Dorothy #! free porn video

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Dorothy #1

It had been 3 months since Dorothy and Ricky's interlude. They had maintained contact with weekly calls and video chat. She had even developed a relationship with Ricky's son, Mike. He had even started calling her “Gamma” since he already had grandparents. He had worried Ricky so much about meeting her that he caved in and bought him airfare to visit on a 3 day weekend. That weekend had started and Dorothy was at the airport waiting. She had worn a simple, lose, multi-print summer frock. It was a little thin she thought, so she put under it a half slip. She wanted to appear conservatively mature. She recognized Mike immediately, he was a stockier more muscular Ricky. They hugged a warm greetings. With only a suit bag of clothes they beat traffic leaving and she took him to get a meal. Hey dined and talked 2 hours.

Arriving home, Dorothy immediately went into her bedroom and removed her bra and half slip since they were hot. She took a minute to refresh herself and found Mike sitting having changed also. He wore a tank top and loose, nylon shorts. His chest bulged, his arms were ripped in muscle and he wasn't stocky, he was built. They talked and she soon found out that Ricky kept a tight leash on him. The right friends, education and sports were his life. In 3 hours of chat, Mike didn't mention a girlfriend. They didn't notice that darkness had fell until she had to turn on a lamp. Doing so, Dorothy noticed that he glanced at her chest as she reached for the lamp. That made her feel better giving her indication that maybe he wasn't gay. She got up to get her a glass of wine, walking away she again noticed that his eyes followed her. In the kitchen she noticed that the glow of her refrigerator light passed through her frock and figured that her lamp had done the same thing when she stood up. She wasn't concerned, all he possibly saw were granny panties.

She sat down, drink in hand and sipped chatting until it was gone. Once again she got up, retrieved the bottle of wine and an extra glass. Coming back, she stood before him poured him half a glass saying, “give this a try, it will help you rest tonight. He told her he didn't drink and his dad would kill him. She replied that he wasn't there, she wasn't telling him and it won't him, he took it. In 30 minutes he was much relaxed and she offered him another half glass telling him that was all he needed. Another 45 minutes and she poured herself the last glass. Mike was all buddy buddy with her now so she asked about his girl friends. He was quick to say that Ricky told him to get an education first so he really didn't have time for girls. She told him that she would have to talk with Ricky and they laughed. She basically told him that he needed more interaction with females. “So you're not having sex”, she asked? Mike told her “No” but he and a few friends talked about it. Dorothy fell back into her seat saying “well Damn”. Her frock had slipped higher above her knees and her breast had fell wide with her dress plastered against them as she laughed. There wasn't a real gap between her thighs, but Mike eyes had shot to them. “But you do know all about sex”, she asked? “Sort of”, he replied that some of his friends were having sex and others doing “oral” things. Mike was talking to her without lifting his eyes, still in a stare at her knees. “Damn, he's a virgin”, she thought. “Good for them”, she said, then added that the world isn't a hard line or straight black and white. Life has to have some Grey areas. She grabbed their glasses and left the room. By the time she returned, she had changed for the night into a short, sheer gown covered by a house robe. She sat telling Mike that if he woke before her to wake her up. Also that he may need to shake her pretty good as the wine was a great sleeping pill. He laughed saying. “you mean you're a touch drunk”? She laughed out loud saying “exactly, feeling no pain”! As they laughed, she pop gaped her thighs and let them drift open enough to flash a white triangle his way. Mike laid back laughing and peering at it. She gave him a few minutes to stare then got up saying “have good rest and wake me in the morning”. She kissed him on the forehead and left.

Behind her half closed door she heard him going to the bathroom. She thought, “go ahead and jack off”. She heard him piss followed by a quick flush then his heavy steps heading her way. She wasn't expecting him but he was probably just going to peep at her, so she whipped the sheet uncovering her ass as she lay on her side. She heard a small creak indicating that her door was being opened wider, then could feel his presence near her. Knowing he was staring, she dropped a hand over her butt cheek and scratched. Mike was in awe of her ass and didn't move. Thinking she would tease him more, she scratched again then pulled her pantie to the side and scratched bare cheek. It caught between her ass cheeks, leaving exposed a full cheek as she scratched hard enough to leave marks. She heard him breathing deeper, loudly. Minutes passed and he was still there, she thought he must be jacking off? She rolled forward, drew her top leg forward, straightened her other leg. Mike could now see her bulged pantie gusset with one cunt lip exposed. He eased forward and slightly bumped her bed, she didn't move. He bumped it 3 more times with out reaction, so he sat down. The bed sank under his weight enough to wake her, but she remained silent. She felt it sagging as he leaned toward her until she felt his breaths falling against her ass. “Shit he's close”, Dorothy thought. She felt a soft touch under her upper cheek, then a slow lifting. Mike was getting a clear full view of her cunt lip. He let it drop and she thought, “he's done”.

She didn't know that Mike was confident that she was fully knocked out until she felt him shifting onto the bed. Behind her, he reposition her forward leg higher, then straddled her straight leg. She felt his ball sack slid up her thigh as he inched upward. Her cunt started oiling even though she hadn't anticipated he would actually try anything. Dorothy then felt his cock head bump on a cheek. Mike lifted her cheek again, probing his cock until it hit her labia, then slid under her pantie and into her cunt. He could get deep because of their position and he didn't try to stroke. He held still as his body trembled and his cock pulsed. Jet after jet of thick, hot, fertile young cum flooded into her. He shot 7 wads, then remained totally still inside her. For 5 long minutes he huffed breaths. Then she felt him spurting again. “Damn he's fucking loaded”, she thought! His cock vomited cum this time. Longer flowing shots but only 4 this time. He rested a minute before he slowly pulled his still hard cock out of her. He eased off her and left.

“Damn, he fucked me”, she thought! She quickly puled her pantie gusset over her dripping cunt. She rolled on her back thinking, “I've fucked Jonathan, Ricky and Mike, three generations”! Dorothy's cunt flexed and an orgasm tore through her. She had to clench her jaws to keep from screaming. As I passed, she reached into her panties, cupped her cunt gathering Mikes cum and then tasted it. Another orgasm ran through her as the sweetness of his cum coated her mouth. Her hand gathered his cum several times and she ate it like candy before she fell asleep.

The next morning she woke before Mike did. She lay thinking that he was certainly inexperienced as he didn't think to clean her. She was still thinking when she heard his feet hit the floor. She quickly assumed the position he left her in, moved her panties to the side and waited. He took a long piss, came to her door calling her name softly. He eased a face in, heard her light snore and came in. He bumped her bed, no response. He sat again, no response. She felt him taking his underwear off then climbing on her again. He didn't hesitate to thrust into her and fire 8 wads of cum inside her. This time he climbed off and deep wiped her cunt with his underwear. Sufficiently clean, he leaned down and lapped her cunt several times, then covered her in the sheet and left. She laid until she heard him showering and return to her room fully dressed. He roughly bumped her bed calling “Gamma”. She rolled over holding her arms wide saying. “come here my boy, Good Morning”. Mike smiled knowing he had gotten away with fucking her and crawled into her arms saying, “did you sleep well, Gamma”? He kissed his cheek saying, “Baby Boy, I don't remember when I've slept better”! They talked for a minute until she said, “OK, get out of here. Gamma's got to go pee! Lord knows you don't want to see your ole Gamma, it will blind you for life”! They laughed as Mike said “don't be so sure Gamma, you're a pretty woman”. She hugged him replying, “Oh yes, we must get you a girlfriend. I know I'm too damned old to be pretty. Now go before I pee myself”!

Dorothy came out showered, nude beneath a shower robe and her hair wrapped in a towel. Sitting down, she told him they would go out for breakfast soon as she unwrapped her hair. Brushing her hair from back to front, it covered her face until she dipped her head forward. Mike asked if he could brush it and she passed him the brush. From behind and above her, he looked right down the gaped front of her robe. He saw her hanging breast from nipple to chest. They swayed as he brushed He peered deeper and saw her naked stomach and the upper bulge of her pubic mound. Dorothy knew he could see and if not thinking, she dug a hand inside her robe and scratched a nipple. She let him lust a little longer then took over. He sat as she got up to finish and dress. She gaped a quick furry exposure as she got up. She came back in a very short time catching Mike off guard, he said “that didn't take a minute”. She told him it was so hot outside that she was wearing simple, casual and very cooling today. Dorothy spun around in a very thin, bright yellow, Baby Doll style dress. It had a tight bodice snugging her breast then simply hung down at average length. She held up her foot showing him sandals and her toe ring.

They stopped at McDonald's. As he ordered their food, she found their table. When he turned to find her, he saw her sitting with crossed legs showing much thigh Sitting beside her, he told her to be careful as a man near them kept looking their way. She acted confused, then he told her that he probably was trying to look under her dress. She whispered “No, nobody wants to see an old gal like me Honey. They know whats under there is old and used up but Thanks, I'll be careful”. Mike giggled saying, “Gamma, I'm going to have to bring you up to speed. You're a GILF”! She knew but she said, “Mike what is a GILF”. He told her that he would explain later.

They left and she took him to the River Walk, a park with waking trails and picnic areas along the River. They found a bench on a slope, sat and watched fishermen, sailboats and people enjoying the water. Mike walked down to the waters edge, flicked some white wildflower leafs in and watched the fish investigate them. He would turn to chat at Dorothy and peep her. She knew what he was doing and had her legs crossed high exposing much under thigh. By his 3rd turn, she had slightly gaped her knees. Mike could plainly see up her legs with the sun shining through her thin dress but nothing more. On his next turn, she was reaching into her bag getting a bottled water and had thrown her legs wide as she twisted. He saw only a dark blur and knew she couldn't have panties on. As he walked back toward her, she drank and made an “accidental” spill. She gaped her legs wide and brushed the water off her dress. Mike saw that he was right, he almost could see her cunt cleft. He sat beside as she offered him a drink noting that his cock was hard. He soon talked her into a paddle bat ride.

They got a Big Duck for couples. As they pedaled, Dorothy's dress crawled back to bunch right at her cunt. She acted as if she was having too much fun to notice. Mike could actually see flashes of hair with each leg movement. She would pedal fast and laugh like a c***d because she actually was enjoying herself. They pedaled to shore in the shade to rest and she started talking about Jonathan. She said that she probably shouldn't tell him but when they were dating, they had made love on a shore just like this one. In time she told him of few more adventures they had then switched to tell about Ricky when he was young. She said they went everywhere together, she took him to movies and shows and he was such a good k**. Mike said he told him that it was the best time in his life. He watched her beaming as she had laid back into her seat without covering her legs. She had closed her eyes while talking and he said “Pop always talked about you”. He told her he thought she didn't exist until he found her through the internet. Mike said it was his internet skills that found her for Ricky. “Really, he talked about me”, she asked?

Mike turned to her saying, “Yes and honestly Gamma, don't take this wrong but I think maybe he's got the hots for you. I'm not taking anything from Mom but he's always praising you”. Dorothy smiled and he added, “I can understand why too”. He quickly changed the subject to getting back to shore as the humidity was stifling and the sky was darkening. They returned the Duck and as they started to the car, the rain started. At the car they were both soaked but much cooler. Dorothy's dress wetly clung to her. Through it you could see her brown aureoles and nipples. In her crotch, you could plainly see her matted wet cunt hair, dark beneath her dress. Dorothy knew and drove away as if nothing was different. In 15 minutes her dress was dry and blown back by air circulation. Mike was chatting and feasting on the view. The sky continued to darken and realizing they had spent the whole day at the park, they stopped to eat Dinner. It was a Steak House so Dorothy had a glass of wine also. Driving home they made one more stop to restock her home wine. Mike was very happy and she knew why.

The rain poured as she drove and reaching home they saw at SUV in her drive. She told Mike to take everything inside and she would be in soon. She told him that was her good friend Troy and she would speak with him. She stopped short of his door as he opened it for her. She climbed up into the SUV showing her full naked ass getting in. Mike went in quickly sat things down in the kitchen, left the front room light off and peered out the peep hole. He was just in time to see the yellow of Dorothy's dress crossing over to the drivers side. He soon saw the pinkness of her back with yellow and two hands. He knew she was fucking him. In a minute, he saw her crossing back to her side then getting out. He ran into the kitchen snatched a glass, poured his self wine. She came in and he said, “started without you”. She smiled saying “pour me one, I gotta Pee again”. He knew she was dumping his cum. She came out, sat and sipped talking about their great day. Her legs were crossed, tightly closed but she missed a heavy droplet of cum trailing on her ankle. They drank another hour but hearing a rumble in the distance, Dorothy left to get a shower. She came out quickly wearing just her shower robe. Mike quickly ran in grabbed him a shower and came out bare chested in shorts. She had switched bottles in his absence giving the appearance that she had drank it.

She was sitting gaped legs, robe nearly completely open and he could see her cunt hair plainly. She played nearly drunk on her ass saying that the thunder spooked her. A loud clap shook the house and Dorothy got up, went to the closet looking for her campers light. Mike looked into her gap a she stood and watched her ass as she bent into the closet. Her meaty cunt pushed through her legs, winking at him as she twisted searching. He walked up behind her saying “let me look” but not before he closely viewed her cunt. She told him that she had it, just had to dig it out. He stared at her dripping cunt hole as a small stream of white cum rolled down her inner labia flaps. They hung outside her outer labia a good 2 inches. Almost an ugly brown with few reddish streaks the sight was strangely exciting to him. Knowing that she had just been fucked made him want her more. She found the lamp, then turned to sit on her ass with her legs spread, knees up. Her cunt was in almost in his face. He reached to help her up, pulling her to her feet. She pretended to be so drunk, she forgot her modesty. She sat, legs open, slurring words until the lights blinked twice and went out. She quickly turned on the camper light. She said, “maybe I need to go to bed”?

Mike said “No, why don't you just let me open the couch sleeper and you can lay with me”? drunkenly she slurred “OK”. He opened the bed, she flopped on it with her robe wide open. He crawled behind her taking his shorts off as he went. He rolled her on her side facing away and snuggled behind asking if she was comfortable he threw an arm over her. He slowly pushed his hips forward until his cock contacted her bare ass. He slid the tip down following the curve of her ass until he touched wetness. Pausing a second, the he pushed forward again sinking into her loose cunt. He asked her again, “Gamma are you comfortable”? She whined out a “Um Huh”. With his arms holding her tight he began stroking into her. He was rocking them both with deep shoves into her. He thought of the other man who had fucked her earlier and his cum squirted. He stroked and shot. Slug after slug about 8 times then he rested. Dorothy loved it, his cum laid in her hot, thick and heavy. She estimated his cock to be 7 inches long and he seemed to be more experienced than he implied.

Mike had gotten his second wind and thinking that Dorothy was out of it, he drove his cock deep and returned to fucking her. This time his pace was faster into the sloppy mess he had already deposited. He wondered just how much and who all was she fucking. He really wondered if Ricky had fucked also? His cock had that familiar buzz in the tip, but he didn't want to cum so he stopped. He lay for a few seconds, then eased his cock free of her. His hand went under her, fingers probed her dripping cunt, then slid up her ass crease to lubricate her ass hole. Setting his cock head against her rubbery ass bud, he pressed into her. There was absolutely no resistance. It opened easily and her anal canal was tighter than her cunt. Dorothy smiled to herself, she enjoyed the feel of him, enjoyed the thought that he was satisfying his self using her. Having to cum and suppress herself so he didn't know, was total submission making everything more thrilling to her. Mike was rapidly stroking her now, fucking her ass like it was her cunt. He was ramming and slamming against her, she knew he would cum soon. Mike slammed into her nearly knocking her away and she felt his cock leap. He threw caution to the wind and grunted loudly! Glob after glob of cum chugged through his cock and pulsed into her ass. In the tenderness of her ass, it burned like hot wax, stinging and clinging her canal. Finally he stopped moving and she tightened her inner canal to squeeze his cock. Soon she heard him snoring as his cock shrank inside her.

The next morning he woke and heard Dorothy cooking breakfast. She came to him saying, “Thanks for putting me to bed last night”. He breathed a sigh of relief as she hadn't recalled anything. She was fully dressed so he went to shower and dress. Showering, he thought of what they might do today? It was his last day before flying out early tomorrow. Some how he had to seal the deal with Dorothy, he had to insure that she would be agreeable to fucking in the future.

As they ate breakfast, Dorothy told them they were having an “at home” day. She would cook their meals and just spend quality time together since he was leaving. She had dressed very casual and comfortable in a pull over, strapless pale green dress. It was basically a cotton tube dress. Mike could tell that she was bra less and although the dress wasn't a mini, it was shorter than average, and snug enough to show her pantie lines. As their meal was finished Dorothy's cell rang. Mike could tell she was “talking around” to throw him off as she walked away. She came back saying it was a school principle who was stopping by later to talk with her about a job opening. She told Mike that he knew she was retired but he wouldn't take no and because she needed privacy would he mind staying in her room when he came by, it wouldn't be for very long. He knew it was a scam but he quickly agreed.

They were sitting outside on her front porch. It was overcast and cooler since the rain. They heard a teenage neighbor calling from his bike before he rode up to them. Intro's were made, a few minutes of chat followed and he rode off. Mike said, “you made his day”. Playing dumb Dorothy said, “what, how”? A misty rain started and Mike said, “Gamma, you're a GILF”. She laughed saying “OK, whats this GILF thing, you've said it twice”? He issued her inside saying, “guess it's time to educate the educator”.

Inside they sat as Mike said, “I'm going to be very straight with you Gamma. My language may be a little strong at times also”. She smiled replying, “Damn Mike, you think I'm not old enough to take it. I might surprise you”! He said “G-I-L-F. Granny I'd like to fuck”! She let her mouth fall open, acted surprised then said, “really”? Mike told her “yes” then added that the teen on the bike was looking under her dress the whole time he chatted with them, that made his day! She gave him a look of confusion so he explained that he was lower than her seat and looking up, his view was up her dress. Her eyes bucked as he added that all males check females to know their secrets. She admitted that she knew that but was slipping in her old age. He told her that his generation were interested in Milf's and Gilf's. Girls their own age were trouble, dating was expensive, going out could get you killed. About that time, the “Principle” drove up. Dorothy told him they needed to discuss this more then pointed him to her bedroom.

Behind her door, he heard him come in. Their talking was muffled but thing got quiet quickly. Having left her door cracked, he got on his knees and peeped at floor level into the front room. Dorothy's back was to him, he could see they were kissing and the man's hands were cupping her ass beneath her dress. Dorothy's panties were extra sheer, pink and full sized. They were so sheer they hid nothing. His hands pulled them down as he turned her to bend over the back of the couch. He fucked her from behind nearly 10 minutes, then she turned to suck his cock clean. Standing and talking again, she pulled her panties up. Mike closed her door. In minutes her heard Dorothy in the bathroom then she came to him taking him back to talk.

She said, “I thought video games had young people at home”? He replied, “Gamma, you're really behind the times”. He told her, “everything is better at home, safer”. She said “not everything. The internet offers much but y'all need to be dating or at least having sex? It's one of life's pleasures too”! He said “some are at.....home”. Dorothy appeared lost then said, “wait! You mean.. sex at home”? Mike smiled, said nothing and She got up saying “I think I need a drink”. She had got up splaying her legs wide and Mike saw her cunt through her sheer panties. The outer labia was open and her inner labia was hung outside her pantie leg opening like dark flaps. She grabbed her wine, poured two drinks, walked back in and handed him one saying “full explanation, straight”!

“Those at home, fuck at home, Milf's and Gilf's understand, don't get stupid, don't get pregnant”, he said. Dorothy gulped her drink, loudly. “So your friends fuck at home”, she asked? Mike nodded “yes”. She thought of Rhonda, Ricky's wife and said, “Rhonda and you”? Mike nodded yes again saying, “3 times daily and all day Saturday”. Dorothy's mouth fell open again. He added that they had thought it out and had plans for him to make it to college and success in life. She got up pacing the floor and thinking. Glancing out her window she said, “Damn it, where did he come from”? Mike looked then walked back to her bedroom as she said, “it's Earl, I'll get rid of him. I need to hear more from you”.

Mike heard him come in, his voice was deep and carried loudly, “I couldn't call but I need a little”, he said. Earl was in his mid 20's, stout and Black. As Mike peeped, he lifted Dorothy up sat her on the backrest of the couch. Her legs wrapped him as he stroked into her. After several strokes, he picked her up and stood fucking her as he held her. He arched his body back as she screwed her body down on him. Earl grunted, spilled his load and Dorothy said, “I thought you said a little bit”? He continued fucking her saying, “just a little bit more”. She laid on his chest as Earl half turned facing the hall. Mike could see his thick, black cock bending as he shoved it into Dorothy. White cum trailed down it as he stroked. In the next few minutes a foamy mess dripped from Earl's balls and clumped falling to the floor. Mikes nuts were churning as he watched. Earl grunted again, froze and and Mike could see a solid stream of cum flowing out of their connection. Dorothy said, “that's enough greedy”! Earl's cock slid out of her and hung like a black bat. It was slimy, cum covered, dripping and looked 2ft long. In minutes Mike heard the toilet flush and went back into the room. Dorothy came out, sat saying, “Earl's a coach at the school where I once worked. Now where were we, Rhonda”?

“Yes, I fuck her”, Mike said. Then added then added that he wished he could fuck her more. It was honest, satisfying, safe and they knew at the right time he would have wife. Dorothy was listening, her thighs were slightly spread and she knew he was peeping her her cunt, through very wet panties. She was faking shock and he said, “Gamma, breathe” and giggled saying, “I know it's a lot to take in”. She nodded “yes”. Mike got up, poured them another drink and returned. As she sipped he said, “Gamma, I'd love to fuck you”.

He moved to sit beside her saying, “right now Gamma”. She said, “no, not right now, I need”, he stopped her saying “I know your pussy is full. I've been looking at it all day”. He took her drink from her saying, “the principle fucked you, Earl fucked you. They came in you and you're full, open and ready”. Mike slowly pushed her over on her back asking “may I, Gamma”? He lay on her as her arms wrapped him saying, “I might not be as good as you're use to having”. She felt his cock hit her panties then slid toward her slimy cunt hole. In a second it slid into her gushing hole as told him that she got fucked a lot. He stroked in pumping slowly, hanging on her every word. “That just means your pussy is damn good Gamma, they want you”! She knew he was enjoying the vocals and fed him. “Baby Boy, if you knew how many cocks, how much cum your Gamma has had, you might not think that”, Dorothy replied. Mike's strokes came faster, his thrust deeper then she said, “I fucked Jacky when he came here”. Mike nutted! His cock spat cum inside her, he rode her furiously and collapsed on her. She rubbed his back saying, “I think you liked hearing that Jacky fucked me”.

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HussiePass Koco Chanel 20 Year Old8217s 1st Ever Scene

Lovely newbie ? Koco Chanel, who just turned 20 last month, makes her industry debut this week here on Hussie?Pass and we paired her up with ripped stud Danny Steele for this week’s update. After the Johnny ?? Robins interview portion of the program ?? Koco gets her juices flowing, first with her fingers, then with a big pink rubber dong. In steps Danny with some lube ? for the coed cutie and we get to see Koco twerk her lovely backside ? She then gets on her knees and begins to suck on...

2 years ago
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Chriss hard Choices Index3

Prologue; for those who have not read the first two chapters I will give you a quick synopsis. Chris is a young man who was injured in a car accident and while at the hospital he has many sexual adventures with the hospital staff, his girlfriend, and his mom.This story is purely fictional. It is just a fantasy story not to be a realistic in any form.The rest of Chris's stay in the hospital was normal aside from the daily blowjob or quick fuck from one of the nurse's or his girlfriend. If not...

3 years ago
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Sam and Eve Part 1

Collapsing into a pile of flesh, Eve was struggling to recover from the mind blowing orgasm she had just had. Laying there with Sam's cock still inside her, she could feel his hot cum inside, mixing with her own and slowly oozing out of her pussy and down her leg. Even though it had been several minutes since they had cum, his cock was still hard and pulsating inside of her. Making her eager for another fuck. Sam was laying on top of her, one hand still grasping tightly on Eve's tit, while the...

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Jackie at the driveIn Revised

Jackie the hot eighteen year old Chapter One Jackie came in looking for a job she was just out of high school and eighteen without a summer job. well we hired her. she started memorial day weekend now it is about August , we close the theater about late September first week in October. On this one Friday Jackie was late was late, I ponded why. I know she shows up by four pm, to help me get ready to to open the snack bar. I am at the drive in working getting ready to open for the...

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Bottle Butt Scene from NicoleX

Thomas sits on his couch in nothing but his underwear. They are completely soaked with his cum. On the cab ride home, Emma had undone his buckle, slid her hand into his boxers and jerked him off. THOMAS You sure you want me to leave these on? Emma spreads out on the floor before him, down to her lace lingerie body suit. Her round aerolas peep through. Her tits aren’t nearly as big as Chelsea’s, but they are perky and her body more than makes up for it. Working her ass round and round,...

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Alyssa 3 Moms Trap

Alyssa 3 – Mom’s trap After Gary’s party I still saw Morgan at school every day, but now it was different. Now any time we crossed paths there was an obvious, almost irresistible draw to each other. I would always smile, or perhaps leer is a better word, and watch her pass by. I had to be very careful that Alyssa never saw, but I did watch her every time. I did get together with Morgan once or twice on the side when Alyssa had to go out of town for lacrosse games or some other event. We never...

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Saras First Trip to a Sex Toy Shop

Sara’s First Trip to a Sex Toy Shop Sara sat down and sighed with relief after finally saying goodbye to her roommate.  This weekend would be one of the rare occasions when she found herself alone in the apartment she shared.  And this time she would have the whole weekend to herself.  She really had intended to use the time to study.  However, once she sat down in front of the computer, she found herself surfing the internet instead of studying.  The truth is, now that she was alone, she was...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Lola Fae Pin Up Babe Lola Pinning Herself On That Cock

Tattooed hottie Lola Fae so alluring and dashing. A modern day pin up model with her bright red lipstick and thick blonde curls! She loves to show you her heart shaped nipples and get spit all over these as if you were right there with your tongue making her nipples stand hard from the wet touch of your tongue. How she dreams of that touch. Thinking of you stroking your cock before letting it penetrate her pussy. She will hold you down and show you she wants to be the dominant one passionately...

3 years ago
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The Delayed Parole

She called that she was downstairs, I really wanted to believe but the fact is she had cancelled parole at the last minute several times at least 7 times. Did I really want her to come? Yes, absolutely. Was I sure she was downstairs, Maybe and maybe not but I seriously wanted her to come.The truth is I played my cards right, I was a gentleman, I was helpful at the points where I should be, its just that it seems like she isn’t ready yet. By ready yet, I mean to come over, I had already been to...

4 years ago
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Sister Serenitys Friday Night

With a sigh, Sister Serenity closed the last jotter and leaned back in her chair. For some reason this had seemed a long week and she was tired. She stretched her arms above her head and pushed her shoulders back, easing the cramped muscles of her back. Her glance dropped and she noticed the outline of the large, firm globes of her breasts thrusting against her habit. 'Just as well I didn't do this in class, ' she thought with wry amusement. She glanced at the clock on the classroom wall...

3 years ago
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Haunted by the PastChapter 5

Charles Richards stayed the rest of Saturday with his wife Diana in her hospital room. He left for a few minutes to make a phone call in the lobby. He contacted an executive at the movie studio to make sure they notified her boss in Hawaii. Charles was not about to let her go back to that office. He also asked the studio executive if they would make arrangements with her boss to have their offices moved somewhere else on the lot ... somewhere with better security. The executive assured him...

1 year ago
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DoorToDoor SalesmanChapter 7

Doug felt strangely nervous as he pulled up in the driveway, and the sight of the strange car did nothing to soothe his apprehension. It was three days since he had broken off with Selma, and he had decided to make a real effort to patch things up with Betty. But she seemed so busy lately. She didn't come home until late in the evening the first two days, and last night, she had been so moody and preoccupied that he hardly dared broach the subject. A definite change had come over her, and...

1 year ago
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Girlish DelightsChapter 23 Venice

Jeremy's courtship had been dull from the start. He found his boss's daughter a very quiet and somewhat prudish young lady. The couple had been steered towards each other by their respective mothers, who had agreed that it was a sound match between the children of two legal families. After their engagement, Jeremy expected more liberties to be allowed, but it was not so; then his trips to Kobekistan had truly opened his eyes to the possibilities of sex with a completely willing partner....

3 years ago
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More Than a Cuddle

Chapter 1 I can't tell how it is to be a boy growing up but being a girl, well, it's great and it's awful. It's really something that I never even thought about until I was about eight or nine. It was just fun and nice to be alive in a family with a mom and dad, I was the only child, and to have grandmothers and grandfathers and aunts and uncles along with some cousins. I did fine in school, we lived in a nice house, even had an in-ground pool, I had a number of girlfriends and a dog,...

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Seducing my friendrsquos Grandfather

I knew I wanted to pleasure him as soon as I met him. Of course, I could never tell my friend that I had a secret Gay crush on his Grandfather, so I yearned for him in private.A military man who later worked in construction, he was a real man’s man. Very tough and very straight, still I wanted him to want me. I imagined what it would be like to suck his cock, so mature and worldly. I imagined him moaning and holding my head in his hands as he released his manly semen into my waiting, hungry...

2 years ago
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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 23 Vikki Story Seven

"So what now Vikki love I mean we've still got a little time before we... ?" "How about a cup of coffee." She smiled. "I have a story to tell. You remember? The one about how I lost my fleece." "Oh yeah," I grinned, "how could I forget." Five minutes later we were in the same coffee bar from the previous night. "Well hello Vikki," said a tall solidly built man as he came up to our table and gave her a passionate kiss on the lips. He turned to me. "And you must be Justin, we...

1 year ago
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Donnas Loving BrothersChapter 7

At eight o'clock that evening the four youngsters, Frank and Gerald and Donna and Gloria, cleared the dinner dishes and tried to make small talk as they waited for Mr. and Mrs. Judge to clear out for the evening. They were going to see some friends in town, much to the delight of the younger generation. Dinner had gone quite well, somewhat to Gloria's surprise. The young woman had been quite well entertained by Donald and Catherine, especially for former, whose sense of humor had appealed...

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No work No play

My name is Jessica and for a living I own a mobile beauty spa. I drive to my client’s residence to provide a service that you normally would find at a salon. I offer anything from massage, to waxing and so forth. Today, I stood in front of the most amazing house I have ever seen. I’ve been here before, but this time it was going to be different. This time I was servicing their daughter, who was home from college for the weekend. I have seen her in passing before and she certainly was a...

1 year ago
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Sasurbari zindabad ek

Maya tar ma babar ek matro sontan. Choto bela thekei maya dekhte eto sundori ar sexy je, oke prothom je dekhto, se or norom golapi gal duto na tipe deyer lov samlate parto na. Or onek kaku to kole chapiye ador korer nam kore or panty-r bhetor hat bhore chotto gude angul porjonto dhokato. Matro 13 bochor boyes-ei mayar sorir-e emon joubon eshe galo je take aro sundor dekhte laglo, dekhe monei hoto na je mala class ix-e pore. School uniform er bhetor theke or bhorat mai ar khola uru duto dekhe...

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Mature Grey Fox

She was recently divorced and was now living back with her Mother Liz and Step-Father Ben. I had spent the last few days there as the parents were away on vacation and we had the place to ourselves and our vigorous sex sessions. I got up and showered and pulled on the plain black shirt I had on the night before and a pair of red briefs. I was about to put on pants when I heard someone in the kitchen downstairs. I walked down the stairs thinking Tasha was down there and I came around the...

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WebYoung Carter Cruise Kenzie Reeves Biology Exam

Carter Cruise is tutoring mischievous Kenzie Reeves for her biology exam, but all she has on her mind is lesbian fornication. Carter can see that Kenzie is into her and tries ignoring her pupils flirtatious advances. Kenzie says she needs extra attention from Carter which has nothing to do with her studies. Carter pretends to play coy, but Kenzie knows the word on the street is that Carter is not only good at tutelage, but lesbian intimacy is her #1 specialty. Kenzie kisses Carter’s...

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EvilAngel Alex Coal Manhandled

Raven-haired Alex Coal is a slender, lingerie-clad seductress with pert, natural boobs. She masturbates using a clear dildo, probing her creamy cunt and squirting girl cum in ecstasy! Dominant, bearded stud Tommy Pistol takes over, slapping and spitting on Alex as she submits to a face fuck. She makes it a deepthroat blowjob. Alex obediently rims and fingers Tommy’s hairy bunghole, and his hard cock pounds her pussy. He likes foot fetish, so Alex strokes his meat with her bare feet! Tommy...

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My Brothers KeeperChapter 5

Danny wasn't real fond of the County lock up. I think he expected me to run right down and make bail for him just like I'd done the last time he'd been arrested. I had told myself I wasn't going to do that for him anymore. Danny had a bad habit of not learning from his past mistakes. Kaitlyn had spent the night in the hospital, more bruised and upset than anything else. They kept her overnight to give her time to get calmed back down again. Kaitlyn was always an excitable personality,...

3 years ago
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No FutureChapter 27 The Pursuit of Happiness

Tamara 2094 The old lady staggered across the floor of Costa Starbucks while also carrying a tray on which unsteadily wobbled a mug of cappuccino and a slice of rich chocolate cake. It was obvious to Tamara that she needed help. There was also the fact that the coffee shop had no free tables available. "Can I help you?" Tamara asked as she stood up and approached the old lady who looked at Tamara with a startled expression on her face. "Help me?" she asked. "Yes," said Tamara....

2 years ago
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Evil Office Girls Part 2

Evil Office Girls... Part 2 by Silvy Richards Outside, in front of Charly's, as they waited in a line that was rather long, Ron cringed when he overheard the girl just ahead of them reassuring her blushing boyfriend that he was going to be great tonight, that he had nothing to worry about. Grabbing his crotch, she promised to make him hard right before he went on stage. Thinking the office girls might have been bluffing when they said tonight was 'Amateur Night', Ron came to the...

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In My Debt Chapter 2

After the party, I'd been keeping my head down in the neighbourhood for a bit. Some of the others at the party told me that it did crack on until dawn. Best to be the good neighbour and toe the line for a bit. Danielle has been going around with such a skip in her step since the party.She's obviously lauding it over the others that she told me off. If only she knew what plans I have for her. Swanning about in her yoga pants and those sports bras leave nothing and everything to the...

1 year ago
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Crack Addict

Crack Addict1:05PM on April 28, 2008... Ever had a panty job ? know .. kinda like an upgraded dry hump ? ..It's wear you get your partner to drop their pants / dress .. they lay on their stomach on a bed, couch or chair while you grind and rub your cock into the crack of their ass until you get off. I know a lot of you reading this post are like ... why not just stuff you cock into the offending orifice and be done with it ? Answer: Because that shit is boring and lacks imagination. Plus...

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The Desk Clerk

Introduction: A private investigator finds a jewel in a big city jungle. Traveling for a living can be a boring and lonely existence. As a private investigator working within the trucking insurance industry, I spent roughly three weeks per month on the road.It didn’t take long to realize that the better hotels and motels are the only places to stay. You just never know what you’ll get with the cheaper places. Therefore, I have stayed at Holiday Inns almost exclusively, for a number of years....

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Searching for Love Ch 01

Here’s the sequel to ‘Fighting for Love’ and I hope you enjoy it. The idea for it jumped in my mind while I was trying to sleep and I had to start getting stuff written down first thing. Please give me feedback! I’m hoping to incorporate ideas about my writing style from posts of my other story. * CHAPTER ONE -Somewhere in Latin America- ‘This is crazy! How are you expected to find anyone in this swam?’ Caitlin asked, waving her arms around her head to keep the bugs from flying near her....

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Doctored Into A Cage

Doctored Into a CageByJackpotHere are all the usual disclaimers.  You must be over 18 to read this!  This story is pure fiction!  You have been warned!  This is for adults only!      ?This woman has been in there for almost twelve years now,? Melody said while sipping some more of her zinfandel wine.      ?It makes little difference to me.?  Timothy Forbes said with a grimace in his face. She is a psychopath and a serial killer.  I don’t want you anywhere near her?you got it??      ?You don’t...

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Cockfest at the sauna

Occasionally I have to go to London for a meeting, I always arrange for it to finish around lunchtime, so I can head off to my favourite gay bar for a few drinks and then onto a sauna for some fun.yesterday the meeting dragged on and on, and I found I was getting hornier as the minutes passed. Eventually we finished late afternoon, and I decided that I'd go straight to the sauna as I was so horny.... I was already oozing precum!the sauna is a couple of stops away on the underground, and I...

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Once was

Jake walked into the hotel bar just after 9 pm. A hundred hotels and a hundred business trips over the years left him weary and made him realize even more that his good years were far behind him at 58 years old. He sat at the bar as he always did. Usually near the end so he could look at the people living and loving their lives as he once did. He remembered the butterflies in his stomach and the anticipation he used to have for the ‘hunt’ when he was their age. He enjoyed picking his prey and...

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Jasons TaleChapter 16 High Finance

The afternoon ended with a huge pile of money in the council room, adding up to more than 600 Conchs. I got paid my 170 Conchs for my half of the Pirate’s Gift, and I was clear. I no longer owned half of a ship, and the rest of what was going on in there really wasn’t any of my business. I took my share straight to the bank and deposited it, keeping some back to pay Erna in the morning. Even with all that I’d paid out, my balance was still over 250 Conchs. There wasn’t any point in trying...

1 year ago
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From One Nympho To Another

After corresponding through e-mails, we both agree to meet. We both know how hot we are for each other.I can hardly wait. I feel my hard nipples press up against my shirt and my pussy become wet as I think of all the hot stuff we will do.I am so hot thinking of you that I cannot help but retire to my bed where I can get myself off. I move away from my computer and go over to my bed, stripping my clothes off the whole way there.I lay down on my bed and spread my smooth legs open wide. I bring a...

4 years ago
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Concrete Boots

WARNING: This is a story of consensual bondage, rape, sodomy, drowning and death. It was inspired by one brief sentence at the end of one of Laura Lynn Davis's excellent stories, but it does not employ any of her themes. HOW I WROTE THIS, AND HOW YOU MAY WANT TO READ IT: I found alternating the viewpoint when writing in the first person an intriguing challenge. One of the problems was maintaining consistency. Using Microsoft Word for Windows 2000, I created a two column table, placing the...

1 year ago
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Bhabhi Devar Ka God Gift Rishta

Hi dosto… Mra naam marish hai..Mai patna ka rehne wala hu.Aaj mai apko apni life ki pheli sex ke bare me batane jaa raha huu.Av meri age 25 saal hai.Aj se 7 saal phele jo hua wo mai kavi nahi bhulskta or umeed hai ye pdhne ke bad ap v nahi bhulpaaoge.Tb mai 18 saal ka tha or 12th std m pdhta tha.Mere ghar me mai..Mere bhaiya or meri bhabhi hi rehti thi..Mummy or papa village me rehte the.Dosto ush time pe mujhe sex ke bare me kuch bhi pata nahi tha but mere body me harmonal changes ke karan...

2 years ago
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Shelly Hugh DriscottChapter 12

I had not seen the slaves I bought or was given until two weeks after the defeat of the Habstner. They were all healthy and happy. In fact, one of them was simply glowing. Lomma was very pregnant. I knew who the father was and Jonna smiled at me a lot. I should have been pissed off at her but it was my fault for not asking her for a potion that would keep a girl from conceiving. This was not the worse by far. The rest saw that I was starting to make heirs and they wanted their share. From...

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Love From Tinder

ye baat unn dino ki hai jab me tinder pe naya naya register hua and hua kuch aisa ki jeevan hi badal gya.Thanks to my friend Vikas for explorong me to Tinder.Hua yu ki maine apni ek id se tinder pe login kiya and age selection rakh diya above 30 kyunki mujhe koi mature lady ki talash thi.kareeb kareeB 3 haftey nikal gaye par koi like ni mila na hi koi match hua. Har din li,it kahtam ho jaati thi kyunki maine paid membership nahi li thi. But ek raat jab me gym me tha maine tinder login kiya and...

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NuruMassage Ella Reese Time To Unwind

Seth Gamble and his girlfriend Ella Reese excitedly arrive at a new home. They have traveled across the country due to Seth’s new job, and will now be living at a fully-furnished company home. They see a bunch of moving boxes, and think that their personal belongings are already there waiting for them. However, when they see unfamiliar handwriting on the boxes, including the mysterious description ‘Nuru Massage’ on one of them, they realize that the moving company mistakenly...

3 years ago
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Little SisterChapter 11 Loose Ends and Split Ends

One of the reasons my engagement to Lars went smoothly was that he got along with both my brothers. This was no small feat. Sean liked having him as a business contact for Germany. Richards Enterprises deals more with personal property than industrial equipment, but both need to know the regulatory landscape. Lars relationship with George was pure geek to geek. Over time, Lars taught George to seek advice on presentation, meaning Sheila. It does not hurt my pride to say that Lars and George...

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Sex Party At Its Best

(It happened on October 2016) (It is little been longer but very tasty, you must taste it) (I am Farah, 28 married, he is 38, having fun in sexual activities form Lahore) After receiving of wonderful response from my 1st & 2nd sexual story I got the courage to write this new episode of my real sexual encounter which is more erotic than that of previous 2. This is actually not a story it is fantasy come true type A Real Incident. (There may be mixing of Past & Present so please ignore...

4 years ago
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Opening Earth Part 2Chapter 12

During our ride to the Archer Conglomerate Headquarters, I noticed that Sandy turned her comm unit off. It had chimed three times, so turning it off seemed to be a wise move. I didn’t comment on it as it was evident she didn’t want to speak with her mother. Our driver dropped us off at the front entry and he went to park the limousine in the visitor parking area. The line at the front desk was short, and our driver had rejoined us by the time it was our turn to obtain help from the...

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For The Taking

My God has this ever been thrilling! I haven’t felt this much excitement about anyone in a very long time. That cute boy at work, the one I shared some serious mutual satisfaction with, he’s made me more horny than I can honestly ever recall. I walk around work all the time feeling a gentle moist warmth in my panties everyday and Tanner never seems to leave my mind.We still manage to text back and forth on a daily basis about random insignificant stuff and it is fun. We also play ‘Rhyme Time’...

First Time
4 years ago
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Sperm Bath

Read on and I am sure you readers will enjoy and try it out. Well, Dr.Navdeep Mittal (Navi) my classmate is very good in giving blow jobs. A few days back I was alone in the house and invited Navi to come over. She arrived at around 10.30 AM wearing a skin tight jean and t-shirt. I was in my shorts only and topless. As soon as she entered she put her arm round me and kissed me passionately on my lips. Soon her right hand was massaging my hardon. She told me that she had something special for me...

2 years ago
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Part 2 me and sue on our way home

As we walk through the park the voices seemed to be comming towards us ,then we saw them 4 lads walking straight for us this time I felt a bit nervous as it was now 3.30 and lads out at that time I didn't know what to expect ,but as they got up to us sue wasn't worried at all she squeezed my hand and had a grin all over her face ,as they walked passed us one of them said nice tits ,at that the rest started laughing and another said I'd fuck her ,at that sue just stopped got her tits out and...

2 years ago
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An Unexpected Bonus At His Apartment

I’ve been uneasy since last night when my roommate informedme that Kyle, my date for tonight, is the next Andre Agassi, gracing the covers of sports magazines and melting the hearts of female tennis fans the world over. That information combined with a mental image of his hotness has me giddy as a fucking schoolgirl. I don’t like that. Guys drool over me…it’s generally not the other way around. So, I’m taking back the control. He was supposed to pick me up at 5, but here I am at 3:00, sitting...

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