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"You're the new girl, huh?" The boy was bigger than me, and probably a year or two older. "What's your name?"

"Ashley," I replied, sitting on my motorcycle and drinking a Mountain Dew.

We were in the old suburbs. There wasn't much else around except the school, a couple churches maybe, and a Seven-Eleven, so that's where I'd gone. It sucks moving to a new city when you're sixteen, but it could be kind of fun too, depending on what you're looking for.

"You look like a guy," another boy said.

He was big like his friend and kind of cute with his sandy buzz cut, sky blue eyes, and muscles. Definitely a jock and I kind of liked him right away. The two of them were leaning against an old Challenger painted factory orange. Like a '71 maybe, one of the last real cars built in Detroit and it was in fine, fine shape.

"So?" I shrugged and took another drink from the can, pretending like I didn't care what he thought about me.

I'd dressed for riding in some old jeans, faded nearly to white with ragged cuffs around my scuffed boots. They had oil stains on the thighs and around my ass, the kind that never come out. Across my smallish tits I wore a black t-shirt, a tight one with 'Dead Kennedys' printed in white. I kept it tucked inside my pants and I had a white belt with a big yellow daisy belt buckle in front. My long brown hair was in a ponytail down my back and even without any makeup or anything I knew what I looked like.

I had a decent body and a real pretty face, and I'd always been something of a tomboy. I leaned back on my ride, not really posing, but I could have been, and stared right back at the boy.

"What's wrong with the way I look?"

"Nothing," Buzz cut said. "Most girls around here look different, that's all."

"Well, I ain't from around here," I reminded him with a grin.

"I'm Seth," the first guy said and he had black hair just over his ears and brown eyes like mine, except darker maybe. My eyes are kinda hazel mostly.

"I'm Butch," Buzz told me and I giggled so he frowned. "What?"

"Most people figure I'm butch," I said, but that joke went right over the top. "Who's car is that anyway?"

"Mine." Seth looked at it and he had a right to be proud. "You know anything about cars?"

"Not really," I said. "Too many wheels for me."

"What kinda motorcycle is that?" Butch jerked his chin. "A Harley?"

"What?" I snorted and shook my head. "Not even close, dude. It's a Triumph BST850 about as old as that Mopar. Racing bike."

"Cool," he said, smiling and nodding. "It's kinda big."

"Size matters," I shrugged. "It'll do one ten..."

"Is that all?" Seth chuckled.

" ... in third gear." I looked at him. "I drop the hammer and red line's about one seventy, one eighty maybe."

Seth frowned at me and I didn't apologize. We both knew that six pack of his might hit one forty going downhill on a windy day, but that's about all. Still a nice fuckin' car though, don't get me wrong. It would have been fun running him for pink slips, but we'd just moved in and I didn't need to make any more enemies than I was gonna have anyway. I wasn't ever looking, but somehow it seemed like trouble always found me. That's the problem with being a tomboy.

"Shit." Butch shook his head. "That's fast."

"Quick too." I grinned at him. "You wanna go for a ride?"

"Hell yeah," he agreed, casting a sidelong glance at his friend.

"We've got a football game with some buds," Seth reminded him and then looked at me. "You play? It ain't tackle or anything."

"Me?" I grinned at the idea. "Nope, I'll watch though. Come on, I'll give you a ride."

Butch didn't make me ask him twice and I think he'd started liking me back, which was nice. I'd been in town for two whole days and kind of missed my old boyfriend. We'd made promises about writing each other and calling, but I had to be realistic too. I probably wasn't ever going to see him again and the only cure for that depressing thought was to find someone else. I hated being lonely and a big, strong buzz cut would be just what the doctor ordered.

I waited while Butch got on behind me, moving slowly, cautiously like he wasn't sure what he was doing. I didn't know if he was worried about the motorcycle or me. I kicked the passenger pegs down for him and smiled over my shoulder as I cranked the engine around, firing that bad girl up with a deep throated growl and a bit of blue smoke. She was pushing fifty years though, so I'd forgive her that and reminded myself to change the rings again. Triumphs were always a pain that way, like a high maintenance girlfriend.

"Put your arms around me, scoot up. I ain't gonna bite," I told Butch. "Don't grab my tits either."

"I won't," he promised with a small laugh, wrapping his arms around my slender waist. He slid his crotch right up against my ass nice and firm with his thighs rubbing mine and I liked that a lot.

"Too bad!" I giggled and popped the clutch, screaming through the gears and leaning into the turn out of the parking lot. I just wanted to see if the boy could handle a little get up and go.

He did okay for a virgin.

"Oh fuck!" Butch shouted, squeezing my tummy with his chin on my shoulder. We were doing about ninety down County Road Seven. "Jesus!"

I pushed a little more, just to hit triple digits before slowing down to something almost reasonable. If I got a ticket, I'd be dead. A hundred ten in a forty zone? Heh! What a show off.

"You okay?" I asked and the bike wasn't very loud at all right then. She purred sweetly and gave us some good vibrations, but mostly the ride felt smooth as silk. Just the wind made talking tough.

"Yeah! It's great," he said into my ear and then gave me directions to his football game.

I figured about half the jocks in high school must have been at the field. A bunch of sixteen and seventeen year olds, a couple older boys too probably. Some girlfriends were around, sitting down together in their little clique, cheerleaders the bunch of them, I'd bet money on it. The other girls, the younger ones who just wanted football player boyfriends, walked around giggling and showing off their charms like they'd learned it from MTV.

Me being me, I drove right onto the grass and across the fifty yard line to where all the guys were hanging out, waiting to start the game. I liked the attention and besides, I had Butch behind me and I was just dropping him off.

"You owe me now." I smiled at him, removing my shades as Butch got off the bike.

"Is that right?" He grinned back at me. "For gas?"

"For not abusing you," I said with a giggle. "Take me out later."

"I don't have a car," he said, glancing self-consciously over his shoulder.

There were a dozen guys looking at us. Butch's friends were obviously wondering who I was and what we were talking about. The girlfriends too, pointedly staring and whispering from the aluminum bleachers. I ignored all them.

"I'll pick you up, but you're taking me out," I said. "Okay?"

"Yeah," he agreed with a smile. "Are you gonna wear a dress?"

"Course I am, if it's a real date," I said. "But if all you wanna do is make out..."

"Huh?" He even blushed for me, that big strong buzz cut boy, and my heart gave a little stomp.

"Where do you live?" I asked.

"Fourth street, eight forty," Butch told me. "Look for a big blue house. It's the only one, you can't miss it."

"Cool." I grinned at him. "About seven, alright?"

"Yeah," he nodded, looking around and licking his lips.

"Hey Butch!" I called out, just as he'd started to turn away. I made him wait a second while I put my sunglasses back on. "You got a girlfriend?"

"Uh ... Sorta," he replied and a few of his buddies were smiling. I'd caught a couple words here and there as they talked about someone named Linda, which is why I'd asked.

"Dump her," I said, smiling, but serious too. "I don't share too good."

"Shit..." some guy laughed. "Who are you?"

He looked like the quarterback, the most handsome boy in school and he knew it. You know the type. That made him the leader and I met his eyes with mine as I kicked the Triumph into life.

"I'm Butch's new girlfriend," I told him with a shrug, and then took off across the grass, very much enjoying my life right about then.

"Where have you been?" Stephanie wondered. My sister sat on the floor of her bedroom, still unpacking and looking frustrated. That's why I just left everything in the boxes until I needed it.

"Sight seeing," I replied, stepping around the mess to reach her closet.

"What are you doing?"

She'd just turned sixteen and aside from being the same age, we were about the same size too. That came in pretty handy and people said we looked a lot alike, but we were different in a lot of ways. Like our taste in clothes, for example.

"I need to borrow a dress," I said, frowning as I looked through her closet. "Did you unpack all your clothes already?"

"Borrow a dress? For what?" Steph pushed herself up with a sigh. "You've got a boyfriend already?"

"Yeah!" I giggled over my shoulder at her. "It was easy."

"That's sick." She scowled and I hated that because I loved her a lot. Maybe she was only my step-sister, but Steph was my best friend in the whole world as well. My only friend sometimes.

"What?" I asked, striking a wide-eyed, innocent pose.

"You've got a boyfriend in like two days and I don't know anybody!"

"You just gotta go outside and..." I started smiling.

"And you're not even a girl!" She shook her head, leaning against the wall next to her closet. "How does that work?"

"I don't know," I shrugged, refusing to feel guilty about it. "I just said hi to him."

"Did you tell him you're a boy?" Steph asked and I rolled my eyes. "He's gonna kick your butt, Ash."

"No, he won't." I scrunched up my nose. "He's pretty sweet."

"We aren't in New York any more, in case you haven't noticed," she said. My sister crossed her arms and stared at me.


"This is like Rodeoville," she continued. "They beat people up for being different around here."

"Rodeoville?" I grinned at that. "Nah, he's cool. I mean, you can tell, you know? I'll tell him tonight."

"Mom and Dad figured you'd like snap out of it," Steph sighed. "Like moving to a new place, you know?"

"I know," I said. "There's nothing to snap out of though. I'm just me. They're used to it anyway."

"Yeah," she agreed. "But that doesn't mean they like it."

"I know." I turned around because I didn't want to talk about that stuff anymore. "Where's that blue dress at? The one with the lace and stuff."

"Right in front of you." Steph laughed, reaching past me to grab the hanger. At least she relaxed a bit; my sister could stress just fine without the joy of unpacking, believe me.

Thankfully, she couldn't ever stay unhappy for too long either. Steph would get her own boyfriend quickly enough anyway, if she wasn't too shy. She looked about as pretty as me, everybody said so, and I think it bothered her sometimes. Being compared to her brother couldn't be easy, but even Steph had to agree I was a lot better at being a girl than a boy. That wasn't completely true though. I was best at being a tomboy, kind of a girl with some boy in me, you know? It sounds silly, but it's true.

If I tried to be all boy, I was hopeless. If I tried to be all girl, it just didn't work because I wasn't. But if I was a girl with boy parts, I felt right at home in myself then. It's why I was so good at being a tomboy and like that day, on my motorcycle messing with Butch and his friends, I felt like nobody could hurt me. Like I was bulletproof, you know? I could say anything or do anything and nobody could stop me. Nobody could hurt me or beat me up or call me names. It's the best feeling in the world.

The tomboy me was the real me. Sometimes I forgot that.

"Hi Daddy!" I came downstairs for dinner wearing my sister's dress.

I had my own dresses, but none that would really fit in with Rodeoville, as Steph had called it and she was right about that. We were in the sticks compared to New York City, and we were both a little miffed about moving.

"Hey Ashley." Daddy smiled when he saw me, even though I knew he wanted a son. "Wow, look at you! All dressed up."

"Yeah." I smiled happily. "Do I look okay?"

I posed playfully for him, turning around so he could see me. I had a very slight build with narrow hips and slender shoulders. I had small breasts thanks to some pills I got from the doctors, estrogen mostly. My tits were growing though and the female hormones were great for my complexion. I kept telling Steph she should get on birth control or something since every little pimple was like the end of the world for her. She worried that people would think her a slut if she took the pill though. It was always something with her, but our parents probably would have freaked out anyway.

My brown hair was loose now, long and falling in waves around my freshly scrubbed face. I hated brown hair, it seemed totally boring and I wanted to color it raven black. I thought that would be more me, you know? I definitely wasn't a blonde or a redhead. I'd put on a little make-up, but not too much. The dress was thin, one of those cotton summer dresses that buttoned up the back with a white sash tied around my waist. It had white lace around the short sleeves, neck, and hemline. It looked nice, but kind of old fashioned, I thought. Underneath I wore one of my bras, the soft one, not the hard one, and a pair of plain white panties.

I wouldn't say I felt uncomfortable in a dress, but it didn't make me feel anymore feminine than some leather hipsters and a halter top would. Have you ever tried riding a motorcycle in a dress? Still, if I wanted a boyfriend, I'd have to look like a real girlfriend sometimes, like on the first date especially. So I wanted to look...

"Very pretty," Daddy told me and he hid his disappointment pretty well. "What's the occasion?"

"Oh, I've got a date," I told him. "I'm going to pick him up at seven."

"I ... see..." he blinked at that news. "That was quick."

"Well, he said hi and I said hi, and next thing you know..." I stuck the tip of my tongue out and giggled. "It's okay, right? You said I could go out."

"I thought maybe you and Steph would..."

"She's still unpacking." I rolled my eyes. We both knew she my sister wouldn't stop until she'd finished, probably at 3am or something.

"I bet she is," Daddy chuckled. "You'd better be careful on that bike. Don't hit a cow or something."

"I survived Manhattan, remember?" We shared a grin, but he probably had a point.

"Hey! There you are. Dinner's ready," Mom said, sticking her head out the kitchen doorway. "Ashley, get your sister ... Get her, don't yell..."

"Kay Mom," I replied, letting out the deep breath I'd taken. Steph's bedroom was right above us, I didn't see any problem with yelling.

"And why are you all dressed up?" She stared at me.

"She's got a date," Dad said. "With a boy."

"Hmmm..." Mom pursed her lips and she and dad shared a look, but I'd grown used to their concerns a long time ago. I wasn't gonna change.

Sometimes it seemed like they just expected me to wake up one day and be a full-fledged, red-blooded American boy. I'd get a haircut, wear boy clothes, and find a girlfriend to try and knock up. Heck, maybe I'd even grow a mustache and join the football team. Right! I'd started wearing Steph's clothes when I'd been six years old. By the time I turned ten, I dressed always and everywhere, even going to school as a girl. People wondered and gave my parents all kinds of suggestions, mostly bad ones, but to their credit they decided to let me be me and hope for the best.

I got seriously lucky when fate was handing out parents!

"Does this boy have a name?" Dad asked over dinner.

"His name's Butch," I said. "He's a senior, like me."

"Butch?" Steph laughed and had to cover her mouth before she made a real mess.

"Stephanie!" Mom frowned at her.

"Sorry." My sister swallowed hard and drank a little water. "You're kidding right? His name isn't really Butch, is it?"

"Yeah," I giggled. "It really is."

"What's wrong with Butch?" Mom wondered and she was like from another planet sometimes. "That's a nice name."

"I don't know," Dad said, but he was chuckling softly.

"He looks like a Butch anyway," I shrugged. "He's kind of big."

"He is?" Steph narrowed her eyes. "What's he look like?"

"I dunno. He looks like a farmboy, I guess," I told her. "Kinda hot, actually."

"Hot?" she and Mom said at the same time, but in very different ways. I decided to drink some of my own water.

"Maybe I should talk to this boy," Dad suggested and I ignored that idea. I mean, Butch didn't even know I was a boy yet, so it might have been sorta weird for both of them.

"Hey!" I looked at my sister. "He's got a friend named Seth, pretty cute. He's got an old Challenger too."

"An old who?" Steph asked and she could be pretty hopeless with anything outside home economics.

"What year?" Dad asked, being an amateur motorhead. He'd taught me a lot and liked that much about me anyway, except I didn't really apply myself to anything but my Triumph.

"A '71 it looked like," I shrugged. "Pretty stock too, you'd like it."

"What's he look like?" Steph wondered, picking at her mashed potatoes.

"It's red." I smiled at her.

"Not the car!" She rolled her eyes. "The boy!"

"Oh, Seth? He's cute. Black hair, kinda brown eyes," I said. "He's big too. Another one of those strappin' country boys!"

"Strappin!" Steph laughed and Mom frowned. Daddy gave us a hard look because Steph had just turned sixteen and unlike me, she had her cherry to worry about.

"You wanna go with me?" I asked her. "You can meet Butch, go with us to wherever we're going and maybe meet that Seth guy."

"Seth?" She pursed her lips. "Steph and Seth ... That sounds bad."

"Where are you going, by the way?" Dad wondered.

"You pick your boyfriends by how your names sound together?" I laughed at her.

"Well..." She frowned.

"Ashley?" Dad held out his hand, expecting an answer.

"I don't know," I shrugged. "There ain't anything around here anyway except the Dairy Queen."

"Well Stephanie can stay home tonight," Mom decided. My sister frowned, but she was sorta shy anyway, which was her whole problem, I thought.

"I gotta finish unpacking anyway," she sighed.

"I'll tell him about you," I promised, and then leaned close enough to whisper in her ear. "I bet he's got a big dick too!"

"Oh!" Stephanie gasped and turned like five kinds of red all at once. She looked almost comical and like I said, my little sister was a total virgin.

"What are you two whispering about?" Mom wondered and I just gave her my innocent face.

"Nothing Mom," we replied in unison and we were pretty good at that.

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The trick to riding a motorcycle in a dress is to make sure it has a long skirt, first of all. Second, you pull it tight around the thighs and sit on it. Third, and this is important, you ride like a bat out of hell to get where you're going before it gets so wrinkled you have to turn around and go home in shame.

There's another way though, much simpler and I generally prefer it ... Just don't care. Riding fast is still heartily recommended, however, because that way most people will wonder if they really did see your panties or not. Also, now that I'm thinking about it, the wind really feels good!

"Hi!" I said, combing my fingers through my hair and wondering why I hadn't put it in a ponytail before leaving the house.

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1 year ago
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PropertySex MJ Fresh Money Is Not An Issue

Tony Rubino puts an ad in the paper for a room to rent, and after promising the room to a recently divorced gentleman, gets a knock at the door. Tony opens the door to see MJ Fresh looking fly. Tony explains that he has already rented the room, but MJ won’t take no for an answer. MJ tells Tony she is a dancer, and the apartment is perfect for her, so not only is money no object, but she’ll do anything to get it. Anything like cooking and cleaning naked, and even showing him her big...

4 years ago
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Doing It For Dad chapter 11

DOING IT FOR DAD Chapter 11 When the minibus finally pulled into the Golden Days car park after the two hour return journey from Scarborough, Elaine was there waiting for me. "Aww, that's a shame," muttered Jerry, sounding genuinely disappointed. "I was going to ask you in for a coffee." "Another time, perhaps," I replied. The phrase "over my dead body" sprang to mind. "Oh, you can count on that, Carolyn, my darling!" responded Jerry, with an enthusiastically lop-sided...

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BD Bridal ShowerChapter 3

Donna watched Tom leave, not able to meet his gaze but not able to look away from him either. He had ravaged her body, beaten her and tortured her, spilled his jism into her pussy and mouth. Once he had gone, slamming the door shut behind him without a word, Donna stumbled to her feet and looked for her clothes. Only her jeans and her coat were salvageable. Her top had been ripped to pieces and her bra and panties were in tatters. She slipped on her jeans and buttoned her coat up to her...

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Experiences In Sex 8211 Part II

‘Why?’ ‘I don’t like that smell, it smells like…’ ‘No don’t say it, I know how it smells, but if you don’t like it, don’t do it, but I like it when you rub your fingers on my slit’. Saying which she squeezed my penis looking at me expectantly. I did not want to hurt her. ‘If you say so, I’ll do it’ saying which I put my hand in her panty and rubbed my finger on her slick slit and squeezed the fleshy lips around her slit. This must have continued for about another month. By then we stopped...

3 years ago
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Ghost StoriesChapter 5

After what seemed like passing over to eternity, he kept on hearing people talking. Peter regained consciousness, with his eyes blinking. The light from the sky was blinding at first but he slowly got used to it. He heard someone say, " ... it looks like he is returning back to the land of the living..." As Peter gained full awareness, he realised that he was lying on his back on the ground, with three grown men in their 50s. They were fishermen. Two of them were standing and one of them...

2 years ago
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Her curves got my attention

Whose latent function was to provide safe place for sexual orgies to the elite class of Lahore. A patient named Sultana was admitted in the Hospital. She was the second wife of her landlord husband, who used to visit her once in a blue moon. Her daughter SHAHIDA was looking after her. She used to stay with her day and night. She was 36yrs old,Goori chitti, kubsoorat,gool,attractive Boobay,aur sab say barh kar uski shandar gand. Jisay daikh kar hum sub tabsaray kartay,or bus itna hi khay patay,...

2 years ago
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Family Get Together part 4

As I awoke in the chill of a Seattle morning I found myself still completely nude, but thankfully some one had pulled a comforter around me as I slept.   I opened me eyes and found that I was alone in the queen size bed and figured that Wade and Mako had retreated to the house sometime during the early morning hours after our “get together” a few hours earlier.   I looked at my watch and figured that I had better get around soon, my appointment with the art dealer was at 11AM and it...

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Chootiya Nobita Aur Gandu Doremon 8211 Part 2

School ka time hota hai aur nobita shizuka ko ghur rha tha vo use dekh kar niche hi niche aona lund masal rha tha. Tabhi teacher ne use kha Teacher; nobita chalo yeh batao ki kal humne biology mai kya padha tha. Nobita; sir kal humne bache paida karne ke bbaare mai seekha tha Teacher: acha use kya kehte hai Nobita: sir reproduction Teacher; chalo poori process ke bare mai batao Nobita:sir nahi pta mujhe Teacher: to jao class ke bahar khade ho jao. Sab uspar haste hai aur nobita udas hokar...

4 years ago
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After the Wedding Chapter 3 Moving Forward

AFTER THE WEDDING - CHAPTER 2 - I THINK I AM IN LUST As I entered the kitchen, Mary was just putting plates of eggs and bacon on the table. "I thought we could both do with an energy boost after the exertions of last night" she said, smiling at me. I sat down and we tucked into our breakfast. By unspoken agreement, neither of us referred to the previous night's adventures until we had finished eating. As we put down our knives and forks, Mary opened the conversation: "Well how was...

1 year ago
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With 6 Girls 8211 Vidya Geeta Swathi Madhavi Subha And Vasanthi 8211 Part 1

Please send comments or your valueble feedback of this story to my mail Any female looking for the sex chat are welcome. Hi to all. I am a software engineer working in a MNC in Chennai. Here I am going to narrate a fantasy of mine. Hope you enjoy this story. Characters in the story: Geeta – She is decent looking girl of 5 4″ with curly hair and her stats may be 32 26 34. Swathi – slim and sexy with height of 5 5″ with stats of 32 24 34. Her ass looks very soft. Madhavi – She has very big and...

4 years ago
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Was It Good

He sat reading in the hotel bed when the door opened and his wife returned from her outing. She stripped, dropping her clothes on the floor. He got glimpses of her pink and moist pussy as she kneewalked up his legs. As soon as she pulled the sheet off, she grasped that so-familiar erection, the only one she’d enjoyed thousands of times during their 25 plus years together. With practiced ease she engulfed it in that place between her thighs, entry aided by fresh lubrication. He noticed the...

1 year ago
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Who Knew

Justin Boyland stood at the counter in the college refectory waiting to be served: he rarely ate in there, but he bought his customary sandwich or filled bread roll, together with a piece of fruit; which he then took away to a quiet place where he could eat and read in peace. Despite his quietness, he was a likable guy and it was commonly acknowledged that he really knew what he was talking about; compared to other students who were more outgoing and could talk a good talk, but who were often...

3 years ago
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Shelly Hugh DriscottChapter 28

Around seven, I parked the truck in a ritzy area. Bakhtin had to work his magic to get the vehicle past the guards in the gated community. I parked on the street in an area not developed yet so I was safe for a while. Bakhtin took his limo to a mansion and got out with his guards and two now dishevelled looking women. Jonna and Lauren were escorted into Turpen's home with one of the bruisers holding an arm of each. Through my link with the girls, I heard, "Who are these women,...

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The Storytellers Ch 15

Authors comment: I admit to being perplexed over the scant number of readers this novel has attracted thus far. I am surprised and depressed by this and will finish the piece off as quickly as possible. For those few who have stuck with it, well I apologize for this, but I hope you understand the amount of time and effort that goes into such work. I wish I knew how to reach a wider audience. evidently I don’t. PW * Ebbets Field — 1947 World Series I entered the famed portals of Charlie...

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“Can we wait and not have sex, until we’re married? Too many kids rush into their first time and end up regretting their decision.” “Absolutely Charles, that’ll make it that much more exciting, when we finally do make love to one another, for the very first time.” Of course, that was exactly when Sarah walked in, knocking and saying, “I want the two of you to know something about love. There’s lust, and it is a very powerful and strong emotion, that can break up friends forever. It can ruin...

3 years ago
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Moms Career AdviceChapter 8

I told her I just might be and she had me pull out so she could roll over on her back and I put on a fresh condom and we made love again. Being in the business she was in, she didn't have to rush off first thing the next morning so we had a leisurely morning together full of sex and intimacy. I was already comfortable with Gloria and was greatly enjoying being with her. As I was leaving, she gave me another envelope as she kissed me goodbye. Like the first one, it contained five one...

4 years ago
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The Party Where They Kill GirlsChapter 2

We strolled along that stretch of Charles Street west of The Commons, passing other couples holding hands, packs of rowdy teens running and shouting, and a group of Chinese tourists, all wearing the same color tee-shirts. Even with all my experience in heels, I struggled to walk fast enough. She turned to me. "Keep up." "Sorry, it's the shoes." She shrugged. "Nobody forced you to wear five inch heels." I squatted down and massaged my foot. She stepped to me and gripped my shoulder....

4 years ago
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Body SwapChapter 3

As Theresa had requested I should think for a moment or two about what had happened to Peter's aunt I did so, though I was more and more coming to regard her as my aunt since I now occupied Pete's body. Her life had been blighted by the actions of her father and I felt a great sadness about what had happened. I knew the psychological damage that could result from this kind of trauma and Theresa had succinctly outlined some of the effects it had on my aunt's life. "Having responsibility...

2 years ago
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Jake and the twins

The cast of characters:Chris, 26. Real name Christina. 5’6” good body, although she hides it the way she dresses. Still a bit of a tom-boy. A pony tail type of girl. Does not like make up. Loves playing softball and soccer. A bit of a hippie free spirit type who has her “causes” she likes to help. She still lives in the town she grew up in and loves the two bars in the town. One her Uncle Jake owns.Patricia, please don’t call her Pat. Chris’s twin sister. She’s the prim and proper...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 143

We arrived at Naples Regional Airport at 12:30. That gave us a few minutes to get a quick lunch at the Airport Café. It seemed that every airport had some kind of eatery or lunch area and they all had either Airport or café in the name. I chose the chefs salad and a cheese burger with fries and a coke. While lunch was being prepared, Lorrie and I walked in to the larger part of the airport lobby. We spotted a bored looking young lady manning a desk in the middle. There were several dozen...

1 year ago
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Private Alyssa Bounty Anal Therapy

In Private Specials, Girls Do Magic, the sexy Alyssa Bounty is stressed from moving house, and just like all great Private babes… she’s looking to release the tension with a wild session of anal! Faking illness, Alyssa plays her tricks and soon gets the attention of Kristof Cale who cheers up with some foreplay and pussy eating action. Then watch the rest of the session unfold on as Alyssa puts her sensual lips to work with a sloppy blowjob before enjoying an intimate anal fuck...

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Better Off

Before you read this work, please be aware that it is a very graphic depiction of a sexual encounter. This story is intended for adults only, and should by no means be read by anyone under the age of 18 years. I love to read your comments and would enjoy hearing from you if you like this story. I even want your comments if you didn’t like it, provided you are actually giving constructive criticism. Please don’t leave a comment if you are simply turned off by what the story contains. Just...

1 year ago
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ColombiaFuckFest Kta Some girls you have to train to be sluts

We don’t always find sluts when we wander the streets of Colombia. Some we have to make. Enter KTA, she came to us because one of her friends is someone we fucked. Because she loved it, she recommended KTA to us and she said she would do it. KTA needed training though because she’s not a natural slut. She can’t even suck dick! So we had to teach her how to suck dick like a true slut, take dick like a true slut and love it like a true slut. So we were doing more that fucking , we were providing...

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Danas Story Part 6

Dana's Story, Part 6 Dana has been welcomed into the neighborhood wives club, now he enlists their help to achieve his next goal. The Milk Train The coffee club girls didn't waste a minute getting me on the breastfeeding path to nutritional life. First of all, I was sent to visit my wife's OBGYN all by myself. Dr. Cynthia Morris was a delightful D.O., graduating from my alma mater several years ahead of myself. She had a concerned look on her face when we sat in one of the...

2 years ago
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Working Late

I work for a small company and at about 7 o’clock one Thursday evening I was finishing a report that had a deadline for the next day. I was the only one left in the building but it meant I could finish my work without any interruptions. Needing a break I made my way downstairs to the water cooler. That is when I realised I wasn’t alone. My colleague Luke was there also getting water. I greeted him with a smile. He is my favourite colleague, my boyfriend and I sometimes get together socially...

1 year ago
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The dyke

"Oh my, that feels good," Lauren moaned, while Alexandra buried her mouth into her white hot pussy, "you do that so well, I love you so much!!!" "Mmmmmmm," Alex replied, not wanting to take her mouth away from her lover's wet muffy!!! Lauren and Alexandra, lovers for a year and room mates for the past six months six months, both at age twenty two, in love for the first time in their lives and hungry for each other as only young lovers can be! Lauren arched her back while thrusting her crotch...

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Pyari khushbo

Hai dosto aur girls mai sameer from hyd mai bahut din se apna sex exp likna cahata tha per himat nahi huvi laikin aaj likhne ki himat karli hai main 28 year ka hon gora rang aur slim body hight 5″3 ki hai aur uska size kareb 8.3 hoga bahut hi lamba aur mata .yeh meri pahli story hai laikin mainne sex abhi tak 31 virgin aur 4 married couisin bhabies ki chudai ki hai. Main jab 18 saal ka tha mere uncle ki ladki thi mujh se 2 sal ki badhi thi woh ek chote bacho ko padhati hi aur uska school mere...

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Further adventures into Exhibitionism

Following my exhibitionist awakening, hubby and I continued with the indoor erotic photography for several months.  Hubby switched from film to a digital camera, and I was quietly disappointed as it no longer meant having to get the pictures processed. Shortly after getting his first digital camera, we spent a weekend away in the countryside which was to become my first experience of outdoor nakedness and photography.On the first day of our little break we took a walk across country, heading...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 35 Julias TK Unveiling Plan

Sunday, April 10, 2005 (Continued) Julia turned to me and said, "I'm amazed you sat through it. I had my finger on the mute button expecting you to explode at any time." She looked at me expectantly. "I nearly did. I was quiet at first because before the movie you totally convinced me that you understood Carol, so I believed you knew what you were doing. By the time the conversation got VERY shocking, I'd already heard that Carol was mostly agreeing. She dragged her heels sometimes,...

4 years ago
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Book 8 ZaraChapter 18

Allora slipped into her room, a fresh warm mug of honey milk and a small piece of roast for Billy. She frowned as she fed the kitten "so Connor's a dragon, geee why doesn't that surprise me, he's the Captain of The Sea Dragon for The Flying Dragon fleet. Makes you wonder if all of their captains are dragons, probably, hell Billy I've seen fairy women, baby dragons, panther's, I bet that DeClan and all the people at his place are dragon's too, you should of seen the way they just...

4 years ago
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Soothe and Seduce Part 1

Once, I met this guy. He was…different, to say the least. I heard of people like him, but I had never met someone like him before. I had no idea that he would be all my greatest fantasies come true.I met him when I was at someone’s house, hanging out with my friends. It was a Friday night in late February. A strong snowstorm was coming in, so instead of leaving we decided to wait it out. We had plenty of drinks and food to hold us over. A twenty-seven-year-old girl like me wouldn't want to be...

Love Stories
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Best of Enemies 67 Start with a Split Personality

Best of Enemies 6-7: Start with a Split Personality By Ron Dow75 6: How Do You Trump a Supergirl? The teen who'd started the day alone in the woods with a father who was determined to, finally, make a man of him, now found herself looking up into the face of a neighbor who held her up off the floor in her strong arms. "Curr... Curry, what are you doing?" the teen said in a voice so gentle, she had to remember to put power into it. "What you think I'm doing." Curry Nestor's...

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A Womans WrathChapter 4

Saturday morning Devon was right on time. Pete couldn't blame him; he would have been there on the dot too if he thought he was going to get another piece of Susan. If the man had been able to see Susan this morning he would have been parked across the street a couple hours earlier. Pete and Susan were watching from the living room, through the gauzy drapes. They knew it was easy to see out but impossible to see inside on a bright, sunny day like this, particularly if you didn't crowd up to...

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Night Wolf Ch 10

Disclaimer: I have tried to make sure my historical information is correct and I’d like to think I haven’t offended any Native Americans peoples with the telling of this tale. I am 1/8th Cherokee and am proud of that heritage. I’m not trying to show any Native Americans in a bad light… that is not my intention. Author’s Note: The English-Cheyenne word translations come from the Cheyenne Language Web Site, one that I’ve found extremely helpful for the telling of this tale. * Ione rolled over...

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Valkyrie Dont CryChapter 12

Do Androids Dream of Robotics Sheep Before They Go To Sleep? “I think we’ve pretty well established that the Agency are robots, impersonating people. They might be androids, or even some kind of alien cyborg devices, but I personally doubt it. As it is they have left nothing behind to identify them with.” Max stated the obvious to his audience before sitting back down. Several weeks had gone by and we were no closer to locating the Agency than before. They had simply vanished as far as...

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A Night at the Beach

Beth stood on the beach watching the sunrise. Len stood a few feet away. Dawn was beautiful, especially at this spot and on this day. They had come up to this place around 4 after a night of dinner and dancing with the initial intention of just going for a quick swim. They weren’t really ‘a couple’ just very good friends who enjoyed many of the same things. They had met a few years prior but both had been in another relationship so it never worked out. Len was just getting over his latest...

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Biological Clock

After years of enjoying other people's awesome works here I wanted to return to the community. I only hope that my story lives up to the incredible reputation of this site. October 13th 2008 SRU: The Biological Clock By Orthagyn For the last year every month it's been the same argument and Amanda was getting sick of it, she wanted a family and her husband John just wasn't willing to provide much to her disappointment. "I thought we have been through this already. Why do we...

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