Brittany and Jon Thrice TemptedChapter 2
- 3 years ago
- 23
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Susan nibbled on his ear, taking small nips at it as well as licking his earlobe.
"You deserve a break too. I know you desire me. I've seen how you look at my legs and tonight, how you looked at where my legs join my body. I know what you were seeing in your mind. I want to show you that part of me..." more licking, "I know how to please men especially someone I like."
Jon felt some wetness on his underwear and knew it was his precum leaking due to her licking and words, which were getting to him big time. Just a slight turn of his head and he could be kissing her which would lead to her getting what she wanted for her birthday. Not that it wouldn't give him something special too; after all Brittany had kissed Steve and others.
She felt his hesitation and said, "Don't worry about Brittany she is getting some too, she's out celebrating my brother's birthday. If she can give in so can you."
That was a mistake on her part. He had been getting ready to say no but the mention of Brittany caused him to react immediately. He growled out a "No!" Stood up quickly then took a step forward, turning around as he did.
Jon said, "No I'm sorry if it's your birthday but that is one present you are not going to get."
She looked at him shock for a moment but then stepped forward and tried to put her arms around him. "But I've wanted you, even while having sex with other guys I think about you. And I can see you do need a break- a reward."
Jon took her arms in his and gently pushed her back. "No!"
He had decided it was better to leave to get away from Susan and he wanted to see where Brittany was after what Susan had said about her getting some. He hadn't known about the drugs yet or he would have been even more concerned. Somehow later he had met Susan at the restaurant Brittany had dinner with George and Linda.
As Brittany now thought about it she wasn't sure how it had happened, she had been distracted by her fantasizing about Jon fucking her but Jon had explained that he and Susan had found out that Tommy had given her the whole can of drugs and herbs to drink. Jon explained that Susan had said that wasn't good, that Tommy was supposed to just give her some of it. She had drunk some to see how it worked and had been turned on enough to do a foursome. She had been begging three guys to fuck her, and to let her suck them. She had taken them in every hole more than once. The amount Brittany had drunk may not be safe and it would excite her even more. Jon had remembered what she had said about the club so had quickly driven there, eventually finding Brittany in the bathroom.
As she lay in her bed alone Brittany could not understand why Jon had asked her to leave. She hoped it really was to think, she thought his love would make him choose her but at the same time she wasn't 100 percent sure. She felt like crying then she would feel like getting angry. "It wasn't fair! I did said no. Yes I kissed someone else, but I didn't fuck them that should count for something!"
She finally got to sleep and the next day as she was packing, Jon came home. She was glad to see him but she also wanted to know where he had been. Hopefully not at Susan's or any of the other girls she knew that wanted him.
"I spent the night at Tony's" He said to answer her unspoken question.
She was shocked not knowing what to say, "But Tony has a lot of girls over, he is always finding someone to have sex with," she ended up saying.
"Not always, he does spend quite a few nights alone and last night was one of them. I slept alone. I'm not the one... Ur, umm... I mean I just had to spend some time thinking."
Brittany could only nod knowing what he had stopped himself from saying. She finished packing and went over to Jane's. She had been Brittany's Matron of Honor and was still a good friend.
Over the next few weeks Brittany spent time at Jane's, at her mother's, also at Jeanette's and even at Joanna's for one night. She thought about getting her own place since Jon didn't seem to be in any hurry to make a decision. She called once a few days after she moved out. She didn't want to be pushy and clingy especially after she heard that being clingy in this type of situation could drive the other person away.
He answered on the second ring, obviously knowing who it as.
"Hello Brittany... how are you?"
She wanted to yell "how do you think I am after you kick me out and then don't call." but she said, "I'm Okay. I'm staying at my mother's right now. I've talked to Jeanette and will be staying there for a couple of days."
"That's good. I'm sorry I haven't called. I have been busy at work they have been having some overtime."
She thought he must have heard some of her anger in her voice for he went on to say, "I know I should have called. We do need to talk. I'm glad you told me where to find you."
They talked a moment longer but she ran out of things to say and obviously he did too for after a moment of silence he said, "I need to let you get back to doing what you were doing."
She wanted to get mad and to tell him to decide but all she said was "I love you."
He said, "I know." then they hung up.
She called again three days later.
Again he said "Hello Brittany" in a gentle sounding tone as soon as he answered.
"Hi Jon, I called to tell you that I'm going to be spending the night at Jonna's but I will probably have to go elsewhere after work. I'm working more hours now."
"Uh, yeah."
There was silence again and then they talked about a couple of movies that had just started showing.
"I'm thinking about going back to Jane's even though I have to sleep on the couch there."
"She is a good friend."
"Yes she is."
After another silence, "There's a new club opening soon."
"Yes I've heard of it"
A pause then she gave him her cell phone number. Obviously he had it but she wanted to make sure he didn't forget.
"Thank you... And you don't have worry about your cell phone charges. Its still on the same account as mine."
Again they ran out of things to say so they each said bye and hung up. She said she loved him again as they ended the conversation.
She sat there feeling confused. It had been obvious he hadn't been thinking about their relationship as he promised. But he had said her cell phone was still part of his; that meant something. She got up frustrated, wondering if he still loved her. She was starting to think this was the end after all; maybe she should get on with her life. Get a full time job and her own place, go out. That last thought almost brought her to tears. She didn't want to date anyone else.
One night some of her friends came by and took her out, trying to cheer her up. They went to a new club and sat, drinking. They told her she needed to forget Jon, he obviously had forgotten her or he would have called by now. Jane was one of the few voices that said he would decide soon. It wasn't like him to break a promise or to forget his love for her.
She went out a week later again and this time a handsome guy named Rob, came by the table to ask some of the girls to dance. Most did dance with him and when it was her turn they encouraged her to have some fun, all she had to do was dance. She did and it was fun, somewhat fun that is. She didn't enjoy it as much as with Jon but Rob was a good dancer and he knew how to talk to a woman. Afterwards, she sat down and he went on to the next friend.
What she didn't know was that Jon had walked into the Club, while she was dancing with Rob. He had decided he needed to get out and the new club sounded like a place to check out. He walked and was shocked to see Brittany there, and even more shocked that she was dancing with a guy. He watched them together wondering if she was out on a date with the guy. He was relieved when she went back to her table and he saw that the guy was taking turns dancing with each of the friends sitting together. He thought about approaching Brittany but decided that he had something to consider so he left and went home. He had been not thinking about Brittany on purpose because it was painful but as he realized a lot of time had gone by and he better make a decision now or he could lose her by default even if she wasn't dating currently, she would eventually if he didn't communicate with her.
Once back home he started pacing as he thought. He had never paced before and wondered why anyone would but he had excess energy. He couldn't sit still so he paced. He thought about him and Brittany. Everything had been so simple until he got that DVD of her bachelorette party. Now it was almost like he doubted everything she said. He knew she had told the truth about what happened with Steve but that didn't help. He still felt like she was right on the verge of cheating.
There had been that swim party they had gone to, a couple of weeks after the attempted or partial seduction by Steve. He had been getting ready to leave work when his boss told him something had come up, somebody hadn't been there to fix a machine, so Jon had to work on it. He didn't know that much about it but he and another worker each knew something about it. They had been able to fix it but it had made him late to the party. He had called Brittany telling her he was going to be late and may not get there at all. She was angry because it was supposed to be a night for them and she had a new swimsuit to show him. He rushed home, changed and hurried to the party.
Once there he didn't see Brittany, Susan had come by and mentioned she had seen Brittany, drinking more than usual and flirting with a couple of hunks who were there alone. It looked like more than just fun flirting to her. And she mentioned that some couples were going around to one side of the house for some privacy, for there were some benches set among some larger bushes. Jon had left her but had thought about it and decided to go to that side since he still hadn't seen Brittany. He saw her just as he turned the corner of the house. There she was with her arms around another man, a nice looking hunk but as he she saw him, she got a very shocked look on her face. She had pulled back from the guy and her bikini top had come off. It was new with no straps around her neck or shoulders so just the back strap held it up. Her expression turned angry and after grabbing her falling top she tried to slap the guy. The guy stepped back out of her reach. It was obvious the guy had untied it, but not whether she hadn't wanted him to. Later Jon wondered if the shocked look was produced when she realized it was untied, or when she saw Jon standing there while she was allowing some guy to undo her top. The anger and slapping attempt could have been faked.
Jon hated thinking those type of thoughts but it fit with her earlier anger at him, her drinking that night and what Susan had said about the flirting. He wanted to believe her, especially since something strange was going on. It was almost like someone or something was trying to get her to cheat. He shook his head thinking he had better talk to her though. He had promised to decide and even though it hurt to think about it he should.
The next morning Jon called her cell phone number. He had heard from Jane that Brittany was staying with another one of her friends, Lisa. That friend had two extra rooms and didn't mind sharing one especially when Brittany was paying some of the rent. Brittany was able to pay for her own food, gas with a little for rent and some fun.
It was early but she should be up to get ready for work, since it was one of her early work days. It took her a little while but she finally answered the phone. She was very surprised that it was Jon, but at the same time he got the impression that she didn't want to talk right then. He said he would call back later and that it was important. When he hung up though he wondered if he really would call back for he had heard a male voice mumbling something in the background. "Maybe she had taken that guy home after all or for that matter had gone home with him. That would explain her reluctance to talk right then and why it took so long for her to answer," he thought. He sighed not knowing what to think. "To be fair it could have been one of her roommate's guys but how would I find out for sure? If I ask when I call her back it might get her angry especially if it was her roommate's guy." Thinking about all this was giving Jon a headache, so he put it out of his mind and went to work.
The next day, early in the morning he woke with a start. He jerked upright with the dream he had been having still in his mind. The dream had been about something he had forgotten about. He felt like slapping himself on the forehead, "how could I forget that detail?" It changed his thinking and what he was feeling. All those weeks that he had wasted. If he had thought about it he would have made a decision sooner, instead of waiting so long because he was afraid. Now if it wasn't too late. If that was a guy with Brittany the other morning, he would deal with that when he found out for sure. Now though he had to find her and to tell her what how he felt and to apologize. Even if it was too late he needed to do that. He had a very uneasy feeling, he had to find her and talk to her. Maybe it wasn't too late now but it would be soon.
Jon called her cell number but it was off. "Maybe it was charging," he thought but his feeling of unease increased. He tried calling the friends she was staying with but they said she had left. He called a couple of other friends and they hadn't seen her then he tried her work number. He had to dig through his stuff to find that number but he was determined to find her. He found it and called but she hadn't shown up for work today. She was supposed to be there already-half an hour ago but no sign of her and no call from her.
That gave him pause, "she liked her job and right now she needed it so where was she?" His discomfort increased. Something wasn't right he could feel it but was it because she was with another guy, or been in a car accident or what? He called around some more to different friends, even to two of the girls she had been with the night before. He ended up waking one up because she had spent the night with the guy who had danced with them all that night and the night before. Jon breathed a little sigh of relief over that knowledge, but he still had to find Brittany.
He got in his car and drove over to where she was staying. He found her car but no Brittany. Did someone pick her up or did had she spent the night with someone and had forgotten she was supposed to be at work?
He went to the house but Tomi the one person who was there didn't know if she had been in her room the previous night or not. Jon called four other friends and no one had seen her. Not the night before or that morning. One of those was Jane and she had talked to Brittany the night before over the phone but didn't know where she was now.
He kept trying Brittany's number but it came up that her phone was off. He finally called the sheriff's office asking for Pat. She wasn't in at the moment but he was switched to her husband, Mike. Jon introduced himself quickly and told him he couldn't find Brittany.
Mike asked about hospitals and Jon said, "I thought about that but I found her car and no one has seen her. She is supposed to be at work but she isn't. I have called various friends who might have picked her up but no one has seen her."
Mike said, "Try to keep calm. She still could be at a hospital or maybe, um, because of your current living arrangements she spent the night with someone you don't know."
"I understand what you are saying, but I thought of that too. I asked around but no one seems to have seen her with any guy."
"That could still be a possibility however... I'm sorry but there isn't much I can do right now. We can check the hospitals and the morgue but other than that we don't have the manpower to check the home of every friend or every club she might have gone to last night."
"I understand that but I need to find her. Something happened I can feel it."
"We will do what we can from here." after a pause, "If you find out anything more contact us. One of us will be at this number."
"Okay-(Sigh)... I will."
"Bye Now."
He hung up and ten minutes later, after a couple more calls, his phone rang. He hurriedly answered it hoping was Brittany but it was Susan.
"I heard that you were looking for Brittany."
"Is she with you?" he asked even though he would be greatly surprised if that was so but then again, he had tried about everywhere else.
"No but I may know where she is."
"Where?" He wondered if he should believe her or if this was another ploy to get at him, if she said Brittany was at a hotel or some such he would demand evidence.
"Have you looked everywhere?"
"Not everywhere but she is not at work I just called them and I found her car but she isn't with it."
"Damn" he heard her mutter under her breath a short pause then, "Tommy may have her."
"What do you mean Tommy may have her? She wouldn't go anywhere with him. Not after what he tried."
"She may not have gone voluntarily."
'UM, after this latest attempt to get her failed he was really upset."
"Latest attempt??! Hey, he was behind the faked video?!"
Even though that last had been more a statement she said, "Yes he was. And he was also behind Steve almost seducing her."
"What? Why?"
"He was angry that she had not given in to him while they were dating... he thought that if you hadn't come along he would have been able to take her cherry."
"What?" He rolled his eyes thinking that his vocabulary had shrunk to one word suddenly but to her he said, "He wanted to be her first? Well I can't blame him for that there were a couple guys that said they envied me being her first but they wouldn't try anything, now."
"He had been trying to have sex with her, starting before you guys were married."
Jon stopped himself from saying what again and let her continue.
"He tried at her bachelorette party and one or two other attempts. He spent money trying to get her to have sex with him. He paid Steve to seduce her and bought some Chinese drugs and herbs... that wasn't cheap."
Jon spoke very low saying, "So he was the guy in the hallway that slapped Brittany"
Susan said, "What?"
"I was just thinking out loud... So now he is tired of trying and wants to get his money worth."
"Yes... I didn't realize he would really grab her but if she is missing he may have her."
"Do you have any idea where he might take her?"
"If not to his place then there is a warehouse our uncle has. He has various businesses and that is one he doesn't use very much. Tommy has a set up there with a bed. He has taken dates there before and has held a couple of parties there."
"Where is it located?"
She gave an address then said, "I helped him try to have sex with her but I never thought he would harm her."
"You tried to help him seduce her?!"
"Yes I thought he deserved it and it wouldn't do her any harm to have sex with another guy especially if we could convince her she wanted it, but... but rape is something else."
He made a hissing sound as he drew in a breath as she expressed what he had been thinking what Tommy was going to do.
"I got to find her. Why don't you go to his place just to make sure he's not there and I will head for the warehouse."
"Okay... Jon I really didn't expect him to do this."
"Okay but I need to get going."
He hung up and rushed out to his car. He zoomed away trying to remember where that street was. Once he had the car oriented in the correct direction he called Pat's number again. Mike answered and Jon gave a quick synopsis of what Susan had said ending with the address she had given him. Mike said he would head for the warehouse with a team. Jon should stay away from it.
Jon didn't listen to that command though, and after hanging up he stepped on the gas. It took what he felt was forever to get to the right area of town. In his haste he drove past a turn off and had to make a U-turn quickly. He squealed his tires as he sped back toward the turn off. He made the turn and slowed as he looked for the right address. He finally found it a mile later. It was a warehouse off the road in an area with few other buildings. No wonder Tommy thought this was a good place for a rape.
Brittany was feeling afraid. She had been about to get into her car to drive to work when she had heard a noise. Even that early there were many noises around the neighborhood, so she hadn't really thought about it that much but suddenly there was someone behind her and something was put over her head. "A canvas bag," she thought. She breathed in to scream but a hand shoved the part of the bag over her face into her mouth. Next her chest was squeezed forcing her to exhale the breath. She fought but her arms were pinned against her body and she couldn't do much. She was then half lifted half dragged, she wiggled and tried stepping on the feet of her captor but she was shoved into something. "The back of a car" she thought from the feel of it. She was on the floor of the backseat. Her legs were tied together. With her arms stuck inside the bag she couldn't push herself off the floor while lying on her stomach. The whole event had taken less than half a minute. After a long drive she was untied and pulled out, she tried to fighting again but one arm was pulled behind her and pushed upwards, causing great pain in her shoulder joint. She tried screaming again but no one must have heard her or cared.
After what seemed to be a very long time the bag was removed. During that time, something had been placed around one ankle. She saw that she was sitting on a bed in some building. It didn't look like a house from what she could see of it. What surprised her the most was that Tommy was standing there holding the canvas bag that had been over her head. She looked at him unsure of what he was doing. She hoped it was rescuing her but she thought not because of what he had done to her before.
He said, "This is going to be your home for a while. There's a bathroom over there." He pointed to one side of the building. "You can try screaming but we are too far away from anyone that would care. I put the leash on you so you won't escape."
She looked down at her right ankle and there was a cuff around it with a cord that led from the cuff to the headboard. She moved her leg pulling it. It seemed long enough to allow her to go to where he had pointed indicating where the bathroom was, but that was it.
"I am sorry for hurting you but you fought harder than I had anticipated. Don't worry I don't plan on killing you or torturing you. You will be released eventually but I want to get some of my investment back and to finally get what I've been trying for years."
She looked puzzled, "Investment?! What investment?"
"The time and money I've spent trying to get into your pants."
"Yes I've spent over a thousand dollars and given much time in trying to fuck you. Ever since we dated I've worked at that. Somehow or another you have always been able to ruin my plans but not this time, this time I'm not going to take no for an answer. But don't worry it will be pleasurable I will make sure you have a good time."
Brittany's mouth dropped open and she looked at him with fear, realizing what he meant.
"You are going to rape me?"
"That depends on you. As I said I want to get my investment back and I want to get something that I should have gotten long ago. Your sweet cunt and asshole."
Fear went through her heart as she tried to think of something to say.
He walked away and a few minutes later came back with a glass of water and a dish containing some of her favorite foods, fried rice and Swedish meatballs.
"See I plan on feeding you well. I know what you like and I want you to eat while you are here."
After that he left her again. She didn't know where he went but while he was gone she looked around. It looked like she was in the corner of some factory or warehouse. There was the bed and a small table, where he had placed the food, and two chairs. One was a kitchen table chair with plain wood and the other was a smaller upholstered seat. There was an end table with three books and a lamp. She noticed a small hotplate on the table, so she could warm up the food she thought and a small refrigerator on the other side of the bed. Brittany didn't look in it, saving that for later. She looked at the books and found that there were ones she liked. She had read one already but the other two she hadn't gotten to yet. So he was planning on her being there for a long time. That thought sent a wave of fear through her, especially with what he had said already about why she was there. She felt like crying but at the same time she was angry and determined, she couldn't let him rape her. No matter what it took, after all that had happened, with almost giving into Steve and dancing for Tommy and the other two, Jon wouldn't believe it was forced on her and it would be the end of their marriage. On top of that there had been that event at the swim party. It was just two weeks after her night with Steve. Jon had worked late on a night that he had promised was just for them. She had gone without him more out of spite and a determination to enjoy herself. She had drunk a couple of glasses of wine and after a hunk named Matthew flirted with her she had flirted back. Just for fun and from her anger with Jon. Later another guy she knew had come by, a friend named Louis. She flirted a little with him then they had walked around the pool area talking. She had known him for a couple of years, though she didn't think Jon knew who he was. Somehow they had gotten around the side of the house and when he had said he had just gotten a promotion on his job, she had given him a friendly hug. However, he either took it as more or had decided to have some fun with her. She felt his hands go to her back strap and untie it just as Jon had walked around the side of the house. She pulled back from Louis trying to hold her neckless top from falling, while at the same time she tried to slap him. He had just stepped back and smiled. She had stormed off trying to retie her top. He hadn't said anything but she wondered if Jon had believed her or not. He acted like he had doubts.
All that combined would make Jon think she had let Tommy fuck her. She couldn't allow that.
While she was brooding over her fate, Tommy was checking his voice mail and thinking. He had decided to be as nice to her as he could. Kinda like bad cop-good cop routine, except that there was only one of him. He would try to bring out the slut that was inside Brittany, and see if he could activate the Stockholm syndrome. If he was nice to her and pleasured her she might decide he wasn't so bad after all, even if it was subconsciously. Of course even if it didn't work he still would rather fuck her while wet than dry, and he would enjoy doing things that would arouse her like licking her pussy. If that worked he could get her to stay here willingly, Jon would reject her, and he would offer take her in so she had to go some place after all. If so, then it wouldn't take much to get her to do a special favor for him. To take some of his drink and then to let some of his friends have as much sex with her as they wanted. He more than likely wouldn't tell her they were paying him for that privilege but if she bonded to him, he would be able to get her to do that. Even if he had to beg a little, after all her inner slut should be out by then. She was a slut even if she didn't want to realize it and he was just going to help her see that.
She looked at the food wondering if she should eat it. It might give him some psychological power over her but she wasn't hungry anyway, she had a good breakfast. She looked at the food and the books wondering if he was trying to seduce her or some such.
She still had no answers when he came back a while later, she didn't know how long he had been gone since there were no clocks and she didn't have a watch. He looked at her sitting there. It looked like he was admiring her-like a piece of meat he was about to cook and eat that is.
He said, "We should just as well get started. I've been waiting years for this and finally it's my turn."
She didn't like the sound of that and gasped as he moved right in front of her and before she could guess his intentions, he used his legs to separate hers. He did it so fast that he was right there his body almost touching hers, before she even knew he was moving. Her head moved back in an automatic reaction. He grinned and reached for her breasts, caressing them through her blouse. She gasped at what he was planning.
Not being able to think of anything else she said, "Before we get started I need to use the bathroom."
He looked at her funny like he wasn't sure to believe her or not, but she said, "My bladder is going to burst, please."
"Okay but make it fast."
She got up, hurrying to where he had pointed while talking about the bathroom. She found a door in the wall there. Going in she made sure the door was closed. It had a key lock in the doorknob but she was sure he had the key to it... She looked around quickly. There was nothing she could use as a weapon. The whole thing was small but looked like a bathroom for a house. The toilet was new as was the bathtub. It looked like it was big enough for two people and she had a bad feeling about that. She hiked up her skirt, she was suddenly glad she had worn one of her longer skirts even though it probably wouldn't make much difference, and slipped down her panties. She sat and after a few seconds peed. Once she had said she her bladder was about to burst she realized that it wasn't just a delaying tactic, she had needed to pee badly. After that was done though she sat for a minute and strained to have a bowel movement. She figured it would be a while before she would be able to use the bathroom again. Finally she was able to do something, wiped herself, and sat for another minute or so. Brittany felt like crying again but she decided she better get back out there. It would not be good to get him angry. At least for this.
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Introduction: The best way to rebuild a friendship Will make much more sense if you read the previous stories. Enjoy part 4. Justins heart dropped. He pushed through the ocean of people, finding the front door of the frat house. Expecting to have to look all over campus for his friend, he was relieved to open the door and find her sitting on the front steps. She was bawling her eyes out. If you come any closer to me, I still have one drink I havent thrown yet, Brittany warned, not even...
Justin's heart dropped. He pushed through the ocean of people, finding the front door of the frat house. Expecting to have to look all over campus for his friend, he was relieved to open the door and find her sitting on the front steps. She was bawling her eyes out. "If you come any closer to me, I still have one drink I haven't thrown yet," Brittany warned, not even turning to face him. "Brittany, you don't understand..." Justin started, not sure what he was going to...
Justin's phone buzzed inches from his ear, dragging the teen unwillingly into consciousness. His eyes pried themselves open as his focus turned to the noisy pest resting on his pillow. It was Brittany. Justin looked at the clock, soon informed that it was only 7:30. He might have been pissed, but beings how it was the girls birthday tomorrow, he merely smiled at her eagerness to start her day. He was alone this morning, Shelby and Brittany had both retired to their respective...
Archive-title: Brittany Fifteen-year-old Rob Kramer was worried sick about becoming a Sixteen-year-old virgin. He wasn’t a bad looking guy. Just an ordinary kid. Brown Hair. Brown eyes. Average build. Not tall enough to be a basketball legend and not wide enough to be a fullback. He rarely got less than a C or more that a B. Rob thought of himself as Mr. Average. He had a few brief encounters with girls but sexually had never gotten past the feeling-up stage. Lately, Rob was having a...
Brittany’s First Summerby RebelmanBrittany stood in the alley and watched as her BMW drove away with Wendy behind the wheel.She hadn’t been allowed to drive her own car since that fateful day some three months ago whenher entire world had collapsed.Before that, the roles had been reversed with her and the young girl. Brittany had used Wendy asher pet, torturing and humiliating her every chance she could. She had made two big mistakesthough, one was underestimating Jimmy and the other was...
Do you have any idea how much I hate that girl? I mean really, I can't stand her. Pop icons in general really piss me off, but her in particular. It isn't just that she's put up on some kind of pedestal by corporate America and worshipped from afar by all breathing males between the ages of 9 and 90. Not only because she's got more money than me and all my friends and relatives will ever have in our entire pathetic little lives put together. Not because she looks like some catholic...
Kari was a shy girl that was about 5'5 with black hair that reached down to the top of her back. She had an ass that was just begging to be tapped and breast that were amazing to look at and a tan that took many years at the beach to perfect with a athletic build because she play Softball for the school . She had a few boyfriends but none that could broke through the zipper on her pants or matter of fact broke her Hyman. Brittany was a girl that was 5'9 that had the ass that was fine...
This is a series of stories I wrote a while back. I am posting it here, hoping to get more feedback. This one is fairly long, focusing a lot on character building and romance, so if that's not your thing, click that back button now, as you probably won't enjoy this. This story goes into great detail about a friendship that flourishes into more. If I get positive feedback, I already have 4 more chapters written, and will post soon enough. So please, enjoy the story:Justin and Brittany were...
The story starts in their freshman year of high school and lasts for many years thereafter. Justin and Brittany were complete strangers as they went to different middle schools. Both kids lead very different lives. Now Brittany was a beautiful girl. She was short and petite, with long black hair, usually straightened. Being half Mexican and half white, she looked amazing. Her boobs were, of course, smaller, maybe Bs, but it fit her smaller frame well. Her ass was an amazing gift of nature,...
I lay there in bed next to my sleeping wife and I all I could think about was what Brittany had mentioned to me in comparing the taste of my cum to my own daughter’s. It was the last thing she said to me before scampering off to Jessica’s bedroom but to be honest she could have recited the Gettysburg Address and all my mind would have registered was the fact that Brittany and Jessica had, at some point, had sex. I’m not sure how it’s possible but I dozed off with that image in my head.The next...
Introduction: The awaited party begins Brittany and Justin were an hour earlier than everyone else as the pair of them caravaned the alcohol to the partys location. After walking for quite a few long, awkward minutes, Brittany finally broke the silence. Okay, on a scale of one to ten, how pissed are you at me? She asked, hoping to make Justin proud by the end of the night. Im not pissed. Im just hella disappointed. That strong-willed girl better show up to this party, because this weak little...
"Okay, on a scale of one to ten, how pissed are you at me?" She asked, hoping to make Justin proud by the end of the night. "I'm not pissed. I'm just hella disappointed. That strong-willed girl better show up to this party, because this weak little submissive is not very attractive at all," Justin tried to sabotage John's plan without giving it away. "But it doesn't matter what I think about you hun. How disappointed are you in yourself?" "Look, I know I should be pissed at...
My name is Ralph. I have been with my current girlfriend Brittany for a little over two years now and things have been great. She is pretty good looking dark curly hair nice curvy legs big tits not the ungodly huge kind but big enough to get a good handful when we are getting dirty with each other and a very dirty mind in bed. All this turned out to be great for me since I am kinda a freak myself. We had been together about three months when I discovered her submissive side. She liked me to...
“Dad? Daddy? I’m home!” Brittany closed the door behind her. She went into the kitchen, but her father was not there and he was also not in his office. “Daddy? Where are you?” She called again, but there was still no answer. “Daddy?” She yelled as she walked up the stairs. Brittany was the only child of Martha and Gregory Andrews, and she was 16 years old. She had beautiful green eyes just like her father and long wavy blonde hair just like her mother’s. She was about 5 feet 7 inches and she...
IncestBeing my daughter’s best friend, Brittany was a fixture around our house for years and I for one had no problem with that. Whether it was her luscious round ass, her toned thighs or those massive young tits, she offered plenty of visual stimulation. The rumors of her slutty tendencies only serving to fuel the fire. The 18 yr old was the embodiment of sex and she knew it and was not afraid to let others know. Tight tops, short skirts, skimpy bikinis and other such revealing clothing were her...
Britt and I work up together just before six and put on our early morning clothes. We went downstairs leaving Mel asleep on our bed. We went downstairs starting coffee and toast for breakfast. As the coffee perked and the toast toasted, we looked out the window with our arms around each other until the toast was done. We buttered our toast and put jelly on ours. We had kidded that we had found one thing where we didn't like the same thing and that was jelly and coffee. When the coffee...
* * * * * * * * * * It was Jon's first day at his new college. He had been upset about transferring here for his junior year, but with his father's new job, there had been no choice but for the family to move. Money was a little tight, so he decided to transfer to a college near his new home and to commute. Jon missed his old house, his old friends, and his old school, but he loved his family and knew that he should be a good son and support them with the move. His father had lost his...
On the ride home from the drive-in I couldn’t help but let my mind wonder, both about what had just happened and what might take place back at home. As good of a cocksucker as Brittany is I wanted to fuck her so bad so you can only imagine my disappointment when I saw my wife’s car in the driveway when I pulled up. The three of us headed straight upstairs and as Brittany was going into Jessica’s room he looked back at me and flashed that sexy smile. Maybe I would luck out and my wife would...
Jon? John? What's the difference? Part III. There and Back Again In part 1, Karoscan-34 and Dratto-29 (eleven dimensional creatures and university students), changed the name of John Smith to Jon Smith in an alternate universe, as part of their term project. In part 2, largely as a result of the name change, Jon fell into the clutches of Janice, an embittered lesbian (along with her lesbian and man hating lover, Dr. Athena) and Minerva, a vicious and sadistic dominatrix. At the end...
Sarah and Jon By Callie Messenger Sarah looked down through the list of library members and felt a surge of disappointment. There was no J. Davies on the list. There were two L. Davieses, one of whom could be Linda, his wife, but it might not be. She had done so well, considering she had done this alone. The last time Sarah had seen Jonathan Davies they hadn't said a word to each other. He was married by then. Linda didn't know it, but the last time...
One summer year, my wife’s step brother needed a place to live for a bit till he got back on his feet. Linda said Jon could stay with us till then. Jon was a few years younger than Linda. Linda is 30 and Jon is 28 years old. Linda’s mom and Jon’s dad been married for almost 15 years. Jon got laid off from his job and had trouble looking for a new one. He told me he lost his job and his girlfriend broke up with him. Jon stayed in the spare bedroom room which was right next to our bedroom. We had...
John? Jon? What's the difference? Part 2. A Ripple or an Avalanche? By Akkano Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction and all the characters are purely imaginary. Synopsis: Karoscan-34 and Dratto-29 are eleven dimensional creatures. In part 1, they turn the time back 35 years to the birth of John Smith, and rename him Jon, instead of John. Because of his name change, his life changes significantly in part 2. Part 2 is stand alone part. However, you may wish to...
Having just had my fill of Tanya’s cunt and Carol fucking my cunt, [see story 118] The three of us walked back to the living room where I saw that my Jon and Aaron were both sitting on the sofa naked. Carol offered, “Just like I left them”, meaning she had been there when the two men had their sex episode. I went over and sat next to Jon while Tanya moved into the chair next to Aaron and Carol took the lounge chair. “Well was your Avis a good whore?’ I asked Tanya. “The slut was perfect” she...
[Chad] With big smiles, we went out to the car and Dad drove the short trip to church. He parked and we got out. A car with out of state plates pulled up close to us. We all stopped to greet those we figured were new people. Mom and Dad greeted a couple about their age. They were two very tall individuals. The back door opened and a female's shoe came out. The rest of that leg had cream-colored slacks. She just kept getting out. Finally, she stood and it was a female about our age who, in...
“Eight!” The trainer called out from the computer screen. As the trainer called out the number, Jon dug deep and bent his knees to enter into another squat.“Nine!” The trainer called out to Jon.Jon could feel his legs shaking, beads of sweat on his forehead accumulating, as he entered another deep squat.“Ten!” The trainer shouted as she signaled for the final rep.Jon mustered his strength and, legs shaking, entered his final squat. He returned to a straight standing position, legs slightly...
Oral SexJon Todd walked into the bar at the Edinburgh University Students Association and went straight to the bar.“Pint of 50 shilling please,” he said to the barman, his flat Yorkshire vowels contrasting with the softer Scottish accents all around him. He’d only come to Edinburgh the year before because that’s where his father had studied, and HE wanted his eldest child to study there as well. It was one of the prices you paid for being the son of one of the country’s pre-eminent surgeons. You had to...
College Sex?It’s time.? said a monotone voice in the darkness. Inmate 3347, formerly known as Brittany Lynn, felt the narrow leather collar enclose around her neck. She had known this moment was coming, having spent much of the afternoon being prepped, but her sense of dread was now replaced by fear of what was to come. All sorts of scenarios played through her mind, none of them good, based on the preparations that had taken place earlier. One of the matrons had led her from her cell and...
126. AVIS AND JON DROP IN AT THE BOOKSTORE. Jon and I had passed an adult bookstore on our way to an apple festival and decided to stop at it upon our returning home. As we pulled in, there were only two cars outside, but we decided to check it out anyway. Going into a back room, I noticed only one light was lit above a door. “You want to try it?” Jon asked me. “Why not” I replied and slowly tested the door handle, pulling it out and peeking around the door, was nicely surprised to see a...
Jon & Jill by JKChapter One Jon Folkkes was sitting in his office in the JF Air Services hanger at Love Field in Dallas Texas. He was bent over his desk busily completing US Customs forms. He had just piloted his Gulfstream 5 corporate jet air craft from Cancun in the Mexican state of Quintana Roo. He was tired. The instant coffee he was attempting to swallow was just short of being vile. He could hear the rain drumming on the hanger roof as he worked. He had just spend most of the...
We lay on the bed together for two hours, even napped a little. We woke up and talked. Britt said, "Chad, I feel guilty. I'm sad that Amelia is dead but not like I think I should be. I'm just numb ... My life is so different now from a month ago. You're the only constant. I've done nothing to deserve your parents' kindness and love. So many people have been so kind to us and said and done nice things to us and for us. I feel like I'm in a dream. That's why I want to hold you." I...
Jon came back to his room in Winterfell castle soaked in sweat after another long day in the training yards. He removed his thick fur cloak and his leather clothing and light armour, calling outside the room to a waiting servant boy to get him some hot water for a bath as he lay down on his bed to rest and wait for the servants return. Life wasn't easy in Winterfell,even for him. Contrary to popular belief, being a stark bastard didn't mean he was given the same priveledges as the...
Brittany is the type of girl who loves to flirt. Mainly using her huge 34 DD tits to get what she wants from whoever is willing to give. At 5'4" weighing roughly 135lbs, yeah she has curves and everyone loves curves. Fits into size 5 jeans. Nice round bubbly ass, toned legs, dirty blonde hair normally straight. Gleaming emerald green eyes that always have a twinkle to them and lovely innocent smile. Now Brittany wasn't always like this. She used to be quite conservative about showing off her...
John? Jon? What's the difference? Part 4. The New Beginning In part 1, Karoscan and Dratto (eleven dimensional creatures and |puniversity students) change the name of John Smith to Jon Smith in an alternate universe. In part 2, largely as a result of that name change, he falls into the clutches of Janice, an embittered lesbian and Minerva, a vicious, sadistic dominatrix. He manages to escape from them. In part 3, he has several misadventures and as a result, has no alternative but...
We had first met Jon through an agency that owed us some money. According to Jon’s bio he was a part-time model, who models nude for magazines that appeal to both sexes. He insisted on being photographed by females only though, so perhaps that was a clue to his real sexuality. His bio showed some of his naked pics. He was very well hung and the pics showed him having his very erect cock pleasured by both males and females. After we showed Jan these pics she was even more determined to...
We had first met Jon through an agency that owed us some money. According to Jon’s bio he was a part-time model, who models nude for magazines that appeal to both sexes. He insisted on being photographed by females only though, so perhaps that was a clue to his real sexuality. His bio showed some of his naked pics. He was very well hung and the pics showed him having his very erect cock pleasured by both males and females. After we showed Jan these pics she was even more determined to...
Introduction: Jon Snow goes about Ravishing the ladies of Westeros one by one, Gaining political strength and power along the way. Jeyne Poole could not put her finger on it but&hellip,.Something was different about Sansa Stark. Since a few days ago, the eldest Stark daughter had changed drastically. Oh sure, she had long stopped trying to talk on and on about the endless new fashions and clothing from the south. She was no longer the innocent unknowing girl she had once been and had finally...
72 avril lets jon live his fantasyJon said you wanted to hear about another time I was bloodied. While he's busy, I'll pass this on to you. We have a small cabin that we stay at during the off season (usually Sept) and one year we were just lying around in bed when I asked Jon if he had an outdoor fantasy. I could tell by the small smile on his face he had and was about to tell me of it. There was a small island near us that was only divided by a narrow canal, accessible by one stone bridge...
Oh sure, she had long stopped trying to talk on and on about the endless new fashions and clothing from the south. She was no longer the innocent unknowing girl she had once been and had finally learned to look deeper into things. It was something that had Jeyne sighing in relief. If she had continued her naive ways in such a kingdom as Westeros, she would have been too easy to manipulate. But something else was different about her…and her slow mind on the issue be cursed for she could not...
99. Avis turns the tables and cuck`s Jon Jon had left for the day and I knew that a repairman was due to arrive soon, so I made myself presentable by slipping into a black bustier with straps that held up a pair of black stockings and top off the outfit with a pair of black ankle strap stiletto heels. Not long after the doorbell rang and I answered it, looking at a nice young man standing there before me. "I'm here to repair your washer" he said. "Please come in" I motioned him and...
That afternoon was back to pretty much normal. Mom drove up as we were getting out of my car. She was usually home just before, just as, or just after I arrived. Britt finished handing me our books. She put her arm around my waist and we followed Mom inside. Thursday, we were told to meet them at the courthouse. Surprisingly, both of Britt's parents had acknowledged the petition and consented to Mom and Dad as guardians of Britt. We went into the court. Dad went over the original petition,...
Tuesday morning, we repeated how we’d started Monday. The three of us got up earlier than need be, and we made love before we agreed to meet after work at my condo in Sarasota, and then go to dinner downtown. I got a solid day’s work in, still thinking almost continuously about Pam and Trish. I also got some good news from the previous client I’d had dinner in L.A. with just before getting on the red eye back home the week before. He decided he did need some upgrades to the security of his...
A letter arrives for her and Maester Luwin brings it to her attention. She takes it and reads it in her room. It is an invitation to visit The vale for a festival and then onto a visit to the Riverlands. She would have loved to attend but now….? She lets her hand move down to stroke her bulging belly lovingly, her womb nurturing Jon's child. The "first of many" as Jon had told her fiercely. No doubt she would be spending most of her days in bed, whelping out Jon's offspring. Jon saw it...
I knew Julie had been through more than I could imagine, even with her telling me what she had. I also knew that somehow Joan had, for lack of a better word, processed her into being a slut. Whatever I was going to do to get Julie back to some semblance of what we had before was going to require time and solitude. Just the two of us. I had begun to formulate a plan and needed to start to make it come together. Part of the plan was getting out and away from Joan and company. I called up a...
Mr Jones, the President of Sharpfield and Jones, smirked as he leaned back in his black, leather chair armchair and took a sip of the coffee his assistant had brought him. There was nothing better than a coffee to perk him up first thing in the morning. Well, almost nothing. He took another sip and glanced down at his assistant as she bobbed and slurped on his cock with those big, pink, glossy lips of hers. He was amazed at the skill and finesse she showed as she brought her lips up and down...
On a bright Summer Morning in King's landing, Cersei Lannister gave birth to her firstborn son, prince Gerold Baratheon, the second of his name, son of King Robert. His hair was a dark raven black. And his eyes were green as his mother's own. She lay on her comfortable bed and nursed her child, lovingly holding him close as he fed from her breast. Her child had strong features and was cute as could be and she could not help but feel proud of birthing such a fine son for her lover. And...
The next day, to add some variety to our mix, I called up Jon and asked if he and Amy would like to come over and join our little unbalanced foursome. He was enthused at the prospect, however, Amy had gone to a weekend art class over on the east coast and wasn’t due home until Sunday evening. I assured him that he was most welcome, and that he’d like the new addition to our midst. At the time I didn’t tell him about Rosalin. I made sure that Jon knew there was some sex included in my...
Chapter 1:Catelyn Tully/Stark It wouldn't be a lie to say that the inhabitants of Winterfell would ever know who pushed Bran down the tower and killed him. And though Catelyn Tully would forever have her suspicions, she would not voice them. Not with her husband dead and the realms in the hands of the tyrant Joffrey Lannister. She only thanked the old gods and the new that Ned had refused King Robert's betrothal arrangements and refused to take Sansa and Arya with him to the capital when...
John? Jon? What's the difference? Part 1. The Term Project By Akkano Synopsis: John Smith is a well adjusted, happy, prosperous businessman. In an alternate universe (which is identical to the first universe), his parents name him Jon, instead of John. Because of his being named Jon, his life takes a totally different track in the alternate universe and he becomes transgender. The change of name is largely responsible for his turning transgender, if he had been named John, very...
HumorJon and Carol had been sitting on the end of the bed as I woke up and looked over at my black man who was already awake. I slowly leaned over towards him, put my arm around his neck and drawing to his lips, planted a hard, long passionate kiss on his lips. Not really thinking of what Jon might say or do, "Good morning love" I told my man. Jon just smiled then said, "sleep well honey?" "Like a baby" I answered back. "Not too tired?" he now asked. "No" I said, "I feel great". With that, Jon...
My friend Jon is a very successful 28 y/o with a roving eye for group sex! He called me last week and ask me if Hayden (my 29y/o son) and I were available for a pool party at his house over the weekend. Of course I was, Jon's parties are legendary for food drink and wild sex. I ask Hayden if he had plans or if he would like to go as well. He said his plans are now changed if there is a party at Jon's. I called Jon back and let him know we would love to come, when should we be there, what...
Now I had a new cock that looked nothing like what I had grown up with. I was discouraged for a while after the operation; I would never have done anything like this on my own. I had grown up with it and was happy with the way it had been. Now, well, it was beginning to feel 'right'. Mary had been pushing me for sex on a daily basis, several times a day. I had to pretend that I was starting to 'love' her, and when Joan brought Julie over one day I had to ignore the one true love of my...
'You are to please and be pleased.''The thought of a threesome situation with a third man (toy boy) for your sexual gratification and enjoyment has strong appeal,' I emailed my lover Mirreille.To make sure we were on the same wave length I set out my rules and expectations and asked her to provide her list.MY RULES / EXPECTATIONS He should be half our age. Physically attractive. Very well hung, much bigger than me. Outer sex only. Needs to be enjoyable for all three. He needs to enjoy watching...