His Volleyball Player: Giving In 2 free porn video

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  Alex is her name. Alex Petrov. She's from Russia. Her hair is jet black and wavy. Her lips small and bow-shaped. Her eyes are quite the attraction. They're big, round, and black. Every time I stare into them I get lost somehow. It's like an endless black hole that traps me. But that's not the only thing. She has this perfect hourglass figure that I have been craving for quite a while now. It drives me crazy. 
  Not being able to have her because of the restraints that keep me neutral. Otherwise I'd be attacking her with playful remarks. And that's why I act so bad towards her. Because I can't tell her that yes, I feel attracted towards her. My star volleyball player. 
  "Hey, coach!" that's her right now. Making her way towards me with a quick, happy pace. Her smile shows how she feels. Quite happy and pumped for god knows what reason. My eyes quickly take in her cleavage before looking down at my shoes, dissimulating. Her breast were looking quite alluring right now. Were it not for the fact that I'm wearing quite tight boxers, my cock would show. I meet her eyes then. 
  Nodding, I say her name, "Alex," before looking away and going down to the locker room. How much longer I was gonna be able to keep this up, I don't know. I just hope that it was a long time. Perhaps til' she gets out of high school. This is her senior year, anyway. 
  Before I know it, ten minutes have gone by. The guys get changed into their football uniforms and file out of the locker room. Coach Simmons says goodbye and then leaves out with the rest of them. I stay seated in my small working area. Of course this is only for the season. The summer season, I think. Being stuck in here every afternoon really drives me nuts sometimes. 
  Not because of the crazy heat waves we get, but because of Alex. An entirely different kind of heat wave. Not the kind that makes you sweat and want to take a cool shower. But the kind that makes you horny all the time. The kind that just by plain thought, sets you on edge and makes your cock hard. More than it needed to be. 
  As though my dirty ol' thoughts somehow made a calling to her, Alex appears on the door. Clutching something in her hands. A small, brown box. Curiosity takes the best of me as I keep glancing at it. But then it quickly goes away as I take in the long, thin, creamy, nimble fingers that are holding it. 
  "How's my team captain?" I ask, smiling with unease. Being nice to her is not something that I'm used to. But for the life of me, I promised I'd be nice just to keep appearances. 
  With a small smile, she answers with a sweet voice, "She's perfectly fine, sir." The smile stays on her lips. She's oblivious to the state I'm in at the moment. I keep twisting one of my pencils with my fingers, watching her. Patiently waiting for what she has to tell me. 
  "Mr. Keys?" I raise an eyebrow at her. Surprise, surprise. I'm most certainly surprised. I reckon she's supposed to be calling me Coach, not Mr. Keys. Of course, this is only during Volleyball practice. During school, things are totally different. 
  Alex's brows quirk together.  Realizing her mistake, she backpedals and speaks louder, firmer, "Coach, this came for you." She motions for the package in her hands. 
  I noticed then her wearing a soft pink shirt. I sigh. Last week hits me like a cold bucket of water. I had been at her house on a rainy day. Nothing bad happened—except for me getting a boner and leaking pre-cum—at all. But seeing her in that shirt reminds me of the way she stood by the entrance to her kitchen with that oversized, silky shirt that showed off her slender legs. All alone and careless to my ogling eyes. I wanted to touch her every curve very much. But I knew better and left. 
  Now, I guess it's time to get a better description of myself. At 6'1" with silver gray eyes soft tousled, hazelnut colored hair, a squared jaw and face, I can call myself attractive. Not handsome, but attractive. 
  As I think of this, I narrow my eyes on her hands. On the package just to avoid eye contact with her. I wonder what made me leave that night. Was it really the fact that I couldn't take it? That the truth of my attraction to her scared me? Or was it simply the fact that I'm married? 
  I start to maul over these things when all of a sudden, she clears her throat and takes a step forward. Abruptly taking me off my train of thought. As I reach for the box, her hand carelessly brushes against mine. I don't know if it was me or not but as our skin makes contact, an electrical current had gone through me. Raising every single hair in my body and making my heart beat faster against my chest for a few seconds. 
  My eyes immediately dart up to meet hers. By the startled look on her face, I know that she felt it, too. Something snaps inside of me then and I'm left to stand in a flushed, tired, and confused state. Why was I trying to hide this from her? 
  Oh, right. Illegal. 
  "Thank you, Alex. We sh—"
  "I'm sorry," she says unexpectedly. Taking me by surprise when she said it. Apology? What for? Is not like she has done something awful, is it? The mingle of skin is not bad. 
  Then, as though reading my thoughts, she speaks up again. "I mean I'm sorry for last Wednesday, Coach. I don't know why you went off like that.... But I'm sure you had a very good reason." She shrugs. 
  Grabbing my keys off the desk, I walk around the desk. I'm standing in front of her. Watching her intently. She certainly seems quite sincere. 
  "Yeah, I did."
  With hopeful, waiting eyes she eyes me. Expecting something perhaps. I can just shrug and smile slightly. Truth was, I couldn't stay away from her. I needed to somehow take in her suave, alluring scent. It just drives me nuts. The fact that she's so close to me yet so far away is agonizing. But I'm married. And I should think about my wife... But the thing is that I don't. It only happens when I'm around her.
  As though reading my thoughts, Alex steps forward. I watch her every move carefully. Already knowing the next move before she does it. Her hand lays gently on my arm. Her lips tremble in a nervous smile. She knows the effect it's having on me. Or perhaps she doesn't. But damn it's having 'the' effect on me.
  "Why's your hand there?" I ask. My tone of voice is hard, indifferent. She gulps. 
  "I just wanted to feel them. Everyone is always talking of how good they look," she shrugs as though it's no big deal. Little does she know of the effect it's having on me. I'm becoming quite hard. Heated. Her hands feel soft, warm, electrifying even. My breathing deepens. "I really—"
  I cut her right off. She was squeezing it so softly I could barely feel it. But her hands were there, arousing me. Turning me on. "Stop it!" I say, cheeks blazing hot. I didn't even know why I got so mad all of a sudden. She recoils and frowns. Shrugging a delicate shoulder as she looks down, quite startled. 
  I instantly regret it. I start to apologize but she turns and starts to walk out the door. I don't know what happens to me then. I thought of the many things that had gone through my mind. How much I wanted to stop her and kiss her with great vigor. And as I start to walk towards her, I couldn't think clearly. I knew I shouldn't be doing this. I knew that I was married. And it was present as I took her by the arm. 
  Surprised, Alex looked at it. My brain kept whispering not to do it. But my body kept telling me otherwise. It was not my brain that was giving the orders. It was my already throbbing dick that was doing it for me. Alex, quite taken back, tries to take it away. 
   Unable to, though, she speaks, "Mr. Keys, you're hurt—"
  "That's COACH to you, Miss Petrov," her cheeks suddenly took a pleasant shade of pink. "And don't leave. It gets lonely down here. And practice doesn't start for another 20 minutes." As I say that, I can't help but think of how much could go down in twenty minutes. I slowly let her hand go and take a seat on one of the chairs in front of my desk. 
  A few seconds later, she comes to join me by sitting down on the other one. My eyes rake her body with a steady gaze. I take in her pale complexion. The delicate high cheekbones on her face. Her natural, long eyelashes. Those long, thick yet perfectly trimmed eyebrows. 
  "You're looking at me and it's giving me goosebumps," she instantly covers her mouth. As though she said something that she shouldn't. "I'm sorry, I'm so so—" I cut her right off by raising my hand. 
  "I didn't hear it," I say, giving her a slight smile. More like my 250-kilowatt smile which I instantly turn off. 
  "Coach, may I tell you something?" her voice is timid. Scared. Though the way her volleyball shorts are riding up her legs is distracting my vision. I reluctantly look away from her legs and up at her beautiful face. 
  "It depends. Is it bad?" I smile slightly and arrange the chair so I face her completely, leaning on my knees. 
  "No. Or at least I think it's not," her eyes bore onto my face. 
  "Alright," I say a bit reluctantly. I can tell what she's trying to say to me it's important—to her. 
  "Coach, I just want you to know that I—" she breaks off to take a deep breath. I can't help but smile at her shyness. She's always been like this. It's—cute.
  "You can tell me, come on," I rub her back gently before taking my hand back and letting it lay on my lap as I sit up straight. 
  Alex struggles for words. I wait patiently with a reassuring expression, "I—I have always had a crush on you, Mr. Keys. From the very first try outs to today," her cheeks grow scarlet. "And I—I just wanted you to know that." 
  I lean back against my seat so abruptly, it might have looked as though I had been pushed. Which, in some way, I had been. "What?" I ask, in plain disbelief. 
  Oh, god, how you torture me and tease me by putting me in the hands of temptation. "Alex, you can't be serious," I get up in a brusque manner. She gets up, too. 
  "But I do. It's not bad to have a crush on one of your teachers, is it?" she asks, her voice so sweet and innocent, I can't help but feel guilty somehow for all of this. 
  "Have I lead you to think this?" 
  She looks taken back. She suddenly goes pale. Realization dawning on her face. "You like me don't you?" she asks. Her sweet, innocent, yet surprised voice takes me by surprise. I gulp. 
  Fuck. Did I make it that obvious now? "I—" I stop myself and think of Cherry, my wife. "No, sorry," I truly felt disappointed to say this. But it was for the best. 
  "Oh, no. It's totally OK. It's just…"
  "Alex. You're a beautiful, smart, sweet girl," I say genuinely. Being completely and utterly nice to her for the first time, "But I can't see you that way. You're just one of my students/volleyball players."
  She stands closer. "But—" I cut her right off. It's unbearable; the thought of having her drove me nuts. But I couldn't be with her. I was married, had a job at risk, and she was underage. Just 16 though her birthday was tomorrow. I'm about to say something when my cell phone rings. I motion for her to hold on for a second. 
  "Hello?" I say, already knowing who it is.
  "Stefan, I'm sorry. I have to go on a business trip."
  "Oh, when?" I ask. 
  Cherry pauses. "Right now. It's urgent. My boss wants me with him." 
  I close my eyes, "Cherry. You can't be serious. Not this again. You've done it more times than I can cow—"
  "We need the money, Stefan. You know it." 
 "We don't. YOU know it." I hated to talk this way in front of Alex. She knew nothing of the things that went on at my house. So I didn't want her to know. "Whatever, Cherry. Just go. Have fun," I sigh, giving in. 
  "You're not ma—"
  "No. I'm just having a bad day. Go, love. See you...?" 
  "In five days," she hangs up with no more words said. I stand straight and turn. Only to find Alex behind me. Her pale complexion startling me a bit. Not in a scary way. But her beauty—it startled. 
  "Is everything alright?" asks Alex, sounding genuinely worried. 
  "Yeah. Everything's just fine," I mumble. I was used to my wife abandoning me. I was hoping to have sex with her tonight. But now that was ruined. Not that it mattered. She had left me unattended for around a month now. If I did anything that might upset her, the blame will be mostly on her. 
  All of a sudden, I hear a rather loud thump. I look up just in time to see Alexandria holding her knee. "By the Angel," I say, rushing over to where she now sat. "Are you alright?"
  "No," she sounded strained. "I hurt my ankle pretty badly," her face is a mask of pain. "Fuck," she curses. I make a mental note of telling her something about it later on. 
  As I brush her hand away, I notice blood trailing down from a mean scrape. "Ow," she hisses as I make contact with her skin.
  "Here, hold on," I start to look for the first aid kit. Having found it, I return to kneel down in front of her. Her skin, I notice, is rather soft to the touch and quite warm. I finish putting the band aid on. My fingers, however, seem to have forgotten their manner and linger on her leg. I look up at her. And notice her looking at me with wonder. "I hope it doesn't affect your practice, Miss Petrov," I breathe out. Suddenly everything seemed to slow down. I grip her legs slightly before getting in between them and pressing my lips against hers. 
  She gasps slightly but I care not. I feel the way her lips brush carelessly against mine. The intensity of it and how she was letting go; her lips feel rather soft and plush. A soft moan escapes her lips. Making me hiss right back, enjoying the moment while it lasts. Her hands all of a sudden wrap around my neck, making me stand up, bringing her with me. She grips my hair hard. Pushing me closer and closer. In the heat of the moment, I raise her off her feet and set her down on the desk and begin to slowly grind myself against her warm crotch. 
  "Mr. Keys," she gasps. "No, not now," her hands travel down to my lean chest and she begins to push. Or so she attempts. Instead, she grabs my shirt and helplessly pulls me closer to her. Her movements, too, becoming rather fast and urgent. She wants to, I think. 
  As my fingers creep up under her tight pink shirt, I hear her gasp in surprise. "Mr. Keys, no," but I'm kissing her and biting her upper lip. Everything seemed to be hazy from that moment on. I didn't know what I was doing. I was only aware of the feel of her skin and those round plums I like to call tits. A small sound escapes her lips, telling me she likes it. 
  My cock starts to strain against my boxers in an uncomfortable way. It almost hurts to be like this. "Alex," I say her name. The feel of her name being said by my lips has a pleasant feel. Like its always belonged there. It just feels right. 
  I pinch her nipples and she lurches forward, bumping her crotch on my cock. "Fuck," I mumble. It had felt good. 
  I let her tits go, look at her, and then laugh. We both laugh. She stands up, looking around. "You do like me," there was an arrogance to her tone that I enjoyed, oddly enough.
  "Who wouldn't?" I ask her before bringing her in for a kiss again. It suddenly seemed like nothing mattered. Not even my wife. 
  As I keep kissing her lips, I am amazed at how incredibly soft they are and feel against mine. I'm very aware of our bodies pressing tightly together. Her ample breast press up against me. Making me shudder surprisingly enough. 
  All of a sudden, something inside of me snaps. I grab a sudden, harsh grasp on her hair and start to force myself on her. My mouth travels down her long slender neck as I hold her head to the side. Her gasps of shock cheer me on. 
  "God, I want you so damn bad right now," I grunt into her ear. All the hair on my body standing up as she looks at me and I look down at her. How wrong this was—I couldn't explain. But the way she turned me on made me feel as though I was in a sea of bliss and I couldn't swim my way out. 
  "Make me yours," she whispers a bit breathless. "I want you. Please, just do it," her fingers begin to undo the work shirt I'm in in a haste. But it's hard, she realizes, considering the bulging muscles...
  "Alexandria," I whisper, trying to catch her lips though she keeps avoiding it. "I can't," but the buttons on my shirt are already off and it's obvious that I actually can and do want to do it. So instead of pushing her away and ending this, I grab a firm hold of her ass with both of my hands and make her wrap her legs around my torso. As she hangs on to my hair and we lock once again in a passionate kiss, I feel her grinding against my cock as gently as she can. Though I don't want gently. I don't need gentle. I need rough. 
  "You're not a virgin, right?"
  "No, just do it," with that said, I lay her down against my desk and begin to peel off her tight volley ball shorts. 
  "I love your ass in these shorts, just so you know," I smile slightly. Once the shorts are off, I am pleased and excited to find that she's not wearing any underwear so I start to do the same with her shirt. She sits up with her legs wrapped tightly around me, giving me a timid smile. There was something about it that made me stir with passion inside. After the shirt is off, I let my lips travel down her throat and in between her breast, crouching in the process as I go lower and lower. 
  "Mr. Keys," she moans in anticipation. I look up just in time to see her ample, firm tits hanging above me perfectly still. She looks like an angel. The nipples are jutting out almost painfully, it seems. Finally I kiss the creamy skin on her stomach, biting it slightly, before the strong aroma of her aroused cunt spikes my senses. My cock begins to throb, wanting to be buried inside of her. The familiar heat I get whenever she's in front of me starts to become slightly unbearable. Without further ado, I begin to lick all around it. Teasing her enough to get her even more wet than what she already is as she leans back on her hands. Her hips are moving in small circles, somehow chasing my tongue.
  "Please, Mr. Keys," she groans. I look up at her with an arrogant stare. 
  "Please what, Miss Petrov?" I let my tongue travel ever so gently and close to her clit. I feel her shudder under my hold. My hands, once holding the back of her legs, spread her legs out even more as the soles of her feet lay on the desk. Giving me a perfect view of the fleshy, thin folds that lay in between the thick labia that surrounds it. Her clit forms a hood that begs for me to stick my tongue under it and lick it as fast and as hard as I can. The juices of her arousal glisten under the strong light. I wanted so much to give in to her pleadings. It was impossible not to.
  "Please eat me out," she groans again, thrusting her hips forward so I lick her pussy. 
  "Do you really want me to?" I ask, licking her pussy once. She trembles. 
  "Yes, Mr. Keys, I do want you to," she mumbles. I start to dig in with great vigor. A gasp escapes her lips as I close my eyes and begin to lavishly eat her out. I lap at her clit as fast as I can. Tasting her musky juices and smelling in the scent of her arousals as I do so. Which turns me on all the more. 
  My cock keeps stirring inside my pants. It's straining against my zipper. I know I'm as hard as a rock. 
  "Mr. Keys!" Alex moans, grinding her hot cunt against my mouth all the more. "Oh, god…," her hands grip my soft, tousled hair and push my head closer to her. The way she writhes, the way she moves, and the way she moans with pleasure excites me all the more. I take one of my fingers and insert it into her love tunnel. Closing my eyes in the process. I proceed to put one more into her. Once I start to work a rapid, precise rhythm, I begin to lick her clit again. Her muscles helplessly grip my fingers as her breathing becomes ragged. This makes her cry out in pleasure. "Mr. Keys!" she gasps, her eyes closing tight as I look up in pleasure. I wriggle my fingers inside of her to make contact with her g-spot. That's when Alex's chest juts out as her back arches. A long quiet moan takes over her as ecstasy takes control of her. "Oh, I'm coming…," she whispers, laying back against the desk as an earthshaking orgasm hits her. So into it I get, that I begin to enjoy it as much as she does. Her orgasm rocks out from her to me. 
  Suddenly, her hands grab my tie and pull me up. "I want you inside of me," she says in a breathless voice. I notice her body covered in goosebumps and sweat. Her chest is heaving as she tries to catch up with her breathing. I begin to tell her that there's not enough time when she so unexpectedly grabs my aching hard cock. I sigh in relief. Her hands were gentle and soothing. "Alex," I start but she grips it harder and moves her hand to the side, working on my hard cock. This makes me place my hands by either side of her. "Alex," I moan. "You can't—" she squeezes it again. Sending up a flaring jolt of bliss up my spine—it quickly spreads all over my body. Setting me on fire and making me blaze up in my aroused state. I look down and notice her creamy white hand. After a few second of fumbling, she gets the zipper down and the button undone. A great relief hits me. And then a great ache comes back again. 
  "Mr. Keys," she purrs while reaching inside and down my boxers to grab my solid member. "Do I make you this hot?" she looks down as her hand retrieves from inside my boxers and pants before lowering them down. Slowly, painfully slowly, my cock springs out of it's cage. 
  "Alex, I don't think we shoul—" my jaw sets. Her hands had grasped my cock again. 
  "None of that is accepted here, Mr. Keys," she opens her lips and kisses me with a delicate passion. Without waiting for her to, I thrust forward. She instantly let's go. My cock keeps pressing against her. Feeling her wetness. 
  So slippery, I think. So slippery and warm. My head begins to swirl at the close contact I'm making with her. "Miss Petrov," I mumble, "you're not very innocent, are you?" I kiss her again. 
  "No. I'm more naughty than everyone gives me credit for," an exquisite throb makes my cock twitch and my body shudder in anticipation. With no warning, I grab my cock, give it a few strokes, and thrust into her. 
  The first thing I'm aware of is the head of my cock entering her pussy and what it feels like. It's like warm, wet silk with a few, small bumps here and there. The perfect temperature for my throbbing cock, I might add and unlike any other texture on her body. The second thing I'm aware of is her involuntary gasps and the way her cheeks flush a pleasant scarlet. The third thing is the fact that I'm enjoying this. My throbbing cock is enjoying this. The great pressure it's getting from all around it as it keeps penetrating her tight love tunnel is enough to drive me insane with ecstasy. And I'm right on that one, I find out soon enough. Because just as soon as I'm all the way inside of her, my body starts to jerk and the sperm boiling in my balls tempts to leave it's container. "Alex, I can't hold it. You're too fucking tight," I grunt. My arms go under her arms and then over her back. I get a firm grip on her like that and begin to thrust into her slowly. Gently as to not set myself off instantly. 
  "Please fuck me harder," she mumbles, her eyes wide and foggy. She's in a great state of ecstasy, I notice, just like me. With that thought in my head, I start to fuck her harder. Just like she wanted me to. With one of my hands, I reach in between us and cup one of her young firm tits. It makes her moan. Her moans make me go faster and faster until I'm working a steady yet fast rhythm inside of her. It's not long before I feel my hips convulsing out of their own will at the pleasure my cock is getting. Correction: at the pleasure I AM getting. 
  "God," I grunt.
  "Oh, Mr. Keys, fuck me harder, I'm so close. Harder, please, harder! Just like that, just like that," she whimpers, grasps my tie, and pulls me closer and closer until there's no more space in between us and the only thing moving is my pelvis against her pelvis with powerful strokes and mad movements. "Oh," she whimpers in pleasure again. The back of her cervix always making contact with the head of my cock are the perfect ingredients to drive me over the edge. 
  Just as my cock suddenly grows a bit bigger inside of her, sets like a stone, and my balls begin to empty out their boiling swimmers, Alexandria bites my neck and makes a hickey, I know, before letting go of her own orgasm. 
  Grunts fill the room as we keep going. Alex wraps her arms around my neck and lays back with me on top of her, my feet still planted on the floor as well as my cock is in her tight pussy. We stay nibbling on our lips and catching our breath before pulling away with reluctance. 
  It hit me then, "Alex, are you on—?"
  "Yes, of course. I'm not stupid," a small smile appears on her pale pink lips. They looked as though they were just bitten hard—which is true. I turn to pick up my shirt. And freeze. 
  There, on the door frame, stands my sixteen year-old cousin, Rory. Her cheeks are a blazing scarlet, her mouth half open, and her gray eyes wide in shock. Alex gasps from behind me and instantly starts to get dressed. 
  "Wow," starts Rory, suddenly breaking out of her shocked state, "I guess now we know why you treat her so badly, huh?" Just before she left without offering any other words, I could have sworn the corner of her lips were pulling into a knowing smirk and her eyes were twinkling with arrogance. 
  Behind me, Alex purrs, "that was the best birthday present I have ever gotten," kisses me, and leaves out the door a few paces behind Rory.


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8 Rules Cheer Panties Bare CheeksChapter 5 Volleyball

Kerry’s POV: It was half time and I was the star guard sitting on the bench, wore out and frustrated as I saw the faces of team mates and coaches which showed their disappointment. I went into get some steam by the bench by the showers in the locker room and closed my eyes. My mind went back to a time where similarly I was making a mess of things. It was a blast from the past. It had happened back when was playing for my high school away from at The Holiday Volleyball Tournament and I...

3 years ago
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How I became The Volleyball Teams Slut Part 4

‘Meet us in the gym,slut 3. You’re in trouble’ I couldn’t imagine how much more trouble I could find myself in… I was reading this text, still standing nude in the boy’s washroom. I could smell the sweet scent of sex, as a sat down on the toilet seat. I began to clean up as much of the cum as possible, it feels like it has gotten everywhere! I took my time. There is no rush to more abuse at the hands of the volleyball team. I stood up slowly. I could hear guys doing their business around the...

3 years ago
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After Volleyball

Stacie had just finished up volleyball practice at her high school. The senior had just found out she had been made team captain. At eighteen and in her senior year she was riding high, and had spent the afternoon's practice really giving it her all, so needless to say she was a little rank after the evenings festivities. Yet she still had to start filling out the position assignments for the team. She sat at the gym tables and watched all her teammates leave for home, knowing she still had at...

3 years ago
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After a beach volleyball game

In that cold winter, Anita dragged me into some quick vacation at Barbados. My sweet wife told me there she could find and fuck some black cocks, since I had been stressed and not so cooperative with her at our marital bed.On the second day there, we walked down the beach and found a volleyball game going on. There were about eight young black guys with some guests from our hotel and they invited us to join them.Anita loved playing volleyball, so she pushed me inside the game.After winning the...

3 years ago
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Volleyball encounter results in new porn career an

The next week at work was a bit awkward, especially the first contact with Elle since the volleyball game and nudist encounter. I’d almost forgotten about it due to the foursome action later that day, Diedre & Tonya provided me (and Troy) with needed sexual release and added a two more notches to my belt. I remember thinking to myself what a year it’s been sexually after breaking up with my GF of six months and meeting Jennifer and discovering the joys of clothing optional beaches. My...

1 year ago
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How I became The Volleyball Teams Slut Part 7

What was inside our lockers made us think that none of our slut lives were over… I opened the locker door and my expression turned to that of horror. My pussy tingled from memories of yesterday in a slutty uniform. I pulled out a corset that was more suited for a playboy mansion than college. The corset was black with ribbon lace-up back and zip up side closure. I reluctantly slipped it on. My cleavage was accented, the half-breast cuffs barely covering my nipples, which were erect and...

2 years ago
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How I became The Volleyball Teams Slut Part 4

‘Meet us in the gym,slut 3. You’re in trouble’ I couldn’t imagine how much more trouble I could find myself in… I was reading this text, still standing nude in the boy’s washroom. I could smell the sweet scent of sex, as a sat down on the toilet seat. I began to clean up as much of the cum as possible, it feels like it has gotten everywhere! I took my time. There is no rush to more abuse at the hands of the volleyball team. I stood up slowly. I could hear guys doing their business around...

2 years ago
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How I Became The Volleyball Teams Slut

This story is entirely fiction and is purely for entertainment Hi! My name is Meg, and I recently left home for college. I am one of those athletic type of girls, standing at 5'9 with perky 32C breasts that have been entertaining the boys for years. I have long blonde hair flowing past my shoulders and bright blue eyes that always help to get what I want. My ass is pretty tight, if I do say so myself, and I am not much of a party girl. Despite that, I have been around with a couple guys, a...

2 years ago
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Indian Volleyballers Part I

They Got More Than A Lesson In Sport Rick was a 22-years-old university Senior. He stood six foot one inch tall, and he had a well tanned muscular body. He had blond hair, and blue eyes. He looked like the typical well tanned southern California surfer, except he wasn’t in southern California. He was the captain and star player of an Upstate South Carolina university’s men’s volleyball team. Rick had indeed grown up playing volleyball on the beaches of southern California. When not in class...

2 years ago
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Volleyball Humiliation Slut

Volleyball Humiliation Slut I'm a bus driver. Assigned to take the mens and ladies College level teams on a three night road trip. When I arrived at the pick up the Ladies were waiting with the men nowhere in sight. This is pretty normal as the men will take more than there fair share of seats if the Women don't stake there territory first. As we were loading luggage and gear one of the little cuties turned her back to me and bent over to slide her luggage into the bus. She was wearing...

2 years ago
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Volleyball Injury

  The setter placed the ball in the perfect location for Sam to do what she does best, spike the volleyball so hard and fast that it was almost an impossible feat to return it.   Once the ball left the setters fingers, Sam never lost focus.   She approached the net and leapt as high as she could and at the height of her jump she swung her right arm over her head.   Her outstretched hand slapped the leather ball with such force, the impact echoed throughout the gymnasium.   Sam touched down...

1 year ago
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How I became The Volleyball Teams Slut Part 5

I like being a slut, no,I love being a slut This was my last thought running through my head before I passed into much needed sleep. I also awoke early to this thought, my loud alarm going off. 6:30 am. These early morning practices are going to be the death of me, if all the cocks aren’t. I stretched my arms and legs lazily and headed towards the shower. I was beginning to feel pretty natural in my naked state. My roommate, Samantha, was still collapsed in bed. I turned the shower on hot and...

3 years ago
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How I became The Volleyball Teams Slut Part 6

“Outside, Now.” … Cassie’s fingers left my pussy empty as she walked away. I gasped as I came back to my senses. A couple seniors pushed Laurie and Alex towards the door, still naked. The warmth from the steam in the locker rooms kept our bodies completely damp. My wet hair clung to my back, and my pussy was wetter still. The trio of volleyball babes continued out into the hallway. I was the last to step out, feeling the cold air bite at my already hard nipples. The moment Laurie, who was...

1 year ago
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Das Volleyball Team

Es ist spät Abends Mark sitzt in einen nach Schweiss riechenden Bus in der vordersten Reihe. Hinter ihm ist die Stimmung ausgelassen, das Frauenteam seiner Universität hatte heute einen wichtigen Asswärtssieg errungen. Da der Rückweg lang war, ging es nach dem Spiel ungeduscht und in den Volleyball Klamotten gleich in den Bus. Nur leider durfte Mark nicht mit feiern. Er war nur der Handlanger der Trainerin, der Depp vom Dienst quasi. Der Job war aber gut bezahlt daher steckte er einiges ein,...

Mind Control
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How I became The Volleyball Teams Slut Part 6

“Outside, Now.” … Cassie’s fingers left my pussy empty as she walked away. I gasped as I came back to my senses. A couple seniors pushed Laurie and Alex towards the door, still naked. The warmth from the steam in the locker rooms kept our bodies completely damp. My wet hair clung to my back, and my pussy was wetter still. The trio of volleyball babes continued out into the hallway. I was the last to step out, feeling the cold air bite at my already hard nipples. The moment Laurie, who was in...

1 year ago
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How I became The Volleyball Teams Slut Part 5

I like being a slut, no,I love being a slut This was my last thought running through my head before I passed into much needed sleep. I also awoke early to this thought, my loud alarm going off. 6:30 am. These early morning practices are going to be the death of me, if all the cocks aren’t. I stretched my arms and legs lazily and headed towards the shower. I was beginning to feel pretty natural in my naked state. My roommate, Samantha, was still collapsed in bed. I turned the shower on hot...

Group Sex
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How I became The Volleyball Teams Slut Part 2

Without a second thought, I ran my cum-drenched body out the door… My heart was pounding as I skidded out the door, my socked feet losing grip. My nipples were hard in the chilly air as my perky breasts bounced with every stride. I could feel the fresh cum leaking its way down my cleavage. The coach’s cum oozed out my pussy, mixing with my own juices as it slid down my leg. The only thing burning harder than my muscles was my pussy, which was recently filled with a hard cock. I flew past...

1 year ago
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Mr T Blackmails after Volleyball Trip

My dad's friend Mr. T, also my team’s assistant coach was driving me home after the volleyball game out of town. At my house he said”your folks aren’t home I will walk ya in” I looked at him and asked "ok?" As soon as he closed the door behind him he said "Get naked Alice. Take your clothes off." I was shocked and scared. I had had a crush on Mr. T but was confused. "Get naked or I will tell your dad I caught saw you getting double stuffed by Lorenzo and Mark in the locker-room last week you...

4 years ago
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My husband and the volleyball girl

This is about the first night my husband fucked another girl in front of my eyes and how I got off on that, watching him thrust inside of someone that wasn’t me gave me an animalistic shock. I felt incredibly horny.The first girl to join us was Crystal, one of the girls on my volleyball team. She’s a cutie. A few years younger than me, dirty blond hair and phenomenal legs and ass. My husband flirts with her often. Almost inappropriately. I had approached her about joining us. She had just...

2 years ago
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Volleyball Girls

Even though I hadn’t really done anything wrong I immediately felt out of place and proceed to go to the other side of the walk-way looking straight ahead. I noticed out of the side of my eye they went down the aisle next to them. “that was weird” I thought but I didn’t want to think too much about it, I just wanted to grab my sub and head home. After I got my sandwich I headed to the self-checkout and again saw those girls out of the corned of my eye. “Someone over here has a crush” I heard...

3 years ago
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VolleyballChapter 2

Lindsay showed up a half hour after my parents left for work and Gaby was with her. Lindsay had a large purse and Gaby carried a duffel bag. Lindsay headed straight to my bedroom. "Sit down," Lindsay said as if it was her room. She said to Gaby, "Show him." Gaby put the bag down and opened it. She pulled out several women's wigs. It turned out Gaby's mom was a hairdresser and used the wigs for demonstrations sometimes and also to sell though it was rare to sell one. Lindsay spoke...

2 years ago
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VolleyballChapter 3

We pulled up in front of the gym. My face felt warm and I hoped my sweat wasn't messing up my make-up. Yes, honestly. I know it sounded wrong. I just didn't want to be discovered. I warmed up with the other girls. My new hair felt strange as I moved. Gaby had an extra clip and put it in a ponytail for me. "Kayla" was introduced to the three freshman girls. I would be taking one of their starting jobs if everything went okay. Coach Addams showed up late and when I saw her my heart beat...

4 years ago
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VolleyballChapter 9

The team became a little sloppy and we lost a couple of games in a row, but Coach Addams got us refocused on the basics again and we were able to get back to winning. We finished the season with an 18 and 4 record and in first place in our conference. It was the first first place ever for the Villa High girls' volleyball team. They never even finished in the top half of the standings before. I, or should I say Kayla, was the spark plug. It felt great to be so important in bringing the team...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 49 Volleyball and More

Allison and Rachael sat naked in the hot tub together on Monday morning. As Allison rubbed her little sister's shoulders, Rachael gave a report on the activities that weekend. She explained that she had failed to get Jeff and Brit to make love, but that they had taken several steps in the right direction. Allison grinned as Rachael gave her all the juicy details. Allison began to make plans for her own involvement in the sinister plot. So far, things seemed to be going well. Brit was more...

1 year ago
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Indian Volleyballers Part II

The four of them then walked down the beach in search of a flat area to set up the volleyball net. Ritu held Jay's hand as they led the way. After walking about ten yards, Rick tentatively reached for Naina's hand. She smiled at Rick and firmly grasped his offered hand. About one hundred yards down the beach from the boat, they found a perfect spot for a volleyball game. The guys had the net up in about ten minutes and the girls began practicing. The way they were warming up, one would have...

1 year ago
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Baseball Player to Baseball Wife Complete Story

Hazing To the real Gina-I wish there was a Thomas to make your dreams come true. On behalf of your sisters, we always knew that you were wearing our clothes! Lol In 2016 Major League Baseball banned the hazing practice of having new players wear dresses. This story is about a MLB player and his experience with the hazing ritual. Mike Young was living what many American men would consider the ultimate American dream. He was a starting pitcher for the California Seals, MLB newest...

2 years ago
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The Bass Player

The concert was everything Leah was expecting, the usual good time with her best friend Veronica, some tasty drinks, music she liked, and hot band guys. The band played their usual crowd pleasers, and as usual Leah had pulled Vee to the front of the stage, placing them right in front of the bass player, Chris. He was 5'7 or so with dark, dirty blond hair. His eyes were a light brown and he had a strong, thin face with a chiseled jaw line and pink, pouty lips. Leah, like so many others, believed...

Straight Sex
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iBod a life changing music player

WARNING!!! The following story contains sexual acts between consenting adults. If you are below the legal age (18 most places) to read such matters, or it is illegal where you are, stop it right there! Also this isn't meant to be fine literature, so there are mistakes and errors in there somewhere, and the writing is not meant to be airtight. if you're looking for revolutionary fiction, look elsewhere please. iBod by Potrzebie "Son of a bitch!" Aaron swore as his music...

1 year ago
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VLC Media Player

You have to have been living under a rock if you haven’t heard of VLC Media Player. Either that or you just never bothered to have a good experience with your digital life. How many times have you gotten angry with your media player because it can’t play a certain file? Many times, right? Well, VLC is here to change all that and you can get it on VideoLAN.org/VLC. Now, before we get into how you can use this tool and what the benefits of using it are, let me just tell you that I’m not gonna...

Useful Software
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Baseball Player to Baseball Wife

In 2016 Major League Baseball banned the hazing practice of having new players wear dresses. This story is about a MLB player and his experience with the hazing ritual. Mike Young was living what many American men would consider the ultimate American dream. He was a starting pitcher for the California Seals, MLB newest team. He wasn't just starting for the Seals; he was the best pitcher in the league. Halfway through the season he was 15-1 with a 1.20 ERA. He was enjoying his...

1 year ago
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Indian Volleyballers Pt 02

Indian Vollyballers: The Boys Follow the Girls to India Rick and Jay were never able to get the memories of and feeling for Naina and Ritu out of their minds. They were soon communicating with the girls daily via email. Naina and Rick’s messages soon became very romantic and sometimes explicit. After a month or so, they professed their love for each other. Jay and Ritu also expressed their love for one another during their email exchanges. During the past month, Ritu had frequently messaged...

3 years ago
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Indian VolleyballersChapter 2

The Boys Follow the Girls Home Rick and Jay were never able to get the memories of and feeling for Naina and Ritu out of their minds. They were soon communicating with the girls daily via email. Naina and Rick's messages soon became very romantic and sometimes explicit. After a month or so, they professed their love for each other. Jay and Ritu also expressed their love for one another during their email exchanges. During the past month, Ritu had frequently messaged Jay that she had been a...

4 years ago
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The Bass Player and I1

"All in favor of killing Becky, raise their hands?" Four hands shot up instantly. "It's agreed, we kill the bitch. As soon as possible." Oh, don't worry, dear reader, we're not really planning on killing someone. We'd like to, but we're not that violent or bloodthirsty. Becky is, or was, I should say, our bass player in our band, the Pastels. So named because of our love of 80's new wave, power pop and we all dress the part with big hair, pastels, etc. I play guitar and...

3 years ago
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The Bass Player and I

‘All in favor of killing Becky, raise their hands?’Four hands shot up instantly.‘It’s agreed, we kill the bitch. As soon as possible.’Oh, don’t worry, dear reader, we’re not really planning on killing someone. We’d like to, but we’re not that violent or bloodthirsty. Becky is, or was, I should say, our bass player in our band, the Pastels. So named because of our love of 80’s new wave, power pop and we all dress the part with big hair, pastels, etc. I play guitar and sing lead, Deanna plays...

2 years ago
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The Bass Player and I

"All in favor of killing Becky, raise their hands?"Four hands shot up instantly."It's agreed, we kill the bitch. As soon as possible."Oh, don't worry, dear reader, we're not really planning on killing someone. We'd like to, but we're not that violent or bloodthirsty. Becky is, or was, I should say, our bass player in our band, the Pastels. So named because of our love of 80's new wave, power pop and we all dress the part with big hair, pastels, etc. I play guitar and sing lead, Deanna plays...

1 year ago
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Baseball Player To Baseball Wife Chapter 5 The Interview

Baseball Star to Baseball Wife Chapter 5 The Interview The week between her transformation and her job interview was like a vacation for Gina. She enjoyed trying on all of her new clothes, changing clothes several times a day. An unexpected thrill for Gina was shopping in the stores at UTC and Del MarHighlands and going to the women's departments and trying on clothes.She loved picking out several articles of clothing and going into the dressing room and trying on outfit after outfit....

1 year ago
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Me And My My Basketball PlayerOut Treat

Hi ISS Readers,i m a 19 yrs old guy with average height ,fit body and has fair complexion.I study at an university in Chennai and stay in hostel as i m from Andhra Pradesh.During evening times,I along with my friends used to play ,sorry watch basketball match(because we don’t get chance to play). I met him during one rainy evening and he is a basketball player.He is also from my hometown and we gradually became friends and he is my junior too. One can assume as a basketball player,he is little...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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The Magic Tape Player

Saturday, July 8, 2018 Caleb and Kaitlyn were twins. They’d turned 16 years old in March. Caleb was born 9 minutes earlier, and Kaitlyn reluctantly accepted being the younger sister. She liked being Caleb’s little sister sometimes. “I can’t believe you found these. I can’t believe Daddy even has these.” She held up a pair of VHS tapes. “ ‘Cocksure Housewives, and ‘Everything Sue Wanted to Know About Sex’? Really?” She laughed, huskily, appalled and delighted. “Ew, Caleb! Ew-ew-ew!” Caleb...

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A Young Boy Remembers The Best Guitar Player I Never Heard

I still remember that summer day. It was hot, almost stifling in my Grandparent's modest living room. Out of boredom, I had picked up my Aunt Jeannie's guitar and was idly fooling around with it, picking the third string once, and then sounding the second string twice. Those two notes sounded like something I had heard my Aunt play. At that moment, my Aunt Jeannie walked through the living room. Instead of being upset at me for fooling around with her guitar, she smiled in amusement at what...

2 years ago
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K4 Niece Katy is a Team Player

K4 Niece Katy is a Team PlayerBy billy69boyAfter dropping my wife off at the airport, I was downright giddy with excitement. My darling niece Katy lived only a few minutes away and I had arranged to stop by and visit with her. As I waited for her to answer the door, I wondered if she would be in a playful mood. I knew her boyfriend Jimmy was out of state on a training session, and wouldn’t be back for a few more days. Katy’s daughter was down South staying with her father for the month, so...

3 years ago
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The Player Ch 03

Beth looks at the hallway entrance. It's Brad! What the fuck is he doing? With the fucking she’s getting, she had forgotten all about him. He’s still intoxicated and is leaning against the wall.Brad is having trouble processing the scene in front of him through his alcohol-induced fog. There are two people on the couch, a woman on all fours and a man kneeling behind her. Is that Beth?His speech is slurred. The words come out as a croak, "Beth, is that you? Are you alright?""I'm fine,...

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The Player Chapter 1

Beth and her husband Brad are cleaning up after a party they have hosted. The guests were a mixture of co-workers from both Brad and Beth's workplaces. All of the guests are gone and they face the unenviable task of putting things back in order.Beth is an elegant five-seven with auburn hair done up in a bob. She has a trim figure kept in shape at the gym. She is twenty-eight. For their party she is fetchingly dressed in a figure-hugging black cocktail dress with spaghetti straps. It has a...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Baseball Player To Baseball Wife Chapter Six Murcer Strike One

Baseball Star to Baseball Wife Chapter 6 - Murcer Strike One Gina was feeling good and a little concern about her job prospects with the Seals. She knew that she had performed well and she felt a strong connection with Malissa. But she couldn't shake her worries about a background check as she did not have a background. Once she was safely in her car she called out to Thomas, and asked what she was going to do about the background check? At that moment her IPhone sounded an alert...

1 year ago
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The Star Player

"Hey! Mikey!" Sammy shouted across the street. "Are you coming tonight?"Mikey waved and then quickly ran across the street. "Hi, Sammy. How's your summer going?" he asked. "Enjoying the rest?"Sammy had been the star player in the reserves team last season. At only eighteen years of age, she was stepping up to the first team this term. Mikey had taken over coaching the first team last season when they were rock bottom, rooted to the foot of the table. Through some daring tactics and some blind...

3 years ago
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Baseball Player to Baseball Wife Chapter 9 Murcer Strike 2

Baseball Star to Baseball Wife Chapter Nine-Murcer Strike Two Gina's first Christmas as a woman was so much different than Christmases as a man. Mike, never really celebrated Christmas, never mind being an active participant in the planning of activities and festivities. Gina was active in planning and assisting in the hosting of Christmas parties. She loved the adventure of finding the right Christmas gift for those that she was becoming friends with. She even tried her hand...

2 years ago
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Baseball Player to Baseball Wife Chapter 10

Baseball Player to Baseball Wife Chapter Ten Dating Driving back to San Diego Gina wanted to kill time. She did this by alternating between listening to music and talking with friends. She was telling her friend Denise about her conversation with Malissa and recapped the events of spring training. Denise laughed. "I agree you don't need a pimp, but I think it is past time that we fix you up with someone." "No thank you. I don't need a man." "Well would you prefer a woman...

3 years ago
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Baseball Player to Baseball Wife Chapter 16 Murcer Strike 3

Baseball Star to Baseball Girl Chapter 16 Murcer Strike 3 As soon as MLB announced their new hazing policy, Gina began to ponder her next career move. She was proud of the part she had played in this decision. She now wondered what was her next career move? She felt that it was time to move on from baseball, at least from working in the front office. She knew that she needed to talk to Nolan, but she felt that she should check in with Thomas one more time. Gina was sitting in the...

2 years ago
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The Bass Player ch1

A chair smashes against the wall in the other room as my father tells my mother she's worthless whore. I slide the window up and step into the night. With a final look back I walk down the street. I make my way out of town, and start walking towards the nearest major city. After plodding along for a couple hours I see headlights in front pass me by, before they turn around and pull up behind me. "Mer' kid" the man calls out at me. Turning around I walk towards the driver’s side....

1 year ago
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11th Grade Chris the Player

“Hurry up! Or you’ll be late for school!” I roused myself from my deep slumber and wiped the sleep from my eyes. The rising sun cast a warm beam of light onto my blanket, warming me, and tempting me to drift back to sleep. To keep myself awake, I yelled back. “You tell me this every day, and yet I’ve never been late!” “That’s because I tell you every day!” I pulled off my blankets and stood up, completely naked. I went into the adjoining bathroom, and quickly took a shower, letting...

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