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The snow was falling more heavily, the blanket thickening by the second. Greg thought they could navigate the side roads to the closest town to secure lodgings, but as the sun began to sink and darkness settled around them his hope began to fade.

"Dad, I'm getting scared," Janice admitted in a steady voice that was quickly losing confidence.

"Don't worry sweetheart, it can't be much further," he assured her in an uncertain tone that was also losing the edge of confidence.


"Hold on, I'm trying to -" he began to respond as his attention was focused on the swirling white fog before them.

"Dad!" Janice screamed.

Greg looked up just in time to see the huge white cloud encompassing them. Unable to see, his response was to hit the brakes, but he found no anticipated resistance in response to the move. He pumped the pedal helplessly as the vehicle kept moving, now out of control. Greg couldn't see and had no idea where to steer.

"Dad!" his only daughter's voice cried out in fear, even as his heart pounded in his chest, mind scrambling to define a course of action to take. "D - a - a - a - a - d!"

His daughter's voice filled the cab as the car careened out of control. There was a sharp bump, throwing their bodies forward against the seatbelts, before the vehicle left the ground and went airborne. Greg briefly wondered where they were headed until they bottomed out, frame shaking and squealing in protest, tossing them both about.

There was nothing to see but white, and hope was their only companion during that frightening time. Several times father and daughter connected with their eyes - sharing the love they felt for one another, and the fear that they would never share it again, at least not in this world. But finally the car settled to a stop and heavy breathing filled the cabin.

"Janice!" he called out, almost hysterically.

"I'm good," she responded, grateful to be in one piece after that frightful journey. "Dad?"

He hesitated a moment to take inventory. "Yeah, I'm okay... I think."

Janice leaned against her dad's right shoulder. "I'm so sorry, it's all my fault!"

Greg gently guided her into his arms for comforting before kissing her forehead. "No, sweetheart, it's not your fault at all."

"I could've gotten plane tickets, but I thought I was brave and now... Oh Dad, I love you so much, missed you all so much."

He smiled despite their grim situation. "Sweetheart, you make us all very proud. This is nothing; it's an inconvenience at best. We'll look back and laugh about this next Christmas. I'll just call triple-a and we'll be back on the road before you know it."

Unable to get a signal, he stepped out of the vehicle and walked up a small nearby hill. Greg floundered a bit there, walking one way or the other, before finally giving up altogether. Janice was watching and couldn't help but grow concerned when he finally returned.

"Dad, what is it?"

"I can't seem to get a signal," he answered in a confused tone. "I'm not sure what's going on."

The driver's door had been inadvertently left ajar, allowing the cold to seep in, along with faint Christmas music.

"Do you hear that?" she asked.

Her question gave him pause to listen, and indeed he did hear soft strains of Christmas music playing. Greg's worrisome frown grew into a hopeful smile.

"I do, sweetheart. There must be a house on the other side of the hill. I'll go check."

Janice's eyes lit up with hope. "I'm coming with you."

"Sure, that'd be just fine."

* * * * *

The snow was deeper than Greg had thought as they made their way up the side of the hill. He periodically pulled the cell from his pocket to check for signal strength, which was lacking. Then they reached the peak.

"Dad, look!" Janice called out, the excitement evident in her voice. "It's a sled!"

She lifted the abandoned toy from the tree trunk it was leaning against and lowered it to the snow.

Greg noticed the severe angle of the hill and grew alarmed. "Jan, no!"

But she lay down on the sled, eased it to the precipice of the steep hill, and emitted a c***d-like sound of glee before descending out of sight. And just as his daughter disappeared, another sled magically appeared in its place, standing against the same tree trunk.

"Dad," his daughter's distant voice could be heard, "live a little!"

"I'm dead already or this is just a dream," Greg decided as he picked up the sled, walked to the edge of a hill that otherwise would have scared him rigid, and positioned himself to sled downward. "Oh, shit!"

The ride was as frightening as it was thrilling. The sled bounced around as it hit inconstancies in the ground, launching clouds of snow particles into Greg's face that quickly melted as he sped along at frightening speeds. He couldn't help but scream and laugh as he embarked on the ride of his life!

As a house loomed close the momentum slowed, stopping the sled just a few feet from the front porch of a log cabin.

"Wasn't that great?" Janice asked, laughing merrily, as she helped him up off the sled.

Greg began wiping the snow off his clothes as the front door of the cabin burst open and he quickly began to apologize. "I'm sorry, I - the sled - my car broke down a ways back, my phone doesn't work here..."

He was greeted by a belly-laugh that shook the snow from the eaves of the house and off the branches of nearby trees. Its intensity caught Greg completely off-guard.

"My house is yours, friend. My name is Roy."

"Roy, thanks," Greg stammered. "I... I just need to make a call..."

More laughter followed, which seemed to roll across the land like thunder and shake the very ground Greg was standing on. The man's sizeable body shook from the vibrations, dressed all in red, Greg realized, save for the full white beard.

"I have gifts to deliver, but the Mrs. will get you settled down for the night," the large, jovial man offered.

"Roy, we've been through the storm, believe me, you don't want to go out there," Greg quickly implored.

The jovial man grinned back. "Please, warm yourselves inside. I need to oversee a few things."

Just as Greg was thinking of running after Roy, the front door of the house opened and a cheerful woman's voice cried out, "Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas!" Janice called back in response as she scampered up three steps and into the waiting arms of a white-haired woman, hugging her tightly.

Greg was immediately embarrassed and tried to reel his only daughter in. "Jan!"

"Relax, our home is yours," the loving older woman spoke, dismissing his concerns. "Come in, sit down, and enjoy some cocoa."

Father and daughter settled down in front of a warm hearth, trying to take in all that had happened. None of it made any sense as far as Greg was concerned as he took the time to become fascinated by the large yellow flames lapping around several large logs. Where were they that there was no signal these days? Linda would be worrying herself sick, he'd promised to call.

"Here you are," the rotund woman announced upon her return, holding two hearty holiday mugs with peppermint sticks sticking out of the frothy contents.

Janice accepted hers with a wide smile of appreciation, and Greg did the same.

"Is there a phone we could use?" he inquired, much to the delight of the woman, who seemed amused by his question.

"You'll be home by morning," she assured him, something he thought to be inconceivable until he saw the twinkling in her eyes.

"Dad, this place is magical!" Janice whispered loud enough so only he could hear as she looked around with c***d-like wonder.

"Where the hell are we?" Greg muttered under his breath as he took a sip of the mint-chocolate drink and was surprised by how thick and flavorful it was. "My God, this is delicious!"

Janice heard her father's remark, took a sip as well, and began laughing out loud. "This is awesome! I never knew cocoa could be so great!"

Greg nodded his agreement and they sipped the contents down, feeling the warming effects of the drink as it filled their empty bellies and soothed all of their worries away. Once the mugs were empty they picked up the peppermint sticks and began sucking on them.

Janice got up and wandered to a window in time to see a sleigh being pulled out of a large barn. Several small people began leading horses - reindeer? - no, must be horses, she decided, and connected them to a long horizontal beam with leather straps of some kind.

"Sweetheart, what is it?" he asked.

She shrugged her shoulders and moved away. "Nothing... he has a sleigh, and Clydesdales or something, like that beer commercial."

"Beer commercial? You're watching beer commercials now?" Greg teased her. "What's next?"

She wasn't amused. "Very funny."

The woman returned a few moments later. "Is there anything else I can get you two?"

"No, but the drink was the best ever!" Greg exclaimed.

"It was awesome, thanks so much," Janice chimed in.

The woman was smiling widely as she collected the mugs, only too happy to see to their comfort. Janice was still sucking on her peppermint stick; Greg had bitten his and eaten it. As she licked up and down, her gaze lowered to her dad's crotch as a quite different hunger surfaced.

"Let me get you settled in the bedroom you'll be using for tonight."

* * * * *

While the fire nicely warmed the living room, the rest of the house was cold. Once in the privacy of their bedroom, Greg and his daughter quickly stripped off their clothes and cuddled closely between the crisp sheets and the thick, heavy down comforter. Janice delighted in the wondrous smells that surrounded them.

"Oh Dad, I love it here!" she excitedly exclaimed.

"Enjoy it for now, but we're not staying," he responded. "But you're right, Roy has a wonderful home."

As they lay on their sides facing one another, a playful smile formed on Janice's face as she reached her hands down between her dad's legs. Greg jumped a bit at first as he felt warm, soft fingers squeezing around his shaft.

"I sure have missed the family fitness nights we shared," she admitted, her sweet voice sounding so relieved.

"Have you been with any men since?" he asked in a fatherly tone, trying to inquire without delving too deeply.

Janice giggled in a c***d-like way. "No, silly, I haven't been with anybody else. Maybe that's why I realized I needed to come home after all. I thought I could stick it out... Oh Dad, I'm so sorry for making you come get me. Now we're all apart for Christmas."

His arms moved around her shoulders, pulling his daughter against his chest. "Nobody's alone, baby. Ken and your mom are together, and so are we. That's better than any one of us being all alone, like you would've been."

"You forgive me then?" she sheepishly asked.

"Hey, you, there's nothing to be forgiven for."

Happy, relieved, and reassured, Janice leaned her face forward in the cool darkness, finding her dad's lips. Their mouths embraced in a deep kiss, tongues entwining after so much time apart. They relished the special reunion in a place neither understood, savoring the warmth and love surrounding them on this very special night.

His cock began to stiffen as she affectionately continued stroking him. His arms uncoiled from around her shoulders, hands cupping the perky swells and fondling the soft flesh. Her nipples hardened, anxiously pulsating against his palms.

After touching her breasts his hands explored her whole body, relishing the silky feel of her shapely curves from her shoulders, chest, back, ass, and down to her thighs. They kissed hard as their hands wandered, lost in the strong bond of love they shared, bodies awakening to the excitement of being together once again.

They rolled over, Janice on top of him, under the thick blanket. She slid up and down, capturing his growing cock between her legs, rubbing her pussy along his steadily increasing length. Her wetness was flowing, coating her sex with the lubricating essence they'd be sharing in a brief time of their choosing.

"You feel so good," he whispered, grateful to have this moment with his special daughter.

"You're so hard," she cooed, enjoying the sensation of his cock as it slid up and down along her outer folds.

After enjoying the intimate cuddling, Janice reached her right hand back to steady and support her dad's cock. She shimmed down a little further until she felt the smooth, rounded tip pressing against her labia and worked the head between her lips and into the slit. Moist warmth greeted his arrival in a most welcoming of ways.

His arms hugged her shoulders as his pelvis pivoted upward, angling his cock for penetration. She softly giggled while moving the tip towards her opening, getting it into position to do what they both wanted. When it was there, Greg thrust and felt her entrance widening, the head sinking inside.

She rocked up and down, sliding his hardness in and out, working it deeper and deeper. Her leaking juice bathed his shaft in slippery wetness. They both quietly moaned as the act of love was consummated, him stiff and her soft, sensitized flesh gliding along flesh, filling them with the tingling joy of sexual bliss.

Lips kissed as hands caressed, selflessly adding to the other's pleasure. Their breaths turned heavy. When the heat under the blanket became too much they both kicked at the heavy cover to force it away, this time welcoming the cool relief of the wintry night air they'd earlier escaped from.

The excitement slowly built with each forceful thrust as his throbbing cock filled her loving canal. Greg rolled his daughter to his left and they lay facing one another, their love-play continuing uninterrupted. His mouth lowered to a breast and suckled the hardened nipple, eliciting sharp gasps of joy from the offspring he so cherished. After getting his fill of one, he moved to the other, repeating the teasing.

Janice was completely involved in the act, her hips and pelvis working to maximize their pleasure. But the orgasm she so desperately needed remained on the fringes, not quite coming to fruition, adding to her frustration.

"Dad, I need it harder, I need you pounding into me," she finally voiced her need.

Greg rolled his daughter onto her back as he rolled on top, digging his knees into the mattress for support as he began ramming his cock into her hot, juicy cunt. Squishing and slapping noises ensued, mixing with her hushed groans of delight as once again the joyous sensations began to intensify. The fire of desire filled her loins and caused her nipples and pussy to throb with anticipation.

"Oh yes, yes," she moaned in approval as he slammed his cock into her as fast and as hard as he could.

A few seconds later he felt her body clench tightly and begin wildly writhing beneath his weight. Fresh, hot cum flooded her cunt as the orgasm arrived, sending her body into spasms of pleasure. Greg maintained the brisk fucking as her form shook with frightening intensity. The canal surrounding his cock constricted, multiplying the friction and adding to his delight.

He didn't last much longer, and as her climax was fading, his semen began to rise. Both balls drew up against the base of his cock in the final moments and he started grunting his pleasure. He relished the sensations for as long as they lasted and ejaculated his thick cum into her womb in strong streams that weakened until his cock was spent.

They held one another with his deflating cock remaining inside for as long as it could, then her body rejected his dwindling size. He rolled off of her and they pulled the blanket back over them after their bodies quickly cooled and became chilled.

They cuddled, each wondering what the morning would bring, until sleep claimed them.

* * * * *

"Dad?" Janice called out, trying to wake him.

"What?" he asked in a groggy voice as he awakened.

"We're home," she announced in a confused tone. "This is my room, my bed."

"How -" he started, but then wondered if he really wanted to know.

"How'd we get here?" she asked the same question he was about to.

"I couldn't find a hotel but I got back to the highway, so I kept driving all night to get us home," he told her, knowing it was a lie. "I carried you in and I fell asleep beside you."

"You mean the accident, the sled, the cabin - that was all a dream?" she wondered in shocked amazement. "I could've sworn -"

He understood her confusion completely. "The important thing is, we're home."

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YuGiOh Dark Magician Slut

The promotional deck you sought that day was limited in it's release. Featuring a set of totally unique cards and new variants on old ones that were only coming out with that card set, It was a case of 'Buy it or miss out'. It even came with a update for Power Of Chaos that added extra cards to all three games, plus a fourth secret opponent. You managed to get to the store first, picking up one of the first collector's tins, paying for it before anyone could snatch it out of your hand... The...

2 years ago
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Petting Janey

"Every boy needs a dog," my husband told me. His boyish grin made me wonder if he'd bought the animal for our son, Kyle, or for himself. "That's not a dog," I decided. "It's a horse. What are we going to do with it?" "It?" Robert looked offended. "Rex is a he, not an it, Janey. He had the biggest balls in the store." "His name is Rex?" I rolled my eyes. "Yep!" "And you picked him because he has big balls?" "Bigger is better, right?" He sounded serious. "Just don't...

4 years ago
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A Boy and his Genie Chapter 07

Matt had his typical Saturday morning lay-in the next day. Though to be fair, recent events had left him rather exhausted, what with the large amount of sex he’d been having. Not that he was complaining in the slightest. When Matt eventually got up, he got dressed, and started walking downstairs. He could hear giggling from downstairs, followed by his sister saying “Fuck, he’s coming”. Matt walked into the living room, and found Becky and Jamie sat on the sofa, trying to look innocent....

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A Maid Made Maybe

A MAID MADE MAYBE JENNY'S STORY Have you ever woken up in the morning in an unfamiliar room or bed and wondered where you are for a few moments? It perhaps only lasts a few seconds, then going to bed the previous evening comes back to you and your life is back in equilibrium. That's what happened to me, the first part anyway but I waited for the inevitable second part it didn't come. I couldn't remember how I got into the bed I was then in. I told myself to wait and it would...

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Tom Confesses

The blond next to him leaned over and whispered to Tom: “I still fuck, maybe later…..” Tom had been invited to attend a weekend night get together with two other couples in his apartment complex. He had become acquainted with the two couples when he moved into the complex after his divorce eighteen months previously. One couple was all male and the other all female. He like them both they were friendly had helped him get over his divorce and were totally non-threatening. Tonight they had...

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My Whore Ann

Ann had finally gotten a divorce from Walt and called me up to tell me and wanted to know if I wanted to celebrate with her. I thought for a moment and then told her to pack a few items for a couple of days and then come over and what to wear when she did. I knew Ann would do as I asked and so I put in a good bottle of wine in the fridge and waited for her to show up. The doorbell soon rang and as i answered it, there stood Ann with her long coat on. "Take that coat off" I told her and as she...

3 years ago
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Twin Switch Kelly and Mark Chapters 14 17

Twin Switch: Kelly and Mark By Karen Singer Chapters 14 - 17 Chapter 14 "I knew it had to be soon," Janice replied early that morning when Mark went into her bedroom to explain that "his" period had just started. Mark had gone in early to tell her, only because his mother had specifically asked him to do it. "Have you told Kelly yet?" "Not yet. Want me to break the bad news?" "No," Janice said with a sigh as she forced herself out of bed. "I better do it...

2 years ago
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Used by the decorators

We had the decorators in to wallpaper and paint our conservatory. The wife was at work as they arrived, Peter and Paul were 35 and 37 respectively, they were both best friends and were also married, they’d been friends since they went to school together almost 25 years ago and had set up their decorating business over 20 years ago.As they came into the house they’d set up and were papering away, after a couple of hours I went into the room and asked them if they wanted a drink. They replied “A...

4 years ago
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A Beginners Guide to FFM

I came away from lunch with Valerie with mixed emotions. Was I shocked? Not really. This, after all, wasn't some behind-the-times country village; this was 21st Century fashionable Hampstead where supposedly unorthodox relationships weren't uncommon. What were once regarded as bedroom secrets have become dinner party small talk. So, no, I wasn't shocked. I admit, though, I was surprised. Valerie was forty-two. She had been my closest friend for so long I'm not sure I can even recall how we...

Group Sex
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Hair brush is for pleasure hair brush is for pain

Brushing your hair begins at the very ends and works from the bottom to the top with a slow patience that untangles your hair carefully step by step. Luxuriously you are caressed over and over again until at last the brush slides deliciously over your scalp and down the full length of your beautiful long hair. The feeling is intensely sensual. A warmth spreads over your skin and settles inside you. Your face is flushed. Each stroke is made lovingly, an exquisite experience repeated over and...

3 years ago
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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 17 The Canine Threesome Part 3

Introduction: A quick and kinky bestiality fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

3 years ago
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Good Girl No More

Okay, some of this story is true but unlike the last one most of it is only a fantasy of what I would like to happen with every part having a little truth to it. The beginning is totally true.She did it! Or more accurately we did it. My wife reluctantly went down the road of no return. She is now a total slut! I encouraged her to be the slut she is today because of my own personal needs of perverse pleasure I derived from seeing people fuck in front of me. I figured my wife would be the best...

3 years ago
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I just read this It made me so hot

It began one day when I was feeling really horny in class. I had only General Studies in the afternoon so I decided to skip the afternoon and go home, knowing I could masturbate. Dad and Steve, my elder brother, were out at work, Lucy, my younger sister was still in class. Our Mother had left us years before and had not been seen since, though I suspected Dad had some idea. I didn't often do that, skip school to bring myself off. I had once before, but it wasn't a regular thing.After I reached...

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Not Crossing The Line

When I was a kid I had a book called, ‘What Do People Do All Day?’ It made a start at teaching me about the variety of jobs that exist in the world. As an adult I feel it would be equally beneficial if there was a book as simple as that one which answered the question, ‘Why do people do the things they do?’ Part of the trouble is that I often do not even understand my own motivation, particularly for those things I feel uneasy about sharing with others. For my normal side, I married an...

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started an innocent game

we had been out at my g/f lians works night out and had a great night at the end of the night alice and jim invited us and victoria and her male friend and also lisa and her fuckbud also my ex wife ann and scot her b/f back for drinks as we chatted my ex started talking of sex games and how dare was fun so alice suggested we play so ann asked the questions first and when jim picked opinion she asked his opinion on would he like to see alice get fucked as most men do saying how i wanted to see...

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Sissy Teaches Me Part Three

Sissy opened her legs a little more as I leaned up to get a better feel of her perfect divide. As I did, I felt the dampness of the towel under my naked ass. It was soaked. I really did cum. A lot.I actually looked down between my legs to see the wetness there between them. The towel was a lavender color, so when I looked, the darker color of the purple showed where my sexual liquid had poured out of me. It was no little spot. It was huge. I had no idea I could cum like that. I had no idea that...

1 year ago
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Pool PartyingChapter 3

So, on Friday morning, after our parents left for work, I took off my nighty and panties and tiptoed into Reed's room and slipped under the covers. "Mmm, hi Lise, oooh, you're naked, yum, yum." In a second, my brother had slid off his boxers and we lay together rubbing back and forth on each other. His cock was at full attention. I sat up and pulled the sheet back exposing his wonderful hard dick to the morning light. "Hi, Mister Cock, how 'bout a morning kiss?" and I bent down and...

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CHAPTER 15: JULI LEADS NIKKI TO A BOARNikki and Juli had become fast close friends. Nikki felt closer to Juli than she thinks she ever felt for another woman in her life. You love the time she spent with her older friend. Even when they shared sex, they tended to have quieter, less frenetic sex. And, Juli was enjoying the company of Butch and Sam, too. After helping Nikki that last day of training for Same, Juli really enjoyed the difference in fucking from the dogs versus any other fucking she...

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CHAPTER 5: THE COMPETITIONThe competition consisted of various elements including hand-to-hand with no weapons. It was agreed within the Unit that I was not to participate in the hand-to-hand without weapons. I had instructed my Unit in the ways of our martial arts moves to surprise the competition at the end as much as they instructed me on their ways. In the end we had developed a nice combination of brute force and agile aggression. Our final approach to the competition was such a unique...

2 years ago
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Like Mother Like Sister 01

LMLsisterOriginal Introduction: Like Mother Like Sister is a continuation of the original, "Like Mother Like Son". In the original story, Darren Peterman is a popular, athletic, heterosexual, 16 year old boy who has grown up having a "thang" for his mother, Main Characters From The Original Story 16 year old Darren Peterman - 46 year old Nancy Peterman Sammy Peterman- Darren's 11 year old brother Karen Peterman- Darren's mom Bill Peterman- Darren's dad- an ex crossdresser Dr....

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Quick Bang

It was only 7.30a.m. and she was still in bed. No doubt she would be late for work again, she always was these days. Maybe it was all the morning masturbation she kept on doing. Every morning without fail as soon as her eyes began to wake up her fingers would seek out her pussy and begin to play. Today was Wednesday though and she knew that she needed to be in work to clear all the paperwork from Monday. Her desk was as messy as her bed really. So she stopped from pleasuring herself and got up...

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Saturday Morning Fever

I dreamed that I awoke in her bed. Warm. Cozy. Close. Our limbs intertwined like familiar lovers.She's asleep. So peaceful. Angelic. She even has a hint of a smile on her face.I look at her clock as I carefully slip out of bed. It's still a little bit early. The alarm should be going off before too terribly long. It's still dark outside.I creep off quietly to the bathroom to take care of things.Then I find a washrag and soap. I give myself a quick sponge bath at her sink. I wash my...

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Seeing Her Beauty

Hi friends here am describing you a new story. It is happens in 2009 Christmas. In morning I got a call from my friend that one of his clients visiting my place, he is working as a travel coordinator. So I receive them, Mr. John and his family, his wife Madhu and 2 daughters 10 and 8yr old girls and Madhu’s mom. They are coming from hill station they are so curious to see beach and like to go boating in backwater, I arrange them room in one of my friend’s resort. John asks me about the tourist...

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CHAPTER 12: ANOTHER HORSEBACK RIDEMeanwhile, Joe and Nikki’s relationship with Harry and his sister, Juli, continued to grow. Juli’s arrival in Harry’s everyday life put a spark in him that was apparent to all of them. She was a wonderful woman and so good for Harry that Joe and Nikki accepted her immediately. She was also extremely open minded and was game to try many things new to her. Harry and Juli appeared to be much different that the socially conservative image they had of farmers and...

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Ultimate Camping

Our plan has worked... both of us are on camping trips with our spouses to the same campground at the same time, at sites right next to each other. As you and your wife drive up, I'm excited and nervous... wondering if this was a mistake.. what if one of our spouses notices something or realizes we actually know each other.. maybe you'll be disappointed, maybe we'll find each other annoying, maybe we'll be discovered, maybe I won't have a chance to even speak to you, let alone anything...

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Welcome Home Part Three The New Project

"We have to invest all our money in the bar," Jordan said as she looked across the table at her family. They met at the local diner for breakfast. Now, they all looked at Jordan as if she had lost her mind."It is a dump." Sherry shook her head. "Five regulars come every night. They drink the same three beers, then they leave. Everyone else comes because there is nothing else to do around here." "Exactly!" Jordan nodded. "There is nothing out here. The movie theater is always three weeks behind...

Oral Sex
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Fight Night at the El Bolero TavernChapter 3

Things got really busy right after I watched my father collapse to the ground with spurting blood coming out of his eye socket. I heard my mother screaming and my sister Annie yelling "Get up Daddy! Get up!" I closed in with my two guys and faked a shot at one of them before turning and dropping the bigger one right in his tracks. A boot to the head as he fell took away any doubts I might have had about him getting back into the fray. As I was moving to get position on the other one, I saw...

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Your own sex pet

You rang Morphco. A company specialized the creation of anthros or furries, you decided to day was the day you would have your own sex pet; thoughts on what to ask for swam through your head. 'Maybe a cat girl with huge tits who loves anal or a horse girl that gave butt jobs.' Your thought were interrupted when the ringing from your phone stopped and heard a mechanical, though feminine voice talk through the speaker"Good afternoon sir, you've reached Morphco's Front desk, how can I direct your...

1 year ago
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Suzys Story Part 3

(You'll never guess - this follows Part 2...)The first week in the new location had an interesting start. The “boys” and I were sitting chatting, waiting for everyone to turn up. They were all very keen to talk about the last session. They had had their minds blown and couldn’t talk to anyone else about it so just unburdened themselves in the group.“Well, for me, just being able to get close to Suzy’s pussy was the best bit,” confessed John. “I love sexy underwear, it really does it for me; my...

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