Solace & Rosanna Ch. 17 free porn video

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2003: L. D. Jansen stood on the steps of her apartment house, hands thrust into pockets as she watched the departing taxi glide down the block and turn the corner. She turned abruptly and strode purposefully into the building. Her concentration was such that she did not hear Dodge, the doorman as he bid her a good evening.

Jon Dodge found the enigmatic woman extremely attractive, not that he would ever let that little secret out. He watched her lithe, muscled physique as she strolled into the elevator. He was slightly perturbed that Ms. Jansen hadn’t responded to his greeting , but even as she marched by him he could see that she was deep in thought. He supposed it might have something to do with the cute, little redhead she had hustled into the taxi, handing the driver some bills for the fare. How did she pick up so many good-looking women? Maybe instead of fantasizing about her, he should ask her for some tips. The fact that L. D. was a lesbian did not turn him off at all. He had wondered why this was so, but not for long. He felt sensuality run off of L. D. Jansen in waves and he was hooked. He used his crumpled handkerchief to wipe his perspiring forehead. She always had this effect on him. How the hell was he going to keep this job with this situation?

L. D. entered the waiting elevator, punched the button and leaned back against the wall with her arms crossed. She was aware of Dodge’s attraction to her but had no inclination to play her usual flirtatious games. She was not interested in men or their petty needs. She also knew that many men found the idea of two women making love arousing and it disgusted her. As long as Dodge kept his hands and his thoughts to himself and respected her, there would be no trouble and he would keep his position. As the owner of the building, she did not generally concern herself with the day-to-day running of The Jansen, but there had been times when her clout was necessary to settle a dispute. L. D. kept her face a mask of neutrality until the doors closed. She exited the elevator, made her way to her apartment, entered and locked the door. Immediately she smelled the stagnant water from her tropical fish tank. Funny, she hadn’t noticed that while Shayna was there. L. D. smiled to herself. Of course, they had headed straight for her enormous bedroom, never pausing to admire the brightly colored fish swimming contentedly in the large aquarium. She glanced briefly in that direction and made a mental note to clean it tomorrow.

She wrinkled her nose as her own body odor assaulted her nostrils. She desperately needed a shower and her short, black hair was plastered to her head from perspiration. She would wash that as well. She knew she looked positively disheveled. Before taking care of hygienic issues, however, she made her way to her computer, switched it on and waited for it to boot up. Once on her computer’s desktop, she opened her web browser. Thank the Goddess for broadband, it was so much faster than her old dial-up connection. She would never live in an area where this service was not offered. She began searching for Solace. L. D. was in the zone and she needed to discover even the smallest detail about her beautiful, graceful partner. The fact that Solace had a visual impairment only heightened the attraction. Hopefully, the Internet would give up at least an e-mail address. L D.’s fingers hovered over the keys and then clenched into fists. She glared at the monitor and her stomach lurched. In her brief chat with Solace she had neglected to get the woman’s last name. Now she had nothing to go on. She ran a trembling hand through her damp hair. L. D.’s leg began shaking uncontrollably and she dropped a hand to her thigh to try to stop the annoying tick. She became aware that her entire body was trembling slightly. She and Shayna had indeed given each other quite a work out. She smiled at this thought. Neither of them had been disappointed. However, now that this sexual escapade was behind her and her body temporarily satisfied, she could now concentrate on the true object of her desire–Solace.

L. D. leapt up from her chair and stormed into her bedroom, removing her clothes as she went. Perhaps a shower would do more than cleanse her body, it might help relax her and give her some insight into how she could contact Solace.

As she stood under the cool spray, her eyes closed, L. D. replayed the dance sequence. She became powerfully aroused. This was madness. She was not going to be able to go about her daily activities. She rinsed, toweled herself off and walked naked into her bedroom. Her eyes alighted on the telephone and she was struck with an idea. She was such a computer geek she hadn’t even thought of a good old-fashioned telephone call to Ardena. She would simply ask for Solace’s last name. She hoped her actions would not raise too much suspicion. No. L. D. knew how to be cool. That was a reputation she had cultivated for many years. She grabbed the handset and dialed the number to the dance studio. Franz answered and L. D. asked to speak to Ardena. She knew the woman often stayed late to work out new routines. She hoped this time was no exception.

When Ardena answered the phone she sounded a bit tired, but generally in her usually good spirits. L. D. launched right into the reason for her call.

“Ardena, it’s L. D.” she began.

“L. D.?” replied Ardena, surprise evident in her voice. “To what do I owe this honor?” This was the first time the woman had called her. She sensed it must have to do with one of her dancers. Ardena knew L. D. was a player, but so far there had been no complaints. She surmised that the ladies were not adverse to L. D. Jansen’s technique. God knew, the woman was charm personified. Ardena smiled to herself thinking that L. D. reminded her of herself.

“Two things. I wanted to thank you for pairing me with Solace today. She’s a fantastic dancer. Has she been studying with you long?” L. D. hoped Ardena could not hear the nervous anxiety in her voice.

“Oh. You’re welcome. You know I’m big on experimenting. I thought you two might make a good pair. This time I was right on the money, L. D. Solace Tynan is a natural. She’s got the “it factor. I just wish people could see past her visual impairment.” Ardena’s pride in Solace was transparent. She was known for saying what she felt. How she managed to do so with aplomb was a well-guarded secret. All Ardena would admit to was a plain, old-fashioned Southern upbringing.

Ardena thought she might have said a bit too much, but L. D. seemed genuinely interested in Solace and she had definitely thought about paring them for the next recital, so they would be getting together in any case.

“That is a shame,” L. D. said sincerely. She had experienced first-hand how people were quick to judge and pigeonhole a person in order to make themselves feel more comfortable and secure. “She should definitely be on Broadway. You said her name is Tynan? Wow! I thought she was of Latin extraction.” L. D. fished. She absently twirled her Cross pen.

“Well, Solace has an interesting background. I’m sure you’ll get to know her as you two work together. Her last name is all I’m giving out, L. D.” Ardena said, the last sentence injected with a stern note.

“Thank you, Dena. I’m sure you’re right about that.” L. D. replied, filling her scratchpad with the name Tynan.

“And L. D.?” Ardena said in a quieter tone.

“Yes, Dena?”

“You treat Solace right. She’s not one of your conquests to be conked on the head and dragged to your lair. I’ll know. Solace is an open-book. She’ll tell me everything. Do you get my meaning?” Ardena waited for L. D.’s reply.

“I do, Ardena. I would never hurt Solace.” L. D. answered, taken aback by the thinly-veiled intensity in Ardena’s voice. She would have to tread lightly with this one. She thanked Ardena and hung up.

D. dialed directory assistance and was informed that she needed at least a street address to narrow her search. She had no idea where Solace lived, but she decided to work her way through the S. Tynans in Manhattan and then fan out to the other boroughs if that became necessary. She repeatedly dialed directory assistance until she had a list of ten numbers. She would begin making her calls this evening. But first she had to take care of a very urgent, throbbing in parts south.

Casey and Leander sat at a table in the corner deli. She had called him on his cell phone and requested that he meet her at their favorite haunt. The food was questionable, but the establishment was conveniently located. Casey supposed they could have met in either apartment, but the day was lovely and she felt like people-watching, which was one of her favorite pastimes.

“I’ve got an idea.” Casey said as she nibbled on a French fry.

“Uh-oh. Maybe I should leave now.” Leander replied, giving his sandwich a sniff. “Doesn’t this smell stale to you?” he asked, thrusting the sandwich under her nose.

“Leander, please. I need your full attention here,” Casey said as she swatted his hand away, sandwich and all.

“I’ll give you my attention after I see if the sandwich is good. Why did we come here anyway?” He removed the top slice of bread, eyeing the chicken salad inside. As he did so, the rancid odor of the mayonnaise gave off a singularly unappetizing odor.

“I thought this wasn’t fresh. I’m going to get these Bozos to give me another chicken salad sandwich,” he huffed as he tried to catch the attention of a passing waiter, who turned in the opposite direction. Leander blew out an exasperated breath.

“Why would you want to get another chicken sandwich when that one isn’t good. Just get something completely different and then you’ll be able to listen to me. Waiter!” Casey caught the man’s eye and gestured him over to their table. Leander rolled his eyes in annoyance.

“Why didn’t he come over when I called him?”

“Because you are not a woman, Leander.

“It shouldn’t matter. I’m a paying customer,” he growled under his breath as the man in the apron came and stood by their table.

“May I help you, Miss?”

“Yes, you may,” Leander chimed in before Casey could respond.

The waiter turned to Leander, his eyebrows raised quizzically. Casey also smirked. Leander paid no attention to either gesture.

“The mayo in my sandwich is stale. I’d like my money back.” He suddenly realized that he hadn’t paid the check yet. He regarded Casey with a puzzled expression. She simply shrugged.

“I’ll get you another sandwich, Sir,” said the waiter, reaching for the plate.

“No, I don’t want another one. I just don’t want to pay for this one. I could have gotten food poisoning. At this Casey rolled her eyes. Leander could be so dramatic.

“Whatever you like, Sir,” said the waiter compliantly, retrieving his pad from his apron pocket.

“Well, I don’t know. Can I have another menu?” asked Leander.

“Certainly, Sir.”

“He’ll have a roast beef on whole wheat,” Casey interrupted impatiently, itching to get to the reason they had met in the first place.

“I will?” asked Leander surprised.

“Yes, you will,” Casey said firmly.

“Thank you, Miss,” replied the waiter as he replaced his pad and walked back towards the kitchen.

“You’re welcome,” replied Casey and Leander in unison.

“Leander, you’re so silly!” Casey giggled.

“What? You know I like to stir up the straights. The poor man didn’t even know what to say.”

“Now can we discuss Solace and Rosanna, please?” Casey asked, looking him in the eye, crossing her arms on the table.

“Okay. Okay.” Leander said, adjusting his glasses and leaning forward. Innocent passersby might have assumed that the attractive couple were in deep discussion over the arrangements for their impending wedding.

“I’ve got a sort of plan,” Casey began. “Solace is in my dance class. I was thinking I could invite her to the museum for a Verbal viewing, if she has any interest in art and…” She trailed off.

“Now why would you want to involve Solace, Casey? She hasn’t done anything to you. You don’t even speak to her. Isn’t that going to look suspicious if you just all of a sudden invite her to take a tour? Leander asked, forever trying to be Casey’s conscience because she clearly ignored her own when she was obsessed.

“Well…I… Oh, why do you always have to throw common sense into the thing?” Casey leaned back, running her hands through her hair.

“If I don’t point out these things to you, Casey, you’ll just go off and do something completely irresponsible and get yourself and others in trouble. Somebody’s got to tame you, woman,” Leander said smugly.

“Well, Mr. Know-It-All, then you come up with a plan,” said Casey as she grabbed up a handful of her greasy French Fries, shoveling them into her mouth, a sure sign that she was becoming agitated. She didn’t even care that they were cold and had the consistency of cardboard.

Leander removed his glasses, wiped them with a napkin and replaced them and confidently replied, “Why don’t you have a party, Casey? That way you can invite Rosanna without raising any suspicions.

Casey ceased her frantic chewing. She looked at Leander as if he had never had a decent idea in his life and this was his chance to redeem himself.

“My God, that’s brilliant! Where did you…? How did you…? Never mind. What kind of party should we have?” Casey pushed her half-eaten plate of fries to the side.

“We? Where did the “we” come from?” Leander asked in mock horror, secretly thrilled that Casey liked his idea and wanted him to help arrange things.

“Come on, Leander. You know you want to do this.” Casey coaxed.

“Well, I think we should have a costume party.

“Leander, it’s summer. It’s too hot for costumes. “ Casey reminded him, a smirk playing on her rosy lips.

“So, we’ll have a beach party. We can use the roof garden. We’ll set up umbrellas so people won’t fry or die of skin cancer. How’s that?” He sat back, a satisfied grin creasing his smooth features. He knew he had her.

“I still can’t believe you came up with the idea.” Casey said sarcastically.

“You know, if we weren’t friends forever I’d be insulted.” Leander pouted, his full lips jutting out comically.

“You know I love you, Leander,” Casey cooed.

“Oh, sure, when you want something. Right?”

“Well, what better time to love somebody?” Casey said smiling as she reached over and ran her hand through Leander’s curly hair.

“You’re supposed to love friends all the time, not just when they do things for you or have good ideas to help you get laid.”

“I know. But It’s so much easier this way. Let’s get out of here.” Casey signaled the waiter to come to their table.

“But I haven’t gotten my sandwich yet. I’m starving!” Leander protested.

“I’ll treat you to La Contessa’s.”

“Oh, all right,” Leander grumbled as he retrieved his shoulder-bag, as did Casey. They paid the check and left the diner. Out on the sidewalk, they hailed a taxi to take them uptown. Neither of them noticed the woman in ragged clothes, gripping a rusty shopping cart. She had been surreptitiously watching their every move as they sat blissfully unaware.

The waiter scowled as he watched Casey and Leander exit. He held the plate with the sandwich. What the hell was he going to do with it? It went against his principles to throw good food away and the sandwich hadn’t even been touched. He glanced around the r
estaurant and then out the window. There he spotted the homeless lady who came in for coffee every morning before the diner became crowded. Her shopping cart was loaded as usual and she had the same moth-eaten clothes on, her shoes criss-crossed with duct tape to keep what was left of them on her feet. She would be happy to have it. He stepped outside, approached her and offered the sandwich. At first she seemed reluctant to take it, as the restaurant was not in the habit of giving away food. She looked into the man’s eyes, saw a sincere wish to do a good deed and snatched it greedily, shoving half of it into her mouth.

The waiter backed his way into the diner. He realized he could not give away food often, but he felt good about doing at least one good thing today.

Out on the street, the homeless woman threw away the now empty wax paper, which had held the sandwich. She turned her gaze uptown and muttered, “The rose you seek is out of reach.” The wheels of her old shopping cart creaked as she made her way up the block.

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Jim Neilson was led into a small room in the center of which stood an odd looking chair. Not recognizing the device as the close relative of a birthing chair, Neilson circled it, staring at it curiously. The plastic, anatomically shaped seat stood at about the same height as a barber's chair and had controls that would allow it to be raised or lowered to any height. The seat back could also be raised or lowered allowing the person seated in the chair to be sat up straight or leaned back into...

2 years ago
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Debbies Turn

It had been a few months since my epic hairbrush spanking from Debbie. At the end of which I had said, “This punishment routine cuts both ways…expect me to return the favor when you next step out of line.” We learned that corporal punishment was an effective way to get the point across that certain behavior was not acceptable and would not be condoned. Behavior actually improved for a period of time after a serious discipline session. However, to ensure that discipline was administered with...

2 years ago
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TVs Brothers and Sisters A Revised Episode

A revised episode. Introduction: In a recent episode of the TV drama, 'Brothers and Sisters', Kitty (Calista Flockhart) and Nora (Sally Field) are attending a charity function to do with raising funds for a cancer cause. Kitty is hiding out in a washroom because her hair has just started to fall out because of chemotherapy she is receiving for her lymphoma. Nora approaches the door and begs her daughter to come out. I have altered the scenario that they have been kidnapped and are...

3 years ago
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Fucking Married Un Satisfied Married Lady

Hi Sexy friends I am Anil from Orissa and a lover of ISS and ISS readers. I really love to read stories. Let me introduce myself: I am a horny male age about 40.I love sex. I love specifically married unsatisfied ladies. I love to suck Pussy lick long and I really Love for play by tongue. Let me narrate the True incident happened one year back and I am a net surfer and love to chat with a lot of friends both male /female. Most of my one friends are sexy and love sex chat. I have a good friend...

3 years ago
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Gas The Early Trials

‘You never said why.’ Sarah C. said to Dr Tilley from her comfy chair. Sarah idly flicked back an errant blonde hair as she looked across at the slightly greying, ageing man before her. Dr Tilley had begun to sport a neat little salt and pepper goatee of late, which framed his face in a slightly satanic cast. ‘Why what?’ Dr Tilley replied, sitting across from her in a relaxed slump. Above them, there was a soft chime. ‘We are coming in to land,’ said the voice. ‘Please extinguish all smoking...

1 year ago
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The Greatest Miracle of Life Chapter Three

The rest of that first Sunday was relatively uneventful. I watched Desperate Housewives on TV, and found myself really enjoying the plot. Whenever I could, I tried to pull myself back to Scott's interests, which normally would include the Sunday night NBA game, but I just couldn't do it. The magic was simply too powerful. So I finally gave in. I munched on a salad, curled up on the couch, and pretty much treated it like any other extremely bizarre bad sci-fi horror flick Sunday...

3 years ago
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Naked Day part 21 Home

"It's mine Sandy. And I haven't even told you all about our trip yet." "Oh sorry. You have a new Camaro now? What kind of trip was this?" "Long story. Tim, can you get us some wine?" "Oh before you start. Big dumbass is off the hook. Amy started her period. No little Monroes on the way." "Thank goodness. That would have been a disaster all around. Come in the bedroom first I want to show you my presents. Tim, we'll meet you inside in a few." Walking back with the wine I...

3 years ago
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With My Sister Pallavi

Hey guys,Viraj here. I’m back with another incest story…This may be a bit lengthy as it will be featuring every bit in detail…..This is 100% a real story and not a fictitious one.I’m going to narrate this story both in Telugu & English.Where ever Telugu is used,there will be an English translation.So guys,Let’s begin the story…. My family consists of me, my sister Pallavi(all names changed), my mom Kalyani and my father Kishore.We live in a city named Nellore in Southern Andhra Pradesh.My...

3 years ago
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Priya With Rahul

Hi, this is Vishal; I am 30 and my wife is Priya 26. Sorry for making you so upset with an unfortunate real story. After that, I wrote her five encounters but didn’t post. Thanks to you people who are still encouraging me to entertain you with Priya’s encounter. Priya liked one guy. She might contact you at any time. Anyway, it’s a too long story. Read it when you have sufficient time. Rahul is the son of our house owner, more than that he is a good time pass for Priya. He is 19only, doing his...

1 year ago
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Mutual pantyhose wank

Left alone and feeling horny as usual I slipped on a pair of my favourite sheer to the waist tan pantyhose. I put on a pair of trousers and a tshirt and slipped on a pair of shoes. I didn't bother with socks. My plan was to go out to the pub for a drink to see if anyone noticed that I was wearing pantyhose and then to go home and have a wank imagining what they thought. I got in my car and set out for a pub in a village a short drive away. It was early evening and it wasn't very busy. There was...

3 years ago
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A Stitch in Time the BeginningChapter 5

In the next 6 months, until school ended for Charlie and me, our lives changed dramatically in some ways but in others, life got into a rut. Billy was committed to a mental institution to live out his remaining years, a certified nut case. The hospital told the local news reporters that when he learned of the tragic deaths of his 'family, ' he completely and irreversibly snapped. The fact that his change in behavior preceded their deaths by a few hours was a small detail conveniently left...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 905

Thank unclepodger for this submission! God’s Plan For Aging Most seniors never get enough exercise. In His wisdom God decreed that seniors become forgetful so they would have to search for their glasses, keys and other things thus doing more walking. And God looked down and saw that it was good. Then God saw there was another need. In His wisdom He made seniors lose coordination so they would drop things requiring them to bend, reach & stretch. And God looked down and saw that it was...

3 years ago
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Sorority Rush

Sorority Rush by Elrod W. "Why do we have to take her?" Annie fussed again. "She's no fun." Jeanette stamped her foot impatiently. "Because we said we would," she answered sternly. Besides, she thought to herself, I promised to help her fit in. Annie wasn't satisfied. "You know the Tri-Delta girls won't like her." Jeanette bit her lip. Annie had a point. The Delta-Delta-Delta sorority house had a reputation for being snobs. But it was considered the best sorority house on...

1 year ago
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first time with a toy

It was the summer after i had turned 18. I had moved in with my aunt to go to college in the fall. Enjoying a free open summer with nothing to do gave me much needed rest and time to just lay around and swim and tan in her pool. Once day snooping around in her room i found a dresser drawer fill of her toys. I know i was blushing as i took out a few looking at them. There was a few dildos in different sizes and and a couple vibs. I pulled out one very real looking dlido that had to be 9′ and...

3 years ago
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Sex Tuition Class For Free

Hi everyone..I m monalisa from ahemdabad…First of main iss ko than bolna chahti hu jo ki humare jaise logo ko apni kahani share karne ka mokka dete hai! And also hum readers jo isse sucessful banate. Well chalo ab zayda time waste na karte huye let me introduce myself..Mera naam monalisa hai or main ahmedabad se hu. Main ek simple si but horny ladki hu or my age is 21 jiski ek hi weakness hai sex! Yeh un dino ki baat hai jab main 12th class may thi or apne kuch juniors ko free main maths k...

1 year ago
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My Friends Sexy Mom

It was a Friday my friend wanted me to sleep over so I said yes. My mom dropped me off and before I could get in the house my friends mom said “thank you for letting him sleep over, bye.” And then she said hi and also asked if I could wait over by the counter. Then once I saw her in the light I noticed she was wearing a very revealing top with no bra to reveal a nip slip, with a gold necklace, high heels, and an extremely short skirt. She walked over to me taking of her top to reveal those firm...

Erotic Fiction
2 years ago
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The Gaymaker He got caught she got even

"I caught Mark cheating on me again. That bastard!""Wow...sorry s*s. What are you going to do?" asked Frank."I don't know. I need to teach him a lesson.""Why don't you just break up with him," Jerry wondered."Oh I'm going to break up with him alright. But before I do...I'm going to get him back. This is the third time I've caught him.""What you need is the gay maker," Frank said."Dude...that's pretty rash," Jerry said."This guy is fucking it up for the rest. He's pissing off all the women and...

4 years ago
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I fucked my landlord

Try as I might, I was not able to get this month's rent sorted. Many thanks to all you guys who have helped out with donations in return for some naughty chats with me over the last few weeks. And to everybody who bought my sexy used knickers. But with uni getting busier it has been impossible to spend enough time on the net to earn enough money this month.So the rent was due today and after being late with it last month and having to pay in two goes, I already knew the landlord was not going...

2 years ago
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The Last Time Part Three

"I. . . I want you," he said. Ash didn't know what else to say. She understood everything about him, to the point were he didn't need to take the extra steps to explain himself. Iris didn't need an explanation. He gently pushed her against the apartment wall, taking note of how relaxed she was becoming. She would let him do anything to her. His body instantly responded, the logic of it all slipping away with the start of a flexing down into his groin. She didn't even hide her wide eyes, her...

Love Stories
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GunfighterChapter 9

As I left the lawyer's office, I couldn't help wondering why the railroad was so generous, or, maybe, why were they so anxious to get that right-of-way? I could see why they would go easy on the mineral rights if they were sure there was nothing there, but I sure was surprised about the water situation. I just hoped we wouldn't be hurt when we did find out the reason. I mulled it over all the way home and talked it over with Jane and Sam. Neither one had any idea of the "why" of the...

3 years ago
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Confession Of A Sextress Part 8211 7

Fareeda narrates this part. * * * * * * * * * * While he is away, lemme write down something. This will one day become a part of his stories published. I know he will safeguard my identity. If I am to include all the sexual events or at least the most important cases, still my biography will be very long for him to bring to you. So, while he spends for me while I am here, I decided to narrate you the story myself. Anyway, let me begin. As you know I had to work far away from my home so there...

2 years ago
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Life Changes Chapter 4

She was happier than she had been in a while. After admitting her desire to be dominated, we had played at it for the first time last weekend. After that, even without the domination, she had been insatiable all week. As soon as I got home, she would greet me in the nude and attack me. The last two nights she had immediately given me a blowjob, and then after dinner we fucked like rabbits until we were exhausted. Did I mention that I was deliriously happy, too? No need. I got to the...

3 years ago
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Lured Chapter 2 Her Story

I'm Lisa. My husband George has already related to you some of our experiences with Patrick and Michelle in "Lured". This is the continuation of that story.After our first session of sex we relaxed for a bit on the soft flokati rug. Michelle was sucking on Patrick's dick while I was working on George's. Both guys were soon ready for more. George was lying on his back on the soft flokati rug, his cock pointing toward the ceiling. I straddled him and lowered my pussy down onto his hard cock.As we...

2 years ago
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Carols cunt gets gangbanged

Carol Rider hated her first two weeks of college. She was a book nerd who just didn't fit in with most people. She'd been excited to go for weeks beforehand. She thought it was finally time for a new adventure. High school had been so confining, so strange. College was where she would make some real friends, read some good books, really explore the world. Already she was two weeks in, and it was turning out to be sorta lame. She still had no friends really, except for her chatty roommate...

3 years ago
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Money is Power part 5

I was in a mid-floor room at the Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas. I reached my hand to the other side of the bed and felt what I knew to be the slumbering Mindy. Mindy and I had worked for the same company for more than 10 years. I was leaving the company because I had come into a great deal of money, and really didn’t need to work anymore. Mindy needed $30,000 because she had a gambling problem. Her problem became her church’s problem when she embezzled the 30K from them. This was about to...

1 year ago
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The set up

The message on Armondo's answering machine sounded urgent, but when he realized it was just from Velma Ford, he plopped down on the sofa and started going through his mail. The usual junk mingled in with a few bills, "Nothing interesting," he said to himself, as the phone started ringing. "Hello," he answered, "Armondo here!" "Oh, god, I'm so glad I finally got a hold of you, this is Velma, and I really need to see you right away!!!" "Velma, it's late and I'm very tired," he sighed, "can't this...

1 year ago
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To visit the one with feathers

“Hello, visitor. I guess I should tell you a little more about who I am and what this place is. Years ago, or so I am told and as I have read, a race called the humans from a planet named earth came to my home planet. My ancestors were more bird then ape but the humans set up labs where they mixed the DNA like my world was some kind of science project. That’s where my family line comes from. They were taught how to speak their language and my line, almost completely human but with slightly...

3 years ago
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Living out in the county III

Laying on Tom felt so natural. As we laid together he caressed my hair while he rubbed my butt. Softly he said, how's that dick of yours. Looking up I said, it missed you last night, but I did as you showed me and came. Smiling he said that's great, can I see it. Sitting up, I sat on his stomach and set my legs on either side of him. Mom, it sure looks good, he said. Why don't you slide up closer so I can see it better. OK, I said, and slid up to his chest. Very nice, he said. Want to do...

1 year ago
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Private Izzy Lush Kitty Love Share A Stallion

After breaking up with her boyfriend the gorgeous brunette Kitty Love has gone to visit her friend Izzy Lush for some comfort. Izzy lives with her boyfriend Alberto Blanco and when Kitty hears them fucking she can’t help but watch and soon join in. These stunning debutants share a real nice sloppy blowjob, gagging, deepthroating and getting that big cock wet and ready for their tight and hairy pussies before they take turns getting pounded. Watch them as they ride, fuck and scream as they enjoy...

1 year ago
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Nerdy JennaChapter 4

Jenna unlocked the front door of the brick house. Keith followed her inside, holding a plastic cup. "A chocolate milkshake for breakfast," she said. "I don't believe it." "I love these." He sucked some from the straw. "Your blood sugar was perfectly normal this morning, wasn't it?" "Normal for me at that time of day, yes. How's yours? Care to find out?" He looked at the clock on the stove in the kitchen. "Nine-thirty. I imagine your mom will be calling at ten on the...

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