DanicaPart 18A free porn video

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Danica awoke with a smile on her face that had been there since she had fallen asleep the night before. The reason for the smile lay nestled up against her. Danica's smile spread even wider as she looked down at the beautiful young woman in the bed with her.

Between the horror of Camilla's death and the sadness of Marta's passing, Danica was desperately in need of close companionship, and Andrea had obviously sensed it. For the past three days, she had visited with Danica whenever possible, and shared her bed each night.

Stroking the young woman's bare back, Danica slipped out of the bed to go to the chamber pot. After attending to that necessity, she drew a bath to wash the evidence of their lovemaking from her. It had been the same way for them all three nights, falling asleep in the warm afterglow of their orgasms, not caring that they were coated in each other's juices.

The sound of the water filling the tub awakened Andrea, who opened her eyes and smiled at Danica as the older woman picked out her clothing for the day. A chill shot up Danica's spine when Andrea stretched; causing her firm breasts to jut out and demand notice.

They shared a bath, and then reluctantly parted when Andrea went to her duties for the day. Danica turned her attention to the spells she had acquired in the temple of Sekmamun, deciding to concentrate on the fascinating and rare magic for a while.

There were not only healing spells, but also many other spells often considered the domain of clerics and druids. Warding spells also dominated the collection. Danica barely knew where to begin, but chose a difficult looking spell that was different from most she knew.

The Prismatic Orb spell would create a magical ball of force that had many random effects, all dangerous for anyone in their path. While the chant and gestures were difficult, they would not require much time to perform once mastered. Because of the random nature of the spell, it was more difficult to defend against than other types of magic. At least two of the possible effects generated by the spell could also be deadly.

Danica fell into her studies, learning the Prismatic Orb in only two days despite spending her evenings with all three of her friends, and her nights with Andrea. The annoying tasks Danica and Celes had been sent on had ceased, which made Danica suspicious that they had originated with Camilla. Marlena had likewise not been called away since her last task, disguising a cave with her illusionary magic.

Danica checked in daily with Carolyn, and while the young woman was still deep in grief, she was recovering. The couple was busy getting their affairs in order, so she rarely stayed long. Carolyn was completing the work they had already taken for the shop so that there would be no broken promises when they left. If they were not ready to leave the day of the wedding, they would be shortly thereafter.

Thus, Danica had plenty of time to study, learning all of the healing magic she had acquired in Beniopolis and several other unique sand-based spells. She also had time to practice her cooking and sample that of the other three women at least once each day, as they spent most of their time together now when they weren't engaged in their studies or duties.

They sat one evening, sipping wine and contemplating who was going to cook and what they were going to make when a knock sounded on the door. When Danica answered the door, she found Brandon outside.

"Hello, Brandon, what can I do for you?" Danica asked.

"Uhmm, do you mind if I come in?" Brandon requested, looking up and down the hallway.

Danica raised an eyebrow and opened the door wide, "Come on in."

When Danica closed the door, Brandon nodded to the other women and then let out a great sigh. "This is going to sound weird — I know it feels that way. I'm lonely."

Gesturing for him to follow, Danica walked back to the couch where she had been sitting. "I don't really understand what you mean."

Brandon followed and explained, "Ever since we got back from the Forge, I've just been bored. Everything all my comrades-in-arms talk about is the same thing, over and over again. I've gotten so sick to death with the stories about this barmaid and that brawl that I just sort of sit around by myself."

Danica sat down and looked at her companions. "Unless anyone objects, you can sit with us for a while. Better yet, why don't we go down to the city tonight and see if we can wake Brandon up a bit?"

Celes and Marlena both shrugged and offered expressions that said they didn't find it to be a bad idea. Andrea spoke up and said, "I don't go down to the city much, especially at night. I'm afraid of the thieves and..." She paused and whispered the next part, "Bad men."

Danica reached over and patted her hand, "You won't have to worry. We'll be with you, and our brave knight will defend us if we are accosted by ruffians, won't you Brandon?" Danica joked.

Brandon laughed. "I feel better already. That's the first honest laugh I've had in a while."

Danica stood up. "I'm paying. We'll cheer Brandon up and show Andrea there are some bright places in the city at night."

The five closed down the common room of the inn they had chosen, Celes passing out providing the signal for them to leave. Both she and Marlena had drunk more than their fair share, and Marlena was not far behind Celes when they stumbled out of the inn.

"It's not like she's heavy, but this is going to be a long walk," Brandon noted, adjusting the cradle of his arms in which Celes lay.

"I don't know if I can walk," Marlena slurred, supported on either side by Andrea and Danica.

"I could try to teleport us all back, but I don't know if I'm strong enough to take us all alone. We'd all probably be throwing up between the lurch and the drink," Danica speculated.

Marlena made a face and put her hand over her tummy. "Not a good idea."

"Let's get back on the road up the hill. It isn't too far, and I can levitate these two once we're out of the city. I'll do it before then if I have to, but I'd rather not use too much magic out here in the open," Danica suggested.

Andrea and Brandon both agreed, Marlena only able to nod her head, and even that was not straight up and down. They didn't quite make it out of town before Danica had to summon up a floating disk to lay the two women down. Marlena passed out as well, and Danica determined there was no way she and Andrea could drag the woman any farther.

Once the two unconscious women were floating along on the disk, the group hurried out of the city, and then proceeded at a sedate pace up the hill toward the complex. The three that could still walk were tipsy enough that the brisk walk through the city had proven a bit of a challenge. By the time they reached the gates of the complex, the cool night air had sobered them up enough that they were walking more or less straight.

They managed to get Celes and Marlena into bed, and then returned to Danica's room so Andrea and Brandon could pick up some things they had left there before going into town.

Danica asked Andrea, "Did you have fun?"

The young woman smiled and said, "Yes. I've never drank so much before, and you all have such good stories."

Danica turned to Brandon and asked, "How about your Brandon, feeling a little better?"

"Yeah," he replied, "How could I not have a good time with four beautiful women?"

Andrea's thoughts were so clear that the woman may as well have said them aloud to Danica, I'd like you to have more fun with two of them.

A tingle ran through Danica's body when she heard Andrea's thoughts, and it started her juices flowing immediately. She was sure Brandon would be happy to oblige her friend in that wish, and the thought of watching Andrea come while he fucked her hard and fast was impossible to resist.

Walking over to Brandon, she sat in his lap and echoed Andrea's thoughts, whispering huskily into his ear, "How would you like to have even more fun with two of them?"

Andrea gasped and Brandon let out a playful growl before replying, "What do you think?"

Danica turned toward Andrea, moving off Brandon's lap and beckoning the young woman near. Andrea rose immediately and walked toward them. Danica stood and pulled her into a kiss when she reached them, Brandon letting out a short, excited grunt as they kissed.

"Damn, that's sexy," He muttered as they broke from the kiss.

"You're going to love being with Brandon. He's so big, so fast, and he can hold out forever. He's going to make you come until you feel like you're going to pass out," Danica teased as she kissed over the woman's face and neck, slowly unbuttoning her blouse.

Andrea started to remove Danica's clothing as well, kissing over her body and licking her nipples as soon as she revealed them. Once they were both nude, Danica turned toward Brandon, Andrea turning with her. He was obviously hard, and enjoying the show. Danica crooked her finger, instructing him to stand.

Once he stood, they both kissed him and then removed his clothing as well. Andrea purred when his cock sprang free, wrapping her hand around it and stroking slowly up and down the shaft.

A drop of pre-cum welled up from him, and as soon as Danica noticed it, she dropped down to her knees in front of him, pulling Andrea down with her. Danica swirled her tongue over his glans, gathering up the clear droplet, and then shared it with Andrea in a kiss.

Danica then cut her eyes toward his cock and smiled at Andrea, licking her lips at the same time. Andrea picked up on the signal and started to lap over his throbbing shaft. Danica leaned down to run her tongue over his jewels, suckling them on occasion as Andrea slurped him between her lips.

When the young blonde released him for a moment to rest her mouth, Danica engulfed him in hers. Andrea cradled his balls in her hand, gently rolling them as Danica's head bobbed up and down.

Danica released him and moaned, "I want you to come for us. Get us nice and sticky so we can clean each other up."

Brandon groaned as Andrea took advantage of Danica talking to wrap her lips around him again, then told her, "No argument from me."

Danica leaned down close to Andrea's ear and said, "Get him there Andrea. I want to watch him come all over us."

Andrea moaned around his shaft and sucked her cheeks in a little more.

Brandon once again groaned. "Gods, you've got a wonderful mouth."

Danica stood up and nibbled on Brandon's ear before she said, "Wait until you put that cock inside her."

He turned and pulled Danica into a kiss, then grunted, "It ain't gonna be long."

Andrea's head bobbed even faster, while Danica kissed her way down his body and dropped back down to her knees.

After a few more strokes of Andrea's mouth, Brandon growled, "Almost there."

Danica wrapped her hand around Brandon's cock, stroking his hard flesh in her hand while Andrea pulled back to the tip. She leaned forward and ran her tongue over him, Andrea releasing the swollen head with a wet pop while she looked up into his eyes. Both women swirled their tongues over his tip while Danica's hand stroked ever faster.

Brandon gasped, a stream of his cream already leaking from him to be lapped up with hungry moans by the two women. Brandon gasped out, "Here it comes!"

Sitting back, Danica pulled Andrea with her and leaned in close, pressing their bodies together in front of him. Two more pumps of her hand causing Brandon to cry out and swell in her hand, thick ropes of cum shooting out over the two women.

Danica continued to stroke him as his seed burst from him, coating them both in his sticky cream. When he ceased to spurt and began to ooze, Danica leaned forward and sucked the head of his cock between her lips. She released him so Andrea could do the same a moment later, both of them getting a good taste.

Brandon pulled away and sat back heavily in the chair. Danica wasted no time, moving to swirl her tongue over Andrea's cum covered breasts. Brandon watched the two women lap up every dollop of his cum from each other's body. They kissed frequently, sharing the taste of him between them, and their hands teased each other's nether lips the whole time.

Kissing Andrea one last time, Danica rose to her feet, grabbing Andrea and Brandon's hands. She led them to the bed, guiding Andrea to lie down and part her legs. She ran her hand down Brandon's side saying, "She has such a pretty pussy doesn't she?"

"Oh yeah," Brandon replied, getting a good look because Andrea had parted her lips with one hand to tease her clit with the other.

"Put your mouth on her — make her come," Danica purred.

Brandon bent over and put his hands on the bed, lowering his mouth to her aching sex. Andrea gasped out, "Oh, yes!"

Danica alternated between watching Brandon's mouth roam over Andrea's folds, and the building pleasure in the young woman's face. She softly rubbed her own aching need as she watched, seeing Andrea drawing near her peak.

Just as Andrea was about to climax, Danica pushed him back and said, "Push, Andrea — soak him," before parting the young woman's lips wide and curling two fingers up behind her mound.

Andrea's eyes opened wide as the heat within her was joined by a tickle in her urethra growing ever stronger with every stroke of Danica's fingers, every breath bringing with it a gasp of, "Oh!" After a dozen such exclamations, she squealed, "I'm there!"

Danica jerked her fingers from inside Andrea, and she did indeed soak Brandon, but only after the initial spurt shot high over his shoulder and into the floor beyond. The slowly weakening stream traced down his chest, with a following spurt soaking his face and chest as she writhed, Danica's finger circling over her clit.

Brandon licked Andrea's juices off of his face, letting out an aroused growl before saying, "I liked that. Feel good, Andrea?"

Andrea let out a loud moan and arched her back, "Oh, gods yes!"

Danica climbed on to the bed, moving over Andrea and moaning, "I feel like I'm on fire. Lick me, Andrea. Make me come."

Lowering her pussy to Andrea's eager mouth, Danica leaned forward to support her weight on her hands as Andrea started lapping. Danica let out loud growl of pleasure when she felt the bed shift, and Brandon's tongue stabbed into her from above while Andrea licked her from below.

Danica soon came hard from the dual assault, collapsing down face first on the bed with the bedclothes tightly clenched in her hands. When she recovered and swung her leg over Andrea's body, she looked back and saw what Andrea's eyes were locked on — Brandon's cock, hard and hovering over Andrea's loins.

Danica asked, "Do you want him inside you, sweetie?"

Andrea gasped out, "Yes."

Danica cast her spell and determined that Andrea was safe from getting pregnant, which meant Brandon could explode inside her. Danica let out a playful growl and moved out of the way.

Brandon reached down and parted Andrea's legs, pushing them up high toward her chest. He then knee-walked forward to wait, poised at her entrance. Danica grabbed Brandon's stiff rod, rubbing it over Andrea's sex, coating the tip in her abundant wetness.

Andrea screamed as his big cock slid inside her. As soon as he withdrew to push back inside her, Danica leaned over Andrea to suck a nipple, teasing the young woman's clit with her fingertip at the same time.

Andrea came a little over a minute later on Brandon's fast thrusting erection, screaming her pleasure to the roof. Brandon slowed down a bit while Danica released Andrea's nipple and pulled away her stroking fingers.

All three were coated in sweat, and Danica shifted into the second sight to try to discover why her magic wasn't cooling the room. She saw the weave of magic over the room was working — and working hard to try to bring the temperature back down to comfortable levels.

Brandon withdrew from Andrea, dragging a loud scream from her as he did so. Danica moaned, "Does she feel good?"

Brandon groaned, "Damn, yes," and guided the still quivering Andrea up onto her knees.

"Oh, yes — take me," Andrea growled as she moved to her hands and knees.

Brandon slipped between her folds into her tight canal a moment later with a half groan, half chuckle. Andrea let out a broken squeal as he stretched her wide.

Danica rose up on her knees, nibbled on Brandon's ear, and then whispered, "Fill her up with your hot cream so I can lick it all out."

Andrea's breasts swung hard as Brandon pounded her, her head bobbing back and forth from the strength of his thrusts. Her body was flushed with heat, and droplets of sweat flipped from her nipples with each bounce. Danica lay down to watch the ecstasy in Andrea's face, while thrusting three fingers into her own depths at the same time.

Both women came twice before Brandon slammed forward with a growl and emptied his heavy balls into Andrea's tightly clenched depths. The strength of the thrust pushed Andrea's hands forward, and she came, screaming with each spurt from his pulsing cock as his seed coated her womb.

When Brandon pulled from her, the tight squeeze too much for his oversensitive cock, Andrea yelped and spun on the bed, engulfing him in her mouth to suck off their mingled juices.

Brandon pushed her away after a couple of sucks. "Damn, I can't take that right now," he chuckled.

Danica stroked Andrea's back and huskily asked, "Can I lick all of his hot cum out of your sweet pussy, Andrea?"

Andrea smiled and moaned, "Mmm hmm."

Andrea came on Danica's flashing tongue not long after, and then both women coaxed another erection from Brandon so he could fill Danica with cream for Andrea to lap up as well. They all then collapsed into exhausted slumber on Danica's bed, satisfied and spent.

Danica's magic finally cooled the room as they slept.

Zoraster paced, on occasion glancing at the artifacts suspended in his pulsing magic field. The convergence was still days away, but the anticipation was growing nearly unbearable.

The memory that there was still one spell component to obtain caused Zoraster to stop and smile. He knew exactly how, and where, to obtain what he needed. The means would also provide some distraction to his new demonic ally.

"Yes, delightful," Zoraster mused, "I can use both sides; turn the weapons of the gods upon each other to my own ends."

A wicked smile on his face, Zoraster left the room and went to set his plan in motion.

Brandon offered to walk Andrea to her room once they had all bathed and dressed in the morning. They all wanted to pick up where they had left off the night before, but both Brandon and Andrea had to go to their duties soon.

Danica kissed them both goodbye, and thought she would go check on Marlena and Celes. She went to her lab and mixed potions that would help them overcome the effects of the hangover both women were surely experiencing right now.

She was just about to go take the first potion to Celes when Zoraster walked in the room. "I have a task for you, little rose."

Danica sat down the two potions and crossed her arms, waiting for the Archmage to continue.

"Your fortune in befriending elves serves me well, because I require a rare spell component from their lands. I wish you to go immediately and obtain the silverthorn," Zoraster explained.

Danica snorted and smiled, saying, "One little problem — I doubt I'm welcome there. You made me steal an artifact from Darius — Remember? I'm sure he's not exactly happy with me, and he has a lot of influence there."

Zoraster laughed, and then sat down to examine his fingernails as he spoke, "You underestimate the influence you had on the man. He accepted the fact he had been used, but still longs for you. He revealed nothing of the theft to anyone."

Danica's lip quivered slightly and she had to fight hard not to show her taskmaster more than that. Darius had touched her heart as well, and it had been very hard to leave his bed that night and vanish.

Zoraster continued, "Thus, you should have little difficulty reaching the wood of the elves and gaining admittance. You will not go to the wizard's home under any circumstances. You will remain hidden while in the town so that none recognize you. Obtain what I require, and then return here. Your reward for completion of this task will be a reduction in young Andrea's duties, and I shall grant her a home of her own near the hedge maze."

Danica's eyes lit up upon hearing that. A home near the maze would give Andrea a place to winter her plants, store the herbs she grew, and reach her plants more quickly, "I understand," Danica acknowledged.

"I thought such would pique your interest. Very well — return quickly, because time is of the essence. Be prepared for any eventuality. Good day, little rose," Zoraster finished as he rose from his chair and left.

Realizing she did not remember the pattern to reach the outpost in the town, and wanting to take the potion to Celes anyway, Danica went to the woman's room. Celes was certainly in need of assistance, having a terrible hangover.

The potion did the job, much to Celes' relief. "Thank you, Danica. I thought my head was going to explode."

"You're welcome. You really let loose last night. I've never seen you like that before," Danica said as she slipped the potion bottle back into a pocket.

"I have lots of things on my mind. I guess I was trying to make them go away," Celes mumbled.

Danica patted Celes' arm with a comforting smile, and then said, "I need the pattern to reach Arrisport. Zoraster sent me after silverthorn from the elven lands there."

"I can't imagine you'll be welcome around there, considering how we left," Celes replied, rising to fetch something from a drawer.

Danica sighed, "He told me that I won't have any problems. Darius never told anyone about us stealing the wand."

Celes brought over a piece of paper and cast a spell to make an image of the teleportation pattern appear on it for Danica to memorize. "You don't need magic to charm a man, I guess."

Same as Danica
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It’s the evening before I have to leave to fly back to London. We have agreed that we will allow one another a gift of 60 minutes during which we can each do anything we want. We are about to receive our gifts. It promises to be a wild night. You are to receive your gift first. You have already specified that you would like it to involve a threesome and we have arranged for a second man to join us. Angel is a barman at the hotel. He is Colombian, tall and well-muscled. He has seen us together...

1 year ago
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Silent speaks louder than noise part 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is Rajin im 19 years old now im 5'3 tall,black hair,brown eyes nad have a 7 1/2 inches penis.my story happen when it was my 18th Birthday,my parents decided to celebrate it by picnic at the beach.let me make it short...my sister at that time is 18 3/4 years old,she's 5'3 tall,long curly black hair,bgrown eyes same as mine,have a firm breast w/ small brown nipples,and a big ass,yes our family had really big asses..my story goes like this... it...

2 years ago
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Chapter 1 I really can’t say that I invented the idea but when I moved to Chicago about a year and a half ago, I didn’t know anyone, especially anyone of the opposite sex which is, in my case, female. Look, it was a new city, a very big city, I had a new job, a new apartment, a new car and now I wanted someone new to share it with. Well, okay and somebody to fuck. Yeah, I admit it. Who’s surprised, right? I’m a twenty-two year old single guy, okay? So, I thought I’d advertise for a female...

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It had been two weeks since I’d seen Mrs. Vandermeer. Two excruciatingly long weeks during which I wasn’t even allowed to touch myself, let alone do something about the terrible hunger she’d set loose within me. It wasn’t too bad during the day. After all, I kept busy with my normal day to day routine; going to school, spending time with my friends, homework and chores, time spend with my family. Not that I didn’t think about Abby at odd moments. I’d be sitting in class while Mrs. Morgan tried...

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Stormy Paradise

Our plane lands on a small airstrip near the middle of the island. We both saw the beach as we crossed with violent waves crashing against the shore. We retrieve our luggage and head for the exit from the airport. Our limo driver is waiting at the door and collects all of our luggage and deposits it gently into the long Cadillac. As we head towards our ocean front cabin the driver begins telling us about the storms that have been hitting and that there may be rough weather approaching. We...

1 year ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 143

A group of eight cars arrived at the rented house in the San Fernando Valley. The sun had been up for only a couple of hours but everyone looked fresh and well-rested. The crew from "Cotton Panty Chronicles" had arrived well before dawn and set up their props. It was another cliché straight from the porn handbook – a college party. The producer was impressed when Sahara Rain told him in no uncertain terms that there would be no real alcohol on set. There could be empty beer kegs and booze...

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Spizoo Christy Love Up And Personal

Get to know Christie Love in a whole new way. We sit down in this new installment of our docu-style series to look into the minds, and bodies, of the beautiful XXX ladies we all love. Dressed in a super sexy, tight, red dress, we find out what Christie is all about. She is excited for the days scene with the huge cock of Logan Long. Watch her get her pussy absolutely pounded and pumped while moaning with pure ecstasy. She rides and sucks like a true whore and loves that men all across the world...

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My wife8217s sexy sister

Hi!!! ISS, readers this is Joenain Khan back with one of his true life’s sexual experience. This happened with my Sali (Wife’s Sister). I had never met her before or after the marriage till date as she was living abroad working for a event management company. It was for the first vacation which I had accompanied my wife to her parents house after marriage. There was a real good welcome right from the airport till there house. But believe me the biggest surprise was awaiting for me at the house...

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The Treehouse

I had watched Misty from afar for as long as he could remember. We grew up next door to one another, but she was everything I wasn’t, cool, popular, and athletic. I sometimes thought I was invisible, I did well in school, but no one but the teachers knew I existed.Misty was a quandary though, she was so popular in school, but I never saw any friends at her house. In fact, I never saw her leave her house once home from school. I had a cool treehouse that overlooked both our back yards, and on...

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Thirty One Days Part 1

*** CHAPTER ONE This is certainly not the best part of the big city. Sitting in the parking lot across the street from my destination, I see nothing but dull, worn, dirty brick. The street level windows are covered in metal caging. Graffiti is sprayed here and there. The building I am interested in is two stories high and at least a hundred years old. The ground level began life as a small manufacturer, with offices and living quarters on the floor above. The entire neighborhood is made up of...

2 years ago
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The Cost of Getting Caught

I made a mistake a few weeks ago. It was mid-afternoon and it was a work holiday. Anyway, I was sitting in the screened-in porch out back. It's pretty secluded back there and the weather was nice for first time in months. I logged into xhamster and started watching some clips. After a while, I stumbled onto some hot girl-girl stuff.It didn't take long to find a clip that was super hot. These 2 chicks were lounging on a couch, chatting about guys. One of them was frustrated that her wasn't...

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Split Tails RanchChapter 8

I joined Claire in the parlor. She had regained her composure and her eyes were steady. She had her Remington on, her shotgun and rifle beside her on the sofa. I knew what she had planned. I took her hands, and kissed her gently. “You can’t go, honey. None of you. If we go together, and things go bad, there will be no one alive to keep the ranch going and look after our family. Sabrina, Henri, and Paris all need you. You’re the glue that holds this family together. Please don’t fight me on...

3 years ago
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Wife Feeds Me Fresh Creampie

Katie, my wife, has always been insatiable where sex was concerned. She is bisexual and has been with a number of women, in my company as a threesome and alone, on the premise that she shared her experiences with me afterwards. We had also both been involved with swinging and enjoyed watching each other with other attractive people. At 33 years old, 2 years my junior, Katie is a head-turner. She is a gorgeous brunette with beautiful brown eyes; she has a slim, toned, body and dresses...

4 years ago
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The Clothes Make the Man

Clothes Make The Man By Christianne Part 1 "...I've arranged to have twenty prospective employers stop by during next week's class. All of them have told me that they are willing to offer internships if the standard of excellence is high enough." Professor Jamison paused for effect. "I hope you all don't disappoint them. Class dismissed." Tim had been half dozing through most of the class, but he came alert at Professor Jamison's last comments. He was looking at two to...

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A hot night out with my hubby

It was Friday night. My beloved Victor and I had been invited to a pub, to have a few drinks with a close friend of ours. Tom had been a friend of my husband’s since they were office mates in the past. He had also been a frequent lover of mine over the years. Best of all, he was black… a huge black one…We entered the place and found Tom was already there, seated in a booth. He rose to greet us and gave me big hug, sliding his hands inside my coat and grabbing my buttocks with both hands....

1 year ago
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Ms Erikssons Cock

  Late for school again. I threw the door to my classroom open."Sorry I'm late mis Erikson." I said to my teacher."Sit down." she said sternly. I didn't care much for school, my teacher mis Erikson was the only good thing about it. She was in her mid thirties and she inspired awe in all the boys at school. Her rather big but oh so perfect ass looked very beautiful in those tight skirts she used wear. Her breasts couldn't possibly be as nice as her cleavage suggested I used to think to comfort...

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Becoming a Lesbian Slave

Introduction: An older business woman is slowly dommed by a younger bitch. Becoming a Lesbian Slave Summary: An older business woman is slowly dommed by a younger bitch. Thanks to MAB7991 for his editing and story suggestions. BECOMING A LESBIAN SLAVE 1. A trivial beginning I couldnt believe it had come to this…getting outside help. I had run this business for almost twenty years as the owner and main decision maker and we had been successful throughout our run. My small, but amazing staff...

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The Vicars Wife

Ali was going to meet up with the Pact later that day so I left for work knowing that there would be a juicy story later that night. Little did I know just how juicy it would actually turn out. She had an extra-long workout and a long steam. After drying off and a pot of nice tea she made up some semen for her cock. Semen is actually a mixture of Greek yogurt, condensed milk and a little salt for tanginess. The girls swear it taste just like man cum. Ali got out her funnel and filled the balls...

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Belated Christmas

Belated ChristmasDale was a tall handsome black man, the type by his size, looks, his dress and presence drew your attention. He seemed to naturally emit the sense of toughness and authority. He also had the reputation as a ‘ladies man’. I had my fantasies about Dale. He was, at the time, also my wife’s employee. Seeing him in my wife's office or at social events had always sent my mind off and fantasising about and picturing me or my wife as his bitch. I remember one Xmas party they had; I...

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Went For Computer Service Gave Service To Aunty

hi Na peru Prabha. This is my 1st story Please forgive the mistakes….. Iam from Bengaluru, I work as Android App developer in a reputed company. Heroine of the story is Yasmeen, uploading the story after her permission, am gonna narrate this story in Telugu (My Mother tongue) any females all around Bengaluru feel free to contact me on Nenu oka sari Yasmeen (Na Friend Valla Cosine) valla intiki vellanu okasari computer related issue unte solve cheyadaniki, aa issue ni solve cheyadaniki naaku...

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A Very Warm Welcome

Walking into my room, I see you waiting for me. As commanded you are bent over my bed, naked, presented, and rubbing, the moisture visibly running down your thighs from the work of your busy fingers. I was a little later than I expected, and I wonder just how long you’ve been like this, exposed, vulnerable, and eager for my touch. I see your legs trembling and I have my answer—it’s definitely been a while. I can see that you’re close to the edge but I know that you’ll follow my rules and won’t...

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Alice was watching through the chain link fence. She saw Juan approach the border in his fancy car. It had cost nearly a quarter million, but Juan could afford it. She watched as he was waved into an inspection bay by the customs officers. The trunk lid went up, and Juan was escorted into a low building. Alice could only wait. Alice and Juan were going to get married. He was a friend of her father, and she had known him since she was a little girl. When she was seventeen, he asked her to...

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Why Quit Now

I could feed you a line of crap about never being able to get the sea out of my blood, but that's not how I ended up in Chile--Puerto Montt, to be exact. I'm Terry Karol. I started out life on a hard scrabble dairy farm in Northern Wisconsin. We were German expatriates that came over to the states during and just after WWII. My youngest uncle fought in Korea. My oldest uncle fought in WWII as a Panzer tank driver. He said that for years every time he smelled diesel he got a headache--Bam!...

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Mom wants sex

David rested his head against his headboard, while on the other side of the wall, his mother screamed out yet another orgasm. His cock was firmly held in his hands, as his mother screaming to be fucked harder and harder. In his mind it was him, David, she was screaming for. He could feel himself getting close, but wanted to delay that pleasure, until she was done.He gripped the base of himself, and waited for the sensation to ebb."Oh, fuck. Yeah, right there, baby, right there. Keep that up and...

2 years ago
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Gay Militia Men and their Masturbating Girlfriend

Introduction: This text contains casual gay sex, gratuitous female masturbation and rednecks. Be warned. Preface Alright, let me write this down, just in case anyone stumbles across this text in a couple of years and wonders what the fuck is going on here. So. At the end of 2015, beginning of 2016, a group of militia men started an armed occupation of the visitor center of a federal wildlife refuge, in order to fight the tyranny of the federal government of america. Sadly, the tyranny didnt...

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Reddit Gone Wild, aka r/GoneWild/, aka Reddit GW! Are you a fan of amateur sluts showing off their hot bodies for all of the internet to see? I mean, who the fuck isn’t? That shit is the best. Maybe you’re one of those babes who wants to show off the body they have worked so hard to achieve. Let the tiddies free, go spread eagle, bend over and show everyone your plump ass, or whatever other kinds of kinky photos you want to take. I’m talking about exhibitionism.We all have a bit of that drive...

Reddit NSFW List
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Pramila Bhabhi 8 8211 Perverted Twin Interviewers

This story is a continuation from Pramila Bhabhi 4 – Free Groceries. “Good Afternoon. Welcome to Girija Traders, how can I help you.” The receptionist spoke at the office entrance. “I have come for the interview.” the arriving woman spoke. “Yes. Just follow the corridor on the right and at the end of it you will find a door with a sign saying ‘Interview Room’. Just outside there will a register. Write your name there and sit outside the room patiently waiting for your turn.” The receptionist...

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Camp part three unfinished update

Celeste:- "Jonah it isn't your fault, it never was, all the things you did they were never you, he contolled you, turned you into something you're not" Jonah:- "But.." Celeste:- "No but's mister, in the end you get to be the hero, you have to finish this, finish of lance for good, protect the camp and protect yourself" Jonah:- "But you..I..I.." Celeste:- "I know Jonah and it's too late to do anything, i want you to do one thing for me though, Jonah i want you to be...

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Alexandrias Genesis 2 Elixir Bayne

Introduction: Part deux still no sex, but bear with me. Its a complicated plot farther in! Wilkinson didnt have much to do except ramble on in some language. Romanian I think. Despite my inability to speak or remember any of it, Elixir was parlaying the words perfectly, sometimes even before they left the tutors mouth. Maybe I got his accent wrong? Ive never met an English person. Ive seen them on TV and everything but this is the real deal. And he was so handsome. Like those Grecian statues...

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Laurens fantasy special

She slams the phone down and her eyes start to water, she soon bursts in to tears. Her tear drenched pillow is equal to her red puffy eyes. The phones rings, it’s her friend Julia “Hello?” Julia has also been crying, Julia’s distinctive deep voice is interrupted by sniffles “Lauren, I need to stay with you-my parents caught me in bed with my dog” “Oh, come over just now, we can talk about it” Twenty minutes past and Lauren has been crying, the door bell ring, “Lauren! Your friend Julia...

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In Bed With Two

So there I was, laying there, thinking nothing more of the night. We went to bed, and did the normal routine. I turned on the TV, she would go to sleep. Tonight though was going to be very different. Like normal, she would go to sleep, I would watch the TV, and then when I was feeling tired; I would roll over and give here a hug. Sleeping naked I would often grab her pussy, and give it a bit of a rub. Knowing that I normally get a little roll from her hips, that was my sign that I could play,...

2 years ago
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My Sister Makes Me HardChapter 6

After both of us got ready for bed separately, I heard a knock on my door, and I said 'Come In.' It was my 15-year-old sister Gloria, and she had on a oversized shirt and I couldn't really tell if she had anything on besides that. I raised the covers of my bed up and she crawled in. "Just because I'm in your bed, doesn't mean we'll ever fuck, Win — OK?" "Sure, Glory — I completely understand, things have moved very fast between us. I don't even want to do any more than cuddle,...

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The Butt Slut Chronicles Chapter II

Baxter House Serena had no want for money when she left for college. In fact, she really didn't need to go to college. The trust funds established by her father allowed her a life of leisure if she wished - and likely those of any children she might have. Unlike her older sister, however, Serena grew up working for everything. So when she arrived in college, she didn't take the three bedroom apartment and car / driver offered by her socialite mother. Instead, she found an ad for a room mate -...

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Sperm Donation 3

Two days later Jack received another call to return to the clinic. Again he returned to the non-descript building in the industrial park. He went inside and was told to wait once again. After a few minutes of sitting reading a magazine Jack noticed a woman approaching. He immediately noticed it was not Mei this time but someone different. This woman was white and maybe about 30 but still very attractive. Once he was sure she was coming to him Jack set down his magazine and stood up. ‘Hello, I’m...

3 years ago
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Uncle Takes Over FamilyChapter 5

While Pete was waiting his turn on the sexy young brunette he went and got Nina from the living room, where she was watching television, and took her to the room where Kelly was being fucked and Lyle was being held. For several months now, Ed’s four friends had been staying at the house. Ed had told his friends that Nina was there to be used anytime they wanted her. She was their live-in whore. Nina was regularly fucked by all five men, along with performing oral sex for them. Quite often,...

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HotCrazyMess Lilly Bell In Home Hookup

Lilly Bell has a whole bunch of issues, not the least of which is that her cable isn’t working and her ex is a cheating scum! The cable guy can’t help but overhear Lilly bitching out her boyfriend. He tries to stay professional, but Lilly isn’t having any of that. She wants some masculine comfort and the cable guy is convenient and available. She urges him to take a seat on the sofa, then seduces him by flashing her perky breasts. When that doesn’t work, she pulls her...

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Chucks Forced VacationChapter 13

I could hear the kids from the boat, "Get up, get up, we want you to get up. Please, come on, get up, Chuck." Opening my eyes, I could still hear them chant. I flashed on Mercy and told her to keep the kids down so I could wake up. I flashed on Missy and told her mentally, "You're in trouble; I know how to do this now." I sat up in bed, realizing I had just communicated with both Missy and Mercy. We had really talked. Thinking very hard, I thought of Steve and asked him, "When are we...

4 years ago
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Confessions of a habitual wanker

I discovered the greatest pleasure known to man, in my teens.  Since then I've had girlfriends, almost eighteen years of marriage, and more recently a rediscovered single life, but have never forgotten or betrayed my first love.I may have gone as long as a week without a wank during the last 26 years, but never longer, and I couldn't hazard a guess as to the number of times I've spent a whole day wanking eight or ten times, to the point where my wrist aches and my dick is sore.I'm not blessed...

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Big Adventures with Tiny Tim

Aw, fuck! Not again! I mean, come on! I've jerked it, what, four times today already? But sure enough, I can feel the rushing warmth of blood flowing into my swelling dong... Maybe if I just ignore it, the stupid thing will go down. I focus on my cereal, on the delicious, sugary-cinnamon taste of these delightful little--okay, that's not working. I can feel my plumping meat pushing against the pouch of my tight briefs and pulling them tighter against my ass. It feels good. NO! Not here. Not at...

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Floor ExercisesChapter 10

Our second competition was awesome. We were at Jackson High. I took second on floor and a fourth on high bar. I took first on vault and so did Melissa! Erica took first on beam but had a fall on the bars. We were sure she would've had first otherwise. Tiffany took first on the floor with Samantha a surprise second. Angela took a third on vault and Sarah had three fourths. Elizabeth stunk as a gymnast but at least she had fun. Even better was we built some friendships with the Jackson High...

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