Benedict And Veronica Horton free porn video

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Benedict, Ben or Benny, Horton, Veronica, or Ronnie, Horton nee Parker: that's us. Both aged forty. Married going on fourteen years I guess. Happy? She is, I'm not, and for damn good reason: she's been cheating on me. And, not just cheating on me, but serial cheating on me, with at least four different men including my boss, and that for at least the last thirteen years; she admits to that long. And, I just found out about it today. Fuck! How did I find out? Well, that's the story, at least the biggest part of the story.

But, to really understand the situation the way it needs to be understood, you have to understand our history: Veronica's and mine. To do that we've gotta go back to the beginning. We have to go back to our last days in high school.

"Veronica Parker, you are not just pretty tonight. You are flat gorgeous," I said. "I mean flat gorgeous!" There had never been an example of sincerity to equal my current one.

Oh yeah, me? Eighteen years old, about to grad high school, an intellectual giant, and a social pariah. Five-six, a bit on the chubby side, singularly plain looking if not actually ugly: not much for the girls to love, I guess. But, at least no acne thank god! Anyway, now, at the end of my high school career, I would be graduating with honors, with a scholarship and—and it's a big and—my date for tonight's prom is the most beautiful seventeen year-old girl in the world: Veronica Parker.

"Of course," she said pirouetting in front of me. "You think I might get a few offers to dance from other boys tonight?" I was already thinking bad thoughts, but I had a plan—didn't I?

"A few offers? It's gonna be all I can do to defend your honor. Heck, I might have to fight Gilford over you. You know how he is," I said. I was smiling, but I was not kidding. Roger Gilford was my worst enemy; he was also her longtime boyfriend, or, had been. He was my worst enemy because he was jealous that I had won the bet and that figured to be a small problem. The bet was that I wouldn't be able to get Ronnie to go out with me. Of course I had cheated a little: I'd blackmailed Ronnie into it.

Veronica was not a military genius, and, more specifically, she wasn't a genius at writing term papers: especially term papers in Physics, and well, I was. She'd begged me for weeks to help her, and, to prep her for the final; and I'd finally said okay, but there'd be a price. She had to go to the prom with me.

She'd balked at first, but then she'd had a thought, and I knew it. Her idea was that she could get a little revenge on good 'ole Roger for having cheated on her with Pamela Mason. And, she figured, and probably rightly, that Roger would see it as her trading up, i.e., the school brainiac over the school jock. Well, I could dream, right? At any rate Veronica was going with me, and I was never more thrilled. The best looking girl in the school, and maybe even the state, was going with me. And, I had plans: spare no expense, make my case for a second date, and prove my worth to her as a potential significant other—long term potential significant other. Well, those were my plans, and I'd prepped them.

Arriving at the country club, The La Dolce Vita, where the prom was to be held; we were greeted by all of the A-listers that a girl like Veronica had in her train. Most of them had never spoken to me, or, if they had, whatever they'd said had arrogance and sarcasm mixed in with the message. I did get a bit of respect on this night, however, I'd been selected as class valedictorian, and that did carry some weight with the student body even among the mostly intellectually bereft of the social set; hey, maybe especially with them. They may have been collectively dumb, but they all knew that adulthood waited menacingly just around the corner, and most of them feared it—I didn't because I knew beyond the vaguest shadow of a doubt that I was going to succeed. Add to that that I was sure damn few of them would. Oh yes, it was my turn to be confident if not actually arrogant, and I had plans for the night.

I was at the punch bowl, getting my date and I some of the not yet tampered with elixir when I sensed a presence looming over my shoulder. "Hey, shorty, you need to rethink whatever you have planned for after the prom. I'll be taking Ronnie to the parties, not you," said Roger. I turned: Jesus! he was big.

"Hmm, well, we'll just let Ronnie make that decision. Uh—not you," I said, very casually. "You lost the bet, Roger, try and live with your grief."

"The bet was for the prom, but not the parties, and I am claiming my girl back by night's end. Actually, I may do it even before then," he said.

"We'll see," I said. I was acting far more confident than I felt.

Ronnie and I were sitting with a group of her friends and one or two of mine. We'd danced three times: two slow and one fast. She was the same height as me, at five-six, but with her heels on, she did seem to tower over me. It bothered me a little, but I was dealing with it.

I had just turned to speak with Jill Capshaw, one of Ronnie's friends, who'd asked me a question, when he came up to us.

"Have this dance, Ron?" said Roger. It was a slow dance. She looked at me, smiled, and let him lead her out onto the floor. For the next two hours I got in exactly one more dance with her as Roger and his entourage of jocks and hangers-on dominated her dance card. In between dances, I saw her and spoke with her for maybe a total of five or ten minutes worth. Then it was time for the last dance of the evening. She danced it with him.

I tried to catch up with her at the end of the dance, but I was blocked in that attempt by several very large bozos no doubt on orders from their master. I heard later that she did indeed go to the all-nighters with Roger. And, she did it without so much as a word to me. I wonder if she even gave a flying fuck about my feelings on the matter. I decided that she didn't. Well, as Robert burns once said, "so much for the well laid plans of mice and men," or something like that.

I couldn't really complain. I knew she was his girl, had been since the ninth grade. And, I knew she was only out with me because she wanted revenge, and I guess I seemed a useful tool to that end. But all of that said, I still felt sick to my stomach about not even getting a polite goodbye-if-I-never-see-you-again-hello from her. Beautiful she was, but clearly a decent person she was not.

Graduation was three weeks later, and I did my turn at the lectern and did it well. Oh, I saw her in the audience, grad cap on, and looking ever so much like one of the masses condemned forever to a life of quiet desperation. She waved to me and blew me a kiss when I came off the stage after having gotten my diploma. I made a point of scowling and turning away from her. Jill Capshaw stopped me as I headed for my mom and the small group of friends that had come to cheer me on.

"Hi Ben. You okay?" said Jill. I looked her askance.

"Yes. Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" I said. I wasn't being nasty or sarcastic, but maybe my look said more than my tone or my words. Apparently that was the case.

"You actually look angry," she said.

"What?" I said.

"When your girlfriend blew you a kiss, you sent her a look that would kill small game," she said.

"Girlfriend? What girlfriend?" I said. Okay, like I said, I'd seen Veronica throw me a kiss, but I read nothing into it. Certainly not that she was interested in being my girlfriend.

"You know very well what girlfriend—Veronica. She asked me to ask you if you would talk to her," said Jill.

"Tell her not a chance. I haven't forgotten what she did to me on prom night, probably never will," I said. And I stalked off and away from her.

That was the end of my in-my-dreams romance with Veronica Parker; or, so I thought. I was to be proved more than wrong. Oh, if I'd only known then what I knew now.

I felt fortunate, so did my mom, who'd been single since my dad had died on the job at the Cheese processing plant when I was ten. She'd been hard pressed to pay the bills, but somehow she'd managed until now. My graduation as valedictorian and my scholarship were as much for her as they were for me, at least on some level.

The Badgers of the University of Wisconsin had selected me as a recipient of a full ride scholarship. And, being a member of Mensa, as I was, I had accepted their selection and had begun the journey that would eventually end in an MBA in Business Administration, specializing in employee and customer relations. I had dreams of being the best in my field at some very big store—say Boeing or maybe Atlantic Richfield. Yes indeed, fortunate was the word.

My not so secret love, and not a member of Mensa, Veronica, was also accepted to UW. But, alas, her high school two-point-five GPA, and her marginal SAT scores did not support a scholarship bid. But, she was there, and also in the Business school. What luck right? Not.

The Milton F. Hauser building housed, among others, the Personnel Development classes of the school of Business Administration. The basement of the building is home to Badger Sett, a smallish café, seating for maybe fifty. The BS was the primary, "during the day," hangout for students like me. The loose meat sandwiches were pretty good, and the background elevator music was more to my taste than was the modern stuff in some of the other campus fooderies. I was listening to a piece by Pierre Bachelet: Emmanuelle. Knew it well; I was more than certain no one else in the school of Biz did.

I was buried in my text when I heard laughing and general verbal bedlam in the booth behind me.

"You went to your high school prom with some mister nerdy?" said a voice I didn't recognize. A gaggle of geese were giggling and guffawing, apparently at somebody's expense in the booth behind me!

"Yes, and I shouldn't have. Roger played me and got me to go to the parties with him afterward. I kinda abandoned the poor guy, I mean Benny," said a voice I did recognize. "I felt like shit doing it to him, but Roger and I..." My stomach was almost instantaneously in rebellion when I realized that I was the butt of their laughter.

I'd heard enough. I got up and came around to them. "Good afternoon Veronica," I said. "A mister nerdy am I? Well, maybe so. But, I'm not some poor nobody deserving of your contempt, or of the insults that you and your kind," I gestured at the group of geese around the table, "are heaping on me behind my back. Actually, you have my sympathy. People low class enough to say things, like you and your friends are saying about me, are definitely worthy of pity. Have a nice day." I stalked off leaving the five of them with their mouths hanging open. I felt good—I think. I certainly felt as though I'd gotten my licks in. I wouldn't be seeing Veronica again, I was pretty sure of that. Of course, I was wrong again and that on several levels.

I actually saw her, more or less at a distance, several times a week. She had classes in the Hauser. A couple of times I had the feeling that she wanted to say something to me, probably apologize for talking about me behind my back, but as for that I wasn't sure; she never actually tried to say anything to me per se. But, even that changed a couple of weeks after my encounter with her at the BS, sort of.

I was coming out of my dorm. It was getting dark, and I was on my way to the Pizzeria a couple of blocks away.

"Hey asshole, you insulted my girl," said a voice from the shadows. The voice belonged to Roger Gilford; I recognized it immediately. I turned to say something intelligent, and I was met by a typhoon of mayhem. I never had a chance. I wouldn't have had anyway. I was still five-six and a hundred-sixty kind of out of shape pounds. Roger, on the other hand, was six-three, an understated two-hundred and twenty pounds of steel hard muscle and sinew, and he was most definitely not out of shape. He cleaned my clock and left me bloody and very messed up. I heard him laughing as he walked off and left me there.

The ER pronounced me alive, but I figured that was only a technical thing and likely only temporary—very temporary—or so I reasoned in view of the pain I was in. Two days later I was surprised to be given my walking papers.

"No broken bones. Sorry about the tooth mister Horton. If you sue the guy, maybe you can get him to pay to replace it," she said.

"Thanks doctor." I said. She nodded.

"I'd stay off my feet at least for a few days though, mister Horton," she said. "You don't have any broken bones, but you do have a mild concussion, and some fairly severe bruising.

"Okay," I said.

"Oh, and Mister Horton, the police are here to see you," she said.

I gave the police my statement. They told me, that since there were no witnesses, that it would be my word against his. I could bring a lawsuit against the guy, but the pudding would have to be proven by me. I thanked them for their time and slowly, very slowly, made my way home.

Mom nursed me and fiddled and fussed over me the following week. My profs were informed of the attack and of my physical state; I was given a deal of academic slack until I was able to return to class. And then, on Saturday, I had a visitor at the house. You had to know who it was.

"Benny, some young lady is here to see you," said Mom. My intuition told me who it was. I figured she was there to see if I would be amenable to not suing the asshole. If that was it, I told myself, I would sue for sure even if there was little chance of proving my case.

I was sitting out on the patio at the umbrella table sipping an ice tea when she came out. She was new car beautiful, no surprise there. And, she belonged to the guy who had put me in the hospital for objecting to her dissing me behind my back. Talk about situations.

"Hi," she said.

"What can I do for you, Veronica?" I said, and no it was not my friendliest tone.

"May I sit?" she said. Her voice was soft, very much on the quiet side. I guessed she figured that arrogant wasn't going to fly on this particular day. I gave her a noncommittal nod to go ahead and sit.

"I'd say I was sorry, Ben, but that would be so inadequate that I won't waste your time. I know he did it to you. He didn't even try to deny it. In fact he kind of bragged about it. I guess he thought he was defending my honor or something," she said.

"Your honor? How about my honor? You know the one you were trashing to your friends," I said. She looked down.

"I guess this was a mistake," she said, and got up to go. I said nothing.

"Fuck yeah, it was a mistake," I said, finally...

She stopped just before going into the house to leave. She turned and looked at me. "Benny, would you like to—I mean would you go out with me?" she blurted. I stared at her for a long minute. I couldn't believe the gall.

"Go out with you? What are you talking about?" I said. "After all of the things you said about me, let alone what your lover boy did to me!" She started to leave again, but stopped again, and turned. She took a step toward me.

"I want to make it up to you, all of the things that I've done to you. The prom, me dissing you, my ex-boyfriend beating you up: I want to make it all up to you if you'll let me. I'm told I'm a fun date," she said. She tried to smile, but failed in the main.

"Ex-boyfriend?" I said.

"Yes. I kicked him to the curb after what he did to you. That was unconscionable, and totally not what I would ever have wanted or approved of," she said.

She'd floored me. I remembered two things about the prom. One, it started out as the most exciting night of my life, that even knowing that it was likely a onetime thing in spite of my plans. And, it ended being one of the worst nights of my life. That said, she was my secret fantasy and had been forever, or so it seemed.

"A date with me? A makeup date?" I said.

"Yes," she said. "Benny, I was a shit two weeks ago. You've never been anything but nice to me, and helpful. I owe you," she said. I'd been leaning toward going out with her; but, she'd just said the one thing that put the kibosh on it. I didn't want her doing me favors because she owed me. If she didn't like me for me, like going out with me; then, there could only be one answer.

"No," I said. "You don't owe me anything. We all make mistakes. Just let it be. Please just let yourself out; I still have a little trouble getting up and down," I said. I think she started crying.

"Okay, Benny, but the offer is open, no expiration date," she said, and then she was gone.

She felt like shit? I felt like shit! I wanted her in the worst way; and yeah, I knew every other guy in the place did too. But, I also didn't need the pity thing, not even. I had some pride for goodnesssakes, not much but some!

I did get the tooth replaced—at my own expense. I didn't sue Roger. And no, I have no real good reason as to why I didn't. I guess the bottom line was that I didn't want to fool with the lawyers and maybe lose or come out of it with a less than a satisfactory result. And I was, quite frankly, too damn busy! Anyway, I'm a firm believer in the truism that what goes around comes around. He'd get his; I just had to hope I'd be there holding coat of whoever nailed him.

College except for the few little bumps in the road already alluded to had been good. I walked the stage, after four years receiving my B.A. and my MBA on the same day. Veronica still had to make up one semester in spite of a herculean effort on her part to grad on time. And no, I wasn't keeping track of her. She'd come up to me on my grad day and told me. Took me to dinner the following night too; and yes, I did accommodate her—well, I did have two college degrees; my feelings of self-worth had been considerably enhanced. And, it was only dinner and a onetime never to be repeated thing anyway; so I went. I was curious.

We said our goodbyes and I headed off to begin my new career.

I'd been hired even before I graduated. I was in the sales division of Mercury Software. I was a high end peddler of some very expensive computer business systems that only the most sophisticated users would be interested in. The upshot was that, after a year in the trenches, I got paid accordingly. My boss, mister Watson, VP of sales, appreciated my talents and work ethic and rewarded me accordingly. Twenty-four years old and pulling down, when bonuses were included, $100,000 annual. I was feelin' good. Oh yeah. My first year with Mercury had been excellent. The learning curve had been ninety degrees to the plane, but I was a fast learner, and, as it turned out, a good salesman. Actually I was the company's number one salesman. It was just after Memorial Day that an opportunity, that had been totally unexpected, came my way.

I was just finishing up a lunch meeting with Greg Albright, president of Western Systems: a company mainly involved with security stuff for high-rise office buildings, and the like. He liked our product line, and he'd signed on. I was feelin' fine-fine super fine.

"Got a party to go to tonight, Ben, you wanna come?" he said.

"A party?" I said.

"Well, actually it's a party, but there's also a ballroom dance competition in the early evening. It's a hobby of mine. It's how I blow off steam after a long day in the trenches. Anyway, if you're interested, here's the address," he said. He pulled out a small pad and jotted down the particulars. "My private cell number's on there too."

"Well, thanks, Greg, I just might do that," I said. And, I did do that, and it changed my life—and complicated it.

Everybody was dressed to the nines; heck, the ladies were dressed to the tens! Now, I can dance, or thought that I could, but not like these people. I did however, after the competition, get a few rounds in with a couple of ladies that tweaked my fancy, and who seemed to be not all that embarrassed at my relative ineptitude as a hoofer. One such lady, Barbara Hillings in particular seemed interesting. We'd just taken our seats, after a round of Fox Trotting, when Barbara looked over at me and smiled.

"Tell me, Ben, are you involved with anyone?" she said.

"Involved? Uh—no," I said. "No time for that kind of thing."

"Really, well at least one female here seems to wish that you were—I mean with her," said Barbara.

"Not real likely, Barb, I don't know anybody here, and I'm realist enough to know that I'm not exactly a prize. You, Marsha, and Gladys have been nice enough to show me some mercy on the dance floor tonight; I mean by dancing with me, but I'm way too savvy to read anything more into it," I said. She laughed.

"Don't sell yourself short, bub. You're not by any means chopped liver, and you have potential as a dancer. But, I'm referring to her," she said, nodding her head toward something behind me. I turned to look, and I know for a blood mortal fact that stunned surprise was painted all over my face.

"Veronica!" I squeaked, as she approached our table.

"Hi, I'm Veronica," said Veronica, ignoring me while introducing herself to Barbara.

"Barbara," said Barbara. "Nice to meet you."

"Same here," said Veronica.

"Wait—wait," I said. "Ronnie, what are you doing here?" I said.

"Well Bennie, I like to dance, and I come here fairly often, actually. I'm not sure you'd call it my hangout, but, for lack of a better term, it's my hangout," she said.

"Really," I said.

"Obviously, you two know each other pretty well," said Barbara.

"Oh—sorry—Barb. Uh—yes we have kind of a history. Went to the same schools at the same time and stuff," I said.

"Well, to paraphrase you, Ben—really?" said Barbara.

"Uh—I mean yes," I said.

"What Bennie means to say..." started Veronica.

"Never mind," said Barbara. "Veronica, Ben, you two clearly have something to say to each other. I think I'll just mosey on around and hunt me down one or another of my partners in crime.

"Call me, Ben. When you get a chance," said Barbara.

"Uh—yes—depend on it," I said. And my new friend Barbara Hillings was gone. Veronica Parker took the seat next to me.

"Was she right, Bennie?" said Veronica. I could feel her leg pressing into mine. My junior sized johnson was responding predictably.

"Right?" I said.

"Do we have something to say to each other?" she said. I shrugged.

"Don't know what?' I said.

"Well, how about you have a little mercy on this girl and ask me out," she said. Boy was this a full court press or what, I thought.

I stared at her for a moment. Did I want to take the chance of getting burned, beat up, humiliated, whatever again? Yes, we'd had that one dinner after my grad from college, but somehow that didn't seem the same thing. That night, I'd figured I'd be safe because the next day I'd be gone and she'd still be at UW. But this was different. "What are you doing Saturday night, Veronica Parker," I said, throwing caution to the winds.

"Well let me think, Benny Horton," she said, smirking like a nymph that was trying to fake playing hard to get. "I'm sorry, but I think I have a date this Saturday. Some nerdy guy—uh—Benny's his name."

"Yeah, I know the guy. Tall, dark, handsome? Right?" I said.

"No actually: short, light skinned, brilliant. Handsome? Hmm, let's just say not ugly," she said. Nothing like telling it like it is, I thought...

"Anyway, a date? You and me? I won't get beat up or abandoned?" I said.

"Yes a date, and absolutely not those other things!" she said.

"Okay, the nerds are us bus will pick you up at seven," I said. She scowled at my reference to nerdists.

I arrived at her place, a small single story ranchstyle condo on the outskirts of town right on time. I parked, went to her door and rang. I stood there holding a small bouquet; I was dressed to go out on the town.

She answered the door, and she took my breath away. The high heels and the teddy she was dressed in left me almost speechless, but I did recover.

"I thought we were going to dinner," I said. "I mean..."

"We are, but after I have proved to you my abilities as a female," she said. I swallowed.

"Okay," I squeaked. God, was I pussywhipped or what.

The manhattans were already poured. I guess she'd been pretty sure that I wouldn't be late. Hell, I wondered if any boy had ever dared be late for a date with her.

She watched me as I sipped my drink with a little more gusto than might have been the case under ordinary circumstances.

"Nervous?" she said. Clearly she wasn't.

"I—I—I don't know. Maybe," I said.

"Don't be. I'm going to let you fuck me, and we, the both of us are going to enjoy the heck out of it, and then I am going to get dressed and we are going to go out on the town," she said. I could feel my face flushing as she talked, and I was sure she was doing her level best to stifle a giggle at my distress.

"Okay," I said. I was still squeaking.

We didn't hurry and the manhattans helped: at any rate they sure did me. She was being—what—patient. As I threw back the last drop of the tasty cocktail, she stood, came to me, and offered me her hand. I let her guide me to my feet.

"Come on, little man, let's see what you've got," she said. I frowned at her little man remark, but for damn sure this was not the moment to be overly sensitive about my size.

"I'm comin'," I said. We headed for a short hall where three doors, one at the far end and where the two others faced each other at the front. We walked the extra ten feet to the one at the end. She went in and I followed.

It was largish and very nicely appointed. Maybe twenty-foot square. What I estimated was a queen sized bed was off set a little to the left, it was the room main feature. There was the inevitable vanity flanked by drawers. There was a complex headboard behind the bed where various electrical things were cloistered. The door to the adjoining bathroom was open as the door to what I assumed was the walkin closet was not. I was a woman's room, and more, it was he room.

It was clear to me that miss Parker might not have been the greatest student who ever lived, but she was not poor. I learned later that she was a trust fund child. She dropped my hand which she had held for the entire walk to the room and went and stood by the bed facing me.

"Strip," she said. She was clearly going to be taking charge of events. I nodded.

Apparently, I was a little slow for her however, and she took on an impatient look. "Well, hurry up," she said. "I need a good screwing and patience is not one of my virtues." I speeded up the process and stood waiting for instructions. Jesus! what a wimp I was. It was no wonder that women didn't exactly flock to my door.

She came to me and looked down obviously appraising my equipment. "Hmm," she said. "Not real big, but judging by the veins and the purple of the head, probably serviceable." Now, I had to say something, wimp or not.

"Jesus! Veronica, You got any more put downs for me. If so let's get 'em out of the way now, so we can get down to business," I said. I'd finally grown some balls. She flashed me a smirk.

"Sensitive are we? Well, sorry if I upset you. But, if we're going to continue this relationship, I don't want to have to be faking it or lying to you about things that mean anything for the entire time we're married," she said. To say that her words floored me, stunned me, flabbergasted me, would have been an understatement of heroic proportions.

"What?" I said. Suddenly I was on cloud nine, and not even sure I hadn't actually died and gone to heaven. She smiled.

"We'll talk later little man, my little man, but for the moment I want you on your knees, lifting my teddy, pulling down my panties, and staring at your altar. Do you think you can manage that?" she said. A nanosecond later, naked and on my knees, I did exactly as she had directed. And an altar for me it was. God almighty was she beautiful.

A pubis barren of a single hair, dew oozing from the slit between the folds of her labia: she was Aphrodite personified. She was clearly already hot to trot—well—about half as hot to trot as I was!

I leaned in to kiss her secret place. I began licking her, then sucking her, then, burying my face in her. She pushed me gently away. She turned.

"Now my anus," she said. I obeyed without the slightest delay. She mooed and shivered as I licked the little brown button between her ass cheeks. Stopping me with a little shove, she returned to the bed and leaned forward over it, butt pushed back, legs spread wide. She still wore the teddy and the heels, but the flimsy panties had been shed.

"You are so incredible, so very damn incredible," I said.

She looked back toward where I still knelt. "Well, if I'm so incredible," she said, giggling, "then get over her and screw me."

I rose to do that which I had dreamed off forever. I stood behind her and fingered her for a moment or two; then, sucked her nectar from my fingertips. I leaned into her, pressing my dick as deep inside of her as I could. She seemed loose, which was both a good and bad thing. Good because entry was easy, bad because I knew she might not be able to get off from my efforts. But, nothing was going to stop me now. Buried in her, I began seesawing back and forth. I Lasted maybe three or four minutes before I erupted inside of her painting the walls of her vagina white.

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Veronica ColemanChapter 9

Sir Timothy looked to William, "What should we do?" He said with the air of a trapped person. William was composed, "Don't worry, I've got friends in the police, this is just a small thing, if you take the girls back into my office. And you two! Keep your mouths shut if you know what's good for you!" He said to Mandy and Samantha ushering them back into his office. The two girls looked scared and so Veronica knelt down to speak to them, "Don't worry those people are with us, we...

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Veronica ColemanChapter 3

Veronica was reading through a report on one of Adrian's prompted cases and seeing where the defence had failed the client when there was a knock on the door. She looked up as Sally opened it. "Mrs. Coleman, your car is here." She said. Veronica looked at the clock; it was half-past four. "They're early!" She said. "My dear Veronica, I'm afraid we're late, your hours are from 9 to 4, and I do offer my apologies." Sir Bartholomew said sounding appropriately concerned. "But...

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Veronica ColemanChapter 6

Dinner that evening had an air of celebration about it, Veronica was accompanied by Sir Bartholomew, Sandra by Captain Williams and Joyce was with Timothy. When Veronica asked Sir Bartholomew about his wife, he told her that Maureen was busy with her other work and left it at that. There had been an amusing incident when Sandra had pulled herself away from Veronica, they found out where Sir Bartholomew was and Sandra thanked him. "My dear Sandra, I didn't do anything." He protested —...

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Veronica ColemanChapter 4

Veronica, dressed in her finest dress, was waiting for the car to pick her up; Sandra looked at her from where she was doing her homework. "Wow Mom, you look smashing. Who's the lucky guy?" She asked, Veronica felt herself blushing at Sandra's words, "It's just a dinner date with Sir Bartholomew and Joyce, I don't know who else will be there and so I thought I'd better look nice." Veronica said. Sandra nodded and rolled her eyes, "Nice? Humph, well you don't look too gaudy... If...

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Veronica ColemanChapter 7

Veronica looked at Timothy in shock; 'You're kidding!' was what was running through her head but looking at him she realised that he was serious! Baxter spoke up, "Mrs Coleman, for the work you have to do here you have to be obeyed by the people here, for that you need the rank to command them. Anyway the people here know you and respect you." "One moment Baxter. I've never met most of the people here!" Veronica spoke up only for Baxter to shake his head. "I'm sorry to say you...

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Veronica ColemanChapter 10

Veronica was seated in an armchair, with a fire burning in the fireplace to her side, it was warm and comfortable. "Welcome to the sharp end of the stick!" Sir Timothy's voice sounded in the room, "I'm sorry that you had to take over, it seems I'm not as strong willed as I thought." He said and then appeared standing beside another chair that had materialised with him. Veronica looked at him; he appeared to be dressed casually and relaxed, "How do you cope with it?" She asked...

4 years ago
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Confessions of a BoyToy Part 14 Veronica Melissa

This episode deserves a brief setup. If you have been following the Boy Toy series, you know who the women are. If this is a new read for you, this will be helpful. Veronica is my wife of 30 years now. She is, was, the niece by marriage to Melissa Thompson. She is the only niece or nephew of any form to Melissa Thompson. Even though not blood related, Melissa still took her under her wing and treated her like a daughter- niece employee friend...if that makes any sense at all. Melissa inherited...

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Betty and Veronica

Shortly after my account of Tina the Redhead posted, I received an email asking me about my first sexual experience. To be honest, I had forgotten about it, but the email brought back some great memories.I was an only c***d, but not a spoiled one like you often see. If I wanted something, I had to work and earn it. My mom left us for another woman when I was 6 and I’ve never seen or heard from her since. My dad took it pretty hard and relied on his brother, my Uncle Steve and his wife, Aunt...

4 years ago
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Goodbye Veronica

CHAPTER 1 Emotionally upset, her heart-strings taut, Irma Goodie said to her daughter, ‘Goodbye Veronica’ but Veronica, at her first day at preschool, just waved and turned to find what interested her in her new environment. A year later there was a virtual replay of that scene when she began Elementary School. Thereafter Veronica took herself off to Middle School and High School so the farewells were said at the front gate of the path leading to the front door of the Goodie’s modest home in...

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Veronica ColemanChapter 5

Veronica opened her eyes to find a younger man standing in front of her, for a moment she thought it was Timothy, but there was something about the eyes? "Sir Bartholomew? Is that you?" She asked the man who smiled and then looked down at his body. "Oh, yes, I forgot to say you're not restricted to how you look, I prefer my body when I was 35, much more limber you know." At Veronica's look he nodded and then the body morphed into the man she knew as Sir Bartholomew. "One thing I...

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Veronica Verified 4 Spank Sex Vid Pi

Veronica always hungry for fresh 'fish' & meet new 'meat': is always wet and hot & hungry for fresh submissive sex with wealthy mighty men and dominant Pro's.Veronica has been like it for the last lovely sexy seven yummy youngster years. Ever since her first intercourse. Veronica longs for her first public spanking on camera. For a life audience of three Peters & five girls her age.Veronica longs to have sex, mostly with the...

3 years ago
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Veronica Doll AKA BarbieChapter 2

"Unnnggggghhhhhh." Veronica cried out while she rode a tidal wave of ecstasy. She blushed when she recovered and then quickly withdrew her sticky fingers from her cum filled pussy. She couldn't recall ever coming this much and was too exhausted to move from the wet spot that formed beneath her. If it weren't for her larger boobs she'd swear it was all a dream. She remembered the time she spent in VR and still found it hard to swallow. She remembered the man that ran the VR booth and...

4 years ago
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Veronica Coleman Chapter 1

Veronica Coleman was sitting in her study, the whole exercise had been completed successfully, the two girls had been rescued and back with their families. She sighed; it was strange the way Cathy had brought George, her father, together with Sandra, Veronica's own daughter. Almost as if it had been ordained by some higher power? She shook her head in amusement, several years ago she wouldn't have even thought of such a thing, but that's what happens when you work for The Organisation....

3 years ago
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Becoming Veronica Ch 02

‘Order up Cat.’ Marco bellowed from behind the stainless steel service counter. Marco had shortened my name from Catherine to Cat shortly after I’d started waitressing for his Aunt Bella’s place several months ago. ‘Marco its Veronica.’ I reminded him again pointing at my name badge that I had changed three weeks before after my evening at Grady’s speakeasy. ‘Yeah what ever darling.’ Marco responded smiling at me and giving me a devilish wink. Marco was the only one who hadn’t yet...

4 years ago
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My husband, James, was in the Army stationed in Texas. We had been there about a year and made close friends with Chris and Veronica. My husband and Chris went through basic and AIT together before we all ended up at the base in Texas. Veronica and I hit it off right away; we were the same age and had a lot of the same interests. We were instant best friends and, with our husbands so close, we had a lot of great times together. All that changed when Chris was transferred to Korea. Korea was a...

Group Sex
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Beginnings Chapter 1 Veronica

The easiest decision of my life had been to undertake a law degree; the most difficult had become deciding what to do with it. In spite of three years of relentless study, locked away in a law library with little on my mind beyond the obsessive desire to obtain a first class honours degree, when I eventually achieved that ambition I realized that I had no real idea what to do next. It was the summer of 1993. My mother, on the other hand, had no such doubts and was insistent that I should go...

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Veronica And Eric

You know what I hate? I hate allthese stories you see guys writing into the porn magazines, claiming to have a huge dick, and talking about how great it is and how much pussy it gets them. I have to call bullshit on that. See, I have a huge dick, and I can tell you for a fact that 99 out of 100 times, it’s more of a hindrance than it is a help. I can’t remember the number of times I was getting hot and heavy with a girl, just to unzip and pull it out, and have her take a look and say “there’s...

2 years ago
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Veronica And Eric

You know what I hate? I hate allthese stories you see guys writing into the porn magazines, claiming to have a huge dick, and talking about how great it is and how much pussy it gets them. I have to call bullshit on that. See, I have a huge dick, and I can tell you for a fact that 99 out of 100 times, it’s more of a hindrance than it is a help. I can’t remember the number of times I was getting hot and heavy with a girl, just to unzip and pull it out, and have her take a look and say “there’s...

Straight Sex
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Master Pc the James Olsen Saga Part IIChapter 23 Cheri and Veronica

The presentation the next day went well – Jim and Cheri worked like a well-oiled machine; always perfectly in synch. The customers were impressed and this was only the first day. That evening, Jim took Cheri out for a celebratory dinner and over their after-dinner coffee he made a suggestion about how the rest of their evening might go. “OK, Cheri, I know this is going to sound weird, but how would you like to go to a local strip club tonight?” “You’re kidding? Really? A strip...

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The Veronica Story Chapter 1

------ Part One - Rain ------ This kind of thing never happens in real life, not to me anyway. An unexpected storm, an unplanned meeting away from work, and a split second decision to perform an act of kindness led to a friendship, and that friendship led to something more. I'm an idiot for even considering writing about it, but I can't seem to stop reliving the details in my mind. So, here it goes. As part of my job, I routinely have meetings that require me to leave my office on the base and...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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My Sister Veronica

Veronica and I have had our good and bad times as brother and sister. Veronica is a year and a half older than I am. I just turned seventeen years old a couple of weeks ago. For my sixteenth birthday present my sister Veronica took my virginity. I was very thankful at the time. I had been in love with her body for a couple of years before that and had jerked off thinking about her every night. After that she let me fuck her about once every four weeks. Then a couple of weeks ago...

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Veronica Verified 2 5 girls 2 Videos

Veronica will be watched by five pairs of eyes, four of them she meets at the starting sexy session to warm up.Veronica and the others will meet my secret guest their age only after the exam is over, end of next installment.Veronica and the four foxy sex students will watch first two teasing videos: a self stimulation & a self-spanking!Veronica is our guest of honour, so she sits comfortably between Professor P.'s legs in his red velvet arm-chair.Veronica is first to completely undress...

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Veronica and Veronica

VERONICA AND VERONICA by LAIKA PUPKINO |||)=0==0==0=> HOW PERFECTLY GODDAMN DELIGHTFUL So there I was, running around my apartment in my bra and panties like a crazy woman. My search for my handbag had started out fairly methodical, but by now I was getting desperate. I'd begun to look in places where I had looked before and was swearing up a storm. Not ladylike perhaps, but if the damned thing didn't turn up I was in serious trouble It was 11:30 on a Friday night. I'd...

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Becoming Veronica Ch 05

Carla wasn’t at all surprised when I told her I was moving out but she was surprised when I offered to pay the rent for another month so she wouldn’t be strapped while she searched for a new room mate. I packed a few essential things and told her I’d stop back later in the week to clear out the rest of my personal belongs. ‘I’m gonna miss you Catherine.’ Carla said with a smile on her face. ‘Carla I’m not moving to another country we’ll still see each other.’ I replied knowing the...

3 years ago
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Veronica The Milf

I had a shit day at my job. I got into a fight with my boss. I stormed out and went to a local bar. I needed to get drunk and forget about my lousy day.  I planned on just getting really fucked up and not talk to anybody. I had no plans on flirting with anyone.Until, I met Veronica Stetson. Veronica was the hot MILF who was at the bar. When I mean hot, I mean a thirty-five year old with nice tits and a great ass who was bored and married. I’m talking about a vixen who was fed up with her...

1 year ago
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Veronica Leal 150 143000

Veronica Leal is a pornstar but does so much with her brand of pornography. This petite Columbian girl is involved with events, cosplays, and porn videos. A quick glance through her Twitter profile shows me that there's more to this girl than her porn. Veronica is into showing her some of her wild sex videos alongside tweets and retweets that deal with some real-life shit. These tweets deal with what's going on around her in her life and pieces of news stories.Veronica's Twitter is home to 160K...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Veronica Cheats on Her PassedOut Boyfriend

Veronica met up with Ryan after work. He had been promising to grab a drink with her for months now, but their schedules never seemed to match. However, they were both available on this particular Thursday as Friday was a furlough day, so they met at an upper scale pub downtown and sat down at the bar.Even this early, it was crowded in the bar, so it was difficult to catch up with all of the noise. Eventually a booth in the back opened up and Ryan and Veronica practically ran to get it before...

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Archies Veronica Gets Her TurnChapter 14

Meanwhile, across town, Veronica was getting dressed up for her own private rendezvous with her three beaus at the Chok'lit Shoppe. Once more she dove into her closet and tried to select the right dress for the occasion. But what did a girl wear to a gangbang. What she decided on was a tubetop and miniskirt. She had foregone wearing any underwear. Her maid, Monique, was a bit shocked at her choice of garb. Miss Veronica usually went with a more fashionable selection for her dates. And the...

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Being a bisexual male I enjoyed sex with both men and women. I had a natural submissive streak so whenever I was with either a male or a female, or sometimes both, as had been the case once in the past, I liked to be instructed on what to do, whether that was giving or receiving. Over the past two years I had favored male company, and while I hadn't settled down, I had a number of relationships, short though they were, as I wasn't ready to settle down with either sex. I wanted to play the field...

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The Neighborhood MILF Veronica Snow

I love the fact that most of the women in our neighborhood are open-minded, and have a healthy attitude about sex. At first I tried to hide my lesbian curiosities and experiences, but now I’m rather proud of my active sex life. I used to think I was the only housewife on the block that fantasized about getting together with other women like myself, but that theory was laid to rest a long time ago.One event that shows everyone’s naughty side is the sex toy party that my friend Veronica hosts...

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Veronica the Babysitter

Veronica was an 18 year old firecracker. With her long tan legs, perky titties and plump ass, the men were always looking at her, fantasizing about her. She was truly one of a kind. Her long, curly brown hair cascaded perfectly down her back, and her big green eyes hypnotized man after man. But she was no slut. She was smart, and only slept with the men who proved worthy. As a part time job, Veronica picked up babysitting. She babysat for many single moms, and was surprised when she...

Straight Sex
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The Neighborhood Chapter Seven Veronica

Josh was desperate to get Veronica another job. The female redheaded double-breasted mattress thrasher worked in an adult bookstore. By the end of the day she was so desensitized to sex she wanted nothing to do with it. She read recipe books instead. The male redheaded single-dicked muff mangler worked as an IT consultant. By the end of the day, he was so horny he wanted nothing but sex. “Match made in heaven” does not come readily to mind here. We were sitting around bullshitting one evening...

2 years ago
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The Neighborhood Chapter Seven Veronica

Josh was desperate to get Veronica another job. The female redheaded double-breasted mattress thrasher worked in an adult bookstore. By the end of the day she was so desensitized to sex she wanted nothing to do with it. She read recipe books instead. The male redheaded single-dicked muff mangler worked as an IT consultant. By the end of the day, he was so horny he wanted nothing but sex. “Match made in heaven” does not come readily to mind here. We were sitting around bullshitting one evening...

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Archies Veronica Gets Her TurnChapter 19

After the four bestial lovers had slumbered for what seemed like hours, they got off the bed and Veronica Lodge escorted the three dogs to the cabin's well-stocked kitchen and tossed them a large T-bone steak as reward. "Damn!" She gasped, looking up at the clock. "It's past 2 AM. I better get home." She couldn't believe that they had been fucking for over three hours, and slept another two. She was still shocked at how all of this had come about. To start off with three gorgeous...

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John and Veronica

I had just gotten home; it was Friday, and I was looking forward to the weekend. My wife was waiting for me. Not waiting for me as she usually did with a smile and a peck, but fidgeting—and seemingly determined about something. Something was up, and it didn't look good. "Hi honey," I said. I stopped and looked at her. "Something wrong? Where are the children?" It was Friday and the kids should have been home. "The children are with mom until Monday. John, I have to talk to you. I have...

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Frank and Veronica

Frank and Veronica had been friends for years. They met through their spouses, now ex-spouses. But their friendship had lasted through the break up of their marriages. In fact, it was that same friendship that had helped them weather the storms of divorce. Through it all, they talked, cried on each other’s shoulder, and lent support whenever it was needed. They were both 35 and had come up in the business world the hard way, they worked at it. In fact, their long hours at work had contributed...

4 years ago
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V is for Veronica

Paris Citroens, Peugeot’s, Mopeds and delivery trucks create such a soothing sound in the early morning that only those who live in a major Metropolis can appreciate, understand and love. High above The Avenue des Champs-Élysées, in a Penthouse that has been owned by her family for the last one hundred years, Veronica lay with her sleeping husband, in a massive four post Victorian bed, on her back, lightly wrapped in a silk sheet, staring at the constant circling motion of the ceiling fan,...

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Becoming Veronica Ch 03

Arm in arm we approached the large double doors as the Excelsior’s doorman opened one door for us. ‘Good evening Sir.’ The middle aged gentleman said with a clear Irish accent his eyes roaming over me while he spoke to Angelo. ‘Hello Mickey.’ Angelo responded. We slipped inside the extravagant lobby of the Excelsior Hotel its marble walls and support columns contrasting sharply with the deep rich wood of the lobby desk and the doors leading to other rooms off the lobby. ‘Evening Sir.’...

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Veronica Verified 1 Intro Inge Pix

Veronica and 'Inge' show some similarities, like being both just over twenty and showing some photos.Veronica and 'Inge' show contrasts in all other respects, mainly meaning 'Vero' is open & 'Inge' is shy!Veronica and 'Inge' are both shown on several sexy photos below, although none of them is fully nude.Veronica and 'Inge' are unaware they are invited for the same lovely long warm weekend, two together. Veronica and 'Inge' are taking their 'Erotic Entrance Exams' for a short Summer School...

3 years ago
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Sexy Fun With Veronica and Lisa

I really hate that my wife’s body has changed so much over time. When we first got married, she was very fit and took care of what she ate. She always cooked very healthy meals. I always loved that she liked to take very good care of herself. That was what made me fall in love with her. She had a smoking hot body and knew how to work it. She'd get waxed and had manicures and pedicures regularly. She had her hair cut and colored every few weeks. Now my wife doesn’t go to the gym so much and has...

2 years ago
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The Renaissance of Veronica

Veronica Page had always been what convention described as “faithful” to Ken, and had never strayed from their marital bed; yet in recent years she had, with growing frequency, felt passingly tempted. But never by men; it had always been women for whom she had at first been surprised to feel stirrings of desire. Those feelings had been thrust into dormancy during the few weeks between Ken’s belated diagnosis with terminal cancer and his death and the months it took to sort out his posthumous...

4 years ago
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Nice to meet you Veronica

There I was, in the home one evening of a single-Mother friend named Anita, who was 36 and five years my senior. Anita had left me in the company of her 19-year old daughter Lanisha for an hour or so to fetch her step-son from a neighbor and take him to see Daddy (Anita and her husband were divorcing.)Lanisha had a friend over, introduced to me as Veronica. She was a light-skinned African-American, real cute in the face w/ glasses. Short hair in what k**s would call a "Dora the Explorer" trim....

2 years ago
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Club My PlaceWe finish with Veronica

All she could hear was the lapping and squishy sound of Veronica's pussy. It was hard for me to drive with one hand on the wheel and one hand on Mike's cock. The faster she stroked the faster he seemed to lick at her moist cunt. The thumping of the car seat was an indication that she was fucking his mouth with that tight lil pussy. He was the lucky one this time. She had already had my share at Club My Place of that nectar. Sasha could tell that he couldn't get enough. It sounded like someone...

3 years ago
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VeronicaChapter 15

The very second that Veronica touched the bell, the door opened and she immediately dashed through. The lady who had opened the door to her with such providential promptness immediately slammed it shut crisply telling her to run upstairs to the first landing. Something about this woman impressed Veronica. She had an air of efficiency, as of one who had been used all her life to having all situations effortlessly under control. Veronica did as she was told. As soon as she reached the landing,...

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Archies Veronica Gets Her TurnChapter 12

Veronica had escorted the three new boys to the cineplex and chose a movie for them, since they didn't seem to know what any of the shows was about. She wound up choosing a dog of a movie as the theater was literally empty except for them four. Veronica took a middle seat, with Hotdog/boy on one side. Goliath/boy on the other, and Damien/boy next to him. As soon the lights dimmed for the movie, she felt their hands groping all over her body. Hotdog/boy was busily sniffing at her neck like...

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VeronicaChapter 14

"You got her OK, Teresa?" asked the woman called Harry. "Sure thing, Harriet" said the first lady policeman, gripping Veronica so hard and immovably that she could not break free no matter how desperately she struggled - and the terrified girl struggled with all her might. Harriet interposed her body between Veronica and the handful of onlookers and then deftly punched her very, very hard in the solar plexus, causing her struggles to cease immediately! Veronica was engulfed with an...

3 years ago
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VeronicaChapter 34

"You need to scream a lot more convincingly like that, Veronica. Remember that you are being horribly racked with your arms and legs being torn from their sockets, ligament by tortured ligament. It hurts when they do that to you for real, my dear! Or so they tell me at the Torture Garden! Try to sound as if you are in the most terrible pain - please, sweetie!" "Just look, Algernon. Anyone could tell this scene's faked. I'm not even half-way being stretched. Look at my elbows - they're...

2 years ago
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Archies Veronica Gets Her TurnChapter 18

Veronica Lodge had just discovered how good dog cocks could be to a woman. Sure, when they were boys moments before the fucking was good too. But the bestial nature of their canine bodies were carrying her to new peaks of pleasure. {{Damn Hotdog, }} Damien yapped. {{This is a lot more like it. Nothing like being tied with a bitch the right way. I just don't see how humans can do it the other way.}} {{Yeah, }} Goliath agreed. {{It was nice doing it like them for a while, but I missed...

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It was early evening, end of summer and I was in the process of harvesting my crop of hops behind my garage. I was in my own world, oblivious to everything going on around me. Aware of only the distinct fragrance of the hops and the great beer I was going to make with them. “Hey Bob, how are you” said Brad, the kid from across the street. This bought me back to awareness of my surroundings. He had seen me and made his way over with Veronica, his girlfriend. Veronica is 19, about five and half...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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VeronicaChapter 13 The Journey

(1) Canonbury Veronica had just settled herself against the side of the next carriage, having fled from the taunts of a group of unpleasant youths, when the train started to slow down. Soon the doors opened to let in a bunch of new passengers as the train reached Canonbury. Two of the more disapproving of the passengers got out, not without giving our heroine a final withering glare in which the outrage of the righteous and morally upright was plain for her to see. Beneath this magisterial,...

5 years ago
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It Just HappenedChapter 2 Veronica

"What brings you home, Ben?" my brother asked as he handed me the second beer. It had been opened. This was the part I had been dreading most. Where to begin? Should I start with the sad news that I was out of work, warn him that I had four credit card companies on my tail or should I appeal to his sympathy and tell him I had broken up with my girlfriend? I took a long swig of beer, stalling. Seeing that I was still pondering his questions, Ed struck again. "Any marriage plans on the...

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VeronicaChapter 16

Veronica moved her king's pawn to start with, and the old man responded in kind. So far so good, she thought, as she brought up her queen's pawn to be next to the other piece. What would he do now? Again, a reciprocal move. She felt the sweat begin to pour off her and her heart rate increase. "For heaven's sake, calm down, Veronica" she told herself. After all it was only a game and she didn't need the money anyway - not a resourceful girl like her. All day, this thought had been...

2 years ago
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VeronicaChapter 17

The old man's brain certainly did seem to have been rejuvenated by the coffee and Veronica lost three games in a row before her luck began to change. Tiring of her lack of success, she varied her opening in the next game, in which she was Black. The game ended in stalemate and Veronica resolved to pursue the same approach next time. The old boy clearly had great trouble coping with knights. Twice she almost managed to fork his Queen and rook, and she knew this was her only hope of overcoming...

1 year ago
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"Alright everyone, before we get started today I'd like to introduce a new student. She's from San Diego and her name is Veronica Campbell. Let's give her a warm welcome." Mr. Peterson's senior English class gave a round of applause as she stepped in the door. Instantly, every male mouth in the room but one dropped to the floor. The closed mouth belonged to Logan who sat in the furthest row back behind a very large football player who blocked his view. He peeked around the dump-truck sized...


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