What's Gotten Into You - Xmen Fan Fiction free porn video

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Emma Frost sat pensively as she made the final adjustments that prepare Cerebro to interface with her mind. Dr Xavier's technological marvel amplified her psi powers and enabled her to reach out and find...well everybody. But it was tuned to track mutants. She'd been sent here by Storm on an premise that was as preposterous as it was terrifying. Storm had received word that the Phoenix force had somehow resurrected and bonded with Professor X. Everyone knew that was impossible, but having cheated death and invaded numerous heroes, the Phoenix force had proven to be as resilient as the legends it inspired. If it had somehow managed to bond with Xavier's psyche, it would be unstoppable.

As powerful as The White Queen was, she knew she was no match for Phoenix. Beads of sweat popped out on her brow as she focused her mind, scanning the distance...
She was so focused on hunting the Phoenix, she barely noticed Storm enter from behind and walk up behind her. She could sense that Ororo was not herself, unusually tense and...guarded as she stood next to her and folded her arms. But considering the circumstances, it was understandable. Still...something wasn't right.

“Storm, this makes no sense. I'm not getting any trace of anything that would be as powerful as the Phoenix. Where did you say this 'tip' came from?”

“I didn't” Ororo said casually as she unfolded her arms. Emma turned to look over her shoulder, but it was too late. Before she could react. Storm's hand flashed from her side and landed in a vicious karate chop to her neck. Emma cried out in shock and pain just before she blacked out.

As she struggled to regain consciousness, Emma scanned her surrounding psychically. Tried to anyway. Her head was...foggy. Pain in her neck. From the blow? No, stinging pain, like a needle. d**gged! She tried to open her eyes and saw a blurry presence standing before her. Just as her vision began to clear, she saw Ororo facing her, then her hand flashed again and Emma's vision exploded in stars as Storm's bitch slap seared her face and made her cry out in shock and pain.

“Storm what the FUCK do you think you're doing?” The White Queen bellowed in rage.

“Waking you up, Emma. You've been out longer than I expected and I'm growing impatient. I can hardly wait to play with my new toy.

“Storm.- Ororo, what's the meaning of this? Why the ruse? And what.” Emma tried to move and realized she was bound, hanging aloft with her hands tied behind her back and her ankles bound high in the air, like she was sitting in invisible stirrups. She struggled and only managed to wobble. She felt humiliated, helpless and exposed, all feelings almost completely foreign to one of the powerful mutants on the the planet. She tried to scan Ororo's mind, but she was still having trouble thinking clearly.
“Ororo, please. This – this is crazy, What am I tied up like this, what's going on? What's gotten into you?

Storm smiled, pleased at the plaintive tone in Emma's voice. “Why, Emma, it almost sounds like you're whining. You sound so pitiful. So confused. But you're asking all the wrong questions. Rather than asking what's gotten into me...” she cooed as she stepped closer and wrapped her hand around Emma's throat.
“I think you should be asking what's gotten into you.” She squeezed Emma's neck and made her gasp and whimper.

“Yes, you feel it don't you. I've replaced your collar with a much more fashionable design. You can't see it of course and I didn't bring my compact, but it's a lovely design. It says “Storm's Bitch”. Etched right into the leather. But it's much more than a fashion statement. It's wearable tech. Lined on the inside with these lovely little needles that just barely pierce the skin and deliver a subcutaneous injection of this amazing little potion I found. Of course they're not long enough to hurt. Unless of course I squeeze...”
She sneered as she tightened her grip choking off Emma's air supply and driving the needles into her neck. Emma gasped and winced in pain.

“So, back to your question. No the question you should have asked. What's gotten into you is a little-known African potion, courtesy of some of my old friends who specialize in such things. It dulls the senses, interferes with and dampens your mutant abilities. That's why you can't reach my mind and cant' change to diamond. I had them add a little something I got from Remy's associates in the Bayou. Those old cajun ladies sure know a lot about spells. They added a little extra cajun spice that makes you..shall we say, more docile. More submissive.”

“And as you've no doubt realized, I've got you tied up and we're all alone down in the bowels of the mansion. Under Cerebro in fact. The others are all out hunting for the Phoenix. Awaiting word from you in fact. So, it's just you and me, all alone. I thought we needed a little private time, so we could sort things out.”

“But why, Ororo?”

“I have my reasons. Mostly I just got fed up with your bitchy femdom ways. Got sick of you always bossing us around, bossing me around, treating me like I'm your servant, your your sidekick or something. I'm an original member of this team. I was an X-Man saving the world fighting alongside Scott and Jean while you were skulking around with the Hellfire Club, engaged in murder, extortion and all manner of hideous, despicable behaviors.”

“But I've changed, you know that! I'm not like that anymore, Ororo!”
Emma was on the verge of tears as she struggled in the ropes and shouted at her friend and ally. Ororo had found her achilles' heel. Guilt. After years leading the X-Men, saving lives, she still felt stained by her past.

“No, not in all ways. You've given up your life of crime and debauchery, but you're still the same imperious bitch. 'White Queen'. Well Miss Frost, you're not my Queen. Not anymore.”

Ororo grabbed Emmas right nipple and pinched hard eliciting a gasp from her anxious captive. Emma moaned as Ororo pinched and tweaked her nipples turning them deep pink and stiff.

“Mmmmm. I've always loved your tits Emma” breathed Storm as she leaned forward to lick and suck on each one in turn. She took her time tasting and teasing, stoking Emma's lust intensifying her frustration. She guessed that Emma was getting wet and reached down to stroke her exposed labia.
She laughed when she felt her captive's labia, swollen and slick.

“Well well, look at you. The White Queen, our ice cold bitch, all tied up and your pussy positively drooling.”
She slapped Emma's mound sharply, drawing a gasp and wince.
“Can't get away can you bitch Queen?”
She slapped her a few more times, the wet stinging noise echoing off the cold stone walls.

“Please Ororo stop tormenting me. This isn't like you, What's gotten into you?”

“Still asking the wrong question, Bitch Queen. You should be wondering...what's about to get into youuuu”, Storm purred, as a lewd smile spread across her face.

Storm reaches down and wraps her fist around the large, thick, hot pink thick dildo attached to her harness. Before Emma could protest, her captor positions the bulbous head against her labia. She slides it around massaging Emma's clit and coating the head of the probe with the White Queen's juices, and thrusts her hips forward, driving the head of the big artificial phallus into Emma's pussy.

Emma gasps, then bites her lip to suppress an urgent moan as her pussy is invaded by cool hard plastic.

Storm lets out a throaty laugh as she grips Emma's legs to pull her towards her and thrusts again, burying the fake cock deep in her partner's helpless pussy.

“Oh, Emma, you don't know how long I've been waiting, wanting to do this. To turn the tables, to fuck you, use you, humiliate you like you're always doing to us.”

“Ororo I never --”

“Shut up Bitch!”, she hissed as she slammed the dildo into her again, driving a sharp gasp from Emma's throat.
“You've been fucking with our heads for years, treating us like your playthings, your little puppets!
But you can''t help yourself can you. Its like asking the proverbial crocodile, 'but why did you eat me?' It's in your nature, in your DNA. You're a manipulative domineering bitch.”

She thrusts the dildo deep into Emma a few more times taking pleasure in making the White Queen moan. The beautiful buxom blonde is moaning and gasping audibly now, no longer able to restrain herself.

“But we have a fix for that. You see, you can change, given the right inputs. Do you feel it, Emma? The rush of pleasure flowing from your cunt, charging through your clit,humming through your cervix? Don't you feel the waves of pleasure with each thrust...Feel your resistance melting, your desires changing?”

“Yes I...so good,so fucking goood. Roro, what...what're you doing to me?”

“Reprogramming you, bitch queen. From the inside out. This is more than just a sex toy. It's coated with nanites; microscopic robots.”
Storm spelled out her captors torment with a hard thrust with each sentence.
“They're programmed to invade your tissues,
“seep through the walls of your pussy,
burrow into your g-spot,
lodge in your clitoris.
And super-charge your libido from the inside out.
With each thrust, I'm driving them deeper into your evil cunt.”

“Yessss I-- I can feel it! So fucking good, so good” Emma whined as she gyrated shamelessly on Storm's dick. “But...why do I- why do I want to please you? Serve you?”

“Mmmm, perhaps it's just gratitude for the incredible pleasure I'm giving you.”

“Or maybe...”
she sneered as she slammed her dick harder into Emma's helpless pussy.

“Maybe it's because those lovely little nanites aren't just making you feel good. They're binding your DNA with mine, binding you to me, at the cellular level. Making you mine! You ARE mine now, Emma. I own you Bitch! Fom the inside out!”

Emma begins to struggle mightily exerting one final heroic effort. She starts to bypass the circuitry jamming her collar and Storm feels her beginning to slip into her mind. Emma's face contorts and she writhes in her bonds emitting a raw noise that's half scream, half feral growl.

“A valiant effort my pet. He warned me you might be able to fight past the collar. He suggested a cure for this contingency, I was rather hoping we might get to try it.”

She hauls back and slaps Emma hard across the face. The sound of the slap echoes off the cold brick walls. Emma gasps in shock and pain and Storm grips her hard by the throat squeezing off her air, back hands her again sending Emma's hair flying in a cloud of blond as her head snaps to the right. Then she uses her hand on her throat to push her backwards in her rope swing, and slams her hips into her driving the full length of the thick dildo up into Emma's cunt, crashing into her cervix.

Emma lets out a strangled groan of pain and begins gasping as Storm assaults her pussy with brute force. Tears flow as she succumbs to the inner and outer assault and feels her will break irrevocably.

“Yes, it's working! Just as predicted. Pain and brute force. Scrambling your will enough to reinforce the invasive effect of the nanites...and binding you even more forcefully to me, your new mistress. I just. Fucking. LOVE this!” she hisses as she pounds Emma's pussy.

The lurid purple dildo is now sheathed in Emma's cream as she begins gushing in orgasm. Whining now in complete surrender, and ecstasy. As her orgasm subsides and Storm feels all the fight drain from her body, she slows her pace, slowly saws the dildo in and out of Emma's dripping sex, and kisses her lightly on the forehead.

“Perfect. My new fucktoy has made you into my new fuck toy. Say 'Thank you Madame'.”

Emma writhes in her bonds struggling to hump Storm's cock for a moment longer then whispers “Thank you Madame. Thank you my goddess.”

“Much better my pet. Now I believe the programming is complete. Now, you're my little bitch, my plaything.”

“Yes mistress” Emma whispered. I am your slave and you..you are my goddess. Take me, fuck me, Use me. I want only to serve you, to please you.”

Storm gives her a chance to prove herself and unties her ankles, lowering Emma to her knees. The vanquished White Queen prostrates herself and unbidden, licks her way from Storm's boots all the way up her thighs and slowly, deliberately licks all of her cream off the huge purple dildo.

“Please goddess. May I have the honor?” She looks up at Storm with eyes full of desire and affection.
Storm smiles benevolently down at her.
“Yes my slave. Worship me with your tongue. Give back to me a semblance of the rapture I have bestowed upon you.”

Storm unfastens the harness, removes the dildo and tosses it aside.

Without another word, Emma wraps her hands around Storm's hips and begins dragging her tongue across Storm's mound, she breathes in the heady musky scent of her mistress' aroma, tastes the sweet nectar dripping from her swollen labia.

She buries her face between Storm's legs and snakes her tongue into the hot wet crevice. Both women moan in harmony as Emma loses herself in her mistress's pussy. Emma knows only lust and rapture as her heart sings in tune with her mistress's pleasure.
Storm is overwhelmed with passion and pleasure as her new slave licks and sucks hungrily at her sex. She can sense the love and affection, her slave's desperate desire to please as if it flows from Emma's tongue straight into her mound, through her throbbing clit and up her spine.

“Ahhhh yes, my pet. Pleasure me, prove yourself..worthy of your goddess. Ohhh Emma,..!” Her wail of ecstasy echoes off the walls as she grabs Emma's hair and crushes her slave's face to her mound and humps her as her orgasm rips through her.

Storm catches her breath, steadies herself on her feet, places both hands in Emma's hair and pushes her face away, tilting her head upwards. Her slave's face glistens in the dim light with Storm's juices coating her lips and chin. A look of utter contentment radiates from her lovely face.

“Well done pet. Let's go upstairs, call the rest of the team back, and see who wants to be the first one to use that pretty mouth.”
◘ FIN ◘

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Irfan was lying on the bed in a relaxed mood. It was late night. He was getting a little bored. 'What should I do,' Irfan thought. Suddenly, Sahil entered the room. Sahil smiled at Irfan. Irfan smiled back, knowing he wont be bored anymore. Sahil sat besides Irfan and started staring him from top to bottom like a hungry slut. He asked Irfan seductively,'Am I allowed to play?' 'Sure,' was Irfan's reply. Sahil moved over his hand and started caressing the bulge in between Irfan's jeans. Slowly,...

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Jessica’s perfect form hung just inches from the floor at the slightest of angles, facing the skylight of his loft. Her back was gracefully arched, arms drawn back and down. Her inner wrists were joined behind her, two fists kissing each other, thumb lying beside thumb, and a series of well-spaced, ornate knots linked them to her secured ankles. One set of ropes supported her upper back, gathered above and beneath her breast—accentuating the flawless, full roundness of their form and the...

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Tiffani Takes Charge

TIFFANI TAKES CHARGE by Kimberli Nicole McCarthy This story is a sequel to "Holly, Tiffani and Me." I would strongly suggest reading "Holly, Tiffani and Me" before jumping into this story. Enjoy!!! ----- Morning found me groggily coming to, cradled warmly in Michael's lap, with my hand resting comfortably between his legs. My initial surprise was offset by fond recognition, and fonder memories, as I surveyed my body, admiring the...

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Fan Girl

Fan GirlBy ninja5Chapter 1? ? ?The case had been thrown out of court on bad evidence.? It seems the detective in question had been a little too eager to convict me.? Still the ordeal had left me with an uneasy feeling that I was being watched.? People knew my face now.? I had had to move to London for that very reason.? In my old neighborhood I was a celebrity.? An unwelcome celebrity, treated like a pedophile, abused and spat at in my own streets.? In London I could hide among the crowd and...

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Not Just a Fan

Not Just a Fan ElrodW A man with a wife and boring life meets his favorite rock star while hiking. After talking a while, she invites him and his wife to a concert and meal, and there she springs an offer that is quite unbelievable, and quiet irresistible to the couple. The man's life is about to change in ways he never expected. ********** This story is copyright by the author. It is protected by licensed under a Creative Commons...

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The Fan Club

THE FAN CLUB by C.C. My name is Arnold Stanton, but most people know me as "c.c.", the author of a series of Transvestite stories for various internet sites. Over the years, I have turned out all sorts of stories, mostly with an S/M slant, although I'm not really into that myself. Oh, I like Dressing Up -- in fact, I'm a fairly accomplished TV myself -- and I do go in for a bit of self-bondage from time to time, but in general, I'm just too used to having things my own way to really...

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The Fan ClubChapter 8

“Welcome to Victoria’s Secret. I’m Victoria and this is my secret,” the saleswoman with a dirty blonde pageboy hairdo and slightly too much blush told me. She was of average height, but very slender and graceful, with baby blue eyes and a rather charming “social butterfly” ethos to her. Even her jest seemed more like self-deprecating humor and awareness of the weirdness of the coincidence of names than anything else. She looked at my female companions, and then at me, before she dared to...

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Nsyncs 1 Fan

It had all started with a radio contest. For the entire weekend, my favorite radio station would be playing an Nsync song every hour and you had to keep track of which song they played. You had to keep a list of each song and by Sunday night, you'd have to have them all listed in order. Everyone who managed to do it simply turned in their list and you were automatically entered to win a trip to Las Vegas and meet with the Nsync guys. At that time I was in college living in the dorms. Luckily...

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Bisexual The Life of Stefano

Stefano Jenkins comes home. He’s a twenty-year-old black guy who attends the nearby state college. This buff stud has caramel-colored skin, curly black hair and golden brown eyes. He’s the stuff dreams are made of and he’s really popular with the girls. The fact that he’s also the star of the men’s basketball team also had something to do with it. Stefano wants to become a police officer someday, like his father before him. What Stefano doesn’t know is the fact that someone was waiting for him...

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The life of a writer is often a solitary pursuit not to mention its lack of rewards and recognition. I find a moment of happiness whenever I receive a message of support or an acknowledgement of a story read, but physical gratification is outside the realms of the online storyteller. Recently I received correspondence from a new admirer of my work and it appeared as if they were working their way through my story list at SOL so in my replies I started to suggest stories they should try and...

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Why Did You Kiss Me Ch 1 A Terminator The Sarah Connor Chronicles fanfiction

"What are you doing?" Sarah asked after a moment. "Watching a movie," Cameron replied without turning her head. "Really," Sarah moved forward so that she was standing next to the couch looking down at the young girl. Despite the cold night Cameron wore only a thin tank top and boxers. Sarah couldn't help but notice how the cool air had caused her nipples to harden so that they made very noticeable points in her top. Sarah swallowed. "Shouldn't you be outside patrolling or...

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Sarah Carerra 37 Sarahs 1 Fan

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: May 31, 2010) Chapter 37 - Sarah's #1 Fan "Sarah!" Josh exclaimed, standing up when he saw my dad and me approaching. He seemed more excited to see me than I thought he would if he had already moved on, but he didn't sound quite...

2 years ago
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Holly Tiffani and Me

Holly, Tiffani and Me By Kimberli Nicole McCarthy "Staying home, playing Pictionary and eating home made appetizers while we watch Dick Clark's Rockin' New Year's Eve is not my idea of a good time!" "Well then Mike, you can either keep bitching about it or think of something better for us to do." "Dude, we gotta hit the town, get our drink on, and pick up a couple of sweet ass honeys." "I agree," I argued, "but it's December 28, we haven't thought of anything cool to do...

1 year ago
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What Happened During First Fan Meeting

We met a 9 year fan of Trina's and he requested no vids of certain sexual activity. We honor any fan request whether we agree or not. We had many requests to tell the story of meeting if we can't show video. Here is what happened: We got the idea to have fans send requests with picture to meet while we were out of town. We made it clear that we were not just looking for sex. Finding people to fuck is easy, we wanted to meet loyal fans and whatever happens, happens. The response was...

2 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 9 Fantasies Among the WeedsChapter 38 Fan Club Making Memories

“This place is seductive.” “Why?” Dave asked. The other pledges in the Circle 101 class learned forward to hear Jocelyn’s response. “The Circle addresses so many of the things that are wrong with society. It ‘rights’ them. I always thought it was hard to make friends; the Circle made it easy. Suddenly, I had about two-hundred of them overnight. “Outside the Circle, there’s a pressure and counter-pressure to fall in love with someone. You have to limit yourself to ONE person even when your...

1 year ago
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The Fan ClubChapter 3

"Well, I believe that I've proved that I'm not a lesbian, haven't I? I've also shown that I'll gladly fuck you whenever you wish," June commented as we ate our breakfast of French toast and scrambled eggs. "Not to mention that you can cook much better than my ex and can drink any bloke under the table. You're what we lads would call a 'catch', love," I praised her while drinking my orange juice and breakfast tea. "Thanks, sweetie. How do you like your tea? Enough milk in it for...

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Meeting a fan

emma waited in her trailer after the concert. A fan won a personal meet-and-greet with her. She didn't bother to change, reasoning that he would love to see her in her concert outfit up close. There was a knock. "Miss emma, your fan is here," said security through the door. emma opened the door. Standing before her was a young man. He shyly looked at her and walked inside. Security closed the door behind him. emma stuck her hand out. "Hey! What's your name?" she asked. "John," the fan nervously...

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Giadarsquos Weekend Getaway Erotic Fiction

Disclaimer: This is an erotic fiction story I found online about Giada De Laurentiis. I am not sad to say the one who wrote this story. This story was written by WildBronco38. Sole credit goes to him for the writing of this story. I read it and afterwards I knew it just had to be shared with all of you. Enjoy...and thank you WildBronco38 for such an erotic tale of hot Giada fiction.Giada’s Weekend Getawayby WildBronco38I had been divorced for about four months and I was finally settled in at...

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A Mania for Fiction

Bill Williams was up late again. Bill wasn't exactly up solving the world's problems or curing cancer. Bill Williams, Caucasian male, 45 years old was up reading fiction on the internet. His favorite sight was the Neatolibrary of gay and lesbian fiction. Especially the transgender stories. He tended to read those with his shorts around his ankles. However, this night he found a new one. StoryObsession.com. This sight had it all. Male to female transformations, age regression caught...

1 year ago
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The Boy Who Lived Science Fiction

Dedication: To my grandchildren, this is how your great-grandfather got me to pass Algebra II. The tale that foretold I once read a story written by the great Science and Science Fiction author, Issac Asimov, about a brother and sister who were home schooled by a learning machine, what we would now call a computer, a PC in other words. But learning was not a happy activity for them. One day, they chanced upon an ancient book which told of educational times long past. How children would go to...

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The Fan ClubChapter 9

Sure enough, when we got home, we were soon naked and Erica eagerly applied the cheesecake to Casey’s ass to start licking it off her. Her mouth was soon locked into the action of rimming our sister with great enthusiasm, running her tongue all along Casey’s crack to get as much cheesecake covered in butt sweat as she could savor. It definitely made Casey ticklish to have Erica do that to her, but she took it very well. “Damn, Erica, you’re going to make me cream myself even more when you do...

3 years ago
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A Story for Stefani

It was just another evening, or so I thought. I was tired of going out alone, and I was even more tired of the dating scene. Ever since Sandy left, my life has been dead, or at least it had felt dead.“Hey old dude!” said a familiar voice on the phone. “Whatcha doing tonight, old buddy?” Wow, it was Jackson. I hadn’t heard from him for at least 5 years. I just knew that he went on a cruise in the Caribbean, and met a woman in the Virgin Islands and ended up marrying her and then moving to...

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Bjrk Gudmundsdttir fan gift day faked IQ

Björk Gudmundsdóttir fan gift day: faked IQ After shared reflexion, Björk came to the conclusionthat her new "fan gift day" could be about something else than sex. Sex remindthe best thing, the one thing that drive her nuts and make her think, but there'smore to life than this. "Who knows, maybe some people care about my thoughts...",suggest to herself a deliriously naive Björk. Inquiries from fans for the first edition of the "fan giftday" are rapidly flying in the Office of Elektra...

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Kiss And TEll Supernatural Fanfiction

"What?" Dean barks. "Dude, don't you think you've had enough?" he asks, keeping his voice level. His puppyish expression is one of concern. One that normally makes Dean melt. But not tonight. "Son of a bitch," Dean groans. "Jesus, Sam. This again? You know what's wrong with you?" He leans back, his hands resting on the table as his mouth draws into a tight line. Sam shakes his head sadly and exhales loudly. Not plastered, but definitely drunk. "No. But I suppose...

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Dream a Little Dream of Me Supernatural FAnfiction

There's a knock at the door. Sam heaves a sigh and slams the clamshell of his laptop closed. He makes it to the knob in a few long strides. His disappointment is apparent when he opens the door and sees her standing there. "Hey, Sam," she says in her haughty accent. She walks past him into the room without invitation. That's how she is. She takes. Whatever she wants. He stares after her, watching her take in the cheap furnishings. The cheeky Brit's audacity is unsurprising. Yet, as...

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60 Minute Man Supernatural FAnfiction

For a while, he was all about lovin' and leavin' 'em. There was a time when he just got on with the show. Foreplay? What was that? And falling asleep? Forget it! That was before he met Joanna Beth Harvelle. They say the certain people change your life. It may be for the best, it may be for the worst...but for the most part, they just do. You meet them when you least expect it. At the grocery store or at school. Sometimes at a restaurant or a bar. In this case, her mother's...

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The Adventures of a Lonely Khagiit Merchant a Skyrim Fanfiction

Introduction: This is not supported by Bethesda or anyone else involved with The Elder Scrolls series. Brought to you by Penetration Publications. Thank You. Claw was a Khagiit who lived in Elsweyr. He was a merchant, and was planning to travel all over Tamriel to sell his goods. Before he left his homeland, he met a female Khagiit named Pussy. Claw was very lonely. They fucked. She lay back on the bed spreading her kegs, while Claw pounded his hard furry cock into Pussys tight pussy. He then...

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