Gamblers WinningsChapter 6 free porn video

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In less than a year Robert had spent in excess of three million dollars of his savings.

He had more than that in the Swiss Bank in Mexico.

He had about one million in CDs in the states and if he spent all that he would have to sell some of his investments.

The Cathy Ward was booked for cruises for the coming year. That was bringing in a fine income.

The expense of the team of breeding experts and the cost of the cattle had been paid. All costs of repairs and fencing at Ranchero Ward were paid.

Robert knew that it would be over two years before he would have bulls ready to sell. He was not even sure that he would be able to market them.

He had seen the need for good bulls but would Mexican ranchers buy them.

Two weeks after he had made his offer that dam broker called from Hermosillo and tried to get Robert to double his price on the ranch property.

Robert refused and the next day the broker called to say that his offer had been taken.

Two days later the broker called and said the houses were his.

Robert set a time thirty days later for the transfer of the titles.

He would meet with all parties at the bank in Hermosillo.

He had dealings with an attorney when he had bought the ranch. He called him and employed him to handle the research and checking of the titles.

He wanted a survey of the ranch and an exact description of the boundary lines. Robert cautioned his attorney to be positive the ranch property was not in dispute among the owners.

Cathy was not so busy that she could not return to the states with Robert for a few weeks.

Maria had so many duties that required he time she could not go.

Edna was a little home sick for the states, she begged Leon's permission to let her go.

Robert took off for the states early the next morning arriving at Del Rio before eight am.

Customs delayed them only a few minutes and then Robert flew non stop to near their island home.

He called his bank the next morning and made an appointment.

Robert had decided that he would borrow a half million dollars from the bank using his over a million in certificates of deposit as security. His next dividend check from The Ward Corporation was due in a little over a month. It would be for a sum over the half million he was borrowing.

He wanted to let that check cover the loan and interest. The interest he would pay would be much less than the amount he would loose by early cashing the CDs.

His banker was agreeable but Robert, as he had expected, would have to come in and sign for the loan.

The dogs had been excited to see them and Cathy and Edna had been delighted to set foot on the island.

That first night at home Edna and Cathy fixed a dinner from cans. They had cleaned out the refrigeration before leaving months before.

Robert and they were going to shop for fresh food in Birmingham the next day.

Soon after the evening meal Robert was ready for bed. It had been a long day for all of them.

Edna followed he and Cathy to the master bed room.

Edna asked if she might stay the night with them.

Robert asked her if she was sure she wanted to do that. He reminded her that she was married now.

Edna said that she realized she was and would want to go to mass and confess her sins before going back to Mexico. She said that she could never confess adultery to a priest there.

Edna begged Robert and Cathy to let her be with them like old times while on this trip.

Robert agreed if it was alright with Cathy. He reminded Edna that Cathy was his woman and he her man.

There was a lot of loving going on that night.

They drove in to Birmingham the next morning. While Robert spent time with his banker the ladies shopped for gifts to take back.

After Robert's business was taken care of they made a trip to Vincent's Market at Brookwood for lunch then food.

Edna had the forty five thousand Robert had given for her lot and the sixty five thousand for her house plus forty four thousand she had won gambling in her bank. That had accrued interest and she had a total of one hundred sixty six thousand in her account.

Edna wanted to take that back to Mexico, there was a large tract of land adjoining Leon's she wanted to buy for an addition to their ranch.

She asked Robert's advice on the best way to do that.

Robert advised her to have her bank issue her a certified check for one hundred sixty thousand, leaving six thousand to keep her account open.

Robert promised to help her open an account at Hermosillo to deposit that check in.

Edna asked why leave six thousand and Robert reminded her that she still had rights of use of her old home. If for any reason she ever wanted to return to the states she could. Her meager income was being deposited there each month and the account would be growing.

Robert played poker at Bob's fish camp that night. He lost twelve dollars and played his ass off.

He got home after one am and found his darlings fast asleep. He had to play catch up the next morning when he woke to the eager mouths and hot boxes of those ever horny women.

They spent a week and a half on the island resting. Robert played poker nearly every night. The ladies swam and loafed.

Edna and Cathy caught a lot of fish.

Robert asked If they would like to go to Reno for a few days before going back to Mexico.

Both Cathy and Edna thought that would be a wonderful way to end a nice trip.

Robert called for reservations and they took off for Reno two days later.

Robert stopped for fuel one time and landed at Reno before dark.

After checking in to the casino hotel they had dinner and split, the ladies going to play Black Jack, Robert to play poker.

Lady Luck smiled on Robert that night. He was dealt wining hands all night long. At eight the next morning the spots were blurring on his cards and he began making mistakes. He cashed in over four hundred thousand dollars in chips and went to bed.

His lovely companions had left a note stating that they had already had breakfast and were at the pool.

Robert slept for seven hours.

When he woke his lovers were taking a nap on a couch. Both were undressed and in each others arms.

Robert admired their beauty.

Cathy was fifteen years old and becoming more beautiful each day. She was now a poised self assured lady. A person no one would ever suspect had been rescued from a hog pen by Robert.

Edna was the very picture of a beautiful middle aged lady in the prime years of her life. Men looked at her with lust every where she went.

Both were full of life and their joy of living showed.

Robert woke them with kisses.

Robert told them he wanted to gamble a few hours then take his lovers to lunch.

The ladies dressed while Robert had a long shower.

Down stairs in the casino they split.

Robert gave each of his lovers ten thousand to play black jack on and went back to play poker.

He told them he wanted to leave for Mexico the next day.

Robert played for three hours and was about even. He just did not get good cards to play.

He found Cathy and Edna at the Black Jack tables. They were several thousand ahead but they also complained of not getting good cards.

Over their lunch they decided that Lady Luck had turned her back on them.

They spent the afternoon at the hotel pool.

There were several good shows at the casinos, they decided to see one that evening and not gamble any more.

Later that night Robert and Cathy tried to make Edna completely sated with sex.

She would be with Leon in Mexico from that night on and would have to be a good girl then.

Edna was going to confessional the next morning to get absolution for her adultery. Before she did however she deserved a chance to really sin big time.

They got her so excited one time that when Robert asked Edna if she would like him to go find several other men to help him and Cathy she screamed "O God yes".

Robert asked if she were serious and Edna replied "I would love to do that but not now". " It would be wonderful but I must not do something like that now that I am married ".

Edna finally asked that they do no more to her and let her rest.

Robert woke Edna at five am the next morning and told her to get dressed. She could make early Mass while he and Cathy packed.

They would have breakfast when she returned.

Edna was back soon. She said that she had confessed to a Priest and her Penance was five hundred dollars in the "Poor Box and twenty five Ave Marias ".

She said that she had asked the Priest if one thousand in the " Poor Box" would give her total atonement. The Priest had said it would.

Over breakfast Edna was very quiet.

Robert asked her if something was bothering her.

Edna said " No, I am glad to be going back to my new home and my beloved husband, but I love the things I do with you and Cathy ". " You two make the savage woman come out in me, the woman that as a child first fucked for ice cream and then because it felt so good fucked for fun ".

She went on to say that she could remember many times when she had as many as three or four boys waiting their turn.

She had loved being the center of that much attention.

After she had that abortion she had shunned men from disgust.

For two years she was recovering and becoming a woman again.

When she met Armand while in college she now realized she had known what a bastard he was.

She had known that if she went to Port Sulfur with him that week end she might have to suck and fuck some of his friends.

Edna said that the idea excited her.

She said that if they had not drugged her she probably would have given them the best fuck and suck of their life.

On the way back to Baton Rouge she had been terribly sick from what ever drug they had given her.

She could not even remember the biggest "Gang Bang" she ever had.

Last night when Robert had suggested that he go get several men for her she had wanted him to. She had come to her senses when she thought of Leon.

She said that before marrying Leon she would have let him.

Now she said I am going back to my husband with the resolve to never think of sex with other men again.

Robert took her hand and said "Edna we understand and hope you can spend the rest of your life being a good girl".

He told he that if she ever had a real need for sex other than with Leon he and Cathy would help.

Edna asked if he was talking about another trip such as this had been.

Robert told her he was.

Edna said that she would be one desperate woman before she broke her marriage vows again.

They checked out and got a taxi to the airport. The flight to Bahia Keno was uneventful. Cathy and Edna slept most of the way.

It was a new person that drove the car out to meet them and take the luggage to the house.

She introduced herself as Rena Sanchez. Her brother was Mario Sanchez Robert's Ranch foreman.

She spoke perfect English.

She said that she had recently graduated from the University Of Mexico in the school of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry.

She had been six months hunting for a job. No one seemed to want to hire her since she was a woman.

Rena said that she had come to see if there might be work here.

She had contacted Maria and Maria told her to wait until Robert returned.

She said that Robert would be the person to speak to about a possible opening for a person with her talents.

Robert asked her where she was staying and Rena said she was Maria's guest. The house her brother lived in was full with his four kids.

Robert asked then where Maria was and was told that she had an errand in Hermosillo. She would be back the next day.

Rena would serve as house keeper while she was gone.

They all pitched in getting the luggage in to the house. Edna's stayed in the car.

Robert took Edna home and then went to the Ranch.

Mario was in the office when Robert drove up.

Mario reported that one hundred and twelve brood cows were bread and safely with calf.

He had bought a Charolaise bull that he had surgically altered so that although he wanted to breed he was unable to do so.

The Ward people had brought a chin ball Marker and ink.

It strapped under the bull's chin and painted a bright red mark when the cow was in standing heat.

Mario had a man watching the herd that was not with calf all day each day.

When the bull marked a cow she was brought to the barn and inseminated immediately.

He had done two or three each day for the past two weeks.

Mario was satisfied he would have them all with calf in less than two months.

Mario reported about several projects that had been finished while Robert was gone.

Robert Asked Mario to locate either a trencher attachment that would fit on one

of the tractors or to locate a good small trencher.

Robert wanted to run water from the well to each pasture. He wanted large water tanks of concrete in every pasture.

Mario had been wondering how they were going to use those pastures that had no natural water in them.

Robert brought up the subject of Marrio's sister Rena.

Robert asked dozens of questions about her. After probing Marrio about her entire life since a child he asked if the girl was capable of running a farm such as this one.

Mario said that she knew how but he wondered if men she would have working for her would take orders from a woman.

Robert told Mario that if they did not want to they should not even apply.

Robert asked if Mario thought Rena would have trouble getting the drovers on this place to follow her orders.

Marrio said that the men on this place were too content to take a chance of getting discharged because they had an aversion to having a woman boss.

Then Mario asked if his own job was in danger.

Robert told him it was not but that he was thinking of giving him a raise in pay and putting him in charge of two Rancheros.

Robert had confided in only Cathy and Maria about his possible purchase of the forty thousand hectares of ranch land within miles of Ranchero Wade.

He told Mario of his becoming the owner of the new ranch in three days.

Robert spoke of his doubts of being able to sell the bulls off this place. He feared most ranchers in Mexico would not realize the advantages of up grading the quality of their live stock.

He was determined to show them.

The new ranch would buy good big cattle and breed at first artificially with semen from the best of Charolaise bulls.

Later the bulls would come from here and would natural breed.

That way Ranchero Ward would always have a market for it's bulls.

Robert told Mario how to get to the new ranch. Mario wanted to go there the next morning before he would have to breed the next days cattle.

Robert got home before dark.

Rena was preparing a fine dinner for Cathy and Robert.

Robert told her she was to dine with them.

Rena protested that she was not dressed for dinner.

Robert told her she was and he and Cathy never dressed for dinner at home.

He told Rena that she was to act as if she was a member of the family.

After an excellent meal Cathy and Robert went out on the terrace over looking the beach.

He had asked Rena to make Stingers and join them.

Rena brought the sweet after dinner drinks and sat with them.

Robert asked Rena a few questions concerning her knowledge of cattle and her ranch abilities.

Rena's replies assured him that she was qualified for the job he had in mind.

Robert told Rena that he was going to become the owner in three days of a very large ranch close by.

He explained that he was thinking of putting her brother in charge of both ranches. He would need someone then to act as foreman at Ranchero Ward.

Rena said that she wanted that job.

Robert asked if she would not like to know the salary he was willing to pay.

Rena explained that she was of a wealthy family and the salary was not important to her.

Rena said that she could have had a dozen jobs with a good salary since finishing school if she had been willing to engage in sex with the owner.

She said that she knew that she was worth more on a farm than becoming a mistress to the owner.

Robert promised her a chance to prove that.

The next day Maria returned from Hermosillo. She had driven the jeep from the ranch and was sweaty and covered with dust turned to mud from the road.

Robert had driven Cathy to town and she was aboard the charter ship. Then he had taken the Expedition and gone to find Leon.

He brought Leon up to date concerning his idea of converting those two houses next to his into rental houses. Robert asked if Leon would act as his agent in getting the work done. Leon would be more than willing he said.

Robert went to the small ship yard and asked Antonia if he could build him a ferry barge large enough to take full tractor trailer loads of cattle across the bay to the ranch on the other side.

Antonia explained that his yard was not big enough to build such a large hull as that.

Antonia said that it had been an enormous task to take the Cathy Ward out and blast and paint her hull.

He had been forced to take fences down on both sides of his yard. He had to use temporary rails at each end of the ship to get her out of the water.

He had done the work in order to get his money back by selling the ship.

Antonia said that the work on the Cathy Ward was the last job he had done and he was closing his yard as soon as he sold all the welding machines.

He said that his small yard could not work on the large boats that were doing all the fishing now.

Antonia asked if Robert had ever paid any attention to the abandoned ship yard next to his. It was much larger than his and had a huge building to cover the boats while out of the water. There was a big office building near the street and enough land down the bay shore to make a large site for a ferry landing and parking area.

Antonia said that the bank in Hermosillo had taken the property when the owners went bankrupt. They had been trying to sell that place for years.

Robert and Antonia looked at it.

It was a much nicer ship yard than Antonia's.

Antonia made a remark that the larger ship ways would allow the larger Tuna fishing and shrimp vessels to be taken out. There were hardly any small boats left fishing commercially.

Robert asked Antonia how much the bank was asking for the property.

Antonia said the bank had asked two hundred twenty thousand dollars right after the property went bankrupt. He had been told that the price was much less now.

Robert asked if he leased the place would Antonia build him a ferry barge there.

Antonia assured him he could.

Robert asked if he had such a yard could Antonia get enough other business to make a profit and pay rent on the yard.

Antonia said he could if the rent was not a great amount.

Robert said he was meeting with the bank the next day and would inquire into a lease of the yard.

He asked if Antonia could build him a ferry for the cost of the material and labor with no profit.

Antonia asked if he might draw a salary. Robert told him yes. Antonia said that was better than he was doing now.

Robert, Cathy and Maria flew to Hermosillo the next day. They got there hours before their appointment with the bank.

Robert wanted to see what tractors were available at the dealer's lot.

There were four two hundred h.p. John Deer tractors with less than 600 hours on them all four were alike and had four wheel drive. Thirty feet wide Land Leveler cultivator discs came with them and each had heavy front loader buckets.

The agent explained that a large farm had bought them on a rental purchase agreement. They were in the business of planting corn.

Last year corn sold so cheep that the farm had defaulted on the rental purchase arraignment.

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Reddit FunWithFriends, aka r/FunWithFriends! Is there any sex that’s better than with friends? I’m not talking about the weird sex that ends friendships because the bitch couldn’t compartmentalize and, ‘accept what this was.’ I’m referring to the kind of sex where friends want nothing more than to fuck one another’s brains out, clean up, then go out and grab a beer before going home, taking a giant whiskey dump, then going to sleep. The kind of friend sex where everyone fucks because they want...

Reddit NSFW List
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The Price For Being A Bitch Chapter 7

"Charles........I have to tell you about a little trouble I've gotten myself into. You remember that I told you that those five women were all volunteers? Well, I left out the fact that I offered each of them a payment. Maybe having sex with you should have been payment enough, but these women didn't owe me a thing. So I made a deal with each of them. Sandra only wanted dinner at a nice reastaurant, so she's satisfied. Melanie wanted to spank my ass, so she's satisfied.The problem is with my...

2 years ago
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Courtneys ConversionChapter 11 Compensation ndash Helping Her Friend

Courtney didn’t know what to do. Her van wouldn’t do anything when she turned the key to start it. She opened the hood but didn’t have a clue what any of the stuff under there did. Fortunately Ramiro, the Hispanic neighbor that she liked well enough to fuck every once in a while, saw her problem and walked over. He started checking and soon discovered that her battery connection was corroded. A bit of cleaning and the van cranked to life again. Courtney was so happy she asked, “Is there...

3 years ago
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Farm Wifes PetsChapter 8

Sissy had never felt better in her life. She got out of bed humming a happy tune and went naked into the bathroom. When she came out, Hollis was awake, and he took a look at her creamy, curvy young body. He smiled. "Yer sure lookin' purty this mornin', Sissy," he said. That made her stop and look at him. He rarely made remarks about her beauty, much less her body. She turned so he could see all of her ripe young tits and furry pussy-hair. Her gaze gravitated to his lap. "You feelin'...

3 years ago
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My first experience with a manmen

My first experience with a man/men.I was 20 when i decided to visit my first porn theater. I went late, the theater was dark no one was in there, i sat down on the second row from the top, and started to get into the porn. a guy walked in sat down a couple rows in front of me, then walked out looking at me as he went by. next thing i knew he is sitting down next to me, i started to get nervous, (thinking that he wanted something) sure enough, i felt his hand on my jeans rubbing my cock, i...

3 years ago
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Escape Ch9

Escape Ch.9 Hi readers! I'm back with another release to the 'Escape' series. Depending on how things go, I'm sad to say that the next chapter will likely be the last chapter. In so, it will also likely to take longer until the next release. However, I hope to continue writing other stories and improving. Please don't forget to comment and thanks for all the inspiring reviews. WARNING: This story contains TG, masturbations and incest. Undeniable Discovery "Dude, I'm telling...

3 years ago
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1st swing club experience

1st Swing Club ExperienceFor many years I had wondered what this thing called swinging was like. I loved sex. You could say I was a sexual addict. But to consider having sex in front of others, possibly in group situations? I didn't know if I could do this.I was not built like Brad Pitt, Harrison Ford, Sean Connery. More like Brian Dennehy. I was 6'4", 270, and not in the midst of my youth any more. Being of average build, would I be accepted? Whenever I read those swing ad publications, all...

First Time
1 year ago
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One Shoe GumshoeChapter 19 Revelations

“WHAT?!” I couldn’t believe my eyes. I was staring at Miss Marcia la Mare, actress, Hollywood sweetheart, recent widow of wealthy actor and world wide heart-throb, clean-cut all-American hero ... and she was silently mouthing with her lips to me that her husband was a Queer, a homosexual, with a same-sex husband. It simply didn’t add up. They were the perfect Hollywood couple. Everybody said so. Both were respectively the dream man and dream woman of popular culture. She had even told me...

2 years ago
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All Jazzed Up Pt 1

“Hey baby.” Daddy says to me as he walks in & hangs his jacket over the coat rack in the corner of his enormous office. Theres a couch in the other corner, and three chairs situated in front of the desk. I put down my soda and smile lovingly. “Hey, old man!” I say cheerily enough. He can tell things aren't good at home if I'm here. “Is she okay?” he asks, trying to make it sound casual. Its not that easy, Daddy... I think. “Shes drunk, and the house reeks of dope & Jim Beam. Does...

3 years ago
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He fixated on her perky, jutting nipples. Shoulders hunched from carry on luggage and attaché/computer case, ample but firm breasts jostled erotically against the thin, silk blouse. Smooth, tanned legs speared into the feminine vee of white shorts. Curly ringlets of bright red hair framed the pretty, dimpled face and she smiled at him. He smiled back. A quick glance around the Phoenix airport concourse acknowledged that he was not the only red-blooded male checking her out. The only glitch...

2 years ago
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When You Love Watching Her 8211 Part 1

A note: If you are looking for a quick sex story with all masalas to get you an instant jerk off, sorry to say that this is not the one for you. This is a summary of 2 parts of my life, both involving real incidents and real fantasies that I and my partner shared. It may feel slow, but every bit of it is true and approved by my wife :) Part 1 – My First Love and Her Exhibitionism Part 2 – My Wife and our Sharing Fantasies Humans – the one and only perfected organism on earth that outsmarted...

3 years ago
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The Crossing part 10

An escaped PoW now living as a woman in Nazi Germany, I had reluctantly become the girlfriend of Count Helmut von Rumstahl. After delaying it as long as I could, the night had finally arrived when he would take me as his lover. THE CROSSING - part 10 by BobH (c) 2015 - 23 - "Does it have to be this constricting?" I protested, as Gerda finished tying off the lacing on the rear of the corset she had insisted I wear. "Yes it does," she said,...

2 years ago
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I Shared My Wife 8211 Erotic shorts part 1

Nicolette had a strict upbringing although she still had her fare share of boyfriends with 1 being a long term relationship. Her parents are of Southern European background giving her lovely coffee colored skin, sultry sexy looks, stands 5’5′ tall, lovely round shaped breasts round size 32 with a then size 10 body, she could pass as a model. Although we are now divorced but still friends, the memories will never fade away and still gets me hard thinking about our adventure. All this...

2 years ago
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Out with your master

I have finally got you in the UK for a week so I can use and abuse you properly like the good sub cum slut you are, and the first thing I am going to do is make you change in the toilet after your long flight in to a tight boob tube and short skirt that when you sit down shows yhe top of your sexy pussy lips. The collar in the bottom of the bag will add to the look and leave you in no doubt as to what we are going to be doing for the next week.You came out of the toilet and looked fit to burst...

1 year ago
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Marks Party pt 2

Meanwhile on the otherside of the room Chris had gotten superhard from the blowjob that Nyomi had given him so , he decided to shove his big white cock up his principals fat black ass. .While Chis got his jollies Emma had Nyomi eat her pussy . Sharon who had just finished eating MIstress Emmas cunt was now given another task & now gave Chris a rimjob . , as 5ft 10 Nyomi screamed in pain & ecstasy as she had a giant sausage fill her ass. Chapter 1- Mark & Arthur Are MotherFuckers Joyce...

2 years ago
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Case Study 301 I become a seductress

Welcome back to another episode of Case Study 301: I become a seductress Once again this is a story that has themes in which the characters go back to their childhood and reveal the myriad of sexual exploits that happened to them. Some of the themes will include the description of some underage kids fooling around. If these themes are not your cup of tea then please now. This is your warning before you start. For those of you who stumbled across this chapter as small synopsis will...

1 year ago
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The FreshmanChapter 26 Cecilias Faccedilade

On the first day of classes Jason returned to his job modeling for the art department. Although he no longer needed the credits, he enjoyed modeling so much that he decided to do it for the remainder of his freshman year. Because both Cecilia and Ken had completed their humanities requirement, Jason did not expect to see any familiar faces in the spring semester life drawing classes. However, but it turned out there would be a familiar face in one of the classes; Cecilia's friend Suzanne...

2 years ago
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Another Fantasy of my wife

As you may be aware if you have read some of my earlier posts I have a burning desire to see me wife fucked by a stranger. Unfortunately she does not share this fantasy. She does not know what I would get out of it, watching her cheat with another man. No matter how much I explain that it isn’t cheating if I want it to happen she will not succumb to my wishes. This leaves me to fantasy about what I would like to watch her doing, knowing it will never become a reality. My fantasyIt was coming up...

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greyhound suprize

I had been on the bus for about four hours already with another four or so to go. I was on an overnight Grey Hound heading to San Diego out of Seattle. Everyone on the bus seemed to be asleep accept for just a few of us. What could you say? It was three something in the morning. I was one of the lucky one and had a seat all to myself. There was one other person riding that way and it just so happened that I had had my eye on her since Sacramento. Not a cover model but still good to look at....

3 years ago
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Massage To My Innocent Chachi aunty

Massage To My Innocent Chachi (aunty)This story describes sex with my chachi. It happened when I was 20 years old. I, with my parents, went to my grandmother’s house which is in a village. My uncle also lives there. He is not much educated and run a shop. My chachi is illiterate and does house work. She has a son. She has got attractive figure. She has curvy waist with average size boobs and fleshy thighs. Her skin colour is whitish. She always wears saree. I was dying to have sex with her.When...

1 year ago
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Late Bloom

The phone rang, and my wife answered. She paused, long enough listening to what the speaker was saying that I figured I was off the hook. Maybe it was Mary from the DAV saying how they'd have a truck in our neighborhood on Tuesday. Or it was one of her family members, calling to bitch about this or that. Instead, she soon enough handed me the phone, covering the receiver holes with her palm. "It's your mom. Your dad's not doing so well." I took the phone into the study for privacy,...

4 years ago
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You Little Thief

You Little Thief When I turned sixteen I bought my first car. Oh it wasn’t much and my father put in half of the money and put me on his insurance. I had worked for two years mowing lawns, shoveling snow, and on a rare occasion babysitting my little sister. I knew the value of money and hoarded it for gasoline and going out with my friends. Victoria was thirteen years old and a royal pain in my ass. She was just a little brat and as I found out recently a little thief too. I had...

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Kasan Se Vulgar MastiZee TV PresentationHot 1

Bani: Jigyasa aunty hume rahne ke liye ghar chahiye. Jigyasa: Tujhe aur tere randi bahno ko ghar chahiye to me kya karun. Ja kote par aur 10 ratoo me tum theeno itna dandha kar logi ki tumhare gand aur chut ko acha comeback mil jayega jo tera baap tujhe rojana diya karta tha aur tumhara aur tere randi bhano ko sahara mil jayega. Piya: hamare pet me waise bhi hamare baap ke nishane pal rahe hai aunty jo usne marne se pahle hum teeno ki chut par apna virya lagatar theen din gira kar di...

2 years ago
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Gathering Fallen RocksChapter 6

"Gail, oh Baby, don't do that. God, Baby, I'm trying to behave myself." "Um-m-m," she responded sleepily, "I was dreaming. I could feel your hands." Rolling her over, he was on top of her, resting his hardness against her heat. "See what you do to me." He moved against her. He was hard, so hard he hurt. He started kissing her and increased his exploration of her mouth when she responded, putting her arms around him, rubbing her hands up and down his back, reaching down as far as...

4 years ago
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Enris Initiation part 2

Copyrite Aussie Greg 2004 aussieg@opera mail The girls having worked Enri over for an hour and a half, now sat down to watch the men. Perhaps not surprisingly, Walter was the first undressed, and he wasted no time getting on his knees between my worked over Filipina wife's thighs. "Take a real Aussie stud", he boasted. He slid all the way into Enri without apparent difficulty as she knelt on the sofa drained. Enri's legs wrapped around his skinny white ass as he pounded away...

2 years ago
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Horny on a Saturday Morning Part II

I am kneeling in front of you, savoring the sight before me. I have placed you on the sink counter in the bathroom, leaning you back against a mirror that fills the wall. You are naked, and in the throes of a building sensation. Your thin strip of pubic hair, playfully shaped as an arrow pointing down to your pussy, is inviting me to play a little more before I plant my mouth on your essence. In anticipation of my descent on your clit, you softly moan “Yes...” I slip the tip of my tongue onto...

Oral Sex
1 year ago
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Coming Of Age 3

"Can we just go somewhere and fuck?" That is what Abbie had asked me after I'd picked her up in my truck.My mind flashed with all of the possibilities as we drove down the street, my hand resting against between her legs."I should have worn a skirt!" She said with frustration as she arched her hips upward, pressing her crotch against my hand."Quick!" she said loudly, "turn around and take me back home!""Really," I replied.  "We just got going...""Now!" she almost yelled,...

Mind Control
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The gift of time

Raphael was coming to stay for the holidays. Raphael with his sports car and his suave manner. Raphael with his smooth good looks and all the fucking history that we had ever shared regarding a mother who worshipped him and dismissed me. Niamh wanted him to visit, she wanted him to. Back when we were both in our twenties, Raphael and I, we were pretty competitive. Alright, siblings are. But our bitch of a mother made it worse. Raphael, her youngest, was the pretty boy. Raphael was the guy who...

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Dont Judge a Book Ch 22

Friday 30th March 2018After all the storms and squalls earlier that day, Gemma and I held hands and followed Jill and Chris as things moved into an altogether happier place. Jill and I had talked things through and, safe on the rock of knowing she’d never leave me for Chris, I was okay with what my eyes and ears now told me. That my beautiful forty-five-year-old wife was in love with another man who felt the same way about her.Chris carried my contented and love-smitten wife into their bedroom...

Wife Lovers
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MotherStepDaughter At Swingers Party

My wife Carol and I have been members of a swinger club for the past several years, now we thought we would make it a “family” membership by inviting my step-daughter Angie to join the group. In the group new members were welcomed by invitation only and had to be screened by at least three members. Most of those accepted were usually were classy people with a lot of money. The group had about fifteen couples, three older men and a few single women, some of the women were bi-sexual. The group...

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EvilAngel Vicki Chase Shameless Anal And Rimming

Gorgeous Latina Vicki Chase flaunts her delicious, natural body in sheer lingerie. The always insatiable star strips and masturbates, soon sharing the couch with veteran stud Michael Stefano. Vicki starts him off with a blowjob, and his big cock makes her choke. Michael stuffs his boner into Vicki’s wet pussy. The wild doll spreads her sphincter and sits on Michael’s meat, whimpering and talking dirty. A nasty anal scene includes salacious, deepthroat fellatio, lewd rectal gaping,...

3 years ago
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Whats it Like on the Other Side Part 2

Whats it like on the other side - part 2 by B. Pink The girl slept easily, on her side, her knees pulled up in a feotal position, her hand between her legs, not touching or rubbing herself but just covering the female area that a short while ago had been sated and injected with sperm. I lay inside her, the darkness inside her body, her closed eyes shutting out all possible glimmer of light. I wondered what had happened to my body, was I still in it and my present self was an...

1 year ago
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Young mans work initiation

When the summer holidays began I was asked By Mrs Watson, the manager and owners daughter if I would like to work full time during that period, and because I had wanted a new gaming console and stuff, accepted knowing I could earn enough for what I wanted without begging Mom and Dad for the money. And that decision to do some full time work with the team of women changed their attitude towards me. It started the first day when I arrived a couple of minutes early for my first day in the...

3 years ago
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Indore Mein Teele Par Chudayi Ki

Hello guys I am Harsh Singha and I am currently in Indore. Aaj main aaplogo ko bataunga ki kaise maine apni ek classmate ke sath college ke open mein sex kiya. Ye kahani hai jab main MBA1st year mein tha. Main Medicaps se MBA kar raha hu and now I am in 2nd year. Main Bhopal se hu to main yaha pe hostel mein rehta hu. Mujhe iska hi bohot fayda milta hai yaha pe. Main thoda sa accha dikhta hu to meri lagbhag har ladki se baat hoti hai. Aur hostel ka hu to mujhe lunchbreak mein sabka lunch bhi...

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