she screamed long and loud, her body rolling up and down in a quivering release.
Diana could feel her own finish approach like a comet. She wrapped her legs around, her employee and pushed her aching pussy against Geneveive’s ass, finally finding enough friction to get her where she needed to be. She humped her love again and again and then came herself in a husky roar that faded only when Genevieve smothered her mouth with lips and tongue.
For a moment, there was stillness. Then from across the Atlantic, another wave of forced air pressed against the windows and they both began to breathe again. The rain came down in a torrent.
“It’s your turn, truth or dare?”
“You gotta be kidding me.”
“Truth or dare?”
Genevieve had turned over and was now lying on her boss’s chest, her face so close it begged to be kissed not denied.
“I’ll go dare,” Diana ventured.
“I dare you to let me go down on you.”
“Really?” The mechanics and boundaries of this still seemed strange, far from obvious.
“Eating pussy’s one of my favorite things in life. Swear. And I can’t wait to taste yours.”
Her leggings were already getting pulled down past Diana’s hips. Genevieve was on to her next big adventure. Diana closed her eyes and gave in to the undeniable forces of nature.
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Marcus opened the door and Stephi snickered as she rode his back drunkenly before they landed on his couch "So... what now?" Stephi asked pulling off her high heels "What you really want to..." Marcus trailed off not having the nerve to say what he thought, the date was going so well and if he screwed this up how could he come back from it? Stephi chuckled "Okay. Close your eyes and tell me if you like it." Marcus closed his eyes as he did Stephi pushed him onto his back, opening her mouth she...
FetishOk here's MY disconnected privilege para. During shelter-at-home I meant to get online and chat more, but I've been occupied. Also I've been hearing about how my favorite hoes aren't able to "work from home" like they should because of an online service called OnlyFans (I think?) where every sexually repressed 3-6 is able to chat online and videochat for $. Everybody being locked in is good for business, maybe my online chatters wouldn't be available anyway. But that got me thinking,...
Hand in hand they stroll along the corniche towards their usual place. He is tall, muscular, dark with a hint of five o’clock shadow. She is slender and small, blonde hair tied back in a pony tail. He is early thirties, she perhaps five or ten years younger.They find their secluded spot towards the end of the beach and spread a blanket on the sand. He sheds his denim shorts, she steps out of her bikini bottom. Naked, they lay facing each other, hands caressing bronzed skin.The onlookers begin...
Southwestern Florida is hot in July. It's very hot. But for peace and quiet, there wouldn't be many places like it. Destiny was looking forward to some time alone at her parent's summer place in an upscale mobile home community. At thirty-five, she was starting to appreciate the finer things and needed a break from the hustle and bustle of the rat race up north. She is very much a loner, but by choice, an independent professional who finds personal relationships somewhat draining and...
LesbianSouthwestern Florida is hot in July. It's very hot. But for peace and quiet, there wouldn't be many places like it. Destiny was looking forward to some time alone at her parent's summer place in an upscale mobile home community. At thirty-five, she was starting to appreciate the finer things and needed a break from the hustle and bustle of the rat race up north. She is very much a loner, but by choice, an independent professional who finds personal relationships somewhat draining and...
LesbianTerry stood thinking of leaves and falling snow. Leaves that could bunch under his neighbors wire fence. Snow that would turn to wet, grey, mucky slush and then find its way somehow into his laced snow boots. Snow that might be rolled together to make a pseudo person. A person... who only has weeks to live... Terry frowned. *What does a snow man think about before he inevitably turns into boot slush?* He puzzled that thought behind his grey eyes; staring simultaneously at the palm trees growing...
IncestYour name is Jade Tarska, your a 18 year old human girl who has wanted to be a breeder ever sense she was little. Now you have bought yourself a fresh plot of land and have to breed creatures to make money, and become a legendary breeder. You walk into the city of Talfruk and find the creatures shop. You are met by a a women with short shorts on and a red apron, she had huge K sized breasts, and short brown hair that stopped at her neck. She smiles and said to you. "Hello, my name is Roxy, I am...
Hey, I'm here and here is the Harem story I promised. Now, before I get started, there are two things that need to be said before I get started. One: Clothes. Now, I know some of you are wondering how I'm going to do that. Well, Twilight and Rarity's outfits are going to stay as they were in Equestia Girls. Now, Fluttershy and Pinkie's are going to change a little with Flutterhy's skirt going to be longer and Pinkie's with some short tights. And Applejack and Dash with be changed...
RomanceIts spring again in Montreal finally snow is gone and i can go back at my fav past timeHunting secret sissy boy who just need to be catch like the little faggot cock lover they areI was starting to be very good at catching them and making them obeyits really easy when you hack them boy phone and fetch their cute picture , wearing panty and some even already at the dildo stage , all cute secret sissy boy ready to be fuck for real the very first week i caught one of them , at mcdo i have my...
Thank God for hockey! I got home in the late afternoon from running errands and got ready for a night at a great swingers party I attend regularly with my man. Our house was empty when I arrived home so I went ahead and began preparations for a great night. I got in the shower and shaved totally bald. I made myself soft and sexy, knowing I wanted to have some fun that night. I got dressed and waited for my man to arrive home. When my man got home he froze and he complimented me on my dress but...
Group SexI live in the upper Midwest and as such have become an avid hunter. There are few better feelings as those you experience outdoors, in the woods, in the late fall. The trees have lost their leaves, the winter cold air has moved in from the north and occasionally a fresh blanket of snow is on the ground. Today was no exception. I was out in the woods, in my favorite stand, watching and waiting. The others in my group all split up and were spread out within the five-hundred acre woods we were...
Group SexHello ISS readers this is adirullz, I am a regular reader of ISS and submitting my first story. I am 21m 5.7 average built with cock size of 7 inch length and width 2 inch from Mumbai for any feedback kindly mail me at Lets get to the story its about pounding my gf outdoor in bushes,it was a saturday we made a plan to meet at some lonely place as we didn’t want anyone to disturb so I decided to take her near highway midc area where nobody would disturb.She came on time nearly at 4pm as it was...
Hi reader,bahote dino baad main apni story likhne jaa raha hoon sobh sey pehle tou main apne purane fans ka shukriya ada karna chahta hoon k un logon ne meri stories ko pasand kiya aur real main bhi mujh sey miley. for a change main apni yeh story hindi main likhna chahta hoon unlike earlier in English. sobh sey pehle tou apna chota sa intorduction karwadoon my name is Raj. hydspesial mera pet name hai im quite special so thats why log mujhey hydspesial kehte hain if you like my sotry u can...
During my spring break from college, my family had planned a trip to a neighboring county to spend time with our extended family, celebrating the marriage of one of my cousins. However, on the day we were to leave for the start of our journey, I became quite ill with a viral infection. The family doctor was consulted and it was decided that it would better for all concerned if I was to stay at home to recover. try me on sizzler1234 at g mail. There was no point in my making such a trip as I...
Iss reader’s. This is sam from punjab, telling u a real experiance which was held nearly this week. Main apni story ko translate ko hindi main translate kar raha hoon. I am sam m/24. Main aksar ladies ko dekhkar impress hota tha kyoki ladies aksar girls se zyada apne app ko aaj kal sex appeal deti hain main bahut din se sochta tha ki kab mujhe moka mile aur main kisse se sex karo. Main aksar is tak main rehta tha or ik din yani pinchle month 26 ko main apna buissness ke silsely main bahar jaha...
Hand in hand they stroll along the corniche towards their usual place. He is tall, muscular, dark with a hint of five o’clock shadow. She is slender and small, blonde hair tied back in a pony tail. He is early thirties, she perhaps five or ten years younger.They find their secluded spot towards the end of the beach and spread a blanket on the sand. He sheds his denim shorts, she steps out of her bikini bottom. Naked, they lay facing each other, hands caressing bronzed skin.The...
ExhibitionismBen is a successful stockbroker with a nice, old home in a ritzy old suburban neighborhood in New England. Secretly, he keeps a couple of hott, consensually submissive females in the basement bomb shelter of his large home, which he's converted into a play dungeon. In their warm and dry, but hard, small, and windowless cells, they enjoy a respite of a few days to recover from the ordeals they endured during Ben's big Thanksgiving party. In the workshop next door Ben can be heard for several...
Sue and I have never been intimate in any sort of way and have been lifelong friends since before grammar school, call it paranoia but I suspect that she might have an idea about my bisexuality but has never actually come out and asked me, which is neither here nor there because I still have plenty of platonic female friends and not everything has to be of a sexual nature Well we all pile in my hubby’s truck and head to the marina, I helped Sue get on board and Bobby got the...
She traveled deep into the forest to ride out the waves of her heat in relative peace. This was one of the few times she wanted to be like the humans. She heard rumors that if they were ever plagued by desire they could satisfy themselves. Sadly, she had an entire mare body between her and the source of her discomfort. Brushing back her blonde and black-streaked mane, Elnaya tried to focus her attention on something, anything, else. Her human and horse halves were both overly sensitive to...