Olivia Sam Sandra Nikki The Plot Thickens
- 2 years ago
- 61
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I looked at the wall clock. She still wasn't home, and it was ten till midnight. I'd gotten home an hour earlier after having been abandoned by her at her company's, Homestead Interior Design and Furnishings, party. She's an agent for them: she deals with department stores buying such. At any rate, she'd simply just up and left with some guy while I was in the bathroom. The she is my wife, Olivia Ellison, and her current level of disrespect is highly likely to put an end to that little piece of legal reality. Pissed didn't even begin to describe my level of ire.
I heard the garage door opener engage. Finally! The usual one minute lag time, and then, again as usual, the back screen door slamming. She clearly didn't care if I were asleep or not. That pissed me off even more.
"Oh! You're still up," she said, stopping in her tracks when she spotted me sitting at the kitchen table.
"Yeah, well if I had been sleeping, your entrance would have put an end to that," I said.
"Yes, I did kinda slam the door didn't I?" she said.
"Yes, yes you did—again," I said.
"Didn't mean to. Sorry."
"Got anything else to say to me?" I said.
"Like?" she said. My look sobered her. "Oh, you mean about my being so late?" she said. I just stared at her. She knew what I meant. I guess she was hoping I was too tired to deal with a confrontation at this particular hour of night; I wasn't.
"Calvin, Calvin Grayson, He's an old friend. He was invited to the party by one of the mucky-mucks who knew him from somewhere. He asked me if I wanted to see his new place. We, you and I, have been thinking about looking for a new place. I thought it would be useful to check his out. It was just around the corner from where we were. We didn't do what you may be thinking, Victor. But, I guess, time did kinda get away from us. I was shocked when I realized that it was after 11:00PM. I hurried home as soon as I could after that," she said.
"He asked you to see his new place? Not his etchings?" she took on a disgusted look. "And, how did you get home? It sure as hell wasn't with me?" I said.
"Calvin gave me a ride. He's sorry too for causing me to be so late," she said. I nodded.
"Drop your panties," I said.
"Huh?" she said.
"Drop your panties. If he fucked you, I'll be able to tell, and if he did I'll be seeing a lawyer in the A.M. If he didn't we may still have marriage—I say may—so drop your panties," I said. "Do it now."
"Now wait just a minute, buster. You are way over the top here," she said. "We didn't do anything. I am not dropping my panties." I nodded.
"Okay, I'll be sleeping in the master bedroom tonight, so I can get an early start packing. I mean all of my stuff is in there. You sleep in the guest room just for tonight. You can move back in tomorrow when I'm gone. Oh, and I promise to not disturb you in the morning. It's Saturday. You can sleep in," I said. "I promise not to slam the door." She gave me an I'm-disgusted look.
"What are you talking about?" she said.
"You know damn well what I'm talking about," I said. "I'm leaving you and divorcing you. It ain't rocket science. He fucked you, you cheated on me, and you're standing there actually daring to try and get me to forget about it. Well, that ain't happening. I will not be your willing cuckold."
"Look, Victor, you are going way overboard here. He did not fuck me. I swear it," she said.
"So drop your pants," I said.
"Victor, please!" she said. I just stared at her. She sighed and began pushing her pants floorward.
"Spread 'em," I said. She did. She had not been fucked.
"We'll talk in the morning," I said. She strode off in a huff. Well, that was just too damn bad.
The coffee smelled good. Well, the coffee was always good, but the day figured not to be. She was sitting at the table stirring her morning candied coffee.
I got a cup of the black elixir—I'm tough, I drink it straight—and sat down opposite her. "Okay, I guess it's time to talk," she said.
"Yeah, it is," I said. "What did you think you were doing hanging me out to dry at 'your' company party, Olivia? A party where I knew virtually nobody and had absolutely nothing in common with any of them? Do I mean so little to you that you can do that to me without a second thought?
"Oh, and before you answer, There is no way I believe that you went to his new place to check it out. Maybe the bed or the couch, but the house per se—not a chance!" I said.
She deflated. "Okay. First off, you're my husband, but you are not my only love interest," she said. "No, that's not quite right. You are my only love interest, but not my only lust interest. She'd stunned me. I think my mouth was twitching, kinda like a goldfish's. She smirked.
"What the hell!" I said.
"In the last hour or so this morning, I made the decision to tell you the complete and utterly unadorned truth. Some of it may piss you off pretty good, maybe even hurt you some—your ego. But, that said, some may actually make you feel better," she said.
"Really!" I said. "Sounds like a lot more bad than good." She shrugged.
"Perhaps," she said. "Calvin is an old friend, not just somebody who happened to get invited to the party."
"Like I said, I'll be packing. You have a nice life, yuh hear," I said. She sighed, ignored me, and continued her spiel. For the life of me, I continued to sit and listen to her tripe.
"His company, Hilliard Software Inc, is based downtown. We have lunch occasionally; I invited him; he's a fun guy. He has fucked me in the past, but that was before I met you. That said, he didn't fuck me last night, as you discovered. Sometime in the future I may let him do me again; he's part of the lust interest that I alluded to a minute ago. But again, we didn't do it last night. And, it may never happen.
"And why would you wait, dear soon to be ex-wife," I sneered. She smirked again: her level of confidence was truly remarkable. "I mean if you are so overcome with lust for him. And maybe others?" Another smirk.
"Why? Well, because Calvin is bi, and a bit more bi than hetero, if you get my drift. So, like I say, it may never happen, him doing me. Anyway, he is very well equipped and sensitive to a partner's needs. Frankly, Victor, you could learn a thing or two from him," she said. "And, I am not your soon to be ex-wife. I love only you, and the idea of a divorce is not even to be entertained."
I ignored her opinion as to the likelihood of a divorce.
"You sure know how to hurt a guy," I said; "Eleven years we've been man and wife, and all of this time not one word from you about my—what—inadequacies. Been cheating on me right along have you Liv?"
"No. In truth there were a couple of times, but right along as you put it? No," she said. I could feel my face darken, cloud over.
"Like I said, I'll be sleeping the master tonight. You can have it back tomorrow," I said.
"Why? You never sinned?" she said. "You and Carol Radcliff, for example?" She had me there. She'd caught me with Carol's underpants actually in my hands during a party while we were engaged. Carol and I had never done it, hadn't gotten that far, but we would have. At any rate, Livy had caught us; so she and I had broken up; later made up, and finally put it behind us.
"Okay, point for you, but that was, in point of fact, before we were married; and no, I have not sinned since," I said. She knew I'd had chances. And truth told I'd come close a few times, but, I had never acted on any of them since we'd said our I-dos. "Who did you do it with? I mean those couple of times," I said.
"One night stands in bars. You were out of town both times. I don't remember the names or the bars. It was just sex. A roll in the hay, and goodbye," she said. The last time was three years ago and the time before that five years ago."
"Hmm, and I'm supposed to believe that?" I said.
"Yes," she said.
"You still haven't answered my question," I said.
"About last night?" she said.
"Yes," I said.
"Don't know really. It was spur of the moment. Figured we'd be back in an hour tops. But, like I said before, time just got away from us," she said.
"You know what frosts me the most. Not that you left with him. Not that you cheated on me those two times. Those are bad enough. But what really frosts me, is that last night you didn't give a damn about me at all. I'm beginning to believe that you never really have," I said.
"Victor, nothing could be farther from the truth. Yes, I was inconsiderate. Yes, I did kinda abandon you last night, and I'm sorry. Okay?" she said. I nodded slowly wondering just where we were at now. Did I feel any better than I had before we talked? The answer to that was an unequivocal no.
"You say you care about me? But I'm not sure I can believe you. I have to get away from you, at least for the time being. Try to figure things out. I'll give you a call in a few days and we can talk if you want to. If not it'll be splitsville for the both of us.
"I mean all of the above being whatever it is, and you still have the cajones to say that sometime in the future you may let this Calvin asshole fuck you. Do that, and we're done no matter what else happens. I mean you actually daring to say something like that to me is a slap in the face that may have us headed for divorce court anyway. But, like I say, I aim to do some thinking. You might wanna be putting your thinking cap on too; I mean if you really do care about us staying together. Your arrogance, Livy, is what's way over the top here, not my checking out your panties."
"Look, Victor... ," But, I was already up and headed for the stairs.
The Starlight was not fancy: a bed, a couple of chairs, a bathroom and a closet; but for the moment it got me away from her. And, it had the added benefit of being close to work. I'm an accountant for Horowitz and Gamble Inc. I handle high end clients with a penchant for wanting their incomes sheltered even if it has to be offshore. Income $250K, perks very good. Life'd been good to me, that except for a too pretty wife, who really didn't care very much how she did me. And these, her latest exploits in that regard, were merely the proverbial straw-too-much.
Now, things were going to change and change fast, or it would be an end to us. And oh, about the high cost of divorce? It wouldn't be high for me. I did know how to dodge that bullet for damn sure; hell, it's what I did for a living. And my wife, Olivia Ellison? She damn well knew it. But, this last said, I guess she figured her undeniably sensational body, looks, and bedroom skills made her Teflon when it came to how men dared to behave toward her.
She looked over at her husband of fourteen years and didn't bat an eyelash. "So did you get any new business for your trouble last night," said Anita Grayson, age forty-six, still pretty, and clearly a female to be reckoned with; she was alluding to the party he'd gone to the previous night ostensibly to garner new business for his gyms and health clubs.
"Some leads is all. Mainly an opportunity to meet potentials," he said. "Improved health and fitness is something that most people don't think about until their bodies have already gone to pot and the road back is discouragingly steep." She nodded.
Hear the lieutenant governor was there. Did you get a chance to talk to him?" she said.
"Yes, he was there. Just got introduced is all, no lengthy conversation. Seemed like everybody wanted a piece of him," he said. She noticed a slight, but definite, hesitation when she'd asked her last question. Something was going on. Calvin Grayson was good at some things, but not worth a damn at playing poker. The question then became, why would her husband be skittish, for that what he was, about answering a question relating to a high profile pol? She'd be keeping an eye on him, her husband. She suspected that he was playing with boys; and if he was, was the lieutenant governor one of his playmates? The man was married to a truly beautiful ex-model. Was she just arm candy, a political expediency? Anita Grayson doubted it; but, stranger things had happened.
He put down his drink and came to her. "Let's get physical," he said. She smiled.
"You want to put that great big thingy of yours inside of me?" she said, now giggling.
"Guilty," he said. He covered her left breast with his hand and massaged it through the material of her dress and paper-thin bra. She was a hot piece was his wife. She was every bit as good as Olivia Ellison, his second favorite piece. The thought made him smile. He'd have to be visiting Olivia soon; she deserved a dose of his nine inch dick, and she was after all his to command. Life had been good to Calvin Grayson. All he had to do to keep it that way was to be super-discreet. Yes, discreet was the word.
He let his hand trail down until he was squeezing the covered flesh of her vulva.
"God you are for sure one hot momma," he said.
"Well, if so, what are you waiting for, big boy, take me. Do me," she said. He did.
Again, Olivia is a part time interior decorator for Homestead Interior Design and Furnishings; she's sort of self-employed; she works out of our house as a decorator and sales agent for them. She gets most of her business by word of mouth from past customers though she does also get leads from the home company. That said, her business was more of a hobby than anything else, she makes a tenth of what I do. This last no doubt her reason for assuring me of her love and devotion and my importance to her sentient existence.
I was no fool. I hadn't seen any evidence of it before, but I had to believe that she'd been cheating on me more than she'd admitted to; she was just real good at keeping it hidden. But, as for that, the Preston Scott Agency would soon have the evidence—any evidence—of her perfidy both past and present if there indeed was any, that quite apart from her already alluded to admissions; and if so, if there were any evidence, she was dead meat.
I was sitting at my desk having just hung up the phone when my secretary buzzed me.
"Yes, Denise," I said.
"Mister Ellison, a Mr. Scott is here to see you," said Denise. "Said he had an appointment?" Denise was under strict orders to never let anyone gain access to me without an appointment; hence, her clear reluctance to recognize the importance of Mr. Preston Scott, my newly hired PI, and my very old friend from college days.
Preston and I had been tighter than a witch's cunt in years gone by. I employed his services on rare occasions when a client needed something special, usually to defend himself or herself from spousal attacks during a divorce. At any rate we had a long history.
It'd been a month since I'd called him; that, the same length of time since I'd been home. Odd thing about that last, she, Olivia, had not tried to contact me at all during that span of time. It was like she either didn't give a damn or was giving me time to get over my mad before doing so. Well, hell, I hadn't tried to contact her either.
"Send him in, Denise, I forgot to tell you about him. I was expecting him," I said.
I met him at the door to my office as Denise flagged him in. He was smiling.
"I take it from your smile that you have news," I said.
"Oh indeed I do," said Preston Scott. I smiled him to go on.
"Yes, well, let me begin with the bottom line, or lines if you prefer. Your wife is a prostitute. Mister Grayson is her pimp, and she—they—have been at it for some five years. I should add, he isn't fucking her, at least not recently as far as I can tell. And believe it or not he appears to be happily married.
"Is he bi do you know?" I said.
"Yes. And I haven't been able to find out for certain, but I don't think the wife, Anita Grayson's her name, knows about his interest in boys or the business he and your wife are involved in. The Graysons own three beauty salons and four gyms. He runs the gyms and his wife runs the salons. They've got some bucks.
"You know, Victor, most of the time, when I collect the goods on this or that spouse, I feel bad about it. Hate to see marriages go south. But, in this case your wife and her partner in crime are so far beyond the pale that I have to warn you to get your ducks in a row and get the hell outta Dodge muy prontero!," he said.
"Prostitute? Pimp? Five years' worth?" I said.
"Yes. I have 'em on tape and video both. I also have the statements on tape of some of her liaisons. The cops are going to have field day if you decide to out them. My guys talked to at least a dozen of her current and former clients who are willing to testify if we keep their wives, bosses, and significant others the hell outta the loop," he said. "I could've gotten more, but it would be more than superfluous to have bothered," he said.
"But, how... ?" I said.
"You're kidding, right? I can find out anything, Victor; the world's an open book, really. Bartenders, beauty salon workers, braggarts at the gyms: it was a piece of cake. They're dead meat, Victor. How dead will be your choice," he said.
"Sweet Jesus," I said. My bud took on a look, maybe tentative.
"Preston?" I said, reacting to his look.
"A friend of yours is one of her playmates, Victor," he said.
"A friend of mine?"
"Yeah, you do his taxes like you do mine," he said. He paused. I waited.
"Ronald McElroy," he said.
He'd stunned me. The lieutenant governor. "Boy oh boy oh boy!" I said.
"Yeah, at least that," he said.
"Okay, ducks in a row, got it," I said. "Anything else?"
"Only these, the evidence," he said, pushing two large manila envelopes across the desk to me. "I wouldn't look at the pictures or watch the videos; they're pretty intense. And, what they say..."
"About me?" I said, interrupting him in mid-sentence.
"Yeah," he said. I nodded. Would I look at them? Give a listen to the audio? I wasn't sure, but maybe not. I respected Preston's opinion on things, so probably not.
We talked a little longer and then he was gone. Now, I had to get moving and get things accomplished before she realized I was on to her. I did have questions, a lot of questions. Well, one can imagine. But, they'd have to wait a bit. Ducks in a row, that was the ticket. Had to take care of that stuff muy prontero as my bud had advised me. I also had to go home and keep up appearances for the short term just in case.
She sat across the table from him slowly shaking her head from side to side. "No, Calvin, for the final time no!" she said.
"Look, with just a modicum of care, and minimum of effort; we could be rich and that in no time," he said.
"I don't like it," she said. "Selling my body for a few bucks to get my rocks off is one thing. But drugs, getting in bed with those gangsters? Not good," she said.
"We make what, on the side, from the sex thing?" he said. "Maybe twenty or thirty G's a year total, and we split that?"
"Yes, I guess," she said.
"We could net ten times that much rockin' with the Gonzales brothers," he said. They have the product, we have the customers, customers that owe us if we get right down to it.
"Look, Livy, the salons and the gyms actually belong to Anita. Her inheritance funded the damn things. It's scary what could happen if she ever discovers our little side business. At least with the brothers we would be able to write our own tickets.
"And what happens when the Gonzales brothers decide they don't need us anymore. Then what?" she said.
"We just make damn sure that they do continue to need us," he said.
"If we actually did this stupid thing, what would be my role," she said. "I already have a husband who I can only hope is crying nightly in his beer, trying to get over his mad. But as to that, I'm beginning to doubt he ever will. It's been more than a month now, and he hasn't returned, called, sent along a postcard—nothing!" she said. Her friend smiled.
"Lucky for us," said Calvin. "It's given us time to set this other in motion. But to answer your question: you'd be helping me convince our more convincable clients that we could deliver to them that which they are probably already getting from some other supplier."
"I don't know. It's not something I feel good about," she said. "Plus, I actually love my husband. He's a little too square for the real world, but he is trustworthy and loving. I need what he has to offer, Calvin; well, apart from his nothing bedroom skills. Risking this thing with the brothers...
"I mean you've got Anita and your occasional boyfriends. For the record, who's at the top of your boy list now, Calvin? Is it that Johnson kid? Somebody new? At least in prison you'd have a cast of hundreds to choose from, probably. Me? Let's just say I don't fancy the mono-sex world of the state Bastille."
"Whatever," said Calvin, snickering. "We would not be handling the product. We would just be pointing likely well-heeled clients in the right direction and stepping back and letting Marcus and Jorge Gonzales and their ilk do the rest. Like I said, we'd never be getting our hands dirty." She nodded, but it was a definitely qualified nod.
"But, Livy, on another topic; how are you thinking of handling your erstwhile hubby? I mean he has been out there amongst 'em for a while now. Frankly, that's just a little bit scary. We do not need him poking his nose into our enterprises. And what happens if and when he does come home. Will it be open arms for him or something less?" said Calvin. "You gotta be thinking about that. I mean how to keep him calm, cool, and collected."
"Don't know just yet. But, I suppose I do have to start thinking about it. I'll be nice to him, but I figure I'll wait for him to make the first move sexually. He has to learn his place. But, at any rate, that's between him and me," she said. He nodded.
"Okay, but don't turn him off, or worse, run him off. We need him to not be in a vengeful snit down the line," he said. "He does have resources, as you and I have discussed. Should he decide to employ them it could usher in a very bad day for us."
"I understand. And, no, I do not want him in the know or getting in the way either. Those things are absolutes," she said. "I'll have to figure something out, and I will."
I swear she jumped two feet into the air when she saw me. I was leaning against the door jamb leading from the kitchen watching her balance her checkbook at the dinette table; well, I thought that was what she was doing.
"Victor! Jesus! You scared the snot outta me," she said.
"Sorry about that," I said, not elaborating after the fact.
"I—I—I am so glad you're home. My God, I am," she said. She had risen from her seat and come to me. She tendered me a hug and a sweet, if a more or less perfunctory, kiss on the lips. "Welcome home, my man," she said.
"Really?" I said. "You really missed me?"
"Of course!" she said.
"Hmm, and yet I haven't heard word one from you since the day," I said.
"I know. I knew you were angry. And, I also knew you wouldn't be answering any calls from me in the near term. I was giving you time to come to—well—a more understanding state of mind," she said. "I should say I was just about to the point where I was going to be tracking you down. And never doubt it, I did miss you. I missed you a lot."
I nodded toward her still open check book. "Doing a little balancing?" I said. She nodded.
"Yes, I was afraid I was going to have to tap into the savings for the rent this month. The checking account—well—since you left..." My turn to nod.
"So which is it?" I said.
"Huh?" she said.
"Which was it that you were missing the most me or my income?" I said.
"Truth?" she said. "Both."
"I'll put some cash in the account tomorrow," I said. "Wouldn't want our credit suffering, now would we." I wondered what she was doing with the money from her little side business. Figured she probably didn't want to be mixing the funds; I wouldn't were I her, I thought.
"How's that boyfriend of yours," I said. She took on a disgusted expression.
"I suppose you are referring to Calvin. He's not a boyfriend, Victor; just a friend. He's fine, and yes, I have talked to him some since you cut out on me. Lunches and one dinner. Now, can we leave the subject of Calvin the heck alone and get to solving 'our' problem? Really!" she said, a little too forcefully.
I looked at my watch. "Let's go out to dinner, Liv. Unless you've got a date with Calvin," I said. She seemed to be about to go off on me, but restrained herself. I snickered. I'd struck a nerve.
"Well, okay, I did plan to go to dinner with him tonight, but I will call and cancel. You're more important. Okay?" she said.
"What! you'd cancel a date with such a good lover?" I said.
"I told you, he's gay. We were not going to be doing anything you'd disapprove of," she said.
"No, you told me he was bi. Helluva difference," I said. "But, yes, do call and cancel. Well, I mean it is my first night back surprise or not." She nodded.
She went for her purse on the credenza and pulled out her cell. She dialed, waited, and was apparently answered. "Hi. Yeah, it's me. Gotta cancel. My hubby just got back. Yeah, me too. Thanks for understanding," she said.
"It was easy to figure out that it wasn't Calvin on the phone, more likely one of her dates. She had not used his name and the description of my return was a little too generic for it to have been someone in the know of our marital problems which I was more than certain good 'ole Calvin was."
"There, satisfied?" she said.
"A better question might be are you satisfied," I said.
She ignored me. "I have to freshen up, but we can go in maybe half an hour. Would that be all right?"
"Yes, sure," I said.
Anita Grayson was watching them closely ... the woman had a handsome but way too young stud smiling nervously as they talked and sipped their drinks. The woman was dressed provocatively, but not sluttily. What they were about to do, or maybe had already done was clearly obvious.
She'd gotten a heads up that her husband, Calvin Grayson, was pimping for some woman, and now she knew who the woman was: Olivia Ellison. She'd met her a couple of times at dos her husband had brought her to. She, the Ellison woman was some kind of interior decorator and had done some decorating at their gyms and salons; she was talented in her field.
At first she hadn't believed it. But, an overheard conversation on the house phone, had decided her to follow up on what she'd overheard, and now she was here, and now she knew it was true. And, now she was a mixture of angry and amused. Her husband, who thought he was so smart, had proven himself dumber than even she had thought possible.
She watched as the couple left together. Clearly this was a case of going to happen not had already happened. She wondered how the woman's husband would react to the scene. Hell, she knew how he'd react unless he was some wimpy assed pussy. For the moment she'd file away the evidence, evidence gotten on her cell phone's camera; there would be a day.
The food was good at the Momma's Little Taste of Italy, always had been. After dinner, on a whim, I wheeled us over to the Crescendo, a seventies style discothèque on the outskirts of town. She smiled as we turned into the parking lot.
"Gonna be a fun night, I guess," said Olivia.
"That's the idea," I said. Inside, we were able to find a table near the far wall enough away from the blaring speakers to hear ourselves talk as the occasion might arise.
The DJ was on a break. He'd left on some intermission music for the patrons and a few couples were boogying around the floor.
"Are we going to be good, Victor, you and me?" she said. I stared at her and wondered, what the question she'd asked would mean, if she knew what I in fact did know about her activities. I smiled.
"Don't actually know yet. I'm still not happy about the way you've been treating me, Olivia. I guess we'll just have to wait and see." I had it in mind to offer her a last chance before the axe would fall. And, if she did seize the opportunity to redeem herself, would I care in any event. She'd been hanging horns on me for so long that it was going to be more than difficult to get by it, at least for my part.
"Victor?" she said.
"Yes?" I said.
"This place has rooms." She rolled her eyes to indicate the upstairs floors where the Hotel Crescendo's rooms were located. I smiled. I felt like a relief pitcher coming in in the late innings to save the game. Well, she had expected to spend the evening on her back hoping for some faceless dude to pleasure her—and pay her. The good news was I'd be getting her ass for free. But, even if I'd had to pay, the way she looked tonight would have made it more than worth it. I wondered how much she charged.
"Let's get one," I said.
"Let's," she echoed. As I signed for the room, one of the other counter attendants—there were three—talked to her, appeared to know her. It was a tell: she'd used the Crescendo's accommodations before. Clearly, she was not a cheap fuck, only the best for my personal whore. Then it hit me: the attendant thought I was a john. I left my gold Cross pen on the counter. I wanted an excuse to come back.
Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete fiction.my self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...
Things got somewhat back to normal for both Victor and Victoria after their first class of the morning. Victoria had time to think and she finally remembered the three numbers on her lock, but the order of numbers eluded her. But with her brother's help, she tried a few combinations and her locker door opened. Some clothing exchange still meant she would be naked for a few seconds while she returned her brother's pants and socks and then got into her own clothes ( minus panties, of course....
Victor didn't have to be asked twice. With his sexy twin sister on her knees and bound, he grabbed her hips and lifted her up to better enter her rosy, swollen and extremely wet pussy. He was as happy to help her with this volunteer project as he was to help her with her pledge homework. For her part, Victoria had already learned a thing or two from the boys in the committee, the lads in the gym and even the old geezers at the Men's Den. But she was always happy to discover nuances in...
It was in the middle of the afternoon when Olivia decided to play with herself. She knew she would be in big trouble when Jack came home from work, but she wanted to give herself a much-needed orgasm. She had been two months without an orgasm and she was about to bust. So she went to grab her favorite 9inch dildo and her most trusted glass ribbed dildo as well. She laid down on the couch with her legs spread open, and without much fanfare plunged her glass dildo into wet milky pussy. As she was...
SpankingIt was day three of a shortened Pledge week and Victor and Victoria felt they had been initiated into a weird and wonderful Wonderland of sexual humiliation and deeply personal sexual gratification. The week was short as it began on the first day of school which was the day after Labor Day, therefore a Tuesday. This was Thursday and the Pledge Twins were ready for anything Carl or Cheryl tell them to do at school. What they were not prepared for was the tasks assigned to them as...
Later that evening after they had returned home and eaten dinner, Jack was in the living room sitting on the sofa. Olivia finished loading the dishes into the dishwasher, wiped the table and then walked into the living room. Surprised that he was sitting on the sofa rather than his usual chair, she walked over to him, looking forward to sitting on the sofa with him. "Come here, Olivia," he said, pointing to the floor in front of him. She went over and knelt in front of him. "I'm glad you had a...
Straight SexCheryl and Carl took the twins aside as the assembly broke up and kids filed into the school halls. "The theme for tonight's final community project session," said Cheryl " and of your last day of Pledge Week will be 'Let's Switch'." "And by that," added Carl, " we mean switching in three ways. Gather up your clothes, both of you. Don't put them on yet, but walk with us to the gym so you can see what we're getting at." So the four of them, the twins buck naked, and Cheryl and...
Carl and Victor were having double latte cappuccino frappes with chipotle chicken wraps in a dive humorously named 'Tacky Belle' when they spied Cheryl and an oddly attired Victoria walking down the street. Vicky's Naughty Nurse outfit from The Men's Den was slutty and revealing. It was designed to make many men stand up and notice. It was working on her brother's cock at that moment. Carl got up and told Vic to wait there while he went out to greet the girls. He soon returned with...
So many things were going through Olivia's young mind as she rode in the back of the van. Though she was uncomfortable from the cuffs and leg irons digging into her lovely olive skin, this was barely a distraction as she replayed the recent events of her life over and over in her head. It was dark in the back of the transport van, and the 20-minute ride gave her plenty of time to think. How could she have not known her boyfriend Kenny was dealing d**gs? He seemed like a nice guy and always...
Olivia found Saturday to be a repeat performance of Friday with the exception of Reed calling the moment he saw her mother pull out of the driveway. "Hey Liv, where's your mom going and how long is she going to be gone for?" "I don't know, she said something about going over to a friend's house and that she'd be back around lunchtime." "What friend?" "I don't know, I didn't ask," replied Olivia as she sat on her bed relaxing in her pj's. It was the longest she'd gone...
Jenny and Olivia lived next door to each other and, even with the age difference, got on well.It was unusual given that Jenny was fifty-eight-years-old and Olivia was seventeen-years-old. However, Jenny enjoyed the friendship of the teenager, and Olivia loved being around a grandma figure. So, as time went on, Olivia would often knock on Jenny’s door with a cake or biscuits she had cooked herself and they sat in the kitchen and chatted about what they had been doing, just like friends...
SpankingOlivia and Jenny were continuing to enjoy their respective role reversals. Jenny was fifty-eight-years-old and was enjoying herself as a teenager of seventeen-years-old, whilst Olivia was relishing her position of authority even though actually the seventeen-year-old but taking the maternal role in the household.Jenny happily played the stroppy or sulking teenager, and even accepted the spanking Olivia gave her three times during the first week. Mind you, each time Olivia and Jenny ended up in...
Spanking"Do you really need to go home? I wouldn't mind splitting outta here with you and seeing what you're really capable of," Joey suggested as he watched the gorgeous blond nymph toying with his manhood. He'd been fucking for nearly two hours between the brunette Katy and now this girl, and she was doing an amazing job at getting his cock back to rock-hardness. "Well, I can call and see if it's ok. I can say I'm hanging out at my friend Stacy's house," Olivia said after pulling the...
This occurs a few weeks ago, I was around sunny Miami Beach walking around the beach walk taking the scenery. Im wearing a regular white top black bra and blue jeans, my hair tied back while Im playing with my camera taking pictures. Pretending to be a one million dollar photographer but to be honest I'm just experimenting with new hobbies and learning new things. As I walk around making my way to some of the hotel area I run into this tall white guy with shaving black hair baby blue eyes very...
Lauren was up early, she wanted to check her messages from the Cougar Hunters website before her daughter woke up. She found that her two guys had each given her a very high rating, which resulted in a boat-load of new messages. It seemed every guy wanted to get a piece of her now that the word was out that Lauren Hastings would put out on the spot and was eager to please. The question now was, did she want to keep up with her recent behavior? She wasn't a slut, she was just trying to make...
"What a crappy sleep," Olivia thought as she became aware of light streaming through her window. Her body still ached, her tummy felt crampy, and it felt like her sheets were wrapped around her body all night. To top it off, her underwear felt like they were glued to her skin. Kicking the covers off, Olivia understood why she felt like she'd been wrapped up in her sheets all night, her night gown was stretched tight across her chest. "Oh no, please God no," she whispered as she sat up...
An extremely tired and sore Olivia Hastings slowly climbed the steps to her house, thankful that her mother's car was gone. "Thank God for small blessings," she thought as she pulled her house key from her bag and unlocked the door. Shedding her shoes, Olivia made a beeline for the bathroom and ran the hottest bath she thought her battered body could take. Leaving her pile of cum-encrusted clothes in a heap on the floor, Olivia climbed into the bathtub and settled into the steaming water....
"Hiya Ms. Hastings," Olivia heard someone call out as she headed for her bedroom. "Hi Stacy, your timing is perfect, we just walkeded in the door," she heard her mother call out. "Olivia, Stacy is here!" her mother yelled out. "Got it mom," she replied as she found her friend waiting at the front door. "That was fast, how'd you know we'd be home now?" she asked. "It was easy, I was next door waiting for you, and having a little fun," she said with a sly smile. "Next door,...
"What an asshole, my pussy's worth more than thirty or forty bucks, isn't it?" Stacy asked. "Hey, cab driver, how much would you pay to fuck my pussy?" "Miss, are you asking a serious question?" the man behind the wheel asked. Eyeing the two girls, they looked like they were barely in their teens, but they also looked and smelled like they just mopped up a whore house. "In your current condition, maybe fifty bucks. Cleaned up, we'd have to see, likely more," he replied. "Why,...
The walk back to the mall offices was made uncomfortable by the constantly buzzing egg. Olivia was still pissed about the events in the hallway — "amateurs," she thought. Their inexperienced fondling in the food court had only fired up her horniness due to the public nature of it. The fact that anyone walking by would have seen her exposed sex and two boys hand's jamming away into her privates, was what had turned her on. She so badly wanted to have everyone watch her public display of...
This is a true story and was my first ever foot fetish experience. This very experience at the age of eight was what gave me my fetish for female feet, especially white socks.It was late afternoon on a summer day, and I was outside playing in my neighbourhood. I was sitting on the kerb alone, directly opposite my friend Ken’s house waiting for him to finish his dinner. Ken had a few older sisters and one of them was a girl called Olivia. Olivia at the time was about 18 and she was very pretty....
I was sitting in our small break room at work. I’d been working a week straight without a day off. I can’t even remember what I did on my last day off. It had even been over 3 months since I went out on a date. I was working too much. But I needed money to pay the bills. It was close to the end of my lunch. I had a bad slice of pizza and a coke. I work at a big box store. One were you pay a membership to shop at. I’m the under cover guy. My co-workers only see me when there trouble....
Olivia couldn't tell if she was still dreaming or if she was partially awake, but she thought someone was sawing in and out of her pussy. It felt big, she could feel pressure on her insides that could only come from a big cock. She could feel tenderness, a slight pain coming from her crotch from whatever it was she was feeling. She tried to open her eyes but couldn't, she was just too tired. It felt raw inside from all the fucking she had done the previous night, hell the previous four days...
I walked down the hallway after ditching my last class, and called out Olivia from hers. We laughed and went to her house early, and hung around. I had a crush on her for a very long time, but we were both Christian teens and so I quickly squashed the emotions every time possible. It was hard to tell, because I would bring up my two friends who were together, and she would flip. But we would be lying on the floor together and she would start to rub my arm and I’d think ‘This is it!’ only to...
Olivia had beat her mother home, but just barely. She had just finished closing the front door as she saw her mother's headlights coming down the street. With no time to change, Olivia turned off her bedroom light, jumped into bed in her cum splattered dress, pulled up the covers and pretended to be asleep. She heard her mother come in and go to the bathroom. As she laid there, the cum sticking to her skin, the scent of the cum strong in her nostrils, she began to feel aroused again. Just...
Lauren was still feeling awful as she turned into her driveway. Her head hurt, her body hurt everywhere, especially her pussy. Her mouth tasted like she had drank industrial bleach cleaner. It was a rough drive back from the beach, she thought she might have to pull over and throw up more than once. All she could think of was having a hot bath and going to bed. "What a way to spend your day off," she thought. Olivia was worried about her mother. She knew that she had passed out after the...
Getting even with the mother in lawThe only thing nicer than her warm, wet pussy is the feeling I get when she hands me the money. The look on her face is worth a lot to me too. The disgust that plays over her face, the absolute loathing in her eyes as she kneels in front of me to suck my cock. The hatred displayed for me when she opens her legs for me makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. The contempt in her voice when she says, "Okay damn you, go ahead and fuck me" sends a tingle through...
The Next morning when Olivia woke up she could not see anything, all she could see was darkness and when she went to move her hands she found that they were tied down and it was the same with her legs so she called out to her Mistress and then she herd a soft gentle voice in her left ear telling her to relax.So Olivia relaxed and laid there waiting to find out what was going to happen next but she did not have to wait long as she felt something penetrating her pussy and once inside she felt it...
Lauren Hastings woke with a pounding headache. She wasn't much of a drinker, but she knew what a hangover felt like, and this was much worse. Her body ached all over as well. Not just her muscles, but especially her tits and crotch. She had memories of having sex, but they were fuzzy. She remembered Ryan's face and knew she had sex with him, but she saw other faces as well. She didn't know if she had sex with anyone else but her body hurt enough to make her think she might have. What about...
Olivia and her mother were nearing the beach when her mother announced they were stopping for gas. She pulled in and stopped by the nearest pump. Olivia was a little worried about her mother possibly finding her baggy of meth in her beach bag so while her mother was pumping the gas, she dumped the baggy into her trusty jar of pussy cream, figuring a little more wouldn't hurt. She used her finger to mix in the powder and tried her best to wipe the excess off her finger on the rim. The...
Olivia Hastings was beside herself with anguish. Her neighbor Steve had just caught her masturbating and got it on video. What was worse, he was planning on using the video, and the subsequent pictures to blackmail her into God knew what. Now she found herself dressed in nearly nothing, and being led like a lamb to the slaughter. Steve led the scared girl down into the basement where he told her to sit down on an old sectional couch. "Welcome to my humble abode," he announced. "Let's...
Olivia awoke to her cell phone ringing, she opened her eyes and looked at the clock, it was only 6 am. She felt refreshed despite only getting four hours of sleep and despite having her strange dreams, she felt refreshed and stuffed at the same time. Pulling back the covers she discovered the dildo still lodged between her legs, "Well that explains the fuck dreams I had." She quickly extricated the phallus and grabbed her phone. "Hi Liv, I just wanted to thank you for everything you did...
Naked and with no choice, the pledge twins, Victor and Victoria, scurried along quickly as they could to the school gymnasium to retrieve their pilfered clothes. Down the hallways they ran on bare feet while their hands covered up their naughty parts as best they could. They entered the gym with its varnished game floor, various gymnastic apparatus, bleachers on two sides of the vast hall and, on opposite sides, doors to male and female locker rooms and showers. Here they parted ways, each...
We drove home from the beach with the top down. I told Olivia to take down her top also. She giggled and said, “Oh, Daddy, you're so funny!” I replied, “I'm not trying to be funny, Livie, I'm serious. I want you to ride home topless!” “What? Why,” she whined. “Because it would please me and I said so, that's why.” “But...” “No buts,” I interrupted. “just do it.” At that she just looked at me with big puppy-dog eyes as she slipped the straps of her dress off her shoulders and pulled her dress...
BDSMAfter a short while Olivia found she was pregnant so one morning while they were all having breakfast together she told her Master that she was having his baby and she asked what was going to happen while she was pregnant ?He smiled at her and he told her that while she was pregnant in the later stages she would not take his or anyone else's cock's in her pussy, so she would be taking anal all the time but she would still have the Vibrators used on her daily.Olivia was happy with this as she...
Victor and the Witch by Jenna Hitch and shalimar "Hey, Victor," Bob asked, "buy you a beer?" Bob was always brownnosing me, and I used him in some of my robberies. He was big. His 6'4", 230-pound frame was all muscle. It helped to have all that muscle along with me. He was a good man to threaten the owners and customers of the stores we hit. "Sure, why not?" I replied. Meanwhile, I sat in the bar and looked at her as I drank my beer. She was hot in her slinky black dress...
Here it is a couple of days before New Years and I have decided to post this story that happen to me a couple of years ago. I've been thinking about Victor very often lately and have decided to post it on here. My girlfriend has no idea about this story of my past.A couple of years ago my company hired Victor to be a purchasing agent for my department. Victor is a happily married man with two k**s. In his early 30's; he stands about 5'8" with a worked out body of 180 lbs. No question about it;...
(Copyright by the author, June 1997. Do not alter in any way.) I guess I have about three or four hours. That'll give me time to get some strength and get out of here. And I have to get out of here. But I have sort of an obligation to warn the rest of you about this, so I'm going to tell you what happened and how. There's an old saying: If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. There's another old saying: Be careful what you wish for; you might get it. I bought it from...
Steve had Olivia apply a heavy coating of makeup to help her look both older and sluttier. She put on the swim wrap and the tiny halter top as Steve instructed, some sandals and then left. It had only been about fifteen minutes since the last cock pulled out of her pussy, and her kitty was still tingling from the last cum she had on DeShawn's big cock. She was disappointed when Steve kicked them out because she hadn't had enough yet. She really wanted another go at DeShawn's big cock, it...
After they had both finished eating and Olivia had cleaned the dishes and had gone into the bath room to clean herself up her Master went about setting up one of the rooms ready for tonights fun.While Olivia showered herself making sure she was all clean and shaven she could not help but think about what she had been through so far and could not wait to see what her Master had planned for her tonight. She steeped out of the shower and slowly dried herself off before walking out of the bathroom...
The only thing nicer than her warm, wet pussy is the feeling I get when she hands me the money. The look on her face is worth a lot to me too. The disgust that plays over her face, the absolute loathing in her eyes as she kneels in front of me to suck my cock. The hatred displayed for me when she opens her legs for me makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. The contempt in her voice when she says, "Okay damn you, go ahead and fuck me" sends a tingle through my loins. But the absolute, all...
That Tuesday night my loving hubby had returned home after a business trip that had taken him out of town for a whole week…Both were horny; but Victor looked even hornier than me. He advised me to get ready for the night fun and wear something sexy, while he went to have a warm shower. I was nude in no time, putting on my sexiest black stilettos and just some bangles in my arms and ankles. I stood in front of the mirror, as I locked a tiny gold chain around my waist. I then saw in the mirror’s...
After my meet with Chris it wasn't long before I was searching for some more cock fun. One night I was chatting with Victor and after about an hour of horny chatting He asked if I was free the next day. I was feeling very horny and immediately agreed to meet Victor the following morning at my flat. He was 45 and liked to crossdress and wanted to know if I dressed too. I said I didn't dress but the thought of doing so really turned me on. With that we arranged a time to meet and Victor said He...
Saturday night my loving husband proposed to go out. I accepted the offer and made my way upstairs to start getting ready.Soon Victor joined me in the bathroom and we hopped into the shower together. It was not long till my man pinned me against the wall of the shower. We kissed aggressively with passion while he rubbed my pussy up and down. Once our lips parted his hands moved onto my ass and he lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist as his hard cock slid into my pussy and Victor...
It was her freshman year at college and it should have been exciting. The new adventure of being away from home, making new friends and embarking on her education. When she texted me she was anything but excited; frustrated was more like it. She had just caught a break for a while as her roommate had gone out with her parents. You see, her roommate didn’t even like to discuss sex, let alone do anything about it. Olivia had tried to talk with her new ‘roomie’ about sex and learned of her total...
FetishOn one side of the room the wall was covered with different types of toys from small and large dildos to different types of restraints all of which would be used on Olivia at some point. Her Master walked over to the wall and chose a couple of dildos that he was going to use on her tight ass, he then grabbed some lube and walked back over to Olivia and he started to tease her tight little hole with one of the smaller dildos and letting an inch ease inside her before he turned it on sending...
Part 1 I would first like to introduce the people in this story. I was 12 years old, going on 13 at the time. There was my friend Victor, a 13 year old friend of mine who had introduced me to the pleasures of masturbation and then became my masturbation sidekick. There's my mother, Mollie, a 34 year old blonde beauty with a 36-24-36 figure and a pair of legs that wouldn't quit. There's my 37 year old dad, a good looking guy in his own right. He was a short man, but he was, as they say,...
"Damn that feels good," she said. He pulled out and felt her vagina squeeze him trying to hold him in. He laughed. "Like it do you? Tell me again how much better than Victor I am," he said. "No comparison, honey; pencil dick can't hold a candle to you. His little thingy just doesn't do it for me. Come on, sock it to me; don't tease me," she said. He ploughed into her once more; soon he was ramming her to the point of pain, but she didn't cry out. Her only sounds were low guttural...
The next morning, after surrounding my eager cunt to Landon, I woke up in the Jamaican resort very, very sore.I could barely walk straight; but the recall of the night before really aroused me again and I felt my pussy tingling and getting wet…Victor was there on the bed close by my side. He was snoring with a smile painted in his lips.Today was his birthday; so I decided to give my beloved hubby a nice present…After having breakfast, I told Victor I would go to make some workout at the...
At The Men's Den Victoria took things in hand. Actually, she took many 'things' in hand, on her lips and in her mouth. Although she now considered herself somewhat of a novice at fellatio, in just a few days she had become an ace at cock sucking. Not only had her homework lessons with her brother honed her oral skills, the many double entry and gang-bang pledge tasks worked to increase her sexual pleasure while attending to the blow job task at hand. So she approached her volunteer...
THIS STORY IS FICTION AND SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN TO ANYONE IN REALLY LIFE It was two weeks since his 14th birthday on a bright August morning when Victor ran afoul of the Bad News gang. He was walking through the forest abutting the high school football field. In those woods there were regularly maintained path smooth enough for bikes and strollers and these main walkways were often crowded on nice days like this one. But Victor was feeling adventurous that morning and decided to strike his way...
Victor and I in a booth at the adult theater On that Friday evening Victor and I had fucked like rabbits at home; but after that incredible sex session, I was still really horny…I told him to go to the adult theater we used to enjoy in the suburbs.I wore a blue jean mini skirt with a very tiny red thong, a black tank top and heels. We went into a booth and Victor sat down and I sat on his lap. We found a movie of two black guys fucking a little blonde on a bed. I leaned back in my husband's lap...
That night at bed, after a wild fuck session including hard anal, my beloved hubby admitted he was cheating on me with another woman.Victor said he was not fucking her yet; they had been just chatting on line through the last three weeks, He said she was hot, a very young sexy twenty years old babe. I was really surprised, telling him that I had never imagined my sweet hubby could cheat on me…But Victor said his nice new girlie was a perfect pervert babe. He had showed her some pics of me and...
Note 1: Readers may not agree with the category I chose, as there are in fact many erotic aspects to the story, and there are 3 or 4 other categories that could also be appropriate, but this story is my own attempt to process and come to terms with a life-changing encounter that has affected me so deeply, on so many levels, that the non-erotic category seems the one most suited to my own physical, emotional and rational reactions to the events that took place over a span of about 5 hours. ...
This is Olivia Taylor Dudley. She is an actress on the TV show The Magicians. She plays Alice. Why is Olivia so famous? Some may say because of her acting ability... maybe. There is another reason I think she is famous. What reason is that?That's right. Olivia really has no talent at all. She is just a blonde slut with big tits. I'm sure everyone wants to suck them. The actors she works with, the directors.... how can you not wana suck those massive tits? And the way that white bra is just...
Olivia was only young but had always known deep down that she wanted to be dominated and to live her life as a slut for a Master and when she turned 18 she put an add on a Domination site saying that she was looking for a master and was willing to do anything to please her Master and it did not take long before she was getting messages from guys that wanted to dominate her but none seemed right for her until she got this message telling her what she would have to do to please him and he had...
One day, my neighbor Olivia stopped by my house to get a movie she wanted to borrow from my sister. My sister was at dance practice that day and my parents were at work so it was just me and Olivia. She was acting pretty strange that day. She asked if anyone else was home and I said "no". She asked me if I wanted to watch the movie here with her and I said "sure". We went downstairs to watch the movie. I put the disc into the DVD player and the movie started playing. Half way through the movie...
First TimeI had travelled with hubby back to Argentina, to visit some relatives and friends. We both also wanted to spend some days at a little comfortable cottage we had by the sea.There, Victor and I had spent nice times before getting married.On the third day, hubby was tired after fucking all night long; but I was still horny and wishing more of hubby’s thick cock…Victor suggested going to the beach and get a nice tan in the sun.As the place was a bit lonely, I decided to get topless, once we arrived...