Olivia free porn video

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(Copyright by the author, June 1997. Do not alter in any way.)

I guess I have about three or four hours. That'll give me time to get some strength and get out of here. And I have to get out of here. But I have sort of an obligation to warn the rest of you about this, so I'm going to tell you what happened and how.

There's an old saying: If something seems too good to be true, it probably is.

There's another old saying: Be careful what you wish for; you might get it.

I bought it from a peddler.

Wait - let me explain. It has to do with colognes, gray markets and sweat.

I went into Macy's to restock. I'd run low on my favorite cologne - I'll call it Chammofras - and went to Macy's on 34th Street to get more. Only they were out of it, and the pretty actress/sales clerk told me the line was no longer available in the United States, as the French manufacturer had stopped exporting it.

I was annoyed, to say the least. It's not easy finding the right scent. What smelled good to me wasn't necessarily the best scent. It has to do with an individual's body chemistry. The combination of a given set of molecules with a body's natural excretions can result in something wonderful - or something awful. Two of my buddies, for instance, favor Ralph Lauren's Polo. On Jed, it smells fine - a bit musky, very masculine. On Phil... Well, let's just say that dogs run howling. Remember how your gym locker used to smell after you left your sweats in it, unwashed, for a semester? Exactly.

So finding the right cologne isn't easy. And having found it, I was not happy to lose my only source of supply.

I explained this to Jed one cold Wednesday evening after work. We were just hanging out in Dunny's, a quiet bar off Third Avenue. We were sipping Buds and watching the pretty girls hurry past on their way to the more fashionable and swinging bars on Second Avenue. We were lamenting our group vice president's lack of vision and the cold weather that bundled all the babes in curve-covering winter attire.

"Why don't you try one of those street vendors?" he asked. "They have a lot of stuff you can't get in the stores."

I frowned. "Because you never know if you're getting the real thing or a counterfeit."

"Naaaah." He waved to Harry, the bartender, for a refill. "Most of their stuff is gray goods - you know, diverted."


"Let's say the frogs stop sending Eau d'Male to the U.S., but they still sell it to say, the towelheads, OK?"

(Jed refers to all non-U.S.A. citizens in this way. It's not meant to be a slur; it's meant to be cute.)

"OK. So?"

"So the towelheads in Qatar only buy about a case a year of the stuff, but the minimum order is a container. So they ship the rest of the container here, and the street vendors end up selling it."

"And the manufacturer doesn't stop it?"

"Hell, no - they got paid, so they don't care."

"Then why did they stop exporting it here themselves?"

"Why knows? They're frogs and don't use logic."

"Right. Hey, Harry?"

Which is how I started checking out the peddlers' wares. Sure enough, during my lunch hour on Thursday, I scored. A Bangladeshi fellow set up on cardboard cartons in an empty storefront on Sixth Avenue (the "Avenue of the Americas" to visitors) had the familiar green box. We negotiated, and a 10-dollar bill - about a third of what I'd been paying in Macy's - was replaced in my hand by the box. So far, so good. I went back to my dreary little office in the Empire State Building and thought no more about it for the day. After all, it was Thursday, which was the day Olivia wore her Vamp Outfit.

"Hey, buddy."

I looked up from my desk. I was trying to straighten out my receipts so I could get my travel expenses reimbursed. Jed was leaning into the office and grinning.

"What's up?"

"You seen Olivia today?"

I shook my head. "She missing?"

"Uh-un. She's here, 110 percent of her." He rolled his eyes.

"I'll have to check this out."

"Catch you later."

Every office has an "Olivia" - a sexy young woman who knows her appeal and enjoys flaunting it. On my first job, she was a Yugoslavian bombshell whom we nicknamed "the Adriatic Coast" for her mountainous cliffs. In another office, she was a West Indian honey so black she was almost blue, who had the most kissable face imaginable and a body clearly designed to incite lust at first sight. At my previous place of employment, the office fox was an Asian beauty with hair down to there, legs that started somewhere around her armpits and the disconcerting knack of holding her tongue tip between her teeth.

In our office, it was Olivia, who was all of 25, South American, a fitness nut and a goddess. She worked in our graphics arts department and was reputed to be quite good at designing mailers. Someone had been quite good at designing her. Maybe 5-foot-2, Olivia's skin was the color of strong coffee with a dollop of cream, and it was flawless. She had tightly curled brown hair with a hint of russet in it, an exquisitely lovely face combining the best features of all the human racial groups, and a body that betrayed those 60-minute-a-day workouts she'd mentioned once (and which all of us red-blooded males appreciated).

Four days a week, Olivia dressed conservatively - almost dowdy. But on Thursdays, for some reason unknown to the rest of us, Olivia flaunted it. Sometimes it was a black leather microskirt and a ribknit turtleneck. Sometimes it was harem pants cinched to show off a waist that couldn't be more than 18 or 19 inches, and a vest... period.

I wondered what today's Outfit of Lust would be. I decided it was time to see if my new business cards were ready and headed for Graphics. And there, in the hallway, chatting with one of her colleagues, was Olivia.

I gulped, stepped back around the corner - out of sight - and considered what I had just glimpsed. Could I handle it?

Grow up, I told myself. It's just a woman. You can handle it.

I took a deep breath and stepped into the hallway again. And stared.

Olivia was wearing something that was a cross between a leotard and old-fashioned farmer's overalls. It was jet black and skin-tight from ankles to waist, displaying her hard-as-a-rock double-bubble-shaped ass and every inch of her legs. At the waist, it separated into a pair of long suspenders that looped over her shoulders. From the waist up, she was wearing a white cashmere sweater, a turtle neck. It clung to every square millimeter of her superb body. With the black suspender straps on the outsides of her white-encased tits, her breasts looked even more preposterously defiant of gravity. And above it all, her face was alive and her eyes bright as she animatedly conversed with her colleague in Spanish, giggling sweetly from time to time.

I decided I couldn't handle it and went back to my office, panting. And throbbing. It was terribly frustrating. Olivia was so gorgeous, so sexy - and so unreachable. She very firmly rebuffed everyone who made a pass at her and seldom even conversed for more than a minute with any of the men. It was well-known that she had a boyfriend. And if she was going to get chummy with anyone in the office, it certainly wasn't going to be an account executive 15 years her senior.

With a sigh, I returned to sorting receipts and tried not to think about Olivia going down on me, going down on Olivia, licking her breasts...

Mondays are the worst at some offices. At others, it's Wednesdays. At mine, it's Friday - Hellday. It's the day our dimwitted group vice president suddenly realizes that all the things we peons have spent the week telling him are important really are significant and decides to deal with everything at once... resulting, of course, in nothing getting done. For which we are blamed - by him.

This particular Friday was worse than most. For one thing, I was out of ground coffee and thus reduced to using instant; worse still, it was Folger's. To compound things, one of the kittens - Drat, of course - had somehow extricated a ball of twine (used for tying newspapers into recyclable bundles) from a closed drawer in the kitchen, which meant I had approximately 2.5 miles of sisal twine decorating the living room. I was not a happy camper.

And I was out of my cologne and had to try the new stuff, the unknown stuff, the stuff that might - or might not - be the only cologne I'd ever found that worked well with my body chemistry. This on the day of the weekly Executive Conference & Fly-Speck Picking.

Need I say that halfway to the office, the predicted freezing rain began and my umbrella disintegrated? Good; I won't mention it.

The elevators were the usual crush routine. I'd just unbuttoned my overcoat and squeezed into one when a young woman crammed herself in front of me and a fella no more than 80 pounds overweight forced himself in behind her. She was crushed against me, facing me. She was clutching a Duane-Reade bag, so I guessed she had just hurried to the lobby drugstore to pick something up, as she wasn't wearing a coat.

The elevator doors closed, and I glanced down at the woman smeared against me, giving her a Shit-like-this-happens smile. Actually, I should have enjoyed it. She was a nice looking young woman, and she had a decent figure under her blouse and skirt; I could feel that figure quite well against me. This sort of intimacy happens in a big building (and subways), and if you've got half a brain, you just kind of tune it out.

But she wasn't tuning it out. In fact, instead of returning my smile in kind and acknowledging that this whole forced clinch was meaningless, she was looking up at me from beneath half-closed eyelids, and her nostrils were flaring. Her lips parted slightly, and she licked them. And she was rubbing herself against me, side to side, massaging her breasts on my lower chest.

I'd read stories about this kind of thing in Penthouse and on BBSs, but I'd never experienced it. Suddenly, I was willing to believe the stories. She was definitely enjoying herself, and I wasn't going to complain. In fact, old Mister Pecker was up and throbbing. And she could feel it, because she was flexing her thighs against my leg and rubbing herself against my cock's bulge.

The elevator slowed and finally stopped at the 71st floor and most of the sardines began getting out.

"I get off here," she breathed up to me. "You could get off, too. Alice - 7115." Flushed and panting slightly, she exited. Her nipples were clearly swollen under her blouse.

I was so surprised at the whole episode that I just swallowed and watched the doors close. When I got off the elevator at 74, I decided that my new cologne at least wasn't offensive.

I got to my desk at 10 after nine and began preparing for the regular 10 a.m. Ritual Disemboweling of Employees. The coffee cart rolled by, and I stepped into the hallway for a danish and a large cup of regular. Jocelyn, whose accounts were primarily in tobacco and spirits, was already there.

Jocelyn is known as Dragon Lady around the office. Tall, a brassy blonde from the old school of Bigger Is Better, Jocelyn is a couple of years older than I am and is the only person reliably reported to have performed verbal castration, complete with the attendant bleeding. She can turn on the charm, and the word around the office was that she'd originally gotten to be an account exec by lips service while being on her knees - but she was generally nasty. Make that Nasty. Jocelyn was divorced and raising a pair of teenagers by herself. Which could explain a lot.

"Good morning, Jocelyn."

"Mike." She nodded, took her coffee (black, of course) and stepped aside. So much for pleasantries. I made my purchases and turned to find her still standing there, looking at me oddly. I gave her my patented Wooden Smile of Emptiness and started toward my office.

"Say, Mike, how do you like the new business card design?"

Thus did she double the direct conversational quantity of the previous year.

"Uh, still waiting for mine," I replied, glibly. She fell into step with me for the short trip to my office. She also seemed to be blushing just a bit. I stopped outside my cubicle. "What do you think of them?" I felt like I simply had to say something, and I had, indeed, said something simple.

"I like them," she said, and she chewed her upper lip a bit. She really was a handsome woman, especially when the mask of the Dragon Lady was missing - as it was at the moment. "The old ones are so... staid. Stiff, I guess."

"They needed loosening up." I stepped into my office. She followed me. As I sat, she leaned back against the door frame. The pose threw her breasts into high relief against her Executive-Cut Blouse.

"The new ones are hipper, even sexier."

She was flushing, and her nipples were points against her blouse, even through the bra a big, busty, 40-plus-year-old woman had to be wearing.

"Well, uh, I'll be looking forward to seeing them," I responded smoothly.

"I'd like to get your thoughts," she said, her voice getting husky. "Maybe we can compare notes over lunch at Russell's."

Russell's was a dimly lit rendezvous restaurant in the lobby of a hotel a few blocks from the office. "Lunch at Russell's" was an unofficial euphemism for a nooner in our place.

"That could be, uh, worthwhile."

"Let's do it soon, shall we?"

"Uh, sure, Dra- Jocelyn. But I already have something today. Maybe next week?"

"Good," she said softly. "I could really use your input, as much as you want to give me." She turned and left, hips swinging.

I turned back to my paper work, beginning to wonder just what had made this my lucky day, when there was a knock on my door frame. It was Ellen, one of the gofers from Graphics.

"I have your new business cards."

"Thanks, Ellen." I smiled at her. Everyone always smiled at Ellen. She was tall, willowy and totally guileless. She had a quick smile and made no attempt to hide her ignorance or wonder. She was your basic cornfed blonde from some midwestern state where wheat, sorghum and clear-faced, blue-eyed blondes are the main crops. She was 19 and managed to seem about 16 without any artifice. Ellen went to Parsons part-time and worked in our Graphics section part-time. She was sort of the office mascot. I think we all thought of her more as a niece or a kid sister, watching out for her and helping her. She was also as clumsy as a fawn.

"Here you - "

The Curse of Ellen struck.

" - oops!"

She dropped the bundle of business cards on my desk, where they banked off my coffee cup. Of course, she'd grabbed the cup before any damage was done - and managed to send my danish into my lap, sticky side down. It clung to my thigh as if glued in place.

"Oh, jeez, I'm so sorry," She reached for the office-issue Kleenex Substitute and managed to knock the EZ Dispenser Pak onto the floor.

"It's OK, Ellen."

"No, really, let me clean it - "

"It's fine, Ellen. No harm done." Yet, I added mentally.

"Please, I feel so bad - " She came around behind my desk and started dabbing at my thigh with one of the coarse paper towelettes. Bent over as she was, I could look right down the front of her plain, white blouse and see her lovely, small, bra-encased tits. She was blushing madly over her clumsiness... except that the blush seemed to go right down to her breasts.

"You know, I'm so clumsy and everything, I don't know why everyone puts up with me," she babbled softly, trying to wipe away the evidence of her clumsiness. Her hands were moving more slowly on my thigh now. "And you, especially, are awful nice to me, and that means a lot to me, Mike - Can I call you that? - because it can get awful lonesome for someone like me in the city, where you never can tell who you can trust. And you're awfully nice to me." Her hands now were just fingertips, tracing small circles on my thigh. "I really wish we could spend a little time together but like, not in the office, you know? I'd really like that, and I could make it up to you for making such a mess and clean the stain from your pants off for you..."

Down inside her bra, her nipples were very stiff points. And she was looking right into my face, seeing where my gaze was. Her nostrils flared a bit. "In fact, maybe we can just close the door, and I could try to get it out for you here, because I'm sure I could do it in just a minute or two... ?"

"I think that would be lovely, Ellen - "

She smiled hungrily.

" - but I don't think that's a good idea. But thanks for the flattering offer."

She looked sad. Slowly, she straightened. "Well, if you reconsider," she said in a definitely un-Ellen tone of voice, "I'm always open to it."

I smiled and nodded as she took her taut 19-year-old body out of my office and left me sitting there with a stain on (and a hard dick in) my pants. I was very confused. First Alice with her frottage in the elevator, then Jocelyn not-so-subtly suggesting a nooner and now Ellen just about begging me to let her suck me. I didn't know what explained this sudden irresistible attraction I had for women, but I was sure of one thing: I was staying well clear of Mrs. Rothblatt, the aging harridan who was the office manager. The image of her coming on to me killed my appetite for the remains of my danish and made me actually long for the sanctuary of the Friday Purification Ritual.

" - and I have never seen her do anything like that before. Never."

Jed and I stopped outside my office. "Me, neither," I said. "I wonder what ever possessed her?"

"Possessed" was the word for it, too. When Group VP and Senior Executive in Charge of Finger-Pointing Babcock started to rake me over the coals for failing to buy the commercial time (for which the purchase order had been on his desk and awaiting his signature for three weeks) for a new account, Jocelyn started lambasting him for doing nothing and then blaming me for it. She was like a woman possessed, demonstrating the venomous verbal streak that had earned her nickname. By the time she was done with him, he looked like he'd just had his balls massaged with a pair of Vise-Grips. Anyone who's ever seen a female cat defending a wounded mate would have recognized the symptoms on the spot.

"Beats the shit out of me, buddy. If I didn't know better, I might even think she's got the hots for you!"

"Well, what would be so impossible about that?" I ventured.

He snorted. "In your dreams, buddy. And mine. Great big, busty gal like that, been so long without getting a good - " He saw the odd expression on my face. "Come on. Seriously."

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CHAPTER THREE: Roughly a month later, we had settled into something of a routine. We still hadn’t gotten out to do shopping for me. I was still wearing his large tee-shirts, tank tops, and the old dresses I had taken in and shortened. I still used the guest room, but there were nights that I now spent with him in his bed. We were casual and neither of us spoke about the future, our desires, or specific expectations. Except for the case with FBI, of course. That one topic took us into the future...

1 year ago
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One Night In The City

Hi everyone, this is lamo and i am a huge fan of ISS. This is my first attempt at writing a story for this site. This is a real life incident that happened in febuary of last year. I am currently in the U.S doing my studies. I am 21 right now. The scene is the U.S is completely different than it is back here in the subcontinent. You just need words and little bit of smartness to get laid. People here are quite openminded about sex which is completely opposite back home. American college life is...

2 years ago
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Anniversary With Mommy

By : Hardcore_69 Mom and I are in a sexual relationship over the past one year. Last summer holidays, when I spent most of the time at home, I convinced mom to become my lover and girlfriend. We are physically related for a year and today we are secretly planning to celebrate our first anniversary. It’s exactly one year since we first made love. Mom is 42 and me 20. She has a perfect young body, and still lives with sophisticated clothing and makeups. She looks extremely hot and very sexually...

1 year ago
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Killing Me Softly

I was a cock tease, almost from the moment of puberty. My mother had taught me about the hoops that boys would jump through just for the CHANCE that they might lose their virginities to me! Having been gifted with advanced growth where it counts, early on, I had a real head start on the other girls in my class. At the mall, grown men ogled me up and down when I was just thirteen! Showing plenty of midriff, wearing the tightest pants imaginable, and talking a good game made me very popular...

1 year ago
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Sucking Licking And Fucking A Lover After Her Wedding

Hello All, I am sharing my real time experience to-day! I am from Bangalore 34 years old guy looks wise normal whom you generally next doors. Any women looking for a secret relationship without disturbing our regular life please email me at age is no bar. This incident happened a couple of years ago, she is my school met. We studied to-gather in our native till plus 2. I loved her deeply expressed by end our Inter Education as I don’t want loose her friendship if she is not interested....

1 year ago
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Slave For Teenage GirlsChapter 1

I was working out of town when I came upon two teenage girls. I am a door to door salesman. As I approached a house the oldest one, who I later found out was Jessica, asked what I was doing. I told her that I was opening up a new business in the area and that in order to drum up business, I was demonstrating my product in peoples' homes. It turned out that the girls were visiting Jessica's aunt. Jessica asked where my current office was, and I told her what town my business was in, which...

1 year ago
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Princes of MannsboroughChapter 4

Marigold woke several times during the night, trying to snatch at the remnants of a dream already half-forgotten. It seemed like every time she closed her eyes, she dreamed that she was being made love to--sometimes by Thule, sometimes by Elliot, sometimes by a man whose face she couldn't see. And sometimes... well, they were just dreams, not to be dwelled on. She woke for the last time wrapped up in sheets soaked with sweat. Even so, she lay there for a few minutes gathering her thoughts....

3 years ago
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Daddys Dog Slut Part One

“Hey, daddy, I'm finally home!” the sexy girl beamed as she burst into her dad's study. He ogled her amazing body – her large, perfect tits, flat tummy, curvy hips and perfect legs. She looked delicious in her pink, low-cut crop-top and tight, short skirt. He couldn't even believe the school would even let her dress like that, honestly. Cindy just grinned, knowing her father was checking her out. It was OK, though, the two of them had been fucking for a couple of months. She found it...

1 year ago
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PublicBang Anya Krey Sexy Romanians Anal Adventure

Anya Krey joins us this week to have some public fun. We found a bridge and decided that underneath it would be a perfect place to have a fuck session. First she showed us her body and expressed to us just how horny she was. Soon after, she started choking on Alberto Blanco’s cock. Loving every inch of it and even trying to swallow it whole. After this, it was time for the real fun to begin. Anya’s asshole got stretched in several different positions. Getting fucked as pedestrians watched....

3 years ago
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Trip to the Drug Store P 1

I just finished college and started a full time job and I have this new girlfriend. I really like her because she really knows what she wants, and she also likes to be in control. For this story I will call her Jill. We have gone out on a few dates, and on my last date, Jill said she wanted our relationship to become more serious. I agreed with her, because she has many of the same opinions and values that I have. As far as our sex life goes, we have cuddled and kissed a lot, felt each other...

4 years ago
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The new radio Station

The new Radio Station The new Radio Station First Week Alter months of advertising; today the new radio station was starting their activities. ?A total new way of broadcasting? they said.? And Little Castle was the first city they were allowed to broadcast. ?G? Morning Aaron, G? Morning Hilary? Cameron Thompson greeted her subordinates getting a formal ?Good Morning Ms. Thompson? before entering her private office. She didn?t notice the new radio station was working until she sat...

2 years ago
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The Collar Around the HeartWednesday Morning

I stretched and rolled over onto my side. Yawning, I opened my eyes — to find them locked in hazel green eyes gazing back at mine. The collar. It immediately dropped its gaze and blushed as if caught red handed. Everything rushed back; my birthday, my bike, the collarmaid. I had let that thing sleep on my bed, all night. It was now kneeling at my bedside, still in its shabby nightie and had presumably been watching me — gazing at my face while it waited for me to wake up. Creepy. As if for...

4 years ago
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Im Waiting Here

I am not the smartest or the bravest person. I am not the tallest inside and many times I find myself running late. I worry about the world and the people in it, and I eat all the things, mostly cake. But I’m a good person, and if that’s the only choice I ever manage to keep for the rest of my life, then I can live with that. Yet, lately it feels like life is simply about clinging onto something, anything to give us a reason to keep going. Even as I sit here typing, I know that my purpose...

3 years ago
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Give My Love to RoseChapter 10

Gavin survived the drive with only one major scare. The sudden swerve of the SUV alerted him to the fact that he had nodded off and he was barely able to avoid leaving the highway. The fact that it was now 04.10 meant that there was little traffic and that probably saved his life. The fright kept him awake long enough to find a place to fill himself up with more coffee before continuing. He reached Baton Rouge just after lunch and booked into a Marriott this time — using the same Holiday Inn...

4 years ago
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It was August. We spent the morning packing the car. Our son, Mike was leaving for college. It was morning but already it was 90 degrees outside. Mike and husband, and I were getting pretty sweaty loading up the car. The trunk was already full and the back seat wouldn't fit much more. Mike went back in the house to get the last of his things. I heard him come out of the house. I turned around and saw him carrying his 42 inch flat screen TV."Where are you going to put the TV?" I heard his father...

2 years ago
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The Success Part One

He was straight, even had a girlfriend that he had been with for years. For my part, I had dated plenty of girls, but I had a thing for gay porn, and for years had played around with the idea of sleeping with a guy. My obvious choice would have been Jamie, but it was out of the question seeing as he was straight. I had thought about trying to find another guy, but I was so shy, there was no way it was gonna happen. It was during one of our drunken beer pong nights that I came up with my plan....

2 years ago
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Lady Janice of SterlingChapter 20 I run away

"Jack, thank god you're home. Janice and I have had a fight. Can I spend the night?" I was standing on the front steps outside Jack's row house. He was standing in the open door, in a robe, looking at me, blurry eyed. "Geez, Paul. It's what, 2 am?" "I'm sorry..." Jack stepped aside. "Hey, no problem, come on in. Let me get you a cup of tea." "Oh, no thanks," I stepped inside and put my bag down on the floor. "No, I insist," Jack said, going to the kitchen. It had been a...

2 years ago
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My Wife and a Black Trucker

My wife and I both had a hard week at work and were looking forward to the weekend where we were going away to enjoy a nice dinner and meet some friends.   We decided to leave early Friday afternoon and I watched her getting dressed and ready for our time away.   I was pleasantly surprised to see Lisa put on a short skirt and a white, almost sheer blouse with no bra.   She knew I couldn’t keep my hands off her when she was dressed in these short skirts and I knew this would be a great...

1 year ago
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An Angel in the MoonlightChapter 2

Spring morphed into summer and the next party was hosted by a couple with a pool. There was a lot of children there because of it. I enjoyed the screams and laughter, the splashes and the squeals, the odd cry of “mom!” now and again. Mark was uneasy around children so he and the guy that gave me the creepy feeling partnered up, grabbing a six pack and fading into a dark corner of the yard. A while later his partner came back, grabbed another six pack and a bottle of wine, and went back to the...

2 years ago
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(AUTHORS NOTE: I wrote this story about my first wife. I've posted it on a couple of other erotic story sites, and have corrected a few grammar and spelling mistakes and posting it here now.) Anne It was another hot Texas summer day! Anne, I and Tom decided to head out to the quarry for a swim. Anne was beautiful! I can still see her standing there with us, 5' 6", and short brown hair in a pixie cut. Her tanned 34 22 34 body was almost covered in a tiny little bikini that she crocheted. What...

Wife Lovers
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Intimate Secrets

It was raining heavily as Cassie Lewis was walking rapidly while holding her handbag above her head trying to save herself from getting too drenched, Her car had stalled and she had to leave it where it was. Her friend Molly Carpenter lived only a few blocks away, so she headed there. They worked in the same office and had been friends for years. Cassie was single while forty-five year old Molly had divorced her husband five years ago when she found him in their shower with a young woman. Since...

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Raped in a van

SEX IN TRANSIT SEX IN TRANSIT They gathered round her in a ring. She was really scared as there was no-one around to help. She should never have gone this way home so late at night. Slowly they advanced, the ring closing around her. She knew it would be useless to try to run for it - she would not be able to break through the ring and she certainly could not outrun them. Her voice froze - she couldn't even scream for help. Hands grabbed her arms then bodies crushed in against her,...

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Community TooChapter 9

Kimberly's turn: It's like that day that I was interviewing with the math dudes - it's over. I'm flat on my back in the back seat of Tina's car and my head WAS hurting but Tina and Cindy talked me out of it. Mizz Patel ... Doctor Patel, really, but she's Mizz Patel to us, I guess, just called Cindy and told her that I have survived the mathematical portion of the 'let's get Kimberly through college FAST' process. Tim's astonished. "This thing doesn't happen except in fiction,"...

1 year ago
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Me and Anand fucking

Hi Guys&Gals this is Harish. I want to tell you my experience. This happened when I was in my 12th std. Me and Anand are best friends from childhood, we fancied gals(beautiful) in and around my school but we didnt even fucked a girl. With us there studied a girl named Ramya. B4 cumin to the story, i m 5.9″ height and athletic body and little balck and Anand is 5.8″ and athletic and fair. This ramya looks like an angel, I used to masturbate daily thinking of her, and size is 36-32-32 and 4.5″...

1 year ago
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Similar Minds repost double post tried to del

Similar mindsI miss sucking cock.So last week when at a bar a quiet type of man sat down close to me. A little chit-chat and it turns out he is very gentle and introverted man who was looking for a discreet get together with someone like me. Hmmm, why not. I accepted his invite to his place.He was so shy I figured I'd take the lead so I asked if he had any porn to watch, hopefully some cocksucking. He got all smiley, poured us each a drink and we sat on his couch to watch the movie. On screen...

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Corporate RapistChapter 4

I was totally confused by Tara. We got back home after our sex-filled weekend ... and then there was nothing happening between us. Tara was aloof, and distant ... she seemed to be avoiding me. This went on for over a week. I found myself looking at Lana in a different light ... knowing that she was a sexual submissive, and that she was almost certainly not wearing any panties under her dresses. And judging by the jiggle of her breasts, she wasn’t wearing a bra either. Finally after 10...

2 years ago
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First Time Bhabhi Ke Sath

Hi to all of you friends…..! My name is MANOJ and i am from HP. I am 19 years old or ye meri pehli story hai. Ye ghatna aaj se 1 month pehle ki hai. After completing my +2 standard mene Graduation karne ke liye College me admission liya. I am average in my studies and a am a Med. student. My college is approximately 50KM from my house. Ab mujhey College ke najdeek Room lekar rehna pda. Mujhey room thoda Village. side mila hai. Mere makaan malik ARMY retired hein or unke 2 bete or 1 beti hai or...

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Racist Gina

My name is Gina. I am the daughter of a man who is the leader of a right-wing racist party. I am finally living away from my parents. They have protected me from filthy negros and other nasty minorities. I will forever be proud of them since I despise those people. A nice white girl like me should be with a white man. It would be against nature if it was any other way.As I am walking to my job I see two black guys standing in the corner. Both of them look like thugs; one is black guy is wearing...

1 year ago
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GloryHole Lauren Phillips Second Appearance

Lauren is enjoying a lazy day at the park all by herself reading when the most handsome Man approaches her and offers her a flyer for his Glory Hole services. She is taken aback and asks if this is all for real, she thought these were just a crazy myth. Lauren takes a walk back with this Hot Man and asks for the full service treatment. They fill all three holes for this hungry girl as she feasts on the Cocks before her. It’s not long before that itch deep in her slutty pussy compels her...

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King of the Castle

“That’s a big dick in yo’ mouth,” remarked the hung Black man.The older crossdressing bitch moaned agreement.“You missed this dick?”The sissy slut continued slurping on the 9½-inch tool. “Mmmhmmm!”“Daddy missed you too! Don’t make it so long before you get back here next time,” he stated.“Yes, sir,” she purred.The technical sergeant, who was still wearing his Airman Battle Uniform, began to take off his jacket. The name tape on it read, ‘PENDER’. “Sit on this big Black dick, Dianne,” Pender...

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I Love my Little Brother

My parents divorced when I was three. My mother got remarried when I was six, and my little brother was born when I was eight. Being the older sister, I was often the one taking care of my brother; dressing him, feeding him, bandaging his bruises, and comforting him when he was sad. We were very close, my brother and I, and that didn't change even when we became teenagers. When I was nineteen, I moved into a dorm at college, but I still kept in touch with my brother. More than with our parents,...

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Supernatural Overheating

Callie sighed as she lifted the hood, knowing what was wrong. The rocketing temperature gauge and alternator warning light were a dead giveaway. Thinking of the meagre tool roll in the trunk, she sighed again. She could almost feel his disappointment. He'd taught her better than this. "I know, dad. I should've checked it over properly before I left on this hare-brained adventure," she muttered to the imagined reproach. "Or at least carried spares. I know." She smiled sadly. He'd always...

2 years ago
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Chuck and LisaChapter 79

The morning seemed the same as most mornings at first, but that changed when Wanda rushed into the room and said, "John is having some kind of an attack. I've called 911 and they're on the way. Please help me." Tina was up, into shorts and a tank top, and running up the stairs to help. I put my regular leg and jeans with a T-shirt on, and went outside to wait for the ambulance. I waved at them and took them through the kitchen/family room and up the stairs to John and Wanda's room when...

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Kathy Eats My Cum

I poured another shot. Kathy picked it up, held it out in a toast. “To alcohol.” “To absolut.” She corrected, and drained the glass, setting it down carefully. I nursed my shot. Kathy had been drinking like a fish for the last couple of hours, unaware or uncaring about the fact that I had had only a shot or two. The alcohol coiled warmly in my belly. She was a friend of my wife’s, who’d been out of town on business for al- most a week....

3 years ago
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Vidhi 8211 A Ravishing Beauty With Perfect Curves 8211 Part 1

Hello readers, this is the story of how I managed to fuck one of my readers. I am Pratik, 22, a medico with a good physique and great flirting skills. I am originally from Belagavi, the northern part of Karnataka and this incident happened a few months back when I visited Bengaluru. Yo!! Get your cocks hard and panties wet and let’s go. Vidhi, 24 years old was an absolute rich milky beauty with a sharp nose, lusty hazel eyes, juicy lips, and hair till mid-back. Her stats stood at 34-28-34. A...

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Peeping Tom

My girlfriend and I share an old house in the city with another couple. They have the top two floors, we have the bottom two. There are no keys for the doorlocks in the house, but we trust each other.It so happens that our bedroom faces their bathroom. There's a short flight of stairs in between, but if I open my bedroom door, I can look right into their bathroom. Of coursen usually when they're in there, they close the door.Usually.I don't remember what triggered me, probably the fact that I...

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