Olivia In Charge
- 2 years ago
- 36
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Olivia and Jenny were continuing to enjoy their respective role reversals. Jenny was fifty-eight-years-old and was enjoying herself as a teenager of seventeen-years-old, whilst Olivia was relishing her position of authority even though actually the seventeen-year-old but taking the maternal role in the household.
Jenny happily played the stroppy or sulking teenager, and even accepted the spanking Olivia gave her three times during the first week. Mind you, each time Olivia and Jenny ended up in Jenny’s huge double bed and enjoyed each other’s bodies and the huge orgasms they gave each other.
Olivia loved women Jenny’s real age and could not get enough of Jenny’s creased skin, sagging breasts, bat wings, and fleshy tummy. Jenny loved Olivia’s unlined face, long flowing naturally dark hair, her well-toned arms and firm thighs, and her flat tummy, remembering, perhaps not wholly truthfully, how she looked just like that when she really was a teenager. However, both Olivia and Jenny played out their reversed roles, and each grew more and more in to theirs as the days rolled by.
Olivia really was enjoying her maternal role. She was happy doing the cleaning and washing and shopping even though she saw Jenny just lounging around the house. Like most mums, she knew how to release the tension of a stroppy teenager. She knew that shouting rarely worked as most teenagers just shouted back or stomped out of the room calling their mum all sorts of names under their breath. Olivia, though, did have the right to give Jenny a bare bottom spanking. However, initially at least, Olivia wanted to try the more normal maternal approaches, and a favourite was to carry out a, ’Rage clean,’ which was cleaning whilst in a furious rage. Olivia would even smile after a while knowing she had calmed down again even though Jenny hadn’t changed or repented or apologised.
Jenny enjoyed sitting around when Olivia did the cleaning or washing or ironing, as well as when she made lunch or dinner and even set the table before calling her in when the meal was on the table. Jenny reckoned it was a teenagers given right not to help.
Olivia was a quick learner, and soon deciding even rage cleaning didn’t ease the tension of a lazy teenager, it only took a week before major change was instigated by Olivia. Jenny returned home from a friends house to find Olivia had moved in to the main bedroom with the en-suite bathroom, and had moved Jenny’s clothes to the box bedroom. Olivia explained, “It was wrong for me to have a smaller bedroom than you if you are the teenager, so I will now have the main bedroom.”
Jenny had to agree and even during her first night taking a shower in the family bathroom and sleeping in a single bed, she knew Olivia had again made the right decision. It was a small box room, but adequate for her teenager needs, Jenny told herself.
Olivia had explained to Jenny, “You will take the box room. The third bedroom will be the punishment room where I will spank you when necessary. The second bedroom will be for visitors as I intend having my friends over to stay, and they will be allowed to watch me spank you.”
Jenny initially didn’t agree that Olivia’s friends should get the larger second bedroom, nor should they be allowed to watch her being spanked. However, during that first night in the box room Jenny masturbated thinking about being spanked in front of several of Jenny’s friends, and so accepted that decision as well.
Jenny had made a decision as well, which she told herself that as a teenager she could make without asking her mum. She had showered and gone to bed for the first time in the box room. The next morning she came downstairs in her dressing gown and when talking to Olivia allowed the dressing gown to open and Olivia didn’t just see that Jenny was naked, but that she had shaved her pussy hair as well. Olivia was surprised that Jenny hadn’t asked her, but then remembered that she had a Brazilian which only her closest friends knew about, and that shaving was an in-thing for teenagers for the bikini line, and accepted that Jenny had just taken it to an extreme. As Jenny’s dressing gown stayed open Olivia looked intently at the clean shaven pussy lips and wanted to kiss and lick them there and then. However, she held back, firstly as Jenny had got home late the night before and was due a spanking which would have to take priority over sex, and, secondly, it was parents day at college this morning.
Jenny had, of course, deliberately shown Olivia her shaven pussy knowing that after a spanking they usually went to bed together. She even loved making out with a stinging bottom and tonight wanted to see whether her shaved pussy made tongue and finger sex even better. What Jenny had forgotten was that this morning was the parents day, where parents and students met with the teachers to get feedback on the students performance during the previous term. It was always held ten days in to the summer break and Olivia would be meeting with her teacher, Mrs Dawson.
Olivia looked sternly at Jenny and said, “We have to leave for college in half-an-hour, so get dressed, Jenny. You are due a spanking for breaking curfew last night but I will have to give you that before your bedtime tonight.” Olivia didn’t add that after the spanking they would have sex, and she loved it when Jenny had a wet and tear-stained face to go with her wet pussy. She knew, though, that if she told Jenny now it would be more likely to make her misbehave at college as she also enjoyed sex after a spanking.
Jenny still hoped that her shaved pussy would still lead to sex when they got back from college, and a spanking would make it all more erotic for as well.
Olivia quickly got ready and came back downstairs in her green and white check gingham short-sleeved dress and white ankle socks, which was the summer uniform.
Jenny came back down wearing a summery thin strappy dress which was light green with large white polka dots, and a hem that was only inches below her bottom, and showed off her bare legs.
Olivia was wide-eyed as the dress would have looked just right on a real teenager, but looked a little strange on a woman Jenny’s age.
Jenny saw the almost hidden smile on Olivia’s face and said, “I got this dress yesterday when I was out.”
Olivia replied, “Hey, you look great.” Actually, Olivia did like Jenny with her teenage clothes look, as it emphasised her acceptance of their reversed roles. Olivia told herself that it was a shame that she had to wear her college uniform, but that was a rule, and so for this morning they both dressed like teenagers.
Jenny also had to drive them to college, and, as she drove, Jenny again asked about her now overdue spanking. “I’m sorry I broke curfew, mum. I know I will get a spanking when we get back though.”
Olivia laughed. “You certainly will, my girl, and don’t think I didn’t notice your pussy when your dressing gown flew open.”
Jenny smirked. “Oh, you saw it,” she asked acting as though surprised.
“I did,” Olivia replied, and added, “As well you know.”
Jenny realised that Olivia didn’t miss anything, just like most mum’s, she told herself.
Olivia ignored Jenny’s blushes and said, “So, at college you are there as my guardian so please behave, Jenny. It would be best to ignore the role play.”
Jenny replied, “Sure thing, Olivia. You are in charge and set the rules.”
Olivia hoped that Jenny meant it as she parked the car and they walked together towards the school entrance. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case.
Jenny was now used to being a teenager and as they sat in line with other parents and students Jenny started saying, “I’m bored.”
Olivia looked around and saw a couple of her friends with their mums and they were starting to smile. They knew that Jenny wasn’t her mum and that she was staying with her for a few weeks although Olivia hadn’t explained her current role play arrangement even to her friends. So, those watching just reckoned that Jenny was the neighbour but one who didn’t understand just how tortuous a parents day can be. Olivia knew, though, that Jenny acting so strangely would be entertaining for everyone.
Just as Jenny made a few whispered rude but still audibly clear comments about some of the parents a perfect, Simpson, passed by. She stopped in front of Olivia and Jenny and said officiously, “Come with me, please, both of you.”
Olivia was taken aback by the instruction but she knew she had to obey Simpson or risk a prefects detention.
Simpson led them to the headmistresses study and ordered both Olivia and Jenny in. Once inside Simpson ordered, “Please sit in the visitors chairs,” and she sat in the headmistresses chair behind the large desk.
Jenny was concerned at the way she was being ordered about by a teenager who wasn’t role playing but was in a position of authority.
Simpson became less officious as she said to Haley, “Look, Layton, I was getting some comments from the other mums so thought I would diffuse things by bringing you both here.”
Olivia was relieved as she certainly didn’t want to sour the well behaved hard working reputation she had at the college. “Sorry, Simpson,” Olivia said knowing she needed to come clean. “Look, I am staying with Jenny and we are role playing, by exchanging our ages. It’s just that I have gone back to my age today but Jenny hasn’t. She doesn’t mean any harm by it, and maybe she should stay in the car whilst I see the teachers.”
Simpson took a moment to understand what Olivia was saying, but when she did she looked at Jenny and in particular the clothes she was wearing, and asked, “Is that it, then? Are you acting like a teenager.”
Jenny smiled and said, “I guess so, sweetie,” although it sounded ruder than she had intended.
Simpson didn’t appreciate the tone of voice and said sternly, “You do know that Olivia is likely to be a prefect next term?”
Jenny didn’t know that but said, “I’m not surprised as she is a clever kid.”
Simpson wasn’t used to such an offhand attitude by an adult, but understood role play and said, “Well, in this college, there is a parent discipline scheme and rudeness like you are showing fall fouls of that.”
Jenny looked quizzically, and asked, “Okay, and the point is?”
Simpson kept a stern look on her face. “Well, if this got to the headmistress then I think she would cane you for your poor attitude.”
Jenny swallowed hard because she had never been caned but had wanted to know what it was like, although already expected that it would hurt. She didn’t reply and just looked questioningly at Olivia and shrugged her shoulders, knowing she was being intentionally rude. After all, she was enjoying playing the fed up teenager and throwing a strop but knew she couldn’t be disciplined here as it was a real college and she was role playing with two real teenagers and wasn’t a parent.
Simpson continued, “However, if we assumed I was the headmistress then I could order you to bend over and I would cane you.” After a few moments she added with a smirk, “Or I could have one of the prefects, say, Olivia here, cane you.”
Jenny blushed, and said, rhetorically, “But I’m not a parent.”
Simpson retorted, “You are the guardian and so that counts.”
Olivia understood what Simpson was getting at. “I suppose that as we are role playing at home we could assume that the scheme applies to guardians, and assume that I am a prefect, and so I could carry out the caning.”
Simpson said emphatically to Olivia whilst nodding towards Jenny, ‘Exactly. That would also keep her out of the classrooms for a while and let the parents who complained leave.”
Jenny listened to the exchange and licked and bit her lip, thinking about what the two girls were agreeing to between themselves. Well, she wasn’t expecting to get caned today but suddenly the thought was turning her on.
Simpson continued, “I can arrange for your time slot to go back to the end of the queue and that would give you a good half-an-hour to deal with your, erm, mum.”
Olivia liked the idea, and replied, “Okay, Simpson, Do it. I’ll owe you one as well.”
Simpson smiled. “Just what I was hoping you would say as I need some help with a project I’m doing and I know you are more up to date on the subject than I am.”
Olivia knew that Simpson was doing a project that needed a girl from the year below, Olivia’s year, to work with her. Olivia liked Simpson and would have been happy to work with her even without her help today. However, she certainly liked the idea of caning Jenny which was an added bonus.
“I’ll go and tell the secretary to change your time to meet with Mrs Dawson. You get going here. The canes are in that cupboard,” Simpson said, pointing towards the wall as she went to the door and left the study.
As Olivia went to the cupboard and opened the door to show a whole set of canes, Jenny suddenly thought she ought to resist, but really was aroused by the sight of the canes and Olivia flexing one of them.
Olivia took a cane out of the cupboard, turned, and looking at Jenny, said, “Well, you made some rude comments outside, but I have the solution and I think you will be better behaved when we get to see my teacher.” She swished the cane to emphasise what she had said.
Jenny knew she would be better behaved because she would have the most awfully stinging bottom, not to mention the thought of the promised and deserved spanking when they got home. However, as a teenager, she knew she should at least try to resist, and as an adult she knew she could object. She might not mind being caned at home, but she didn’t know who might find out if she was caned here. Still, the prospect of being caned was making her pussy wet.
Olivia saw Jenny’s apparent reluctance but knew it was false. She glared at Jenny, flexed the cane in her hands, and ordered, “Get your dress up above your waist, your knickers down to your knees, and bend over and grab the seat of the chair.”
Jenny swallowed hard as she stood in front of the chair and did as she was told. First she rolled her dress up to her waist, then edged her thumbs in to the waistband of her knickers and pushed them down to her knees, and finally bent over and grasped each side of the chair and parted her legs. As she did, she knew she liked the feeling of submission and supposed being caned was very teenager’ish as well.
Olivia kept flexing the cane as Jenny prepared herself to be caned, and when bent over, rubbed the cane from side to side across Jenny’s gorgeously flabby bare bottom cheeks.
Just as Olivia was about to pull her arm back the door to the study opened and Simpson, saying, “Your time has been changed, so I thought I would watch you cane your, erm, mum.”
Jenny was horrified and started to stand up. Olivia tapped the cane on her bottom hard enough to make Jenny stop and return to the bent over position.
Olivia wasn’t concerned if Simpson watched, and said, “Okay, Simpson. I have a naughty mum here who needs the cane.”
Jenny was reconciled to being watched, and even felt aroused by the prospect.
Olivia took control and ordered, “Right, girl, six strokes and stay in position or you will get extras.”
Jenny gasped as she heard the threat and stayed bent over. She looked behind her and saw Olivia’s legs and when her calf muscles tightened reckoned the cane was on its way down to her bottom. Next moment she yelped in pain as the cane bit in to her bottom, but managed to open her eyes again and see Olivia’s calf muscles tense again.
Olivia landed the first stroke and smiled as she saw the red welt appear and was even pleased with the yelp Jenny gave. She was most pleased with the fact Jenny stayed bent over and so accepting her punishment. She saw Jenny’s shaved pussy and wondered if Simpson did also, but knew she would be licking and sucking it tonight in bed, after spanking Jenny, of course.
Jenny yelped after the second stroke, and even louder after the third. She was finding the pain so intense, but she had no say in the punishment as Jenny was in charge, just as they both wanted. Being a mum might be a lie, but that didn’t matter to Jenny who was happy being in her loving relationship with the dominant Olivia. Even as she yelped after the fourth stroke she felt more and more loved by her young dominant girlfriend.
Olivia looked at the four fiercely red raised welts and then landed the cane for the fifth stroke and listened happily to Jenny’s even louder gasp. Olivia wondered whether she was getting aroused by caning Jenny although she felt that Jenny was handling the caning well. She felt flutters in her vagina when she heard a sob and wondered if tears might follow, although reminded herself that that was no less than Jenny deserved for making the rude comments she had earlier.
Jenny couldn’t stop her sobbing but knew there was just one stroke to go. She knew she deserved the pain of the caning and told herself to be more adult when seeing Olivia’s teacher, but also felt aroused by the caning as it was being given by her beloved teenage lover who she hoped would hold her tightly afterwards to make her feel secure and loved.
As Olivia aimed the sixth and final stroke she felt a mixture of righteousness disciplining Jenny for making those rude comments, but also increasing arousal, and as she landed the sixth stroke and heard Jenny’s loud yelp, gasping breath through clenched teeth, and her bottom cheeks quivering and with six red raised welts, the mixture of arousal and correctness intensified.
Jenny howled when the sixth stroke landed, bent her legs and raised one, but managed to keep a hold of the chair but was so glad she had stayed bent over for all six strokes.
Olivia watched as Jenny strove to recover from her caning and noticeably stayed bent over with the six red welts glowing across her creased bottom skin and with her shaved pussy lips glistening, which told Olivia that Jenny was also aroused by the caning.
Olivia glanced towards Simpson and saw her looking at Jenny’s pussy with a smile, but she also knew that Jenny was aroused.
Olivia again focussed on Jenny, and said, “Okay, you can get up and sort yourself out.”
Jenny took a few moments to register the instruction but then eased herself up. Once standing her hands flew to her bottom and rubbed her stinging bottom cheeks as she stepped from foot to foot trying to cope with the pain. Her eyes were closed and so she didn’t see the smile on Simpsons’ face as she watched her dance with her stretched pussy lips so clearly on show.
Olivia and Simpson smiled at each other, and Simpson mouthed, “Well done,” and Olivia mouthed back, “Thank you.”
Jenny missed the exchange as she was still rubbing her bottom and dancing. However, she recovered enough to see Simpson disappearing out of the study and remained embarrassed that she had seen her being caned, although, as she knew she had deserved the caning she couldn’t complain that Simpson had watched.
Olivia watched as Jenny slipped her knickers back on and rolled her very short dress back down, but noticed it was so short that it didn’t cover the lowest of the welts. She smiled at the realisation that anyone walking behind them would see the welt on the backs of both her legs.
Jenny finished dressing and shook her hair so it had the semblance of being in place, before standing in front of Olivia and saying, “I’m sorry for my rude comments, and thank you for caning me.”
Olivia wanted to say, ‘My pleasure,’ but instead said, “So long as you have learned your lesson, girl.”
Jenny really had learned her lesson, but also discovered that being caned by her young lover was also a real turn-on. However, she allowed herself just to say, “I have learned my lesson, Olivia.”
Olivia leaned forward and pulled Jenny towards her and gave her a maternal hug.
Jenny loved the hug and felt so secure in Olivia’s arms she hugged her back.
Olivia allowed the hug to continue for a few moments before pulling away and saying, “We need to get to my classroom and see my teacher.” To emphasise, Olivia wagged her finger at Jenny and said, “No more rude comments or else you will be getting more than the spanking when we get home.”
Jenny was contrite and replied, “I will be a good girl, Olivia.”
Olivia smiled and said a friendly, “Let’s go then,” and led Jenny out of the study and towards the classroom. They got to the classroom and Olivia led Jenny in. It was empty except for the teacher. “Hullo Mrs Dawson,” Olivia said happily.
“Hullo, Olivia,” Mrs Dawson replied.
“My mum is away so I have asked Jenny to attend. I hope that is okay, Mrs Dawson?” Jenny asked.
“No problem,” Mrs Dawson replied. Just then she saw the back view of Jenny who was turning a chair around, and saw the red welt. She gave Olivia a questioning look and another when Jenny gasped as she sat down on the wooden seat.
Olivia immediately replied, “Its a burn mark, Mrs Dawson.”
Mrs Dawson clearly wasn’t sure because she could see that Jenny was blushing, but decided it was best to ignore that and looked at her papers.
Jenny was bored already but as her bottom stung so badly still she was reminded not to make any comments. She was thinking about the spanking Olivia had promised her when they got home, and then hoped they would make out in her, or rather Olivia’s, large double bed. She wanted to finger herself right then and wondered if she would get away with going to the toilets, but decided the risk wasn’t worth it, and decided it was safer to sit and listen to what was said no matter how boring.
Olivia was pleased with what had happened so far and knew she was going to get a good report from Mrs Dawson. She was already thinking about the spanking she would be giving Jenny when they got home, and how they would spend the night together in her large double bed and enjoy Jenny’s shaved pussy lips.
They both still wanted to continue living their reversed roles, and were looking forward to the rest of the time they would be living together.
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BDSMAfter a short while Olivia found she was pregnant so one morning while they were all having breakfast together she told her Master that she was having his baby and she asked what was going to happen while she was pregnant ?He smiled at her and he told her that while she was pregnant in the later stages she would not take his or anyone else's cock's in her pussy, so she would be taking anal all the time but she would still have the Vibrators used on her daily.Olivia was happy with this as she...
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Steve had Olivia apply a heavy coating of makeup to help her look both older and sluttier. She put on the swim wrap and the tiny halter top as Steve instructed, some sandals and then left. It had only been about fifteen minutes since the last cock pulled out of her pussy, and her kitty was still tingling from the last cum she had on DeShawn's big cock. She was disappointed when Steve kicked them out because she hadn't had enough yet. She really wanted another go at DeShawn's big cock, it...
After they had both finished eating and Olivia had cleaned the dishes and had gone into the bath room to clean herself up her Master went about setting up one of the rooms ready for tonights fun.While Olivia showered herself making sure she was all clean and shaven she could not help but think about what she had been through so far and could not wait to see what her Master had planned for her tonight. She steeped out of the shower and slowly dried herself off before walking out of the bathroom...
The only thing nicer than her warm, wet pussy is the feeling I get when she hands me the money. The look on her face is worth a lot to me too. The disgust that plays over her face, the absolute loathing in her eyes as she kneels in front of me to suck my cock. The hatred displayed for me when she opens her legs for me makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. The contempt in her voice when she says, "Okay damn you, go ahead and fuck me" sends a tingle through my loins. But the absolute, all...
I looked at the wall clock. She still wasn't home, and it was ten till midnight. I'd gotten home an hour earlier after having been abandoned by her at her company's, Homestead Interior Design and Furnishings, party. She's an agent for them: she deals with department stores buying such. At any rate, she'd simply just up and left with some guy while I was in the bathroom. The she is my wife, Olivia Ellison, and her current level of disrespect is highly likely to put an end to that little...
It was her freshman year at college and it should have been exciting. The new adventure of being away from home, making new friends and embarking on her education. When she texted me she was anything but excited; frustrated was more like it. She had just caught a break for a while as her roommate had gone out with her parents. You see, her roommate didn’t even like to discuss sex, let alone do anything about it. Olivia had tried to talk with her new ‘roomie’ about sex and learned of her total...
FetishOn one side of the room the wall was covered with different types of toys from small and large dildos to different types of restraints all of which would be used on Olivia at some point. Her Master walked over to the wall and chose a couple of dildos that he was going to use on her tight ass, he then grabbed some lube and walked back over to Olivia and he started to tease her tight little hole with one of the smaller dildos and letting an inch ease inside her before he turned it on sending...
Note 1: Readers may not agree with the category I chose, as there are in fact many erotic aspects to the story, and there are 3 or 4 other categories that could also be appropriate, but this story is my own attempt to process and come to terms with a life-changing encounter that has affected me so deeply, on so many levels, that the non-erotic category seems the one most suited to my own physical, emotional and rational reactions to the events that took place over a span of about 5 hours. ...
This is Olivia Taylor Dudley. She is an actress on the TV show The Magicians. She plays Alice. Why is Olivia so famous? Some may say because of her acting ability... maybe. There is another reason I think she is famous. What reason is that?That's right. Olivia really has no talent at all. She is just a blonde slut with big tits. I'm sure everyone wants to suck them. The actors she works with, the directors.... how can you not wana suck those massive tits? And the way that white bra is just...
Olivia was only young but had always known deep down that she wanted to be dominated and to live her life as a slut for a Master and when she turned 18 she put an add on a Domination site saying that she was looking for a master and was willing to do anything to please her Master and it did not take long before she was getting messages from guys that wanted to dominate her but none seemed right for her until she got this message telling her what she would have to do to please him and he had...
One day, my neighbor Olivia stopped by my house to get a movie she wanted to borrow from my sister. My sister was at dance practice that day and my parents were at work so it was just me and Olivia. She was acting pretty strange that day. She asked if anyone else was home and I said "no". She asked me if I wanted to watch the movie here with her and I said "sure". We went downstairs to watch the movie. I put the disc into the DVD player and the movie started playing. Half way through the movie...
First TimeOLIVIA Now it was my turn to bid farewell to Sam as he and Sandra departed on the passenger ship, the MARY CELESTE, as the tugs nudged her away from the pier. I couldn't find them in the crowd on the decks that waved and shouted good-bye, Bon Voyage, and the like. But I knew they were somewhere in that bunch of passengers. God, but I'll miss those two. I already miss Sam's sister Nikki. She only had a week with us over Christmas holiday. She'd flown over as a Christmas present from her...
Olivia Twist ~ The True Story Chapter 2 In which Olivia continues her journey and finds that thirst and hunger can cause problems ~ she finds a place to sleep ~ encounters a man with a wagon ~ travels to London ~ and meets with a strange boy. ~*~ Having decided to take the road to London, I wasted not a moment more and soon found myself walking the dusty road in anticipation of reaching my destination before morning. I had not walked much further, when I heard the sound of...
Stacy got up off the couch and cupped a hand to her pussy to keep Steve's seed from dripping all over the floor as she headed for the bathroom. She did her best to wipe the cum from her slit, and returned with a towel to clean up Katy's wet spot on the other couch. Dan had just finished pumping his second load of cum into Katy and she was trying her best to stand up on her wobbly legs. She taken five loads of cum into her pussy in less than an hour and even though she felt physically...
One day, my neighbor Olivia stopped by my house to get a movie she wanted to borrow from my sister. My sister was at dance practice that day and my parents were at work so it was just me and Olivia. She was acting pretty strange that day. She asked if anyone else was home and I said ‘no’. She asked me if I wanted to watch the movie here with her and I said ‘sure’. We went downstairs to watch the movie. I put the disc into the DVD player and the movie started playing. Half way through the movie...
Olivia Holt was very excited, because in a few days it was gonna be her 23th birthday. And the gorgeous blond actress was looking forward to see her family and friends again. But she had to wait firts because it was friday and her birthday was next week wednesday, and today she had a lot to do. She needed to take her dog, Roger, out for a walk in the park and after that she had bring him to her parents because he was gonna spend a weekend with them, and later she had to go shopping for some new...
TeenHi, once again, this is Olivia the 18-year-old former street whore, who is black, along with my 16-year-old sister Debbie, who is also black. So, here we are, just sitting together on the sofa, just waiting for Kris, Mizuki, and the two guys to show up at the house. In preparation for the event, I was wearing a black lace bra with matching panties, my sister was wearing a simple black bikini. While watching a little TV, Debbie already started to put her hand down her bottoms and was rubbing...
It was her freshman year at college and it should have been exciting. The new adventure of being away from home, making new friends and embarking on her education. When she texted me she was anything but excited, frustrated was more like it. She had just caught a break for a while as her roommate had gone out with her parents. You see, her roommate didn’t even like to discuss sex, let alone do anything about it. Olivia had tried to talk with her new ‘roomie’ about sex and learned of her total...
Olivia Twist ~ the true story Chapter 1 I stood in front of the imposing old house just looking for a moment, then walked up the steps, inserted the key and twisted. The door creaking as I gently pushed, it had not been opened for some time. I remembered as a child, visiting my grandparents on occasion before they moved to the West Indies for their health. They had never been back to England and had both died within a month of each other. As sole beneficiary in their will (I...
Steve piled the two girls into his car and headed for his house, determined to bust his new toy in. Katy's pussy tasted like the sweetest candy. He had never really found younger girls very interesting before; until that fateful night nearly a week ago when he found Olivia Hastings naked and shrieking through a killer orgasm. She set the standard what pre-teen girls should look like for both face and body. She had a killer body and her beautiful looks made her look many years older than she...
Stacy and Katy walked in the door after being dropped off by Steve, at nearly five o'clock. Their parents usually made it home from work around five, five-fifteen on most weekdays. Their nana was snoozing on the couch in front of the TV as usual. They had made it home before their parents and immediately went to Stacy's room. Stacy instructed her sister to take her evening pill and she followed suit and took her own. Stacy stripped off her two day old clothing and put on a skimpy bikini...
"Look, we got cheated, that's all there is to it. " Jackie's voice was full of passion. "With Covid 19 and this damn pandemic bullshit… we got cheated out of our senior year." "Well yeah, I feel cheated too… but that doesn't mean we should break quarantine just for the hell of it." Olivia said, "besides, nothing would have changed if we had physically gone to school. We would still just graduate and move on." "I might have gotten laid…" Jackie said, sticking her lower lip out...
Hi, I'm Olivia, along with my sister Debbie, and, she just turned 17 years old. Man, what a birthday celebration that she just had with Carlos and his cousin Jorge. Also, you would not believe what happens to me at the end of this story. So, keep reading, and, enjoy! Here I am at Mick's house setting up the party (and video) with me directing the hot sex that was going to ensue. So, with me behind the camera and focusing on Debbie wearing a sundress, and her birthday cake, I asked...
Introduction: Theres a first time for everything For reasons of my own, I no longer allow public comments on my work. Please feel free to send me a pm with your critiques and criticisms. I cant grow as a writer unless I learn. Although this story was written in first person, it is a work of fiction. I hope you will enjoy meeting Olivia. I consider myself a happy person. I mean, its so much easier to be in a good mood than a bad one. And I think Ive had a good life so far. Oh, it hasnt been...
I woke up and looked at the clock, 3:30 AM, my usual time to get up to answer nature’s call. Getting older sucks. I eased out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. I didn’t want to disturb the little angel next to me. I got a drink of water and eased back into bed trying not to disturb Olivia. Regardless of my efforts, Olivia stirred. She opened one eye, asked me what time it was. I told her it was 3:45 and to go back to sleep. She snuggled up to me, put her head on my chest and we drifted...
I consider myself a happy person. I mean, it’s so much easier to be in a good mood than a bad one. And I think I’ve had a good life so far. Oh, it hasn’t been without some road bumps along the way. Hell, sometimes I’ve hit some major potholes, but life has a way of working out for the best. I met Jim in our senior year of high school, we went to the same college, and by the middle of our freshman year, I was pregnant (road bump). We got married right away. Jim stayed in college and worked...
We became online friends. Her interest had been piqued by enema scenes that I had included in my stories. She admitted that she had never had anything “back there” before. I was surprised at her interest in enemas, although not entirely shocked. I should back up a little. I’m a fifty plus guy and Olivia is an eighteen year old blond, a beautiful but seemingly innocent young lady. Well, maybe innocent in the real, physical world, but certainly not in her mind. As I said, she expressed an...
So many things were going through Olivia’s young mind as she rode in the back of the van. Though she was uncomfortable from the cuffs and leg irons digging into her lovely olive skin, this was barely a distraction as she replayed the recent events of her life over and over in her head. It was dark in the back of the transport van, and the twenty minute ride gave her plenty of time to think. How could she have not known her boyfriend Kenny was dealing drugs? He seemed like a nice guy and always...
Alex had made the decision to take it slowly with Via. Via, on the other hand, wasn’t so sure that’s what she wanted anymore.In the two weeks since they first gave in to their needs in his bed, the two had been having oral sex constantly, but nothing more.~*~*~Via was getting ready for a date with Alex. As she primped, her mind kept wandering to his body. She had decided that tonight would be the night that she told Alex that she was ready for more.Alex lightly tapped on Via’s door. “Are you...
First TimeAnnie woke up to an empty bed and the sun streaming in through the window. She was hoping for a little morning action from Via, but that clearly wasn’t going to happen.As she stumbled down the stairs, Annie realized that she was the only one home. Her parents would have already left for church, but Alex was also missing. “I wonder if that big chicken made a move on him,” she said out loud while making a cup of coffee.With dampness between her legs and no Via to play with, Annie decided to see...
Straight SexAlex was packing the rest of his belongings into his truck when he heard his phone chime from his pocket. A smile crept across his face when he saw that the text was from his sister, Annie. She'd sent a video of her and another girl around her age. The other girl was stunning. She had curly dark brown hair and the brightest green eyes he'd ever seen. When he played the video, the two girls said in unison, “we miss you, Alex. Have a safe drive home!”Alex was shocked as he suddenly realized who...
LesbianWe met in college through my girlfriend at the time. You were cute, and I was excited to see you around our dorm as you always had a smile on your face. For the first couple months, I saw you as a friend, until the late night conversations began. To further fan the flames, we both occasionally worked the night shift where I would find myself staying up on nights that I didn’t have to work just to talk with you. You had become a secret interest of mine. The conversations continued back and...
ReluctanceSometimes I'll tell you when a story is true. Sometimes I'll tell you when a story is fictional. Sometimes I won't tell you either way. This one really happened. Like many wagers with penalties, the rules can get confusing when reduced to writing. To try and simplify things, this story is about a wager between two woman, on an NFL football game. It is a five part clothing wager. Each quarter of the game stands alone, with the final score being the fifth part. Each woman is only wearing...
So many things were going through Olivia's young mind as she rode in the back of the van. Though she was uncomfortable from the cuffs and leg irons digging into her lovely olive skin, this was barely a distraction as she replayed the recent events of her life over and over in her head. It was dark in the back of the transport van, and the 20-minute ride gave her plenty of time to think. How could she have not known her boyfriend Kenny was dealing drugs? He seemed like a nice guy and always...