Breaking Article 134 Ch 03
- 2 years ago
- 31
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The plan at that point was for me to resume a normal touring and speaking schedule, but for the time being, limit myself to strongly Republican areas where I wouldn’t be challenged on this. Matt Scully was redoing the standard stump speech and would be traveling with me to edit it as new information came in. We would work up a healthy portion of outrage into the speech based on this, with me attacking Bill Clinton at every conceivable moment. Ignore John Kerry; damn Bill Clinton; Al Gore is Clinton Light. Pound on those three items. We were flying out in the morning for stops in Boise and Helena.
I went over to my office in the Capitol and called Marilyn at the end shortly before dinner to fill her in on the latest. I told her I would spend the night in D.C. and then fly out west in the morning. After that, I worked several hours making phone calls to various committee chairmen to let them know I wasn’t dead yet and was in fact showing surprising levels of life. Then I went home. I ordered in a pizza and decided to have a few beers for dinner. It had been a long day. Then it got a little strange. My cell phone rang and when I answered it, it was an Army colonel. “Congressman Buckman?”
“I am Colonel Andrew McFaggin from the Chief of Staff’s office.”
I could feel my brow wrinkling at that. “Who?”
“Colonel Andrew...”
“I got that part, Colonel. Which Chief of Staff?”
“General Shinseki, sir. The Army Chief of Staff,” he explained.
“Not Shelton?” Hugh Shelton was a four-star general and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the most senior leaders of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines. Eric Shinseki was currently the Army Chief of Staff, one of those senior leaders.
“No, sir, not General Shelton.”
“How can I help you, Colonel?”
“Sir, can I come over to see you?”
What was going on? “You know where I live? Come on over. I’m having some pizza and beer. Hustle and it might still be warm. The pizza, I mean, not the beer.”
“Thank you, sir. I’ll be there in a few minutes.” The colonel hung up on me and I was left to ponder what the Chief of Staff could want with me. For the life of me I couldn’t remember much about Shinseki. I must have met him at a cocktail party or something, but if we had ever actually had a conversation, I couldn’t remember it. Shelton, I remembered as being a bit more politician than general, but I suppose at that level you have to be. The same was probably true of Shinseki.
About ten minutes later there was a knock on the door and an officer in a dress uniform was shown into the kitchen. “Congressman Buckman?”
I stood and shook his hand. “Colonel. Welcome.” Before he got started, I turned to a cabinet and pulled a plate out and slid it across to him. Then I pulled another beer from the fridge. “Here, have something to eat. I’ll never finish this, and I’m flying out in the morning. You can help.”
“Uh, thank you, sir.” I don’t think the colonel had been actually expecting pizza and beer, but he put a slice on his plate and opened the beer.
I pointed at a bar stool. “Sit. What can I do for you, Colonel?”
He swallowed the bite he was working on and said, “Congressman, I am here on behalf of General Shinseki. He asked me to give you some information, and he asked me to ask you to come to the Pentagon in the morning.”
“Well, I’m all ears, Colonel, but I’m on an early morning flight to Boise in the morning. I’m scheduled for a campaign tour,” I told him.
“Sir, the General was hoping that you would change your schedule.”
“You’d better explain that, Colonel,” I replied.
He took a deep breath. “Sir, at approximately 2030 today General Shelton told General Shinseki that tomorrow he is to issue orders recalling you to active service. At that time, you are to be taken into custody pending a formal investigation into charges of murder relating to your duty in Honduras and Nicaragua. Pending the outcome of that investigation, you will either face court martial or be extradited to Nicaragua to face charges there. Perhaps both.”
I stared briefly. “You must be joking!” What the hell was going on! We were hoping to force Clinton to overreach, but this was ridiculous!
“No sir. I am not.”
“And you expect me to turn myself in tomorrow morning? Is that what this is about? You can kiss that idea good-bye, buster.” I stood up and pointed towards the hallway. “Get lost.” Time to call my lawyers!
“Congressman, allow me to finish. General Shinseki told me that General Shelton received these orders earlier in the evening directly from President Clinton. General Shinseki would like you to be present tomorrow morning at a press conference he plans to hold. At that time, he will announce that he is refusing the order, and then he will resign his position as Chief of Staff.”
I stared and my jaw dropped. After a few seconds I said, “Excuse me? You want to run that by me again.”
“Sir, tomorrow morning, at a live press conference at the Pentagon, when General Shelton and President Clinton expect that your imminent recall and arrest will be announced, General Shinseki will instead state that the orders given to him are illegal and he will refuse them. He would like to invite you to be present. The General is disgusted by the treatment you are receiving,” said McFaggin.
I sat down again and sat there pondering what the colonel was telling me. I reached out and sipped my beer, but I could barely taste it. “Colonel, while I really appreciate what General Shinseki is offering, what would really help is the release of the investigation report from 1981. Is there any word on that?”
McFaggin sat back down and drank some more beer. He reached inside his uniform jacket and pulled out a folded-up sheaf of papers. He tossed it on the bar top. “You might find this interesting reading.” I reached for it, and he continued, “The General plans on handing out copies of this at the press conference tomorrow.”
I looked at the pages and flipped them right side up. It was the Article 32 Investigation Report prepared by Colonel Bruce Featherstone. So, there had been an official Article 32 investigation after all. “I’ll be damned,” I muttered.
“This might not be my place to say it, but after General Shinseki got his hands on this last week, he lost any remaining respect for the President.”
I gave the colonel a hard look. “Mister, he might not respect him, but he damn well better obey him.”
“Congressman, I think we settled conclusively at Nuremburg that not all orders are created equal.”
I grunted noncommittally at that. Then I looked at the man. “What’s your deal? Why are you flushing your career down the toilet? Shelton is going to find out about you telling me, and even if you say that Shinseki told you to, you’re finished.”
McFaggin sighed. “I don’t know if you know this, Congressman. The General stepped on a land mine in Viet Nam, blew off a chunk of his foot. My old man was a corporal in the same unit. He told me that if Shinseki hadn’t stepped on the mine, he would have. He always felt like he owed the General. When he learned I was assigned to General Shinseki’s staff, he told me to watch over the man.”
I shrugged and nodded. “Good a reason as any.” I looked briefly through the report. Looking back at the colonel, I said, “It’s best that I don’t go to the press conference. I show up, there are going to be questions about my setting something up with Shinseki. It will be better if I go about my regular business.” I waved the report in the air, though, and added, “Still, tell him this is useful and appreciated, and that a beat-up old battery commander still knows the value of good intelligence. I plan to read this and put it to good use.”
“Understood, sir.” He stood up and headed towards the door. I walked him out. “Congressman, good luck.”
“Same to you, Colonel. Same to you.”
I went back to the kitchen and grabbed another beer and took it and the report into my office. I sat down and read the report. It was strange reading the military legalese, but it was all there, a complete investigative report - names, ranks, timelines, accusations (many), evidence (nothing), conclusions, and recommendations. I went through it a second time, and then a third, remembering back to that clusterfuck, and never going to bed. Eventually I got up and made several copies and stashed one, and then went upstairs and showered and shaved and dressed. Maybe I could sleep on the plane, but I doubted it.
The flight out of Reagan National was to lift off at 5:50 AM and landing in Boise seven hours later, around 10:50 AM Boise time. It was a charter flight in a 737, so maybe they could shave some time off it. The plane looked to be packed. Up in the front end, the first-class section was reserved for me and my staff, with a curtain giving us some privacy, and a bouncer type to smile and keep the reporters in the back. The back was jammed with reporters, all waiting on me to A) go after Bill Clinton, and B) step on my crank doing so. I planned to do the first and to try and avoid the second.
I waved to everybody as we boarded the plane, but I simply smiled and waved while they yelled questions at me. I waited until everybody was on board and the plane was lifting off to speak to my staff. I swapped to an aisle seat with Frank and motioned Matt and Brewster into seats across the aisle, and then handed them copies of the investigative report. “This thing is going to break wide open today. I got this out of the Pentagon last night. It’s the missing investigation report that we’ve been screaming for.” I outlined what Shinseki’s messenger boy had told me was going to happen. They were stunned, but then everybody tried to speak at once, whispering at each other.
Brewster managed to out-whisper the others. “Okay, Carl, what do you plan to do?”
“Brewster, I plan to bend Bill Clinton over a barrel and ram this report straight up his ass! You got any better ideas?”
He grinned at me. “This ought to be fun!”
We spent the rest of the flight figuring out talking points and rewriting (by hand - no electricity for a laptop and our batteries were all dead) the stump speech. We had to modify it to take into account the latest attacks from the White House. Meanwhile in the back of the plane a certain level of buzz was building. We had left too early for anybody to have heard anything about a press conference, but somebody back there must have heard something. After it got loud enough, I went back and schmoozed them some, simply walking up and down the aisle, smiling, shaking hands with the new people, joking, and saying absolutely nothing. Nobody knew anything, but the team from ABC must have heard late last night that there was a Pentagon press conference that would be about me. I just looked blank and asked what they had heard.
It was my dumb and stupid act. Whenever Marilyn gets pissed at me, she tells me it comes naturally. The rest of the time she tells me I’m too smart for my own good. I wish she would make up her mind!
As we approached Boise, however, the buzz in the back got louder! We were getting in range of cell towers, and even though the stewardesses were yelling at everybody to turn off their electronic devices, nobody obeyed. By the time we landed most everybody on the plane knew something was going on. After the landing we hustled our asses off the plane before anybody could ask and headed over to the campaign rally. On the way, I called Marty for the latest.
“Carl, you won’t believe, it, but we have a full-blown constitutional crisis going on back here!”
I smiled to myself. “Tell me more!”
“The Army Chief of Staff announced at the morning briefing in the press room at the Pentagon that he had received orders to arrest you, and then declared those orders to be illegal and resigned as Chief of Staff.”
“I knew that was going to happen,” I told him.
“What? Yeah, well what you don’t know is that immediately after that, the Vice Chief of Staff marched up to the podium and announced that he also believed those orders to be illegal, but he wasn’t resigning. If the President, Secretary of Defense, and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs didn’t like it, they could fire him, but he would not approve any orders to recall you and arrest you. Then they issued copies of the investigation from back in 1981 we’ve been screaming about,” he told me.
“Oh, shit! I almost wish I had been there.”
Marty continued. “You knew about this, didn’t you? What the hell, Carl! Do you have a copy of the report, too?”
“This broke late last night, Marty. No need to get you involved. Anything else happen?”
“There were a shitload of questions, but the best one was when somebody asked Shinseki, he’s the Chief of Staff, why he did this, and he told them that the White House could clean up its own mess and leave the Army out of it.”
“He said that? Oh, holy shit!” Shinseki was going to be lucky to avoid a court martial of his own at this rate! “Anything happen since then?
“That was just an hour ago. Nothing out of the White House since then. What’s happening there?”
“The reporters just twigged to the fact that something happened, and they weren’t there. Scully and I have been rewriting the stump speech. Watch the evening news. The game just went into overtime!”
“Screw that. You’re winning!”
I hung up my phone and noticed everybody else in the party was on theirs, undoubtedly getting the same message I just got. When they hung up, we chatted, but didn’t really bother to rewrite anything else. We simply went to the campaign rally and proceeded to bend Bill Clinton over a barrel.
We started by giving a standard stump speech, praising George Bush for his leadership and insight, and of course, the courage and integrity he was showing by standing by me. Then we added a few comments based on the latest we had of the situation as of yesterday afternoon, before I got the copy of the report and before I was informed of what Shinseki had planned. Then I grabbed the microphone and came around the podium and sat down on a bar stool in an ‘impromptu’ informal move. I commented that it seemed that something was going on back in Washington, but that my cell phone wasn’t working, and I hadn’t been able to get any details. Would somebody care to fill me in?
There was an immediate hubbub, and a voice yelled out, “Congressman! Do you mean to say that you aren’t aware that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff refused to have you arrested this morning and resigned?”
Trust a reporter to get it wrong. It was easy to look confused and say, “General Shelton resigned?”
“No, General Shinkowski!”
Now I could really look confused. “Do you mean General Shinseki? He’s the Army Chief of Staff, not the Chairman. I don’t know a General Shinkowski. Do you mean General Shinseki resigned? Why?”
“The President ordered him to have you arrested!”
I put a look of surprise on my face. “The President wants the Army to arrest me? He’s got an entire Justice Department to do that! Arrest me for what? Getting my men home?”
“Congressman! The President ordered the Chairman to order the Army Chief of Staff to arrest you!” yelled another voice. “And the Army Chief of Staff said the President could clean up his own mess and resigned.” Finally, somebody got it right!
“Huh! Well, it’s true, the President surely has made a mess of this! Now he’s forcing out other good officers? This is what you get when you make a draft dodger the President!”
There was a huge uproar over that, but then a third reporter yelled out, while holding up a phone, “Congressman, I just heard that General Shelton relieved the Vice Chief of Staff for also refusing to order your arrest.”
Holy Christ! This was spinning out of control back home! “Well, I’m sure that the President will fire enough people so that sooner or later he’ll find an ambitious second lieutenant he can bully around. I guess that means he hasn’t released the investigation from 1981.”
From the far side yelled out several voices. The clearest and loudest yelled, “General Shinseki released copies of it this morning!”
“You’re kidding me, right? The report must have exonerated me! Are you telling me that the President of the United States is ordering me to face double jeopardy on a closed case, simply to force me out of politics? What happens next? If a new Army investigation clears me, does the Justice Department get a shot at me? This is outrageous, even for a man as low as Bill Clinton,” I cried out. It was time to go on the offensive. I climbed up off the stool and faced them all.
“Let me tell you something! The President of the United States knows exactly where I am! If he wants me arrested, he can send the Justice Department after me! He can send the Army! He can send the Marines if he doesn’t trust the Army anymore! He can send the Boy Scouts if he wants! I’m a peaceful man just trying to do my job! It’s just too bad for Bill Clinton that my job is to run his ass out of Washington in disgrace! Now, I am going to continue this campaign swing. If he doesn’t like it, he can issue the arrest warrant himself. His personal conduct in this is despicable!”
Part of our strategy was to get Clinton pissed off enough to do something stupid. Make him overreact; be the voice of reason but then goad him into doing something. Make him react to us, and not the other way around. Meanwhile George Bush could take the high road and concentrate on Al Gore, and push the idea that Al was Bill 2.0. At some point maybe Al would manage to do something stupid, like repudiate Clinton. If we could get them fighting, the job was half done.
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I spent a while unsuccessfully scouring my cell for anything that would help with an escape. Clearly the Architect had gotten better at holding prisoners since the events of the book “The Calling” – unfortunately. I found a few pebbles, some moss, but nothing that could be used to pick locks, nothing that could even be a credible weapon. I examined the crude padlock in more detail; it was a massive, black, iron contraption that I’d have no chance at breaking. It looked like it would probably...
As Saturday afternoon hit, Adam discovered he was happy that he had a free day. He didn't think about either of his jobs for more than a few minutes. He spent the majority of the day sitting in a lawn chair, having pleasant conversation with his friends and enjoying the scenery. And the scenery was impressive. The girls did their best to skirt the boundary of decency as closely as they could. All wore bikinis and some of the bikinis were extremely small. Anya and Ekaterina were used to the...
Sunday David and Karin were up and going by 630. After their morning shower treat, they were headed to the practice range by 800. It was after 900 by the time Marius and Terence managed to get going. At 1115 they were at the edge of the woods east of the farmhouse. They could see the vehicles. It didn’t seem like anyone was at the house. Once they got to the porch Terence picked up a coffee mug sitting on the floor. It still had a little coffee in the bottom but it was already cold. He...
Recently there have been a few TV shows that have mentioned Dogging. My wife is quite a prude and even though she knew it had something to do with sex she asked me if I knew anymore about it. I explained that it was where people met in public and either performed with an audience or allowed strangers to join in, often at car parks or in open spaces. She found the whole idea disgusting and wasn’t amused when I said that if she really wanted to know what happened at dogging sites I should drive...
It had been a long time fantasy for my wife, Anna and I. I love watching her getting fucked, and she loves having some stranger use her for his personal gratification, especially outdoors. So dogging was something we were bound to experience.For months we had read dogging stories and watched several internet movies of dirty wives and girlfriends turning up at local car parks to get fucked and covered in hot cum. We knew of several alleged dogging sites within a five mile radius of own home, but...
Because I had been with Alan so long I thought that was it, so discovering he had got a girlfriend was initially devastating and it all turned a bit nasty. Anyway he did do the slightly honourable thing and moved out, allowing me time to buy him out of the house. I have a good job but I’m not prepared to share what it is that I actually do for a living. Soon after Alan moved out I happened to have a particularly bad evening with some alcohol fuelled self pity. The TV was crap and I ended up on...
So me and Hayley have been together for a good couple year now. Still happy and still her taking plenty of cock. One day she come back in from work with a big smile on her face. She comes out that she has finally found a place where a dogging spot is and that we are going this Saturday. I ask how she found that out and her reply is just from the delivery guy at work. My next question is why and how were you talking to the delivery guy about dogging? She looks at me with her slutty smile and...
The beautiful young teenager sprawled wantonly on her bed, her entire body completely naked. She ran two fingers in and out of her dripping pussy, moaning with pleasure. Her lust-glazed eyes were fixed on the handsome German Shepherd who was sitting at the foot of his mistress' bed, his own eyes riveted on her wet cunt. "Oooh, you're really turning on now, aren't you, boy?" Babs Nichols groaned, laughing with delight at the sight of the huge hard-on visibly throbbing beneath the dog's...
Despite having grown considerably in a year, Mark still wasn't able to use all of the milk I was producing, so I pumped out the excess and saved it for an emergency. At 5' 10" tall, my large breasts were producing a river of milk. I'd always heard stories that small-breasted women produce as much milk as large breasted ones. I don't believe it. Bill had been an executive with a computer company here in Houston. Between his stock and insurance Mark and I were set for life, but no amount...
I got into the dogging thing in my mid teens thanks to an older neighbor guy who was into everything sexual big time. He had all kinds of videos and pictures, he and his wife were swingers. He took me out the first few times to show me the ropes. He even let me watch his hot wife dog a time or two. This guy always knew who would be where. My favorite woman was one older lady who would only fuck one guy but afterward would let all of us masterbate and blow our wads on her bush then she would...
Shhhh! My mother may be asleep, wait out here while I check. “Whispered Shelly to her two male companions. “Okay.” Carl whispered. Carl Fields grinned knowingly at Greg Sullivan, as the two of them sat down in the darkened hallway outside the Burnside’s front door. They started talking about the exhibition she had just put on. What they had seen in the movie was nothing like what Shelly had just accomplished. They talked about getting a camcorder next time she was over...
Wednesdays were always hard at work because it was the day new stock arrived. Everything had to be counted, received and put away. We could barely get it done in 8 hours. I was always beat when I came home so the wife took this as her shopping day so I could get a nap. Our routine was we would talk a little, I'd play with our dog then I'd lay on the floor and take a nap with the dog curled up with me. The wife would be gone shopping for an hour or two then would come back with supper for...
Mark and Debbie had been married for two years when the local office of the company for which he worked was closed as a cost-saving measure. Mark was lucky. Instead of being terminated, he had been given the opportunity to become a roving troubleshooter. The position paid slightly more than his old one, but he would have to spend almost three weeks of every month traveling. He tried contacting other companies in the area, in hope of finding something that would allow him to stay near home,...
I have a powerful recurring fantasy image of myself. In the image, I a pet dog. I have always loved animals and treasure my memories growing up with a pet golden retriever. I loved that golden and he loved me. He was my prized possession. Through teenage triumphs and disappointments, I always new that I had one true and loyal friend. I often told my pet about how lucky he was to be such a loved and treasured possession. I told him how lucky he was to have none of my worldly concerns. After all,...
Welcome to one of the biggest game sites out there, now I am sure that most of you have heard about this place, and I am not here to talk about the site per se, I am here to talk about a very hot game called ‘Attack on Moe’. I am pretty sure all of you fuckers will love this game as much as I did. And if you are interested in what they have to offer I am here to tell you.Nutaku is one of the most known game sites and this is one of its hottest games.Of course, this is all my...
Best Porn GamesDOGGINGWe pull up in the car park by the reservoir, it's ten at night and everything seems really quiet. It's a hot night so I wind down the car windows to let in the moonlight.We'd been out drinking, but I got the driving job so I was perfectly sober, but my wife had had plenty to drink and was no doubt feeling a little horny.I put her hand on my lap as we kissed and without hesitation she had undone my flies and had my cock in her hand, starting to slowly wank it. After a few strokes I was...
DOGGINGWe pull up in the car park by the reservoir, it's ten at night and everything seems really quiet. It's a hot night so I wind down the car windows to let in the moonlight.We'd been out drinking, but I got the driving job so I was perfectly sober, but my wife had had plenty to drink and was no doubt feeling a little horny.I put her hand on my lap as we kissed and without hesitation she had undone my flies and had my cock in her hand, starting to slowly wank it. After a few strokes I was...
The next morning, Dog, as I began calling him, followed along with me when I went to bring the cows in. As soon as he saw the cows, he trotted out to them and started to herd them toward the barn. It was obvious Dog had worked stock before. Even though the cows knew where they were going, Dog followed and kept them bunched up close together, nipping a leg here and barking at a wanderer there. They headed for the barn and each cow went to "her" own feed box. Dog lay down in the door on his...
Master Karl inserted a funnel gag into its mouth, strapping it around the head. He bound the arms behind the back in leather cuffs shackled together with an S clip, separated and secured the legs with a spreader bar attached above the knees, locked the neck in a thick steel collar and then connected that with a short steel linked chain clipped to an iron ring on the floor so it couldn’t escape from a prone position. He allowed it to kneel on a cushion, although he could just as easily...
Monday, May 9, 2005 (Continued) I got back to school before lunchtime had ended, so I went looking for Julia and the others. They weren't in our usual spot, but I remembered her saying something about having a different meeting spot for our non-private meetings, so I went looking for that. It wasn't hard to find, it being a very large group of girls. Most lunchtime groups are half a dozen or so people, so a group ten times that size stood out, even when they were sitting down. I noticed...
I was at my girlfriend's place and we were going to have a fuck. She had rung me and said she was horny and would I fuck her. While we were getting undressed, I told my girlfriend about the story. She said, “She had heard of it but didn't know any girl who would let it happen.” I joked and said, “You should try it one day.” And she didn’t say anything. Then we had our fuck and while we were doing it she started to talk about what I had said. “Do you think it could happen?” she...
When I first loved, was loved by, a dog, it was a novelty. My favorite. Then, two dogs, got my neighbor involved and soon she too had a dog which I learned to enjoy. It had been weeks now and we would invite each other to our respective houses for a bit of dog fun… but then I started choosing. My dog was better than hers and so on. One time we had both our dogs involved, switched dogs — a kind of dog swinging — watched each other with our dogs and then, in a sea change, I...
Cody, being of legal drinking age, offered me one of his beers to ease my nerves in preparation of finally losing my virginity -- to the family pet! He turned on the big-screen living room TV and soon a porno was playing, porn actresses' moans echoing through the house. My brother cheered as a huge-titted porn star's face was nutted on by one of the male porn stars. I watched from the kitchen, sipping my beer and petting Bones on the head. He sniffed under my short flowered dress,...
Bonnie’s remark caught me off-guard. “My next dog is going to have a big tongue.” My girlfriend’s little beagle was enthusiastically licking her hand when she said it. We had been drinking tequila. Alcohol always makes Bonnie more uninhibited, but even so I was a little shocked at what she had said. “Why’s that?” I asked, trying to sound naive. “Because they say you can train a dog to do anything,” she replied with an impish smile. “I...
As I lazily drove along in the evening’s dim light and looked down at the hem of my black PVC mini-skirt, I saw that as I passed under the orange glow of the street-lights, the knob-end of my semi-hard cock, my black suspenders and my stocking-tops were plainly visible between my nylon-clad thighs! I seldom if ever wear panties or briefs preferring to let my cock and balls dangle naked and unhindered underneath a short skirt or dress. Maybe I should explain right here and now that...
Nikki’s remark caught me off-guard. “My next dog is going to have a big tongue.” My girlfriend’s little beagle was enthusiastically licking her hand when she said it. We had been drinking tequila. Alcohol always makes Nikki more uninhibited, but even so I was a little shocked at what she had said. “Why’s that?” I asked, trying to sound naive. “Because they say you can train a dog to do anything,” she replied with an impish smile. “I...
I had originally intended to have a career in cybernetics. I had worked with a girl called sue at uni where we developed a chip to monitor brain waves in animals and humans. It was a variation on the bio chip that most pets are implanted with. We incorporated the chip into a small titaniun ring which could pick up small nerve currents. The titanium was engineered to allow the bodies repair mechanisms to incorporate it into the cells surrounding the spine. So unlike most bio chips it wouldn't...