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This is only my second submission and I hope you enjoy it. All characters are 18 and older. Leave comments. This story took a while to write and I would like to thank my wonderful wife for editing it for me. Any errors are totally my fault. sometimes little things slip through he cracks. anyways enjoy.

There was an old story about this ocean side park overlooking the cove. It’s was once called Broken Hearts Cove Park. So many people with broken hearts that couldn’t take the pain would hurl themselves to oblivion. That is until one man named Jon Barlow took his own life here.

As the story goes, that in the heat of passion Jon faltered. He fornicated with a woman other than his fiancé, and his wife to be found out about the affair and poisoned herself from the heartache. After hearing of his love’s death Jon came here and threw himself off the side of the cliff. He was guilt stricken and could not live with himself after what he had done. He was the last person to commit suicide in this place. That is why they named it Jon Barlow Cove.

The story doesn’t end there though. People started seeing the ghost of Jon Barlow. Potential suicides especially say they saw him. They claim that he appears as an old man with a cane and walks along the railing that they put up to prevent accidents. He walks right up to you and somehow talks you out of throwing yourself off the side.

If that is true then where the hell is he? I guess my life isn’t worth the visit from a ghost to keep me from plummeting to my death. Maybe I need to be standing next to the railing and not sitting on this stupid bench. It would be my luck that the ghost that is supposed to save my life has the night off.

Never the less, as I sit here looking at the ground, I can feel my life slipping away. Tears slowly make their way down my cheeks. With each drop a little bit of my sanity goes with it. People say you shouldn’t let it get you down. If she doesn’t love you move on. , easier said than done.

When someone has been such a big part of your life for so long, it’s not easy to just pick up and move on. There is a hole in your life when they leave. If you are not strong enough, the hole gets bigger and eventually consumes you whole. The strong ones can keep the hole in their life from eating them alive. I guess I’m not one of the strong ones. It just happened a few hours ago and the hole in my chest already feels like it is about to take me. I feel the darkness falling around me and there seems to be no light at the end of it. Alexis is gone and I can feel her absence. She took a piece of me with her and I don’t think I will ever get it back.

I caught them together in my very own bed. Alexis and Aaron were supposed to be my girlfriend and my best friend. I guess they decided they didn’t need me anymore. Before I knew what was happening I was walking out the door barely able to breath. She’s done with me and on to Aaron. Three years of my life gone in an instant. Is this how it was supposed to end, me sitting on a bench praying for relief of any kind? Even death would be preferable to the pain that is with me now.

Just as I was about to slip away, a small sliver of light broke through the darkness. The light was a woman, a woman I have known all my life. Lexie as we all called her had a lifelong best friend. Jenna appears at my side on the bench, with a sympathetic hand on my shoulder. I look up to her eyes and it is obvious she knows what’s happened.

‘Want to talk about it?’

I shook my head no and turned back to looking at the ground. I didn’t want to talk about anything right now. I just wanted the pain to go away. When a part of your life is ripped from you violently like a break up from a three year relationship, the mind makes the pain real. Its part of the reason the hole can swallow you up. The pain weakens you so you don’t fight as hard as you normally would.

‘You might feel better if you talk about it.’ She was being so nice and trying to help me.

‘Sorry I don’t feel like talking. I just want this feeling to go away. I want her back but she doesn’t want me. Do you know what that feels like? To be completely crazy for someone and they don’t want you back. To spend three years loving someone and thinking they loved you only to find out they didn’t. I feel like the biggest idiot in the world. I must be, to not see this coming.’

Jenna looked like she was thinking hard for a moment. I noticed her small mouth and red lips. She had the cutest little round button nose. She was beautiful especially when her dark brown hair framed her face. Most of the time that I saw her it was pulled into a pony tail because it was easier for her work. Today however, she had it down and it was stunning.

‘No, I can’t really say that I know what you are feeling like. I have never been that close to someone. I can’t imagine the pain you are feeling right now. It must be awful.’ She had a sympathetic tone to her voice.

‘I feel like I’m dying, like I’m drowning and there no way for me to get to the surface to breathe. Then sometimes, I hope I don’t make it to the surface and it will just end.’

The hand on my shoulder quickly became an arm around my back. She pulled me into her and I just collapsed. I had no strength and was to week to fight back the tears. I know most men say they don’t like to cry and I am no exception but I couldn’t fight it anymore. It was as though her touch was pulling it all out of me. Lord help me but I cried like a little baby.

After my rather embarrassing outburst, I began to calm down and even felt some of the pain ease off a bit. The feeling was still there, but it wasn’t as sharp as it had been. It was more like a dull ache. I guess sometimes you just have to cry. I sat up and looked at Jenna who was still wearing that warm smile across her small lips.

‘Feel better?’

‘Actually I do. Thank you for being here. Speaking of which, how did you know I was here and why?’

‘Well, Lexie called me and told me what happened. I kind of blew up at her. We have this rule you know. We don’t date each other’s exes. She broke the rule even after I had told her what Aaron did to me. He’ll do the same to her, but she thinks she can change him. She is crazy if she thinks she can change that asshole.’

‘Right, I remember him cheating on you with that girl from that conference he had in L.A.’

‘Yea and I remember you nearly kicking his ass and swore that if Aaron didn’t tell me the truth, you would.’

‘You deserved better.’

‘You’re right, I did. I deserved someone who was going to be faithful.’

‘Faithful’, it was such a simple word with a heavy meaning. I was hoping for a long life with Lexie. I was hoping her love for me was as strong as mine was for her. I put my faith in the wrong person I guess. Now I had nothing. I felt empty inside.

I stared at the ground drowning in thought. To her credit Jenna just let me sit for a while and kept me company. I was not in a good state of mind. I’m sure I babbled like an idiot. Let the darkness take me. I wasn’t deserving of another person’s attentions. She didn’t leave me though. She stayed right there with her arm draped around my shoulders. I could feel her warmth and it was soothing to the cold darkness. I thought perhaps I wasn’t going to be swallowed whole after all.

Jenna put her hand back on my shoulder and shook me a little. She was trying to be supportive and a good friend, but I was too depressed. She stood up, but her hand remained on my shoulder. I guessed she had had enough of my dapper mood when her hand moved down my arm and grabbed my hand. Then she began to pull me to my feet.

‘What Jenna? Can’t I just sit here in wallow in my self pity?’

‘No, you have to come to my house and have dinner with me tonight.’ She was very assertive in her efforts to get me to follow her.

What was her plan? Why was she taking me back to her place for d
inner? I had eaten at Jenna’s before and I had to say Jenna was a great cook, but I didn’t feel like eating or doing anything for that matter. Her tenacity won me over though. I would follow and let her keep me company. I probably shouldn’t be left alone tonight anyways.

We began walking in the direction of her apartment when she pulled out her phone. I didn’t want to be a nosy so I looked down at the ground again. I could see her thumb quickly typing something in but I couldn’t read what it said or to whom. She pushed the send button and then looked up at me as we continued to walk. I must have had a look of confusion because she answered my question without me even asking.

‘I texted Lexi that you were staying at my place tonight and that I still thought she was a bitch and a two-timing hoe for cheating on you with Aaron. She told me to stay away from you. Ha, that stupid cunt can kiss my ass. I’m gonna fix you up the best meal you have ever had then fuck your brains out all night long.’

The sudden admission to what was going to happen kind of shocked me. Were we really going to fuck all night long? I really didn’t feel like doing this and I couldn’t help but feel like she was getting revenge on Lexi. That thought alone made me stop dead in my tracks. The sudden jerk on her hand and the resistance she felt made Jenna stop and turn to look at me. I wasn’t about to be used for revenge. That was only going to make me feel worse. If all I was to her was a shot at pissing Lexi off I wasn’t going to go through with it.

‘I’m not going to be your revenge fuck, Jenna. Lexi hurt me too but this is not the answer.’ I saw a flash of anger flare up in her eyes. Maybe I was wrong in my assessment of her feelings about this whole matter. I was jerked out of my thought process by the feeling of warm moist lips on mine. That kiss was filled with so much passion and desire that it rocked me to my core. She pulled back and gave me that warm smile.

‘This isn’t a revenge fuck. I have wanted to have you for a very long time. I would get jealous when Lexi would tell me the stories about you two. She would swear up and down that you were the best lay she had ever had, probably ever will have. No this is for me and you. It has nothing to do with that two timing bitch and that assclown of an ex-boyfriend. This is for us and I hope there will be more to us than this one night.’

Ok, that convinced me. I wasn’t really sure I wanted to have sex yet but I was more than willing to talk about a future where my heart wasn’t broken into a million little pieces. I didn’t feel quite so bad suddenly. It could be the prospect of seeing a woman naked that I have wanted to see naked for a very long time that was making me feel a lot better. It might be that my future that only moments ago looked bleak and depressing now looked bright and filled with love. I wasn’t too sure how things were going to pan out, but I was optimistic.

Funny, how one minute your life is ending only to find a new beginning in the next. We continued to walk towards her apartment hand in hand. I felt a deep sense of contentment holding that soft petite hand in mine. Just when it was darkest I saw the light at the end of the tunnel and found Jenna. True this was sudden and I was probably emotionally vulnerable right now, but it was better sitting on a bench pining for my lost love. In only a day I had lost a love and now I was looking at a future love. I just hoped my performance was up to expectations. I was determined to make this a night she would never forget.

After about ten minutes of walking in silence we reached her apartment. She quickly fished out her keys and in a flash we were in the door of her two bedroom appartment. It was nicely decorated with art on the walls and pictures of friends and family all over. She also had a nice collection of figurines on a glass shelf. Her apartment was large and open with the living room flowing flawlessly into the dining room and then into the kitchen. The dining room and kitchen were separated by a bar, where three stools stood for guest. She obviously made a decent amount of money being a chef. In front of the TV was a large plush couch with end tables on each side. Next to the end tables were chairs that faced in like a semicircle. She had good taste in furniture.

I have been in this apartment several times. I have even eaten at this table on more than one occasion. She was Lexie’s best friend and a famous chef at the most popular restaurant in the city. Her food was always amazingly good and she cooked to suit each person. Jenna walked me over to the sofa and sat me down.

‘You wait here. I won’t be but a few minutes and I will have something whipped up for us to eat.’

I watched as she sashayed into the kitchen and began preparing what would surely be a wonderful meal. I was feeling just a little apprehensive. Here I was in my ex’s best friend’s home about to have sex. I still missed Lexi. I was still heart broken. I couldn’t believe all that had transpired in just a few hours. My mind was swirling with all kinds of doubts and questions. What the hell was I doing? My girlfriend just admitted to cheating on me with my best friend and now I was about to sleep with hers. Why was Jenna doing all this? Did she have some kind of crush on me all this time? That couldn’t be. Why would someone have a crush on a guy who just got left by his girlfriend?

I started to get nervous. What if I wasn’t good enough for Lexi and that is why she left me? If I wasn’t good enough for Lexi, then I won’t be good enough for Jenna either. I was starting to look for a way out when Jenna gently called my name. I looked up from my spot on the sofa and saw her smile at me. All of my doubts and questions were forgotten. I became lost in those brown eyes.

‘Dinner is ready, Paul. I made some grilled chicken and salad.’

I stood up and made my way towards her. She wasn’t that much shorter than me which made her the perfect height for me to wrap my arms around her and give her a deep passionate kiss. Our tongues tried to gain the upper hand as they wrestled with each other. She obviously wanted me and I just hoped that I could deliver. I wasn’t about to let my self-doubts get in the way of my thanking this woman for saving me from the deepest darkest pit I was falling into. We parted and I found myself once again drowning in her eyes. They were glowing with desire. I’m sure my own eyes reciprocated the feelings.

‘Did you want to eat or something else?’

‘I don’t know if what we are doing or going to do is the right thing. I’m still conf…’

Jenna put a finger to my lips and smiled.

‘Your heart is broken, and I know it hurts. It doesn’t always have to hurt. You can move on. She already has. She left you for someone else and as much as that hurts right now it will get better. Let me be a part of making it better. Let me help you move on. It won’t happen overnight, but it doesn’t have to last a long time either. We are both hurting from what they did. Let’s help each other.’

She was talking sense. Lexie had already moved on. I was going to feel her loss for a long time but at least I had Jenna. She was going to help me through this. She was hurting to. A fight with your lifelong friend could not have been easy, especially when it is over something as trivial as an ex-lover.

I looked deep into her eyes and then planted my lips firmly to hers. I parted my lips and she followed my lead. I slowly slipped my tongue across her lips and into her waiting mouth. Our eyes closed. Her tongue began to probe and wrap itself around mine. She was a wonderful kisser. She tasted of fresh mint. She had obviously popped in a piece of gum or mint. It kind of made me a little worried about my own breath. There are a lot of things that go through your mind when you are kissing someone for the first time. My breath and my technique were worrying me. I had just gotten left by a woman and I was a little insecure about how I was doing.

Jenna’s arms came up and her hands cupped my face. She held my head gently but firmly. She pulled away slowly and opened her eyes and a smile crept across her lips.

‘I’ll take that as a yes.’

I didn’t hesitate this time and lifted her into my arms. I carried her into her room and gently placed her on the large bed. I slowly began stripping her clothes off of her. Her shirt fell to the floor at my feet and I got my first look at Jenna in all her glory. Her bra soon followed and I got my first glance at her beautiful breast. They were on the small side but very full. They sat high on her chest with no sag at all. Each lovely mound was capped with a small pink nipple. They looked to be as hard as diamonds. I desperately wanted to suck on them. In fact, I leaned down to do just that, when she quickly held up her hand.

‘Not yet. First I am gonna see what you have in those pants. Oh, and Paul, I love getting oral as much as I love giving it, so get your jaw ready.’

I couldn’t help but grin at her. Ladies first I guess. I didn’t have much time to contemplate my oral abilities before Jenna was on her knees and began tugging my pants down. She made quick work of my belt, button, and fly to remove my pants. My boxers quickly followed. My cock was an iron rod by this point and it almost hit her in the face. I’m not some hung like some donkey, but I was average size I guess. Six inches in length and about average in thickness, my cock stud out from my body. I shave my pubic hair. Lexie liked that and found it useful when she was giving me a blow job. Hint to the men, women don’t like picking hair out of their teeth any more than we do.

Jenna looked pleased. I was relieved. She had this look of desire and lust in her eyes. She licked her lips and looked up at me.

‘Very nice! I love a man who grooms properly. Now let’s see if this cock of yours taste as good as it looks.’

She didn’t wait another second before grabbing my cock with her right hand and holding it steady while her tongue made contact at the base. She traveled all the way up to the crown and then swirled her tongue around the head. I couldn’t help a low guttural moan from escaping my lips. She was good. Real good. So, good that I wasn’t going to last long. It hadn’t been that long since the last time I had sex, but the effect she was having on me was more than I could handle. The feeling only got better when she engulfed my cock almost all the way to the base.

‘Holy shit!’

‘Did that feel good?’ Jenna took her mouth off for a moment to ask the question.

‘Felt good isn’t the right term for it. Fucking amazing is more like it.’

Jenna smiled as she once again began her ministrations on my cock. She was amazing and her efforts were about to pay off. I was getting close and she had only been at it for a few minutes. She was that good. She started by simply licking the head and swirling her tongue around the crown. Then she would engulf the head and part of the shaft. She wasn’t a porn star and deep throating was probably never going to happen. I didn’t care though she was doing great. In fact I was on the verge of an earth shaking orgasm.

‘Jenna, I’m getting close. Mmmmgh, you might want to stop now.’

Jenna just smiled around my cock in her mouth and started going faster. She was going to make me cum in her mouth. I tried to hold back and warn her again but it was too late. I was past the point of no return. My hands went to the back of her head. I didn’t force her to deep throat me, but it took restraint. A few seconds later I let out a loud moan and began shooting off in her mouth. Jenna tightened her lips around the head of my cock and stopped moving. Five large ropes of cum spilled into her mouth. She began to stroke my cock and milk me of all my cum. When I stopped shooting, Jenna sat back on her knees and opened her mouth. She showed me all the cum swirling around in her mouth. Then she closed her mouth and swallowed. If I hadn’t just cum I would have shot off another load. It was just so hot to see a girl swallow my cum.

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Dionysian Cove

Chrissy was working the late shift tending bar. One of her customers, a quiet, attractive middle aged man had eaten dinner at the bar an hour before. Since he finished he had been quietly observing. Saturday nights were busy, boisterous and more than a little bawdy. This man stood out because of his serene, refined air. He called her over to settle his tab. He placed the two crisp $50s on the bar to cover the $40 tab, and said, "No change." She looked up at him with a broad smile, and he...

2 years ago
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Encounter at the cove

At 58 Sharon did not fit the typical picture of a mature grandmother, tall at 6 feet 2 inches with long black hair she kept fit by swimming in the cove and running along the cliff tops near her home. Slim long legs ended at a waist more imagined on a younger woman which flowed to a firm stomach, Sharon’s breast though not large, 34 C, were still firm and only really needed support when she was running. Wide dark aureoles surrounded thick large nipples that continually push up and out from the...

1 year ago
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Magic of the Cove

It was a mild yet blustery day, in the Maritimes. Though the temperature was mild the winds were blowing quite strong that day, as we drove to the little out of the way cottage that we had rented for the weekend. It is dusk and the sun is just about to slip below the horizon. This place had been chosen above all that we looked at because of its seclusion, its unspoiled beauty and its nearness to the water. Though most of the cottages had been beautiful, but this one… This one had the most...

3 years ago
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A Day in the Cove

It had seemed like a good idea. Sail out to an island I know of, spend the day snorkeling on the reef that surrounds one side of it. A fun day doing something simple. A way of maybe helping my friend Peggy forget some of the pain, the bitter loss, that was making her so depressed that even I noticed it. Not that I’m unobservant. Take just then for instance. I was blissfully enjoying observing that an older woman’s body and a young woman’s body were not all that different. ‘You coming in?’...

1 year ago
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Eden Cove

Eden Cove seems to have it all: Turquoise waves rolling up white perfect beaches, surounded by tropical green dotted by a firework of gaudy exotic flowers. A lush wind cooling down bodies which are otherwise heated up to much by the radiant sun. Placed at this secluded patch of heaven on earth lies a top-notch holiday resort with all the extravaganza which can be offered by state of the art facilities. Eden Cove resort moreover seems to be populated only by the most gorgeous people you can...

2 years ago
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Jon stood his six girls up as the men looked them over. The girls wore only a sheer short robe and nothing else. They were young and lived in his home for his sex parties. The five men were naked as no clothes were allowed past the entry way. Most of them were hard and cocks were pointing straight out. Jon told the girls to drop the robes and as they did the men stared knowing that they would each get one of the sexy whores. Jon pointed to Larry to pick a whore and he chose Lee, a petite Asian...

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Pleasure Cove

Melaine spent ages dressing up for her big date with Johnny, it had been a while since she had dated and her anxiety resulted in her applying every beauty technique known to man in order to make sure she looked absolutely fabulous. Johnny on the other hand was a player and after slapping on a pair of jeans, a t-shirt and some aftershave before setting off for the seaside pub where they had agreed to meet. An hour later found Johnny bumming a couple of fags off mike while sipping a cool Bud...

2 years ago
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A Romantic Trip To The Cove

This is a recount of what was one of the best Valentines dates ever!! My girlfriend and I had known each other for years, but had only recently started dating. I wanted to show her how much she meant to me, so I made plans for dinner and a sunset stroll on the beach, but what actually happened was so much more. Luckily Valentines was on a Friday that year, so it was perfect for a date night at the beach plus it allowed me the time I needed to put all my plans in place. Most of all I wanted to...

2 years ago
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Paramour Cove

Paramour Cove By: Sue Rushing Edited: obsessivelesbian Samantha and Sue took the boat to the lake for a day of water fun and culminating with an evening cruise on the lake. Tubing, sunning and swimming, they just had fun on the lake today. Having been on the water all day they decided to have an evening meal on the lake and a romantic lake cruise. After finishing the meal, they lay on the deck, gazing at the stars, laughing, talking, and so enjoying each other’s company as a cool summer...

3 years ago
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Crossroad cove

Our hero looked out onto the front of their yard here in the small town of Crossroad cove. A small sleepy coastal town, founded by Franciscan monks a 2 centuries and change ago the town was originally one of hundreds of little East coast towns that dotted from Maine to Florida. Small town but with a lot to offer. Crossroad Cove had started out as the name suggested as a crossroad to bigger towns North and South as well as a well worn road west. The town almost died when the interstate made it...

2 years ago
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Troy Fun at Cypress Cove

TROY My wife, Hazel, and I have been married for ten years, I'm just over seventy and my wife a little older. We've enjoyed a great and varied sex life, by varied, I mean we've been involved in the swing scene, meeting with couples and single guys on a regular basis. For the last year or so, we'd concentrated on the single guys though. However, about a year ago, just after Hazel turned seventy, she seemed to go off the idea and we haven't met with anyone since then. Now to some people, liking...

3 years ago
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Peggys Cove

September 2003 Peggy's Cove is not a name or a place that many people would recognize unless they had been there or had a very good memory for trivia. It is a tiny community on the southern coast of Nova Scotia, and not known for any particular reason other than the picturesque nature of the area. Nonetheless Sam Hartfield stood on the rocks overlooking the water, looking out across the blue-gray expanse. It had been five years and another lifetime since he had last been here. Many things...

3 years ago
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Pirates Cove

My wife Penny and I had been looking forward to this trip for several months now. Our best friends Mac and Diane were coming with us, along with some other dear friends we hadn't seen in well over two years now. Jim and Stacy had moved away out of state in order to take a better paying job. When we first mentioned the idea of renting a houseboat for a week, cruising Lake Powel, they were more than excited to join us as soon as we could get things set up. Jim and Stacy were the perfect odd...

4 years ago
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Frigate CoveChapter 14 Alls Well in Frigate Cove

Cam's effort to have his book to the printers before November proved successful. He worked tirelessly toward that goal, but never at the expense of his new family. His parents moved out from Toronto in August, taking possession of their new home on September 1st. Margaret had already directed the necessary redecorations and was happily arranging furnishings and assorted bric-a-brac as she unpacked it. Donald had discovered the Cowichan Valley Golf and Country Club was suited to his game and...

3 years ago
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The First Realm Lee Ki Jungs storyChapter 37 Destination Silver Cove

The next morning, Ki Jung gathers her belongings, eats her breakfast, and leaves Marshall city. Though her goal is Silver Cove, she heads towards the area she noticed the day before where large amounts of Qi was being drawn in. With Sharpie flying high above, it isn’t long until she can see the cliff the Qi is being drawn to. In minutes, Ki Jung is covering the last couple of kilometers to her destination. As she gets closer, she can feel the energy in the air being pulled towards the...

3 years ago
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Jasons TaleChapter 30 Small Cove

Small Cove was a city and a commerce center. It had yards for caravans to gather. It had good roads going both ways along the coast as well as inland towards the hunter people. Its piers were fairly busy, with a ship arriving or leaving every other day or so. There were always fishing boats unloading their catch. And there were men hanging around town looking for jobs. A lot of them wanted the steady pay part and could do without the steady work part, but we could deal with lazy people. I...

2 years ago
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Jon Snow the Ladies of Westeros

Prologue Catelyn Stark was stunned, as she watched her lord husband dismount. He had just returned from Robert's Rebellion, overthrowing the Mad King and the Targaryen Dynasty in a brutal and lengthy conflict. The Baratheons and Lannisters now held the Iron Throne, but were hated by the Dornish. Finally,a young Ned Stark had returned to Winterfell, to his lady wife and to his heir Robb. Watching him ride towards the castle had made her so happy. And yet in his arms, he held a small babe with a...

3 years ago
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Seduction At The Cove

The searing midday sun cast a golden gaze over proceedings, as Adam ambled down the sandy path. In the distance the horizon shimmered, wilting in the intense heat. An odd wispy cloud stretched out like a slight blemish on the pristine azure sky. He gazed out upon the majestic Mediterranean waters.The cove covered less than two hundred metres, enclosed on either end by steep cliff-side. Pebbles of varying sizes covered most of the area, save for a small band of unspoiled sandy beach in the...

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The BarlowsThea

Three months later, the sound of laughter made Thea Barton look up. The now twenty year -old blond-headed beauty was in the living room reading when she heard it. Recognizing the voice of Uncle Dan, she smiled as she waited to see whom he was going to be with. When the laughter grew louder, she smiled. Ah, yes! It was Irene, her now very good friend! Uncle Dan seemed to prefer her to the others. Her being married seemed to make no difference to all concerned parties. Thea smiled to herself,...

3 years ago
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Jonna and the Gladiator A Story of Lost Innocence

Jonna looked around the strange room her father had left her in. The room was small and dark with dim lighting from a small window. The dank musty smell began to succumb to her as the door abruptly opened, a heavily armor-clad man quickly entered. Jonna stood frozen in the corner of the room, watching as the man shook out his honey brown hair before advancing towards a cabinet. Having not noticed her, he squatted down to the lowest cabinet and drew out a silver metal helmet. Jonna sharply drew...

1 year ago
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Jonna and the Gladiator A Story of Lost Innocence

Jonna looked around the strange room her father had left her in. The room was small and dark with dim lighting from a small window. The dank musty smell began to succumb to her as the door abruptly opened; a heavily armor-clad man quickly entered. Jonna stood frozen in the corner of the room, watching as the man shook out his honey brown hair before advancing towards a cabinet. Having not noticed her, he squatted down to the lowest cabinet and drew out a silver metal helmet. Jonna sharply drew...

First Time
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Jonna and the Gladiator A Story of Lost Innocence

100% fiction! Jonna looked around the strange room her father had left her in. The room was small and dark with dim lighting from a small window. The dank musty smell began to succumb to her as the door abruptly opened; a heavily armor-clad man quickly entered. Jonna stood frozen in the corner of the room, watching as the man shook out his honey brown hair before advancing towards a cabinet. Having not noticed her, he squatted down to the lowest cabinet and drew out a silver metal helmet. Jonna...

First Time
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The coves

This past weekend started out like every other. Things happened over this past weekend that has forever changed us. Like most summer weekends Karen wanted to spend the day on the boat. Karen likes to bring her best friend along. Having them on the boat is great because I can stare at them in their thong bikinis. The girls are twenty-one while I am twenty-two. We all met while our freshman year in college. Every weekend it’s usually the three of us together. Looking back at things, it was just a...

Group Sex
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jona sister

I was really disappointed. For months I had been anticipating my big sister coming home from college and jumping into my bed. For months I had been planning how I would fuck her and how surprised she would be when she found out what I could do and how much I had grown.Almost every day this spring I had been mounting a full grown woman after I cut her lawn, and every single one of them orgasmed and praised my efforts as well as giving me some money, in fact a lot of money. I was ready, ready and...

4 years ago
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Jonna and the Gladiator a Story of Lost Innocence

Jonna looked around the strange room her father had left her in. The room was small and dark with dim lighting from a small window. The dank musty smell began to succumb to her as the door abruptly opened; a heavily armor-clad man quickly entered. Jonna stood frozen in the corner of the room, watching as the man shook out his honey brown hair before advancing towards a cabinet. Having not noticed her, he squatted down to the lowest cabinet and drew out a silver metal helmet. Jonna sharply drew...

2 years ago
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Michaels cove

Like many people over the years, Michael had moved here to the beach after a nasty divorce. The whole process, the fucking lawyers always with their hands in his pockets, a judge that was interested in her re-election campaign and then there was the cheating, fucking slut of a wife left him drained. He had gone through months of hell as they disected every part of his life over the last 18 years. All he wanted now was to lay back, relax in his little, private beach house and enjoy some time...

1 year ago
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Jonipart 2

As Renee led Joni to the suite they stopped in the hall and Renee pulled Joni close and told her great she looked, then kissed her, hard. Joni forgot all about her nerves, and thanked Renee again. They entered the suite and Joni saw they there were several people already there. There was a large tv on a wall with with xxx videos playing, a few other gurls chatting and a couple of men talking to a couple more. Renee got Joni a glass of wine and showed her around. There was the room they entered...

2 years ago
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Jon and Liz The Beginning

Her name is Elizabeth. We met the summer she was 19 and I was 26. And in all the years since that summer I have never forgotten her and the way she made me feel. It was the summer of 1979. That was the year that they lowered the legal drinking limit in New Jersey from 21 to 18. This allowed thousands of 19 and 20 year olds to legally enter nightclubs and bars, dance, drink, have fun and listen to music. I will be forever grateful for that official act that allowed us to meet. I was a 26 year...

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Jonah Intro Jonah awoke to the sound and sting of a whip cracking on his buttocks. Hejumped up on the bed he found himself lying on and turned to face his tormentors.He saw two large women standing at the foot of the bed, leering at him. Onewas heavy set with short black hair. She looked to be about 40. She wore anoutfit of heavy brown leather. A sword and a dagger hung from her belt. A longbullwhip was in her hand. The other woman looked like she was in her early thirties. She was tallerand...

1 year ago
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Joni goes to a partypart 1

This was a big night for Joni. She had been dressing for about a year now, and had been on a few dates with other crossdressers, but that was almost always one on one...and she never traveled while dressed. She would spend lots if time before leaving the house cleaning, shaving, and doing all the things that wouldn't be noticed in public, but dressing, and makeup was done at the motels where the meets were. Tonight was different though. She was going to meet Renee, Babs, Susan, and whoever else...

3 years ago
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Joni Naked in School

Greetings, My name is Walter Kole and I am a single parent residing at 1900 Green Terrace Rd. along with my daughter Joni. Up until today I had been a model citizen. I controlled a wholly owned consulting firm bringing in about $160,000 per year after taxes, bills all paid up to date, member of the Rotary and Optimists Clubs, etc. That's why this journal entry is such a hoot. You see, this week my fourteen year old daughter Joni, is Naked in School. Now, I had never considered myself a...

3 years ago
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Jonny and the Maid

Jonny and the maid 1 "I've brought your tea, madam," I said demurely. "Put it down on the bedside table, Katie." I did as she asked and bobbed in a little curtsey. "Thank you, Katie." "Is there anything else, madam?" "No that's fine," she said. "Then I'll go back to getting the breakfast ready," I said. I turned on my high heels, smoothed down the dress of my French maid's uniform and glided out of the room in my oft-practised arse wiggling walk. And in case you're...

1 year ago
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Jonathon Learns Some Life Lessons

He stood there holding his clothes as she bid him farewell. “But what about…”“Oh yea, come back tomorrow night and we’ll take that off of you.”He blanched at the thought. He wondered furiously how he ended up in this situation. He had met her at the club, his first time there. She was drop-dead gorgeous and he thought he had really lucked out. They had a few drinks, danced and as the evening ended, she talked him into going home with her. It hadn’t taken a lot, even though she said she was on...

2 years ago
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Jonas Part Two

It took Jonas half an hour to deal with the phone messages that had come in during the morning. By the time he returned, Hannah was sleeping peacefully. Jonas smiled and closed the door softly."Miss Maxwell?" Hannah awoke with a start, then flushed and straightened in her chair. "Please, excuse my absence," Jonas said quietly, and Hannah got awkwardly to her feet."I'm sorry, I was just -""No need to apologise. I like this room primarily because it is so restful.""I was just thinking about your...

Straight Sex
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Jonas Part One

The leaves flamed gold and red in the low autumnal sun, and the single-track road which meandered through the deep forest was cloaked in shadow. The seasons turned, and the timeless English countryside bore the change with grace and ease.Suddenly, the silence was broken with the throaty roar of an engine, and, a heartbeat later, a car burst from the shadows. The powder-blue Audi TT took the corner too fast, and narrowly avoided the drainage ditch before flashing past the gates on to the drive....

Straight Sex
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The Dark Moon Coven

The art room at Price Junior College was a pretty, open space with loads of light. There were eighteen people in the class, and they were doing quick sixty second sketches with charcoal pencils. They were standing in front of large upright easels, and it was a cool day for early September. The class was working on drawing a clothed model sitting in a chair. The art instructor Kelly Gruening, was a 'cougar', she was forty, seemed like she was thirty, and had all her moves...

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