OliviaChapter 19 free porn video

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Lauren was up early, she wanted to check her messages from the Cougar Hunters website before her daughter woke up. She found that her two guys had each given her a very high rating, which resulted in a boat-load of new messages. It seemed every guy wanted to get a piece of her now that the word was out that Lauren Hastings would put out on the spot and was eager to please.

The question now was, did she want to keep up with her recent behavior? She wasn't a slut, she was just trying to make up for lost time and so far, she'd made that time up quickly.

It was a tough question, should she try and set up another rendezvous today, or take a break? Olivia would understand if she needed to go out for a while. She was a teenager almost, she probably needed her space and why would she want to hang out with mom when she has her friends?

Lauren decided to mull it over and keep herself busy while she thought it out. Cleaning the house always worked to keep her mind occupied. Tidying up the living room, Lauren folded up the blanket that Olivia must have left bunched up on the couch. "Oh, she must have been watching a movie last night," Lauren thought as she straightened up the cushions. "What is that?" she wondered as she spied something wedged between the cushions. Pulling the cushions apart, Lauren spotted something very foreign to her, it was cylindrical and tapered. She knew what it was, but had never seen one in person and could not fathom what it was doing in her house or how it had become wedged between her couch cushions. Twisting the end confirmed her suspicion as it sprung to life and wiggled rapidly in her hand. Vibrate was a more apt description as that was what it was, a vibrator.

"What in the fuck is a vibrator doing in my house? Who the hell was over here last night with my baby?" a very worried Lauren Hastings wondered as she stormed down the hall towards her daughter's room. All kinds of thoughts ran through her mind as she crossed the short distance down the hall. "Who brought this thing over here and why is it still here? Did somebody use it on my daughter? Is it hers? Where did she get it from?"

"Olivia, wake up honey, we need to talk."

Olivia Hastings was deep in a dream, and shockingly it was about sex. The specifics were quickly lost as she realized her mother was in her room and telling her to wake up. She wasn't quite yelling, but she wasn't far from it. "Yeah mom, what is it?" she replied, still half asleep.

"Who was over here last night with you?"

"Huh, what are you talking about?" Olivia asked, propping herself up on her elbow and being careful to keep the covers pulled up. After all she was still naked form the waste down, not to mention her nipple studs would be easily visible through her thin t-shirt.

"I found something that doesn't belong to me and something that I can't possibly conceive belonging to you. Care to explain where it came from?" Lauren returned back, this time it was a shout.

"Mom, what are you talking about?" Olivia replied with a terrible sense of panic starting to creep in. "What did I leave out?" she wondered. Her mother was holding something behind her back and was letting her dangle by a thread, hoping she'd guess what it was and admit to where it came from. A quick list of her contraband went through her mind starting with the worst. "What did I do with that DVD I was watching last night? Did I leave it in the DVD player? Fuck! I think I did. Shit! No wait, that can't be it. Mom would be losing her mind completely if that was what she found. Ditto on my stash of coke too. What the fuck could it be?" she thought. "Mom, I don't know what you mean. What did you find?"

"This!" Lauren replied holding out the cylindrical plastic phallus.

"Oh, uh... , I uh... , I mean... ," Olivia stumbled along not sure what to say. "Shit, I stuffed it in the couch when Reed knocked on the door. How could I be so careless? Damn it, that's my favorite one too," she thought. "Uh mom, I can explain. I uh... , swiped it from Stacy's house. I was snooping around and found it in Stacy's mom's bedroom. I wasn't sure what it was until I accidentally turned it on and it started vibrating. It seemed like one of those massaging things so I thought I could use it on my calf muscles. You know how my calves used to cramp up so badly after dance practice right?"

"So you used it on your leg muscles?" Lauren questioned.

"Yeah," Olivia replied as sheepishly as possible.

Relieved that her daughter had seemingly stolen it for a rather mundane and practical purpose, Lauren felt a wave of relief wash over her, although she still had a big problem at hand. "So you stole it? What were you thinking Olivia? You were snooping around your best friend's house and stole her mother's personal property?"

"I didn't think she'd miss it, there were so many. I figured she'd never know it was gone," Olivia pleaded. Hoping beyond all hope her mother bought her flimsy excuse. It wasn't a good one, but it was the best she could come up with on such short notice. It was better than any excuse she could have come up with for any of the other articles of contraband her mother might have found. "I gotta find a place to stash my box of stuff from the closet. If mom even suspects that vibrator is mine, she's going to get snoopy and find the mother-load one of these days."

"Honey, you just can't go around stealing other people's things like that. You're going to have to return it, although this isn't the sort of thing you just go hand over and say "Sorry I took this from you, here it is back" you know."

"Here it goes, here's the test for my lousy excuse," Olivia contemplated. "What do you mean mom? It's just a muscle massager, isn't it?" Olivia asked with the best "innocent" look she could muster.

"Sure it is, but... , well... , do you think you could sneak it back without anybody at Stacy's house noticing? I mean, does Stacy know you found this and took it?"

"No mom, uh, Stacy was in the shower and her mom and dad were at work. Katy was out with one of her friends so nobody knows I took it. I doubt Mrs. Bennett would even miss it, she had a whole drawer full. Why would she need so many massagers?" Olivia asked. "Ok, stop it before you lay it on too thick Olivia. Mom's already bought it, no need to go overboard," she told herself.

"Really? A drawer full? That's uh... , umm. Just take it back ok?" Lauren asked as she was about to hand it over to her daughter. "Lauren Hastings, are you really going to hand a vibrator over to your twelve year old daughter? Shame on you. Best not to draw any more attention to it than necessary," she thought. "Can you take it back this morning? I can give you a ride over there right now if you want?"

"Stacy will still be sleeping. She never gets out of bed before ten. Plus I'd need to hang out there a while and wait for an opportunity to sneak it back. I couldn't just run in and stash it and leave you know. I could stay there and hang out with Stacy today, or you could pick me up after lunch or something."

"Hmmm, that just might work. That would give me time to set up a date and get some time to spend with today's eligible man and still have time to get to work," Lauren thought. "That should work out ok honey, I have some running around to do this morning. If you want to go over and hang out, that's fine by me, or if you want me to pick you back up around lunch time. Hey, I have a great idea, why don't I pick you up and we'll go out for lunch?"

"Can Stacy come too?"

"Sure why not, three girls going out for lunch!"

"That sounds great mom! Let's do that," Olivia agreed, hoping that this uncomfortable situation was successfully at a close.

Lauren let out a big sigh of relief as she left her daughter curled up under her covers and headed for the spare room they used as a computer room/office. "Just enough time to set up a date, only today it'll just be enough time for coffee as I don't think I'll have enough time for hanky panky. That's good anyway, I don't want to get a reputation for being too easy, he, he."

She felt like some sort of double agent, living a second life outside of her normal one. "Mom and head nurse by day, tramp by night! Oh well, not really since I work the afternoon shift. More like mom AND tramp by day, head nurse by night. Well, I'm not really a tramp, I'm just making up for lost time, that's all."

Olivia waited until her mother closed the door behind her before she bolted to her drawer to grab some underwear and shorts to put on. "Thankfully mom didn't completely lose it and drag me out of bed. Having to come up with an excuse why I had a dildo shoved in the couch was hard enough, trying to explain why I'm naked from the waist down with a ring through my clit would have been the end of me! This game is starting to get dangerous."

Lauren sent out several messages asking to meet for coffee and gave each of the guys a first-come first-served notification. She didn't promise sex and didn't need to; her rating on the web site had rocketed skyward with just two hook-ups. She'd be beating the guys off with sticks from now on.

Into her phone Olivia punched: "Stacy, I'm coming over really soon, and my mom is coming back 2 take us out 4 lunch. You aren't going 2 believe what happened, txt me back when u get this ... Olivia."

Olivia took her time getting ready, which included a nice hot soak in the tub. Her body was still a bit achy, mostly her leg muscles from being stretched over the back of the couch the previous night, but her ass and kitty felt pretty much back to normal. "They better be if I have to work for Alfred tonight. There's no telling what that man might have planned!"

By ten o'clock, both Hastings girls were cleaned up and ready to go. "Gee mom, you look really nice, got a hot date or something?" Olivia asked checking out her mom who had seemed to actually make an effort to look nice, which was a major change.

"Olivia! Mind your tongue. Can't a girl get fixed up once in a while without getting the second degree from her daughter? Don't forget you're still in the dog house for stealing something that doesn't belong to you, so keep that in mind before you get lippy."

"Sorry mom, I just thought you looked really nice with your hair and make-up all done, and is that a new dress?"

"Yes, it is, do you like it?" Lauren asked, twirling around in her dress. It was light and pretty with a cinched waist that accented her natural curves.

"Yeah, it makes you look really pretty. It really shows off your great legs and boobs. You should wear dresses more often," Olivia replied checking out her mother's figure as she modeled the dress in front of her. There was no doubt where Olivia got her great body from, her mother was a hotty at thirty-six years of age and although she wasn't anywhere near as fit as her daughter, she was still pretty sexy for a mom.

"Olivia, honestly, the things you say these days. I just don't know where you're getting it from."

"Mom, I'm just being honest. You have great legs, what can I say? And you have great boobs too!"

"Speaking of which, it looks like you're hiding something from me. Have your boobs grown even more since last week?"

"No I don't think so, I think it's just one of the Victoria Secrets bras we bought last week, it just makes them look bigger," Olivia answered as she did her best to slouch and make her boobs look smaller. The truth was they now fit nicely into the 34DD bras she'd bought, so thankfully they had indeed shrunk down from their freakishly large state to something a little more normal now. She might even get her mother to buy her lie about growing larger, although she doubted she'd be able to hide her DD bras for long before her mother found one in the wash.

"Uh huh," her mother replied, giving Olivia a playful skunk-eye in the process. It was the "you can fool your mother some of the time, but not all of the time" looks. They were definitely bigger, but Lauren understood the emotional issues of being a young girl with big boobs and didn't want to push it and embarrass her young daughter. She herself had been quite young when hers had sprouted and being the girl with the biggest boobs in her middle school had been pretty traumatic for her. The boys were constantly teasing her or would try to grab her boobs on the playground when the teachers weren't looking. If Olivia wanted to keep hers hidden from her mother, it was completely understandable.

The irony was her mother was just about the only person Olivia had been trying to hide her boobs from. The five hundred guys who'd seem them already didn't bother the young tween one bit, in fact she was quite proud of them and was eager to show them off, just not to her mom!

Olivia spied her mother from the passenger seat of her car while they made the short drive over to Stacy's house. "So where are you going all dressed up mom? Are you sure you don't have a date?"

"Olivia, drop it. I'm just doing a few errands and thought I'd get dressed up for a change. I never take the time to make myself look good anymore and thought it was about high time I did."

"Ok, but if you were going out on a date, you'd look great going out on one right now," Olivia said with a smile.

"Thank you dear," Lauren said with a shake of her head. "Am I that transparent? Why am I lying anyway? What's wrong with telling Olivia I'm going out on a date? Because she'd ask too many questions and want to know who it was or where I'd met him, or when am I bringing him over? That's why you're lying, because it's just a hook-up for sex, something Olivia would never understand."

Arriving at Stacy's house, Olivia jumped out of the car and waved goodbye.

"I'll pick you girls up at noon, ok honey?" Lauren yelled from the open window. "Oh, don't forget this," she said holding up the carefully wrapped up vibrator. Lauren had taken no chances that anyone would figure out what was in the bag by the way she'd wrapped it up in layer after layer of plastic grocery bags.

"Sure mom!" Olivia replied, walking up the driveway towards the Bennett's house.

Letting herself in as she always did, Olivia found the house extremely quiet. It was Friday after all, Mr. and Mrs. Bennett would be at work, but usually Katy was up and around. "Hello, anybody home?" Olivia called out. Nothing.

It wasn't until she'd reached the top of the stairs that Olivia heard the shower running, indicating that at least someone was home. Heading down the hallway, Olivia peaked into Katy's room and saw it empty, assuming it was she in the shower. Opening Stacy's door, Olivia spied a lump under the covers she assumed to be her sleeping friend. "Wake up sleepy head, rise and shine!" Olivia bellowed out, hoping to scare the crap out of her best friend. Ripping back the covers, Olivia found a pile of rumpled up blankets formed up to look like someone sleeping underneath. "What the hell?" Olivia wondered. "Well that must be Stacy in the shower then," she thought, and headed to the bathroom. Thinking it would still be funny to scare the hell out of her best friend, Olivia quietly entered the bathroom and heard some familiar sounds. Stacy was in the shower and she wasn't alone, she could tell by the noises so characteristic of her friend having sex.

Yanking back the curtain, Olivia yelled out, "Gotcha!" Only it wasn't Stacy.

Simultaneous yells and screams emanated from both parties caught in the act.

"What the fuck!" screamed a large hairy man, standing there with his back to the shower curtain.

"Ahhhhhh!," Katy screamed out loud.

The man pivoted around to get a look at the person whom had just about stopped his heart, still holding his sexy little fuck-toy. Katy's legs maintained the same death-grip around his torso she'd had while he had her pinned against the wall. He'd been holding her up easily with his strong arms, and had used the wall just as a back-stop so he could plow his thick cock into the young teen as deeply as possible. And it was still buried there right now, even despite the heart-attack inducing surprise.

"Olivia, Oh my God, what did you do that for?" a very confused Katy Bennett yelled out. "You scared the shit out of me. I thought for a second my parents had come home from work or something!

Jesus Christ." Katy momentarily tried to pull her legs down, but Roger was having none of it and held her firmly as he pushed his cock in deeper.

Olivia stood with mouth agape at Stacy's sister Katy, she was perched on top of a very impressive looking dick possessed by a very large and hairy older man and from the looks of it, thought the intrusion by a pretty blonde girl was pretty exciting. He continued thrusting away without pause and grinned as he sunk his cock as far in as Katy could take.

A very confused Olivia Hastings stood there trying to figure out what was going on at the Bennett house as she stood there watching this unexpected coupling going on in front of her. "Sorry, I thought it was Stacy," she said and quickly pulled the curtain back, covering the two back up.

"Aw, you don't have to do that sweet thing, you can watch if you want to," the guy returned. "I heard Katy likes being watched," he said as he pulled the curtain back open slightly.

Olivia couldn't help but watch the spectacle as the two mismatched lovers continued fucking.

"She's not here," Katy replied between grunts. "She texted me late last night, ugghh... , before my mom and dad got home saying she was staying at your place, uuhhhh... , and to fake like she was in bed sleeping. She said, uhh... , she was going to party with some guy named Shawn or something like that, oooh yeah ... right there, uh huh. Oh yeah, sorry Olivia, this is Roger, he's a friend of mine."

"Yeah, I think I figured that out. I'm going to try and call Stacy," Olivia said as she turned around to leave.

"Uh Olivia, um... , can I ask you a favor? Ughhh... , hold on a second Roger, I have to ask her a quest ... ughhh ... tion. Can you keep this a secret? Ahhh ... I don't want to Steve to know about Roger. "Ooof. Ok?"

"Sure, no problem," she said, and left the bathroom. The truth was, Olivia found that Roger guy a little creepy, kinda like Mr. Fletcher, her principal. Some guys were just that way, creepy.

Thankfully most were nice she reflected as she walked into Stacy's room and pulling out her cell phone, calling Stacy's number. After five rings, her voice mail picked up. "Shit. I'll try DeShawn and see if Stacy's still there," Olivia thought as she dialed DeShawn's number. Trying to explain where Stacy was might get sticky she thought when her mother returned to take the two out for lunch.

Just as Olivia thought DeShawn's phone was going to go to voice mail, he picked up.

"Yo babe, what's up?"

"Hi DeShawn, is Stacy there? I need to talk to her right away and Katy said she was with you."

"I think she's here somewhere. Hold on, let me check... , yeah she's here. Looks like she's passed out on my couch. Want me to wake her?"

"Yeah please."

"Hold on..."

"Hello?" Stacy replied sounding barely alive.

"Stace, it's me, you gotta get home fast. My mom dropped me off at your house and she's coming back shortly to take us out for lunch. I told her I'd already talked to you and that you agreed to go

with us. You gotta get over here, now!"

"Ok, let me see if I can get a ride," she mumbled.

"Are you ok Stace?"

"Yeah, we had a party here after the club and DeShawn had some of his buddies come over. They got me pretty messed up. They gave me a shot of something and it was amazing. You're going to have to try it."

"No more shots for me, I had enough two nights ago and it gave me a wicked hangover," Olivia replied.

"No, not shots you drink, a shot, like a needle. I don't know what it was but I've never felt anything so amazing in my life."

"They gave you a needle of something? Stacy, I don't think I like the sound of that. I think you should get home now ok?"

"Sure babe, let me find my clothes and get dressed and see if DeShawn or someone can give me a ride home."

"How many guys are there?"

"Only a couple, but there were more here earlier. I think most of them left already."

"Just get here quick, ok? My mom will be here at your house in less than two hours, so hurry."

"Ok," Stacy replied sounding sleepy.

"Put DeShawn back on the phone will ya?"


"Hey beautiful, what's up?"

"I need Stacy home right away, can you give her a ride to her house?"

"Sure, but it might cost you. Think I can get me a little of your fine pussy as payment when I get there?"

"I think so. Those guys the other night ripped me up pretty good, but I think I'm all better now."

"Sweet, see you in a bit."

Olivia paced back and forth in the Bennett's living room waiting to see DeShawn's big Escalade pull up. It had been over an hour and still no sign of them. Her mother would be here in forty-five minutes, assuming she was on-time.

"Hey gorgeous."

The voice came from behind her and startled the crap out of her as Olivia spun around and saw DeShawn and Stacy walking into the living room from behind her.

"Where did you guys come from?"

"I parked around the side so my car wouldn't be visible from the road," DeShawn replied. "Stacy's idea."

"Why? I don't get it?"

"Cause I'm gonna fuck your sweet ass and if your momma comes and I ain't gone, she might wonder who's got the pimped-ass ride in the driveway."

"Oh, good idea I guess," Olivia replied. "That's forty-five minutes from now. He better be done fucking me by then!" she thought.

Olivia glanced over at Stacy who looked uneasy on her feet, she was swaying from side to side a little. She looked fucked up and tired as hell all rolled into one. "What's her problem?"

"She's just a little messed up, she'll be fine by the time your momma gets here. The little doll wanted to roll with the big boys and did a little H this morning."

"H, what's that?"

"Nothing you need to worry about right now. Let's go party upstairs. Stacy, go get yourself cleaned up."

"Uh huh," a dreamy Stacy replied.

"You might want to make sure your sister is done fucking her old guy first. I surprised them in the shower thinking it was you earlier.

Olivia kept glancing at the clock, her mother should be arriving any minute, and DeShawn was still going strong. The man wasted no time marching her upstairs and into Stacy's room and stripping her down and getting inside of her, that was forty minutes ago and he seemed like he was just getting warmed up. His thick black cock speared into her swampy pussy with machine-like efficiency as he brought her to multiple orgasms, her DD breasts swinging and swaying with his vigorous thrusting. The good news was her pussy seemed perfectly recovered as he split her pussy open with his great black cudgel. Although if he didn't cum soon, he was going to undo all the healing she'd experienced since her night at the dorm.

Their exercise had drawn the attention of the other "guest" in the house. Olivia looked up and saw Stacy, Katy and the guy from the shower named Roger, all watching her getting fucked royally by DeShawn and his proud monster.

"Fucking sweet, can I have some of that too?" Roger asked as he gawked at the sexy blond with the big titties on the bed getting her brains fucked out by the large black man. He was still naked and appeared to be enjoying the show as his cock begin to rise.

"Hey, you're mine!" Katy remarked as she jabbed Roger playfully in the ribs. He wasn't really hers, but she claimed him as her personal pleasure provider. He wasn't much to look at, but he could really push her buttons in the bedroom (or bathroom, or the back of his van, or wherever they happened to be).

Looking up, DeShawn saw a fifty-ish looking grey-haired guy who looked as mismatched as anything he'd ever seen, standing next to Stacy's hotter older sister. He had his eyes glued on Olivia and his arm slung over Katy, holding onto her right tit as she stroked his cock to attention.

"Get down there and suck my cock," Roger ordered to his play toy. Katy looked at him apprehensively; she liked being ordered around by him, she was a submissive by nature, but wasn't sure she wanted anyone else knowing the details of their relationship. Nor was she completely comfortable sucking him off in front of everyone either. Though having sex in front of others was getting easier, especially after Phil's party, and she was good at fucking too, but sucking dick was a work in progress and she didn't want to disappoint.

Getting down on her knees, Katy brushed her brown hair back behind her shoulders and looked the glistening tip of Roger's cock at eye level and grabbed it with both hands. "Go for it, show 'em what you can do," Katy thought as she latched her lips around the fat head and sucked it in.

It was like a hot little heater sucking on his rod. He couldn't get enough of Katy's sweet little body, she was everything his imagination could ask for, but looking at this hot blonde, he might have to revise his standards. Imagining it was Olivia sucking on his cock, he knew he was going to blow chucks soon.

Olivia glanced over at the clock again, "Shit, mom's going to be here any minute!" Throwing every move in her repertoire at DeShawn and his big bloated cock, Olivia wrapped her legs around his ass and pushed her hips up in time to meet his thrusts, trying to eat every inch of his big cock. She wanted him to cum so she could get cleaned up and be ready for her mother. The last thing she wanted to do was smell like sex around her mother. Her pussy usually had very little scent to it, but after a vigorous fucking, it gave off a smell that unmistakably smelled like sex. It wasn't a bad smell, actually it was a very pleasant and erotic smell, but it was definitely noticeable. Not to mention DeShawn was sweating all over her and he smelled very manly, and she would carry his scent until she showered.

Stacy sat there with her short skirt hiked up, she wasn't wearing any panties and she was horny as hell watching Olivia getting her brains fucked out by the same stallion that had fucked her so well last night. Even after a busy night fucking a pile of guys at Alfred's club, Stacy had returned to DeShawn's and fucked him and his friends. She could never get too much sex, and loved it.

DeShawn finally came in her pussy around four in the morning and then passed her on to his five friends.

While sitting atop the cock of the second friend, he suggested she get high with him. Assuming he meant weed, or coke, or something she was already familiar with, she happily agreed. The last thing she was expecting was a needle in the arm, but what an experience that had been. It was clearly better than anything she'd ever experienced before as the euphoria swept through her.

After that Stacy was in a world of unspeakable relaxing pleasure. It was entirely different from coke; with coke she was hyper-aware of her surroundings and it fueled her desire to be the ultimate sex monster, fucking everything in sight. With this stuff, she was a rag doll and watched almost outside herself as DeShawn's friends had their way with her, doing everything they could think of to her body. With her eyes closed, she could feel the soft skin sliding in and out of her well lubricated holes. "Can life get any better than this?" Stacy had wondered as she passed out with cocks in both her cunt and ass.

The next memory Stacy had was DeShawn waking her up and handing her a phone; she was naked and alone on the couch, a big wet spot under ass. Her cunt should have been sore from all the action, most normal women would have been, but Stacy Bennett was a whore that loved getting fucked, and her cunt juiced up like a tap at the very thought of fucking. She couldn't be sure if the wet spot under her ass was from her juice alone, or from all the cum the brothers had pumped into her, a combination of the two was most likely.

Now here she was in her room, coming down off her high and watching her best friend fuck the cock that she wanted so badly to be get stabbed with again. Even her sister was busy sucking an impressive looking dick that she'd helped set her sister up with. The bowling alley had been her idea and that's where this guy had come from. He and his buddies had thoroughly fucked her sister in the bathroom on the day she'd lost her virginity, and here he was now, her personal dick-in-waiting.

An ever-jealous Stacy Bennett sat there aggressively rubbing her clit while watching the action around her. "If there isn't a dick for me, then I'll get myself off," Stacy thought as she frigged away on her ring-cladded bud.

Roger watched the blonde nympho rocking her body on the big black cock like she were possessed, wanting so badly to unload his sperm right into her mouth instead of Katy's. If only there was some way he could spew in her mouth instead of his love-slave's. She was too far from the edge of the bed for him to reach her mouth, but if he could just work his way over there, maybe he could spew on her body when he came. Slowly he started inching his way over to the edge, Katy shuffling over with him. Maybe... , just maybe.

Same as Olivia
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Rachel and Stephanie part 4 plans change

Plans change and we climb the tree again.Just Stephanie and meI found her in the living room with the pizza menu and phone, I suspect she knew what she wanted already."Shall I order or do you want something in particular?""No, you go ahead, I don't mind what I have." she dialed and in no time our order was placed with a promise that it would be with us in no more than 30 minutes. I went to the kitchen and found some paper napkins for us, which I brought back to the living room.Just as I arrived...

2 years ago
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Multiple partners

The time was approaching. She has been talking about it for some time with her Master and she knew it would be a huge turn on for him and for her as she can feel her wetness dripping out of her Master's cunt.They arrived in town the night before and Master had booked a full session of massage, facial and waxing for her. Having her pussy waxed for the fist time has not been really pleasant but she has never been so smooth and Master hasn't been able to keep his hand and his tongue off her for...

1 year ago
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The Grim Reaper Reaper Security ConsultingChapter 28 Remodeling

2026 Riley’s incarceration proved to be as much of a pain in the ass for us as it was for her. One of us had to be her jailer at all times. I told Kelly that I should have taken the Basic Jail Officer course at Athens back when I was taking the Basic Law Enforcement Officer course. On the days I was home I drove her to school and back home. Sometimes it was Kelly who did the duty. When I was away teaching or consulting, and Kelly had classes, either her mother or mine had to take the detail....

1 year ago
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Plumber ki Girlfriend 8211 1

Ye kahani Poonam nam ki ladki ki hai. Woh ek plumber Raju ke jaal mein phas gayi aur majburi mein uski girlfriend banna pada. Ye kahani khud Poonam hi sunayegi. Kis tarah use blackmail kar Raju ne use phasaya. Main, Poonam, Bangalore ek bade call center mein kam karti hun. Maine B.Tech ki. Par IT mein job na milne ke karan mujhe ye job karni padi. Main Bangalore mein ek badi society mein flat mein akeli rehti thi. Woh meri friend ka flat tha jo USA shift ho gayi thi to mujhe jyada rent nahi...

3 years ago
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Anne And Mary Book IIChapter 26 Mary

Soon after the introduction, Jane Pinsky called. "Can I come over?" she asked. I told her to come ahead. I'd been working on a term paper, wearing just a tee-shirt, so I put on shorts, too. She was wearing a sweat-suit. "Hi. Want something to drink?" She shook her head. "How about a look around? Then make up your mind." We went through the house. She looked at everything, said little. Her eyes got pretty big when she saw the picture over our bed. She sat down on the bed, her back to...

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Sienna Grace vs Santa Claus

Sienna Grace stepped out of the Lincoln before Uncle Terry could come around from the driver's side to open the door for her. This was as usual for her, as she shunned the trappings of "celebrity-status", especially with her devoted companion, Terry. They had pulled up to parking at Macy's at the Mall to look around at the christmas decorations and gifts, the ever-present christmas music everywhere in the background, both inside and out at the Mall. Uncle Terry dressed in casual tweed sport...

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Who Are YouChapter 13 Takedown

I called Hector, and we went out before dark to set up our spying equipment around the water tank and Hubbard Lake 5; where the LSAs were landing and off loading the drugs. I had been told by Alan that the DEA and DPS labs confirmed the sample I obtained from the truck on that first night was the same basic formula that was showing up in San Antonio, Austin, Waco, and Dallas. So we found a major source of the drugs being distributed along the I-35 corridor. They also thought that I was right...

3 years ago
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2014 A 50 Year Sex OdysseyChapter 32 Beautiful Black Hair A Black Car and More

The highlights of Driver Training on this day? ... the section of the Manual covering upkeep of the car, the need for insurance coverage, and other little tidbits ... plus, sarcastic glances exchanged between the little high school "snit" Judy and me ... and of course, further examination of "The Fruits of the Spirit". Certainly Mr. Wilder kept the 90 minutes interesting. All I could think of was edging closer to having a license and "wheels" in my driveway. On Thursday, 20 others and...

3 years ago
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Intimate Friends

Intimacy ? by: Bea "Miss Matson will see you now, Mr. Ellis, but she's asked me to tell you that she has a busy schedule this morning and will not be able to spare you much time." I looked at this perfect example of a modern secretary. Immaculate, frozen faced, and dressed in a most conservative ? but extremely feminine style. Wanted to put her in her place ? SO badly, but knew that I was in no position to annoy anyone in Gloria Matson's employ, so smiled as nicely as I could....

3 years ago
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The new conundrum

THE NEW CONUNDRUM Remarkable advancements have given way to new world order. Self-cleaning homes, cars driving themselves with spoken destinations, clothes disintegrated and reformed folded and put away, pets are taken care of and fed by robotics, the "smart house," has been elevated to an art form. Women have achieved elevated rights that have become absolute. The new laws negate any actual or even perceived slight at the "fairer sex." In short, women can do whatever they feel like,...

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For many years, people thought you and Brandi were twins instead of cousins. You were born eight days apart and as children you were the same size, with matching hair and enough similar features that you actual did look alike. Since you only lived a block apart, either you were at her house or she was at yours everyday. When you were small you took baths together. As you got older, you frequently spent the night together, usually innocently sleeping in the same bed. You started pulling away...

3 years ago
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My little sister

After a few weeks of fucking my mom Reema Kapoor, I began to enjoy getting it regular. Mom would put out for me any time I wanted, which was most of the time at my age. The only thing we had to watch out for was my little sister Ritu. She was sixteen but already she was a fully-grown babe. Somehow Ritu seemed to sense that something strange was going on between Mom and me, but luckily she couldn’t put her finger on it. My mom did, though. After that first day, she couldn’t keep her hands off...

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AscentChapter 10 Of The Healer A Word For Her

As directed by my two matchmakers, I went inside one of the smaller traveling hut's and found a large pan of heated water and one of our soap bars. After washing up, I was led to a second traveling hut and asked to wait inside. This hut had several layers of thick, soft furs placed on the floor and a small fire already well established. I sat and waited. Martreen entered the hut and stood tentatively before me, her lush, freshly washed, black hair shimmered like the sun across a raven's...

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Hairy piss bisexual fun

My wife and are middle aged and own a property on 60 acres just out of town, bordering a large forest. The house isn’t overly large but we have a nice outdoor deck area that adjoins our swimming pool, its a great area for entertaining as it overlooks the forest and is very secluded. The seclusion is a bonus and the main reason why we bought the property, we both enjoy being nude outdoors and often don’t wear any clothes when we’re at home.My wife, Julie, is a larger woman, probably a size 20...

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Lord Of Domination

I was a brigand. An outlaw, murderer, rapist, killer. I had a lot stacked against me, to say the least. The year was 2417, and humanity had managed to get beyond their own solar system and spread out. We were nowhere near galactic domination, and we still had to terraform most planets that were even possible to use. There were many great things that had advanced, weapons included, but one of the most important genetics. Humanity had gone far enough for them to genetically modify other humans...

2 years ago
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Vacation with my family part IV

Introduction: Hi there. Once again I had some free time to write the next part of this story. This story will contain incest. If anybody does not like this or does not want to read about it please read something else. Now have fun and enjoy it. Some night ago dad, Chris and Sarah went to watch a movie while mom and I had a really nice ladies night. We chatted about this and that and of course about what mom had seen. The night before she saw me giving Chris a nice blow job and how he shot his...

1 year ago
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My Sex toys were my Uncle and br

As humans, our sex lives were once limited by our physiology, egg and sperm production. Now we extend our emotional sex even further, with sex toys, medication, and our imaginations. The later of course takes our sex lives into our dotage, my own personal preference, adopted years back, was for men in their fifth and sixth generation, allowing my young flesh to be observed, touched, and then ultimately fucked. I gladly received their dead semen into the womb of my young body, taping into a...

4 years ago
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I Receive The Ultimate Gift

After a long, romantic walk on the beach, we return to our blanket and I build a fire with the wood we had earlier collected. The night sky is crystal clear and it seems we can see every star. The gentle breeze from the ocean occasionally wafts over us and makes your long hair wave a 'thank you' to this unseen entity.I reach behind us and grab the large thermos of coffee. You watch in amazement as I pour the perfect amount of creamer into your cup and pour in the coffee. "How did you know I...

First Time
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Love Making With My Girlfriend

My name is Aman(name changed) I’m basically from kashmir but currently in delhi. I am 21 year old and pursuing my bachelors in computer science. I used to study in bangalore and this is a story I encountered while I was in there. this is a true story. I have read a lot of stories in here and desired to post mine. This story happened around 4 – 5 months earlier. I met a girl an year back from now. She was very cute. Her name was Anu(name changed). She was pursuing her bachelors in dental science...

2 years ago
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I was in too deep

Ever since my first time being a dirty, sissy slut for a dom, I have not been able to find another man that could control me and make me beg to come over and serve him. I have posted ads on CL and even joined A4A. It is hard to find a guy who can be dominating and degrading without being too pushy, only sending one liners, or just wanting me to invite them to my place without any other conversation… that is not truly dom. So now I have all these sissy fantasies and urges that I fear I will...

1 year ago
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Making Love To You

Making Love To You Is Always So Sweet Before I even opened my eyes that morning I could hear the gentle sounds of rain hitting the roof. I sighed softly and snuggled closer to you, feeling the comfort of your warm body near me as you smiled in your sleep. I love to watch you sleep, you look so calm and serene as your dreams play out and distant looks of happiness and hope cross your face. I sometimes like to think that it’s me you’re seeing in your dreams, because I know that you tend have a...

3 years ago
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GROCERY SHOPPING is our code word

This is a true story, but I will switch names and locations in order to ensure no one can be identified.Sherry is a married mother of one. Sherry has been married twice. In her first marriage, she was married to a guy mostly out of religious obligation. Her religion prompted her to marry young and the relationship never really worked out which prompted her to be divorced prior to having any c***dren from the relationship. Sherry remarried at an older age - in her 40's - and that relationship...

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Tentacles penetrating yuki

I’m running late for work! “Yaaaa!” I scramble throughout my closet and grab a white buttoned up dress shirt and a black pencil skirt. I quickly brush my long brunette hair up in a bun, put on my red lipstick and rush through the door with my heels.I’ve been working as a secretary for a large corporation for about 5 years now. My life has been nothing but plain and structured. It’s a typical normal day running errands, taking minutes in back to back board meetings, and scheduling calls for my...

2 years ago
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Horny aunty

Hi readers I am 22 yrs old boy from delhi. I am going to tell you my real story which happened some years ago. I was doing my B.com & was preparing for my final exams. I used to go to my friends house to study. This friend used to go to work and come late at night and he had allowed me to use his room for my study purpose. Just one and half km. Away was my mother’s friend who used to stay with her daughter. This woman name was Shylaja and her daughter’s name was Priya. I used to call my...

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Tim the Teenager Part X

Tim, the Teenage Part Ten By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter III: 9th Grade - Winter 1986 Part 10 - Make Love to me - Round 2 (mf, mm, mmf) Even after she warned us like that, Joey and I still couldn't resist starting something before she came out. It started quite innocently. "Did you check this stuff out when you got it?" Joey said poking his index finger into the glass. "No. Why?" I said walking over to him. I put two fingers in the slightly warm liquid, and saw what he was talking...

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Marsden tried in vain to get a grip on what was overcoming him, but it was a much too powerful force that had taken hold of him, and as he struggled to get a grip, the orgasm that had been building slowly over the past hour sent his pecker reeling out of control as it convulsed spasmodically to its crushing completion!!! He lay there in the darkness of his bedroom bathed in sweat as the last vestiges of his climax slowly ebbed from his shaking body!!! "W-what the heck's happening to me," he...

4 years ago
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Monster Cock Male Multiple Orgasms

The phone rung and it was my baby on it asking me what I was doing. I told him that I wasn't doing anything but being bored out of my mind. It was a Friday night and I had nothing to do, my baby asked me if I wanted to come over and chill for a while. I answered real quick that I would like that very much and I asked my baby what we was going to do.He laughed out loud and said to me, we will find something to do. I laughed back and said, ok whatever you say. We hung up from each other and I...

3 years ago
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Valentines Day Forever

On Valentine's Day he brought me two dozen roses, one for each year of my life, a bottle of Cabernet, the same 2001 Beringer that he had brought when I fixed him dinner the first time, a box of hand made chocolates that he had driven to Gatlinburg to buy from from the candy store where we had brought chocolates on our first weekend away together, and a beautiful leather paddle with a pink heart emblazoned on the front. The paddle was the most significant gift because it signified that he was...

Love Stories
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great finish to a bad football game

My wife, Tracy, and I have been married for fifteen years. Our sex life was getting a little stale. After three kids who can blame us? But, as I wrote earlier, one fun night in a hot tub changed our lives and now we have the hottest sex life of anyone I know. It’s better than I could imagine it. Now, Tracy and I are always betting each other. Generally we bet on goofy things but instead of betting money we bet dares. Now the more dares you have the larger the dare can be. Five is the max where...

Wife Lovers
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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 46 A Light at the End of the Tunnel

November 26, 1983, West Monroe, Ohio “So what did you say?” Clarissa asked after I relayed what Hannah had said. “I simply said I appreciated the offer, that I’d keep that in mind, then smiled and left the house.” “After Maggie gave you permission?” “I don’t need ‘permission’ from Maggie to do anything,” I protested. “And be serious, Lissa, do you think it’s a good idea?” Clarissa shrugged, “Is it all that different from Kristin? Or from Mindy and Emmy?” “That kind of thinking is a...

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Flower Power

The old man was curled up on a bench in the bus terminal in San Francisco. His eyes were red from lack of sleep. He hadn’t eaten in 4 days. ‘How the hell did I ever get to this?’ he asked himself. Years of drug abuse and alcoholism had taken a great toll from him. He was sixty five, but he looked like ninety five. His hair dragged down his back to just under his shoulder blades. In the front, he had no hair. When viewed from the top, he looked like a furry toilet seat. He was just dropping off...

2 years ago
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Taking The Babysitter

"You know dear," I blurted, "if you’re going to ogle my husband like he's a piece of meat, you may as well get a closer look." Debbie, our babysitter for the last two years, blushed scarlet and averted her gaze. Granted, Michael was looking just fantastic tonight, flashing his white teeth and dark eyes in a grin that lit his face with burning sexual desire. That probably had something to do with me saying what I’d said. That, on top of the fact that we'd been teasing each other about her crush...

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The Coachs Wife CH 02

The Coach's Wife Chapter 2 -- Mrs. Ella Albright serves more than breakfast in the kitchen. In the days that followed Devon's first experience with a mature woman, life went on as usual. Mrs. Albright treated him as she always had, with perhaps even a bit more affection, but he may have been reading more into it than was actually there. She had always been warm and welcoming -- treated him like family -- and the fact that he'd filled her mouth with an impressive load of cum hadn't seem...

1 year ago
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Ein heiszliger Sommertag Teil I

Es wahr ein wunderschöner Tag und er versprach noch viel angenehmer zu werden, aber fangen wir zu dem Zeitpunkt an, an dem ich dich mit dem Wagen von zu Hause abholte.Wir hatten uns für diesen Tag verabredet um nach langer Zeit endlich wieder etwas Zeit miteinander verbringen zu können. Du willigst ein, dich an diesem Tag von mir überraschen zu lassen.Und ich hatte vorgesorgt um uns einen herrlichen Tag bescheren zu können.Wir wahren beide sehr gut in Stimmung an diesem Tag und so verwundert es...

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The Big Dick Bet that Backfired

The moral of the story: Think twice before you enter a big dick competition. Last May I found myself in another predicament. Once again, it was my own fault, but what happened was both exciting and unnerving. One afternoon last May, the sun was shining bright into my office window as 4pm came and went. May is a quiet time for my workplace, so most of my colleagues had already slipped out of the office and headed home. After a full day of work, my brain was pretty fried, but for some reason I...

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A big woman ends up pleasing many men all because her husband wanted her to

“I’ll be there at 8, be ready,” and I hung up, that’s all that needed to be said with Wendy. It started as a way for her to pay her husband’s gambling debts but after one month we all knew they where hooked. Her husband was such a wimpy man that before I came along the poor woman had no sex life, then after seeing me fuck her, their sex life was revived. The sex between Wendy and I just got nastier and nastier with her insisting that John her husband be there to...

3 years ago
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Why Me MChapter 9 Penny from Heaven

Eric Stewart loved his wife Candy, and he was determined that he would love her son, too. He had never expected that he’d ever have a relationship with someone as beautiful as Candy, let alone marry someone like that. He was quite clear that she wouldn’t have married him if she weren’t pregnant and desperate. Well, he’d be a good husband and a good father. That was what she would need. They would need a larger apartment, and he found them one. It was on the “first floor,” which meant a...

2 years ago
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Daddys New Games

I was waiting for Emma to get home from work. It was Friday night and I was especially horny today. For some reason, you, Emma,my girlfriend have me really hot tonight. Normally, you and I wind up in bed doing some nasty things most every night. And when I say nasty, I mean nasty. Once you're in bed, you seem to transform into the dirtiest little girl imaginable. You do things most guys only fantasize about. All day I was thinking about you, my kitten, and how nasty you are. It seems like the...

4 years ago
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Coming Home The Confrontation

Part 3 of the series, I highly recommend you read the other two.I awoke the next morning to a amazing smell of freshly cooked breakfast. I rubbed my eyes to clear the blurry vision that I had and sat up. I noticed a scribbled note on the coffee table next to the couch, I picked it up and it read:"Made you breakfast before I left for work, I'll be back around 3 or so - Samantha," I smiled at put the note back on the table.I walked into the kitchen to see my breakfast, still fresh from the pan. I...

1 year ago
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River RatChapter 35

Several hours later, Michelle was on an airliner headed for Phoenix, while Crystal and Scooter turned the nose of the van toward Spearfish Lake. There had been times when Crystal had driven the trip close to straight through, but they weren't in that big a hurry and made a night stop along the way, calling to give Randy the head's-up that they were coming. Crystal pulled the minivan into Randy's driveway about a month and a half after the wedding in Spearfish Lake. It was still the dead...

2 years ago
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Me and My Brothers Chapter IX

I no sooner returned to the kitchen and Marty and Donny arrived, very shortly after Louise and Bobby showed up. Almost at once we were eating and laughing as we all seemed to have something stupid to say. Louise said something about Bobby getting tangled in the sheet and it seemed so funny to her that she could barely explain. Marty said, “I would like to have seen that?” From there we got into a discussion of watching porn. “What I want to see,” Louise said, “Is a real sex show, not...

3 years ago
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Jungle Girls Ch 01

Greetings everyone, First of all, do not worry- the adventures of Jane, Lucy, and Charlie shall continue- at the moment, I am writing them in private and they shall return soon. Today, we will begin a shorter story based around a concept that may not exactly be new but I have enriched it according to this site. I hope you will like it. Even if you don’t, be sure to like and comment! I always love receiving feedback! -LadyDaisy ***** Jungle Girls Chapter 1: Welcome to the Jungle The jungle...

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Sheena And Me With Our Love And Lust

Hello Everyone!!!This is the first time I’m writing about this incident and posting it online. I have changed the names in order to protect identity. I’m Raj, 23 years old, working in an IT company. I am writing my experience first time so please forgive my mistakes may be this story will be long but it’s a true incident none of the thing is fake except the names.With the onset of my teenage, the hormones in me never were silent. The changes in my throat, pubic hairs, armpits, mustache, beard...

2 years ago
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Status quo

It's always the same. Wake up in the morning, comb your hair, walk to school, nod along to whoever's talking, go home, eat, sleep, repeat. It's old. This is the life of Nathan Rivers. Yes, my life. I'm currently 19 years old, living with my family; my mother Mary, my Father Daryl, my baby brother Billy and my twin sister Wendy. It's the same thing with them. My mother's your typical housewife; kind, polite, pretty, boring. My father's a businessman, hardly around - which is fine, as he's a bit...

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Pirates and Other Nice PeopleChapter 6

We all slept together in the huge king sized bed that night, me and Mandy in the middle of the other two, several times during the night I awoke to find myself pressed up into a soft pair of naked breasts, hands gripped my penis and I felt hard pointed nipples in my back. It wasn't the most comfortable night I'd ever spent but it was certainly one of the most erotic! We ate breakfast, a good old English fry up of bacon, eggs, tomatoes and fried bread and then called a taxi to take us into...

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Theft on Holiday

Emma and Cathy were already settled into their cabin in the holiday park. Both eighteen-year-old girls were in skimpy bikinis that showed off their well-toned figures and had just got back from their daily swim. They sat on the veranda and looked out for the two grannies who were going to join them for their two-week break.Mabel and Janet were in the car and were close to the camp. The two sixty-five-year-old grannies were thankful that Emma and Cathy agreed to let them join them on holiday,...

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EvilAngel Chloe Surreal Big Tits Titty Fuck

Thick blonde bombshell Chloe Surreal shows off her massive, natural knockers in strappy pink-and-blue lingerie. Aroused, she masturbates her pussy, and heavily hung porn pro Mick Blue offers his big cock for Chloe to suck. She gives him a sloppy blowjob. Chloe bends over on the couch, exposing her pink asshole. Mick gives her a tasty rim job, making Chloe gasp in lewd pleasure as his tongue swirls around her bunghole. He stuffs his huge boner inside her pussy, and she cums on his thick rod....

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Hallelujah Ch 09

The podium wobbles a little as I reach out to grip it. It’s made of compressed wood, a dark and somber shade of brown, and from afar it looks nice and mournful. But now that I’m right next to it I can see that one of the casters is either loose or broken, and the whole thing is just waiting for someone to lean on it wrong and send it crashing to the ground. I adjust my grip to prevent both the wobbling and its accompanying squeak. It occurs to me that this is exactly how the bored-looking...

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The Storm

Obohobo 2004 Revised 2007 "Storm force winds, gale force eight, force nine in squalls. Wind speeds expected to reach sixty to seventy miles per hour. Some structural damage can be expected. Blustery heavy showers. Temperatures down to four degrees Celsius but with the wind chill factor it will feel like minus five." The Met Office forecaster repeated the gloomy warning. With mournful creaking and sighing as if despairing of the struggle, the roots of the huge, majestic old oak that had...

2 years ago
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My Little VentrueChapter 118

~~Beatrice~~ The night went so much fucking better than she thought it would have. After her heavy conversation with Jacob, she thought maybe things would get intense, in a bad way. Nope. Dude hung out, chatted with Aaron a bit, and Jack, and now Samantha. More surprising, was how the dragons let him. Peace was the name of the game tonight. Carthians and Invictus were getting along, at least for now, and everyone else was more than getting along. They were getting fucked, in the good way....

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