Jon And Karen Chapter 1 free porn video

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Jon Todd walked into the bar at the Edinburgh University Students Association and went straight to the bar.

“Pint of 50 shilling please,” he said to the barman, his flat Yorkshire vowels contrasting with the softer Scottish accents all around him. He’d only come to Edinburgh the year before because that’s where his father had studied, and HE wanted his eldest child to study there as well. It was one of the prices you paid for being the son of one of the country’s pre-eminent surgeons. You had to follow in daddy’s footsteps.

Well if he had to be a surgeon, he’d be the best fucking surgeon on the planet, just to show the old bastard.

He was brought back to the real world by his arm being jostled, causing half of his pint to end up on the floor.

“Oh I’m terribly sorry,” a light pleasant voice said, “are you all right, did any splash on you?”

He looked down.

“No, it all seems to have hit the floor,” he replied, “apart from a couple of spots on my shoes.”

The speaker was female, very definitely female. Dressed in an Edinburgh Dentists sweatshirt, and a pair of jeans that looked like they’d been painted on. She was, as Jon’s old English teacher might have said, the very image of feminine pulchritude. Or as Jon and his friends would have put it, gob-smackingly gorgeousness.

A head shorter than his 6 foot 2, slim, with all the right curves in all the right places, he caught himself wondering if all the other bits were in the right places too. He was so busy looking at her, that he didn’t hear her when she spoke.

“Pardon,” he said when he realised she was saying something, “sorry I was miles away.”

“I said, let me get you another pint,” she repeated.

“No,” he replied, “that’s all right. You don’t need to, let me get you a drink.”

“Thanks,” she said, “but no. I’m with someone.”

She inclined her head towards the bar, where there were two people waiting to be served, one a tall gangly young man with long straggly hair, the other a beautiful redhead.

“Lucky bastard,” he thought, thinking of what the young man might be planning for when he took her home later.

“Lucky fellow,” he said, wryly.

“What?” she retorted, looking over at the bar, “no, not him, Sarah.”

She gestured towards the girl.

“Then I’ll buy you both a drink,” he said and set off towards the bar.

“I’m Jon,” he said, “short for Jonathan, but most people call me Sweeney.”

“Why Sweeney?” she asked.

“My last name’s Todd, and I’m a medical student.”

“Karen Kaliszewski,” she said, pronouncing it Care-en Kalishefski,” and in the unlikely event that you weren’t looking at my chest, I’m a dental student.”

“First year?” he asked.

“Second, you?”

“Second as well, how come we haven’t been in the same classes?”

“Actually, we have,” she answered, “I tend to sit at the back.”

“Oh,” he said, surprised, “I’m surprised I hadn’t noticed you.”

“We’re only in Pharmacology together,” she said.

“And, er Sarah?”

“She’s doing Social Studies,” she answered.

They arrived at the bar, and Sarah, the redhead, looked at Jon appraisingly, without a great deal of pleasure.

“Sarah,” Karen said, “this is Jon, or Sweeney, Todd, I just spilled his pint.”

“So?” demanded Sarah.

“So I offered to buy him another,” Karen said, “but he wants to buy us a drink.”

She huffed and turned back to the bar.

“I can buy my own,” she said.

“Sorry,” Karen mouthed to him, “maybe some other time.”

“Yeah, maybe,” he said and walked away.

When he arrived at the medical school building the following morning, Jon was surprised to see Karen hanging about in the entrance to the lecture theatre. As she spotted him she smiled and waved, he waved back. No redhead this time.

“Hi,” she said as he approached the door to the theatre, “I’m sorry about Sarah last night, it’s just that she gets jealous.”

“Jealous?” he asked.

“She thinks we’re a couple,” Karen explained.

“A couple?” Jon queried.

“Yes, well she’s a full-on Lesbian.”

Jon looked shocked.

“Oh,” she said, taken aback, “I thought you’d noticed.”


“That we were together, you know, together, last night.”

“Er, I...”

She laughed.

“I’m sorry, maybe I should explain. But not here. How about coffee after the lecture?”

“Sure,” he replied.

With a supreme effort of will, Jon managed not to fall asleep during a one and a half hour lecture on Metabolic pathways, by the end of which he knew far more than he wanted to about the role of Adenosine Triphosphate in energy transmission in metabolism than he wanted to and joined Karen back on the concourse.

“Coffee shop?” she asked brightly.

“Okay,” he replied, and they set off across the courtyard to the students’ association coffee shop.

At the coffee shop they got two coffees and found a corner table. Jon held out a chair for Karen to sit down, then sat opposite her.

“Right,” Karen said, “I’d better explain.”

“You don’t need to explain yourself to me,” Jon replied, “but if you want to, I’ll be happy to listen.”

“Well, then I’ll begin at the beginning.”

“A very good place to start,” Jon interjected.

“If your next line is ‘when you read you begin with ABC’ I could get violent,” she said slowly.

“Sorry,” he apologised.

“It was going to be, wasn’t it?”

He blushed, then nodded as she laughed.

“Okay. Sarah is my girlfriend, sort of.”

“Sort of?”

“Yes, I don’t see her as a life partner, but she’s fun to be with, most of the time, except when she’s a moody cow and she gets possessive. Like last night. But we’re different, she’s a lesbian, pure and simple. I like both men and women. But mostly men, hell, one day I want the whole cottage in the Cotswolds, roses in the garden, 2.4 kids deal.”

“So you’re bisexual.”

“That’s a fair way of putting it. But I actually prefer men. Sarah just thinks I should ignore men and just be with her.”

“And what do you think?”

“Well like Germaine Greer said last year, ‘if I have to choose between an orgasm with a full cunt and an empty one, I’ll choose the full’.”

“So, if I were to ask you out for a drink?”

“Thank you, I accept, where shall we go, and when?”

“I did say if.”

“You did, but you were asking, weren’t you?”

He looked at her, saw her big brown eyes and nodded.

“Yes, I was.”

“And does it bother you that I like girls as well?”

“No,” he replied, “not right now.  After all, I’m asking you out for a drink, not to marry me. We’ll see how things go, shall we?”

“Okay,” she agreed, “and look at it from your point of view, you get to squire a not too shabby looking girl around town, and you may get the fringe benefits.”

“What fringe benefits?” he asked.

“You might get to fuck me as well.”

“I can see how that might be a nice fringe benefit, what do you get out of it?”

“All the Scottish louts stop hitting on me. I can see who else I want when I want. And I might get to fuck you as well.”

“And do I have to restrict myself to just you as part of this arrangement?” he asked, flatly.

“No,” she replied, “it wouldn’t be fair for me to be able to have whoever I want and for you to only have me. For my part, I will promise that my other partners will only be women.”

“I think I can promise that mine will be too,” he replied, causing them both to laugh.

“All I ask is that you’re selective, and remain disease free.”

“I’ve managed that so far,” he asserted, “but there’s just one thing I can’t agree with.”

“What’s that?” she asked, nervous now.

“I don’t agree with your description of yourself as not too shabby looking.”

“What, you think I am too shabby looking?”

“No, Karen Kaliszewski, I think you’re the most beautiful girl I ever saw. Now, how do we seal this bargain?”

“With a kiss?” she suggested.

He was happy to oblige.

He leaned across the table and their lips met. As she pressed her lips to his, he felt an electric shock tear through his body, quite literally making the hairs on his arms stand up. The kiss started tender, and then her hand snaked around the back of his head and pulled his face into hers. The kiss heated up and lasted for nearly a minute; a minute that seemed like a lifetime to Jon. Her tongue teased his lips until he opened them slightly, when it found its way to his tongue, and the two organs played with each other.

“Wow,” Jon said as they broke away from each other, “what was that?”

“That was our first kiss,” Karen replied, “did you feel that?”

“Like an electric shock?”

She nodded.

“Yes, I never felt that before, with anybody.”

“Do you think we should try it again? Just to check.”

“Absolutely, just in the interests of science.”

“Of course.”

So they did. To the amusement of the rest of the coffee shop customers.

“Get off of her!” a shrill voice shrieked, as a hand pulled roughly at Jon’s shoulder.

He spun round to see Sarah, the redhead from the night before, her face contorted in rage.

“You keep your fucking filthy hands off her,” she screamed.

Before he could react, Jon felt a fist contact the side of his head, and he went down to the floor. As he started to stand, shaking his head to try and clear the ringing in his ears, he saw the back of Karen, being dragged unceremoniously out of the café.

Slowly, he pulled himself up onto his feet, shook his head again, and set off out of the café himself. He was pulled up short when he noticed that Karen’s book bag was still hanging on the back of the chair that she’d been sitting on.

He picked it up and looked around, seeing nobody with a Dentists t-shirt or sweatshirt on. Quickly he walked over to the counter and offered the bag to the girl serving.

“I can’t take it,” she explained, “you need to take it to the information point at the entrance.”

“Okay, thanks,” he replied and set off in that direction.

Once he’d found the information point, waited in the queue to be seen, told the person behind the counter why he was there, filled a form in, and got a receipt for the bag, he realised that he was going to be late for his next lesson. In this case, it was anatomy and was two hours of dissecting a dead human being. It wasn’t his favourite, but he did realise that it was a necessary part of his training. And it was a good excuse to go for a pint afterwards. Or at least after he’d gone home and showered the smell of formalin from his body.

Which is what he did immediately after finishing the session.

Home for Jon was a two bedroomed flat in a large Victorian villa in Duddinsgton, just beside Holyrood Park. Jon’s grandfather had bought the villa a few years earlier and converted it to flats, one of which Jon now occupied. The second bedroom would be occupied in a couple of years when his younger sister, Alison, came to join him as a student doctor, assuming his father got his way with her too. Until then, it was his spare room, where family and friends could stay when they came to visit.

He let himself into the front door, then took the stairs to the upper floor where his flat was. The flat itself consisted of two bedrooms, a kitchen, bathroom, separate toilet, utility room, and a living/dining room that took up a third of the total space. The furnishings were modern and comfortable and had been renewed when he moved in the previous year. It did mean, of course, that he didn’t need to work to supplement his student grant since none of his money had to go on rent. Which is why, even though it was midweek, he was heading out to the pub as soon as he’d showered.

The pub, in this case, was the Sheeps Heid Inn, on the next street. A brisk five-minute walk brought him to the front door, and he pushed on it and entered. The place was quiet, it being only a little after six, and the bar was occupied by a couple of local old codgers and the landlord, Steve Matthews.

“Evening, Steve,” Jon greeted the landlord.

“Hi Jon, the usual?”


The usual was a pint of heavy, the Scottish term for bitter. Steve pulled the pint and placed it on the bar. Jon paid for it and took his first sip.

“Nectar,” he declared, “for a Scot, you do keep a good pint, Steve. None of that keg crap.”

“We try.”

Jon took a seat by the fireplace, unlit during this late summer heat wave, and took a book out of his backpack. Grays anatomy, the standard anatomy text for medical students for well over a hundred years. He opened it to the chapter on the head and began to read. He spent the next half hour reading and was about to stand up and get himself a second pint when a voice interrupted him.

“What the fuck is he doing here?”

Jon looked up to see the redhead, Sarah, pointing at him.

“Could you moderate your language please?” Steve Matthews asked, “we have children in the dining room.”

Behind her, Karen stood, looking embarrassed.

“Er, Sarah, it’s a pub. You know, public house, open to the public,” she said, trying to take the heat out of the situation.

“You suggested coming here because you knew that he would be here, didn’t you?”

She emphasised the ‘he’ by putting extra venom into it.

“No,” Karen protested, “I suggested coming here because they were advertising for a barmaid and I need a job. Not that I have much chance of that now.”

“Come on we’re leaving.”



“I said no, Sarah, you leave if you want to, I’m going to stay and at least have a drink with Jon. He’s been nothing but polite, and he rescued my bag for me.”

She turned to Steve at the bar.

“Could I have a soda and lime please, a pint, and whatever my friend over there is drinking.”

She pointed at Jon.

Sarah turned on her heel and stormed out of the pub, glaring at Jon on the way.

Steve pulled my pint, and filled another pint glass with soda water, and added three lime segments.

“Would you like a straw with that, madam?” he asked.

“Thank you.”

She paid, picked up the drinks, and walked over to where Jon sat.

“Sorry about earlier, and about that,” she said as she put Jon’s pint in front of him.

“It wasn’t your fault. Is she always like this?”

“Pretty much.”

“Then why stick with her? You could do better.”

“She’s my flatmate, and I’m stuck with her until the end of the year. But, in her defence, she does give great head.”

Jon laughed.

“You know, if I were you, I’d go and have a word with Steve about the job.”


“The guy who just served you, he’s the landlord, licensee, manager, call it what you will.”

“You think I have a chance? After Sarah?”

“Well, if the way he’s looking at your backside from over there is anything to go by, it’s not impossible. Do you have any bar experience?”

“Yes, I worked in the union bar all last year, and my dad owns a pub, but now I’m a bit worried.”

“Why worried?”

“Well if he’s ogling my bum, am I going to have to spend my whole time fending him off?”

“Nah. He may look, but he won’t touch, I’ve seen his wife. Put your glass down and go talk to him.”

She put the glass down and walked back across to the bar and spoke to Steve. First, she apologised to him for her friend’s behaviour, then asked him about the possibility of working behind the bar.

“I heard what you said to Jon,” Steve answered, “You say your dad owns a pub?”

“Yes, the Manchester Arms in Blackpool.”

“I know it well, I’ve drunk in there often. Your dad’s a big Polish guy, right?”

“Yes, Frantisek Kaliszewski, known as Frank.”

“That’s right, tell you what, why don’t you come round the bar and show me how you pull a pint?”

She walked round and pulled a perfect pint of heavy. Steve lifted it, examined it, then took a long swig.

“Excellent,” he proclaimed, before looking over at Steve, who smiled at him

“Okay,” he said, “how long do you want to work each week. Can you do all day Sunday?”


“Okay then, how about all day Sunday, and Thursday evenings to start?”

“Done,” she said, offering her hand.

“Okay,” Steve replied, taking the hand and shaking, “but your friend does not come in.”

“Who, Jon?”

“No, the redhead with the mouth.”

“Okay, I’ll tell her to stay away.”

“Thanks, Mr. er…”

“Matthews, but call me Steve.”

“Thanks Steve, I’m Karen.”

She went back and picked her drink up off Jon’s table.”

“Thanks, Jon,” she said.

“Wouldn’t you be more comfortable sat down?”

“Don’t you mind? You look busy.”

“Hmmm. Let me think a moment, I have a choice, sit and read an anatomy text, or sit and talk to a beautiful girl. Which will it be?”

“Well, it is a very good textbook.”

“The best, but there again the girl is a very beautiful girl.”

She blushed. Then he slammed the book shut.

“I’ve done enough anatomy for one day.

“You had anatomy today?”

“Anatomy lab all afternoon. I spent two hours dissecting a dead body.”

“Ugh! At least we dentists don’t have to do that.”

“Well, we medics do, although compared to the alternative it’s not so bad.”

“What’s the alternative?”

“Dissecting live ones. That comes after we qualify, but then they call it surgery.”

She laughed.

“Oh my, a medic with a sense of humour.”

“We all have them, otherwise we’d all be Psychiatrists.”

She laughed again.

“How many psychiatrists does it take to change a lightbulb?” he asked.

“I don’t know.”

“None, the light bulb will change itself when it’s ready?”

“How many dentists does it take to change a lightbulb?”

“Careful, buster.”

“Three. One to administer the anesthetic, one to extract the light bulb, and one to offer the socket some vile pink mouthwash.”

“That’s not even funny.”

“Then we’ll pass on the doctor one.”

“Oh no you don’t, spill the beans.”

“It’s not really funny.”

“I don’t care, you did dentists, I want the doctor one.”

“Okay, okay. How many doctors does it take to change a light bulb?”

“I don’t know.”


For some reason, Karen laughed uproariously at that.

They sat and drank for a while.

“Karen, have you eaten?”

“No, why?”

“I was going to go and get something, fancy joining me?”

“I’d love to, thanks. Where?”

“Right here, they do very good food in the dining room at the back.”

“Okay, but I’m paying for myself, you’re as much of a penniless student as I am.”

“Actually I’m not. I don’t have to pay any rent.”

“Really, why not?”

“Because my grandfather owns the flat I live in.”


“Yes, he bought the house years ago, actually when he was Professor of Surgery here. Then when he retired he converted it into flats.”

“Cool. Where is it?”

“Next street over, overlooking the loch and Holyrood Park.”

“So your granddad is a retired professor? What does your dad do?”

“He’s a Professor at Leeds.”


“It seems to be the family business.”

“In that case, I’ll let you buy me dinner.”

“We call it tea where I come from. But it’ll be my pleasure.”

And it was. During the meal they found out a lot about each other; common likes, common dislikes. Karen was definitely bisexual but slanted towards men. She described herself as being a normal, heterosexual girl, who liked to play with another girl from time to time, and Jon described himself as a normal heterosexual guy, who liked to play with another girl from time to time. He was surprised to learn that although she’d done a lot with boys up to then, she was still a vaginal virgin. Although she wasn’t sure that her hymen was still intact. She liked classical music as well as pop, reading, particularly romance novels, but did like some science fiction, particularly Heinlein and Asimov, Jon’s two favourite authors. He liked the theatre, which she agreed with, and the cinema, but wasn’t too interested in Opera, which was one of his big passions. All in all, they decided that they were a pretty good match for one another.

“So,” Jon said as they left the pub after he had paid their bill, “a date?”

“Isn’t that what we just had?”

He smiled.

“Well, I suppose that to an outsider that’s exactly what it looked like. What next?”

“I suppose I should get home. But I’m not looking forward to it.”

“Then don’t go, come back to mine and stay the night.”

“I’m not the kind of girl that puts out on a first date.”

“No problem, I have a spare room you can sleep in.”

“No clean underwear for tomorrow.”

“Washer/dryer in the utility room.”

“Okay, but I mean it, I’m not ready for that step yet?”

“I’m not going to pressure you. I meant it when I said there’s a spare bedroom, and you can use it if you’d rather not go back tonight.”

“Okay then. Thank you.”

Then she kissed him softly, the electricity was different this time. More gentle, more of a quiet buzz.

“You kiss nice,” she said softly.

“So do you.”

They walked out of the pub and down the street. As they turned on to Old Church Lane, a light rain began to fall, and they ran the last few yards to the house.

Inside the flat, Jon quickly showed Karen the spare bedroom and found her a fluffy gown to wear.

“Here you are, you can get changed in the bedroom, then we’ll put your things in the washer.”

“What about drying them?”

“It’s a washer dryer so they’ll come out dry.”

“You seem to have thought of everything.”

“Actually my Gran did, she furnished the place. Let me show you around.”

He showed her the bathroom and toilet, Kitchen, and where everything was in the living area and where spare blankets and things were in the spare bedroom, in case she got cold in the night. Everything in the flat, except his room.

He turned the TV set on and while it warmed up, went into the kitchen.

“Coffee? Cocoa? Tea? Horlicks?” he asked.

“Nothing, thanks, but could I take a shower before I turn in?”

“Sure, go ahead, towels on the shelf behind the bathroom door.”

She disappeared into the bathroom while he made himself a coffee.

Ten minutes later he was sat on the sofa, coffee mug on the table in front of him watching the late evening news on TV when she came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped round her and the robe draped over one arm. The other hand held her day’s clothing.

“How do I use the washer?” she asked.

“Just leave your things on the chair there, I’ll put them in if you want to get off to bed.”

She did that and walked into the bedroom to finish drying herself and put the robe on.

“Jon,” she shouted a couple of minutes later, “do you possess a hair dryer?”

“Top left drawer of the dresser.”

A few seconds passed.

“There’s no dryer here.”

“Sorry, it’s in the one in my room, hang on.”

He stood and went into his own bedroom, took the dryer from the drawer and knocked on the spare room door.

“Are you decent? Can I come in?”

“Yes, come on in.”

He opened the door, stepped inside and stopped dead.

Sat in front of the dresser mirror, Karen had her towel around her waist, but was naked from the waist up.

“Oh, sorry,” he said, holding out the dryer.

“Oops,” she exclaimed, “no, I’m sorry, I’d forgotten about that.”

He handed over the dryer and started to retreat out of the room.

“Jon?” she queried softly.

“Do you like what you see?”

“Very much.”

She stood up, letting the towel fall to the floor and approached him. She put her arms around his neck and drew him towards her in a searing kiss.

“Why don’t you show me how much?” she moaned as she broke the kiss, only to restart it.

When they finally broke off they were both panting heavily.

“Are you sure you want to?” he asked.

She nodded her head, “Yes.”

“It’s not something you can take back afterwards.”

“Oh Jon, I want so much for you to make love to me. I’ve wanted you since I first saw you.”

“What do you mean?”

“Yesterday, when I spilled your pint, I did it deliberately. I’d seen you in Pharmacology lectures, and in the bar a few times, and I wanted to talk to you. But you always dash off after pharma, and Sarah was always with me in the bar. So I jostled you.”

“Karen, put your robe on and come and sit down.”

“What, don’t you want me?”

“Yes I do, but I think we need to talk about it first.”

He went out and sat back on the settee, and a couple of minutes later she joined him, dressed in the bathrobe he’d loaned her. She sat down beside him and snuggled into his side.

“Jon,” she began, “yesterday, when I spilled your pint, I wanted an excuse to talk to you. I’ve talked to you. I want you to take my virginity. No, scratch that, I want to give it to you. You’re sweet, funny, kind and generous I don’t think you’d go bragging all over the university about it, and I don’t think you’d start thinking of me as your property. I’m ready to do this thing, and I think I need you to do it for me. Please will you help me?”

“Karen, if you’re sure. What about contraception?”

“I’m on the pill.”

He arched his eyebrows.

“Period problems when I was fourteen,” she explained.

“You know that this will change everything.”

“I don’t expect you to ask me to marry you afterwards. Think of it as doing a favour for a friend if you like. I’m not sure I ever want to get married, in the sense of the legal definition, although I would like to have kids one day.”

“And you’re absolutely certain?”


He took her hand, stood up and pulled her up after him.

“Come on then,” he said and headed off towards the bedroom.

Somewhere between the sofa and the bedroom door, Karen’s towel dropped to the floor. And as Jon closed the door behind them he stopped and took a long look at her naked body. At five foot six she was a head shorter than him, with dark, shoulder length hair, pert firm 32A breasts and a curvy, tight body. The dark triangle where her legs met was neatly trimmed and proclaimed her hair colour to be natural. She was as gorgeous naked as she was dressed.

He folded her in his arms and bent his head to kiss her. The electric sparks flew again as their tongues danced against each other.

As they broke the kiss, panting, Karen looked up into his eyes and found herself diving into a deep pool of, what? She wasn’t sure what it was, but she felt in her heart that she liked it.

“You know,” she said softly, her fingers starting to undo the buttons of his shirt, “you look a little overdressed to me.”

Between them they quickly rectified that and finally stood facing each other. Karen looked down at his crotch.

“It looks so big,” she whispered.

“have you ever seen one before?”

“Yes, but not that big. Will it fit?”

Jon’s ego took a boost, particularly since he only considered himself to have average endowments in that area.

“Yes,” he assured her, “you’re very elastic down there. I’m sure we’ll make it work somehiow.”

They kissed again, this time their hands exploring each other’s body. After a couple of minutes, he stooped, put one arm across her shoulder and the other behind her knees and lifted her to his arms. Walking across the bedroom, he deposited her gently on his bed. Once he had her horizontal, he lay down beside her and started to nibble on her earlobe, the right one.

“Mmmmm,” she moaned, “I like that. It makes me feel all tingly.”

“How about this?” Jon asked, starting to trace the line of her jaw with soft butterfly kisses.

“That’s nice too.”

“And this?” as he kissed his way down her sternum.

“Oh yes.”

“And how about this?”

This time he placed his lips or her right nipple and suckled gently.”

“Yes, yes, that. Please.”

Slowly, he began to swirl his tongue around her right nipple, feeling it swell under his ministrations. Her breathing quickened, and he removed his mouth from her, eliciting a small mew of disappointment. Which was quickly dispelled when he began work on the other breast. At the same time his right hand slid slowly down her body to the place where her thighs met, feeling the silky smooth hair that covered her core. Her thighs parted to give his fingers access and with one finger he began to rub up and down her slit.

She moaned deeply.

Jon could feel the moisture starting to develop with the ministrations of his fingers, and her breathing was becoming more ragged as she became more and more aroused. Slowly he began kissing his way down her flat stomach, until he reached her belly button, where he stuck his tongue in and wiggled it about, drawing a giggle from her. After a few seconds playing there, he began his oscular march southwards until he was kissing his way through the neatly trimmed patch of hair, finally coming to the spot where her labia met. His tongue probed until it found what it was seeking and slowly, agonisingly slowly, he began to circle that little nubbin with it.

She gasped, and he felt her hand on the back of his head, pressing him into her.

“Yes,” she moaned, the 's' sound elongated, and sibilant.

After a couple of minutes, during which her breath quickened and became even more ragged, she suddenly stiffened and let out a wail.

“Good?” Jon asked.

“No,” she replied, shaking her head quickly, “fucking fantastic.”

“Glad to be of service. More? Or would you prefer to stop now?”

“If you stop now, I will kill you.”

“I hear and obey, my lady.”

His tongue returned to its duty as he slowly inserted two fingers into her and found her g spot, beginning to massage it.

“Oh my god,” she moaned, “So good. So good."

A second orgasm hit her causing her entire body to vibrate with pleasure.

“Please,” she whispered.

“Please what?”

“I want you. I want you inside me.”

Jon shifted his position so that he was above her, weight supported on his elbows and positioned himself at her entrance.

“Are you ready for this?” he asked, concern showing in his face.

“Yes,” she replied and lifted one hand to place a finger on his lips, “no questions, just do it.”

He started pushing into her, feeling her labia part to give him access to her tunnel. It was tight, warm and very wet. He went in slowly, waiting to feel the barrier of her hymen, but he was half inside her before he decided it wasn’t there. He stopped pushing and looked down into her eyes. What he saw there almost made his heart lurch. The look in her eyes was one of pure adoration.

“Don’t stop,” she whispered. He bent down and kissed her softly, before continuing onwards.

“There,” he said when he felt himself come up against the neck of her cervix, I’m all the way in.”

“It’s nice, I feel so full. Jon?”


“Fuck me.”

He started to move inside her then, slowly at first, backwards until he was almost out of her, and then forwards until he met her cervix again.

“So nice,” she murmured, “so full.”

After a few minutes she was urging him to go faster and as he did so, her breathing started to get faster and more ragged again.

“Oh my god,” she exclaimed after a few minutes of pounding, “Oh my god, I’m going to… I’m going to come.”

She screamed as the orgasm hit her, and Jon, tipped over the edge by her orgasm, began to squirt her full of hot, thick semen, before lowering himself onto her body, still supporting his own weight. They lay there, his still stiff manhood inside her, regaining their breath.

“She was so right,” Karen whispered once her breathing had returned to almost normal.

“Who was?”

“Germaine Greer. It is so much better with a full cunt.”

He laughed softly.

“Are you all right, not sore?”

“I don’t think I’ve ever been so all right in my life,” she replied, “how long before you can go again?”

“Probably about twenty minutes. Do you want to?”

“Oh yes.  Can I ask you a question? Promise you won’t freak out?”

“Yes, and I’ll try my best.”

“Do you believe in the concept of soulmates?”

“You mean that somewhere there’s someone out there that’s an absolutely perfect match for each of us?”

“Yes, although I’m not sure, my mum thinks it’s true. I’m not certain, and I don’t think it could be just one. But when you kissed me I kind of thought that maybe she had something.”

He rolled off her to lie beside her and gathered her into his arms.

“You mean the electric shock thing?”

“Yes, there’s a connection there, maybe that’s what she means.”

“Maybe we should try another and see?”

“I will if you will.”

“Oh well, if you’re going to insist I suppose I could suffer another one.”

They did, and the electricity was there, stronger than before.

“Wow,” Karen said when they broke the kiss, “that was stronger than before, did you feel it?”

“Yes,” Jon agreed, “I don’t know about this soulmate idea of your mum’s, but there was something there.”

“So what are we going to do about it?”

“Explore it? See where it takes us? Pick out furniture? Choose names for the kids?”

“Maybe not those last two, well, not just yet anyway. But yes, let’s see where it takes us.”

“Okay,” Jon agreed, “So, are you saying the night?”

“Trying to get rid of me already?”

“No way. Trying to hang on to you, more like.”

“Okay, then yes. Oh shit, I haven’t got a toothbrush.”

“Won’t hurt for one night.”

“Listen Mr, you medics may believe that, we dentists can’t.”

“In that case you’ll find a new one in the cabinet in the bathroom. Along with other things you might need.”

”Other things?”

“Kept them in there ever since I came home with a student nurse last summer, and she started while she was here.”

“Not while you were..?”

“No, before.”

She patted his cheek.

“Poor baby.”

“Mark and Jane.”


“Mark and Jane, you mentioned babies.”

“No, David and Elizabeth.”

“How about a compromise?”

“What Mark and Elizabeth, or David and Jane?”

They were both giggling like little girls by now.

“No, four babies, then we can use all four names.”

“Okay, on one condition.”

“What’s that?”

“You have the second two.”

Jon looked horrified.

“Okay how about we save that conversation until it’s more appropriate?”

“Agreed, but what about the immediate future?”

“I’d say that’s a blank sheet of paper that we can write our own story on.”

“Do you write poetry?”

“I used to, why?”

“Sometimes you have a very poetic turn of phrase.”

“Why thank you, my lady. But, back to the future.”

“I suppose that’s the only place to go at the moment. Oh shit, I am not looking forward to going home in the morning.”

“Then don’t.”

“What do you mean?”

“Stay, move in here.”

“Are you asking me to move in with you?”

Jon took her hand, pulled her off the bed and into the living room.

“See that door there?” he asked, pointing at the door next to the one they’d just come out of.


“That’s the second bedroom, if you want it, you can move in. If you then decide that you’d rather sleep in my room sometimes that’s fine, if not, you’ll be my roommate.”

“But I’ve already paid my rent.”

“No matter, let it go. Karen, from what I’ve seen of your present roommate, I think there’ll come a time when she’ll hurt you badly, and I don’t mean emotionally. I think she’ll try and rule your life, and if you don’t do as she wants, she’ll get violent. I’d hate to see that happen to you.”

“Are you sure you’re not just trying to get me to give up girls for you.”

“As sure as I can be, yes. Karen, if you want to move another girl in there with you and just be roommates, that’s fine. I think you’re in danger where you are. I think you’re with someone who is mentally unstable, and will ultimately abuse you. I don’t want that to happen to you. I don’t want anyone to suffer hurt. That’s the main reason I’m studying medicine. If what we felt earlier is real and lasting, then great, I’ll be the happiest man on earth. And if your happiness means that you have to have a girlfriend as well, then fine. But if it isn’t real, then I’ll be happy as your friend.”

A tear started trickling down her cheek, and Jon reached out a finger to wipe it off. Jon took her hand and led her to the door of the spare bedroom and opened it, ushering her inside. Once inside he turned on the overhead light.

“There you go, double bed, desk, dresser, wardrobe, bookcase. Everything a student needs.”

“And you’ll let me move in even if we never make love again?”

“Yes, and if you want to bring another girl home with you, that’s fine. Even if we do start sleeping together.”

“You wouldn’t mind?”

“Would you mind if I brought another girl home? I think that would depend on whether we’d decided to be exclusive with each other. Look, Karen, you’re bi-sexual, I accept that, and if we’re going to be a couple, then I’d rather you were with other girls openly and honestly, rather than running around behind my back.”

She grabbed him then and kissed him, long and hard.

When she broke the kiss, she took his hand and, remembering to turn the light out on the way, led him out of the room and back to his bedroom.

Once then she held both his hands and looked him in the face.

“Jon, make love to me again please.”

Same as Jon and Karen Chapter 1 Videos

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Meeting Karen Part IV

This is the final part of a four-part story is about a woman who models herself on another. I hope the readers will enjoy this trans-lesbian tale. All of the characters are over eighteen years of age. Thank you for your comments. This is a work of Fiction. Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. ***** Meeting Karen - Part IV Preamble: Carrie's new position evolves Carrie walked to the side of the large bed and sat softly on the...

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Karen and Michelles Sad Story Part 1 Chapter 7

By Redlegtiger Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity. If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave. Chapter 7, Karen’s Journey Home Karen woke up early that morning just after the sun came up. She had only slept for about three hours. Between the cool night mountain air and her aching tits, ass and pussy,...

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Charlie and KarenChapter 8

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My slut wife Karen

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Karen AO

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Karen and Mike and I

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Jon stood his six girls up as the men looked them over. The girls wore only a sheer short robe and nothing else. They were young and lived in his home for his sex parties. The five men were naked as no clothes were allowed past the entry way. Most of them were hard and cocks were pointing straight out. Jon told the girls to drop the robes and as they did the men stared knowing that they would each get one of the sexy whores. Jon pointed to Larry to pick a whore and he chose Lee, a petite Asian...

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Matt and Karen take the plunge Part 1

Matthew lay naked on the bed and watched as his wife, Karen, brushed her soft blonde hair. The muscles of her naked back flexed with the action of her arms and he occasionally glimpsed the side of her full breasts. Even after almost twenty-five years of marriage she still turned him on. She smiled lightly as she caught his reflection in the mirror. She knew he loved to watch her doing the most mundane things and she’d long ago lost count of the times she’d had to stop sewing or cooking to...

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My Wife Karen Part 2

We enjoyed about a ten year career of sharing her with other men. I was really into it as much as she, and it was a major turn on for me to see her act like a slut. It all started with our lawyer, Bill which is covered in the first part. My wife at the time was 29, blond, 5'5" and about 110lbs. She had small but very pert breasts, a slim waist, a great ass and legs right up to it. She generally dressed preppy, but seldom wore a bra, and sometimes she was fairly provocative, especially on...

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Charlie and KarenChapter 6

Karen was going for a shower when the doorbell rang so Charlie answered it, it was Gilly. "Hi Charlie," she said brightly, "Karen said I could pop over whenever I liked, that's alright isn't it?" "Sure, come in. Karen's just gone for a shower, she won't be long." They hugged and went into the lounge, "We had some fun here last night," she said, looking around, "I don't think I said thank you to you both properly. Thank you, it was great." "What do you remember about last...

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Part 4 Karenrsquos Night of Hell

Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity. If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave.Chapter 4, Karen’s Night of HellKaren woke up when the trunk was opened. She noticed that they were inside a garage and there were no windows to indicate how long it had been since she left the porn shop or whether it was light or...

2 years ago
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Charlie and KarenChapter 14

"We're going out for the afternoon," Karen said as soon as she arrived at Helen's. "But first you need to get ready. Come on," she said, picking up her bag and, taking Helen's hand, led her upstairs. "First you need to shave, hairy pussies are out of date, modern women are bald or just keep a little patch at the top." Helen started to laugh and Karen asked her what was so funny. Helen's answer was to lift her skirt and show Karen her naked, bald pussy. "I liked the way yours...

3 years ago
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Karen and Michelles Sad Story Part 1 Chapter 3

By Redlegtiger Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity. If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave. Chapter 3, Karen’s Afternoon at the Porn Shop. After Darrell left the clerk leered at Karen and ordered, “Come back here behind the counter and let me have a closer look at you missy.” Karen hesitated...

4 years ago
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The Adventures of Cheryl and Karen Chapter 2 Cheryls Day off

Cheryl's day off We had all just flown back from a month at the residence on Lake Geneva. Mistress already had a busy week lined up for Karen when we got back. This allowed me to do some much-needed pampering. I spent the day at the salon getting a manicure, pedicure, and my hair done.. I had opted for really tight curls in my jet black hair. I was pretty pleased with the result in the mirror. My nails had been chipping during the long vacation and were looking a hot mess. My favorite...

1 year ago
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KarenChapter 2

Tuesday night I dragged Karen to a mixer. She resisted me at first, but it was my turn and I wouldn't let her say no. I always went with her and now it Karen's turn to indulge me. "Who knows?" I teased my best friend as I watched her get slowly dressed. "You might meet some hot blonde and..." "Named Bambi?" She giggled. "I was thinking Tiffany." I stuck my tongue out at her. "You should wear skirts more often. You've got great legs." "My short little legs?" Karen fixed the...

3 years ago
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Karen Kelly

Introduction: Shy boy meets beautiful girl and her sister. Karen & Kelly My name is Mathew, everybody calls me Matt. I live in a big city up north. Summer vacation is over and today is the first day of junior high school. Thats the day I first saw Karen, she was walking down the hallway with a couple of friends of hers. None of the girls that I went to elementary school with ever dressed is tight sexy clothes. Karens hips were swaying in a way I had never seen before. She was wearing black...

2 years ago
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Charlie and KarenChapter 2

Karen was ready and waiting when Charlie arrived a few minutes before eight. She was dressed in an almost transparent white blouse through which a bra would have been visible if she had been wearing one. It barely covered her nipples which were standing out invitingly through the thin fabric. Her black skirt was the shortest she had and didn't quite cover the lace trimmed tops of her hold-up stockings. She had never gone out in it a few times but never with stockings and always with shorts....

1 year ago
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Karen Kelly

My name is Mathew, everybody calls me Matt. I live in a big city up north. Summer vacation is over and today is the first day of junior high school. That’s the day I first saw Karen, she was walking down the hallway with a couple of friends of hers. None of the girls that I went to elementary school with ever dressed is tight sexy clothes. Karen’s hips were swaying in a way I had never seen before. She was wearing black hip-hugger jeans and a form fitting green knit blouse. I could see...

1 year ago
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First time for Karen

100% fiction! “Hi,” said a voice behind as Karen cleans up the mess that her mother made from preparing the food. She turned around and saw Jake, the family friend’s son standing there in a casual shirt and jeans. His toned muscles are obvious underneath his shirt. Her parents had invited Jake’s family over for dinner. He was smiling. “Can I help out?” Jake is a third year college student while Karen is only on her first year. Karen smiled. “Hey, you’re here. No, I’m almost done.” They can hear...

3 years ago
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Karen and Michelles Sad Story Part 1 Chapter 2

By Redlegtiger Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity. If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave. Chapter 2, Karen’s Honeymoon Begins Once Darrell and Karen got to the cabin, he told her to bring everything in as he was going to check the facilities out and make sure there were no problems. In fact he...

3 years ago
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Karens Story 1970s2016s

My now ex-wife Karen H is in her sixties now. Over many conversations and indiscretions on her part, I have much of her sexual life written down, but not all of it as she was such a slut. I enjoyed her telling me her sexual past and though it happened years ago, I will always treasure the voyeuristic moments that she shared. When Karen was 16 years old, she was with one of her first boyfriends (James) and during their dates she loved being fondled and touched, as you do at that age. She was a...

2 years ago
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Karen and Michellersquos Sad Story Chapter 1

Chapter 1, Karen’s **** and forced MarriageThis story starts s*******n years ago in a small rural town in the mountains of Washington State. Karen Peterson was the sweet 15 year old daughter of very strict and very conservative, religious parents Jack and Laura Peterson. She was also a genius that had skipped two grades and was in her senior year of high school. Karen was a very good looking young brunette with shoulder length, naturally curly hair. She was about 5 feet 5 inches tall and...

2 years ago
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This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them. This is a story around a mother, Karen, and her daughter, Lily. Karen is 43 and Lily is 18. Both women have golden blonde hair that falls to the shoulders. Karen’s breasts are D-cup, Lily’s...

1 year ago
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Charlie and KarenChapter 10

"In all the excitement last night I forgot to mention something." Gilly said at breakfast. "When I found Leanne's g-spot she started to come. Really come like a man does, she was squirting all over my arm." "Oh yes, she does that but it isn't like a man." Karen explained. "Now don't get freaked-out about this, it's not something she can help. The bladder is just above the g-spot, if you press hard you put pressure on it and that makes her pee. That's what was coming out of...

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