Sydian free porn video

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Sydian Unique. The only way to describe her. She had invented herself to be arresting. She liked stopping traffic. She was not quite 5' 5", this meant that in her favorite stilettos - stilettos only - she was 5-9, maybe 5-10. She weighed a compact 140 lbs - "thick," as the youngsters put it. But this was all muscle - she was cut - sculpted; not overly done. She traded on her contrasts: her skin was the color of polished ebony - she called herself after her color: "Sydian." (Pronounced "Sid-jaan" - just plain "Syd" for short.) She favored cobalt lenses; for added effect she offset the entire look with very short twists the color of winter wheat. In her perfect face was all the elegance Africa contained; there was no mistaking that. From the high cheekbones and the wide, flaring nostrils to the thick sensuous lips she kept lacquered like a work of Chinese art. She was drama without the theatrics; she didn't like theatrics. Either she did, or she didn't. The 38s were sculpted too - the best money could buy, with nipples that bore holes in almost everything she wore. Even covered they gave off heat to any body she came in contact with. The waist was a tight, flat 30, graced by a pair of 36 inch hips. She was a special package - in more ways than one. She was intelligent, in the extreme. The only way she could have gotten this far. A professional woman, nine to five. She lived comfortably. She was independent - again, in the extreme. No one owned her; though there were a few who wished she owned them. Her dress was stylish and always right for the occasion. The occasions she preferred were those that allowed her to wear her clothing short and tight, and many times in leather. She hated panties. But then again, that was because of her "special-ness" - she was hung. Something she never tried to hide; a fact some would say she flaunted. Oh no, she wasn't about to hide that! On the occasions she preferred; in the special places she preferred, she wore her ten, thick inches strapped to her thigh, just barely below the top of her seamed stockings - sometimes nestled in it; held in place by an elastic band that moved with her and discretely exposed her as if it were nothing more than a clit - a very large clit, perhaps, but a clit nonetheless. She loved being on display. On these occasions she meant to be seen by any and everyone who was attractive and of a similar persuasion - male, female, and otherwise. She was hot; she knew she was hot. And it was a heat she needed to share. *** She glided through the doors of her favorite establishment, the long, pale blue duster billowing behind her. The maitre d' greeted her, smiled knowingly and led her to her booth, placed his hands to her shoulders for her wrap. Upscale. Peopled by people like her; all attractive in their way; most quite interesting; all omni-sexual. As she slid from the duster, it became quite clear to anyone observing - it was clear to her - that tonight, sexually, she was extremely dangerous. She loved being dangerous; being the dangerous one. The coat fell away from her arms and the most evident manifestation of her dangerous nature was obvious. The few people who took note, did so discretely, but with great intensity and detail. On this warm spring night, all of that body was poured into the tightest, shortest cobalt knit dress imaginable; a piece only long enough to keep some of her admirers guessing, and then not for too long. It was a turtleneck sans sleeves, with a back that plunged to the crack of her ass and literally gripped its fullness. Each time she dressed, she grew fonder of the clich?s concerning this "asset." Tonight, dressing was a little more difficult than normal. The narcissist in her got the better of her as she slid into the dress; she could hardly get it over her beautiful, black, hard, thick cock, and then strap it into to place and tuck it into her stocking band. She always found herself exciting. They found her exciting too. She slid into the booth, and her eyes adjusted to the room?.The apple martini was already there; she had been anticipated. She glanced over the top of the menu and scanned the room; many of the regulars; meet and greet later?.Her eyes fell on the bar - "hello" - he was new, and hard to place. Like the others, well-dressed, but down- played. Attractive? In his way. Professional?. international, maybe? The cut was entirely Italian; muted with flecks of color. The way the clothes draped the body, it was clear that there was a body - in all probability, a nice body - underneath. The hair and beard were closely cropped black and silver dustings. But, he didn't look that old. They wreathed a mahogany face with strong matching hands. He wasn't that tall - an inch or two taller than she in her stocking feet. She liked that. She liked looking down on her "prey" from the perch the heel afforded. ("Ah, heels," she thought.) He wasn't shy, either. The loose, full-cut, tailored slacks left nothing to her imagination, or to anyone else's who took the time to be observant. When he moved - leaning back against the bar, glancing up at the TV - it was clear he was a "pony- boy" - hung like a horse. She loved watching, and being watched. Her cock twitched and a pearl of precum lodged itself between her thigh and stocking. "Mmmmm," she thought, "what a way to fuck up a pair of expensive hose." "How to do this?." She was born to heels. She crossed the room almost imperceptibly. He wasn't the type to believe that anything would come his way that he didn't go after, so he hardly noticed when she ended up at his back, her beautiful black back to him, framed in blue?.She had gotten a good look at all that meat as she approached - he was huge - and she was growing. Even though she was strapped, her cock had swollen and extended down her thigh. One drop now had the consistency of a minor leak - lighting and positioning helped?. She leaned back slightly. The wheat colored twists broke the plane of his space without his noticing. She was close enough for him to catch her fragrance and her hot, husky whisper. "I'm buying whatever?." - the pause - long enough to make anyone pregnant - "you're drinking." He turned. Caught that exquisite noir face, the contrast of lenses and twists, and his tongue stuck in his throat. She had leaned forward against the bar, that magnificent ass protruding ever so slightly, her naked back exposed, her head tilted at him. He hadn't had time to take in all of her. A step back. She noticed. A quick, subtle, but thorough appraisal. And she noticed. The pants tented a bit more, and maybe there was a bead of moisture. She played her strong suit - the bitch. "I'd like to be the cat that got that tongue; and a few other things," she smirked as she dropped her eyes to his crotch. "A drink, beautiful," she murmured, "a drink." She pivoted on her heels to face him and he caught the thickness of her thighs. "I hate eating alone?." *** "I lie," she continued, "I don't hate eating alone. Only when the company is interesting." He had watched her cross the floor. Smooth; fluid strides, her hips swayed like water. The long, powerful legs ate up distance? "eat?" Clearly, she liked to "eat" - many things, including her men?. The hips swayed, the stilettos clicked. She pivoted when she realized that he wasn't at her side. She looked at him, took him all in, licked her enameled lips, then smiled wickedly and said, "You are coming, aren't you?" Rolling off her lips, "coming" sounded too much like "cumming." He was leaking like a faucet, and the tightness of the hem of her dress only emphasized her hardness. His gait was measured?he never hurried - tonight, as hard as his cock was, how could he? She had made it into an 11+ inch splint just by whispering in his ear, gazing at him, crossing the room. He could only muster a dignified limp as he moved to the table, the stain of precum widening on his trouser leg. She grinned - beautiful set of teeth; well suited to those thick scarlet lips - she missed nothing - "Did I do that?" Her eyes locked on the outline of that huge cock. Again, uncharacteristically, he was at a loss for words. In many ways, he couldn't figure out what he was doing here. He had just come in from out of town. The hotel was round the corner, and the place was "recommended." All right?the recommendation wasn't from the most commendable of his associates - actually it had come from his brother, an aficionado of the wild and seamy and the sexually indecipherable, all on the upscale. He was his brother's only confidant in the family - the only one to whom his brother would openly voice his homosexuality - the only one who would tease him about "letting loose" and letting a "girl" show him how that meat ought to be handled. His brother had assured him that it was a first class spot - he wouldn't be hassled or harassed - he might be eyeballed however - the "family curse" could be hard to hide. Hard to hide, indeed. So here he was, with a "girl" - with her. And his cock was about to tear through his pants; which, by the way were already fucked up?. *** As she eyed the menu, her hand trailed from the juncture of his crotch down the massive ridge that had become his cock. The lacquered nails came to rest on the spot where his cock head was pooling in his pants. Abstractly, she said "What I want isn't on the menu?." He shuddered; shivered a bit as his cock strained even more. She squeezed, gently, just to make him leak more - to chart his reaction?. She leaned closer, pushing the fabric of her turtleneck into the valley of her tits, exposing the huge nipples. Her breath was hot on the lobe of his ear: "But what I want is here at the table," squeezing that horse cock again?. Then placing his hand on her thigh, "And I've got something for you too, Daddi?." "Time to go?." Gently she took the hand that he had placed on her thigh in hers, sniffed its fragrance, lightly snaked her tongue over the longest digits, then grasped it firmly and led him from the booth. "By the way, I'm Sydd?.short for Sydian." He took it in for a moment, as he took her in. His composure returning slowly, he spoke for the first time, "Sydd?." softly. He thought on the name? "Sydian." It came to him: smooth, sleek, blackness. She flicked her head at his murmuring and answered back just as softly, squeezing his hand, "Yes?"?.the click of her heels across the parking lot the only other sound. He had gotten her wrap in the restaurant, a swirl of pale blue, perfect contrast with the cobalt of her dress and eyes - she mocked and played from the inside of her head to the meticulous nature of what was first seen. Nothing was as it appeared. He placed it over her shoulders in the narrow passage between checkroom, restrooms and exit. Fluidly, like a thick, hot liqueur, she turned on him, pressed him against the wall and groped. Her fingers were flashes at his zipper. Unable to pull all that cock out, she stroked it in his pants, felt the knotted leather thong at its base, sighed, "uhmmmm"; slid her hand from base to head, milking her capture, her tongue stabbing the back of his throat while her wide, thick lips smothered his. She pulled back. That wide smile crossed her face. "I just wanted to see if you were real. Now look what you've done to me?." He looked. Even in the gloom of the corridor he could tell. Like him, she had lengthened, thickened. Her cock was drooling down the expensive Cuban stockings. She made no attempt to hide her arousal, or her pleasure as they exited. None of this went unnoticed by the rest of the patrons; particularly those who had to negotiate this interlude, their bodies brushing - some even pressing - against the pressers - possibly deriving their own pleasures as well. She moved him down the corridor, through the door and into the night air. And there he began to play the music to her ears?.softly he spoke her name. Searching for conversation. "So?." Sidelong glance; the smile. "Yes?" "Do you always dress like this?" "No Babi, usually, I only dress like this?. to fuck and be fucked?.this time you got the eye-candy, too." Stuck again, "hmmmm?.," was all he could muster. "Cat got that tongue, again? Well, I'll see if I can remedy that. Over here," she motioned. It was small, two-seated, fast - her. She pressed the key ring; it opened up. Pressing buttons, he noted?his, hers or both? She slid in behind the wheel - always sliding in - he dropped into the passenger seat. The cabin smelled of leather and her - another sign? Another "sliding" as her skirt slid above her thighs exposing her crotch - ten inches worth, balls and all. The key inserted; the ignition engaged, he could imagine the spark plugs firing. The pistons roused to life, rhythmically pumping and thumping at her insistence. He could imagine horse-power - he had just seen it?.She depressed the clutch, slid the car into gear and they drifted along the dark streets. She glanced at him from time to time. He caught snatches of her as they passed under lights, stopped for signals. He stopped being coy and let his eyes lay wherever he pleased, and she obliged. She slid her hand to the top of her stocking, snapped her "cock-band" and the stocking's elastic and her beauty sprang free. She turned the car onto a long, straight stretch of beachfront highway, glanced at him and the way in which he was fixed on all that beautiful cock and smirked, "So, you wanna help me, here?" as she pushed the throttle to the floor. A long, straight road; coastal, along the sea, heading into it. In the distance, a sun that had not decided if it was setting or rising. A long, straight road, purpled mountains out his window. Enough light to catch the contrasts: the cobalt of her turtleneck against the flawless black of her high cheek bones; the slight slant of the cobalted eyes?the shock of winter-wheat twists that blended with the soft, deep leather of the seats. Strong, black arms smoothed into strong black hands - manicured nails glistening - gripped the wheel, pushed the car into fifth. They not so much flew as cruised. Calculated or not, the stilettos on clutch and throttle had pushed the hem of the dress well beyond its limits - it had climbed above her waist and he thought he heard a distant sigh as her balls came into contact with the cool leather of the seat. A sidelong glance revealed the pale leather cupping that beautiful black ass?. The other gear knob glistened. It mushroomed atop a stiff, thick ebony column. A clear pearl forced its way through the slit, and then a copious stream followed. The head of her cock glinted in the fading light. The car in cruise - 70, 80 miles an hour - she placed her arm across the back of his seat; caught him in a glance. The full set of perfect teeth flashed as she ran her tongue over them, smiled and then hissed, huskily: 'So, can a girl get a hand, or what?' His hand crossed the divide of the console to the full space between her thighs. She winced?sighed?then moaned, ever so slightly (was it "Yes, Daddi?", he heard, almost inaudibly?)?. His fingers played over the broad, mushroom head, smoothing the pearls of precum into it. When his grip dropped to the ridges below the crown, her hips jumped involuntarily. She tightened her grip on the wheel to control the car and herself. It was then that he began a relentless and methodical manual assault on her cock. She pushed back in her seat as far as possible, opening her thighs as wide as she could. Her stretching extended to the throttle. The cruise-control disengaged. The vehicle move from 80 to 85 to 90?. "Ummmm?.yessss, Daddi. Work Mami. Work my "gear-shift"?.put this racing body through her paces?." The voice was caught in the back of her head?.given her physical duress she could never have gotten the words to her tongue and through those beautiful lips. Lips that were now slightly parted by shallow breathing?.her eyes glazed now and again as she fought to focus on the road and his pleasure-giving?. "Damn! This boy is too good! Shit! He's had practice at this?.Ooooo, shit, too fuckin gooood!" He concentrated on working the head. He simply figured that what brought him the most pleasure and he applied it to her?. "Uhnnnnnnn???!" she moaned, her back arching in the driver's seat, the stilettoed foot slamming the accelerator, arms extended, hands clutching the wheel?.The first shot arced over the wheel, splattered against the windshield and thickly and slowly cascaded down. He pumped her thick, pretty cock two or three more times. Each time there was a jet of cream, not quite as powerful as the one before, but still quite impressive. All arcing and splattering the dash. By the time she swerved the car to a 180 degree halt on the shoulder, he was as sweaty as she was?.and maybe for the same reasons. But he was still hard as a brick. She lifted his cum-coated fist to her mouth, unfolded the fingers and licked them. "You really should taste me?.mmmmmm?." and she pushed the hand back to him?. "clean yourself"?.it was both a request - almost from a lover - and an order. He licked the back of his hand first, and then proceeded to suck the creamed digits - almost too eagerly?.His eye strayed to her crotch - he could have sworn her cock twitched and began to grow again - then back to her eyes. They were hot, smoldering and smirking?. She took his hand back, reached to his crotch. "And what have we here?" she teased, as she sucked his two middle fingers deep into her mouth. "Milking." She loved the notion and all that it implied as she worked him through his pants. "That feel good to you, Daddi?" she cooed, softly as he shifted in the soft leather, his trousers slick from the "oil" she was pressing from his cock. "Mmmmm, Mami's caught a big one here?." She slid one well-manicured hand to the base of his cock. Through the linen of his pants with the "O" of her thumb and index finger she circled and clamped the space from his pelvis back, choking the shaft and balls, forcing more blood into that monster cock. He moaned again; squirmed; his breath came in short bursts. "Yessss, Daddi, yessss?." The maneuver brought her into contact with the braided thong that already encircled the base of his cock and that was making it and his balls swell. "Hello?," she said to herself. "Mmmmm, I've got an interesting "little" fucker here?.this thing is going to feel delightful rubbing against all my nastiness?." She tightened her circle, competing with the cock-thong. He moved and his cock did too?it seemed to grow even more in his pants. Her other hand slid from the base to the head, smoothing the fabric in its wake. Pre-cum oozed in greater quantity, puddling, then seeping to the surface and staining the cloth. "Oooooo, Daddi, we're really fuckin" up these pants?." He could only groan. "Need to get you out of these. Babi's hungry." She released him - for the time being, at least - and with great symbolism, slid the key back into the ignition, turned over the engine and coaxed the fine car back onto the road. It was all a play on her body, her sex, her heat. She was the car. A fine, fine machine, finely tuned, and running hot. And he had a big key for her. Her mind and imagination turned to animal metaphors. She was a bitch - she contained her giggle - she certainly was - and he was a "big dog" - and he certainly was? she was a big, nasty cat, and he was her tom. But the one that really suited their circumstance and her demeanor was the fact that she was actually a thoroughbred - a very hot and sweaty thoroughbred; and again, he was a stud. And she wanted horse-cock in the worst way. She wanted that horse-cock. The vibration and purr of the engine stimulated both their cocks. She looked over at him and smiled - warmly and in anticipation, as they pulled into the garage. He stepped out, his discomfort evident - the cause for another of her smiles - but he was game as he walked around to her door. "A gentleman," in spite of it all, she chuckled to herself?. She stepped from the car. Clicked the remote, maneuvered him between herself and the hot hood, pressed herself between his thighs and his ass to the hood, and put her tongue as far down this throat as possible. She held it and him there for the longest time. Then she spoke, "I want you, Boy. Cum on?." Up in the glass elevator - it wasn't quite the penthouse, but it was high enough - she fondled him on every flight between the garage and her condo door - milking that big snake for all it was worth. By the time they reached her door, his left pant leg was soaked and discolored. Absently, he had mused during their ascent on how many people in the atrium witnessed their antics. She was literally all over him on the ride up, and her hem was well above her thighs. When the door opened, she turned, fully exposed. She let him in. It was sumptuous and sparse - all in the same space - just like her. The view - like her - was also panoramic. Her back was against the door. "So who's first?" she asked, stroking ten inches of the prettiest cock he'd ever seen?. "So who's first??." Though, for some reason he was still at a lost for words, his actions spoke for him. The black flecked, taupe, tweed silk and linen jacket was gone. There was a practiced precision as he undid the taupe linen pants - belt, zipper and all, and gracefully stepped from them as they hit the floor. The taupe silk rippled over his ripples - nice, nice definition; muscled, but not a "muscle-boy." His big, pretty black cock bobbed up and down as the shirt jerked from his head. Pre-cum seeped from the slit and pooled at his feet?.. "Shiiiiiiiiiit??," she hissed softly through her teeth. "Unh, unh, unh. You are exactly what Mami needs and wants?.Damn! I could get used to a man like you and meat like that." Of course, she was literally "telegraphing," herself. Her pretty pole was straight out; glazed with pre-cum and she worked it to produce more. He eyed her hungrily, weighed her words and stepped slowly towards her like a big cat, all that thonged, swollen cock swaying with each stride. She sucked in her breath; almost winced as he came upon her, turning her head as the heat of his body met hers. He was in heat. He was heat. She sighed loudly - almost a moan - almost melted, but that cock stayed hard. Here, he was the predator; the tables were turned. One hand seized her throat ? gently - while his tongue forced itself inside her mouth. Her knees went weak. The other hand cupped her balls, hoisted, and then slid up the shaft and began to work her with even more intensity than the episode in the car. His hot, slick cock against hers - both now in his fist?.she thought she would pass out?. His hot, slick cock-flesh sliding alongside hers in that oiled vice-grip. His tongue doing all kinds of wonderful, nasty things to her mouth - fucking it. She, moaning, not like the Queen Bitch she was, but like some silly little bitch hardly able to control her first cum?.wanting to give up her cream as quickly as possible in his hot grip. Who was this man?who the fuck was he? He hadn't even let her undress?.he was working her through that cobalt knit - "turnabout" - she had fucked up his pants, now he was leaving her "Lewinskied?." Her cock was up against her flat belly, outside the dress, oozing nectar, seeping into the knit, coating the underside, and sliding across the planes that led to her navel?.She moaned, she thought, like an inexperienced little slut receiving her first pleasure?.It embarrassed her?. Deftly, he flipped her so that she faced the door; snapped her arms so that she was extended from it, and then gently - always gently, but always with a force that demanded response - the proper response - he kicked the stilettoed legs open?.wide, real wide. Forced to bend slightly at the waist, her head hung momentarily between her shoulders, taking in her heaving breasts, their thick nipples trying to puncture the fabric, and her own nakedness below the waist, hard and desiring. He had forced her to assume "the position." "The position" had also forced her dress higher; far up over her hips, it gathered at her waist. Cool air from the balcony rushed her naked ass, thighs, cock and balls. The pre-cum congealed, formed a slight, sugary glaze, and then she began to leak all over again. He leaned towards her, bracing his arms on either side of hers. The head of his cock, slick and still oozing ("did it ever stop?" she wondered), caught the top of the crack of her ass, slid down and grazed her asshole - making her wince again - and thrust up between her balls making her own cock rise?.giving it a saddle of sorts?. Then, for the first time, he initiated conversation?.it began almost as any school-girl might wish. His voice was soft, deep; the rumble of that big cat purring in his chest. His head rested between the shoulder blades that her dress left only too naked; his short beard tickling and scratching, totally arousing her. The cocks bobbed; hers jerked and leaked when he spoke. "You are incredibly beautiful," he began, as his lips nuzzled and her breath came shorter and shorter. "Incredibly beautiful?." He nipped her blades and then locked his teeth in the space between her shoulder and neck. This time her pleasure was heard cross the room and out the open balcony doors?.it wafted down the stories certainly heard a floor or two below, and then was lost?. His hands slid down from the wall to cup her breasts. Then he went to work on her nipples. The sensation forced her to back up onto him. His cock - somewhat larger than her ten inches - was now head to head with hers as she felt the braided thong against her ass and the base of her balls. The pleasure forced "Unghhhhhh?." From her mouth as he began to handle her nipples in exactly the way she had intended: roughly. He pulled and twisted and she and they responded. She pushed back and ground her ass and hips against his braided pelvis. They - her nipples - became longer and thicker, leaking too, they taunted his manipulations?. The right hand disengaged, slid down the outside of her body, caressed her outer quarter before it grazed her ass and found her inner thigh. Reaching between her thighs from behind, he seized the prize and pulled it back toward him. She almost came then and there. His lips trailed from the space between shoulder and neck down her back to the base of her spine. He seized her there, momentarily. Clamping and sucking had the desired effect: her cock lengthened and thickened in his grasp; his palm was awash in pre-cum. Her response was to fuck his fist. His lips moved from there to her asshole. At first contact she stiffened. Almost virginal, she tried to deny his tongue access?.then the slut took over?.He forced entry - what she desired most - thrust his tongue deep and began to tongue- fuck her ass. Her only choice was to fuck back. Her rosebud clamped his tongue while her cock worked his hand in unison?. "Ooooooooo! Oh God! Oh God!" Sydd wailed?.her crystal walls vibrated in concert his tongue's assault on the hot, wet walls of her asshole. "Shit! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Please, Babi! Please?..Pul-leeeze stop?..You're gonna make me cum?." He only stopped long enough to growl lowly, "Give me what I want, Bitch?." Too many Star Trek movies?.Resistance was futile?.she moved to make it so?.She gapped her legs even wider?.braced herself against the wall for her own eruption. She whimpered as she felt it boil and rise from her balls and race up the shaft. Just as it hit the head, he covered it - with his mouth, taking her deep in his throat. Surprised - shocked, electrically - she howled, lunged even deeper. Spewing and spilling her hot cock cream into his hungry mouth, two of his strong fingers working the hole his tongue had just vacated?.His pretty prey twisting and thrusting on them?babbling epithets of pleasure incoherently?. "Who's first?"?.Indeed?. He rose, turned her to him, her cock leaking cum copiously against her thigh and his. His mouth full and open, he clamped her thick, lush lips and shared her sweet seed with her. Always a greedy slut, Sydd took all that she could, her tongue working feverishly in his mouth, her lips sucking his tongue as both her hands closed on his cock. Two hands were simply not enough?. He looked at her; held the gaze. His eyes and his cock said he was not finished yet?nowhere near it. She knew it. She needed it. Her ass had begun its proverbial twitch?.it was fevered. She held out her hand. He accepted it, steadied her; then she led him to her bedroom - all white with a bed that defied measurement. She hoisted the turtleneck of her dress over her crop of winter wheat. She was caught in the mirrors that enfolded three walls of the room and opened on the ceiling to floor glass wall and another entrance to the balcony?. The ocean and beach were caught in one-third of the huge window's frame; the other two-thirds faced two equally chic and windowed condos. She glanced at him as her tits and their thick nipples sprang into the mirrored vista, still tingling from his manipulations?. "Sometimes I like giving a show?.They're most appreciative?.' She smirked. "Hope you don't mind?." He caught her vision, smiled. "Besides, its clear to me, that you're quite a show-off yourself?I bet I could get you to do me almost anywhere?." "The operative word is 'almost'," he said softly. The dress slid from her breasts down her thighs, got caught on her cock and finally made its way to the floor. "You're not done, are you?" A question underlying a plea. He smiled, shook his head "No. With you, I wish I had the stamina of ten men." She laughed. "With what you have, Babi, I'd say five men are already here." Then hotly, her cock giving a slight twitch, "How you want me, Daddi?" She reached down to unlace the stilettos that wound their way up her calves. "Don't," he said. "With me, always wear them." "Mmmmmmm," she thought, "this big black fucker is too hot?" Then she caught herself again, stifled the giggle. "Big." He was shorter than she was in heels?150 lbs at best, but tight, oh so tight?. "Big," yesssssssss. Exactly where she needed him to be. Backing to the bed, she asked again, "How you want me, Daddi?" "Nasty," he answered. "Oh, I could love this big-dicked muthafucka," she thought. She stared straight into his eyes, turned on him and clambered onto the bed on all fours, her ass arched high and puckered; her cock and balls swaying an invitation. She glanced over her shoulder at him. "Cum get it, Daddi. Make it yours?." Before he could get to the bed, she reached to the nitghtstand and pulled out a tube of lipstick. As he approached, she creamed her lips; a deep, thick, bright, violent red. "You need to fuck these first, Papi?" she asked. "I need to get you too hard. Want you to be able to spear my hot asshole. Don't care if you cum soon as you touch me?.I've got the mouth of a goddess, Babi. I'll bring you back to life?.Feed me, Daddi. Feed Mami. Feed your sweet bitch?." They were plush; plush and hot, and full of promise. She licked them as if her tongue could give more gloss, and smoothness - more flavor - to her slick, red lips. Slick red against the polished black luster of her face. Not a word passed between them as she ovalled her lips and tightened them, making him force his way to pleasure. He wasted no time. Rhythmically he rode her mouth; but she controlled all that cock, sucking and whipping her tongue around it; feeling him swell to proportions that she wondered if even she could take?. He was big - big - huge?.Damn! Here was a cock that frightened even her?.Damn, she needed this piece?.she pulled back from his mouth-fucking, clamped the base of his cock with thumb and forefinger, and smiled as she wiped a rope of spit and precum from her chin and worked it into the head of his cock. Still holding onto him, she turned and presented her ass. With her other hand, leaning forward with a shoulder on the bed, she spread the cheeks of her ass and revealed the perfect bud of her asshole?.By the look on his face, she knew he could hardly believe it: it was perfect - she had had the asshole of a virgin - damn, she had worked hard at it! She had mastered the exercises that kept her asshole tight and even attractive, if that were at all possible?. "So fuckin' vain?.," she laughed o herself?. The ass, itself, was beautiful enough, and she shifted just so slightly to put him on task again?.Her move was had the desired effect: she wanted the first thrust, at least, to be painful - to burn her; to sear her asshole and love tunnel. She wanted him to then hump her hard - bone-jarring pelvic shots - for as long as possible. She knew, no matter how perfect his body; no matter the extent of his stamina, he couldn't bang her forever?.So she had to calculate the first shots of this fuck?.Save the "love-making" for later - if there was to be any - she wanted a hard, nasty ass-fucking now! She wanted to remember him. How else? His cock rested against the tight outside ring of her ass for only a second or so?.Then, in what seemed to be slow motion, he rose on his toes, splayed the cheeks of her ass wide with both strong hands, arched his back away from her, and slammed home?.The pain was incredible?just what she needed - what she hoped for. With her asshole on fire she screamed. Her decibels filled the room, shook the floor-to-ceiling panes?. "Oooooooooooo," she wailed, "YOU'RE HURTING ME! YOU'RE HURTING MEEEeeeeeeee?.. Stop! Stop! O please, STOPPPPP!" It was only his first thrust. He had hit bottom with a bang. When the head of his cock collided with the bottom of her shit-slide, her balls and cock shook?.then her cock began to grow and thicken and lengthen with every hot, raw stroke he gave her. She was crying so much - she was so loud - that he eased for a moment - only to have her give him a snarling look that told him that she expected him to fuck to shit out of her?. "O, Daddi?.don't you dare! Hurt the Bitch! Hurt the Bitch!?..Yessssssss, hurt the Bitch! Claim me Daddi! Claim me - claim this ass! Make me your bitch! Please Daddi, please?.See how good it is when you hurt me good; when you hurt the Bitch good?" On his backstroke he glanced between her thighs and saw her meaning. Her cock was bloated a full, hard, ten inches. Precum was puddling the sheet as it stretched from the slit of her dickhead like a thick shaft of liquid crystal. His hands slipped from her sweaty haunches. One found one of her fat, thick nipples; the thumb and forefinger twisted it sharply. She squealed; rocked back against him?sending his cock even deeper. The other hand found her big, pretty black cock. He began to stroke it in rhythm to his pumping of her ass?.Syddd's head lolled from side to side in the pillows?.she was in heaven - or, at least, it was up her ass?.. The presence of mind?.the presence of mind. Sydd drifted back from the fog of pleasure that had engulfed her. Then it dawned on her, as he worked her nipple and the head of her cock. She wanted more. She didn't want this to end just yet; and not quite like this: her submissive and prostrate; ass up and filled. Well, the latter was exactly what she wanted, but she also need to be more active - she needed to impart a little pleasure of her own - it was a matter of pride - if nothing else. She needed to hear this pretty, big, black cocked muthafucka at least call her name. She struggled to put her arms out in front of her. He still hammered her asshole like a tight drum, but he was conserving energy. He was, after all, she smiled, "human." But Oh!, was this fucka good! She pushed up onto her elbows; then straightened her arms and pushed her self back onto his lap deeply. He moaned. "Good," she thought?. Her move forced him to sit back on his haunches, and now she settled deeply into his lap, her thighs flanking his. Now she began to grind with all that cock up her ass?.it would be the nastiest lap dance he'd ever have. In a flurry, his hands were everywhere. They felt so good, she almost lost concentration,. They slipped from her cock to the flat of her belly, and then came to rest just above her hips. For a moment?or two?he lifted her thrusts on his cock?. "O Babi, Babi?..," dripped from her lips. The hands swept back to her belly and then smoothed the skin between her belly and breasts. When they got to those two creations, the tactile assault was merciless. He caught them and her on the upstroke; cupping them underneath, he managed her pumping of his cock?. "Jeeezuz! This man is ggggoood?." An instant later, they were back on the "prize." This time, he took two handfuls of her cock and began to pump in time to her thrusts against him. She passed her arms back through his, locking them behind his back. The silhouette in the mirrors was breath taking. Her beautiful, full, hard tits arched upward and all that hard cock jutting away from her body as she rode him. Now her fetish kicked in. she was mesmerized by her own carnal vision. She loved the sight of her fucking; her sexing. And he was doing it for her and to her. She leaned back against him, into him. "Daddi?" "Hmmm?" " Daddi, it's too good?you gonna havta give me that nut soon?.real soon, Daddi?cuz I can't hold much longer." Amazing how years of education and breeding can slip away just like that in the act of fucking?. She felt him get larger in her asshole?she tightened her grip round his back, tried to get deeper into his lap. She arched back against him, let her head slide to his shoulder, gently breathed/kissed against his neck, knowing that neither of them could contain the heat. He worked her thick swollen cock, again making her cream churn to the surface in competition with a moan that could not escape her lips and whose pressure almost blocked her ears?. As her hot, hot cum erupted and splattered up between her breasts, she felt him burst in her ass-canal. She jerked and twitched on his cock. The sensation, she thought for the moment, was unbelievable - then she quickly thought better of herself, almost missing, in the exchange, a tight, muffled "Sssssyddd?..uhhhhh?..Sssyddd-jiaan?.Sydian?." They collapsed sideways onto the sheets. She smiled softly as fatigued closed her eyes. "Gotcha, didn't I?!!!??."

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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Using A Toilet Slave For Women

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An Ordinary Girl 2

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how mom and i survived the cold pt 2

.........By now i am confused as hell. My cock is all the way inside my mom. Her right leg is lifted in the air and she is resting her foot on my leg in a position that is allowing her to move her hips back and forth sliding my cock in and out. Of course i realized what was going on but i didn't know if she was doing it intentionally or not. I know she is my mom but all i can think is; ("Everytime she keeps moving her hips i just want to start fucking the shit out of her. She has the body of a...

1 year ago
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NFBusty Mona Azar Natasha Nice Crystal Clear

Natasha Nice is a tutor who enjoys teaching her students about more than just schoolwork; she also gives lessons on the birds and the bees. She has a brand new glass dildo, but before Natasha has a chance to test her toy out, Mona Azar walks into her home. The girls embrace, but Natasha asks Mona why she’s early for their meetup. Mona tells Natasha that she was supposed to have a tutoring session, but her student bailed on her. Natasha knows the student her friend is talking about. They...

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Vacation gang bang

I rolled on to my back and saw that a lot of older men and collage kids had arrived, I sat up and rubbed some sun tan oil on my legs, tummy and boobs, my husband kept pointing out that an older man kept watching me and he had to adjust himself a few times, I started to keep an eye on him and tease him a bit, I spared my legs a bit wider than normal so he had a good look at my pussy he was enjoying the view, hubby jokingly said remember that time we were here and you took that one guy in the...

2 years ago
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Kama Veri Piditha Velaikaari Amutha

Vanakam nanbargale, en peyar Ravi, vayathu 24 aagugirathu. Naan niraiya kama kathaigal padipen enkau tamil kama kathaigal endraal migavum pidikum. Eppozhuthum kama kathai padithu padithu pengalai ooka vendume endra aasai manathil athigamaaga irunthathu. Appozhuthu en veetin arugil ule veetil oru azhagana velaikaari vanthu irunthaal aval paarka azhagaga irunthaal. Vayathu 36 irukum, ilamaiyaaga thaan irunthaal aanal aval paarvai aangalin sunniyai viraika vaithu aval kuthiyil vitu ooka aasai...

1 year ago
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Strange LandsChapter 2

Valerie was frustrated and angry with Atlanta. She didn't answer any of her questions but expected Valerie to reply to hers. After a quick breakfast of two pills. One was for nourishment, the other to quench their thirst. Altanta moved the stone with ease and put it back into place. They started off in the direction they were going before stopping for the night. "How long will it be?" Valerie asked. "It depends on how fast you keep up with me," the tall girl said. Yesterday she had her...

3 years ago
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Kidnapped part 3

Kidnapped Chapter 3 By Kyle I tried my best to comfort the soul of my wounded son that night. He was so afraid of me and the almost everything else. His old bedroom had to be brightly lit for him, I couldn't embrace or even touch him. What had happened to him for those five long years to traumatize him this much? I tried to lay a motherly comforting hand on his back and he cried in terror. I laid by my child and comforted him as best that I could. We had a long day tomorrow. I...

2 years ago
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Grabby Gabby

"Hi, My name is Gabrielle and I have a problem... It's sort of embarrassing but, well everyone knows allready so I might as well say it out loud. I have no self controll. Specifically I can't stop myself from groping people. It's not everyone and it's not all the time but if I see a big phat ass, or a pair of megga titties, a guy with an extra big bulge, a round and squishable belly... Well then I have to touch it, squeeze it, rub my face on it. I know we live in an enlightened time and this...

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Mirror mirror

Mirror, Mirror Went down to "The Hole" again. Nice name, tells all you need to know about the place. I was on the prowl for something new on the menu. I burst through the front doors with attitude, tonight I would play the alpha. Grabbed a no band whisky from barkeep and surveyed the sheep. Nice flock, plenty of fluffy gurls tonight, T-girls that is. I like that. Shorties with a good supply of hip, tit and booty, probably more than willing to let a real man like me take over and take whatever I...

3 years ago
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Texting SethChapter 9

"Everything is in the car," Noah said. "Did you make your call yet?" Rachel picked up the telephone handset, punched in a number and then hung it up again. "I'm too nervous. I'm a rotten liar, Noah." "Do you want me to make the call?" "Would you?" He picked up the handset. Rachel recited the number to him and he punched it in. "Ask for Suzanne -- she's my immediate supervisor." He heard it ringing. Men's came an answer. "Is Suzanne there?" Just a moment... Noah...

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The New Doctor Part 1

I just graduated from Johns Hopkins Medical School with honors and was doing myresidency at Farmingdale Medical Center in Farmingdale, Long Island. Thehospital was relatively close to my house and had a solid residency programthat seemed to have a lot to offer for a k** just out of medical school. Yeah,I passed my boards with flying colors, had a girlfriend for a while but shegraduated a year ahead of me and met a Lawyer at Boston General Hospital. I gotover the fact that she was getting it on...

3 years ago
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Gilbert the Impregnator

His day started when everyone else's was nearly over. He couldn't help it though; over ten years of working at the same convenient store made him the graveyard worker. The boss trusted him above all other employees; the kind of trust a boss could exploit. His other co-workers had college or other training to fall back on, but not Gilbert. Gilbert knew it was time to wake up when the sun was nearly down. He had the next two nights off, but his sleeping pattern stuck to him...

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Find Me Ch 03

Ondrea snapped her head up and stared at the wide open door. ‘Ever heard of knocking, Franca?’ ‘Ever heard of locking the door?’ She gave an appreciative whistle, ‘Nice undies by the way, very sex goddess.’ Rea threw a pillow at her friend who dodged it and plopped down laughing on the bed. ‘I wanted to see if you were ready, but apparently not.’ ‘I was changing before you barged in.’ She quickly pulled on plum sweater and dark grey jeans. ‘I still can’t believe how good you look. I...

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Landlady Makes A Lady

Landlady makes a lady By Sheena Sands On arriving from my village to the bustling metropolis of New Delhi, the capital of India, I had headed straight to the address given to me by a family friend. As I knocked on the door of a small house located near what was to be my college, I didn't know my life was going to change forever. She opened the door and took my breath away. She had long, black, silky hair and was at least a foot taller than me. However it was...

1 year ago
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Fun at an Adult Book Store

My drive to college from home was about seven hours and half way was Grand Junction, Colorado. I remember always stopping at a small adult bookstore off the highway there to get off on some mags. The last time I went I wandered into the video booths and I had never been so horny. I sat and watched the videos with my cock out, not realizing why someone in the hallway was sliding their foot under the door. If only I had known!Fast forward to grad school in Arizona. Still fantasizing about hard...

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Seduced By Mother8217s Sister

Hi Raj again, any aunties, single mother’s in Chennai wants safe sex inbox me. It’s completely confidential and privacy will be maintained.. Let’s not waste time and get to the sex story. This was between me and my mother’s sister / chithi. This began in a function where she began looking at me in a different way. I was young say abt 20yrs, and a bit innocent. She used to hold my hand and talk, sometimes she rubs her books while she crosses me. She looks like an angel. Prefect body, big boobs...

3 years ago
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On Bloodhounds and Not Falling in LoveChapter 5

Back on the blanket on the patio, Katy perched on hands and knees, one dog firmly mounted on her back, knotted and dumping a load in her puffy, stretched cunt, as she held the other’s rear haunch in one hand, keeping him close as she angled and bobbed her head to clean her mother’s cum and his own from his cock with her mouth. Both dogs’ arced tails were wagging in slow, lazy circles, signaling sublime satisfaction. Keryl looking up from her father’s balls and cock, said between licks...”God...

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Marina Tales Takes 2 Stella Maris Query

MARINA BREWER & STELLA MARIS HAVE HOT HOLIDAYS IN EXOTIC ENGLANDMarina Brewer has extraordinary teen years! -- Main man to blame is 'The General'Her Dad is in fact Colonel, we just call him General as an exaggeration, a standard'Teen talk' tactic for sharing sexy secrets, like "How often did you hit fourth base?"Marina moves with him & her mom to the US, where he is appointed as First MilitarySecretary at the Netherlands Embassy after being screened by both the CIA & NATOSecurity...

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