- 3 years ago
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Ken watched, fascinated, horrified, scared, exhilarated as the man in the turtleneck sweater walked across the room to where Jo was waiting. She's going to bite his neck, he thought desperately. She's going to bite his neck and drink blood from his artery! He wondered if he should try to put a stop to it. If he tried, would Jo let him put a stop to it?
"Look at that, Ken," Meghan said, mouth agape, eyes wide. "He's just walking straight up to her."
The man didn't even glance in Meghan's direction. His eyes were focused single-mindedly on Jo. When he got within three feet, Jo reached out and put her hands on his shoulders, stopping him. He continued to stare at her.
"My pheromones are being masked to some degree by this sweater," Jo said, smiling at Turtleneck but speaking to Ken and Meghan. "Even so, I'm very hungry because of the re-generation of my hand. They're potent enough right now to even overwhelm Lisa's pheromones, which are what lured him here in the first place."
"This spaghetti-strap top does it for me every time," said Lisa with a smile. "Even if I did already feed at sundown."
"You're a credit to your profession, Lisa," Jo said. "Where'd you get him?"
Lisa chuckled a little. "The law library over at Breckenridge, Wilson, and Jones," she said. "He was researching case law for a brief he's filing for the City of Roseville in response to a woman who is suing the police department for illegal detention during a traffic stop."
Jo laughed, amused. "A lawyer?" she said. "Outstanding. You brought me a true vampire!"
All the cognate in the room had a laugh about this. Even Ken and Meghan, as anxious and conflicted as they were at this moment, couldn't help but snicker as well.
"I thought it would ease the consciences of your potential propagates if the first feeding they witness was a bloodsucker too," Lisa said.
Even Turtleneck laughed this time, although it was quite clear he had no idea what anyone was even talking about.
"I can tell just by looking at him," Jo said, directing her comments at Ken and Meghan again, "that he will have absolutely no memory of anything that happens here. Even if I didn't feed right now, if Lisa just took him back where she found him, he still wouldn't remember ever leaving the law library when his head cleared. But even so ... I think, given the nature of the discussion, I'll make doubly sure he's nice and loaded on my pheromones before I proceed."
With that, Jo reached down and grasped the hem of her sweater. She pulled it up and over her head, revealing a black sports bra underneath.
"Ohhh, wow," Turtleneck said, his eyes nearly bugging from his head as he looked her over.
"You like it?" Jo asked softly, alluringly.
"Oh yessss," he said dreamily. "You're ... you're very..."
"Sexy?" Jo asked.
He nodded slowly, seemingly beyond speech now.
"Yeah, he's a goner," Lisa said.
Jo took a step closer to him and put her right hand—her new right hand—to Turtleneck's face. She ran the tip of her index finger lightly over his jaw line, tracing back and forth. Turtleneck cooed at her touch.
"He's mine for the taking," Jo said. She lifted up on his chin a little, making him look upward and expose his neck. She stepped a little closer and then slid her finger down onto his neck. She touched a spot just to the left of the top part of his Adam's apple. "Right here," she said. "This is what we call the sweet spot. This is where his carotid artery rests against the thyroid cartilage. It also happens to be an almost universal erogenous zone, both on men and women." She looked at Ken and Meghan. "Come a little closer," she told them.
"I'd ... uh ... really rather not," Meghan said, though she couldn't take her eyes off Jo's finger.
"Come on," Jo said. "There's nothing to be afraid of. Mr. Turtleneck here wants me to put my mouth there, don't you, Turtleneck?"
"Would you?" he asked breathlessly. Ken could see that the crotch of his slacks was bulging with an obvious erection.
"In a minute," Jo whispered to him, sliding her finger around on his neck a few times. She looked back over at Ken and Meghan. "Are you two at least considering my offer? Do you think there's any chance at all that you might agree to become cognate?"
Ken looked at Meghan. She looked back at him. Meghan was chewing her bottom lip. "Well..." she said slowly. "I ... uh ... guess I am considering it."
"As am I," Ken said, although he had already decided that, barring extreme objection from Meghan (he was sincere when he proclaimed he would not do it without her) or some piece of negative information about the process or the lifestyle that had not been revealed yet, he was going to do it.
"Then you need to see this," Jo said. "You need to see exactly what you'll be doing once you've been re-born."
They were still looking at each other. "She has a point," Ken said.
Meghan was still quite squeamish, but she nodded. "Yeah," she said. "I guess she does."
"What's a cognate?" Turtleneck asked dreamily.
"A vampire," Jo said. "I'm a vampire and I'm going to bite your neck and suck some of your blood in order to nourish myself. Is that okay?"
"Yeah ... sure," Turtleneck said with a goofy grin. "That's kind of kinky."
"Do you like kinky?" Jo asked him.
"Sometimes," he said, giving her an I've-been-around-the-sexual-block kind of look. "Take last week for instance. The wife was in the mood for love and ... I probably shouldn't tell you this ... but I had her get on top."
"Wow," Jo said with a smile. "That is pretty kinky."
"And we left the bedside light on," he added.
"You're an animal, Turtleneck," Jo told him. "An absolute animal."
Meanwhile, Ken and Jo had gotten up from their chairs and walked closer, so they were standing just off to Turtleneck's side. Jo's finger was still caressing his neck and his chin was still up.
"Watch," Jo said. She leaned in and put her lips on Turtleneck's neck, sliding them up and over the flesh, just enough to impart a sensual friction to him.
"That feels ... nice," Turtleneck sighed.
"Mmm hmm," Jo mumbled. She broke contact and turned her head, so Ken and Meghan could see her face. "Let me show you my fangs," she said softly. "Usually we put our mouth in position and then extend them, which causes them to drive into the artery, but I'll bring them out now for you."
"Oh ... okay," Meghan said her mouth agape again.
Jo opened her mouth. Her tongue was wet with glistening saliva. "My body is in feeding mode right now," she said. "My glands are pumping the healing hormone and the amnesiac into my saliva."
"Makes sense," Ken said, finding himself starting to spring a pretty good erection of his own. Despite the thought of what was going on here, he wanted to touch Jo, to make love to her. He wondered if Meghan felt the same.
"And here," Jo said, "are my fangs." She opened her mouth a little more, tilting her head upward, so they could see her front incisors. At the moment, they looked like perfectly normal human teeth. And then, suddenly, they seemed to morph right before their eyes. They bulged a little, almost as if they weren't solid teeth at all. Two small extensions shot out with lightning speed, so fast that it almost looked like they'd just appeared from nowhere. They were very thin, almost thin enough to see through, their color somewhere between white and clear. The ends were pointed wickedly. They looked very sharp.
"My God," Meghan said, crossing herself again.
"Unbelievable," Ken said, staring at them. Their appearance gave Jo an almost evil look.
"It's hard to talk when they're out," Jo said, her words slow, thick, slightly slurred. She took a little bit of a breath and they slid back in, retracting almost, but not quite, as fast as they'd come out. "And now," she said, "I'll feed."
She slid her left hand up over the back of Turtleneck's head and then into his hair. Her mouth went back to his neck, where she began to lightly rub her lips up and down, just to the left of his Adam's apple again—the sweet spot. Turtleneck cooed excitedly, his own arms going around her, his fingers touching the bare flesh of her back, stroking her in a manner that was quite sexual. Jo's left hand then moved upward and forward, sliding through his hair until her fingertips were just touching his forehead. She gripped him here with her fingers and pulled gently backward, forcing his head to look up, exposing his neck completely, tightening the skin where the sweet spot was located.
She put her mouth directly on the sweet spot and Turtleneck suddenly shuddered, his face wincing for the briefest of seconds. "Hey," he said softly, thickly. "You just ... just..." He trailed off, his eyes taking on a heavier glaze, his lips going from a slight grimace to a smile of pleasure. "Mmmm," he moaned. "Ohhh."
Jo's mouth was working, her throat moving up and down as she drank. Her left hand kept its grip on Turtleneck's forehead, her right kept a grip on his shoulder. Turtleneck started to breathe quickly. His face was flushed with excitement. His hand slid around Jo's body and squeezed her breast, at first over her sports bra and then underneath it. Jo made no attempt to stop him from groping her.
It went on for thirty or forty seconds. Turtleneck's groping became less frantic, less controlled. Eventually, his hand just kind of fell away and ended up dangling at his side. His face kept that look of pleasure but his respiratory rate slowed, losing the pant of lust it had been displaying initially. Jo's swallowing motions slowed as well, finally coming to a stop. She pulled her mouth away from his neck. Her fangs were no longer out. She slid her tongue out of her mouth and licked up and down the sweet spot a few times, as if cleaning it. There was no wound of any kind there, nor was there so much as a drop of spilled blood.
"Ahhh," Jo said with a sigh. "Much better. Although I can already tell I'm going to have to feed a few more times tonight in order to start making up for what I lost in the re-generation."
"Unbelievable," Ken whispered, staring at Turtleneck's neck.
Jo let go of Turtleneck and stepped back away from him. He continued to stand there, staring straight ahead. Jo's left breast was exposed where he'd been fondling her. Her nipple was erect. None of the other cognate seemed to even notice. She reached up absently and pulled her bra back down.
"He ... he was ... groping you," Meghan said, her face sour. "Does that always happen?"
"Sometimes," Jo said. "It depends on how potent of a pheromone blast they get. Generally speaking, the hungrier you are, the more frantic your prey's sexual reaction will be. The more frantic the reaction, the more likely he'll think he or she has the ... oh ... permission to start groping."
"That's why we try to pick prey we don't mind being groped by," Lisa said with a chuckle.
"Or that we don't mind groping back," said Gertie.
This caused the cognate in the room to let loose a torrent of knowing chuckles. Ken and Meghan, however, were more than a little scandalized. Both had just witnessed Jo putting her mouth on Turtleneck's neck in a very sexual manner. Both had also noticed the bulging erection he had sprung as a result. Ken had a sudden vision of Meghan doing what Jo had just done—having some young, strapping athlete put his hands on her body while she sucked on his neck. By the look on Meghan's face, she was thinking about Ken doing pretty much the same thing, although she was probably picturing a young female jogger in spandex running shorts.
"If you ... uh ... wanted to," Meghan said slowly, "could you have ... sex with him?"
Jo gave a small smile. "After I've fed on him, probably not," she said. "Or at least it wouldn't be much fun. Once the salivary amnesiac gets into his bloodstream he'll be beyond participating actively in something as complex as sexual activity for the better part of thirty minutes. He might be able to keep his erection—and if it was a female, she would still be wet—but there would be no taking you in his arms or kissing or thrusting involved. The prey would just lay there."
"But ... but ... what about before you feed?" Meghan asked.
Jo looked at her pointedly. "Yes," she said. "It is quite possible to engage in sex with your prey prior to making the bite."
Ken swallowed nervously, his mind already taking him to the next logical step in this particular chain. If it were possible, then naturally...
"And ... and ... do you?" Meghan asked.
"Jo," Lisa whispered before Jo or anyone else could answer. She cast her eyes at Turtleneck and then jerked her head in the direction of the living room.
"Oh ... right," Jo said. She looked at Meghan. "Let me send my young friend on his way and then we'll go back and sit down."
"But..." Meghan started.
"We'll continue our discussion in a moment," Jo insisted.
Meghan nodded, her expression troubled.
Jo stepped close to Turtleneck again, so her face was near his. She snapped her fingers a few times. "Hey," she said. "You there?"
"Huh?" Turtleneck said groggily, thickly, his eyes slowly coming into focus.
"How are you feeling?" Jo asked him.
"Great," Turtleneck said with a pleasant sigh. "Just great."
Ken's eyes widened as he saw this, as a memory suddenly came to him. He had seen that expression, that dopiness before.
"Why don't you go with Lisa now?" Jo said. "You remember Lisa?"
"Lisa?" he said, as if he'd never heard the name before—not just this Lisa, but any Lisa anywhere.
"That's me," Lisa said, stepping forward and taking him by the upper arm. "It's time to go back to the library now."
"Oh ... okay," he said.
Lisa led him away. He went without a struggle or protestation.
"Thanks for bringing him, Lisa," Jo called after her. "It was nice seeing you again."
"My pleasure," Lisa returned. "Good luck with the rest of the Disquisition."
She disappeared through the doorway and into the living room. A moment later, Ken heard the front door open and then close. Jo picked up her sweater and pulled it back over her torso.
"He won't remember any of this?" Ken asked.
"Nothing about being here in this house or meeting any of us, including Lisa," Jo said. "He was under the influence of cognate pheromones for quite a bit though—close to an hour I'd say. That might cause him to have a noticeable blank spot in his memory. He'll come to his senses in the library and look at the clock and see that it's ninety minutes to two hours later than he thought it was. He might wonder about it. He might even be disquieted about it for a few days. But he will put it out of his mind soon enough as long as some other cognate doesn't do the same thing to him in the next month or so. And since humans outnumber us about twenty thousand to one in this particular metropolitan area, the odds are pretty good no other cognate will pick him anytime soon."
"This is insane," Meghan said, shaking her head in disbelief. "I can't believe I just saw that."
"Hopefully it won't be the last time, Meg," Jo said with a smile. "Why don't we go back and sit down."
"Yes," Meghan said. "Why don't we?"
It was clear that Meghan wanted to dive immediately into the whole sex with prey discussion, but Ken headed her off before she could even speak of it. "I've seen that before," he said.
"Seen what before?" Jo said.
"Someone acting the way that lawyer was acting," he said.
Jo nodded. "Loretta," she said. "The Starbucks girl. I thought you might make the connection."
"The Starbucks girl?" Meghan asked. "Are you talking about the one with the drug addict daughter?"
Ken nodded. He had discussed the woman he bought his Starbucks coffee from at Eppley Field with Meghan on many occasions. He had never talked to her about the strange behavior he'd seen Loretta exhibit on that one occasion, however. He had not really even remembered it himself, at least not until just now. "The first night Jo and I flew together," he said, "I went into the terminal to get a piece of coffee cake after Jo had been there. Jo didn't know about my coffee cake fix, so she had only gotten me coffee. Anyway, I found Loretta behind her counter looking just like that lawyer looked just now. She was smiling and spacey and had no memory whatsoever that Jo had just been there buying coffee from her five minutes before. I just thought she was stoned or something, but..." Another memory from that night suddenly surfaced. "And the ticket agent for Southwest! He was acting the same way—just staring at his computer screen! You fed from them, didn't you?"
"Just that one time," Jo said. "I had to. That was the first time I'd ever met you and ... well ... I had come to work hungrier than I really should have and ... and I was attracted to you. Sexual attraction causes a pheromone surge just like hunger does. Before you became immune to me, Ken, you were unusually susceptible to my pheromones. When we were sitting together in the cockpit during our pre-flight at Mather, I started to have an effect on you."
"You did?" Ken asked.
"You did?" Meghan repeated.
"I did," Jo said. "For a few minutes there I thought I was going to have to pretend I was sick and go home."
"I don't remember that," Ken said, shaking his head.
"You wouldn't," Jo said. "The amnesiac effect, remember?"
"What happened?" Meghan asked.
"I was able to dampen my pheromone release in the bathroom of the plane," Jo said.
Ken was appalled. "You mean we were in the air?" he asked angrily.
"No!" Jo said quickly, appeasingly. "I never would have let you fly like that! You have to know that, Ken. I did it before engine start, while we were still running off the APU. I led you to believe I was having an attack of ... you know ... diarrhea and you turned on the toilet and the potable water for me."
Ken raised his eyebrows. "I did that on the ground?" he asked. He had absolutely no recollection of doing that. And it was such an unusual departure from standard operating procedure that he should have remembered it.
"You did," Jo said. "And I went into the bathroom and took off my shirt and washed my armpits really well. When I was clean and fresh, I put on an extra-thick layer of deodorant and sprinkled some baking soda on top of that."
"Baking soda?" Meghan said.
"It's sodium bicarbonate," Jo said. "It absorbs odors; helps keep the pheromones from getting out into the air when you don't want them to."
"And ... you just happened to have some baking soda with you?" Meghan asked.
Jo nodded quite seriously. "Any cognate who works with or has to interact in close proximity with sexually mature humans will usually keep a few supplies handy just in case we start to cause an effect at the wrong time: Deodorant, long-sleeved cotton T-shirt, wash cloth, body wash, baking soda. I went and spruced myself up, changed my undershirt, put my leather jacket on over everything and it worked. Ken's head cleared up and we had a rather nice flight to Omaha."
"I remember you wearing the jacket," Ken said, searching his memory banks for any reference to the actions Jo had just described. The leather jacket was the only thing that surfaced. "It was hot in the cockpit but you wouldn't take it off."
"I didn't dare," Jo said. "The jacket got us safely to Omaha, but then, when we were huddled together in the map room putting together our return flight, it started to have the opposite effect. I'd sweated so much that my pheromones were starting to leak out. You started to get spacey on me again. I knew the only way I was going to reduce my pheromone release for the flight home was to feed. Ordinarily we never feed where we work or recreate but this was an emergency. I went out on the hunt."
"The hunt?" Meghan asked.
"That's what we call it—one of the things we call it, anyway. I was hoping to catch one of the fuel techs or the loaders out on the flight line but none of them were in a situation where I could've gotten them alone for a few minutes. I found my way into the passenger terminal. It was almost deserted, but not quite as secluded as we really like—as you can imagine, getting caught feeding on a human by another human is not a good way to maintain the Subterfuge. And then I found the Southwest ticket agent sitting all by himself. He was easy. I just walked up to him and opened my jacket and let him get a good whiff of me. I only had to say two words to him: 'come here'. But I didn't drink myself full with him. It was just a little too open of an area and I could hear janitors and technicians walking around so I only took a quick drink."
"Did he grope you?" Meghan asked, a bit rancidly.
"No," Jo replied, matter-of-factly. "I believe in this case I overpowered him so quickly and completely that he didn't have a chance to. However, if he would have reached up and squeezed my breast a few times or reached down and squeezed my ass, what of it? He's giving me his lifeblood after all. And I did take it by overstimulating the part of his brain that controls his sexual arousal, didn't I?"
"Well..." Meghan said doubtfully.
"It's how we live, Meghan," Gertie said gently.
Meghan nodded, although it was obvious she wasn't ready to drop this particular subject yet.
"Anyway," Jo continued, "I got enough blood out of the ticket agent that I thought it was safe to fly with Ken, but I wasn't full yet, so my plan was to go get the coffee like I'd told the fuel guy out on the line and then take advantage of any target of opportunity I happened to pass on the way back. If I didn't find another opportunity, then I was still probably safe enough. If I did, so much the better. It's always best to have a safety margin, right?"
"Right," Ken had to agree. That was a very pilot-like way to think.
"As it turned out, Loretta was my target of opportunity," Jo said. "It was a nice surprise since most women are not affected enough by my pheromones for me to feed from them."
"They're not?" Meghan asked.
"They're not," Jo said. "About half of any given population of women would not be affected by me in the least, not even if I was starving to death and they stuck their nose right in my armpit. Another thirty percent would be mildly affected by my scent if it were powerful enough, but not enough to cause submission to me—it would probably do nothing but make them feel a little horny and think about how pretty I am. Only about two out of any ten women would be affected enough by me that I could feed from them without resistance and memory. Fortunately, Loretta happened to be among that twenty percent."
"What makes those women different?" Meghan asked.
"What do you think?" Jo asked her.
Meghan gave her lower lip a little nibble. "You mean they're ... they're ... lesbians?"
Jo nodded. "Lesbians or bisexuals," she said. "My pheromones only work on sexually mature humans who are attracted to females. Homosexual males are unaffected by me, but they are affected by Dad, if he chooses to feed from them."
"Not really my thing," Harold said with a shrug. "I've always preferred mid-thirties women myself."
Ken and Meghan both looked at him to see if he was joking. Both concluded he was not.
"Let's go back to this whole ... overwhelming the prey thing," Meghan said, putting aside the question of who and how the pheromones worked for now.
"Okay," Jo said with a nod. "What do you want to know?"
"You said ... said it was possible to have sex with your ... your prey before you ... uh..."
"Feed," Jo said. "That's how we refer to the act among ourselves anyway, although we do make an effort to use euphemisms in any situation where it is possible that humans may be listening to us ... on the phone, text messaging, in public, etc. Then we call it 'grabbing a bite' or 'having a snack' or sometimes just 'dinner' or 'breakfast'."
Meghan took a moment to process that. "Uh ... okay," she finally said. "That makes sense, I suppose. Anyway ... uh ... since you can have sex with humans before you ... uh... feed, does that mean that sometimes ... uh ... sometimes you do?"
It was clear that Meghan wanted Jo to say something like: "Heavens no, girl! That is absolutely forbidden! How could you even think such a thing?" That is not, however, what Jo said. Instead, she nodded solemnly and said, without shame or apology, "Yes, Meghan. Sometimes we do. Many times we do."
Ken swallowed a little, his emotions heading off in two directions. Most of him was appalled at what Jo had said. Another part, however, the essential male part, could not help but be intruiged.
"So ... so you're saying," Meghan said, "that you rape humans before you drink their blood?"
Jo looked at her mother for guidance. Her mother simply shrugged at her, offering no real help. She turned back to Ken and Meghan. "Rape is a really ugly word, Meghan," she finally said.
"Yes," Meghan agreed. "As is the act of raping someone."
"We're not throwing anyone down and forcing ourselves upon them," Jo said. "It is true that much of the time we are using our pheromones to influence our prey into consenting for sexual activity, and it is also true that your human laws may look upon this, in a black and white sense, as an act of rape, but we do not see it that way. We are not hurting anybody or doing anything against a person's will."
"But you're causing their will to become distorted," Meghan protested. "You're using your pheromones to intoxicate them and make them give consent where they ordinarily might not have. How is that any different than slipping some GHB into a girl's drink at a bar? How is it any different than giving someone so much alcohol that they're not even coherent and then taking advantage of them? How can you sit there in front of me and tell me that what you do is not rape?"
Jo looked up at the ceiling for a moment, her face showing that she was upset and stressed for the first time. Finally, she looked back at Meghan and sighed. "I can't tell you it's not rape," she said. "I can't tell you that because you're looking at it through human eyes and with human emotions and with nothing but your own human experience and morality to base your impressions on."
"So you're saying that if I become cognate I'll suddenly lose my human morality?" Meghan asked. "Because if that's the case, you can just shove this whole deal up your ass!"
"Meghan," Jo started.
"I'm not going to become some unholy bloodsucker who goes around taking advantage of every person I come across! I won't do that!"
"Meg..." Ken started.
Meghan turned on him like a snake. "Are you saying you want to do this shit?" she demanded of him. "Are you saying you want to be turned into a bloodsucker so you can drop all of your humanity and start fucking every hot bitch you see walking down the street? Because if that's what you're saying, Ken, then fuck you too!"
Ken blinked and stared at his wife in disbelief. Never, in the entire time he had known her, had she talked to him like that. He wasn't exactly sure how to respond.
"Meghan," Jo said gently, "I think you're letting this get to you a little too much."
"Letting it get to me?" she asked. "Letting it get to me? You're talking about rape, Jo! How many people have you raped? How many times did you leave our bed and then go pick up some dude or some chick and get it on while you still smelled like us? How many times, Jo?"
Jo remained calm. "Well," she said, "in the particular example you just gave, the answer is none. I have never left your bed and gone immediately to have sex with someone else. Nor have I ever had sex with someone else and then come to your bed. I won't say I never fed after leaving your bed, or right before coming to your house to make love to you, and I won't say that I've never been groped by my prey under those circumstances, but that is about all I've done. I hold the sexual relations I had with you and Ken on a significantly higher plane than any other relations I've shared in my entire lifetime."
"Uh huh," Meghan said, giving no indication whether she believed Jo or not. "Does that mean Ken and I are the only ones you've had sex with since we started?"
"No," Jo said. "It does not mean that. That is not what you asked."
Meghan was shaking her head in anger. "And that's what holding us on a higher plane means to you?" she asked.
Jo looked at her mother again, pleading for help with her eyes. This time, Gertie game a weak smile and a little nod. "Meghan," she said. "Maybe I can help put this into perspective for you."
"Sure, give it a shot," Meghan said huffily. "Let's hear how the cognate mother justifies this behavior."
"Meg," Ken said. "There is no need to be rude to Gertie."
She shot him an angry look and seemed about to tear into him, but Gertie reached out and touched her shoulder first, getting her attention back.
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David and Janet were getting on better and better despite, or maybe because of, the age difference. Tessa living with them was fine, and David got used to being spanked by the 18 year old on a quite regular basis. There was talk of marriage and Janet reckoned she should get to know her mother in law to be so David’s Mother, Rita, came to stay for a month. David said to Janet “it’s really nice of you to have Mum stay.” Janet smiled at her fiancé. She just hoped things would work out...
SpankingIntroduction: Melissa turns frigid on me so we get 5 black guys to warm her up Correction the 5 way ebony way Sitting in a bar talking to friends. You need to man up before its too late, Tom suggested as I explained that Melissa had insisted that I take her mother shopping instead of going to the game. Yeah, but shes beautiful, I sighed as I drank my seventh or eighth beer of the evening. Sos mount Fuji, Dan observed proving once again he couldnt hold his liquor. What beautiful? Tom...
Do not read if controlled pain and power play offends you.“I don't think this is really the book you want me to publish, is it Lizzy? Why don't you come over this afternoon and we'll go through some ideas.”“OK Emma, around 2pm OK?” Lizzy was probably cowering on the other end of the phone. She had been writing good short stories for a couple of years but had tried her hand at erotica and frankly it looked like she had 'cut and pasted' her ideas off the net. It was all disjointed and with no...
It has been the few months on the job as a corrections officer at the county jail. My assignment is the overnight shift in the women’s block. Although it is technically against the rules for inmates to be sexually active with each other to keep lover quarrels at bay, it is rarely enforced.Two that were always sexually active in the middle of the night were inmates Cece and Kay. As I would make my rounds, I would stand slightly out of view and watch them through the low light. I could hear their...
Pia sat in silence, ashen faced and scared as her parents were hysterical. Their "guruji" sat cross-legged on the floor, muttering to himself. Her mother wailed, "How could this happen? We should've never left her alone with her friend." Her father tried to comfort her, but choking back tears, he asked the holy man, "Is there any hope? Can she be cured and rehabilitated?"Pia knew she was toast. Her mom had discovered the vibrator during a routine search of her room. She never understood why her...
Knowing only what I had read about BDSM, I was intrigued enough to join several websites dedicated to the subject. Not entirely sure what I was looking for, I created a profile online listing myself as a straight 'switch', but giving few other details. I enjoyed browsing the profiles of women online, but never plucked up enough courage to open a dialog with one.Suddenly, one day he received a notification that he had a message waiting. Clicking the link, he saw that young Domme from New York...
"Man, I still can't believe what a bitch my mom is. Jesus, I can drive. I can even almost buy a pack of cigarettes, but she still won't let me stay home by myself when she goes on vacation." "Relax, Bobby. So your mother likes to send her precious little baby to stay with his aunt while she goes on vacation. So what?" "Go to hell!" "Hey, don't yell at me. You're the one who has been on this topic for an hour, mama's boy." "This really isn't funny, Hank." "I don't know....
I met Simone at work when she started as an intern during her final year of college. She was 20 at the time and I was 40. It took some time for us to start interacting since we were in different departments, but eventually after she was hired full time, we started to have some conversations and working together. I found her to be beautiful from the first time I saw her and thought there was no way she would ever be interested in a guy like me. She was young, long brown hair, around 5’4”, she...
I met Simone at work when she started as an intern during her final year of college. She was 20 at the time and I was 40. It took some time for us to start interacting since we were in different departments, but eventually after she was hired full time, we started to have some conversations and working together. I found her to be beautiful from the first time I saw her and thought there was no way she would ever be interested in a guy like me. She was young, long brown hair, around 5’4”; she...
Mature"So then, why are you wearing a bra?" "Because I am a sissy." "And why are you a sissy?" "Because you made me one." "What?" I asked unbelievingly. "I made you one?" My voice rising. "I'm sorry ma'am, that's not what I meant." The words just barely eked out as he realized his folly. "I meant that you have allowed me to realize the sissy that I am, of course," he said, blubbering, as he fell to his knees. "You know how grateful I am for that." He inched forward until his nose...
I became sexually aware at a young age and enjoyed sex with girls first and by the time I was a teenager I was dating boys and was willing to give blowjobs and as long as the guys wore rubbers I would allow them to fuck me. This sex story is totally FICTION! When I entered collage and got on campus there was a girl at the orientation meeting that I was attracted to. She was an attractive brunette with gray eyes and a knockout figure. I approached her and stuck out my hand, “Hi my...
David and Janet were getting on better and better despite, or maybe because of, the age difference. Tessa living with them was fine, and David got used to being spanked by the 18 year old on a quite regular basis. There was talk of marriage and Janet reckoned she should get to know her mother in law to be so David’s Mother, Rita, came to stay for a month. David said to Janet “it’s really nice of you to have Mum stay.” Janet smiled at her fiancé. She just hoped things would work out...
I thought it was my lucky night when she struck up a conversation with me. I had been cruising a few bars looking to pick up a woman for a one night stand as usual and Rachel, as she introduced herself, was certainly my type. Curvy and voluptuous with shoulder length fair hair and mischievous green eyes, I was taken with her instantly. Her curves had been poured into a tight black pencil skirt, complimented by an equally tight white blouse that accentuated her ample bosom. Her sheer tights and...
Caring MILF Chanel Preston is so excited for her stepdaughter, Paige Owen, to follow in her footsteps and join her old sorority at college. But to get in, Paige has to go through some intense rituals first. One of the most important steps is for Paige to get fucked by a hung black guy. To help the sweet girl out, her stepmom invites over a friend to do the honors. He whips out his thick black cock and lets them suck it at the same time. Then, he fills both their slits up with black meat while...
xmoviesforyouIn the last couple of? years found I like sucking cock.and realized I wanted to be taken !? I was back in my hometown a couple of months ago. After leaving my wife at a Bridal Shower, I went downtown to see if there was still this sex shop was still there after 30 years. Back then, they had " toys & cute things " on the first floor and a special basement with the "hard" stuff and a jail cell. I realized this was for the gay clientele, which I wasn't into at that time. Anyhow, I found it. Sadly...
Bill woke in the morning to the pleasant feeling of a hand wrapped around his erection. He didn't know whose hand it was as his eyes were still closed; feigning sleep he kept them closed and waited to see if what he expected to happen would eventuate. It did. "Hey mum," said Sandy, "do you suppose Uncle Willy will be able to sleep through me fucking him?" "I don't know," said her mother, "why don't you hop on and find out while I hold it up for you." A split second later his...
Chapter 2: Barocca Duz JeanneBarocca smiled warmly at Jeanne, and she quickly undid the two knots that held her bikini panties on, and tossed them to the side. Barocca focused her thoughts, and released the mental control over her cock. Almost instantly, Barocca's cock lengthened and expanded so that it was now eight inches long, and as thick as several of Jeanne's fingers were. Jeanne shook her head in disbelief. "Damn. You weren't k**ding about some of the things you can do with your...
After that affair I had worked briefly as a bar manager and had a few short term lovers. One was particularly submissive and liked to be commanded and used. But I still had some monsters haunting from my army days and felt myself becoming more anti social. I decided to walk off for a while and ended up in the woods of the Northern United States. I survived alone for about three months before I finally came out of the woods and walked to visit some relatives in the area. My dad came up...
Even though I’m 19, I still live at home. When I took my new girlfriend home her parents were acting like dicks, and we weren’t able to have much sex at my house, so on Friday night we headed out for dinner in town and checked into a cheap hotel room. ********************************* First you put on a really sexy kinky outfit, and then I use the fluffy handcuffs to tie your arms and feet to the corners of the bed, then I slip the blindfold onto you and give you a quick snog, then I...
Monday, September 14, 2005 No sooner had I sat down next to Quint than he got called down to the office. When he returned, he was stark naked. The class erupted with applause and laughter. Mrs. Adkinson shot Quint a dirty look. "I suppose you'd like relief." "In fact, I think I would," Quint responded, and sat up on her desk. He took his cock in his hand and began stroking. The room was now silent, everybody was watching Quint masturbate. He curled his beautiful toes as he continued...
As the weather was so nice I decided to leave work early and go for a run local to home, a brisk 40 minute dash around the park and streets left me feeling energised. Our house or rather Jane's house was empty so presented an opportunity to use all of our hot water getting freshened up.Jane has a magnificent bathroom, it was a bedroom however she spent a fortune creating a luxurious, almost spa like sanctuary with bath stream room and shower. I undressed leaving my sweaty running gear next to...
Just take a look at Sadie Holmes. What a cheater! Literally five minutes ago she was in the produce aisle of her grocery store, where she spent over half an hour flirting with the handsome hunk of a man who’s now in her marital bed!! It started with, “look how big this cucumber is!” to “yes, that’s the bed I sleep with my husband in!” Now, for the very first time in her slutty MILF life, she’s fucking a black man! He’s got a huge dick on him, too!...
xmoviesforyouAs it is with apartments, our long time neighbour’s, the Patel’s, a Gujarati family, were almost a part of ours. So when Deepak Patel, who was leaving for his married sisters place in Surat, for some business work with his Jijaji, and requested me to accompany him, there was no way I could have turned him down. Deepakbhaiya, as I knew him, was eight years elder to me, and his sister Anju, at 30, was a good twelve years elder to me. Like Deepak, I had always been a kid brother to Anjudidi, who...
It was getting late now and Jenny would have to leave before her mom or my wife got home. But, her body was small but it was perfect. I wanted to fuck her so damn badly as she lay there fully nude her head resting on my lap! She was facing up at me. My cock was still sticking up in the air between my thighs right next to her head, actually her ear right now. I asked: “Have you ever wonder how it would feel if something bigger was in your pussy fucking you rather than my finger Jenny”? She...
"So there she is," Bartholomew muttered in a tired voice. "We're finally here." The older man was standing in the bow of the Hawk gazing out at the vista that lay before him. Pedro stood beside him doing basically the same. It was the first time in weeks that either man had stood together side-by-side to share a word or even a thought. Bartholomew had in fact just rowed over from the Virago and this was the first time in over two weeks that he had stood upon the deck of the Hawk. "We...
Hi to all ISS readers this is Varun back with to share another experience and thank you for all your response for my last story and for those who don’t me I am Varun 23 years guy from Chennai with an average body 6 feet tall and with an a 6 inch tool. Anyone from Chennai or Bangalore can contact me through sex angel is Anita who is a virgin. Now coming to story I was studying my 2nd year MBA and Anita joined as my junior in the college at first we don’t talk with each other and after we had...
Hi ! Its Madan here.. Oh thank you so much for your feedbacks. But I received feedback from only men. I hope this time I receive more from both. Nothing khaas happened as it was Saturday. Sunday I and my parents had been to city to buy some needed things for house. So I will tell you about Monday. Monday morning 9.00 . None were there at our house as my parents left for their work. I wanted to make the relation with aunt more strong and got ready and went at 10.00 AM. Knocked the back door...
Our enjoyment of the Hobbit was cut a bit short when Stephanie received a text message from Captain Yanagi, showing photos of a fireball that rose from his native Kyoto, followed by a message...”Check the news, now!” Stephanie showed it to me and I nodded, reluctantly switching to the news ... and there it was. A series of fireballs had risen from no fewer than fourteen cities in East Asia, throwing the governments and economies of the nations into utter chaos. This catastrophe threatened to...
‘Whew. That was good stuff,’ Joe said. Dave raised his eyebrows and nodded vigorously. Jeannie smiled demurely. ‘Say Jeannie, why don’t you go freshen up and then go to mall for a little bit?’ Joe said. Jeannie smiled and nodded and left the room to shower the cum off of her pussy and ass. Joe looked at Dave. ‘Another benefit of the hypnosis,’ Joe said, ‘Is I finally convinced her to go to the mall alone.’ Dave laughed. ‘I think I could use some of that suggestion with my wife,’ Dave...
No, I wasn’t nervous about my upcoming date. Much. Honest. Maybe a little. The reason? Making a first date to walk our dogs seemed just too... normal. It lacked the conventionality and formality of a restaurant date, it was almost as if we’d already met. My suggestion of a doggie play date had been spontaneous, her response natural and unfeigned. In some ways that was immensely reassuring, in other ways worrying – this wasn’t one of the complicated steps required for the full SoCal mating...
in the World * * * Lost in the Desert So, there's a man crawling through the desert. He'd decided to try his SUV in a little bit of cross-country travel, had great fun zooming over the badlands and through the sand, got lost, hit a big rock, and then he couldn't get it started again. There were no cell phone towers anywhere near, so his cell phone was useless. He had no family, his parents had died a few years before in an auto accident, and his few friends had no idea he was out...
Her name is Samantha or Sam as we’ve called her since she was born, I’m not sure if it was later she actually found out her name was properly Samantha or when but I’ve always called her Sam. Well she’s still 16 and tomorrow she’ll be 17 so this is my present to her, well ok one of the presents I have for her but this one is between her and I. She’s lying in bed all cozy and warm with the sun just peeking through the partially opened curtains, she’s trying her hardest to ignore the bright sun...
Serpin woke early the next morning with Collin curled around her. She snuggled into his arms and felt at peace. The soft kiss near her ear and his sultry good morning gave her goose-bumps. Reluctantly, they got up. After a quick wash, they collected their gear and repacked their packs. Collin had suggested they collect more ore since they had the means to carry more and it meant they wouldn’t have to hurry back. He heated pannikins of tea for them and they drank them on the way to the mine...
I was not normal, that is what everyone kept telling me since the day I was born. I was white with a red star on my chest. It would have been better if I had been any other color. Since I was old enough to walk I have been told I would never be a hunter or a warrior. My clan was a mountain clan and from the time I could walk I began training to prove them wrong. I did not only learn the Art but several of the human martial fighting arts. I was running and climbing all the time and learned how...
You are laying next to Sam your beautiful wife. She is 5 ft 5 in and weighs 125 lbs. She has long brown hair, D cup tits, a tight ass, and a sexy hourglass figure. She has big brown eyes that look incredible looking up at you while your cock is in her mouth. She is white but also has some Hispanic blood so she has a wonderful tan almost all year. You have one hand between her legs rubbing her soft shaved pussy. You are dipping your fingers inside her and using her own lubrication to play with...
Group SexI woke abruptly to Johnny kicking me. "Are you ready for training, whore?" He pushed and prodded me onto my hands and knees and I quickly understood what he wanted and crawled in front of him to the bathroom. He nodded and I lifted the seat of the toilet, then he pushed me with his foot, my head pressed against the rim of the toilet. He stood back looking down at me, "that's it little toilet whore." With his cock thick in his hand, he pointed it down and started to pee, I gagged a...
Chapter 1.When I was in college, I had a friend, Max, who sat next to me in third-year French. We talked a lot, had a lot in common because we were from the same place in New Jersey, although we attended different high schools. He was ok looking, skinny, taller than me with collar length brown hair. Not the sports type; more of a musician/skateboarder. We had fun but never hooked up or went out. At the end of senior year we both had early finals. We were talking how unfortunate it was we were...
I was on the crowded London Tube. A fair-haired woman who had her back to me and was pressing against me as was talking to her friend. Both had an Australian accent. One was obviously of mixed blood and had a beautiful light tan skin tone.I was fascinated as the fair-haired girl sounded like a girl who I believe I had known in a country town in Victoria.She still had her back to me when I tapped her on the shoulder and asked her if her name was Jenny.She turned and immediately recognised me, as...
BisexualBeth had just turned 18, it was March during her senior year of High School. She was stressing about where to get money for a prom dress, and thinking about college. Well it is more accurate to say she was dealing with the reality that college might not happen for her, hell the dress might not happen either. Her family filed bankruptcy early last fall, lost the house, the new car, and were living in a bad rental after her stepdad, Mark, ran his hardware business into the ground. Poor choices, a...
Note to the reader: In this diary I will tell the true stories of my sexual encounters that have come about thanks to the internet. Some more precise details such as names and places will be left out to protect mine and others privacy, and also because they don’t matter, but otherwise I will try to be as accurate and truthful as possible. I was nineteen when I found the site. Like most male nineteen year olds, in fact like most males past the start of puberty, I had sex on the brain a lot,...
By eleven things had slowed to a crawl and Amy in a fit of boredom turned to Liz, “Hey, want to make things a little more fun?” Liz shrugged and said sure. She was on her phone trying to line up a guy to hook up with this weekend. Liz wasn’t looking for anything serious, just a nice guy to throw her a hard bone. Amy grabbed two cups and filled them halfway with ice and cola. She then headed back into the breakroom. A couple minutes later she came back with the cups. Put the tops on them and...
XXXXXXX At Madame Lafayette's, George was also in a mesmeric world of his own but in different circumstances. He had dropped off Margaret around 2.55pm and parked nearby when she insisted that he join her in the fitting rooms. What was a boy to do? He noticed that there was a 'closed' sign on the shop front but little else as he was ushered in the front door by one of the Madame's assistants, today attired in a tight black satin pencil skirt, formidable black high heels and...
I was fortunate in my formative years to have a pretty open minded set of parents and thus the rules were pretty loose as long as certain lines were not crossed. So spending nights out late we common as long as I was forthright with my whereabouts and companions. It was on one these late night adventures that I will never forget. It was mid summer, school was out I was with my girlfriend and her best friend, who happened to live just down the street. My girlfriend Amy was a wild one, half Cuban...
Strap yourselves in for the explosive final chapter of the blockbuster Tiger King parody as the rivalry that has consumed Jill Erotic (Serene Siren), Cheryl Badsin (Cherie DeVille), and Bigavag ‘Dot’ Scandal (Reagan Foxx) finally comes to a head. With her career in decline and her obsession with Cheryl spinning out of control, Jill is pushed to her limits, crossing a line that lands her in deeper trouble than she’s ever been before. As the dust settles on the aftermath of her...
xmoviesforyou‘Are you freaked out that he’s here?’ Katie asked her. Eve looked across the crowded dance floor to where Will was sitting at their table. She would have expected him to feel out of place, but if he did he was hiding it well. He had been jovial and funny during dinner with Katie and her roommate Janine. When her friends said they wanted to take her dancing and invited him, he surprised her by agreeing. She felt affection sweep through her at the sight of him, comfortably seated on a stool...
"Seventy five dollars?" Raven asked dismayed by the amount of money the driver was charging. "That's right, lady," the taxi driver said pointing at the meter. "That's highway robbery," Raven said. "No. That's what the meter says," the driver replied pointing over at the meter. Raven opened her wallet and looked through it. She only had fifty dollars in cash. There was no way that she was going to be able to pay the fare with cash. "Will you take a check?" "Do I look like a...
After a long day I stopped at a local watering hole and had a few libations. I was thinking about the events of the day and decided that I’m going to try to be more understanding, tolerant and exhibit more empathy and compassion for my fellow human beings. While sitting there a young woman came into the bar. She was crying and obviously distraught. I asked her if she was alright and if there was anything I could do for her. She calmed down a little and while fighting back tears she told me...
Hi, Iss readers I’m Rokey from Faridabad i m 25 years old and unmarried. mai Iss ka purana reader hu, aksar iss visit karta hu lekin kabhi nahi socha tha ki mai khud bhi apni story likhunga, khair koi baat nahi ye kahani ab se 15 dino pehle ki hai mere dost ka naam farhaan hai uske ek g/f hai mona,vo dona ek dusre se bahut pyar karte hai. Mona mujhe bhi farhaan ki vajah se janti hai. Kai baar agat farhaan se mona ki anban ho jati to vo mujhe call karti ki please hamara samjhota karwa do. Kai...
Chapter 6 Charles was far from happy with the situation. Should he just take off and start a new life, outside the area, where no one could catch him? He quickly realized that was not on the cards, as this was the only life he had right now. After all, what else would he do? Charles was pleased he had kept his nerve and stayed. For on her return Sandra announced they were going on holiday. “Just the two of us, we can stay on our yacht in the South of France.” “I haven’t got a...
The slave formerly known as chrissie typed on the keyboard attached to its personal tablet. it was doing a homework assignment for Advanced Slavery, a required class for all slaves. The boy it had been studying with, an eager freshman named Will that had transferred in halfway through the year, had asked it to join him for studying. Will, a handsome boy with bleached blond hair and a strong tan, had tried to spend more time around slaves and drones at the suggestion of his Preceptor. The boy...
So it was my 21st birthday, and I had thought everyone had forgotten. I hadn't been having the best time me and my boyfriend had recently broken up and a lot of my other friends had drifted away. But I'd met a girl at work her name was Korrina, she was tall with dark brown hair and intense dark blue eyes, she was really beautiful, she was pretty tall as well, she had become my closest friend, we would go out most weekends together. One thing I didn't get though was how I had never heard her...