Helping My Aunt in Getting Pregnant
- 2 years ago
- 24
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El Paso, Texas - Monday morning at daylight - Bob Conlee walked across the street to a twenty-four hour breakfast diner. After finishing his breakfast he went back to his car to wait. At 8:45, he was sitting in his vehicle when his iPhone beeped, indicating movement had activated the tracking device on his target. Bob drove off the parking lot and around behind The Camino Reál to see a valet park the Manara’s Camaro underneath the canopy then open the trunk.
The Manaras were checking out!
Bob drove around the backside of hotel to exit the parking lot once more. Then, driving down the street leading to the interstate, He spotted a parking space at an office complex, with a clear view of the the hotel exit. He backed in to wait. He was in no hurry now, he could track them no matter where they went or how far away they were. He just wanted to be close enough to make a move if he felt there was a need. When the sleek, black Camaro convertible rolled slowly down the hill from the hotel to the stop sign, Bob was watching through his binoculars.
‘A clean-cut, handsome young man and his beautiful young bride‘ Bob thought as the laughing, happy couple drove past where he was parked, heading toward I-10. He followed just close enough to determine which direction they took, then stayed back as they headed north on I-10 into New Mexico. Just as he thought they would.
Las Vegas came to mind as a perfect place for a young couple who may have money to burn on their honeymoon. A lucky jackpot in Vegas, would be perfect for covering the possession of a million dollars or more in cash!
He wondered what the age limit was in the casinos.
In Las Cruces, New Mexico, Bob was across the street, topping off his gas tank as the Manaras fueled their vehicle. He really didn’t need gas, but now was the time to top off the tank. From his iPhone, he found that it was two hundred and seventy-five miles to Tucson.
When the Manaras pulled out, he followed. His hunch was correct, they stayed on I-10 toward Tucson.
Outside the city limits, the Manaras let their Camaro run. Bob tailed along a good distance behind them, he was in no hurry and wanted to remain unnoticed as he tailed them in a vehicle identical to theirs.
He noticed a white Mustang coming up hard behind him and first thought it was an unmarked highway patrol vehicle. He quickly learned that was not the case when two girls pulled up beside him, flashed their breasts at him, waved, and were gone in a roar of their loud pipes.
‘Damn crazy-ass Texas girls these days’
Malachi had taken the time to gas up in El Paso, before hitting I-10 into New Mexico. He was determined to either catch up to the black Camaro on the interstate, or find the newlywed couple somehow, if they stopped between here and Las Vegas. He felt like they would be sightseeing along the way and wouldn’t be in a hurry.
As they left El Paso, he set the cruise on ninety. There was one car ahead of him running ninety or better and he kept right on his tail as they barreled toward Las Cruces.
The traffic was heavy through Las Cruces, but once they were headed west on I-10 toward Arizona, the traffic thinned out and Malachi set his cruise on ninety once more.
With his Escort Passport 9500ix radar detector and his Rocky Mountain Radar Jammer, tuned just the way he liked them, Malachi felt as if they were actually invisible.
“Hey Man, you better hope all this radar detector shit you got clipped on your visor and stuck to the dash really works. If they stop us running damn near a hundred, they’ll put your ass in the jail until you’re too damn old to drive!” Pedro warned him.
“I’ve never had a ticket since I bought these babies. I’ve got close to a grand tied up in this electronic shit and it’s the best on the market!”
“I’ll say one thing for this old pile of rust car you picked up, it’ll sure as hell run!”
“Damn right it will. My buddy built this car to run homemade crafts in and out of Mexico. This sumbitch has a damn racing engine under the hood that’ll cruise at one-fifty.”
“I hope to hell you don’t try to drive that fast! You’re scaring the shit out of me driving the way you are now.”
“For a million dollars of that bank money, I’d drive right through downtown Phoenix at a hundred!”
“Not with me in here, you won’t!”
“You need to wake Arturo so both of you can keep an eye out for that Camaro. They could be pulled over at an intersection or even a rest area.”
Shortly after he crossed the Arizona State Line out of New Mexico, Bob Conlee saw the Manaras take the rest area exit up ahead of him, near Arizona mile marker 389. He was undecided about what to do — keep driving or stop. Just as he was about to pass the exit, he whipped his steering wheel to the right. The Manaras had parked directly in front of the restrooms, so he veered to his right again and drove around to the truck parking area in back. He stopped at a point between two 18-wheelers, where he was able to keep a watch on the restrooms and their vehicle, without being noticed. Hidden from open sight, he sat and waited.
He saw the young man walk out and stand near the exit to the womens restroom. When the young woman stepped out, they kissed briefly and started walking toward the back, in the direction of where Bob was parked. They walked along the sidewalk, stopping, talking and laughing, before turning again, to walk along another sidewalk that led to their vehicle parked in front.
As they turned toward their vehicle, one of the 18-wheelers pulled out, leaving Bob’s Camaro in plain view. The young man looked right at Bob’s black Camaro, then pulled his wife around and pointed to the Camaro which looked identical to theirs.
Just as they started toward Bob’s Camaro, Bob started his vehicle and drove off. The couple then turned and walked back to their car and left.
Bob drove west to Exit-382 and then exited. When he came to the stop sign at the intersection of north-south Portal Road, he turned north and drove nearly a quarter of a mile before he turned around and started back. He pulled over and grabbed his iPhone. The Manaras were on their way west and Bob resumed his pursuit.
“That Camaro convertible sure looked identical to ours didn’t it? That was odd, seeing one that looked so much like ours.” J Lo said as she and Tommy buckled up and headed for the west bound entrance ramp to I-10.
“Yes it was. I wish we could have gotten the man’s attention. I would love to compare them. Dad told me before we left the church, that they had ordered ours over six months ago with all the extras, in order to have it by our wedding date and graduation.”
“I love our new car and I really love the way it handles with the big powerful engine in it. I kind of wish we didn’t have the bucket seats right now though,” J Lo told him.
“You can recline your seat and take a nap if you like. We’ll be getting off in Benson at Exit-303. That’s about an hour or so away.”
“What I really meant was, I want to lean over the console and suck your dick!”
“J LO! Are you serious? I know we talked about it and you know how much I loved it when you did it before, but unless you really want to...”
“Raise your sexy ass so I can pull your shorts down, Tommy. I’m going to suck my dick — that my boyfriend told me long ago belonged to me. I want you to cum in my mouth too ... NO, wait, wait ... I want to suck your dick all the way into my throat, then I want you to get your cum!”
“J LO, if you do this, you know I’ll want to suck your pussy like we did this weekend in El Paso.”
“I know, and I’m going to make this the best. I love the way you suck my pussy and I want some more.”
“When I do, I may have to pull your shorts off and have you sit on top of the bucket seat naked so I can kneel in the seat and get to your pussy!”
“Oh Fuck, Tommy. Would you really let me sit up there naked like that? I feel like I could get a cum myself, just thinking about us doing that! I want to pull my shirt off now, OK?”
“Do it, J Lo. Give me your best shot because your sexy, naked ass will belong to me, as soon as it’s dark.”
Before she bent over the console, J Lo looked back to see if there were any vehicles close behind them. She stripped her shirt completely over her head and lay it on the console as she leaned over and pulled Tommy’s dick up to lick and suck on it.
“OH DAMN, J Lo!”
“You better watch the road, Mr. Manara, and don’t you dare slow down or I’ll stop!”
“OH SHIT! Do it, Baby. I’m not going to last long if you keep sucking me deep like that.”
“Reach under me and touch my titties! I’m already so damned excited, I know I’m going to get my cum too when I do this. Fuck! I love sucking your dick!” she raised up long enough to tell him, before ducking her head to swallow him all the way to the back of her throat. She almost gagged, then she pulled back and took him all the way. She was humping the console as she took him all the way into her throat.
Tommy ran his hand across her smooth flat belly, underneath the elastic waistband of her shorts, and slipped a fingertip into her slick pussy. That was all it took for each of them.
J Lo filled the palm of his hand and Tommy kept blasting long, spurting streams of his semen deep inside her throat.
She raised her head and smiled. Her lips were wet and slick with his semen. She leaned closer and they kissed with his head turned, his eyes cut around to watch the road.
“I LOVE MY HUSBAND SO DAMN MUCH!” she shouted, rising up on her knees in the seat, waving her shirt overhead before pulling it on. She pulled out a container of handy-wipes and wiped her mouth. Then she wiped his dick with two of them as she squeezed and pulled on him.
“Don’t you even dare think about refusing me a chance to return the favor!”
“You don’t have to return the favor. I love doing it for you as much as you love me doing it.”
“When I get you naked and sitting on that seat back, it won’t be returning a favor. I’ll show you how much I love sucking your pussy, until you tell me to stop!”
“Tommy, I swear, I almost got another cum, just from hearing you tell me that!”
“You’ll get another one, and another one, and another one ... until you beg me to stop! I love giving you pleasure and I love kissing your pussy!”
She leaned over to put her elbow on the console, with her left hand on his arm as he drove. Tommy glanced down at her as she lay her head on her shoulder, just to be near him. Her long, golden bronze hair was gleaming in the sun, blowing back in the wind.
He smiled, he was so proud to be married to her.
The speed limit was seventy-five and Tommy had his cruise set on eighty. They were running with the traffic. Some vehicles were slower, some were faster. He kept it on eighty since they would soon be at Exit-303 in Benson. Both of them wanted to make the short side-trip down to Tombstone, since they were this close. It was only a thirty minute drive down there, so the OnStar indicated, and they had all summer to see the sights. If they wanted to travel that long.
Bob Conlee didn’t see them when they exited at the 303 mile marker. He just happened to glance over to see them at the stop sign on State Road 80, as he passed by. Both of them looked up and waved. They recognized his Camaro from the rest area and he knew this was not good. He’d have to be more careful now or they may get suspicious. Oh well, they didn’t know what he looked like, so as long as he keeps his vehicle out of sight, he should be alright. He was still mentally kicking his own ass when he took the next exit, circled around and headed back eastbound to Exit-303. He was sure they were going to Tombstone. He should have thought of that before now. He was a better detective than that and he needed to keep his mind on his job and his eyes on the road or he’d screw up this whole investigation and be forced to cut it short if they spotted him again.
He wished now that he hadn’t listened to his boss about leasing this black Camaro. For the life of him, he couldn’t figure out why the man had insisted on him doing so.
As Bob slowly drove south toward Tombstone on the two-lane, he ran the events through his mind from the beginning until now. Then it hit him! Maybe his boss thinks the three remaining bank robbers are after the newlyweds too and he wanted Bob to have a vehicle identical to theirs.
What would he do if he was confronted by three armed and dangerous men? There was no doubt in his mind ... He would kill them, or as many of them as he could before they took him down. He had never killed a person in the line of duty during all his years on the police force. But now, he made himself a mental note as he neared the small town of Tombstone, Arizona.
He was going to clip his compact .380 Colt Mustang to the waistband of his pants, as a backup to his Colt .45 ACP strapped under his arm.
Just the realization that the three remaining suspects, could actually be tailing the newlyweds, made Bob take a more defensive and alert attitude. He still wasn’t convinced the Manaras were not somehow involved. But for now, the two young lovers were the least of his worries.
“Hey, Man! I thought we were going to stop at the first rest area we came to. Shit, I’m about to piss all over myself!” Pedro griped when Malachi roared right on past the rest area at mile marker 389.
“Piss in the empty water bottles back there, if you can’t hold it. We can’t lose any time.”
“Arturo, hand me one of the bottles. Shit, I can’t believe we gotta piss in a damn water bottle!”
“Hell, Man. I’ve pissed this one full and I’m not done yet!” Arturo yelled from the back seat.
“Then hold it out the window and pour it out. Shit, Man, use some of your brains!” Malachi yelled over his shoulder.
“If this is the way it’s gonna be from now on, I’m gonna get me a gallon jug of water the next time we stop,” Pedro fussed at Malachi as he emptied his bottle out the front window and pissed some more.
“Fuck, Man, you poured that piss out and it blew right back in my window — you asshole!”
“Fuck, Man. Roll the damn window up before I empty my piss next time.”
“Will you two stop bitching? Keep your eyes open for that black Camaro. I didn’t see it at the rest area when we passed by. I would bet that they stopped there though. That means we could have gained about twenty to thirty miles on them.”
“You hope so anyway. It was just a guess when you decided to stay on I-10 toward Las Vegas.”
“I always follow my hunches. I’ve never been wrong before, either.”
“OK, Mr. Never Been Wrong Before! Where will they stop next?”
“My hunch is, they’ll take a side-trip down to Tombstone. I don’t know anyone who has ever come this way the first time and didn’t ride down to Tombstone to have a look.”
“Did you?”
“I sure did and we’re going there this time too. I just got this feeling that we’ll run upon them in the Old West Town of Tombstone, Arizona.”
“Maybe they’ll have guns too and we can have a shootout!”
“We won’t have any shootouts until we get our hands on that money. If they don’t talk, we’ll fuck that boy’s pretty little bride until he tells us where the money is.”
“Now you’re talking my language!”
Bob Conlee drove into Tombstone and turned down a back street to come up behind the buildings. He parked his Camaro in an alley, between two buildings - then walked across the main street to get a bite to eat at one of the burger bars. He could see the front of his vehicle, and he could see the Manara’s vehicle too, from where he sat near a window. He saw the young couple as they walked in and out of a few stores before they went into a barbeque place down the street. Unless they went out the back way, he would see them when they came out.
He’d finished eating, and sat drinking the rest of his iced-tea as he waited. He glanced across the street toward his vehicle and saw three men looking it over really careful. Two were Mexican, the other was of a foreign nationality, but didn’t look Mexican. They were not just casual admirers of the Camaro, they were really looking it over.
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First TimeThe bass is on The volume is loudThe bar is full of bodies, and the enviroment is darkSlutty ladies dancing at the stage, as the DJ countinue pouring occupants with tunes and the bar keeping everyone tipsyCouples hugging each other, dancing to the tunes while slowly going up and down each other body, trying to get more of each otherA young college girl was all alone in the bar, trying to absorb herself into the tunes and getting tipsy in the loungeNot wearing anything slutty like other ladies,...
Mike knocked on the front door a few times, but noticed something odd through the window. It was two pair of panties, one maroon and lacy, obviously something bought at Victoria’s secret, and the other covered with flowers and hearts with Gap Kids printed on the label. Immediately his cock began to rise, and he tried the door, hoping to dear god that it was open. It was, and he wasted no time getting into the house and over to those delicious panties. He grabbed each of them and pulled them...
The fathers of the dating group—I supposed we were going to have to find some name for ourselves eventually—flanked the six boys who bore the casket from the school gymnasium. Seven. Lionel’s older brother supported Josh and helped him carry his share of the load. I walked behind the casket supporting Jack Raymond at his request. The mothers and girlfriends walked behind us. The next morning, we gathered at the television studio to show our support as Brian made a plea to his television...
Cubix: Shrinking For Everyone By Ruby Jewel Andrea It was one of those rare days in bubbletown without Dr. K ruining the peace. Connor, Abbey, Chip and Mong had won a three night stay in the Granddaddy of all toy stores. They also each received 900 dollars in spending money. They had heard that not only was this store big but cheap, so 900 dollars could buy a lot of junk. However, they still had to do chores. It was nearly 10:00 when all their work was done so they hopped...
When I was in high school, 18 years old, I somehow knew I liked girls.Boys were obnoxious show-offs but girls were clean and dressed nice and Icaught myself fantasizing about my classmates and even certain teachers.Iknew what a lesbian was but I had dated a few boys like the rest of myfriends so people wouldn't think I was queer. One day me and mygirlfriendJan were sitting around my house talking about boys and what bad kissersthey were and she said I bet we could do better. She leaned over to...
I woke up later that day. It was around three P.M. I got up and brushed my teeth taking that foul taste of morning breath out of my mouth. I splashed some water on my face, checked for anything out of place. This was my morning ritual with the only difference being it was after lunch. This being retired like I was at my age was going to have some problems I could tell. I needed something to occupy my time for at least several hours a day. I went out in the bedroom and got dressed. I decided...
Chapter 1 =-On a hot June day in Los Angeles, Donna Mason looked out her living room window and watched the gardener mowing the front lawn of her house. He was naked to the waist, and he had a broad, hair-matted chest. The sight was turning Donna on like crazy.The guy was in his fifties, and he didn't even speak English. Donna knew she had to be pretty hard-up to get turned on by the gardener. He'd never attracted her before. But she'd been almost three months without a man, and it was...
Dr. Eric Lyons was a dedicated and kind physician, who had treated patients with diabetes for fifteen years. He specialized in diabetics in their late teens to their mid-twenties. Being diabetic himself, he understood taking over responsibility for one’s own care was part of staying well, not to mention avoiding the condition’s deadly pitfalls. Usually when dealing with a patient who was having problems with medications, glucose testing, injections etc. , Dr. Lyons found that by discussing his...
TAKING ON A MONSTER: an old-fashioned stroke storyby Rumple ForeskinCindy and her four lovers sprawled together in satisfied exhaustion, comparing notes on how they’d celebrated her birthday. Someone started tallying up the different encounters. The final count left everyone duly impressed with both the recuperative powers of the four guy’s and with Cindy’s stamina. "Damn, woman," said Bob. There was a note of respect in the tall, ex-college basketball player’s voice. “You must have handled...
AnalThe Trail My god how could this happen to us. This was just to be a week of hiking for us as part of our attempt to complete the whole trail in the next few years. Here we were naked, our wrists bound by a course and heavy rope, and a rope around our necks from one to the other as the bushes and brambles scratching or bodies. Where was he taking us and what was he going to do to us? This all started just 2 days ago as we had left on our vacation to hike about...
It was friday night and my girlfriend came over, my parents weren't home so we had the house to ourself for about 3 hours. We both had it in our minds that we wanted each other. So after about an hour of watching a movie i slid my hand on her nice small perfect titts, and my dick rose in excitment as i could feel her nipples poke through. She than looked at me with her nice blue eyes and pressed her lips to mine. We kissed for along time, than she stardeled me and took off her shirt and undid...
First TimeIt really doesn't matter who you assign which statement to because the questions were asked multiple times by multiple people. Just know that Andie didn't say a word ... her teeth were chattering too hard. She was afraid she'd bite off her tongue if she tried to speak. The shivers and chatters were the combination of Lake Superior water flooding out of the Soo Locks and coming off the adrenalin after getting shot at. "Where have you been?" "We've been looking all over for...
Nirmal was watching a porn on his computer in that afternoon. As his father and mother were gone to their offices, he is alone in his house. After passing B.Tech. he is in search of a job. For time pass he will see porn at times. When seeing video he will get horny and naturally his hand will go in search of his hard cock. At that time he will wear only a lungi, nothing under. While he was watching the fucking of an old man of about 70 years of a girl of 25, he wanked his rod and was enjoying...
Walking homeward along Hatton Street I wondered at my sudden act of charity towards the Rothsteins. Was the demon inside me relaxing its grip on my frozen emotions, or was it because Judith Rothstein had caused John Thomas to re-awake? A slight movement in a narrow alleyway to my right caught my eye, and I felt for the knife carried in the top of my boot – the area was a haunt of footpads and cutthroats. I stopped walking, and allowed the faint moonlight to glint on the blade of the knife...
Hi friends! I am Rahul from India. I am living in Salem district at Tamil understate. I say my real sex story with a widow lady& her daughter. I am working in d private company as asst. Manager. Last month I go2 the Bangalore for official work 4 two week. But that work finished with in a week. So I return 2 d office (but I don’t inform to my office. Because I planned 2 take a leave) I returned by d bus. The front seats of bus were filled. So I seat on the last long seat in d bus and I start 2...
IncestShe looks at me with love. Her deep blue eyes are a little unsure but she knows in her heart that there is no one but me. I glance back at her giving a small smile. She blushes for being caught staring at me, while a strand of her dark hair falls to her face. She looks down being embarrassed. I take her soft chin in my hand and gently tilt it up so her eyes match mine. I brush the soft hair away so I can look at her completely. We stare deeply into each other for a long time. I glance at the...
Lesbian"Mr. and Mrs. Olson" the nurse called. "The doctor will see you now. This way, please." We followed her into Brian's office, me admiring the sway of her trim hips, Jenny poking me in the ribs as she saw my gaze. "Jake, Jennifer, please, have a seat," said Dr. Brian Fellows, a friend and neighbor for years. "Look, I have good news and bad news. The results of your test have come back, Jenny. It appears that you have an especially virulent and uncommon case of vaginitis. That's the...
The Schaffer family was all smiles on this particular Friday afternoon. They were leaving for their annual summer vacation. Their bags were packed, the SUV loaded, and all that remained was for them to load themselves up. Every year they took a weeklong road trip with no fixed destination. They just simply picked a direction and went. As they pulled out of the driveway Amanda Schaffer noticed out of the corner of her eye that her son Ryan was starring at her."Is something the matter honey?" She...
Moira opened her eyes for a brief second and looked out of the broken window to her right, the shards of broken glass still stuck in the frame as painfully near as the the streets below her were away, many times beyond the point where a fall looked remotely survivable.In fact it was the highest one could get in this city, at least since the radio antenna that used to sit on the roof above her had capitulated to the relentless winds and lack of maintenance.Moira had climbed it once before it was...
“WELL,” she said. There was a knock on the door, “This is Ruth, I left some of my stuff in there, can I come in please?” Grabbing a robe, and cinching it, Faith opened the door to let her in. “Hey guys, John and I are having a great time together. I didn’t know he liked Horror Movies as much as I did. We both scream at almost the same moments. We just watched the original ALIEN movie,” she said finding what she had come in to find. “Thanks!” And she was gone. Faith walked over to me,...
At 2 am Laurie comes home from the late shift, earlier than usual. She tosses her frumpy nurse’s scrubs to the floor next to the rest of her laundry, both dirty and clean. “I’ll clean up tomorrow,” she says to herself, knowing she won’t. After a long shower that fogs up the mirror and leaves more water on the floor than her regular shower, Laurie makes her way to the bedroom of her tiny, one-bedroom apartment, vibrator in hand. “I can always count on you.” She squeezes the handle of her...
Nozomi is a sexy Latina, twenty-six, with a doll's face, curvaceous and voluptuous. Plump lips that make you melt, eyes that can bring a man to submission, and a personality to make you fall head over hills. Overall, this woman is a FOX, a certified dime, with some serious booty that fits so amazingly on her short stature.Nozomi is a woman who knows what she wants, gets it, and never apologizes for it. She knows the sexual attraction she possesses and isn’t shy about using it, although she is...
MasturbationI am ashamed that it didn’t take long for me to have sex with Ali. The way it happened, I suppose she had sex with me. I had very little choice, looking like she did, my body just took over, leaving my brain and judgment back in the world before this island. She drove me in her jeep along the smooth roads, pointing out landmarks and areas of interest along our way. Every subtle bounce on our way shook her chest, sending waves through her cleavage. I tried not to stare, but I’m only a man. When...
Hey guys i have a short story for you , this just happened very recently and i couldn't wait to tell you guys all about it!!. So i was home one night , you know the usual night reading, going through personal stuff and of course watching porn on xhamster!, anyways i turned on my sex apps , i tend to do that when I'm bored , its fun to sex chat with random strangers.. anyways, this wasn't the usual chat night with some dude i will never meet. i got a text from this cute 20 yr old boy, that was...