Brittany s Morning Walks
- 2 years ago
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Introduction: I had already uploaded a version of this story under a different name. This version, however, is quite a bit longer. Brittany strolled downstairs with the wind on her naked body. She began every day like this. Her shower was on the other side of the kitchen from her bedroom so she would use this as an excuse to expose herself to her family on the trip there and back.
She had just turned 14 and this was her last summer before grade 9. Over the last term of her grade 7 year she suddenly hit puberty and her body became that of a woman. Shed still needed grade 8 to work through that awkward getting used to the new body phase and now she was very confident.
Her morning walks to the shower had not gone unnoticed by her family. Brittney had always been a nudist but it is only in the last couple of years that her brothers seemed to always get up earlier than her. She had two older brothers and one younger. Daryn was 17, Greg was almost 16, and Victor was 13.
Today was particularly sweltering and Brittany decided that, instead of having a shower she would just go swimming in the backyard pool. She walked happily past the boys, b-cup tits bouncing, opened the screen door and jumped in.
As always, in a couple of minutes Brittanys best friend and next-door neighbor, Sheila, popped through the hole in the fence. Sheila was totally opposite to Brittany, while Brittany was white, Sheila was asian, Brittanys hair was blonde and she had blue eyes. Sheilas hair was as dark brown as her eyes. And perhaps most notable, while Brittany hit puberty hard and early, Sheila seemed to be moving painfully slow in that regard. She looked like a tall 10-year old.
Hey Brittany! Sheila already had her suit on. Her eyes drifted to Brittanys pink body floating under the water. Where are your brothers?
Inside… recovering. Brittany grinned wide and flicked some water at her friend.
God, I wish I were you. You get a brother like Daryn living in your house and you get the confidence to actually show him your body.
You know you could always swim naked too. Nothings stopping you.
Yeah but I dont have anything to show him. Im not like you. Boys dont fawn over me. Sheila said as she slipped feet first into the water.
They dont fawn over me either. In fact I wouldnt be surprised if my brothers were the only guys who paid attention to me in that way. And I cheated by being naked around them. At this point, Greg ran outside and dove into the pool. It was clear that he didnt have anything on when he lay on his back in the water and his big penis rested on his chubby belly.
Uh… Greg… Brittany was laughing too hard to finish as Sheila stared wide-eyed at the prick. Then Greg caught sight of her and quickly ducked under.
Oh… Shit, hi Sheila, I didnt see you pop over. Greg was red as a beet. He was a nerdy brother, but Brittany thought she might like him best. Hed started the whole nudist thing even before she had, which she assumed was the reason her parents were so cool with it. He was a little pudgy and unashamedly virgin but he certainly had a happy-go-lucky aura which people liked.
No, I dont mind, stammered Sheila, Im fourteen so its ok.
In what world does that make sense? Greg challenged everybody about sex, just because he was alright with not having it.
It means that if I wanna get fucked, I will, Greg! Seriously, will ya lay off with the preaching! Sheila slammed her hand over her mouth so fast it was hard to believe the words had been said at all.
Jesus, Im sorry Sheila. I just keep forgetting that youre not a little girl anymore.
Well, you know what, Sheila started to pull her one-piece off her shoulders youre right, Brittany! I dont need these clothes! They dont keep me dry and I am tired of covering up! So what good are they? Her little tits popped out of the top with very little pizzazz. But as Brittany looked at her brothers face (frozen mid-apology), she could not deny that there was hunger in his eyes.
Sheila saw it too. It frightened her, but it also excited her. She took a step towards him while taking the one-piece off her legs, feigned tripping and fell straight into his arms. Greg caught her and immediately turned her head to kiss her.
Sheila had never seen Greg act like this. He was normally awkward around girls, but now… he seemed so like an animal – and also like he knew exactly what he was doing. This was not the passionate slobber-fest of a virgin, it was the determined make-out of a man.
She had to admit how hot it was. She had never really seen Greg as a sexual being before (despite having seen his private parts dangling in the open air for years). Now all she wanted was for him to kiss her like that.
When the kiss ended, Sheila stood up in the shallow end, looking shell-shocked. Greg immediately started looking appropriately guilty and got out of the pool. His penis was no longer dangling, it was so erect Brittany thought it might explode. He rushed inside.
After a few seconds Sheila said Im gonna head home too. her hand had drifted to her vagina unconsciously and the delirious smile was still plastered across her face. She got out and started walking towards the loose slat of the fence.
Wait, Sheila, Brittany held up a one piece suit,forgetting something?
Sheila grinned mischievously, oh, I dont think I will be needing one of those anymore. and she left.
Brittany had suddenly lost her need to swim and decided to go and talk with her mother about her new feelings for Greg. No doubt she would get the usual, these feelings are sometimes natural but should be ignored.
When Brittany entered the house she saw Victor leaving out the front with his skateboard. She went to her moms room only to find Daryn standing in the hallway with a copy of some novel.
Daryn was her oldest brother, and was a real stud-muffin. He had short blond hair and a tall muscular body. He had never really prescribed to the whole nudist life-style and accordingly dressed now in a comfortable purple polo shirt which showed off his abs and board shorts.
As she tried to get around him he extended his arm in her way. Moms busy. Brittany could hear music coming from the bedroom.
Well, its important. Brittany said as she ducked under his arm and continued down the hallway. She thought she heard grunting under the music. Suddenly Daryns arm wrapped around her midsection and he dragged her bodily back down the hallway kicking. No, I mean it. Im not letting you go back there.
Listen, if moms fucking Dad back there then you can tell me. Im a big girl now. Daryn went back to reading. Fine, fuck you Daryn. To Brittany, Daryn was just another asshole jock. He always had women crawling all over him and while he enjoyed the attention it made Brittany resent him. She could not really pinpoint why. Its just that with all those girls on him he rarely paid any attention to her.
It used to be different, even a couple of years ago they would have giant tickle fights and wrestling matches. It seemed that now that she had a womans body he had lost interest. She would have thought that he would want to wrestle more. Boys could be confusing.
Refusing to follow Daryns wishes, Brittany decided to sneak around the side of the house and peak at her mom and dad going at it. Fuck Daryn, telling me what I can and cannot see. she thought. She had to quickly don a summer dress in her room before going outside because shed have to walk in front of the house to get to her parents window. Sometimes she would entertain the idea of giving her quiet suburban neighbors a show, but she never went through with it.
Brittney climbed through the bushes at the side of the house and looked through the gap in the blinds into her parents room. She clearly saw her mothers auburn hair and curvaceous body bouncing up and down on a dick, but it wasnt her fathers.
Greg had his eyes closed and was sweating quite a lot. He was slamming his powerful body up to meet his mothers bounces. Brittany was frozen in place, unable to comprehend what he was seeing. Her brother was fucking her mother? And he was good at it too. Brittany had seen more than her fair share of pornography to be able to see that her nerdy brother was the real stud.
Greg picked up his mother and began to drill her into the bed sheets. His mother was hot, and hed been fucking her for a couple years with his dad, Antons consent. Anton had wanted his children to go out into the world knowing how to fuck like champions. His wife, insatiable as she was, would be the perfect coach. Her name was Samantha and ever since hed broken her cherry at twelve, not a day had gone by that they didnt act like rabbits in heat. Anton was hoping that Brittany didnt have the same sex drive as her mother otherwise there would be no way to keep up.
Suddenly Brittany could see Greg give one powerful thrust and settle on top of her mom. He pulled out and she could see his prodigious spend leaking from her red pussy.
Brittany needed to masturbate. One hand went straight to her breast and the other to her pussy and she started rubbing vigorously. It felt so good but it was not enough. For the first time in her life she legitimately needed a cock. She could feel the ball of warmth growing in her stomach but too slowly and she worried it might not come at all when a hand grabbed her arm.
Fuck Britt! How come I knew youd be out here! Daryn looked furious. How much did you see?
Daryn, Gregs fucking mom! he suddenly looked guilty and she realized: youre fucking her too! the ball of warmth was still in her stomach, waiting. oh Daryn, you have no idea what this feels like… I need you right now, youre the only thing that can get me off.
Daryn looked around and pushed her to the soft ground between the bushes. In an instant they were wrestling again, just like old times, but this time… Her summer dress was off in a second and his lips wrapped around her nipple. He sucked gently while his thumb ran circles around her clit. She started moaning and his mouth moved to muffle her but she pushed him off.
Daryn, put it in me now. he grinned
I like a woman who knows what she wants. he placed his cockhead at her entrance and wrapped his lips with her mouth before wrapping his cock in her lips.
His entrance was gentler than Brittany expected. It hurt, but not more than her need for him. A thousand reservations were coursing through her veins, nullified by the pleasure of being filled. If my mother could fuck Greg, I can damn well fuck Daryn!she thought.
After a few minutes of Daryns gentle thrusting, Brittany was writhing under his cock. The ball of heat had grown so big now that she felt it slop over the sides and she felt she might explode. It was a good thing that Daryns mouth was engaging Brittanys, otherwise the scream that heralded her orgasm would have called some unwanted attention down upon them. Daryn started to speed up until he was pounding desperately into her. She could feel warmth enter her belly as he arched his back and came inside her. As he pulled out he turned over on the grass beside her.
Wow. So that just happened. Brittany stated stupidly.
Uh, yeah. You should probably put this back on. he handed her the summer dress. So what do we do now? his eyes were intensely focused on hers, searching for something.
Well, we could do that again. Brittany looked at her brother, finally, she was the focus of all of his attention. Shed attracted a guy who could have his pick of any girl in town.
Daryn visibly relaxed with a massive sigh, I was hoping youd say something like that. Unfortunately it doesnt really work like that for us guys. We gotta wait a while. he lay down on the grass, staring into the sky. You know, Ive wanted to do that for a long time, ever since you became a woman.
Brittany saw her chance to get some answers. Then whyd you stop wrestling with me? I thought you had outgrown me.
I had to stop. You were my little sister, I was supposed to protect you from guys like me. Plus, dad said we werent allowed to touch you until you were older.
Does he know about… you know… you and mom?
Yeah. Hell, he was the one who got us started on her. Daryn eyes started to flow over Brittanys body again and his cock was growing. Now that she got a chance to look at it, Brittany saw that it was smaller than Gregs by a couple of inches, maybe about six when it was fully hard. For that she was glad, if it had been Greg whod broken her in she wouldnt have been able to walk for a week. Maybe thats why Daryn never really got into the whole nudist thing.
That looks ready for another round, if Im not mistaken. Brittany licked her lips. Her pussy felt a little sore, so she thought she might give another thing shed seen on the Internet a try. Can I do it with my mouth?
Daryn sputtered, can you do it with your mouth?! Is that even a real question? he grinned lecherously. Yeah, you can suck my dick.
Brittany wasnt really sure how to start. She grabbed the cock with her hand a bit too hard. Careful now, its still a bit tender. she loosened her grip and placed her mouth at the tip. Flicking her tongue out like a snake tasting the air, she got her first taste of him. Wasnt bad, no ice cream sundae, but it was kinda tasty, in a salty sort of way. Brittany placed her mouth over the head and sucked it like a lollipop. Shed always heard that was how one was supposed to do it, but she had a nasty habit of biting her candy. Her teeth only grazed the head but it was enough to warn Daryn. OK, you need to be more careful! No teeth.
Sowwy. Brittany muffled around his cock. This was not going very well, she decided. The rest of the blowjob was just as bad she couldnt get him anywhere near her throat without her gag reflex kicking up a fuss, try as she might she couldnt keep her teeth far enough away from his sensitive head, and her sucking was sloppy at best. Nearly ten minutes later she was about to give up, frustrated.
Daryn was experiencing the worst blowjob of his life, but also the best. She was terrible but enthusiastic. She clearly had no prior experience sucking dick before and it felt so hot to know that hed taken two of her three virginities within a half hour period. Not only that, but it was the girl that was doing it. Brittany was his little sister, and he loved her. Even all the girls hed been with and his hot mother had not been able to distract him from the lust that he felt for her everyday. If it werent for her teeth distracting him every few seconds he would have blown from the contemplation of those two facts alone.
Suddenly Brittany pulled off his dick. I cant do it. Im no fucking good at giving head! I cant believe I thought this would work!
His eyes went so wide they might have burst from his skull. You thought you would be perfect from the get-go? No one is. Everything in this world worth doing requires practice. It felt surreal to Daryn to be giving this speech to his little sister to convince her that she should keep sucking his dick. Just remember to keep your teeth off me and youll be fine. I promise to help you practice as often as you like.
What a self-serving offer. said Brittany, but she still smiled and bent back over his cock. She kept going and remembered to keep her teeth away from the head. This was enough for Daryn and a minute later he was lifting his pelvis off the ground, putting his hand on the back of Brittanys head, and blowing his load into her mouth. She choked on the first couple shots but swallowed the rest. The semi-solid cum slid deliciously over her taste buds, and she realized that she really liked the taste when there was a lot of it. She would definitely be doing this again.
Ahem… Daryn and Brittany both looked up to see their mothers auburn hair dangling out of the open window a couple feet above their heads. She pointed to Brittany and said, Apple, then to herself, tree. she smiled lovingly down upon her children. Lunch is on the table, you two. If youre still hungry that is.
————————Chapter 2.
Brittany and Daryn shuffled around the front of the house trying to look inconspicuous. This was difficult because both were covered with dirt, were walking funny, and had oddly satisfied looks on their faces.
In the kitchen they found their brother, Greg, sitting and reading the newspaper while drinking a cup of coffee. He looked up as they entered and a quizzical look entered his features.
Brittany sat down across the table from him, knees spread underneath. Hey brother. she said with a playfully accusatorial tone. Greg shrugged it off and went back to reading before he literally jumped in his chair with realization and bended his whole body to look under the table. Brittany could feel his eyes on her tight red cunny, leaking the evidence of her incest on the wooden seat.
Gregs eyes were glued to the beautiful sight for a few seconds before he whipped up again. What happened? Did you two have sex? His voice was whispered urgently, with a hint of anger. Do you know what dad will do if he finds out?
At this moment, Brittanys mom came walking through the kitchen completely naked. She knows. she said, and proceeded to get herself a glass of water.
Oh. Alright then. Greg said nonchalantly and went back to reading the paper. Congratulations, you two love birds. Does this mean that Daryn is going to stop seducing every girl in town and leave some for me?
A rolled up newspaper smacked Greg in the back of the head. Firstly, it is not Daryns fault that youve chosen to fuck no one but me! laughed Samantha, then pointed to her other two children, secondly, I dont want you two falling in love and having little incestuous babies together. You got that? This has always been for fun and to grow closer as a family. Dont let your hormones fool you into thinking that this is true love. There are billions of fish in the sea, dont keep going to the same breeding ground.
Brittany hadnt thought of that. She reached down to feel the cum that had already leaked out. It was laden with sperm, she knew. She felt a little bit of panic that could only be described as similar to a claustrophobic reaction. What if she was pregnant? She was only fourteen, she didnt want her tight, sexy belly to swell up and stretch. And who could she say was the father? Not Daryn, surely. She hadnt slept around enough to say that she didnt know.
Samantha walked around the table to grab Brittanys hand. Come on baby. Lets take a bath together.
They went to the bathroom and closed and locked the door. Samantha started pouring the hot water into the tub while Brittany pulled her summer dress over her head. After applying some bath oils and lighting some scented candles, the two gorgeous women sank down into the water. They faced each other in the massive tub, Brittanys legs going on the outside of her moms.
Samantha showed Brittany how to wash out the cum. She promised that they would go to the doctor soon and get some birth control pills.
After a long time of just soaking, Brittany opened the conversation. So, I guess youve been fucking Daryn and Greg for a while now. Brittany felt awkward asking the question. When shed had Daryns cock inside of her, it felt right. Shed always been attracted to her brothers, but she never thought anything would come of it.
Yes. Theyre wonderful lovers. I taught them all they need to know about making a woman… happy. Are you happy with what happened?
I dont know. I guess I was at the time. Now Im not so sure. I didnt know that it was going to happen, honestly, and when it did, it felt so… right. And I guess I thought these feelings were wrong, but now Ive seen you and… Fuck, I just dont know what to think anymore. Brittany pleaded with her mother for answers. Fucking them is wrong, isnt it? Just say so and I wont do it anymore.
Honey, Im sorry you got caught up in all this. This is why we werent going to tell you until you were older. I cant tell you what is or isnt in your own heart. All I can tell you is that you should take some time to think. Your brothers are patient boys. If you are not ready, they will wait for you. This is half the reason I fuck them, they are horny (and therefore stupid when it comes to sex) teenagers. As long as they have me, they can think clearly and they wont need to push the limits with anyone else. Samantha leaned forward and put a hand on Brittanys arm. Nothing is expected of you, sexually. Just have fun and be safe.
OK, thats a relief, Mom. Brittany began to think about possibilities and sank deeper into the water.
When they were out, both women dried each other off with one towel. Brittany went first, feeling her mothers warm and heavy breasts through the terrycloth. She spent an extraordinary amount of time on the erogenous zones of female flesh, exploring another womans body as she had not felt comfortable doing before, even with Sheila. She noticed how her mother flushed when she touched certain places, and how her nipples poked out fully by the end.
Samantha returned the favour by showing an expert version of the same process. Brittany could feel that her mother was testing pressure points to see which ones were the triggers for Brittanys stunning climax. Afterwards, Samantha had to use the towel on the floor.
Brittany walked, rubber-legged, out of the bathroom and back to her bedroom. She wished her mother a good night and fell into her bed, exhausted.
She woke up the next morning naked in her bed, like always. Looking at her alarm clock, Brittany was amazed to see that it was only 6:03. Normally, she would turn over and go back to sleep, however, this time she felt refreshed and didnt want to jeopardize that feeling. Not wanting to wake her family, she tiptoed downstairs and poured herself a glass of orange juice. Looking through the glass sliding doors into the backyard, Brittany noticed that the neighbours dog had gotten through the whole in the fence again and was prowling around the grass.
She remembered that Grizzly had always been friendly to her, and his owner, Tom, was even friendlier. Tom was a bachelor in his thirties, and was well acquainted to the nubile little vixen who paraded naked in her pool. Brittany had always known that of the three neighbours that surrounded them, Tom was the only one with two stories to his house. He could see over the fence from his bedroom window. A couple of times, Brittany could have sworn that she saw him peeping.
Brittany went outside and lay down on one of the deck chairs. She knew that Tom would eventually have to come looking for his dog, and it would be so hot for him to find a sleeping, naked 14 year-old too. She closed her eyes and saw the events of the previous day unfold. Before long she got lost in the memory of her brothers cock slipping into her tiny pussy. She swore she could almost feel it grazing her wet pussy lips.
Actually, it felt a little bit too real. Brittany opened her eyes to see that Grizzly had moved to the fork of her legs, and was licking her pussy. She sat up erect, horrified that this big german shepherd was violating her. It felt fantastic, but she was just about to pull away anyways when she heard one of the slats in the fence being pushed aside.
Grizzly! Tom whispered angrily, Where are… Tom stared at the beautiful teenaged girl who sat before him. She was young, too young, but had the body of a woman. Her long blonde hair was arranged in bed head format, her perfect tits had perfectly erect nipples, and her cunny was being plundered by mans best friend. It was simultaneously the strangest and most erotic sight he had ever seen. Both sat frozen while Grizzly paid no attention and kept happily licking. What… the fuck?
Toms voice jerked Brittany out of her static sense of panic, and into a much more active one. She leapt off the deck chair, eliciting a few loud barks from Grizzly. This is not what it looks like!
It looks like you were using my dog for sex! Tom whispered. Cmere, boy! Jesus, Brittany! How long have you been doing this?
Never before! I was just sleeping on the deck chair and he came up, and I didnt notice him until you were coming through the slat. I didnt have time to get away. I dont fuck dogs, I swear.
Throughout the entire conversation, Brittany was standing naked and dripping from her cunny. She could see a tent form in Toms shorts and felt the ball of warmth in her stomach start to grow.
Ok, ok, I believe you. Im gonna take this horny bastard home though. Tom led Grizzly out of the backyard by his collar, looking back just before closing the slat to see the naked girl still standing there watching him.
Brittany jumped into the water to wash off the dog-spit. of course, that action also included vigorous rubbing of her swollen pussy under the water. She swam laps for another hour and climbed out to go inside.
Sitting at the kitchen table was Victor, who stared straight at her tits. Morning Brittany.
Good Morning, Buddy! said Brittany as she ruffed up his hair. Youre up early.
Not as early as you. Im always up before you. Now that he mentioned it, Brittany had noticed that he was never around during her morning teasing routine.
Yeah, I guess. Brittany started to prepare her own breakfast. Of course she was also trying to make up for all of the mornings Victor had missed. Whenever she needed something it was either on the highest shelf or the lowest, giving every angle of exposure for her ass and pussy.
Hey, could you get me the milk? Victor called from the table.
Why dont you get it yourself, lazybones? Brittany looked over at him and glimpsed him looking down at his trousers. Ahh, the dreaded erection. Maybe she could have some fun with this. Oh, OK. Brittany made her way over to the fridge and pulled out a carton of milk. She handed it to him over the table, necessitating her to bend over really far. In his distraction, Victor did not get a good hold on the carton and it slipped, spilling all over his trousers.
Shit! Victor yelped and pushed his chair back, showing off a large erection. Brittany, being a good sister, was already at his side with a towel. She mopped his trousers and groped his erection through the cloth. Victor didnt say anything, he just sat there staring at his beautiful sister as she grabbed and fondled his cock.
Brittany was feeling the ball of warmth start to grow in her stomach again. I wont be able to get it all, youd better take the trousers off and put them in the wash.
What? Brittany looked up at her brother. He looked terrified. She was moving too quickly for him.
Just kidding, youre all dry. Brittany felt like it was a cop-out, but she had plenty of time for that when Victor was older. She picked up the milk from the ground, there was still some left in the carton so she left it on the table and walked upstairs. See you later, big brother.
Upstairs, Brittany opened up Gregs room and snuck inside. She crawled under the sheets and felt around for his cock. It wasnt hard to find, being as large as it was. She plopped it in her mouth as he began to stir. Nope. Her jaw wasnt quite big enough. Suddenly, light spilled in, Brittany? Are you gonna suck my cock? Greg smiled at her.
Im not sure I can. Brittany tried again to work it in.
Ooh, watch the teeth!
I know, I know. Fuck. Brittany tried again to fit it inside.
Uhh, do you want to have sex instead?
Do you have a condom?
Greg leapt up. Somewhere around here. He looked through his messy wardrobe for a few minutes. Brittanys arousal quickly diminished.
You know what, dont worry about it. Greg looked at Brittany with hope, then frustration when he realized what she meant. Ill be on the pill soon, then Ill make it up to you.
Alright but you owe me! Greg grinned before leaving the room to go across the hall. Brittany could hear Morning, Mom! before the bedsprings started shaking.
Brittany went back downstairs to find that Victor had already left, but that Daryn was now seated at the table. Hey, sis. Uh&hellip, how are you feeling?
Better than ever. Brittany sat down on his lap, rubbing her ass on his jeans. You?
Im good. Youre friend is outside. Brittany looked up to see Sheila in the pool, wearing a different one-piece than the day before. Why would Daryn draw her attention to that when her pussy was rubbing on his cock? Brittany decided that it was a hint that he wasnt interested right now. She stood up and walked to the glass door, casually shaking her ass in that way that boys like. In the reflection of the glass door, Brittany could see that Daryns eyes were glued to her. She smiled, relieved.
Hey Sheila! Said Brittany as she walked across the patio to the pool. The pretty Asian girl looked up from the water happily. Why are you wearing a suit? I thought you didnt need it.
Yeah, I guess I do. I tried to come over without one, but I saw Daryn there eating breakfast and I chickened out.
You didnt seem to have a problem with being seen by one of my brothers yesterday.
Its different with Greg. Hes so boisterous that he just draws you in like a riptide. I mean, he makes being a virgin sound cool. But Daryn, he could have any girl he wanted. Hes seen so many girls naked, I just dont want him to see me and compare me to them.
Let me tell you something, Sheila, boys do a lot more comparing when a girls clothes are on. When you are naked&hellip, I dont know&hellip, theres something very honest about it. Boys brains fire differently than ours. When a girls clothes are on, there is so much more to judge: her fashion sense, her wealth, her makeup, and of course, they have to make assumptions about the goodies beneath the clothes. You will always be evaluated for your body, thats one of the sad facts of life, but when you are naked, their minds shift away from all of the social lenses and become something more instinctual. And instinct, Sheila, is what was driving Greg when he kissed you yesterday.
Sheila blushed. Brittany went on, he saw you naked, and his first instinct was to kiss you. I think thats a far more honest assessment of your body than anyone has ever given.
I think you should write fucking speeches. I cant believe Im doing this. Sheila started to pull her one-piece off, one shoulder at a time. Something landed in the grass beside the pool. Both girls looked over to see an orange Frisbee laying there, then heard the slat into Toms yard start to open.
Now or never. Said Brittany to Sheila. Sheila nodded and pulled the shoulder straps back up. Brittany made a face to show that she understood. Hey Tom! she called over. Tom poked his head through the slat and grinned.
Do you mind if I grab my Frisbee, ladies? Brittany nodded and swam over to the edge of the pool nearby to the Frisbee and reached out to grab it, making sure that she could never quite reach and that her tits were resting on the edge. Tom walked over and picked it up, staring at Brittanys tits the whole time. He eventually met Brittanys eyes, and the look there left no doubt as to what was going on. A little ashamedly, Tom turned to Sheila, Hello Sheila. How are you?
Im good Mr. Bondurant. Hows your photography course coming? Brittany looked at Sheila, the petite girl had her head in her hands, and was clearly the most embarrassed person there.
Its going really well, still just a hobby, though. Im thinking of taking some more people-based pictures soon, rather than landscape. Maybe even some artistic nudes.
Id love to take part in that. interjected Brittany, feeling left out.
Arent you, like, fourteen? Brittany nodded, Thank you for the offer, but Im afraid I rather like not being in jail. Maybe in a few years. Hey, while Im here, Im looking for a dog sitter for tomorrow. Would either of you be interested in that?
Sorry, allergic. Said Sheila quickly.
Brittany pondered for a moment. She liked Grizzly, he wouldnt give her any problems, besides maybe the occasional pussy lick.
Youd have to wear clothes, Im afraid. I cant have you at my house with nothing on. And it would keep Grizzly from getting excited. Brittany looked up at Tom, it was like he read her mind.
Okay, Id like to but Ive got to ask my parents if its alright.
Sounds good. Get back to me as soon as possible. Tom started to turn to leave, the bulge in his pants making it difficult to walk straight when Daryn came outside.
Hello, Tom, what are you doing here? Daryn said, not impolitely.
Tom turned like a kid with his hand in the cookie jar. Oh nothing, Daryn. Just came by to get my Frisbee and ask your sister about dog-sitting tomorrow. I was just leaving now.
Dont go on my account. Daryn always looked dangerous when he was being totally non-threatening.
Tom looked a little offended. Im not. You hear my dog scratching on the fence? He needs his Frisbee. He looked over them all and smiled, Have a good day. Tom lifted up the slat and ducked back into his yard.
Daryn chuckled. Doesnt that guy give you the creeps?
Brittany and Sheila looked at each other. Not really. Yeah, Mr. Bondurant is nice.
Oh, well, he gives me the creeps. He turned on Brittany, And you give me endless frustration. What are you doing with your naked body dangling out in front of him like that? Sheila has a suit on and even she crouched under the water a little bit. Sheila unconsciously stood up straighter
I dont care if he sees me naked. In fact, I think its kind of hot. You dont honestly think that I wasnt doing all that on purpose. How dumb do you think I am?
I dont think youre dumb! I think youre nave. A guy like that could take advantage of a girl like you.
And if I want him to?
Im your brother, Im supposed to protect you.
Youre not protecting me from myself. Brittany then mouthed, with her back to Sheila, or yourself.
Daryns look darkened comically. Endless frustration. Im going to be sprouting grey hairs any day now. He turned and went back inside.
Brittany turned to her friend, lets go for a walk.
I dont know yet, but Im getting all pruny.
The two girls met up a few minutes later, Sheila in a t-shirt and jean shorts, and Brittany in a light summer dress. The beauty of this summer dress was that on windy days, Brittany would have to hold it down to prevent it from revealing her pussy. The material was also thin enough to become partially see-through in bright summer light, or if exposed to water. Today, unlike most days, she wore nothing underneath. It was like being naked in public, but legal.
They walked down the street together, talking about boys, school, politics and everything in between. Brittany kept a sharp eye out for anyone admiring her body. There were so many! It gave her pussy a little jolt every time she saw someone staring. Her pussy was leaking hardcore. By the time they reached the downtown, Brittany couldnt contain herself any longer. The ball of warmth in her stomach had grown past ignorable levels.
She dragged Sheila into the first shop she could find and asked for the bathroom. The attendant was a young man, probably early twenties, and good looking. Bathroom is for customers only. He said robotically while staring at Brittanys tits.
Okay, Ill buy something when I get out.
Im not sure thats&hellip, Brittany interjected by pulling the summer dress over her head, exposing her body to the very surprised attendant and Sheila. She tossed the dress at the attendant.
There. Now Im going to have to buy something. Satisfied?
The attendant just stared. Brittany got tired of him after a few seconds and just went to the back. She closed the door and fell against it. This was the biggest rush shed ever had. Exposing herself to a total stranger made Brittany so hot that she knew instantly that she was addicted to the feeling. She reached down to stroke her engorged lips, and came almost instantly. She sprayed her juices all over the floor.
She shakily turned around, overwhelmed by the climax. She calmed for a few seconds and opened the door. Wobbling back into the shop, she found that the attendant was still staring at her, and may have never stopped. Sheila was flushed with embarrassment, standing with her hand over her eyes.
Brittany asked the attendant where the pants area and he seemed to snap out of his stupor. He pointed at a rack on the far wall, out of his sight. Sheila and Brittany made their way over there.
Are you crazy? asked Sheila exasperatedly.
Brittany barely had to consider this. The answer was yes. She had stripped in a public store in front of a strange man. Worse though was that she wasnt done. In the aftermath of her climax, she hadnt realized that the ball of warmth that seemed to now rule her, had only diminished. Now in her present erotic state, she could feel it growing again.
Why hadnt an orgasm been enough? Normally it could banish the ball of warmth for hours without additional stimulation. The only explanation seemed to be that she had gotten so aroused during the walk that one orgasm, and by her own hand, could not suffice. She was becoming so horny again that she knew her hand would not be able to do it. She looked back out at the attendant, he was craning to get a look.
Im going to have to fuck him. Brittany said.
Sheilas mouth gaped open. WHAT? She whispered angrily.
Look, Im too horny to make it all the way home without another orgasm and I dont think my hand will do it. Also, did you bring money?
No, did you?
Nope. So how do we plan to pay for my new clothes?
Oh, fuck Brittany. Exclaimed Sheila, to which Brittany very nearly responded Precisely but did not. Why are you so impulsive?
Doesnt matter now. Oh mister attendant!
The man came back, How can I help you.
Can you help me try this on? Brittany held up a pair of pants and a top.
Of course. The man followed her to the change rooms, but stopped outside, clearly expecting to only be a voyeur. That would not do. Brittany needed a cock right that second. She pulled him inside and kissed him on the mouth. He was a good kisser, much more experienced than her.
He started to undo the buttons of his shirt, revealing a lightly haired chest with decent muscles. Brittany started to pull his pants down and a big erect penis flopped out of his underwear. She grabbed it awkwardly, still a little unsure of what to do with it. He started to push down on her shoulders. He wants a blowjob, she thought, wouldnt that be awful.
No, no, fuck me. He grunted and Brittany felt her leg being lifted. The strange man pulled a condom out of his pants on the ground and quickly applied it. Then he rubbed his cock on her slick pussy lips and entered her. He felt so good inside of her, waves of pleasure coursed through her body as the ball of warmth radiated throughout her. He fucked her for ten minutes, during which she had her much needed orgasm. When he was done, Brittany slumped against the bench, exhausted.
The man took out his phone and was about to take a picture of Brittanys naked body when she said What the fuck are you doing?
Just capturing some memories. He smiled.
I wouldnt keep those if I was you. It might be against some child pornography laws.
What? How old are you? The attendant suddenly had a terrified look on his face.
Oh Shit. I didnt know. Im so sorry.
Dont worry about it, I seduced you, remember? And if you delete those pictures and promise never to tell, then I wont either.
Thank God. He set about in his phone, deleting the evidence.
Thats not all. I may want to do this again in the future. Probably not with fucking, but certainly being naked in the store. You will let me. Also, Ill be taking these pants and top. I wont be doing this without paying again, but I want to wear something new when I leave here and I dont have any money.
Done. All done.
Good. Now get out of here, I want to get dressed. The attendant picked up his clothes and shuffled into the next dressing stall. Brittany put on the new clothes and stepped out. She looked for Sheila and saw that there was a small puddle of liquid in front of a bench near the door to the stall. She had been masturbating, thought Brittany with a smile.
There you are. Can we go now? Sheila walked up from the front.
You masturbated. Howd it feel, knowing that someone could walk in at any moment?
Sheila looked guilty, I did, but Im not stupid either. As soon as the stall closed, I turned the sign so people would think the shop is closed too. No one is walking in on me masturbating.
Well see if we cant change that attitude. Brittany grinned lecherously. The two girls walked outside, turning to go home. Do you think Im a slut?
I dont know. If you are what a slut is, then I want to be more slutty. You seem to have so much fun&hellip, and WAIT A SECOND! You lost your virginity! You must of! Just last week we admitted we were both virgins, and you just threw it away on that guy!
How do you know it wasnt someone else?
Because we have been hanging out every day and you havent seen any new guys.
Except my brothers.
Well, yes, but&hellip, NO. No way! Which one? asked Sheila incredulously.
Let me start from the beginning&hellip,
Brittany drove down Justin's street excited as could be. Her and Justin would be heading to her boyfriend's school and getting to the campus was quite a drive, but she was ready to see her boyfriend again, as she hadn't in a couple of months. Brittany pulled into Justin's driveway, finding Shelby's car parked there as well. "Well, it looks like someone spent the night," she thought to herself, smiling that Justin most likely got lucky last night. Not wanting to interrupt the couple...
Introduction: The best way to rebuild a friendship Will make much more sense if you read the previous stories. Enjoy part 4. Justins heart dropped. He pushed through the ocean of people, finding the front door of the frat house. Expecting to have to look all over campus for his friend, he was relieved to open the door and find her sitting on the front steps. She was bawling her eyes out. If you come any closer to me, I still have one drink I havent thrown yet, Brittany warned, not even...
Justin's heart dropped. He pushed through the ocean of people, finding the front door of the frat house. Expecting to have to look all over campus for his friend, he was relieved to open the door and find her sitting on the front steps. She was bawling her eyes out. "If you come any closer to me, I still have one drink I haven't thrown yet," Brittany warned, not even turning to face him. "Brittany, you don't understand..." Justin started, not sure what he was going to...
Archive-title: Brittany Fifteen-year-old Rob Kramer was worried sick about becoming a Sixteen-year-old virgin. He wasn’t a bad looking guy. Just an ordinary kid. Brown Hair. Brown eyes. Average build. Not tall enough to be a basketball legend and not wide enough to be a fullback. He rarely got less than a C or more that a B. Rob thought of himself as Mr. Average. He had a few brief encounters with girls but sexually had never gotten past the feeling-up stage. Lately, Rob was having a...
Justin's phone buzzed inches from his ear, dragging the teen unwillingly into consciousness. His eyes pried themselves open as his focus turned to the noisy pest resting on his pillow. It was Brittany. Justin looked at the clock, soon informed that it was only 7:30. He might have been pissed, but beings how it was the girls birthday tomorrow, he merely smiled at her eagerness to start her day. He was alone this morning, Shelby and Brittany had both retired to their respective...
Brittany’s First Summerby RebelmanBrittany stood in the alley and watched as her BMW drove away with Wendy behind the wheel.She hadn’t been allowed to drive her own car since that fateful day some three months ago whenher entire world had collapsed.Before that, the roles had been reversed with her and the young girl. Brittany had used Wendy asher pet, torturing and humiliating her every chance she could. She had made two big mistakesthough, one was underestimating Jimmy and the other was...
Do you have any idea how much I hate that girl? I mean really, I can't stand her. Pop icons in general really piss me off, but her in particular. It isn't just that she's put up on some kind of pedestal by corporate America and worshipped from afar by all breathing males between the ages of 9 and 90. Not only because she's got more money than me and all my friends and relatives will ever have in our entire pathetic little lives put together. Not because she looks like some catholic...
Susan nibbled on his ear, taking small nips at it as well as licking his earlobe. "You deserve a break too. I know you desire me. I've seen how you look at my legs and tonight, how you looked at where my legs join my body. I know what you were seeing in your mind. I want to show you that part of me..." more licking, "I know how to please men especially someone I like." Jon felt some wetness on his underwear and knew it was his precum leaking due to her licking and words, which were...
Three voices said, "Oh?" "Yes, if she had been on her period there could have been some blood, uh, spilling out." "If she was at the end and horny as well as drunk than yes I could see someone doing that," Jane said as she glanced at her husband with an embarrassed look, Jon continued, "That may not explain how the guy first entered her though. It was almost like he hit a barrier and pulled back than jammed it through." Kyle said, "It might have just looked that way, but he, um,...
Kari was a shy girl that was about 5'5 with black hair that reached down to the top of her back. She had an ass that was just begging to be tapped and breast that were amazing to look at and a tan that took many years at the beach to perfect with a athletic build because she play Softball for the school . She had a few boyfriends but none that could broke through the zipper on her pants or matter of fact broke her Hyman. Brittany was a girl that was 5'9 that had the ass that was fine...
I lay there in bed next to my sleeping wife and I all I could think about was what Brittany had mentioned to me in comparing the taste of my cum to my own daughter’s. It was the last thing she said to me before scampering off to Jessica’s bedroom but to be honest she could have recited the Gettysburg Address and all my mind would have registered was the fact that Brittany and Jessica had, at some point, had sex. I’m not sure how it’s possible but I dozed off with that image in my head.The next...
He said, "I think we are both ready enough." She had been so into the double sensations, of having him in her mouth while he was licking her, that she had forgotten what else they had to do. Suddenly she got nervous, "I... I think so too." she said with a half nervous and half eager tone. He seemed to understand for as he rearranged his position so that he was laying on top of her he just kissed her. He told her how much he loved her and how sexy her body was. He said he was proud to...
The story starts in their freshman year of high school and lasts for many years thereafter. Justin and Brittany were complete strangers as they went to different middle schools. Both kids lead very different lives. Now Brittany was a beautiful girl. She was short and petite, with long black hair, usually straightened. Being half Mexican and half white, she looked amazing. Her boobs were, of course, smaller, maybe Bs, but it fit her smaller frame well. Her ass was an amazing gift of nature,...
This is a series of stories I wrote a while back. I am posting it here, hoping to get more feedback. This one is fairly long, focusing a lot on character building and romance, so if that's not your thing, click that back button now, as you probably won't enjoy this. This story goes into great detail about a friendship that flourishes into more. If I get positive feedback, I already have 4 more chapters written, and will post soon enough. So please, enjoy the story:Justin and Brittany were...
Introduction: The awaited party begins Brittany and Justin were an hour earlier than everyone else as the pair of them caravaned the alcohol to the partys location. After walking for quite a few long, awkward minutes, Brittany finally broke the silence. Okay, on a scale of one to ten, how pissed are you at me? She asked, hoping to make Justin proud by the end of the night. Im not pissed. Im just hella disappointed. That strong-willed girl better show up to this party, because this weak little...
On the way home Jon told Brittany what he had been doing and how he had found her. She didn't listen to all of it because her itching arousal was driving her crazy. She kept fantasizing about what she was going to do, once they got alone and she didn't have to worry about distracting him. Jon and Brittany finally made it home, almost as soon as they closed the door she was all over Jon, kissing him and rubbing the front of his pants. She had been barely under control on the trip home, she...
My name is Ralph. I have been with my current girlfriend Brittany for a little over two years now and things have been great. She is pretty good looking dark curly hair nice curvy legs big tits not the ungodly huge kind but big enough to get a good handful when we are getting dirty with each other and a very dirty mind in bed. All this turned out to be great for me since I am kinda a freak myself. We had been together about three months when I discovered her submissive side. She liked me to...
"Okay, on a scale of one to ten, how pissed are you at me?" She asked, hoping to make Justin proud by the end of the night. "I'm not pissed. I'm just hella disappointed. That strong-willed girl better show up to this party, because this weak little submissive is not very attractive at all," Justin tried to sabotage John's plan without giving it away. "But it doesn't matter what I think about you hun. How disappointed are you in yourself?" "Look, I know I should be pissed at...
“Dad? Daddy? I’m home!” Brittany closed the door behind her. She went into the kitchen, but her father was not there and he was also not in his office. “Daddy? Where are you?” She called again, but there was still no answer. “Daddy?” She yelled as she walked up the stairs. Brittany was the only child of Martha and Gregory Andrews, and she was 16 years old. She had beautiful green eyes just like her father and long wavy blonde hair just like her mother’s. She was about 5 feet 7 inches and she...
IncestBeing my daughter’s best friend, Brittany was a fixture around our house for years and I for one had no problem with that. Whether it was her luscious round ass, her toned thighs or those massive young tits, she offered plenty of visual stimulation. The rumors of her slutty tendencies only serving to fuel the fire. The 18 yr old was the embodiment of sex and she knew it and was not afraid to let others know. Tight tops, short skirts, skimpy bikinis and other such revealing clothing were her...
On the ride home from the drive-in I couldn’t help but let my mind wonder, both about what had just happened and what might take place back at home. As good of a cocksucker as Brittany is I wanted to fuck her so bad so you can only imagine my disappointment when I saw my wife’s car in the driveway when I pulled up. The three of us headed straight upstairs and as Brittany was going into Jessica’s room he looked back at me and flashed that sexy smile. Maybe I would luck out and my wife would...
Britt and I work up together just before six and put on our early morning clothes. We went downstairs leaving Mel asleep on our bed. We went downstairs starting coffee and toast for breakfast. As the coffee perked and the toast toasted, we looked out the window with our arms around each other until the toast was done. We buttered our toast and put jelly on ours. We had kidded that we had found one thing where we didn't like the same thing and that was jelly and coffee. When the coffee...
?It’s time.? said a monotone voice in the darkness. Inmate 3347, formerly known as Brittany Lynn, felt the narrow leather collar enclose around her neck. She had known this moment was coming, having spent much of the afternoon being prepped, but her sense of dread was now replaced by fear of what was to come. All sorts of scenarios played through her mind, none of them good, based on the preparations that had taken place earlier. One of the matrons had led her from her cell and...
[Chad] With big smiles, we went out to the car and Dad drove the short trip to church. He parked and we got out. A car with out of state plates pulled up close to us. We all stopped to greet those we figured were new people. Mom and Dad greeted a couple about their age. They were two very tall individuals. The back door opened and a female's shoe came out. The rest of that leg had cream-colored slacks. She just kept getting out. Finally, she stood and it was a female about our age who, in...
Brittany is the type of girl who loves to flirt. Mainly using her huge 34 DD tits to get what she wants from whoever is willing to give. At 5'4" weighing roughly 135lbs, yeah she has curves and everyone loves curves. Fits into size 5 jeans. Nice round bubbly ass, toned legs, dirty blonde hair normally straight. Gleaming emerald green eyes that always have a twinkle to them and lovely innocent smile. Now Brittany wasn't always like this. She used to be quite conservative about showing off her...
We lay on the bed together for two hours, even napped a little. We woke up and talked. Britt said, "Chad, I feel guilty. I'm sad that Amelia is dead but not like I think I should be. I'm just numb ... My life is so different now from a month ago. You're the only constant. I've done nothing to deserve your parents' kindness and love. So many people have been so kind to us and said and done nice things to us and for us. I feel like I'm in a dream. That's why I want to hold you." I...
Mr Jones, the President of Sharpfield and Jones, smirked as he leaned back in his black, leather chair armchair and took a sip of the coffee his assistant had brought him. There was nothing better than a coffee to perk him up first thing in the morning. Well, almost nothing. He took another sip and glanced down at his assistant as she bobbed and slurped on his cock with those big, pink, glossy lips of hers. He was amazed at the skill and finesse she showed as she brought her lips up and down...
That afternoon was back to pretty much normal. Mom drove up as we were getting out of my car. She was usually home just before, just as, or just after I arrived. Britt finished handing me our books. She put her arm around my waist and we followed Mom inside. Thursday, we were told to meet them at the courthouse. Surprisingly, both of Britt's parents had acknowledged the petition and consented to Mom and Dad as guardians of Britt. We went into the court. Dad went over the original petition,...
“Good morning”. My eyes opened rapidly as I heard: “Have you missed me? It’s only been three days, but I want you now.” I replied: “When would you like to get together?” She answered: “Well, guess I could wait two or three minutes. I’m right outside.” I opened my door. Her hug nearly knocked me over. I kissed her gently. We passionately hugged some more. I said: “Why don’t we sit down and get to know each other a little more?” We sat together on the couch, as her hand...
Jack wakes up to see a pair of soft blue eyes watching him. She smiles upon seeing him wake and roll over to face the ceiling. The interior of the house annoyed Jack in many ways, but the slanted cedar slabs cut by two long skylights was not one of them."Morning," says Marian beside him."Overcast," Jack replies."It was raining earlier," Marian says. "I enjoyed watching the water droplets fall down. They made little rivers along the glass.""I am glad we fixed those first,” he says,...
Love StoriesMy hand slipped in between my legs for a split second, adjusting my shorts and brushing over my mount ever so lightly. Did I mention I was impatient? With my mind wandering I quickly fell back into a light sleep, I must've been more tired than I thought I was. When I woke up it was about an hour and a half later, the light was still on but it wasn't really dark outside anymore. By now the cat had left and curled up somewhere in the living area. Outside it was gloomy, rainy, just how I liked...
Dad dropped me at the end of the bay by the headland, amongst the trees next to the BBQ area on the little patch of mown grass where families congregated on hot weekends to cook up and hang out. It was deserted this late in the year, and the rangers had closed down the grill and disconnected the gas knowing there wouldn’t be any more business till next may. I was so sure I had the place all to myself that I changed on the green, slipping off my sneakers, jeans and t shirt. I hadn’t put any...
I groan and push my face deeper into the warmth of the pillow. Hands run up and down my arms slowly bringing me out of my dreamy trance. "Maddie." Kayla says in a sing song voice. I sigh and finally roll over and see my beautiful black goddess with her head propped up on her elbow and smiling at me. Her curly black hair was cascading around her shoulders and her brown eyes looking at me lovingly. I smile back and cover my eyes with my hand. "Oh god. I don't think I'll ever get...
That's what happened. I had thought to go but Dad said that I was to stay with Mom. After everyone left, Mom said, "This is going to be different for you. Can you handle your girl friend living in the same house? You know the rules won't change. If anything, they will be more strictly applied." "Mom, that's not fair. We haven't done anything wrong here. Why should we be punished?" "You won't be punished. You will be exposed to the young lady a lot more than you ever thought...
Finally, Britt kissed me hard and said, "Chad, thank you for what you have done. I've never been sure what would happen to me. Lately without you, I don't think it would have been good. I want all of this to work out especially you and me." I gave her a long, gentle squeeze that made her purr in my arms as I cupped a breast and thumbed the nipple through the dress and her bra. I said, "I want things to work out, too. You are a beautiful, nice person. You should be happy." She turned...
As we went upstairs and into my room, Britt asked, "How old is Mitch anyway?" I answered, "He's the same age as Mom and Dad. That would make him about forty or forty-one." "Okay, that gives me a window of ages." "Oh, okay. You're serious about this aren't you?" "As a heartbeat. He's a good man and deserves to be happy. He hasn't been looking. Mom and Dad have separately admitted that he hasn't tried to date." I said, "I guess he's still carrying a torch for Mom and now...
Dad looked over with a slight air of disapproval. Britt saw his face and said, “I don’t care if it’s a little over the rules. This is special. I’m thinking of jumping you and Mom, too.” He grinned happily. “Well, come on!” He held his arms out. Britt jumped up and jumped in his lap and kissed his face all over. Then, she jumped over to Mom messing up her papers doing the same thing. They both looked bemused when she rose. She and I helped pick up and straighten Mom’s papers. Supper was a...
Brittany Stevens sat down for breakfast and opened the local paper, flicking the pages to the Staff Wanted section. Brittany had not had a job for almost half a year now, and money was starting to run dry. Sure, her parents had helped her with her rent, her car, and pretty much everything else, but they were threatening to cut her off so she decided it was time to find herself some work. Brittany bit into her toast as her eyes grazed down the various want ads. She licked her lips, still tasting...
She didn't understand what she was doing here, in JC Penny on a Wednesday afternoon. Her long distance fucktoy, Jordan lived on the east coast. She had, of course, sent him dirty pictures from dressing rooms while she shopped before; usually Victoria Secret dressing rooms. And she had even played with herself in a dressing room while he watched via Facetime. But every one of those times was in a store of her choosing; he had never before specified where she should go. What the fuck was going...
ToysI had been crossdressing since I was 13 years old and had been making online purchases of everything from wigs and makeup to boots and lingerie. I always had the desire to be with a man as a sluttly girl. I decided that it was time. It was when I was 29 years old and was weighing a nice 180 lbs and 6'2. I live alone and I decided to dress up in my favorite black thigh his stockings, my lacey garter belt, my thong black panties and a sexy sheer black bra. I put in my silicone...
When it became apparent to Brittany that I loved her long, swollen clit, things got a little spicier than I had anticipated. She was no longer shy about getting her needs filled. She flirted more openly, instead of getting dressed before leaving the shower, she'd go from the shower to her room wrapped only in a towel, whether Lisa was home or not. I'd drive her to school ocassionally and get a hand job along the way, or she'd let me finger fuck her. On one of these trips to school, she was...
A few minutes later, Doctor Martin came in and made me sit on the bed. He poked and prodded. He looked into my eyes with a bright light and watched my pupils react. Finally, he said, "You're good. Take care of the head. No active things for a few more days. Keep the dressing clean. Brittany, are you going to change it or is Lois?" Britt said, "I will. I know what to do. I helped Nurse Dan clean it and re-bandage it this morning." "Okay, if you get a headache, if you feel dizzy or have...
On that Sunday afternoon, we were at the house. Mitch had a car come pick up Miller and take him to a holding cell. I think he felt he was safer in jail than anywhere else. Mom and Dad insisted that Mitch and Dora stay for supper. Mom said, "We won't keep you late though it appears that all the excitement is over." Dora looked at her and said, "I think Mitch might stir some up with me later." She smiled impishly and Mitch blushed. "Mom, may Chad and I still invite Missus Thornton to...
I was visiting my aunt; my mother’s youngest sister, during the summer vacation. She is an engineer in one of the IT companies and many times she has to be visiting different towns for her work. After about a week she told me that she will be going out for two weeks and if I would be interested in accompanying her. It was an opportunity for me to see the new places, so I immediately agreed and we were in this small town accommodated at the company guest house on the outskirts of the town....
The phone rang and it was a happy and excited Amanda. She was tearfully happy thanking us all. She said, "My dad wants to talk to Missus Arnold." Mom took the phone that Britt handed to her, and said, "Hello?" We could hear the other end. "Missus Arnold, this is Tim Grogan. I wanted to add my thanks to hers. Mister Baker called and said Brittany and Chad accompanied by Tony called on him this morning and he is lifting the expulsion. That is great news! He also told me that you...
We were prepared to wait supper for Dad and Mitch to arrive. They arrived a few minutes before our normal time to hugs and kisses. Mom said, "You can tell us all about it over supper. I would think you're both hungry." Mitch said, "Lois, I'm always hungry for your cooking." Mom said, "Good. Remember that you are having dinner with us Friday." "I remember and I get to sit between you two." "That's my Uncle Mitch, always wanting to sit next to two pretty ladies." I had learned...
School had just ended and it was time for a wedding! It was going to be a small wedding until Mom and Dad's class started on it. The situation quickly ballooned out of sight with people all over town hearing the public announcement. Pastor Bob had Mitch assign police officers to the church to handle traffic. It was a good idea. Almost the entire police force was going to be there. Everyone Mom knew at school and all of Dad's working friends including the D.A. and all the judges....
We were both working our summer jobs when the suit with Britt's great uncle was resolved. We had dinner with Mitch and Dora included. After dinner, it became a conference. Dad started it. "Brittany, the suit is over and Mitch and I are the new trustees. The bank in Florida has transferred all the money and I verified it today. Lois and I are your guardians and with Mitch and I now as trustees of the trust, I thought we could sit down and determine some goals and directions." Mitch said,...
Our house is finished and we have the occupancy permit! Chad and I wander through the rooms in awe. Mom and Dad have been out here with us. Today is Saturday and we have friends coming to paint. Chad and I have picked the paint and put out drop cloths and gathered brushes, trays, and rollers. Our bedroom will be painted the same color as our bedroom at Mom and Dad's. We both love that color and that room has special meaning to us. The most difficult decision was furniture for our bedroom. We...
For the last couple of months, Jaime hadn't been able to stop thinking about cock.And he couldn't help but regret his decision. Sure, switching to the graveyard shift had meant he'd be making more money and have more time during the day to paint, but he hadn't realized that this new graveyard shift schedule didn't mesh with any of his fuck buddies. And his mouth and ass had been frustratingly empty due to his lack of foresight.He'd managed to set up a handful of late-night blow 'n go's,...
Gay Male"Ohhh ... Who's that guy?" I asked my best friend, Sandy. "That's whatshisname, I forget ... He's in my chemistry class though." We were both looking at him. "He's pretty cute, but he doesn't say much." "He's obscenely cute," I replied, thinking I didn't really need him to talk, just looking at the boy was nice enough. "You can't be serious, Steph." Sandy shuffled books in and out of her locker and book bag. "What?" I looked all innocent, flashing her a smile to go...
My name is Brittany. I am a reporter from Little Rock Arkansas. I am a thin, but curvy brunette. We have a fetish Festival every year and this year I was chosen to interview one of the participants. I have always been interested and intrigued by some of the of the people that go there. It was a hot morning but I wanted to look really nice, so I dressed in a pair of tan stockings and high heels, with a tight fitting blue curve hugging dress. I looked at myself in the mirror and realized...
I was so looking forward with great anticipation to my upcoming weekend in Paris.It was the perfect time of year to be outside of the UK in the city of romance and eternal youth. One of my side issues that filled my waking hours with the seeds of guilt was the need to converse in French with native speakers so I might improve my terrible Midland’s accent, to at least the off chance I might be from somewhere more appropriate in the average French person’s thoughts of an ideal environment.I...
Straight SexWe were right to dress. Starting about five minutes after we came downstairs, there was a steady stream of well-wishers coming through the house. While I was talking to Pastor Bob, Britt went into kitchen to fix us a late lunch. She came out with a plate and a glass of tea. Mel had two TV trays. She set them up side by side. Britt placed a plate and a glass of tea for me on one. She went back into the kitchen and got her plate and glass. We talked to Pastor Bob while the crowd went...
We returned home and unpacked. We then washed and dressed. We pulled up at Louis just before seven in our new finery. Dad parked and our men handed us out. We were stopping traffic. One man even walked into a car! As we reached the door, Mitch and Dora walked up from the other end of the lot where there had also been a disturbance. I now understood why. Dora was wearing a rose colored mini dress with soft black prints of flowers on it. The top was a halter and had to have built-in bra...
We waited and a few minutes later a car pulled into our drive. Mister Anderson came to the door. Dad said, "Come in, Ben. Where's Judy?" "She's waiting in the car." Dad said, "Will you go and bring her in or should I?" Mister Anderson said, "I want my daughter or I will call the police." Dad said, "Why don't I call my friend from before high school, Mitch? He's the chief? You might also remember that I'm the Senior Assistant District Attorney for the circuit. Now, your bluff...
[Chad] Thanksgiving was coming fast. We had talked to Mel and Dan and they were driving in over Wednesday night to arrive late. The only question Mom asked was, "One bedroom or two, dear?" Mel's answer was "two." She admitted to Brittany that they were somewhat active but she wasn't even slightly ready to carry it further yet. Dan was talking about marrying over the Christmas holidays. Dan would be able to take the time off albeit without pay. It would be a simple wedding and...
In the morning, I eased my way out from between the two females. Mel was topless though I knew that because she had rubbed against me in the night. By the same manner, I knew that she was wearing the requisite panties. I got downstairs and Dad said, "Good morning. Having Mel sneak into your bed must be inhibiting?" He grinned. "It would have been worse about ten minutes earlier." I chuckled. I continued, "It will work out. She is trying to change from what she was expecting to what is...