KarenChapter 2 free porn video

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Tuesday night I dragged Karen to a mixer. She resisted me at first, but it was my turn and I wouldn't let her say no. I always went with her and now it Karen's turn to indulge me.

"Who knows?" I teased my best friend as I watched her get slowly dressed. "You might meet some hot blonde and..."

"Named Bambi?" She giggled.

"I was thinking Tiffany." I stuck my tongue out at her. "You should wear skirts more often. You've got great legs."

"My short little legs?" Karen fixed the clasp on her skirt, black and red plaid with long thin pleats that fell just above her knees. I think she got it second hand from a thrift shop and it looked like half of a catholic schoolgirl uniform.

"I'm serious," I told her. "You should show off a little more."

"I hate wearing skirts," she sighed. "I feel ... Scottish."

"Scottish?" I laughed and tried not to stare at the girl. That skirt and the dark panties beneath it was all Karen was wearing at the moment. Her smallish breasts were pointed upward with long, puffy brown nipples and they liked to move around.

"Hmmm ... I'm not much for blouses either," she said, looking through her closet.

"Just wear a t-shirt," I shrugged. "That'll be cool."

I was wearing a somewhat shorter skirt than Karen's, a tight knit mini-skirt in baby blue and a black blouse over that. It wasn't silk, but it looked like it and the material wanted to cling to my bra, so I'd ditched it. There were going to be a lot of guys at the party and I really was starting to get desperate for a boyfriend, or at least a one night stand in some white boy's bedroom. I'd been spending too much time with Karen, both of us bewailing our non-existent love lives.

At least I had Rodney though. Karen only had me and that was why I was bringing her along. The thing with Karen was that she wasn't looking for a one night stand with anyone. She wanted the real deal and that was a much harder proposition no matter who you were. I'll admit that I was feeling sympathetic. You can't be best friends with someone and not feel empathy for them and Karen was doing everything right, if I'd stopped to think about it. If I'd been of a suspicious mind and could have actually imagined the girl being so devious.

Day by day I was becoming more comfortable with her. I could tell Karen anything and she'd listen. She'd laugh when it was funny, frown when it wasn't, and generally make me feel good about myself and the world around us. I could trust her enough to get drunk and pass out in bed with her. Even the one half-drunken kiss she'd given me, like the goodnight peck on her cheek I'd given her, had been perfectly imperfect. I wasn't queer, but the thought was in my head from time to time that I had the power to make Karen happy. I just tried not to pursue that line of reasoning, opting instead for the hope that Karen would somehow find a real girlfriend.

"Ta-dah!" Karen laughed, making fun of herself now that she was dressed and had fixed her face with the bare minimum amount of makeup a college girl could wear and get away with.

"About time!" I smiled at her.

"Do I look okay?" she asked, and the girl was definitely cute now.

As a tomboy she most often looked like a sixteen year old boy, albeit a rather feminine one. But now, all dressed up, Karen looked like the cute nineteen year old freshman she was and it was nice. Her short blonde hair was fluffed up into sort of a punk bed head, her blue eyes were bright and a little red lipstick really made a surprising difference. Karen's braless breasts were obvious beneath a golden t-shirt with the university logo across the front, and like I said, the girl had some real legs, even if they were white as snow and a little short maybe. They still looked pretty good to me.

"You look great," I nodded, standing up as I'd been sitting on her bed. "Ready to go?"

"I look like a total femme," Karen took a last look at herself in the mirror.

"Some girls like that look," I offered. "Right?"

"Yeah," she nodded and she was looking at me. "Some girls."

The mixer was supposed to be non-alcoholic, since it was an official university event for freshman and most of us were well under the legal drinking age. But wherever you get a couple hundred college kids together for dancing and socializing and a plain old good time, the drinking wasn't going to be very far away.

"What is it?" I asked Karen, who had found us some refreshments soon after arriving.

"Peppermint schnapps, I think," she shrugged. "It's good."

"It's hot!" I grimaced after taking a little too large of a swallow. She'd gotten us big 16 ounce cups and they were half-full, easily. That one drink was going to put me on my butt if I wasn't careful.

It was a regular college mixer and if you've been to one, you've been to all of them. The music was too loud, the venue was the Student Commons, outdoors in the center of campus with lights strung up in the trees and on poles decorated with blue and gold bunting. A lot of college kids were there, most of the freshman class it seemed to me, and Karen and I stayed close together as we moved through the crowd, pausing here and there to say hello to people we barely knew.

I did finish my drink and so did Karen and I had a pleasant, warm, and fuzzy buzz going on. Enough so that I didn't say no when Karen told me she wanted to dance. A lot of girls were dancing together and so it wasn't a big deal, but I'd been giving and getting some eye contact with a few guys, a few white guys that made my tummy tingle. They were all of a type too. My type, being rather tall and athletic looking, with short blonde or brown hair and blue eyes. Man! I was a sucker for a blonde guy with blue eyes and muscles and...

"Uh-oh," Karen giggled as the music slowed way down just a few minutes after we'd found the dance floor.

"Hmmm..." I shrugged and grinned at my best friend. "Are you going to lead?"

"Yeah!" She smiled back with happy surprise and I think she expected me to walk away rather than give her a slow dance.

Of course it wasn't real dancing so she didn't actually lead me at all. I put my hands on her shoulders and Karen's were on my hips. It was fun and we could actually talk without shouting now. I noticed most of the other girls had left the dance, leaving mostly couples and a bit more room to maneuver, but we weren't moving a whole lot anyway. Karen was content to hold me gently and we just moved slowly, shuffling our feet and smiling.

"I wish I was taller," Karen sighed and she was a good six inches shorter than me, her eyes about even with my breasts and she'd noticed that right away.

"Are you sure?" I teased her and Karen actually blushed a little as she realized I'd caught her.

"Any sign of Mr. Right?" she asked, changing the subject.

"Maybe," I shrugged and I could see one of those boys I'd been playing eye games with standing nearby. "But I think he's shy."

"Heh!" She snorted at that.

"What?" I looked down at her.

"You look like an underwear model, Kylie," Karen said. "You probably scare the hell out of him."

"I do not," I giggled.

"Hmph ... You have no idea," she sighed.

I almost frowned at that because Karen would know what she was talking about. She saw me pretty much like any white guy would, except she was probably a little biased since we were already friends. I'm attractive though, I knew that, and I did know that some men found beautiful women intimidating. I wasn't an underwear model though and I was just buzzed enough that the idea was keeping a happy smile on my lips.

"Any sign of Tiffany yet?" I asked and Karen shrugged.

"Bambi, you mean?" She glanced around. "Maybe. There's a couple girls here who look good enough to eat in bed."

"What?" I laughed at her. "Don't tell them that!"

"Nah, I wouldn't be that brave," Karen admitted with a longing look into my eyes and I felt a bit of heat growing inside me.

We didn't say anything for the next few minutes, until the song was almost over. The guy I was interested in was talking with a couple friends of his, holding a drink and watching me dance with Karen. Everytime I looked over, which was too often probably, I caught his eyes on me and that was making me warm too. He was interested and I was wondering how to get the man to introduce himself.

"Maybe we should advertise," I said with a small grin and Karen gave me a curious look.

"What do you mean?" she wondered.

"I mean, do something kind of ... sexy," I played my tongue across my bottom lip.

"Sexy?" Karen laughed lightly. "I'm sorta new to this whole mixer meeting people thing, remember?"

"Me too," I nodded. "But I know guys like it when girls kiss."

"Kiss?" Her blue eyes got a little bigger and I knew she wanted to push those cute little glasses up her nose. "You've been watching too many Girls Gone Wild videos, Kylie."

"You don't think so?" I asked her and I wasn't totally clear on what I was doing or why, but I was pretending pretty good. "We might get Bambi's undivided attention."

"You're serious? I thought you were teasing me," Karen laughed and the song was ending. "If you want to kiss me..."

I did kiss her, even as she said the words, telling myself I was doing it just to show my blonde stud how hot and sexy I really was. Guys love lesbians, everyone knows that, and I was willing to lie if it got me ten minutes alone with an attractive man so I could sell him on the idea of asking me out. Karen didn't mind, I'll tell you that much. I surprised her, but my dyke friend recovered quickly and for a second I wondered if I'd bitten off more than I could chew.

She pulled my hips to hers with one hand and the other was in my hair. Her tongue pushed into my mouth with a sense of urgency, almost desperation it seemed to me. I'd never been kissed so aggressively in my life and Karen may have imagined this was her one and only chance to possess me. I moaned and my hands were on her back and shoulders and I'd intended it to be a sexy little French kiss, like three seconds long maybe? But this was going on and on! Karen holding my head while she worked her jaw and kept our lips tightly sealed. Her surprisingly long tongue was exploring me everywhere, playing across mine and reaching for my tonsils it seemed.

It was a serious, serious kiss and after a good half minute or so, I was gasping for air, feeling my lips bruised and swallowing our mixed saliva. A lot of people had stopped to watch us, making Karen and me the center of attraction for the moment and it took a few seconds before we both realized it. Karen giggled nervously, pushing up her glasses and letting me go. I was nodding and licking my lips, determined to lose myself in the crowd and find something strong to drink. I felt a little confused actually, a little giddy, and my heart was beating fast. That kiss hadn't been part of my plan at all.

"Wow!" Karen was still pretty pink in the cheeks a couple minutes later as we found a guy selling peach wine coolers out of the trunk of his car.

"I think that was a little over-the-top," I said, looking back at the mixer half a block away now. When I run away, I run all the way.

"Oh." Karen had been all smiles, and it was hard for her to stop even as she tried to look contrite. "I'm sorry, Kylie. I didn't mean to..."

"It's okay," I said after drinking half of my wine cooler and it was slightly warm, but I didn't care. "I just didn't expect, um ... you know."

"Do you want to go back?" she wondered, glancing towards the music and she was drinking her wine quickly as well.

"Nah," I laughed and gave Karen a little bump with my shoulder. "You kiss like a guy, you know that?"

"I do?" She laughed too, relieved that I wasn't totally pissed, even though it had been my idea in the first place. "Well, yeah. You kiss like a girl."

"Heh!" I rolled my eyes and resigned myself to the fact that it was going to be another lonely night for Kylie. That guy had to think I was seriously gay after watching me make out with Karen. Him and all his friends, I sighed.

"Come on," Karen tugged at my hand. "We're all dressed up and it's too early to go home."

"Where are we going?" I asked, taking a second to finish my wine.

"I dunno," she shrugged. "Shopping."

"Shopping?" I blinked at her and Karen just grinned.

"The Pleasure-Trove?" I gave Karen a look and she just smiled, her pale skin and blonde hair taking on a pink glow from the neon surrounding the storefront.

"Ever been in here?" she asked me, holding the door open and I shook my head.

"Nope," I sighed, wondering why my best friend had to be so strange sometimes.

"It's nice," she promised, following me into the store. Pushing me sorta.

She'd told me we were going shopping, which had made zero sense at the time. Everything was closed except the little bars just off campus, a couple diners and the Winchell's Donut shop. And the local adult bookstore, of course, and that was where my lesbian friend had brought me, probably just to see the look on my face.

It was surprisingly nice inside and I suppose if a porn shop wanted a business license within a mile of the university it would have to be. The Pleasure-Trove was couples oriented, meaning it had a carpeted floor, wood paneling, decent lighting, and the local bubblegum radio station playing. No dirty old men in trench coats browsing fluorescent aisles of cellophane wrapped porn from Holland. The place looked an awful lot like the B. Dalton Bookseller I liked to browse at the mall. Except this one had a huge selection of dildos along one wall, no pun intended.

"Good evening, ladies." A clean cut young man, probably a grad student, was behind the counter to our immediate right and he looked nice and normal. Even cute, but I wasn't ever going to date a guy who worked in a porn shop, you know?

"Hi," I answered, feeling my tummy tighten with nervousness. I'd never been in an adult bookstore in my life!

"Come on." Karen grinned at me, looking like a high school girl in her plaid skirt and golden t-shirt with a pissed off gopher emblazoned on it.

"Dildos?" I giggled because that's where Karen was leading us, to that large selection displayed along a not-so-long wall.

"I really need one," she told me with a grin and she was clearly enjoying this. I felt pretty warm actually, not exactly embarrassed, but I was far from comfortable and I kept my eyes off the porn we were passing.

"I probably don't need to know that," I replied with a small laugh.

We were walking between a couple bookshelves packed with DVD videos and the shelves were labeled helpfully. Gay, Trans, Oriental, Lesbian, Interracial, Amateur ... Whoops ... I paused, looking at that word "Interracial" and wondering if they had movies of black girls with white guys. I'd seen a porn video before, but only once and it hadn't done a whole lot for me. Rodney had liked it, but until we'd started making out I'd pretty much been falling asleep. That movie hadn't had any white guys in it though.

I skipped quickly to catch up with Karen.

Back in Black. That's what that video had been called, I remembered. I wondered if they had any White in Black. That might be sorta fun to watch, but not alone probably and I laughed at myself for being silly. Did I really want to spend my hard earned allowance on porn? I doubted it. But I was interested, yeah, and not a little horny, which only added further to my discomfort.

"This is so weird," I made a face as Karen and I looked over the selection of toys.

"Yeah!" She grinned at me and she pointed at the biggest dildo there, a 36" long double headed dong as big around as my arm probably. "I wonder if they sell a lot of those."

"Oh God!" I didn't really want to look at it. "I don't even know what half this stuff is for."

"Yeah, you do," Karen said and I would have blushed then, if I weren't already so dark, but even so...

"Can I help you two find something?" the guy working there asked, almost making me jump out of my shoes. I hadn't realized he was standing behind us.

He was cute too and it was like finding Joaquin Phoenix working in a porn shop in that old movie, except maybe this guy didn't look quite that good. He was tall and white though, with soft brown eyes and dark brown hair. Dressed casual nice and looking neat, like I said. He looked like a thousand other guys I saw at the university everyday and if I'd been anyplace else I'd have been showing off probably, as Karen likes to call it.

"Yeah." She nodded and I stared at her for a second. "I'm looking for a decent strap-on. A realistic one, you know?"

"Right," the guy agreed, like girls came in all the time looking for strap-on dildos. "All the strap-on toys are down at this end..."

I felt like crawling into a hole. It was embarrassing and I wondered why Karen and this other guy were acting so normal. It was like we were looking for a decent pair of shoes or something, but these were cocks! Most of them didn't really look like cocks, true, but it was pretty unmistakable what they were for and where they were supposed to go, and ... What was I doing here? Karen was doing it on purpose too, I thought, asking for help just so this guy would stay close to me. I wondered if she was trying to make up for that tongue fucking kiss she'd given me at the mixer, the one that had basically scared me away from any chance I had at meeting a guy. But that was a mean thought and I pushed it away with a frown.

"Ohhh..." Karen laughed. "Here we go, Kylie. See anything you like?"

"What?" I blinked at her because she was almost making it sound like we were together.

"What size are you looking for?" the guy asked and I realized a second later that Karen wasn't answering because the man was looking at me. Like if Karen was wearing it, then I'd be the one...

"No! I'm not..." I stared at his handsome, smiling face for a second and then dropped my eyes and black or not, I was blushing hard.

"Like about mmmm ... eight inches? Maybe nine. Not huge," Karen said. "But definitely a Caucasian one. Right, Kylie?"

"White, huh?" He smiled at that and I gave Karen a dirty look, but she was too busy sticking her tongue out at me to notice. "How about the Peter North model?"

The guy was reaching up for the top shelf and pulling down a cardboard box with a plastic window. The sort of box Barbie dolls come in, you know? And inside was a large, white penis, obviously fake, but pretty realistic looking too, so far as I knew. It had balls and everything, but I'd never actually seen a white cock in person.

"That looks promising." Karen was all smiles as she took the box, turning it this way and that. "Modeled on adult film star Peter North from cast molds of his very own penis! What do you think, Kylie?"

"Karen..." I frowned at her.

"I can open it, if you want," the man offered.

"Yeah!" She agreed happily, ignoring my looks. "Can I take it for a test drive? I'm just kidding."

The salesman laughed as he opened the box and the dildo was fixed to a piece of cardboard with wire ties, the thin straps folded neatly and taped behind it. I stood there watching, feeling like I was at the scene of a crime and despite myself, I was checking the clerk out. I couldn't help it. He was standing three feet away from me, smiling and friendly and looking good while he did it. I'd seen his ass when he reached for the box and it was round and firm. God! And in front ... Yeah, he had a sweet bulge, not obscene or anything, but the man had something in his pants and I kept dropping my eyes to it every few seconds.

Something was wrong with my brain.

"Yeah, sorry," he laughed. "No driving on the premises."

"Oh, wow!" Karen grinned. "It's kind of soft. Is it supposed to be like that?"

"Uh..." the guy kind of shrugged.

"I've never touched a real one," she told him. "I thought they were supposed to be hard or something?"

"Karen, come on," I sighed, glancing at the guy and wondering if he knew my friend was teasing him, because it seemed obvious to me.

"What?" Karen smiled at me. "I haven't, you know that. Feel it, Kylie. Tell me if a cock is supposed to be that soft."

"It's soft on the outside," the guy explained. "But very firm on the inside. We sell a lot of these, so..."

"I don't want to touch it," I told Karen, looking at the dildo and it was still tied down so Karen couldn't really play with it or bend it, or anything.

"Firm sounds pretty good," she nodded. "What's this for though?"

"That's the ... Clitoral stimulator," the guy read from the box. "It says it's designed to provide hours of comfort and pleasure for the wearer."

"Hours? Cool!" Karen giggled. "What do you think, Kylie? Would it look good on me?"

"Uh, yeah," I surrendered with a roll of my eyes and the clerk was chuckling, giving me a sympathetic look which surprised me. "It's definitely you, Karen."

"Yeah," she agreed. "How much is it, anyway?"

"Huh? Oh..." The man had been looking at me, really looking, and I'd been looking back. When he turned his eyes to the box, I looked away and swallowed hard. "It's, uh ... Sixty-two fifty, plus tax."

"Sixty-two ... dollars?" Karen stared at him. "Don't you have any used ones or something?"

I laughed at that, just because it was pretty funny and the guy grinned at her. Karen had given him the dildo and he was working it back into the box carefully.

"Well, I'm not supposed to do this, but..." the man said, sounding like a used car salesman, and Karen laughed and I bit my bottom lip, finding his crotch with my eyes again.

That dildo was about nine inches long, or close to it anyway, and I wondered how that compared with the man in front of me. He seemed pretty confident. Most guys would be a little intimidated showing a couple girls, a couple of very attractive girls, a large penis ... Unless he was reasonably certain of his manhood, wouldn't you think? Eight inches of hard white cock would be really nice right about then and I could feel my pussy twinkling, which was the perfect word for it, believe me. I had a growing wet spot on my panties and that was ridiculous!

" ... I can knock off twenty percent," the man continued. "But don't tell anyone, okay?"

"You won't get in trouble?" Karen wondered with a little teasing in her voice.

"I'll say you had a coupon," he said with a smile. "We advertise in the papers all the time, so it's no big deal."

"Okay," she decided. "I'll take it. What are you gonna get, Kylie?"

"What? Me? I don't think..." I cleared my throat, glancing at the man.

"If you see anything you like..." he said gently. "Don't hesitate to ask. I have a lot of coupons in the register."

"Yeah," Karen laughed lightly. "You can't leave without getting something. Maybe they have t-shirts."

"A t-shirt?" I giggled nervously. "Shut-up."

"We have t-shirts," the guy said, as if Karen had been serious. "They're pretty explicit though."

"Explicit?" She grinned at him. "Like what?"

"For women? Like, ohhh... 'I love Cock' with the heart, you know," he said. "Or 'Got Sperm?' that sort of thing."

"God!" Karen laughed happily. "That's sick!"

"I don't think I need a t-shirt." I cleared my throat again and my mouth was unbearably dry.

"What's your most popular t-shirt?" Karen wondered and I looked around, really wishing some other customers would come in, but we were it. I suppose being a weeknight and with the big mixer going strong on campus, it was probably slow everywhere. The guy had nothing better to do than entertain us and Karen was having a great time.

"Karen ... Maybe the guy has to work?" I said, whining a little, but I was ready to go back to my room and just frig myself. That was my plan. I had a guy to fantasize about, our anonymous porn clerk, and I could get off and go to sleep and never go shopping with Karen again.

"I am working," the guy smiled at me and wow! His eyes were pretty. "The most popular one? A lot of girls get the one that says 'Slut for Black Cock' on it."

"Slut for black cock?" Karen laughed and I blinked at the guy.

"Yeah, white college girls," he shrugged. "I think it's a sorority thing mostly. They make the new pledges get them and wear them around for a day or two."

"Oh man!" Karen shook her head.

"It's a seasonal item," the man laughed. "Hazing season for the Greek Houses."

"Heh!" I laughed at his little joke and I'd actually been thinking about joining a Greek Society, but maybe not.

"Do you have any that say 'Slut for White Cock' on them?" Karen asked and I jerked slightly. "You could get one of those, Kylie. That would be pretty awesome."

"Yeah, we have those," the man said, looking at me. "Not a big seller, but if you're interested..."

"Uh ... no, that's ... okay..." I said slowly, avoiding his eyes.

"Kylie?" My friend giggled. "Are you kidding? She's always interested in white cock!"

"Karen!" I blinked at her.

"What? You don't have to be shy about it," she teased me and I was ready to run. "You should tell the world how you feel. Maybe all those black guys would leave you alone."

"Just ... stop, okay?" I frowned at her. She wasn't talking about 'all those black guys' either, Karen was talking about one black guy, Rodney, and we both knew it.

"Tell you what," the man cleared his throat. "Spend a hundred dollars and I can give you the t-shirt for free."

"Really?" Karen grinned at him. "Before or after the discount?"

"Before," the guy laughed.

"Alright. Sure." She grinned at me. "We just have to spend another, um ... forty bucks? Not even that."

"It's getting late," I said, but Karen was in a mood and I didn't know what I was feeling.

I was embarrassed now, like totally, and I hadn't really been comfortable since stepping through the door. But Karen was having fun and that guy was cute as hell and being ridiculous nice, and we were surrounded by sex. I mean, everywhere I looked I saw something that was making my mind wander. Talking about white cocks and seeing interracial videos and realistic dildos ... It was insane and my pussy was dripping and my tummy all knotted up with butterflies. My nipples itched like crazy and I kept checking that guy out, and ... Fuck! Why me?

"Come on, let's check out some videos or something," Karen was tugging at me arm.

"You want me to hold that up at the register?" the man asked, meaning the dildo Karen was buying and she nodded.

"Yeah," she agreed. "We're just gonna browse a little. Do you have like white guys with black girl videos?"

"Interracial?" The man pointed with a smile just for me. "Right over there."

"Thanks." Karen was already leading me reluctantly towards the bookshelves. "We gotta get you a good one, Kylie!"

"You're crazy! You know that?" I whispered as soon as we were out of sight of the guy, except there were cameras and mirrors all over, so he was probably watching us anyway.

"Come on!" Karen pushed her glasses up her pert nose. "We're just having fun. You seriously have to relax, Kylie. That guy's totally cool."

"I don't care," I insisted. "It's embarrassing."

"I'm sorry, okay?" She gave me a small frown. "I was just teasing you a little. The guy's cute anyway, isn't he? I saw you checking him out."

"I was not!" I whispered loudly.

"Yeah right!" Karen laughed at me and then it was my turn to frown. "You were posing for the guy, come on!"

"No, I wasn't." I swallowed hard. "He thinks I'm queer anyway now. Thanks a lot."

"No, he doesn't." Karen shook her head. "He saw you looking, that's the only reason he's knocking the price down."

"Looking at what?"

"At him, dopey!" She nudged me with her shoulder. "You oughta just give him your phone number."

"What? I'm not gonna go out with a guy who works in a porn shop!"

"Whatever," Karen sighed. "He's cute, he likes you, he's got a cool job, and he's probably got a dick as big as that dildo."

"How would you know..."

"And he's as white as I am," the girl kept going. "I bet he's fun as hell in bed. If you're into the whole man thing, I mean."


"I wonder if he has a little sister?" She grinned at me and I had no choice but to laugh. "Oh, check this out! 'Little Black Box' ... Ouch!" Karen held up a video of a cute black girl with her ass impaled on a huge white cock. "I bet that hurts!"

"Uhhh..." I blinked at it.

"Too much, huh?" Karen laughed. "Let's find one with a girl who looks like you."


"And then you can help me find one that looks like me!" Karen nodded happily. "Oh ... Hold on! Lesbian interracial? God!"

"Huh? Where?" I looked down and sure enough, Karen was holding a DVD promising six hours of interracial girl-on-girl action. "Oh no," I groaned and Karen was all smiles.

"Oh yes! I found my video," she giggled. "Where's yours?"

"I can't believe you're buying porn," I sighed.

"You mean, we're buying porn," Karen corrected me. "Keep looking, they say everyone has a twin someplace. Maybe yours is a porn star!"

Same as Karen
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Even though I hadn’t really done anything wrong I immediately felt out of place and proceed to go to the other side of the walk-way looking straight ahead. I noticed out of the side of my eye they went down the aisle next to them. “that was weird” I thought but I didn’t want to think too much about it, I just wanted to grab my sub and head home. After I got my sandwich I headed to the self-checkout and again saw those girls out of the corned of my eye. “Someone over here has a crush” I heard...

2 years ago
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Priestly PromiscuityChapter 19 Nailing Naughty Nancy

The girls in the school had been, at first, curious about the arrival of two males in their midst. Even though the men were robed and priestly, they were younger than the priests that had visited before and also, they appeared to be living there, too. The older girls joked that they had been brought in to service the Sisters who were their teachers. They did not know their true purpose although, had any of them seen the Mother Superior on the previous night, they would have believed their...

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Quads Ch 7

**** Later that afternoon, Jack, Shane and I were the first ones up. We sat in the breakfast nook, drank glasses of orange juice, and talked about what we had done the night before. Neither Shane nor I had ever had bi sex, and even though we did try it, we decided that it really wasn't for us. Jack had tried it before and enjoyed it. We told him that if wanted to continue with it, it was fine with us. We just didn't want to do it. When Stephanie, Stacy and Brenda woke later, the...

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Family Conspiracy Chapter 1 GloryHole Adventure

I sat in my truck, in a nearly deserted parking lot that sat across the street from local adult bookstore. Though it was never advertises here, for obvious reasons, one could pay money for a private booth with a glory hole. At least, those were the rumors Mike, a friend and coworker was telling me. He had told me about his experiences, having some girl sucking him off through a wall, totally anonymous. Occasionally, the girl on the other side would be adventurous enough to slide his...

3 years ago
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Black Neighbor Asks Me For Help

Mike and Keisha live across the street from us. Over the years, they have become our best friends. We do everything together including going on vacations. Therefore, it came as no surprise that one day Keisha took me aside and asked. “Dave could you do me a big favor hon.”“Sure Babe what is it?”Mike is going out of town next week and our anniversary is coming up and I wanted to surprise him with some sexy pics of me that he can take on the road to remind him of what is at home waiting for...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage India Summer Lyra Law What Husband

India Summer, a masseuse, is waiting for her next client of the day. When Lyra Law rushes in, it’s clear she’s not having a good day. India soothes her, assuring her that everything will fine. In fact, maybe she can unwind by using a new massage they’re offering: NURU. Lyra calms down a moment saying, ‘Oh! I and Riley used that on our honeymoon!’ Once they’re in the shower together, getting prepped for the massage, Lyra apologizes for coming in with such a...

1 year ago
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Giving Me What I Want

What do we really want? About the worst thing that my man can do - if he wants to please me - is to ask me what I want and then try to give it to me. It misses the whole point. Asking me what I want puts me in the lead. It makes me drive the relationship. I don't want that. I want him to be in charge. That doesn't mean that he has to read my mind. He doesn't have to read hints and figure out what I want through some mysterious psychic ability. Of course, he can notice little things along...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 4 And So It Begins

February 24, 2000, Chicago, Illinois “What the heck were you thinking?” I asked testily. April and I were in my study, and I was giving her a hard time about being with Jesse. I didn’t REALLY have a problem with it, but I did need to make a couple of points with her. “I thought you’d be OK with it!” April protested. “Jennifer even let me spend the night with Jesse on Tuesday!” “You’re thirty-four! He’s fourteen!” “Steve, I’m sorry. I honestly thought you were OK with it! Your first was...

3 years ago
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Horny as hell at a truck rest stop

I had gone to Baton Rouge, for a very boring conference there.Now I was driving back home at Savannah and I was feeling a bit tired after more than seven hours in the road. The sun was falling down and I really needed some rest before continuing the drive.I suddenly saw ahead a truck parking area with restrooms. So, without any hesitation, I pulled over and parked there.It was cold outside; but in my warm car, I reclined the seat just enough to provide some comfort to myself. I had parked near...

1 year ago
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TeenPies Avi Love Ace In The Pussyhole

Avi Love loves helping her man cheat suckers out of their money at the poker table. She serves them drinks and food, but sneaks peeks at their cards the whole time, letting him in on what they have. She even sneaks him cards between her pussy lips. But when he wins, she gets a little too excited, and lets a card fall out of her skirt. The suckers are pissed, but Avis man thinks fast. To prove their good intentions, he proposes playing cards on Avis naked body. The suckers cant turn that down....

4 years ago
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My Sexual Fantasy became a Reality

When we masturbate there is a little bit of us that drifts off into the unknown. As a young girl, my d***k father(Who had fallen asl**p) let me watch a porn movie, where a girl was passed around a large group of older men, and repeatedly ****d, over and over. As I sat wide eyed and realised what my vagina was for, I found myself touching it repeatedly, as my father snored in his chair. I had made the connection between forcible sex, and passive sex, and the more I dwelt on it, I found I...

2 years ago
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A Nightmare Unleashed Ch 02

BASED UPON CHARACTERS CREATED BY: Wes Craven: A Nightmare on Elm Street Victor Miller: Friday the 13th Sam Raimi: The Evil Dead John Carpenter: Halloween Clive Barker: Hellraiser EDITED BY: Miriam Belle CREATIVE CONSULTANTS: Tessa Alexander, Sean Renaud & Simply_Cyn AUTHOR’S NOTE: ‘There’s no sex in this chapter, really. Just forewarning you…’ *** A DEAL WITH THE DEVIL Dark Hollow, Michigan Sunday, August 15th 2005 Lori Rollins stood alone in the spacious reception area of the...

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The Wimp and the DebChapter 15

Mary I was astonished to hear that I was a factor in Phil's decision making process regarding his choice of job. I did not want to have the responsibility of that weighing on my shoulders. "Phil I hardly know you and I don't think I should be any part of your decision making process regarding your job." I told him. "I am aware of that," Phil said. "I am not asking you to make any kind of commitment. I merely want to know if you are ready to think about new relationships as well as...

3 years ago
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Heat In The Chillness Of Bangalore Rain

This is arun again from marathalli(bangalore). This is a continuation to my last story “”. I am wheatish in colour and well built as I am a gym freak. I stay in a 2 storey building and in second floor. My neighbour is a family from andhra. Her name is asha and as mentioned in my last story, we are already in relationship for few months and we have many sexual encounters. This one which I am going to narrate happened past weekend(8th may) when it rained heavily in bangalore. Asha was out of town...

4 years ago
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Raising RocChapter 6

Sergeant Kelley and Corporal Roc are credited with starting the sexual revolution for the P'OTP. Experts have long disputed the wisdom and responsibility for starting such radical changes in another species social climate. Some experts have argued that the event would have happened anyway; however, as Shakespeare wrote, ""What's done cannot be undone." Contact, itself, with the P'OTP by both the Rics and humanity caused changes in the P'OTP and no one can say that they would have been...

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ExtramaritalAnother Cup of Joe

After leaving Jayne’s house, I returned home and took a nice, hot shower. As I did, I thought about what had just happened. There was no doubt that we would get together at some point, but the sudden nature of our coupling was totally unexpected. What made it even more unusual was how easily I accepted it. Ordinarily, I would never think about hooking up with a married woman, but Jayne stirred something inside me, something carnal and lustful. She is a very hot, seductive woman and it’s hard to...

3 years ago
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Classy Skinny Blonde Loving Wife Bee C

Chapter 1 - Bear's Adventure HomeThe weather is thick with rain, it's dreary and cloudy and that muggy, comfy, yet eerie feeling is in the air. Bear is racing home with excitement. He keeps having a hard time driving because his heart is pounding so hard and his attention is elsewhere.His mind is on thickly coating the deepest insides of Bee's cunt and making her squirm and moan and squeal with delight. He is fighting the clock, knowing she had a prior engagement not too long ago that may have...

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A Wish Unwanted Part 10

A Wish Unwanted - Part 10 by Limbo's Mistress Hand in hand, Lee escorted me over to the passenger side of the Mustang, opened the door, then closed it once I was seated inside. Jogging around the front of the car, he climbed in behind the wheel, and we were soon on our way to the party. I was really thankful that he'd offered to pick me up. Penny might have been to Jacob's house a dozen or more times, but Sam never had. All I knew was that he lived right...

4 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 145

Christmas was at hand, so I bought apple cider from a fellow who made it. It was legal and above board. He sold me some at a discount from his apple shed. I saved him the expense of bottling it, transport it, standing out in the cold at the festival, so he cut me a almost half price deal for twenty gallons. I plan to make one more batch of blended whiskey. I had five gallons of moonshine I had been saving for Christmas presents, so I mixed it up with the twenty gallons of apple cider. The...

4 years ago
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The Making Of A Gigolo 15 Agatha RobertsChapter 2

It had been easy, to Agatha’s astonishment. He had showed her how to grip the ladder above and pull herself up, stepping up one rung at a time. The trunk actually leaned so that she was tilted toward the tree. She blushed, thinking of what it would look like underneath her, but, of course, he was beside her. She pulled her own basket up, kneeling on the edge of the platform. It seemed much higher from up here. “Blankets!” he grunted. “Be right back.” She hadn’t seen the thick rope that hung...

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A Trip To The Colonies Chapter 3

Ace drove the SUV to the base and headed straight to the Officer’s Club parking area, fond a place not too distant from the entrance and parked.   He normally would have driven his classic Jaguar XKE, but with Mary joining the group, the ‘two seater’ just wouldn’t do tonight.   Besides, if the club wasn’t active enough, he and Nicole could slip out to the parking lot and fool around, something they both got off on regularly, the thrill of being in public one would guess.   They walked the...

Love Stories
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The Hitchhiker Chapter 7 Cleaning Service

“Happy hour’s over Tony so the place always clears out until after 10,” Beth said. “That makes sense. It’s been such a long time since I had to worry about happy hours and saving money that thought never occurred to me.” This time it was a guy named Josh who waited on us and asked for our drink orders. I said, “Would you girls like to try my drink of choice today? It’s vodka, ice tea and lemonade. I think you’ll like it and you won’t get so full.” They agreed and I asked for three...

2 years ago
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Bodyguards II Stolen SecretsChapter 1

The little 'fishing' boat, showing no lights, slipped quietly into the estuary. All my previous visits to England had been to London and points East, where the land is mostly flat. I was a little surprised, then, to see the rugged Devon coastline with its jagged rocks, emerging in huge, slanting slabs from the black water of the English Channel. The lights of Plymouth, to the west, were suddenly blotted out by the rocky bluffs at the mouth of the inlet. As we rounded the bend in the river,...

4 years ago
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I Always Knew She Was BrokenChapter 24 Sophie So Fine

My suitcases arrived that day. We had two more days until the Friday escape. We spent it studying the King. We made love at night. We took turns going out for take out. Simeon stopped by at noon each day. After Amy told him she wanted to stay with me the first day, Julie accompanied him the second bearing food. Friday Simeon and Julie insisted we accompany them when they stopped by at noon. The drive took us near the airport to a fancy new apartment building. The elevator rose to the top...

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GeorgeAnd His Daddy

The only penis I had ever seen was my own,until George,and His Daddy showed me theirs.My best friend,George,and I were in the backyard,playing with his army men,when His Daddy came out and said He wanted to speak with me."Donny,Your Mom just called. There's been an emergency and She has to work a double shift at the hospital. So...You're going to stay with George and I tonight!" He said,after squatting down so we could be at the same level."All Right!" I exclaimed.I gave him a quick hug,and ran...

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The Girl Stories Mission 13

Every now and then, a man came, and asked her questions. Then he punished her wrong answers with wrapping a cloth over her head and leaving it for longer and longer periods. The cloth was the most horrible thing Lilly experienced. It was like being drowned, but while being constantly aware. The next time the man was about to wrap it over her mouth and nose, Lilly screamed like a banshee. --- "Still not talking, Pico?" --- said Jose in Spanish to the man orchestrating her torture. ---...

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My name is Greg. I am 3rd generation Vietnamese American, rather small in stature at 5’4”, 120 lbs, and 19 years old. I am just starting my 2nd year at Arizona State University. All of my life, I have grown up close friends with my girlfriend Thao, and her family. They lived close by and immigrated here from Vietnam about 10 years ago, when she was 8. I have only had one girlfriend my whole life, and that is Thao. She is 4’10”, with a very thin build, but fairly large breasts for an Asian...

2 years ago
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The Slut Wife Chapter 14

What a crazy week….MondayMy hands were tied behind my back as my ass was impaled by the huge donkey cock of that gross client that I have. Big, fat, hairy, sweaty…even his cock was too big!“Giddyap momhwore!” he ordered as he pulled on a chain that had clamps tightly tied to my big nipples at the end. I began to ride his massive cock faster as I faced him. You could hear the slapping of my ass on his lap as I fucked his cock faster. He pulled on the chain harder and my boobs were being...

2 years ago
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Such a slut

Stop calling me that. - What, bitch or slut? - Both!. And I Turned around to start walking.He grabbed my ass.-That's some ass that deserves a big pipe.- Leave me alone, I have to go home.- I have seen you back in the club dancing like asking to get fucked, now where's the rush, girl? - My boyfriend waits for me home. - He grabbed my hand and placed it on his his jeans.I could feel his hard massive dick even through his jeans it felt like it was not ending. I have not touch a dick this big ever....

3 years ago
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Hi I am Raju from Hyderabad .I am doing my engineering final year. Mana telugu valla kosam nenu special ga oka story post chesanu last time “jagadam “ andulo naa mail id ivvadam marachipoyanu daani response mail raaledu naaku naa mail id nenu ippudu oka new story post chestunna mana telugu valla kosam meeku nachitte naaku reply ivvandi ok na. Naa age 21 nenu 18 years appati nundi mastrubation (hasta prayogam ) chesukuntunnanu 18 years appudu naa sulli chinnadiga undedi ippudu naa sulli ni...

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Stepsister8217s Skillful Mouth 8211 Chapter Three

When Nathan Warner woke up the next day, there were little men with booster rockets aimed at each other across the broad span of his brain. They were firing them one by one. His mouth tasted like an Alabama election, it stank. His body was bruised slightly and his skin was stinging, as if he had a sunburn. She was gone. He got up and went rummaging around for aspirin. Five tablets down, with water, and a second glass lull for a gargle; “I wonder if that dame ever sleeps?” he...

4 years ago
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Its Only Looking

I had always been a bit into the voyeurism/exhibitionist scene. I had never done anything, I had always just wanted everyone to see me masturbating, getting off to me getting myself off type thing. I just had never had the courage to speak my mind. Until tonight. We were all college students, usually horny, always having sex or masturbating. There were five of us hanging out in my dorm tonight. Two of my best girl and guy friends. We were having a few drinks while flirting with each other when...

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The Mexican Magician

The Mexican Magician By Ellie Dauber © 2015 A Mexican magician claimed that he could disappear on the count of three. "_Uno!_" he exclaimed, waving his magic wand, "_Dos!_" And, suddenly, he vanished in a puff of smoke. Gone without a _tres_.

1 year ago
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BurningAngel Ivy Lebelle Karlee Grey Stepsisters Share Cock

Ivy told her stepsister Karlee that things weren’t really working out between her and her boyfriend Xander, so she was going to break up with him that night. Karlee, being such a sweet girl, decided to give her sister a hand in letting him down gently, so she thought to bake him a break-up pie! Xander was surprised to find things weren’t going as well as he’d thought, and that Ivy was actually attracted to her stepsis – but so long as he could join in on the fun, he...

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Campus Capers ENGL 369 Creative WritingChapter 33

"Wait up, Ally," Ben called out, trying to keep up with her. "I'm going with you!" She looked back over her shoulder as she continued her journey to the tray drop off. "I'm not sure that's such a good idea. I'm a total basket case right now." Ben caught up with her as she was dumping her trash, sorting out the silverware, and sending the tray down the conveyor belt back to the washing staff. "Are you upset with me for some reason?" She shook her head. "Well then it's a great...

3 years ago
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My Little VentrueChapter 136

~~Jack~~ Ten days after the incident. The ‘incident’. It was the nicest way they could put it, and the most succinct way. It also let them talk about it without putting everyone on edge too much. Avery and Garry had thrown the first punch, because Avery was convinced Maria was up to something, and Garry pushed her into acting. Pushed, or tricked, because even Carthians were Kindred, and never did anything directly. Easier to call it the ‘incident’, instead of ‘the opening act of what was...

2 years ago
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Night With Tori

Tori is the most important person in my life. In fact, she has always been this significant person to me. Last night Tori and I were alone together in her bedroom and we had a wonderful, blissful, and sensational hour of passion that I will never ever forget about. I have been intimate with two girls in the past but none of that was anything special. Tori is very special to me and our night was special not just for that reason but because it was our first time together and I feel like the...

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ImageFap Cartoon

Why the fuck do videos, virtual reality content, and live streams of camgirls rubbing their clits and spreading their pussy lips get all the attention? Yeah, I get it: when the pictures move, it’s enough to make you cum like it’s fucking Christmas morning all over again. But why in the hell does that mean you should overlook images? It doesn’t, and if you’ve only been sticking with videos and VR shit where you’re pretty fucking close to getting blown by a Borg, you’re doing yourself a...

Cartoon Porn Sites
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SeeHimFuck Blake Blossom The Perfect Male Body

Army vet Sam Shock brought his perfect body ? and big girthy dick ?? to the studio the other day and we paired HIM up with fan favorite Blake Blossom for this week’s fantastic See H?️M Fuck update. After our talented directory Johnny ?? Robbins helps us get to know a little about the award-winning stud ? Sam does a sexy striptease for Blake, teasing the bulge in his See HIM boxers ? until we finally get to see that thick gift ? he’s packing. Blake lubes up ?? Sam’s phenomenal...

2 years ago
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Housekeeper pt1

1.PreludeAfter almost 20 years of legal profession, I was now an accomplished lawyer: I had my own firm, several younger lawyers working for me, big and important clients, a sports car, and a house on the hills overlooking the city.But my personal life was a mess: I had no friends, only coworkers and clients, and most importantly, my wife left me. We met during college, and had a very torrid relationship at the beginning. We were virgins when we met, so we discovered everything together. And we...

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The Twisted Sister Part 2 Stephanies Revenge

Anne and Mark were about halfway through dinner when Stephanie came bouncing into the kitchen. She couldn’t have caused a bigger sensation if she was naked. She was freshly showered and wearing a light pink robe. “Hi guys!” she said as she walked to the refrigerator. Anne and Mark stared at her. She almost giggled at the look on their faces. It was obvious from the robe and the wet hair that she had been here a while. “Steph!" her mom exclaimed, trying to recover. “I didn’t know you were home.”...

3 years ago
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We agreed to meet for coffee but my car wasn’t running right so you said you’d pick me up.I checked my reflection on the way to the door and straightened my shirt. I knew this tight tee showed off my breasts perfectly and I wanted to tease.I told you I wasn’t quite ready and to come on in. I put on some tunes for you as I finished puttering in the kitchen. "You know I could always make us coffee""ya sure" you say with a smile.I bring you a cup and as I bend over to put it on the table I see you...

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Over The Moon

This story may be offensive to some and contains scenes of hardcore sex, incest, and underage sex. Please be warned and do not read on if you are offended by any of these things. Everyone wondered why my best friend’s Dad had married an Asian woman. His son and I were just about to find out. Over the Moon He was the talk of the small village we lived in. The dirty old man, some called him. Others simply referred to him as lucky! Mr Thomas had lost his wife to illness a few...

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Sex With My Dear Bhabhi

Dear friends, I am Robin, aged 27 years and presently putting up with my brother ( 31 ). He got married some 4 years back. I became a die hard fan of my bhabhi, Neha ( same age), from the day one because of her beauty. She is sooo fair that the very word fair will be gross insult to her skin texture. Her good height (5 6″) and curvaceous body, all in correct proportion, makes her the most desirable lady and my brother always feels proud of his prized possession. After about a year my brother...

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Magical voyages a VR experience

Sitting down at the food court in the mall to eat your tacos you find your eyes start to wonder around the mall looking at all the hot things shopping in the mall. Aah to be young again and back chasing that gorgeous tail. You can't help but admit to yourself that as you get older your taste in women has never changed. You like hot 18 to 20 little sluts, especially the cheerleader types. Sadly the older you get the less and less likely that is going to happen. If you were only rich you laugh to...

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5 Tips to Keep Your Girl Happy

When a relationship fails, it leaves one wondering what went wrong in an absolutely perfect relationship. Some relationships aren’t able to stand the test of time due to the various differences between the couple.These differences do not crop up within a single day and it takes various steps to lead a relationship to its breakdown. From a woman’s perspective, here are 5 tips which can help you guys make your relationship a better experience for your girl and yourself as well. As the saying...

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Of Scavengers and Smugglers Ch 3

For the next few weeks, Rey and Jakson worked to put their plan into action.  Rey scavenged for parts and Jakson devoted all his time to cleaning and repairing those parts.  It took a few days to find a steady rhythm, but they soon had managed to build up quite an impressive supply of parts.  The number of parts Rey brought to Plutt daily had increased as well, primarily because she was now scavenging for two.  Unkar Plutt didn’t mind one bit, as he could see a marked increase in the number...

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Bikini Wrestling Bet

So you might be wondering how a tomboy like me ended up in a bikini wrestling competition. Or not. Either way, I'll tell you. When you're 20 years old and a sophomore in college, you'll take on just about any opportunity to pay off your tuition. And your books. And all the other little expenses they throw in there just to suck your money dry. I was honestly prepared to get a part-time job like any other college student. Sure, having to work and commute to school would be a pain, but it beat...

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Southern Exposure Part 2

SOUTHERN EXPOSURE Part 2 Copyright Kristy Leigh 2003. All rights reserved. 3. "Last one up has to kiss a pig!" Lisa yelled. Squealing with laughter, the girls bolted over to the bars and clambered up the rungs in a tangle of hands, feet and elbows. Debbie claimed the first place by virtue of her superior athletic abilities (within the year, she would win bronze at the state gymnastics finals). Lisa and Jessie tied in second, although neither had any immediate plans to visit...

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itailor and my customers

One day Jyoti came for a new blouse stitching. She was alone and looking gorgeous in pink saree and pink blouse which was stitched by me 2 months back. This time the blouse cloth was black. I said "Madam, let me use the same measurements as I used for this pink blouse (looking at her chest)". She said "No, please take a new measurement as this has gone tight". I said "OK Madam, please come inside". As soon as she entered, I pulled the curtain. As the garrage is small, there is not much...

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TeenyBlack Daizy Cooper Black Teen Beauty Squirts On Our Camera

Daizy Cooper is a young and horny BAP who loves when people watch her fuck. She also has outstanding booty control, and has more sexual experience than most girls who ever modeled for us. We also found out that little Daizy gets erotic fantasies from the idea of aliens! That might be the most unique turn on we have ever heard. Anyways, let us get to the good stuff. Daizy had some perfectly perky and soft tits, and her brown pussy barely had any miles on it. We were excited to give it a test...

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WildOnCam Keira Croft Wild Girl Keira Croft Fucking

Sexy hot Keira Croft is looking mighty naughty in her tight little denim shorts and her fishnet tights! She can not wait to strip down and show you that pussy as well as tease you with those cute little feet! She gets wild on Nathans hard cock sucking it like there is no tomorrow! This guy can not wait to fuck the hell out of this babe and she wants it all. There is no holding back as they twist and fuck in all the normal positions as well as some odd ones that leave this naughty babe just...

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Teaching Millie Shes Hot Ch 01

My name is Jeff. My wife Millie is the joy of my life. She’s sweet and giving and funny and loving and as devoted as she can be, and I can’t imagine life without her. The only thing that ever bothered me was that Millie didn’t realize how beautiful and sexy she is. That may not sound like a big problem, but it is. Or was… Millie is what you call a ‘big-titted plumper,’ and a more gorgeous specimen of plumperhood you’re not likely to see. Imagine this: Shining brown hair in a short pixie...

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