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This is part 3 of a 4 part story. There is virtually no sex in this story. Your comments, good or bad, are always welcome.

Chapter 9: Awakenings

I awoke the next day to sounds of laughter coming from downstairs. Ordinarily, I would have gone back to sleep but I recognized the voices of several of my sisters so I rushed to get ready to join them, it was either that or wait to be accosted by my young nieces and nephews.

In the kitchen were my mother, and my sisters Gina, Gloria and Julia along with my niece. Gina and Gloria I saw frequently. Gina had moved out earlier in the year but seemed to think that our refrigerator was an extension of her own. We saw more of her now after moving than the last year she lived at home. Gloria came by every couple of weeks.

But it was Julia whom I missed most. We had not seen her since the spring, though she talked often by phone with us. As hugs were exchanged she ran her hand across the back of my head. I expected some razzing about my cue ball, particularly from her. I told her when I shaved my head and she had seen it earlier, but this was her way of kidding me.

‘Where are the boys?’ I asked, trying to deflect conversation away from my baldness. While the women in my family were raucous when they were together, that noise could not compete with my five-year old nephews. They were inquisitive dynamos and dangerous around breakables.

‘Chris and Papa took them to Philly. They were going to the Franklin Institute for the day. Maria here wanted to stay with her mommy.’ She added that while holding onto my youngest niece, a four-year old charmer who was a younger version of her mother.

True to form, the child ran up to me, fascinated with my shiny head. She and I were friends but hadn’t seen each other in months. As I lifted her to my embrace she brushed her fingers across my dome, stroking it like she had never seen such a thing, much to the delight of my mother and sisters. Chalk one up to the ineligible player.

There were still some missing little people. I turned to Gloria and asked, ‘Where are your munchkins?’

‘Howard has them at the zoo’, she answered, as if pleased with herself. I caught sight of a fleeting frown from Julia when it was said. I steered clear of that topic and began tickling little Maria.

After that, I settled into the previous conversation, catching up on Julia’s life. It was a welcome change from some of my adventures. I was also pleased that Papa had finally accepted Chris and was making every effort to integrate him into the family.

My father rarely made mistakes about people, but when it came to his family he was undoubtedly overprotective, in this case to the point of cultivating an irrational bias. Regardless of how Chris looked in his scruffy beard and torn jeans while courting Julia, and forgetting his supposed ‘bad’ reputation, Papa had to admit that he was a man who commanded respect.

Chris and Julia were well mated. She blossomed in their marriage, and with her love he matured beyond any of my father’s expectations. Defying Papa’s predictions Chris joined the police force in Salisbury, MD, acquired a degree at night and fathered Papa’s first grandchildren. He had risen to Sergeant and was twice decorated for valor. But long before that, early in their marriage, Papa admitted to both he and Julia that he had been wrong to prejudge him.

I had never heard of Papa doing such a thing, and I told him so. He shocked me, telling me no man was too big to admit his error, too prideful to allow a lie to harm his family. That day I learned what respect was, and how strong a feeling it became when mixed with love.

While we were talking, the doorbell rang. By some unseen agreement I was expected to see who it was. I opened the door and there stood Adrienne. All she said was ‘Hi’, which I returned. I had not expected her and that, plus the way she was dressed caught my attention.

It was unseasonably warm that September and Adrienne was wearing pink blouse with a mid calf floral print skirt. The skirt accentuated her hips and showed just enough leg to make a man take notice.

I guess I stared a little too long for she caught me checking her out. I had never unconsciously done that before. It made for an awkward moment, until I discovered my voice. ‘So what brings you out this morning?’ I said, trying not to sound too sheepish.

She must have decided to let me off the hook for she did not hesitate in her answer. ‘Julia invited me to go shopping with your sisters…and she’s also going to help me look for a prom dress.’

‘You’re shopping for a prom dress in September? Isn’t that a little early?’

‘David, please go study or something that is unless you want to come with us?’

I recognized that statement as coming from Julia who had moved behind me. I hadn’t heard her approach but her tone made it sound like I had asked a rather dumb question.

‘I probably won’t buy anything, but I do want to get a look’, answered Adrienne.

‘What cute shoes!’ came from my sister Gloria who had also arrived on the scene.

That told me it was my time to leave. How anyone could spend more than two seconds discussing shoes was beyond me. Only little Maria seemed immune to that topic and in a few years she too would be fawning over a ‘cute’ pair of pumps.

But that would be a worry for another day, today Maria was following me around as I went looking for my old trigonometry texts. I would need to have a number of different references in order to solve the problems. Between my textbooks and old notes I would be prepared for Sydney.

Of course Maria was talking the entire time. She was deep in the process of telling me about her friend’s sleepover. The conversation was mainly one-sided. Every so often I would get in a question, but Maria was so serious that my delight came from seeing how intense and animated she was in retelling her story.

Even at nineteen I knew that I loved little ones. They were fascinating: so fresh, hopeful and innocent. Coming from a large family you might think that I did not one for myself. Quite the opposite, I loved children and wanted a houseful.

Part of reasoning came from the fact that all of my younger nieces and nephews gravitated towards me when they visited. I was the ‘fun’ uncle, the one not afraid of being silly with them or listening with unwavering concentration to their stories. Today, decades later, there is nothing that can so quickly give me a feeling of well-being, of contentment, as the laughter of children.

Sometime later Adrienne came into the room. By then Maria had found a book she wanted me to read for her. I say wanted, but actually Maria plopped herself in my lap, book in hand, demanding that I read to her. What could I do? My prior plans were put on hold as we read together.

That is how Adrienne found us, immersed in the story, Maria staring pensively at the pages.

‘Maria, your mother wants you. We are getting ready to go.’ Said Adrienne as she watched the child take up her book, place it on the table and then scramble off to the kitchen.

My Trig book had been casually tossed on the adjoining table and was now under the child’s story. Adrienne was caught temporarily watching Maria leave. Once gone, she turned back to me and lifted the thin book to see what we had been reading.

‘Nancy Drew?’ She asked. Her brow furrowed in the question. ‘Isn’t she a little young for this?’

‘Not the way I read it’, I replied smirking. She then scanned the book under it noting it was a math text. ‘Did she like that one too?’

‘Very funny. I originally came in here looking for one of my old textbooks. I have a tutoring job coming up this week.’

‘You’re tutoring?’ She asked, looking at me as if I had grown a second head.

‘Yeah, a relative of one of my coworkers needs help in Trig.’

‘Oh’ was all Adrienne said. I could tell
she wanted to ask something else but held her question. ‘I better get going. See you tomorrow?’

‘Sure, and don’t take any of Gloria’s suggestions. She doesn’t know what ‘spend wisely’ means. You won’t have any money left if you listen to her.’

Adrienne smiled before heading out and leaving me alone.

I reviewed my old notes over the next few days before meeting with Sydney. Cassie had given me her address, wanting to have the sessions there as opposed to the main library branch downtown I suggested. Remembering my experience with Dee Dee, I was initially uncomfortable going to her home but agreed nonetheless.

She lived in Northeast Philadelphia, way up the boulevard near the county line. I turned into a tree lined street much like my own. Most of the block was single family dwellings with the exception of a long two story brick building at the corner. That building was where Cassie lived.

There were three mailboxes in the vestibule. The first was for C. Austenberry, which I rang without hesitation. Cassie must have been me walk up for I was buzzed in immediately.

She met me on the first floor. Hers was the front apartment. She was wearing what looked to be a navy blue business suit. Her hair was styled differently than when she worked but she was no less attractive. If I thought she was preparing me for another role in her apartment that idea was confirmed when she brought me in for a huge embrace. Upon crossing their threshold I met her niece.

You could see the family resemblance. Sydney was around five-seven or so, a bit taller than your typical twelve-year old. Like Cassie, her hair was long and flowed gracefully over her shoulders. There was the same wide mouth and high cheekbones and those serious pale blue eyes.

The presence of glasses separated her from her aunt. Under no circumstances would you mistake her for anything other than a kid, her catholic girls uniform would see to that. But for a teenager her mannerisms and speech were those of someone much older.

She was however, a bit stiff in her greeting. I shared her apprehension and didn’t try to engage her too long in the introduction, instead diverting my eyes to the furnishings of their apartment.

The place was open with ceilings higher than I first thought. The windows ran floor to ceiling and light filtered softly across the room. The furnishings reminded me of my sister Gloria’s place. Gloria was into the ultra modern look, and evidently so was Cassie. It was a style my sister Julia said was not designed for children, not for boys anyway. My only concern was that I might have a problem sitting for long periods in her chairs.

Sydney and I got down to business almost immediately, working in what looked to be a den converted from the third bedroom. It took but a few minutes for me to pickup on the reason for the young girl’s hesitation. The reason was her voice.

When we started talking at length it was impossible not to notice that she had a very soft speaking voice, not the fakeness of a Marilyn Monroe, but the gentle honesty and self assurance of a Jacqueline Kennedy. She was such a serious student that her voice eventually ceased to be a distraction but it did take me a few weeks.

Our first session went for two hours, a good deal of that time we spent in assessing her strengths, weaknesses, her course material and the resources we would use in subsequent meetings. The girl was sharp and the ‘job’ was much more fun than I had anticipated.

I assisted Sydney twice a week from September until mid-December. Our association proved to be highly successful. By her mid-term exams she had mastered the material and we all expected her to ace the course. I attempted to disengage at that point but both she and Cassie objected. Our meetings by then had become less about the course and more like friends having a visit, so it was very uncomfortable for me to continue to accept payments.

Having become more of a family friend, it became obvious to me that Cassie did not have too many of those. Aside from another female tenant in the building, a retired lady who watched Sydney while Cassie worked, I heard very little about anyone else during my visits.

Without asking, the story of how Cassie came to be a dancer came out in pieces over the course of those months.

Cassandra Austenberry was a student athlete in high school. With hard work and shear force of will she acquired the means to go to college and was three years into a degree in nursing when she met someone I’ll call Doctor Right.

At the time the good Doctor was himself a second year resident. He was handsome, wealthy, charming, self-assured, and driven. He wooed Cassandra by first ingratiating himself to her family. Eventually she fell for him and the two moved in together. She did so at the cost of her degree, which Doctor Right persuaded her to put on hold.

After a year of playing house, Doctor Right was offered a cardio internship in Philadelphia. Cassandra, when asked to accompany him, enthusiastically agreed. A wedding was discussed and she fully intended to become Mrs. Doctor Right. Six months in their new home in Philadelphia those plans took a dramatic turn.

Cassandra’s older sister and husband were tragically killed in an auto accident. They left four-year old Sydney an orphan. Cassandra’s parents were in no condition physically or financially to raise a child, nor were the grand parents on the father’s side.

With no other aunts or uncles one to care for her, Sydney was in danger of going into the state foster care system. Cassandra was adamant that that not happen. She stepped in and offered to provide a home. With Doctor Right’s financing the legal assistance and some influence used by his family, she got custody.

However, the move marked the beginning of the end of their engagement. It was Doctor Right’s family that pushed him to be supportive. But upon Sydney’s installation in the household, it became obvious Dr. Right resented having to share his space, and more importantly, his woman’s attentions, with the child.

Within a few months he had kicked out the two, and Cassie was forced to move in with friends. She never said why she chose to remain in town or how exactly she came to work for Rui. I never asked. Nor did she volunteer what she felt at the time about that decision. Whatever her thinking, she became an unqualified success in the business. Now, some seven years later, she was talking about quitting.

Over the moths I learned that Cassie was the owner of the apartment building, an investment made as part of her overall ‘retirement’ fund. Mr. Rui had some hand in the purchase, but it was unknown to what extent. Given the length of time she had worked for him I wasn’t surprised that their relationship extended to other things beyond work.

That one investment led to others and got her looking towards Real Estate as a way out.

The time spent with Cassie gradually dampened one aspect of my infatuation. The more I knew of her the more I admired. I guess the fantasy was being stripped away in favor of the woman, and it in turn began to affect our working relationship. Watching her dance as a friend was very, very different then seeing her perform while we were only coworkers.

At first my behavior began to border on some form of jealousy. I was more snappish with the clients, less tolerant of the stray remark during a gig, and more protective and aggressive in general. Cassie asked me to lighten up on several occasions. I never created a scene but some of our shows were tense and I was the source of that tension.

My temperament carried over into other areas and relationships as well. One Sunday a week before Christmas, I snapped at Gary. It was over something trivial and I apologized almost immediately. Adrienne and Ari were nearby when it happened but Gary and I left the house before anyone else could become involved.

Outside he went straight to the point.
‘Are you hung up on this woman David?’

‘What do you mean? What’s that got to do with anything?’ I responded, knowing full well his question.

‘C’mon, I’m talking about Cassie. You haven’t even mentioned her name but you’re acting like something’s bothering you. Sounds like a woman to me and the only one we’ve talked about in the past is her. What gives?’

I opened up to him after that. I didn’t know what my feelings were about Cassie. It was complicated. The attraction wasn’t overtly sexual, those feelings had been submerged and ended months ago as I got to know her. Yet, it couldn’t help but be somewhat sexual. The closest I could figure was that her dancing bothered me. It was a matter of being possessive yet it wasn’t. Of course that made no sense to me but Gary went with it anyway.

‘Maybe you’re too close to her. You say she doesn’t have many friends. You’ve been talking to her quite a lot haven’t you?’

‘We see each other usually on Saturdays…for the job. During the week we talk maybe once every couple of days. That’s not that often.’

Gary raised an eyebrow then paused for a while, measuring his words before he spoke.

‘What do you talk about?’

‘Nothing much, things in general: our childhoods, our families, some of our plans for the future, that kind of stuff. Mostly she does the talking. She doesn’t show it, but she’s scared Gary. She wants to leave the business but she’s unsure. You know she’s studied real estate, even purchased a couple of properties, but she’s afraid of making a real go of it.’

‘And you’re going to help her how?’ Gary said, looking bemused.

‘Yeah, sounds crazy doesn’t it? I don’t know how, but somehow I know I’m going to help her move on.’

‘Back up my friend. You’re getting in too deep. She’s what, in her early thirties?

She has more resources than you, more experience too. You’re taking on a responsibility that is not yours. You can sympathize with her but beyond that you’re dreaming.’

‘I suppose you’re right, but I still can’t accept it. It’s been bothering me for months.’

‘I thought you weren’t going to get personally involved with these women? Whatever happened to ‘being detached’?

I couldn’t look at him when he said that. Over the year, that detachment went out the window as I sought the only intimacy available to me, or so Serena had said earlier when she and I had a similar conversation. Still I needed to tell him.

‘They talk to me. Not just Cassie, all of them. It was a research project when we started. It really was, or at least I thought it was. But you can’t restrict the talk to only the business. When we’re alone in the car they tell me their problems. I mainly just listen, but sometimes…’

Gary sat there silent as I explained how I had managed to get myself so entangled in my passengers lives. Part of what I told him was a revelation to me too. It was surprising to both of us how much I knew, how much of the minutiae of their lives lived in my memories of them.

Somehow I had not dared look at some of my actions from another perspective. These women were more than co-workers, and that was the problem, their status was unclear. Were they friends? That answer came quickly. They were, and it was the cost of that friendship that was the real concern.

Nothing was settled that night, though I had a lot to think about. For all of my encouragement of Cassie, it came to me that I too might have a hard time leaving the business.

Chapter 10: Two Degrees of Freedom

In February I received a call from Albert asking me to come in a few hours earlier than the beginning of my shift. It was a nasty day out, cold with yesterday’s snow still on the ground. When I arrived Albert barely gave me time to remove my coat before ushering me into the employee lounge.

Albert and I normally exchanged some minor ribbing when we met. Not this time. That day he was all business. My stomach started doing flip flops. I fully expected Rui to be waiting to sack me. I couldn’t think of anything I had done wrong, except maybe my attitude recently, but why else would I be a witness to Albert’s somber secrecy?

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Degrees of IntimacyChapter 6 Clapham

"She's a cow! A real fucking cow!" Prissy exclaimed, blowing smoke into the air of the pub where the wisping blue vapour was sucked into the smoke extractor. "I don't know why I stick with her!" "Me too!" agreed Cath. "My Jayne's so fucking uptight. All she fucking wants to do is sit in and watch telly." "So, you ditching her then, Cath?" Emily wondered. "You know, like you said you would?" Cath coughed. She didn't really want to diss her lover like that. After all, Jayne...

2 years ago
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Car play is to much fun to pass up ch2

My lover has such a great job not only does he get to deliver my restaurant's product but gets paid for 10 hours to sleep for some of that time and fuck me for the rest. This week’s delivery was his normal route in Tahoe, only this week it was snowing making everything take longer so it made his time run out and his layover time in Tahoe. Which meant he couldn’t drive for 10 hours. Yay for me, he got us an executive suite at one of the casinos out there we regularly go to. I needed...

3 years ago
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The Road or an RathadChapter 7

Now that I had found out how to 'fly the Road' I was sorely disappointed when I didn't have my dream again that night or in the week running up to Christmas. I hid my disappointment by keeping busy doing other things. Brenda invented a powerful snow-blower using scrap that she had reclaimed from my garage. Together we made the rounds of all my summer clients with an offer to keep their drive clear whenever there was fresh snow. We made a great team I thought - Brenda with her inventions,...

2 years ago
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Cum Over for a Threesome

I met John in the swimming pool bar. It was one of those swim up bars and I was sitting there just finishing my drink when he "sat" down next to me. "What are you drinking," he said. We were in Hawaii, so I said, "Mai-tai". "Bartender, make that two," he ordered. We began to shoot the shit and drink Mai-Tais. It didn't take long for us to determine that he was here with his wife and I was alone.About that time, a beautiful woman swam up next to John. The water in the bar was waist deep and I...

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The Deep

You push on the rusted door. Metal on metal shrieking fills the entrance to the old laboratory. The room is small and dingy, papers are scattered across the floor. In the middle of the room in a desk with a computer. You're not sure if it still works. On the front of the desk is a symbol of Omega Pharmaceuticals, the company that hired you to investigate this place. Behind the desk is a set of double doors.

2 years ago
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High on Laura High

Author's Note: (i) This wasn't written chronologically, so bits of it are incomplete. It's okay, though, because it's light on actual plot. (ii) While there are occasional uses of strong language and passages with strong sexual undertones, there are no sex or masturbation scenes yet. For now, the story is a slow-burn. If people respond well, I'll try to post additions, which would eventually include a more graphic Part Two. (iii) The original story was written with the narrator's...

4 years ago
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Anns Snowy Rendezvous The Bittersweet Goodbye

David The entire project had become a beehive of final activities. Everyone was busy taking care of last minute details. Most of the personnel were due to leave within a couple of days. The lucky ones were looking forward to an end of project swap later that evening with the couple they had chosen. A spirit of conviviality seemed to have taken hold. Everyone was milling around—laughing and talking! Held up, by having to supervise the packing up of the engineering equipment; David left the...

1 year ago
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On the Side of the Road

"You know honey," Karen Johnson said as she finished her dessert. "You've enjoyed going out more and more lately, perhaps that marriage counseling is working!" Not wanting to spoil his wife's fine mood, Troy would nod and smile a bit as he took another bite of his Key Lime Pie. He couldn't tell his wife the only reason they were eating out four days a week was so that he could call in their new babysitter, Sarah. Sarah McCormick was a college junior at a school in Branson. She was home...

3 years ago
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An Encounter With The Horny Neighbor

Hello everyone, I’m a fan of this site and used to read many stories from the last 9 years. Now I decided to share one of my own true experiences over here. After my engineering graduation, I moved to Bangalore. It happened almost a year before when I was working. The heroine (let’s call Shama) she is almost 34 years of age. She is my neighbor who stays near my building. At that time I was a newcomer to that locality. I used to observe Shama. Most of the time she used to talk over the phone on...

1 year ago
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Birthday Present

Prologue This novel was written four years ago by Vickie Tern and Rhonda Wagram. It began when Vickie posted her story "Girls' Night Out," and Rhonda wrote Vickie suggesting how it might be continued. Rhonda is the author of "Baroness Gloria" and "Fashion's Slave," two superb TG stories. Her ideas stimulated a great deal of creative play as both of us sketched out story lines, assigned each other different chapters, and agreed to over-write each other's drafts. The tasking...

1 year ago
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Dyked Athena Faris Christie Stevens Forget About Your Boyfriend

After Athena breaks up with her boyfriend, Christie s by with a surprise to help cheer her up. Athena is not sure what to think when she opens the grocery bag and finds two pairs of tights. Christie thinks it would be fun to try them on together, so she slips out of her tight, pink dress, revealing the lacy bra and panties underneath, before peeling those off as well. Athena bites her lip, unsure of how to respond. Shes turned on by Christies hot ass and round tits, as she squeezes into the red...

1 year ago
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Tumbleweed Ch 02

The story of Jacob Hightower continues. Please read chapter 1 to follow the flow and story line. Constructive comments, critiques, and emails are appreciated. ******************** Chapter Two Jake was at the stable at 6 AM. He saddled his horse and going to the locked tack room got two additional pistols and a three of boxes of 45 caliber shells to take with him. Two of the weapons had the 7 ½ barrel and one was in the five inch style. The shorter pistol and one of the longer ones were...

3 years ago
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Over the Rainbow

Alaina, Bud's youngest sister, invited me along as her date to a special New Year's Eve bash. We were double dating with Bud and his girlfriend, Claire. Being as heavy as I was, I could play Santa without a pillow. So it truly surprised me that someone as beautiful as Alaina would ask me out. "Ross, I think I'm going to pop the big question to Claire tonight." "What? You're going to ask her to marry you? Are you sure about it?" It was New Year's Eve and my best friend Bud and I...

4 years ago
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My Secret Is Discovered Part 2

I awaken, still in the spoon position; to the most beautiful sight my eyes have ever seen. Moonbeams drifting through the sheer curtains on the window, softly illuminate my stepsister Joni. Unable to resist tracing the subtle curves of the womanly form before me, I start on the side of Joni’s thigh, my fingers lightly trace over her soft skin of her hip. Pausing momentarily to trace tiny circles with my fingertips while ever so softly kissing her shoulder with pursed lips.“Mmmm,” Joni purrs as...

2 years ago
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Saali wah

Shivam again from Hyderabad…. Those of you, who have read my first inspiring sexperience with chinni, must be waiting to read my even greater sexperience with her mother veni aunty. The very next day after chinni initiated me into sex. her 35-year-old mother veni aunty asked me how it was with chinni. I lied to veni aunty by Praising chinni wide knowledge in computers. Veni aunty laughed when I said that and then told me that chinni had revealed all the whole truth of what had occurred between...

3 years ago
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Loyal DaughterChapter 3

For the next two weeks, Mom and I tried to pretend that nothing had happened. But it was too hard for me. I mean, once I had seen Mom doing that to Tina's butt, all the while pretending that Tina was me??? Well that's pretty hard to get that out of your head. I now knew exactly what was going on, and Mom knew that I knew, because of the way I blurted it out when we had that fight the next day. That was stupid. God, I wished that I could take it back. Now, whenever I watched her, and she...

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Dressing For Melissa

DRESSING FOR MELISSA - by: Cissy Gale It was the early 1970's, the height of the glam-rock era, when I let a girl named Kim dress me up in drag. The events of that evening spiraled hopelessly out of my control when I was publicly humiliated by Kim, then locked out of her house still in drag. This led to her friend Angela seeing me in my ridiculous outfit, an event Angela confessed she hoped to see repeated. Kim had already promised to dress me up again to surprise and amuse...

2 years ago
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The More the Merrier

Lily was in her fourth and final year of college. She was a business management major, a rather stuffy field for such a young and lively girl. After working so hard and saving up, she wanted to send her last spring break somewhere exotic, relaxing. Over the last year, she prepared for her trip by dieting, working out, and otherwise getting her buxom 5'9 frame into perfect shape. She pranced her curvy blonde body out in front of mirror at least a hundred times. She was bikini ready, and wait to...

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The Candy Stroker Part 7 Trading

TradingFor the next few weeks. Adam and I got together for dates at least once a weekend and always included sex. During the week, we also had sex once or twice. Mel and Jake had more trouble with finding times and places, but they still managed. Like me, Mel was getting into wearing sexy lingerie.Mel and I had sex together at least once a week. Adam knew about it and really wanted to watch. I asked Mel about it, but she hadn’t even told Jake yet and that she felt a little nervous. What if Jake...

First Time
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Maid for the Job Chapter Six

Maid for the Job Chapter Six I woke feeling excited about the new day, and had grown so accustomed to my situation that I didn't even think about the oddity of what I was doing as I stepped into the corset and tightened it around my waist. The various actions of sliding stockings up my legs and clipping them on to suspender belts, clipping a bra behind my back and applying mascara and lipstick seemed to come naturally. Actions that were so obviously feminine and a scant two weeks...

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175 Autumn island part 4

175 Autumn island part 4[A quiet finish and a return to our sexual iddle if you want the next stage, just ask and comment]She slept till seven the next day, by then all the last items were aboard, after I woke her with tea, the mattress, bedding and kettle were loaded, she looked around then locked up We set off, dropping the keys in an envelope through the door of the agent before the streets were properly aired, and set off north, me driving the old van, and Autumn smiling now but no...

3 years ago
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Around the mid of the year, I came back from Germany and was thinking between staying in PG, vs. Roommates or single, I landed up in a hotel. Pretty famous and on MG Road. I landed up early morning walked to the booking counter and introduced myself. While the guy was checking the booking, a girl may be of age 23 or so appeared from the service room (back side of the booking counter). Smiled at me as normally they do at hotels. Since the booking was done by the guys I dint get a chance to talk...

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Ariela Ch01 Depravities Origin

With the enemy on the verge of defeat she had invited their would-be leader, the last son of the old King, Prince Belind, to her camp to ‘parlay’. The army he had may have been numerous but little better than peasantry and though Ariela knew she could have the army eliminated with the flick of her wrist, she also understood that she would need peasants to farm her fields and work her mines in her new Empire, it shouldn’t be hard, she reasoned, to persuade them to surrender given the dire...

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Class Reunion My Two Lovers

I went to my high school’s 25th reunion expecting nothing. I was recently divorced and figured I might as well get out of the house, enjoy a trip, have a few laughs. And ended up at a table with two women that had, long ago, been a part of my teenage fantasy life. By the end of the weekend, adult reality turned out to be even more interesting than my adolescent fantasies.One of my old classmates was Beth, a girl I had dated a few times my senior year. I had some very fond memories of goodnight...

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My First BBC

I've been an active bi-sexual man for most of my life. I knew I liked boys probably before I even had sex with girls, but that's a post for another day. What I knew I really wanted, at least since my teen years, was to be with a black man. I write this as a white male, one who grew up in a large city, befriended and knew quite a few black men in my youth, and the attraction was always there. I just could never get myself to act on it when I was younger, mostly out of fear of my upbringing,...

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Naughty or Nice

Spinning on the ball of her black leather flat, she twirls in front of her friend. The hem of her light-green tartan dress fans around her thighs in unison with her dirty-blonde curls. The sudden motion brings them face-to-face and stops them dead in their tracks.Nicky cocks her head, her deep-blue eyes darting left to reinforce the gesture. Grinning wolfishly, her fangs glow white with menace. A breathy chuckle flees the growl in her throat. It leaves the giddy anticipation of her dare hanging...

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3 Clan Amir Falcon FledglingChapter 06

For a few years high quality imitations of ancient jewels and famous paintings have been cropping up around the world. They’re so good many of the experts have trouble telling them from the real thing. All of the investigations by law enforcement organisations around the world lead to blank walls of false identities or dead investigators. In mid 2004 the Royal Intelligence Service (RIS) learns about a group of artists in Berana who’re making high quality forged documents. They can’t get any...

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An Unusual Service Call

I am a carpenter by trade. I usually do more specialized work such as furniture but my best friend is a contractor and I occasionally get calls from him to help out building custom fireplace mantles and trim. On one of these jobs I had come across a Ms. Jasmine Williams, a very mean and demanding lawyer, while installing a custom fireplace. She hadn't spoken to me personally, but I had noticed her being a huge bitch to some of the workers on my friend's crew. I did the job and then she...

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The Forbidden Love

"Ah, Annie, you're just being paranoid. No one's going to come and kill you in your sleep, now lay back down and go to bed." I reassured my sister, for the fifth time tonight after watching a horror film. "But brother, they're going to get me like they did that girl!" She said, whimpering softly, with the blankets pulled over half her face. I've always loved my sister, more than just brother-sister love should be. Her small eyes, wide eyed with fear, wet with tears. To be here laying in her bed...

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Hero BoyChapter 2

It was four years since Sara; Alice and my sister June graduated high school. Next year would be the fifth and the reunion. They both, along with Alice were on the reunion committee to organize their fifth reunion. The reunions are on a Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Friday is a dinner and a dance. Saturday is a get together for a big beer ball party and games from noon to nine. Sunday is a family picnic at the lake. They have it the second weekend in July. The girls were already updating a...

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The MistyChapter 2

Nevil Danton was a very subdued young man when I first met him. The transfer had gone off without a hitch. He understood I would be taking him the rest of the way, and promised to be no problem. Right... and pigs fly. He took to his new surroundings like a duck to water. He tried to run a line of credit, but had none. I refused to advance him anything beyond that which came with his accommodations. He somehow got hold of a fifty credit piece, and had entered a game of poker (which is...

2 years ago
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Family Fun By Moonlight

Kelly is four years younger than me, which of course means nothing in adult life, but it probably made a big difference to the way we saw the world when we were kids. Of course, real life doesn’t always work out like our childhood fantasies. When Kelly was nineteen years old and barely out of high school, she met a guy called Brock. He worked in construction and he came from Perth, but he was working in Sydney on a new high-rise apartment complex, and coming up on the weekends to party with...

3 years ago
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Meri bhanji Neha

Hello iss readers Nishit aapni dushri kahane lekar aaya hai aapke liye hope u like it so let me intro myself mslef nishit agarwal frm rourkela 5’9 not to fair gud looking abt my bhanji 18 years old reading in std 9th slim chote chote nimdu jase bobs so let’s start my story meri bhanji jab summer chuti mei humare ghar rehne aayi tab wo akeli aayi thi didi unke shaat nahi aayi thi to gari ka mausam tha mere ghar mei mei mummy aur papa hum teen log hi rehte the so ek din mama ji ke yaha se call...

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My Dream Of Threesome Is About To Come True 8211 Part 2

Hi. Madan here. Hope you liked my first part. As I am posting story after a year, I apologize for the delay. I request to read my previous story to get the connection. Ok let’s move to the story 4.30 AM Phone ringing.  It’s my mami. I picked it and she said, “Reached Tumkur.” Me: So you need another hour to reach Bangalore. I will be there at the bus station at 5.30. She said, “Ok.” I kept the phone aside. I and bhabhi were lying on the bed naked. She had opened her eyes and smiled. I hugged...


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