Six Times A DayPart 134: Fat Bottomed Girls free porn video

Christine woke up with a start from another Wonder Woman-themed dream, and sat up in her bed. She yelled, "Damn you, William Marston! Damn you to hell!"
William Moulton Marston was the original creator of the Wonder Woman character, and she was cursing him for ever creating the sexy superheroine.
She flopped back down on her pillow, causing her bare breasts to bounce around wildly until she pulled the covers back over herself. She closed her eyes in an attempt to remember her dream before it faded away.
God dammit, these stupid fuckin' dreams! They're always the same. Let's see ... I was Wonder Woman again, of course ... And, again, Alan somehow overcame all my special powers and tied me up and had his way with me. AGAIN! Dammit, what's the point of even HAVING special powers if he ties me up and has his way with me every night anyway? I may as well be ordinary Christine.
Although, he was pretty great at having his way with me in real life yesterday ... Mmmm... She smiled in fond remembrance of how the two of them had fooled around in the backyard of her house the previous evening.
She dramatically sat back up in bed again, causing her big tits to fly around once more. Oh my God! That really happened?! Yes! Yes, it really happened! Alan and I made out, and fondled each other, and everything! Holy ... Wow! That was soooo much better than those practice dates!
She was tempted to forget about the dream altogether and instead just luxuriate in happy memories of her time with Alan, but she closed her eyes again and lay back down, slowly and gently this time. Hmmm ... I can't really remember ... The dream's fading already ... But Alan definitely took off my Lasso of Truth and my indestructible bracelets. Then he pulled most of my uniform off, like he does most every night. But I remember more breast fondling and kissing than usual, which makes perfect sense given what we really did not that many hours ago. I wish he wouldn't always tie my wrists together though, so I could stroke his big ... WAIT! Hold on! Don't tell me ... OH NOOOO!
She sat up for a third time. Shit! Shit, shit, shit! My dream's mostly gone now, but I definitely remember a flash of Heather in there. What was SHE doing there?! Talk about pissing all over my fun times. Now that I think about it, I kind of remember her working WITH him to take all my clothes off, and then...
She recalled that her wrists were bound behind her back while she was bobbing on Alan's erection. There was nothing unusual about that in her dream world, except that the blowjob was much more vivid than ever before, no doubt due to the oral practice with her Mr. Plummer dildo late last night. The disturbing element was that not only was Heather there too, but she was completely naked and guiding Christine's head up and down over Alan's cockhead with one hand while stroking the rest of his thick shaft with the other.
No! No! NO! I'm not even going to think about it! It's too awful to contemplate!
She sat on the edge of her bed and violently shook her head back and forth several times, as if attempting to shake her dream thoughts of Heather right out of her, which again created interesting motions of her breasts as they mimicked her head motion.
Despite her attempts to forget, she remembered dream-Heather saying, "Welcome to the harem, Wonder Woman. This is what we do. We work as a team to keep Alan happy. It's a full-time job. You were a superheroine, but now you're the same as me: just another one of his big-titted sluts!"
She shook her head in horror. NO! Please! God dammit! She would say that. SHE'S the big-titted slut! BITCH!
Then, more calmly, she thought, Damn. Dreams can be such fucked-up things. But the important thing to keep in mind is that they mean absolutely nothing. They're just a random bunch of images. Just because I somehow dream about Alan binding my helpless body up with ropes nearly every night lately doesn't mean I'd want him to do that to me in REAL life! Puh-lease! It's just that I'm thinking about him a lot lately, and I've been watching and reading way, way too much Wonder Woman stuff. I should throw out my DVDs before I somehow wind up watching all those episodes yet again. And as for Heather being there, that just proves how random and meaningless dreams are. And that's all I'm gonna think about that!
She stood up and stretched out her nude body, reaching her hands nearly to the ceiling. I gotta admit, sleeping naked feels pretty good. Maybe that's why I've been having all these super sexy dreams. They did start around the time I stopped wearing my PJs...
Enough about my stupid dreams. I've got better things to think about, like the way his hands really did caress me all over... She closed her eyes and cupped the underside of one hefty tit, and used her other hand to lightly stroke an ass cheek. His hands were aaaaaallll over me ... Mmmm! So good! It seems so real, so vivid, like he's touching me right now.
She giggled. Stop it, Alan! Stop it! What's with you and my nipples? I swear, you're gonna twist them off if you keep doing that. Take it easy, especially on poor Veronica! She smiled from ear to ear.
She had both hands on her breasts now, twisting her nipples. She opened her eyes and started looking around the room, trying to remember where she'd hidden her two sex toys.
Then she froze. Wait a minute! This is Alan we're talking about. Alan! The guy who's with Amy, AND her mother Suzanne, AND who knows how many others?!
She sat back on her bed, as if too staggered by that realization to remain standing. She went from nearly euphoric to morose. Shit! You'd think that with a body and a face like mine, I could get a great boyfriend of my own, free and clear of any entanglements. But no! I have to pick the one guy who's so taken already that he practically has his own frickkin' harem! And from what he says, and I believe him, there's no "practically" about it. UGH!
Although her thoughts had depressed her somewhat, she was still horny, and she slid a hand down the nude contours of her firm, strong body until it reached her pussy lips. Then she suddenly jerked it away. Forget it. I'm not gonna break out those evil dildos Simone got me to buy and masturbate yet again to thoughts of stroking Alan's big cock. It's a total waste of time. I can fantasize about someone else, thank you very much. Like ... oh, I dunno ... somebody! I can fantasize about anybody I damn well please, and it doesn't have to be him!
She ran through a mental list of hunky stars, but none of them held any interest for her. All she could think about was Alan's touch, his kiss, and even the sound of his voice. Most of all, she couldn't stop thinking about how stiff and hard his dick had felt when it had pressed against her.
What's so great about his penis, anyway? I'm sure most other penises are just like his. Okay, maybe not most, but some ... A few, in any case ... Besides, it's pretty pathetic to spend so much time thinking about that damn thing, when I know I'd be absolutely terrified if I had a real chance to hold it and stroke it. It felt so good rubbing against me though ... Soooo goood...
Her hands again started wandering down her body towards her pussy, and a smile came to her face. However, it fled just as quickly when she finally managed to continue her train of thought. Rubbing my tummy against it, I can handle that. In fact, I remember really getting into it. But having it in my hands would be a completely different thing altogether. I wouldn't know what to do, or how to begin! The pressure, knowing he has all those other women who can run circles around me with their bedroom skills...
Suzanne Pestridge, for one. Talk about some crazy pressure right there! She's not human; she's a goddess! She's like some sort of cartoon character version of a super sexy woman. The tone of her voice, her smoldering eyes, the way she sashays her hips ... Hell, compared to her, I have no clue how to even WALK! How on Earth am I supposed to compete with her when it comes to stroking a penis?! I'd make a total fool of myself!
She looked down and consoled herself that, without false modesty, her body was as impressive as anyone else's, even Suzanne's. It was merely the skills and experience that she lacked.
An intense expression crossed her face as she dramatically punched a fist in the air. Dammit, I'm not gonna just sit here feeling helpless! If there's one thing I've learned, it's that knowledge is power. Mom's not gonna call me down for breakfast for another hour or two. Probably two, in fact. I'm gonna use that time to conquer my fears with information! There'll be plenty of other times for me to figure out what to think or do about Alan's many girls. Besides, I'm both too depressed and too horny to think about that right now, since what the hell can I do about it but suffer?
She had some sex books that Simone had recommended she buy at the sex shop. They were secretly hidden in her room, since she was terribly afraid of her parents finding them. But she'd already made good headway in reading them, mostly when her parents were asleep or out of the house. In her current mood, however, words alone weren't enough for her. She wanted to see what she might be in for if she really had to stroke, or even suck on, Alan's erection.
Still naked and horny, she booted up her computer and began searching the Internet for word combinations like "handjob" and "video." She truly had never explored Internet pornography before, since she had repeatedly and vocally railed against pornography's harmful effects on society, and she didn't want to be a hypocrite. But she decided that she could make a one-time exception, for educational purposes only.
She was stunned at what she discovered. It was a hassle wading past pay-sites, advertisements, and a lot of crap, but even so, she was quickly able to find more relevant videos than she knew what to do with.
Unfortunately for her, the quality was wildly uneven. She watched video after video of handjobs, most of them very brief in length. They made her increasingly aroused, because she kept imagining those were her hands around not just any erection, but Alan's erection. However, the videos weren't very educational. They're just hands sliding up and down, over and over. Big whoop! I can figure out that much on my own. I wanna see the tricky moves, the special little things that someone like Suzanne does to him. If anybody is naturally talented at this kind of thing, it has to be her.
She froze as another thought came to her. Hell, for all I know, Suzanne could be giving him a handjob right now, right this very second! He'll be waking up soon, if he isn't up already, and with HIS sex-mad life, it's not only possible he'll wake up to handjob or blowjob, it's almost likely!
Oh God. That is soooo depressing. I wanna crawl back to bed, curl up in a ball, and cry. Why does he have to have those other women? Why? Why?! Why do I have to be interested in HIM?! It's not fair!
But then a new look of determination crossed her face. Dammit, I have to be honest with myself. I can't stop thinking about him. The reason he has all those beauties is because he's the BEST! Think about Mrs. Pestridge again. Why would she settle for anything less than the very best? She wouldn't.
And how can I blame her, or them, because I'm sure they feel just like I do. I can't wait to see him again, touch him again, and kiss him again! It's like there's a hole in my heart because he's not here. I can't wait for him to squeeze and knead my breasts again with those magic fingers of his. Mmmm, and his kisses! I'm even getting shivers just thinking about the way he holds my ass cheeks! It's all I can do not to call him right now and see if he wants to get together later.
Time is wasting! I need to learn my way around a penis, and fast! I'm not going to chicken out again. Not today! At the very least, I want to feel what it's like to hold it in my hands, and even stroke it!
Her steely gaze turned fatalistic. I have to accept that he gets his cock sucked about as often as other people blow their nose or sneeze, and if I want to feel his special touch, I have to get with the program. That's just how it is.
She turned her attention back to the computer screen, but soon gave up on the handjob videos. She looked up blowjob videos, and found those much more interesting, not to mention arousing. The women were generally using a variety of moves, and doing it in plain sight of the video camera instead of inside their mouths. She found herself fingering her slit with one hand while using the mouse with her other hand to rewind and rewatch key "educational" scenes over and over.
But the videos depressed her as much as they aroused her. Blowjobs look difficult! I mean, a handjob, I think I can handle that, so to speak. To do it as well as someone like Suzanne probably takes a lot of talent, but to do an okay job looks easy. But a blowjob? Just doing it at all seems impossible! Alan's cock is thicker than most of the penises on these videos, and even fitting any of those in my mouth looks like it would be a nightmare!
Then she watched a longer clip of a nameless woman who not only slobbered, nibbled, and sucked a man's long erection, but licked and sucked his balls. Then the woman deep throated the man, to the point that there was nothing left of his penis to see.
Christine watched the clip closely, almost breathlessly, fingering her clit all the while. Now we're talking! This woman knows what she's doing. She's the best of the best, and that's what I'm going to be! I never do anything half-way.
Finally, the woman pulled off and let him shoot his cum all over her face. She even showed the camera all the cum in her mouth, and then swallowed it.
That soured Christine's enthusiasm. EEEWWW! That was totally disgusting! Am I expected to do all that too?! No fucking way! If Alan expects to cum on my face, I'm gonna chop his body into kindling! Many strong emotions were running through her, including lust and disgust in nearly equal measure.
She cringed as she started the video again, and tried harder to learn from it. But from time to time, she thought things like, How in Hera am I going to do that?! Woe is me!
She opened her mouth as wide as she could, and imagined trying to cram Alan's bulbous cockhead inside it. She gave up and shook her head in disbelief. I might as well try fitting an entire fist in my mouth. And even if I did get it in, how is that supposed to be pleasurable for ME?! I've read "The Ultimate Guide to Fellatio" book cover to cover already, but that's really for someone who already knows her way around a penis. I need some practical experience with a real dick before I could dare to suck Alan's, but it's a Catch-22, because his is the only one I want to touch!
She thought over this conundrum as the video again came to an end. I need to get some kind of special edge. What I really need to do is talk to someone who knows his penis intimately, and how best to pleasure it. All his most sensitive spots, his favorite techniques ... Maybe then I'd have half a chance of not making a complete fool of myself.
But who? Amy? That would be the logical choice, but it's just too weird. "Hey, Amy, can you show me all your best moves so I can steal 'em and use 'em on your boyfriend when you're not busy with him?" God, that is just too WEIRD to even contemplate! And she'd probably happily say, "M'kay! Let me show you," which would be even weirder, if such a thing is possible. I mean, she was giving pantomime demonstrations in the girls' locker room, for crying out loud!
In retrospect, I should have paid more attention. Damn!
Chapter 2Christine temporarily gave up on watching the videos and thought more about who she could turn to for help. What about Simone, maybe? She's pretty stacked and sexy too, so I'll bet Alan's fooled around with her a lot already. She must know her way around his dick pretty well by now. Heck, she even picked out an "Alan-size" dildo for me, and she seemed to know exactly what she was looking for.
She frowned as she pictured Alan lying on top of Simone and thrusting in and out of her dark-skinned body. As horny as she was, just thinking about that made her even more depressed. As if I'd ever say something like "Oooh! Please do me next." I have more dignity and self-respect than that!
She sighed heavily. But in any case, I don't know Simone well enough to talk to her about something as intimate as that. Besides, she's Heather's best friend, so I can't trust her, even if she did help me at the sex shop.
Ms. Rhymer? No way; she's a teacher! Talk about too weird! I can't even go there in my own mind. She shook her head as if trying to clean it of that idea.
Suzanne Pestridge? No, that's even weirder and MORE intimidating! Besides, I barely know her. Although I'll bet she knows the most. Not only is she older and therefore more experienced, she just has "that look," a sex vixen look. But a lot of good it does me.
Hell, the only one I'd feel comfortable enough talking to about something like this is Katherine, maybe, although even that's a big stretch. But it's just my luck that she's the one beautiful, busty girl around who doesn't know anything about his penis. Talk about ironic. Thinking about all these other gorgeous women having sex with him is too upsetting to contemplate anyway. I guess it's back to the Internet for me. That's better than nothing, or so I hope.
After a while, she began searching Google for some other sex terms. She found a few curious things here and there, but nothing particularly interesting. However, her latest dream was still in the back of her mind, and she had the idea of typing "Wonder Woman" plus "erotic" into a search engine.
An electric thrill shot up and down her spine as she stumbled across a cartoon picture of a captive and topless Wonder Woman sucking a big stiff erection. In her mind, it instantly became her and Alan in the picture. WOW! That's just like my dreams, except I always wake up right before Alan sticks it in! Well, at least until last night's weird dream with Heather, but let's forget that, forever. This is great! The Internet rocks!
Needless to say, she'd completely forgotten about her objections to Internet pornography. She soon discovered the picture was part of a series, which told a story about Wonder Woman fighting a male villain, only to be defeated, then bound and stripped and forced to service him, using each and every one of her orifices. She got off on it so much that she didn't resist even when her hands were freed. At the end, he dumped her in the back of a truck and drove her back to his headquarters so she could be his "permanent plaything," as the captions put it.
Christine was still fingering her pussy. But she found this all so terribly exciting that she had to stop, find her small Blue Bomber vibrating egg, and click through the pictures again from the start. She would have preferred to use her black penis-shaped dildo, but because of her intact hymen, she couldn't freely slide it in and out of her hot pussy. The Blue Bomber gave her more pleasure, especially when she pressed it against her clit.
But even as aroused as she was, she was full of guilt and worry. This is bad! Mom's gonna call up here to let me know breakfast is ready. What if she suddenly bursts in here without knocking? It's never happened before, but it COULD happen! I would just die! And why do I find these pictures so, er, interesting, anyway? This stuff is patently ridiculous. Like this one: "Let go of me, you brute! Take your hands off my tits, now! I'll give you one last chance to surrender!" Poor, deluded Wonder Woman. She still thinks she's got the upper hand. Little does she know that Alan's gonna fuck the ever-loving shit out of her in about two minutes!
She was so carried away that she didn't notice that she'd thought "Alan" instead of the villain's name.
The Blue Bomber rapidly brought her to orgasm. As she started to climax, she frantically clicked back to a series of pictures showing the villain groping Wonder Woman's big boobs, and even rubbing his cockhead around her nipples, smearing them with streaks of cum. She found that much more arousing that a picture of actual fucking, because she could vividly recall Alan groping her own boobs in a very similar way. She used her other hand to tug on an erect nipple, just as her climax washed through her.
But as the euphoria of her orgasm passed, she felt a deep post-orgasmic depression hit her. I'm so fucked up. I'm actually getting excited over Wonder Woman's defeat?! I should be cheering her victories! That guy actually dumped her in his truck like a slab of meat and took her back to his lair. I can't even BEGIN to think of the unspeakably sexy, er, I mean sexual, things he and his henchmen are gonna do to her all day long, day after day! It's not right that Alan's gonna share her like that. Where's the love? Where's the loyalty? I just hope she eventually manages to escape somehow. Maybe there's a sequel I can check out later, where something like that happens.
She sighed heavily, and grew more philosophical. I seriously think Freud must be right. We have a self-destructive drive, what he called thanatos, and sometimes we actually hope to fail. But I'm not gonna fall into that trap. I've got willpower of steel! I'm gonna shut down this web page right now and never look at it again. She closed the page, but bookmarked it first without consciously asking herself why she was doing that.
Not to mention all the other Wonder Woman-themed perverted stuff out there. Why, I'll bet there's probably entire websites full of nothing BUT busty superheroines being captured and sexually ravaged! I'm getting seriously angry just thinking about it. Although, maybe if I watch enough of that stuff, all at once, I'll become desensitized to it. Then I'll finally be able to stop having my stupid sexy Wonder Woman dreams. That won't help me with my unhealthy and unworkable Alan obsession, but at least it's a start.
However, as she continued to sit there, with her pussy still throbbing and wet, she realized that she was just trying to trick herself and come up with any feeble excuse to look at more Wonder Woman-themed porn. She removed the bookmark she'd just made, and even cleared her browser history. But she couldn't unlearn what she'd just discovered. Now that she knew websites like that existed, they would always be at the back of her mind, taunting and tempting her.
She decided to look more into handjobs and blowjobs on the Internet instead, just as soon as breakfast was over and her parents left the house. If they didn't leave, she could read more of her secret sex books.
Thoughts of seeing Alan in the flesh later in the day were also constantly coming to mind, even though no specific arrangements had been made as of yet. But she was eager to call him, just as soon as she considered it a decent hour to do so. She correctly figured he wasn't an early riser like she was.
Sighing again, she stood up and put a robe on so she could go take a shower.
Chapter 3Alan woke up with his arm around Katherine. He opened his eyes and saw her still sleeping with a smile on her face.
Too cool! he thought. Waking up with Sis, AND yesterday was a pretty awesome day! His first thought was the sexual fun he and Christine had shared, but then he remembered the fight. He tested his body, and especially his hands, and was surprised at how little his injuries hurt.
He luxuriated in reviewing all that had happened the day before, focusing mostly on how he'd kissed and fondled Christine extensively. Hoo-eee! I swear, over the last three years, I jacked off so much thinking about Christine that it could be measured in gallons. And now, a lot of what I dreamed about has come true! She has the most frigging amazing body, and it feels as good as it looks.
But still, I'm here with Sis. I need to put my Christine thoughts away for a while, 'cos to think about her now would be rude. His hand was resting on Katherine's mane of dark brown hair, and he very gently stroked it a little bit.
He lay there for a few minutes, until the urge to pee grew too great and he was forced to get up. He tried to extricate himself from Katherine without waking her up, but there was no good way to pull his body out from under hers. As he left the bed, he saw her stirring a bit, and even grumble in her sleep. He wished he could have stayed there with her a long time, but nature called.
He did most of his morning routine, including shaving and brushing his teeth. By the time he got back, Katherine was obviously awake and sitting up against the headboard. Wow, just look at Sis. She looks really submissive and sultry with her hands cuffed behind her back like that. I'm warming up to the bondage thing, as long as I'm not the one who gets tied up.
"Morning, Brother. But what's the big deal?" she complained. She attempted to raise her hands so she could rub her eyes, but that did little except make her handcuffs clank and rattle since they were locked behind her. (She'd gotten uncomfortable and woken up a couple of times to change the position of her hands, but she'd never had her handcuffs taken all the way off.)
She looked at him with seeming annoyance, and pouted, "That's not how you're supposed to wake up."
He got back in bed, naked, but stayed on top of the sheets. He kissed her on the top of the head. "It's not? Why not?"
"You're supposed to wake up with Alan Junior in my mouth. We've got certain morning 'alarm clock' traditions in this house, and I have a Number One Fuck Toy reputation to maintain, you know." She said this in a playful way, but she also was genuinely frustrated that he'd woken up before she did.
"What are you doing?" he asked, as he saw her shake her way out from under the covers and then kneel in the middle of the bed.
Smiling widely, she thrust her impressive chest out, and held her head high. She didn't have any choice but to keep her wrists together behind her back, since they were cuffed that way. "Your sex slave fuck toy sister, reporting for cock cleaning duty, Master!" She giggled.
He looked at her and couldn't help but feel impressed. How am I supposed to keep in control when she shows off her magnificent tits like that? I'd better try to calm her down or I'll never be able to have a serious discussion about what's bugging me. He said, "Sis, you don't have to do that. I'm really just your brother, you know."
She made an exasperated noise. "But I want to. Holy moly, the things you did to me last night. That whole body orgasm was just about the greatest thing ever! I love you more today than ever before, and I didn't even know that was possible. Come on, hop up next to me so I can properly blow you." She tried in vain to use her hands to point at a spot on the bed, and wound up nodding at the spot instead.
He winced as he thought about a wake up blowjob.
She noticed. "What? Are you upset about something? Do your wounds hurt?"
"Nah. My wounds are fine. They're not even on my mind anymore. It's just that ... Well, I'm in kind of a philosophical mood. I'm not feeling horny in the slightest. By the way, do you want your cuffs off?"
"Yes, please. As great as they look, and as much as I loved waking up like this, I have to admit they're kind of chafing my wrists." She held her hands out, and he easily undid them.
As he worked on them, he recalled how she'd been forced to wake him up in the middle of the night so he could take them off just long enough for her to go to the bathroom. He asked, "Did you enjoy wearing those all night?"
"You betcha!"
She rubbed her now freed wrists. "You wouldn't understand. You tried that submissive experiment a couple of days ago, remember? Obviously, it doesn't work for you."
As he sat next to her in the middle of the bed, she added, "Just trust me that it was pretty cool wearing them all night long. We're gonna have to do that a lot more, where you keep me as your cuffed slave all night long. I woke up a couple of times, only to realize with a start that you were in bed with me and I was all bound and thoroughly enslaved. I got so excited that I wanted to wake you, but I knew I shouldn't."

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