Lonely twenties A quick swipe
- 4 years ago
- 38
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Summer had come a bit too early in Afer's city, a large world-class city with a beach nearby. At the age of twenty-six, Afer had grown apart from his old friends and was now spending most of the days by himself. Given the amount of vacation time he was taking, Afer realized that he had time to burn. Despite his age, Afer was doing well for himself financially and was on his way to making even more.
Looking out on one summer day, Afer noticed a woman in volleyball gear and he noticed he had seen her before. The woman had dark hair, a nice light tan and looked exactly like volleyball player Nataliya Obmochaeva. Afer remembered his younger days and going after athletes, especially volleyball players who had been playing for a while. For Afer, he knew that the magic was in letting them get the workout in and then getting aggressive with flirting and touching.
A thought that came to mind for Afer was when he played volleyball for fun a couple of years ago and managed to take a girl on his team home. As soon as the doors closed, all it took was a hug, some touching and eventually, the clothes came off, leading to some hot spicy sex. Afer still remembered the warm feeling of having his face against the sweaty crotch and pussy of the volleyball player and how she sang his praises for eating her ass.
One trick Afer learned is when the panties and shorts were sweaty, it was time to start getting touchy with her. A few months before, Afer had seen his good friend sneakily slip his hand inside the panties of an exhausted volleyball player who moaned and smiled, taking deep breaths. The hand went in-between the buttocks where sweat was starting to drip into so it was a relaxing feeling for the volleyball player, one she simply rewarded with a blowjob and anal.
Looking outside, Afer had to time it perfectly or else it would be a slip-up. If Afer came in too soon, the volleyball player would be too caught up in the game and if he was too late, she would be gone. Since he was not an exceptionally handsome guy, Afer needed to have some top-notch seduction skills. Afer looked exactly actor Daoud Heidami, he was of South Asian heritage although born and raised in Texas. Despite his relatively average looks, Afer had managed to bed women out of his league.
As a few minutes passed, Afer noticed the woman was on her own and starting to get sweaty from the humidity of being outside. The sight was beautiful to Afer, a hot woman covered in sweaty and getting ready to be dripping after a long ordeal of playing volleyball. A few minutes in, the woman had started to play as some of her friends arrived. Afer kept watch and as soon as the women started he noted their body language, how they went from being energetic to becoming slower due to fatigue.
For a moment, Afer had an erection that ended in him thinking of being satisfied with just pleasuring himself to it all. The sight was beautiful as the young bachelor saw the sweat covering up the muscular athletic builds of the volleyball players and making their skin glow. A lot of the volleyball players had defined abs with a great bit of soft muscle around them which would arouse any onlooker, for a few their panties sunk into large buttocks and stuck to them due to the sweat.
"Looks like its time!" said Afer to himself, noticing the players slow down more.
Afer headed out to the beach and started wondering about things on the way, how he would get the volleyball player he had his eyes on to get in bed with him. On one hand, Afer knew that the four women there were aroused due to playing around but on the other, he knew that if he did it with her friends present then it could be shaming for him. What Afer had to do was find a way to either get the dark-haired beauty by herself or negate the shame. When heading out, Afer wore trunks that showed his massive bulge. As soon as he arrived, he noticed the women were starting to slow down their play.
"I thought volleyball went faster than that," said Afer, as the dark-haired beauty gave him a stink-eye. "Okay, wrong sport," he replied.
"Yeah, we have been playing for almost an hour," said one of the women, a blonde on the other side of the dark-haired beauty, catching her breath.
"Oh, you guys need a sub," said Afer.
"Oh yeah, he is in for the sub, that's why he came here," said another woman, laughing.
"Well, I just love meeting new people and have played volleyball before. It was competitive though, not recreational like you are playing here," said Afer. Trying to get a rise out of the women.
"Recreational!" said the dark-haired beauty Afer had his eyes on, angrily.
"My bad, I meant for that fun," said Afer.
"You should seriously watch what you say, like really," said the dark-haired beauty, crossly.
"Anna, let it go," said the blonde.
"It was my fault, I get too hung up on volleyball but the people I played with, well they were on another level," said Afer.
"Well put your money where your fucking mouth is, then," said Anna, angered.
"Let him sub in," said the blonde on the opposing side, offering Afer her spot.
The game continued and Afer had fresh energy. Despite his build, he was athletic and had experience playing volleyball. Jumping in, Afer more than held his own and put Anna in a compromised spot, making her miss some obvious shots. Afer had Anna nervous and after a few minutes, he and his partner were high-fiving each other while Anna was frustrated.
Covered in sweat and at times losing her balance, Afer knew he had to keep the raven-haired beauty going but also knew how a tired athletic body was thirsting for sex. The match ended with Afer and his partner winning big and after it all, Afer did the sportsman thing and started smacking some buttocks.
"Nice work," said Afer, smacking his partner, a cute brunette, on the ass. "Nice work by you too," said Afer, smacking Anna's partner on the ass as she smiled. "Anna nice work," said Afer, smacking her on the ass as she gave him a stone-cold look.
"Okay, you didn't feel that, nice work!" repeated Afer, smacking Anna harder on her sweaty buttocks.
"I heard it, asshole," said Anna, taking a deep breath.
"You seem tired," said Afer.
"That's because I have been playing for a while," said a frustrated Anna, feisty and angry at Afer.
"Yeah, you did great though; I had fresh legs. If I had been out there that long who knows what would have happened," said Afer, getting closer to Anna.
"You would have sucked," replied Anna, who noticed the bulge in Afer's pants.
"I have a lot of energy, you'd be shocked," said Afer.
"Yeah okay, pro," replied Anna, sarcastically.
"No, I do, lighten up," said Afer, softly squeezing Anna's buttocks as her friends looked on.
"Fucker," said Anna, pushing Afer.
"Whoa there, I wrestle too now," replied Afer.
"Let's see what you are made of," said Anna. rushing at Afer but failing to bring him down as he grabbed a hold of her sweaty rushing body and just held her in place.
"Come on, champ, you're tired, its okay," said Afer, as a part of his bulge rubbed against the taller beauty's body.
"Champ, ha!" said Anna, slapping the erect bulge coming from Afer's shorts.
"Champ!" said Afer, getting a quick squeeze of Anna's cameltoe as she laughed.
"How far away do you live anyways?" asked Afer.
"Going to stalk me now, creep?" said Anna, laughing.
"No, because I am right there and I know that nice sweaty booty needs a nice rub down," said Afer, grabbing the ass again.
"Like you could afford that bum," replied Anna.
"I will go walk there right now and into my apartment, if I am wrong then you get your win for the day, champ," said Afer.
"Okay guys, I am going to see if pro is making this up," said Anna, laughing as she walked alongside Afer who had his arms around her waist.
Afer started to take deep breaths, hoping his massive bulge would not pop and cum to fast for this beauty. Anna's sweaty athletic body had Afer breathing hard. He could not wait to eat that nice athletic ass and bury his face inside of such a juicy pussy. In some ways Anna was taken too, her athletic background meant she loved sex and it had been a while since she had some nice fat dick inside of her. On most days, the athletic beauty went home and either masturbated or used her sex toys to pleasure herself. It was rare for a confident guy to get through her tough act and take her home like Afer was about to.
As minutes passed, they arrived at his apartment and Afer had the key access to get into the main building. A few of the neighbors did get a glance at Afer walking the athletic raven-haired beauty to his place with his hand firmly on her ass, something Anna didn't seem to mind. Finally, they came to his apartment to which Afer opened the door and led Anna in as she was taken away by the beauty of it all.
"Oh wow, not lying," said Anna, laughing.
"Not at all," said Afer, squeezing and rubbing the sweaty body of the raven-haired beauty who looked back at him with a smile.
"How long did you play volleyball for today?" asked Afer.
"Hours longer than you," replied Anna, licking her lips.
"You must be so tired, poor baby," said Afer, kissing Anna on the neck as he had her against the wall.
"Oh so tired pro," said Anna, kissing Afer back.
"Let's relax champ, cool down a bit," said Afer, quickly stuffing his hand inside of Anna's panties as she moaned.
Now it was on, Afer knew the secret and he knew she was down for a nice fuck because of how hot her pussy was. Afer locked lips with the woman who was a few inches taller than him and the two made out. To keep a better position, Afer took his hand and instead had it in-between the massive buttocks, feeling the hot steam of her anus which he softly toyed with using his fingers. Anna's body started to rock as she put her arms around the shorter man's head, locking lips with him.
Afer moved his head down and sucked on the hard nipples protruding through Anna's bra, softly biting on them and making her aroused to where she took her bra off. Now Afer went for the area right below the breast, covered in sweat from the workout but his tongue pleasured her to make her moan. Afer knew that the first few moments were critical and he had to put his mouth on the right places to pleasure the aroused athlete and make her ready for a nice fuck. Seconds later, Afer softly bit the shoulders and neck area of Anna and made her moan.
"Fuck, yeah uh, fuck," said Anna, grabbing Afer's head and bringing it closer to her. "Work me, baby," said Anna, taking deep breaths and moaning.
Afer had his hand in Anna's panties, placing it to where it covered her anus and her pussy. As long as Afer's hand was in there, it almost felt like it was going to burn from how hot Anna was. Afer furiously moved his hand around and softly bit different parts of Anna's body, especially the parts where the muscles were, and slowly broke her down. Now like any good player, Afer needed to have that killer instinct on when to close and get her nude.
In his years of seducing women, Afer knew that a lot of the leg work had to be done before a woman was fully nude or else there would be hesitance on her part. Sex was not all about the penis going in her, that was done after she had been aroused enough to want it.
"So fucking hot down there, you are going to burn my hand!" said Afer, kissing Anna over her sweaty face.
"Hot, baby, hot," said Anna, as Afer's bulge started to rub against her body.
"So hot," said Afer, thrusting his lower body into Anna again.
"Hot, huh," said Anna, shoving her hand into Afer's shorts and grabbing his cock.
The warm hot feelings in the hands of both lovers had them aroused with Anna shaking her legs. Now Afer saw his chance, locking lips with the taller woman and putting his other hand around her back. Afer furiously started to finger Anna's warm pussy as her breaths got deeper, her tight panties keeping his hands pressed against it.
Such were the benefits of fingering a woman who had her panties on, you had all the excuse in the world to keep your hand in place and tightly press it against her crotch, leading her to be more pleased. Afer had dared Anna to make a choice, keep the panties on and the fingering would be intense but take them off and he had what he wanted.
"Oh, um," said Anna, locking lips with Afer and taking one of her hands to pull her panties down.
All the panties had to do was drop to her knees, struggling to go down much, due to sticking to the sweaty body. The panties only went down in the front as the back of the body had them stuck to Anna's sweaty buttocks. A smell of fine body odor hit the air as Afer dropped to his knees and immediately went to work, now was the chance. From his days, Afer knew how badly a female athlete needed to be eaten out after a workout and it was a golden opportunity to always eat the pussy.
Wasting no time, Afer put his hands on the buttocks and immediately pushed his face against Anna's pussy. The smell was powerful as all Afer could do was focus on getting his mouth over the labia and using his tongue well. Anna's back was against the wall and as she had no freedom to move as the horny man's mouth covered her pussy. Afer kept his hands on the raven-haired beauty's buttocks and stuck to eating her out, getting deep licks and suctions on her wet pussy.
"Fuck, oh fuck, shit, fuck!" shouted Anna, her legs vibrating.
"Shit, baby, yes!" shouted Anna, taking deep quick breaths.
Anna's legs vibrated as she attempted to keep her balance but she could not, the arousing pressure made her fall down. Now Afer could finally go to work on the tired athlete, remembering the lessons he learned when he saw old friends seduce female athletes. The important lesson was to keep a hold on her the whole time and make sure you were eating her right, switching up between the pussy and the ass. Afer buried his face in Anna's pussy and sucked on it, violently shaking his head while eating her out and making her moan. As Anna flipped over from arousal, kicking her body around, Afer's head ended right on top of her ass and he took a nice whiff.
"Oh sweet!" said Afer, with Anna facedown.
"Yeah, eat the booty nasty fuck," said Anna, taking a deep breath while being covered in sweat.
Both bodies were hot and without hesitating, Afer stuffed his head in-between Anna's massive buttocks and took a nice strong whiff of her ass. The strong smell almost dazed him but Afer was an experienced veteran, a rookie would have let go of the grip he had on Anna but not Afer. Afer worked his hands and fingers on Anna's pussy while sniffing her beautiful butt, spitting a few nice bits of saliva over the anus. Finally, the aroused man went in for the kill, licking the anus and violently vibrating his head which was stuck in-between the massive buttocks.
"Oh, you animal, you filthy fucking animal," said an aroused Anna, pulling her hair back while taking a deep breath.
Now, this is what was called the legwork, the work to make her moan and beg for the dick but hold the dick back. Afer's cock was as erect as a rock and could use a nice pussy to be inside of but he knew to be patient and take his time, really work his tongue inside of her ass and pussy to arouse her enough. After a while, fluids starting to leave the pussy and Anna's lower body was vibrating more, now Afer knew he had got the better of her. Some signs Afer knew to look for were violent swinging of the body, her hands over his head and loud quick breaths to signal she would be ready for penetration.
"Fucking animal, fuck!" shouted Anna, taking quick breaths as her pussy started to get wetter.
Wasting no time, Afer stripped off his own shorts as well as pulling down Anna's panties, grabbing her hand to get her up. Anna grabbed the cock as Afer sucked on her nipples while walking her to the bedroom. The two lovers wrestled each other down to the bed where Afer immediately got on top of the taller woman who did not care if he had protection. In the doggy style position, Afer grabbed Anna and started to pound her wet hole which his cock went easily into.
"Yes, baby, fuck it!" shouted Anna.
Afer had earned it and it was a pleasurable experience. Now, the pussy and anus were all wet from the work he had done and Anna was already aroused. Being an experienced man, Afer kept his hands on the buttocks and continued to intensely and furiously run his cock inside of the raven-haired beauty. The sensation felt smooth and clean as Afer took nice deep breaths, cooled by the arousing fuck he was delivering to the beauty.
Anna had to give it up and was submissive throughout, she knew that she had been successfully seduced and at this point, her body was in Afer's control. Afer was a brilliant student of the sex game, not getting Anna nude until she had been eaten and aroused enough. After licking her well for a long time, Anna's body was begging for a pounding and submitted to almost anything Afer did. For a hardworking Afer, the doggy style anal he had a chance to deliver on the beauty was pleasurable as her red hot anus massaged his erect cock.
"Whew, you do some work now," said Afer, laying down covered in sweat as he stroked his cock while Anna looked back at him and smiled.
Without the slightest hesitation, Anna stood up and squatted down before stuffing the erect cock inside of her warm pussy. The athletic woman had been well taken care of early on, relaxing as her pussy was eaten out so riding the cock was a burst of energy to her. Despite being aroused, the more experienced Afer kept his cool while laying back and moaning, looking at the fantastic muscle tone on the sexy raven-haired beauty who rode him. Anna relied on quick bursts, even grinding on the cock aggressively, but failed to make Afer cum.
"Oh, you do this to bitches all the time," said Anna, taking deep breaths covered in sweat.
"Yeah, they ride better than that, come on pro, don't give out!" said Afer, laughing as Anna started to ride him even more aggressively.
"Have that fucking mouth because of this large dick!" shouted Anna, groaning and she rode the provocative man.
"Come on, pro, you got more than that!" said Afer, now starting to take deep breaths as Anna rode him more aggressively.
Afer could see the muscles on the determined Anna tightening up. She was naturally competitive and wanted to make him cum. Now Afer would occasionally thrust his cock into the riding beauty who he knew had a short motor. After a couple minutes of aggressive riding, Anna fell over unable to make the experienced man cum. The collapsed Anna took deep breaths as her body was consumed with heat and fatigue.
"Need a motor on you, beautiful," said Afer, fingering her a bit more as he kissed her on the cheeks and lips.
"Like all you do is fuck, okay," said Anna, taking deep breaths and smiling.
"Come on here," said Afer, getting Anna in a missionary position.
Anna lay back, exhausted and covered in sweat as the active Afer stuffed her pussy with his wet cock. What happened in the missionary position was fortunately short-lived for both parties as Anna had done a pretty job at riding Afer. Afer only lasted a minute and after some aggressive thrusting, dropped his load inside of the wet and warm pussy.
"Yeah, look at that, yeah," said Anna, fingering her pussy which had Afer's cum inside it.
"Love that, you slut?" said Afer, taking a deep breath.
"Yeah, come here, daddy," said Anna, grabbing the cock and sucking it clean as she fingered herself.
Age old wisdom that Afer learned, never lied to him, he knew that the volleyball player was down for some action after a tiring game. Thanks to a killer instinct and eating her out well, Afer had made Anna his fan. The two went to sleep covered in sweat and showered together hours later. Anna headed out but let Afer know she was down to meet up again.
"Oh and if you offer more of this, I can use it after a nice game," said Anna, laughing.
Anna was not kidding, for in the coming months, she would often visit Afer's apartment for some sex and a nice licking. What had started with casual sex had turned into friends with benefits situation for the two lovers. Now Afer and Anna were quite excited about the relationship that came from volleyball season.
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TabooJack managed to finagle a ride home with a couple of cheerleaders who were juniors. I have no idea if he got anything more from them than a lift home, and I didn’t want to know. One of these days my brother’s love life was going to bite him in the ass. Some girl was going to find him with another girl, and there would be hell to pay. Hopefully she wouldn’t be carrying a weapon when that happened. The Sports Section headline Saturday morning was “UNDERDOG PIONEERS CRUSH WARRIORS!” I had no...
They Got More Than A Lesson In Sport Rick was a 22-years-old university Senior. He stood six foot one inch tall, and he had a well tanned muscular body. He had blond hair, and blue eyes. He looked like the typical well tanned southern California surfer, except he wasn’t in southern California. He was the captain and star player of an Upstate South Carolina university’s men’s volleyball team. Rick had indeed grown up playing volleyball on the beaches of southern California. When not in class...
InterracialCollege is referred by some as being the "best four years of your life" because of the freedoms associated with being on your own right after high school. Unfortunately, this is not the reality for most people who go through things like community college or just don't go to your typical party school. For a great number of people out there, the undergraduate years are full of stress and are actually some of the loneliest times of life. Such was the reality for Saidanar, better known as Sai, who...
SeductionCollege is referred by some as being the "best four years of your life" because of the freedoms associated with being on your own right after high school. Unfortunately, this is not the reality for most people who go through things like community college or just don't go to your typical party school. For a great number of people out there, the undergraduate years are full of stress and are actually some of the loneliest times of life. Such was the reality for Saidanar, better known as Sai, who...
SeductionA Losing Season - An Alternative Ending to Seasons of Change by Tigger Copyright 1998 Archiving and reposting of this story *unchanged* is permitted provided that no fee be charged, either directly or indirectly (this includes so-called "adult checks") *and* provided that this disclaimer and attribution to the original author are maintained. Based on the characters and situations presented in "Seasons of Change" by Joel Lawrence, Copyright 1989. This story is archived in its...
Volleyball Humiliation Slut I'm a bus driver. Assigned to take the mens and ladies College level teams on a three night road trip. When I arrived at the pick up the Ladies were waiting with the men nowhere in sight. This is pretty normal as the men will take more than there fair share of seats if the Women don't stake there territory first. As we were loading luggage and gear one of the little cuties turned her back to me and bent over to slide her luggage into the bus. She was wearing...
The setter placed the ball in the perfect location for Sam to do what she does best, spike the volleyball so hard and fast that it was almost an impossible feat to return it. Once the ball left the setters fingers, Sam never lost focus. She approached the net and leapt as high as she could and at the height of her jump she swung her right arm over her head. Her outstretched hand slapped the leather ball with such force, the impact echoed throughout the gymnasium. Sam touched down...
I like being a slut, no,I love being a slut This was my last thought running through my head before I passed into much needed sleep. I also awoke early to this thought, my loud alarm going off. 6:30 am. These early morning practices are going to be the death of me, if all the cocks aren’t. I stretched my arms and legs lazily and headed towards the shower. I was beginning to feel pretty natural in my naked state. My roommate, Samantha, was still collapsed in bed. I turned the shower on hot and...
“Outside, Now.” … Cassie’s fingers left my pussy empty as she walked away. I gasped as I came back to my senses. A couple seniors pushed Laurie and Alex towards the door, still naked. The warmth from the steam in the locker rooms kept our bodies completely damp. My wet hair clung to my back, and my pussy was wetter still. The trio of volleyball babes continued out into the hallway. I was the last to step out, feeling the cold air bite at my already hard nipples. The moment Laurie, who was...
Es ist spät Abends Mark sitzt in einen nach Schweiss riechenden Bus in der vordersten Reihe. Hinter ihm ist die Stimmung ausgelassen, das Frauenteam seiner Universität hatte heute einen wichtigen Asswärtssieg errungen. Da der Rückweg lang war, ging es nach dem Spiel ungeduscht und in den Volleyball Klamotten gleich in den Bus. Nur leider durfte Mark nicht mit feiern. Er war nur der Handlanger der Trainerin, der Depp vom Dienst quasi. Der Job war aber gut bezahlt daher steckte er einiges ein,...
Mind Control“Outside, Now.” … Cassie’s fingers left my pussy empty as she walked away. I gasped as I came back to my senses. A couple seniors pushed Laurie and Alex towards the door, still naked. The warmth from the steam in the locker rooms kept our bodies completely damp. My wet hair clung to my back, and my pussy was wetter still. The trio of volleyball babes continued out into the hallway. I was the last to step out, feeling the cold air bite at my already hard nipples. The moment Laurie, who was in...
HardcoreI like being a slut, no,I love being a slut This was my last thought running through my head before I passed into much needed sleep. I also awoke early to this thought, my loud alarm going off. 6:30 am. These early morning practices are going to be the death of me, if all the cocks aren’t. I stretched my arms and legs lazily and headed towards the shower. I was beginning to feel pretty natural in my naked state. My roommate, Samantha, was still collapsed in bed. I turned the shower on hot...
Group SexWithout a second thought, I ran my cum-drenched body out the door… My heart was pounding as I skidded out the door, my socked feet losing grip. My nipples were hard in the chilly air as my perky breasts bounced with every stride. I could feel the fresh cum leaking its way down my cleavage. The coach’s cum oozed out my pussy, mixing with my own juices as it slid down my leg. The only thing burning harder than my muscles was my pussy, which was recently filled with a hard cock. I flew past...
ReluctanceMy dad's friend Mr. T, also my team’s assistant coach was driving me home after the volleyball game out of town. At my house he said”your folks aren’t home I will walk ya in” I looked at him and asked "ok?" As soon as he closed the door behind him he said "Get naked Alice. Take your clothes off." I was shocked and scared. I had had a crush on Mr. T but was confused. "Get naked or I will tell your dad I caught saw you getting double stuffed by Lorenzo and Mark in the locker-room last week you...
This is about the first night my husband fucked another girl in front of my eyes and how I got off on that, watching him thrust inside of someone that wasn’t me gave me an animalistic shock. I felt incredibly horny.The first girl to join us was Crystal, one of the girls on my volleyball team. She’s a cutie. A few years younger than me, dirty blond hair and phenomenal legs and ass. My husband flirts with her often. Almost inappropriately. I had approached her about joining us. She had just...
CuckoldEven though I hadn’t really done anything wrong I immediately felt out of place and proceed to go to the other side of the walk-way looking straight ahead. I noticed out of the side of my eye they went down the aisle next to them. “that was weird” I thought but I didn’t want to think too much about it, I just wanted to grab my sub and head home. After I got my sandwich I headed to the self-checkout and again saw those girls out of the corned of my eye. “Someone over here has a crush” I heard...
Lindsay showed up a half hour after my parents left for work and Gaby was with her. Lindsay had a large purse and Gaby carried a duffel bag. Lindsay headed straight to my bedroom. "Sit down," Lindsay said as if it was her room. She said to Gaby, "Show him." Gaby put the bag down and opened it. She pulled out several women's wigs. It turned out Gaby's mom was a hairdresser and used the wigs for demonstrations sometimes and also to sell though it was rare to sell one. Lindsay spoke...
We pulled up in front of the gym. My face felt warm and I hoped my sweat wasn't messing up my make-up. Yes, honestly. I know it sounded wrong. I just didn't want to be discovered. I warmed up with the other girls. My new hair felt strange as I moved. Gaby had an extra clip and put it in a ponytail for me. "Kayla" was introduced to the three freshman girls. I would be taking one of their starting jobs if everything went okay. Coach Addams showed up late and when I saw her my heart beat...
The team became a little sloppy and we lost a couple of games in a row, but Coach Addams got us refocused on the basics again and we were able to get back to winning. We finished the season with an 18 and 4 record and in first place in our conference. It was the first first place ever for the Villa High girls' volleyball team. They never even finished in the top half of the standings before. I, or should I say Kayla, was the spark plug. It felt great to be so important in bringing the team...
Allison and Rachael sat naked in the hot tub together on Monday morning. As Allison rubbed her little sister's shoulders, Rachael gave a report on the activities that weekend. She explained that she had failed to get Jeff and Brit to make love, but that they had taken several steps in the right direction. Allison grinned as Rachael gave her all the juicy details. Allison began to make plans for her own involvement in the sinister plot. So far, things seemed to be going well. Brit was more...
The four of them then walked down the beach in search of a flat area to set up the volleyball net. Ritu held Jay's hand as they led the way. After walking about ten yards, Rick tentatively reached for Naina's hand. She smiled at Rick and firmly grasped his offered hand. About one hundred yards down the beach from the boat, they found a perfect spot for a volleyball game. The guys had the net up in about ten minutes and the girls began practicing. The way they were warming up, one would have...
InterracialThe Fourth Season by Cindi Johnson March 2007 e-mail: [email protected] The First Season: Autumn -------------------------------- Preoccupied with beauty, Mike failed to hear the soft sound of approaching footsteps. "Hon?" Mike froze. He felt as if a knife had slowly, painfully, pushed into his stomach. Pam's one simple word, a word imbued with longtime affection, was today a question with no answer. Dressed in a pale yellow dress, his wife's dress, Mike sat...
“Where’d the time go?”, he wondered walking in his backyard drinking his morning coffee. “How many days and weeks amounting to months did I wish winter away? Now it’s gone, the daffodils are in bloom and I’m still right here, where it all began and I haven’t even ordered the new rods yet. Am I wasting my life away? I wish she were still here. Things be different then. I’d be alive. Not giving in.” He usually awoke at half past five in the morning, suffering an old habit from years at the...
1“Dear Season”by The TechnicianBDSM F/self M/F BDSM, Bound in public, discoveredMy name is Laura. The Technician is a friend of mine who makes some of the equipment I use - for a price. The price is that I have to tell him everything that happens.Actually, knowing that I will be writing it all down for him has always been part of the thrill. When I write it down, it is almost like reliving it, and then when he posts my story on the net I can reread it knowing that hundreds, if not...
It's mating season in Neopia. For about a week, all neopets over 1 year old can mate at this time. Females have the best chance of pregnancy (though it's not a sure thing), and release a scent that most males find irresistible. Most females, while in heat, feel like they need to mate, and pretty much follow any male they see. And the males are usually only too glad to relieve them of it. Some males help the female take care of the child or children, while others pretty much say that they don't...
My first time End the season Act IVAs our basketball season wound down, ronnie and I got together quite frequently to "study and do homework" both at my house and his. But we didn't do homework that really was not the main reason why we got together. Ron and I had extended discussions about how I was able to take his cock entirely in my mouth without gagging. He practiced on me and was able to improve his skills a fair bit.There were 8 teams in our league and the top 4 teams made it to a...
Star Trek: Voyager - Second Season Synopsis: After critical damage to engineering leaves Voyager nearly powerless, Harry Kim's landing party changes its mission from resupply to locating some new dilithium crystals to replace the stocks of the crippled Voyager. But something unexpected happens on the planet - something that doesn't begin to manifest itself until long after the starship departs. Note: "Star Trek" and its characters are registered trademarks of Paramount...
Our season opener against North Whitley wasn't as bad as I was afraid it would be. Both JV and Varsity got beat, but only by a few points. When we analyzed the game we realized that the three-point rule would have made a difference. North Whitley's gym hadn't been refinished this year, so there was no three-point stripe. All shots were worth two points. If we'd had full count for our long shots, we'd have beaten them. Whitney had moved full-time to forward and about half the time it was...
At the age of twenty-five, Eva was feeling a unique kind of quarter-life crisis which needed outside help. Eva had moved to Los Angeles from the suburbs of Atlanta in order to pursue a career in modeling. While she was five-foot-ten, Eva had somewhat of a “soft” figure with a body that wasn’t necessarily overweight but more of what some consider “thick”. Eva had brown hair, somewhat pale skin, and looked exactly like pornstar Rucca Page.The stress of her modeling career not taking off had...
Taboo"Yeah I mean I will check to see what's up," said Kay, a bit exhausted."Careful, remember, he does get around and there is a reason for it," replied Brent, warning Kay."From what I hear, he only goes for white women so I'll be okay," said Kay."Yeah well, tastes change, you never know about guys like that," replied Brent."I'll be okay Brent, he is only a floor down in this apartment," said Kay, hanging up. Covered in sweat, Kay had just finished an intense workout and was going to...
Hardcore“Yeah give it a nice wiggle, thank you. Oh yeah baby!” said Lisa, groaning and standing up as the wet middle finger made its way into her anus. The beauty was naked along with her lover, now standing over him.Lisa was on the trip with Arvan and a couple other coworkers for a project but the virus had shut down all travel. The group was stranded in a smaller town without much to do and to make matters worse, it was shut down. Along with Arvan and the crew, Lisa worked for a massive corporation...
HardcoreAfter getting a beatdown in a bar fight, the twenty-eight-year-old Ravan had signed up for a Mixed Martial Arts gym along with his friend Quinn. Ravan stood at around six-feet tall and looked almost exactly like singer Zayn, not too threatening at all which led to him occasionally being pushed around. Quinn was Ravan’s friend who looked a lot like Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter. The two met each other when out at a bar talking to random women.Being the age he was, Ravan did not want marriage...
HardcoreKarine told David about Mark giving her the okay to take up bow hunting. David told her that she could use his old recurve until she felt ready to get something on her own. They made plans to go to the farm a few more times before bow season for them to sharpen their skills and to work on the blinds. Three weeks after Labor Day they arranged to go to the farm to prepare for the upcoming bow season. Karine asked David if she could invite Mark and the kids to the farm. She was hoping that he...