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I'm a little old to be banished to summer camp," I said to
Spike. Spike was my best friend, had been since I was eight. "I mean,
I'm fifteen." I was sitting on a branch in an old apple tree, the last
one in the orchard. I had my back propped against the tree trunk. She
was lying on the branch below me.

Spike said, "Wish my folks would send me to camp, Kip." Her
real name was Danica, but I never called her that, just like she never
called me Clifford.

"Yeah," I said. "Right."

"No, really. First of all, you're gonna be doing canoeing and
shit. That's like free training."


"You know, for the Olympics." Spike was a natural athlete, not
like me. I was a two-left-feet guy, and no team would have me. Spike
occasionally talked about trying pro sports, but usually she came back
to her other dream, being a mechanic on Formula Ones. "They wouldn't
send me, though. They'd be afraid it would just make me worse."

"You go instead of me." I banged my head gently against the
tree trunk, making the leaves rustle. "Maybe we could just send you on
the bus and you could say you were me."

"They'd notice in the shower. And when I got my period."

I stared at her. "I didn't know you got your period already."
To be honest, I never thought of Spike as a _girl._

She imitated me: "I'm fifteen, for Christ's sake," and she
reached up to whack my foot.

"I wish you were coming. I'm not gonna know _anybody_ there. I
wish I knew why my parents are doing this."

She said, "It's obvious, Kip. They think you're weird. You
spend most of your time reading, and the rest of your time you spend
with a psychotic tomboy." She said it like she was proud of being one.
Spike was all limbs and joints, about as feminine as a plank. She kept
her black hair short and she had an oval face with a long jaw. She
didn't look particularly like she was a guy or a girl. "They want to
make you normal."

"Great," I moaned.

"Look, your folks aren't exactly thrilled about me."

"They don't mind you."

She snorted. "They think I'm an unhealthy influence. Your
dad's not a reading kind of guy, you know? He's probably worried I'm a
dyke and I'll turn you into a fag." She plucked at her T-shirt.
Today's was Motorhead.

"What's a dyke?"

She dropped off the tree, agile as an ape. "It's what a Dutch
boy sticks his finger in." She picked a green apple off the ground and
shied it at me. It stung me on the shoulder. "A lesbian! Don't be a

"I'm not a knob," I said. "You're a knob." She hit me three
more times before I got down from the tree, but I managed to drag her
down to the ground and we wrestled a while before we both started

~ ~ ~ ~

Camp turned out to be okay; we spent a lot of time talking
about the girls' camp down the lake (you know, who was cutest, and did
she look at me when we had that intercamp competition, and which ones
kissed and which ones did more). I figured out jerking off, though
there was almost never a chance to do it. This two months was pretty
great, I had to admit.

I sent Spike a couple of letters while I was at camp -- when I
won the across-the-lake race, for instance, and when I was coming
home, the week before school. I told her I'd meet her at the tree the
day I got home.

~ ~ ~ ~

The tree was gone and the field was torn up. There was a sign
there that said a medical center was going to be built there. I waited
on the bare dirt as night fell, getting that sick abandoned feeling in
my gut, but she didn't show. Finally, after dark, I left the empty
field and rode my bike to her place. Her folks' car was out and her
bike was still in her garage, so I locked mine to it and went around
back to her room. Her curtains were drawn but there was a light on. I
knocked at her window. "Hey," I hissed. "Spike!"

I saw the shadow of her head behind the d****s. "Go away,


"I don't want you to see me."

"Why not?" I repeated, feeling foolish.

"'Cause I look stupid."

"Stupider than the time you tried to become a blonde?"


I whistled. "That's pretty stupid."

"Thanks heaps. Go away. My life is ruined."

"What is it?" She didn't say anything, but she hadn't moved
away; I still saw the shadow of her head. "I promise not to laugh."

I heard her sigh. "I guess you'll know sooner or later. Come
on in." She reached around the d****s and unhooked the screen. It only
took me a moment to shinny in and flop on the floor. Funny thing: the
window seemed smaller than it used to.

Spike was wearing cutoff jeans, a T-shirt...and a bra. And the
bra she was wearing was not a training bra, like my sister had worn
for almost a year, but some kind of sturdy engineering marvel. It was
obvious, even to me: Spike had big tits.

There were other changes, too. Her hips had flared out, her
waist pinched in, she had fleshed out and rounded and generally become
a woman.

I kept staring at her tits.

"Jesus," she said miserably, "not you too." I looked at her
face and it was all scrunched up like she was trying not to cry. She
sat on the edge of her bed and put her face in her hands.

"I'm sorry." I went to grab her and then I stopped, because,
well, Spike had turned into a girl, and my hesitation made her more
miserable and she actually started to cry. I had never seen her cry
and that made _me_ feel miserable. So I grabbed her anyway and it
turned into a hug, her clutching me and me clutching her. She even
smelled different, more perfumey.

"Kip, it's awful. Everybody stares at me and then the same
guys who used to be afraid I'd beat them up come up to me and they
look at my chest and they don't say anything except 'Duh...' and _I_
can't_even_ run_ because they _hurt_ when I run and they're still
growing so fast I can't even buy a sports bra."

I could feel her tits pressing against me under that canvas-
like material or whatever they make those industrial strength bras
from. Her tits felt hot and soft against my chest. I already had a
boner. "They're still growing?" I asked. My voice squeaked. "I hope
they don't explode."

She leaned back and actually smiled a bit. "Don't be a knob."

"I'm not a knob. You're a knob." I pushed her (carefully, at
the shoulder) and she pushed me back harder, so I pushed her again and
she fell over and she grabbed at me as if we were going to wrestle but
her hand closed on my boner.

We both froze. My face got hot.

"Kip?" she said.

"Sorry," I said. "I guess...I guess I better go."

"Yeah," she said. And then: "No. Kip, what's happening to us?"

"I don't know. I guess we're growing up."

"I don't want to grow up like this. 'Cause if you won't hang
out with me we'll never see each other and I'll end up becoming a
simpering giggling empty-headed _girl._"

I didn't see the logic, but I didn't think this was the time
to argue about that. "What can we do?"

"We gotta keep seeing each other," she said. "We gotta learn
to deal with each other anyway. You know, adapt."

I nodded. My throat was dry. "Adapt." Her hand was still tight
on my crotch.

She squeezed it slightly and sat up straighter. "Can I see it?"

"Uh," I said. I mean, Spike and I had been naked together a
bunch of times when we were eight and nine but this was different. On
the other hand, it was Spike. "I guess," I said. I reached for my fly
and then stopped. "Your folks?"

She shook her head. "They've gone to visit my aunt in Preston.
They won't be back until tomorrow."

"Oh." I unzipped my fly but my cock was down my leg and I
couldn't get it out of my jeans without either taking my jeans off or
hurting myself. Here was an excuse to stop, I told myself.

"Well?" she said. Before I could say anything, she peeled up
her T-shirt and sat there in that heavy white bra. "To be fair," she

I'd seen more skin at the lake and managed not to embarrass
myself, but this was a bra, it was lingerie: she was a stacked woman
in honest-to-god lingerie. I could feel my heartbeat not only in my
chest but all along the length of my cock.

I tried to swallow but I couldn't because of the big lump in
my throat.

"I gotta take off my pants," I said. Then I said, "So do you."

She thought about it for a moment, and then said, "Okay." We
both stood up facing each other. She undid the button on her cutoffs
and eased them over her ass, dropping them to the floor. She stepped
out of them and kicked them under the bed. Her underpants were peach,
with flowers on them. They would have looked very out of place on the
old Spike; I had no idea if they suited the new Spike. We were making
up new rules.

"Now you," she said. I undid the button on my jeans and my
jeans didn't fall until I gave them a shove. My wallet made a thump as
it landed on the floor. I went to step out of them, like Spike had, but
my feet got tangled, and I had to grab her shoulder for support. She
grabbed me back. Her shoulder was smooth and hot, and the strap of her
bra felt a mile wide under my palm. I pulled up my foot and turned the
leg of my jeans inside out.

"What a knob," she said, but there wasn't any annoyance in it.
She knelt down in front of me, her face only inches from where my cock
was making a circus tent of my white cotton jockey shorts, and pulled
my jeans from my feet. I had gooseflesh all along my legs. She ran her
hands up the outsides of my thighs and rested them on my hips.

"Go ahead," I told her. "Take off my..." I couldn't quite say
"underpants" or "shorts." I wished I was wearing something sexy. I
wished I were a hunk.

I thought maybe she'd hesitate, but not Spike. "Okay." She
grabbed the waistband and pulled straight out and then delicately un-
covered my hard-on. She'd caught her lower lip between her teeth and
I heard her suck in her breath. Then I blushed because I'd thought the
word "suck."

Finally, she said, "Cool." That was so old-Spike that I relaxed
and my cock bounced a bit. She grabbed it and I started like when
you're really into a book and someone interrupts you. She looked up at
me, sort of bewildered. "Sorry. Did that hurt?"

"No, I was just..." She rubbed her hand along the length, then
started to pull it in different directions, testing how stiff it was.
Her hand slipped to the end of my cock, making the head hard and purple
and smooth, then slid back to the base, touching my sparse blond pubic
hairs. It felt great.

"It feels neat," she said. "It feels hot."

"Your hand's cold."

"Oh," she said, and then, "I'll warm it up," and she breathed
on my cock, short hot breaths, like she was panting. Like she'd run a
mile or...or something. My balls tightened. I could feel myself getting
ready to come. I tried not to clench my butt. "I like how you smell,"
she told me.

"Uh, Spike?" I really didn't want to come in front of her.

"Your balls are really neat. Kinda--compact." She traced her
fingers along my balls. "How do you sit down without hurting yourself?"
Her other hand slid over the head of my cock and she stroked the under-
side with her thumb, smearing something wet.

"Spike, I'm gonna--"

She started moving her hand faster, and I groaned as I came. A
shot of jism hit her hair beside her ear and she watched, fascinated,
as I shot a second and third which hit her shoulder and breast. She
kept pumping my cock and squeezed out a bit more, which ran over her

"_Very_ neat." She opened her hand, and looked at my come
smeared across her fingers. "Well, messy." She chuckled and sucked one
knuckle clean. "It tastes okay."


"Well, it's not gross. I read some women think it's gross."

My cock was softening. She took it between her thumb and fore-
finger and leaned forward with her mouth open; just as I could feel her
breath on it again, she looked up at me and said, "You don't mind, do
you, Kip?" She looked very serious and I suddenly wondered if I did

I know that sounds stupid. I mean, I was looking forward to
the first time I ever really fucked a girl and all that, but I never
thought it would be _Spike._ Spike was something permanent in my life,
and I thought our friendship would never change. But it had. Spike had
just become something, someone, totally different and I didn't know
what and I didn't know what was allowed between us.

It had become different the moment she grew tits, though I
hadn't known about it. I killed the chance for it to go back to what
it was when I came through the window. All we could do was something
new, and hope we liked it as much.

I touched her mouth with my fingertip. Her lips were soft and
warm and wet. I wondered what it was going to be like kissing her.
"Don't be a knob," I told her.

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I took another look at the instant message from Mark. "Bastard!" I muttered to myself under my breath. The queue for the wine bar shuffled forward as a middle aged couple were shown to a table. At this rate it would be half an hour before I could get a drink. Not that I particularly wanted to start drinking at two o'clock in the afternoon. But the choices in Terminal C were limited; McDonalds, Starbucks or the Wine Bar. I had already consumed two espressos. The wine bar was the only acceptable...

3 years ago
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Big Brother Bodyguard ch 1

I guess it was the schools idea of a joke that they put us all in the same classes. It was our last peroid of the year and we were having one of our mini partys in P.E. then a whole bunch of people were going to the park after school for a huge last day of school party. While we were finishing our school conversations I overheard one of the popular girl groups plotting some sort of plan. The leader of the clic was a brunette named Tiffany. I never realy liked her she just had that bitchy...

4 years ago
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My Second ChanceChapter 39 Book 1 Changes

Saturday morning, we all cram into the living room because there isn’t enough room in the dining room, and you could see into the living room from the kitchen so a few people could stand in the kitchen and still participate. I started, “This meeting will take longer than usual. We have a few announcements. First, I would like to thank Alva for her help. We could all use a lot more work on the bikes. I haven’t asked her yet, but I’m willing to pay her for some extra coaching. Each of us could...

4 years ago
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OverboardChapter 5 In for a Penny

The Lady motored into Nanaimo harbour just before five that Sunday afternoon. In the three-plus hours since Tom's mental surrender to her, they had talked about inconsequential things. Tom wanted to talk to her about the things he wasn't sure of. What were her likes and dislikes? He thought he knew, but he wasn't positive. There was so much more to know about someone who was dedicated to capturing him for a lifetime. Connie had backed off after her final declaration. She had pushed him to...

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Laura and the Masseuse

Laura threw her keys and mail on the hallway table. It was another rough day at work. Nothing like deadlines and the boss breathing down your neck. Upon taking her shoes off she glanced in the mirror, her long strawberry blond hair was out of place and messy, not to mention that her eyeliner was smudged around her gray/blue eyes, she never had the time at work to “primp,” as she called it. At least she was home now. Laura grabbed the local paper from the mail pile and read the headline news....

4 years ago
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Bestiality and a Young GirlChapter 3

The dog's cock was still deep inside her, and it was throbbing even more than it had been. She could feel it getting ready to explode, and then that was just what it did. It did explode, and she exploded right with it. Her come poured out of her just as his come poured out of him. Her whole body was trembling and she could feel the waves going right through her and making her dizzy. The room was spinning around her head and the roof looked like it was falling right down on top of her. She...

2 years ago
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Two Hot DaughtersChapter 9

Diane's run took on a strange gait as she rushed home. Her cunt was so hot she limped as she trotted. Watching Anita getting fucked by her older brother had been the final straw for Diane. She had to get fucked right now, or she knew she would never be able to look herself in the eye again. Panting with exertion and lust, she burst into the back door of her house to find her father calmly making himself a sandwich. He looked startled by the way his daughter burst into the house and the...

2 years ago
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Cock in the woods

I heard about the spot in the park from a guy I met online. He was an older white man. Not particularly good looking. Didn't have a great body. Didn't have a great cock, but I needed cock and he was the only one who responded to my craigslist ad that day and I went with it.We met at a nearby seven eleven so I could check him out before inviting him back to my place. He walked in and was pretty much as he described himself. We talked and he seemed normal enough so we went back to my place.He...

1 year ago
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Another Letter to Dear Abby

Dear Abby, I am a 44 year old woman and I will have been married to my husband for 25 years this coming Thursday. I love my husband dearly, but I have kept a secret (actually two of them) from him for our entire marriage. My husband and I dated for about three years and we were due to be married. Although we did make love it wasn't a regular thing. I had waited until he proposed before I gave up my virginity, but he worked out of town a lot and we both still lived with our parents so there...

4 years ago
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DJ Love

‘How hot was that?’ ‘Yeah, that was rad. He finished so strong.’ Jemma raised her eyes to the ceiling, head thrown back in exasperation. ‘I swear to god, what I feel for him is fucking real, but I can’t get him to notice me.’ Throwing her head forward into her hands, she said into the coffee in front of her, ‘you have to help me Bess, I totally can’t go on like this.’ Bess stood and went over to the stereo that took pride of place in her lounge room. She lifted the mix tape CD out of the...

4 years ago
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The Little Tin Solder

The Little Tin Soldier©by odlumThe cold, damp Channel wind whipped at her coat as she walked up the hill towards her flat. The smell from the chip shop lured her. Even though the food would be cold by the time she got home, Kim really did not want to cook tonight."Merry Christmas Miss and enjoy tonight…Remember, my chips are magical. See you tomorrow!"Kim stopped at the shop door and turned, "Merry Chris..." her voice stopped. Did the little old Pakistani man celebrate Christmas?His face...

3 years ago
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Take it All My King

Welcome to this written document. I thank you for wishing to read it, but there are some rules. 1. If you know the content of this story is not of your tastes do not read it. 2. If you are not certain on whether or not it is, and read it, then decide you Do not like it, do not give negative comments like fag or saying that whoever reads it and does like it is sick. Other people DO like it, and By you saying negative things, you are harming their feelings. And when you Harm someones feelings,...

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Annies Education Ch 09

Chapter 9: Punishment I was placed on my hands and knees, my head through the middle of the stocks. Instinctively, I hung my head. Master’s hand raised it by my chin and he looked me in the eye. ‘Oh no my pet, you’re going to need to have your head up for this. And you’ll want to see what happens to Aidan, I’m sure.’ A growing murmur told me the village men were approaching and I turned my head in their direction. Sure enough, an army of them were literally running towards the courtyard,...

2 years ago
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Cold Winter Mornings and Old Mens cocks

That's always the trouble during the Winter months up North, its dark, misty and fucking cold.I did not want to leave the warmth of the bus as the cold permeates through the woolens, attacking the bare flesh closest to the warmth generating areas on your body, covered with the flimsiest cotton, all in the notion of fashion, who the fuck is going to see a thin pair of cotton panties under your skirt, I suppose even a girl of f******n needs to feel she's hip in these frozen wastes, and if I dont...

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Wifes Night on the Town

"Hey babes i want 2 go out let my hair down 2nite x" - My wife texted me while out picking up a little shopping on an early sunny Friday evening."Ok sure where u wanna go 2nite? x" - I text in reply as I'm sitting in the living room, watching TV."Well the thing is i've been invited out for a drink with Josh x"- She answers."Whos Josh? x"- I quickly ask."u know Josh my ex I told u about from a couple years ago x"- She texted back."used to be my personal trainer at the gym x"- She quickly...

2 years ago
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Rene and Gene

Part l My first Friday as Jean: Although I work at home, I still took the day off to make sure all the housework was done. Rene called on her lunch hour and said she bought a surprise for me, that she felt naughty and wanted us to spend the weekend doing naughty things. I was hard at the word naughty, my beautiful wife is such a tease and enjoys role-playing. Naughty is like her code word and always means over the top sex for her and me. Her last words before she hung up were, ‘And don’t...

3 years ago
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Pauline The Slut Part 8 Back Home

I looked around for my clothes. They were ripped and there was no way I could put them back on. I looked around for something to wear. My husband began to leave. He looked at me and said "You'll do as you are. Let's go and don't cover yourself up when we go outside. Make sure everything is on display."All the customers turned to look when we came out of the office. There were whistles and catcalls and they followed us outside to our car. As he got into the car my husband told me to turn around...

2 years ago
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Remote Control Part 1

Samantha was laying on her sofa after a particularly long day, browsing the web on her phone and looking at the type of websites she probably shouldn’t have been! Her head was filled with ideas and fantasies of submission, bondage and far far more! It was one thing to day dream of these ideas but a very different matter when it came to really taking that big step and committing to do something; Samantha wasn’t as brave in real life as perhaps she presented in her online persona. She started...

3 years ago
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Dressing room fantasy

My name is Sam, I’m about 5 feet tall with long blonde hair and green eyes and 34C tits. My boyfriend Danny is about 6 feet tall with short black hair and dreamy brown eyes. We were bored one afternoon, so I convinced him to take me underwear shopping. It had always been a fantasy of mine to fuck Danny in a public place, but I’ve never said this to him before. We went out and I was wearing a mini skirt with a spaghetti top and 3 inch heels. I knew Danny thought I looked sexy when I dressed this...

4 years ago
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Fallonrsquos Ballet Lesson

I was late as per usual. Madame Balashov formerly of some obscure St. Petersburg Ballet Company, but given her age, I think it was before it was called Petrograd or Leningrad, not the most recent name flip in the 90’s... would castigate my tardiness again.Frick I only wanted the ballet skills and drills to improve my sex life...I wasn’t touring the world dancing...maybe a cock fest tour one day...but not frickin pirouettes like a music box.You have no idea unless you’ve done ballet or done a...

2 years ago
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Making Mom

This is a true story but for more securty purpose I have changed the name and place of story. Enjoy and mail me at Thanku..This tale of my incestuous relationship with my mother differs in two ways from most incest stories on this site. First, this story is true. Whether the reader chooses to believe it isn’t my business. Secondly, mine is not a tale of some teenager with a big cock (?) And a mother that swoons as soon as she sees it. Rather, this is the account of how I seduced my mother when...

4 years ago
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30th Anniversary

My wife Terri and I recently celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary in grand style. Like other couples we have had our ups and downs. Like 5 years ago when she caught me chatting with other men about sex and cross-dressing, something I had already been doing for 5 years. She promised to let me experiment with my fetish as long as it was just with her. She also agreed to indulge another fetish I have and wear pantyhose for me when we had sex. We had managed to raise a son and daughter—both now...

Wife Lovers
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The WolvesChapter 20

The Moon Spectre Moon Base August 14, 2019 16:48 EDT “ ... we’ll load up all the supplies you want to take with you and put them in Abi’s dimensional storage first. After that, we’ll load the shipping containers one by one. Now, as you said earlier, Black dragons can lift their own weight using telekinesis, right? We were thinking the best way to load the shipping containers would be to have a Black dragon lift them into place.” “How heavy do you estimate the shipping containers will be...

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All of It

There I was, again, alone on a Saturday night. I was, of course, in my usual spot.   If you don’t know me, well, you probably don’t know that most Saturday nights(most days actually) you can find me in front of the computer or television or maybe a book in hand. One hand that is, the other is between my fleshy thighs. This is because I can not get enough porn and I have an insatiable appetite for self gratification. Addict, I think they call it. Masturbation, this is my favorite pass time. I...

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A Full House of Sexcapades Pt2

Every night since her erotic encounter with Viper, Stephanie lied in bed obsessing about every detail. She was so preoccupied with these vivid memories that she was even having trouble paying attention in school. Today she had the overwhelming urge to tell her friend Gina what happened, but her better judgment told her to play it safe and keep it to herself. She couldn’t risk it; Gina had to tell only one other person before it began to spread like wildfire and inevitably reach D.J., who...

1 year ago
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SeeHimFuck Riley Reign The Goat Part IV

Fan favorite Mazee The Goat ? makes his 4th appearance on See H?️M Fuck today, and we paired HIM up with juicy newbie Riley Reign ❤️ for this week’s update. After our wonderful director Johnny ?? Robins helps us get reacquainted with HIM ???‍♀️ Mazee stands up and begins to strip, 1st taking off that sharp royal blue smoking jacket, and when he gets to the bulge in those See HIM boxers ? well, Riley just had to sample the goods! Riley then gets HIM all slicked up ? making sure that BBC of...

1 year ago
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BlackAmbush Lindsay 05042019

Ready for an anal extravaganza featuring a big titted blonde, blue-eyed amateur and BBC dark lord Jovan? Download the 1080p or SD version right now and open up a fresh box of tissues, you’ll need ’em. 23 year old Lindsay has done nudie photos before but today marks the big day she’ll officially be entering into the world of porn. White camera guy Troy wastes little time getting Lindsay naked and her natural tits and tight round ass oiled up, while having her answer all the...

2 years ago
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Ashleythe Human cow

                                               HC-1 I stopped the car and stared at the silent stone barn for a few seconds then grabbing the piece of paper reread the directions. Going over them in my mind I realized that indeed this was the place. The big structure stood silent and majestic in the soft moonlight as I drove through the open steel gate and across the empty farmyard. I followed the graveled drive past the abandoned farmhouse and around the large metal, machine shed to discover...

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