BethChapter 134 free porn video

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January 22, 2018

Dear Ms. Diary,

I woke within a hold I recognized immediately. Rhee and I had finished our crazy night in the big bed with nine of our best friends by loving each other to repletion. I snuggled back into her more fully and sighed in happiness. She responded by lightly squeezing my left breast, which was in her right hand, and kissing me on the back of my head.

“I love you so much,” I whispered to her, receiving her response of another light squeeze of that breast.

Once we were all up, we opted to use the showers at the W house, figuring that we’d have to use that kitchen for breakfast, anyway. Liya and Gracey, Meka and Kim, and Rhee and I were the first three duos in the big shower using the Liya modification of the buddy shower system. Heather grabbed Lana and Celeste for a trio along with the other two in the second round of showers.

At the table, Lana was buzzed, saying, “I love that shower and the buddy system. I loved washing Heather’s pretty little titties and having Celeste wash me. There are just so many aspects of my life here that are so much better than my life in Yellow Springs. Goddess, I love you girls.”

There were lots of shiny smiles.

As breakfast, cold cereal, was winding down and we’d begun the little cleanup, I asked, “Any thoughts, concerns about the big pile of girls in a bed?”

Kim replied, “I don’t really know what I was expecting, but it wasn’t that ... near chaos of girls just loving on the parts of other girls they could reach. I guess I thought it would be more ... organized? Perhaps that’s the word. I’m going to have to think on it, but I think I liked it. It was far, far different from any other sex I’ve ever had, with the craziest aspect being that I’m not at all sure who got me off the first time, because some petite little girl insisted on sitting on my face.”

There was much chuckling.

That petite little girl asked, “Do you want to know?”

“Absolutely, because that was one of the best orgasms of my life!”

Heather announced, “Lana, front and center!”

Kim blurted out a surprised, “Lana? You’ve only just started into this ... girl-love thing. How are you so good?”

Those green eyes surrounded by a now-blushing face gazed at Kim as she said, “I don’t know that I was all that good. I had a huge advantage of having Heather park her cute, bare pussy on your mouth in addition to her almost hair-trigger orgasms. When she went off, you followed in ... Is it still ‘sympathy’ if someone’s response to something that feels really good causes you to orgasm? I think we need a different word there. Anyway, you began cumming almost right after Heather’s peak. And, Kim, I really liked that, everything about it. I hope I can have sex with you frequently. You’re so yummy in so many ways! GODDESS, this is such a great life!” Her mien moderated to something more serious, then added, “You are pretty, sexy, and all-around lovely, and sometime after you and Meka figure out how to ... rekindle your former feelings for each other, I’d really like to make love with you.”

Kim came close to losing it. Meka, sitting next to her, gave her a right-arm hug and kissed her on the crown.

After Kim fought off the tears, Meka asked her, “May we have our first date tonight? I’d prefer it to be by ourselves, not be anywhere near a bed, but also not where we’d have to worry about others hearing us.”

When Kim nodded at Meka, Rhee responded, “You could use the A house. The heat’s been turned down and there’s no furniture, but you can turn the heat back up and take ... Oh. There are those bean-bag chairs in the J house attic closet. There are three of ‘em up there.”

“And if you want,” added Gracey, “we can bring you two dinner. Just let us know.”

Meka drove us to school in the Sprinter, stopping to pick Brett up on the way. With the new greeting policy, each of us got a nice kiss with Brett.

When he got to Kim standing outside by the sliding side door, she asked, “Do you really want to kiss me, or do you feel you need to do so to be fair?”

Calmly, he replied, “You’re my friend, too, Kim. We’ve talked about this at school and at the W house. I don’t need to kiss you, but I’d be sad if you didn’t want me to kiss you.”

“Oh, god, no. That’s not what I meant. I ... I just...”

Brett’s response was perfect. He simply stepped into her space, but his hands on her hips, leaned in, and gave her a nice kiss for about three or four seconds, then leaned back out and looked in her eyes. After a couple seconds of looking into his eyes, she lunged at him, slammed her body into his, threw both arms around his neck, and put the left side of her face on his left shoulder. He hugged her tightly.

After about a half-minute, she stepped back and told him, “I’m ... I’m a little on edge and still very confused about ... a lot of things. I didn’t respond like that to any of the girls this weekend, and I’m not sure why I responded to you like that. I like you, Brett, and, more importantly, I respect you, more so than any other boy I’ve ever known. I’m sorry I responded to...”

“Shhh. That’s okay. I know you’re on edge for various reasons and uncertain of how you fit with us. It’s perfectly understandable that you’re on edge, but I assure you that you’re our friend, our very good friend. None of us can really know exactly what you’re feeling, with you having changed so many aspects of your life recently, looking at the near-term future of leaving the relative ease and safety of high school for the wider world, not being certain of what you want and how to get it. We’re your friends, and we’ll be your friends so long as you want us to be ... and beyond even that.”

She picked her head off his shoulder and leaned back looking in his eyes.

After a few seconds, she asked, “Is there any wonder why all these girls are in love with you? I certainly no longer have doubts. I’ve never had a guy for a friend. I’m not sure I know how to do that. Thanks for being my friend, but until I can figure out how to have a guy friend and how to be a friend to you, may we just hug rather than kiss? It would make things less confusing for me.”

Nodding, he answered, “Of course. I’m sorry that I didn’t consider how you might respond to a kiss from a guy.”

“Thanks,” she responded, then dropped her head and added, “It was a very nice kiss, though, and that’s part of my problem.”

In the Sprinter after a cold workout at the pitch, we decided to conduct departure kisses and hugs there once Civia was well out of sight on her one-block walk home. Kim collected all her hugs, first, as she would walk back to the J house to get her car and spend some time with her parents before meeting Meka at the A house after dinner. We made an informal group decision that such kisses would be no more than three seconds long, learning that when one is one of the kissers, that three seconds is much too short, but when a watcher, is more than long enough.

Emma and some of the crew were still working when we got home and she was walking into the kitchen with a large piece of paper as we did.

“Hey, Emma. How are things going?”

“Well, thanks. I had a question that I figured I could ask Liya when I heard you coming in.” She turned to Liya and said, “You’re the one who designed the house intercom system. Right?” When Liya nodded, Emma added, “We’re not yet ready to work on the boxes and interface for that. However, I noticed that you didn’t have an alert system built into it. You could tie the intercom system into the entry system and tie an emergency alert into that. If you think you want that, let the office know ASAP. I’m primarily an electrician, so I know there’s still a little time to make those changes, but not a lot without pushing back completion time.”

“Oh, I didn’t know that was a possibility. I should have looked more thoroughly.”

“If you were the one that made the plan, you did very well for someone with no direct training on such systems. However, we left those as the last things we’ll do from a wiring perspective and we’ve left that system open on all floors so far, so this would be an easy add-on. It’ll require a more-robust entry system, but I would have suggested that, anyway. The phone app for that other system would enable you to operate all aspects: entry, intercom, and emergency alert. You can set it up to accept voice commands and, if you wanted, you could set the system up to accept an entry request only when it was supported by at least two different phones. If you did that, a single person arriving could find it annoying, but the double authorization would provide for an elevated level of security should someone lose her phone or have it stolen.”

“Oh. We want that! I’ll talk to ... Charlie as soon as he gets home. Thank you, Emma. I greatly appreciate your suggestion. Is there somewhere online I could look at the specs and requirements of that system?”

Emma provided those details by blue toothing them from her own phone. Given our relatively light homework load today, I knew on what Liya would be spending much of her afternoon and evening. I spent most of it writing.

January 23, 2018

Dear Ms. Diary,

Dad and the Moms hijacked all of us to help set up the new dining room in the W house. The new table is brilliant: with four modular sections that can be arranged in a variety of ways. We could detach either end or either wing, or split it into four tables, to create the seating we wanted or to move any or all pieces of it elsewhere if needed. We had apparently sold or given away the old credenzas that used to live in that room and which held the “good” china and various and sundry other dining accoutrements. We had a single, new, larger credenza (which matched the table) and housed entirely new china, etc. The parents’ bedroom would be finished tomorrow, so we would probably get shanghaied to help there, too.

It being the last night for the old hot tub, we eight J house full-time residents spent well over an hour in it, staring at the sky with a sky map, chatting quietly, and just enjoying the tub and our sister-friend-lovers, of which there were now more than five.

January 24, 2018

Dear Ms. Diary,

The new driveway, at least the part to the W house is now officially “cured” enough to use, and the parents will move back in this afternoon, lock, stock, kit, and caboodle, to borrow Celeste’s metaphor mash-up, whatever “caboodle” is.

[Added January 25, 28]

Our workout group accounted for more than half the people using the gym today when we were there. We upped the amount of weight for all of Brit’s exercises, if that’s what we call the individual routines. She has really gotten into lifting. We dropped Civia at her house, as her family already had plans for which both her parents had managed to finagle earlier endings to their Wednesday work schedules. Katie drove the other four seniors home, as Meka had changed her mind about including anyone at dinner that was not in the know about the various sexual relationships at home. Sandy had made that decision easier for her, as she said that consultations with staff where Jim was living were promising as far as getting Jim more time away from the facility.

In the W house upstairs bathroom when Gracey noted her strong interest in the various training we had her doing, Brit stated, “Why wouldn’t I like it? Yesterday, the most gorgeous male I know told me that I looked good! And I was wearing next to nothing! I’ve had people tell me I’m pretty or cute for a while, but I’ve never had such a hunk of guy tell me that I look good. And I saw his face. He wasn’t blatant about it, but he checked me out before he said that! I’ve never felt so embarrassed and yet so ... powerful. Unless he’s a better actor and liar than I think he is, he definitely appreciated what he saw, and I’ve never, ever before gotten that from any guy in such a direct ... almost lustful manner. And in a bit more than two weeks, Charlie will be looking at me completely naked and I’ll be looking at him in the same state. Given the history of your family, can sex and lovemaking between him and me be very far behind?

“Gracey, since late September when I began sitting with you girls at lunch every day, my life has become nearly infinitely better than it was before. I’ve learned that I could have incredibly close friends ... of both sexes. I’ve learned that those odd twinges of feeling that I got occasionally when I’d see one or more of you, including Brett, were sexual excitement. I’ve learned that I can be turned on by girls as well as guys. I’ve learned that sex with girls is great. Not only have I learned that I’m not weird in being turned on by both girls and some guys, but I’ve also learned that, among my friends, I’m completely normal. I’ve learned that I can enjoy exercise and exertion, fer cryin’ out loud! I’ve learned that refining my body makes me feel good, love myself more, respect myself more. I’ve learned that incredibly attractive men and boys are not only attracted to me but can get turned on by me. I knew NONE of that before entering high school. Finally, I’ve learned that I LOVE the physical and mental changes my friends have encouraged in me.

“I greatly appreciate all that you’ve done for me, and I hope you’ll continue to help me refine my body and maintain it once I get it somewhere near optimum, because I’m very much interested in seeing how my future male lovers, Brett and Charlie, respond to it. I’m very much interested in enjoying loving, sexual relationships with my two male lovers and my large number of female lovers for many, many years to come!”

There was applause when Brit finished ... to which she blushed furiously, and the blushing caused a Brit-centered scrum of naked girls. In the scrum, it became apparent that Brit had learned at least one thing from the big pile of girls in a bed. She kissed Cera while her right and left hands fondled, respectively, Lana and me.

When she pulled her face from Cera’s, she exclaimed, “To paraphrase Lana, ‘Goddess, I love this life!’”

Once we had all showered, we gathered, still naked, in my former room – but which would be Jim’s room tonight, where Meka had the floor.

“I want Dad to understand better what my life is like, now. I’ll be making something of a speech at dinner, but I’d also like my friends and lovers to make parts of that life ... obvious. I’d appreciate it if you could all go with something skimpy tonight. Not minimalist, but something that shows your comfort with being with me and with the Go5’s family. I’ll ask the same of Celeste when I see her. Does anyone know if Andressa is coming?”

I looked around and no one was saying anything, so I replied, “No word. However, Celeste’s usually home by now on Wednesday’s, so that might mean something.”

All the girls donned skirts and tubes – no undies, with a couple of those tubes – Meka’s and, surprisingly, Brit’s – showing a bit of underboob, but none extending beyond the lower crease of breasts.

When pressed on it, Brit said, “Like I said earlier, I like myself a lot more now and I like that the two guys that I really like say I look good. Like what I said might have suggested, I’m now less interested in hiding myself in clothing that does nothing to show me off. I’m going to have more fun with clothing. I mean, all my clothes are hanging on me, now, so I need a new wardrobe. What better chance is there to upgrade the ... sexiness of what I wear? And tonight, I get to learn what it feels like to expose a bit ... well, much more than just a bit ... of me to a guy I don’t know, although Meka vouches for him, so I’m good with that. You’re all comfortable with your bodies, and I’m only just learning how to be comfortable with mine, and I intend to push it a little in public, and, until we have a compound-wide clothing-optional policy, I’ll be pushing it hard – very hard – with the Go5’s family.”

That caused another Brit-centered scrum, and one that involved a lot of hands rubbing on bodies other than their own. We did not get too sidetracked by the touching, then hustled back to the J house, with the first person we saw upon entering being Andressa.

After the various greetings and introductions, Andressa asked, “Is that what you’re wearing to dinner?”

Meka responded, “Yes. If you’d be willing to ... dress down a bit, I’d appreciate it.”

“That won’t be difficult for her,” Celeste responded as she entered the kitchen. “A lot of her clothing is ... like that. I recall at a Thursday dinner that she said that she’d find it hard to wear on the Rio beaches what a lot of women do, but she doesn’t at all mind showing as much as you girls are showing, even Meka.”

“Oh, thanks, Celeste, for ruining my chance to get these girls thinking I always wear elegant clothes.”

Celeste snorted, rolled her eyes, then said, “I’m sure these girls have something revealing that will fit you. While Kim probably doesn’t have much of her clothing here, yet, the other girl of your shape certainly does, and Beth would gladly lend you the clothes off her back. Literally.”

I took Andressa down to our room, and we picked out a skirt and tube top. She’s a bit larger than me up top, so the tube she wore showed a little underboob. I said nothing about her wearing a panty. However, when we got back upstairs, Celeste checked.

She lifted the hem of Andressa’s skirt to reveal the light blue bikini brief she was wearing, and said, “Andy, look at this.” Celeste proceeded to briefly lift every one of our skirts revealing our commando state – with even Brit, Cera, and Kim standing still for that treatment, then added, “None of the skirts are all that short, so unless we did calisthenics this evening, their ... rather, our commando state will probably go unnoticed. However, Meka wants a sexy ... attitude to the dinner and evening, and going commando automatically creates something of that in us panty-less girls. So, drop ‘em.”

Andressa did so immediately, bending over and sliding that blue panty down her legs and off.

Celeste continued with, “And once we get over there, take off your shoes. It’s a casual evening.”

We lounged in the living room awaiting the text letting us know when the parents wanted us at the W house.

Andressa asked, “Are you girls always dressed in such casual and skimpy fashion here?”

Meka and Celeste both snorted, but allowed Heather to respond, “No. We consider this amount of clothing to be gauche.” She paused to set the hook, then finished with, “We’re usually naked.”

Celeste guffawed and the rest of us either chuckled or laughed while Andressa shook her head.

“Of course, you are. I was thrown off by the presence of the four girls I didn’t know before today. I’m looking forward to moving here at the end of this term.”

“We are, too,” replied Heather. “We think you’ll make a great addition to our crazy household, and we promise we’ll hold the noise down while you’re studying. Of course, we’re all studious, too, but we do tend to let our hair down on the weekends. Rhee literally does, as it’s the only time her hair isn’t in a braid. Her hair is so lovely!”

The text arrived some five minutes later, and we took ourselves across the lawn, the temp in the 50s. As we walked in the back door, we created a pile of flip-flops and other casual shoes, then headed to the kitchen. Jim was at the kitchen table opening containers of food from our favorite Indian and Thai restaurants, after which Carol put them on the warming boards on the stoves, with plates stacked on the counter nearby.

We greeted the two each of moms and dads with hugs, although Meka first had to introduce to Jim those of us he had not met, after which she quietly got Jim to follow her upstairs carrying the plastic bag she had brought with her. She had not let anyone see the contents, but I suspected what they were, as she had tasked me with what I assumed was a similar job to hers.

Before anyone could ask us to do various tasks, I said, “Dad, this is casual Wednesday, if you hadn’t noticed. You need to change to that short-legged trunk you have, adding whatever you need down there to ... restrain you, if you know what I mean.” I turned and began adding, “Moms, you...”

“Carol responded, “We’re on it. Please, you girls, fill the various carafes with suitable dinner drinks and put them out on the dining-room table,” after which Dad and the Moms headed to their room ... without closing their door.

Rhee raised her left eyebrow at me; I shrugged in response.

We completed the transferring of the various dishes to the warming boards but were not quite finished with drinks before the Moms returned wearing outfits identical in scope to ours. That got me to pondering how many tube tops Liya had made and figured it must be well over 50 by now. Of course, they take her very little time to make, with most of the time spent being finding and buying appropriate material. Dad was wearing the trunk I had requested he don, as well as the button-down half shirt we had seen him in before, which left his belly bare. It suddenly dawned on me that the three of them had probably been naked or, at least, nearly so at some point while they changed clothes with their room door wide open. That thought obviously passed through Rhee’s mind, too, as she raised that eyebrow at me again. I nodded.

About five minutes after we were entirely ready to sit to dinner, Meka and Jim returned, the latter wearing a trunk similar to Dad’s, but wearing a full-length T on his torso. We immediately had everyone load up plates at the stoves, then headed into the dining room. Eventually, everyone was at the table, and we began eating our first family meal at the new dining-room table, occupying all 15 places at it with quite a bit of elbow room for each diner. We could squeeze three to five more at it, but most diners would be a little constrained in that situation. Dinner was marked by good food, convivial conversation – all of it light, and a bit of wondering what would come next.

After everyone had had whatever minimal seconds they wanted, Meka tapped on her glass and stood.

“I want to thank everyone for accepting my invitations to the first of what I hope will be many family dinners that include the people around this table and, perhaps, some others from time to time. I know everyone is wondering, at least a little, about this.

“Since a fateful October evening in this very room, my life has changed dramatically. On that date, I finally let people I knew in on my secret, that my dad was dying.” She breathed deeply once, then continued with, “I did not at all intend to reveal that secret that I had told no one. However, the family with whom I was eating had managed to worm their individual and group selves into my heart with their kindness and it just came pouring out. It led to darker times, because I was finally facing the truth rather than ignoring it, even running from it. I believe I was close to some sort of break at the time. I believe that because I was having more and more trouble staying aloof when I was at home alone. I think I had convinced myself that I could keep my secret more easily if I all but abandoned my old friends that knew my dad well and did whatever socializing with semi-friends that were ‘only’ [air quotes] freshmen.”

She breathed in-and-out deeply a couple times, then continued with, “In many respects, I’m very glad I made that mistake, for it enabled me to find a group of girls and their parents that not only were supportive, but obviously came to love me. That enabled me to look critically at myself, what I was doing ... to myself, to Dad, to my old friends; figure out how to deal with the problems; and figure out a saner way through this part of my life. I’m convinced that what I now call my second family saved my soul, if not my life.

“Having Sandy recently tell me that she was close to figuring out a way to having my dad stay with me on a regular ... and more-frequent basis has encouraged me to make this move that I’ve been contemplating for some time. This dinner is the first move in blending my two families into one.” Tears were slowly wending their ways down her cheeks, but she continued with, “Nearly all the people I most care about are here in this room. I would like to see all of you consider this as one large, incredibly variable family. Even though only two here are related to me genetically, I’ve looked at each of you and all of you as family for a while.”

I felt that many wanted to respond in some manner, but I also felt that everyone was waiting to see what she would say next. While the particulars of what she said surprised nearly no one, that she stated them did.

“Nearly everyone here knows this, but my dad and I have had a sexual relationship for about two years.”

Andressa was the only one who had not known that, so she inhaled deeply in reaction, although said nothing.

“Incredibly surprising to me was when Rhee told me that she and her four, as they call each other, sister-friend-lovers not only had extensive sex with each other, but also with their parents, particularly Charlie.”

Again, Andressa reacted, this time even more emphatically, giving out a loud, low-pitched grunt.

“Of the people here that neither I nor any of the Williams clan told these ... surprising bits of information, both Celeste and Brit figured out about the Williams clan. From her reactions, Andressa knew neither of these things. However, despite not getting to spend much time with her, I’ve liked her since meeting her ... here at the very first of what would become regular dinner dates for the Williams clan, Celeste, and me. I’ve chatted with Andressa on the phone, particularly about collegiate soccer, on many occasions, more occasions than we’ve had together, here, at what I now consider to be the epicenter of my growing happiness. That is why I wanted Andressa here for this, wanted her to know about these two families, because it was inevitable that she learns this knowledge on her own, since she’ll be living with us once the J house remodel is complete.

“As I said, I want to merge some aspects of my two families. To do that, the big secrets needed to be aired.” She turned to look at Jim and stated, “Dad, I love you, both as Dad and as lover. Dad, these incredible young women of the Williams clan arrayed around us love their dad both as Dad and as lover. You also know that I love those five girls as great friends. You also know that I loved my former gang of close friends, represented here by Kim. What you probably don’t know, and something I had kept myself remembering for years until Kim reminded me of it the other day, I once loved Kim as both friend and lover, although we both ran from that second term before it came to be true. We have acknowledged that and have just started on a journey that we hope will lead back to, at least, the vicinity of the feelings we once shared about each other. It took these eight freshmen girls to get the two of us to the point where each could acknowledge our true past. We don’t know where this will lead, but we’re both hopeful.

Jim opened his mouth, but Meka stopped him with a hand, and continued with, “I’ve told you, Dad, that I love these girls, that I might be in love with them. You and I have had a few discussions about that, and you encouraged me to keep an open mind and not to let love get away undeclared. Now that Kim reminded me about us, I refuse to go on any longer with my love undeclared. Beth, Rhee, Gracey, Liya, Heather, Brit, and Cera, I love you. You, particularly the first five, have made my life much more bearable given the fate hanging over my dad. While I love you for that, I love you also for who you are, all seven of you.”

She turned to Celeste and said to her, “You and I have something of an odd relationship, but I’ve liked you since that first meeting, just as I’ve liked Andressa from that same first meeting, the same meeting. However, I’ve had much more time with you than I’ve had with Andressa, and I’ve come to respect your focus and determination to get what you want out of life, and I’ve found myself loving having you near. While I don’t yet know if I’m in love with you, I certainly love you as a friend, and am grateful that you’ve moved in with us.”

She turned to Cera and Brit seated next to each other and told them, “While we have not had nights alone with each other, I promise you that they’re coming, at first, once with each of you and, if you care, once with both of you,” at which they both nodded enthusiastically.

She turned to Lana and added, “You’ve been in my life for too short a time for me to find myself in love with you, but you fit with these five girls, these seven girls, and with me. I like you a lot, you’re very attractive, and you turn me on. I would be surprised should I look at you a month or two from now and do not look at you with love.”

She turned back to Jim and stated, “While you’ve suggested this and we’ve talked about it, since then, I’ve ... consummated, I guess, my loving relationship with each of those five girls. I’ve also consummated my relationship with the eight freshmen and with Celeste as a group in the first iteration of Cera’s hoped-for ‘big pile of girls in bed.’”

Same as Beth
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Since their last two shocking, brutal, and perverted encounters, Laura and Karen had avoided one another, fearing their own potential for painful sex and exciting but dangerous tortures. But now, after the fresh, renewed pain of parting from Jonelle yet again, Laura felt the need of it. Something fatal drew her to Karen, and something equally mysterious drew Karen to her at the same time. They had vowed next time to meet on some neutral ground, without the usual sex and torture toys they...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 134

This poor bloke went to hospital for a circumcision but, because of some fuck up during the operation, he ended up having a complete sex change. All the doctors and nurses had gathered around his bed as he was waking up so they could give him the bad news. Naturally, the poor bloke went to pieces and started crying when they explained what had happened to him. “Shit!” he moaned “this means I’ll never be able to experience an erection ever again!” “Of course you will” one of the doctors...

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Sheriff PorterChapter 134

I awoke at my usual 6AM and also as the new usual I went back to sleep. Finally at 7AM I began to stir. I dressed for a run, since I did not have the tricycle. I left the box house at about 7:15 or so. I ran for 45minutes out and almost an hour back. It took a lot more out of me than the trike ride did. I guessed that it was time I stopped living the good life for a while. I went in and took a quick shower. Then I threw my few clothes into a bag and left for the drive to Stanleyville Tn. It...

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Runaway TrainChapter 134

Liz and I were already in her office when Dayton popped his head in to let us know that Clayton Boudreau, the last person we were interviewing to take over my rehab, had arrived. “Right on time, ” Liz said. The man we’d interviewed earlier in the week had shown up 20 minutes early (and seemed put out when he had to wait because I was on a call). The woman had arrived 10 minutes late (and seemed put out that we’d mentioned that punctuality was important to us). But this guy had seemed to...

1 year ago
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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 134

Friday morning I was up at 0500, reading the updates from the night; it was still night in California. My first meeting with the DHS, FBI and the Attorney General were at 0700. Then there was a meeting with the secret terrorism court at 0800. That meeting was green-lighted and the warrants typed up late yesterday afternoon. At 0800 the Justice Department made its case before the judges. An hour later they left the court with one hundred and twenty four warrants for California state officials...

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Double TearsChapter 134

“A metric fuckton of dumb so epically mind-destroyingly beyond a bad idea that there’s not a chance they would go there.” —Andrea K. Höst, Lab Rat One 2 JANUARY 2021 I remember the beginning of wars. Not Vietnam so much. That war was never declared and just slipped up on us a little at a time. We’ve got some advisors there. We’re sending in troops to protect American interests. We’re propping up the regime of an American ally. Before we knew it, we had soldiers serving and dying...

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Daze in the ValleyChapter 134

As Saturday afternoon hit, Adam discovered he was happy that he had a free day. He didn't think about either of his jobs for more than a few minutes. He spent the majority of the day sitting in a lawn chair, having pleasant conversation with his friends and enjoying the scenery. And the scenery was impressive. The girls did their best to skirt the boundary of decency as closely as they could. All wore bikinis and some of the bikinis were extremely small. Anya and Ekaterina were used to the...

1 year ago
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The Plumber Calls

Paul is a happy go-lucky Plumber with no job too big, no job too small. He is fixing an old lady’s rusty old soap covered taps, which from the look of things had been dripping for months. He receives a call on his mobile. It’s a distraught woman crying and sobbing down the phone. She has a burst pipe and water is going everywhere. “Now, try and be calm. Are you able to turn the water off?” he said, explaining where she should find the stopcock to isolate the water. “Yes,” she replies, “I...

1 year ago
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Graduation With Heather Owwh Part 3Chapter 2

We were going to be wait staff for Heather’s party. That was basically what the email said, but it made it clear that we were going to be expected to cater to more than just her guests’ drink needs. She didn’t say exactly what we would be doing – hell, that would take most of the fun out of it – but she told us to make sure we were presentable and to show her that by arriving at her door completely nude, as mentioned earlier. “Alright, I’m glad to see you both shaved as instructed,” Heather...

2 years ago
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ite entre soeur

Méléna vient de confesser qu'elle couche avec le marie de sa soeur ... et sa soeur participe.Bonjour a tous et toutes je m'appelle hėlėna j'ai 25 ans et je suis acro à mon beau frère qui est en couple avec ma soeur . Régulièrement je partage leurs lit pour mon plus grand bonheur. Et celui de ma salope de soeur qui aime me voir devenir de plus en plus cochone.Je suis une blonde 1m65, 56 kilos. J'ai un petit cul et je fait un 95 D .Ma soeur, elle est comme moi mais en bien plus salope la seule...

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Meine se gemeine ExFreundin

Zwei Jahre war ich mit Andrea zusammen. Ich war verrückt nach ihr. Damals und leider auch heute noch. Mit ihrem süßen unschuldig verlogenen Mädchengesicht, ihren brünetten halblangen Haaren und ihrem prächtigen dicken Hintern, den sie bevorzugt in knallengen Jeans oder Leggings präsentierte. Dass sie gerade mal 160 cm groß war, stellte ihre Macht über mich nie in Frage. Nachdem Andrea mir in einem Cafe bei einem Glas Champagner, den ich ihr auf ihren Wunsch bestellt (und dann natürlich auch...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Emma Hix Adria Rae Moms Closet StrapOn

Two friends, Adria Rae and Emma Hix, sneak into Adria’s mom’s closet. They are going out partying that night and are hoping to findsomething sexy they can wear. Both of Adria’s moms have always been stylish and a bit wild, so Adria and Emma are confident they’llfind something! But they’re quickly distracted when they find something other than clothes… They take out a box, which is filled with things they haven’t quite seen before. Curiosity takes hold...

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The Lust of a Sunday School Teacher and a Churchgoing Boy

Introduction: Mrs Maggie Henderson is the pastors wife who out of growing sexual frustration seduces a fellow church member Clay Nicholas who use to attend her Sunday School group, but will an unexpected house visit later in the day threaten to turn the small Christian community upside down. (told from the boys perspective) Mrs Maggie Henderson The Pastors Wife and Sunday School Teacher The Pastors Wife I was brought up to go to church and believe that there is a God who will send me to hell...

3 years ago
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Crazy LadiesAda Pt 2

Search for Crazy Ladies for Part 1Crazy Ladies:Ada Pt. 2 ...Most men will say that the worst blowjob they ever had was still pretty damn good... So we carried on like that for about a week. She kept wanting to know what comes next. Several times I almost told her but kept from it. This seems to heighten her excitement, how far I did not know. I then made her start guessing. Each night during that week I'd have her strip naked for supper to get used to her body. After supper I'd lick her pussy...

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Jasmine Chapter 2

Doug slept surprisingly well. He wasn’t sure he would, but once Jasmine snuggled up against him, it felt like the most natural thing in the world. During the night Jasmine had turned away and Doug rolled with her and woke pressed against her back. He felt his ‘morning wood’ pressed against her ass but didn’t want to move, even though his bladder was what woke him up. He also didn’t realize Jasmine was awake and simply liked the feel of his hard cock against her.When she realized Doug was awake,...

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Some time passed since my first sexual experience with my mother-in-law, and since then she was a bit different to me. Before she was kind and cute to me, but after our hot afternoon Rose sometimes went on. For example she hugged me from behind, sometimes kissed my neck or bit my earlobe. Sometimes, when no one saw us, she brushed my cock, show me her fresh shaved pussy, and after taking shower, she forgot twist towels around her body, during she went back to her bedroom. I really enjoyed these...

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His Sons Ass

This story may start out slow for some,but it definitely gets going! Hope Y'all like it.Since my wife left us,at least once a month I take my boy,Kevin,camping at our family's old homestead. It's a sprawling,beautiful log cabin that sits on a mountain side,surrounded by forest,lakes and streams. To say the place is secluded would be an understatement,because not only does my family own the mountain that it sits on,we also own the valley and adjacet mountain as well.This was the first time Kevin...

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The Chauffeur 47 The Holidays

By PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 As we got closer to the holidays, shopping for everyone got more difficult. Originally, Ronda had spent time with me to start getting things for some of the group. I had bought that gorgeous diamond necklace for Dakota, but I still didn’t have anything for Jill that I was happy with. My idea about getting a couple of vehicles for Boddy and Sammy made sense in my head. I just needed to find out what color and which vehicles I should be buying them....

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The Cuckolds Reward Alistairs Story Part IX

Julie’s email was perhaps the last thing he needed that morning. It had him on edge most of the day. It was her promises of things to come that did it. The promise of a surprise when he met her at the airport and the promise of fucking Jeff and Alan. To make matters worse he happened to bump into Jeff on the way to work. He had stopped by the newsagents and there he was coming out with his morning paper. They chatted briefly and then a woman walked passed them. She was attractive and had nice...

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Alexa is alone at the party

As she worked her fist up and down her date's cock, Alexa thought about how much she liked this. She liked giving a guy pleasure. She had done this with a group of guys at school. None of them were nearly as cute as Kevin, and Alexa was getting very aroused by jerking this boy off just like when she did those janitors. Alexa liked the feeling of power that she had when she was jacking off a guy. She was in control and the guy was nearly helpless. "Are you close?" Alexa asked, growing...

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Sex Studio Secrets 15 Valentine3

All long weekend long we celebrate the twentythird birthday of Valentine starting from Valentines DayLonging for big breasted beauties from the sexy South, even three of them together take her in heavenExactly her age is Laura, her mom has the same name, cute Camila is just twenty and a long time friendSubmissive slender sexy sweetheart Valentine loses control the three take her as slutty slave to serveShe has no way to escape! Be obedient and serve properly our beloved Profesor Peter, blonde...

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Zacks Style II

Zack rolled off the top of me. He slipped out of me with that motion, dragging his hand across my wetness. I missed it already. I could feel what he put into me leaking out onto the sheets. No matter, Fred would not be home until tomorrow. One load of laundry would get rid of the evidence. I rolled to my side, my back to Zack. He snuggled into me, and I felt the warmness of that wetness from me press against my bottom. I loved being in this position with him. His gentle rubbing of my cheeks...

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The sexy lady

I have always loved big tits. I was blessed with DD tits and so any one with nice round tits catches my attention. I was at the mall the other day when a woman came over to me and said,’you have a great body.’ I laughed and thanked her, then noticed her nice huge tits without a bra and the nipples poking against her shirt. She had to be over 40 and was extremely sexy. She looked at my big tits as she talked to me. I knew she wanted to see and feel my tits and this excited me. We talked for a...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 123

It was early enough that Marcy could still get the big room at the Seafood Inn. The girls decided that we were going there with the family. The Secret Service was going to have another fit. A fit they did have, I finally told them they could go with us and have surf and turf or stay at the house and have cold sandwiches. Marcy had reserved the large room so there was plenty of room for all - including the agents - and the extras that I needed to get used to. Those extras were the White...

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KinkySpa Aria Lee Aria Lee finally gets an appointment with a masseuse she8217s been craving

Aria Lee has been going to KinkySpa for a while but has never been able to book a session with a masseuse name Jax, a talk dark drink of water. Today she in luck though there is an opening, and she jumps on it at least that’s what she wants to do. When Aria arrives, she cuts straight to the point letting Jax know she wants a Happy Ending with her massage. Jax is flustered at first but he shows Aria KinkySpa is all about customer satisfaction, looks like Jax is going to have to pencil in another...

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New Life in RIanate 4

Introduction: The next two parts will be up a bit late, with Christmas and all. Oh boy. If theres one thing I despise, its shopping. Like, shopping is fun in general, dont get me wrong, but, shopping for clothes makes my face explode. Tao and Aya said we should do some quick looking before Christmas, so we went to the mall to scope out some cool outfits. Aya was twirling around in a cute mini skirt that matched her hair and a white blouse. This is so cute! Ers, go throw this on, Tao beamed,...

3 years ago
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first time

For as long as I can remember, my favorite person in the whole world has been my uncle. I love my mom, my f****y, my best friend, but sometimes I just don’t want to be around them. That has never been the case with Uncle Benny. Uncle Benny has a way of always knowing what to say. He makes me smile when I’m grumpy. Can cheer me up when I’m sad. Makes me feel good about myself, when I’m feeling down. He even knows when to just sit and be quiet when I want him around, but don’t want to talk. He...

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Ashley Art Model Part One

I stood, reading the posted ad on the campus bulletin board in the commons area, wondering. Why? I really did not know - except for one thing - the pay. I definitely could use the $100-an-hour rate and with classes being three hours long and it being two of them back to back, who could not use six-hundred bucks! Not only that, the fact the ad stated "possibly more" helped as well. "Oh my God! Really, Ashley?" I heard Taylynn, my dorm mate, say behind me. I rolled my eyes at her voice. I liked...

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I Gave It AwayTo Buster

This is a true story that happened to a friend of mine, she confided this in me and asked me to write it for her It was lunch time at Laura's school and she was sitting with her group of friends chatting it up like usual when the subject of sex had came up, Laura froze. All of Laura's friends had already had sex at least once and were all seniors on the cusp of turning 18 or already 18, they all trusted each other to keep it secret otherwise, they'd all be labeled sluts but Laura...

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And all she wanted was a threesome

Sarah and I were going along happy in our new life, lots of love , good sex ,even started going on nudist holidays with her c***dren . But she had an itch that needed scratching, to lick a pussy . So we joined a swinger ,stroke, fuck site online , had fun just looking at the profiles, knowing a lot were fake ,but it lead to some fucking after both getting horny looking at the pics ! Even found one of a couple that lived in our village ,we had never talked to them but had seen them about and in...

2 years ago
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Stupid Bet Gay

It was a Saturday, and I had nothing better to do than lay in my bed in my dorm room, watching TV.Suddenly, I heard a quiet knock at my door, which I initially ignored, until the quiet knocking turned into banging. Lazily, I got off my bed to answer, and was greeted by my friend Sam, who I had been regularly hanging out with since the start of the year."Whats up?" I said."Hey man, how's it goin'? You wanna hang out?" he asked."I mean, I didn't really plan on going out today, all my other...

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Basement Baby Girl

We have been having play dates for a while, we have been having sex since you were in your teens. We tried to stop but our sex is so hot, because of the connection. Now you are 28, and we still get together as often as we can. We are a couple, so I'm Daddy, and you are my baby girlWe agree to meet and I have the use of my friend’s basement which has a doctor’s exam table. My friend stays in a room off the side, watching and monitoring three small cameras, that he takes video of us, and mixes...

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sis this is how to use a condom

More Educational Experience“So, this is what it looks like,” Sandy comments as she turns the small, square package around to examine it.“Well... you need to open it up,” I tell her. “There's not much you can do with it wrapped up.”Sandy smiles at me, then turns her attention back to the matter at hand. She studies the package carefully then says “Oh, it tears here....” and rips the edge of the condom foil pack. She pulls it open and looks inside, then reaches in with her thumb and...

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Facebook Se Chudai Tak

Hi friends. Mera naam kusum h . Or mein apni ek friend ki story batane jaa rhi hu. To aaiye story pe. Meri friend ka naam muskan h. Jab hum 1st year m saath saath padhte the tab ki baat h. Ek din uske paas ek ldke ki facebook pe request àayi thi. Usne accept ki. To wo ladka use message kiya karta tha. Or milne ki bolta tha. Ek din mene bola ki chal mil k dekh . Wo chali gyi usse milne. Kuch baato k baad m dono m pakki friendship ho gyi. Kuch dino baad us ldke be muskan ko apne paas bulaya. Jo...

2 years ago
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BlizzardChapter 24

I stood up and waved. Jared, Sam’s father, was a straight-backed white-haired balding man. He seemed younger, or at least stronger, than Peter and Wayne, Alex and Max’s fathers. I could see Sam in his eyes and height. She must’ve taken after her mother otherwise. He nodded. I sat down and he joined me. “You know why I’m here,” he said. “You’re here because if you straight up tell Sam she can’t see me, she’ll be banging on my door in five minutes,” I said. “She’s got a healthy amount of...

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Sensations Escort ServiceChapter 5 Deepening Relationships

Brad and Kat started to dance, and that induced Mike and Amber into the activity too. They held each other and kissed wildly, rekindling a romance that had only been a bud many months earlier. To Amber’s surprise, her interlude with Mike was interrupted when Brad turned Amber into his arms. His initial dance with her almost immediately turned into more passionate kisses. Amber thought, I really like Brad and don’t mind this at all, but I love Mike. I want to spend more time with him. This...

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Robert is your run of the mill hot sexy I am better then you kind of man on the outside but I have started seeing sides of him I never would have guessed at I do not even think he himself knows his bonds , he is about to have one of the wildest days of his life …The day starts out as any other day , up at 6 am shower shave and get out the door by 7 am , But today I have a surprise waiting for him as he gets out of bed mm he stretch and walks over to the bathroom he is naked …

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Mature fun at nudist beach South Coast UK

You may not know this, but there's a little nudist beach at the far east side of the city of Portsmouth, on the south coast of England. It is actually tagged onto the end of a little town called Eastney, but the beach all runs together into the city and the harbour front. The beach is actually big pebbles and shingle so not very comfortable and the nudist area is right down one end away from the main public area and overlooked by nothing more than an old radar station, which looks like it...

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Robins Worst Nightmare Come True

The following story contains characters owned by DC Comics/Warner Bros. It is written as a fanfic parody story not intended to make any use of actual story lines in published books. The story is purely for fun, with no profit to be made by the author. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the author is given proper credit. I would really love to hear any comments you'd like to send me. Thanks, and I hope you enjoy it! The following story is set in...

4 years ago
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A Controlled Life chapter 15

Chapter Fifteen 'Slaves must worship the temple that is their Owners' body.' 'Orally serving one's Owners is a privilege and an honor.' 'Serving one's Owners orally is not a sexual act; but an act of service' 'Being allowed to serve orally is the highest calling a slave can ever achieve.' 'A slave will provide oral service in any context required; whether that be to provide arousal, completion, clean-up, or any other function requested or desired by its Owner.' 'The...

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Priscillas Parlor

Greg was hungry. He'd slept late and skipped breakfast, so even though it was only 11:00 he was ready for lunch. Some of the women around his office had been talking up a new place called Priscilla's Parlor. It was supposed to be good -- Southern cooking like Mom used to make. Not Greg's mother, of course. The Hefferdale matrons never handled things like butter and flour; servants did that sort of thing. Greg had been raised with similar values, that was why he was management. He didn't...

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Our home in Kensington was realistically too large for the two of us but of course its all about image, I knew of a couple of neighbors that were struggling financially but of course they had to keep up with the Jones's. One of the neighbors knowing we had plenty of room suggested that we might take on a Uni student as a guest, the house had a guest room out the back so after talking it over we agreed it wouldn't encroach on our lifestyle so there was no reason we couldn't help out a...

4 years ago
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Chatting with Pam of TGStories

Chat Night Guest: Pam of TGStories On Tuesday July 6, 1999 6PM PST You can e-mail Pam at: [email protected] Edited by Anne-Mal As always, we socialize a bit before the chat! (J) Is there something we can talk about? (GeorgiaCnf) Pam is probably downing a stiff drink before meeting the masses! :) (J) How well attended do you think this one will be? (Alex) A stiff drink before mass? (GeorgiaCnf) J, it's half an hour to go and the lecture theatre is filling rapidly!...

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13 October 2008Chapter 1

Once again Dan woke up to the sensual feeling of a warm mouth around the shaft of his growing cock. He looked down to see Susan’s beautiful face. “Come on, handsome, we’ve got a busy day ahead of us!” “What, no blow job?” “Later my love.” “You seem awfully chipper this morning?” “I had my first real great gang bang yesterday and I loved it plus a lovely night with the girls. Scott, Vicky, and Diane are driving Derek back to Oshawa. You, Tina, Wendy, Karen, and I are driving Peter back to...

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Bhabhi Ke Sath Sex

Helo dosto mera naam sekhar hai mai delhi me rehta hu. Mera email h . Ye meri pehli aur true story hai koi galti ho to sorry. Mai 26 year ka normal guy hu or lund ka size 7 inch hai. Ab story pe aata hu. Mai ek private manufacturing company me engineer hu meri company me bohot se emloyees kaam karte the unme se ek dinesh ne mujse mel jol bdhane ki kosis ki or uske bete ke birthday pe mujhe apne ghar invite kiya. Mai jab uske ghar pahucha uski biwi me darwaja khola wo bohot sundar lag rahi thi...

1 year ago
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His Wife My Toy Part 1

Saturday, May 24, 14:00 “You do understand that if you go through with this, I will call all the shots?” The man across the table makes as if to pull his glass towards him, then releases his grip on it. “Yes,” he says at last. “I understand that.” “I won’t put up with any prevarication,” I continue. “Either you’re prepared to go along with everything I decide, or we call the whole thing off.” This time, when the man touches his glass, he hoists it and drains about a quarter of a pint in one....

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First of all let me introduce myself I am mohit ,24,from Kolkata I’m going to share my experience the very first one that I had with my loving, sexy, romantic cousin. She had a or marvelous figure of 32, 25, 30 with lovely round and hard boobs. The incidence happened about two years back when I was 22 years old and she was 16. She had completed her high school and had got admission in eleventh as my uncle and a aunty live in sub-and they are not having intercollegiate their so she had to take...

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1 Stormy MondayChapter 12

Harris entered the waiting room in the hospital with some reluctance. He understood that two young girls that knew each other were in the hospital, and another friend was presumed dead, all due to events in which the police had played some part. He knew that their loved ones would likely want to kill him, or sue the department, and maybe both. But he had some information to share with them that might lessen their anger. Sandy, Patty, Morton, Collette and Dave were huddled together in a...

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How Not To Babysit part 17

PART SEVENTEEN: PADDED The front door is just closing as I present myself to Mom and Larry. It looks like they had a great time. Larry makes eye-contact. "Hi Jason," he says tersely. "Hi Larry," I respond. "How was the evening?" "The movie was better than I thought," Mom bursts in. "I was expecting mindless violence but they actually had a plot." She licks her lips. "The lava cake for dinner was so decadent!" "That's great!" I stay upbeat. "I wanna see that one too." I keep...

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Girlfriends Lesson

Fran we will call her was always a little bit of a tease. She would dress really provocatively and loved the attention for doing this. The cat calls, whistles, spanks on the ass. It kind of ticked me off a little, but I was also happy I had such a hot girlfriend. I repeatedly told her not to dress the way she did in the summer. Little jean shorts with the pockets sticking out the bottoms and a tight tee shirt that showed her well formed mid drift. I said if it turned me on the way...

4 years ago
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August to September 2014 Internet DatingPart 2 Saturday in Bed with Strawberries and Champagne

I called the desk and found my companions had gone out but would be returning. I ordered lunch in my room and had a long soak in the bath. A little later there was a knock on the door and a new waiter pushed a trolley in. Although wrapped in one of the hotels gigantic dressing gowns, he wouldn’t look in my direction and practicallly bolted as soon as I scribbled the room number on his book. That afternoon, the guys still didn’t return but I had a phone call to say they were playing golf....

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