- 4 years ago
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It was a Saturday morning and it was raining. I usually got up and played golf with friends on Saturdays, weather permitting. This Saturday the weather was defiantly not permitting. A quick check of the Weather Channel told me it was going to rain hard all day.
Then I remembered it was Christmas morning. My usual foursome would be spending the day with their families. Me, I didn't have a family anymore. I was spending the day alone.
They had families who would love to have them hang around all day.
Well my wife had left me 10 years ago and I had no one to report to or share this special day with ... My kids were all of age and had drifted away over time. My son lived in another city making his fame and fortune in the business world. My daughter lived in the area with her husband and my three grandchildren.
I would usually have Saturday or Sunday dinner at her home, but today they were visiting her husband's parents in his old home town. So I was on my own. I sat there at the kitchen table pondering my fate, or in other words, I was trying to figure out what to do with myself this today.
I had a house keeper. So my house was always clean, the dishes washed, there were meals prepared for me to heat up for my dinners and all the washing and ironing was done. There was also the club if I wanted to eat out. But today it would be closing early so the employees could enjoy this day with their families.
As I sat there contemplating my life, a thought snuck into my mind. I guess it is time to clean out the bedroom closet. It has been ten years since my wife left me. I might as well pack up the stuff she had left there and give it to a women's shelter or something. It had been a duty I had been putting off for too many years.
I guess I was just avoiding the memories of her.
I took my breakfast dishes to the sink, rinsed them, and stacked them in the dishwasher. Then I headed upstairs to the master bedroom to start my long dreaded chore with all the memories it would invoke.
Once in the closet, I turned to her side. I started by taking everything off the shelf above her clothes because I knew that I'd break down if I started with her clothing first. There were just too many memories there, I'd pick up an outfit and remember what she looked like wearing it, and I'd remember where I had last seen her in it, and I'd start to cry, again.
I still missed her after all these years.
I guess that what love does to a person.
I took everything off the shelf and put it on the bed. It was in doing this that I spotted "the box".
Twenty years ago my wife and I took a trip to Los Angeles. Well actually it was an all expense trip won by yours truly for being the best sales manager in the company for the last five years.
My team met and exceeded all the challenges handed us by the CEO. We were his "go to" group. And we always came through.
My wife Ann loved the city. She dragged me to Rodeo Drive to "window shop" with the rich and famous. It was there that I talked her into going inside a very high end women's lingerie shop. After a lot of coaxing she entered and fell in love with the place.
I felt a little funny staring at all the ladies unmentionables. (You know sort of like a pervert) I was saved by a pretty "sales associate" who escorted me to a small men's lounge area. It was set up to give the husbands some place to hang out while their money was being extracted from their wives or girlfriends. There was a 60" flat screen on the wall that was tuned to sports talk, soft leather chairs and couches, magazines about cars or sports or golf or hunting or fishing. Everything needed to satisfy a man's interests except for that brass pole found in some bars or clubs.
There was a small bar stocked with snacks and coffee. A little exploring led me discover a refrigerator full of cold beer and other drinks. I grabbed a beer and got comfortable in one of the chairs watching the flat screen.
Two hours later the "sales associate" came to get me, "Your wife is ready to leave now." I was just slightly "shit faced". I guess I had a few too many beers. The store called us a cab and helped my wife put me in it. I was just as happy as a clam and my wife soon joined in those feelings.
I guess the shopping mellowed her.
The next morning I awoke with a really nasty hangover. My head hurt and my stomach couldn't hold anything. If I even thought of food, I was back in the bathroom. The package from the lingerie store was forgotten by me.
I stayed in bed all day and my wife went out and did whatever those things are that wives do in strange cities when their husbands are hung-over. When she came back to the hotel room that evening, she had no packages.
I asked, "Did you have fun today-" She just smiled and nodded.
I guess now is as good a time to tell you a little about my history. I was born the first child in the family. I guess my parents figured out what they were doing because before long I was the oldest of five children. My mother and father were loving parents. They were middle class and we lived in a middle class neighborhood. My Dad's father was a factory worker and his mother was a stay at home mom.
My Mother's parents owned a Bar and Grill. They were in a factory district bordering on a middle class residential area. They had the best of both worlds, factory workers eating their breakfast, lunch and dinner there during the week while the residential folks kept the weekend hopping.
I spent my early years growing up there, It all came to an end when my grandfather died of a heart attack and grandmother sold the bar. I guess her heart wasn't into operating it alone. My Dad added an "in-law" apartment to our house and grandma joined our happy family.
My next historical event was college. This event proved to be the event that shaped my future. I love the place. In high school I was a pretty good student. Not good enough to win scholarships or things, but good enough to graduate in the top 1/3 of the class. Grandma and my Dad came up with the money to get me in the door. The rest was up to me.
I took to the business courses like a fish to water. I was fascinated by the whole process even Economics, my least favorite course. It seems as if we spent weeks studying some concept and when I finally got it down, the professor started teaching up the exact opposite concept the next week. Whew, talked about a screwed up subject. It's no wonder that economists can never agree on a thing.
It was in my senior year that I met Ann; she was a freshman also studying business but having trouble with Accounting. I was a wonder boy with accounting so one of my Profs asked me to tutor her. Ann and I just seemed to hit it off at the beginning. She never really did learn Accounting so she switched to Law.
I, on the other hand, learned that Ann was perfect for me. So I applied for the MBA program, was accepted, and stayed. Ann and I soon became un-separable. It was in her third year that I moved off campus into a small furnished apartment so I could gain the quiet that an MBA candidate required.
Ann moved in two weeks later. We both learned about sex together.
When graduation day finally arrived, I received my MBA and a few job offers. Ann was accepted at a law school. We moved to the city were her law school was located. She registered and I got a job. Together we got an apartment.
The company I got a job with was an old established firm in the equipment business. I worked hard to succeed there, but it was not to be. The management of the company was old school. They were not open to new ideas. If it had succeeded for them for 50 years, why change a thing-
My years of study and my MBA were useless to their management. They just didn't want to change. I was watching the company slowly decrease in value as I worked there. It was years later when I was working for my current employer that I noticed their bankruptcy notice in a business journal.
Ann threw herself into the study of the Law. She would try out various concepts on me and I slowly learned a lot about the law. Because of my business background, I grabbed the concepts of business law and torts easily. Ann, on the other hand, found family law up her alley. Between the two of us, she graduated.
With her graduation came the offers from small to medium sized law firms to join as a paralegal. Ann graduated fairly high in her class and was invited to join some nice firms. I guess they had a need for people specializing in family law. It could be that the divorce rate in the country was on the way up and specialists in that field were needed.
We sat together many nights researching the cities, the firms, and my chances of getting a job in that area. We finally decided on Tampa Florida. The law firm was an up and comer specializing in the same areas that Ann had studied and liked. For me, that area of Florida had a lot of startups that needed (my thoughts) my skills.
We both started making applications for me in the area. Ann was a little upset that I was snatched up by a company after only one interview while it took her three interviews before receiving her offer. She was more than a little miffed when she saw our pay scales; mine was about 25% higher than hers, so much for equal opportunity.
I started in sales (so much for my MBA), but I loved the whole aspect of the job. I worked with really great people. None of the sales personal were cut throat, or back stabbers. We all managed to work as a team helping each other whenever necessary.
The customers were fun people to work with. Oh they were typical customers; they wanted the best quality at the cheapest price. And of course they wanted it yesterday. It was fun working with them.
Ann, on the other hand, found out that being on the lowest rung of the legal ladder was not the glamour she thought it would be. As the old saying goes, "Sh ... t flows downhill" could not be more appropriate where she was working. Many the nights when she returned home, she was really upset with one or another of the partners or senior members of the firm. She started studying harder and harder towards her Bar Examine; she passed on her first try.
When her firm did nothing toward elevating her status, she quit. She had already been offered a job with another firm. That firm was just starting out, but it was a Woman led business and had taken off with a bang.
Ann came onboard with all the benefits of a junior partner. She worked long hours and brought work home with her. She had her mind made up that she would succeed. And succeed she did. It took two years but she was a recognized leader in the divorce field in the area. Most of the opposing male lawyer's referred to her as "The Bitch". While she never admitted it to me, I knew she just loved the title.
My career moved along rapidly. I not only sold, but I was put on assignments that used my skills as an MBA. It was time to take our lives to the next step. We bought a lovely home on the bay. We started throwing parties, joined the country club and basically became yuppies.
Then it happened. Somehow Ann became pregnant. At first she wasn't sure if mother hood was going to be her thing. But she loved decorating the baby's room, the showers, and all the other things that went with child raising.
She started interviewing Nannies because she was planning on returning to work as soon as she was able. Well no matter how hard she planned, life got in the way. Oh the pregnancy was problem free if you discount the water weight, the swollen feet, the multiple trips to the bathroom to pee, the heart burn and of course those months of morning sickness.
The baby developed normally. The various tests were all perfect and of course the birth was problem free. Ann had a normal labor and delivery. There were no complications or problems. But as I said life got in the way. It was a little life wrapped in a blanket and placed at Ann's breast by a nurse.
When our daughter started nursing, Ann just stared at her.
It took about 5 minutes before Ann spoke, "Would you call my office and tell them about Ella's birth. And also tell them I won't be returning. I now have more important things to do." Three years later our son Christopher joined the three of us. Ella was thrilled that she had a sibling. Ann was now the perfect mother. Ann and I had many discussions about having more children. She wanted a large family but I wanted to stop at the two we already had. Ann tried all her "lawyer" tricks on me, but evidentially I prevailed.
I had a vasectomy to prevent accidents.
We were the perfect little family.
I looked back down at the package on the bed. She had never put the outfit on for me. She said, "I'm saving it for a special occasion." I sat there on the edge of the bed and started crying.
I guess that that occasion would never happen now.
As I sat there I thought," Never save something for as Special Occasion. Every day in your life is a special occasion." I still think those words changed my life.
"Now I read more and clean less." "I sit on the porch without worrying about anything." "I spend more time with my family and less at work." "I understand that life should be a source of experience to be lived up to, not survived through." My thoughts drifted back to those years long past.
The years since my children's birth seemed to rush past. I worked hard at succeeding in my profession. There were long days and even longer nights were I chose my job over my family.
When my children were small I missed their first steps, I missed their first words. It seemed that there was always a crisis at work. It might have been a problem with a sale or a delivery that required me to put in a few extra hours. Then there were the more serious ones the problems that required me to board a plane and rush to the customer's location.
Ann understood. She didn't yell and shout. She just said, "Hurry back we miss you when you're gone. Oh and yes, I still love you." I missed birthdays, anniversaries, and special occasions at the kid's school over the years. My Ann was still there for me. She knew that even though I was absent, I still missed her and loved her. My kids just thought, "Well that's just Dad." To soon my kids were in high school and Ann began making noises that she wanted to return to the work place. Her reasoning was that they no longer needed her in their lives. She was bored sitting in the house hour after hour, waiting for the phone to ring.
One day as I was getting ready to leave for my office, I noticed that Ann was dressed in one of her professional outfits. I smiled at her and complemented her on her appearance.
"Thank you," was her only reply.
I guessed that she had an appointment and promptly went back to my own thoughts about my job.
I didn't pay any more attention to her mode of dress. I didn't even notice that there were some nights I beat her home or that dinner was more take out than home made. I guess that one day it was something said by one of the kids that woke me up.
"So Mom, how did it go in court today-" "I won the case." Was all she said, but it was said with a smile and a proud expression on her face. It was an expression that I had not seen on her face in many years.
Remember, remember, as if you could forget the memories that are seared upon your mind. The clouds of forgetfulness hang heavy around you, but you must remember so that you can bring about justice to the one who has wronged you so evilly. Before this all began you thought that evil was just a concept, a word to be applied to something bad when it appeared on the television news or in the papers. Now you know that evil has a face, and you must remember. Remember! You remember that it started...
A Weekend to remember. Part 1 My first attempt at writing anything so be kind. All constructive thoughts welcome. It is a true story, however I have changed the names. Rusty was glad it was Friday because he had the weekend off. He headed out the main gate of the Naval Air Station, turned left and walked 200 yards to the small covered city bus stop. Rusty would make the city bus to San Francisco. This had been his routine for the past fourteen months when he had the weekend off. This weekend...
Oral SexAm I remembering? Or is it something from a lifetime ago? Before we were we, when you were you and I was me. It was a crazy time. The streets were burning, and I was there. Did I know you then? No, I don't think so. I would remember. I knew you were near, though. I could feel you. I know that now. All I knew then was that there was ... something ... incomplete ... about the way I was living. And behaving. My parents would never have understood. Or even recognized me. During that...
A Weekend to remember. Part 1 My first attempt at writing anything so be kind. All constructive thoughts welcome. It is a true story, however I have changed the names. Rusty was glad it was Friday because he had the weekend off. He headed out the main gate of the Naval Air Station, turned left and walked 200 yards to the small covered city bus stop. Rusty would make the city bus to San Francisco. This had been his routine for the past fourteen months when he had the weekend off. This weekend...
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(c) 2003 by thebullet Note: This story contains quotes and paraphrased references from popular culture. The author uses these quotes and references because it amuses him to do so and because he has no life. I leave it as an exercise for the reader to identify any quotes that may have been used. If you are interested in learning what quotes were used, you may request a copy of the crib sheet by emailing the author. * * * * * Chapter 17: Dinner and a Movie The Year Seven Helen’s Story At...
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1.I was an athletic girl and loved running sports and gymnastics during P.E. at school. The sweat and hard breathing made me feel alive. I was always up for a game of tag-your-it, we actually called it “tagyourit.” I loved being chased around. I loved wearing flowing dresses in the summer. I hated pants so much that I would only wear them if it was cold. At that time, I also hated panties too. I would get into trouble when my mom found out I had no panties on. Once she had my daddy...
You can thank smokeyjoe for this one... This is British Humour, you may have to read it twice... :) This one is old, a time when to go for No .2s in an English public toilet costed a penny. The cubical door had a coin operated lock that the penny opened. A man went to see his doctor, “Doc, I’m constipated, I haven’t been in nearly a week.” So the doctor examined him, gave him some laxatives and sent him on his way. Two days later, the guy is back, still nothing. So the doc gives him...
My name is Samir. I am 34 working in MNC. I got married 10 years ago to this beautiful angel called “Saro” a shy girl from a well-to-do family brought up in a conservative atmosphere. The restrictions imposed on her during her teenage years are the reason for her becoming a bad girl after marriage. I had lot of experience in sex and also had fucked numerous girls. While we were in college I fucked Saro’s friend Khaniz and she also knew that I was a sex god and many of her friends have confided...
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Ok well first off. Im a decent guy. A good ol country boy born and raised in the country. So I was brought up to treat women with respect.Alright so at the end of high school years I finally got a girlfriend. She was very beautiful and I really liked her maybe even loved her. But she was a sophomore and I was a senior and had no clue how I would see her so we broke up before I graduated. I didn't talk to her for 2 years. Well we started talking on Facebook again and then started texting. She...
I’m not going to let any girl try to find a ride home with any of the assholes hanging out here tonight, even if it seems she can take care of herself. “Sorry for being rude. I never gave you my name. I’m Ellen,” the girl told us. “Those jerks need someone to put them in their place, and I didn’t mind one bit. They’ve had it coming for a long time.” She lived a long way from the high school kid hangout. The road to her house crossed two different school districts, but the school district...
We laid out a plan in which I would buy her time for tomorrow night. That would be our excuse for getting together. As soon as the place had pretty well closed down for the night, about 3:00 AM, I would sneak out the window and fetch the wagon I was going to use to haul away Jean and the girls. Meanwhile, Jean would gather the girls in our room and feed them to me one at time through the window. The biggest problem was going to be getting clothes for all of the women, including Jean. It was...
It was a late monday night. The six girls were all at Stella's place. In their pajamas, in the attic, the girls laughed and played, talking about boys and college. It was all fine and dandy, until Giulia suggested something that would turn their worlds upside down: a vore game. A different version of truth or dare in which the winner of the dare would have permission to eat and digest the loser whole. The girls got curious, and decided to play. Giulia was the oldest, a brunette with a tanned...
Hi all sexy ISS readers. I am reading sex stories in ISS from my college days. This ISS had given me ideas that made me fuck lots of woman. Sorry as this is my first story if any mistakes there please excuse me. About me Rocky, age 26, Andhra Pradesh. I am normal guy with 5’7 height, brown in color, with 6 inch long dick with huge thickness. I am working as a consultant, Bangalore. I had lots of fun with many matured ladies and less with girls. I am greatly attracted with matured ladies; they...
IncestShe assumed my cock was long. Her ex-boyfriends must have been short because I didn't consider myself well endowed. Very turned on with a full erection I got just over 7 inches (18 cm) medium width. We sometimes had sex twice before going to sleep and when we had privacy, and enough time for me to get hard again, we went for a long third time! If her moans, screams, and orgasms were any indications, she was sexually satisfied. Eventually, I bought a vibrator. I chose a white model about the...
Two days later Kristi called and asked if I was free to get together over the weekend. I felt like an ass when I told her "I was gonna be in New York for the weekend" ,so I asked If we could get together Thursday. " Of course" she replied "I haven't missed a day of work all year time for a sick day." We agreed on meeting at a motel near my side of town.Thursday morning came and I got a 7 am morning wake up call asking where the motel was. I told her where it was and said she wanted to meet up...
Rebellion against the SectShe is oriental in appearance, due to her Chinese Filipino heritage, living in the UK. From an early age her parents had insisted she attend the religious services of the sect they had become members of. She had been taught their ways and had a very strict upbringing, which translated simply meant she did as she was told and only mixed socially with sect members. Even now at 40 plus she was still very petite, under 5 foot tall , with a near perfect body, and if...
This is not my story, but its a good one!My wife’s sister, Gloria, was visiting for a few days. I know, I know – another story about being tempted by a sister-in-law. It’s not exactly like that. Not that I wasn’t immediately tempted.She, first of all, is a knockout. A tennis coach, so she’s fit, but beyond that she’s beautiful. Striking eyes, high cheekbones and a long, supple neck. Many times really fit girls have these flat chests – and that’s fine, too, but she flaunts some very serious...
I'm a little old to be banished to summer camp," I said toSpike. Spike was my best friend, had been since I was eight. "I mean,I'm fifteen." I was sitting on a branch in an old apple tree, the lastone in the orchard. I had my back propped against the tree trunk. Shewas lying on the branch below me. Spike said, "Wish my folks would send me to camp, Kip." Herreal name was Danica, but I never called her that, just like she nevercalled me Clifford. "Yeah," I said. "Right." "No, really. First of...
Like Mother, like Daughter! By Sissie Maid Cuckold "Mother why did you marry Tony?" asked Sarah. "What do you mean dear?" "Well he isn't exactly very manly, that's all and I was just wondering what attracted you to him?" "No he is not and that is what attracted me to him. You see dear, I had dated lots of so called real men and was dating one, Steve Colin, when I met you father..." "You dated Steve? He was the best...
I love my partner, Claire, for so many reasons – her kind and loving nature, her lively personality, things she says and does, how good she looks (dressed and undressed), the way she looks at me (ooooh, shivers down the spine!), just everything – but I know without a doubt what turns me on most all: it’s her ass, her hot sweet cutest butt! She’s 35 years old, but I swear she’s stolen that ass from some cheerleader half her age – it’s so trim, so tight, so firm, so fucking sexy. And yet,...
Most days I regret becoming a PI. Spending my life digging through the garbage of other people lives. Endlessly telling people the bad news that they already knew. Whisky doesn’t buy itself though and without I can’t do this job.Today was different though. It started just after 11 when my secretary brought a Mr Maroney. “What can I do for you Mr Maroney?” I asked. “I need you to find my wife” he replied “She’s been gone for a week, very unusual for her”This is a common story and usually the...
Dienstagsfolter In den H?nden der Geheimpolizei Vorwort Ich bin von zwei inzwischen guten Freunden aufgefordert worden, ihre Erlebnisse einer breiteren ?ffentlichkeit mitzuteilen, und komme dem hiermit gerne nach. Es handelt sich um zwei Mitglieder der Geheimpolizei, die aus Sicherheitsgr?nden dazu verpflichtet wurden, ?ber ihren Berufsalltag strengstes Stillschweigen zu bewahren. Sagen wir also einfach: Die Geschichten spielen in irgendeiner fiktiven Diktatur, in der Schergen der St...
Pam and Ethan's sexploits continue... Part 16, Things get freaky at Christmas timePam was so excited she was shaking. Todd would be there! Todd would be there! She kept repeating the words over and over in her head. It was too incredible to believe. She had not seen him since her last visit to the country more than two years ago, the summer he took her virginity. She was so anxious to see him again. They had so much to talk about. Plus, she had the hope in the back of her mind that they might...
I have to share this with you. - Two of my closest friends (who have the perpetual hots for each other) continually flirt and beat around the bush with their attraction, but neither of them had got up the nerve to actually act on their blatant mutual desire for one another. Tina (not her real name) came to me and asked for advice as she had several fantasies about Chris (not his real name) and wondered if she should let him know. I advised her to send one to him in an email and see what his...
Adult HumorHello readers.. I am really glad to see you liked my first story Beautiful First Night. Thank you for the comments. Because of your comments and requests I am writing this part which is the morning after the “First Night”. Those who have not yet read the previous incident please read it for continuation. Now let’s get to it… I woke up the nest day hearing a heart beat. At first I thought I was dreaming. All of a sudden the images of me and my wife loving each other on our first night(yesterday)...
Hii friends. I have been a regular reader of this site for last one year. I have decided to share the most happening incident of my life that occurred a year ago. As this is my first story, let me introduce myself.. I am Rahul, an engineering student at one of the nits. I am 21 years old. 6ft 4in well built boy. It happened a year ago. My semester breaks were on and I was damn bored as I had nothing to do. One day mom said “ we are going to nani’s place and Madhu aunty will also be coming...
We have nine ... count 'em ... nine interesting nearly identical kittens. They have enough variation in their spots that they are identifiable, it's a mind teaser but it is possible. Mom left us when they were seven weeks old. So, bottle fed babies. With nine of the little buggers, it's a chore. At nine weeks they weren't ready to be weened ... are we ever? At least, Pyewacket was around long enough to get them past the icky part. The icky part is where she used the roughness and...
Debra so wanted to know what is was like to be disciplined as an adult. It was an ongoing fantasy of hers. Debra, 27-years-old, was so scared when she first met 43-year-old Karen at the Club. She knew it was a spanking party but that wasn’t the reason to be scared. That was because she knew she was going to experience her fantasy and was concerned it will not be what she had hoped for. She decided to go because her close friend, Lisa, suggested she attend having just a few days beforehand...
We ended our relation as a threesome.As my aunt and my Aunt Marie finished making love, I tried to make sense of it all. Aunt Marie had wanted me to see them. Did that mean she was telling me it was over for her and me? I didn't want that. That Aunt Marieent intensified my love for her and I knew I wanted to be with her, any way I could. Aunt Marie reached her hand out to me. I took it and she said, "Can you still love me baby?"I said, "Of course Aunt Marie."She said, "I need you both." Laila...
1950'S VIRTUAL WORLD ? by: Milida This story is set in the not too distant future, where both virtual and artificial reality worlds have become commonplace. For my annual holiday, I decided to visit a recreated 1950's world. This world physically existed on a small Island in the pacific. Massive effort had been made to make the place as realistic to the period as possible. The clothes the architecture and the customs were all authentic. The majority robot inhabitants of the...
Tony has come to Lexi Luna’s apartment to hand her an eviction notice because she and her husband are behind on their rent. Lexi is stunned. Her husband has been telling her that he’s paying the rent. When Tony confirms that there’s no mistake, Lexi turns to begging for him to show some mercy. She isn’t shy about using her body to try to get Tony to give them some time to figure out what’s going on. Tony is obviously hesitant since his dad is the landlord, but Lexi...
xmoviesforyouDiane came out of the bathroom and walked into the bedroom, wearing her long nylon nightie, her blonde hair long and flowing down her back. Roger was lying on the bed, his hands clasped behind his head, smoking a cigarette. He wore only his jockey shorts. Diane swallowed into her shame-dried throat as she stood just inside the door, looking at him. His eyes were on the ceiling. He hadn't looked at her or spoken to her since they'd left the Cord home in Peacock Gap that afternoon. She had...
Lyla couldn't get to sleep, thoughts of her liaison with Seth mingled with the sweltering heat made it impossible for her to nod off. Her only consolation was the throbbing in her pussy was starting to subside, her shit hole on the other hand was still aching a little but it reminded her of her wild night aboard the yacht. She could hear muffled voices coming from the next room, her housemate Sunni was having a heated argument on the phone. "Poor thing." Lyla thought, "She hasn't been herself...
Hi All, I feel great meeting you all through Indian sex stories and sharing my story. I got more appreciations for my last story – “Enjoying with My Sister Manju at Pondy”. Thank you for all the feedbacks. Many readers sent mails. I don’t know why so many liked that story but I was very happy to see such feedback mails. Both men & women had sent mails appreciating the story. For privacy, I am unable to disclose their names. Continue supporting my new story as well. Among the many readers, one...
"I can't believe she actualy traded me this beautiful of a house for a only a million dollars. Why, it's so beautiful." She looked a bit like Olivia, a sister with a different father perhaps, the artist she spoke of. The Midnight Shade smiled. She was endure the same thing Olivia did, it would fuck her senseless and then some with this one though. It liked red heads with buxom bodies. They were nortorious sluts and partiers, at least that's what the old man, Jerrod had told it. Lily...
It’s nearing lunchtime when Kathleen asks, “Kyle, you’ve heard the expression ’shop ‘til you drop’ haven’t you?” “Yeah.” “Well, I’ve reached that point. Will it disrupt our plans too much if we take a break, get some lunch, and just chill a while? I’m so mentally and physically exhausted if I have to make another decision for a while I think I’ll lose it.” “To be honest I’m about to drop myself. There’s a Luby’s not too far from here. Will deciding what to eat overtax your brain?” “I...
my eyes open I realize today was gonna be the day that changed my life I was gonna become the next Harrington to get married I was excited nervous scared but undoubtedly in love. " I'll be out in a minute " I looked over my best man and best friend jack was looking at me, my dad and brother standing next to him. " jack im happy your here bro I can't tell you how happy you and Megan are out of the hospital and doing good i love you man, dad you've made me the man I am...
Fuckin Lisa sister in law It was a long day at work my wife had called and told me she will be leaving town on business. she said not to worry she had her sister at the house. It was around 10:30 pm when I finally decided to go home. I pulled around back not to block her sisters car in the driveway. Seeing all the lights out in the house I figure she was laying down or sleeping. I decided to come threw the back door quietly in efforts not to make much noise. As I walk past the...