RuneswardChapter 08 free porn video

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The woman had chosen her seat with care. She’d taken the table to the furthest right, then taken the chair with its back to the wall. From her vantage she could easily see every way into or out of the room – the front doors off to the left, the kitchen door center right and the stairs to the upstairs rooms directly to her right. It was her normal instinct, instinct honed on years of being in enemy territory.

Of course, she was a Queen’s Knight – everywhere outside the castle walls was considered enemy territory for such as she. Even, sometimes, within the castle walls as well.

At twenty-six she wasn’t old but there was a hardness to her brown eyes that demonstrated she’d had her share of trials and tribulations. Her skin was more leathery than soft, her nose had been broken and set a number of times and even her mouth was slightly crooked. Even her brown hair was severe, pulled tightly into a thick pony tail. For all that, she was comely enough in her loose-fitting garb. None of the more obviously inebriated patrons made the mistake of approaching her, however.

Perhaps it was the hard look in her eyes and on her face; the look expected violence. Perhaps it was the massive sword leaning against the wall on her left where it could be pulled from its scabbard in a moment’s notice. More than likely it was the look of the five men and women sitting at the table with her, each of them hard and each of them with similar swords next to them or slung on their back.

“You seem tense, Gillen,” the man sitting across from her said softly. He was a pale man, easily four inches taller than her with hair slightly lighter than her own brown tresses. He was also bigger than her and, she grudgingly admitted, far stronger. She had him in speed, however. His brown eyes looked at her questioningly, his slight mouth curved into a frown. She took a moment to follow the two scars through his right brow – he’d received them from a Tylnanari brigand blade but liked to say they were from a woman he’d bedded.

“I’m always tense in enemy territory, Myllyn,” she said with a half smile.

“ ... and we’re always in enemy territory,” the other four at the table rejoined with the end of what might be their unofficial motto.

Gillen couldn’t help but chuckle, raising her ginger root tea to her lips with her right hand. She absently flexed the fingers of her left, loosening the muscles in her hand. It was an old injury from when she was a younger knight and had made one mistake too many in a melee with brigands to the far north, across from Tylnanari. It was an ill-kept secret that the brigands were members of the Tylnanari force militant but the church was careful to ensure the brigands had no visible ties to them and denounced the rogues causing trouble so the fiction was maintained. Even the Queen knew that the brigands were probing their defenses for the slightest weakness – and that most, if not all, of the Tyln priests in the land were pretty much spies for the Church-run country to their north. Too many of the kingdom’s people bent their knee to Tyln, however, to eject the church completely; to do so would cause a civil war which would give Tylnanari the opening they desired. It was a careful balancing act and one that Gillen was happy she had no part in planning. She was distracted enough planning and maintaining the knight’s platoon she was responsible for; she shuddered thinking of planning and maintaining an entire city, much less a whole country.

She winced as she drank in the dregs. The tea had not been half-bad – for a tavern. They’d let the water boil over-long which gave a slight musty twist to the taste, but it had not been egregious. The tavern boy made good effort in screening the dregs so she couldn’t fault them for the bitter slivers that made it through. Nothing was overtly wrong – but she still felt tight and uneasy.

Granted, the tavern was nicer than those she usually frequented. The walls were stone instead of the wood you’d find in most taverns. The floors were wooden, though, and looked like they might have even been swept some time today. The fireplace had been scrubbed recently and the tables were thick oak and had seen a coating or two of a durable varnish. Even her tankard showed signs of repeated washing – something that was not usually assured in other taverns.

The smell of smoke was the same as at other taverns. For once, the smell was from the wood fire in the hearth rather than tobacco or other intoxicants. Even the air was clearer here but Gillen could not credit the tavern with that; tobacco use ate at the capacity of the lungs – and knights needed their lungs. Since a bit more than half the patrons – eleven of the twenty – were her and her knights, the air would have to be clearer. She admitted to herself the wood fire smoke gave the place the cozy scent of home and hearth; tobacco smoke would foul the pleasant odor.

Still, she felt uneasy.

Trouble was coming. Maybe this night, maybe tomorrow or the day after or maybe all three, but it was coming. She’d been a knight too long to ignore her instincts.

Given the mysteriousness of their mission, it was likely to be all three.

She glanced at the knights around her and then those at the other tables in the inn. Even as she looked at them, gauging their inebriation, she knew she needn’t worry. Her knights were the best of the best and they knew what was coming. They knew it wouldn’t do for them to get too drunk tonight with a long, three-week journey ahead of them in the morning. She also knew they needed at least a short time to relax; they’d just finished the same three-week journey to get here. It was a quick turn-around – nineteen days down, two days rest and then nineteen days back – but she had been assured it was necessary.

Actually, she’d been more surprised when she’d been recalled to the capital after the long journey to deliver the princess here. Every other season, she’d been stationed here so long as the princess was in residence. At the time, she’d considered returning to the main castle folly – leaving her charge unattended by naught but the common militia – but she was a knight and she would obey her queen.

As the first of the third – the commanding officer of the third platoon - she was used to taking orders without question. At least, she was used to taking orders without asking her questions out loud.

It turned out her platoon wasn’t really needed – but it certainly could have been. Tylnanari had sent a team of Ambassadors and dignitaries to negotiate some trade treaties. Fevre, the land to the west of Tylnanari had likewise sent a team – and it was well known the people of Fevre and Tylnanari were in an undeclared state of war. Stir in the confusion when the Rassilyn Elves from the far north had shown up and it could have been a three-pronged international incident of epic proportions. Luckily, cooler heads had managed to prevail.

Her instincts told her that her luck was quickly running out.

The knights at her table sensed her unease and it fed their own. They were normally a boisterous lot but today they were somewhat subdued. They drank their ales and their meads like normal, but just a bit slower, with just a bit more awareness of the room around them.

“Did I mention what I was doing when the bugle called?” Uud Beffing asked slyly. Bugling was the standard return call; when the Queen recalled her knights from leave, she sent out several buglers through the four quarters of Callisto, the capital city. A flourish announced the queen’s recall and the number of tones the platoon being recalled. “It couldn’t have come at a worse time. I was just beginning to get the wench yammering – you know the sound, when they’re right at the peak of fun and adding your name to the list of gods – when I heard the bugle call. I counted with strokes – a stroke each call - and near screamed when it stopped at three recalls. I sincerely considered just going on – she was already there, after all – but I had to stop as it wasn’t fair to her twin sister who was waiting her own turn.”

The table erupted in laughter, easing the surface tension; Uud’s beddings were legendary. They might even be true but no one knew for sure. No one, that is, except Gillen Hawksley, the First knight of the Queen’s Third Royal Platoon – the First of the Third. Only she knew that Uud was either remembering his youth or telling stories of whole cloth; she knew that Uud was devoted to his two wives and would never betray them. She let him tell his tales however because – well, they were good tales and they gave her knights something to think about rather than stew in their own broth.

“I’m surprised either of the wenches could find the tiny thing,” Lin needled her friend. Gillen had thought for a time that the two might be seeing each other off hours – frowned on at best. She’d come to find the two were just very good friends. Lin Sipeppi was as devoted to her husbands as Uud was to his wives.

The voices at the tables picked up in the wake of Uud’s tale. She smiled at the lifting of the tensions around her – but it was not enough to break the tightness inside her.

Their orders made little sense. This was supposed to be a simple, no-excitement run, as the trip down in the spring had been. She’d expected the return trip in the late fall, a few weeks before the snows fell, but first she’d been recalled and now sent back early to retrieve the princess. There had been no reason given and she had not asked; the orders came straight from the Queen with the First of the First standing at her side.

Her orders were simple for all their complexity: Come to the summer palace at Cava early, pick up the princess and her two ladies-in-waiting, and then return. Make all due haste; take no squires. A two-day rest was permissible, so they and their horses would be at peak efficiency. It was imperative her mission remain quiet and absolutely crucial that she return within eight weeks. She was to tell no one who she’d come for and she was to tell no one when she left nor where she was going. Remain alert and shave time off her return when and if safe but return no later than eight weeks – six weeks, if she could manage it but no more than eight. Since Callisto to Cava and back could normally be done in under six weeks, the Queen was obviously expecting trouble of some kind – but no one had shared it with her so she remained blind.

Perhaps the Queen had simply known her daughter would not come easily.

Gillen Hawksley had not approached the summer palace directly; the Queen’s orders demanded the utmost secrecy. Instead, she’d outlined her plan in a sealed envelope via an intermediary courier – a court fop she knew and felt she could trust. She’d been very exacting in cautioning the princess for discretion, conveying the Queen’s orders for her to return immediately. She’d chosen an early hour for their departure from the side gate. The princess was cautioned against mentioning her imminent departure and to be as quiet as possible in reaching the waiting carriage.

What transpired next took the comedy of being obtuse to a new art form. The princess had responded with a flurry of open letters and missives, the culmination of which stated she could not possibly be packed in time, that she wanted to stay for the harvest festival in three weeks, that she’d sent a royal dispatch to her father explaining she would begin home in four weeks – five at the most. Gillen had even received a royal summons from the princess to appear before her earlier that day – presented by the Summer Palace’s Royal Herald, no less, and in front of a large crowd of people who either lived in the large port town or were visiting for market.

The biggest problem was that it was unexpected. Gillen had known and cared for the princess for close to seven years now. She’d had her share of tantrums and squabbles – what child didn’t? – but she’d never been a willful girl. She’d never been one to cause trouble or disobey. She’d questioned her parents’ rules and tested the boundaries of their patience but nothing this overtly rebellious.

Of course, she’d reached her majority a few months ago, shortly before coming to the summer palace, but she’d been pleasant if a bit distant on the journey down. Perhaps her newly found womanhood had changed her – or perhaps experiences within her newly found womanhood had changed her. Either way, Gillen could not put up with her suddenly unruly behavior.

The meeting had gone well – at first. It had quickly devolved, however.

“Gillen,” Princess Ataya smiled, running up and hugging her primary protector. Being the First of the Third was very prestigious, though not quite as prestigious as the First of the First or the First of the Second. The Queen’s First Platoon of Royal Knights were charged with protecting the Queen (or the primary ruler – currently a Queen but it had been a King in the past) at all costs with the First of the First being ultimately responsible for the Queen’s well-being as well as being one of the primary advisors to her. The Queen’s Second Platoon had the same responsibilities towards the King (or the secondary ruler). Gillen and her platoon were responsible for the princess, oldest born of the King and Queen, and the Fourth Platoon had the honor of guarding Prince Gesper, Princess Ataya’s younger brother. “Why did you not come here immediately. It would have been so much easier than all those dreadful notes back and forth.”

“Your highness,” Gillen bowed stiffly. Only her years of experience allowed her to contain her anger. “My secrecy was under your mother’s direct orders – orders you seem to be demonstrably flouting. She ordered me – and thus, you - to return to the palace immediately and to tell no one of your departure.”

Ataya rolled her eyes. She was an attractive young woman, her long, red hair streaming in kinks and whorls down around her face. Her green eyes could be as hard as agates or as welcoming as a grassy meadow. She wasn’t tall, barely five feet, and she was very slight, weighing in at no more than eighty or ninety pounds, but she could seem very intimidating never-the-less. She had full, expressive lips hidden between dimples in a face that was more round than long.

Gillen noticed Ataya’s eyes were hard as agates and her full mouth wasn’t much more than an unhappy, thin line. “My mother is slipping into her dotage. She knows full well that I simply cannot leave before the Harvest Festival. It’s very important.”

Even in her anger, Gillen was taken aback. This willful woman was not the same girl she’d brought down here no more than four months ago. She could feel her ire cresting but she managed to hold it down.

“And yet,” First Knight Gillen remarked evenly, “I’m afraid you’re going to have to miss it this season. Your orders came from the Queen herself.” She reached into the satchel at her waist and pulled out the Queen’s orders, presenting them to the princess.

The princess grabbed them sullenly and ripped the letter open, completely ignoring the seal. As she read the letter, her face grew darker and darker. Finally, with a snarl, she ripped the sheet in half and tossed it into the fireplace, the hot coals blazing once as the letter went up in flame.

“There,” the princess said triumphantly. “And now there is no letter. I’ve never received these orders and you are to wait on my pleasure to leave.”

Gillen was unable to quell her anger any longer. She found herself grinding her teeth – never a good sign – and her hands rolling into fists. With a concerted effort, she managed to bite back the first few of her retorts. When she’d managed to calm herself, she continued.

“That’s fine, your highness,” Gillen nodded. “So long as your pleasure is to leave tomorrow morning at sun-up – because that is when you WILL be leaving.”

“How dare you speak to me that way,” the princess seethed. “You’re just a Knight – not much better than a commoner. You don’t tell me when and where to go, I tell you when and where to go.”

“Let us be clear of one thing, your highness,” Gillen replied softly, her face neutral but the threat of violence twining through her words. “You, like me, are a subject of his Royal Majesty Queen Synel the Eighth, Master of Wenland. You are her daughter, yes, but you are her subject. Just as surely as she’s given me orders so, too, have you received yours. Tomorrow morning, you will be joining me and my Platoon on the way back to the Royal Palace at Callisto. You can join us willingly or unwillingly – that choice I’ll leave to you – but you will be joining us. Your Queen orders it and I demand it.”

“Demand?” Ataya screeched. “Demand? How dare you demand anything. My mother will hear of this. I will have your knighthood stripped from you. I’ll have you placed in the stocks and flogged until you can’t stand. Then, I’ll have every man and beast mount you like some common whore.”

“As you wish,” Gillen replied, her head high. “I’ll take you back to Callisto tomorrow and you can tell the Queen yourself.”

Gillen bowed and turned to leave, the princess screeching at her. “Don’t you dare turn your back on me! This is not over! I will ... I will... “ The princess’s voice, while grating, thankfully faded rather quickly.

Now, Gillen sat, alert, in a tavern close to the palace. The prices were extravagant but she didn’t mind. She fully expected the petty, childish woman who’d somehow managed to usurp the princess’s mind to order her arrest and she wanted to be nearby the castle should that come to pass. A fight in a tavern, even involving knights, was not so unusual as to attract undue attention; the guard bristled under the pomp of the knights and the knights detested the lack of cooperation from the guard. It was a heated water just waiting to boil over at any time.

Two full squads, ten knights, sat in the inn drinking. Six more knights were upstairs, resting. She had stationed two knights each at the only two public exits from the castle – in case the princess decided to flee. There was a third, secret, way into and out of the castle, but she’d ensured that it was still locked with a key only the Queen carried. In four hours, four of the knights sleeping upstairs would relieve the four watching the castle.

She saw him as soon as he entered and her body tensed. She was not in full armor, wearing only her chain mail hauberk and coif, the hood hanging on her back. Over it all, at least partially hiding it, was her burgundy coat with silver leaf; the colors of the Queen’s Knights. Her hand drifted back to the hilt of her sword lying against the wall and she untied it with her fingertips.

“Honor Gillen,” the man said, as he walked to her table. He was an older man, late thirties to early forties or possibly older. His face had a long scar along the left side, from the corner of his eye curving round to just under the left edge of his mouth. Gillen gauged he was about five-feet eleven inches - a few inches taller than she and perhaps eighty pounds heavier than her own one hundred sixty pound frame. He carried much of his weight in a barrel around his waist, unlike Gillen who was muscled throughout. As he approached, the knights at her table and the surrounding tables noted his hand was on his sword – and all of their hands went to their swords as well. Gillen gritted her teeth in frustration at the potential for violence. “I’ve been ordered by her Highness, Princess Ataya of the House Wehran, to place you under arrest. I suggest you come quietly. I have the inn surrounded.”

Gillen didn’t turn towards her men, she didn’t need to. The inn was bound in the silence of the tomb that it might soon become. She knew they were listening and alert, ready to fight if it came to that.

Neither the castle guard, city guard nor any other militia had jurisdiction over the knights; they answered to their own and, ultimately, to the King and Queen themselves. The Princess’ parentage gave her orders the breath of validity necessary for this confrontation – but not the meat. The Princess knew this – but her orders muddied the waters enough for the guard to act. If Gillen allowed this farce to proceed, she would be led in irons to the Queen to straighten the matter out, thus accomplishing the Princess’ wishes by default. Gillen ground her teeth, trying to consider a way out.

“What are the charges, Sheriff Gasmont?” Gillen asked evenly, playing for time.

“Most grave,” Royal Sheriff Gasmont replied. “Sedition and treason. Conspiring against the crown. If you’ll come with me quietly.”

Gillen cursed under her breath. Stupid little cunt had left her with two choices – either share her orders, which happened to be against those very orders, or fight off the Sheriff and his men. Well, she could allow herself to be locked up – but that would be against her orders, too, since they would fail to leave in the morning. She debated for a few seconds; fighting off the Sheriff and his men would allow her to vent some of the rage she held towards the princess – but it wouldn’t accomplish anything and might end up in casualties.

Sighing, she reached into her jacket pocket and placed her orders in front of the Sheriff. “Read them – but do not dare touch them.”

The Sheriff’s face went white as he read the orders. “I’m sorry, Honor. I had some idea I was in the middle of another of the princess’s many new games – she has changed so much since last season – but I did not know that it was at the expense of my Queen. I shall have the princess ready to leave at first light.”

“You shall do no such thing,” Gillen said quietly. “You will leave and tell no one of what transpired here. If the princess asks, you will tell her that I am in shackles; those are my orders under the authority of the Queen. If I hear a single rumor about your indiscretion with these orders or the ones I have shown to you, I will return here. I will come for you – and you will not like that at all.”

The Sheriff gulped. He was a big man and strong despite his wide middle. He was also a very capable and experienced warrior. He was not, however, a match for a Queen’s Knight.

“I will do as you say,” he agreed.

“Thank you, Sheriff. I rely on your discretion.”

The sun was barely over the horizon when Gillen marched through the castle. She never bothered to knock on the princess’s door – she kicked at the lock and it opened with a resounding crunch. Without breaking stride, she marched into the room and stopped at the princess’s bedside.

“You have five minutes to dress,” Gillen intoned darkly. “At the end of that five minutes, you will either walk down to the carriage that awaits or I will have two of my knights carry you, regardless of your state of dress. I expect your ladies to be ready in five minutes as well or I will drag them down to the carriage myself.”

“What is the meaning of this!” Ataya howled sitting up and pulling her duvet to her neck. “How dare you come into my room uninvited! How dare you threaten my person. You should be locked up! You should be in jail awaiting my punishment!”

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Everyone else had finally gone home. Trey had fallen asleep and Jou had had the great joy of carrying his son to bed for the first time ever. Chandra had gone to bed hours earlier. Jou's mother and Mother Williamson sat on the couch and talked about children and grandchildren like old friends who hadn't spoken since childhood. Bakura had banished himself to the balcony; not wanting to rush his wife, but still not comfortable with a son-in-law that was at one time his classmate. Jou...

3 years ago
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Christine in the Caribbean more sex missing para

We had been married about 12 years when I was offered the post in Grand Cayman. Warm all year, too hot in summer best beach in the world. Turquoise sea like a tepid to warm bath.i had to work of course Chris was free most of the time but she did some part time jobs to pass the time. I had bought her a new vibe to play with a rabbit from Ann Summers and she loved it. The first time she felt those soft vibrating finger things again her clit with the main stem in her she came so so hard. I thought...

3 years ago
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Sleep Therapy

‘Lindy, toss me one of those peppers, would you?’ ‘Red one, Rob?’ ‘Ah, yep. You said you do like curry, right?’ ‘Yeah, I do, but nothing too extreme, okay?’ ‘Got it Mel. I promise your mouth will be mostly intact after.’ ‘Mostly?’ ‘Well, it’s not a curry, if it’s not hot.’ ‘You said ‘a mild dish’. I heard you Rob.’ ‘Yeah. Mild. For Mindy. Well, I intended that, for a start.’ ‘Oh.’ ‘Yeah, ‘oh’.’ My name is actually Melinda. Rob likes to mess with it as much as possible. He’s the same...

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The thrill of exhibitionism

At the age of 40 I look back and think that I’ve had quite a conventional upbringing – ordinary home and family, local school and then university finally to a job within the health service – demanding and well respected but as conventional as the rest of my  life Frome time to time I had wondered what it would be like to ‘break free and let go’ but until I got married I always worried about what other people would think if I did. My husband from the start encouraged me to try new experiences...

4 years ago
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White Plus Black

[ Warning: If the topic of 'interracial sexual relations' bothers you---DO NOT READ ANY FURTHER! If, on the other hand, this is a topic you are not bothered by, or are even enthusiastic about, or merely curious about, then read on! ]After working all day, and after Abdullah had attended to the various needs of his family (two wives, and nine c***dren), he was now setting outside in the cooling air thinking about the recent message he had received from the young European married couple he had...

3 years ago
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Sex on train continued

This is Pravin back. My first post was regard a small but interesting and rousing session I had with a lady on train between Hyderabad and Vijayawada. As I mentioned in the last post, we did meet post the train session after a day. Thought I would share the experience with all. I don’t think I mentioned that I had left my phone number with Rani before we parted in the bathroom. The place I found for that was that too in her panties (now it sounds funny, but then I felt that it would be the best...

4 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 508

???????????????? CPD30 sent this one for consideration, many thanks Moses asks Sarah: “Do you remember the first time we had sex together over fifty years ago? We went behind the village tavern where you leaned against the back fence, and I made love to you.” “Yes”, she says, “I remember it well.” “OK”, he says, “How about taking a stroll around there again and we can do it for old time’s sake?” “Oh Moses, you old devil, that sounds like a crazy, but good idea” A police officer sitting in the next...

2 years ago
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Barrack Room Betty Chapter Fifteen

Barrack Room Betty By Michele Nylons Chapter Fifteen - Bettys Down Under Michele had an emotional last day with Ying. As well as lovers they had become good friends. Michele promised to write to Ying and vowed that one day she would return to Thailand and they would reunite. Their last night together was a sex charged boozy affair and Michele rose early the next morning and left Ying fast asleep in the hotel. She was emotionally drained and didn't want an extended farewell. She...

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My Slut Wife does a special Display

My wife and I were driving to the adult theater once again, a normal occurrence for us, at least twice per month. I enjoyed taking her to the adult theater and have her play with the variety of men that ventured in to see a movie, but she provided a different level of enjoyment.We had found a new blouse for her to wear, a sheer blouse that left nothing to the imagination. Cheryl was hornier than usual, and was quite anxious to get to the theater for some sexual fun and games.As we drove she...

1 year ago
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Demanding Supply Ch 01

Chapter 1: A Christmas to Remember Amanda was a perfect example of a ‘nuclear’ child, she grew up in a nice house in suburbia, with both parents, did well in school, had well-behaved friends, and stayed out of trouble. When it came down to it, you could say she was living the ‘American’ dream. In high school, she had perfect grades, wrote for the school paper, and earned herself a scholarship. College was as impressive, having earned her degree in ‘publicity writing’. Essentially, writing the...

3 years ago
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Dog Bitch To Gloryhole Hooker

Introduction: I push my wife to explore her darker fantasies and take her to back room of a sleazy adult bookstore. My wife and I had reached a point in our relationship where we needed to find new sexual territory. We started to play around with domination fetish stuff. After a while we found that she really got off on humiliation and being degraded. So I started giving her orders to tell me her fantasies and she did her best to obey. At first it was all tame and some of it for my amusement...

2 years ago
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Drunnk Lesbians Experience Their First Time Togeth

The strobe light flashing, lights off, me and my two drunnk friends were dancing in my bedroom. The girls were topless and Sierra was unhooking my bra while leaning over to kiss Kara as she whispered, "I'm so horny."I just didn’t care who I fucked, just as long as I was fucking somebody…Anybody…And…Damn…Body. I found myself laying on the bed, Kara was completely naked now and Sierra pushed herself on top of me, winding her tongue with mine and our lips pressed so hard together. Kara mumbled,...

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Booty Girl

boot-y girl part 1 The sole of his boot was pressed down hard on her face so that it coveredher eyes and crushed her nose down so that she was barely able to breathe..The heel of the boot forced her mouth to be streteched wide open and completelyfilled with his boot-meat. He was bucking the heel of his boot like a cockin her mouth, in and out, forcing her to gag on it, never letting her havea moment to take a breath. Between deep mouth thrusts with his heel, he forcefullyground the sole of...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Zoe Sparks Tiny Blonde Zoe Sparx Fucks Her Best Friend8217s Dad

Petite blonde, Zoe Sparx, has her eyes on her best friend’s dad for quite some time now. Her lust for the old stud, Charles Dera, is too much to handle anymore, so Zoe decided to do something about it. The tiny blonde leads Charles into the bathroom and immediately reaches out for his cock. She tried to fit the whole shaft down her throat but ended up gagging loud. After the sloppy blowjob, the two gets in the tub and fucks doggy style. Sweet moans fill the room as Zoe cums over and over...

3 years ago
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Brother Mine Part one

Part One : I have never thought of myself as being frigid but that is exactly what Is being spread like wildfire around campus about me. I am not really all that fazed by it. So what, Yes I am a 17-year-old virgin and yes I do want to wait for the perfect guy for me. It may be an old-fashioned idea but too bad. I am not going to sleep with someone just because one guy decided to tell the whole world I would not give it up for him. Let the entire student body think what they...

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Dostone Kutta Banakar Maje Liye 8211 Part 3

Hi, mai nikhil mai meri story dostone kutta bnakar liye maje ka 3rd part likh rha hu mafi chahunga deri ke liye agar koi sja deni ho to muze fb pe btaea meri id nikhil Naigaokar(slave boy) hai ya phir muze mail kre pr Chlo ab kahani pe aate hai to door bell bajti hai dhire dhire door khul rha tha to muze do log boxers pe dikhai diye pr jab pura door khula to mai dekhta hi rah gya wo do log hmare seniors the punit or swapnilunhe dekh kr mai jaisehi bhagne ja rha tha tabhi punit ne kaha “Are...

Gay Male
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Fun By Chance With Aunt

Hi everyone,this is sunny from Delhi writing my first story over this site. Views,suggestions,and like everyone else,if any female wants to have some fun,are welcomed! This story is about my mami and me which took place few nights before accidentally,or intentionally,you will come to know later. My mami is an average looking woman in her 30s with huge boobs and I am a boy of 20 with a enough good black dick. I had come to attend marriage at my relatives ,and I was sleeping alone,later at...

1 year ago
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The Accidental Watch 8th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 27

It was mid summer, 1928. Ed finally saw her. Glimpsed ... imagined ... hallucinated. Whatever. Definitely 12 ... maybe 13, she flickered into the Antler. Maybe it was the watch ... maybe it was the pair of watches recognizing each other. She sat at the counter. Ed sat next to her. A flickering translucent Ernie waited on her ... Frank waited on him. Mayor Carver came and sat down next to Ed ... Wendy and the mayor both occupied the same space. "Morning, Ed." "Morning, Mayor." "I'm...

2 years ago
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Let me take you back to the beginning of this story

Around 3 months ago I moved along with my mother to her boyfriend’s new house; at first I was adamantly opposed to the idea. You see, here I am; 18 years old at the start of my senior year with this idea of graduating along side all my friends of whom I’v known since 7th grade; yet being forced to move away from all my close friend (several of whom even offered me to stay with them). Now I would’t exactly consider myself as a popular kid, but I was in other words a social butterfly. I knew...

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Our Ordeal In TumaliChapter 19 Mummy Boy Camp welcome

Obviously our arrival had been witnessed because we'd hardly reached the gates before they opened and two armed guards escorted us to an office in the main building where a burly Tumalian greeted us with a surprisingly friendly smile. "So you are the ones who wanted to sample the delights of our camp. I'm Captain Quaro." He extended his hand in Sumala's direction but I stepped forward and shook it. "Elaine Eves, and no, we didn't wish to come here but the Major had other...

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Meeting the Chilean news reader Soleta

This is a story from an idea sent to me by another member on here. Hope you all enjoy.All this may have happened at the beginning of the year when I was commuting to Sheffield from Doncaster on the train. It was a rather wet morning and it was still a little dark as I got to the train station. I got on to the platform and patiently waited for the train. I drank my coffee from my travel mug as I normally do and then noticed a cute blonde woman. She looked to be in her mid to late 20's. She took...

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The Hotel

Well, she had made it to the hotel room, unpacked, took a short nap, and then got up so she could take a long shower before the evening began. She had been looking forward to this for weeks, even though she had been promiscuous in her 20's, she had never done anything quite like this. She had started up a conversation with a man on the internet, that first night they had chatted for hours online and it ended with a heavy breathing session on the phone. She didn't know how but she had cum twice...

Straight Sex
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Using The Gift Of The Asshole

I am vijay, or should I say ‘randi vijay’. I was given this name by my tuition teacher. He was the one who introduced me to anal pleasure. That indian sex  story is called ‘ the introduction to anal pleasure’. I have already uploaded it here. This is my most recent sexcapade. To tell you about myself I am a bottom boy. I have a slightly heavy figure. I have dark skin colour. But I have a really good busty bouncy ass that even most girls envy. I can also give an awesome blowjob along with deep...

Gay Male
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Jen a Girl a Car a Roadgetting Her Kicks on Route 66Chapter 7

Amarillo, Tx To say I was used up would be an understatement. After the frat house party back in Tulsa, I was more than done in. I just barely managed to get myself and Miss Swifty back to the motel without injury. Once there, I did a hot shower soak and clean up, then hit the bed for the next twenty hours straight. When I finally did get up again, I spent a session enjoying the in-room jacuzzi before going out for food. That entire second day I alternated between long sleeping periods and...

1 year ago
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Office Games Part 2

The seven remaining candidates had returned to the headquarters of DC Inc in Chelsea for the second stage of the recruitment process. Danielle and her Personal Assistant Emma had originally sifted through a few hundred applications. After their full length photos and Cvs had been assessed, these had been whittled down to just 10 who were called for an interview. Danielle’s interview style was unique. Three of the people, while having good credentials academically and possessing the right...

4 years ago
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My First Facial and Big Cock

After my first experience at the bathhouse it’s hard to remember which is my second gay experience. I’m pretty sure its this one though. Part of what got me so bi-curious was porn. I love porn! I love watching chicks sucking big cocks and getting fucked in the ass, and some gay porn too, but most gay porn just isn’t done as well as straight porn. What I’ve always liked most was facials. I love watching huge loads cum out of huge cocks, all over a smooth pretty face and mouth. I made the...

2 years ago
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Split Tail 98

My tales are not in anyway always going to be pleasant, morally sound, or what you would have done in my situation, but I guarantee that all of the stories I tell are true. As #97 enters the drop off lane to the airport, I feel her getting ready to cum all over my fingers. I told her I could make her squirt before she dropped me off and I didn't want her to think I was a liar. She let her foot off the gas and started pulling over to the shoulder as she squirted all over the seat, the...

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WebcamChapter 2 falling in love

I didn’t want to ask Becky for a blowjob too often, and when Kate was home, I couldn’t anyway, but there were a few hours after school when Kate was at cheer practice I was usually alone with Becky. As the blackmailer I’ll tell her to go get your dad and bring him into her room and blow him. I then go into her room and she would take out my cock and suck on me. She got better at it, and she did it in different positions, sometimes with me lying on her bed, sometimes I stood and she knelt at...

3 years ago
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The Lost Island

20 years ago it was considered one of the greatest tragedies of the time. A boat with almost two dozen school age boys had disappeared off the coast of Ni’ihau. They were on an overnight school trip when a storm kicked up out of nowhere. The boat went off the radar. The boys were assumed dead.But here we were, my colleagues and I, floating off the shore of a small islet that was supposed to be uninhabited and…there were people. There were four of us—marine biologists from the college on the big...

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A bet is a bet1

The rumors hadn’t ever affected his teaching capability, though. The students always showed him the same respect as other teachers, and did their best in his lessons. Of course, his lessons might be slightly louder and messier than most other teachers lessons were, but that was inevitable. He was a P.E. teacher after all. His favorite class was about to have their first lesson for this year. They were now Seniors, chatty but smart, and came into the hall as he sat in his office. He could hear...

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thorough vaginal exam to my mom

Lisa Zodrow sat in the doctor's exam room waiting somewhat impatiently for her physician. She was here for a physical, and always felt a sense of nervous anticipation about the check up. Her doctor, Richard Stapp, had been her physician for several years now, and was also their family doctor. He was very good, and always gave her a thorough and lengthy examination. They had been going to him ever since Lisa's husband had become acquainted with him at the golf club. Dr. Stapp was a very handsome...

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Allies Initiation

Allie's Initiationby Alina AamuStorycodes: F/f, bond, bdsm, climax, first, oral, rom, rope, cons, XI couldn't believe how fast things were starting to move forward for me. I wasn't the kind of girl who usually allows herself to be talked into these kinds of things. Of course, truthfully I didn't really know if I was the kind or not, because nothing like this had ever happened to me before. I had never allowed things to go this far with anyone before.But there was something about Val that...

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My Sexy Neighbor Aunty

Hi everyone , let me tell you something about my neighbor, I stay in mumbai, we have one neighbor aunty name soniya. She stay with her husband and was having two kids. She look very fair and dam sexy, her figure is 36-24-36. She looks like a foreigner. She have perfect figure which can make you cam without masturbation. Her husband use to travel in various countries for business. She have 2 daughter going school. Her daughter use to go afternoon school, and I use to go her house anytime ,as...

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The Old Lady Chapter 3

I was awoken when someone began moving my head. There was light coming in through the window. My head was throbbing and I was having a hard time putting things together; Something was forcefully shoved into my mouth and strapped around my head. It tasted of rubber. 'What the hell is going on? Where am I?' I thought as I began looking around at my surroundings. Things seemed familiar, but this wasn't my room. A man was in the room and was shuffling around doing little things here and...

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Why black men

I get called a snow bunny just about everyday, whether it's someone I know or not. My home town in PA was small, just big enough to get around with different people. The area I lived in was primarily black, due to being a poor neighborhood. Now I haven't always been black only, after my freshmen year of high school I became curious. I had a white bf at the time who ended up cheating so the timing was perfect. One thing led to another and I was laying down legs open for my first black man. I was...

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straightened his stance and put a pleasant smile on his face, hoping she wouldn't notice how nervous he was. After all, he was simply there to have dinner as a friend, right? Rob and April met each other two years earlier when they were in training for a tech support job at a major insurance company. Rob immediately felt a connection with April, and they struck up a friendship. All during training (which included some 15 other people) they spent lunches together, eating in the cafeteria...

4 years ago
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An Inheritance Like No Other Ch 03

It was Tuesday morning and the staff and guests were beginning to stir. Carla had her son Joey fuck her with his morning piss hard-on until she couldn’t take anymore. Belinda was in her bed listening to her mother and brother fuck in the other room. She ran her hands over her gorgeous firm tits and played with her pussy while imaging that Buck was drilling her with his sizeable cock. In another cabin Rachel and Clark were also having morning sex. Clark had finally sobered up, was well rested...

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A New Taste Part 37 Lockdown Tom Gardener

Tom and I talked everyday. Late night sex talk and early morning whispers about his rock hard morning glory. It was delightful but frustrating. His parents were rightly strict in observing the lockdown and that left us both frustrated. But I had a plan…“Tell them you have been offered some work doing a garden. You won’t come into contact with anyone as the owners are away throughout lockdown and need the place kept tidy. Ready for their return once it is over. Tell them you want to make some...

2 years ago
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What Started In The Massage Parlour 8211 Part I

Hey friends. This is Neil(name changed) with my new story. As I told you in the previous one I am 25 years old and is presently working as technical engineer in Microsoft. I live and work in California and is a bachelor. I earn a monthly salary of 4 lakhs and lives a happy and lavish life. I had a wonderful life and I enjoyed it to my maximum. My parents died when I was a kid and I reached my heights with my own hard work and determination. So…as I am writing this story…i am the happiest person...

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His Domain

After tightening the last restraint and positioning the blindfold just right on her, he moves slowly to dim the lights, letting the glow of the candles take the room. he moves back slowly directing his attention back to his own 'baby girl' laying face down on the bed. slowly he moves alongside the bed, feeling her soft skin slowly as his thoughts clear of the troubles of the day and fill with thoughts of his 'baby girl', his domain, his toys, and above all his intentions. as the last thought...

3 years ago
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Hot Asian Wife

After you place the blind fold on, you wait, the anticipation making your skin to start to heat up, wanting something. From behind, she feels my hands slowly caressing her outer thighs, just below her hips,my finger tips playing on her soft supple skin as the temperature jumps at the touch of my finger tips.... they make small lines up her ribcage and stopping just parallel with her breasts just under her arms. I apply pressure to her guiding her down the hall way, leading her somewhere, but...

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Jim and His Best Friend

Jim was the hardest one to do the research. He like seeing an animal and person have sex. He had a couple of retrieves, each about 80 pounds. When on line at the BBS, you can share pictures. While chatting with Jim, he would send a picture of one of his dogs Champ and would say that Champ was nice looking, was gentle or other comment as if he was trying to set up a date for him. I would respond by saying something polite just to keep the conservation going. Jim would shift the topic to...

1 year ago
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New Experience with my French Friend

Not again – how could this be happening to me again?! Not that I didn’t enjoy it, I mean how could I not enjoy having an intimate night with a sexy foreign boy? It had been one year since my host brother from Spain had left to go back home. At first, I was devastated and was in a constant state of ‘mourning’. Eventually, though, I moved on and began enjoying time with my family and friends again. And then, right at the beginning of my school year, I had met Julien. Charming, exciting,...

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