An Adult Son free porn video

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The Adult Son

I have been working out of town, and lucky for me my mother has allowed me stay at her house as it is close to the jobsite.

Today I came home from work to find the house empty.  I don't know where my mother has gone, but I hope whatever she is doing it will leave me adequate time to play with myself undisturbed.

I go upstairs to my room, turn on the computer, and pull off my shoes, socks and work pants.  I drag out the toy bag I have hidden in the closet and after rummaging around I grab my butt plug, the lube, and proceed to the bathroom down the hall.  Once there, I lube up the plug, pull down my briefs and work it slowly into my ass, making sure it is fully inserted.  I pull up my shorts, return to my room, and close the door.  When I sit down at the computer, I feel the plug bury itself even deeper in my rectum.  I open up the folder that contains my special porn, and locate a story about a dominant woman that allows her adult son to stay with her for a while.  She comes home from a day out to find him in his room masturbating...

I slowly stroke my hard little cock as I read, lost in the story as the butt plug works its magic.  I have already come close to cumming once and have had to back off in order to extend the session.  It has been a long time since I have taken the time to enjoy my perversion

Unexpectedly, there is a knock at my bedroom door.

Without further warning the door swings opens.  In walks my mother and she heads directly over to the desk where I am sitting.  As I turn to face her I realize that in my earlier haste to find and use my plug I left my toy bag open and many of my toys scattered around.

My mother catches my line of sight and turns her head around to see what I am looking guilty about.  She then turns back to my computer to see what I am reading.  When I look back to my mother I see that she is well dressed, differently than her usual slacks and shirts.  It is as if she had just returned from a nice restaurant.  She even is wearing heels.  They might be just low heels maybe 3 inches, but I haven’t seen my mother in heeled shoes in years.

"Stand up,? she says in an authoritative voice, and when I am slow to respond she grabs me by the ear and yanks me to my feet.  "I said, Stand Up.?

She sits down in the chair I have just vacated and begins to read the story I was so engrossed in.

After a few moments of reading she calls back over her shoulder.  "I want you naked," she tells me.  "Now,? she adds.

I begin to take off my remaining clothes, and notice my erection is still sticking out the fly of my briefs.

My mother, not hearing any action behind her, stands up, and slaps me full across the face.  "I told you to do something and I expect it done now", she says without raising her voice, "and once you've done what I’ve told you to, gather those up and close the bag", pointing at the toys strewn on the floor.  

"Yes mother" I reply submissively, wondering what in the world has come over her, and what she might have in store for me.

As the last of my clothing hits the floor, I am told to fold my pants and shirt neatly, and place them on the chair.  When I complete the task she turns back to face me, and notices my erect, and shaved little soldier.

"Well, after reading this I can see that more than a few things haven't changed much since the last time I saw you naked."

Her words are devastating, and she has me turn around so that she can see that I have also depilated my bottom.  It is as hairless as a teenager's, and I am sure she can see the base of the plug sticking out of my ass.  As I turn back around I try to cover what little dignity I might have left, she slaps my hands away, and also gives me a resounding slap on my ass.

"I'll have none of that,? she says.  "A lot of things are going to change around this house, and they are going to start changing right now."

She stands and walks toward the door.  "Pick up that bag and follow me,? she says as she again points to the toy bag and walks by without looking at me.

"And don't dawdle,? she adds, as she walks out the door and down the hallway.

By the time I have grabbed the bag, and begin to follow her, she is rounding the corner of the banister, and is about to descend the stairs to the living room.

She stops as she sees me hesitate.

"Come on little man,? she begins, "or should I call you, cornerboi?"

What had begun as a mere hesitation on my part has now brought me to a full stop.

"Wha...? I start.

"I don’t think you want to make this any worse than it already is", she says as she looks up at me, and smiles a sly smile, "I know", she says, and then continues down the stairs.  

I am humiliated, confused, and not just a little curious as I will my feet to begin moving.

As I get to the bottom step I look up.  There you are, sitting regally as always, on my mother's front room couch.

?I see you already know Madam.?  My mother is looking at me to see my reaction to her words.

?Yes mother, I do,? I reply.  my eyes are locked on yours.  You are smiling like a Cheshire cat.

?cornerboi, I want you to know I called Madam when a strange phone number appeared on my bill.  I had already read much of what you have written to her when you foolishly left your computer on and had gone to work.  I merely put two and two together, and here we are.?

If my mother had seen my correspondence, she knew exactly what my relationship with you has been.  She had also seen how explicit you and I have been with each other.

?So why you are still standing?? I look at my mother in confusion.

?Get out your mat and get on your knees.?

As I place the bag on the floor, she continues, ?and from now on, when you are here like this you will address me as Ma’am.?

I hesitate for a moment, and look at You.  The narrowing of your eyes tells me all I need to know.  ?Yes Ma’am?

I open the bag, place the mat on the floor in front of you, and timidly kneel.  I begin to feel the familiar pain in my knees that has become an integral part of our play.

Mother continues, ?Madam and I have just had a long conversation over lunch, and at my instigation, She has told me a lot about you I wasn’t aware of.  She has also answered questions about you I have had for a long time.  Now I want to hear all about it from you?


?cornerboi, you are about to be severely punished.  I’m going to ask you some questions, questions that the answers are already clear to me.  The truth of your answers will help me determine just how severely you will be punished.?

?Yes, Ma’am.?

?cornerboi, why are your genitals shaved,? Mother asks.

?Because it is required,? I reply.

?And why is that? She asks again.

I look at You, and You nod.

?Because I am a naughty boy?, I continue, ?and naughty boys don’t deserve to have hair down there?.

?Yes, cornerboi, that is correct.  Now tell Madam what I caught you doing?  

I look at You again and if anything Your smile has broadened.

?I was playing with my cock,? I say.

Mother is laughing as She speaks again, ?I would hardly call that a cock.  Real men have cocks.? 

?That,? She says as she points between my legs, ?is not a cock.  Naughty boys like you have weenies?

Hearing these words, my erection, which had been flagging, begins to grow again.

?So now that we have that established , please tell Madam exactly what I caught you doing.?

?I was playing with my weenie? I admit, my erection again at full mast.

?And what happens to naughty boys when they get caught playing with their weenies??

?They get punished,? I say quietly.

?I didn’t quite hear you. ?  Tell us again what happens to naughty boys when they get caught playing with their weenies.? 

?They get punished,? and when I say it louder I hear You chuckle.

?Well then I think we should get on with this.?

?cornerboi, I want you to go stand in that corner and put your hands on your head.  I don’t want you getting into even more trouble with those hands than you already are.?

?Yes Ma’am,? I reply.  With downcast eyes and a much submissive demeanor I rise from my matt, turn  and walk to the far corner of the entryway.  As I face the corner I place my hands on my head.  My head is a whirl.

This particular corner and I have spent a lot of time together under somewhat similar circumstances?

While I am standing there, wondering just what is going on with my mother, I hear the two of you going through my toys.  You are explaining the uses of the various items.  Some things, like the paddles and straps, are self-explanatory.  Others like the clamps, cock strap, ball parachute and weights are not.  You both have a good laugh at my dildo collection.  I remember the plug still lodged in my ass?

Thirty minutes later mother tells me to come back into the room and kneel on the mat.  I see that my toys are arrayed neatly on the floor in front of a kitchen chair that is now placed in the middle of the room.  The mat is now facing the chair with what seems like a sea of my toys in between.  I stand there looking at all of it.

?Back on your knees,? Mother orders with a hard slap to my ass.

I comply quickly.  The rough surface of the mat is digging into parts of my knees already sore from the first encounter.  You have taken a seat on the couch, and you seem content to watch.  You also seem quite amused as you watch me fall into a role you have seen me play for you many times before.

?After looking through the contents of this bag it seems you really are a very naughty boy, aren’t you??

?Yes Ma’am,? I answer.

Mother continues, ?you play with that little weenie of yours a lot, don’t you cornerboi??

?Yes Ma’am?

?As I remember you always did, and, in fact, you want to play with it right now, isn’t that right??

?Yes Ma’am.?

?Why is that??

?Because I’m a naughty boy Ma’am.?

?Yes, you most certainly are a naughty boy, and what happens to naughty boys when they get caught playing with themselves??

?They get punished, Ma’am.?

?That’s right, they get punished, and punished severely don’t they??

?Yes Ma’am.?

?And how do they get punished??

?They get spanked, Ma’am.?

?Hardly, maybe disobedient children get spanked.  Naughty boys like you have earned a good beating.?

The room is cool, but I can feel myself starting to sweat, as Her interrogation continues.

?Does your wife know you play with yourself??

?Yes Ma’am.?

?Does she know how much you play with yourself??

?Not entirely Ma’am.?

?Not entirely??

?No ma’am.?

?Why doesn’t she know??

?Because I hide it from her.?

?You hide it from her, how do hide it from her??

?I do it when she is busy, or away.?

She hesitates for a moment and then asks.  ?Do you satisfy her in bed??


?With that tiny little weenie, are you capable of satisfying your wife’s needs in bed??

?No Ma’am.?

I am mortified at the direction the questions are taking, but my little weenie betrays me by staying hard as stone.

My mother looks directly into my eyes, ?You’re enjoying this aren’t you??

I am surprised by the question, ?Ma’am??

Don’t pretend you don’t understand me.  Answer my question.  You’re enjoying all of this, aren’t you??

?But?? I stutter.?

?Don’t equivocate.  I’m not so old that I can’t recognize an erection when I see one.  Your skin is flushed, and I’d have to be deaf not to hear your labored breathing.  No, I believe you’re deriving some sort of sexual pleasure from this little display.?

I wanted to shout it out.  Of course I was deriving sexual pleasure.  This was one of my deepest, darkest fantasies.  Not that I was interested in my own mother that way, but the Dominant Mother, submissive son scenario is one that I had masturbated to often.  The humiliation of this situation is something I have always longed for.

But, of course I couldn’t let on to that either.

I look down to the floor, and see all my toys arrayed in front of me.

Mother continues, ?What is that in your bottom??

?A, um?, a butt plug, Ma’am.?

?And why is it there??

?Because Madam believes it keeps me focused.?

?Does she??

?Yes Ma’am.?

?Does she put other things in your bottom??

?Yes Ma’am.?

?Can I assume that is what some of these dildos are for??

I hesitate and look up at you.  I know that my place is to amuse you, but it’s hard to tell from the look on your face just what you are thinking at the moment.

?Yes Ma’am.?

?Can I also assume that she uses you as a man would use another man??

?Yes Ma’am,? it comes out almost as a whisper.

?Have you been used by other men this way??

I hesitate, and try to regain my senses.  ?It’s hard to explain Ma’am.  I do it to please Madam.?

?Are you Madam’s slave then??

?No Ma’am, I am merely a useless submissive that attempts to amuse Madam so that my needs might be met.?  ?

?Madam tells me that you spank yourself.?

?Yes Ma’am, I do.?

?Show me what you use.?

I bent to pick up a wooden backed hairbrush, and I handed it to Her.

She hefts it and hands it back to me.

?It seems substantial enough.  Show me how you use it.?

I take the brush back from Her with my left hand, and looked up at Her, questioningly, ?Ma’am??

?Spank yourself with it.?


Looking at the brush I turn it over in my hand and sigh, then take the brush back behind me and give my right ass cheek a smack with it.

?Certainly you can do better than that.  I want to see you really spank yourself with it.?

?Do it again, but harder this time, and then continue spanking yourself until I tell you to stop.?

As I bring the brush back to spank my ass again I began to wonder just how far she is planning to take this.  I had often spanked myself as a part of my masturbatory sessions, but it wasn’t really a punishment and the spankings lasted only long enough to get me off.

I continue on spanking my ass with the brush, but much harder this time.  After ten more strokes she stops me again.

?Do you stroke that tiny weenie while you spank yourself,? She asked.

?Yes Ma’am, I do,? I replied.

?Then stroke it now while you spank yourself.?

I look at you. You seem to be having the time of your life, and seem to be on the verge of outright laughter at my expense.

?Do it,? You demand, but with a smile.

I take my little weenie in my right hand and stroke it slowly as I continue the assault my ass with the hairbrush.  With all of the stimulation during the last hour it has remained hard, and I don’t know, with the added stimulation of the brush on my ass, if I can last much longer.

?Faster,? You order me, and I pick up the pace, both front and rear, as You watch for signs of my impending orgasm.


I am right on the edge.  I moan aloud, breathing raggedly, but I stop as I have been trained to do.  I also stop spanking myself.

The two of you allow me a few minutes of respite while I get myself under control before my mother finally says, ?Perhaps it’s time to get on with your punishment.?


?I want you to pick the instrument I will punish you with,? mother looks at me intently as I scan the items before me.

There was a time when I was a young boy that she had told me to go get the belt that would be the implement of punishment.  That time I had picked a cloth belt I knew wouldn’t really hurt.  I still have the hairbrush in my hand, but I place it among the other toys, and pick up a paddle that I think will suit my need for penance.

I sheepishly present it to her.

?This should do well. Now place the mat at the back of the chair, stand on it, and bend over,? She says as She hefts the paddle in Her hand.

As I stand the blood rushes painfully to my knees from my time on the mat.  I know I am helpless to deny mother the right to this castigation.  As I do as she demands, I feel the painful prickle of the mat on the bottom of my feet, realizing that this soon will be the least of my worries.  Even with my head down I can see your shoes and the hem of your leather skirt as you take up a position in front of me.  I assume that your mission is to grab my hands if necessary.

Mother takes a position behind me, and to the left, and I flinch as she taps my already sore ass with the paddle.  As much as I thought I might enjoy this, a thread of doubt begins to creep into my thoughts.

?Do you deserve this punishment cornerboi??

?Yes Ma’am,? I reply.

?What have you done to deserve this??

?I was masturbating without permission, Ma’am.?

?You know that evokes stiff penalties and severe punishments??

?Yes ,Ma’am, the harshest punishment is not enough to pay for what I have done.?

?Yes, and you will now experience only a small taste of what is in your future, cornerboi. You have deserved this for a long, long time.?

I look up to your face and see a smile cross your lips as you look at me, and then look behind me.  In no time I feel the first swat of the paddle crash into my unprotected bottom.

Mother isn’t fooling around, and I wonder just how much I can take of this before I break down completely.

A second swat falls, then a third, then a dozen more.  I am teetering on the edge and my mother is wasting no time inflicting a very real punishment to my sorry ass.  Tears begin with the second dozen, and I break down in sobs with the third.  While I understand that I truly deserve this punishment, the thought doesn’t make the pain any easier to endure.

And still there is no respite.

I lose count after fourth dozen, and I hope it will not go on much longer, but my mother is unrelenting. 

Again I look into your eyes and see you are smiling down cruelly at me.  After a few more minutes, mother begins to slow down a bit. I know I will be a very sorry boy when this is over.

Finally the swats slow to a stop, the paddle is tossed to the floor, and I can hear mother’s heavy breathing.

I am told to stand up and walk to the corner, put my hands behind my head, and I am reminded what will happen if I touch my now blazing behind.  Stiffly I stand, and tearfully obey. Mother informs me that my ?fun? is far from over, there will be even more punishment after she has had a short rest.

As I walk to the corner the tears continue to flow and I am wondering what I have gotten myself into, knowing full well I did bring this upon myself.  My burning, bruised hindquarters will be a reminder of my sins for days to come.

My weenie is soft, my mouth is dry, and I am sweating profusely.  My feet ache from their time on the mat, and my knees are weak.  There has been nothing sexual about this punishment, and I am definitely not looking forward to more of the same.  After a few minutes I begin to get control of myself. I hear the clinks of the cups as You and Ma’am enjoy a cup of tea.  The two of you are talking in low tones and although I can’t really hear it, I have no doubts what the conversation is about.

       I have no idea of the passage of time, but it seems an eternity before I hear the cups being put aside and the sound of your heels on the parquet floor as you approach me from behind.  However, I am still surprised and shocked when I feel your fingers clamp on my earlobe as you drag me back to the area assigned for my punishment.

You look me in the eye and tell me to ?make it hard.?  Your tone indicates you will accept no rebellion.

It takes a few minutes, but between looking at you and occasionally looking down at my toys spread out before me I begin to feel my cock swelling to a full erection.  You allow me to take myself right to the edge of orgasm, and tell me to stop.

Mother has been sitting on the couch watching the proceedings.  I still don’t know what your conversation was about, but the two of you have obviously come to some conclusion as to what the rest of my punishment will be.

You reach down and pick up the strap, and tell me to put my hands back behind my head.  I have seen this look before and it doesn’t bode well for me. 

?Present that cock,? You order, and I lean backwards slightly.

You bring the strap down with considerable force on my defenseless weenie, making it bob and weave.  my knees buckle, and a fresh round of tears stings my eyes.

?Right hand out? You demand.

I pull my right hand from behind my head and place my hand straight out.  I support my elbow with my left hand.  You bring the strap down with equal force on the palm of my hand, and my fingers curl back to protect it.

?Make that worthless cock hard again,? You order, and I once again take my wounded member into my now stinging hand.  Again you take me to a point just before orgasm and tell me to stop.

?Hands behind your head, and present.?

Four more times the strap falls on my cock and hand as I writhe in pain, and three more times I am required to ?make it hard again.?

I am dissolved in tears, blubbering, by the time you are through. You look at me and decide that perhaps I have been beaten enough for now.

You reach down among my toys and pick up my chastity device, and hand it to me.

?Put it on,? is all you say to me.

Mother watches with interest as I lube my now flaccid, and bruised cock allowing me to insert it in the tube.  I place the ring around my balls and close the lock.  I can no longer even touch my cock and I will be sitting down even to pee until the device comes off.

?Keys,? You demand, and after I present them you place them securely in your purse.

Again you grab me by the ear, pulling me close to your face and whisper,

?Listen to me, you worthless faggot. I am going home, and I will be very disappointed if I hear even one more complaint about you for the rest of your stay here. You are already in deep trouble with me.  You will obey your mother, without question, and you will do everything she asks of you.? 

Your scent is powerful and I am intoxicated.

?Now, pick up your toys, arrange them neatly in the suitcase, and then go to your room.  I do not want to hear another sniveling word out of you.?

As I bend to perform the task you have set for me I realize the butt plug is still in my ass, but I feel it is probably better not to mention it.  I close the case, stand up, and walk to the stairs.  As I climb them I realize that you have taken both keys for my chastity device. I have never worn it for longer than a few hours and it may be a month, at least, until I would see You again.

This is going to be interesting?

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There was a knock at the door. I wasn’t expecting anyone but opened it just the same. There stood my step-son’s fiancé: Alyson. They were to be married in three days. She was cute and we hit it off the first day we met. She stood about 5’5”, weighed about 120, and had a full “C” cup. It was those blue eyes and full lips that always had my attention.She came bounding into the foyer and told me that she had something that she wanted to talk with me about. I had been like a father to her from the...

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There was a knock at the door. I wasn’t expecting anyone but opened it just the same. There stood my step-son’s fiancé: Alyson. They were to be married in three days. She was cute and we hit it off the first day we met. She stood about 5’5”, weighed about 120, and had a full “C” cup. It was those blue eyes and full lips that always had my attention.She came bounding into the foyer and told me that she had something that she wanted to talk with me about. I had been like a father to her from the...

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Hi this is Sonali my friend Paul wanted to post this story to other site but in between that I saw that he is sending story in which heroin is I but he still doesn’t know that I sent this story to ISS Michael picked Viplove and Sonali up in his car at ten o’clock that morning. “You understand,” he said as he drove them to the Supermarket, “that if you wish to become members of the club you have to do exactly what I tell you to do during the next twenty eight days?” Viplove and Sonali sat in...

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L8 Night with Lionel and Sondra

He was late coming home — later than usual. Sondra fell asleep on the couch, waiting up for him. She didn’t hear the engine, or even the door opening. Lionel awakened her with a soft kiss. ‘You waited up for me.’ ‘Oh, baby,’ she yawned and stretched, then sat up and hugged him tightly. ‘Welcome home. Are you hungry? You want me to fix you something?’ ‘I’ll get it. Why don’t you go on to bed? I’ll be in in a little bit.’ ‘Okay,’ she sleepily agreed and swayed off down the hall. Lionel was...

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Adult Empire BBW

Call them big-breasted women or big beautiful women, BBW porn is arguably bigger (no pun intended?) than ever before. There are plenty of places to find it online, but as is typical with porn, it can be hard to find the best of any genre in one spot in cyberspace.Fortunately, I have been working over the years to find, categorize, describe, and rank all of the notable nudity sites online. It has been hard (and I am not just referring to the typical state of my dick when working) but very...

Premium BBW Porn Sites
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My Friend8217s Hot Milf Mom Sonam

Helio this Adam Matthews from Mumbai.This story is about my best friends mom Sonam.   I was feeling quite hot after driving to sam’s house. Since his family had moved to another village, we didn’t see each other as often. I was looking forward to hanging out with him. We had a similar taste in music and sport, so there was always plenty to talk about. I parked my bike around the side of the house before ringing the front doorbell. Mrs Sonam, sam’s mom, opened the door. I hadn’t seen her for a...

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Adult Empire Granny

Fridays had become the worst days of the week. I never had afternoon classes, and rather than spend it seducing bimbos on dating apps or fap to the latest porn content, I had to sit my ass in a nursing home that smells like shit and death with my eight years old grandpa with dementia to be taught Calculus. The fact that he would repeat the same thing for two hours made more. Until this fine afternoon, when I was strolling in this hellscape's corridors, I heard some sounds I could only associate...

Premium Granny Porn Sites
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Fucked Sexy Sonal

Hi Friends, mera naam Amit hai. I m 22 year old handsome guy studying engineering in last year at pune.Till 21 i never experienced sex because i didnt have girlfriend. I was bit shy guy, Aur mere maximum dost jinke pass girlfriend thi mujhe hamesha unke sex life ke baare me bata the, aur unki baate sunkar mein hamesha excite ho jaata tha. Aur mujhe bhi chodne ka bada mann karta tha lekin uske liye ladki ko patana bahot zaroori tha. Hamari class ki bahot saari ladkiya mujhe line deti thi lekin...

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Memories of Miss Manson

This is a true story of what happened to me during my time at secondary school between 1987 and 1994. In 1986, if my memory serves me correctly, corporal punishment in schools was banned. However, that didn’t seem to stop teachers at my old school – and may I add – completely female teachers – from using it on occasions. I remember an incident in a Drama lesson at the school. We were all in PE kit of t-shirt and shorts and had been instructed by the teacher, a tall, blonde lady called Mrs...

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Professor Sanderson

The little bitch had started coming on to him almost from the first class. Giving him those doe-eyed looks, the sly smiles, sitting there with his legs spread wide apart so Professor Sanderson could see his hard boy-meat. And he continued do so up until mid-terms. But, even though the little bitch had been outrageously flirting with Professor Sanderson from his front row seat, he had also been careful to never actually approach the man, to give his professor any opening to act on the boy’s...

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Adult Empire Celebrity

Ever since Paris Hilton's ex, Rick Salomon, released the pair of them porking, celebrity sex tapes became super popular. Then after a while, they seemed to die down for a bit until The infamous Fappening happened. Nowadays, it seems like famous (non-porn) people fucking seems to serve two functions, being 1.) it's good publicity for stars who are no longer in the news, and 2.) it is a halfway decent cottage industry for adult entertainment.Whatever the reason, past, present, and future, I am...

Premium Nude Celebrities
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Relationship With Hot Coworker Sonam

Hi, this is Kumar. After being a long time reader of sex stories on various sites, I got an urge to share my story with you all. I am a teacher by profession, working in a private institute in Pondicherry as a principal with a nice salary.Pondicherry is a beautiful place for living and drinking. It was a summer vacation when this incident took place. My coworker name’s Sonam. She is a perfect babe with a perfect figure and having a physical status of 34- 28- 34 which I came to know later. She...

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Adult Empire Pornstars

Everyone loves watching amateur porn. It's fun to imagine that a porn bitch is just a regular bitch no different than a neighbor, coworker, bartender, or friend.From Dust, Man. From Rib, Porn StarsThe popularity of series such as Girls Gone Wild shows this well. Everyone enjoys being at a concert and getting an eyeful of boobies. There is a reason bitches get necklaces for showing their tits at Mardi Gra. Everyone wins.As great as amateur porn is, porn stars are called stars for a reason. They...

Premium Pornstar Sites
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Adult Empire Trans

What are we doing when we watch regular straight porn? We are watching a man's penis enter and exit a woman's vagina over and over again until it fires out a wad of sticky cum. That sounds kind of gay, doesn't it?The Greatest Question of our TimeI couldn't even begin to estimate how many hours of porn I've watched in my lifetime. Not even the Gods can. Over my many years of masturbation, I've seen countless penises. To be completely honest, I've seen more penis than most gay dudes.I have held...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
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MumthazShilpa and Sonali

Hi friends, I am Ravi Sreedhar, I am 19Year-old, 5' 6" in height and doing my graduation. I was staying with my brother who was Lt.Col in Army and was studying in Delhi for Degree first year when this terrific incident here is happened. My first sexual experience was with my cousin sister as well as teacher Latha aged 23 [Uncles daughter] at the age of 16. We had a wonderful period of 2 years. During that time we had several wild and beautiful love making occasions. She was more interested...

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Fun With Sonam

First of all, my hearty thanks to ISS, for this wonderful website, this has made majority of them to share their sexual experiences. It’s been a while since I have written my experiences on ISS. I had shared my experiences before and now sharing yet another one. This happened couple of months back. I’m Nish (name changed), aged 27, from Bangalore/Bengaluru. I’m a software engineer by profession and working in an MNC. It’s been a smooth going life for me. I don’t believe in paying or receiving...

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Adult Sex Games

Are you looking for a place where you can play adult sex games that come somewhere between porn and video games? You are in the right place cocksucker. You see, some of us just want to play that kind of games to the point that they are so drilled in our brains we feel like zombies. That’s one of the aspects of playing a video game anyway. It’s even better when such games combine fun with sexual arousal; I’m talking about sexy virtual babes ready to be fucked hard, and all you need is to use...

Free Sex Games
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Adult Empire Lesbian

Do you know what's gay? Dicks are gay. Do you know what doesn't have many dicks in it? Lesbian porn. It's no wonder lesbian porn is consistently one of the most popular porn genres on earth. Lesbians are something the whole world can get behind. I don't know about you, but I sure like to get "behind" them.Gay Rights Get Me PussyI've been lucky to live in a time where being lesbian is becoming more and more acceptable. I don't know much about gay rights, but I know what gets my dick hard, and...

Premium Lesbian Porn Sites
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Adult Empire Teen

There are a lot of different genres of bitch to fuck out there. The variations of pussy are nearly infinite. I'm glad to be a member of a species whose appearances are so varied. It turns sex into a new adventure whenever you fuck a fresh bitch.Equal Opportunity Dick-ployerThere aren't many genres of cunt out there that I won't fuck. I've plowed into my fair share of midgets. Some of those bitches were so short I spit roasted them by myself.I've also thrown dick at disabled bitches. You may...

Premium Teen Porn Sites
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Adult Empire MILF

The male love of milfs starts at a ripe young age. Basically, the moment we get our first ball hair, we begin having wet dreams about teachers and friends' moms. We can't help ourselves.From Ball Hair to Ant HillsWhile young men are certainly still attracted to their peers, when you're a kid, your peers aren't fully developed women like moms and teachers. The evolutionary urge to reproduce takes over, and women of obvious mating age become sexy as fuck.The human mind is a strange beast,...

Premium Mature Porn Sites
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The Story of Sonja

THE STORY OF SONJA It was 4 a.m on Tuesday morning, and like everymorning Sonja was lying on the cold floor of her cell naked except for hermetal Chastity belt. Like clock work, Sonja was awakened by the sound ofa female guard screaming "wake up slave". Instinctively, Sonjaassumed a kneeling position and said "slave is awake Mame".Onceshe acknowledged she was awake, the guard opened her cell and laid a bowlof corn meal and water in front of Sonja and said "You have 5 minutes-eat" andthen the...

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New Black Servant Sonu

Hello everyone this is Ramlal . This is my first story in ISS . this story is dedicated to all the juicy ladies and to all the vergin’s who are still dreaming of having sex and to all the penis holders , hold yourself tight to go on sexual adventure with me in this real story of mine . This incident happened with my sister , who later shared it with me , as I and my sister don’t hide anything from each other . Now hear this story in the words of my sister . Here goes the story : Hello Friends I...

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Olivia and Victor Ellison

I looked at the wall clock. She still wasn't home, and it was ten till midnight. I'd gotten home an hour earlier after having been abandoned by her at her company's, Homestead Interior Design and Furnishings, party. She's an agent for them: she deals with department stores buying such. At any rate, she'd simply just up and left with some guy while I was in the bathroom. The she is my wife, Olivia Ellison, and her current level of disrespect is highly likely to put an end to that little...

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Tarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashma Pt 3 Bhide Aur Sonu

Namaste aap sabko aur ayie mere 3rd part of story mein. I hope ki aapko pehle 2nd part pasand aye honge. Aur agar nahi padhe toh please padh le toh ek si link set ho jayegi. Yeh sari stories tab ki hai jab sare bache bade ho gaye hai. Toh aab main aata hu sidha story pe. Jaise ki apne 2nd part mein halki si jhalak li ki Sonu aur Bhide chudai kar rahe the apni bedroom mein jab Madhvi nahi thi. Toh ayie dekhte hai ki kaise in dono ki sex life ki shuruat hui. Toh ek din hua yuh ki Sonu ke 12th...

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Adult Video Store 1

A few years ago, a longtime friend of mine, Brian, asked me to help him move to a city about three hours away from our hometown. I told him that I was not happy that he was moving but that I would be happy to help him if I could.We got everything loaded, which wasn't much, in both of our vehicles and headed out on a Friday afternoon. His new apartment was in a city I had never been to before, so I got to see many new things on this trip.Before we left, he told me that it should take three hours...

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Adult Magazines PDF

AdultMagazinesPDF kind of gives away their whole gimmick with the title, but there’s nothing wrong with that. I appreciate the clever shit as much as the next guy, but sometimes it’s nice to know right upfront what you’re getting and not be misled. I can’t tell you how disappointed I was when I found out Amazon sells everything but big-ass tall bitches with huge racks.Yup, you guessed it, ladies and gentlemen: is a growing archive of porno rags in convenient PDF and JPEG...

Free Porn Download Sites
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Adult Empire Black

I have stuck my dick in every variant of human being there is. I fucked an Eskimo on the back of a snowmobile while a polar bear watched in the distance, hoping one of us would die. I've drilled a Native American bitch in front of a bonfire while her ancestors jerked off from an adjacent teepee. I've even donned an oxygen mask to cornhole a Tibetian slut at the north base camp on Everest.Dick Mission TripsPerhaps my most harrowing sexual experience was fucking a bunch of Sentinelese women on a...

Premium Black Porn Sites
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Adult Empire POV

When it comes to unfuckable, no one does it like my readers. Bitches don't want to touch you with a ten-foot pole. That's why I like to tell the many stories of my conquests. I want you to put yourself in my shoes and experience just a little taste of what my life is like.In the Driver's SeatBecause you guys will never get to feel the ultimate pleasure of a woman's pussy gliding up and down your pathetic cock, you're always looking for ways to make the porn experience more realistic. One of the...

Premium POV Porn Sites
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To Addison, sex was a mystery. She was very curious about it starting in her teen years, but many of her questions about it went unanswered. She was raised in a home where the subject was rarely discussed, and when it was, she was warned that having sex was something she should wait to do until after she was married. Her parents were conservative, religious people and her only sibling was nearly eight years younger than her and being her brother, she never even dreamed of talking about the...

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Tmkoc Episode 12 Bhide Aur Sonu

Hi, this is humraaj88, back after a long break with the much-awaited continuation of my series TMKOC. Before getting into the story, I would like to thank everyone who liked and responded well to my emails. And for those who are new, my email id is Toh jaisa ki aap jante hai Sonu train mein Payal ke sath washroom mein chali jaati hai. Jaise hi Sonu washroom mein pahunchti hai Payal door lock kar deti hai. Sonu ko lips pe kiss karne lagti hai. Sonu bhi sab bhool kar ache se respond karti hai...

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Cricket With My Sister Sonali

My Sister, Sonali, had turned 19 just last week. As much as I loved her as an elder brother, I had to admit her big bosom always left me surprised. They were definitely sized 36 and always looked huge. She had proper busty melons, and for somebody of her age it was an unbelievably sized pair of hooters to own. Sonali, however, always managed to keep it covered,hidden and look less voluptuous on most occasions. But at home, it was just impossible. Firstly you do not always wear uncomfortable...

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My Best Teenage Girlfriend Sonu

Hi friends This is Prem , I am 24 now , this is a two year old story , I was in MBA first year , I mate SONU who was living near my hostel room, she was 18 yrs old but very bold with big boobs. All of we friends use to watch her moving everyday , and she was also very innocent, One of friend set her and they started dating , but soon she got broke up with him and I noticed that she was attracted to me… One day I was going to my room and I saw her changing dress , I stopped and started...

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Adult Dating Online For Singles

Dating is expected to be fun and enjoyable. And, let's face it, not everyone is exactly searching for a young lady or boy to take home to mother, unless of course mother herself is not "traditional". Grownup relationship and personal ads services were designed for those searching for fun and loving relationship. This contains informal sex as well as checking out of dreams and fetishes. Now, in this day and age, where "hanging out" and "hooking up" are recognized...

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Sometimes, it is much easier to have all your porn videos downloaded to your PC, and that is why sites like exist. Here, you have all kinds of porn videos that tend to be pretty basic, with a variety. Now, if you do not understand what the fuck I mean by that, do not worry, I am here to explain everything you need to know.Simple design.At first, it is not really that obvious that this is a site that only offers downloads because the site itself looks quite nice. It could easily...

Free Porn Download Sites
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Adult Empire For Women

Some websites just do their thing. Some joints manage to beat the fierce competition and stay afloat long enough to become legends, despite a shitload of other websites offering the same merch. Meet! The place that captures that 90's vibe. The time when fuckers had to hide their boners while on their way to buy adult magazines. Wanking off was still a taboo, which made things a whole lot interesting.Adultempire is so freaking huge that each of its categories deserves a separate...

Premium Porn For Women Sites
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Adult Empire Facials

When it comes to cumming, the face is one of my favorite options. There are a million reasons for this, but I think what guys genuinely love is how demeaning it is. If a bitch lets you cum on her face, it's evidence that she would do anything for you. Plus, it gives us a great view of our work. The more of her face I leave painted, the more pride I feel.Jizz WinsThere is something satisfying in watching a bitch have to get up and go to the bathroom to clean your jizz wad off of her face. For...

Premium Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
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Adult Photo Sets

When you want Adult Photosets, where do you go? Honestly, I’d argue that ThePornDude is an easy bet when you’re looking for the perfect bit of masturbatory content on the internet in any category, nudie pics included. You could also try a joint that puts what you want right in the title, like this site we’re going to look at today. The name of this place also includes the word “best,” a descriptor that could be a bullshit brag or might be the real thing. Naturally, I wanted to lube up the ol’...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Fun With My Crush Colleague Sony

Hello, Greetings!! ISS and Readers, Sub: How I enjoyed with my colleague Ref: Hemo, I’m back with fresh story this is my first Office story, those who don’t know about me let me introduce to them. This is Hemanth from Hyderabad (South India) if you want to know more about me then read my previous stories (I don’t like to waste your time so that I said like that), I hope you like them. In this story I’m expressing the fun happened between me and my colleague. I was working in a social service...

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Adult Passion The Continueing Story of New Beginnings

Introduction: Jenny and Mallory get Three House Guests Adult Passions – A family that plays together&hellip,. If you havent read my Young Passion and Young Adult Passion series yet. Look Up my old account Author name PASSIONFRUIT. I lost my account password so I cant access it anymore. This story is the first part of the THIRD SERIES. Hope you like. I have to post this as fiction just to protect myself. Enjoy. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- I personally...

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The Neighborhood Chapter Four Sonja

I woke up the next morning to find myself in bed alone. I got up,brushed my teeth, put on some underwear, and walked to the kitchen. I thought I had smelled coffee. Randy and Paul were at the kitchen table getting their morning shot of Java. They were also getting an eyeful. Sonja was sitting on a chair across the room with her legs spread. She was energetically masturbating for my roommates. Her fingers dipped in and out of her mound. With her other hand she was massaging those...

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The Neighborhood Chapter Four Sonja

I woke up the next morning to find myself in bed alone. I got up,brushed my teeth, put on some underwear, and walked to the kitchen. I thought I had smelled coffee. Randy and Paul were at the kitchen table getting their morning shot of Java. They were also getting an eyeful. Sonja was sitting on a chair across the room with her legs spread. She was energetically masturbating for my roommates. Her fingers dipped in and out of her mound. With her other hand she was massaging those...

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How Do You Solve A Problem LikeMiss Manson

After her meeting with Ms. Storey that lunchtime and on hearing that the strict young deputy headmistress was going to allow Rebecca Mulligan to carry out her plan to deal with Miss Manson, the head of Music at St Katherine’s School did not hang around for long after the end of the school day. Once she had taken the full school orchestra for their after-school practice she returned to the Music office, packed her bag and hurried to her car. She arrived home just after 5 pm and decided that she...

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Harry Potter the Sexaholic Part 2 Pansy Parkinson

Hermione didn’t sit in the same compartment as Harry and Ron did on the Hogwarts express, she and Ginny had found a compartment for themselves. Ron thought he and Hermione had argued and kept telling Harry to go apologize.Harry finally got tired of Ron and reminded him that Prefects needed to patrol the train. Ron grudgingly left the compartment leaving Harry alone. Harry’s thoughts immediately turned back to Sirius and the prophesy. Hermione had been able to keep these thought away for a...

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