The dating game
- 3 years ago
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The woman had chosen her seat with care. She’d taken the table to the furthest right, then taken the chair with its back to the wall. From her vantage she could easily see every way into or out of the room – the front doors off to the left, the kitchen door center right and the stairs to the upstairs rooms directly to her right. It was her normal instinct, instinct honed on years of being in enemy territory.
Of course, she was a Queen’s Knight – everywhere outside the castle walls was considered enemy territory for such as she. Even, sometimes, within the castle walls as well.
At twenty-six she wasn’t old but there was a hardness to her brown eyes that demonstrated she’d had her share of trials and tribulations. Her skin was more leathery than soft, her nose had been broken and set a number of times and even her mouth was slightly crooked. Even her brown hair was severe, pulled tightly into a thick pony tail. For all that, she was comely enough in her loose-fitting garb. None of the more obviously inebriated patrons made the mistake of approaching her, however.
Perhaps it was the hard look in her eyes and on her face; the look expected violence. Perhaps it was the massive sword leaning against the wall on her left where it could be pulled from its scabbard in a moment’s notice. More than likely it was the look of the five men and women sitting at the table with her, each of them hard and each of them with similar swords next to them or slung on their back.
“You seem tense, Gillen,” the man sitting across from her said softly. He was a pale man, easily four inches taller than her with hair slightly lighter than her own brown tresses. He was also bigger than her and, she grudgingly admitted, far stronger. She had him in speed, however. His brown eyes looked at her questioningly, his slight mouth curved into a frown. She took a moment to follow the two scars through his right brow – he’d received them from a Tylnanari brigand blade but liked to say they were from a woman he’d bedded.
“I’m always tense in enemy territory, Myllyn,” she said with a half smile.
“ ... and we’re always in enemy territory,” the other four at the table rejoined with the end of what might be their unofficial motto.
Gillen couldn’t help but chuckle, raising her ginger root tea to her lips with her right hand. She absently flexed the fingers of her left, loosening the muscles in her hand. It was an old injury from when she was a younger knight and had made one mistake too many in a melee with brigands to the far north, across from Tylnanari. It was an ill-kept secret that the brigands were members of the Tylnanari force militant but the church was careful to ensure the brigands had no visible ties to them and denounced the rogues causing trouble so the fiction was maintained. Even the Queen knew that the brigands were probing their defenses for the slightest weakness – and that most, if not all, of the Tyln priests in the land were pretty much spies for the Church-run country to their north. Too many of the kingdom’s people bent their knee to Tyln, however, to eject the church completely; to do so would cause a civil war which would give Tylnanari the opening they desired. It was a careful balancing act and one that Gillen was happy she had no part in planning. She was distracted enough planning and maintaining the knight’s platoon she was responsible for; she shuddered thinking of planning and maintaining an entire city, much less a whole country.
She winced as she drank in the dregs. The tea had not been half-bad – for a tavern. They’d let the water boil over-long which gave a slight musty twist to the taste, but it had not been egregious. The tavern boy made good effort in screening the dregs so she couldn’t fault them for the bitter slivers that made it through. Nothing was overtly wrong – but she still felt tight and uneasy.
Granted, the tavern was nicer than those she usually frequented. The walls were stone instead of the wood you’d find in most taverns. The floors were wooden, though, and looked like they might have even been swept some time today. The fireplace had been scrubbed recently and the tables were thick oak and had seen a coating or two of a durable varnish. Even her tankard showed signs of repeated washing – something that was not usually assured in other taverns.
The smell of smoke was the same as at other taverns. For once, the smell was from the wood fire in the hearth rather than tobacco or other intoxicants. Even the air was clearer here but Gillen could not credit the tavern with that; tobacco use ate at the capacity of the lungs – and knights needed their lungs. Since a bit more than half the patrons – eleven of the twenty – were her and her knights, the air would have to be clearer. She admitted to herself the wood fire smoke gave the place the cozy scent of home and hearth; tobacco smoke would foul the pleasant odor.
Still, she felt uneasy.
Trouble was coming. Maybe this night, maybe tomorrow or the day after or maybe all three, but it was coming. She’d been a knight too long to ignore her instincts.
Given the mysteriousness of their mission, it was likely to be all three.
She glanced at the knights around her and then those at the other tables in the inn. Even as she looked at them, gauging their inebriation, she knew she needn’t worry. Her knights were the best of the best and they knew what was coming. They knew it wouldn’t do for them to get too drunk tonight with a long, three-week journey ahead of them in the morning. She also knew they needed at least a short time to relax; they’d just finished the same three-week journey to get here. It was a quick turn-around – nineteen days down, two days rest and then nineteen days back – but she had been assured it was necessary.
Actually, she’d been more surprised when she’d been recalled to the capital after the long journey to deliver the princess here. Every other season, she’d been stationed here so long as the princess was in residence. At the time, she’d considered returning to the main castle folly – leaving her charge unattended by naught but the common militia – but she was a knight and she would obey her queen.
As the first of the third – the commanding officer of the third platoon - she was used to taking orders without question. At least, she was used to taking orders without asking her questions out loud.
It turned out her platoon wasn’t really needed – but it certainly could have been. Tylnanari had sent a team of Ambassadors and dignitaries to negotiate some trade treaties. Fevre, the land to the west of Tylnanari had likewise sent a team – and it was well known the people of Fevre and Tylnanari were in an undeclared state of war. Stir in the confusion when the Rassilyn Elves from the far north had shown up and it could have been a three-pronged international incident of epic proportions. Luckily, cooler heads had managed to prevail.
Her instincts told her that her luck was quickly running out.
The knights at her table sensed her unease and it fed their own. They were normally a boisterous lot but today they were somewhat subdued. They drank their ales and their meads like normal, but just a bit slower, with just a bit more awareness of the room around them.
“Did I mention what I was doing when the bugle called?” Uud Beffing asked slyly. Bugling was the standard return call; when the Queen recalled her knights from leave, she sent out several buglers through the four quarters of Callisto, the capital city. A flourish announced the queen’s recall and the number of tones the platoon being recalled. “It couldn’t have come at a worse time. I was just beginning to get the wench yammering – you know the sound, when they’re right at the peak of fun and adding your name to the list of gods – when I heard the bugle call. I counted with strokes – a stroke each call - and near screamed when it stopped at three recalls. I sincerely considered just going on – she was already there, after all – but I had to stop as it wasn’t fair to her twin sister who was waiting her own turn.”
The table erupted in laughter, easing the surface tension; Uud’s beddings were legendary. They might even be true but no one knew for sure. No one, that is, except Gillen Hawksley, the First knight of the Queen’s Third Royal Platoon – the First of the Third. Only she knew that Uud was either remembering his youth or telling stories of whole cloth; she knew that Uud was devoted to his two wives and would never betray them. She let him tell his tales however because – well, they were good tales and they gave her knights something to think about rather than stew in their own broth.
“I’m surprised either of the wenches could find the tiny thing,” Lin needled her friend. Gillen had thought for a time that the two might be seeing each other off hours – frowned on at best. She’d come to find the two were just very good friends. Lin Sipeppi was as devoted to her husbands as Uud was to his wives.
The voices at the tables picked up in the wake of Uud’s tale. She smiled at the lifting of the tensions around her – but it was not enough to break the tightness inside her.
Their orders made little sense. This was supposed to be a simple, no-excitement run, as the trip down in the spring had been. She’d expected the return trip in the late fall, a few weeks before the snows fell, but first she’d been recalled and now sent back early to retrieve the princess. There had been no reason given and she had not asked; the orders came straight from the Queen with the First of the First standing at her side.
Her orders were simple for all their complexity: Come to the summer palace at Cava early, pick up the princess and her two ladies-in-waiting, and then return. Make all due haste; take no squires. A two-day rest was permissible, so they and their horses would be at peak efficiency. It was imperative her mission remain quiet and absolutely crucial that she return within eight weeks. She was to tell no one who she’d come for and she was to tell no one when she left nor where she was going. Remain alert and shave time off her return when and if safe but return no later than eight weeks – six weeks, if she could manage it but no more than eight. Since Callisto to Cava and back could normally be done in under six weeks, the Queen was obviously expecting trouble of some kind – but no one had shared it with her so she remained blind.
Perhaps the Queen had simply known her daughter would not come easily.
Gillen Hawksley had not approached the summer palace directly; the Queen’s orders demanded the utmost secrecy. Instead, she’d outlined her plan in a sealed envelope via an intermediary courier – a court fop she knew and felt she could trust. She’d been very exacting in cautioning the princess for discretion, conveying the Queen’s orders for her to return immediately. She’d chosen an early hour for their departure from the side gate. The princess was cautioned against mentioning her imminent departure and to be as quiet as possible in reaching the waiting carriage.
What transpired next took the comedy of being obtuse to a new art form. The princess had responded with a flurry of open letters and missives, the culmination of which stated she could not possibly be packed in time, that she wanted to stay for the harvest festival in three weeks, that she’d sent a royal dispatch to her father explaining she would begin home in four weeks – five at the most. Gillen had even received a royal summons from the princess to appear before her earlier that day – presented by the Summer Palace’s Royal Herald, no less, and in front of a large crowd of people who either lived in the large port town or were visiting for market.
The biggest problem was that it was unexpected. Gillen had known and cared for the princess for close to seven years now. She’d had her share of tantrums and squabbles – what child didn’t? – but she’d never been a willful girl. She’d never been one to cause trouble or disobey. She’d questioned her parents’ rules and tested the boundaries of their patience but nothing this overtly rebellious.
Of course, she’d reached her majority a few months ago, shortly before coming to the summer palace, but she’d been pleasant if a bit distant on the journey down. Perhaps her newly found womanhood had changed her – or perhaps experiences within her newly found womanhood had changed her. Either way, Gillen could not put up with her suddenly unruly behavior.
The meeting had gone well – at first. It had quickly devolved, however.
“Gillen,” Princess Ataya smiled, running up and hugging her primary protector. Being the First of the Third was very prestigious, though not quite as prestigious as the First of the First or the First of the Second. The Queen’s First Platoon of Royal Knights were charged with protecting the Queen (or the primary ruler – currently a Queen but it had been a King in the past) at all costs with the First of the First being ultimately responsible for the Queen’s well-being as well as being one of the primary advisors to her. The Queen’s Second Platoon had the same responsibilities towards the King (or the secondary ruler). Gillen and her platoon were responsible for the princess, oldest born of the King and Queen, and the Fourth Platoon had the honor of guarding Prince Gesper, Princess Ataya’s younger brother. “Why did you not come here immediately. It would have been so much easier than all those dreadful notes back and forth.”
“Your highness,” Gillen bowed stiffly. Only her years of experience allowed her to contain her anger. “My secrecy was under your mother’s direct orders – orders you seem to be demonstrably flouting. She ordered me – and thus, you - to return to the palace immediately and to tell no one of your departure.”
Ataya rolled her eyes. She was an attractive young woman, her long, red hair streaming in kinks and whorls down around her face. Her green eyes could be as hard as agates or as welcoming as a grassy meadow. She wasn’t tall, barely five feet, and she was very slight, weighing in at no more than eighty or ninety pounds, but she could seem very intimidating never-the-less. She had full, expressive lips hidden between dimples in a face that was more round than long.
Gillen noticed Ataya’s eyes were hard as agates and her full mouth wasn’t much more than an unhappy, thin line. “My mother is slipping into her dotage. She knows full well that I simply cannot leave before the Harvest Festival. It’s very important.”
Even in her anger, Gillen was taken aback. This willful woman was not the same girl she’d brought down here no more than four months ago. She could feel her ire cresting but she managed to hold it down.
“And yet,” First Knight Gillen remarked evenly, “I’m afraid you’re going to have to miss it this season. Your orders came from the Queen herself.” She reached into the satchel at her waist and pulled out the Queen’s orders, presenting them to the princess.
The princess grabbed them sullenly and ripped the letter open, completely ignoring the seal. As she read the letter, her face grew darker and darker. Finally, with a snarl, she ripped the sheet in half and tossed it into the fireplace, the hot coals blazing once as the letter went up in flame.
“There,” the princess said triumphantly. “And now there is no letter. I’ve never received these orders and you are to wait on my pleasure to leave.”
Gillen was unable to quell her anger any longer. She found herself grinding her teeth – never a good sign – and her hands rolling into fists. With a concerted effort, she managed to bite back the first few of her retorts. When she’d managed to calm herself, she continued.
“That’s fine, your highness,” Gillen nodded. “So long as your pleasure is to leave tomorrow morning at sun-up – because that is when you WILL be leaving.”
“How dare you speak to me that way,” the princess seethed. “You’re just a Knight – not much better than a commoner. You don’t tell me when and where to go, I tell you when and where to go.”
“Let us be clear of one thing, your highness,” Gillen replied softly, her face neutral but the threat of violence twining through her words. “You, like me, are a subject of his Royal Majesty Queen Synel the Eighth, Master of Wenland. You are her daughter, yes, but you are her subject. Just as surely as she’s given me orders so, too, have you received yours. Tomorrow morning, you will be joining me and my Platoon on the way back to the Royal Palace at Callisto. You can join us willingly or unwillingly – that choice I’ll leave to you – but you will be joining us. Your Queen orders it and I demand it.”
“Demand?” Ataya screeched. “Demand? How dare you demand anything. My mother will hear of this. I will have your knighthood stripped from you. I’ll have you placed in the stocks and flogged until you can’t stand. Then, I’ll have every man and beast mount you like some common whore.”
“As you wish,” Gillen replied, her head high. “I’ll take you back to Callisto tomorrow and you can tell the Queen yourself.”
Gillen bowed and turned to leave, the princess screeching at her. “Don’t you dare turn your back on me! This is not over! I will ... I will... “ The princess’s voice, while grating, thankfully faded rather quickly.
Now, Gillen sat, alert, in a tavern close to the palace. The prices were extravagant but she didn’t mind. She fully expected the petty, childish woman who’d somehow managed to usurp the princess’s mind to order her arrest and she wanted to be nearby the castle should that come to pass. A fight in a tavern, even involving knights, was not so unusual as to attract undue attention; the guard bristled under the pomp of the knights and the knights detested the lack of cooperation from the guard. It was a heated water just waiting to boil over at any time.
Two full squads, ten knights, sat in the inn drinking. Six more knights were upstairs, resting. She had stationed two knights each at the only two public exits from the castle – in case the princess decided to flee. There was a third, secret, way into and out of the castle, but she’d ensured that it was still locked with a key only the Queen carried. In four hours, four of the knights sleeping upstairs would relieve the four watching the castle.
She saw him as soon as he entered and her body tensed. She was not in full armor, wearing only her chain mail hauberk and coif, the hood hanging on her back. Over it all, at least partially hiding it, was her burgundy coat with silver leaf; the colors of the Queen’s Knights. Her hand drifted back to the hilt of her sword lying against the wall and she untied it with her fingertips.
“Honor Gillen,” the man said, as he walked to her table. He was an older man, late thirties to early forties or possibly older. His face had a long scar along the left side, from the corner of his eye curving round to just under the left edge of his mouth. Gillen gauged he was about five-feet eleven inches - a few inches taller than she and perhaps eighty pounds heavier than her own one hundred sixty pound frame. He carried much of his weight in a barrel around his waist, unlike Gillen who was muscled throughout. As he approached, the knights at her table and the surrounding tables noted his hand was on his sword – and all of their hands went to their swords as well. Gillen gritted her teeth in frustration at the potential for violence. “I’ve been ordered by her Highness, Princess Ataya of the House Wehran, to place you under arrest. I suggest you come quietly. I have the inn surrounded.”
Gillen didn’t turn towards her men, she didn’t need to. The inn was bound in the silence of the tomb that it might soon become. She knew they were listening and alert, ready to fight if it came to that.
Neither the castle guard, city guard nor any other militia had jurisdiction over the knights; they answered to their own and, ultimately, to the King and Queen themselves. The Princess’ parentage gave her orders the breath of validity necessary for this confrontation – but not the meat. The Princess knew this – but her orders muddied the waters enough for the guard to act. If Gillen allowed this farce to proceed, she would be led in irons to the Queen to straighten the matter out, thus accomplishing the Princess’ wishes by default. Gillen ground her teeth, trying to consider a way out.
“What are the charges, Sheriff Gasmont?” Gillen asked evenly, playing for time.
“Most grave,” Royal Sheriff Gasmont replied. “Sedition and treason. Conspiring against the crown. If you’ll come with me quietly.”
Gillen cursed under her breath. Stupid little cunt had left her with two choices – either share her orders, which happened to be against those very orders, or fight off the Sheriff and his men. Well, she could allow herself to be locked up – but that would be against her orders, too, since they would fail to leave in the morning. She debated for a few seconds; fighting off the Sheriff and his men would allow her to vent some of the rage she held towards the princess – but it wouldn’t accomplish anything and might end up in casualties.
Sighing, she reached into her jacket pocket and placed her orders in front of the Sheriff. “Read them – but do not dare touch them.”
The Sheriff’s face went white as he read the orders. “I’m sorry, Honor. I had some idea I was in the middle of another of the princess’s many new games – she has changed so much since last season – but I did not know that it was at the expense of my Queen. I shall have the princess ready to leave at first light.”
“You shall do no such thing,” Gillen said quietly. “You will leave and tell no one of what transpired here. If the princess asks, you will tell her that I am in shackles; those are my orders under the authority of the Queen. If I hear a single rumor about your indiscretion with these orders or the ones I have shown to you, I will return here. I will come for you – and you will not like that at all.”
The Sheriff gulped. He was a big man and strong despite his wide middle. He was also a very capable and experienced warrior. He was not, however, a match for a Queen’s Knight.
“I will do as you say,” he agreed.
“Thank you, Sheriff. I rely on your discretion.”
The sun was barely over the horizon when Gillen marched through the castle. She never bothered to knock on the princess’s door – she kicked at the lock and it opened with a resounding crunch. Without breaking stride, she marched into the room and stopped at the princess’s bedside.
“You have five minutes to dress,” Gillen intoned darkly. “At the end of that five minutes, you will either walk down to the carriage that awaits or I will have two of my knights carry you, regardless of your state of dress. I expect your ladies to be ready in five minutes as well or I will drag them down to the carriage myself.”
“What is the meaning of this!” Ataya howled sitting up and pulling her duvet to her neck. “How dare you come into my room uninvited! How dare you threaten my person. You should be locked up! You should be in jail awaiting my punishment!”
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Sunday As promised Mike and Barbara walked into Dave and Dianka's house at 10AM Sunday morning with Joan and the only occupant of the kitchen was Naomi, with a well fucked and contented look on her face. She immediately jumped up from the table where she was sitting and went to her Master and fell to her knees before him. Taking his hand she kissed it and then moved to Barbara and kissed her hand and then looked up at them with tears in her eyes. "Thank you Master and Mistress," she...
Mera naam ashish hai n ye kahani hai meri ex gf k sath sex ki vo bhi neend me. Kahani aise shuru hoti hai jb m aur meri gf anjali 2 saal se relation me the lekin kbi b sex nahi kr paye the coz anjali hmsha sex k naam se gsa ho jati thi aur shadi bad hi krne k lie bat krti thi. Ab m apko anjali k bare me btata hu, usk boobs ka size 38dd hai, gaand bhi 38 ki hai aur kmr 30 ki hai. Ab ap hi soch k batayein ki aise maal k sath relation me hote hue 2 saal se use choda na ho to kaisa haal hota hoga...
A Mother’s Moans, A Son’s Sighs by Oediplex 8==3~ (By the way, since some folks asked, 8==3~ is my own emoticon invention entitled the ‘cumming cock’; balls 8 shaft == head 3 cum ~ It authenticates emails sent by me in response to inquiries about further resources on the topic of Mother/son incest, including information about Pandora’s Box the world’s finest artist of M/s incest and who’s ‘il-lust-rations’ are the inspiration for many of my stories. Our collaboration on the graphic...
Around 4 p.m., the brunette cautiously got up from her lounge chair and wrapped herself in a large towel. I had been alert for the entire process. The unladylike spreading of her legs as she rose from her place, the lovely moment when her right leg swung out over the chair and took its place alongside her left, so that she could rise and stand up, facing away from me and showing me her fantastic ass. The divine moment when, still naked as the day she was born (but with, presumably, a whole...
Benedict, Ben or Benny, Horton, Veronica, or Ronnie, Horton nee Parker: that's us. Both aged forty. Married going on fourteen years I guess. Happy? She is, I'm not, and for damn good reason: she's been cheating on me. And, not just cheating on me, but serial cheating on me, with at least four different men including my boss, and that for at least the last thirteen years; she admits to that long. And, I just found out about it today. Fuck! How did I find out? Well, that's the story, at least...
“You’re holding up ok back here TK?” Leo asked, patting me on the back as I cleaned a pitcher of beer. His real name was Reginald Marino, but he had long dirty blonde hair and a bushy chin strap to go with it that vaguely made him look like a lion. He was a stocky man with a beer gut, but all in all, a really nice guy, who was a long time friend to my dad. Because of that, he let me work at his restaurant, secretly, for the last two years. “Yeah, the couple near the end is fixing to go...
The Neighbor part 1 of 4 By Morpheus As I was checking the lawn mower, making sure that it was gassed and working, I let my mind drift off to earlier that day. I had gotten my report card and had to bring it home to my parents, disgusted at myself for getting a C in science. They had promised me that if I'd gotten a B or better, that they would have given me $20 towards the new bike that I wanted to buy. Unfortunately, I didn't make it. It wasn't like I didn't try. I...
David and Wendy: Wound too Tight. Chapter 35. The figure ran from the shack ... but not from inside ... this time the camera was following the camera man as he fled. There was just enough moonlight to see the square corners and straight lines of the shacks and packing crates and even tattered tarps artfully arranged so the good pieces covered the torn sections of the tarp below. There was one lucky family, they had a trailer tarp. Sheet rubber reinforced with rope sewn edges and metal...
Sir Henry knocked at the open door of the Admiral's Quarters on "Vector" and entered as McCock waved him in to a seat. McCock extracted the chip and placed it into the box file on the table in front of him and then looked enquiringly at his Intel Officer. "A courier headed for the Chens from the direction of Old Earth is two hours out and coming fast. I waited for five minutes to be sure of it. He certainly knows exactly where he wants to go and that means a prior set up RV — last...
Wendy barely noticed the freaked out crippled girl. A man stood, not five steps away. Tall. Lean. Wiry, almost. His hair was dark, the same black as her lost Gary, cut short. A black mustache stood above lips set in a firm, strong expression. His eyes ... He was obviously the leader of this group. One look showed that. He had the bearing of leadership, strength of mind and will, if not hands and limbs. Yet there was strength there, too. She could see it. Wanted to feel it. Feel those arms...
Notes from dawan: Sara is not her real name but she is loosely based on a real person (like many of my characters). This is why I have the subtitle of 'my dream girl'. This is all fiction. Anything that resembles reality is a coincidence and pisses me off because if my stories were real I would live them and not have to write this stuff. One of my difficulties with this format is that I can't stick to one p.o.v. and 'any p.o.v.' isn't available. I am publishing this earlier than I meant to as I...
Young Sissybysmittysimon©Author's Note: This is a follow up to The Young Master series. You can start here if you aren't interested in Belle's misadventures as spoiled young man turned out by his own sissy slave and eventually enslaved by his step-father, but it does introduce a lot of characters you'll read about in this series.I don't know how long I was under days, weeks who knows, maybe even months. Reality blurred with nightmares as I felt my flesh being cut into by cold scalpels and stuck...
I wrote and published this story on another site. Figured you guys would want a taste for more.Kellianna and Jasmina were comin home from camp. They were volunteers and worked from 9 am to 6 pm. Usually they would get a ride from someone at work, but decided against it."Kelli.." jasmina said"What?"Jasmina pushed kelli against the wall of a building."What are you doing, Jas?" kelli asked.Jas didnt respond. Instead she kissed Kelli. Kelli wanted her to stop, but she kissed her back. They were...
(An erotic story in the form of poetry)Darkness shrouds my ill desiresThe forbidden love that has made us liarsThrough the dim-lit park she walks my wayTo enjoy the night, for we cannot enjoy the dayOver the shoulder she looks, but no-one comesTo mask her guilt, she walks, not runsBut I can see the tension in her strideMy eyes know her well, she cannot hideShe spots me on my shrouded seatHer face lights up, and with quickened feetShe heads my way with a secret smileOf heat, and lust, and wicked...
It was a new decree, a reform or whatever you called it. Societies across the galaxy had become unruly and some systems threatened to overthrow the Commonwealth that united all nations and races under one banner. To appease the masses, competitions were held on barren or abandoned planets. These planets were more like gigantic Arenas, where contenders would fight for a prize. Some Arenas had no goal. Some had no prize. The goal was only to survive... or not. But where to get these contenders....
SRU- Your Fondest Desire By Mister Double-U I thought of this while making drinks for a party. I hope you like it. ************************************ Morton Winslow hid behind the bushes as he made his way back to his dorm room on the other side of campus. It was the middle of the day and students were busily heading for their next class, or that beer down at the pub. All Morton wanted to do was to make it back without being seen. Even he knew that was asking too...
Charlotte was quite sure she had never been in a longer, deeper bath tub. “Any bigger and you’d have had to call it a spa”, she had said to him, as he carried her naked from the stained and rumpled bed and laid her in its steaming luxuriance. He had then stepped into it with her and settled down facing her, a smile of pure contentment and pleasure settling over his chiselled face, making her realise anew that though she had been drunk last night and flinging herself at him, she had been right....
A captured soldier is pitted in Gladiatorial combat in the Arena, his opponent a beautiful young Amazon Warrior. The winner to execute the loser. *WARNING* Some of this story is not for the squeamish.Cassius lay on the bare floor of the cell, his whole being filled with terror. He was clad only in sandals, his genitals enclosed in a tiny white silk G string, with a built in skin tight penis pouch.Like most of the prisoners he had been a soldier of the Albion Army who had been captured in battle...
After my orgasm, I pant with my husband’s cum on my face and Scott’s spunk trickling out of my ass. I can still taste the tang of Chris’ cum while Luc presses his cock against my pucker. I am tired from their handling but can only groan in pleasure as Luc drives his cock into me. I cry out and he pulls me up by the collar, holding me tight against his body as he thrusts into my slick ass. The lubrication of Scott’s spunk allows him to thrust more easily though the tightness of my body still...
Sereine and I getting stuck in a quarantine shelter for almost a week didn’t really affect my overall schedule. I didn’t have much to do before I had to leave for Shilling, so there was a lot of available time in my schedule. The only impact the delay caused me, was my having to reschedule a few minor things that I wanted to do before I left for Vora. Overall, I would be able to finish all of my outstanding tasks before my departure date. One of the good things that happened while I sat in...
There were supposed to have been four of us – Ian Terry and Mike and myself. We had agreed that Ian should bring round the latest editions to his extensive collection of porn DVD’s and we would all chip in some booze. Unfortunately Terry and Mike had broken down on the way home from a football match, got pissed while waiting for the car to be repaired, and now couldn’t drive back and had called off. So it just left Ian and I to spend the night drinking, watching films and setting the world to...
It had been months since the last Omnic attack now. Korea had been on the watch for weeks upon weeks, but with no current omnics being seen across the Ocean, Hana Song was finally dispatched from her service and was to partake in normal activities again.Not being the best student, and instead spending most of her life becoming the professional gamer that she was known to be, the military had assigned her to take some complimentary classes, however still mandatory for someone of her status and...
We went south to the first road below mine and I turned right into it. It was a graveled road and had suffered from Horace. We hadn't traveled a hundred feet when I had to stop for a tree in the road. I stopped and pulled my chain saw from the back of the pickup along gloves and safety glasses. Eve took the lopers and she and Joan added gloves and safety glasses. They started collecting limbs and casting them to one side or the other of the road. I cut a hole big enough for my truck to...
hello to everyoneAs a note to the previous dogging story I've been asked by the husband to write this update.It's invite only and I won't be giving you the location, or time, or clues as to where it is. If you want an invite then you'll know where to look if you're in NZ. (a website)The husband vets everyone as his wife is in a very high profile position and doesn't want anyone there that might know her.So thanks everyone who's asked me where it is, I'm not saying. Everyone who goes is told...
Easter Givings ? by: Dee Eon It began shortly after the first day of spring in Aunt Em's Victorian rural home after my foster 'mom' and I finished breakfast. "Peter," she said fondly with a poignant sad look. "These three years you've been with me have been the happiest I've ever had. I'm now sure those social workers are eating crow for calling you a very troublesome child. I'm only sorry I hadn't cared for you since you were seven after your parents' terrible car accident." "I...
"Are we out of sight?" Sandra asked. Dina checked behind her and answered, "I think so." Sandra stopped walking, bent forward, laid her arms on top of her bike's handlebars, and then laid her head on her arms. "Fuck! I'm totally exhausted," Sandra sighed. She also sounded as if she was in pain. Annie and Anna turned around and looked at her. Dina laid her bike on the ground and went to Sandra. She laid her hand on Sandra's back and asked, "What is it?" "I think I'm done for...
His page: Part 1 It’s the second week of October, and school year started and has progress nicely for me and the girls. My family finally took our vacation that was meant for the early summer and while I had a good time my Dad and I aren’t talking much. Mom tries to keep us both communicating but with Dad wanting complete control of my life and me just wanting to have some say in the matter it’s getting rough. In August the school districts...
Hi dosto mera naam hai suresh 25 yrs ka hu, meri hight 6 feet hai, rang gora, dikhne me smart hu aur sabse important lund ka size 8 inch aur kafi mota hai. Koi bhi aunty mujh se chudwana chahti ho to mujhe mail kare mere mail id To dosto aapko zyada bore nai karte huye mai kahani per aata hum era post-graduation hone ke baad mai ne 1 MNC company join ki. Mai aapko bata du mujhe hamesha se hi mature ladies me interest raha hai. Company me mera kaam kaafi ache se chal raha tha. Lunch aur tea...
Me and my mate Dermot, we’d been drinking in town. Dermot had come back to my flat to carry on where we finished off in the pub and now he was too tired to walk home.I got the spare duvet from the bedroom, and he stripped down to his boxers. Then he said he always slept in the nude and he asked me if it was ok if he took his boxers off. I thought: well what if he has a wet dream and spunks his jizz over my sofa? Oh fuck it. It’d been a while since I last had a boy cumming in my flat.So I said,...
“Holy shit”, I muttered. '”Fucking hell!” I couldn’t believe what was happening in front of me! I stood glued to the spot, afraid to breathe. I was standing in the lounge of one of my customers. I must have had a dumb and dumber expression on my face. My mouth hung open and my jeans strained at the crotch. Let me start from the beginning. My name is Jack. I am 1.9 meters tall with darkly tanned skin. I have brown hair which I crop very short to the scalp and have brown eyes. I...
I wasn't really all about the party. I knew maybe four people there, and while it was a pretty chill affair, I couldn't help but feel like I wanted to be at home doing something else. Of course I was looking for the good looking girls- and there were a few- most of whom either had boyfriends or just wouldn't be interested in me. When that happens, when I can see there's no connection there, a woman's attractiveness becomes abstract real fast, like art on the wall; pretty, but you don't want to...
My day started early with a loud banging on our bedroom door. Someone must have pulled it closed again without taking the lock off. As I looked at the clock and saw that it was 2 AM I vowed that I was going to put a piece of duct tape across the latch on that damned door. Then through my mind's fog I heard Julie cry out, "Open up, and hurry!" There was a great deal of confusion as we all woke and made for the door at the same time. Julie was out of breath and almost frantic as she said,...
In order to spare you, the reader, some time in digesting my little tale, I will attempt to compress the events of the next six months. The easiest way to do this is to simply write down the major events of each month in a kind of diary style and to add any other items of interest.***MayMy cock length: 5 1/8 inchesLoss: 1/4 inchMandy's modus operandi never altered at all during May. She was still refining her methods of taunt and tease and began to use subtler methods to increase my...
CuckoldFor three weeks Marie had been planning for her second visit with Jim, her new lover. In the past, when it came to sex, and just about everything else in her life, she had worried about every detail, including the things for which she had no control. Her online teasing with Jim had revealed that her own fixation on control was one of the things that kept her from enjoying her life. Middle-aged and married to the most boring and angry man on earth, Marie had turned to the net for her company,...
CheatingI asked Barry to meet with me in my office at coffee break on Thursday morning. I didn't tell him what I wanted to talk to him about, but I tried not to make it sound like a serious issue. In fact, in a moment of frustration, I had decided to confront him with what I knew ... or what I thought I knew. This could blow up in my face, but my self-admitted obsession with finding out what Andrea had been up to was becoming too much to let lie. I had a strategy ... or at least the outline of one....
Sunday night June thanked Autumn profusely by not only licking her pussy but her ass and tits as well. The rest of the week went by without incident. Oh, she did have to crawl to Autumn’s spread legs and thank her but she wasn’t ordered to satisfy her sister’s sexual needs. Not that she wasn’t grateful, but, for some reason, she found herself drawn to Autumn’s pussy and had an almost irresistible urge to kiss it. She began to wonder if she was obsessed with performing lesbian sex. When her...
I had been out with friends partying after a professional basketball game and reached my hotel around 12:00 I wasn't yet tired and not needed anywhere the next day I decided to call for a massage. I had an adult newspaper and really didn't read the add. I basically called the first number I came to. The operator asked what I wanted and I suggested a petite blonde. Her reply was she had the perfect girl though it would be about an hour due to the traffic from the busy night. I took a shower than...
She MalesRepair man with an extra special tool!!Another adventure for my loving wife Karen and her need for cock….Things had been slow for Karen since her weekend fucking with our neighbour’s son Steven at our caravan. I had kept a close eye on her but she seemed wary, making me think that she had rumbled me. Had she found out about me and Sue screwing or was it that she knew I had been watching her? To give her some space I told her that I had arranged a week away fishing with some old work colleagues...