The Volleyball Shorts free porn video

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Dave felt like he was owed a mid-life crisis at this point in his life. Just as he had saved up enough for a hot roadster car with a roll down top to let the wind run through what remained of his hair he was laid off and that savings account became much more necessary to pay down the next few years of his mortgage on his big old mostly empty house. It was a mortgage he was glad to have though when his step-daughter Sandra, who he hadn't seen in years, transferred to the nearby college under a volleyball scholarship and wanted a friendly place in town to stay. Sandy, as he still wanted to call her despite her being a very mature adult in her third year of college, was the highlight of the worst of his two failed marriages and it felt great to Dave that she still wanted to be around him after all that had happened back then. He gently knocked on Sandra's room and she invited him in. The house was big enough that he didn't bother to rearrange much when Sandra and her mother had left the last time, so it still had the bones of her old room, bright and pink and lacy. She'd swapped out some childhood posters with motivational sports posters that went together pretty well with and re-contextualized the old collection of school soccer and volleyball trophies he'd held on to for her, because he was forever going to be proud of her and all of her accomplishments. "Hey Sandy," Dave said from the doorway, "I was thinking about ordering a pizza. You want in on the usual?" Sandra thought it was really sweet and maybe a little romantic and dorky that Dave would ask her opinion rather than just order it, even as it had become a somewhat regular weekly meal for the pair of them over the gentle month of living together. Dave and his sweet dorkiness had been one of Sandra's first crushes growing up, and she hadn't anticipated how much living with him still had the power to crush her stomach into butterflies. Especially now that she was in college, Dave wasn't anything like her type physically, but his gentle demeanor and kind eyes still could melt steel if she tried to cage her heart away from him. "Sure, that sounds great, but first Dave, please sit?" She smoothed a corner of the bed beside her. She was reminded of all the times the two of them used to sit like that on the edge of this bed when she was growing up for a pep talk or fatherly advice. Dave was never one to say no to his Sandy and did as asked. He remembered all the times he'd strained his neck just a bit looking down at her in all her sorts of pre-teen emotional states when they'd last lived together, just as he knew that she was slightly taller than his just shy of six foot stature these days, star volleyball player that she was, and he was instead just looking eye to eye with her now. "I think we need to talk about the elephant in the room," Sandra said gently, hoping not to spook Dave into bolting. Dave made an exaggerated dad joke look all around the room of it. "You're keeping an elephant in this room? We can't afford to feed an elephant, Sandy. We should return it to the zoo immediately." Sandra couldn't help but giggle at her dorky step-dad, but tried to rein it down back into a gentle tone, "No, I'm serious. I want to talk about your unanticipated early retirement." Dave's expression turned sour, but he didn't make a motion to stand up or leave and Sandra took that as encouragement to keep going. "I know you must have been saving up for some sort of mid-life crisis. A cool car, probably?" Sandra though she could spot a small tear on Dave's face as he only nodded in response. It wasn't that wild of a guess, but Sandra was excited she knew Dave just well enough to have guessed. "I'm sorry." "Don't be, it's not your fault kiddo, it's just this economy." Dave put on a sweet, brave face. Sandra sighed. "I'm not saying it is my fault, just that I love you, daddy, and I think you should have the grandest mid-life crisis that you want, money aside. You've got all this extra time, what do you want to do with it?" "Besides hang out with you?" Dave winked like it was some big spy secret, from one of those games they used to play when Sandra was a kid. Sandra's heart fluttered and her stomach did a tiny dance and she hoped Dave did not catch the blush she could feel in her face. She didn't even think Dave realized how flirty that sounded and looked to her. She tried to cover the blush with a gentle giggle like it was another of Dave's dad jokes and a giant smile. "Yeah, of course, besides that. That part is easy, I live here now." Dave leaned back to think, and stared at the ceiling a bit, and clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth a bit in that way that he did when he was thinking. "I don't know. I've tried not to think about it too much so far. I didn't expect you to be the one to force me to confront it." Sandra thought she could hear another tear on his cheek in that statement. She patted his hand in comfort. "You've got time to think of it." When Dave leaned forward again, he seemed almost naked in his emotions. "I guess I've got all the time I need now to work into some better shape," he patted his dad bod of a gut, "maybe I could pick up some remaindered gym equipment and set up a gym in the basement. I don't know. Really, I mostly just want to use all this extra time I have to hang out with you, Sandy. I want to be at all of your volleyball games, you've made sure they are all on the calendar?" Sandra nodded, it wasn't the first time Dave had asked, and up to this point she'd assumed it was just Dave being his sweet supportive self, but this sounded haunted and like he was using it as a lifeline of sorts, and Sandra would be thinking about that for the next couple of days. ---- "Fuck, Margie's ankle will need months to heal. Just when we think we've got a full squad of talent, everything gets fucked and we don't have enough backups," senior and team captain Angie was yelling in the locker room after practice to just Sandra and fifth year senior Kat, "this was supposed to your year to shine in the championship Kat, I'm so sorry, and Sandra you transferred in just to watch this team fall apart. This is my fault, I let the coach push that practice too hard. I'm team Captain and I should have stopped it before someone got hurt. Shit. I'm sorry." Kat shook her head in gentle disagreement. "Hey, hey, hey, the season's not over, it's not even started. Maybe we find an emergency transfer and salvage what we can? They'll come into practice late so maybe we'll have a rough pre-season while we're team building the new member, but you can still build a championship ready team on that as late season underdogs. We all love those movies." Angie considered this bitterly. "We exhausted our transfer scholarships bringing Sandra on to the team. I don't know. Maybe Margie's injury counts her for a red shirt season and we can convince the athletics board to maybe give us another one for an emergency. But athletics will kill us if we don't make the championship after that. Also, what kind of person would be crazy enough to transfer this close to the season start? I don't know, Sandra, maybe you have some strings you can pull with old teammates?" Sandra thought for a moment. "I may have a risky idea to try." Angie and Kat both stared at Sandra hoping she might divulge more of a plan, but all Sandra added was, "I think it might work, trust me." ---- It wasn't long after Sandra got home from practice that she bounced into the living room with a package for Dave. "Daddy, I was thinking about what you said about how you want to spend your retirement, and I come bearing an enchanted gift." "Enchanted?" Dave had a suspicion where this was going, but he needed Sandra to say it out loud. Sandra smiled in a way that reminded Dave of when she'd ask for dangerous toys as a kid. "Um, well, I've got a friend who is a bit of a witch. So magically enchanted. Like for real magic." "Of course. A friend who is a witch, and what did this witch friend of yours give you to give to me?" Sandra dropped the box on Dave's lap, pulled the top off, and waved over top of it like it was an important article of fashion. "Magic workout shorts. Help you get into a good shape in your retirement with magic." Dave wasn't blind and could see from the tag that they were women's volleyball shorts. He glanced at Sandra, curious which parts of the plan she wanted to reveal out loud. Dave didn't need to be reminded that he had said he wanted to spend a lot more time with her, and he knew from minivan chauffeur and snacks dad mode that sharing a sport together was quite possibly the most possible amount of time you could spend with a friend (if you stay friends through the competitive fire and drama such activities tended to spark). Sandra took the glance as a cue, but not for presumably what Dave was asking. "It's very simple, wear them as your only underwear for three days and four nights and you'll have a killer body at the end of the 'workout'. If at any point you get freaked out or decide to quit you'll revert back to your current dadbod, no harm no foul. If you wake with them the fourth morning the effects will be effectively permanent." Dave nodded at the instructions, because he'd heard instructions vaguely like that before. He didn't say anything, hoping to use silence to draw something further out of Sandra about her plans without tipping his own hand. "It's going to be great, Daddy, trust me!" And with that Sandra kissed Dave on the forehead and then ran off to the kitchen to refill some energy with leftover pizza. Dave turned off the TV program he'd been half-paying attention to, shrugged his shoulders, and took the box upstairs to his bedroom. In there he replaced his boxers with the shorts he'd been given. They were quite snug around the crotch, as he'd expect from women's garments, but they felt like they were pleasantly happy to be stretching in any direction even if it wasn't the usual directions they were used to because there were prepared for more in the way of hips and ass. Dave was pleasantly surprised that they felt more comfortable than most boxer-briefs he'd tried to wear. Pulling his jeans back up there didn't seem to be any noticeable difference from the boxers he had replaced the shorts with. He shrugged and went back downstairs to help Sandra not make too much of a mess of the kitchen in her post-practice meal fugue state. The next morning Dave woke with a massive headache and a growling stomach. He stood up and nearly stumbled at the height difference from what he was used to before. He went straight to bathroom mirror to check out that he'd grown practically another foot, reaching nearly 7 feet tall, and was a very slim bean pole now. He'd never looked so skinny in his life. There were hints at muscle definition he'd never had before, too. As the day progressed, it was interesting for Dave getting a chance to have to look down to catch Sandra's eyes again but there wasn't much to say between them other than vague comments from both that the "workout" was working. The morning after that Dave woke feeling more energized than he had in decades. The mirror told him that he'd seemingly lost decades somehow too. His hair was thick and full and shaggy and in need of a cut like he was a teenager again and not fighting male pattern baldness. All of his muscles seemed souped up and much better defined, including some clear abs like Dave hadn't thought possible for a body he lived in. The one obvious trade-off that Dave had suspected might happen that morning was that the volleyball shorts were entirely too flat in front, while filling out a bit more in the usual directions for them, and Dave had a chance to empty his bladder using brand new to him equipment. Putting on his normal jeans, he didn't think it was anywhere near as obvious that he had a pussy between his legs and was now a woman in one of the ways people most cared about. Dave spent most of the day feeling like he was daring Sandra to say anything at all about his new lady parts. To hint that she knew what Dave was going through and how that was playing into her plans. Dave didn't get any such words out of Sandra, and was a little bit disappointed by that part of the game, but felt too stubborn to start the conversation himself. That night Dave was curious about and debated trying to put his new equipment to one of its uses and try a hand at masturbating as a lady. He realized he was feeling some anxiety about if Sandra would catch him doing that for his first time. That lead to thoughts that it wasn't anything Sandra hadn't seen before and he tried to cut those thoughts off before they went too far. Eventually Dave realized that he was expecting to sleep in these same shorts for two more nights he probably didn't want to masturbate inside them and did his best cold shower thoughts to calm himself down from any ideas of masturbating. The following morning Dave knew it was undeniable that she was now a woman. She woke up feeling well rested and with her hair all over her face. As she sat up, she could tell that she had great looking breasts now. In the mirror she looked barely 18. She was still nearly 7 feet tall and covered with insane muscles, but she had an hourglass curve that made it plain that she couldn't easily pass for a man at all even at that unusual height and musculature. When she put on her usual t- shirt and jeans they looked badly borrowed from someone else. Even with a much over-sized shirt for her current weight, it still had trouble getting around the new obstacles upon her chest. More of her midriff and those well-defined abs that she now had showed through than she felt possibly ready to show the world. Her jeans were far to loose at her waist and needed a very tight belt there to keep from flapping around, but they also had too little fabric to get around her hips and ass, and too much fabric bunched up at her crotch in a way it seemed obvious there was no use for it and there was something too flat beneath for what they were built for. Dave tried her best to brush her hair so it looked a little less like a rat's nest, and headed downstairs for breakfast. Sandra was irrationally angry when she first saw Dave that morning. She realized immediately that a possible complicating flaw in her plan was that all the things she'd ever thought were cute about Dave when Sandra was a kid with a stupid crush on the only father figure that treated her well (and as a person worth respecting and even loving) was that on the tall blonde bombshell who walked into the kitchen they were all so sexy. That haughty diva runway confidence Sandra saw she knew wasn't that of a girl who had been told all her life that she'd be a pretty model but the easy and unearned confidence and swagger of a suburban dad. Sandra figured Dave had no real idea yet just how hot she even was. Just behind that swagger Sandra could still see all the bits of dorkiness, too, and it was endearing as fuck. The warm, cute eyes Dave always had were stunning and hauntingly beautiful on such a pretty face. (Even without makeup. Sandra gulped at the thought of the firepower a fully operational lady dork station could wield with that face.) But the thing Sandra found had made her the most irrationally angry was in the way Dave's t-shirt was barely holding on to her sculpted (and muscular) lady shoulders, and showing off her incredible midriff, and it was in the way that those jeans clearly didn't fit at all. Sandra realized her chaotic bisexual brain had immediately jumped to the conclusion that this hottie had just lazily borrowed her boyfriend's clothes just to show off that she was taken. Sandra felt herself dripping with huge vats of envy that such a beautiful woman was already taken, even knowing that this hot lady was still her step-father inside and those were just the only clothes in her step-father's old wardrobe. Sandra sat down at the breakfast table to take stock of her many complicated reactions at the form the volleyball shorts had gifted Dave. She tried not to even glance back at Dave while she tried to figure out if her plan was salvageable in the face of such a reaction. "Shit, I'm hideous aren't I?" Dave realized it was the first words she'd said out loud all morning and was immediately fascinated with how soft and feminine those sounded to. Sandra nearly jumped back out of the chair at those words out of years of instinctual group combat of her fellow lady's worst, ugliest self- doubts, but Sandra manage to course correct from knocking the chair back into something of a swivel she hoped looked cool. "Please don't say that. You are so hot I was feeling a bit envious." Sandra hoped there would be no follow-up questions. Sandra really hoped there would be no follow-up questions as she was unsure if she could get a straight answer out were she to be asked "Envious about what?" She could only imagine what Dave would think if she honestly answered that she was feeling envious of the boyfriend Dave had borrowed her ill fitting clothes from. Sandra hadn't gifted Dave with this hot body just to date Dave, because that might make what Sandra had actually planned too complicated, which did lead Sandra to a natural way to shift gears in the conversation away from follow up questions. Sandra nervously twisted her hair (and tried not to think if she was also trying to flirt with Dave with that body language or if Dave would even pick up on it). "So there's a volleyball practice tomorrow if you decide to keep this killer bod, and well, we could use you on the team. It would help us out a lot. You don't have to, but..." Sandra trailed off nervously because Dave had walked over uncomfortably close and was glaring down at her. She tried to glance away from Dave's fiery glare but that only lead her eyes down towards Dave's powerful looking lady abs and a feeling like she'd just angered a sexy wall of muscle. Sandra bit her lip and crossed her legs trying to deal with her arousal from just how sexy that angry wall of muscle looked up close. Dave was glad that Sandra had finally tipped the hand of her plan before what she had told Dave was the point of no return on the magic spell, though Dave still did wish Sandra had been upfront about it. Dave sighed into her best new quiet disappointment voice. "So there was an ulterior motive to this gift. Your team needs another player. Is that a string attached?" Sandra squirmed in waves of heartache and arousal. She had expected anger, but the disappointment was so much worse. She never wanted to disappoint someone so beautiful again, it was the worst feeling. She also couldn't believe that she couldn't stop her own dumb brain from hearing that question so personally whispered as flirting and arousing. She had never expected to be so aroused while getting so sad and upset. The parts of Sandra's brain that had been worried that she was flirting too much with Dave before when he was just teenage crush on step-dad were now overloading with concern that Dave had decades more experience in flirting than she did and couldn't decide if this was weaponized arousal or her own dumb emotional state or both. She was worried what new Dave could do if she was actually used to that hot body and tried to weaponize it. Sandra shivered with a chill of her own making, and could barely whisper with the lump she now felt in her chest and the worrying, wet fire between her legs. "Like I was saying, you don't need to do it all, that perfect body for it or not. But I just thought you might appreciate the excuse to spend a lot more time with me. Uh, I want to spend a lot more time with you and this was the best way I thought to do it and also make the team better." Dave wrapped Sandra in a tight hug and kissed Sandra on the top of her head. "Aww, that's what I'd guessed. It's so sweet. You should have admitted that earlier, you didn't need to keep me in the dark, Sandy. You can tell me your plans, hun." Dave practically bounced to the other side of the room to open the pantry and collect breakfast supplies. Sandra's heart danced. She'd just had a hot lady practically wrap her head in her braless boobs and then that same hot lady gave her a playful kiss. Sandra's partially burnt out paranoia that Dave was winning this flirting game was flashing great red danger warnings after that massive emotional shift. It didn't have a lot of remaining energy to run through the many possible scenarios but it was trying to anyway: 1) perhaps Dave really was just the naive ingenue she now resembled and that brief emotional roller-coaster was just as simple as it seemed, 2) Dave could be responding to new lady hormones in all sorts of fascinating ways, 3) Dave had all sorts of new and dangerous energy in her new super athletic body, 4) Dave was some sort of trained flirting savant, had caught up on all of Sandra's flirty signals and was toying with Sandra now. Sandra tried to convince her brain that at least some of those scenarios meant an exciting volleyball season, and not think to much about the scenarios that might mean an exciting home life living with some sort of sexual monster of her own accidental creation or something worse in the middle where she wrecked another entire season with chaotic bi drama and a terror of a girlfriend. Dave woke up the spell finishing morning angry at her alarm which Sandra had convinced her needed to be set at 5:45am to make it to practice on time. Dave had almost forgotten there was a 5am and most certainly forgot what it felt like to be beeped at by a terrible alarm to be up at that hour. But Dave was also surprised that as angry as she felt at that alarm for interrupting her beauty sleep that there was a spring in her step at this hour that was entirely new to her. Dave had never been much of a morning person in her old body, but this body seemed to want to greet the day with excitement and energy. There was a gym bag waiting for her on her desk, either the last bits of the magic spell or Sandra had just procured it in the usual way and quietly slipped it in during the night, Dave wasn't sure. On top it had a full fresh set of workout gear: sports panties, a fresh new pair of volleyball shorts, a sports bra, athletic socks and athletic shoes, and a sporty tank top not quite in the school uniform style, but not unlike it either. Below that was a simple set of "civilian" clothes to swap to after practice: lacier panties, lacier bra, coy ankle socks, not quite as athletic sneakers, a halter top, and skirt. Other than that were a bunch of useful feminine shower products for the change between the two sets and some more presumably handy feminine products that Dave realized she was not quite ready to contemplate the need for. It was a good start of clothes for the day, though Dave knew she'd likely have to source a lot more of a wardrobe from here on out, having accepted her new body as her new normal. Dave put on the full workout clothing set and tried her best to pull her hair up into a ponytail for a first time, having never had hair that long before. She realized some things about what she'd noticed watching women do it before over her several tries until she wasn't unhappy with the result. (She wasn't yet satisfied, however, and made a note to ask Sandra for tips.) As Dave was coming down the stairs, gym bag in hand, Sandra tossed up an orange which Dave had no difficulty catching. Sandra was already booking it towards the door. "That breakfast is to go, gorgeous, we need to be in the car already." "Yes, Coach Sandy." ---- Dave was the third or fourth tallest at practice but still felt intimated by the presence of all the players and Coach Hope. That was Dave's excuse for letting Sandra introduce her to the team. Dave regretted it a tiny bit when Sandra stumbled over her first line with something that neither of the pair of them had thought to prepare for: "So this my daa-" (Sandra was briefly terrified that she wasn't even about to say Dave, but daddy, and yet corrected relatively quickly.) "-fne. Dafne. My mentee, Dafne. I was telling you about someone I knew who might be in a position to help the team. This is Dafnee." Coach Hope sniffed distrustfully. "From your old team?" Sandra shook her head. "Uh, hear me out: she's a true freshman I met through, uh, outreach programs." Coach Hope tilted her head quizzically like a bird. "Where'd she play in High School?" Dafne, already realizing that she was thinking of herself with the new name, was glad the question wasn't directed at her and she was just an innocent bystander in this line of questioning. Sandra was sweating a bit and practice hadn't even properly started yet. "I said hear me out. She's a true, true freshman. Lots of raw talent, just needs to learn the game proper." Coach Hope nearly snorted with her increasing disbelief. "You're telling me a girl with this build didn't even play in high school?" "I was a very late bloomer," Dafne offered quietly, mostly to herself. Sandra internally groaned at the terrible dad joke of it and externally glared at Dafne to shut up before returning eye contact with the Coach and offering a better explanation. "She went to a small public school without a program and her parents didn't realize the big private schools would have offered a generous scholarship if she'd shown any interest at all their way. It's terrible she just sort of fell through the cracks that way, but that leaves her an undiscovered gem in the rough for us to take advantage of. I think. If you'll have her, Coach. I'm sorry, I know it's a huge risk." Coach Hope narrowed her eyes at Sandra, but then chuckled and gave Dafne another look over and returning with narrowed eyes back to Sandra. "Are you going to suggest this 'gem' is worth one of our precious scholarships?" Sandra chuckled. "Of course not, I'm not that silly. That's the good news: Dafne's a true walk-on. I promise. Dafne got a decent windfall from the recent passing of her, uh, Uncle Dave." Dafne shot a look of surprise at Sandra at that, but Sandra continued. "She's got the funds for a semester or two and can compete to earn a scholarship." Coach Hope sighed and shrugged. "Well she clearly has a build for it, she'll have a few practices to establish any of this raw talent you think she has. I know we're desperate for a good backup with Margie's recent injury, but I'm not cutting corners. Welcome to the team, provisionally, Dafne. Thanks I guess, Sandra, for the extra scouting work for the team." Coach Hope took Dafne and most of the rest of the team to help learn the first sequence of warmups, but Captain Angie pulled Sandra aside for a quick chat. Angie seemed quite angry. "Sandra, this crazy plan better pay off. I know we are desperate, but a true, true freshman? This was your best idea? What are you even thinking here? We want to make the championship this season, not kick the can yet another season." "It's a good plan, Angie. I meant it, she has raw talent we can hone. She'll be a great wildcard player, and the opposing teams will have zero scouting data on her this season. She and I have terrific rapport and I think that'll strengthen the whole team." Angie rolled her eyes at this, and her words were even angrier. "Terrific rapport?! Oh my gosh, Sandra, did you just bring in your summer camp girlfriend on to the team? Is the wise old junior taking advantage of that naive young freshman? Do you want this all to blow up midseason when she gets a little wiser or you get a little bored and you both breakup? We'd never make the championship with that kind of drama! Are you really that desperate to sabotage us?" Sandra realized she was blushing and it would not help her case. "No, of course not. Our relationship is a lot more, uh, professional than that. You watch too many movies, Angie." Angie gave Sandra the "I'm watching you gesture", then a "follow me now" gesture, and they both hustled over to join warmups. ---- Sandra and Dafne were the last two in the locker room between a combination of long running conversations from various parts of the team trying to get to know the new teammate and Dafne dragging her feet getting dressed again after she showered. Dafne was well aware of the fox-in-the-hen-house stereotypes of a former guy finally spending a substantial amount of time in a women's locker room, but was unimpressed with the reality which was smellier, messier, sweat covered, and altogether more human and dreary than fantasies of pillow fights in the showers and sexy boobs everywhere. Dafne wasn't dragging her feet to get more of a feel of it, Dafne had instead realized that she was having a simple, embarrassing problem that she was having too much trouble hooking the lacier bra, didn't want to put the sweat soaked sports bra back on, and had no way to signal Sandra she needed help until it was just the two of them left in the locker room. Sandra laughed at the mundane problem she had not expected and then gently straddled the bench in front of where Dafne was sitting. Sandra took Dafne's hands and gently guided them across the fabric of the bra, and behind her to her back. Sandra was careful to not push Dafne's hands into too awkward of a position, and then gently helped Dafne feel the hooks under her hands and encouraged Dafne's hands to make the motions necessary to pull the hooks over the catches. It took a couple tries, but Dafne lit up in a smile when the feat was accomplished. Encouraged by the bright light of that smile, Sandra took advantage of the intimacy of their positions to move her hands up to Dafne's shoulders and gently lean Dafne down just a few inches further so that their heads were closer. Sandra went in for the kiss and could feel the initial surprise in Dafne melt into something much more passionate, surprising Sandra in turn. The kiss seemed to go on forever, and Sandra briefly wished that it might. The awkward silence that followed the kiss did stretch on forever, or at least long enough for Sandra to question a lot of things about how crazy what she just did was. She had just earlier promised Captain Angie that she wasn't going to do anything like that! She knew she had a lot to unpack that this innocent looking freshman who was struggling with her bra she had just passionately kissed without upfront consent was also previously her step-father and currently her landlord and whatever conversation came next could seriously jeopardize almost every aspect of her life. She had no idea if it was a good sign that Dafne had seemed to reciprocate the passion of the kiss with her own fiery passion. She wanted to kick parts of her brain for the giant weird school girl crush she was feeling. She wanted to try that kiss again and this time maybe something move that towards something more like the next base. Dafne finally broke the growing awkward silence. "Aren't I a bit old for you?" They both giggled at that. Sandra used some of the scandal already in her head and let out a scandalized, "Whatever do you mean? I'm the experienced junior taking advantage of the naivety of the young freshman. This romance is doomed to explode in the messiest way midseason when I grow just a little more bored or you grow a little wiser about the world and we inevitably breakup. The team may not survive without both of us, and we'll likely miss the championship this year. I should really know better. I'm sorry." "That sounds like an awfully specific scenario, Sandy, are you sure that's our predestiny?" Sandra nodded solemnly and then more jocular. "It happens all the times in sports movies these days. Ooh, that gives me some ideas of things we could watch on our first date. It'll be educational." "First date?" _Dave_ had of course noticed when Sandra had moved in with him that his step-daughter was a beautiful full-grown woman in the abstract, but Dave had two failed marriages, including with Sandra's mom who had turned out to be quite the awful bitch, and practically no sex drive for much longer than the honeymoon. _Dafne_ was realizing that she had strange new hormones and a very new sex drive that were all having a much easier time forgetting and forgiving Sandra's resemblance to her bitch of a mother, and was seeing Sandra as her own, rather hot, person. Dafne felt some of the difficulty about that because glancing down at Sandra she could still feel like she could squint and see the little girl she'd helped grow up, but also Dafne was starting to feel a lot different from "Uncle Dave" and maybe it wasn't the worst thing to compartmentalize those feelings in her exciting new life. "Forgive me, I may be the wiser and more experienced college student, but I'm still an idiot college student and skipped a step: Daf, do you want to go on a date with me tonight?" Dafne leaned down to answer the question in her favorite way with a passionate, deep kiss. This time didn't end in an awkward pause because Sandra weakly fell backward on the bench in pleasure overload and said out loud, "Wow. I love you." Before Dafne could return those words, Sandra bolted upright and to her feet in panic. "Oh shit, if Angie found out I said those words to you in this locker room today, she'd murder me. Let's get out of here before it becomes a crime scene." ---- Dafne and Sandra started their "date night" with a heavy amount of shopping. Dafne knew she needed a lot of clothes and shopping for them with her girlfriend was a wild new experience, beyond just the whirlwind of having a new girlfriend in the first place on only her second full day as a young woman. Dafne had never particularly liked clothes shopping in general, and worried that her incredibly tall frame might lead to complications, but Sandra was there every step of the process to back her up, and somehow it felt like a small sport in itself just to find the right racks at the right stores. It certainly didn't hurt that Dafne had someone cute to show off the outfits to in the dressing room and that Sandra was very quick with compliments and useful critiques and awarding kisses throughout the process (for putting up with the process). Dafne wasn't even surprised at the shopping tour culminating into a light trip for lingerie. Dafne knew some of the more scandalous pieces she was asked to model were entirely for Sandra's amusement and arousal, but Dafne loved the attention from Sandra and did kind of want to have a bit of fun, sexy bedroom clothes to share with her girlfriend. Dafne realized that she was spending a lot of "Uncle Dave's" money, and tried not to think too much about needing to look for a new job so soon after Dave had nearly resigned himself to early retirement. Dafne tried not to put things into perspective of how many new work years she might be able to experience fresh or that there were whole new types of jobs available to her in her new youth. Sandra decided as the older student to "treat" Dafne at least to dinner and in the rental costs of the movie, which they watched in Uncle Dave's home theater, which was certainly over-provisioned for a humble straight-to-DVD sports movie or three. "I was thinking," Dafne started and Sandra noticed that Dafne was nervously twirling her hair in the same way Sandra often did, especially when Sandra was feeling flirty. "Sandy, could I sleep in your room tonight?" "Oh?" Sandra wasn't quite sure how to answer. She wasn't entirely sure why Dafne was asking. Sandra assumed at this point Dafne was flirting with her, but still wasn't sure how far or fast Dafne wanted to take things. Dafne snuggled up closer to Sandra on the couch. "I was just starting to think that it doesn't feel right to sleep in Uncle Dave's room and your room is much more appropriately decorated for a freshman volleyball player like me." "So you want to switch rooms just for the experience of it?" Sandra was now quite curious how far Dafne had thought through this line of thinking. Dafne thought about it. "Well, I mean, I wouldn't mind sharing the bed with you, too. We are dating now you said." Sandra almost laughed at how cute that sounded, but found herself sounding almost disapproving instead. "You've been in a lesbian relationship for only a few hours and you are already proposing moving in together? Isn't it a bit a early to be falling into lesbian stereotypes, Daffy? I wondered if I needed to pick out some flannel for you." "Excuse me?" Dafne play huffed. "I'm the stereotype? But I'm pretty sure that you're the one that moved in with me. Is that some sort of record for that stereotype, moving in with me months before turning me into your lesbian girlfriend?" Sandra realized that Dafne had her there, but couldn't directly admit defeat. "I identify as chaotic bi, for what it is worth. Thank you very much." Sandra expected some sort of reaction like a "What?" or even a "Very chaotic, apparently" sort of joke, but Dafne yawned and then added a quiet, "Hmm? Me too." Dafne turned the snuggle into a gentle feigned nap. Sandra couldn't stop thinking about that throwaway admission. She'd never have guessed it about her former step-father, and it was another arousing thing to learn about in surprise from her current girlfriend. Her brain was a fire in kinky thoughts about her girlfriend, and yet her girlfriend just sent her such mixed messages that she wanted to sleep with her tonight, but also that she was falling asleep as they spoke and probably meant by "sleep with her" just the boring parts of sleeping (at least tonight). Sandra gently elbowed Dafne. "Okay, Daf, let's go to our bed before you pass out on the couch." ---- When Dafne awoke the next morning to another one of those too early alarms prior to practice, Sandra was already awake and gone from the room. Dafne had a slightly faster time jumping into workout clothes and assembling her gym bag than the day before, though. Arriving in the kitchen for breakfast it was almost impossible for Dafne not to notice a new bulge in Sandra's volleyball shorts. Dafne almost didn't want to mention it for fear of the conversation that could follow, but went with a tried and true. "Is that a banana in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?" "Uh, well, I called my friend who is a witch and she thinks a possible side effect of the magic you used is that I picked up some of the masculinity you shed, and uh, ..." Dafne was afraid this was where things were going and didn't try to hide her anger and let it bubble up through the disappointment. "Oh come on! Just stop lying, please. I know your mother is a witch, and that you likely inherited at least some of her powers. Stop blaming some unnamed friend." "I-- I--" Sandra didn't expect the strong "mom-friend" stern voice from Dafne. She started to wonder if Dafne was adapting very fast to new vocal tones or if "disappointed step-father" wasn't as different vocally from "mom-friend" as she might have thought. Sandra's stammering tried to hold back the complex emotions of what to tell and how to tell it. She'd never assumed Dave or Dafne were dumb, and she probably should have wondered a bit more why there weren't more follow up questions after "a witch enchanted this pair of ladies volleyball shorts" or at hardly any point in the transition. Dafne stepped in real close and dropped from "mom friend" to that disappointed but concerned near whisper that again made Sandra quite aroused. "Let me help you with a simple yes/no question to start: Did you give yourself a dick just in the hopes of maybe fucking me?" "Yes." Dafne gently placed a hand on the new dick. "Good boy." Sandra wasn't sure if Dafne was thanking her for the truth or complimenting the feel of her new dick and addressing it or both. Dafne continued. "That's certainly chaotic, but it's kind of sweet. It's almost too bad we don't have a bit more time before practice." Dafne moved her hand from outside Sandra's volleyball shorts to inside them and gently stroking it, including favoring the sensitive parts of the head. Between the emotional rollercoaster that just happened to Sandra and Dafne's much practiced hand with handling a hard-on, Sandra was on a hair trigger and found herself in orgasm, moaning, "Oh, daddy!" Dafne brought her hand back up. "With this much baby batter coming out of you, I think you're the daddy now in this relationship." "And yet you are the one still bringing so much dad joke energy to our relationship," Sandra pointed out. Dafne started licking the cum off her hand and Sandra was surprised at both the action itself and that she found it weirdly arousing, so she asked, "What are you doing?" "What? I'm not going to miss breakfast before practice even if you are trying to distract me. Also, it's not like I can get pregnant this way." Sandra shivered in arousal at the thought of knocking up Dafne as that thought hadn't even occurred to her in planning her stupid stunt with growing a dick because she really hadn't put enough forethought into it. "Oh, could you imagine?" "What would Uncle Dave think about us filling this big old house with kids?" Dafne asked, and Sandra wasn't sure why that question sounded so sincere. Sandra hoped Dafne wasn't compartmentalizing too much, but felt like she had an easy answer for Dafne. "I think Uncle Dave would have liked to have seen this house put to the purpose he originally bought it for, raising at least one rugrat." Dafne blinked a few times at Sandra either not expecting that answer at all, or working through tears at it. "You're right. We should fill this place with babies to honor Uncle Dave's memory." "Right now?" Dafne was scandalized. "We've got practice, Sandy! Also, we don't want to ruin two or more good seasons and attempts at championships with maternity leave." Sandra was surprised Dafne seemed to care about volleyball after only a single practice, but was glad for the reminder of the other plan she had in motion, but still felt rather disappointed at the cold water thrown on her libido in that moment. "Oh right." "Speaking of which? How are you going to stay on the team with a dick? Won't it affect your play?" Sandra brightened at this because as ditzy as she had been in this last minute stunt since she'd heard a tired Dafne admit she was a chaotic bi, she actually had prepared for this. "Well, currently you are the only person in the whole world who can see, hear, or taste this dick. It's exclusively for you, Daffy. I'm not sure I can promise my vagina is going to be nearly as exclusive, but right now you are the first and only woman I've ever contemplated knocking up. Also, I think I've improved on it enough that it won't negatively impact my play." Dafne nodded. "I'm going to hold you to that, you promised we'd make at least championships with this team." And then Dafne switched on a dime to an anger-free "mom-friend" kind but stern voice, at a different but related ASMR whisper pitch to that dangerously arousing disappointment one. "One last thing: your mother hiding plans of her magic from Uncle Dave was part of how they broke up and why they divorced. So far your uses of magic have seemed almost as selfish, but there has been enough of a sense of thinking about others I feel I can give you some leeway, but don't mistake leeway with comfort. Let me be your partner in witch crime. Tell me everything. I don't want to be kept in the dark. I don't want to be your lab rat or your innocent bystander. Let me be your partner, please? Besides, your girlfriend might have plenty of good kinky ideas, too." Sandra gulped and didn't know what to say in the moment that wouldn't ruin it, so she moved it into a strong hug for comfort and warmth, and tried very hard not to be too obvious in poking her second ever boner into her girlfriend's thigh. Dafne took even the erection as a promise to be better and debated if she should get it in writing. Dafne tried to get her own new teenage body's horny arousal from thoughts about how the most fun way to get that in writing might be to use semen as the ink and eggs in her new womb as the paper for the contract. Dafne could certainly feel the very willing pen ready to sign that particular "contract". Dafne needed to get her head out of the gutter. Sandra was thinking similar but not the exact same thoughts, but finally glanced at the kitchen clock and said the only thing left to be said in that moment. "Oh shit, we're going to be late for practice if we don't move." ---- Sandra spent a lot of that practice worried that every one of the many glances Team Captain Angie made towards her backside or her crotch was the glance where Angie spotted Sandra's new male appendage, or paranoid that any glance towards Dafne might pick up some sort of smoke signal (perhaps a cum signal, given Sandra was still thinking about Dafne licking Sandra's cum off her hand) that Sandra and Dafne were now one date deep into a whirlwind and unusually chaotic romance. It probably didn't help that Sandra had half a clue that maybe Angie had some sort of crush on her and might be envious of Dafne's tiny height advantage, though Sandra was definitely hoping that Angie wouldn't have some possible envy of any relationship between Sandra and Dafne. Also, it was entirely part of the Team Captain's role to keep an eye on the whole team and try to be a second set of eyes for the Coach, so there were all sorts of very mundane, team-focused reasons for every glance. The only words Sandra directly got from Angie the entire practice though were a cheerful, "Good work today, Sandra." A while after practice Dafne complained to Sandra, "You know for magic muscles, these still get very tired feeling and painful at times." "You might have gotten the muscles from magic, but they still need maintenance and honing and practice. It's good for you. No pain no gain. You aren't thinking about quitting after only your second practice? Weren't you the one reminding me this morning we've got two championship seasons to win?" Dafne surprised Sandra by grabbing her crotch in answer to that question. "I'm in it to win it. Winning all those micro-orgasms during the workout was a good enough pleasure stick to motivate me past the pain. I just wanted to share in the pain, since you've been awfully quiet since practice." Sandra's eyes widened at this admission. "You get the fabled workout organisms? Lucky! Now you are just bragging about your family's genetics. No wonder Aunt Caroline always looked like she was hiding a six-pack of abs under those frumpy sweaters." Dafne tilted her head in surprise. "I expected that was a variable in your plan. Also, I can't say I'd ever wondered what's under my lesbian sister's sweaters, except now I think I'm going to have weird sex dreams about it, thanks." "We could invite her over? I bet she'd love to meet her new niece," Sandra asked innocently, but knew it might be too strong teasing and a bit of throwing gasoline on a fire. "She's a smart enough lesbian she'd spot our relationship at the mailbox before even entering the house, and she's known me for long enough she'll have our whole story by lunch. Are you prepared for all the questions she's going to have? I'd currently put odds at 50/50 she's scandalized versus she's willing to blackmail us into a threesome. Either way, that's going to be a lot of complication or trouble come the next holidays and/or my mom's will." Sandra shivered. "Okay, bad plan. Though what do we do about the holidays anyway?" "Versus Carol's lesbian radar? Oh right now that's easy: you aren't invited. You know very well that my mom still hates your mom and doesn't invite my exes or my bratty step-kid." "Aww, I miss Grandma Em." Sandra gently punched Dafne in faux anger. "Though you realize that you aren't invited under that logic, too? Which of your siblings' exes were you going to pretend to be the step-kid of that has Grandma Em's seal of approval still?" "I'm ahead of you there: Caroline donated eggs in the hopes of saving enough money to IVF a surrogate, if she could find one, just plausibly the right number of years previously. I do look enough like Carol's sports years that lost IVF baby seems a fun plausible holiday surprise. Plus, Caroline's not the only one in the family that can run a blackmail scheme. If she questions a maternity test too deeply, I've got some buried ammunition to get her to play along. I think. Also I am putting the odds at 50/50 she wants to play along anyway just because hot new daughter to hang out with." Sandra whistled in appreciation. "You are devious, Daf. You're right, I should let you help with more of the planning, because I'd never have thought of that. Now I'm just hoping you'll let me marry you or knock you up before the holiday you think to try that surprise just so that I guarantee an invite to watch that go down. Shit, now I'm imagining the extra kinkiness of that 25% chance by your odds of Caroline wanting a threesome and thinking you are probably her daughter just because you are hot. Surrogate daughter threesome is much hotter than step-niece threesome, all the while she doesn't know you are really her brother." Dafne covered her face with her hands, not entirely sure if she was trying to hold in a blush or a laugh or if closing her eyes would stop her mind's eye from joining in that imagination. Dafne was worrying about what sorts of porn both of them had access to. ---- Sandra found herself lying in bed that night having a hard time falling asleep. She kept thinking back to Dafne's serious chat that morning about Sandra's mother. There was that terrifying to her hint that she could turn into her mother and was on a dangerous slope towards that with the games she'd been playing with her magic recently. Mostly though, it was thinking about all the times that her mother had talked about the breakup and divorce, painting herself as the hero and saving them from a terrible man who was only holding them back. She'd heard those stories so many times, each further telling embellishing lies further and getting further away from the truth. She was old enough to know the story had a lot of holes and seemed filled with lies. She was young enough to nearly believe those lies after enough repeats. It was hurting her thinking that one of the reasons she might have decided to stay at Dave's house instead of the usual campus dorms was for that lifeline towards truth, and that she had so desperately wanted to know that the kind gentle man of her childhood wasn't the monster of her mom's teenage horror stories. It hurt her differently that she realized that Dave had never once offered his side of the story, except for that small horrifying aside that morning from Dafne. "You're still awake?" Dafne whispered sleepily beside her. "You'll be out of it at practice tomorrow if you can't sleep." "Why did you never tell me your half of the story?" Sandra found herself asking despite this probably being an awful time to ask. "Hmm? Which story?" Dafne sounded half-asleep. "Uncle Dave's divorce. I mean, your divorce," Sandra added a quiet faux angry. "Damn it now you've got me doing it all the time too." "What's to tell?" Sandra wasn't sure that Dafne wasn't just sleep talking. "Did you not tell me because it involved magic secrets? Is that why you let my mom control the narrative? Is it always just the magic fucking things up?" Dafne bolted up right and hugged Sandra. "Shit. Of course not. I didn't give a shit if you found out about magic at that age. In fact I was for telling you early about your magic heritage. But I was overruled because we don't really have magic in my family and I had to defer to your mom. Even in the scary times when you were channeling your first dream magic, like that time you sleepwalked into the kitchen, pulled out the orange juice, decided you wanted an orange instead, and magicked the jug into a pile of oranges that tasted like they were made from the plastic jug itself, and I had to throw out so-" "Wait, that was real? I still remember that first awful bite." "So many rancid oranges. I wanted to tell you. I thought knowing might give you a bit more control and your mom thought it was a secret to protect you from until she thought the time was right. Do you think I'd care what your mom thought about that secret control after the divorce? I would have told you about magic if you needed to know about it then, Sandy. You deserved to know sooner." Sandra thought about that. "So why? Why not tell me your thoughts on the divorce if it weren't about hiding yet more secrets of magic?" "I didn't want you to think your mom was the villain. It's the worst of step-dad excuses, I know: I wanted to protect you from the cruelty of the world just a little bit longer." Sandra punched Dafne lightly on the shoulder. "Did you think by that time I didn't know my mom was some sort of supervillain? That I couldn't figure that out on my own?" Dafne had tears running down her cheek. "You had to live with her for another few years. I didn't need to poison that well. I knew as a single step-dad with no biological relationship in my second divorce that I had no chance at custody, that it wasn't worth the fight unless I had hard evidence she was violently abusive and she was never that, at least. So I couldn't tell a court what happened, magic or not, it being just simple bias against step-dads, and there was no point in telling you either because your relationship with your mom was always going to be hard enough without you hearing from me other ways that she was a cruel jerk in those last few years." "She tried to rewrite my childhood." Sandra didn't bother stopping her tears. "With something worse than magic, simply repeating the same lies about you, about this house, so many times I almost started believing them. So what really happened?" Dafne took enough time to answer that Sandra was afraid she might just pretend to fall asleep to escape the conversation. "It was a long list of little things. Too long to get into tonight even if you did think it might help you better understand your mother. A lot of it kind of boils down into I politely asked her a few times to stop trying to take so many magic shortcuts around life's hard work. It's one thing to use magic to spicy up sexy times in bed, but it's another matter to try cheating around things like aging or raising a daughter or aging while raising a daughter. I'd made her promise that while we were raising you together she'd age naturally with me and as the years passed that was a harder promise for her to keep, and she grew to resent that and thought I was too controlling of her use of magic, but really, it was never more than a request on my part and then it became an excuse for her to lie to me about her uses of her magic because she was the victim escaping my 'control'." Sandra took a big sniffle through her tears. "Thanks, Dafne. That was more than enough detail. I don't think you know how much I needed to hear that. I think it solved a puzzle I had been working on for too many years. I needed that missing piece." "I'm glad it helped." Dafne drifted back down in the covers, but as she snuggled up in them she cuddled up strongly against Sandra. Sandra was more than a little confused if she was crying out of sadness or joy. Sandra was more confused if Dafne was spooning her just to comfort her or also to tease her, despite them both needing sleep before practice tomorrow. Sandra's confusion resulted in an even more confusing boner, as she tried to stop crying so that she could sleep. ---- When Sandra and Dafne got home from practice, Sandra's mother was waiting for them on the living room couch. She'd deaged herself from the last time Dafne had seen her and at this point looked sort of like Sandra's evil, bustier twin. Dafne tried to stay calm, cool, and collected, as she tried to ask the obvious cold question. "Maureen, wha-" Sandra's mother threw back her head and just cackled for several minutes, entirely ignored Dafne's attempt to ask a question and turned to Sandra. "Oh darling, when I had noticed you had spent nearly half a lifetime's worth of magic I'd thought you'd done something rash and regrettable, but this is an amazing revenge you've done to your evil step-father! I can't believe you've doomed him to restart at college as a woman. This hideously tall gangly, almost flat chested thing is going to have the worst time dating. It's almost a crueler fate than leaving her a single divorced dude. Then she'll eventually have to deal with the cruelties of menopause. Ooh, I can't wait to watch the torture as that plays out. It's much more poetic than any revenge I would have considered as a term in the divorce." She cackled again. Sandra cut her off with some fire. "I don't know what you are talking about, mother. This is Dafne, my girlfriend from my volleyball team." "Don't play dumb with me," Maureen snarled back. "I invented it." "You invented being dumb?" Dafne asked innocently, unable to help herself. Maureen didn't take her eyes off Sandra and made a shooing gesture at Dafne. "The way _she_," it was emphasized in a snarl. "called me Maureen and that stupid dad joke coming out of her face like she's pretending to be as much of a bimbo as she looks? Do you think I wouldn't recognize my ex or that I tracked you down to a house I very much recognize, even if I couldn't also smell all the residual magic just leaking the fuck off her?" Sandra didn't think her mother actually wanted an answer to that question, so she just stared back. "Tell your thrall to go make us a sandwich or something so that we can talk," Maureen ordered. "No." Maureen sighed. "No?" "She's not my thrall, and I'm not ordering her to do anything." Maureen's eyes widened and she turned to disappointment. "So you did waste all that magic just to conjure up a plaything for your lame sports team? You can't make enough friends the normal way?" Then Maureen seemed to catch a whiff of some smell somewhere, stared directly at Sandra's crotch and snapped her fingers a few times, and turned to anger. "Really? After all that hard working raising you to be a girl and a proper witch, you've given yourself such an abominable tool? Think about how much less powerful you will be with it. Ugh, wait until your biological father hears about this." There was a massive poof of smoke and a quite elderly looking man in a bath robe showed up in the living room. "What is it Maureen?" "Kosmo, looks like you got a son after all." There was a lot of rancor there. "Or least an abominable half of one." "Hmm?" It was somewhere between a curious noise and an old man grunt. Kosmo crouched down really uncomfortably close to Sandra's crotch to examine it. "The wand's craftsmanship seems rather workmanlike. I don't know, Maureen, it may have some useful power to exploit." Kosmo took a bit longer to stand back up from the uncomfortable for everyone in the room crouch, and looked into Sandra's eyes. "Well, maybe now I could actually teach you something, boy. Finally. At the very least, my library will now be open to you. You know where the key is. Though I would suggest losing the breasts and vagina if you want to be a proper apprentice to real magic." With that Kosmo poofed back out of the living room and Maureen rolled her eyes. Sandra glared at her mother. "What do you want, mother, other than to humiliate me and tell me I've made bad life choices?" "I'm your mother, it is my job to humiliate you and tell you when you've made bad life choices. I'm also your head witch and have to deal with cleaning up after your messes, for the good of our society." Maureen glared at Dafne. "This mess seems handled well enough for now, so I'll leave you to wallow in it or whatever it is you are doing. Perhaps you could call me sometimes and I won't have to surprise visit?" ---- At dinner, after being awfully quiet for most of the day after her mother's visit (which Dafne did not blame her for one bit), Sandra finally struck up a conversation. "I think they are both wrong." "Your biological parents? About your powers?" Dafne was hoping she was following the right conversation thread. "Yeah. Mom thinks growing a dick compromised my powers, and Bio Dad thinks it may have given me some new boy powers divorced from my old powers that will take years of book studying to master. I think they are both wrong. I haven't felt less powerful with a dick. I haven't felt divorced from my old powers. Sure, I've felt the call of new powers, and maybe I should study them some, but even my old ones feel stronger, not weaker." Dafne pondered this. "So y'all's magic really does come from what is in your pants? Why aren't there a lot more magic users around with both bits of equipment then?" Sandra giggled. "Well, it's not exactly what is in our pants, but there is a... flow of magic current through there, I guess? I don't know how to describe it yet. I don't think enough magic users studied gender dynamics. Traditionally witches loathe sorcerers and vice versa. There are reasons that Mom and Bio Dad never married or interacted much outside the IVF process. Toxic gender normativity and straight people have left weird scars in magic culture just as much as they have in every other culture, I suppose." Sandra took a few bites. "You know, I feel like I have enough power and some new ideas from what my father said, I bet I could magic us a win in the championship." "You could, but you probably shouldn't?" Dafne worried about that look in Sandra's eyes. "I thought you were just as eager for a championship as me?" Sandra's surprise broke the look of devious contemplation. "I'm eager to put in the hard work to try to make it to the championship. There's only one championship. It's not right to cheat some other team out of that after all their hard work. It's not right to ourselves to wonder if that other team we cheated out of the championship was our own if we had just put in the hard work. The hard work has worse odds, but the payoff is a lot greater." Dafne patted her hand. "Fuck me, you are the one who should have these powers if you could be that smart about it. I really was debating doing something terrible like my mother would?" Sandra shook her head and tried to eat a few more bites through the self-disgust. "I'm pretty sure that's how this works: the power corrupts and you need a lightning rod sometimes to ground you. You know, a partner." Dafne's hand had not yet left Sandra's, and Dafne moved from simple patting to a more playful stroking of Sandra's fingers. "Speaking of fucking you, I had some thoughts to try with your powers. Have you considered lactation play and/or additional nipples?" Sandra looked up from her self-disgust and into Dafne's eyes with a new fascination. "Not yet." "Interesting. What's your comfort level with furries?" Sandra's cock at least realized that this change of subject was maybe a bit more than just a change of subject, even if Sandra was wondering just how much Dafne was teasing her. "I don't know, I don't think I've had reason to think about it much." "Okay. Well, I've got a folder on my computer we can start with to gauge your interest or disinterest. With magic there's just so many fun things we could try in the bedroom, if you've got the magical stamina for it." "Magic is best for sexy times?" Sandra decided she sounded like a bimbo saying that out loud, giggled, and sounded even more like a dumb bimbo in that giggle. "I'm not sure I deserve a partner like you to remind me of that when I try to avoid hard work." This time Dafne giggled like a bimbo. Sandra wasn't sure when Dafne's other hand had disappeared below the table, and was willing to bet it was a kind of magic, but that hand was now very gently grasping Sandra's erection. Dafne leaned in and whispered sexily into Sandra's ear. "Oh I'm very happy to remind you whenever you need, but," Dafne firmly squeezed. "it seems like at least part of you really understands how enjoyable a bit of hard work can be." Sandra giggled at the terrible and sexy dad joke and then turned that giggle turned into a delicious kiss. ---- The next day after volleyball practice, Caroline showed up at Dafne's house. "Please come in, Carol, and sit," Dafne said greeting her sister and welcoming her into the home and leading her into the living room. "When will Dave be back? He emailed me that he wanted to chat?" Caroline was quite confused at the pretty, new to her, tall woman who looked like family. "Sit, please. Can I get you some tea? Water?" Caroline sat and shook her head. "I'm fine, thanks." Dafne sat down across from Caroline. "I'm Dave, Carol. I mean, I was. I did email you to come visit for a chat." "Okay, I believe you. I guess you wanted to chat about this change, Dave?" "It's Dafne now." "Oh, sorry. Of course it is, thanks Dafne." Dafne looked into her sister's eyes. "That's it, you just believe me? No puzzles, no twenty questions, Carol? No multi-day quiz about shared secrets like in every one of those body swapping movies you made me watch as a kid?" Caroline laughed. "I think you just answered your own question, all of the questions I had, and provided more proof than I needed, Dafne." Dafne stewed on this for a bit. Caroline smiled warmly. "Was there something else?" "I was hoping you'd pretend to be my biological mom to make certain legal hurdles go away, and also to make it easier to deal with, you know, our Mom without her asking too many of the wrong sorts of questions." Caroline's eyes widened in shock. "Wow." "That's fine if you don't want to do it. You can say no." Dafne was sweating a bit. She didn't really have much of a backup plan if this fell through, but she didn't want to pressure Caroline and she felt that reaction seemed strange after the "I believe you" lack of reaction. Caroline held her hands out to reassure Dafne. "I didn't say no. I just was surprised. I think I would do it, but I have conditions." "Conditions?" Caroline hesitated, but then leaned in conspiratorially. "The first one is that you agree to mommy/daughter time. I can't believe my little girl finally found me in her college years, we have so much time to catch up on." "Sure." Dafne should have guessed Caroline might jump to the surrogate daughter plot line on her own. Caroline leaned in further and said just a bit quieter. "You, of course, realize the pornographic scenario you've placed us in, right? My surprise biological daughter is a hot woman in the prime of her youth? I'm not going to require that mommy/daughter lead to sex as a part of this condition, but I expect cuddles at least, and if it leads to sex consensually, whoops I'm sorry new daughter, I could barely contain myself in your sexy presence." Dafne gulped and recrossed her legs. This maneuver unfortunately reminded Dafne that she'd let Sandra last night talk her into keeping the two bonus nipples just above her pussy (a bit like a deer or horse's udder) at least for a few days. Dafne was glad her skirt wouldn't make them anywhere near as obvious as her volleyball shorts had, but still wasn't used to accidentally brushing them with her thighs. (Dafne thought she might have had a leg up on it from her years of moving her legs around a cock, but this was different in surprising ways and she'd not realized how quickly she'd gotten used to regularly crossing her legs.) Caroline decided to accept Dafne's brief moment of discomfort as a sign of arousal, though she would not have guessed at the bonus source of arousal, and continued. "Two: I can tell you have a girlfriend living here with you, and I'd love to meet her." Dafne had predicted this but was still flabbergasted. "How did you know?" "Intuition," Caroline left as the answer, and Dafne rolled her eyes. Dafne shouted towards the kitchen. "Hey hun, I guess I was right about her guessing about you, you can come on out," and as Sandra entered the room Dafne did the polite introduction. "Caroline, I think you remember Sandra?" Caroline stood up and gave Sandra a big hug. "Wow, you've grown into a beautiful woman, Sandy." Caroline returned to her chair, and Sandra moved to sit next to Dafne. "It's good to see you again, Aunt Caroline," Sandra acknowledged. Caroline laughed at the two of them sitting next to each other like young lovers. "From the looks of it, it seems like you can call me mommy like you wanted to as a kid. I may be your mother-in-law soon, if my conditions are met." Sandra's smiled a wide smile. "You'd be a great mother-in-law to have. An upgrade from my biological mother, certainly." Caroline turned back to Dafne. "You know this will really complicate things with our Mom, though. What are the odds, Dafne, that I finally meet a lost biological daughter and she's already dating a lost step- kid?" Dafne turned to Sandra and Sandra smiled sweetly and recited like it was true. "When I met Dafne at a volleyball summer camp she had no interest in her biological family, but it was incredible to me how much my camp girlfriend reminded me of a good family I once knew and I helped convince her to finally get tested by telling her that such good families existed. Imagine our complete surprise at what a small world this can be that it would turn out my old step-father was her Uncle!" Caroline clapped like at an Opera performance. "Well, that sounds like a good lie to me. We'll see if it passes my Mom's test at the holidays." Sandra pouted and hung her head just slightly. "Apparently my strongest biological inheritance was my ability to lie." Dafne patted Sandra's thigh gently. "It's going to be alright, everything I've seen indicates that Uncle Dave helped raise you right, and you aren't fated to become your mother any time soon." Caroline patted Sandra's other knee. "I'm sorry your mother was so-- I mean, anyone who would do that to my sweet brother is just a-- I'm glad you've found a new rock in Dafne and I agree, I think you are going to be alright. Sandra, you're really lucky to have found someone sweet like Dafne, especially at such a precious age and sharing a passion with you like volleyball." Sandra stared at Caroline. She'd never known a family that was so good at bringing deeper truths out, even among the lies. Sometimes especially among the lies. It was a magic of its own, and Sandra realized how much such power was under-valued in the cruel world outside houses like this one. Dafne tried to cut some of the emotional tension. "I'm pretty sure I'm the lucky one, especially with the way her cute lady cock can--" Dafne realized she had no idea where that sentence was going when she started it and covered her mouth to physically stop it there. Sandra giggled, that also was certainly a deeper truth. Caroline tilted her head at and towards Dafne. "Daf, dear. Finish the sentence, please." Dafne left her hands over her mouth. Sandra giggled again. Caroline laughed. "Fine, condition Three:" Caroline took a deep inhale to give a natural pause and on the exhale. "some." Dafne broke down in laughter at the awful joke timing, slowly removing her hands from her face in the process. It was a good "mom" joke. Sandra stared at Dafne. "You cheated the odds. I'm not paying up." Dafne caught some breath. "I put the hard work in." Sandra sighed. "No, it sounds like you need me to put the hard work in." Dafne smiled wildly. "Was that my baby's first dad joke?" Caroline smirked. "They can be contagious. Though you need to work on your delivery." "I think she's better equipped to help you work on your next delivery," Dafne laughed. "Any other conditions we haven't covered, mommy?" Dafne batted her eyes in the hopes of distracting Caroline from thinking of any more. "I'm thinking I'd like to get started on Condition Three right now. Maybe also work on that delivery idea. Can you picture how complicated we would grow the family tree with the three of us? We could fill both our houses with little nephew-cousins and niece-cousins." Caroline had already dropped her skirt onto the floor and put her hand down her panties. Dafne noticed that the rising line of Caroline's sweater was revealing surprisingly fit abs, that Dafne probably owed some bet money to Sandra on that, and that Dafne's own hand was already playing with the two nipples near her legs. ---- That year Sandra and Dafne's team didn't quite make the championship, but they put in a strong enough effort to get recognized as "next team out" and to get interest from a lot of strong recruits for the following season, with their own ambitions for a championship. Team Captain Angie, with a nod from Coach Hope, ceremonially yielded the Captainship to Sandra, due to Angie's pending graduation and Sandra's stellar leadership in that season. Many emotions were had by all. Sandra and Dafne had a good set of Holidays that season. Grandma Em was excited to meet the "new" grandkid Dafne, and Grandma Em was extremely welcoming to the "returning" grandkid Sandra just as soon as it was made very clear that there was no chance of Sandra's mother Maureen showing up (at all). ---- Just as soon as Dafne thought she might have a couple of months off between practices for good behavior, Sandra squashed those hopes one morning with, "We need to go shopping to get you a bikini before team practice tomorrow." "A bikini? Practice?" Dafne admitted groggily. Sandra shrugged. "I don't make the league rules, I only enforce them as an excuse to see my hot girlfriend in a bikini. Practice starts tomorrow." "What league?" Sandra took a deep breath. "Do you think a girl named Sandy could ignore the call to Beach Volleyball leagues?" Dafne brightened up very quickly at this, smiling extremely brightly with excitement. "I'm so proud of you Sandy, that was a top level dad joke, you are going to make the best father!" Dafne blinked wide eyed in a way that suggested Sandra could start working on the sort of activity that could lead to her being a father if she asked nicely. Sandra ignored this as the distraction it was. "Anyway, it's great practice in the off-college season so long as neither of us gets hurt." It wasn't like it was a new joke to Sandra, she'd grown up with it for way too many years, but usually as the recipient and the butt of the joke. "Mommy" Caroline had said that the trick to a good dad joke was all in the delivery, and perhaps it really was contagious and was rubbing off on Sandra. Dafne patted Sandra's bulge. "Still, you are going to make a great dad." "Are you just trying to push to sexy times to avoid bikini shopping, Daf?" Daf shook her head, but also continued to pet Sandra's growing erection. "Oh, no, I can do both today, Sandy. We've got plenty of time, I think, and I can make out with my girlfriend and then think about how cute it will be to play Beach Volleyball in matching team bikinis with her." "Matching? Team?" Sandra chuckled. "Did you think we'd be on the same team? That's cute. It's a hat league, we may be randomly assigned to different teams. I'm taking you down, if need be. The league is mine." Dafne shrugged. "I will go down for you any day, just say the word," then Dafne increased her stroking of Sandra's cock. Sandra only moaned in response. Some early morning shenanigans ensued and then they both went off to shop for new bikinis together.

Same as The Volleyball Shorts Videos

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VolleyballChapter 6

I had to be up and awake at the same time Dad and Mom were today. I even had to leave the house before they did. "Have a great day at school, Kyle," Mom said, kissing me on the cheek. I felt like a kindergartener when she did that but I guess moms always did that to their children. "Thanks." I headed out the door and down the sidewalk. "Kyle! Wait!" It was Lindsay's voice. I turned back. "Emily will be here to give us a ride." "I want to walk to school," I said. I liked...

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Fun After Volleyball With My SisterinLaw

I have been married to my wife for over five years now. Shortly after we were engaged, I started to notice that her sex drive wasn't what it used to be. She chalked it up to stress, and said there was nothing I needed to worry about. I couldn't see how our sex life would be reduced to this, unless she was right about what was causing the issue. Now, five years later, apparently the stress has only become worse - or at least I guess that's the case, if you make a direct correlation between my...

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His Volleyball Player Giving In 2

Introduction: Due to a big-ass misunderstanding with the people who runs the site, my stories were all deleted. Sorry for the inconvenience and hope you like it! (Please go easy on me. I havent been active lately) Summary of Part 1: Mr. Keys, otherwise known as Coach K by his volleyball players, finds himself attracted to Alex, his team captain. Though he has always treated her in an indifferent manner he soon finds out the reason for it and tries to avoid it. However, when he decides to give...

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His Volleyball Player Giving In 2

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How I Became the Volleyball Teams Slut Part 9

“It’s Game day. Winner takes all.” Oh, Fridays are an incredible day. I breathed a sigh of relief as I rolled out of bed, noticing the vacancy of Samantha’s messy bed. Good. I don’t think I could take more abuse from her. The memories of the last few days crashed over me, bringing waves of satisfaction and embarrassment. I sat on the edge of my bed, my shaved pussy breathing the fresh air from the open window. The sounds of a busy campus wafted in, mixing shouts and cars with sounds of a...

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Seduced By Volleyball Coach

My first love making session took place when I was studying in 12 standard when my volleyball teacher beguiled me into something I had been longing to do ever since I hit puberty. It’s not that I am a perv but I wanted to feel and relish the moments. Anyways my volleyball teacher name was Sweta and she is about 5″5 tall fair girl who was about 25 years old at that time and had joined our school right after she came off of a national tournament. I among all the guys was super athletic and huge...

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The Life of RyanChapter 25 Volleyball Tournament

Ryan woke up with both his ladies snuggled up on either side of him. After they’d come back up to the house last night, he had gone to bed. Matt had headed to his suite’s bathroom for a shower, and Jenna and Kerri had decided to ambush him there, suck his cock, and fuck him good once more before he went to bed. They thought about ambushing Ryan too and waking him up for sex, but they were truly tired themselves, so they settled for crawling in bed naked with him and going to sleep. However,...

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Volleyball Games

Saturday August 17 th  4 person co-ed beach volleyball tournament (3 guys/1 girl)  $750 to win (3 divisions) Free beer Lakefront Beach “We should enter that tournament, sounds like fun. And it’s always a good time at the lakefront,” Matt said to the rest of his team. “Yeah, but who would we get for the girl?” Darren said. “I don’t know. Let’s talk to the rest of the team and see if one of the other guys is interested,” Matt replied. They walked into the bar to the other two members of their...

Group Sex
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8 Rules Cheer Panties Bare CheeksChapter 5 Volleyball

Kerry’s POV: It was half time and I was the star guard sitting on the bench, wore out and frustrated as I saw the faces of team mates and coaches which showed their disappointment. I went into get some steam by the bench by the showers in the locker room and closed my eyes. My mind went back to a time where similarly I was making a mess of things. It was a blast from the past. It had happened back when was playing for my high school away from at The Holiday Volleyball Tournament and I...

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How I became The Volleyball Teams Slut Part 4

‘Meet us in the gym,slut 3. You’re in trouble’ I couldn’t imagine how much more trouble I could find myself in… I was reading this text, still standing nude in the boy’s washroom. I could smell the sweet scent of sex, as a sat down on the toilet seat. I began to clean up as much of the cum as possible, it feels like it has gotten everywhere! I took my time. There is no rush to more abuse at the hands of the volleyball team. I stood up slowly. I could hear guys doing their business around the...

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After Volleyball

Stacie had just finished up volleyball practice at her high school. The senior had just found out she had been made team captain. At eighteen and in her senior year she was riding high, and had spent the afternoon's practice really giving it her all, so needless to say she was a little rank after the evenings festivities. Yet she still had to start filling out the position assignments for the team. She sat at the gym tables and watched all her teammates leave for home, knowing she still had at...

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After a beach volleyball game

In that cold winter, Anita dragged me into some quick vacation at Barbados. My sweet wife told me there she could find and fuck some black cocks, since I had been stressed and not so cooperative with her at our marital bed.On the second day there, we walked down the beach and found a volleyball game going on. There were about eight young black guys with some guests from our hotel and they invited us to join them.Anita loved playing volleyball, so she pushed me inside the game.After winning the...

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Volleyball encounter results in new porn career an

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How I became The Volleyball Teams Slut Part 7

What was inside our lockers made us think that none of our slut lives were over… I opened the locker door and my expression turned to that of horror. My pussy tingled from memories of yesterday in a slutty uniform. I pulled out a corset that was more suited for a playboy mansion than college. The corset was black with ribbon lace-up back and zip up side closure. I reluctantly slipped it on. My cleavage was accented, the half-breast cuffs barely covering my nipples, which were erect and...

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Sweaty Volleyball Players Panties

One time, I was called to a college for a maintenance call on a busted water pipe. It turns out that there was a women's volleyball game that evening and when the girls were showering, one of them tried to adjust the shower head and it broke off. When I arrived, I still had to wait a couple minutes to go in as they got some of the remaining girls out. Several of them were still sweaty and in their school volleyball uniforms. Most had showered and changed into their clothes to hang out. Several...

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How I became The Volleyball Teams Slut Part 4

‘Meet us in the gym,slut 3. You’re in trouble’ I couldn’t imagine how much more trouble I could find myself in… I was reading this text, still standing nude in the boy’s washroom. I could smell the sweet scent of sex, as a sat down on the toilet seat. I began to clean up as much of the cum as possible, it feels like it has gotten everywhere! I took my time. There is no rush to more abuse at the hands of the volleyball team. I stood up slowly. I could hear guys doing their business around...

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How I Became The Volleyball Teams Slut

This story is entirely fiction and is purely for entertainment Hi! My name is Meg, and I recently left home for college. I am one of those athletic type of girls, standing at 5'9 with perky 32C breasts that have been entertaining the boys for years. I have long blonde hair flowing past my shoulders and bright blue eyes that always help to get what I want. My ass is pretty tight, if I do say so myself, and I am not much of a party girl. Despite that, I have been around with a couple guys, a...

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Indian Volleyballers Part I

They Got More Than A Lesson In Sport Rick was a 22-years-old university Senior. He stood six foot one inch tall, and he had a well tanned muscular body. He had blond hair, and blue eyes. He looked like the typical well tanned southern California surfer, except he wasn’t in southern California. He was the captain and star player of an Upstate South Carolina university’s men’s volleyball team. Rick had indeed grown up playing volleyball on the beaches of southern California. When not in class...

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Volleyball Humiliation Slut

Volleyball Humiliation Slut I'm a bus driver. Assigned to take the mens and ladies College level teams on a three night road trip. When I arrived at the pick up the Ladies were waiting with the men nowhere in sight. This is pretty normal as the men will take more than there fair share of seats if the Women don't stake there territory first. As we were loading luggage and gear one of the little cuties turned her back to me and bent over to slide her luggage into the bus. She was wearing...

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Volleyball Injury

  The setter placed the ball in the perfect location for Sam to do what she does best, spike the volleyball so hard and fast that it was almost an impossible feat to return it.   Once the ball left the setters fingers, Sam never lost focus.   She approached the net and leapt as high as she could and at the height of her jump she swung her right arm over her head.   Her outstretched hand slapped the leather ball with such force, the impact echoed throughout the gymnasium.   Sam touched down...

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How I became The Volleyball Teams Slut Part 5

I like being a slut, no,I love being a slut This was my last thought running through my head before I passed into much needed sleep. I also awoke early to this thought, my loud alarm going off. 6:30 am. These early morning practices are going to be the death of me, if all the cocks aren’t. I stretched my arms and legs lazily and headed towards the shower. I was beginning to feel pretty natural in my naked state. My roommate, Samantha, was still collapsed in bed. I turned the shower on hot and...

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How I became The Volleyball Teams Slut Part 6

“Outside, Now.” … Cassie’s fingers left my pussy empty as she walked away. I gasped as I came back to my senses. A couple seniors pushed Laurie and Alex towards the door, still naked. The warmth from the steam in the locker rooms kept our bodies completely damp. My wet hair clung to my back, and my pussy was wetter still. The trio of volleyball babes continued out into the hallway. I was the last to step out, feeling the cold air bite at my already hard nipples. The moment Laurie, who was...

2 years ago
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Das Volleyball Team

Es ist spät Abends Mark sitzt in einen nach Schweiss riechenden Bus in der vordersten Reihe. Hinter ihm ist die Stimmung ausgelassen, das Frauenteam seiner Universität hatte heute einen wichtigen Asswärtssieg errungen. Da der Rückweg lang war, ging es nach dem Spiel ungeduscht und in den Volleyball Klamotten gleich in den Bus. Nur leider durfte Mark nicht mit feiern. Er war nur der Handlanger der Trainerin, der Depp vom Dienst quasi. Der Job war aber gut bezahlt daher steckte er einiges ein,...

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How I became The Volleyball Teams Slut Part 6

“Outside, Now.” … Cassie’s fingers left my pussy empty as she walked away. I gasped as I came back to my senses. A couple seniors pushed Laurie and Alex towards the door, still naked. The warmth from the steam in the locker rooms kept our bodies completely damp. My wet hair clung to my back, and my pussy was wetter still. The trio of volleyball babes continued out into the hallway. I was the last to step out, feeling the cold air bite at my already hard nipples. The moment Laurie, who was in...

2 years ago
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How I became The Volleyball Teams Slut Part 5

I like being a slut, no,I love being a slut This was my last thought running through my head before I passed into much needed sleep. I also awoke early to this thought, my loud alarm going off. 6:30 am. These early morning practices are going to be the death of me, if all the cocks aren’t. I stretched my arms and legs lazily and headed towards the shower. I was beginning to feel pretty natural in my naked state. My roommate, Samantha, was still collapsed in bed. I turned the shower on hot...

Group Sex
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How I became The Volleyball Teams Slut Part 2

Without a second thought, I ran my cum-drenched body out the door… My heart was pounding as I skidded out the door, my socked feet losing grip. My nipples were hard in the chilly air as my perky breasts bounced with every stride. I could feel the fresh cum leaking its way down my cleavage. The coach’s cum oozed out my pussy, mixing with my own juices as it slid down my leg. The only thing burning harder than my muscles was my pussy, which was recently filled with a hard cock. I flew past...

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Mr T Blackmails after Volleyball Trip

My dad's friend Mr. T, also my team’s assistant coach was driving me home after the volleyball game out of town. At my house he said”your folks aren’t home I will walk ya in” I looked at him and asked "ok?" As soon as he closed the door behind him he said "Get naked Alice. Take your clothes off." I was shocked and scared. I had had a crush on Mr. T but was confused. "Get naked or I will tell your dad I caught saw you getting double stuffed by Lorenzo and Mark in the locker-room last week you...

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My husband and the volleyball girl

This is about the first night my husband fucked another girl in front of my eyes and how I got off on that, watching him thrust inside of someone that wasn’t me gave me an animalistic shock. I felt incredibly horny.The first girl to join us was Crystal, one of the girls on my volleyball team. She’s a cutie. A few years younger than me, dirty blond hair and phenomenal legs and ass. My husband flirts with her often. Almost inappropriately. I had approached her about joining us. She had just...

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Volleyball Girls

Even though I hadn’t really done anything wrong I immediately felt out of place and proceed to go to the other side of the walk-way looking straight ahead. I noticed out of the side of my eye they went down the aisle next to them. “that was weird” I thought but I didn’t want to think too much about it, I just wanted to grab my sub and head home. After I got my sandwich I headed to the self-checkout and again saw those girls out of the corned of my eye. “Someone over here has a crush” I heard...

3 years ago
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VolleyballChapter 2

Lindsay showed up a half hour after my parents left for work and Gaby was with her. Lindsay had a large purse and Gaby carried a duffel bag. Lindsay headed straight to my bedroom. "Sit down," Lindsay said as if it was her room. She said to Gaby, "Show him." Gaby put the bag down and opened it. She pulled out several women's wigs. It turned out Gaby's mom was a hairdresser and used the wigs for demonstrations sometimes and also to sell though it was rare to sell one. Lindsay spoke...

3 years ago
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VolleyballChapter 3

We pulled up in front of the gym. My face felt warm and I hoped my sweat wasn't messing up my make-up. Yes, honestly. I know it sounded wrong. I just didn't want to be discovered. I warmed up with the other girls. My new hair felt strange as I moved. Gaby had an extra clip and put it in a ponytail for me. "Kayla" was introduced to the three freshman girls. I would be taking one of their starting jobs if everything went okay. Coach Addams showed up late and when I saw her my heart beat...

4 years ago
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VolleyballChapter 9

The team became a little sloppy and we lost a couple of games in a row, but Coach Addams got us refocused on the basics again and we were able to get back to winning. We finished the season with an 18 and 4 record and in first place in our conference. It was the first first place ever for the Villa High girls' volleyball team. They never even finished in the top half of the standings before. I, or should I say Kayla, was the spark plug. It felt great to be so important in bringing the team...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 49 Volleyball and More

Allison and Rachael sat naked in the hot tub together on Monday morning. As Allison rubbed her little sister's shoulders, Rachael gave a report on the activities that weekend. She explained that she had failed to get Jeff and Brit to make love, but that they had taken several steps in the right direction. Allison grinned as Rachael gave her all the juicy details. Allison began to make plans for her own involvement in the sinister plot. So far, things seemed to be going well. Brit was more...

2 years ago
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Indian Volleyballers Part II

The four of them then walked down the beach in search of a flat area to set up the volleyball net. Ritu held Jay's hand as they led the way. After walking about ten yards, Rick tentatively reached for Naina's hand. She smiled at Rick and firmly grasped his offered hand. About one hundred yards down the beach from the boat, they found a perfect spot for a volleyball game. The guys had the net up in about ten minutes and the girls began practicing. The way they were warming up, one would have...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Indian Volleyballers Pt 02

Indian Vollyballers: The Boys Follow the Girls to India Rick and Jay were never able to get the memories of and feeling for Naina and Ritu out of their minds. They were soon communicating with the girls daily via email. Naina and Rick’s messages soon became very romantic and sometimes explicit. After a month or so, they professed their love for each other. Jay and Ritu also expressed their love for one another during their email exchanges. During the past month, Ritu had frequently messaged...

4 years ago
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Indian VolleyballersChapter 2

The Boys Follow the Girls Home Rick and Jay were never able to get the memories of and feeling for Naina and Ritu out of their minds. They were soon communicating with the girls daily via email. Naina and Rick's messages soon became very romantic and sometimes explicit. After a month or so, they professed their love for each other. Jay and Ritu also expressed their love for one another during their email exchanges. During the past month, Ritu had frequently messaged Jay that she had been a...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

1 year ago
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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

Incest Porn Sites
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Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Thanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...

3 years ago
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Thea Chapter Four

When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...

3 years ago
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Thea and Sam

“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...

2 years ago
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Motherless! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Motherless Interracial

Ah, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....

Interracial Porn Sites
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Theos LIfe as a Weresquirrel

Theo had been changing into the squirrel too much, he knew that now... as a pulse of heat raced through his body from his groin. He realized that he shouldn't have come to the office.He had been spending most of his days at the squirrel in his home deep in the countryside. Teleworking most of the time, as the squirrel he felt no need for clothes, his heavy furred balls resting between his thighs as his paws raced over the keyboard. The sharp claws on his paws clattering loudly as he typed,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Motherless Scat

It’s time to go to the land of chocolate fountains and golden showers. That’s right. Scat, piss, shit, and every fluid in between. Ever fuck a chick in her ass and freak out when you see that little bit of shit on your dick? Then I’m sorry to say that scat isn’t for you buddy. Were you the only one of your friends that saw two girls one cup and didn’t get grossed out? If so, it’s time to celebrate it! Don’t get pissed off, get pissed on! Scat porn has the craziest, kinkiest chicks and dudes...

Scat Porn Sites
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Motherless Fappening

I’m not saying anything controversial when I say men love seeing women naked. It’s a fact of life as fundamental as gravity. It’s a force of nature that cannot be stopped by beast, man, or God. It’s an eternal truth and a divine mandate. As sure as the sun will rise, men will attempt to view as many women naked as they possibly can. Any man not doing so is either a sad or a gay one.This means that any woman a man sees regularly is mentally stripped down during every interaction. If any women...

The Fappening

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